New Journey, The

Teen Pregnancy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Marquis Johns (Host), Mariah Hunt, Shannon Bellanger


Series Code: TNJ

Program Code: TNJ000017

00:08 Welcome to The New Journey, a program about real life people,
00:12 with real life testimonies, doing real life
00:15 ministry for Jesus Christ.
00:16 I'm your host, Pastor Marquis Johns.
00:18 Join us on The New Journey.
00:52 Have you ever wondered how Mary might have felt being a young
00:57 lady pregnant out of wedlock?
00:59 Well, on today's show we have one such young lady,
01:02 who may just help us understand how Mary was feeling.
01:05 Mariah Hunt, how are you doing young lady?
01:07 I'm good. Good, fantastic.
01:09 And her mom, Shannon.
01:11 Shannon, how are you doing?
01:12 I'm doing great. Fantastic, fantastic.
01:14 Before we get started, I just want to commend you
01:17 on the step that you are taking.
01:18 This is very courageous.
01:20 What you're going, most young people wouldn't do.
01:22 When they find themselves in this type of a predicament,
01:24 or situation they clam up, they isolate themselves, because they
01:28 fear judgment, and they fear people just not understanding
01:31 what they're going through.
01:32 And so I want you to know that we commend you.
01:34 Thank you. Is that alright? Yep. Good.
01:35 Now, I do also want you to know that we're going to ask
01:38 you tough questions.
01:40 But we're asking these questions because we feel like you telling
01:43 your story will help some young lady, who may be in your
01:45 position, or who may be contemplating doing some of the
01:48 things that got you into this position.
01:50 So what you're doing is you're being a good model,
01:53 you're helping us understand what's going on in the mindset
01:57 of the teenage young person who ends up in a
02:00 pregnancy situation.
02:01 So with that being said, why don't you tell us a little bit
02:04 about yourself, like where are you from?
02:06 Um, I'm from Indiana, a really small town.
02:10 Okay. Which really small town is that?
02:12 Craigville. Craigville, okay.
02:14 I was thinking Craig's List when you said that.
02:16 But in any event... So Craigville, Indiana.
02:21 Tell us about... Are you currently in school?
02:23 Yep, I'm in 11th grade, and I go to school full time. Okay.
02:27 And I still live at home.
02:28 Okay, still live at home with mom. Yes.
02:30 Okay, fantastic. Now, here's where we take the turn.
02:34 So tell us about... Are you still with the young man who
02:38 you're having the baby by? Yes.
02:39 Yes, okay, so tell us the story.
02:41 Where did you guys meet?
02:43 How did you guys meet?
02:44 Was there a twinkle in his eye?
02:45 Was there a sparkle in yours?
02:47 Tell us about that.
02:48 Um, we met at school my sophomore year.
02:50 And we started talking, and dating, and now we've been
02:56 together for a year and a half, and things are good.
02:59 Okay, so tell us about this dating.
03:01 You know, I'm a little bit old, and removed from the scene.
03:04 Shannon, I don't know if you remember what it was like
03:06 in high school dating, but we're out of the loop.
03:08 So how does take place?
03:10 Do I kind of pass you a note?
03:11 Do you pass me back the note?
03:12 How did the whole relationship come about?
03:15 Um, we passed notes in school, back and forth,
03:18 because we weren't allowed to talk.
03:19 And then we'd talk outside of class, and outside of school,
03:23 and he'd come over. Okay.
03:25 We'd just hang out, and that's how they do it
03:28 these days, I guess.
03:30 Okay, so Shannon you were okay with...
03:31 Tell us his name again. Tyler.
03:32 Tyler, so you were okay with Tyler.
03:34 You knew Tyler? Yes, we know Tyler very well.
03:36 Okay, okay. So Tyler and you are starting this relationship
03:40 and now you're spending some time in school, but you're also
03:42 spending some time outside of school.
03:44 So are you guys going on dates, or are you just dating?
03:47 We were dating. We would go on dates, and we would just
03:51 hang out, and we usually just hung out at my house,
03:55 or his house, or places like that.
