3ABN Today LIVE - 2nd Hour

Territorial Forces

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), David Asscherick, Ty Gibson


Series Code: TLB

Program Code: TLB012531

00:11 Hello and welcome back to "3ABN Today Live."
00:13 Thank you for joining us.
00:14 I hope you are with us the first hour,
00:17 if not we have with us our guest tonight Ty Gibson,
00:21 I started to say James Rafferty
00:22 because I've never--I hardly ever said those two names-
00:25 You say them together, don't you?
00:27 But Pastor David Asscherick and--
00:29 I wish James was here actually.
00:31 Me too I love him, great guy,
00:32 like having here all three you guys really,
00:36 to me you're a miracle what God can do with people
00:40 when you submit and commit.
00:41 Because all of you're backgrounds are suspect,
00:43 you know, when you-- It's true actually.
00:47 Tell us how you really feel?
00:48 Yeah, yeah, all of your backgrounds are suspects
00:50 so as mine of course but I'm saying,
00:52 knowing where you come from,
00:53 now weren't you one time a skateboarder and--
00:56 I'm still a skateboarder.
00:57 But I was punk rock skateboarder.
00:58 Okay, punk rock skateboarder.
01:00 You were in a gang or something, right?
01:02 Yes, I was.
01:03 Now, maybe surely, James didn't have,
01:04 he didn't have anything back like that.
01:06 It's sorted. It got sorted, okay.
01:09 So isn't that great that God can take for all you human agents
01:13 when you submit and commit your life
01:15 that He can do a great and mighty things,
01:17 you know, it's amazing, He says,
01:19 "Greater things shall you do than I have done."
01:21 And so but none of us would say,
01:23 "Well, I'm doing something greater than Jesus today."
01:25 What did He mean?
01:26 I have thought about it, you ever think about it,
01:28 I mean, with me, when Jesus, He went places,
01:31 He walked from place to place.
01:32 When He spoke, whoever has been hearing.
01:34 Today, He's given us technology to reach the world
01:37 setting right here in this chair
01:39 greater things that we're doing than He did.
01:41 Not in the fact that he said, I'm gonna give you tools
01:44 I'm gonna give you equipment
01:45 to take this gospel to the world.
01:47 You don't, I've got to have to do it,
01:48 like I'm doing right here. Beautiful.
01:50 But I'm going to help you.
01:51 That's just does saith, Danny,
01:52 but-- No, I like it,
01:54 I mean I was on plane to Eugene this morning and here I am.
01:57 You know, I mean, it's-that is something
01:59 that would have been inconceivable
02:01 in those times, here we are.
02:03 So He has given us every advantage
02:04 to get the gospel to the world. Absolutely.
02:06 I also want to mention, Danny, if you don't mind.
02:09 We've mentioned James and he is definitely
02:13 a part of Light Bearers and what we're doing
02:15 and he and David and I are co-directors.
02:19 There are three of us that are running
02:21 Light Bearers together,
02:22 but I think it would be appropriate
02:24 to also mention that Nathan Renner,
02:28 who was a co-founder with David of ARISE,
02:33 is also still active in ministry and still working with us in,
02:36 in a different capacity but he is still working with us.
02:38 He teaches at ARISE.
02:40 He is actually pastoring a church in California,
02:42 the Sonora Seventh-day Adventist Church.
02:44 And we have tried to woo him away but he is,
02:47 he is riveted fast to that church
02:50 but as far as being involved in our ministry
02:53 and being supportive of our ministry.
02:55 He is just as committed as he is ever.
02:57 He will be teaching through the Book of Romans in fact--
02:59 Yeah, just a couple of weeks.
03:00 Yeah, in a couple of weeks, he will teaching
03:01 through the Book of Romans for the students.
03:04 Oh, great, great. Yeah.
03:05 All right, so we are talking for those just joined us,
03:08 we're taking us through seven points Territorial Forces.
03:12 That's right.
03:13 And we're talking about the great controversy
03:14 which you guys have done in a absolutely beautiful way.
03:17 I know that the Holy Sprit has,
03:19 you know, led and guided you in what you're doing here
03:21 but it's a way that right now that to me
03:23 it's beautiful to really see that we've never been alone.
03:27 Yeah.
03:28 It's never been in question that God has always had a plan.
03:33 He says, "I have plans for you"
03:34 in Jeremiah, right? Yes.
03:35 I have plans for you that you'll prosper
03:37 depending on what translation.
03:39 But that you'll do well, you will succeed,
03:41 you will make it and so I think it's wonderful
03:44 that I always tell people,
03:47 you know, Satan can rob us of everything that we have,
03:50 he can rob us of our health, he can rob us of,
03:52 you know, our finances, he can rob us of,
03:55 you know, relationships but he can't rob us of our soul.
03:58 'Cause it's not his, it's not his,
04:00 wasn't his and you guys are confirming that. Yeah.
04:02 Saying you know what,
04:04 he politicked his self into getting
04:07 this dominion that was given by God to Adam and Eve.
04:10 So bringing these folk up,
04:12 so He gave this to Adam and Eve and then they transferred,
04:16 I'm not gonna say that word again.
04:17 You got it say it, say it, say it.
04:18 Well, you know my dad, my dad is resting in the grave
04:20 I'm not gonna say it 'cause that is something
04:21 that I had got worked about saying the word like that.
04:24 It's a good word, abdication.
04:26 Yeah, I heard of that but I still feel--
04:27 Hey, he's-he's not gonna say abdicate but just
04:29 two seconds ago he said-- That German word.
04:30 His self. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
04:32 Politicking his self. I love it, I love it.
04:35 Well, you can see why I would have got that, got that--
04:37 Yeah, I would--my home, my home, my home was a little different.
04:40 I would have got a whipping for saying his self.
04:43 Yeah, his self.
04:44 Well, I probably learned it from home
04:46 instead of himself, his self.
04:48 But the German word that you used
04:49 I feel the same way about it, I'll say, oh,
04:51 I'm not going to say that word, I'll get into trouble.
04:52 Do you now what it was? No.
04:54 I don't even know all these English words you guys are doing
04:57 and then you want to know if I know the German word.
04:59 Do you ask me-- they asked me,
05:01 "Have you ever heard this German word?"
05:03 I probably did but I have no idea what it meant. Right.
05:06 So but I'm glad that you guys are here
05:08 and you guys are on the seat to hopefully explain.
05:09 Well, hopefully it's clear even despite the language
05:12 that we're wrapping around it.
05:13 It's the basic idea that God set it up,
05:15 number one, as dominions.
05:17 Number two, that Adam and Eve abdicated
05:19 or relinquished their dominion
05:23 turned it over to the enemy power.
05:25 The third scene in the play here
05:28 or in the movie is that a warrior is promised.
05:32 And in the process of crushing the enemy's head,
05:36 his heal would be bruised.
05:38 Now this brings us to the fourth part of the presentation
05:41 which is something that.
05:43 You know, you talk about how we're seeing
05:44 the great controversy here through
05:45 new eyes and new perspective.
05:48 This part is really fascinating and what it details
05:52 is that the way that God has organized His angelic forces.
05:58 And Satan has organized
06:00 his fallen angelic forces is territorially
06:05 and there is a ton of biblical evidence of this.
06:08 We want to look at some of that biblical evidence
06:10 and see that this is not just
06:12 a fly by the seat of the pants you know sort of.
06:14 No, there is a, there is a method to this madness.
06:17 And there is an organization to it
06:19 that's central to the biblical story
06:22 about to territory and the Bible story about territories.
06:24 So that brings us to point number four
06:26 and for those who are taking notes,
06:29 the fourth point you want to entitle organized forces.
06:33 Okay. Organized forces.
