New Journey, The

Trouble Follows You

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Marquis Johns (Host), Tate Kimura


Series Code: TNJ

Program Code: TNJ000026

00:10 Welcome to the New Journey, a program about real-life
00:13 people with real-life testimonies doing real-life
00:16 ministry for Jesus Christ. I'm your host, Pastor Marquis Johns.
00:18 Join us on the New Journey.
00:22 ¤ ¤
00:52 The only testimonies aren't testimonies where you've gone
00:56 out into the world and done a whole bunch of terrible things.
00:59 There are some testimonies where you have just a slight brush and
01:04 realize you need to stay on the straight and narrow. Tate has a
01:08 testimony similar to that one. Tate, how you doing today?
01:11 I'm doing good. Fantastic, fantastic. So tell us
01:14 your name and where you're from.
01:15 My name is Tate Kimura from Tacoma Park, Maryland,
01:18 originally.
01:19 OK, OK. I pastored over in Hyattsville, Maryland.
01:22 Oh yeah? Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.
01:24 So did you go to TA? Yeah, I'm actually a TA grad.
01:28 So for those who don't know
01:29 TA is Tacoma Academy, a Seventh-day Adventist academy in
01:32 Maryland. So OK Tate, So you grow up in a good home, good
01:37 Christian home, good Adventist home if you will. Graduate from
01:41 Tacoma. Take us through what happened after you graduated TA.
01:45 OK, I want to say this first of all. Even though I went to
01:50 Christian schools and everything you know I just really wasn't
01:54 really spiritually minded. I mean I was one that you know
01:56 I went through the motions of going to the Bible classes and
02:05 just basically had like a form of godliness, just kind of going
02:10 through the motions. But I really wasn't into it like that.
02:16 The whole Jesus thing, that just wasn't me.
02:18 OK, so then you go through the motions of academy life, good
02:23 Adventist upbringing, you graduated TA. So tell us what
02:28 happened after that.
02:30 Well actually it was before I graduated that I actually
02:34 started getting into drinking alcohol with some friends. We
02:39 would just hang out, get drunk, get high. It wasn't too long
02:43 after that I actually got a motorcycle because of the fact
02:48 that I was getting in so much trouble with my car. My car kept
02:52 breaking down. I started asking myself, why is this all
02:55 happening to me? I saw my friends, everything was going
02:59 nice, had nice clean cars. Me, I was just kind of struggling
03:04 and I was asking God why is this stuff happening to me. Just was
03:12 asking myself, am I cursed or something. So because I couldn't
03:17 keep a car going and it kept breaking down on me eventually
03:23 I started riding a bicycle to work. Those were some really low
03:29 moments in my life.
03:31 They were low moments because you were riding a bicycle or
03:32 because people looked at you and said that's Tate on a bicycle.
03:35 Yeah. I mean, that's probably it. I mean, I see my friends
03:40 driving by me, I'm here riding a bicycle to work. Then eventually
03:47 I got a motorcycle. Kind of the way I would get enjoyment would
03:54 be getting drunk, getting high, and riding a motorcycle through
03:59 D.C. and Maryland area, going to clubs and going to a friend's
04:03 house. It was just kind of a dangerous lifestyle and I was
04:06 just really confused about life and discouraged by life.
04:11 OK, so why didn't you go off, like most kids do that go
04:15 through the motions even and go through the academy life. Why
04:19 didn't you go off to one of the Adventist colleges, Adventist
04:23 institutions? Well it was because of financial
04:27 reasons. So I was going to have to work. I went to some
04:31 community colleges while I was working. But it's always a lot
04:36 harder to do it that way and that was the reason why I didn't
04:41 do that. OK, Ok, so now you're just in
04:42 and around D.C., partying, drinking, smoking. From about
04:51 18 to, how old are you now?
04:54 Right now 34. So from 18 to about...
04:57 Walk us through from about 18 to about 25.
04:59 What's Tate's life looking like?
05:03 Well I moved out in my own apartment it was when, I
05:07 believe about 20. And things were kind of getting worse.
