3ABN Today LIVE - 2nd Hour


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Felix Cortez


Series Code: TLB

Program Code: TLB013501

00:10 We are back.
00:11 And if you missed the first hour,
00:14 this is our Thursday night sitting, 3ABN today live.
00:17 We have two hours to be together.
00:19 My guest is Felix Cortez,
00:20 he is a professor of New Testament Theology
00:25 at the University of Montemorelos
00:28 in Montemorelos, Mexico and that is a full--
00:32 mouthful of words.
00:34 But it's good that you--we've been discussing death and hell.
00:40 Basically death and what happens after death.
00:42 Various theologies and ideologies
00:44 that are in our culture today, popular culture today
00:48 and have been around, some for many,
00:50 many thousands of years, as to what happens at death.
00:53 And we've taken to look at how our theology of death
00:58 gives us an idea of the kind of God we serve.
01:01 And how the misinformation about what happens
01:04 after death has really colored and jaundiced, dare I say,
01:09 many people's idea of who God is and what God is like.
01:13 So we've been trying to pull the cover off of that
01:14 and doing a very, very fine job.
01:17 In this second hour, what we want to do is
01:18 take a look at some of those texts.
01:20 And so we're gonna give you now, some ammunition.
01:23 We're gonna arm you just a little bit by looking at
01:25 some of the texts which are often tossed
01:27 in the face of Adventists and others who believe,
01:29 as we do or as the Bible teaches about what happens after death.
01:33 What is hell? Where is hell?
01:35 Why is hell? Is hell burning now?
01:38 How long will it burn?
01:39 And what happens to the people
01:41 who are sentenced "to hell?"
01:44 So we're gonna give you some texts now,
01:45 so you want to fire up those computers,
01:46 get your pen and pencil out, paper,
01:48 because we've got some text and we want to go through,
01:50 and this will give you some ammunition
01:52 that will help stabilize your faith.
01:54 Also, maybe, have you take a different look
01:56 at who God is and how God is dealing with these issues.
02:00 What is judgment and what are the results of that judgment?
02:03 So we're gonna give you-- you're back in school now.
02:05 So you're taking some notes, we won't give you any homework
02:08 but you are taking some notes.
02:09 And this is information that you need to have,
02:11 so we want you to pay real good attention,
02:13 because this is very important.
02:15 Couple of things, I think, before we go to our song
02:16 I want to go back to our free offer
02:18 for the evening, dare I forget or ere I forget.
02:22 The free offer is "Does God Love Sinners Forever?"
02:25 written by Danny Shelton.
02:26 Is there a hell? How long will it burn?
02:29 Very simple, very direct, very well done book on hell
02:33 and what happens after death.
02:36 Something we'd like to send to you,
02:37 we'd be more than happy to put it in your hands.
02:38 If you will but call us, (618) 627-4651,
02:43 (618) 627-4651.
02:45 Or email us, free offer, freeoffer@3abn.org,
02:50 we will get this right out to you.
02:51 It would be our pleasure to do so.
02:54 Before we go back to, I guess, and have him speak more
02:59 on this very, very important topic,
03:01 we want to hear little bit more from Tim Parton,
03:03 our friend, great guy as we said in the first half.
03:06 Again, he's going to be playing a medley,
03:08 it's called the "In the Garden Medley."
03:11 This is Tim Parton.
08:49 Tim Parton, beautifully done.
08:51 Just really wonderful song, songs and very,
08:55 very well played, really, really neat guy.
08:57 My guest is Felix and I want to say Felix,
09:00 but I know better, my wife being Latino,
09:03 I know--and she would correct me when she watches us
09:05 and she'd go, see that's Felix,
09:06 you know, that "e" is an "a." Yes.
09:08 So that's Felix Cortez. Yes.
09:10 And just a really neat guy, somebody that,
09:12 in the short tim we've been here, I really like.
09:15 This is his first time on the 3ABN camp
09:17 with us asking him how he--
09:20 what he thought about what he's seeing.
09:22 He got in late last night, so he hasn't seen
09:23 the real lay of the land yet. Yes.
09:25 Came over here just as-- the studio's pretty much it,
09:27 but it's a very big campus.
09:29 And you were telling me that you do have a broadcasting
09:32 or production department at Montemorelos.
09:35 And I know, we've shot some stuff down there.
09:37 Yes, there is a school of communication.
09:40 And they record programs
09:42 for different television networks
09:47 in Inter-American and South America.
09:50 Yes, yes.
09:51 There are like, I think, 3, 4, 5 programs,
09:53 different series that they--
09:55 I see. Yeah.
09:56 I think we've gotten a few of those things up here,
09:58 I remember seeing some things from the school.
10:01 I have not yet been on the campus,
10:03 I think, my wife has.
10:04 And I wanted to find an excuse to come down there.
10:06 Yeah, you should be there.
10:07 We're going to find an excuse so you can come.
10:10 Indeed. Yeah.
10:11 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
10:13 Well, have Bible, will travel, so I do preach.
10:15 Yeah. We'd be glad to do so.
10:17 We've been talking about and dealing with, in particular,
10:21 the subjects of death and hell.
10:23 And when we left, we were moving into the New Testament,
10:27 but you said something that kind of stuck
10:29 in my mind that when New Testament readers
10:31 and writers read some of these passages
10:34 that are problematic for us, it was not problematic for them,
10:38 because they had Old Testament references
10:40 and things that had gone on before.
10:42 Sort of mind that a little bit for me, Felix.
10:43 Yes.
10:45 The Old Testament context, for the New Testament
10:51 is just foundational, foundational.
10:55 I wanted to say something else about the Old Testament
10:59 that is going to help understand
11:00 what is happening in the New Testament.
11:03 To give you one example, for example,
11:05 the word for spirit in the Old Testament,
11:09 Ruach--Ruach. In Hebrew.
11:11 That word has many different meanings.
