The Latest News. Have You Heard?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TLN

Program Code: TLN190004A

00:01 Music...
00:32 Dr. Yvonne on stage...
01:30 Praise the Lord
01:36 From whom all blessings flow
01:43 For He has washed
01:49 and made me white as snow
01:57 I'm redeemed
02:04 from all my sin and shame
02:11 For now and forever
02:18 Praise His holy name
02:26 Praise His holy name,
02:33 Praise His holy name...
02:38 To God be the glory
02:43 Now and forever
02:47 Praise His holy name
02:54 Music...
03:06 more music...
03:15 God is great
03:22 And greatly to be praised
03:29 Above all others
03:37 Let His name be praised
03:44 Saints and angels
03:50 Ever more proclaim
03:57 That He alone is worthy
04:04 Praise His holy name
04:11 Praise His holy name,
04:18 Praise His holy name...
04:23 To God be the glory
04:27 Now and forever
04:32 Praise His holy name
04:39 O, praise His holy name
04:46 Let's praise His holy name
04:51 To God be the glory...
04:56 To God be the glory,
05:02 To God be the glory
05:07 To God be the glory..
05:11 Now and forever
05:21 Praise His holy name...
05:27 Praise His name
05:32 background singers...
05:39 Praise His name
05:49 Praise His name...
05:54 To God be the glory
05:59 Now and forever
06:04 Praise His holy
06:10 Name...
06:15 Name.
06:20 Audience: Clapping.
06:28 Amen again...
06:33 Let us pray,
06:36 "Father in heaven,
06:40 speak to our hearts in Jesus' name I pray,
06:46 amen. "
06:47 Audience: Amen.
06:49 Our final message is entitled, "The Final Message. "
06:57 Revelation 14 verse 6,
07:03 is the foundation of The Final Message.
07:09 John the Revelator tells us the following words,
07:17 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
07:24 having the everlasting gospel
07:26 to preach to those who dwell on the earth...
07:33 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people. "
07:39 Let me begin with a story.
07:43 The longest, most meaningless movie in the world
07:47 was created in the United Kingdom.
07:49 In Russian...
07:59 The movie was 48 hours long and a seven-hour trailer.
08:04 In Russian...
08:11 Why would anyone need a seven-hour trailer?
08:21 The movie had no script.
08:24 It was made of footage
08:27 that was too worthless to make an actual movie.
08:30 In Russian...
08:40 It was made of commercials and discarded movie footage.
08:44 In Russian...
08:50 However, people paid to sit for 48 hours to watch the movie.
08:54 In Russian...
09:02 For two days uninterrupted people sat and watched
09:06 a meaningless movie...
09:15 it is still the longest film ever made.
09:23 It was not the content that made the movie famous,
09:31 it was the duration.
09:34 It's all about the duration.
09:39 No matter how entertaining a movie may be
09:42 the question is, "When will it end?"
09:45 In Russian...
09:52 It's all about the duration.
09:56 In a world where the Bible is being minimized,
09:59 the question is, "When is it going to end?"
10:01 In Russian...
10:07 In a world where Atheists deny the imminent return of Jesus,
10:10 the question is, "When is it going to end?"
10:20 In a world where political correctness has replaced
10:23 the power of preaching,
10:24 the question is, "When is it going to end?"
10:27 In Russian...
10:35 The time has come for the most relevant message of the ages.
10:44 The climate is right for the most urgent message of the hour
10:53 and the last day's call
10:55 for the re-introduction of heaven's message.
10:58 In Russian...
11:07 We are called Three Angels Broadcasting
11:10 because we stand on the three angels' messages.
11:14 In Russian...
11:21 The three angels' message rips the blanket from complacency
11:26 in Russian...
11:30 and demands us to look at the issues again.
11:33 In Russian...
11:39 The three angels messages reminds us
11:42 that this long and meaningless world is soon to come to an end.
11:46 In Russian...
11:54 By proclaiming the message of the three angels,
11:57 we won't forget who we are.
11:59 In Russian...
12:04 It is too late to blend into the marketplace
12:07 of meaningless Christianity,
12:08 in Russian...