05:11 But that was like the peak of it because once I had my own place
05:15 I started inviting friends over. You know it was just getting out
05:18 of hand. People are there you don't even know. You wake up in
05:22 the morning; you're walking over people that are passed out,
05:25 people with hangovers, people vomiting in your bathroom and
05:30 it was just getting out of hand. What happened was we were
05:35 having a party one night and it was around this time when things
05:38 were just really getting out of hand and we just started all
05:41 types of people coming.
05:42 I mean, it was one thing just getting drunk a couple times a
05:45 week but it was becoming almost an everyday thing. There was
05:49 one night when there were some friends over and my next door
05:53 neighbors who I had somewhat befriended they actually got
05:56 into it and he killed my room mate's friend. He actually ended
06:01 up stabbing him in front of my apartment.
06:04 So you have some friends over, you guys are partying, it was
06:09 late into the night, whatever. For some reason someone who was
06:13 attending a party at your house gets into an altercation with a
06:17 neighbor? Yeah. And my neighbor actually
06:21 ended up pulling a knife on him, stabbing him in the chest. And
06:24 we thought he was going to go to the hospital and everyone would
06:27 be OK but it didn't turn out like that. He actually passed.
06:32 What, how old were you when this happened?
06:34 I was about 21 I believe.
06:35 What were you thinking? What was going on in Tate's mind? Now
06:39 Tate, Adventist upbringing. Now even though you weren't doing
06:42 the Jesus thing and you were kind of just going through the
06:44 motions, what are you thinking as you're rushing a friend to
06:48 the hospital with the stab wound to his chest who passes
06:50 that night? What are you thinking? What's going through
06:53 your head? I mean, I don't know what's
06:55 going to happen next. I mean, I just couldn't believe this was
07:00 happening and it happened right in front of my house. I was just
07:05 kind of overwhelmed with the whole situation. I wasn't sure
07:08 should we tell, should we act like we don't know. Because that
07:10 was the first thing that we did was act like we didn't know
07:14 because the first reaction was I don't want to be involved.
07:18 But we ended up telling and that's why I...
07:23 Wait, wait, wait, pause right there. So you ended up telling
07:28 the authorities that you're neighbor had stabbed your
07:33 friend. So what reaction did your neighbor have to you
07:38 telling that he stabbed somebody?
07:39 Well he was on the run now because they're after him. But
07:43 I'll say my reaction is OK you know I just told on this guy, I
07:48 shot his gun before and he's now probably going to come after me.
07:52 He's my next door neighbor and I was still staying at my
07:55 apartment for a few nights and I know he was still at large.
07:59 So that was probably some of the most scariest moments in my life
08:03 was just the fact my next door neighbor, I just told on him for
08:07 killing somebody. And he's probably after me. He probably
08:09 that we told. And I was kind of nervous and
08:12 I actually did talk to God, I had some conversations with God
08:15 I was like if you get me out of this one, I'm going to serve you
08:18 That didn't happen though.
08:20 OK, OK, so tell us what happened Since that didn't happen, what
08:23 happened? Well I had just started a
08:27 relationship just a few months before that occurrence and it
08:31 started getting more serious over the phone, long distance
08:35 relationship. I knew someone in Indiana. I lived with my parents
08:38 because we actually both left the apartment and we actually
08:42 both me and my roommate moved back into our parents' homes.
08:45 Both of us were Adventist, raised in the Adventist church
08:49 and stuff, but just not doing the right thing. So ended up
08:54 moving to Indiana. Actually I didn't move with her immediately
08:59 but I was out here pretty much by myself. Her father actually
09:03 helped me kind of get back on my feet once I came out here.
09:08 Because I just left with nothing pretty much, just four boxes of
09:10 of stuff and came out to Indianapolis and started over
09:15 like a new life. But I pretty much met the same type of
09:20 people. I started working at a job and basically met the same
09:26 type of people. Started drinking and smoking and stuff with
09:31 people I didn't know so well but they were still almost the
09:34 same type of people that I was hanging out with before.