11:15 It could mean, for example, breeze, wind,
11:20 breath, sense, mind, heart.
11:25 So it could mean many different things.
11:27 Yes, yes.
11:29 So basically these were the inward part of the individual.
11:32 But when the spirit comes back into the kith.
11:36 Elijah, for example, what comes back is not spirit,
11:40 it's the breath. It's breath, yeah.
11:41 Respiration. Yes.
11:42 He began to breathe again, that's what happened.
11:45 And what was departing from Rachel
11:48 when she was dying was her breath.
11:50 Yes, yeah. That's important.
11:52 But then Jesus says, "Father into hands--
11:55 into thy hands I command my spirit."
11:58 Yes. What is he doing there?
12:02 He's commanding everything that is interior life,
12:07 his mind, his heart, his hopes, his--
12:10 so he's not commanding an entity he has,
12:17 but he's giving to God the-- all his hopes,
12:24 his aspirations that are described as his spirit.
12:31 Because spirit is the inner life.
12:33 Yes, yes.
12:34 So "into thy hands I command my spirit,
12:36 " should not be understood in the Greco-Roman context,
12:39 should be understood in the Old Testament context.
12:41 Context. Yes, this--
12:43 all this interior life, all this mind and heart that he hands
12:47 into the Father's-- so he's like,
12:48 "don't forget my hopes." Yes, yes.
12:50 Put them into your hands and bring me back
12:53 to life as you promised. Yes, yes.
12:55 Don't forget me. That's what is going on.
12:57 You touched on a word which may be--
13:00 a little phrase that may be misconstrued,
13:02 you said it is the interior life.
13:04 As we look at the Hebrew word Ruach,
13:07 is there any instance in your studies
13:09 that attaches any sort of conscious
13:12 existence to Ruach? No.
13:16 Ruach cannot exist apart from the body.
13:20 You see Ruach and bodies, it is--they form one unity.
13:26 When you separate them, you have nothing, you see?
13:31 They are the interior life
13:33 that needs the exterior which is--
13:35 I see. Which is the body.
13:37 You cannot have the interior independent,
13:40 it has to be together.
13:42 So there cannot be-- by the way,
13:44 animals have this breath of life and they are referred
13:50 to sometimes as having spirit because of this breath of life.
13:53 Also our souls as well, because of the breath of life.
13:58 So not only humans have this characterization.
14:04 So yes, they are one thing
14:08 and spirit and body they form a unity.
14:13 If you separate them, both of them stop existing.
14:16 Stop existing. Yeah.
14:17 So the New Testament writers and readers
14:20 were armed with that context-- Yes.
14:21 And was sort of in their minds. Yes.
14:23 And I like this idea that we moved from a Hebrew
14:29 or an ancient context to a more Greco-Roman context--
14:31 And we today are, sort of, Yes.
14:33 I'll use the word slaves to that Greco-Roman thought.
14:36 Yeah, that Greek thought and so we filter
14:40 all of these passages through that thought
14:43 and, of course, that lens is a bad lens to look through.
14:46 You look through a bad pair of glasses--
14:48 Because you're getting an obscured
14:49 sort of look at what's going on.
14:50 Yes. All right.
14:52 So now we wanna look at some of these passages,
14:55 dear professor, and sort of arm ourselves for the battle.
15:00 What do we look at first?
15:02 Let's go to Philippians 1:24,
15:05 which is an interesting passage.
15:07 It says there, Philippians 1:24--
15:14 You know it's interesting, and let us say
15:16 both of us have iPads here-- Yes.
15:19 And we have our Bibles on our iPads.
15:21 But when you want to study, you go to the word,
15:23 you know, you got-- Yeah.
15:24 That's something-- It feels different.
15:26 It feels different, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
15:28 So Philippians 1:24 says there--
15:37 in fact verse 23-- Yes.
15:39 "For I'm hard-pressed between the two,
15:42 having a desire to depart and be with Christ
15:45 which is better--far better, nevertheless to remain
15:49 in the flesh is more needful for you."
15:52 What is this meaning of depart and being with Christ?
15:56 He's talking about death. Is he okay?
16:00 He was prisoner and he says, "Well,
16:03 it wouldn't be bad for me to die and be with Christ."
16:05 And you'll see there. Yeah. Yes.
16:07 You have the soul that goes to heaven and is with God.
16:11 But you see for Paul, when you read Paul,
16:16 you're going to find that we are in Christ now.
16:19 When we accept Jesus, we are in Christ
16:22 and we don't need to die to be in Christ.
16:24 Yes.
16:26 And then he's going to-- just a few verses later on,
16:30 Philippians 4:13 says that, when we die
16:34 and Jesus comes back and resurrects us,
16:38 Then we're going to be forever with the Lord.
16:40 Yes. So he was looking
16:42 for resurrection to be with the Lord.
16:44 So what did he means-- what does he means
16:46 when he says that, "to die and be with Christ?"
16:50 You know, it has to do with the perspective
16:52 with which you read this passage.
16:56 If you die, since death is unconscious--
17:01 There's no sense of time for you--for a person who die,
17:06 death is a twinkle of an eye. Yes.
17:10 He dies--just open-- close his eyes,
17:13 opens again and he's is in the resurrection.
17:17 For the person who is alive and sees another persons
17:20 to die is different. Oh, yes.
17:23 There--there's a big span of time.
17:26 So in that sense, to die and be with the Lord,
17:29 immediately, it has to do with this idea that death is
17:32 unconscious, you die, you don't have any conscience
17:38 of the passing of time, then you resurrect.
17:40 Just open your eyes again and you are with the Lord.
17:43 And that's what he says in Philippians 13 through 17.
17:46 That when Jesus comes and resurrects us--
17:48 Yes. Then we will be with the Lord.
17:51 So that's what he's-- that's what he's saying.
17:56 I like that.
