Participants: Pr. Marquis Johns (Host), Kyle Gilbert
Series Code: TNJ
Program Code: TNJ000015
00:01 The following program discusses sensitive issues.
00:03 Parents are cautioned that some material 00:05 may be too candid for younger children. 00:09 Welcome to The New Journey, 00:10 a program about real life people, 00:13 with real life testimonies, 00:15 doing real life ministry for Jesus Christ. 00:17 I'm your host, Pastor Marquis Johns. 00:20 Join us on The New Journey. 00:54 "Unless we are converted and become as little children, 00:57 we shall in no wise inherit the kingdom of God." 01:01 The interesting thing about that statement is, 01:02 we sometimes believe that little children 01:05 don't have testimonies. 01:07 Well, today we have Kyle Gilbert, 01:09 a young man with a huge testimony. 01:13 Kyle, how are you doing today? 01:14 Very good, Sir. Good, good, good. 01:16 Now first and foremost, 01:18 I want you to tell me your name, 01:19 how old you are and where you're from. 01:21 My name is Kyle Gilbert, I'm 14 01:23 and I'm from Marion, Indiana. 01:25 Marion, Indiana. Okay. 01:27 So now 14 years old, come on, Kyle, you don't have a story. 01:32 You don't have anything to tell us, 01:33 I mean, the people who are watching are thinking, 01:35 what does this kid have? What does he gone through? 01:38 They've gone through so much. 01:39 And yet, you are here with the testimony. 01:43 Yes, Sir. Okay. 01:44 So tell us about your parents if you can. 01:48 If you can tell us about your parents, 01:49 where your parents at? 01:51 Well, to start it, I had a lot of stuff, 01:53 my dad had a good job, 01:54 we had a stable home, we had everything. 01:56 I was spoiled and then, 01:59 my dad just started to cheat on my mom 02:01 with the secretary of his job. 02:02 Oh, wow. And they split up. 02:04 And today my mom figured out, 02:05 she started drinking, beat herself up. 02:09 And my dad started smoking crack. 02:11 Okay. Wow. 02:12 Wow. What a turn around. 02:13 Now how old were you when this divorce happened? 02:15 I was about 11. Eleven years old. 02:17 So 11 years old, 02:18 your parents go through a very terrible 02:21 and it seems like a tumultuous divorce. 02:24 Yes, Sir. Okay. 02:25 So dad is having an affair unfortunately. 02:29 Mom finds out about it and mom goes to drinking. 02:32 Now you said you were spoiled. 02:33 So the moment mom starts drinking 02:35 and dad starts using, 02:37 what happens to that spoil life? 02:38 I mean, I'm assuming you had all the latest video games. 02:41 Yeah. You had all the-- 02:43 You were able to watch all the movies 02:45 that you wanted to. 02:46 So how did things-- 02:48 If you can, how did thing, was it a drastic change, 02:51 the video games disappeared, 02:54 the television disappear, what happened? 02:55 My dad started selling all the stuff, okay. 02:57 Oh, wow. Oh, wow. 02:59 And it's that simple? Yeah, that simple. 03:01 When did you come to the realization 03:02 that this is what dad was doing? 03:05 Well, one day I found 03:07 a crack pipe in my dad's glove box. 03:09 And I knew what it was 'cause I've seen in TV shows. 03:11 Okay, so based on what you have seen on TV, 03:14 when you saw this, you knew exactly what it was. 03:16 Yes, Sir. 03:18 So we got this 11 year old boy, 03:20 parents go through this divorce. 03:22 What's going on, if you can articulate, 03:24 if you can verbalize, if you can tell us, 03:26 what's going on inside of you at this time? 03:29 I was really hurt. 03:30 I didn't know my dad would ever do that 03:32 and it just really shocked me knowing 03:35 my dad was doing that stuff. 03:36 It was just like boom, just hitting. 03:39 I started-- I just started getting 03:40 depressed a little bit, deep down. 03:43 So does anybody noticed that you're depressed? 03:47 No, not really. I stayed in my room a lot. 03:49 Stayed in your room. 03:50 Now did the depression manifest itself 03:55 or come out like anger? 03:56 Did you get angry sometimes? 03:57 Yeah, I punched a few holes in the wall, like two. 04:02 You did two holes in the wall? 04:03 So you're angry, were you still in school at this time? 04:08 Yeah. 04:09 How did your school work and your friends...? 04:12 My grades started going down. 04:13 Grades started going down. Friends, did you-- 04:15 Did you start pushing away from your friends? 