09:39 So, you leave Maryland because you don't want to face the
09:44 potential consequences of this life style which has erupted
09:49 into a murder that you are a witness to with the assailant
09:54 still at large possibly with a vendetta against you. So you're
09:58 like hey I'm getting out of here I'm going to Indiana where
10:02 there's this young lady that her and I have been having a
10:06 friendship. That was the first serious
10:09 relationship and I could kind of see in the future that this
10:12 would be a serious relationship. I hadn't had any real serious
10:16 relationships, just short relations. So it was a
10:20 combination of those two things that brought me out to Indiana,
10:23 but when I started working at this job I actually met a young
10:29 brother that was kind of coming out of the world himself and he
10:32 encouraged me. For the first time I met someone around my age
10:36 level that actually was into God.
10:39 OK. So how do you run into him while still hanging with the
10:43 same kinds of people that you were hanging with in your life
10:47 in Maryland? Where do those paths intersect?
10:51 Well, I'll say this that though I was hanging out... I mean you
10:55 know how it is. You have this friend and hang out with them
10:58 during the day. You do that and you have this type of friend.
11:02 He kind of was into more positive things and that's how
11:04 he was. He wasn't all the way out of the world yet. He had
11:07 started coming out, but he was the first one to actually talk
11:11 about God that I could relate to. He actually went to a non
11:15 denominational church and he actually invited me to his
11:18 church and I actually started going there for several months.
11:25 Now previous to that I had been kind of expressing some of my
11:29 problems in my relationship and just different problems I had in
11:34 life through visual arts. I was very much into graphic design
11:40 and I kind of like hip hop urban graffiti art and I
11:45 would express my views on life and just the problems of society
11:50 through visual arts.
11:52 OK so you meet this guy who's a little bit more on the
11:55 positive side than the other guys. You start attending his
12:01 church. Now how did you reconcile that with your
12:06 Adventist upbringing? Now you're going to a non-denominational
12:10 church, obviously on a different day from what you've learned
12:14 growing up. How are you reconciling these two that OK
12:19 I'm no longer practicing, or if you were, I don't know, I'm not
12:23 practicing Adventism as I was taught it, as I was brought up
12:26 under, and now going to this non-denominational church. How
12:30 are you reconciling this?
12:32 Yeah, that's what came up eventually, but at first I'm
12:35 just like you know this is the first time I'm really seeking
12:38 God. Going back to what I as doing with my art, as I was
12:43 illustrating on paper some of the problems I as having,
12:47 looking for an answer, solutions to life's problems and for the
12:52 first time as I met him I started to realize that God is
12:54 the actual solution to relationship problems, to drug
12:57 addiction, to materialism and just all the things that people
13:00 are going after. I started to realize that God is solution.
13:04 He's the answer. He's the source of peace and happiness and I'm
13:08 not even thinking about what denomination, I'm just thinking
13:12 about this is amazing. I'm actually into reading the Bible
13:16 and for the first time I'm actually reading the Bible, not
13:20 because someone tells me because it feels like where I'm supposed
13:22 to do, but I'm actually reading it to find understanding,
13:26 reading it to find solutions to what I'm going through.
13:30 OK, OK, so you so that for several months. Do you start
13:34 distancing yourself from those other friends?
13:38 Yeah, slowly distancing and just not feeling some of the things
13:41 they're into. Encouraging them to kind of see life a different
13:44 way. I wasn't one to just cut them off entirely but just kind
13:47 of talking like I'm just not into that anymore. Why do you
13:52 want to get drunk, man. It just confuses your mind, makes it
13:56 harder for you to better your life.
13:59 So as you're going to church for these several months, you get
14:03 off the alcohol, you get off the drugs. You're saying I don't
14:07 want any more of that. I'm dry. The Bible says dry nigh to God
14:11 and he will draw near to you. So you're drawing nigh to God, God
14:15 is drawing nearer to you and those things that you once were
14:19 into, they just don't hold sway over you anymore. So then you
14:22 begin to distance yourself from your friends, you're becoming
14:28 more, allow me to say, spiritual When do you start to back track
14:33 to the things that you learned from a child?
