New Journey, The

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Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Marquis Johns (Host), Bernard Thompson


Series Code: TNJ

Program Code: TNJ000034

00:01 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:03 Parents are cautioned that some material
00:05 may be too candid for younger children.
00:08 Welcome to the New Journey,
00:09 a program about real life people
00:12 with real life testimonies
00:13 doing real life ministry for Jesus Christ.
00:15 I'm your host, Pastor Marquis Johns.
00:18 Join us on the New Journey.
00:54 Jesus admonished us to look to a better country.
00:57 But there are sometimes things that we do
00:59 while in this country that may prevent us
01:02 from acquiring citizenship in the land,
01:05 in the country, in the home to come.
01:08 However, when we accept Christ,
01:10 He takes care of all naturalization issues.
01:13 On today's show, we have Brother Bernard Thompson.
01:16 How are you doing? I'm doing fine, thanks.
01:17 Now, Brother Bernard Thompson, you grew up in Trinidad?
01:20 And when you were in Trinidad, you were probably
01:23 not the best person to keep company with.
01:27 No, I wouldn't say the best to keep company with,
01:30 but I had some ups and downs.
01:33 Okay, okay.
01:34 And one of the things that had me...
01:40 I thought to myself that had me to ending is,
01:43 I told I was very good at school, elementary school.
01:47 And then, for some reason, I feel coming interest
01:51 with this is to go into high school.
01:53 So basically, what you're saying,
01:54 and I'm glad you jumped right in
01:56 and started kind of directing the flow of the interview.
01:59 So you were good in elementary
02:01 but when it was time to progress
02:03 from elementary to secondary school,
02:05 you didn't do so well.
02:06 Because of the places, the places we had,
02:11 and because, well, at that time,
02:14 they were using like surname.
02:17 And my name is Steve, we don't.
02:19 So unfortunately,
02:22 I didn't get into that place in.
02:25 Wow, so basically, just based on your name,
02:28 you're not able to...
02:29 This is how I thought it to be.
02:33 After that time, well, in those days,
02:38 steel band was way out, it was violence and all,
02:44 you know, different gangs
02:45 and things with these steel bands.
02:47 And fortunately, it had a steel band
02:51 right next door to me
02:53 which was actually the baddest group
02:57 in Tobago at the time.
02:59 So after school, after you're unable
03:02 to progress into secondary school,
03:04 the way you thought you should,
03:05 you started getting into steel band.
03:07 And at that time, steel band wasn't...
03:09 The music everybody hears when they come to the island.
03:12 It was associated with the underbelly of society.
03:15 If you were involved in this steel band movement,
03:18 so to speak, then you were basically
03:20 a little bit more than a common criminal.
03:21 Yes.
03:23 And so next door to you, what you have
03:24 is the best steel band on the island.
03:27 And the baddest, yes. Yeah.
03:29 And so, you take a liking to this music
03:32 and take us from there.
03:33 So you join up, do you join up with the steel band?
03:35 And at that time too,
03:40 my owner just started to flew in Tobago, right.
03:44 And one of the guys that I really looked up to,
03:51 I remember, he's having a plant.
03:55 I didn't even know if he knew that the plant was there
03:57 but I knew it.
03:58 And well, I started to sample it.
04:00 How old were you when you were introduced to this plant?
04:04 I'm about 14. About 14.
04:07 And so take us just quickly.
04:09 Take us through from about 14 until you make the decision in,
04:14 I think, the earlier mid 80s to leave Trinidad.
04:17 What's life like Trinidad, Tobago?
04:19 What's life like
04:20 for Bernard Thompson from that time
04:22 that you're introduced to that plant,
04:23 you're dealing with the steel band, up until...
04:26 Just walk us through what life is like
04:28 from that point until just before you get ready
04:30 to leave for the States?
04:33 At 16, I got into a youth camp,
04:40 a school, more or less indeed.
04:41 Actually, it's school.
04:43 And well, my mother and father separated.
04:49 My mother took... It was eight children.
04:51 She took the eight of us. And times was very hard.
04:55 I remember in youth camp,
04:57 many times I won't eat because I don't know
05:01 if my brothers and sisters at home eating.
05:04 I know that I'm going to get my meals
05:06 because government sponsored.
05:08 I will get my meals but I don't know
05:10 if they're eating.
05:11 So most times and things,
05:13 they used to give us a little stipend.
05:15 And I will send my stipend home
05:17 so that my brothers and sisters...
