Participants: Pr. Marquis Johns (Host), Shane Riddle
Series Code: TNJ
Program Code: TNJ000019
00:09 Welcome to The New Journey, a program about real life people
00:13 with real life testimonies doing real life ministry for Jesus 00:17 Christ. I'm your host, Pastor Marquis Johns. Join us on The 00:21 New Journey. ¤ ¤ 00:53 Many of our viewers may not be familiar with AC-DCs famous song 00:57 Highway to Hell but today on our show we have someone who's very 01:01 familiar with that highway and who's now gotten off that 01:05 highway and is leading people on a highway to heaven. Shane, 01:08 I'm excited about this interview Now let me tell you why I'm 01:12 excited. Because this is the moment that pastors live for 01:15 when the rubber actually meets the road. I mean when you can 01:19 look in someone's eyes and see that they're a completely 01:22 different person than they used to be, that's what the gospel is 01:26 all about. Shane Riddle, just tell us, man, tell us, who are 01:31 you, who are you Shane Riddle? 01:32 All right, well, today I'm a son of God, a sinner saved by grace. 01:36 If you had asked me that a couple years ago I could have 01:39 told you many, many titles that I carried: body man, auto 01:43 mechanic, drummer, tattooist, racist, you name it. 01:45 Whoa, whoa, whoa - A tattooist, racist. Do you have any tattoos 01:51 that speak to your former racism? 01:52 Sure, of course I do. Please, can you indulge the 01:55 pastor? Can you show us one of those tattoos? 01:58 Yeah, I can show you this one on my chest right here. 02:00 Right in the middle of his chest here is a swastika and this 02:04 makes it real right now because somebody will say yeah well 02:08 maybe he's just a hard core guy. No, when you tattoo a swastika 02:10 in the middle of your chest, you're hoping to be that way for 02:14 for the rest of your life. Hey Shane, come on man, how do you 02:18 come from to go to I got a swastika in the middle of my 02:22 chest. Tell us about your upbringing. 02:24 OK, I grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana which is the northern 02:26 part of Indiana. I moved down to Indianapolis several years 02:29 ago and I live there now. But when I was young, my grandma 02:33 raised all four of us, I had three brothers. And our grandpa 02:36 died when we were young. None of us had any relationship with our 02:39 mom and our dad and our mom just did their own thing. We really 02:43 never had a male father figure in our lives. So as soon as we 02:45 were old enough to tell grandma that no we didn't feel like 02:48 doing something, I mean, we didn't do it. So I knew about 02:51 God, knew about Jesus, when I was little but it just didn't 02:55 click with me back then. I lived 30 years, I mean, I'm 42 02:59 now, basically 30 years of just being rebellious and sinful and 03:02 just indulging in every single thing that I could possibly get 03:06 my hands on to fill that empty void, that emptiness that I knew 03:09 was there. So, OK. So kid, grown up Fort 03:13 Wayne, Indiana. Grandma is trying her best to raise these 03:19 four boys. It's almost like I want to ask you so where do I 03:24 check in if I want to get a swastika on my chest? 03:27 How did that happen? Tell us the journey that led you to that 03:31 decision. Like I found out from a young 03:34 age that I had a lot of hatred in my heart and that fueled my 03:38 fire. Everything I did revolved around just wanting to hate and 03:42 destroy stuff and fight people and just anything I could get my 03:46 hands on, if it didn't go my way I'd want to destroy it. So just 03:51 with the whole racism thing that fed right into the life I 03:53 was leading up to. Because like I said there was an emptiness 03:56 inside me. I used to like cut myself and that. My best friend 03:59 was a couple years older than me and he had all the connections 04:02 for all the drugs and all that and he had a car and everything. 04:06 So I just fell right into that, the drugs and wanting the cool 04:10 cars, the fastest car and I discovered that if I could make 04:12 someone afraid of me I could get what I wanted from them. 04:16 I used intimidation a lot in my life to get what I wanted. 04:20 So now you're running with a guy who's your best friend who's a 04:24 couple years older than you. You guys just get into just hate 04:30 mongering and just angry at the world. So when do you start to 04:35 to act out on these things? You said you're driving the cars, 04:39 obviously hanging around motorcycle guys. When did you 04:44 start acting out on this anger? Understandably you said you 04:47 using intimidation. When does it go from intimidation to actual 04:50 altercation? As far back as I can remember. 04:52 It's always been about fighting and if you looked at me wrong or 04:55 you didn't like what I liked man you were going to get it one way 04:58 or another. That was the crew that I went with, dudes that 05:02 were just like me. We were a feared crew. If we didn't like 05:05 you or you didn't do what we wanted, man, we were fighting. 