14:35 Well it was my grandmother. See she was one that always during
14:39 the whole time, in my childhood, always gave me little books.
14:43 She lived far away from us in another state and she would
14:47 always send little books and tracts and stuff and most of
14:49 the time I didn't read it. Because one time she sent me one
14:52 that had money inside the pages for my birthday and I was oh man
14:59 I don't want this. Then later on I can't believe I actually
15:01 looked through it, but I looked through it several weeks later
15:05 and found it was $20 through the book. But my grandma, she was
15:11 one that always tried to plant a seed in me and my parents as well,
15:14 but she sent me this tract that was called Let's Talk About the
15:23 Sabbath, and that tract was just amazing to me at that point
15:25 in time. If I had read it previous to that I probably
15:27 wouldn't have cared about it. But this tract just asked
15:29 questions and then it answered the question with a scripture.
15:34 And it was just showing the importance of if you're going to
15:37 keep some of the commandments that doesn't make any sense.
15:42 It's either all or none. Now I was interested in the Bible and
15:47 I started reading that. As I read through that tract, I was
15:51 convicted. Immediately almost after I read that tract to
15:54 actually take a stand for the Sabbath. So I went to this
15:58 pastor of this nondenominational church and I started asking some
16:03 questions. How come you don't keep the seventh day Sabbath?
16:05 according to the fourth commandment, Exodus 20 verses
16:07 8-11 and he was like, does it really matter. That was the type
16:12 of response that he gave me. According to the Bible, I mean,
16:15 the commandment's written on stone and you know the Bible
16:19 says that Christ did not come to destroy the law or the prophets
16:22 and he says that not one dot or one tittle will be taken away
16:26 from the law. So according to the word it wasn't about what I
16:29 felt or what I thought or what he felt or what anybody thinks
16:32 it's about what does the Bible say. So I was convicted on it
16:36 and even though seeing that he didn't take any action on it I
16:40 was like well I don't know how much I can feel his preaching
16:43 anymore. I mean, it was like his sermons were powerful before
16:46 that but afterwards I just wasn't feeling it so much
16:50 because of the fact that I knew there was a commandment, there
16:54 was a teaching that I knew was biblical that he didn't seem
16:57 like it was important to him.
16:58 OK so let's paint the picture: Good kid, Adventist upbringing,
17:03 Christian education whole life, goes to TA and graduates TA.
17:08 Gets into some things while he's there, begins to live a
17:13 party lifestyle, doesn't go to jail, never been incarcerated,
17:19 no drug bust, none of those things. But this brush, if you
17:24 will with the law by way of your neighbor killing a friend of
17:30 yours starts the process of waking you up. A relationship
17:35 that's on the horizon, these two things joined together cause
17:40 you to relocate. You get out to Indiana, Indianapolis, you find
17:45 yourself in the same rut. God begins to reveal himself to you
17:49 through your visual arts and this friend who's going to a
17:53 non-denominational church. Grandma who's always on you
17:58 sends you a tract and the tract is about the Sabbath, a Sabbath
18:01 that you've grown up going to church on, a Sabbath that you
18:05 probably heard about in Bible class, a Sabbath that you heard
18:09 mom and dad talk about. She sends you this tract, you read
18:12 it, boom, you're convicted. You go to the pastor. Hey man what's
18:17 going on. With this new zeal and this new fervor, hey want's
18:21 going on? He says hey you know it doesn't matter. You're
18:25 thinking hey it does matter because this is what the
18:29 commandments say. You can't feel his preaching anymore. Up to
18:32 that point something about that church service and that time of
18:35 your life has you delving deeper into the Bible. You're finally
18:38 getting to a deeper relationship with Christ. But after you
18:42 realize this guy is not preaching the biblical Sabbath
18:45 you don't want anything to do with this. So where do you go?
18:47 What do you do?
