New Journey, The

Business Man Prison Ministry

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Marquis Johns (Host), Ken Beache


Series Code: TNJ

Program Code: TNJ000016

00:08 Welcome to The New Journey, a program about real life people,
00:12 with real life testimonies, doing real life
00:15 ministry for Jesus Christ.
00:17 I'm your host, Pastor Marquis Johns.
00:19 Join us on The New Journey.
00:54 In this day and age most business owners do their best
00:57 to stay away from jail.
00:58 But on today's show we have someone who's going
01:01 into the prison system.
01:03 Ken Beach, tell us a little bit about where you're from.
01:06 I was born in South East London, but my family is from
01:10 Trinidad and Tobago in the Southern Caribbean.
01:11 And I came to the United States to gain an education,
01:16 secondary education, and I've been here for in excess of
01:20 twenty-five years trying to follow that dream,
01:23 and build a family, and establish a life for myself.
01:26 Now, when you say you're here trying to establish a life for
01:29 yourself, and following a dream, tell us what is that dream,
01:33 or what was that dream, and how has that dream manifested
01:35 itself in what you're doing currently?
01:37 We'll get into where you're at, but how did that
01:39 dream manifest itself?
01:40 What are you currently doing?
01:41 Who are you, and where do you work?
01:43 I'm one of a few owners of an engineering consulting
01:46 business in Indianapolis.
01:48 And trying to build a business, we started with five people.
01:52 We're now in excess of forty people. Uh huh.
01:54 God has blessed us over the course of a ten year
01:56 tenure of this business.
01:57 And that appears to be the current business direction
02:01 that I am heading.
02:03 Okay, okay. I think God may have other plans for me
02:05 above and beyond just the business, and He continues to
02:08 open my eyes to more and more as each passing year goes on.
02:12 Okay, so here's this kid, he comes from London,
02:15 I mean Trinidad by way of London,
02:18 or London by way of Trinidad, and you get to the states,
02:21 and at an early age you have this desire, because you wanted
02:25 to further your education, you said, and so as you're pursuing
02:27 your education, where did the desire for what you're currently
02:34 doing? and we're going to get to that, but where does that desire
02:36 come from? what you're currently doing?
02:37 Not the business, but the other thing that we'll talk
02:39 about in a few moments?
02:41 My salvation, and recognizing the sacrifice was made for me,
02:47 and then through my own personal growth in Christ, recognizing
02:52 that He expects things of me. Right.
02:54 I can't sit and suckle the teat all the days of my life.
02:57 I need to eat meat.
02:58 I need to start doing as He's commanded me, which is to go
03:01 and make His Word known, beyond just my own miniscule life.
03:08 Okay, so most 17, 18, 19 year old kids, they're not concerned
03:13 about their salvation.
03:14 They're out there; they're having a good time.
03:16 They're living life, and they're saying, Hey, I've got time!
03:18 I'll get back to salvation later.
03:20 What caused you, at an early age, to be concerned with,
03:23 and even take an active role in pursuing this relationship with
03:26 Christ, so that you could make sure that you were saved?
03:29 I would have to believe it's that seed that's planted way
03:33 down in the inside of each and every one of us. Okay.
03:36 I came up in a household that wasn't particularly...
03:39 That's what we're talking about.
03:41 ...pop practitioners we sometimes called CME:
03:44 Christians, Christian Mother's Day, and Easter.
03:46 But not even that much.
03:47 It was weddings, and funerals for the most part.
03:49 And somehow, however, when I was about eighteen years old,
03:51 a still quiet voice was calling to me telling me
03:55 something was missing. Okay.
03:56 And that's when I began my search, and my quest for it.
04:00 Okay, so tell us about the steps that you began to take.
04:03 Eighteen years old, you hear the voice of God.
04:05 What are the steps that you began to take to close the gap
04:08 between you and Him?
04:09 What are those steps?
04:11 Fortunately there were people of faith in and around my
04:13 community, and I was invited to attend and to go to church,
04:16 and to hear God's Word.