12:19 if we follow the temple of Bible prophecy,
12:21 we discover the following things.
12:23 In Russian...
12:28 In every age, God has called for those to break away
12:31 from meaningless theology.
12:33 In Russian...
12:43 Noah was chosen to warn the world of a coming flood.
12:51 Lot was chosen to warn
12:53 of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
12:55 In Russian...
12:59 Moses was chosen to focus on a Canaan-like message
13:03 in Russian...
13:09 and John the Baptist was chosen
13:11 to preach the first advent of Christ.
13:16 As Seventh-day Adventists, we are given
13:21 the message of priority to preach the coming of Jesus.
13:24 In Russian...
13:31 We ought to pay attention to the proclaiming message
13:34 of Jesus.
13:39 Notice these words in Matthew chapter 24
13:41 beginning with verse 6,
13:42 in Russian...
13:50 Jesus said, "You'll hear of wars and rumors of wars.
13:56 See that you are not troubled,
13:59 for all these things must come to pass
14:04 but the end is not yet.
14:07 Notice what else he says.
14:09 "For nation will rise against nation
14:13 and kingdom against kingdom
14:16 and there will be famines.
14:19 pestilences,
14:21 and earthquakes in various places.
14:25 Just a couple of weeks ago,
14:28 there were 1,500 earthquakes
14:31 in a matter of 24 hours in California.
14:34 In Russian...
14:43 Now, war and famine and earthquake are signs of the end
14:51 but these are only the beginning of sorrow.
14:57 You see, when we follow the Bible,
14:59 we proclaim the message with clarity
15:01 In Russian...
15:06 and the Apostle Paul says,
15:08 "If the trumpet does not give a certain sound,
15:10 who will be ready?"
15:12 In Russian...
15:19 We are committed to an end-times message.
15:25 The three angels messages are not preparing us
15:27 for the final picnic of the ages
15:28 In Russian...
15:33 nor the final excursion of the ages.
15:38 It is preparing us for the final battle of the ages
15:45 and once again, Revelation describes the stage.
15:52 Revelation 16 verse 13 and 14,
15:59 John says, "I saw three unclean spirits like frogs
16:09 coming out of the mouth of the dragon,
16:13 out of the mouth of the beast,
16:16 and out of the mouth of the false prophet. "
16:20 But listen carefully,
16:22 "For they are the spirits of demons... "
16:24 the Bible says,
16:28 As we sit here today,
16:32 demons are operating around the world
16:39 to get the world ready for the final battle.
16:45 They are not preparing for a battle of victory,
16:51 because they know they cannot win.
16:55 Jesus has already won.
16:57 Can you say, "Amen. "
16:59 But the Bible says,
17:01 "They are going to the kings of the earth
17:04 and the whole world
17:06 in Russian...
17:10 "to gather them to the battle
17:12 of that great day of God almighty. "
17:19 My Brothers and Sisters, the final stage is being set.
17:28 We live in America where many of these signs are being fulfilled.
17:36 Revelation chapter 13 does not apply to Russia.
17:46 It applies with particular clarity
17:48 to Rome and the United States.
17:50 In Russian...
17:57 The first and second beast of Revelation 13
18:00 are preparing to merge in the United States.
18:03 In Russian...
18:11 Catholics and Evangelicals in the United States
18:14 are merging quickly
18:23 and many of these leaders say
18:25 they have more in common with Rome than anything else.
18:28 In Russian...
18:35 They say they have more in common than what separates them
18:38 in Russian...
18:43 and in America, politics and religion
18:46 are merging together rapidly.
18:47 In Russian...
18:51 If you remember, in Jesus' day,
18:57 when politics met religion
19:01 Jesus was crucified...
19:05 when politics and religion merged,
19:10 Christians were persecuted.
19:14 When politics and religion merged...
19:19 many of you may not know,
19:24 but Hitler admired the Popes
19:29 and he patterned his persecuting engine
19:31 after the popes of the Dark Ages.
19:33 In Russian...
19:43 While the hour is dark, it is also exciting
19:52 but we must be very careful
19:55 God has called us to be a people that are awake to the time.
