The Latest News. Have You Heard?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TLN

Program Code: TLN190002A

00:01 Music...
00:32 More music...
01:18 Our heavenly Father,
01:21 to Your throne of mercy and grace,
01:28 we are calling today for Your blessing.
01:34 Give us the power of Your presence
01:40 give us Your wisdom and Your Holy Spirit
01:47 so we could finish Your great mission here on earth
01:56 in Russian...
02:01 to call the inhabitants of this planet to repentance
02:07 to accept Your gracious message
02:14 in Russian...
02:20 in this sacrifice of blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
02:27 to You our eternal God
02:32 the glory and power forever, amen.
02:39 Audience: Amen.
02:40 Pause...
02:47 more pause...
02:50 Dear Friends,
02:53 Brothers and Sisters,
02:56 our best
02:59 in Russian...
03:06 and all our audience who are watching us right now
03:11 through live broadcast.
03:14 We are so happy to see and to greet all of you.
03:21 David spoke beautiful words,
03:30 in Russian...
03:36 more Russian...
03:41 "The Lord is my light and my salvation;
03:44 whom shall I fear?
03:46 The Lord is a stronghold of my life;
03:49 of whom shall I be afraid?
03:52 In Russian...
04:01 When evildoers assail me to devour my flesh,
04:05 my adversaries and foes, they shall stumble and fall. "
04:10 In Russian...
04:19 Though an army encamp against me,
04:22 my heart shall not fear:
04:25 though war rise up against me,
04:27 yet, I will be confident.
04:30 In Russian...
04:37 in Russian
04:39 more Russian...
04:44 One thing I asked of the LORD,
04:47 that will I seek after;
04:50 to live in the house of the LORD, all the days of my life,
04:55 to behold the beauty of the LORD,
04:58 and to enquire in his temple.
05:00 In Russian...
05:09 more Russian...
05:12 Russian...
05:17 I invite all of you who are present here and who joined us
05:25 through the live broadcast to glorify our Lord
05:28 and to sing to Him the hymn of praise,
05:31 "Come Thou fount of every blessing. "
05:35 Piano...
05:45 Song...
07:51 In Russian...
07:54 more Russian...
07:56 Gathering together in this place we all need God's blessing,
08:01 in Russian...
08:07 more Russian...
08:13 and for the prayer of blessing, I invite to this platform
08:17 Alexander Zhukov,
08:19 Executive Secretary of West Russia Union Conference.
08:26 Let's pray.
08:28 In Russian...
08:33 We are grateful to you O Lord, for the gift of life
08:36 given to each one of us.
08:38 In a special way, we thank you for this wonderful day.
08:46 You gave us not only physical life
08:53 You also redeemed us,
08:57 You called us Your sons and daughters
09:03 and right now, we thank You and we ask You
09:11 please bless all our gathering.
09:13 In Russian.
09:22 With the power of Your Holy Spirit,
09:24 please be present among us
09:28 in our fellowship with You and Your Word.
09:32 We thank You our Lord and our Savior,
09:39 Amen.
09:41 Audience: Amen.
09:43 Please be seated.
09:45 In Russian...
09:52 more Russian...
09:58 Today, we have with us our dear Sister,
10:03 Vice President of 3ABN, Jill Morikone,
10:06 who will lead us in the study of the Bible.
10:10 In Russian.
10:17 But before this study, we will have a special music.
10:21 Pause...
10:26 Piano...