04:18 No, I starting to-- I used to have good friends. 04:20 I started picking the bad friends. 04:21 Okay, okay. 04:23 Now what do you think made you want the bad friends now? 04:26 The drugs. Okay. 04:28 So the good friends weren't understanding, 04:30 but the bad friends were understanding 04:32 and the bad friends were introducing you to drugs, 04:33 like what kind of drugs? 04:35 Well, weed. Okay. 04:37 And alcohol. Okay. 04:39 So at 11 years old, you're doing-- 04:42 You're smoking marijuana and you're drinking alcohol. 04:45 Beer. Okay, okay, beer. 04:47 So you're smoking marijuana and drinking beer. 04:49 And because your mom is drinking 04:51 and your dad is on drugs, 04:53 everyone is, everyone is oblivious 04:55 to what's going on with Kyle. 04:57 They weren't oblivious to-- at first I was trying to hide 05:00 but after a while they started to notice. 05:03 Okay, so what was their reaction 05:04 to their 11 year old son smoking and drinking beer? 05:09 They try to discipline 05:10 but I just keep sneaking out so. 05:13 Okay, so what kind of discipline were they-- 05:14 They're trying to ground me, try to whip me, 05:16 she'd try to whip me 05:18 and I'll end sneaking out later that night, 05:19 hanging out with more friends. 05:21 Okay, so even through the affair, 05:24 the drug habit from your father 05:26 and the alcohol addiction from your mother, 05:28 they've stayed together. 05:30 No. No, okay. 05:31 They still communicated though. 05:33 They just communicated and so... 05:34 On a phone. So dad will call and say. 05:36 "Hey, Kyle, you're grounded for that." 05:39 No, my dad didn't really communicate with me a lot. 05:40 Okay, so they were just talking to one another? 05:43 Yeah, but on one day when I was in waiting 05:46 in the car for my mom. 05:48 And my dad said something 05:50 and my mom punched him in the eye. 05:53 It was very bad. Wow, wow, wow. 05:54 Well, they still communicated but in a violent way. 05:57 Okay, okay. So now it's just you and mom. 06:00 Yeah. No siblings. 06:01 Oh, my older sister, 06:05 my brother and my sister's boyfriend. 06:08 Okay, so you're older sister, mom, sister's boyfriend, 06:11 you guys are all living-- 06:13 And your brother and you guys 06:14 are all living together at this moment. 06:15 Yeah. Okay, and so do you guys move? 06:18 Are you staying in the same place? 06:19 Does mom move and get a new place? 06:21 Or does she live in the house 06:22 that you once lived in with dad? 06:24 Now we live there but since like 06:27 the break up went on, we lived-- 06:29 I lived in Texas. 06:33 I lived in three different places down in Texas and-- 06:36 Wait, wait, wait, so you were living, 06:37 were you going these places without your mom, 06:39 was your mom sending you places or were you guys, 06:41 you as a family were moving. 06:43 But we can't afford to stay in one place. 06:45 Okay, so you couldn't afford to stay in one place, 06:46 so you'd moved to another place. 06:48 You couldn't afford to stay there, 06:49 so you'd moved to another place. 06:51 And as you-- 06:52 Are you going from school to school? 06:53 No, it was all in the same district. 06:55 Okay, okay. 06:56 So you're staying in the same school, 06:57 keeping your same bad friends as you call them. 07:00 Yeah. Okay, okay. 07:01 So you intimated to me earlier that you grew up 07:08 around some cribs, did you join a gang? 07:10 Were you were a part of a gang? 07:12 No, just knew some guys who are in gangs? 07:13 When I was-- When I was about 11 07:15 when I moved to Texas, 07:17 I started hanging out with gang members. 07:21 They introduced me. And I saw-- 07:24 Yeah, I was around gang members but I wasn't never in the gang. 07:27 Okay, okay. Good, good. 07:29 And so now you're drinking, you're smoking 07:33 and you're hanging around gang members, 07:35 moving from place to place. 07:37 Mom is trying to discipline you. 07:41 Dad is no longer around. 07:43 You are going through depression, through anger. 07:47 And you punched a hole in a few walls. 07:49 But are you getting into some fights at school? 07:51 Are you getting into some fights with friends? 07:53 Are you getting into any money altercations with friends? 07:55 Well, my fights started, 07:57 it was when my dad went to jail. 07:59 And that's when all my fights started. 