04:18 And that, obviously, the more you hear it,
04:20 it can't come back void, so it continues to grow,
04:23 and to grow, and to nurture, and to grow within you.
04:25 And it took probably five or six years until after I had
04:30 moved to the United States of America before I was converted,
04:34 before I finally submitted myself and accepted Christ
04:37 as my Lord and Savior.
04:38 Amen, amen. So now, again, and I'm a person,
04:40 I like to paint a picture.
04:42 And I say that a lot on this show,
04:43 because we're on a journey.
04:45 And I want to paint the picture, and keep bringing the listeners,
04:46 and the audience up to speed.
04:48 So here's this kid; he gets serious about Jesus,
04:51 or somewhat serious about Jesus around the age of eighteen.
04:53 He starts and embarks upon a journey
04:55 that lasts about five years.
04:57 Five years from then where are you at that time?
04:59 Where are you five years from the day that you said,
05:01 Okay, I hear You, Lord, but I'm not really ready.
05:05 Where are you five years later when you finally decide, like,
05:07 what has taken place between eighteen, in that five years
05:11 later period of time?
05:12 I can't remember anything specific that was consistent
05:16 over the five year period.
05:17 I just know that I had a particular life of circumstance
05:22 when I was in college that, someone said, he said to me,
05:26 Ken you need to kneel in prayer on that.
05:28 That's all they said to me, and for some reason I knelt down
05:32 and I prayed, and I got up, having all faith that it
05:36 was taken care of. Okay.
05:37 And that, it's the work that's through our faith that
05:40 effectively brings things into being. Right.
05:42 And it was a fact that I got up in faith, at age twenty-three,
05:46 and all these things were added unto me... Wow!
05:48 ...pressed down, shaken together and overflowing; all of it.
05:51 And it's a very long story, but there's so many blessings that
05:56 all that's catapulted.
05:57 And the most important part of the whole deal is when I called
05:59 home to tell my family about this sequence of things that had
06:03 transpired to commit me to God's purpose in my life,
06:08 my mother informed me, my father accepted Christ two days ago.
06:12 Oh mercy, praise the Lord!
06:13 And, yeah, it was just more than I could possibly deny.
06:20 I see it all over you right now.
06:21 Yeah. I see you just went right back to that place.
06:24 And praise the Lord for those moments, those aha moments
06:27 to where you know that God has been leading you,
06:29 and you see Him validate His leading in your life by the
06:32 decisions others are making.
06:33 Now, so you're twenty-three years old, graduating college,
06:37 I assume. Were did you graduate from?
06:39 Howard University.
06:40 And you embark upon an engineering career immediately?
06:43 Actually, I started off in architecture. Okay.
06:48 I thought I wanted to be an architect.
06:49 My father was an engineer, and you know,
06:51 you don't want to follow your father's footsteps.
06:52 So I start off in architecture, and I did a five year degree in
06:54 architecture, and I came out to practice.
06:56 And over the course of three years of practice,
06:59 I determined I was actually an engineer. Right, right.
07:02 I went back to graduate school here in the U.S.,
07:04 at Perdue University, in West Lafayette, Indiana,
07:07 and have been pursuing engineering practice since then.
07:10 And sometime there afterwards had an opportunity to come into
07:14 part ownership of this new business that I'm in.
07:17 And the rest, they say, is the business half of my life. Right.
07:21 I become married along the way. Right, right, right.
07:23 Beautiful wife, also from Trinidad. Right.
07:25 We didn't meet until I came to the United States of America.
07:26 It's all part of that story I'm telling you about God's grace,
07:30 and how a young eleven year old, and...
07:33 Now the reason why I'm keying in on these things Ken,
07:36 let me give you a view as to why I'm keying in on these
07:39 things, because in this day and age the reality is a person
07:42 like yourself, well educated: Howard University,
07:45 Perdue University, a business owner.
07:48 We don't find a lot of those people saying, I want to go into
07:53 the prison system, okay?