17:57 So the idea-- and you touched on this,
17:59 it's a good foundational point, that Christ came to say
18:05 among other things that you could have
18:06 a fully functioning complete relation
18:08 with me here and now. Yes.
18:10 You don't need to die for that to happen.
18:13 I am come that you have my life
18:14 and have abundant life here and now.
18:16 Yes.
18:18 So the idea that we've got to fly off to be with him,
18:20 you know, we can have that relationship here--
18:22 Yes. While we're still alive.
18:24 And we need to be resurrected--
18:25 Yes, yes. To be with Christ again.
18:26 Yes, yes, yes, yes.
18:28 That's what Philippians 4:13-17 says.
18:31 It's really good.
18:32 So that's the text that we need to sort of put down
18:34 and put a line through because it's very, very important--
18:38 For our understanding of what happens at death.
18:41 And that particular text, because that text
18:43 in Philippians is tossed around kind of a lot.
18:45 Yes. We see it a lot.
18:47 That we've got--and it's Paul's desire, you know,
18:49 that I want to die and just go away.
18:51 No, Christ can have a full relationship
18:53 with us now. Okay.
18:54 Now another-- and there are some passages, Luke 16.
18:58 Luke 16, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.
19:01 Oh, yes. That is a very important passage
19:04 and we need to go there and we need to read it.
19:10 And we're going to take a little more time
19:12 with this one here.
19:13 Luke 16, is a parable that Jesus tells the Pharisees,
19:18 well, probably the disciples, when the Pharisees are hearing.
19:23 And you know the story, there is a poor man
19:26 who is lying at the door of a rich man
19:31 and the name of the poor man is Lazarus--
19:32 And he desires to be fed with the crumbs
19:35 that fall from the table of the rich man.
19:37 And then they died and then one goes to the bosom of Abraham
19:44 and the other one goes to the fire of Hades.
19:47 Yes.
19:48 And then the rich man says, "Hey, send Lazarus to help me,
19:52 to tip the tip of his finger in water
19:57 and refresh me a little bit, " and then Abraham says,
20:02 "No, it's a big divide
20:04 between us--" A big gulf, yes, fixed.
20:06 We cannot go. Yes.
20:07 Well, send him to my brother so that they understand
20:11 what is going on and they don't come here.
20:13 So this is a very interesting passage.
20:15 Yes, yes.
20:16 You see, the fire that is burning and this wicked man,
20:22 rich man is suffering there.
20:26 How do we understand that?
20:27 Does that negate what we have been saying
20:30 in the New Testament? It doesn't.
20:33 But we need to understand
20:34 what is that we are finding here.
20:37 We need to understand that this is a parable.
20:40 And parables are illustrations to drive home some point.
20:47 And important, there was a man in the AD 1st century
20:52 called Theon and he gave one of the best definition
20:57 of what a parable is.
20:59 And he said that parable is a fictitious
21:01 saying picturing truth.
21:04 We have a fictitious saying--
21:06 Yes. Picturing truth.
21:08 Something that is a made-up story
21:11 to say a truth. Yes.
21:13 So Jesus made up this story to drive home some truth.
21:18 What is that truth? Yeah.
21:20 Illustrations have that problem.
21:22 When you make an illustration,
21:23 not everything you say is used
21:25 to drive home a point. Okay.
21:27 Now I want to stop there, because
21:28 I knew you're going there-- Yes.
21:30 Then as you get there I wanna stop.
21:31 It was an important point, that when you have a parable
21:35 you cannot, as we say parse a parable
21:38 because every element in that parable
21:42 is not important to where you're going in the parable.
21:44 The parable is where we're driving to,
21:47 not the car or the seat or the seatbelt,
21:50 it's where we're going. Yes.
21:52 So you don't say well, the seat belt didn't fit--
21:54 Or the lights weren't on or the tires were flat
21:56 because that's not important.
21:58 The important is where we're going.
21:59 So any illustration will never be totally perfect.
22:04 Never. Because they're based on stuff that you know.
22:06 So Christ used elements that they were familiar with.
22:10 Put them together and made a stew
22:12 and then gave it to them. Yes.
22:13 So don't look so much at the peas and the pot
22:15 and the-- look at the stew.
22:16 Does that make sense?
22:18 Is that correct? Yes, yes, yes, yes.
22:19 So you don't then necessarily draw a doctrinal premise
22:23 from a parable. No.
22:25 Because it's just using elements that were--
22:27 I could tell a story about the president
22:30 of the United States or the recent election
22:32 or anything because we know those things.
22:36 Yeah. But you don't stick with that.
22:38 You look at the goal of the parable.
22:41 And I think that's very important,
22:42 particularly in this one. Yes.
22:43 Because you can get really off-track
22:46 looking at the different elements
22:47 in this particular parable. Yes.
22:49 For example you make an illustration,
22:52 a plane is like a flying bird-- Yeah.
22:55 But plane and birds are different--
22:57 Yes. Yes. In many respects--
22:59 And they are similar in some respects.
23:01 We need to pay attention to their respects
23:03 in which they are similar. Absolutely. Yeah.
23:04 Both fly. Yes.
23:06 Both have wings. Right.
23:07 But one is made of steel and another is made of flesh--
23:09 So we need to be careful with this--
23:12 Yeah. The same happens in the parable.
23:14 Yeah. Now Jesus identifies
23:17 what are the important points of the parable.
23:19 Yes. And that is important point.
23:21 The important point is found at the end of the parable.
23:27 In verse 30 and 31, he says, "and he saith,
23:33 'No, father Abraham, but if one goes to them
23:37 from the death, they will repent.
23:40 But he said to him, if they do not hear Moses
23:44 and the prophets, neither will they be
23:47 persuaded though one rises or one rise from the dead.'"
23:50 From the dead.
23:51 So the point that Jesus want to say,
23:53 "hey, you need to pay attention to the prophets,
23:55 to Moses and the prophets.