06:35 So in other words the demonic side of the great controversy
06:40 is not a rag tag group of unorganized individuals,
06:46 they are highly organized.
06:48 We have to remember,
06:49 that Satan is described in Scripture
06:51 as once being Lucifer
06:54 a brilliant beam of light and radiant with glory,
06:59 But also the Bible says that he had wisdom.
07:02 So he had a massive intellect
07:05 and he was the ruler of the unfallen angelic race.
07:11 Yeah, I love it. You said he had wisdom too.
07:14 Now sometimes we think people are smart,
07:16 but it's a lot better to have wisdom than to be smart.
07:18 It is. You know--
07:19 The Bible says he was perfect in wisdom. Okay.
07:22 And he of course lacks wisdom now in the moral sense,
07:26 but he still is very intelligent and organized,
07:30 very deceptive and wily and subtle
07:32 and he's organized his forces.
07:34 Now let's just build this picture Deuteronomy 32,
07:39 Deuteronomy 32 if you turn there, Danny,
07:42 and viewers at home who are studying this with us.
07:47 Moses is explaining to the children of Israel.
07:50 He's recounting of what has happened
07:52 so far in their history and in the history of the world.
07:56 And it's interesting in Chapter 32:1,
07:59 He says, "Give ear, O ye heavens,
08:02 and I will speak, and hear,
08:04 O earth, the words of my mouth."
08:07 And then he proceeds to teach and to explain things.
08:10 So it's fascinating to began with that Moses
08:13 and the Lord through Moses
08:14 is calling upon the inhabitants of earth
08:19 and the inhabitants of heaven
08:21 to sit up and take notice and pay attention
08:23 to what is about to be explained. Okay.
08:26 So we need to realize
08:27 that this great controversy on planet earth
08:30 is the arena of a great controversy
08:33 that is under observation,
08:35 by the heavenly universe. Yeah.
08:37 So God actually, here actually says,
08:39 hey heavens, in heavens aren't you know,
08:43 planets heavens here refers to the inhabitants of heaven.
08:46 Revelation 12 says,
08:48 "Rejoice ye heavens and those who dwell in them."
08:51 So when the heavens are addressed in scripture
08:54 is addressing rational sentient volitional beings
08:58 that inhabit the heavens and Deuteronomy 32 is saying,
09:01 okay, heavens and earth listen up,
09:03 everybody listen to what I'm about to explain.
09:06 Okay, so then we come down to verse 8, and it says,
09:12 "When the Most High," that's God,
09:14 "divided their inheritance to the nations,
09:18 when he separated the sons of Adam,
09:20 he set boundaries of the peoples
09:23 according to the number," in this version,
09:25 according to the number of the children of Israel."
09:28 That's the New Kings James Version, okay. Okay.
09:30 Now this is a little complex,
09:31 but we got to just break this down.
09:34 In the Septuagint and a few other English translations
09:38 they rendered the children of Israel
09:40 here at the end of verse 8 differently,
09:43 because in the Hebrew language
09:46 it could be translated one of two ways.
09:49 Okay, so the way the Septuagint
09:51 which is the Greek version of the Old Testament
09:54 renders the text is,
09:56 "When the Most High divided the inheritance,
09:59 divided the nations and their inheritance,
10:02 he separated the sons of Adam," that is the human race.
10:06 "And set their boundaries
10:07 according to the number of the holy angels."
10:12 Not the sons of Adam. It's Interesting.
10:13 And the reason why they went this direction
10:16 is because as I said the original language
10:19 could be translated one of two ways
10:21 and in some English translators they couldn't make
10:23 heads or tails out of it, what is this mean?
10:26 In what's sense the territory divided
10:28 according to the angels? Yeah.
10:30 Must be the children of Israel. It must be children of Israel.
10:32 But in my Bible, your's is probably the same
10:33 is actually a marginal reading
10:35 it just says right here, that is in the Septuagint,
10:39 "the Angels of God." Okay.
10:41 The Angels of God.
10:42 So what this means then, Danny, is that when the--
10:45 now this is very, very important
10:48 for where we're going in the story.
10:50 When the nations were divided up into their various territories
10:54 and became, you know,
10:57 various different countries and territories.
11:00 The Lord assigned angels to be protectors
11:06 and guardians over nations,
11:08 is what's happening here, all right?
11:11 The devil we find out later in Scripture,
11:14 followed suit and has his own organizational structure.
11:18 But he's didn't have it as many, does he, angels?
11:20 He doesn't have as many, there is no doubt about that.
11:22 But he definitely organized his forces in such a way
11:27 as to assign demonic forces fallen angels over the nations.
11:32 Now we referred to this earlier,
11:34 we kind of hinted at this when we talked about the fact
11:37 that God sets a protective hedge around individuals,
11:42 families, who operate by His principles. Okay.
11:46 Cities, nations and the world, okay.
11:49 There's that protective hedge idea.
11:52 Now the nation or city
11:57 is making its vote if you will,
12:00 by its moral voice, by actions.
12:04 My actions are saying to the Lord.
12:08 Lord by my actions I choose Your principles in Your kingdom.
12:12 And the Lord legally in the great controversy
12:15 has then the perfect right without violating free will
12:19 to protect me and my family and to be a part of our lives.
12:23 But if I begin, I'm gonna use a very, very,
12:26 you know, crass example here.
12:28 But if I begin secretly for example,
12:31 having an affair, okay
12:34 I violated the integrity of the marriage vow.
12:37 That immorality in my life says to the heavenly universe
12:42 and to Satan and to the Lord,
12:44 I'm operating by different principles,
12:46 I may be going to church each week,
12:47 I may be praying formal prayers and singing songs.
12:52 But my actions are saying to those
12:56 that are engaged in a great controversy.
12:59 He now is making choices that render him
13:04 a member of the kingdom of darkness.
13:06 And God does not have the legal right by virtue of the laws of--
13:11 the rules of engagement and freewill
13:13 to just force his protection on me.
13:15 My choices are tending in a direction
13:19 that causes the devil to have leverage in my life.
13:22 That would be a good way---
13:23 It's a great way of saying it. Yeah.
13:24 So he now has influence and leverage in my life.
13:26 So nations operate the same way.
13:30 God assigns Holy Angels, to be protective--
13:34 United States of America. Absolutely, sure.
13:37 Every nation God wants as His territory
13:40 to be invited in by the general
13:44 trajectory of the moral choices of the nation.
13:47 Who decides how much protection we have?
13:50 God ultimately as the sovereign of the universe
13:54 is paying attention to how freewill is exercised.
13:58 And the way freewill is exercised,
14:00 the Lord honors free will by drawing close
14:04 to having access to lives
14:06 that give Him access in and He has to,
14:09 I mean one scripture says,
14:10 He has to back up so much in Revelation 3,
14:13 that He's on the outside of a door knocking to get in.
14:17 So that, that scripture
14:18 "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock"
14:20 is a scripture about freewill.
14:22 It's a scripture that's about the fact
14:24 that God honors the parameters that we set.
14:28 That's a great way of saying it.
14:29 The boundaries that we established God honors.
14:31 Yes, He honors those boundaries. He wants in, but He's not--
14:33 He's a great gentlemen, he doesn't force us.
14:35 Satan will force himself and take over politicked
14:38 to get in and the Lord just knocks.That's right.
14:41 And if you open the door he comes in,
14:43 so does that mean we as a nation,
14:46 if we adopt principles, its anti-God
14:49 whatever the commandments are, we're breaking them to,
14:52 we then set the boundaries
14:54 as to how much protection we have got--
14:56 Absolutely. Yep.
14:57 And you know, Danny, and Ty and I know
14:59 and many of our viewers maybe aware as well,
15:01 that when we speak specifically about the United States,
15:05 that Revelation 13,
15:06 I'm getting just little ahead of the story here.
