Participants: Nyse Collins (Host), Evita Tezeno
Series Code: TOP
Program Code: TOP000020
00:01 Have you ever wondered exactly how to prepare
00:03 healthy food that actually tastes good? 00:05 Well stay tuned while Evita Tezeno 00:07 and yours truly, Nyse Collins will show you just how to do it 00:10 and give you something better, a Taste of Paradise. 00:31 Welcome to A Taste of Paradise. My name is Evita Tezeno. 00:35 Today we're going to do one of my favorite recipes 00:39 It's a raw, very kale salad. 00:42 Now I do a different variation of this kale salad using 00:47 the green, leafy kale. But today we're using 00:52 the dinosaur kale which is what we have here. 00:57 The ingredients are: 01:47 Now we begin this recipe by de-stemming the kale 01:53 Now you can either pull it off by hand, like this 01:59 or you can take a knife and run it along the stem 02:08 and cut it like so. 02:13 Whatever is your preference. 02:16 Now we're going to do a fancy, This is a fancy French term 02:20 It's called Chiffonade 02:23 You layer the kale, you roll it 02:31 and you chop it. You cut it in strips. 02:37 This is the term called Chiffonade. 02:43 So you put all the kale in the bowl 02:49 Kale is an amazing vegetable 02:55 It's high in iron, high in fiber loaded with nutrients 03:03 So you want to put salt, mineral sea salt. We're using mineral 03:08 sea salt that has not been bleached. It still has a lot 03:12 of minerals and it has color, it's not white. 03:17 We are using lemon juice 03:22 and lime juice 03:27 and olive oil 03:30 and you want to get your hands dirty 03:33 You want to massage it a little bit 03:36 and what the lemon juice, the lime juice and the salt 03:43 is actually causing this to wilt a little bit. 03:46 So it's going to have the appearance of cooked kale 03:54 and it also makes it easier to chew 04:00 That's one thing people tell me about raw food 04:04 Oh why do I have to chew so much? 04:05 But it's good to masticate your food 04:09 because digestion begins in the mouth 04:13 So a lot of us we don't chew, we just swallow our food 04:16 So, raw food helps you to slow down 04:21 and to chew your food more thoroughly. 04:26 So after, if you notice it has wilted down a little bit 04:36 and we're going to put the avocado in 04:41 and this is an easy way to get the seed out of the avocado 04:46 You hit and turn, it comes out so easy. 04:55 And you use a spoon putting the avocado in 05:01 This is a little messy 05:06 but it's a wonderful recipe 05:08 And it's very quick. There is no equipment required, only 05:14 a knife, chopping board, spoon 05:20 and you can shred the cabbage by hand, you can use a grater 05:26 or you can chop it up finely yourself. 05:30 I used the food processor and I chopped it up a little bit. 05:34 But it's whatever your preference is. 05:40 Now after you've got the avocado all mixed in 05:52 and don't be afraid to use your hands 06:01 Now we're going to use all the rest of the ingredients. 06:08 I'm going to clean my hands real quick 06:17 We have the red cabbage 06:23 Ginger 06:25 Ginger gives it that warming taste 06:33 Shredded carrots 06:35 which are excellent for your eyes 06:38 Red bell pepper 06:41 high in Vitamin C 06:43 Green onions 06:48 And last but not least, sunflower seeds 06:53 You just want to toss this around. Look at all the colors 06:58 You know you should always eat the rainbow 07:01 and this is one way to eat the rainbow 07:05 We have green, orange, red purple 07:10 You have good fats 07:14 This is an amazing recipe 07:22 So we're going to plate it 07:34 Look at this. This is great as a side dish, or you can 07:41 eat it alone as a meal because it really has a lot of protein 07:46 in it with all the different fats and the sunflower seeds 07:52 It is really a full meal. 07:56 And here we have it, an amazing kale salad that is loaded with 08:03 with minerals and vitamins and it is so delicious 08:09 Next we're going to do Cherry Chewy Carob Brownies. 08:15 And the ingredients are: 08:43 So we're going to begin with walnuts 08:49 that have been soaked and dehydrated 08:51 The reason why we soak the nuts is because nuts are usually 08:58 hard to digest. And by soaking them it releases the enzyme 09:04 inhibitors on the nuts. And the reason why we dehydrate them 09:10 because we need dried nuts. We need them dry we don't want wet 09:14 So we start with the walnuts 09:23 And you process them 09:37 And basically what we're doing is we're making our flour 09:40 This is the substitute for the flour in the brownies. 09:44 Is the walnuts. 09:50 And then we put in our dates. These dates have been soaked 09:53 And these are my favorite dates - Mejdool. Mejdools 09:58 are softer and sweeter than all the dates. 10:17 You want to add the carob powder 10:19 the vanilla extract 10:23 and the salt 10:27 and continue to process 10:41 You have to coax it along a little bit 10:47 This is a great recipe 10:52 for if you love chocolate 10:55 and chocolate is not very good for you 10:59 because chocolate is naturally bitter 11:03 and the way they get it sweet is they put so much milk and sugar 11:10 in it. And also chocolate is loaded with caffeine 11:15 which keeps you up at night 11:18 and caffeine has so many other debilitating properties 11:22 So we want to do carob because carob is naturally sweet 11:42 So you want to transfer this into a bowl 12:01 And again, here's the fun 12:03 we have our chopped walnuts 12:14 And our, these are dried cherries and they are 12:18 tart cherries. 