23:57 You need to pay attention to the Bible--"
23:58 Yes. That's what he says.
24:00 Now why is he saying that?
24:01 Because there is a very interesting context to this,
24:03 if you read Luke 13, 14, 15 and 16--
24:08 Jesus in the middle of a debate, controversy with the Pharisees.
24:14 The Pharisees accused Jesus that he is a sinner
24:17 because he breaks the Sabbath. Yes.
24:19 And because he eats with sinners.
24:23 And Jesus says, "No, I'm not a sinner.
24:26 You are the sinners, because of your love of money,
24:31 and because you make--you evade truth."
24:37 In the sight of the people you look like you're true--
24:41 Yes. But you evade truth.
24:43 So what Jesus is trying to say here, you know,
24:46 you need to obey what the law says.
24:51 And the context of parable of Luke 16
24:54 is about loving money and not loving the neighbor.
24:58 And he's saying, you know, in the Old Testament
25:01 there are lot of passages that we're to take care
25:03 of our neighbors. Yes, yes.
25:04 We're to take care of people with our wealth,
25:09 but you love wealth instead of loving your neighbor.
25:13 So you bend--you bend your way around the laws,
25:18 people think that you're obeying the law,
25:20 but you're not. You're not.
25:22 So then he says this story.
25:24 Because in Luke 14, he was in a banquet
25:28 with Pharisees and the Pharisees said to him in Luke 14,
25:33 you know, "Blessed the one who eats with God
25:36 in the kingdom of God."
25:38 So they are expecting to have this--
25:40 Yes. Banquet.
25:42 Now Pharisees believed that in heaven
25:45 there will be some people in the bosom of Abraham
25:47 in a banquet with Abraham, and others will be sent to hell.
25:52 That's what they believed. Yes.
25:55 Sadducees didn't believe that. Right.
25:57 And many people didn't believe that,
25:58 but Pharisees did. Pharisees did.
25:59 Yes, yes, yes.
26:01 So Jesus said, "I'm going to tell you
26:02 a story about a rich man."
26:04 This rich man probably was a Pharisee.
26:07 This rich man died, he probably,
26:09 he did everything well and he died and he thought
26:12 that he was going to be in the bosom of Abraham.
26:16 Why he's not in the bosom of Abraham?
26:19 Well, because he didn't keep the law.
26:21 Yeah. Why didn't he keep the law?
26:23 Because he didn't take care of the poor man
26:25 who was at the door.
26:27 So he end up in the wrong side of hell.
26:30 Yes, yes.
26:32 And then he says to Abraham, send someone to tell my friends.
26:37 And Abraham says, "They have Moses,
26:40 they have the prophets.
26:42 They need to hear Moses and the prophets
26:44 and do what the prophets say." Yeah.
26:46 So the parable is about obeying the word of God.
26:49 Now if you go to the Old Testament,
26:51 the Old Testament doesn't have anything
26:52 to say about hell.
26:53 So if you try to teach hell from this parable,
26:57 you're shooting in your feet. Yes.
26:59 Because the main topic and the main teaching
27:04 of the parable was that you need to hear
27:06 what the Old Testament says. Yeah.
27:07 But the Old Testament doesn't say anything
27:09 about hell. Yeah.
27:10 So it is an illustration to drive home the point.
27:13 You need to take care of your brothers,
27:15 you need to obey what the word of God says,
27:17 you need to be careful with mammon, the richness,
27:21 riches, and taking care of your brother.
27:23 Otherwise you're going to end up in the wrong side after death.
27:28 Yeah, let's talk for just a moment
27:30 about the importance of understanding the context
27:34 before you try to do any kind of exegesis
27:36 or any kind of interpretation or explanation or application
27:39 to modern day life, because
27:41 this is highly contextual. Of course.
27:44 And if you try to take it out of the context,
27:45 you really go off into deep space
27:49 because you have nothing to ground your understanding
27:52 of what Christ is trying to say. Yes.
27:54 Do you know, if you take something out of context,
27:56 you're destroying the meaning of that thing.
27:59 Yes. That happens a lot in politics.
28:04 You just take a sound bit and you make it say
28:08 a completely different thing--
28:09 Very true. From the original.
28:11 And we do politics sometimes with Jesus.
28:13 Oh, yes. We take His words
28:15 out of context. Yes.
28:17 And we make Him say what he doesn't say.
28:19 Yes, yes, yes.
28:20 So that is a very important point
28:22 that you have raised. Yes.
28:23 The context will help you find the meaning of what,
28:26 of the sayings of Jesus.
28:31 Very power--I'm glad you started with that one
28:33 because that one is tossed around quite a lot--
28:36 And it is highly subject to its context
28:38 and you cannot really understand it
28:39 without understanding the background
28:41 and the context in which this text falls.
28:43 Yes. Another one is Revelation 6:9.
28:46 Okay. Revelation 6:9, it's an interesting passage.
28:51 This passage that we have here is about...
28:58 "When he opened the fifth seal,
29:01 I saw under the altar the souls of those
29:04 who had been slain for the word of God
29:07 and for the testimony which they held.
29:11 And they cried with a loud voice saying,
29:14 'how long, O Lord, Holy and true until You judge
29:18 and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?'
29:23 " So you have these souls, these people--
29:27 Yes. Under the altar crying to God,
29:32 when are you going to make justice?
29:34 When are You going to make justice?
29:36 So this is an interesting passage because people say,
29:39 you know, there are people in heaven
29:42 under the altar in heaven and saying--
29:43 Yes, yes. And saying this.
29:45 Now there's something very interesting here.
29:49 There were two altars in the Tabernacle.
29:54 There was a prayer altar of incense
29:58 and there was an altar of sacrifice.
29:59 Of sacrifice, yes.
30:01 Many people think that this is referring to the altar
30:04 of incense and since there is a heavenly sanctuary--Right.