03:57 And so, Shannon, you were okay with this dating?
04:00 Yes, we were okay with that.
04:01 She was sixteen years old at the time.
04:04 And to me it wasn't a problem for them to be dating at all.
04:08 Okay, okay. So up to this point, had you guys had the
04:12 birds and bees conversation, to where we start talking about,
04:15 Hey, this is what happens in these situations?
04:18 Had you had that conversation?
04:19 We'd had that conversation awhile ago.
04:22 And it was very prevalent in my mind that this
04:26 is what's going on, and I know what goes on these days.
04:29 And please be careful, whatever you do, please be careful.
04:33 Okay, okay. So now you and Tyler, you and Tyler are dating,
04:39 and how long are you dating before the
04:42 relationship becomes intimate?
04:45 We were dating for six or seven months before we started.
04:49 Okay, and so mom, you and mom have had the conversation
04:52 about the birds and bees.
04:53 Now this relationship becomes an intimate relationship.
04:57 Now I'm assuming this was the first time for you.
04:59 Yeah. Okay, so this first time, based on the conversation that
05:04 maybe you and mom had had, did you take some precautions
05:07 the first time that you guys were intimate?
05:09 No. No. Can I ask why not?
05:11 What was it that, you know, was the situation,
05:14 was it one of those where you were spending time together,
05:16 you were looking in his eyes, he was kind of looking in your
05:18 eyes, and you said, Oh, this feels right!
05:20 And so you move forward?
05:21 Or why didn't you take those precautions?
05:25 I guess we didn't really plan on it happening, and it was one
05:28 of those situations where you just... It kind of happened.
05:31 And then... So we didn't plan on it or anything, and I guess
05:34 we just weren't prepared.
05:36 Okay, okay. So now after this how are you guys continuing
05:40 the intimate aspect of your relationship? Yes, we did after.
05:45 And in the process, did you ever say, Okay, well this time lets
05:49 take those precautions?
05:50 Were there ever moments when you decided,
05:52 we will take precautions, versus others where, in the heat of the
05:55 moment, if you will, you didn't take those precautions?
05:57 Yeah, after I didn't really want to be in this situation,
06:01 and so I thought we'd better take precautions
06:04 so it doesn't happen, but it wasn't always like that, so...
06:08 Okay, and how did Tyler feel?
06:10 Who brought that up?
06:11 Who said, Hey, maybe we should take these precautions?
06:13 Was it you, or was it Tyler?
06:15 It was kind of a conversation we both had, because we both
06:19 thought that we're too young to be in this situation.
06:22 And we really didn't want it to happen, so... Sure, sure, sure.
06:25 Okay, so now, young lady, Indiana, high school crush,
06:31 high school sweetheart.
06:33 You guys have been in a relationship for 6 or 7 months,
06:36 the relationship becomes intimate,
06:37 you continue the intimate relationship.
06:39 At which point did you share, or did you share with mom
06:43 that you had now become intimate with Tyler?
06:45 No, I didn't tell her, but I kind of figured she knew.
06:49 Okay, so let me ask this question, and then I want to
06:52 I want, Shannon, I want you to weigh in on this.
06:54 Why didn't you tell Mom, seeing as how you had already kind of
06:57 had a conversation about it?
06:59 Because what the viewers, and what the audience, and even I,
07:02 would like to know is, what is it that prevents teenagers who
07:06 are sexually active, or who are being intimate, from sharing
07:09 that relationship with a parent, adult, or someone that they
07:12 trust who's older than them?
07:13 What was it, given that you had had these conversations
07:16 in the past, that prevented you from sharing with your mother
07:19 that you were now being intimate with your boyfriend?
07:21 I think she already knew.
07:22 And I kind of figured she knew, so I didn't think
07:26 that I had to tell her.
07:27 I didn't really want to have that conversation with her.
07:29 I mean, we have a good relationship,
07:31 but it was kind of awkward for me.
07:33 Why don't you think teenagers who are active,
07:37 why don't you think they talk to their parents?
07:40 What do you think is the reason why?