07:55 Typically, and most notably, most people,
07:58 specifically who are in business, are trying their best
08:00 to stay out of jail, okay?
08:03 And so here we have a unique, a unique opportunity for us to
08:06 delve into the mindset of a very well educated business
08:09 owner who's now saying, Listen, I want to go and give back.
08:14 And of all people to the prisons?
08:16 Tell us about that.
08:18 Again, God puts people in our lives at times and places when
08:24 we are ready to receive them, just as He put Eve for Adam,
08:27 when Adam was ready to receive her.
08:28 He put a very influential man in my life, Pastor David Page,
08:32 who had a passion for the prisons, and invited me to
08:35 participate in prison ministry in 1993 or '94.
08:39 And I went in the door, and there were several within the
08:43 group who originally started going, who promptly realized
08:47 it really wasn't for them.
08:48 But it has always been in my blood, and I recognized that
08:52 that must be the intent that God had for me, by virtue of the
08:56 fact that I've always been comfortable within the bars,
09:00 behind bars, and it has stuck with me.
09:03 And I've stayed with it, and I've been blessed immeasurably
09:05 by doing so. Okay, okay.
09:07 So now tell us, the first time you walked into the prison,
09:09 you gave us a little tidbit there about the first time you
09:12 went in you saw a number of the people who accompanied you
09:15 turn, realizing that this was not for them.
09:17 Tell us the emotions that were going through you,
09:20 and that you were dealing with as you walked into the prisons
09:22 for the first time; again taking into consideration most people
09:26 try to stay away from that side.
09:27 I mean, you just said to us that you were
09:29 comfortable behind bars.
09:30 I understand what you mean, but I'm sure that comfort level,
09:34 or matter of fact, was that comfort level immediate,
09:37 or did you grow into that after maybe the second time?
09:40 Key us into what was going through your mind,
09:43 and what were the emotions you were feeling, and dealing with,
09:45 and what were the emotions you were feeling in dealing with the
09:46 first time you went into the prison system?
09:48 There was definitely apprehension... Uh huh.
09:50 ...maybe some trepidation. Uh huh, uh huh.
09:53 But I was there to serve my Lord, and Savior. Right.
09:56 And so whatever I was going through was negligible compared
10:00 to what He'd suffered for me. Uh huh.
10:02 And so I went in not necessarily knowing,
10:05 and not knowing what to expect.
10:06 And, well yes, with time I came to realize they are people,
10:11 just as I'm a person, indelibly created by their Heavenly Father
10:15 with a spiritual gift, whatever it might possibly be,
10:18 and I have to let my light so shine.
10:21 That's what He told me to do.
10:22 And in so doing, I realized that they were brighter,
10:25 many of the men within the walls were brighter lights than I was.
10:29 Explain that to me, because I've gone to school
10:32 to study theology.
10:33 I am a practicing pastor.
10:35 How are you wanting me to believe that there's someone
10:38 in the prison systems that has a brighter light than I do?
10:40 And I'm being a little facetious here, but give our viewers,
10:45 and our audience an understanding on what you've
10:47 encountered that would cause you to say, Wait, there's some
10:49 people in there who are shining brighter than
10:52 those of us outside.
10:54 Tell us more about that.
10:55 Their dedication to the Word, to understanding it,
11:01 the whole concept of iron sharpening iron.
11:03 I feel and hear the men talking to each other,
11:05 and holding each other accountable.
11:07 The fact that within the walls there are men who are willing
11:10 to step up and be part of the worship, or the leader team,
11:14 to put themselves in the light that they must be held
11:18 accountable, because they have put themselves in the light.
11:20 The fact that they don't have anywhere to run.
11:22 They've got to show it twenty-four hours a day.
11:24 There's no backdoors, anywhere else they go.
11:27 The way that they bless my spirit, on occasions I haven't
11:31 always gone into the prisons where I've been on my best days.
11:35 But I recognize full heartedly that I am blessed beyond measure
11:39 when I do go in, either on the drive to or the drive from,
11:42 and while I'm there the men continue to lift
11:45 me up on occasions.
