New Journey, The

Set The Captives Free

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Marquis Johns (Host), Jeffrey Cobb


Series Code: TNJ

Program Code: TNJ000020

00:09 Welcome to The New Journey, a program about real live people
00:13 with real life testimonies doing real life ministry for Jesus
00:16 Christ. I'm your host, Pastor Marquis Johns. Join us on The
00:20 New Journey. ¤ ¤
00:52 Jesus tells us that he came to set the captives free and on
00:57 today's program we have just such a captive who is now free.
01:03 Jeffrey, how are you doing today?
01:04 I'm doing wonderful.
01:06 Fantastic, Fantastic. Why don't you go ahead and tell us your
01:08 name and tell us where you're from.
01:09 My name is Jeffrey Cobb. I live now in Gainesville, Florida, but
01:13 originally I'm from Miami, Florida.
01:15 OK that's all right with me. So now I need you to take us and
01:19 walk us through Jeffrey Cobb, Gainesville, Florida to the life
01:24 that you eventually led and have been liberated from. Just walk
01:29 us through the early phases and stages of that experience.
01:33 When I was about 15 years old I was in the church, living for
01:37 Christ and what happened, my older brother, he got involved
01:41 with drugs; selling drugs, running with the women. So I
01:45 wanted to get involved with that. So sooner or later he
01:49 introduced me the drug game. After that there, the enemy just
01:55 took me deeper and deeper into the drug game where I was with
02:01 organizations. I also robbed, kidnapped, shoot outs, down with
02:07 crooked judges, lawyer and police officers for 20 years
02:10 of my life. So you were in the drug game now
02:11 I have a little background in the drug game myself but help
02:16 us understand the extent that you were in the drug game.
02:20 I mean there are guys nowadays, now lets just keep it real, just
02:23 me and you talking. There are guys in the drug game now that
02:25 say they were in the drug game because they stood on the corner
02:28 and chopped down a quarter piece or something like that. When I
02:31 quarter I mean just a small portion of cocaine. Tell us the
02:34 extent that you were in the drug game.
02:36 I in to the extent our widow organization, we were really
02:41 making over $70,000 a night.
02:43 My lord, my lord, my lord. So $70,000 a night. Now you said
02:48 drug game which people think the requisite is kidnapping and
02:52 shoot outs. Tell us how much of that were you involved in?
02:55 Now again, you and I talked just briefly before the show. We want
02:59 to get deep today. We want to get deep so that our audience
03:01 and our viewers understand the extent that someone can have
03:04 been in something but then can be delivered from it. Go ahead.
03:07 All my friends that I used to hang with in my Miami days
03:12 are dead except one and he has life in prison. When he went to
03:17 court the judge gave him life because he said he thought he
03:22 had license to kill people. So when the other one just got
03:27 buried three weeks ago in Miami, they found him in the lake in
03:32 his car with a bullet in the back of his head. That's the
03:35 type of people, these were my close friends, that I hung out
03:38 with every day in my life.
03:41 OK so were you ever up close and personal with not just a drug
03:44 gang but some of the other things, the other things that
03:48 you're telling us, the shoot outs, the kidnappings, whatever,
03:51 up close and personal on that stuff?
03:53 Oh yes, yes. I was in the middle of it. You know that was my life
03:57 As a matter of fact, when we did drug houses, I was the one
04:01 that would go in and establish these houses in different parts
04:04 of Miami. Oh wow, oh wow. We have this
04:09 young man, Gainesville, Florida, 15 years old, his brother gets
04:12 into the drug gang. He decides of course, like most of do, to
04:16 follow our big brother's foot steps. So here we are following
04:19 our big brother's footsteps. We find ourself in a life of drugs
04:23 crime, kidnappings, shoot outs. What was this doing to you
04:25 internally and personally. I mean at 15 years of age
04:28 you get into this type of life style. I mean, are you just
04:34 enjoying the ride or is there some
04:36 inner turmoil that's taking place?