07:43 Well, for some teenagers it might be that it's an awkward
07:46 situation, or they don't know what their parents will say,
07:48 or they feel like since they're doing something that most adults
07:53 do, that they don't need to tell their parents,
07:56 because they're grown up, and they can do what they want.
07:59 Okay, okay. So now, Shannon, Mariah says she didn't talk
08:06 to you about it because she knows you're not stupid.
08:08 Right. And so she figured, well, she already knows.
08:11 I'm not going to go up and say, Hey mom, guess what I'm doing.
08:14 Did you know? I had my suspicions. Okay.
08:17 I wasn't 100% positive, but there were times when
08:21 we would be like, No, you're not going up to your room.
08:25 If you do go up there to do homework
08:27 the door stays wide open.
08:28 You know, things like that.
08:30 Trying to take our own precautions at the same time.
08:33 Sure. But no, I don't think that I...
08:35 I think, maybe, she didn't tell me because she would think I
08:40 would be disappointed.
08:41 Right, right, right, right.
08:43 And so, I want to go back to the statement that you made,
08:49 Mariah, that a lot of young people aren't forthcoming with
08:54 that information, because they feel like they're adults.
08:57 So at which point you and Tyler were engaged in intimacy
09:00 did you feel like, Hey, you know, I'm kind of an adult here.
09:02 I kind of know, you know, I can take care of
09:05 myself a little bit.
09:06 Were you feeling that way?
09:07 I guess, kind of. I mean it's something that adults do,
09:12 but still I felt like I was a teenager.
09:14 So, I mean yeah, I guess I felt superior, and older, but...
09:20 Right, right, right, right, right.
09:21 really didn't change anything.
09:22 Right, right, because there is...
09:24 I remember growing up, and Christ tells us we have to have
09:29 this childlike faith, you know.
09:31 And in having childlike faith, I have sometimes wondered,
09:34 and pondered what exactly Christ meant.
09:36 And so, Shannon, maybe you will remember growing up as a kid,
09:39 you wake up in the morning, and you go to the shower,
09:42 and you have faith that the water is going to be hot.
09:44 After you get out of the shower, you have faith that when you
09:47 open the refrigerator there's going to be cold milk in there,
09:50 and a box of cereal for you to eat.
09:51 You have faith that your clothes are going to be there, because
09:54 you have faith that your parent is doing their job.
09:56 And so the adult component is not just what got you here as
10:01 a child, but it is also taking care of, and being responsible
10:04 for the child that you bring here.
10:06 Have you and Tyler, or had you and Tyler kind of thought about
10:09 that once you actively, once you have an active intimate life?
10:13 I don't think we thought about it.
10:15 I mean we didn't think that, Oh, that couldn't happen to us,
10:19 or that's not going to be us.
10:21 So what you didn't think; you didn't think that pregnancy,
10:24 or something couldn't happen to us? No.
10:26 You thought, Well, this could happen to us.
10:27 I mean, it's possible, but we never really thought it would.
10:30 so we didn't really think about it.
10:32 We're, it wasn't something we talked about.
10:36 Okay, so that fateful day, and again, this is probably a very
10:43 candid conversation that we're having here, granted, but...
10:46 So the day comes when you realize that you've,
10:50 your cycle has lapsed.
10:52 Take us to that day.
10:53 Take us to the day when you realized...
10:55 And Shannon is already...
10:57 Take us to the day when you realized, Uh oh, I think
11:02 I may be pregnant.
11:04 I remember that day very well, actually.
11:08 Then walk us through it, if you don't mind.
11:09 Um, I woke up and I realized that I hadn't started my period
11:14 for a couple of days, and that wasn't usual.
11:17 So I usually started in the middle of the month,
11:19 and I was waiting for it.
11:21 And I heard that if you stress about it then it doesn't come
11:24 just to scare you.
11:26 So I took a couple of days, and just thought, Oh, it will come.
11:30 But then I woke up that day, and I found out,
11:32 I mean, it's been too long.
11:34 It's just not going to come.
11:35 So I remember I called Tyler, and I told him.