10:39 We need wisdom we need power
10:43 And true love for each other
10:47 We have had so many big but empty words
10:55 So we come before Your face
10:59 Asking for Your grace
11:03 Bring Your people to a state of kingdom life
11:10 Restore Your church again
11:16 Touch Your people once again
11:23 With Your precious holy hand, we pray
11:29 Let Your kingdom shine upon this earth
11:36 Through a living and glorious church
11:41 Not for temporary deeds
11:48 But to restore authority and power
11:54 Let a mighty rushing wind blow in
12:02 Touch Your people once again
12:10 Lord You see Your tired servants
12:17 And Your broken wounded soldiers
12:20 Oh how much we need Your precious healing hand
12:27 We need the power of the cross
12:32 As the only source for us
12:35 When we stand up facing final battle cries
12:42 Restore Your church again
12:48 Touch Your people once again
12:55 With Your precious holy hand, we pray
13:02 Let Your kingdom shine upon this earth
13:09 Through a living and glorious church
13:15 Not for temporary deeds
13:21 But to restore authority and power
13:28 Let a mighty rushing wind blow in
13:38 Touch Your people once again
13:43 Let a mighty rushing wind blow in...
13:53 in...
13:55 And touch Your people once again...
14:04 again.
14:12 Audience: Amen.
14:15 Happy Sabbath.
14:20 I know my Russian's not very good
14:27 it is a privilege for us to be here in Nizhny Novgorod
14:32 in Russian...
14:38 at 3ABN Russian Facility.
14:44 We have heard the stories of what God has done
14:47 and what God is currently doing
14:55 and the first time I came to Russia,
15:01 I felt like I came halfway around the world to meet family.
15:06 In Russian...
15:13 What a privilege to be here and fellowship with you today.
15:17 In Russian.
15:23 This is the Sabbath School portion of the lesson
15:26 so any children and youth...
15:28 you are welcome to exit the Sanctuary now
15:31 and go to your lessons.
15:32 In Russian...
15:42 We're studying Quarter Number 3, The Least of These...
15:46 in Russian...
15:55 this is Lesson Number 2 but there is not enough time
15:58 to do the entire lesson
16:00 in Russian...
16:08 so, I'm going to focus on Sunday's Lesson...
16:12 "The God Who Hears. "
16:14 In Russian...
16:22 We often wonder as Christians,
16:23 "What are we to do when God is silent... "
16:27 in Russian...
16:34 but I want to turn that around today
16:41 and instead I want to look at what God is doing
16:49 when it appears that He is silent.
16:54 Let's pray.
16:56 "Father, would You touch us once again.
17:03 would You touch me,
17:06 I ask for the outpouring of Your Holy Spirit,
17:13 would You be lifted up and be seen
17:21 thank you for what You're going to do,
17:27 in Jesus' name, amen. "
17:29 Audience: Amen.
17:31 From the earliest of time,
17:34 God has always desired connection with His people.
17:44 I think of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
17:50 They had unbroken communion with the Father
17:58 but sin brought fear and guilt.
18:06 Sin brought separation from God
18:11 and God said, "I want to restore that broken connection"
18:20 and so His desire has always been
18:22 that He would dwell with us as His people.
18:31 In fact, as we travel through Bible history,
18:34 we think of the Israelites... God's chosen people.
18:37 Translation.
18:45 Exodus 25:8, He said, "Let them make me a sanctuary
18:50 in Russian...
18:56 that I may dwell among them. "
19:02 A little later, Exodus 29:46, He said,
19:05 "They shall know that I am the Lord their God
19:08 in Russian...
19:16 Who brought them out of the land of Egypt
19:21 that I may dwell with them. "
19:26 In 1st Kings 6
19:31 He said, "I will be among the sons of Israel,
19:38 I will dwell among them. "
19:43 Zechariah 2... I love this Scripture...
19:51 "Sing for joy and be glad, O daughter of Zion;
20:00 for behold I am coming and I will dwell in your midst. "
20:09 Then we have that 400-year period of silence
20:18 the Intertestamental Period
20:22 between Malachi and when Jesus came in Matthew.
20:31 In John 1:14, He says,
20:37 "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. "
20:46 We get all the way to the end of the Bible,
20:48 Revelation chapter 21 verse 3,
20:56 and the Word of God says,
20:58 "And I heard a loud voice from the throne
21:05 behold the tabernacle of God is among men
21:12 and He will dwell among them,
21:17 and they shall be His people
21:18 and God Himself will be among them. "
21:26 God has always desired connection with His people.