05:20 And then came
05:21 the Black Power Movement in 1970.
05:24 So tell us about your involvement
05:25 in Black Power in Trinidad Tobago?
05:27 Yes, I got heavily involved.
05:29 I left youth camp and came home
05:32 because the demonstrations started in Trinidad.
05:35 So I left Trinidad and came up Tobago.
05:38 And in the height of it when I got...
05:42 The day after state of emergency,
05:44 the same day after state of emergency,
05:45 I got arrested with, about 37 of us got arrested.
05:49 So why were you arrested?
05:51 Tell us and so you go from steel band,
05:54 sampling this plant to now you leave youth camp
05:57 to get involved with the Black Power movement.
06:00 And on this particular day, 37 of you and your friends,
06:03 37 of you and your friends get arrested for what?
06:06 What do you get arrested for? Inciting the public to riot.
06:09 Inciting the public to riot,
06:10 on behalf of the Black Power movement.
06:12 Yes.
06:13 And so we have here, we have a picture.
06:15 Let me paint this picture.
06:16 We have a young man from a broken home,
06:19 if you will, eight siblings,
06:21 who realizes the importance of taking care
06:24 of those siblings to the extent that
06:26 sometimes you're going without meals,
06:27 you're sending home your stipend
06:29 but then comes the Black Power movement.
06:31 And you join in with the Black Power movement.
06:33 And here begins your brushes with the law, if you will.
06:36 Yes, more or less, yes.
06:37 Because I got arrested, we were inside, no bail.
06:41 And they told us no bail.
06:43 So we got to stay inside until our case...
06:46 And they gave us 12 months.
06:48 So you spent 12 months. No. Well, I didn't.
06:50 We appeal, so I only end up spending six months in jail.
06:53 Six months in jail.
06:55 From April to October. Okay.
06:57 And so now you get out of the Black Power Movement.
06:59 I want to progress a little bit,
07:01 Brother Bernard, to the point when you start experimenting,
07:05 if you will, with drug paraphernalia
07:09 and a listed materials like that.
07:11 Tell us a little bit about
07:12 your introduction into that lifestyle?
07:14 I started to come to America.
07:18 Well, even before that ending,
07:20 when I started to sell my own home indeed,
07:24 I was selling it because I need.
07:28 My mother, I had three sisters after me and a little brother.
07:32 I'm the fourth out of eighth.
07:34 But coming after me and then was three sisters.
07:38 And I couldn't dare see my sisters
07:40 or anybody exploiting my sisters.
07:43 So from just pleasure with the weed,
07:49 I started to sell now.
07:51 I got graduated.
07:53 And the impetus behind your dealing drugs
07:59 was not just to become, wasn't to become a kingpin.
08:01 No, I wanted my sisters
08:03 and then I didn't want anybody to exploit my sisters.
08:06 Okay, so you started using the moneys
08:09 to help your sisters go to school,
08:13 have nice clothes, and different things like that.
08:15 But this began a lifestyle for you now.
08:17 You're now, by default, I assume,
08:21 because you're able to put three sisters
08:23 into school and such.
08:24 Now, you're doing all right.
08:25 But then you realize in order to do better,
08:27 you got to broaden your horizons.
08:29 Of course. So tell us about that?
08:31 Well, I started to come to America
08:38 like liberty weekend, all that vacation...
08:42 I will come and buy clothes
08:45 and go back home and selling there.
08:47 So at one time,
08:51 children mother had a cousin
08:55 and he was dealing up here.
08:57 And he gave me a sample.
08:59 But I could remember that he's telling me,
09:02 "Don't stay on this thing. This thing is trouble."
09:05 That was cocaine.
09:08 But I sampled it. I start to like it.
09:13 I started to like it then.
09:16 Then, go back home, I carried on paraphernalia
09:20 and these things,
09:21 and I started to hustle home now.
09:23 I just want to ask a quick question.
09:24 So you're using cocaine as well as dealing it?
09:27 Dealing. Okay.
09:28 And that was the worst thing.
09:30 After that time, I became a best customer.
09:33 I was my best customer at that time.
09:35 So when things started to go well, real bad,
09:40 I decided to leave home and come to America.
09:43 Okay, so now... Leaving home.
09:46 Yeah, you've transitioned from selling marijuana
09:49 to selling cocaine,
09:50 and whereas the trafficking of marijuana
09:55 was facilitating the better lifestyle
09:56 for your sisters.