30:08 You know, the ark of God is the throne of God
30:11 and then you have these candle lights
30:16 and are described in Revelation 1,
30:20 for example, Jesus walking around them.
30:23 So all this is Tabernacle in heaven,
30:26 that's what they are thinking.
30:28 But there is a second altar, the altar of sacrifice.
30:32 Sacrifice, yes, yes.
30:33 And now when you sacrifice an animal,
30:36 the blood of the animal, you will pour it down,
30:39 according to Leviticus, a lot of passages-- Yes.
30:42 You will pour down the blood under the altar
30:45 in the sides of the altar.
30:47 So when the animal was killed, the blood was poured
30:51 on the side in the base of the altar.
30:55 So this altar probably is referring to the altar
30:59 of sacrifice, not to the altar of the incense,
31:02 because you referred to the blood of people--Yes.
31:05 That has been shed and is being poured--
31:08 On the altar and that is the altar of sacrifice.
31:11 I understand, yes.
31:12 Now where is the altar of sacrifice?
31:14 In heavens or on earth? According to Jesus' death
31:18 on the cross in Hebrews is parallel to the death
31:23 of the sacrifice, the animal sacrifice.
31:26 And so the cross was in earth, so this altar should be
31:31 symbolically--Yes. Earth.
31:34 They are not in heaven, they are on earth. Right.
31:37 You see, C. A., in the time of the New Testament,
31:40 there were--for example we have Philo and Josephus,
31:43 both of them were living in that time. Yes.
31:45 They compared the universe to a sanctuary,
31:48 but for both of them, the altar of the sacrifice was on earth.
31:53 It's interesting. Yes.
31:54 That is the atrium, was on earth.
31:57 So this idea, probably, of the altar of sacrifice
31:59 and the blood of the souls,
32:02 of these persons, it is on earth.
32:04 Now we need to understand that this, of course,
32:09 this passage is highly symbolic.
32:11 You have choruses and you have a lot of imagery,
32:14 so it's symbolic of something that is happening. Yes.
32:17 It is symbolic of what? What is it pointing towards?
32:22 It is symbolic of what happened with Abel.
32:25 Do you remember Abel? Mm-hmm.
32:27 He was killed. Yes.
32:28 And his blood was shed and God said to Cain,
32:32 "The blood of your brother is crying out from the ground
32:35 of the earth to me, claiming for justice."
32:39 The same is happening with these righteous people.
32:42 And you know, this is a very hopeful
32:44 and very--passage full of hope because it is saying, you know,
32:48 God does not forget the blood of his people. Amen.
32:52 And this blood, they might be dead,
32:55 they may have been sacrificed, but God has not forgotten. Yes.
33:00 That blood has been shed and it's crying out,
33:03 it is like the blood of Abel,
33:05 crying out for justice-- Crying out, yes.
33:07 And God is going to remember.
33:08 And, of course, he remembers it in Revelation 15,
33:12 but we don't have time to go there, yes.
33:17 We praise the Lord, we praise the Lord for that.
33:19 And again, the people who were recipients of this,
33:24 the immediate recipients, understood that because
33:26 they knew the context in which it was written.
33:27 Yes, of course. Yes, yes, yes.
33:29 Excellent, excellent.
33:30 Anything else in here before we head to Revelation 14?
33:34 And we want to sort of tidy up.
33:35 Well, I think we now-- we go to Revelation 14. Okay.
33:41 Revelation 14 is really, wow.
33:45 It says 14:9 and following.
33:48 It says,"Then a third angel followed them saying
33:52 with a loud voice, 'if anyone worships the beast
33:57 and his image and receives his mark
34:00 on his forehead or on his hand,
34:02 he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God
34:07 which is poured out full strength
34:09 into the cup of his indignation.
34:11 He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence
34:15 of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb.
34:18 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever.
34:23 And they have no rest day or night,
34:26 who worship the beast and his image,
34:28 and whomever receives the mark of his name.'"
34:32 Well, this is-- Yes, yes.
34:33 they are burned with fire forever and ever,
34:38 the smoke ascends forever and ever-- Yes, yes.
34:40 Without rest, without rest. Yes.
34:44 So this day and night, it is an imagery of something
34:50 that does not stop. Yes.
34:52 And Jesus says the same in gospel when he talks
34:56 about a fire that cannot be quenched.
34:59 Be quenched. Yes, yes.
35:00 So what is going on here? As I told you
35:02 in the hour before-- Yes.
35:06 When they heard this, they immediately
35:08 thought about Isaiah 34.
35:11 Because this is the destruction of Edom.
35:14 Let's go to Isaiah 34,
35:16 which is a very interesting passage there.
35:25 And you see--
35:34 you see Isaiah 34:6, it says, "The sword of the Lord
35:40 is filled with blood, it is made overflowing with fatness,
35:44 with the blood of lambs and goats" et cetera, et cetera.
35:47 He's talking about the great slaughter in the land of Edom.
35:50 He's talking about the judgment God is going to bring upon Edom.
35:55 Then we go to the verse 8,
35:59 "For it is the day of the Lord's vengeance,
36:02 the year of recompense for the cause of Zion.
36:06 Its streams shall be turned into pitch
36:09 and its dust into brimstone.
36:12 Its land shall become burning pitch."
36:15 You see, you have the burning pitch. Yes.
36:18 "It shall not be quenched night or day."
36:21 It's the same imagery and say, "its smoke shall ascend forever,
36:26 from generation to generation it shall lie waste."
36:29 So you have burning pitch, no rest day or night-- Yeah.
36:33 Ascending forever and ever. Yes, yes.
36:35 So Isaiah 14 is quoting Edom,
36:38 the judgment against Edom, in Isaiah 34.
36:42 Now the question I'm going to ask, is Edom burning today?
36:45 Edom is not burning today. No.
36:47 But it is a lot of heat. There is a big sun there.
36:50 I'd been there and it's very warm.