21:33 From Genesis all the way down to Revelation,
21:40 He wanted that connection with His people
21:47 but sometimes
21:50 His people felt as if He was silent.
21:53 In Russian...
22:00 Turn with me to Exodus chapter 1,
22:07 God called His people... the Israelites
22:10 to be His representatives
22:17 after Joseph died... the Bible says in Genesis...
22:20 Exodus... I'm sorry, Exodus 1 verse 7,
22:30 that the children of Israel increased supernaturally.
22:39 The Bible says, "They were fruitful...
22:45 increased abundantly...
22:48 multiplied and grew exceedingly
22:54 and the land was filled with them.
22:59 After this time, a new king arose who did not know Joseph
23:08 and so the children of Israel were forced into slavery.
23:17 They were in bondage...
23:22 they cried out to God
23:27 and felt as if He did not hear them.
23:33 I want to tell you today,
23:38 when it seems God is silent, He is not absent.
23:48 When it seems God is silent, He is not still.
23:58 When it seems God is silent, He is not finished.
24:08 There is a man in the Old Testament
24:13 who experienced the silence of God.
24:18 Turn with me to the book of Job.
24:23 Job lost his livelihood...
24:30 Job lost his children...
24:37 and to be honest, he kind of lost his wife too
24:44 and there was a time he wondered even, "Is God hearing me?"
24:52 Job chapter 30 verse 20,
25:00 the Bible says, "I cry out to You,
25:02 but you do not answer me.
25:08 I stand up and you regard me. "
25:14 The New Living Translation,
25:18 says, "I cry to you God but You don't answer.
25:25 I stand before You
25:28 but You don't even look at me. "
25:32 Now, before you think humanity
25:35 are the only people who have experienced
25:38 a sense of separation from God,
25:40 in Russian...
25:50 Jesus experienced it on the cross.
25:56 "My God, My God...
26:00 why have You forsaken me?"
26:05 Psalm 22... that Messianic Psalm...
26:11 He says, "O my God, I cry in the day
26:14 but you do not hear. "
26:22 When it seems that God is silent,
26:23 we are called to trust the promise
26:26 not the perception.
26:28 In Russian...
26:37 We are called to walk by faith not by sight.
26:44 We are called to trust Him in the storm
26:46 as well as the sunshine.
26:53 We are called to trust Him by faith
26:55 not by our feelings.
27:02 It had been a difficult week,
27:06 you know, those weeks when everything goes wrong.
27:14 Do you have weeks like that in Russia?
27:18 I feel better...
27:20 Audience: Laughter.
27:22 It was one of those weeks that everything went wrong
27:27 in Russian...
27:32 and then on top of that, my friend
27:39 who I trusted and respected
27:44 betrayed me...
27:47 "God, where are you?"
27:51 On top of that, my family... a member in my family
27:57 was diagnosed with cancer
28:03 and I prayed...
28:05 I pleaded...
28:08 I read my Bible...
28:11 and yet, I could not seem to see the face of Jesus anymore.
28:16 In Russian...
28:22 Fear and pain ate away in my soul
28:32 but it was the sense of separation from God
28:39 and the feeling as if He was not talking to me...
28:46 the silence of God...
28:51 that hurt the most.
28:56 I had never encountered depression before,
29:03 I usually wake up every day excited about the day...
29:11 can't wait to see what God is going to do...
29:18 and yet, here all I wanted to do
29:24 was run away and hide.
29:30 Two things happened that week
29:33 in Russian...
29:36 that began to change my heart.
29:42 The first thing...
29:44 a woman came and said, "Jill, will you pray with me?"
29:51 Now, normally, I love to pray with my Sisters..
29:58 but now I felt like a failure
30:04 Who was I to pray for someone else?
30:12 And yet, I prayed anyway,
30:15 holding her hands in mine,
30:20 saying, "God, please, this must count for something. "
30:27 The second things was that my Pastor...