18:49 Well there was an Adventist Church, a Seventh-day Adventist
18:52 church that was actually almost walking distance from my
18:56 apartment. In actually my mind I say OK I'm going start
19:00 attending both churches. But that really didn't last very
19:03 long because like I said his preaching wasn't that powerful
19:07 anymore because of the fact that he overlooked that
19:09 commandment. So I started going to this Sabbath-keeping church,
19:13 it was a Seventh-day Adventist church and around that time I
19:18 believe I was living with my girlfriend and the Lord started
19:22 to convict my conscious. Because I would tell my friend that
19:26 invited me to his non denominational church that you
19:29 don't keep the Sabbath. Well he would tell me well you need to
19:32 stop fornicating. I was like wait a minute. There was a two
19:36 edged sword. So I started feeling kind of guilty for that
19:39 for the first time and I started studying up on that and I made
19:43 a decision. I was like this is the last time. So she moved out
19:47 and I was just living by myself. Eventually I got baptized, fully
19:51 committed my life to Christ in the year 2000.
19:53 So what have you
19:55 been doing since the year 2000. Well, since the year 2000 I've
20:00 just kind of grown in my understanding and knowledge of
20:04 Christ. I was influenced by different pastors like Pastor
20:08 Doug Batchelor and some other pastors. To start it off, I
20:12 really admired how Doug Batchelor could quote the
20:15 scriptures and I started memorizing texts; while I was
20:17 working I was kind of memorizing texts. I didn't know why I was
20:20 doing it. I just wanted to have the ammunition to whenever
20:25 somebody asked me about my faith I would know where to take them.
20:28 So I was like memorizing texts and just drawing closer to God,
20:32 trying to stay away from women and keep my focus on Christ. And
20:36 eventually it was 2001, September 11, that the World
20:45 Trade Center. I mean that just changed my entire world. I mean
20:48 because I'm here trying to get closer to God and all of a
20:54 sudden this crisis happens such as I've never experienced since
20:58 I've been on this planet in this country and when that terrorist
21:02 attack happened I mean I'm like man the end is coming in a
21:06 matter of weeks and months. I actually started praying to God.
21:09 Like Lord just let me know when you want me to quit this job.
21:12 I was working a full time job, I was getting paid pretty well.
21:15 And I asked God, Lord whenever you want me to quit this job
21:18 I don't care. I'm just going to go out there on the street and
21:22 talk to everybody I know about Jesus. Well I was always doing
21:24 that after work. You know, I would spend a few moments going
21:28 out handing out some National Sunday Laws, Steps to Christ.
21:32 Just trying to spread the knowledge that I was getting
21:34 But it was around 2005 when they were really hitting us with
21:39 over time and interfering with ... I started preaching actually
21:44 in 2001. Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. In 2000 you get convicted, get
21:48 baptized, 2001 you start preaching.
21:51 Yeah, it was at a
21:52 little house church. When I was going to that church a lady
21:57 asked me to speak; first time I ever preached. I didn't sleep
22:03 very well that night, the night before I spoke but it turned out
22:08 pretty well. So I started preaching and preaching
22:12 occasions there and then I was invited like at this other
22:14 church just to speak occasionally as well.
22:16 It was a couple years after that I started getting involved in
22:20 prison ministry in Indianapolis as well.
22:23 OK so what causes you to want to go into prison ministry?
22:30 Why not go to Southern? Why not go to PUC? Why not go to Union?
22:35 Why not go to CUC? Why not go to school and become a pastor? Why
22:39 go into the prison?
22:41 Well I just had a burden for people that were really at their
22:46 lowest point. And really it's the same way now.
22:49 When you look at the ministry of
22:52 Christ. He sought to seek to save that which was lost, part
23:01 of Luke 19:10. He would minister to those that were at their
23:06 lowest point. I mean, really anybody. But if you focus on
23:11 those that were really going through hard time, had sickness,
23:16 disease demon possession. That was just something
23:19 that I just had a
23:26 burden on my heart for was for outreach to the people that are
23:31 behind bars. But also just people on the street, I mean,
23:32 that look like they're going through some things you know
23:34 depressed and just confused, like how I was. I was very
23:39 confused. I didn't really go into that too much but my party
23:44 life was 18 to like 22. There were some high moments but
23:47 most of it were low moments, whenever I
23:49 was not drunk I was very depressed at times and just
23:54 kind of confused about what life was all about. I really didn't
23:56 have much of a purpose.