19:59 In Russian...
20:05 Sermons are not just to be social issues
20:07 but they must address eternal issues.
20:10 In Russian...
20:18 Modern preaching should not sidestep Bible prophecy.
20:28 Jesus said... the gospel is designed
20:30 to address the greater issues.
20:32 In Russian...
20:39 the commission He gave to His disciples, He also gives to us.
20:47 In Matthew 10 and verse 7, listen to the words of Christ.
20:54 Jesus said, "As you go... preach... saying...
21:00 'the kingdom of heaven is at hand. '"
21:04 The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
21:09 I'll say it one more time, the kingdom of heaven is at hand
21:15 amen.
21:17 If Jesus said that 2,000 years ago,
21:20 how much more of a reality is it today?
21:23 In Russian...
21:31 the urgent message to the disciples
21:34 is an urgent message to us.
21:37 In Russian.
21:41 Matthew 24 verse 44, listen to the words of Jesus,
21:51 you see, the world does not know that Jesus is coming soon.
21:58 The world is asleep...
22:01 and we are called to wake them up.
22:05 The world is not even aware of the coming of the Lord
22:12 in Russian...
22:14 but we are called to proclaim a message to awaken them
22:21 and the reason is clear
22:22 for Jesus said,
22:25 "For the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect... "
22:31 but 3ABN Russia and 3ABN America has chosen the responsibility
22:38 to proclaim the message to wake up the world.
22:41 In Russian...
22:49 It is too late to rejoice in our present successes.
22:58 We can thank the Lord for what He has done
23:03 but there's more to be done.
23:06 This building has been built
23:09 so that the kingdom of God can also be built.
23:15 Every day that we awake...
23:18 we must do something to advance the kingdom of God
23:24 because one day, Jesus will come when we least expect it
23:32 but the Lord has not left us in darkness.
23:36 When we see the signs, we must pay attention to the signs.
23:43 The Apostle Paul told the church in Thessalonica
23:45 these following words,
23:51 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 1 and 2,
23:58 he said, "Concerning the times and seasons, brethren,
24:01 you have no need that I should write to you.
24:07 For you yourselves know perfectly
24:09 that the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. "
24:17 We know when it's summer,
24:20 we know when it's winter,
24:22 we know when it's spring,
24:24 we know when it's fall,
24:26 when we see the signs outlaid by Jesus,
24:29 we must know the season of the world.
24:38 The church of Ephesus was given a sowing message
24:46 but we are given a reaping message.
24:52 Here are the messages of reaping,
24:55 The first angels message,
24:59 Revelation 14 verse 7,
25:04 I'm excited as we stand here tonight,
25:10 this message is going to every nation, every kindred,
25:13 every tongue and every people.
25:19 The Bible says, "Saying with a loud voice,
25:23 Revelation 14:7,
25:27 "Fear God and give glory to Him,
25:31 for the hour of His judgment has come;
25:35 and worship Him who made heaven and earth,
25:39 the sea and the springs of water. "
25:42 Notice, "Fear God and give Him glory. "
25:47 We are living in the hour where we are being judged
25:53 and we must call the world back to worshiping the true Creator
26:00 and what does it mean to give God glory?
26:05 1st Corinthians 10:31 says these words,
26:11 "Whether you therefore, eat or drink
26:13 or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. "
26:21 Your daily life must be lived to the glory of God.
26:28 Your decisions must be made for the glory of God.
26:34 The way that you live on a moment by moment basis
26:37 must be to the glory of God.
26:39 In Russian...
26:46 What does it mean, "the hour of His judgment has come?"
26:50 For those of us that have been given the wonderful message
26:53 that judgment begins with us,
27:00 what does it mean to worship the One
27:02 that made heaven and earth?
27:03 In Russian...
27:07 As we traveled through Nizhny Novgorod,
27:12 we saw wonderful churches and monasteries...
27:18 beautiful golden building...
27:22 but none of them... none of them moved me
27:25 as I was moved when I walked into a
27:28 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
27:29 In Russian...
27:34 Can you say, "Amen. "
27:35 Audience: Amen.
