Taste of Paradise

Lasagna / Macadamia Almond Ricotta Cheese

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Nyse Collins (Host), Evita Tezeno


Series Code: TOP

Program Code: TOP000031

00:01 Have you ever wondered exactly how to prepare healthy food
00:04 that actually tastes good?
00:05 Well stay tuned while Evita Tezeno and yours truly,
00:08 Nyce Collins show you just how to do it and give you
00:11 something better. "A Taste of Paradise"
00:30 Welcome to "A Taste of Paradise",
00:32 my name is Evita Tezeno and my favorite foods are Mexican
00:38 and Italian and we've shown you several recipes of Mexican,
00:44 today we are going to show you some Italian.
00:48 We are going to show you how to make a raw lasagna.
00:52 Can you believe it? Yes, a raw lasagna.
00:54 And the ingredients are:
01:10 So let's begin with the zucchini noodles.
01:12 For the noodles:
01:22 Today we are using the tool, it's called a Mandolin
01:27 and it slices the zucchini at a nice slice.
01:36 Uh, you just take the zucchini and you just run it across
01:44 the blade very carefully till you get thin slices uniformly.
01:50 Look at that, that is just pretty awesome isn't it?
01:53 I'm putting it in a bath of olive oil and salt.
02:00 And you can let this stay overnight or just a couple
02:02 of hours. And we are just going to mix this in because we already
02:07 have some that was already marinating and this has been
02:11 marinating for several hours. You don't have to do over night
02:14 but... or you could just do for several hours
02:17 it just depends on how much time you have.
02:20 The next recipe we are going to do will be the
02:24 Marinara Sauce. For Sun-dried Tomato Marinara Sauce you need:
03:02 So we are going to begin with the Roma tomatoes,
03:05 the red bell peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, fresh basil,
03:19 and it smells divine.
03:27 Garlic, salt, olive oil, and I forgot one special ingredient,
03:40 oregano, fresh oregano. Remember fresh is fabulous
03:48 so we must use all fresh ingredients.
03:50 Now if you don't have fresh oregano and fresh basil
03:53 you can use the dried but the flavors are so wonderful
03:59 when you use the fresh.
04:00 So, we are going to process this.
04:13 You don't want to over process it because you still want it
04:16 a little chunky. So for our next recipe
04:20 Pistachio Basil Pesto:
04:42 And this recipe you have to use fresh basil, you can't use
04:46 dried, it won't do any justice to the recipes.
04:50 So we are going to start with the dried ingredients
04:53 which I have pistachios, and this is one of my favorite nuts.
04:59 So we are going to put the pistachios and salt in first
05:04 and we are going to process them.
05:24 We want to process them first because we want to break down
05:28 the pistachios into a fine powder.
05:39 And then we put in our wet ingredients.
05:43 Four cups of basil and some people...I've tried using
05:49 the basil and spinach together so if you don't want to use
05:55 all that basil, you can do two cups of basil and two cups
05:59 of spinach, it just depends on your own taste
06:02 but I love basil so I do the full four cups.
06:06 And we have the lime juice and the oil
06:15 and then we process it.
06:35 The aroma is so great, it's just so wonderful.
06:42 So for the next recipe we're going to do the
06:46 Macadamian Almond Ricotta Cheese. We need:
07:06 So we are beginning by placing the soaked almonds into the
07:11 food processor and remember we soak our nuts because of the
07:15 enzyme inhibitors. And also the macadamia's have been
07:23 soaked as well, and macadamian's adds that creaminess to recipes.
07:27 The yeast flakes, the Himalayan sea salt and the lemon juice
07:37 and then we process it.
07:55 And you can if you want a whiter cheese,
07:59 you can take the skins off the almonds,
08:02 it just depends on your choice and how much time you have.
08:15 So now let's assemble it. And for the assembly we need:
08:32 Ok, now we are going to assemble it. We start off by placing
08:38 the marinara sauce down first, and I like to do this because
08:47 I like to have the flavor at the bottom as well as the top
08:51 and you don't need a lot, just a little bit.
08:55 And you take the noodle, the zucchini noodle
08:59 and you layer it like so. I just can't wait for you guys
09:12 to make this at home, it's so delicious.
09:15 Then you do some more marinara and it depends on how
09:25 high you want it so you can do it sparingly or you can
09:29 put a lot on it it depends on your preference.