04:37 Oh it was just you know, I believe in what you do be the
04:41 best at it. So I wanted to be the best. I wanted to be known
04:47 for that. So I can imagine, because I
04:51 remember growing up and getting into selling drugs and stuff.
04:55 And one of the reasons why I started selling drugs was
04:57 because my mother, who was on drugs, was constantly getting us
05:01 into debt. No lights, no ability to wash our clothes or anything
05:06 like that. So when the big homies put something in my hand
05:09 it wasn't for me to get cute and fly, it was to make sure that my
05:13 little brothers had something to eat. So now that did bring with
05:17 it a level of notoriety, if you will, because now I got on the
05:21 nice little, back when we wore Nike Cortez and khaki suits.
05:24 So now we got on the nice Nike Cortez, we've got on the Khaki
05:27 suits and the girls at the junior high school and the high
05:30 school were looking at us. Was there a certain amount of
05:33 notoriety that came, because you said you wanted to be the best
05:36 at it. So was you name just ringing throughout the city for
05:38 what you were doing and what you were known to be a part of?
05:43 Yes, the whole south end of Miami, like from about Universal
05:46 Miami all the way back down south. You know, we were known
05:51 where if anybody needed any drugs. I mean I have sold to
05:56 professional football players and all that stuff. We got high
05:59 together. Again, and I want to go deep
06:04 with you here, tell us, walk us through again, not just OK if
06:08 they wanted to get drugs, they knew this, they knew that, tell
06:11 us what was the word on the street about Jeffrey Cobb? I'm
06:14 sure that's not what they called your name.
06:16 No you never used your real name. So tell us what did
06:20 someone know about a Jeffrey Cobb, like at that stage and
06:24 how long did this take place, from 15 to what age?
06:27 To 35. So from 15 to 35 when the name,
06:31 or the name associated with, Jeffrey Cobb came up what was
06:35 the conversation like? What would people say?
06:38 It was the conversation was hey any kind of drugs you need you
06:43 can go to him and get it but he was dealing with his two best
06:47 friends who were two of the most dangerous guys in Miami.
06:51 So you knew, and everyone knew that if they ran across Jeffrey
06:55 Cobb that they could get any type of drug they wanted, but
06:59 also be careful because if it went there it could go bad.
07:04 It's the consequences. I remember an incident
07:07 of one of my friends, the one that got life in prison, me and
07:11 a guy got in an argument and I just left it alone and went on.
07:15 And then my guys called and said hey man you're partner done draw
07:18 the gun and finished shooting this guy and he didn't have
07:21 nothing to do with it. He just heard me and this guy got into
07:25 it. That's the way we were believed in one thing in Miami,
07:28 when you say you've got a person's back they mean they
07:32 have a person's back.
07:34 So now we're selling drugs and there's an age-old adage or
07:38 warning, don't get high off your own supply. Did you find
07:42 yourself dabbling in any of the drugs that you were now moving?
07:45 Yes, I became my best customer.
07:47 Tell us about that.
07:48 Most of the average people, two things happen to you. You
07:53 get killed or you become your own customer, best own customer
07:58 and I started dibbing and dabbing with the girls. But
08:03 what happened was my brother, the one that I looked up to as
08:07 my god, he got killed on a motorcycle. So enough of that.
08:10 I saw him. He was coming back to me. He got killed on a
08:14 motorcycle. So right then that was my god, that was everything.
08:18 And after that I started using my own products.
08:21 So now wait a minute. When you say that he got killed, did
08:23 someone kill him or did he have a motorcycle accident?
08:25 A motorcycle accident.
08:27 OK, did you start with marijuana or did you go straight into...
08:31 because they say that marijuana is a gateway drug, OK. So did
08:35 you start with marijuana and then move into doing cocaine
08:38 doing a little powder or then crack. I mean, was it a gradual
08:41 progression or after that happened you jumped right into
08:45 crack cocaine or snorting?
08:47 No, it was a gradual situation where I wasn't getting high at
08:52 the time. Matter of fact, I was in high school and I was the top
08:56 running back in football in Miami. After that I took the
09:00 drug game and after that I started doing the marijuana and
09:06 then after that because that was my all. So then I went to the
09:12 powder cocaine, then I went to the crack.