15:08 But Revelation 13 says,
15:09 that this power would have horns like a lamb,
15:12 but would speak like a dragon.
15:14 So this power, this national entity
15:17 the United States of America
15:18 would enact laws and legislation
15:21 that is so incompatible with the character
15:23 and governments of God that it's satanic. Wow.
15:26 That's the direction that we're headed
15:28 but before we get there,
15:30 we're just doing that to just kind of give us a feel
15:31 for the whole of the scriptural picture here.
15:34 At this point we're just seeing how is it organized.
15:36 God arranges, He divides up the nations
15:39 and this is kind of weird verse here,
15:40 but it's there in Deuteronomy 32,
15:42 "According to the angels." Yeah.
15:45 And I like what you said there, Ty,
15:46 that Satan then followed suit.
15:48 You know, this isn't organized-- it's a war, it's a conflict.
15:50 It's not a fly by the seat of the pants,
15:52 hey just, a sprinkle here and dash here, no.
15:54 God is organized, Satan is organized.
15:56 And we know in the very context David,
15:58 that this is happening because and that's the proper
16:02 interpretation of verse 8 as angels
16:04 because when we come down to verses 16 and 17.
16:07 Yeah, this is really, check this out.
16:09 Yeah, this is incredible.
16:10 Look at verses 16 and 17 of Deuteronomy 32, Danny.
16:13 And our fellow Bible students at home, this is amazing.
16:17 So well wait a minute, wait a minute,
16:19 we got to back up to verse 9.
16:21 This is, I was going to 16 and 17,
16:23 but we didn't finished verses 8 and 9. Yeah.
16:25 So in verses 8, okay,
16:27 the boundaries of the nations are established
16:30 according to the number of the Holy Angels.
16:32 But then verse 9, it says,
16:35 "For the Lord's portion is His people,
16:38 Jacob is the place of His inheritance."
16:42 It says in verse 10, "That he that is the Lord found him,"
16:45 that is Israel or Jacob.
16:46 "In a desert land and in the wasteland,
16:49 a howling wilderness and He encircled him,"
16:53 that's the protective language again.
16:55 He encircled him. Where am I here?
16:58 "And He instructed him, and He kept him."
17:01 God kept Israel as the apple of His eye."
17:04 The apple of His eye, just means,
17:05 the focus of his attention and protection.
17:10 And then in verse 11.
17:12 I love this verse. Yeah.
17:13 "As an eagle stirs up its nest,
17:15 hovers over its young, spreading out its wings,
17:19 taking them up, carrying them on its wings.
17:23 So the Lord alone led them,
17:26 and there was no foreign God with them."
17:30 Okay, so you see the picture here,
17:32 so now we have this idea of national borders being set up,
17:37 angels from the Lord been assigned
17:39 to be protective guardian angels of the nations.
17:41 And then the Lord says,
17:42 but I myself will take responsibility for Israel.
17:46 Israel will be my nation that I will give
17:49 personal care and protection too.
17:51 This is Jesus before His incarnation
17:54 as the Prince of Israel taking charge of Israel.
17:57 And He says, I will protect Israel,
17:58 I will encircle Israel, I will do everything
18:02 that I can to preserve Israel. Now why?
18:05 Because in the story before
18:07 the Lord is setting up a lineage a women,
18:09 a human lineage through which the warrior can come. Okay.
18:12 So He is establishing people here.
18:14 Yeah. Okay.
18:15 Okay, to make that happen.
18:17 Now check this out, this is amazing.
18:19 Going down to verse 15?
18:20 Yeah, he's saying, I'm gonna protect Israel,
18:21 but then going down to, why don't you take verse,
18:25 you go on from there, David--
18:26 You want me to go to 15 or 16.
18:27 Yeah. 16 and 17.
18:28 Okay, so 16 says,
18:30 "They provoked Him to jealousy with foreign God's,
18:34 with abominations they provoked Him to anger.
18:37 They sacrificed to demons, not to God,
18:41 to gods they did not know, to new gods,
18:43 new arrivals that your fathers did not fear."
18:46 Isn't that astounding, so notice something--
18:48 Break that down, break that down.
18:49 Okay, notice something here, Danny.
18:51 In verse 16, the language is foreign gods,
18:55 provoked God to jealousy, because He chose Israel,
18:58 and He was protecting Israel as His people, all right.
19:01 But then Israel began to apostatize,
19:03 they began to rebel against God.
19:05 And they began to worship foreign gods. Wow.
19:08 That's verse 16, they're called foreign gods.
19:10 In verse 17, those foreign Gods are called demons. Wow.
19:15 So the Gods of the nations in the Old Testament,
19:19 like Dagon the God of the Philistines I believe.
19:22 And Moloch and Ishtar, these gods that have names.
19:26 Baal. Yeah.
19:27 Baal is the most commonly mentioned one.
19:30 These are not figments
19:32 of the imagination of these peoples.
19:35 These are according to scripture.
19:37 Demons, fallen angels that have set themselves up over nations
19:41 and are masquerading as deities, as gods.
19:46 So when these people are worshiping Dagon,
19:48 they are worshiping a fallen angel as gods.
19:51 Scripture says they are worshiping demons,
19:53 sacrificing to demons. Wow.
19:54 Yes. Okay.
19:56 And so do you see what's happening here.
19:58 There's the nations divided up
20:00 into various territories, national borders.
20:03 God assigns protecting Guardian Angels, Holy Angels to them.
20:08 The devil follow suit and sins in foreign gods, new arrivals,
20:13 that's very interesting language. Very interesting.
20:16 These new arrivals are demons
20:18 that are encroaching on territory.
20:20 They're coming in to the various nations
20:21 and saying, you know, and taking charge of the peoples
20:25 according to their moral choices.
20:27 That's what's happening in this context.
20:29 That is absolutely, you know,
20:31 I uphold the time in which we're living.
20:33 And I mean right now as we are looking,
20:35 you know, at our own government
20:37 and we have and that's why I'm not political
20:40 and I won't go one side or the other,
20:41 but you know, it's a very solemn thought. Totally.
20:46 To look it, right now and leadership on both sides.
20:50 You have people who, you know, are promoting platform
20:54 in same-sex marriage, abortion.
20:56 And then on the other side you have people
20:58 whose belief or head leader is not,
21:00 you know, lines up with Christian with the Bible. Yeah.
21:03 So, you know, you can do
21:04 whatever you want, I'm not judging.
21:06 Tell you what to do, I'm not voting this time.
21:08 I can't, because I believe that a vote says,
21:10 I agree, I support. I endorsed this.
21:13 I support same-sex marriage, I support abortion,
21:16 I support the heaven or god
21:18 other than the creator God of the universe
21:21 and recognize in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior as a God,
21:24 that means I endorse that.
21:26 So I'm just not going to do it
21:27 because I think it's very serious
21:29 and we didn't plan this,
21:30 but you guys have woken us-- this protection.
21:32 I mean what great timing for you guys
21:35 to come in and say, you know, this is solemn for each of us.
21:39 The nation, we ultimately are deciding
21:42 how much protection that God is gonna give us, right?
21:46 I believe that's exactly right.
21:47 You know, the passage
21:48 that we mentioned there in Revelation 13,
21:50 where it says that this power that comes out of the earth
21:53 which we believe is the United States of America,
21:55 which is another study.
21:56 You can bring us back for that one, Danny.
21:58 It has horns like a lamb,
22:00 so there is a Christ like element.
22:02 Christ is referred to as the lamb
22:03 26 or 27 times in the New Testament.
22:06 But here horns like a lamb, but speaks like a dragon.