12:21 We want to get our hands dirty again 12:23 we want to incorporate the walnuts and the cherries 12:33 as best we can 12:38 keep kneading it around 12:44 This is a great and fun recipe. It's very, very quick 12:50 Then we want to transfer it into a 9" Pyrex dish 13:06 Now you can if you want, you can do a fudge icing 13:11 with a little carob powder 13:15 and coconut oil 13:17 and honey and you could put it that way or you could 13:23 or you could smooth it on as an icing 13:26 or you could just eat it this way. 13:30 This is an amazing recipe, it's quick, it's easy 13:36 and it's very, very chewy 13:41 and it will, you have that chocolate craving 13:46 I think that it will get rid of that for you. 13:53 And here we have it. Chewy cherry carob brownies. 14:03 It's a wonderful treat. You can have it with some raw ice cream 14:10 or you could have it with some cashew cream 14:13 or you could just eat it by itself. 14:16 Remember, live life fresh! 14:28 Super healthy. That's the question we want to ask today 14:32 Not just are you healthy? Are you super healthy? 14:36 And you remember many years ago or just throughout life 14:40 anytime you got sick the doctor says, man I'm so sorry, can 14:44 I give you medication to get rid of the problem? Maybe some 14:46 stuff to deal with signs and symptoms, the sniffy nose 14:50 and the headaches and the sore throats and the cough 14:53 and stuff like that. But the doctor always said 14:55 look you need to, number 1, get some rest, number 2 drink 14:58 some fluids but go home and eat some super healthy soup. 15:04 And that's what we're going to do today. We're going to learn 15:06 how to make some soup, some healthy soup and we're gonna 15:08 learn how the key, the key because there's many different 15:10 ways you can make soup. But we notice there's one principle 15:14 in that on how to make, not per se soup but how to eat your food 15:18 and how to drink and different items of that nature, 15:21 water and stuff. And so we're going to look at how to do 15:24 that and this soup, I mean it is amazing, amazing, amazing 15:28 remember grandma she always used to do it and 15:31 I remember many times when we had soup in the home 15:34 we knew why we were eating soup. Not because we were sick 15:36 because the stuff in the fridge was going bad. And so any 15:39 time food was going bad she would go to the fridge and 15:42 mom would do it all the time and she cut this and cut that 15:46 she'd get the old this and the old that and then we had soup 15:49 But the coolest thing about the soup that day to me was that 15:53 you know what the first day it was good. But they would make 15:55 so much of it that we were eating soup for the whole week 15:57 But the weirdest thing happened. Every day the soup got better 16:02 I'm like wait a second. Did she put something in that thing? 16:05 As a matter of fact I don't know if you ever do this, when 16:08 mom or grandma cooks and they say, man this tastes so good 16:11 they said, grandma did you put your hand in the soup because 16:16 it tasted amazing. And I just couldn't understand why every 16:20 day after it would get better. I don't know, something about 16:23 getting old, I don't know. You just get better. And so I want 16:27 to encourage those up in age don't think you're going down 16:30 You are going up actually and you're going to get better 16:33 you're going to get super healthy and that's what we're 16:35 gonna do today because it's delicious. However, there's 16:38 many different ways we can make this soup. Sometimes we 16:42 make soup with pasta in it. Sometimes they do pumpkin 16:48 soup and they blend it all up. We've been talking about avocado 16:51 quite a bit. You can even make avocado soup. I mean there's 16:55 so many different ways you can make it. 16:57 But we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna put a little bit 17:00 of everything in it. We're not going to put old food in. 17:02 As a matter of fact that is a principle that we should learn. 17:04 Once your apple starts to go bad you start to see signs of aging 17:09 of spoiling, it's best I know 17:12 you know many times we just cut off that bad part 17:15 but it's best as we read through some counsels that it's 17:18 let's not just use the whole thing at all 17:20 because if it's starting to get old in one area then as a result 17:24 maybe the other areas are starting to get old too 17:27 But if you ever notice when you go to grandma's house, 17:29 or your mom's house or something of that nature you always see 17:32 an apple in there with like a cut on it or you see a 17:34 tomato with a weird cut on the other side, you're like Ma 17:40 what's all this half cut fruit in there? 