30:32 Pastor John Lomacang
30:35 asked me to preach for Prayer Meeting
30:43 and I didn't want to
30:47 because I felt like a hypocrite.
30:53 If God was not silent in my life,
30:59 I would have loved to share
31:04 but how could I share now?
31:08 I talked to Greg, my husband,
31:13 the only person who knew my struggle
31:16 and what was going on in my heart
31:22 and he said, "Jilly, you must speak for Jesus. "
31:31 When it seems as if God is silent,
31:38 we are called to walk by faith
31:43 not by how we feel.
31:46 I want to talk to you today not about what we are to do
31:50 when God is silent
31:57 but what God is doing while it appears that He is silent.
32:02 In Russian...
32:07 There are five things God does
32:14 when we think that He's silent.
32:20 He hears...
32:23 He cares...
32:25 He comforts...
32:26 He accompanies...
32:33 and He delivers.
32:35 Let's look at "He Hears"
32:36 go back to Exodus chapter 2... the children of Israel
32:45 remember they're struggling under the bondage of slavery
32:50 in Russian...
32:53 and we might not be in slavery today
33:00 but there's a great deal of bondage in the church.
33:08 Exodus 2:23...
33:14 the children of Israel groaned because of their bondage
33:24 and they cried out...
33:27 and their cry came up to God because of the bondage.
33:35 So God heard their groaning
33:41 and God remembered His covenant
33:47 with Abraham,
33:49 Isaac,
33:51 and Jacob.
33:52 Do you feel today that God is silent in your life?
34:00 Are you going through a dry period spiritually?
34:09 I want you to know God hears you.
34:14 Whatever you are experiencing
34:19 God hears...
34:22 and He remembers His covenant with you,
34:27 He remembers that He redeemed you
34:29 with the precious blood of Jesus.
34:37 Turn over one chapter to Exodus chapter 3,
34:45 Exodus 3 verse 7
34:53 and the Lord said,
34:55 "I have surely seen the oppression of My people... "
35:02 did you hear that?
35:04 God doesn't just hear us...
35:07 He sees what you are going through...
35:12 "I have seen the oppression of my people...
35:17 and I have heard the cry because of their taskmasters
35:25 for I know their sorrows. "
35:30 When it seems that God is silent,
35:36 He hears.
35:39 Number 2,
35:41 When it seems that God is silent,
35:45 He cares...
35:48 Matthew chapter 10
35:53 Jesus talks about... when a sparrow falls to the ground
35:58 in Russian...
36:03 that God sees that...
36:07 and He cares for the sparrow... even the sparrow.
36:15 Do you all have sparrows in Russia?
36:19 Da...
36:23 so, in America,
36:25 the sparrow is not the most popular bird.
36:33 There are many birds that are much prettier...
36:39 many birds that have colorful plumage...
36:47 many birds that have a beautiful sound...
36:54 and the sparrow is pretty ordinary...
36:59 just a little bird...
37:02 brown...
37:03 with not such a good sound...
37:09 they might sing like I do
37:17 ordinary sparrows...
37:22 and yet, even when the sparrow falls to the ground,
37:31 God cares.
37:34 What does that mean?
37:37 When it seems like God is silent in your life
37:44 and you say, "But I'm ordinary... "
37:49 I'm nobody special...
37:53 just a regular person...
37:57 God cares for you.
38:02 God hears...
38:05 He cares...
38:07 He comforts...
38:10 how does He comfort us?
38:13 He comforts us through His Word.
38:18 Psalm 119...
38:22 Psalm 119 verses 49 and 50,
38:30 "Remember the word to Your servant,
38:35 upon which You have caused me to hope.
38:40 Pause...
38:49 in Russian...
38:54 This is my comfort in my affliction,
39:01 for Your word has given me life. "
39:07 What gives us comfort in our time of affliction?
39:14 God's Word...
39:16 God's Word has life-changing power.