11:46 So what you're saying to me, Ken, in essence is,
11:48 you're realizing that you are blessed before you go,
11:51 and after you leave.
11:52 But are these blessings the kind of blessings we're like, Wow,
11:55 thank God I'm not in prison!
11:58 Not by a long shot.
12:00 What I've recognized is, I think it teaches me that maybe
12:06 my faith may be somewhat superficial on the outside.
12:11 Can you say that? I can say that.
12:13 I can hold myself accountable... Okay!
12:16 ...and that sometimes I have to be more true to myself,
12:21 and true to what God intends for me in the way that I
12:25 demonstrate my faith.
12:27 The results of that has been that it now
12:29 comes back out with me.
12:30 I leave there with the wheels turning, and questioning my
12:35 business practices, and the way I deal with people outside here.
12:39 If I who, quote unquote, am free, why do, in some respects,
12:43 we act as if we are bound here on the outside?
12:47 So what you just said to me is that you leave there realizing
12:50 and questioning if some of your business practices are ethical,
12:54 and is that what I'm picking up?
12:56 No, not so much that, but my interpersonal relationships,
13:00 and the ways that I otherwise might interact with my
13:04 employees, or the members of our staff of our company,
13:06 or even my business acquaintances.
13:08 It's the manner in which I deal with the stresses of the day,
13:12 and whether I really and truly allow them to burden me. Uh huh.
13:15 When I think of the burdens that others bear, and they continue
13:19 to shed light, and to provide light to me,
13:21 yeah, it bears pause.
13:24 Okay, and so here we are.
13:27 So we have, again painting the picture, this guy comes to the
13:31 States, gets an education, very good education:
13:34 Howard University, Perdue University.
13:35 He comes out, he's practicing as an architect,
13:38 and realizes he's an engineer.
13:39 Now that's not a realization everyone comes to.
13:41 You know, from architecture to engineer.
13:43 I try to stay away from numbers, and math, and those things.
13:46 So, highly intelligent individual.
13:48 You start a family.
13:49 You have a son? daughter, I'm sorry.
13:52 You have a daughter, and now you're going
13:54 into the prison system.
13:56 And the realization you're coming to when you leave there
13:59 is that there are some things that you need to hold yourself
14:02 accountable to as a result of interfacing, if you will,
14:06 with prisoners. Yes.
14:08 Now that's an exceptional vantage point that most of us
14:14 we malign them, or we look at them in such a light that we
14:18 want to stay away from them.
14:19 Where what you're saying to us is that if we were to interact
14:21 with them more often, if you will, that we could realize some
14:28 things about ourselves that would straighten up our walk.
14:31 Absolutely. Now here's a question I want to ask,
14:33 Have you had an interaction with a particular inmate that has
14:39 deeply impacted you in such a way...
14:45 Have you had this type of interaction with an inmate
14:48 that has impacted you? I have.
14:50 Very recently in fact, I've had some consideration to how can I
14:54 additionally change the ministry that I priorly,
14:58 currently bring within the walls?
14:59 And one of the things we struggle with in the United
15:01 States right now is we have a severe unemployment problem.
15:03 Well, if we have an unemployment problem, how much more so do
15:06 those coming out of the prisons have?
15:09 And I am asking myself, Are there mechanisms that I possibly
15:12 can pull resources outside to invite training, or education
15:15 in specific technical skill areas that men who have
15:19 dedicated themselves, for example, gathering their GED's,
15:23 might be able to do, and become more able to support themselves,
15:27 and avoid this cartwheel of recidivism that we face.
15:31 And one of the men recently, I mentioned it over the Christmas
15:35 period that I was looking into, and one of them
15:38 recently called me on it.
15:40 He said, Brother Beach, you said that ABC you were looking into
15:44 this, and I'm wondering how that was going? Hum!
15:47 He was sitting there looking forward to the opportunity
15:50 to be able to participate in this, but more importantly,
15:53 he held me somewhat accountable, that I can't say any,
15:56 and everything that I want.