05:08 It didn't matter. We'd go out to the bars and wherever just 05:10 to look for fights. Just to look for people just to take our 05:13 anger out on. Our hatred or whatever we were mad at. We just 05:16 wanted to get off on somebody. 05:19 So now I have this understanding that it's a very, very surface 05:24 understanding of Nazism and the lifestyle associated with it 05:29 from an American perspective, but it has its roots somewhere. 05:33 Its roots, to my understanding, you correct me if I'm wrong, 05:36 because I might be and this is a great educational opportunity 05:40 for me. There is a component of spirituality even with Nazis. 05:44 There is something that they're latching onto that has a 05:48 spiritual component. I mean, whether it's a negative spirit, 05:51 or positive spirit. Was there any type of spirituality that 05:54 accompanied your being a racist? 05:58 Actually I used to like misalign the world of God to go in my 06:02 favor with my racism. I would pick verses out of the Bible 06:06 that would say don't intermarry and don't mix with this nation 06:09 or that nation and I would use that to my advantage to sway 06:12 people's opinions to get the think like I did. So I would 06:15 misuse the word of God in that way. 06:17 But, and this is where it's good. A lot of times we don't see the 06:22 connection to God until we look back. Even in your misuse of the 06:26 of the word of God, God is still putting the word in you, still 06:30 making you see the word and look at the word. So you're having an 06:33 experience with the word. So here you are. You're a young man 06:36 you get into Aryanism I'm assuming. So you're into this, 06:42 you're angry, you're fighting, you're in the clubs, you're 06:47 using drugs, but all throughout you're still using the Bible to 06:51 support your beliefs. Tell me something about that, tell us 06:54 about that, come on. 06:56 It was what I found to be that people would believe that. 07:00 And whatever I could use to my advantage, no matter what it was 07:03 to get people to follow me, I would do that. I was very 07:06 prideful and very arrogant. Whatever it took, whether it was 07:08 intimidation or a scripture from the Bible, hey what I'm saying 07:12 is right man. One way or another you're going to follow me or I'm 07:15 I'm going to do something to you 07:17 So with that attitude I can only imagine how many times you had 07:23 run ins with the law. But I'm sure that attitude was a 07:27 seething volcano waiting to erupt. So it erupts one day 07:31 obviously. You and I hadn't really talked about this until 07:35 now. So I'm only assuming at this moment that at some point 07:38 it erupts, you get into something, you land yourself in 07:42 prison. Have you been to prison? A few times. 07:44 A few times. So what landed you in prison for your longest 07:50 stretch? The bottom line is just my pride 07:54 man. I had several batteries and DUIs. I mean you name it man, 07:57 I've been arrested for it. But it's all about me looking to 08:00 fill that hole with whatever it took. But the longest stretch I 08:03 did was three-and-a-half years and that was for a DUl that I 08:06 got, my fourth one. They actually gave me six years for 08:09 it, so that was the longest time I actually spent inside of 08:12 prison. OK, tell us about prison life. 08:14 I don't know if you affiliated. I don't know. Having been in 08:17 jail, one of the things that happens when you get in you get 08:20 immediately educated. You meet your rep, whoever your rep is. 08:25 If you're with the blacks you get kind of-what is the word 08:29 I'm looking for, you get affiliated. You get an 08:32 understanding of, OK, here's how we roll. The blacks, these are 08:36 stalls, the Hispanics-these are our stalls, these are our phones 08:40 this is our paper. So you're coming into this. Tell us about 08:44 prison life as a racists. I don't even want to use this term 08:48 because that's not who you are anymore. But the person that you 08:52 were, tell us about the prison life for that person. 08:55 It just fed my whole life style. I mean, I fit right in. Once 09:01 again it fueled that. It did. It just made it more profound. 