09:14 So now that we're using the crack cocaine... One thing I
09:19 noted growing up in L.A. you know you have a bunch of guys
09:24 that are from a certain hood, I hung around my uncle who was
09:28 one of the Crypts and I was an east coast Crip. Now my uncle
09:32 was from the Over Crypts. They had stripes. I'm talking hard
09:36 core stripes, well known for putting hands on you, well known
09:40 for shooting the cat down, but then when the crack hit the
09:43 streets and they became crack heads, the guys that used to
09:47 look up to them now saw them as weak and enfeebled and preyed
09:51 on them. Did any of that happen with you where the guys who were
09:54 once feared you, now they see that Jeff is now using his own
09:58 stuff and he's out there as a dope fiend. Did anybody say you
10:01 know what we can take him now. Did you have guys lose the
10:05 respect they one had? Did that aura get dimmed, that invincible
10:09 aura, was it dimmed at all?
10:11 Absolutely. Once I got to that state they was like OK. Because
10:16 once you start getting high on your drugs, you lose all respect
10:21 You know you're not sharp as you used to be. And you're getting
10:27 older and you've got the younger cats coming and they
10:31 want that spot. They want to be known because we hold that down
10:35 for a long time, a long time.
10:37 Again, and I like to paint a picture. So we have this young
10:42 man, Gainesville, Florida, his brother gets into the drug game,
10:46 15 years old, even though he's well on his way to being one of
10:50 the top running backs in the area, he gets into the drug
10:53 game. There's an air of invincibility that accompanies
10:57 him and his crew that he's running with. He's dabbling in
11:01 the drug game, selling a number of different drugs and
11:04 eventually succumbs to an addiction himself. That air of
11:09 invincibility is now tainted. How did you keep up with your
11:14 addiction and your habit if now you're not the top dog anymore?
11:19 What happened, you know, the enemy opened up after that it
11:25 was the older guy that kind of took me under his wings and
11:29 I'm talking about he was in an organization like I said before
11:34 with police officers. We used to go to clubs and get high.
11:38 So once he opened the door I was like OK. Because these that boat
11:45 loads. They don't want that bringing in. So right then it
11:49 was like OK I aren't got to pay for nothing. You know it's free.
11:53 I want to go back to something. I hadn't just skipped over this
11:57 on purpose. I wanted to come back to this. So you're telling
12:00 me you're in an organization where you're getting drugs from
12:04 police officers. It was rumored around my way. I went to a
12:07 school called Hyde Park Elementary, well known hangout
12:11 spot for the Rollin 60s and Crypts. My cousin was a Rollin
12:14 60 Crip. He's now resting in peace, he's now dead. In the
12:18 height of the 80s, I'm an 80s baby myself, well born and lived
12:22 through the 80s, in the height of the 80s it was said that some
12:26 of the drug dealers around the area could have, if necessary,
12:30 gotten a fighter plane for someone. This is how well
12:34 connected they were through the government who were bringing
12:37 these, like you said, boatloads of cocaine into the states.
12:40 So you're telling me you were rubbing shoulders with some of
12:43 these very same guys.
12:44 Same guys. Same guys. Like you say 1980, if you look back
12:50 that's whenever the drugs were coming in so plenty into Miami
12:56 and it was taken to Atlanta. And they had others who in Atlanta
13:02 were saying we want the guys from Miami out of Atlanta
13:05 because of the killing, the murder rate, all that went up.
13:09 And so whenever anybody needed those articles, whether through
13:13 one, two, three, or four degrees of separation are related to a
13:17 Jeffrey Cobb. Yes, yes.
13:19 OK. So now the drug game, the killing, the kidnapping
13:25 eventually leads to one place. We always say this, there are no
13:29 retired drug dealers. Right. You end up one place dead or in
13:33 jail. You're alive, so I'm assuming that you're passage
13:36 here led through jail. Tell us about that.