09:31 And then you do some baby spinach, and believe it or not
09:48 as you layer the spinach tends to wilt because of the acid
09:55 in the tomato and the salt, it tends to kind of wilt
10:01 the lettuce. I mean wilt the spinach.
10:04 Then you put another layer and you keep building it
10:12 and then you put...let's put the pesto,
10:27 and because it's kind of chunky, you want to just kind of
10:30 use your hands, don't be afraid to use your hands as long
10:34 as they are clean, don't be afraid to use your hands.
10:36 And you don't really want to spread this,
10:38 you want to kind of distribute this with your hands.
10:41 It is a little messy but it is so delicious.
10:47 We're going to put another layer of spinach and we are just gonna
11:00 kind of pile the spinach on here. Another layer of zucchini
11:12 noodles and I know you guys are seeing how beautiful this is,
11:19 it is very pretty as well as delicious.
11:25 And you want to sprinkle on the ricotta, not really sprinkle
11:34 but it's kind of like a dry cheese, it's not like creamy
11:40 like ricotta, but it has a really good flavor.
11:49 Put another layer of spinach and one more layer of zucchini
12:12 and I'm using three rows of zucchini layered
12:15 it just depends on how big your container is
12:21 and then you will end with the marinara sauce
12:31 and you can top it with a basil leaf, or you can top it with a
12:38 spinach leaf depending on your preference.
12:40 And there you have it, raw lasagna.
12:45 It's Evita again on A Taste of Paradise
12:50 and please remember to live life fresh.
13:02 Oh no, I have to go, literally, I have to not go to the bathroom
13:06 though. I have to go get me something to eat,
13:08 I was starving. Man, I was working so hard like I
13:12 didn't have time to eat, I didn't have time to drink,
13:14 as a matter of fact, I didn't even have time to think.
13:16 I don't know how I was getting any work done and I just want to
13:18 let everybody know, look if you don't make some time
13:21 to get something to eat, you are going to be in big trouble
13:23 and even in doing this work, teaching people healthy
13:27 lifestyles, sometimes we can overwork ourselves
13:30 and there is one little tip that I want us to remember
13:32 most importantly is hey do not think that your job
13:38 needs you. I'm serious, because they will replace you,
13:42 God forbid something happens. So you know, I just have to say
13:44 enough is enough. I have to go out to my favorite restaurant
13:47 and get something to eat and normally I don't like to
13:50 eat out and so I choose my restaurants very good...
13:55 You 'all know what I am talking about. "Food on the run".
13:57 I choose them very good because I don't eat any and
14:00 everything, you know, some people call it anatarian,
14:03 they eat something now and they eat something later,
14:05 and they eat here, and they eat there and it doesn't really
14:07 matter. But no, no, no. I choose it very well because
14:09 I only eat a certain specific amount of food or type of food
14:15 and I want to give you 'all a little opportunity to guess
14:18 which restaurant is my favorite restaurant?
14:21 And you' all are probably thinking well, what is that
14:23 bag that he has there. Well, my favorite restaurant
14:26 is actually the supermarket. Yes, the supermarket.
14:30 People are like, that's not a restaurant,
14:31 there's no waiter, you can't order and stuff like that.
14:33 As a matter of fact, that's why I don't like to go to
14:35 restaurants because I don't have to wait on somebody.
14:37 I don't have to want to order and then get it a certain way
14:40 that I would like it so what do I do, I do it myself
14:43 and I go to the supermarket. And people are like well,
14:46 oh you know, I travel quite a bit and I have to eat out
14:50 and stuff like that. There is no excuse.
14:52 You should go to the super- market and have a travel bag
14:54 and that's what we are going to learn today is
14:56 how to eat on the run. Of course we would wish
15:00 that we don't have to run so much but many people say
15:03 well, I got to pay some bills and stuff like that
15:05 and this is true so yes we do have to work,
15:09 I have to work and matter of fact that's even a Biblical
15:13 principle, "by the sweat of their brow".
15:14 Then we can go ahead and eat, so yes you have to work but
15:18 what do we do when we are out there?
15:21 Now I know Evita made a phenomenal, phenomenal lasagna
15:24 and that thing looks good and I wish I had the opportunity
15:28 to do it, but I didn't have the time and so I went to the
15:31 supermarket and I picked up a couple of items that is
15:34 like really simple and easy and here is the coolest thing
15:37 about eating at your favorite restaurant, the supermarket
15:40 is that it is more cost effective.