15:57 I've got to be a man of my word.
15:58 And so the ministry, as a result, will probably grow
16:00 as a result of that.
16:02 Okay, so let me ask, let me follow up this question.
16:04 How is that process coming along?
16:06 Tell us some of the things that you are doing in your particular
16:09 business that you are hoping to help them not do the repeat
16:16 offender dance that they've probably been
16:18 doing up to this point?
16:19 Tell us about some of the things that you've put into place.
16:22 Well, one of the most important things that I'm currently
16:24 working on is trying to find a pool of resources of other
16:27 engineers, such as myself, who are willing to dedicate some of
16:29 their time to help train men who are recently out,
16:34 in areas of construction inspection.
16:37 To be able to observe construction both in high rise,
16:41 or in infrastructure, or in road way for transportation projects.
16:45 There are certain specifications and details that one must know,
16:49 there's also certification that one can receive.
16:52 And so if I can get individuals who can, from my pool of
16:55 resources outside of the walls, dedicate some of their time
16:58 to help do training classes, these men may have the
17:02 opportunity to capture a skill.
17:04 They've gone to daily exam.
17:05 They've got to study it, they've got to learn the material,
17:07 they've got to take the tech exam, and get the certification
17:10 but it gives them the technical skills that could possibly
17:14 achieve financial stability for them, that they may have the
17:17 mechanisms to support themselves, and not have to
17:20 possibly go back to some of the other ways of supporting
17:22 themselves that originally might have gotten
17:24 them where they were.
17:26 Absolutely, now how easy or difficult has it been to get
17:29 engineers like yourself to buy into an idea like this?
17:34 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
17:37 Um, I haven't yet fostered the pool of the individuals,
17:41 but just as there have been individuals in my life
17:44 who have helped me make the transition from one position
17:47 to the next, I believe that God will place the resources there
17:51 for me to do His work.
17:53 As a result, I have no fear, or lack of faith that I will find
17:58 the individuals necessary to do this.
18:00 So, and I want to key in on that because it's very important.
18:04 You know, I have a background of my own, and I also have a
18:07 brother who is currently incarcerated.
18:09 And I remember one of the times he got out.
18:11 He had done five years in prison, and he got out,
18:14 and he began looking for work.
18:16 And there was a moral dilemma, an ethical dilemma, as he was
18:21 filling out job applications, whether he would tell the truth,
18:24 or that he would lie about his being an offender.
18:27 And on one occasion he actually went so far, he told the truth,
18:31 yes, I am an offender.
18:33 And he found that he wasn't able to get jobs where he,
18:39 you know, cash register jobs, and things like this.
18:42 These were not jobs that he could get.
18:45 And he found that the places that he was able to work were
18:49 at high risk to his own health.
18:51 He was working cleaning out pipes from oil, and there was
18:57 the intake of the inhalation of this toxin, if you will.
19:03 And he didn't want to be there, but it was all he could do.
19:07 And so he found himself in this crossroads, if you will,
19:10 where, I have a job, but it's killing me.
19:13 But it's the only job I can get, so do I stay here,
19:16 and potentially take years off of my life expectancy,
19:20 or do I go back to, unfortunately, what is easier?
19:24 And I've learned to navigate this lifestyle that can take
19:27 years off of my life expectancy, because of the alliances that I
19:31 have with gang members, and so forth.
19:33 And he eventually went back to his old lifestyle,
19:37 because he was getting sick.
19:38 So as you are planning this project, if you will,
19:45 to help offenders come out and get stable jobs, and technical
19:50 skills that will help them maintain and live a socially
19:55 acceptable lifestyle, are you guys taking into consideration
19:58 that there's a possibility that what you're asking them to do
20:02 might somehow, it might be dangerous?
20:06 And so I'm thinking about when you say the infrastructure,
20:08 and carpentry, and these things.
20:10 And those are great trades, those are great skills
20:13 to do with your hands.