22:08 So there is this conflict where the United States
22:12 is largely founded upon Biblical principles
22:15 of liberty and freedom and justice,
22:18 but we are seeing increasingly, rapidly, lately
22:23 that those principles of justice
22:25 and equality and liberty are being abandoned and--
22:29 Yeah, we are very much
22:31 in the process of aligning ourselves
22:33 with forces that will make it impossible
22:35 for God to protect us as a nation. Wow.
22:38 And then it breaks it down as a nation I can still,
22:42 am I right or wrong?
22:43 God can still bless me. Absolutely.
22:45 But unless I go along with what the nation is teaching
22:49 and I can do that by my support,
22:50 by lending my support
22:52 or becoming members of certain organizations
22:55 that are anti-God so to speak--
22:56 But we have many instances of this in scripture
22:58 and it's just slightly off topic but it's relevant.
23:00 You think about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
23:02 They were in the nation of Babylon,
23:05 but they could not go along
23:07 with the bowing down to the golden image
23:09 that Nebuchadnezzar had set up.
23:10 So God could still bless them.
23:13 He got to put hedge like Job, he put a hedge around them,
23:16 but if they had gone along like the other--
23:19 He put a fireproof hedge around, I mean--
23:21 He put a hedge, it's exactly-- it was not just a hedge,
23:23 it was a force field of sorts. Yeah.
23:25 And but they would've relinquished that protection,
23:28 that very protection if they had opted to go along
23:31 with the Zeitgeist, the spirit of the age.
23:33 I'm not sure with words like that.
23:36 I want to just reel us back in here,
23:38 I'm gonna read this verse here.
23:39 Now this is for those who are taking notes at home.
23:41 Very same idea, Psalm 106:37-38, listen to this.
23:47 Psalm 106:36-37, it says,
23:50 "They served their idols, which became a snare to them."
23:54 Verse 37, "They even sacrificed their sons
23:57 and their daughters to demons,
23:59 And shed innocent blood,
24:00 The blood of their sons and daughters,
24:02 whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan,
24:04 And the land was polluted with blood."
24:06 So this is exactly what Deuteronomy 32 says.
24:09 They were sacrificed to idols,
24:10 but these were not just as you said, Ty,
24:12 figments of their, you know, creative imagination.
24:14 They were sacrificing to demons.
24:18 And notice it says in that scripture, David,
24:19 that the land was polluted. Polluted.
24:22 By the shedding of the innocent bloods, yeah.
24:24 The territories.
24:25 But, I mean this is really deep to me,
24:27 you guys are bringing some stuff,
24:29 because the sacrificing now,
24:31 let's say that I put my allegiance to people
24:35 and government that are totally,
24:39 I'm sacrificing my children because they're gonna be taught
24:41 all of these things that I don't believe in,
24:44 that's contrary to the Bible.
24:46 So I still can sacrifice them without somebody
24:48 take and rout them doing what we think.
24:50 We sacrificed them spiritually,
24:53 when I lend my support to these people the rant,
24:57 I just call them antichrist spirits,
24:59 because when you're anti-Bible
25:00 and I can say this more comfortably,
25:02 because right now I see two sides
25:05 and I see leadership on both sides.
25:07 That the Bible seems to be the last thing
25:09 anybody really wants to look to.
25:11 Well, Danny, it's actually even more serious
25:15 and what you just mentioned there and you did mention,
25:17 you know, my children going to schools.
25:18 But what about the children
25:19 by the millions and tens of millions
25:21 that don't get to be born and are sacrificed
25:24 on the altar of sexual promiscuity.
25:26 Come on now. And--
25:27 This is serious. That is.
25:29 I mean, you know, these are numbers we just through out,
25:31 millions and hundreds of thousands.
25:33 But these are children that are being sacrificed
25:35 in the name of in many cases, not all,
25:39 but in many cases the vast majority of cases,
25:41 sexual promiscuity and my desire to do it whatever I want
25:44 and, you know, damn the consequences.
25:46 That is the decisions that we are making as a nation.
25:49 Yeah, as a nation, that's true.
25:50 I mean, that's--
25:52 Let's add additional scripture to wrap our minds
25:57 around this idea of organized forces.
26:00 Okay, I'll just call our attention
26:03 to some that come to mind,
26:04 but our fellow Bible students
26:07 will find this throughout scripture this idea, okay.
26:10 But Daniel 10 is incredible,
26:14 in connection with Deuteronomy 32 and Psalm 106.
26:17 And the reason why is because,
26:19 Daniel has received a vision, he doesn't know what it means.
26:22 And so he begins to pray that the Lord will intervene
26:26 and give him a revelation of what this vision means.
26:28 It's fascinating because it says,
26:31 that he prays for three full weeks.
26:35 And so finally when his prayer is answered,
26:39 the angel Gabriel comes to Daniel.
26:42 And he says, Daniel, I want you know something.
26:45 Number one, you're greatly beloved of the Lord.
26:48 God loves you very much.
26:49 So you were praying for three full weeks
26:52 and feeling like you weren't getting
26:53 an answer to your prayer.
26:55 It's not because of a lack of love for you on the Lord's part.
26:58 God loves you and the moment you began to pray.
27:01 From the day you began praying Daniel,
27:04 for an answer to your prayer,
27:05 I was sent to answer your prayer.
27:07 So picture this, Danny.
27:08 The moment Daniel prays, God says to Gabriel,
27:12 Gabriel, I love Daniel, greatly beloved.
27:16 Go answer his prayer.
27:17 So Gabriel is dispatched from the heavenly angelic armies.
27:23 He comes to Daniel and three weeks have passed.
27:27 And the first thing he tells Daniel is God loves you
27:29 and the moment you prayed, I came to answer,
27:30 but he explains why it was that it took three weeks.
27:35 He says the reason it took three weeks
27:37 to get the answer to your prayer Daniel,
27:39 is because he says-- What verse are you in, Ty?
27:41 This is verse, I just was referring,
27:44 greatly beloved verse 11,
27:46 "And then from the day that you set your heart to understand."
27:50 That's verse 12, "I was sent
27:52 to answer your prayer, and now I've come."
27:54 This is interesting.
27:55 In the verse 12, Gabriel says,
27:57 "I have come because of your words."
28:00 That's powerful. Beautiful.
28:02 Human being speak, God listens,
28:04 I have come because of your words. Okay.
28:06 Okay, then verse 13, but there is a qualification,
28:10 "But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me 21 days."
28:17 Okay, so he says, this is incredible.
28:20 He says, Daniel,
28:22 I was sent to answer your prayer immediately,
28:23 I would have been here three weeks ago,
28:25 but the Prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me.
28:29 I couldn't get through to answer your prayer until--
28:32 Look at this. "And behold Michael,
28:36 one of the chief princes, came to me,"
28:40 verse 13, and I--
28:42 well, where am I? "Came to help me."
28:43 "Came to help me, and now, I'd been left alone,
28:49 I'd been left alone with the kings of Persia."
28:52 So who are these forces?
28:54 Okay, first of all, this is a battle,
28:56 that's not happening on the human realm,
28:58 obviously, because, Gabriel is saying,
29:00 I have been in a battle with the Prince of Persia.
29:04 Who is the Prince of Persia?
29:06 Well, the Prince of Persia is a fallen angel,
29:11 a demon, who is presiding over Persia
29:14 that it's basically saying,
29:15 Daniel is a captive in this land,
29:18 and you can't have access to him.
29:19 You have no right-- you have no right to come
29:20 and answer his prayer, he is in our territory.
29:22 Yeah, he is in our territory.
29:23 You can't come and answer his prayer.
29:24 And Gabriel, yeah resists and remonstrates and says,
29:29 no according to the rules of the great controversy,
29:32 this is a dispute,
29:33 this is a legal dispute in a great controversy.