39:24 When it appears that God is silent in your life,
39:29 open up your Bible.
39:32 Read the promises of comfort that He has for you.
39:37 In Russian...
39:42 God doesn't just comfort us by his Word.
39:47 He comforts us through His Holy Spirit.
39:52 2nd Corinthians chapter 1,
39:57 2nd Corinthians 1 verses 3 and 4,
40:05 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
40:12 the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
40:19 who comforts us in all our tribulation,
40:25 that we may be able to comfort those who are in trouble,
40:33 with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted
40:36 by God. "
40:40 Now, I don't know about in Russian
40:44 because we didn't talk about this before,
40:48 but in English the word "comfort"
40:50 appears five times in that verse.
40:58 That word is taken in the Greek
41:08 from the word "Parakletos"
41:14 John 14, 15 and 16
41:21 the word "Parakletos" is used
41:26 and it refers to the Holy Spirit.
41:32 God sends us the Holy Spirit
41:37 to give us comfort in our lives.
41:42 God comforts us by His presence.
41:47 Psalm 23:4
41:54 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
42:02 I will fear no evil:
42:05 for You are with me;
42:09 Your rod and your staff they comfort me. "
42:16 When it seems that God is silent,
42:20 He hears...
42:22 He cares...
42:24 He comforts
42:27 and He accompanies.
42:32 Turn with me to Isaiah 43
42:40 one of my all-time favorite Scriptures
42:47 Isaiah 43:1 through 3,
42:53 "But now thus says the LORD
42:57 Who created you, O, Jacob... "
43:03 the word in Hebrew for "Create"
43:10 means "to form" or "shape"
43:18 God made us in our mother's womb...
43:24 He formed us...
43:28 but it doesn't stop there...
43:34 "Fear not: for I have redeemed you... "
43:41 God bought us back.
43:45 He made us and formed us in the beginning
43:52 and then we allowed sin to separate us from the Father.
44:00 We allowed that to create that distance
44:07 and He said, "I'm going to buy you back. "
44:13 "I have redeemed you,
44:17 I called you by your name;
44:20 you are mine.
44:22 When you pass through the waters,
44:26 I will be with you;
44:29 and through the rivers,
44:32 they will not overflow you.
44:36 Probably 20 years ago,
44:40 my mom went through a serious health crisis
44:49 and I remember as if it were yesterday.
44:54 We were sitting in the doctor's office,
44:58 waiting for the results... the verdict from the doctor.
45:06 My mom sat on those little exam table
45:14 and my dad was on this side, arms crossed across his chest
45:21 and I was on this side of the room, arms across my chest
45:29 desperately trying to claim a Bible promise.
45:35 In Russian...
45:40 Scared...
45:44 don't know what the future holds...
45:49 don't know what the doctor's diagnosis is going to be.
45:56 The promise I claimed was Psalm 112 verse 7,
45:59 in Russian...
46:08 "He shall not be afraid of evil tidings:
46:16 his heart is fixed,
46:20 trusting in the LORD."
46:24 Now, I had misinterpreted that Scripture.
46:28 In Russian...
46:33 For some reason,
46:39 I thought it meant
46:43 if I trusted in God,
46:47 nothing evil is going to happen.
46:51 That's not what it says.
46:55 It says, "When the bad things happen... "
47:02 and they happen because we live in a world of sin.
47:10 God will accompany you in the midst of it.
47:17 When it appears that God is silent, He hears...
47:24 He cares...
47:26 He comforts...
47:28 He accompanies
47:31 and He delivers.
47:33 Turn back with me to Exodus chapter 3
47:43 back to the children of Israel,
47:47 this first verse we already read before,
47:55 Exodus 3 verse 7,
47:59 and the Lord said,
48:01 "I have surely seen the oppression of my people
48:05 who are in Egypt,
48:09 and I have heard their cry
48:14 because of their taskmasters;
48:19 for I know their sorrows... "
48:23 but it doesn't stop there,
48:27 the next verse
48:29 says, "I have come down
48:33 to deliver them. "
48:36 Do you want deliverance?