09:58 When you started dealing with the cocaine,
10:01 everything begins to go down drain.
10:04 Tell me the difference between,
10:06 Brother Thompson, Brother Bernard Thompson,
10:07 when he's selling marijuana, emotionally inside of you
10:10 and you're taking care of your sisters
10:12 to where now, you're smoking, you're doing cocaine,
10:15 and you're not able to do the things
10:16 that you initially wanted to do?
10:17 Marijuana, selling marijuana at that time, I had friends.
10:22 I had all the young guys on the block,
10:27 young girls who is smoking, who is not smoking
10:31 but I was the man, more or less in things.
10:35 Clothes, drinks, we go party, and this, I mean,
10:39 we floated with drinks and these things,
10:42 and everybody have a good time.
10:44 And I gain respect at that time.
10:47 But when the cocaine comes into the picture,
10:49 tell us about that?
10:51 Well, when cocaine came into the picture,
10:54 well, the cocaine was much more expensive than marijuana.
11:01 And cocaine is a thing, you get hook on cocaine.
11:08 How did the people who once looked up to you,
11:09 who once respected you, who once were attracted to you,
11:14 how did they began to treat you?
11:15 Well, the persons started over to pull away.
11:16 I noticed that persons started to pull away
11:18 because at home, in Tobago and there,
11:24 Tobago is so small
11:26 that everybody knows your business.
11:29 And cocaine was a thing that nobody wanted
11:35 to align this so forth and this.
11:37 So persons, you find persons started to pull away,
11:41 even some of my good friends
11:42 and they didn't want to see me go to like that,
11:47 and they pull away for me.
11:48 So what I did, I see the best thing for me
11:52 I think is to hit it to America.
11:54 Yeah, get a new start. Yeah.
11:56 Get a new start. So this is about, what, 1980...
11:58 '87. '87.
12:00 You decided to come up
12:01 to the United States of America.
12:03 And you're hoping to leave that lifestyle behind.
12:07 You're hoping to transition into something new,
12:10 you're hoping that the land of the free,
12:12 the home of the brave is going to present Bernard Thompson
12:15 with a complete fresh start, but is that what happened?
12:20 No.
12:22 I started well until I got to realize
12:28 where the pusherman is.
12:30 Because remember, I'm now coming to America,
12:32 I don't know much in there but when I got to realize
12:35 where the pusherman is and whole,
12:38 among they're selling for the money,
12:40 I got into it.
12:42 So what you realize when you get to the States,
12:44 you realized that people are,
12:45 you see, people are making money.
12:47 You said the pusherman, the dope dealer,
12:48 the drug dealer.
12:50 And you see how much money they are making,
12:51 you decided, "Hey, listen. I need to get in on this."
12:54 Yes.
12:55 And I wasn't working because of satisfaction
13:01 and things like that.
13:02 So I want to back up, I'm sorry.
13:05 So you come to the States,
13:07 and you want a new life but unfortunately,
13:09 because you're not a citizen,
13:12 you can't get a job, you can't get...
13:14 Permanent residence. A permanent residence.
13:17 But you still got to take care of yourself.
13:18 Yes.
13:20 And when you see what the drug dealers are doing, you figure,
13:21 "Well, I could make some money. I could take care of myself."
13:26 And so you started getting into drugs here in the States.
13:30 Yeah.
13:31 After that, I brought my children up here.
13:36 I have two daughters at the time with me.
13:39 They will appear with me.
13:41 But the children mother, my children mother,
13:45 we couldn't make it.
13:47 We have to send them back home
13:49 because I remember telling I bought a pistol
13:55 and left it in the house
13:58 where I knew my children could and I told them,
14:02 "Anybody come to the door, do not open the door."
14:05 If anybody try to blitz, I showed them how to use it.
14:08 And these are only ten and seven years old.
14:11 So you got your kids with you in the States,
14:13 your wife with you in the States,
14:15 and you think things are so bad
14:17 that you teach your ten and seven -year-old
14:19 how to use a firearm.
14:22 Yes. Okay, okay.
14:23 Because that was the life. That was the life.
14:26 But anyway, I started to selling
14:29 now for these people in there.
14:33 And I was doing well because in the sense of,
14:40 I was tapping every vial.
14:43 Every vial you give me to sell, I tap it.
14:46 Now let's explain what tapping it means.
14:48 So what you're doing is every time you get a vial,
14:51 I take out a little piece,
14:52 and you're massing some for yourself.
14:54 Of course. Yeah, yeah. I know.