29:35 According to the rules of the great controversy,
29:37 Daniel was exercising his freewill my praying.
29:40 Okay, he maybe in your territory,
29:42 but he's God's man,
29:44 that's what he's saying basically. Okay.
29:45 Very similar to the conflict with Job.
29:47 Yeah, so here I come let me through.
29:50 No, you are not gonna answer
29:51 and you are not getting near Daniel
29:53 and then Michael shows up. Okay.
29:56 Michael shows up and adds his argumentation,
30:00 his strength as it were to that of Gabriel
30:03 and then Gabriel says in, now verse 14,
30:05 "Now I have come to make you understand."
30:07 I finally got through to you
30:10 when Michael added his strength to mine,
30:13 now I'm here to answer your prayer.
30:14 The three weeks of delay was due to a spiritual conflict
30:17 between spiritual forces behind this Territorial Forces.
30:21 And Michael, we should say, you know, we know
30:22 that Gabriel is an angel who excels in strength,
30:24 Michael's not just any ordinary angel,
30:26 scripture shows us Michael five times I think.
30:30 And every time whether it's in Daniel 12
30:32 or Daniel 10 or Revelation 12 or Jude,
30:36 every time, he's the archangel, He's the one over the angels.
30:40 He shows up and he's like, hey step aside, step aside.
30:43 That's right, that's right.
30:44 He is the one in the Book of Jude.
30:46 Oh, I love this. Yeah.
30:47 Can I quote this, can I quote this?
30:48 Please do it, please do it.
30:49 It says, "Yet Michael the Archangel,
30:51 when contending with the devil about the body of Moses,
30:53 did not bring against him railing accusation,
30:55 but said, The Lord rebuke thee." Yeah.
30:57 So you have this conflict here,
30:58 where Michael comes to resurrect Moses a territory,
31:03 a person who is a territory.
31:04 And Satan himself stands and says you have no right.
31:08 And Michael says, he didn't get into an argument with him
31:11 and he just said, the Lord rebuke thee
31:13 and he resurrected him. Yeah.
31:14 So this is yet another window and insight into the fact
31:17 that there is an actual conflict
31:20 and organized demonic behind the scenes
31:23 conflict is taking place at national borders,
31:26 at the borders of homes,
31:29 at the borders of people's hearts.
31:31 I mean this is taking place. Yeah.
31:32 And it's very fascinating.
31:34 People say, well, who is Michael?
31:36 We believe that scripture teaches
31:38 he is the pre-incarnate Christ
31:40 which in no way indicates that he is a created being.
31:42 We believe that he's the son of God,
31:44 that he is divine, but Michael is definitely Jesus.
31:48 And we know, because of Jude,
31:50 that he is Jesus and not just an ordinary angel
31:53 because he has resurrection power. Okay.
31:56 Angels can't raise the dead, God can.
31:59 So Michael is the pre-incarnate Christ.
32:02 We just want to reiterate again,
32:03 that does not mean in any way shape or form
32:06 that we believe that Jesus was created or that He had no.
32:11 No. It's exactly what you said.
32:12 The Michael is a name, it's actually the warrior name.
32:15 Every time Michael shows up,
32:16 every time it's in a warrior context.
32:19 It's in a combat context,
32:21 it's one of the names of the pre-incarnate Christ,
32:25 it's the one who comes in moments of intense battle.
32:29 We see in Daniel 10.
32:31 Let me ask you guys a question, we are on four right?
32:35 We are finishing four. Five, six, seven.
32:36 Well, okay. What I want to do.
32:39 This is the one of the most important studies
32:40 we could ever have.
32:42 If we need to we'll let master control
32:44 and everybody know we are gonna take an extra 30 minutes.
32:46 Because I don't want you rush through it,
32:47 but you know, what you got to give us,
32:49 can we do three more in 24 minutes?
32:51 I think we can, because---
32:53 We can? Yeah.
32:54 The organized forces, we will try.
32:56 The organized forces one required---
32:59 All right, I just want to give a notice if we do it,
33:01 we are gonna be changing network program.
33:03 Can you do that? Absolutely, we want to.
33:06 Who can say no right now?
33:07 They may get on me later, they may get all over me later.
33:10 But right now we happen to be sitting in the chair so,
33:12 but if we need to we'll prepare them for.
33:15 So maybe be on standby about,
33:17 we will see because this is too important to rush over.
33:20 I love what you guys are doing.
33:21 This is a clearer stuff I've ever heard this.
33:23 And I had some of these questions in my own mind.
33:25 Yes. And thank you for helping me.
33:28 It's awesome--- Praise God, it is awesome.
33:29 When we really see what scripture says,
33:31 it's profoundly impacting
33:35 that there is an organized angelic-satanic conflict
33:40 that is taking place, over territories,
33:42 over countries, over homes,
33:44 over families, over people and there are--
33:46 I love the language you use there Ty.
33:48 There are rules of engagement.
33:50 You can't, God just can't come in and willy-nilly
33:52 and just do whatever he wants.
33:54 He is operating on principles that honor liberty,
33:58 that honor freedom, that honor choice. Yeah.
34:00 And Satan is also seeking to capitalize.
34:03 I mean it's a fascinating,
34:05 what we were doing tonight is we're pulling the veil back.
34:08 We see what's taking place on the stage, right?
34:11 And work tonight looking behind the scenes
34:13 and saying, well, what's really going on.
34:15 God simply says, I'm truth
34:16 and then Satan is trying to steal all that,
34:19 get people to think he's giving truth and doing all this.
34:22 And God hasn't change from the beginning. That's right.
34:24 He is same today, yesterday, forever.
34:26 He is there, He has our best interest in His mind,
34:29 He wants us to be with Him for eternity. Amen.
34:32 Satan is out, the Bible says,
34:34 to steal, kill and to destroy,
34:35 though sometimes our prayers we,
34:37 I myself and I'm sure those others we wonder,
34:40 where are you Lord, I'm praying for this
34:42 and maybe we are struggling
34:43 with what Daniel did some-- That's right.
34:45 The end result, greater is he that is in us,
34:47 than he that is in the world.
34:48 So God hadn't forgotten about us,
34:50 but He's there, He kept him safe,
34:52 He took care of him at the right time delivered him.
34:55 Now, Ty, can I ask you a question?
34:56 Did you feel like we're good now to go to our fifth scene?
35:00 I think we are, there are so my scriptures
35:02 on the organized forces part.
35:04 We don't have to turn to all of them,
35:05 but we can just mention that the word legion
35:08 for example in the New Testament.
35:09 Oh, yeah, great point. That's good one.
35:10 Yeah, okay.
35:11 Where Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
35:14 For the note takers this is Luke 8.
35:16 Oh, in the Garden of Gethsemane--
35:17 Yeah, Garden of Gethsemane is-- Okay, go ahead.
35:19 Is what Matthew 26, where Jesus is praying
35:23 and Peter defends him by force, takes out of his sword
35:27 and cuts off the high priest's servant's ear.
35:29 And Jesus said something interesting,
35:31 that plays into the storyline.
35:33 He says, "Put your sword away.
35:35 Don't you know that if I wanted to,
35:36 I could call to My Father
35:37 and He would forth with send 12 legions of angels."
35:42 Now the word legion is a very specific kind of language.
35:47 It's a specific kind of word.
35:49 It refers to a particular regiment of the Roman army,
35:54 that consisted of something like 2,000 footmen, foot soldiers
36:00 and 600 or 700 horse soldiers and that's a legion.
36:06 And so He is using military language,
36:09 organizational language to say,
36:10 hey, if I wanted to there are organized forces
36:14 in the heavens that are at my disposal Peter,
36:17 so I don't need your defense
36:19 with your little plastic sword there.
36:21 You can put that thing away, I know what I'm doing here.