48:40 Are you in the midst of a battle
48:46 feeling as if God has turned His back?
48:52 He is silent...
48:55 He wants to deliver you...
49:00 He delivers us from bondage...
49:04 John 8:36,
49:09 "Therefore, if the Son makes you free,
49:14 you shall be free indeed. "
49:19 God wants to set us free,
49:22 He wants to liberate us
49:27 to release us from bondage.
49:33 He doesn't just deliver from bondage,
49:38 He delivers from trouble,
49:43 Psalm 34 verse 17,
49:51 "The righteous cry out,
49:57 and the LORD hears,
49:59 and delivers them
50:03 from all their troubles. "
50:06 He delivers us from fear,
50:10 Psalm 34 verse 4,
50:15 "I sought the LORD,
50:19 and He heard me,
50:21 and delivered me from all my fear. "
50:28 He delivers us from sin,
50:32 Matthew 1:21,
50:37 "He shall save His people from their sins. "
50:44 Romans 6:18,
50:49 "And having been set free from sin...
50:56 you become slaves or servants of righteousness. "
51:04 God wants to deliver us from bondage.
51:09 He wants to deliver us from trouble.
51:16 He wants to deliver us from fear.
51:21 He wants to deliver from sin.
51:26 Pause...
51:32 I stepped out of our kitchen into our garage,
51:39 it was really hot,
51:43 a 100 degrees Fahrenheit,
51:48 and we opened up the garage door
51:55 and looked up at the roof of the garage
51:59 and there was a Hummingbird,
52:07 hovering at the peak of the roof,
52:15 it was really hot...
52:18 just a little bird...
52:22 it was going to die...
52:26 and I said, "Come down and go out the open door... "
52:34 and it didn't...
52:37 so Greg got a ladder
52:44 and he climbed to the rafters...
52:49 stepping from rafter to rafter...
52:58 he reached up... gloved hands for the little bird
53:03 and caught it
53:06 and then he began to step from rafter to rafter
53:14 and started walking down the ladder,
53:19 he went outside...
53:23 opened up his hands
53:27 and the bird flew off and was gone
53:32 and I thought of all the times
53:38 I have wandered where it was unsafe,
53:47 I refused the open garage door,
53:53 the easy way home
53:58 and yet my Savior
54:01 had climbed the ladder of my stubbornness and pride,
54:10 reaching out scarred hands to pick me up
54:17 how often I had cried against
54:19 the very thing that brought me home
54:29 and yet, God brought me into liberty and opened up His hands
54:37 setting me free to choose again.
54:45 When it seems God is silent,
54:50 He hears you,
54:52 He cares...
54:55 He comforts...
54:57 He accompanies...
55:01 He can bring you deliverance...
55:07 do you want deliverance today?
55:12 "Father, we come before You just now,
55:17 turning our eyes upon You,
55:22 would you touch us once again...
55:27 would you change us...
55:30 would you set us free...
55:32 in Jesus' name,
55:35 amen. "
55:36 Piano...
55:47 In Russian...
55:55 Let us thank our Sister Jill who led us in this Bible Study
56:00 wonderful topic...
56:05 in Russian...
56:14 it is so good to know
56:16 that even when it seems that God is silent,
56:20 He is with us.
56:24 In Russian...
56:29 It's great to remember that He cares...
56:32 that He hears...
56:34 that He loves...
56:36 that He would never forsake us
56:41 that He leads us on this way of life
56:48 maybe this way is not easy all the time...
56:55 in Russian...
57:05 it is not only in Russia
57:07 this way of life is hard sometimes,
57:10 we found out that people in America suffer too.
57:14 In Russian...
57:23 And as the Bible says that every knee will bow down
57:28 before our God and our Creator.
57:32 In Russian...
57:36 May the Lord bless each one of us.
57:38 Music...


Revised 2019-08-21