23:58 And so now you found a purpose?
23:59 Yeah I definitely found a purpose. Around 2005 I was
24:03 saying earlier how the job was going mandatory overtime and
24:08 I had a burden to do more for Christ and it was interfering
24:15 the ministry that I was doing and I just made a decision.
24:18 I went full time in ministry and I quit my job not intending
24:23 to go full time ministry but someone suggested why don't you
24:28 try colporteur work? And I was like what's that? So he told me
24:31 about Colporteur Ministry. I started reading this book and
24:34 after I did that I was convicted on it and I went out there in
24:37 self-supporting colporteur work. This was right before because
24:41 I actually got married in 2003. I have two beautiful little
24:45 girls and my wife. I'm very much in love with her as well. God
24:48 has blessed me. But right around that time I found out she was
24:51 pregnant. Once I go full time in ministry and start the
24:59 colporteur work, found out my wife's pregnant that's when you
25:02 need that green stuff after that Yeah, I don't even know if I
25:05 would have done it, I don't know if I would have had the faith to
25:10 so it if it happened after that. That's when I found out she's
25:14 pregnant. Yeah, I'm out there, self-supporting colporteur work
25:18 started out going, just knocking on doors but I realized I was
25:21 more effective going into the parking lots, Walmart parking
25:25 lot, an area where there's a lot of people. On a nice day just
25:29 approaching people.
25:30 Let me interrupt because I get the story, I get it. There was a
25:36 reformation, there was a revival and now you realize that God had
25:41 ...I'm sure you realize God has always had a call on your life
25:45 and you were just running away to some degree from that call.
25:49 What I need you to do right now is over my shoulder there's a
25:53 camera and what I want you to do, I want you to talk to a
25:58 specific person the young person that's going through Adventist
26:02 schooling who's getting into stuff they know they have no
26:05 business getting into who has a call on their life. I want you
26:08 take the next minute, Tate, look in this camera directly over my
26:12 shoulder and talk to Tate, going through TA, God has a call on
26:15 your life. You don't realize it. You're disenchanted with the
26:18 church, it's all you've ever known, but there's a calling on
26:21 your life. Talk about that.
26:23 OK. Well the Bible tells us to be hot or cold, not lukewarm.
26:28 There's a lot of enticing things out here. You may be one that
26:33 you've been raised to believe the Adventist message, that this
26:37 is the truth, but maybe you're not all the way into it kind of
26:42 like how I was. But if you commit your life fully to Christ
26:46 that you'll find true joy and true happiness. It's when you
26:50 stay in between that confusion comes in. That's not what
26:54 is that its actually be better to be cold than actually remain
26:58 in a lukewarm condition. So I encourage someone who's in the
27:02 the Adventist schools or any Christian schools that because
27:06 you've been raised to do things and you haven't really
27:11 experimented with the world think that there's something out
27:13 there that's holding you back from making a full commitment to
27:16 Christ I encourage you to make a full commitment to Christ today.
27:19 Because he's the solution to all of our problems whether it be
27:23 financial problems, depression, health problems, and ultimately
27:26 the sin problem. You may not have any of those problems but
27:29 the sin problem is what we all have and if you want eternal
27:33 life I encourage you to commit your life to Christ. But also I
27:37 just want to encourage you too that don't procrastinate. Things
27:40 are wrapping up. We've got wars and rumors of wars, they got
27:44 tensions in the Middle East and all types of crazy things are
27:47 happening, natural disasters. You know this world is coming to
27:50 an end and now is the time to seek Jesus.
27:52 Amen. We see on today's show that even though you're a born
27:57 and bred Adventist, God can still come into your life and
28:02 take you on a New Journey. Dare to dream. God bless you.


Revised 2017-08-29