36:25 So the passage that I was mentioning there, Ty,
36:26 is Luke 8. Yes.
36:28 Which is were, you'll remember the story
36:30 were Jesus is sailed across to the area of the Gadarenes,
36:34 and these demoniacs come rushing toward Him.
36:36 Remember this is the story where they are casted into the pigs.
36:39 And a dialogue begins between Satan
36:43 and the demon possessed man,
36:45 and Jesus asks a question, who are you?
36:49 Who are you? This is Luke 8.
36:51 And the demon responds and says,
36:55 we, I am or we are legion.
36:58 Right, we are many and we are organized. Yeah.
37:02 And this was their territory.
37:03 This area of the Gadarenes, what happened is
37:06 that Jesus has come into their territory.
37:08 And they come down and they protest Jesus.
37:10 We know who you are, you are the Son of God.
37:11 Then flying over the cliff became their territory
37:14 and drifting down there--
37:16 Good riddance to him. Yeah, yeah.
37:18 But it is an interesting fact
37:19 that they wanted to remain in the territory.
37:21 I believe that's why they said,
37:22 permit us to go into the pigs, allow us to go into the pigs.
37:25 Because this area, they believeed that
37:27 because of the peoples of those-- of that land,
37:32 they said, we have a right to be here, this is our.
37:34 So they are protesting Jesus right to just come.
37:37 Hey, we know who you are, Son of the Most High God.
37:39 Have you come to torment us
37:41 or to torture us before the time,
37:42 it shows they had a total misunderstanding of who God was.
37:44 God didn't come to torture, but to be tortured. Right.
37:48 But the point here is that,
37:49 Jesus there in Gethsemane says,
37:51 "I could call My Father, he'd send legions."
37:54 And here when Satan's, when Jesus' confronts
37:56 and says who, who are you?
37:58 Oh, we're legion?
37:59 We're many, we're organized.
38:01 And it's fascinating to notice,
38:03 what happens in the story there, David.
38:05 That Jesus takes back a little piece of territory.
38:09 That's right.
38:11 He takes back a inch of mind,
38:13 a human heart, a human will.
38:16 This man was in bondage
38:17 and Jesus rescued him, liberated him.
38:20 The demons had to accept his body and his mind.
38:24 And this man was now a liberated individual,
38:27 so this tells us that ultimately
38:29 the territory that God is interested in,
38:31 is not the terra firma under our feet,
38:34 but this 3 pound hunk of flesh between our ears,
38:37 our minds, our hearts.
38:39 It's fascinating that in scripture this is something.
38:43 That in Revelation, God just straight up says,
38:46 I want your forehead.
38:49 I want to put my name in your forehead.
38:51 I want your frontal lobe, I want your thinking process,
38:54 your feeling process,
38:55 your volitional freewill process.
38:57 I want this territory, your mind, your heart.
39:00 That's ultimately what He's aiming for.
39:03 Ty, have you ever, I love that.
39:04 Have you ever thought of this in light of the story?
39:05 I hadn't, but there in Luke 8,
39:08 you'll recall that the people
39:10 that lived in that area of the Gadarenes.
39:12 They came to Jesus and requested Him to leave. Yes.
39:15 They came and they say,
39:16 get out of here, we don't you anymore.
39:18 But now this is a very interesting thought.
39:21 The man who was formerly demon possessed
39:23 who is now healed says, can I go with you?
39:26 Is this awesome? Yeah, yeah.
39:28 Can I go with you, it was Jesus
39:30 essentially says no, hey I need you here.
39:32 We need to establish the beachhead
39:34 here in this territory.
39:35 I need you here, because if he leaves,
39:38 then that territory can go right back--
39:40 Wow, that's incredible. Have never thought it.
39:42 Oh, I never thought of that.
39:43 Yeah, that is. It's good.
39:44 So he established. A beachhead.
39:46 A beachhead in that territory. Right there.
39:49 Stay here, we need your influence,
39:51 powerful, powerful. Beautiful.
39:53 So this is how the great controversy ensues, Danny.
39:56 It unfolds, it happens like this.
39:59 We are not aware of that, now we know in this context.
40:02 I'll just say this in passing, although it's not our subject.
40:05 Now we know why prayer is powerful and why it matters.
40:09 Because prayer is basically an act of war.
40:13 Oh, I like that. Prayer is act of war.
40:16 It is an exercise of my freewill
40:21 to leverage divine power in a situation.
40:25 That might be a two hander as I say.
40:27 Yeah, I like that. Two hander.
40:28 I like that. Yeah, absolutely.
40:30 So shall we go to the next part of the story?
40:32 Yeah, I think we are good.
40:33 All right, we got 16 minutes,
40:34 are you sure you don't want me to put another 30 on that clock?
40:37 You can pay attention to it and see if you think we need it.
40:40 All right, here we go.
40:41 I think we gonna need it,
40:42 because Luke 11 itself is five parts-
40:46 I'm willing to-- I think we should do it.
40:48 For master control, those of you watching here
40:51 we gonna, we probably, in fact we are,
40:53 I think, we can just say we are gonna to 10:30 tonight
40:56 because I don't want to rush you guys at all.
40:57 This is great stuff, and then we want to make
41:00 the DVDs available to these folk also that are at home so.
41:03 Okay, we've covered numbers one through four.
41:06 Scene one, Dominion.
41:08 Scene two, Abdication.
41:11 Scene three, A Warrior Promised.
41:13 Scene four, we've covered now which is Organized Forces.
41:17 We've seen that the forces of good and evil
41:20 are organized for battle in the great controversy
41:23 on both sides of the great war,
41:26 the great controversy between good and evil.
41:28 Scene five in this unfolding narrative
41:31 is we've just called it the Unarmed Warrior. Okay.
41:36 So the warrior that was foretold originally in Genesis 3:15,
41:43 at this part of the story
41:44 we are entering into the New Testament
41:46 and the fulfillment of the promise and the prophecy
41:50 that the warrior would come.
41:51 And now he's landed on earthly soil,
41:55 He's here, He's been as it were,
41:57 you know, He's parachuted into in enemy territory
42:03 through the incarnation,
42:04 He's come into the world through the womb of Mary.
42:07 And as He comes into the world,
42:09 we've wrapped this language
42:11 around the Savior Jesus Christ, Unarmed Warrior,
42:15 we like the word unarmed,
42:17 because we want to emphasize
42:18 that He wins the great controversy
42:23 by principles that are completely opposite to
42:28 and contrary to the principles that Satan operates by.
42:31 Satan operates by deception and force primarily.
42:35 Jesus operates by love and truth.
42:39 Those are the principles that He exerts in the great controversy.
42:44 So He's the unarmed warrior.
42:47 Now let's just unpack with scripture.
42:50 Well, when you were saying that,
42:51 yeah, let's go to the scripture text here.
42:52 But just let's remind our viewers that and ourselves,
42:55 let's remind ourselves that soon after Jesus was born,
42:59 when the wise men come from the east,
43:00 it says that Herod and all of Israel
43:02 was troubled to hear that some were saying,
43:04 "Oh, where is the Messiah?
43:05 We've seen His star in the east."
43:07 And we know how this story goes.
43:09 Herod basically says to the wise men,
43:11 hey you go, you find Him,
43:12 and then you come and tell me about Him.
43:14 Well, and angel says to them, hey don't go back
43:16 because he's not interested in worshiping,
43:18 he's interested in something else.
43:19 So they go another way, so what does Herod do?
43:22 He begins, you are talking about control
43:24 and force and deception is what you said, I think.
43:27 So what does he trying to do?
43:28 Satan really believes, hey I'm gonna win this war.
43:31 That challenge that was elicited back in Genesis 3.
43:35 He says, oh, man I'll win this thing right now.