08:01 I started getting angry, real angry. 08:04 So tell me about some of these fights. 08:05 Who were you fighting? Why are you fighting? 08:07 What's going on? 08:08 Just kids augmented, they say something to me. 08:11 Even if it's nothing worth fighting over 08:14 I would still punch him in the face, 08:16 I just get angry. 08:18 So you're getting angry, you're having fights. 08:23 Were your bad friends contributing to the-- 08:25 Contributing to this? "Let's just go out and fight." 08:27 Were you running where the pack of guys, you guys-- 08:29 No, there was all like, "Go, punch him in his face." 08:31 They didn't do nothing, they just sat down 08:32 and watch me get in a fights, and me getting in trouble 08:35 and they weren't even doing nothing. 08:36 Okay, okay. And so that's who you are. 08:41 That's where you've been. 08:42 What contributed to the turning point? 08:47 I understand that you had a friend who-- 08:51 Tell us about this friend, 08:53 this recent event that happened. 08:56 A gangster? Hmm. 08:59 Well, there's one, when we moved to Texas. 09:01 And I knew what she was doing, you could just tell, 09:03 she was hanging around with a whole bunch of dope fiends. 09:06 And you could just tell what they're doing. 09:08 And I went up to her, I was like, 09:09 "Hey, I'm in a bad predicament and I want to make some money. 09:13 You think you can help me? 09:15 Hook me up so I can make some money." 09:17 She took me back to what they call-- 09:19 Now wait, wait, I'm sorry, now hold it. 09:20 How old were you at this point? 09:22 I was eleven and a half about to be twelve. 09:24 So you're almost 12 years old and you go to a friend 09:27 and say I want to make some fast money. 09:30 And they say okay, cool. 09:32 So pick up from there? 09:34 Well, they took me back to what they call a tramp house. 09:36 It was in an apartment. 09:38 And they were doing their thing and they gave me crack. 09:42 And I don't really like, they gave me some crack. 09:47 And what I'd do is I'll go hit the block. 09:50 And I'll hop up on my bike and I'll go see 09:52 I'll just be like walk up someone, 09:54 hey, I got that work and if they want to buy 09:56 some of them come up to me and do whatever they do. 10:01 Wow, so you're now out on the track. 10:03 Yeah. Riding your bike. 10:05 Selling, I mean, work now that's-- 10:10 The thing about your story is, 10:12 you know, for me having grown up in South Central 10:14 I can-- that resonates with me. 10:16 I can understand where you're coming from. 10:18 My mom was on drugs. I was early as 12 years of age. 10:21 You know, I was out there on the block, 10:22 getting money, you know what I mean. 10:25 I know. 10:26 Not necessarily on the bike but joining the gang, 10:28 all of this behavior and a lot of times what I-- 10:30 The reason why I was doing it 10:32 was because my mother was no longer 10:34 taking responsibility for me and my parents. 10:36 I mean, me and my siblings. Why would you-- 10:38 Why did you, why did you need extra money? 10:41 We would actually struggle living on money. 10:45 But then what happened is when I was in middle 10:47 making the money my friends, 10:49 some people knew I was making money 10:50 so they'd come over and they introduced me 10:52 to pills, tabs and stuff. 10:55 And I took them and like I felt really good like I wished. 11:00 And what happened is, I end up spending $60, $70 11:05 maybe $100 a day on pills. 11:07 So you transition from marijuana to pills. 11:12 Both. And you're doing both. 11:14 And so now you need to support this habit. 11:17 So this 12 year old kid, with his drug habit. 11:21 And so you're selling drugs 11:23 just to support your drug habit. 11:26 Does anyone, I mean, does your sister, 11:28 does your brother, does anyone noticed this? 11:30 No, they noticed I was-- 11:32 I stayed gone a week or two at a time. 11:33 Okay. And then school-- 11:35 The grades aren't just bad now. 11:38 The grades are, are you in school still? 11:40 I'd go, I went to school but I skipped a lot too. 11:42 Okay, okay. So you're out in a trap. 11:47 You've got the work, you are supporting this habit. 