20:14 But do the people who hire, and I guess this is what I'm
20:16 asking, Do the people who say, Well, I'm going to hire ex-cons,
20:20 kind of say to themselves, and they have to take this job,
20:22 because there's nothing else out there for them.
20:24 Have you run into that?
20:25 Are you addressing that potential issue?
20:28 I mean because, again, from my background, these are the
20:30 questions that maybe my brother, or some of the guys in jail
20:35 with him might ask, some of the inmates might ask.
20:37 Actually one of the things that is prevalent in the United
20:40 States at this time is even though unemployment is as high
20:43 as it is, there is a significant shortage for individuals
20:48 with technical skills in the United States. Okay.
20:50 What I'm hoping to do is provide an opportunity for these men
20:54 and women to acquire technical skills for which there is
20:59 a demand for their best skills. Okay.
21:01 And they are, the process of becoming certified,
21:05 and gaining these certifications requires application of your
21:09 mental capacity, not your brute force of your hands. Okay.
21:12 As a result, their responsibilities will be the
21:14 oversight, and the observation, and documentation of work,
21:20 as opposed to the hands on physical labor
21:22 associated with work.
21:24 Fantastic! And that question wasn't designed to anyway
21:27 throw you under the bus, but I figured you'd have
21:29 something like that to say.
21:31 And so here's what I'd like to do, because taking that into
21:34 consideration, what I'd like you to do is take a couple of
21:36 moments, look at this camera over my shoulder, over my left
21:39 shoulder here, and there's a particular segment,
21:42 or population that I'd like you to speak to.
21:45 I'd like you to speak to people like yourself who may not have
21:49 felt the call that you have felt to go into the prisons,
21:53 because like the disciples, there are prison guards,
21:56 there are prisoners who will, as a result of interacting with
21:59 you, come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
22:01 But there are some people out there, like again,
22:04 who are staying away from that segment, that population.
22:07 And I'd like you now to speak to them, and share your heart
22:10 as to 1. What God has done for you as a result of your
22:13 interacting with the prisons, and the inmates.
22:15 And also, appeal to them, if you would,
22:19 that this is something that God requires of us.
22:22 I frequently say on this show that in Matthew 25:31,
22:25 God is actually going to hold people accountable for not
22:28 visiting the prisons. Yes.
22:30 And so here we have a well educated man, put together very
22:34 nicely, I mean, business owner who was going into the prisons
22:38 and is actually impacting the life of inmates, but is allowing
22:42 the inmates to impact his life.
22:44 Speak to people like yourself who haven't yet heard,
22:48 or answered that call.
22:52 To those in the audience today who had apprehension regarding
22:57 your ability to make a difference, I've mentioned
23:01 several times today that it was only for people along my way
23:05 who were there at the time that I needed them that I've been
23:09 able to accomplish what I've accomplished.
23:11 To God be the glory for all of it.
23:13 I recognize I'm nothing more than a turtle on a fence post.
23:16 I'm only there because He placed me there.
23:17 And I say, in so many different ways, You can make a difference.
23:22 It may not necessarily be going within the walls,
23:25 and behind the bars, but there are men who will come out
23:28 who have the aptitude, and the desire to do good,
23:30 and they simply need the opportunity, and they need
23:33 someone to be there to grant them that opportunity.
23:37 I believe that each and every one of us has an opportunity
23:40 to help and to afford someone else a chance, a single chance.
23:45 I ask that each of you consider that.
23:48 In your own small way, recognizing that we are
23:50 obligated, through our acceptance of Christ,
23:53 who paid the ultimate sacrifice, to be willing to sacrifice some
23:58 to help the less fortunate.
24:00 It's possible, and great things can be accomplished by it.
24:03 If we seek as first the kingdom of heaven, all these other
24:06 things will be added on, too.
24:08 When I started doing this, I was not a business owner.
24:10 Since then, myself and others, have got into
24:12 business ownership.
24:14 There were five of us when we started.
24:15 God has blessed us to more than forty individuals in the area of
24:18 engineering, and technical services.