13:38 Yes, it was one thing when I was out there when I came into my
13:42 addiction, I knew there was a better life but I couldn't put
13:46 my hands on it. I couldn't put my hand on it and then you know
13:50 as I kept going and what happened on my last episode, I
13:57 sold to undercover. But what I did, I robbed undercover. I sold
14:01 him the dope and took the dope and the money. So I was on the
14:05 run and what happened there, I had a daughter that was 10 years
14:10 and she walked up to me. I just give her money, hey Babe. She was
14:15 like Daddy you going to always leave me, keep leaving me. Then
14:20 right then something hit me that said, I'm supposed to be telling
14:24 her but like she's got more sense than me. Then right then
14:28 registered to me and what I did, I went and turned myself in to
14:33 the police department.
14:35 Wow, turn yourself in is a big thing. I remember having a
14:39 little case hanging over my head they said you got to turn
14:44 yourself in. I waited as long as I could. So did you do one
14:49 prison stint or multiple. Tell us about that.
14:53 All right. They have seven detention centers in Miami.
14:58 I did time in six of six months or better and I have been to
15:01 prison four times.
15:03 OK, so now you've been to prison four times. What was the longest
15:05 time that you were in there? Five years.
15:07 Five year. So was this during, after or before the drug
15:13 addiction? It was in the middle.
15:17 So did you ever do any time while you were at the height of
15:20 your trafficking? No because when you're with this
15:25 type of organization, you know, police officers, they let you
15:28 know what's happening, what time of day, you know it is.
15:32 As a matter of fact, most of the officers that were in the
15:35 organization, they got busted and went to prison. They turned
15:39 into users too. Wow, wow. In California when you
15:44 go to jail, there's an understanding, if you will, that
15:50 Bloods and Crypts and in Southern California there's what we call
15:53 the South Siders. Then the South Siders, when you're going to
15:56 jail, you have an understanding that the blacks, until you get
15:59 to state where's there a BGF, Black Family and all of that
16:02 when you're in county, man, there's the Bloods, there's the
16:05 Crypts, there's the South Siders, there's the Poisons, there's the
16:10 White Boys and each person they kind of click with one another.
16:14 So when we get in jail Bloods and Crypts know we're out
16:17 numbered by the Hispanics about four or five to one. So we click
16:21 up. Irrespective of if I didn't like you on the street, you may
16:24 have been a Blood on the street, I'm a Crip on the street, when
16:27 we get to the county, boy, we got to click up because we know
16:30 we're outnumbered by the Hispanics. Now I don't know in
16:33 your day if the Bloods and Crypts had spread to Miami, but was
16:36 there a similar feel in jail?
16:38 Right, it was similar because there were certain cells that
16:43 the officers wouldn't put you in. They'd say no don't put him
16:48 in there because they have certain floors that certain guys
16:52 were in. You know when I went in there it was a cell called B4
16:57 That was all the big drug dealers. So I went right in
17:02 there. When I went in there and one of the guys that was real up
17:08 there, he was like hey man, I always wanted to hire you but
17:12 you was too crazy man. You was too loose, man you didn't fear
17:16 nothing. So I went in that cell with them.
17:19 OK because what I'm alluding to and what I'm trying to draw out
17:23 of you here is how was it surviving having been at the top
17:28 falling from the top in prison. Sometimes when you go in prison
17:31 the cats knew you on the streets for certain things, you got a
17:34 target on you. Other times, because you did click with the
17:37 right people you have a protection around you.
17:40 In your four or five different prison stents, which did you
17:44 experience more of, the target on your back or the protection.
17:49 This really wasn't protection, because you got to understand,
17:53 I don't care where you go all over the world, if you say
17:57 you're from Miami, you all automatic bond. So most of the
18:02 prison system in Florida was from Miami. So wherever you went
18:06 you know it was like hey there was a lot who knew me. When I
18:10 got there it was like hey man you all right? You now this and
18:13 that. It was the protection.