15:42 We are in a recession, times is hard, we can't just be
15:44 wasting money and stuff. One of my friends is like man
15:47 nice, you talk about all these different ailments and diseases
15:51 and stuff like that. He says I have a disease, and I said
15:53 what's your disease? And he said I am in debt, I am working
15:56 so hard, but I owe so much money.
15:59 And I said let's go to one simple thing,
16:02 let's just look at one little thing and one little thing is...
16:04 He eats...I said where do you eat every day?
16:06 He says oh, you know, in the morning when I am driving
16:08 to work, I pull over to the fast food and I order this
16:11 and that. One person said that you eat fast food, you live a
16:14 fast life. Here today, gone tonight.
16:16 And literally, you see what is happening.
16:19 Some friends...you are like what happened to a Sam,
16:22 what happened to Jacob or these people? I just saw them and now
16:25 they are gone. So please, hold off on the fast food.
16:28 So he bought the fast food in the morning, I said
16:30 what did you do for lunch? He says, well you know,
16:33 me and my friends, we ordered out and we got this thing
16:36 and we ordered Chinese...or we ordered this or that
16:39 and I started to ask how much he started to pay
16:41 he was spending easily over $20, $30, sometimes $40 a day...
16:46 Don't bring nobody out with you, watch your friends because
16:48 they like to eat on your tab.
16:50 He was spending all of this money a day and in one week
16:52 say he only spent about $25 a day, in one week, five days,
16:57 what's that, one two, three, four, five, $125.
17:01 Don't even get caught up with this $5 subs, or $5 meals
17:07 stuff like that. Who goes and just orders that little meal,
17:09 just like this and don't add on some chips, don't add on some
17:13 drinks and stuff. So your meals always end up to be
17:15 $7, $8, $9, so today I'm going to show you because he was
17:20 wasting all of this money... I am going to show you how
17:22 we can eat on the run at my favorite restaurant
17:26 and I call it the supermarket. So this is what we are going
17:29 to do, today we are going to look at the three F's,
17:33 the Fundamentals, the fast food. The three what?
17:36 The three F's, so I am going to show you how these
17:38 three F's are included in my supermarket bag here
17:41 and just write it down, take some notes because you will
17:44 forget. Alright. The three F's, so fast food but
17:48 good food, food on the run.
17:49 The first F of course is that your food, something in your
17:53 meal should be fresh. Ok what was number one?
17:56 Something in your meal should be fresh.
17:58 Ok, so what could be fresh? It could be fruits or vege's or
18:01 something of that nature.
18:02 These are fresh items. Let's say you didn't want to prepare
18:06 of course, alright, so you can buy the one that is already
18:08 prepared for you. But when you have other people prepare
18:11 your food, the price immediately goes what?
18:14 Goes up, and so what we want to do is start doing your own.
18:17 Like how hard is it to buy some apples and some bananas,
18:20 or how hard is it to buy some spinach and most of them have
18:23 already been washed for you and you get so much for so little
18:27 and so go ahead and do it yourself.
18:29 So 1. Something, something fresh.
18:31 Let's look at number 2 here real quick.
18:33 You need something filling, remember we are trying to
18:36 the three F's. Something filling because we are not rabbits
18:39 and little animals hanging around.
18:41 So what would be filling? Some form of a grain
18:44 and not just any grain, but a whole grain.
18:47 What are some items I'm talking about?
18:49 Like, I mean Brown Rice, or let's say you want bread,
18:52 so let's go with some whole wheat bread or let's say you
18:56 want to hold off on bread and rice. Then maybe you can try
19:02 something as simple as quinoa, remember, I love my quinoa.
19:06 Quinoa is fantastic so you need some form of a what?
19:09 A grain, grains are crucial, this is what is going to
19:12 fill you up. If you do something that is not
19:14 whole grain, let's say white rice, or white bread,
19:17 you ever notice when it is time to eat if you have food...
19:20 Let's say you put out a whole plate of white rice,
19:22 you can eat up the whole thing and still call for second's.
19:27 Why, because it's not filling the key to this...
19:30 If you have to have something that is filling..
19:32 Remember I went out, unfortunately I didn't get a
19:34 chance to go to the supermarket, they forced me into the
19:37 restaurant and I had to order. I said look, I am total
19:39 vegetarian, what do you have for me? Oh, we have
19:41 salad. Ok, I'll take one of those.
19:43 Um, ok, now let's go to the main meal.