11:38 And he's like, Oh, don't worry about it.
11:40 You'll be fine. Just wait a couple of days.
11:42 So I waited a couple of days, and then...
11:46 So we're stringing together a couple of days,
11:49 a number of times. Yeah.
11:50 So we're waiting for about a week and a half, two weeks.
11:52 Yeah. Okay. So it wasn't just one day.
11:54 I kind of knew, and it took me a while to realize that
11:58 Wow, I guess it can happen to me.
12:00 So... Uh huh, uh huh.
12:02 But I remember I was upset, and I didn't know what to do.
12:04 I didn't want to be a parent. Right.
12:06 I mean, I didn't want to tell my mom.
12:08 I didn't know what she was going to think.
12:10 So it was a very, it was a hard day for me.
12:13 And I just remember crying, and being upset, and not knowing
12:17 what to do, but wanting to talk to my mom.
12:19 And so you've come to the conclusion, I am, I'm, pregnant.
12:23 Yeah. You talked to Tyler.
12:26 This is no longer, I think, it's possible, it's maybe,
12:31 I don't know. It's definite now.
12:34 Yeah. You talked to Tyler.
12:35 What is Tyler's reaction?
12:36 He, I guess you could say he was, he wasn't as
12:41 worried as I was. Uh huh.
12:43 He kept telling me everything was going to be okay.
12:45 And I guess I was the one with the most doubt,
12:48 and the most like, I mean I didn't know what I was
12:51 going to do, or what I was going to tell my mom,
12:54 or how people were going to look at me,
12:56 or anything like that.
12:58 And he just, he just was, It will be okay,
13:01 and just so sure that everything was going to be fine.
13:03 So, I mean he was happy about it, but I mean I was,
13:08 I guess that I was the one that was the most worried
13:10 in this situation.
13:12 And so Tyler is... How old is Tyler?
13:13 He's sixteen. And he's in the same grade as you? Yep.
13:16 Okay, so same school, same grade.
13:18 So now, let's paint the picture.
13:20 So we have this sweet, innocent girl, if you will,
13:24 who is smitten with this guy in her class.
13:28 They begin a relationship; passing notes,
13:31 talking in the hall way, dating outside of school,
13:35 and mom knows about it.
13:36 His parents know about the relationship as well,
13:38 I'm assuming. Okay.
13:39 Parents know about it six months into the relationship
13:41 the subject is broached.
13:43 Here we are, we're being intimate, we continue on,
13:46 and then that fateful day happens where, Oh my, goodness!
13:49 I can't believe it!
13:51 Like you said, it can, and it has happened to me.
13:54 You go to Tyler, and Tyler is like,
13:55 Hey, it's going to be okay.
13:56 So does that calm you down just a little bit?
13:59 Not really. Not really? No.
14:02 Tell me about that.
14:03 It was good to know that he thought that everything was
14:06 going to be okay, and that he wasn't like, Oh well, I guess
14:10 I'm just going to leave. Right.
14:12 I know I wasn't too worried about it, because I know he's
14:16 a nice guy, but I was just glad that he was okay with it.
14:19 And I mean, even though it should have made me feel better,
14:22 I kind of just... I was more worried about my mom.
14:24 Right, right, and that's where we're going next,
14:27 because there's now at least two other conversations
14:29 that have to happen.
14:31 There's the conversation with his parents,
14:32 and the conversation with your parents.
14:34 Walk us up to the point where what you're thinking,
14:37 what's going on in your mind when you know, Oh my,
14:40 I have to tell mom about this.
14:42 I was scared, very scared.
14:46 I mean, me and my mom have a great relationship,
14:48 but sometimes we're not very good at
14:50 communicating with one another.
14:51 And so I knew that this conversation had to happen.
14:54 I just put it off as long as I could.
14:56 And how long was that?
14:58 Four and a half months.
14:59 So, mercy! Okay, Shannon.
15:02 Yeah, yeah. Shannon, we've tried to keep the doors open
15:07 when they're studying, we know that they're going on dates,
15:10 you know that they're hanging out.