27:37 When I walked into a Seventh-day Adventist Church
27:39 yesterday...
27:43 I said to my wife,
27:44 "We've seen wonderful buildings in Nizhny Novgorod,
27:47 In Russian...
27:51 but his humble church is where the preaching of the truth
27:54 goes forth. "
28:03 We must call the world back to the right... the true Creator.
28:11 Whenever we keep the Sabbath,
28:12 we are pointing the world to the true Creator...
28:14 in Russian...
28:19 not to icons and images
28:24 but to the everlasting God.
28:27 Not to golden domes but to a golden character.
28:35 Can you say, "Amen. "
28:37 Audience: Amen.
28:38 And the second angel's message is as follows,
28:44 "Babylon is fallen...
28:46 false religion is fallen... "
28:51 it's just a matter of time
28:52 before the world understands that
28:54 but it has already fallen in the eyes of God
29:04 but the third angel's message is very humble,
29:10 listen to what it says,
29:12 we are warned against worshiping the beast and his image.
29:20 We are warned against worshiping anything that Rome endorses,
29:25 we must follow the Word of God
29:27 in Russian...
29:35 and as we follow God's Word,
29:36 people in Russia and the United States
29:38 would be gathered in.
29:39 In Russian...
29:48 All these messages culminate in Revelation chapter 18
29:58 and listen to what verse 4 and 5 says,
30:04 the Bible says, "And I heard another voice from heaven saying
30:09 'Come out of her my people. '"
30:12 The reason I know this message worked is because
30:15 you're sitting here today.
30:17 In Russian...
30:23 Many of you sitting here today heard the message and came out.
30:31 Brethren, they cannot come out until the message goes out.
30:39 When we send out the message faithfully,
30:42 people will come in faithfully
30:44 in Russian...
30:51 and God has said the world is filling up its iniquity
30:59 but there's good news in all of this.
31:03 Matthew 24 and verse 14,
31:09 "And this gospel of the kingdom
31:12 will be preached in all the world
31:14 in Russian...
31:19 for a witness unto all nations
31:23 and then the end will come. "
31:27 How many of you are looking forward for the end to come?
31:32 Amen...
31:34 Audience: Amen.
31:35 I'm looking forward to the end of sin and suffering...
31:41 one day the end of pain and death,
31:47 one day no more hospitals... no more funerals...
31:53 no more dying... no more heartache...
32:00 soon the longest, most meaningless drama of the ages
32:04 will come to an end
32:05 in Russian...
32:11 and very soon, the curtain will rise on the victory of the ages.
32:20 Very soon, the Rose of Sharon will bloom again.
32:26 The bright and Morning Star will rise again.
32:31 The Light of the word will shine again,
32:36 the oil of gladness will flow again,
32:41 the Lion of the tribe of Judah will roar again.
32:49 The Author of salvation
32:51 will become the finisher of our faith.
32:58 The mighty God will become the everlasting Father
33:04 and the Alpha will eternally become the Omega
33:11 but our responsibility is to proclaim this final message
33:19 and if we do our part faithfully...
33:23 if we are determined to follow Jesus moment by moment,
33:30 when the eternal victory is proclaimed,
33:36 it will be our joy in Russia and the United States
33:38 to hear these words
33:43 and I look forward to it.
33:46 "Well done
33:48 thou good
33:51 and faithful servant. "
33:53 May God bless you as you remain faithful
33:56 in this hour of the final message.
34:02 Amen.
34:04 Let us pray,
34:06 "Father,
34:08 keep us faithful,
34:10 strengthen our hearts,
34:13 may we trust Your Word,
34:16 fill us with Your power,
34:19 so that the world may know that Christ lives in us,
34:24 so that those in darkness will come to this everlasting light,
34:32 in Jesus' name I pray,
34:34 Amen. "
34:36 Pause...
34:45 Music...
34:56 Song in Russian...
38:30 Amen.
38:33 Audience: Clapping...
38:37 Thank you for that beautiful music.
38:46 Three ABN is the "Mending Broken People" network.
38:55 We get excited when people's lives are being changed
38:57 for eternity.