18:16 OK so here's who you are, Jeffrey Cobb, Gainesville,
18:21 Florida, selling drugs in Miami, drug game, following your
18:25 brother, selling drugs, killing, murder, kidnap, I mean just the
18:29 whole gamut, in and out of
18:30 jail. You get high on your own supply, develop an addiction.
18:34 It clicks in your head one day when your 10-year-old daughter
18:37 is like man are you going to always leave me. So that's where
18:41 you've been. How did you get here? I see it on you, I see it
18:45 on you, but there is still a calm, a peace about you, that
18:49 I'm sure you didn't have then. How did you get here? When did
18:52 Christ intervene in your life?
18:54 It was only Christ because you know when I made up my mind that
18:59 was it, when my daughter spoke that, I went to God just like I
19:03 approached somebody that owed me for my drugs. I said Lord I want
19:08 to know the truth and nothing but the truth. At that time, I
19:12 went into court and the judge said he didn't even want to see
19:17 my face for another year. They were saying what are you facing?
19:23 I said 30 to life and I was like whoa. I said Lord I'm done. I
19:30 want to know you just to be straight up, I talked to the
19:33 Lord. I want to be straight up. I want to know you. I said, you
19:36 get me out of this one, I will serve you for the rest of my
19:40 life. Listen, now what are you doing?
19:43 How long ago was that?
19:46 That was 15 years ago.
19:48 Fifteen years ago. So what you been doing for 15 years.?
19:52 After 15 years, man, God has called me to do a ministry,
19:55 Shelter From the Storm. Housing men and women released from jail
20:00 and prison. So is that a half-way house?
20:04 A transition house. A transition house. So tell us
20:07 about a transition house. What does that mean?
20:11 In a transition house, you have men and women that were in
20:15 prison. A lot of them accept the message and when they get out
20:19 they don't want to go back to their old environment. Because
20:23 if I would have went back to Miami, I wouldn't have
20:25 been here talking to you. So what that do allow them to come
20:29 somewhere where they can strengthen their relationship
20:33 with Christ. And also with someone as myself and others
20:37 have been through what they've been through and as we go into
20:41 the prison and preach, once they get out we receive them and
20:44 help them walk through this new life style.
20:47 So not only are you housing them but you're also going back into
20:51 the prisons and ministering. Amen. So what is the response?
20:56 Have you run into someone who knew you then who sees you now.
21:02 Oh yes. A prison wanted me to come and preach in that prison
21:08 where I first did my time. As a matter of fact, my
21:12 brother-in-law that was dating my sister, he got life in prison
21:15 so when I came to preach he looked at me and some of the
21:19 guys that had life; they were like no man. Is that you? I said
21:24 yes it's me. My lord, my lord. So all of that
21:29 leads to the last 15 years you reaching back to people like
21:34 yourself, people who have addictions, people who were once
21:37 caught up in the drug game, people who looked like they had
21:41 no hope in prison. The Lord is now using you to preach and
21:44 minister to them both in prison and when released from prison.
21:48 Here's what I need you to do. I need you right now to look...
21:53 Because here's the thing, a lot of times when we get out of
21:58 those situations because we have nowhere else to go, the easiest
22:05 thing for us to do is to go right back.
22:08 Go back to what you know.
22:09 Yeah, and people call it being institutionalized. My little
22:12 brother, who's now serving time in Arizona, every time he would
22:16 get out, man, every time he would get out, I would say
22:18 listen, just come with me, just come with me. I started doing
22:22 the rap music thing and there was something in him that he
22:27 could be with me for so long before he went back. Before you
22:32 speak to them, have you experienced that where you give
22:34 these people this opportunity. You give them the opportunity
22:37 to come out and then they still feel the lure of the street and
22:41 they end up going back, like the Bible says, a dog returning
22:44 to its vomit. Oh yes. I experienced that
22:47 through this ministry. God has been using me to do this
22:51 ministry 10 years. And it hurts because you see them right on
22:55 the brink of breaking but nothing you can do but present
23:00 Christ to them. And you see them go back and it's heart wrenching
23:04 to see them go back.