15:12 We're not stupid, so there's a possibility...
15:15 We know that they're probably intimate with each other.
15:20 And so, at four months? Uh huh.
15:27 And were you showing yet?
15:29 Like how far along are you now?
15:31 It's almost six and a half months.
15:33 Almost six and a half months.
15:34 At four months were you showing at all?
15:35 I, yeah, yeah. And so, were you doing, were you doing,
15:39 were you taking the precautions?
15:41 Were you wearing the bigger shirts, and things like that,
15:42 so as to put mom off a little bit? Yeah.
15:44 Mom, now, okay so have you noticed
15:48 anything up to this point?
15:49 She was cheerleading up to this point;
15:52 cheerleading for the high school team. Wow!
15:55 Right. Up going to school every day.
15:58 I didn't notice her being sick in the morning.
16:00 I didn't notice any of the telltale signs. Huh.
16:02 Until I did notice one day that she had stretch marks
16:07 on the side of her belly, and I thought, Wow! Okay.
16:10 Hold on a minute! Okay.
16:12 So did this create the atmosphere for the conversation,
16:14 or did you come to mom and say, Mom, I'm pregnant.
16:17 That kind of created the atmosphere.
16:18 Okay, so you saw these stretch marks, and you went in.
16:20 You said, Hey, what's going on here? Right
16:22 So tell us about that.
16:23 It was very difficult because once I realized what those
16:27 stretch marks meant, it was hard for me not to see,
16:30 and not notice, and I was very disappointed at first. Okay.
16:36 Not so much in her, but disappointed for her future.
16:40 Okay. And what that meant for her future,
16:44 and how much more difficult that was going to be.
16:46 And I'm not sure what else to say about that.
16:53 I mean I just, still there's nothing, you know,
16:56 we can't change that.
16:58 I tell her all the time, God doesn't give you more
16:59 than you can handle.
17:00 Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh.
17:02 I tell her that all of the time.
17:03 So is there a time now, the realization has hit:
17:06 We're pregnant. Right.
17:08 Is there a conversation that you have with Mariah and Tyler
17:13 about the situation?
17:14 Do the families, like tell, lead us through that.
17:17 Because this has to have been...
17:18 We had a family conversation with Tyler's mother,
17:22 his step father, myself, and the two kids. Okay.
17:26 And sat down and said, We know that this isn't going to be
17:29 easy, and we're here to help you as much as we can.
17:32 And I wanted to make sure that his side of the family
17:34 was also just as supportive, because I can't do this
17:38 all by myself; they certainly can't do this all by themselves.
17:41 Right, right, right.
17:43 They need to finish school.
17:44 They need to go to college.
17:46 They need to still better themselves.
17:48 They're still teenagers.
17:51 You know, they're still kids.
17:53 So, now, unfortunately, or fortunately, depending upon
17:58 from which angle you're looking at this, there are a number of
18:01 options when a young lady finds themselves in
18:04 in this predicament and situation.
18:06 Did you ever entertain any of those other options?
18:10 Do you understand what I'm asking? Yes.
18:11 Did you ever entertain any of those other options?
18:14 Yes, I did. I thought for quite a long time about adoption,
18:21 and I really, I mean, I know that they're people out there
18:26 that would love to have kids that can't, and I'm blessed
18:30 that I can, but I'm just not a strong enough person
18:33 to be willing to, I mean put joy in somebody else's life,
18:37 I know that, but I just, I couldn't put myself in that
18:42 position to do that.
18:44 And I knew that with the help of my mom, and with Tyler's
18:47 family, and with Tyler that, and with God, that I could
18:52 do it, no matter what, so. Okay.
18:54 So, so, so, so, so, Shannon, God where are You?
18:59 Where are You right now?
19:01 I prayed a lot about this.
19:03 I prayed for answers.
19:05 I prayed for guidance.
19:08 I prayed for Him to just show me the way, and what am I supposed
19:11 to do as far as how to even deal with her in this situation.
19:16 I mean, because I was not happy. Okay.
19:19 So, and I got the answers that I needed. Okay.