17:42 You know what she was trying to do, she was tryin to save it 17:44 you know from going bad. But it's best to take that item 17:47 that's spoiled a little bit and it's starting to get old 17:50 and mold developed and stuff it's best not to eat that. 17:53 Just go ahead. We're not going to waste food you know. Times 17:56 are hard, recession has hit and people left and right 17:58 We're not going to waste food. What we want you to do is 18:00 make what is known as compost and you just keep a little bin 18:03 on the side with your plastic bag in it and all of the food 18:06 particles and items that you would normally throw away 18:10 you put in this bag. In this specific bag. Not regular 18:12 garbage or trash of stuff of that nature. You put that in 18:15 this specific bag. And then you take that and then I'm hoping 18:18 we all have a garden. No need to buy fertilizer, you already 18:21 have your own fertilizer. It used to be in your fridge and 18:24 now it got bagged. And you take that and what you have now is 18:28 compost. You put that in your garden and you're just like 18:31 growing roses and tomatoes and all that stuff naturally 18:35 This is like aka organic and you don't have to pay for it 18:39 because you already did when you bought the food 18:40 and it went bad. So please, it's best to hold off on 18:43 spoiling or old items don't be cutting in pieces and trying 18:46 to save the rest. Just go ahead and put that in the 18:48 garden. But today we're gonna make this super 18:50 super healthy soup and recipe is quite simple 18:54 Quite a few ingredients of course, 18:56 but here it is. Let's take a quick look 18:57 All you need for the super healthy soup is 19:38 But this is not no regular soup we're gonna put dumplings in it 19:41 as well and here's a quick recipe for the dumplings. 19:53 Now I don't know about our chopper, that was super tiring! 19:57 But I know by the time I finish cooking this soup and makin it 20:00 I'm going to be super healthy by the grace of God of course 20:04 and what you do is the recipe is quite easy. Have your lentils 20:07 Take your lentils, you can use split peas. Put it in a pot 20:11 We're going to turn this fire on but I'm going to share with you 20:14 a simple way to do it. You take that, you basically, easiest 20:17 thing to do, take all your ingredients and load it up 20:20 don't tell nobody what you put in it because they maybe 20:23 concerned. So we add all the ingredients. We have the carrots 20:27 in there. Also as I said we're going to keep some more water 20:31 because what we gonna do, we gonna boil it nicely 20:34 until it's ready to go. We have our onions in there, we have 20:39 the celery in there. You don't need me to teach you how to 20:42 do this. You probably could do this yourself. 20:45 But we're sharing all or some of the super, super items 20:49 that works for us here and we have our seasonings 20:54 as well, our herbs, we're gonna turn the fire up. I already have 20:58 a finished product for you all 21:01 And people are like why are you adding some honey to that? 21:04 We never add honey to ours but watch this, this is key 21:07 it's going to add some serious serious flavor 21:10 to your super healthy soup. So we're gonna add some honey 21:13 in that, get this water boiling eventually and 21:17 your bay leaf, yeah you all know about bay leaf 21:21 it probably wasn't in there but we're gonna add one little 21:23 bay leaf, maybe two you know your choice, and then sea salt 21:27 of course to taste. I like to start off with less salt 21:30 and I like to put the rest in eventually. So we gonna 21:34 let this boil, but then we have to get the coconut milk 21:37 Don't tell anybody but this is actually the secret ingredient 21:41 This is going to provide you with lots of vitamins. minerals 21:46 adds a little flavor to it. Ah man you're all going to enjoy 21:51 this here and then what you eventually do is you cover 21:54 this up nicely and let that cook properly there, so 22:00 that right there is gonna get our super healthy soup 22:04 started. This is like I said a little bit earlier, dangerously 22:08 good for you. Now why do I consider it dangerously good? 22:11 Because of all the stuff that we put in there, it's gonna be 22:14 like, don't play around with this thing, this thing 22:16 will fill you up. You eat too much you may not want to eat 22:18 again for another week you know because it's super what? 22:21 Super healthy. 22:23 But as that goes ahead and starts to cook 22:26 it's going to simmer. You know it takes a little bit of time 22:28 you don't need me to teach you how to do it, you always check 22:31 the lentils to make sure they're nice and they start to break up 22:34 for you and get soft. If you want to use different beans 22:37 that's fantastic too. Some people use kidney beans 22:40 some people use pinto beans. With those however, because 22:44 they're sized a little bigger we like to soak those overnight 22:48 ok? Soak those overnight, put a little salt in it. 22:51 Let them soak and then next day you have to change that water 22:57 beans they cause trouble in here and obviously because of the 23:03 skin, the carbohydrate is really hard for it to break down 23:07 so then it gets very what? very flammable. I don't think 23:10 you need me to explain what I'm talkin about here, the beans 23:13 So what you do is you take those beans you soaked overnight 23:16 Wash them, rinse them properly then you start a new batch 23:20 of water and you put all of the other ingredients in there 23:22 and you can use any beans of your choice, alright? 