38:59 In Russian...
39:08 Today we have a story of someone's life who was changed
39:11 by the ministry of 3ABN.
39:21 I'm speaking of Pastor Sergey Titovskiy,
39:24 Executive Secretary of the Volga Vyalka Conference
39:28 in Russian...
39:36 tell us Pastor Sergey, what was your life like before Christ?
39:40 In Russian...
39:52 I would say that my heart was unstable...
39:56 I didn't feel comfortable...
39:57 I didn't feel fulfilled in this life.
40:00 In Russian...
40:02 I had very bad temperament.
40:05 In Russian...
40:07 and I did my best to try to change.
40:10 I did my best...
40:13 but my best results were that I was good
40:20 for not longer than two or three days
40:22 in Russian...
40:26 and in January 1993,
40:28 in Russian...
40:36 my mom invited me to the meetings
40:39 that were arranged by 3ABN
40:41 with Pastor John Carter as the preacher.
40:46 In Russian...
40:49 They took place in Lenin Palace of Cultural Nizhny Novgorod.
40:53 In Russian...
41:00 My mom had been baptized in 1992
41:03 at the program in which 3ABN also participated.
41:06 In Russian...
41:10 So, when the meetings took place in 1993,
41:14 again she wanted to come and listen
41:17 and she asked me to accompany her.
41:21 Jill: Did you want to go?
41:25 In Russian...
41:29 No, my first answer was a very strong "No"
41:32 In Russian...
41:34 I said, "Mom, if you are interested,
41:36 then, you go.
41:37 I'm not interested. "
41:41 In Russian...
41:44 And then, after she talked to me more,
41:47 I thought that I would go.
41:48 In Russian...
41:50 Ah, my plan was to sit in the corridor.
41:53 In Russian...
41:56 Wait till the meeting is over, then accompany my mom back home.
41:59 In Russian...
42:03 So, we came there and then I thought,
42:05 "Why sit in the corridor, I'm here anyway
42:07 let me sit in the balcony. "
42:09 In Russian...
42:12 And what I heard at those meetings,
42:14 in Russian...
42:18 when I saw the faces of those people who held those programs,
42:22 in Russian...
42:24 something was stirred in my heart
42:27 in Russian...
42:30 and then, I went to those meetings by myself.
42:34 That's called the convicting power of the Holy Spirit.
42:42 In Russian...
42:48 And at those very meetings in 1993,
42:51 I accepted Christ into my heart
42:54 and I got into covenant with Him.
42:56 So then, how did 3ABN have a part
43:01 in your conversion experience... through John Carter?
43:03 Question in Russian...
43:11 Reply in Russian.
43:17 First of all, the message that I heard at those meetings
43:20 changed my heart...
43:22 that it is only Christ who can change my heart...
43:24 there is no... there are no efforts that I can make.
43:29 In Russian...
43:33 And what I was amazed by also was those people...
43:37 how they related to one another...
43:39 how they fellowshipped with one another
43:41 and I wanted the same.
43:44 How has your life changed since meeting the Lord Jesus Christ?
43:49 In Russian...
43:54 I graduated from the University,
44:00 in Russian...
44:05 and I heard the news that they have
44:07 Pastors' Quick Education Courses.
44:12 In Russian...
44:13 My plan was not to be a pastor,
44:15 in Russian...
44:18 I wanted to learn how to read the Bible
44:21 so I went to those courses,
44:26 in Russian...
44:30 and I attended those courses together with Pastor Dimitre,
44:33 the Conference Treasurer,
44:35 he gave his testimony today in the video
44:37 and so, graduating from those courses...
44:41 after I graduated, I was invited to become a Pastor
44:48 and I responded to that calling
44:51 and so, today I'm a minister.
44:55 Praise the Lord,
44:58 isn't that encouraging?
45:02 You know, it's always exciting to get maybe a new camera...
45:05 a new monitor...
45:08 in Russian...
45:11 but nothing compares to a life changed for Jesus Christ
45:15 in Russian...
45:23 so we want to say, "Thank you for your continued prayers
45:26 for 3ABN Russia,
45:28 in Russian...