36:52 But it's not burning. Yes.
36:54 But you see, when you read this prophecy,
36:57 you find immediately that this is an imagery
37:03 to describe a total destruction.
37:06 You see, let's go to verse 10.
37:10 You see, "Its smoke shall ascend forever.
37:13 From generation to generation it shall lie waste.
37:17 No one shall pass through it forever and ever
37:20 but the pelican and the porcupine shall posses it.
37:24 Also the owl and raven shall dwell in it.
37:27 And He shall stretch it over it
37:30 the line of confusion..." etcetera.
37:32 "They shall call its nobles to the Kingdom but no one
37:35 shall be there and all its princes shall be nothing."
37:38 Verse 13, "And the thorn shall come up in its palaces,
37:42 nettles and brambles in its fortresses.
37:45 It shall be a habitation of jackals,
37:48 a courtyard for ostriches, the wild beasts of the earth,
37:51 desert shall be met with the jackals
37:54 and the wild goat shall bleat to its companion,"
37:57 et cetera, you see. Yes.
37:59 You have here very interesting imagery.
38:01 And imagery of the rivers will be of pitch,
38:04 burning forever. Yes.
38:06 And then smoke ascending forever without rest, day and night.
38:11 But exactly at the same moment he says,
38:13 the jackals are going to be there. Yes.
38:15 The ostriches are going to be there.
38:19 All these thorns shall come up,
38:21 the brambles and the nettles shall come up.
38:24 How do you understand brambles and nettles and animals
38:27 and wild animals in the land when it's burning
38:30 at the same time? Yeah.
38:32 Cannot be, it is imagery.
38:34 And this imagery is just saying Edom with never be built again.
38:40 Yes. Yes. That's very powerful.
38:42 That he's using a number of images to make
38:47 a particular point. Yes.
38:48 So you don't lock down on the images per se,
38:51 but the point that they are driving to.
38:52 Yes. Yeah, yeah.
38:54 And the images itself point out that they cannot be understood
38:58 literally. Right. Right.
38:59 Because if you understand them literally,
39:01 then you are contradictory. Yeah.
39:03 And they conflict in themselves-- Yes.
39:05 You got animals there and something is burning
39:06 and you got things growing and some things burning
39:08 and you know, if you have a burning entity,
39:12 there's nothing around it that's safe from that.
39:14 So if you look too closely, the imagery tends to fall apart.
39:18 But you look at it as a whole and look at where it's going.
39:20 The same-- That's powerful.
39:22 The same happens with Jesus' description of Gehenna, hell.
39:25 Fire, that is not quenched and the worm that does not die.
39:31 How do you have a worm and fire at the same time?
39:34 You have one or the other but not both--
39:37 Right. Because both are images--
39:38 Yes, yes. Of complete destruction.
39:41 Destruction, yes. Complete destruction.
39:42 Yes. Yes. Yes, yes, that's important.
39:44 Now that helps us go into another point
39:49 which is important, the point of the fire that burns forever.
39:54 Jesus mentions this fire that burn forever in several places.
39:59 For example, let's go to Matthew 25.
40:06 Matthew 25, when he talks about
40:10 the goats to the left and lambs to the right
40:18 and he says something there.
40:29 It's to the left, verse 41.
40:32 Matthew 25: 41. Here we go.
40:35 "Then He will also say to those on the left hand,
40:39 'Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire
40:47 prepared for the devil and his angels.'"
40:52 This everlasting fire, what is this everlasting fire?
40:56 Do you know? This everlasting fire
40:57 comes from the very interesting word "ionious."
41:00 Uh-huh. Which is everlasting.
41:01 Everlasting, yes, yes, yes.
41:03 But ionious can refer to two different things.
41:07 It can refer to things regarding to the amount of time,
41:13 duration--duration, amount of time or to quality.
41:18 Because ion was a name of the age,
41:22 the coming age was according-- in the time of Jesus,
41:27 the coming age was the age of the blessing
41:31 of the righteous. Yes.
41:32 The present age is this present evil age.
41:35 So ion is this present age,
41:38 the coming age and the following age.
41:40 So things that belong to the following age
41:43 or they have impact
41:48 or result in that coming age are things that are eternal.
41:55 Uh-huh. That is their quality.
41:59 For example, Jesus says
42:01 that to know me is to have eternal life. Yes.
42:05 How do you can have eternal life now?
42:08 Well, you can have it now because the quality of life,
42:12 a life that belongs-- Yes.
42:14 To the coming age.
42:15 But then you're going to find a lot of interesting expressions
42:19 about this eternal fire.
42:27 For example, you have in Mark 3:29
42:30 and Mark 12:32 talking about eternal sin.
42:37 What is this eternal sin? A sin that is done eternally
42:42 or is that sin that is of eternal quality?
42:45 That is its results are eternal.
42:50 Yeah, the consequences are eternal.
42:51 The consequences are eternal. Yeah.
42:53 So you have an eternal sin.
42:54 Then you have Hebrews 6:2, eternal judgment.
42:58 Is that judgment that goes on and on?
43:01 Some of the judgments now look like eternal.
43:04 Yeah. But he's not saying this here.
43:07 Its not eternal judgment-- Yeah.
43:09 It says the judgment that has an eternal consequence.
43:12 Yes, yes.
43:13 Then you have eternal salvation, Hebrews 5:9.
43:16 When you have Hebrews 5:9, eternal salvation,
43:19 it's not that God is saving you eternally.
43:22 It saves you forever. Yes, yes.
43:25 So, it's ionious salvation.
43:28 Ionious sin, ionious judgment, eternal in its consequences.
43:35 Felix has just really given you a tool.
43:37 He's put a really nice little tool in your hand.
43:40 You've given them a nice little wrench.
43:41 Yes.
43:43 When someone talks about eternal judgment
43:47 as taking forever to judge or eternal fire,
43:52 then just look up the uses of eternal in the New Testament.