09:05 It was really devastating to a lot of stuff. I don't really 09:08 want to get into all that, you know, because it's kind of like 09:11 something I'm trying to put behind me. But I will say that 09:15 it fueled me, it fed me man, I fed off of that lifestyle big 09:19 time. Wow. I remember I'm in county 09:24 jail and I get transferred up to state, Wayside Prison in 09:30 California. That night we come in and we're getting strip 09:36 searched, so we're getting the searches and such and then we're 09:41 transferred to where we're going to stay for the night based on 09:45 our security, whether we were low risk or high risk. So I 09:53 remember these guys man coming up and saying... It's as though 09:57 everyone knew where to go. So we go, we sit down, the guys 10:01 tell us OK here's the ropes. Here's the rules and these guys 10:06 are two and three time losers. The interesting thing about that 10:10 to me, Shane, was that the guy who was showing me the ropes 10:15 in state prison was telling me hey I'm a minister now. Did you 10:19 have an encounter with God while you were in jail? 10:22 I'm going to say that I can look back now and see that he's 10:25 always been there through everything including the times 10:27 I've been incarcerated. There was always that conviction, but 10:31 by sinful nature just overtook that conviction and I went with 10:35 my flesh instead of my spirit. So yeah, I can look back and see 10:38 where God had his hand in everything. You know, I don't 10:41 know anybody that's failed more than I have, that's lied 10:43 more than me, that stole more than me. I don't mean that to 10:46 sound prideful, I'm just trying to be humble and say man I know 10:48 what it's like to fail over and over. 10:51 Well I can say I'm the chief of all sinners, but I understand 10:55 where you're coming from. So there were some experiences that 10:59 you could look back on and say OK, yeah I think he was there 11:03 but when did he get real Shane. Tell us when he got real. 11:08 It really got real to me when I went through a discipleship 11:12 program and how that all came about was I was off doing me 11:15 like always. I mean, I'd been through all the worldly counsel 11:19 in the jails and you name it I've done it. I've tried this 11:22 this and that. The only thing worldly counsel did for me, I 11:25 mean I loved it because they told me I had a problem, I had a 11:29 disease, here's a pill for it. I was like right on, cool, I don't 11:32 have to be responsible for what I do anymore and I fed off of 11:36 that too. So I'd tell everybody hey I'm manic depressed and 11:39 I'm bipolar and they gave me these. Then when I would take 11:41 the pills and then fail again I would get squashed by the world. 11:45 They'd build me up just to squish me down, over and over 11:47 and over and over. But let me get back to God, to the ministry 11:51 part. I was hanging out in a motorcycle shop, not a club gang 11:55 just a shop where my buddies would go hang out. 11:57 One of my other buddies there 11:59 knew I was struggling and he knew that I was a Christian 12:01 and he said, hey man, there's this guy you got to hear him 12:03 preach. I mean, you gotta hear him talk about the word of God. 12:06 You know me, I don't believe in God but I listen to this guy 12:08 when he talks. And I go oh yeah I'll hook up with him whenever. 12:12 Anyway maybe like a week later that guy came into the shop. 12:14 He said, man that's that dude I've been telling you about. 12:18 So we started wrapping a little bit and he invited me to his 12:20 Bible study. So I would go to the Bible study, then I'd miss 12:24 and then I'd go, then I'd miss and he was real concerned for my 12:26 well-being. I mean, he'd been just like in the same shoes we'd 12:29 been in. Been there, done that. He said man I know what's going 12:32 on with you and I know you need Jesus. You need some hard core 12:34 Jesus in your life. Now wait, just real quickly, 12:37 what tipped him off? Was it just the spirit in the sermon of the 12:40 spirit? So he just out of nowhere after you're coming 12:43 said hey man, I'm concerned about you. Go ahead, tell us. 12:48 I was in a motel room, I don't know, a couple days I'd been 12:52 there just drinking and getting my fill and doing what I do. 12:56 So, it's like he just showed up there. He called my wife and 12:59 for some reason to find out how I was doing or whatever. Anyway, 13:03 he shows up at the motel, knocked and I answered the door. 13:06 I said man my wife sent you here He said no God sent me here. 13:09 And he sat down and he talked to me man for, I don't know, it 13:12 like 10 hours, but I know it was probably just a few hours. 13:15 Look I know somewhere. I want you to go somewhere. Man I know 13:18 this discipleship program at _. I'll tell you about it 13:20 later, he said, but I just want you to go there. Something in 13:24 me just said all right, I'll go. I mean, as messed up as I was 13:28 I had a half gallon of vodka there and everything. 13:31 Yeah all right I'll go. So I went. It was a seven month 13:34 program. It was in house. I mean you were totally shut apart from 13:38 the world. There's nothing_ No TV, no phone, no nothing. 