11:51 I'm sure that you've seen some things 11:53 at 12, 13 years of age. 11:55 Tell me some of the things that you've experienced 11:57 and witnessed out in the trap. 11:59 And for those who don't know what the trap 12:01 is what we call now, were you out there hustling 12:03 is you know, you're in a trap. 12:04 But tell us about-- tell us about 12:06 some of the things that you've seen at this young age. 12:08 I've seen prostitutes get picked up 12:10 on side of the street. 12:13 I've seen a lot of stuff like-- 12:16 Well, one day I was at my friend's house partying 12:19 and what happen is my friend came over, 12:22 One of my friends told me, hey, my friend, Joe. 12:26 He got shot two times in the chest 12:27 by a cracker trying to rob him. 12:29 I didn't see but my friend told me about it. 12:31 And is Joe dead? Joe is dead now. 12:34 Okay, okay. Wow. 12:36 So this is, Joe was a guy that you were hanging around with? 12:39 Hanging around with, he helped me like 12:41 if I needed anything he help like-- 12:43 if someone jumped me he would always get them back. 12:47 And how old was Joe? He was 17. 12:49 So Joe, 17 year old friend of yours killed 12:53 out in the streets. 12:54 Yes, Sir. Wow, wow. 12:56 So at this point, did you tell your mom about this, 13:00 does anyone know about your friend 13:02 who gets who gets killed? 13:03 I never really bring it up. Okay. 13:05 It was kept quiet. Okay, okay. 13:07 I didn't want my mom know what I was doing. 13:09 Okay, okay. 13:10 so when does your mom get a wind of 13:12 'cause you couldn't keep her from her forever, could you? 13:14 No. 13:15 So when did she get wind of what was going on with her son? 13:17 When I started disappearing. Okay. 13:20 For weeks and weeks at a time. 13:21 Not too many weeks, I'd stay, gone off like a week, 13:25 maybe sometimes two and I'll come back about 13:27 two, three days, eat, shower 13:29 and do what I need and take off again. 13:32 And so when you would-- 13:34 When you would reemerge after these days or two, 13:36 what would she say, what was the conversation like 13:38 between you two? 13:40 Mad, one day as she was drinking 13:42 and she got mad and she threw a bottle down 13:44 and she just took off and just left the whole night 13:47 but she would never really discipline me that much. 13:51 She done it when we lived in Austin 13:53 but since I was in Texas and stuff, 13:55 she really stopped caring about me. 13:57 She didn't really discipline. 13:58 So you felt like she didn't care. 14:01 And so now where are you? 14:04 Where you now, are you still with your mom? 14:06 Yeah. 14:07 You're still living with your mom? 14:08 I'm doing good now. Okay. 14:10 Well, now why are you doing good now? 14:11 Tell us why you're doing good now, Kyle. 14:12 Well, I started reading the Bible 14:14 and I accepted Jesus in my life two days ago. 14:18 Now what made you start reading the Bible? 14:20 Well, me and my friend what happened is 14:23 we went to do community service for Brother Vega. 14:27 And there was a whole bunch of Bibles over there. 14:31 And like he was a Christian guy so me and-- 14:34 And then couple days later me and my brother-in-law Paul 14:38 went to do some work over there-- 14:40 Community service. 14:42 And he had a stack of Bibles 14:44 and I looked over and I was like, "Hey." 14:47 He was like, "Hey I got Bibles, go pick them." 14:49 And I picked one up. 14:50 And I started reading through it. 14:52 And I felt something. 14:53 I thought it was the Holy Spirit. 14:54 It felt good. 14:56 So here's the picture. 15:01 Eleven year old kid, parents get a divorce, 15:04 he goes from having I'm sure the X boxes. 15:08 New shoes every two or three weeks. 15:10 All of that. 15:11 To a dad who's now using cocaine. 15:15 Crack. Cocaine, crack. 15:19 And mom who's now abusing alcohol. 15:24 And they just seemingly lose interest in your well being. 15:30 So you're out now hanging out, grades are dropping, 15:34 hanging out with the wrong people. 15:36 You start selling drugs 15:39 because you want to continue to use drugs. 15:42 And then one day, you know, 15:44 a friend of yours Joe gets killed. 15:47 One day you run into-- 15:49 Like, tell us how you run into Brother Vega. 15:51 Like, I mean 'cause two days ago 15:53 you said you've accepted Christ into your life. 15:54 So tell me, lead us up to the point of hey, 15:57 I'm doing these pills, I'm smoking marijuana, 16:00 I'm drinking beer. 16:01 Take us from there to two days ago. 16:03 Tell us what happened, what's going on? 16:05 Tell us the ups, the downs, the highs, lows. 16:07 Tell us what's happening. 