43:58 And they will say to you that rather than taking
44:03 an eternity for these things to happen,
44:06 the results or consequences of this happening will be eternal
44:11 and you get that understanding
44:12 by looking at the breadth of that word eternal
44:16 and doing a word study on eternal.
44:18 And that's why studying the word of God
44:19 is so very, very important. Yes.
44:21 But rather than grabbing a text--
44:23 And developing a doctrine from one or two texts,
44:26 grab the word, look at all of the uses
44:29 of that word and then develop your doctrine as a consequence
44:31 of the body of work rather than just one or two texts.
44:36 And if you look at how something is used,
44:38 most of the time, if you have one little
44:40 odd usage over here, don't go with
44:42 that little odd ball over here, go with the main body of work--
44:46 And then we'll work with that little odd ball
44:48 because that odd ball may not be as odd as you think.
44:50 But don't just jump on a little odd text
44:52 and use that for your proof.
44:54 Go with the body of work as Felix has just done.
44:57 He's given you a good Bible study
44:58 methodology and that will help you.
45:00 Some take a difficult text, bring an understanding
45:04 of that text and from that understanding--
45:07 They bend all the clear text.
45:09 Yes. Right, right, right.
45:10 We should do the other way. Other way around, yes.
45:12 We will take the clear text-- The clear text, yeah.
45:15 And then from this prospective say,
45:16 well, what does it say about this one?
45:18 About this little odd ball, yes.
45:19 And then it becomes clear. Yes.
45:21 But sometimes we take one text and we bend everything else.
45:25 That's true, yes.
45:26 So you have this eternal punishment
45:29 which is a punishment which has eternal consequence.
45:31 You have eternal judgment, eternal redemption--
45:34 Hebrews 9:2 so eternal consequences.
45:36 That's the same that happens in Jude 1:7.
45:39 Where Sodom and Gomorrah were burned with--
45:41 Eternal fire. Eternal fire.
45:43 Because it's a fire that has eternal consequence.
45:45 Consequence. Yes. Yes. Yes.
45:47 So that's what Jesus is saying.
45:49 And this is very interesting because Jesus never
45:53 refers to hell with the normal word
45:57 for hell which was Tartaros.
46:00 He refers to the word for hell as Gehenna
46:03 and that is very significant, very meaningful.
46:07 Because Gehenna, Gehenna was a valley,
46:09 was at the south of Jerusalem and was an important valley.
46:13 In the time of the Old Testament
46:14 that valley was a valley where there were idols there,
46:18 babies were burnt to these idols in some of them.
46:21 Some of these really strange worship,
46:27 bad worship and then that valley became
46:32 an important valley when the Sennacherib's army,
46:34 this Assyrian army came to lay siege of Jerusalem.
46:40 Both Isaiah and 2 Kings says
46:43 that God killed 185,000
46:51 of the Assyrian army.
46:54 What happened with 185,000? Well, they were dead
46:59 and they were in this great valley according to the Bible.
47:03 What do you do with this body, corpses?
47:08 They made a big fire and burnt them.
47:12 And you know how much time was going to burn this fire?
47:16 Like eternity because it was 185,000 people there.
47:21 So it became a very important place.
47:24 And that place became the symbol of the place
47:28 where God is going to burn his enemies.
47:32 But you see this is talking about corpses
47:35 not about people suffering forever.
47:37 Corpses is important because to lay unburied
47:42 was the deepest shame a person could have.
47:44 True.
47:46 You put them in a cross, you're shaming them.
47:49 Daniel says that some are going
47:50 to rise for salvation, for honor.
47:54 Others will rise for eternal shame, not eternal shaming.
47:58 Right. But eternal shame.
48:00 This eternal shame has to be with these corpses.
48:03 Shame is eternal for them.
48:05 So this idea of Gehenna, of a place where the corpses
48:10 that God defeated of the Assyrian army,
48:12 this army that God defeated these corpses
48:14 became the symbol of the place of God's judgment.
48:18 And it's important symbol because it talks about
48:20 the defeat of God's enemies. Yes. Yes. Yes.
48:23 God is not going to punish them forever.
48:27 He's going to destroy them forever.
48:29 Forever, yes.
48:31 And isn't it interesting that Christ in His using of that
48:33 and discussing that doctrinal point
48:35 always used Gehenna, always.
48:38 So he's trying to drive home a point--
48:40 By dealing with that because they knew
48:42 it wasn't burning eternally. Yes.
48:44 So they understood what we so many times trip over
48:47 that the consequences are eternal
48:49 not to the happening itself. And they are--
48:51 was refer to this fire that is eternal fire because
48:54 it had eternal consequences. Yes, yeah.
48:56 And also to the worm that does not die,
48:59 because that is a shame, eternal shame
49:02 that they are going to have.
49:04 When the New Testament talks about
49:07 that some people are cast out and so that--
49:10 what do they do with their teeth?
49:12 What is the word? Gnashing.
49:13 Gnashing. Gnashing, yes.
49:15 We think that they gnash their teeth
49:17 because they are in pain but that is not truth.
49:20 In the Old Testament and the New Testament,
49:23 gnashing the teeth has to do with envy.
49:27 That's why when Stephen was about to be killed,
49:31 they gnashed their teeth against him.
49:34 So gnashing the teeth, it's an image in Job,
49:38 in Proverbs and other places, not of pain but of envy.
49:43 So they are going to be cast out because they are--
49:48 and they are going to gnash their teeth
49:49 because they are envy of those who are inside.
49:51 Who are inside, yes.
49:53 So it doesn't have to do with pain and suffering perhaps.
50:00 So when you say, weeping and wailing
50:01 and envious of those who were inside,
50:04 gives it a whole new-- I don't want to say spin
50:07 because that's such a political word.
50:08 But it puts a whole new flavor on this gnashing of teeth
50:11 because it's not of pain and fire. No.