19:22 And that's why I'm here with her, and I've been by her side,
19:27 and we're going to be alright.
19:29 So your baby is now having a baby.
19:36 Now this is just a moment for you, and I don't know if you've
19:40 been able to share this with her.
19:42 How are you feeling about becoming a grand mother?
19:49 I've already chosen the name Nana, so it doesn't
19:52 sound like grandma. Okay.
19:54 And I'm, you know, I'm excited for you.
19:59 I think you're going to be a fantastic mother.
20:02 I wish that you would have waited to do it.
20:05 But I'm here for you, and I'm going to help you as much as
20:09 I can, and as much as you need.
20:11 Thanks, mom. We can get through this.
20:16 Great, great, great. Now, this is the segment,
20:20 this is the portion of time in the show where I want to give
20:22 each of you an opportunity to speak to our audience.
20:25 First I want to start with you, Mariah.
20:28 Out there right now there's a young lady who is watching,
20:30 who loves their boyfriend just as much as you
20:34 probably loved Tyler, and who's contemplating
20:37 taking that next step.
20:39 I'd like you to speak to them and tell them what you think
20:45 they should do in that situation.
20:47 As a matter of fact, almost as though you have it to do over.
20:50 Oh, wow! And then I also, I not only want you to address them
20:54 in that fashion, but I want you to also then talk to the young
20:58 lady out there who's 15, 16 years old,
21:01 and she's currently pregnant.
21:03 I want you to talk to both of those young ladies.
21:06 Right over my shoulder here, I want you to speak to them
21:10 about the decision that you've made, how it's effecting you,
21:13 what you would do if you could do it over.
21:17 And how trusting God in this situation is helping you.
21:23 Go ahead. In this situation I would say that to any girl,
21:28 that it's not worth it.
21:30 No boy in high school is worth it.
21:32 I mean, if they say that they love you, they may mean it,
21:35 but that doesn't mean that you have to, or you shouldn't feel
21:39 forced to, or anything like that.
21:41 School is really important, and I would, I honestly wish
21:44 I would have waited.
21:45 Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh.
21:47 So now in the audience watching right now there is a young lady
21:52 who's 15, she's 16, she's pregnant.
21:55 What I want you to do now is I want you to speak to her
21:58 about how trust in God can pull you through
22:01 a situation like this, almost as though, like what you would
22:05 say about your mom.
22:06 You know, how mom, she's your mom regardless.
22:08 She's here. I want you to speak now to that young lady and say
22:11 to her, speak to her about how trust in God through a situation
22:14 like this can really anchor her.
22:18 Well, I think God works in many different ways, and He's always
22:21 there, and no matter what, He's not judging you, or looking down
22:25 upon you, or anything like that.
22:27 He will always help you just like your parents will.
22:30 He loves you no matter what.
22:32 So I just know that without the help of my parents, and God,
22:36 and with all the support that I wouldn't get through it.
22:41 But, yeah. Alright, alright.
22:43 Now Shannon, we're going to take a more informed perspective
22:47 on this, because you're a parent.
22:49 And out there there is a young lady, there is Mariah,
22:55 who is now active with her boyfriend,
22:58 or she's contemplating being active with her boyfriend.
23:01 And you have the opportunity to have the conversation with that
23:04 young lady, like you wish you had been afforded the
23:07 opportunity to have that conversation with Mariah.
23:09 She's contemplating, she's come to you, she's saying,
23:12 mom, I love Tyler, and we're thinking about going
23:16 to the next level.
23:17 I wish I would have happened.
23:18 I know, I know, I know.
23:20 So what we're going to do is we're going to now speak
23:23 to that young lady.
23:24 I want you to speak to that young lady.
23:26 Right over my shoulder there's a camera.
23:27 I want you to speak to that young lady.
23:29 She's contemplating, because she loves her boyfriend,
23:33 taking the relationship to the intimate place.
23:36 Can you now speak to her?
23:38 I would say, if I had that choice, that you need to
23:44 pray about that before you do anything.
23:46 That you need to look at all of the problems that come
23:51 with having the blessing of a baby.