16:08 Well, I was around in Texas, my mom figured 16:10 it was just too bad of a place for me to stay there. 16:13 So we packed everything up. We moved back to Indiana. 16:17 And what happen is well, I stay there for about a month. 16:22 No heater, no water, no stove, no jar, no washer, 16:28 no refrigerators, there's nothing. 16:30 This ought to be crazy going from a kid 16:33 who had everything 16:34 to being in a place now we don't have heat. 16:36 You don't have water, you don't have a stove. 16:39 And so here you are, you've moved back to Indiana 16:42 but the conditions are terrible. 16:45 Terrible. 16:46 Keep walking us forward, keep moving us forward. 16:48 Well, what happened is I kept doing 16:50 and someone called CPS on us. 16:54 Okay. And Child Protection-- 16:56 Okay. And what happen is-- 16:57 CPS, Child Protective Services, okay, go ahead. 16:59 So my mom knew we needed to get stuff, 17:03 started taking care of and what happened is 17:06 we started talking to a guy named Vega. 17:10 And he was over there. 17:13 And me at first, me and my friend, 17:15 we went, do some community service for him. 17:17 And after, he had a stack of Bibles 17:21 and we looked over there. 17:22 And he had Bible, he said, I picked those up 17:24 and I got them. 17:26 Okay, so basically what happened is 17:28 because Child Protective Services 17:29 have been alerted to the condition 17:31 that you were living in, your mom reached out for help. 17:34 Yeah. 17:35 And when she reached out to help, 17:37 for help she found Brother Vega. 17:39 Yes, Sir. Okay. 17:40 And so Brother Vega begins to-- 17:42 Now this is how long ago was this? 17:45 How long ago? 17:48 I don't know it was a couple months ago, about two months. 17:50 A couple months ago. 17:52 So Brother Vega is coming around 17:53 a little bit more often and trying to help out. 17:55 And so again, what's happening, Kyle 17:59 between a couple of months ago and just two days ago? 18:02 What's happening between you and Brother Vega? 18:04 I mean, okay, I see a bunch of Bibles I go, 18:06 I start reading one. 18:08 Are you going out more and more 18:09 doing community services with him? 18:11 Does mom know that you're hanging out with him? 18:12 How does mom feel about that? Walk us through that. 18:15 Well, actually he's a big help to our family so. 18:18 Okay. 18:20 We decided, "Hey, you need any work done just give us a call. 18:22 We can give you some work. 18:24 Any time just give us was call." 18:26 So we started giving him work and he helped out my dad once 18:30 so I figured I can help him out for-- 18:33 Repaying them. Okay. 18:34 So where is, Dad is still in Indiana? 18:38 In prison. Okay. 18:39 And Brother Vega has a relationship 18:41 to some degree with your dad. 18:42 Yeah, he helped my dad go out with-- 18:45 Put his Christmas behind bars, 18:47 he helped him out with gift packages. 18:49 Okay, so your dad is currently where? 18:51 Pultneyville. Is he in jail? 18:55 He's in prison. Okay. 18:56 How long is he in prison for? He's got an 18 years. 18:59 So what happened? How did he end up getting 18-- 19:02 From going to having a successful business? 19:04 How does he end up doing-- 19:06 Getting 18 years in jail, do you know? 19:08 He was smoking crack then he wanted to call my mom. 19:12 So he went to Wal-Mart 19:13 and he opened up a phone charger 19:14 and he didn't pay for it, he had plugged it in. 19:16 And he had a open thing right here. 19:18 And he was checking a blood pressure, 19:19 he had plug in blood pressure machine. 19:22 And what happened is he wasn't thinking, 19:25 wrapped it up and stuck it in his pocket 19:26 and the police saw him. 19:28 And so they went up 19:29 and they grabbed him by the arm 19:31 and he wasn't thinking pulled out a knife 19:32 and almost went to stab him. 19:34 Then the dude took off running, then my mom, 19:36 my dad, I don't know where I was. 19:38 My dad, he started taking off and ran 19:41 'cause he knew cops are gonna be there soon. 19:43 And he ran and we didn't find him for about a year. 19:47 He was on the run in Atlanta, Georgia. 