50:13 It's because you wish you had what they have.
50:15 Yes. Yes.
50:16 And that's why you're weeping and wailing
50:17 because you don't have, and you realized what you've lost.
50:19 Yes. Now
50:20 I would like to think, I would like to talk also about
50:24 the wrath of God. Yes.
50:25 What is a wrathful God?
50:28 If you go to Romans 1, that is an important passage
50:33 to understand the wrath of God.
50:39 Romans 1:18, and following.
50:42 You'll find there, the following says,
50:44 "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven
50:47 against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men
50:51 who suppress the truth in unrighteousness."
50:54 Now how is the wrath of God revealed?
50:57 The wrath of God is revealed-- verse 26,
51:04 "Therefore, God gave them-- for this reason
51:08 God gave them up to vile passions."
51:14 So the wrath of God is God giving
51:17 up people to their own desires.
51:20 Verse 28, "And even as they did not like to retain
51:23 God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind."
51:29 You have this idea of God handing over people
51:33 to their own wishes and desires,
51:37 is the revelation, the expression of God's wrath.
51:44 This is important because this is an act of God.
51:48 Wrath-- Is an act of God.
51:49 But this act is handing a person over to his own desires.
51:54 You know, that is--in fact,
51:56 that is the worst thing that can happen to a person.
51:59 God gives us laws, truths, knowledge so that we may have
52:05 the best kind of life we can have.
52:08 The best thing that can happen to us is that we obey God.
52:12 If we obey God, we're going to be happy,
52:14 we're going to be good, we're going to be successful,
52:16 we're going to be having good families.
52:20 But once you reject God and you continue rejecting God
52:23 and you say finally to God, "you know,
52:25 I don't want to have anything to do with you, leave me alone."
52:30 Then God is going to make an act. Yes.
52:32 And God is going to leave you alone.
52:34 Which would be the worst thing that can ever happen to you.
52:36 Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
52:38 Because when you are driven out of God,
52:43 you know God is love, He's the only source of love.
52:47 When you are out of Him, you are out of love,
52:51 what good life can come out of the absence of love?
52:56 Yes, yes, yes, yes. Nothing good.
52:58 So that is what happens.
52:59 If you go to the Old Testament,
53:01 you'll find the ways which God defeated the enemies.
53:04 You're going to find that most of the time
53:07 they over-reached, they over-reach.
53:10 And then God-- what does God do?
53:13 They turn enemies upon enemies. Yes.
53:16 They kill themselves. Yes, yes, yes, yes.
53:18 That's what happens.
53:20 In Revelation, Babylon is the system that opposes God.
53:26 Yes. True.
53:27 And how is the system and how is Babylon destroyed?
53:32 Its lovers, the people who supported it--
53:35 Turned against Babylon and destroyed Babylon.
53:38 Yeah, the sword drives out--
53:40 God punishes Babylon by handing Babylon over to its enemies.
53:47 Enemies, yes.
53:48 So it's not God who destroys, it is the enemies who destroy.
53:52 So in the end God's wrath
53:55 is just being willing
54:02 to let us live our own life, to our own freedom.
54:09 You see, there's a passage I like a lot.
54:13 Romans 9:22. Romans 9:22,
54:19 you see, "what if God wanting to show his wrath,
54:26 and to make his power known."
54:28 How do you show your wrath and your power known?
54:31 You say, by-- with a big punishment.
54:33 You see, what God says here,
54:35 "What if God wanting to show his wrath,
54:38 and making his power known, endured with much longsuffering
54:46 the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction."
54:48 He shows his wrath by enduring them,
54:52 giving them time. Yes, yes, yes.
54:55 So that is a way that God shows His wrath, giving you time.
55:01 But if you don't take this time to repent,
55:08 then God is going to say, "well, okay, it's okay."
55:11 Then you're going to be destroyed.
55:13 What happens when God depart from you?
55:14 There's no life. Yeah, yeah.
55:16 So that is what happened.
55:18 Finally, hell is complete absence from God.
55:22 Yes. Yeah.
55:24 Felix, that's a powerful and compelling nuance.
55:26 The understanding that hell,
55:29 the mental suffering is absence of God.
55:32 What could have been? I'm gnashing because
55:35 I could've been in there, I could've been one with God,
55:37 but I rejected Him. Yes.
55:39 I said by my life, I don't want you,
55:41 so now God is giving me what I asked for.
55:44 And the realization that I'll never be with God,
55:46 I'm not gonna be with Him, I'm not gonna be saved.
55:48 That is true hell because you're away from life.
55:50 Yes. Correct.
55:52 And the fire that destroys at the end, the wicked,
55:54 was originally destined to cleanse the earth from sin.
55:59 But those who cling to sin are destroyed
56:03 with the sin they loved.
56:05 Precisely, have to be cleansed. Yes.
56:06 So the cleansing is a complete removal of what is--
56:09 In preparation for what will be--
56:11 Not an eternal burning. Yes.
56:12 Powerful, powerful statement and understanding.
56:14 This has been for me an interesting and exciting study.
56:18 I trust it has been for you also.
56:20 If you want to get more information,
56:24 then do read and study the word of God
56:27 and again stick with the word, don't just pull your doctrine
56:30 from one sentence or one little statement,
56:32 but take the breadth of statements
56:34 and then develop your theology or your mindset.
56:38 Because as we said, these two particular doctrines
56:40 have been tossed around quite a little bit
56:43 and misunderstood a great deal.
56:45 But we hope tonight that we've shed some light on them,
56:47 that you've gotten some encouragement,
56:49 some inspiration as well as information
56:52 rather on these two subjects.
56:54 May I encourage you to keep on studying.
56:56 While our time is fast slipped into eternity,
56:58 allow me now, in closing to wish you both grace and peace
57:01 through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
57:02 We'll see you again soon, good night and God bless.


Revised 2014-12-17