14:58 So this is what I was doing, and plus with this,
15:01 you have your salary.
15:03 So I was getting paid and I still have my blue eye
15:08 for my personal from what I take home.
15:12 But it happened this time that the policemen raid,
15:17 they didn't hold me with anything
15:20 and they came in there.
15:22 Well, I had already changed my attire and thing,
15:25 they made me put on back the same dirty clothes
15:28 that I was in the spot we'd sell in and took me up.
15:32 Now something funny happened there.
15:35 They asked my name, I told them my name.
15:39 They asked me my street name
15:42 but at time I didn't have street name.
15:46 So they keep pressing, "Man, tell us your street name
15:49 and you must have a street name
15:51 and you're dealing outside here and there.
15:53 So I, out of the blue, I just jump up
15:54 and said Keith Jackson.
15:58 And they put that thing as my name
16:00 and Bernard Thompson as my alias.
16:03 Okay. And so what does that mean?
16:05 So Keith Jackson...
16:07 Is the one that standing the charge.
16:10 So then you avoid the charges
16:12 because you're not Keith Jackson.
16:14 I couldn't avoid the charges because fingerprint.
16:17 Fingerprints have me as Keith Jackson
16:20 but remember the same fingerprint
16:22 will have me as Bernard Thompson.
16:25 Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.
16:26 And this is where I got to stick up 25 years after.
16:31 So I want to stop.
16:32 I want to stop right there because here's the point.
16:35 Here's where it really gets interesting
16:36 because you can't afford, it's a really stand trial here
16:40 because you're not a citizen.
16:42 And if you get found out,
16:44 what will happen is, you'll get deported.
16:46 And you don't want to go back to the old life
16:48 because there, even though you're now doing
16:51 some of the same things...
16:52 Man, that shame alone will kill me.
16:54 Yeah, the shame alone of having been deported.
16:57 And so now, I want to digress
17:00 just a little bit here, Brother Thompson,
17:01 and we'll come back to that point.
17:03 Where is God in all of this?
17:06 I'm going to tell you something.
17:09 My mother was a God fearing person.
17:14 My mother taught us to pray.
17:17 She taught us God's way out but we just went our own way.
17:23 We just adopted our own style as I tell you,
17:25 the steel band, those ideas and that influence
17:27 and all these things.
17:29 But my mother, she taught us God's way out.
17:31 As a matter of fact, when I was leaving home,
17:34 my mother gave me affirmation.
17:37 When you were leaving to come to the States?
17:39 To the States, she gave me affirmation.
17:41 God is my help in every need.
17:44 God does my ever, every hunger feed.
17:47 God walks beside me, guides my way
17:49 through every moment of the day.
17:52 I know I'm wise, I know I'm true.
17:55 Patient, kind, and loving too.
17:58 All things I am, can do and be through Christ
18:01 the truth that lives in me.
18:04 God is my health, I can't be sick.
18:07 God is my strength on feeling quick.
18:10 God is my all, I know no fear.
18:13 Since God I love and truth I hear.
18:17 My mother gave me that. Mercy.
18:19 She gave me another one, the spirit of the Lord
18:21 goes before me and makes easy and successful my way.
18:25 So when you get into this situation with the law,
18:27 how does that admonition come into play?
18:29 I've been singing that. I've been singing these things.
18:35 So now we go back to the Keith Jackson,
18:38 Bernard Thompson conundrum,
18:40 and the admonition that your mother had placed
18:43 in your spirit is becoming real for you.
18:46 And so walk us through because you desire
18:49 to be a citizen here but as you start to process,
18:54 or tell me about divorcing yourself from that lifestyle?
18:56 Do you divorce yourself from that lifestyle?
18:58 Yes. Okay.
19:00 And so you divorce yourself from that lifestyle,
19:01 and you want to get on the road to become a citizen.
19:04 And tell us about trying to become a citizen
19:07 in the United Sates of America with fingerprints that say,
19:10 when you were in the previous lifestyle,
19:14 that's going to present some challenges?
19:15 Well, after being released
19:21 on probation, one morning,
19:25 I went to the probation officer and realize that
19:30 he's asking for name
19:31 and green card and these things.
19:33 I knew that I did not have these things.
19:35 But my goal is a great goal, and I couldn't see at the time.
19:40 The Lord made it happen so that the officer got a call
19:46 right before I go into him.
19:48 And he came out and he told me, "Mr. Thompson."
19:51 No, he called me Mr. Jackson because this is what he knew.