19:46 What do you have for me? Oh, sir, you know vegetarian,
19:49 vegan, we have some more salad. I said look here,
19:53 I need some food. I need a filling grain, give me some
19:56 whole wheat pasta or something of that nature.
19:58 So number 2 was a filling grain.
20:02 Alright, let's look at number 3 here now.
20:04 So the three F's are food on the run and it should be
20:07 some kind of a fat. People say what, you eat fat?
20:11 Of course we eat fat and what are some of the good
20:13 natural fats that we can eat? One of the main ones is
20:21 Nuts! Yes, nuts in general. I'm talking about almonds,
20:22 or pistachios, or cashews, or different items of that nature,
20:25 these are crucial. Have you ever noticed in the morning
20:27 when you wake up...matter of fact I will show you some of my
20:30 fruits here. So I have a banana, I could by that, I only bought
20:33 one because I am on the what? On the run, and bananas,
20:35 they always get damaged. Look at this, I don't know what
20:37 happened to this but I probably got it at a discount so cool.
20:40 Apples is very good, I call this the on the run toothbrush
20:44 and I will tell you about that a little bit later.
20:45 What are some other fruits that I bought here
20:48 in my big bag? Um, some tomatoes as we see here.
20:53 I'm going to rip this open. Oops, if you are on the run,
20:58 don't rip it open because you may need to re-use that bag.
20:59 So I got some avocado, these are all different types of
21:03 fruits that we can have. You ever notice when you eat fruits
21:05 in the morning for breakfast and if that's all you eat
21:08 what's going to happen in about an hour or two?
21:10 You're going to get very hungry, so you also have to have some
21:16 form of a whole grain.
21:17 So on the run, I bought some whole wheat Pita,
21:20 this is pretty cool and nice and cheap and if you notice
21:24 when you look at the ingredients there, it's only about four
21:27 or five ingredients. Like why are...Have you ever looked at
21:30 bread lately? I mean the whole side, one side of the loaf
21:35 is just ingredients. This, propionate, bla, bla, bla, bla.
21:38 Alright, here is a little rule of thumb,
21:39 if you can't pronounce the ingredient, leave it alone.
21:42 So I always say, when in doubt, leave it out.
21:45 So, all of these ingredients I have stone ground whole wheat
21:48 flour, wheat gluten yeast, a little barley, a little salt,
21:52 and hey, there you go, that's all you need so I got some
21:54 pita bread here. Another little grain, now I know we all like
21:59 chips and stuff like that so I like them too.
22:03 But I know most of the chips out there are just in a mess
22:05 so I found something really nice, some rice chips
22:08 you know what I mean a little taste, a little flavor.
22:10 Just because you are living a healthy lifestyle don't
22:12 mean you can't enjoy it and there's quite a bit of options
22:14 or varieties that are out there. So I have the rice chips,
22:17 look at the sesame and sea weed. Ohh, one of my favorites.
22:20 I hope nobody comes so I can eat this by myself,
22:23 but I'll share it anyway, I bought enough for everybody
22:25 and I think that's the gist of it of our grains. Ok.
22:30 Um, what else, what else do we need? We need some form of fat,
22:35 a natural fat so look what I got. I got me some pistachios.
22:40 This thing is amazing high in iron, I mean potassium, this is
22:46 awesome, this is just some simple, some simple pistachios.
22:50 Let's say you don't like pistachios, no problem,
22:53 almonds are good, all of these are fantastic so if you notice
22:57 eat breakfast in the morning. You only eat fruits,
22:59 you are hungry in an hour. You only eat fruits and
23:01 and some kind of a natural whole grain, you are hungry
23:04 in about what? In about two or three hours.
23:06 But the key is when you have some form of a natural fat
23:10 such as pistachios, just a handful, everybody show me
23:14 real quick. Handful. Uh oh, uh oh, I think some people
23:17 going handful, too much, too much shall be the cry,
23:20 that's too much. You ever notice many people they are
23:23 trying to balance their blessings. They are like
23:25 oh, help me to balance my blessings and the reason is...
23:29 The reason they can't balance sometimes, even though they
23:31 eat healthy food, it's because they are eating too much.
23:33 So when I talk about nuts with each meal, just a handful,
23:38 a closed fist upside down, not right side up
23:41 because I see you trying to squeeze about five more almonds
23:43 or something in there, pistachios.
23:45 So if you want a handful like this, you can, just make sure
23:48 you get it with the shell on it. People are like ah,
23:50 that defeats the purpose.