19:49 Okay. Wow, wow. 19:52 I mean, this is a lot. This is a lot. 19:56 As-- 19:58 And currently you're only 14 years old. 20:00 Yes, Sir. 20:03 So how are you now-- How are you, how are you-- 20:08 And this might be a very adult question to ask you 20:12 but how are you dealing with all of this, Kyle? 20:13 I mean, let me walk you through, 20:15 I mean, you and I haven't talked much. 20:17 Let me tell you who I am and where I am from. 20:20 My mom, my dad, both had drug addictions, you know. 20:23 The one thing that's was my saving grace 20:25 is I've always loved to read. 20:27 And in loving to read I was able to escape 20:30 to Monte Cristo with the Count of Monte Cristo. 20:34 You know I was able to experience 20:35 the "best of times and the worst of times." 20:38 Charles Dickens. 20:39 I was able to go and escape in reading 20:42 and that helped me deal with some of the anger, 20:44 some of the depression that I was suffering from. 20:47 Where has been your outlet 20:49 and how do you get off of the drugs 20:50 that you're on to sit here in front of me right now? 20:53 I don't know if you have an answer for me. 20:56 Do you have one? 20:57 Reading the Bible and Jesus, 20:59 He helped me put joy in my life. 21:02 So Christ has been the saving grace? 21:05 Yes, Sir. Reading the Bible. 21:06 What's your favorite, what's your favorite, 21:07 do you have a favorite Bible text? 21:09 Yeah, but I can't remember it right now 21:10 but I know it's John 3:16. 21:12 Okay, okay. 21:13 It's like-- For God so loved... 21:15 "So loved the world that He sent His one and only Son to die." 21:18 No, not to die-- 21:19 It says, "not to condemn the world 21:21 but to save the world through Him." 21:22 Right, right, right, right, John 3:16 and 17, you quoted. 21:25 And so what has been the favorite, 21:27 your favorite portion of the Bible 21:30 that you've read this far? 21:33 You got a favorite book? Yeah, John. 21:35 John. Okay. 21:36 Now you just won my heart, Kyle. 21:39 John is my favorite gospel as well. 21:41 And the reason why 21:43 and maybe this is why John resonates with you. 21:46 The reason why he resonates with me 21:48 is John was the youngest disciple, theologians suggest. 21:52 He had the youthful perspective on the ministry of Christ. 21:56 Not only that, the Bible tells us 21:57 that it was John who was beloved of Jesus, 22:01 not that He didn't care for the other disciples, 22:03 not that He didn't love them. 22:04 But John held a special place in Jesus' heart. 22:08 Now those are two reasons. 22:10 The other reason why is that John as an author 22:12 of the Book of Revelation, and the three epistles, 22:15 as well as his gospel, 22:17 uses the word love more than anyone else. 22:23 And maybe just maybe as you reading 22:25 through the book of John, 22:26 you're able to experience the love of Jesus. 22:29 Yes, Sir. 22:32 So have you decided to tell anyone 22:35 about this newfound faith and newfound love? 22:39 Yeah, I told my mom and she is really proud of me. 22:41 Okay. 22:42 She told me she loves me every day now 22:45 and just love, joy. 22:47 So Christ has made changes not only in your life 22:49 but also in your mother's life. 22:50 Gave us what we needed so CPS can take us. 22:54 Oh, wow, wow. 22:55 And so now, so now, Kyle, I don't know when you were 11 22:59 what you wanted to be when you grew up. 23:01 But what do you, 23:03 what path do you think you're on now at 14? 23:05 I'm gonna go to right path, I want to travel the world 23:07 and spread the word about Jesus. 23:08 So you want to be, where they used to call 23:11 in the old times, an itinerant preacher 23:12 or today an evangelist. 23:14 Yeah. Yeah. 23:16 Yeah. Yes, Sir. 23:17 So now, Kyle goes from this guy who, 23:22 this kid who's caught out in the trap, 23:27 to now someone who wants to free 23:29 other young people from the trap. 23:30 Yeah, I don't want them to go to the wrong path, 23:33 I want them to go to a right path 23:35 'cause I don't want them see the stuff I've seen. 23:36 I've seen bad stuff. Okay. 23:38 So then here's the segment of the show that I want, 23:40 I want you to look over my shoulder, 23:43 there's a camera here. 23:45 And I want you to talk to-- 23:46 I want you to talk to the Kyles of the world, 23:49 the 13, 14, 15 year old young boys 23:51 who are lost in the trap, who feel there's no way out. 23:56 I want you to say to them, I want you to speak to them 23:59 and tell them what's on your heart 24:00 and this difference that you've now been able to understand, 24:04 the difference between the right and the wrong path. 24:07 Go ahead, talk to them. 24:09 Well, if there's anybody out there my age, 24:11 you need to pick the right path. 24:13 Jesus will put joy in your life. 24:14 If you hit the rock bottom 24:16 and don't feel like you can go anymore, 24:18 just open the Bible and your answer is right there. 