45:33 and for your financial support
45:35 because it is making a difference in people's lives.
45:37 In Russian...
45:43 Thank you so much for sharing with us Pastor Sergey.
45:47 I want to invite Maxim Pumpolov
45:53 I'm trying...
45:56 in Russian...
46:00 and Maxim works here for 3ABN Russia
46:03 but, take us back to your life before Christ.
46:06 In Russian...
46:14 In Russian.
46:16 I was born in the Soviet Union times...
46:21 in Russian...
46:27 and went to many camps as a young child
46:31 and read a lot of Atheistic literature in those camps.
46:35 In Russian...
46:46 And when I read those books,
46:51 they were mocking God...
46:53 they were mocking religion, they were mocking the Bible
46:56 and they affected me in such a way that I thought,
47:00 "Oh, I want to write a book like this myself. "
47:03 In Russian...
47:11 Praise the Lord, I never wrote that book...
47:13 time passed... and I didn't notice myself
47:18 how the Lord started affecting and changing my thinking.
47:22 In Russian...
47:28 My heart prompted me that there is something there.
47:32 In Russian...
47:39 And when in 1992, Pastor John Carter came to
47:42 Nizhny Novgorod with the Program Amazing Discoveries,
47:45 in Russian...
47:51 and when I learned that those who attend
47:54 certain amount of those meetings
47:56 would get a Bible as a gift,
47:58 in Russian...
48:01 I started attending those meetings.
48:02 As a result I got my Bible
48:06 started reading it
48:08 and practically didn't understand it.
48:13 So, my heart was still closed...
48:19 shut up for understanding the truth.
48:22 Do you remember what part of the Bible you started reading?
48:25 In Russian...
48:27 Old Testament was just impossible to understand
48:34 I started with the New Testament and still didn't understand it.
48:38 In Russian...
48:45 In 1993, I found out that there is a place
48:49 where those people who were baptized during the meetings
48:51 get together.
48:55 In Russian...
48:59 I saw the very first "Face-to-Face" Program
49:01 on television that they started airing in Nizhny Novgorod.
49:05 In Russian...
49:15 "Face-to-Face" was the first 3ABN Russia's program
49:20 on the air in our city.
49:22 and Maxim continues that I considered myself a good man
49:29 I didn't think that there was something
49:32 that needed to be different in me,
49:35 I was satisfied with how I was.
49:36 In Russian...
49:41 In 1993 I was enrolled in the Army Service
49:46 in Russian...
49:50 and I saw myself from a different perspective.
49:54 In Russian...
49:59 I saw that I was not that good and I felt a need to change
50:05 and I felt a need that God changes me.
50:09 Greg: That's good.
50:11 In 1994,
50:14 when I came back from the Army Service,
50:18 in Russian...
50:21 I started regularly attending the church
50:23 watching "Face-to-Face" 3ABN Russia's programming,
50:29 I especially loved to watch the programs
50:35 of testimonies of the people... how God changed their lives.
50:38 Greg: That's great!
50:40 Then, Pastor John Carter came with another Series of programs
50:46 to our city again,
50:47 and after that Program, I was baptized.
50:53 Greg: Amen, praise the Lord.
50:54 Praise the Lord in Russian.
50:56 Jill: Again I see the convicting power of the Holy Spirit's work.
50:59 Greg: Amen.
51:02 In Russian...
51:05 The Lord used the ministry of 3ABN
51:07 in Russian...
51:10 He used the ministry of Pastor John Carter,
51:15 and the prayers and support of so many people
51:18 but what an incredible testimony!
51:26 When did you start working for 3ABN Russia?
51:31 First came as a volunteer
51:36 in 2002
51:38 in Russian...
51:44 in May 2002, Danny Shelton came to our city again
51:51 and one of Nizhny Novgorod's pastors
51:59 invited me to the meetings that 3ABN Russia held
52:04 when Danny Shelton came.
52:06 And somehow it happened so that I was in the picture
52:14 of the workers of 3ABN Russia together with them.
52:18 In Russian...