23:54 You know, there's, who's going to pay the bills?
23:58 Who's going to take care of that child when it's sick?
24:01 Who's going to take care of you if you're a teenage daughter,
24:05 or boy with a baby on the way?
24:08 Someone still has to take care of you, so how are you able
24:12 to take care of another human being?
24:13 You have to rely on someone, and who's that going to be?
24:18 There are a lot more things that are involved in having
24:22 a baby than just being intimate and having a baby.
24:25 Uh huh, uh huh, and this, what you're speaking to now,
24:29 is the potential eventuality, if you will, of if you're going to
24:34 engage in an intimate relationship,
24:36 a child is something that could happen. Exactly.
24:39 A child is something that...
24:40 And so what in essence I hear you saying to that young lady
24:43 is, You might want to wait.
24:46 You might want to think about that.
24:47 There's some, again, like you said, more important things.
24:50 There was a phrase going around when I was in school amongst
24:53 the young ladies, Books Before Boys. Uh huh.
24:56 You know, let's put books before boys.
24:57 Let's make sure that we're doing what need to do in school,
25:00 because God has blessed us.
25:04 I mean one of the first gifts that He gave to man was to
25:06 be fruitful and multiply.
25:08 But if you look in the Bible, this is something I'd like to
25:10 share with both of you, and maybe even you can share this
25:13 with Tyler, if he's watching, or you can share it with
25:15 him on your own time.
25:16 When God created Adam, Adam seemingly was perfect.
25:22 Everything was great.
25:23 Everything was just wonderful.
25:25 And God looked and said, It is not good that
25:28 man should be alone.
25:29 But I need you to know that there were a couple of things
25:32 that God put in place before He gave Adam an help meet.
25:37 I want you to notice that the first thing He showed him,
25:39 He said, Listen, Adam, here is your work.
25:42 Adam had a job. Before he ever got a wife, Adam had a job.
25:49 And then God said, Not only is your job to tend and dress
25:52 the garden, but here is where you will live.
25:55 Adam had a place for his wife to stay before
26:00 he ever had a wife.
26:01 So as you contemplate going to that next level,
26:04 and as you think about these things, you have to understand
26:07 that God in His perfect, infinite wisdom,
26:11 before He gave Adam a wife, He made sure Adam had a job,
26:17 and a place to stay that wasn't mom's house, it wasn't dad's
26:23 house, it was his own house.
26:24 You understand what I'm saying?
26:26 And then the third, and most important thing that I'd like
26:28 to just impart to you both, is that what God did,
26:32 that was he tested the mind of Adam.
26:35 You know, He said, Adam, what are these animals here?
26:39 And Adam was able to give a name to each one of those animals,
26:43 signifying not that He was originating the name only,
26:46 but that he knew exactly what God would call them.
26:50 His mind was linked to the mind of God.
26:53 And when sin entered the world, we lost that mind.
26:56 We lost our minds.
26:58 And so this is why Paul tells us in the book of Philippians,
27:01 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.
27:05 So if you, from this point on, to the young lady,
27:08 and the young man that's watching, and is considering
27:11 intimacy, or considering possibly having a child,
27:15 think about these things.
27:16 If you don't have, first and foremost a job, if you don't
27:19 have a place to stay, and most importantly, the mind of Christ,
27:23 then you're not ready for this responsibility.
27:26 You're not ready for this responsibility.
27:28 I, again, I still applaud and commend your bravery.
27:31 And I'm sure, I'm sure, that as your mom said,
27:34 you'll be a good mom.
27:35 And maybe this child, you can share those three things with.
27:38 If they come to you, Mom, I'm thinking about going to the next
27:41 level with my boyfriend, my girlfriend, you can say,
27:45 Well, here's something that a pastor told me:
27:48 job, place to stay, mind of Christ.
27:52 And you, even now, are still afforded the ability.
27:55 You can dare to dream that this won't be
27:58 repeated with your child.
28:00 God bless you, and we welcome you on your new journey, Mariah.
28:05 Thank you.


Revised 2016-07-12