13:43 it's called Saul to Paul. So I went through the program and 13:47 that was the defining moment for me in my walk because I was like 13:50 you know what all these years that I claimed to be a Christian 13:53 and I was just nothing but a hypocrite. And I did everything 13:56 that the world did only I claimed to be a Christian. So, 13:59 it's like trying to have one foot in the church and one foot 14:02 in the world and that doesn't work. And I thought that I could 14:05 pull that off even after I completed the program. I thought 14:07 you know what I can still do what I used to do but I am a 14:10 Christian now. There were some things I didn't go back to, but 14:13 some things that I still tried to dabble with. Old friends, old 14:16 music, just things of the world. And I fell again. And you know 14:20 like I said nobody was messed up more than me. But I know God 14:23 allows everything to happen and I went back to the ministry 14:26 again. And so even when I was done with the ministry the first 14:29 time I was still able to volunteer there and it's a 14:31 ministry for guys like me. It's free of charge. You come there 14:35 and you in the word. So Maybe God allowed me to fall 14:39 because I'm so prideful and judgmental that I would look 14:42 down on people that I used to be just like that. So maybe he 14:45 allowed me to fall so I would not be judgmental of guys 14:49 that were like myself over and over because I'm not God. But 14:52 my flesh wants to say you're better than him now because 14:54 you're not doing that. But it's not true at all. It's just a 14:57 lie from the devil. One of my 14:58 favorite scriptures is Galatians 6:3. It says anyone who thinks 15:03 he is something when he is nothing deceives himself. Now 15:05 with my pride that's one of my biggest problems. I get to 15:08 thinking I'm somebody and I'm not. I'm not. I'm dirt now, I'm 15:10 dust, because that's what God made me out of. 15:12 Wow. You know the pride issue. Now I can't say that I went as 15:16 far as to be a professed like racist, but even growing up 15:20 outside the ark of safety, outside of Christ you begin to 15:24 harbor some ideas about some things that are just contrary to 15:29 Christ. So growing up, of course in Los Angeles you grow up and 15:33 at the end of every school year there's this big race war, race 15:38 fight where the blacks take on the Hispanics and we war one 15:42 another. We look for people to fight and the thing about it is 15:46 that until you find Christ and you find that he said in the 15:50 book of Acts that he has made all nations of one blood that 15:54 we're no different and sin will convince us that there is 15:58 something better about me so one of the texts that I always think 16:02 of is Proverbs 6:16-Six things that the Lord hates, yea seven 16:06 are an abomination and the first one he says is a proud look. 16:09 Because you can find things even in your Christian walk, as you 16:13 pointed out to be proud about. You know, I'm proud that I 16:16 haven't done that anymore, or I don't do that anymore, well 16:20 I don't go in there. Did you have any struggles you know you 16:23 said you went into the program once, then you went in a second 16:26 time. In between those two did you have some of those struggles 16:29 where you would think of yourself well I'm not fighting 16:31 as much as I used to. Tell us about some of those struggles. 16:34 Yeah, I would try to justify the things I was still hanging onto 16:38 by saying hey I'm not doing that anymore. But it's still sin and 16:42 I would try to justify my sin by saying hey I'm not doing that 16:46 sin anymore or I'm not doing this much of this sin or I'm 16:50 doing less, praising myself and that's not for me to judge; 16:53 that's for God. For me to say hey I'm doing better because I'm 16:57 not doing this much, I'm not doing that. I was once again 17:01 deceived by Satan. He's very tactful and he's sly. He will 17:04 get us any way that he possibly can even in our Christian walk. 17:08 I mean, I've been checked a few times even in my Christian walk. 17:12 Just for one, thinking that I'm some kind of teacher because I 17:17 know some scripture; and I'm not. So I need to work on myself 17:21 in that area and just stay humble. God told us to stay 17:25 humble and to take on the nature of a servant. He was a servant 17:29 and he washed the disciples feet and then he says do likewise. 17:34 I mean, they're disgusting feet that they walked around without 17:38 shoes back then. Yeah they had sandals and no 17:40 socks. Walking around those streets 17:42 every day. And Jesus washed their feet, I set this example 17:46 to do likewise. So we're called to serve, I mean, I'm to do that 17:51 to wash feet if it comes to it. But in my pride I don't want to 17:55 wash nobody's feet but that's what Jesus did. 17:58 So a quick question: So this kid one of four, grown up, gets 18:05 introduced to racism and finds an outlet for his anger and for 18:10 his hatred, has some run ins with the law, does some prison 18:15 time, seemingly feels his anger and his hatred more, meets this 18:20 guy providentially, this guy introduces him to this program, 18:25 going to the program, you don't really make it the first time, 18:28 you come back the second time, man you're spot on and you're 18:31 ready to go. How are you now giving back, because one of the 18:33 things that I have to just be honest with you, you know, I'm 18:36 from south central, I did my jail thing, I did my drug thing, 18:40 but we are, I did my thing, but we are not alike except for two 18:44 things, that we were once in sin and now we're related in Christ. 