19:54 He said, "Jackson, I'll have to suspend you here
19:57 into D&D till another time."
19:59 Well, that was what I wanted
20:01 because I knew he's not seeing me again.
20:05 I know that.
20:06 I can't face him because of the deportation.
20:10 So I left.
20:12 I left the area that I was living in New York,
20:14 I've been to another area and live.
20:15 And it happen true, nothing never really
20:18 came up concerning that.
20:22 Until 25 years, after two years ago,
20:26 I went home for vacation.
20:31 You went to Tobago? Went to Tobago.
20:34 And to tell you how the Lord's so good,
20:39 that my mother was alive at the time.
20:45 I went home at one time. And she told me...
20:49 No, I went to visit her.
20:51 And what I used to wear, plenty of jewelry
20:54 and I had six and seven gold chain.
20:55 I wouldn't wear them to church but that's...
20:58 Some church members will tell you one thing
21:00 that I will go and cruise,
21:01 I think they've seen me with all these.
21:04 So I went this morning
21:06 and sat with my mother, talking.
21:08 And she said, "Look at you!"
21:10 My mother is 90, 91 at the time,
21:13 "Look at you, with all them regalias,
21:17 gold on your wrist, gold on the eye,
21:19 at that time, I had gold rings here,
21:21 gold around your neck.
21:23 I know she's looking down because I had on short pants.
21:25 She's looking down if I have gold on the ankle.
21:27 I said, "No, my dear.
21:29 No, I don't have any gold on my ankles."
21:33 Anyway, I took that as joke and fun.
21:36 But next morning, I came back.
21:38 I have on all these jewelry and thing.
21:39 She look at me, and she told me,
21:41 "Boy, nobody would know you.
21:44 Nobody would know what kind of heart you have.
21:47 All that gold as you have on there
21:49 and you're just blocking out people from you.
21:52 And I just started to do so.
21:55 And I never put them on back.
21:58 You know, before that thing,
22:00 I got married and all these kind of things,
22:02 pastors talk about jewelry and all these things.
22:06 I never take it to heed
22:07 but when my mother told me that,
22:09 that nobody would know me,
22:11 nobody would know what kind of heart I have,
22:13 I just took them off and I never worn them.
22:16 So you're visiting with your mom,
22:18 and you try to get,
22:20 you're coming back to the States.
22:21 As Keith Jackson, or Bernard Thompson,
22:26 did you serve some time in jail?
22:29 No, just the weekend.
22:31 I got held in Friday, and the Monday,
22:34 the Monday was the day they put me on probation.
22:36 Okay, so now, when the problems arises,
22:40 when the problem arises, if you will,
22:42 you're coming back to the States.
22:43 Tell us what happens?
22:45 Well... 25 years since that charge?
22:48 Yes. Go ahead.
22:49 Coming in Miami airport, they stopped me.
22:55 But I find they're taking so long.
22:57 What this man checking on and...
22:59 Anyway, they told me to go into the back.
23:01 When I go into the back, they told me,
23:03 "Man, I'm seeing one fingerprint,
23:05 but I'm seeing two names."
23:07 I said, "Oh, God."
23:11 They asked me if I ever got arrested.
23:14 I said no because this is Bernard Thompson, I go.
23:16 And I'm going on Keith Jackson.
23:19 They said, "Something wrong here, boy.
23:21 This is two different names but one fingerprint."
23:28 And then they realize, they pull up and see the 1987
23:32 and I had this charge in New York and thing.
23:34 So bup! Cuffs!
23:36 Spent eight days in Miami jail.
23:38 But now immigration took up the matter now too
23:42 because immigration seen that I lied on the application
23:44 for my green card.
23:46 So they took up...
23:48 Because at this point, you'd already put in
23:51 for your green card to become a citizen.
23:53 I had green card at the time.
23:54 Okay. So you had a green card.
23:56 I had my green card. Okay, so tell us about that?
23:57 So they took away the green card from me
23:59 when they arrested me. When they arrested you.
24:00 Because you had two different names,
24:02 they took away.
24:03 They took the green card. Okay, so what happens?
24:05 Locked me up, I spent eight days in jail in Miami.
24:09 But they released me.
24:12 No one knew why they released me.
24:15 But I got to realize after that
24:18 the sentence
24:22 or the charge was a New York jurisdiction.
24:26 And Florida don't want to spend
24:28 that money to transport, yeah, to New York.