24:21 Just Jesus will put joy in your life, He's-- 24:25 He is the answer to true destiny. 24:27 Just follow Jesus and He'll put joy. 24:31 So Jesus will put joy. 24:34 That is the message 24:36 that Kyle Gilbert has for the world. 24:39 Jesus will give you joy. Yes, Sir. 24:41 And so to your mom, to your mom, 24:45 if your mom is watching, 24:48 this has been a long three years. 24:52 You have given your mom some trouble at times. 24:55 A lot. 24:57 What would you like to if your mom is watching, 24:59 if your mom is watching this program, 25:01 and which she most likely will, 25:03 Kyle, is there something you'd like to say to your mom? 25:07 Well, Mom, I'm really sorry for what I've done. 25:10 And I won't do it no more and all of times 25:14 I've given you trouble, I'm really sorry. 25:17 Okay. 25:19 Now in order, Kyle, to become this great evangelist, 25:23 you know the right path 25:26 is not going to be an easy path. 25:29 You know Jesus faced His, 25:32 some of His greatest temptations just after baptism. 25:36 And the path that He was on, 25:37 the path that He has laid for us 25:40 is one that is full of trials and tribulations. 25:43 But I believe that you can do it. 25:46 Here's one of the things I think 25:47 that you're gonna have to think about though, vegetables. 25:54 Grow big and strong. 25:55 Yeah, you're gonna have to eat your vegetables, 25:57 you're gonna eat your wheaties, as they say. 25:58 Yeah, a couple of days ago 25:59 it was my first time eating fruits and vegetables. 26:01 So growing up, mom and dad never made 26:04 you eat any fruit and vegetables? 26:06 I was always like give me some chocolate, 26:08 give me some meat, give me chips. 26:11 I was never into vegetables. 26:13 But I had a play and Mr. Vega told me, 26:15 "You want to finish your veggies." 26:17 And I don't want to disappoint him. 26:18 So I ate them. Okay. 26:20 So the new path and the right path 26:22 is the path that includes 26:24 eating your fruits and veggies, you do know that-- 26:25 My God says, He said this is it's His gift to us. 26:30 Well, Kyle, I am very impressed with your story. 26:34 And one of the reasons why is, I have a little brother, 26:37 I had a little brother, that I wasn't on the right path 26:43 and he was killed before he was 20. 26:46 And when I've seen you, is the possibility for someone, 26:50 a young man to start on the right path 26:52 at an early age because he started down 26:53 the wrong path at a very early age. 26:57 But it brings joy to my heart as you say 26:59 and it makes me very hopeful 27:02 that you can, starting today, you can, starting today, 27:06 stay on the path, stay on this right path, 27:09 know that there is support all around you, 27:11 know that when you get into a tough place, 27:14 know that when things don't seem to be 27:15 going the way you like them ago, 27:17 you have chosen to read the Bible. 27:19 And if you keep that up, you will realize the dream 27:23 that you now say you have. 27:25 And what can happen, what can happen is that 27:27 you can be for others the inspiration 27:32 that they now can dare to dream. 27:34 They can now look at a Kyle. 27:36 And as you realize this dream and you go around preaching, 27:40 young people are gonna gravitate to that testimony. 27:43 Because the Bible says they overcame 27:44 by the blood of the Lamb 27:46 and by the word of their testimony. 27:48 And Kyle, you have a powerful testimony to share. 27:51 And what's gonna make it even more powerful is, 27:54 if you keep it up from this point on 27:58 without faltering, without wavering, 28:01 without moving to the left or to the right. 28:03 And you stay on this new journey. 28:07 Brothers and sisters, God bless you. |
Revised 2016-02-04