52:28 And I regarded it as a prompting of the Lord
52:32 that He wants me as a part of this team.
52:35 In Russian...
52:40 And in November 2002,
52:42 Julia invited me to work at 3ABN Russia.
52:44 Amen, thank you so much for sharing your testimony Maxim.
52:47 Praise the Lord.
52:51 Audience: Clapping...
52:53 What a wonderful thing to see God work in people's lives.
53:02 At this time, we want to invite our President
53:04 and Founder, Danny Shelton, out...
53:06 In Russian...
53:14 His wife, Yvonne Lewis-Shelton and the rest of our 3ABN team.
53:18 In Russian...
53:23 Audience: Clapping...
53:27 Thank you in Russian...
53:29 Audience: Clapping...
53:30 We've had a wonderful weekend here
53:32 and I'm sorry that it's about to come to a close
53:35 in Russian...
53:42 but we're so thankful that you were able to come
53:45 and we got to visit with some of you after lunch...
53:49 in Russian...
53:53 can we imagine what heaven is going to be like?
54:00 we'll be in no hurry...
54:04 we can sit and talk to each one...
54:10 and hear everyone's personal story
54:13 of how they came to know Jesus.
54:20 I want to say a special thank you
54:22 to Russian 3ABN team...
54:29 Sister Julia...
54:31 I know that you must be very tired from all the translating
54:38 and your Production Crew has done a fabulous job...
54:48 and I want to say a thank you to 3ABN America
54:51 to our team also, our crew...
54:53 they've done a lot of hard work also.
54:55 In Russian...
55:03 What I'd like to do in closing we're going to say a prayer
55:10 we're going to pray that God will do something
55:12 great and mighty in each of our lives,
55:14 in Russian...
55:21 that He will give us a burden for souls...
55:29 27 years ago, when Nizhny Novgorod was turned upside down
55:33 in Russian...
55:46 by the preaching of Elder John Carter
55:48 and along with working with the church and 3ABN,
55:51 in Russian...
56:00 and I think we can do it again with God's help.
56:05 Do it again right Pastor?
56:09 do it again...
56:11 I saw a beautiful soccer arena out there... a new one
56:20 so, maybe this time, we ought to think big
56:27 see if we can fill that up with people.
56:35 People are hungry to get to know Jesus.
56:38 In Russian...
56:47 We have something to share
56:51 and that is the love of Jesus to a lost and dying world.
56:57 He said, "Go ye into all the world. "
57:03 Pastor John, would you pray for us?
57:08 Let us bow our heads,
57:15 "Gracious Father in heaven,
57:19 we have been reminded of Your great plan.
57:26 We are always amazed at the way you move.
57:34 What thrills our hearts as we stand this weekend
57:43 was a desire born in your heart millennia ago.
57:47 In Russian...
57:57 Father, I thank you again...
57:58 and we thank you again for your faithful servant, Danny Shelton.
58:08 We are reminded of the passion of one...
58:17 and as the song writer says,
58:19 'It only takes a spark to get a fire going'
58:22 in Russian...
58:31 and the fire started 35 years ago
58:33 continues to burn on every continent today,
58:36 in Russian...
58:49 and only in eternity will we understand the impact
58:51 of the work you have done.
58:53 In Russian...
59:00 Father, the work began humbly, may it continue humbly...
59:04 in Russian...
59:11 Father, may we never be distracted by what we do
59:14 and keep our eyes always on you
59:16 In Russian...
59:29 and finally, when the work is done,
59:34 may it be the privilege of every one of us
59:41 to unite with this undiluted three angels' messages
59:50 and Father, I add one more thing,
59:53 we know the enemy is upset with this message
01:00:00 and he's angry with Your messenger
01:00:05 but may we look unto Jesus
01:00:06 the author and finisher of our faith
01:00:08 in Russian...
01:00:13 and when the final work is done,
01:00:18 along with Danny and Julia and all the workers in America
01:00:22 and Russia and other parts of this globe,
01:00:24 in Russian...
01:00:35 may we hear, 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant'
01:00:42 in Jesus' name I pray, amen. "


Revised 2019-10-14