23:06 OK then what I need you to do, I want you to take the next
23:09 couple of minutes and there's a camera right over my shoulder.
23:13 I want you to look into that camera. There's someone out
23:15 there. There's a couple of people I want you to address.
23:18 Number one, the person who feels like there is no hope. There is
23:21 no hope. Some people who would rather stay in prison because
23:25 they know once they get on the streets they got nobody. Those
23:28 who feel there is no hope, number one. Those who are on the
23:32 brink of breaking from the life style but don't know that it's
23:35 possible, but there's a Jeffrey Cobb here who can tell I them
23:38 that it is. I want you to speak to those two groups of people
23:40 right over my shoulder.
23:42 I just want to let someone know that your only hope is in Christ
23:47 Christ can break that addiction and someone that don't have
23:52 nowhere to go, just pray and the Lord will open up a door. And if
23:59 you call me and we have space in the house then I'll be glad to
24:06 take you. I understand. And one thing just don't give up.
24:10 I never gave up. Even in my addiction I knew there was a
24:14 better life and I'm letting you know now it's a better life in
24:18 Jesus. A better life, but what you said
24:22 was a better life in Jesus. I mean, I understand the mentoring
24:26 you're doing. Tell us more about your better life just quickly,
24:30 about your better life in Jesus.
24:32 No words can explain. I could sit here all day and no words
24:38 can explain the peace and the calm and the beauty of a
24:43 changed life in walking with Christ.
24:46 So that daughter of yours, what's your relationship right
24:50 now. We have a wonderful relationship
24:53 How does she feel about the change and the ministry that
24:55 you're undertaking? Oh she always says, Dad, you
24:58 know she calls me Daddy. She be calling me and checking on me.
25:03 Our relationship is so good she told me I need to stay single
25:07 because if I get married I'm going to be taking some of her
25:12 time. So again, this is such a
25:17 beautiful story of a 15-year-old young boy, if we be honest, who
25:24 gets lost in the drug game, begins to keep company with
25:28 murderers, drug dealers, thieves drug addicts. I mean, it's known
25:34 around the city for being cut throat, known around the city
25:39 for being someone who they say you can get it for cheap. He
25:42 eventually succumbs to a crack addition after losing his
25:46 brother, the guy who you said was a god. He was taking the
25:49 place of Jesus in your life. Yes.
25:51 He loses his brother, gets addicted to the product that
25:54 he's selling. This product causes him to go in and out of
25:57 prison, in and out of prison and then there's a break when his
26:01 10-year-old daughter says dad are you going to keep leaving
26:06 me? From there the Lord begins to speak to you. You then find
26:12 yourself for the last 15 years ministering to people who feel
26:16 like they have no hope, who feel that they're lost in the life
26:21 style that you escaped from. And experiencing a joy in Jesus that
26:25 to use your words, is indescribable and unspeakable,
26:29 enjoying not only that but enjoying a mended relationship
26:33 with your daughter, a relationship with your daughter.
26:37 She doesn't even want you to be with anyone else because then
26:40 it would interfere with what you're able to do and give to
26:44 her. Yes. Praise God, Praise God. I mean if we were somewhere
26:48 else Jeff we might have a praise break right now.
26:50 Amen, amen. I just want to praise God for
26:54 your story. Do you have a web site for your ministry?
26:58 No, not at the time. Is there an address?
27:02 The address is:
27:11 One more time:
27:19 This has been surely a story of God fulfilling the mission that
27:27 he first proposed in Isaiah, that Jesus came, in Luke
27:30 chapter four, stood up and he rolled open a scroll. Then it
27:33 wasn't a Bible, where you flip pages. You roll the scroll, you
27:37 go here and there, here a little there a little and Jesus opened
27:40 up the scroll and what he said in the book of Luke is that he
27:45 sent here to set the captives free, to liberate the oppressed,
27:50 to take the yoke of bondage off the downtrodden and on today's
27:55 program we have heard firsthand from Jeffrey Cobb what it is
27:59 like when you dare to dream and embark upon a new journey.
28:04 God bless you.


Revised 2017-03-30