24:21 I didn't do this by myself.
24:23 I can only claim that God had a hand in it, and He's done it
24:26 so that we can do more.
24:28 If He... It's not just grace to me, but grace through me.
24:31 And He's given grace to each and every one of us, and you,
24:34 that you can make a difference.
24:36 So I ask, If you have any doubts, 2 Chronicles, I think,
24:41 speaks to, You must believe without doubt.
24:44 And He can do anything with you but fail.
24:47 You know, while you were speaking, and that was very
24:51 touching, while you were speaking I wondered,
24:53 have you had an opportunity?...
24:55 Now how long have you been doing the prison ministry?
24:57 Ah, since 1994, or thereabouts, since 20 years.
25:03 So in those twenty years, can you remember? can you bring
25:07 to mind right now, someone who maybe, or even if it wasn't
25:10 someone you interacted with while you were behind bars,
25:12 while you were dealing with the inmates,
25:14 but someone that you know that had a checkered, or sordid past,
25:19 that has now come out, and you've helped them,
25:22 or you've worked with them?
25:23 Is there such? You're smiling.
25:24 Is there such a story, Ken? There is.
25:26 Tell us, come on, tell us that story, because that was a
25:29 heart wrenching appeal. Yes.
25:30 But now follow that appeal up with some hard core data.
25:33 Um, there's a young man that I have known for probably close
25:37 to fifteen years now, who had a checkered past.
25:40 And I don't know the specifics of his background,
25:42 but he did inform me that he had previously been incarcerated.
25:47 But since he'd come out, because of the fact that he had the
25:50 mark, and it was difficult to find work, oftentimes they're
25:53 challenged to be more industrious, and start their own
25:57 businesses, and so on.
25:58 And over the course of many years, he had acquired,
26:00 and moved, and sold a lot of real estate,
26:02 and property, and so on.
26:04 And over the course of the year, I've seen him, and I recognized
26:06 within him this penchant for business;
26:09 a really good business, but what he had was that mark,
26:13 that continued to show up.
26:14 And so over the course of the last fifteen years that I have
26:17 known him, I've had to, on countless occasions,
26:20 to move projects forward that he's trying to do the right way;
26:24 to live it the way that society would have him live,
26:27 as opposed to resorting to the old way.
26:29 And I saw him no more than two days ago.
26:32 He has a new project.
26:33 He's going forward.
26:35 I brought a draftsman that I knew who could help him to
26:36 get his designs done for negligible.
26:38 I've donated my time, because I desire so much that he prosper,
26:43 because he's trying to do it the way God ordained it.
26:45 And if a person's trying to do it that way, you need to take
26:49 the opportunity to help them.
26:51 So this is not just theory.
26:52 You're not just saying, Oh, if you go in and help,
26:54 it could possibly, maybe one day. No.
26:58 You're not, you're not sitting here espousing theory,
27:00 you've seen this actually happen in the life of this young man,
27:04 and quite possibly in the life of countless others.
27:06 And so that practical application, mixed with the
27:11 theory, if you will, shows people, and our listeners,
27:14 and our audience, that it is actually something
27:17 that is realistic.
27:18 It's not just pie in the sky.
27:20 Oh, we can help them!
27:22 And they come out and be productive members of society?
27:24 No, no, no, no, no.
27:26 You're saying, Ken, you're saying, I've seen them come out,
27:29 and become productive members of society, because you were
27:33 there, and others like you were there, to help them
27:36 in that transition.
27:37 Absolutely. It is an essential piece of the puzzle.
27:41 There must be some mechanism.
27:44 My original training was through prison fellowship.
27:47 And they recognized that the after care is a critical
27:49 piece of the puzzle.
27:51 And so what you've given them is the ability,
27:55 and the desire to dare to dream.
27:59 Brothers and Sisters, we have seen today that this is not just
28:02 practical; I mean this is not just theory, it's practical.
28:05 Dare to dream, and start your new journey. God bless you.


Revised 2016-06-30