18:48 How are you reaching back to people who are like yourself or 18:51 who are like the person you used to be? 18:55 Well, right now today I'm able to minister to guys that come to 18:58 the program. Just like everywhere I go I want to be 19:02 that light. Once again, that fear of man will be like hey 19:05 they don't want to hear it. But that's just my pride not wanting 19:08 to get shut down. But I like to just try to minister wherever I 19:12 get a chance to minister. Mainly at the program. When the guys 19:15 are coming in I'm able to share with them and encourage them and 19:19 edify them and let them that life is all about Christ, it's 19:22 not about ourselves. Has God granted you the 19:28 opportunity to look in the mirror and see the person you 19:31 used to be in some guy that's come to the program? Tell us 19:33 about it. It's funny how he humbles me 19:37 because I'll be like that guy is so far out and I'm like you 19:41 know what, that's you. He'll tell me. He'll say, you know 19:44 Shane, quit judging. Stop being so judgmental. That's you. 19:48 And he humbles me in that way. He lets me know. 19:50 So, again, if you can, be a little bit more specific about 19:55 have you had a run in or an interaction with someone who you 19:58 see a lot of the person you used to be and had to sit down with 20:02 them and say listen bro, look at me man, I'm telling you, I know 20:05 where you're at. Have you had that experience yet? 20:07 At the ministry there are guys that come in there that are just 20:11 like me and just like I used to be and they're just fresh out 20:15 of jail or on their way to jail or just messed up their 20:18 relationship and just their whole life's a wreck. I'm able 20:23 to minister to guys that are just fresh in the Bible and just 20:28 Listen, I asked that question because I had an experience. 20:33 I believe the Lord gave this opportunity and experience to me 20:37 because it augmented the way I approach ministry. I was working 20:41 at a school with some at risk youth and there was a young man 20:45 there and he was about 15. All the other kids they're coming 20:48 to me, talking to me. You know I'm not this ultraconservative 20:53 hard core Christian guy like you know, straight-laced. All the 20:57 kids are coming to me but this one guy, he's not coming to me. 21:01 He's not talking to me. So I go look for him, I go look for him 21:05 and I say to him, hey, man why don't you come talk to me. He 21:09 said listen bro, I'm not anything, I'm never going to be 21:13 anything. You know, I'm never ever going to be anything. And 21:16 I go well listen we can pray. He said prayer is not going to 21:20 do anything for me. I'm going to get out of this program and 21:23 go right back to where I was. That's what I want to do, that's 21:27 who I am, that's what I want to be. I was baffled. I was like 21:30 I just didn't understand that because now you know it's that 21:33 same thing you were talking about, that pride. You know I'm 21:37 here and I'm saving people. And I was befuddled. Just like what 21:43 is this and the Lord spoke to me and said now that's who you used 21:48 to be and whoever you've become you can't reach the person you 21:53 used to be. And I thought to myself, how did this happen? 21:56 What's going on here? Then I immediately started trying to 22:00 build a bridge. I said, Lord give me him, give me him. 22:03 And I baptized him, I let you know, I baptized him. But I said 22:07 Lord give me him. So Shane I want you to take the next 22:11 couple of moments, I want you to look at this camera right here 22:14 and there is a young man, maybe he's 15, maybe he's 20, maybe 22:18 he's even 35. Bro, he just got out of jail, he has the tatts, 22:23 he's been living a lifestyle, he's angry, he feels like he's 22:28 been abandoned, he wants to tear anything he possibly can down 22:32 with his bare hands and you've been there before. And right now 22:36 I want to look over at this camera, take the next few 22:39 moments, I want you to talk to that person, I want you to 22:41 talk to that young man. I'm not going to limit it to the white 22:44 guy who's racist. There's an Hispanic guy out here, MS-13 22:48 right out here, bro, who's like I hate everybody else. There's 22:51 some black guy out here right now who's listening. I hate him. 22:55 I hate him. And he's saying there's probably in a jail cell 22:59 right now watching this. Man that brother has a tattoo on him 23:03 I don't like him. I want you to talk to those two people. I 23:06 want you to talk to the person irrespective of race that is 23:09 harboring hatred. Then I want you to talk to the young man who 23:12 is who you once were. I want you to talk to him. Take the next 23:15 few minutes. All right. listen. The emptiness and 23:18 what we're looking for, that just wanting to belong, that 23:22 fitting in or whatever's driving us; it's not in a vodka bottle 23:27 it's not in a crack pipe, it's not in a meth pipe, a pill 23:30 bottle, it's not in sex or pornography or strip clubs or 23:34 just any kind of hatred or affiliation, it's not there. 