23:51 So now, when you eat the fruits or the vege's and you eat the
23:56 grains, then when you eat some form of a natural fat
24:00 such as this here which is a nut or something,
24:02 then you will notice that you will not be hungry for at least
24:05 five to six hours. So you could go back to work and you are
24:07 ready to fight. Let me see, hold on one second...
24:10 Look at this, I got me some... some real quick...
24:13 some... undistinguishable talk. I am all over the place here
24:16 I got distracted here... undistinguishable, or humus.
24:20 You know this is made from Chick Peas...Let's look at
24:22 some of the ingredients and this is the key when you go
24:24 shopping and you are eating on the run...
24:25 Just look, look how simple this is. Roasted eggplant,
24:28 sesame tahini, chick peas, water, lemon juice,
24:32 fresh garlic and sea salt. Is that good or what?
24:35 And I can enjoy as much as I want, I don't have be like
24:38 ma'am, sir, can I get a little bit more and then they try to
24:41 charge me an extra side. Look at that, I got my own side
24:44 right here, so I could put that with my bread and look at this.
24:49 Olives, olives are fantastic. You see, when you are on the run
24:54 you got to get the special can. If you could take a look at
24:56 this...When you are on the run, you don't have a
24:59 can opener right, so if you notice here, look at that,
25:02 I got the one where I could just open it up if I could
25:05 get it right. Open it up just like that, pour it out
25:08 eat what I need and the rest I always have a little sandwich
25:11 bag or something I could put it in and bring it home.
25:13 So in this small meal...oh look, I also have some kiwi and
25:20 what do I have? I have water of course. Make sure when you
25:24 are on the run, always have water. You should be drinking
25:27 water all day, all day, but then when it's time to eat
25:30 you want to wait at least, drink your last amount of water
25:33 about 15 minutes before so you are not eating and drinking
25:35 at the same time. Wondering why you have that extra blessing
25:38 you know what I am talking about...in the stomach there.
25:40 You want to wait for about an hour or two after to do so.
25:44 And also I found a little... ah, some people they like
25:47 a little meat or something, you know what,
25:49 these days they have quite a few good little options
25:51 out there. This one here is a you know, oven roasted
25:54 a a like a something like a tofu, or tofurkey or just...
25:58 so many different options out there and the key is you need
26:01 to read the ingredients because a lot of times they say
26:03 they are vegetarian, they are, but a lot of times they put
26:07 milk and they put this and they put cheese and all kinds of
26:10 other stuff. But one of the secret ingredients sometimes
26:13 that they put in here is probably not the best for us
26:15 is vinegar. So make sure you read it properly
26:19 and don't end up in that same situation.
26:21 So, how could I do this real quick because I need to eat
26:24 on the run, I only have a minute, I got to get back
26:27 to work. So look, I take this because sometimes I don't have
26:29 a bowl or a plate. I set up my nice little plate there,
26:32 alright, then I go ahead, I'm just going to hurry up here...
26:36 and eat some food, look at me. See when I get food,
26:40 I get distracted. So I have my pita bread, I have a nice
26:44 little banana, so this should be fresh...Watch this.
26:47 I don't have time...sometimes when I'm in a supermarket...
26:51 I have to rinse this stuff off for me, well let's say
26:53 you don't. I just take some water like that. Look at me.
26:56 And I take that tomato there, I put it, I eat it just like this.
27:00 I have my little (indistinguishable chatter)...
27:02 as well and I got to get back to work, they're getting me
27:07 in trouble here. Then I take that and I put some of that
27:10 on my little humus. I don't have time to be opening
27:13 stuff, cutting it up, making it pretty, I just eat it
27:16 just like that, then I have my nice little avocado,
27:20 you just cut that in half. You know, ask them for some
27:23 cutlery or some silverware or something like that.
27:25 Most places have it now. You put that right there and
27:29 what else? You can put a little bit of vege meat or something
27:32 of that nature, and you should be good. Let me just open this
27:36 so you' all can see and right here I have what is known
27:41 as a complete complete meal. Look at that, I have my whole
27:45 grains, I have my fruit, and don't forget a nice handful
27:50 of nuts and you can make that pretty or do whatever you want,
27:54 it's so simple. I don't know about you' all but I gotta go.
27:57 Oh no, it's time to go, I gotta get back to work.
28:00 Enjoy!


Revised 2017-02-16