24:32 So they just released me, and anything could have gone...
24:36 Anybody could have just picked me up.
24:38 So at this time, tell me about what you're doing in Maryland
24:41 because you are serving at a local church as the deacon?
24:46 Yeah, well, before all this time
24:49 with the lockup and thing, after I got...
24:53 I spent some years
24:55 in North Carolina and South Carolina.
24:58 But somehow, I thought,
25:02 "Either I'm going to be making a big deal
25:04 because I still used to indulge in these places."
25:07 I go to it because I was riding partners know
25:10 and they've been doing thing.
25:13 So I called my sister.
25:15 I said, Fibi, I was staying in New York.
25:18 Girl, either I'm making a big deal
25:20 or your brother is going to get killed.
25:22 She's telling me, "Look how long..."
25:23 I have a brother living here.
25:25 You call along your brother Kelly to come
25:27 but when I'm on my business,
25:29 I don't want to communicate with nobody.
25:30 I want nobody to know that.
25:33 So I decided to come up here.
25:36 To Maryland? To Maryland.
25:39 I came here in June, came to Maryland in June,
25:45 got baptized in September, I got married in December.
25:50 Mercy, and so after that,
25:51 you're now involved in your local church.
25:54 And you let your pastors know about the situation.
25:57 And so all this time you're waiting
25:59 to get your green card back,
26:00 but it seems like it's not going to happen until...
26:05 Until that finally, well, it happened too.
26:10 I went to New York to face this charge
26:12 because the charge is going back
26:13 the distribution of cocaine.
26:16 The first morning, I went to court,
26:18 I was so scared because the judge
26:23 talked to me in such a harsh manner.
26:24 "You're trying to interfere
26:26 with the United States government.
26:28 You figured, you could just come in and do anything?"
26:31 Two bailees come and stood behind me.
26:34 I said, "Lord, I'm going back to jail."
26:36 Well, it happened too. They retire for lunch.
26:42 I see them, and I go and buy the best street dinner.
26:47 I go and buy this dinner and couldn't eat that thing,
26:50 couldn't eat that thing, scared, my stomach.
26:54 But it happened so, when I went back to court
26:56 in the afternoon, was a different judge.
26:59 It's the same judge but his mentality was different
27:02 because I had some affidavit from here.
27:05 And he read them.
27:08 And he realized, "This guy, I think isn't so bad."
27:11 I mean, he gotten one thing but since that time,
27:15 he never gotten any trouble since after that.
27:18 So that was a plus for me.
27:20 And while going to court time and time again, at one time,
27:26 we had a concert here with CUC, had a concert.
27:30 And I had a bayo.
27:35 And I took it up to the judge.
27:36 Up till now the judge still have that bayo.
27:39 That judge dismissed the case,
27:42 and the man talked well, he spoke well of me.
27:46 Tell me, he said, "Thompson, I hope you try to talk
27:50 to young people
27:51 and thing concerning these drugs and all these."
27:53 The man talked to me very, very well.
27:56 Well, now I have to face immigration.
27:59 And that was the dicey, the terrible thing
28:01 because they tell me, I lie on my application
28:05 and you can see because I got arrested,
28:07 I didn't put down the arrest on my application.
28:11 But I don't know, by the grace of God,
28:15 I made it through.
28:17 Pastor Billings, he was with me, Brother Marquis.
28:19 Well, you wanted to come but I tell you one thing.
28:21 I just know you.
28:23 So I didn't want you to come, you know,
28:26 because I just knew you, but happened soon then.
28:29 Everything went...
28:31 So what we see is, a man with a past...
28:35 The Lord moves in mysteriously.
28:37 The Lord moves and begins to push things away
28:41 so that you could actually begin the new life
28:46 that He had intended for you.
28:49 You know, Brother Bernard, it's interesting listening
28:50 to your story that God also wants us
28:53 to be citizens of another kingdom.
28:55 And not only you, Brother Bernard,
28:57 but our viewers at home,
28:59 God wants you to be citizens of heaven.
29:02 He tells us to look to a better country.
29:04 But sometimes the things of our past prevent us
29:08 from starting the journey that God has for us.
29:11 Nonetheless because He is long suffering,
29:13 because He is patient, like we see
29:15 with Brother Bernard today,
29:17 God moves things out of the way if you would allow Him
29:20 so that you could begin
29:22 your new journey to the better country.
29:25 Thank you for joining in. And we really appreciate it.
29:28 God bless you.


Revised 2017-10-09