43:37 I'll just go slaughter all of these children.
43:40 I mean that's what we are dealing with here,
43:42 a density that suggests a mental density on behalf of Satan
43:46 that you can win this kind of a war
43:48 by just with a knife, with a sword, with the gun.
43:52 Yeah. Right?
43:53 So he's gonna try to kill that's the world the war zone,
43:57 the theater of operations into which Jesus is born.
44:01 Children are being slaughtered in order to kill Him
44:04 because Satan believes this would be to win the war.
44:06 Yeah, yeah. It's fascinating, isn't it?
44:08 It is, it is, it's absolutely, it's life changing.
44:10 Okay. So, Luke 11, David and I love this scripture.
44:16 Danny, you're gonna, you're gonna love this too.
44:18 This is an amazing scripture in which Jesus
44:22 basically lays claim to the warrior status.
44:28 And says, "I'm here to execute a victory,
44:32 I'm here to win the war." So, it's very fascinating.
44:37 Follow the language here in Chapter 11
44:39 of Luke verses 21, 22.
44:41 Jesus is speaking and He says,
44:43 "When a strong man, fully armed,
44:46 guards his own palace, his goods are in peace."
44:50 Very simple, right? Yes.
44:52 Strong man, he has a territory
44:53 and he's guarding his territory,
44:56 he's guarding his palace, everything is fine.
44:58 But then verse 22, "But when a stronger
45:01 than he comes upon him and overcomes him,
45:06 he takes from him all his armor in which he trusted,
45:10 and divides his spoils." What is Jesus saying?
45:14 You've got two individuals here.
45:16 You've got the strong man and the stronger than he.
45:20 One is strong and he's guarding
45:22 the territory that he has, that he possesses.
45:25 But then somebody stronger comes along
45:28 and conquers and takes the territory back.
45:30 The devil is the strong man. Wow.
45:34 And the stronger than he is Jesus,
45:37 none other than Jesus Himself.
45:39 He's basically saying, "I have come to this world
45:42 to overcome the kingdom of darkness
45:44 by the implementation of principles of a higher order
45:49 that will win the great controversy."
45:51 Now in the immediate context, Ty,
45:53 of the story and I was gonna read it very quickly,
45:56 beginning in verse 14
45:57 which leads up to what you've just read.
45:58 Luke 11:14, it says, "And He was casting out demons--
46:02 and He was casting out demons, and it was mute.
46:04 So it was, when the demon had gone out,
46:06 that the mute spoke, and the multitudes marveled.
46:07 But some of them said, 'He casts out demons
46:09 by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.'
46:11 Others, testing him, sought from Him a sign from heaven.
46:15 But He, knowing their thoughts, said to them,
46:16 'Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation,
46:18 and a house divided against a house falls.
46:21 If Satan also is divided against himself,
46:23 how will his kingdom stand?
46:25 Because you say I cast out demons by Beelzebub.
46:27 If I cast out demons by Beelzebub,
46:29 by whom do your sons cast them out?
46:30 Therefore they will be your judges.
46:32 But if I cast out demons with the finger of God,
46:35 surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.'"
46:36 And then the two verses that you read.
46:38 So this idea of a strong man who's guarding his territory,
46:42 who's guarding his house
46:43 who is then overcome by a stronger
46:46 is in the immediate context
46:47 of Jesus removing territorial forces. Okay.
46:51 He's just cast a demon, a mute demon out of a person.
46:54 And it proves that Jesus' miracles
46:58 were of such a character and such a magnitude
47:00 that they required a supernatural explanation. Wow.
47:03 They couldn't say "Oh, well, that was just a party trick."
47:06 No, they recognized there's something supernatural here.
47:10 So they attributed to the dark powers.
47:12 They say, "Oh, you did this by the Beelzebub
47:14 which is literally the lord of flies.
47:17 You did this by the lord of the flies by Beelzebub."
47:19 And then Jesus says, "Think about what you're saying."
47:21 If a kingdom is fighting against itself,
47:23 how would that kingdom remain solid? Right.
47:26 If a house is divided, how would it remain standing?
47:29 I'm casting out demons not by Beelzebub
47:31 but if it's the finger of God then the kingdom--
47:37 if I cast out demons by the finger of God
47:38 then the kingdom of heaven is coming right up next to you.
47:41 And then He says, let me tell you a story.
47:43 If a guy, a strongman is guarding his house
47:47 and all is well and he's at peace.
47:48 And somebody else comes and displaces him, right,
47:52 a stronger than he displaces him.
47:54 That's what's taking place.
47:55 This was Jesus' own metaphor, this was Jesus' own MO,
48:01 modus operandi for what He was doing.
48:03 This is how, this was Jesus' self-awareness.
48:06 He sees Himself as place by place, city by city,
48:10 village by village, person by person
48:13 taking back reclaiming territories
48:17 that Satan had legitimately claimed. All right.
48:19 Let me just say one more word here.
48:21 Check this out.
48:23 Satan knew that this is what Jesus was coming to do,
48:25 I'm just gonna rewind the tape here very briefly.
48:27 Remember when we went back to Luke 4,
48:29 he showed Him all the kingdoms of the earth
48:31 and he said, "All these I will give you
48:32 if you will just bow down and worship me."
48:34 Satan knows that Jesus has come to take the territory.
48:38 He knows that this is going to be a territorial conflict.
48:41 So what he tries to do is get him
48:43 to fulfill a legitimate desire
48:45 namely to be the king of the earth
48:47 which He is legitimately by an illegitimate means. Wow.
48:51 And he says, "Hey, this is gonna be tough,
48:54 you're gonna have to go to the cross.
48:55 It's gonna be difficult. Let's just make this easy.
48:58 You bow down and worship me and I'll just give it to you."
49:00 He's trying to get Jesus to operate by his principles.
49:02 By his principles. Okay.
49:03 So Jesus here-- It worked with Adam and Eve.
49:08 Exactly. Right.
49:09 It's not working with the second Adam. Yeah.
49:11 Not with Jesus. Yeah.
49:13 So what Jesus is doing here,
49:14 Jesus owned self-image of what He's doing.
49:17 If you were to go to Jesus--
49:18 if we could go back 2000 years in time
49:20 and say, "Jesus, what are you doing?"
49:21 He'll say, "I'm taking back territory."
49:23 I'm reclaiming hearts, I'm reclaiming villages,
49:26 I'm reclaiming-- this is why
49:27 He would come to some villages the Bible says
49:28 and He could perform no work there. Why?
49:30 Because the territorial forces were so strong in that area
49:33 and the disbelief and unbelief of the people were so strong.
49:36 Jesus couldn't-- even Jesus couldn't breach.
49:39 But He would come to other places
49:40 and whole villages would be healed.
49:43 Jesus here is carrying on a warfare of a session.
49:48 He's grabbing new territories, new places,
49:50 new people for the kingdom of God.
49:53 And that's why it's so great is to me
49:55 I'm sitting here listening to you.
49:57 The plan of salvation is death, burial, and resurrection
50:00 because now he says all authority he has given me
50:02 and the very next word, "Go ye therefore, teach all nations."
50:06 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,
50:08 for my God shall supply all of your needs for we know that
50:12 all things work together for good to them that love God.'
50:14 They just keep going on and on because of what He did--
50:17 That's right. What He did.
50:18 Now I always tell people that I've read the back of the book
50:22 and it says, 'We win'.
50:23 That's right. That's good.
50:24 So I love it when we're seeing
50:26 what you're bringing in is the picture
50:28 but you're bringing in a way
50:30 that the way this Bible is written,
50:32 threaded this truth from Genesis to Revelation,
50:35 there's no coincidence.
50:37 It wasn't just a bunch of people writing stories
50:39 and then we pick and choose what we want.