23:38 The only person that's going to fill that void in our life is 23:42 Jesus Christ and the only place to find him is in the Bible, in 23:46 the word of God. He worked for me, He's in my life and nothing 23:50 else could change me except him. Do I know what His will is for 23:53 me? Not a hundred percent. He's not going to come out, He hasn't 23:56 yet and just spoke to me in an audible voice and said Shane 24:00 this is what I want you to do. But by knowing His word I know 24:03 what He doesn't want me to do. So I live like that and I live 24:08 with Him moment by moment, day by day and I give all the glory 24:12 and it's just a beautiful thing to have Him in my life, have Him 24:16 in my heart and I just can't glorify Him enough. He's awesome, 24:19 He's amazing. It would take a wonderful counselor to change 24:23 a guy like me from being full of racism and hate to be able to 24:27 love people that I used to want to destroy, but He did that to 24:30 me and He is a wonderful counselor and He's awesome, 24:32 He's our God, He's our Lord Jesus Christ. 24:37 Honestly, in your voice, bro if you are putting on a show 24:42 it's a good one. No, honestly in my spirit, as you were saying 24:48 that I could just feel the compassion. I'm not putting on. 24:53 I tell people I enjoy being an authentic person. You know, I'm 24:59 not going to lie to you. But what I felt right now I pray 25:02 I pray that someone felt what I felt. Just hatred dissipate, you 25:08 know anger dissipate and God is going to use that testimony, 25:12 what you just said. Someone is going to hear that. I'm claiming 25:15 that right now in the name of Jesus Christ. Someone is going 25:18 to hear that and someone whether they're in a prison cell 25:21 right now or on the street or they're running with a gang, 25:25 somebody heard that right now and they're going to come out of 25:29 that. They may go to a Saul to Paul. They may find a brother 25:32 may walk up on them just like they walk up on you and 25:36 start helping them on the road back. As a man, and this is 25:41 something that is not spoken of enough, as a man, as an 25:47 attractive man, there are some things that I want to talk about 25:50 just quickly. We have a couple minutes. I'm going to talk about 25:54 them. Overcoming anger, hatred, etc., etc., etc., on the 25:59 Christian walk we always like talking about overcoming those 26:04 things. But we also struggle as men, and as women, with 26:10 licentiousness and lust. You are married? But how is that 26:16 struggle going for you? 26:18 Sometimes it's a daily struggle. I know that in Job 31:1, Job 26:24 says I made a covenant with me eyes not to look lustfully at a 26:29 girl, so even though that's a struggle Philippians 4:13 says I 26:32 can do everything through him who gives me strength. So even 26:36 though the world tells me you know you cannot look and it's 26:40 posted everywhere, its' on every TV show, it's on every billboard 26:44 that through Christ there is nothing I can't do including 26:46 lust. So you're applying the same 26:49 that you've applied to get victories in the areas of anger 26:54 and hatred to get victory over a licentious nature. 26:57 That's right and that's the word of God. 26:58 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can do all things through Christ who 27:03 strengthens me. This interview for me speaks volumes to what 27:09 Christ can do in lives. I don't think under any other 27:14 circumstances you and I would be sitting here having this 27:19 conversation. I pray that you receive that in your spirit and 27:23 know that God is doing exceedingly abundantly 27:26 above all you can ask. Just by you sitting here what you said 27:31 into this camera, the testimony that you shared, people are 27:36 going to be won to Christ. Not only in the urban areas can we 27:41 dare to dream but you've shown us today that even for an 27:45 aryan, racist, hate monger he can dare to dream to become this 27:50 new creature in Christ. Brothers and sisters I don't know if you 27:55 felt the Holy Spirit the way we felt the Holy Spirit here, but 27:58 the one thing I'm leaving this interview convinced of is that 28:02 Dare to Dream is not just for the urban people. Even racist, 28:06 aryans can dare to dream. Shane Riddle thank you so much. 28:10 God bless you brother. |
Revised 2017-03-08