23:26 As that gets going, we want to make some dumplings 23:30 This is what we call the heavy hitter and what I mean by that 23:34 when you eat a dumpling it's no joke. 23:36 It will dump at the bottom of your stomach 23:38 and you will not want to eat again. That's why it's called 23:40 the super healthy soup. And it's real easy how to make 23:44 your dumpling. I already shared with you, all you need is the 23:48 flour, you take some salt and put that in there nicely 23:55 and you mix those up real quick 24:00 and you go ahead and you'll go ahead and add water 24:04 OK? So we're gonna add some water to that. This is dumpling 24:08 Whole wheat dumpling. You see my Momma's from Trinidad 24:11 and when she made soup we wondered what are these big 24:15 things at the bottom of the soup and you almost had to cut them 24:20 it was like a piece of meat or something like that 24:21 That was basically dumpling, alright? 24:24 So you mix that up basically nicely there and what you 24:26 you're gonna end up with is 24:30 Oops there we go, we're in the kitchen we're having fun 24:33 you're going to end up with something of this nature 24:35 almost like a Playdoh a little bit there. 24:36 That's dumpling. So you can make any different type of stuff 24:40 Make sure you have kids in the kitchen so they can learn 24:42 how to make dumpling. You can make almost a vegelink dumpling 24:48 You see the vegelink dumpling? 24:49 You drop that right there. Then you can make a sausage dumpling 24:54 You put that right there. So there are many different types 24:59 you can do. You can do a quarter pounder dumpling 25:02 Alright, you know what a quarter pounder dumpling is? 25:06 big one there, they boil it in water with some pumpkin or 25:10 some cassava or... different types of West Indian 25:16 veggies and so you have a quarter pounder there. What you 25:19 do with the dumpling however, don't put it in at the beginning 25:22 of when you cook the soup. You put it like midway through or 25:25 latter half, maybe 20 minutes before it's finished there 25:30 and the dumpling is fantastic. Cornmeal is also another item 25:34 that we can use for the dumpling So enjoy this 25:36 This is not your Asian dumpling this is Caribbean dumpling 25:40 Remember we're trying to have a taste of paradise here, so 25:42 you can have that as well. What I have done here, however 25:46 is I have the finished product of the soup here 25:49 just give me a second as I move this one here 25:52 When it finishes it should come out looking somewhat like that 25:58 alright? This is called Super Healthy Soup. 26:02 One person says, man this thing is so thick and this is 26:05 is another key we want to get to. A lot of times we 26:08 share with people it's best to hold off on eating and 26:12 drinking at the same time. What that does is, it messes up 26:14 your digestive process. It's best to drink the water 26:17 15 minutes before you eat, some say 30. No problem 26:21 your choice and the key is to hold off drinking while we eat 26:25 so we can wait for at least an hour till after we eat 26:28 because what it does is it dilutes the digestive juices 26:31 basically water has VIP access to your body. So whatever you 26:35 put in first, if water comes in after it's pushing everybody 26:38 through, you know what I'm talkin about. It goes in first 26:40 and you wonder why you're trying to sleep at night 26:43 stuff is coming back up and you're burping and all 26:45 of these problems are happening it's because we're eating and 26:48 drinking, we're diluting that stuff and our body now has to 26:51 work even harder to digest the food. 26:53 So what do we need to do here today? We need to make thick 26:55 soup because people always call, well if I can't eat 26:58 and drink at the same time how do I make my soup? 27:01 We just don't make watery soup and y'all know what I'm talkin 27:04 about, watery soup. You make the soup and you're fishin 27:06 for the noodles, you're fishin for the beans 27:08 You're like, man where's this thing at? No. no, no. You make 27:11 some thick soup. How do you know if you have good soup? 27:14 You're ready for the test? 27:16 This is the test here. 27:18 If your spoon stands in the soup 27:22 it's good soup. This is what we're talkin about 27:25 super healthy, you see that, check that out. 27:28 That man is at attention. We don't want soup to be at ease 27:32 or leanin back to left or right. Want attention! 27:35 This is one of the pathfinders soup, you know that? 27:37 That's what we call this, Pathfinders Soup 27:39 So go ahead and this is how our soup should be 27:42 You go ahead, you take some of that and put it in a nice bowl 27:45 there and warm it up and when people eat this they're gonna 27:49 have a blast if you don't mind I'm gonna have some of the soup 27:53 the healthy soup cause I'm hungry and enjoy it 27:55 and you will be super, super healthy. |
Revised 2016-04-26