50:41 No, it's a theme.
50:42 You're showing a foundation of theme
50:43 that were set from the beginning of the foundation of the world
50:46 that God loves us so much to redeem us
50:49 that He says, you know what,
50:51 I got you back, I'm gonna do this whole thing
50:54 but He cannot compromise you.
50:56 You've got to look to me.
50:57 You've got to allow Me to bless you.
50:59 Yes. To put that hedge about you.
51:01 Your decision is that you said a city, a nation,
51:03 you know, whatever country but individually
51:07 you're telling us now that God is dealing looks at us.
51:10 Our territory is an individual also,
51:12 territory that so there is entities within entities
51:16 but the end result is our own self.
51:19 That's right. Amen, amen.
51:20 Now at this time we want to go to John 12?
51:22 Yes, absolutely. We've got to go there.
51:24 John 12 is where Jesus declares
51:29 the victory that is coming at the cross.
51:32 But He also indicates how the victory is won.
51:35 And this is tha plot to it
51:36 that Satan could have never anticipated.
51:39 Good, good stuff. You're there, David?
51:40 I'm there, I'm ready. I'm not there, go for it.
51:43 So John 12:31, which we've already alluded to.
51:48 "Now is the judgment of this world,
51:51 now the ruler of this world would be cast out."
51:55 So Jesus says something determinative,
51:58 something pivotal is happening now.
51:59 He uses that word twice.
52:00 Now is the judgment of this world,
52:02 the principles by which--
52:03 you said the prince of the power of the earth,
52:04 the Zeitgeist. Yeah.
52:06 The principles by which
52:07 this world has been operating is being judged.
52:10 And the ruler of those principles
52:13 is about to be cast out.
52:14 Well, how, how will that happen?
52:15 Will it be with force? Will it be with might?
52:16 Will it be with strength?
52:18 Verse 32, "And I, if I am lifted from the earth,
52:23 I will not force, not drive but draw all peoples to Myself."
52:30 Isn't that something? That is beautiful.
52:31 Jesus is wining the great controversy
52:35 by a completely unexpected maneuver.
52:39 That unexpected maneuver is the cross.
52:41 The devil is expecting force with force. That's right.
52:47 Manipulation against manipulation.
52:49 He has developed in his own imagination,
52:53 his dark and twisted imagination,
52:56 a horrible picture of God in which he believes
52:58 that God operates by the self-centered principles
53:01 that he himself operates by.
53:03 But Jesus comes into the world and it's fascinating
53:07 when He comes into the world, He says right here very clearly,
53:10 "The Prince of this world is gonna be casted out,
53:12 He's gonna be overcome by the cross."
53:14 What is the cross?
53:15 The cross is this beautiful, undeniable demonstration
53:22 of love for others, even enemies.
53:25 Love for all others above Himself.
53:28 Jesus proves that God loves every member of the human race,
53:33 more than His own existence, more than His own life.
53:35 And so Jesus says "When people look at the cross,
53:39 they are going to encounter a love
53:42 that will draw their hearts back to Me.
53:44 I won't have to force or manipulate
53:46 or deceive them, I simply love them.
53:49 And by loving them, by giving my own life,
53:51 I'm going to win the great controversy."
53:53 Simultaneously two things are happening at the cross.
53:56 Satan is conquered and human hearts,
53:59 territories are won back
54:01 to the kingdom of God through the cross.
54:04 That's where the victory is won.
54:05 Now the Apostle Paul,
54:07 the Apostle Paul understands this.
54:09 You fast-forward to Colossians 2.
54:11 Yeah, Colossians 2:15, isn't it great, David?
54:13 Oh, it's just amazing.
54:14 Here Paul understands that
54:16 what happened at the cross was a great controversy.
54:18 So just to repeat, so our viewers get it
54:20 because we're moving quickly here.
54:21 Colossians 2, we're gonna look at verse 15.
54:23 Verse 15, the Apostle Paul says of Jesus at the cross
54:28 that having 'disarmed' There's a military term.
54:32 "Disarmed principalities and powers, He, that is Jesus,
54:37 made a public spectacle of them,
54:40 triumphing over them in it." The context is the cross.
54:45 In the cross. Yeah, in the cross.
54:46 The cross was the means
54:48 by which Jesus disarmed the devil.
54:51 So you have to ask yourself the question.
54:53 What kind of armaments did He have?
54:56 What kind of weaponry was He bearing
54:58 against the kingdom of God?
54:59 It wasn't grenades and bombs and swords.
55:02 I mean that plays into the great controversy on the human level-
55:05 It was written in red. But what is it?
55:07 What is it? It was written in red.
55:09 Yes. So, what is the armament?
55:13 You remember Luke 11, take away His--what is it?
55:17 His armor in which he trust. His armor in which he trusted.
55:20 What's the armor that Satan is trusting in?
55:22 What are the weapons he's been using?
55:25 Deception regarding the character of God.
55:27 Yeah. And coercion and force.
55:30 Jesus comes along and by the cross
55:32 He completely overturns these principles
55:36 and proves that truth and love are more powerful
55:40 than deception and force. Absolutely.
55:43 And that's how He wins the great controversy
55:44 and it's fascinating, He says,
55:45 He makes a public spectacle
55:47 of the kingdom of darkness at the cross.
55:49 And love hang on to cross,
55:50 I mean because God is love and so love hung on to cross.
55:54 Rusty Goodman, a friend of mine he is resting in Jesus
55:56 now wrote a song called written in red.
55:58 And the whole thing is this that is basically, you say,
56:01 well, what did Satan bring to table to deceive,
56:03 you know, all these terrible things,
56:05 God just brought love, brought Himself.
56:07 That's right. You got it.
56:08 He won the great controversy by that means. Yeah.
56:11 And it was totally unanticipated
56:12 that's the thing that I love about it,
56:14 is that Satan believed that
56:16 this would be a force for force, mano e mano melee.
56:20 But what it ends up being is he gets flanked,
56:23 that's really what happens, he gets out flanked.
56:25 Victory comes at the very moment
56:27 that he thinks he's achieving victory
56:29 mainly by killing Jesus in a terrible,
56:32 hideous, ignominious, satanic way he--
56:37 and I love the way that Ellen White says that
56:38 she says that He--it's my paraphrase what she says.
56:42 But he boar his chest only to receive the stroke of death.
56:47 You know, sort of stuck, he really believed that he is--
56:50 I've done it only to re--
56:52 I've lost it I've lost it.
56:54 Yeah. I've lost it.
56:56 Think about what was happening at the cross.
56:58 You have groups of people, the mob,
57:01 who are saying something to Jesus as He hangs on the cross,
57:04 it's very fascinating what they're saying to Him.
57:06 If you are the Son of God, save Yourself.
57:09 Come down. Come done off the cross.
57:10 If you are the Son of God, saves Yourself.
57:11 If you're the Son of God, save Yourself.
57:13 Here's the irony of it, Danny.
57:15 He was the Son of God, therefore He wouldn't save Himself. Okay.
57:21 Jesus would not yield to the impulse
57:24 to live for self at the expense of others.
57:28 He chose to give His life for His enemies
57:32 and thereby demonstrated that He was in fact the Son of God
57:35 and operating by principles that are completely contrary
57:39 to the principles of self preservation.
57:42 It is that way He says,
57:43 if I be lifted up from this earth,
57:45 will draw all man to me.
57:47 It sounds like to me in our own individual life,
57:49 if we live by His principles, then people see Jesus in us.
57:54 That's what's drawing, we don't want Him to see us.
57:57 But if I--no matter what's going around me in this world
58:00 if I--my pledge is to God, my loyalty is to God,
58:03 my heart is to God then they will actually see,
58:06 they will be drawn to the Jesus in me.
58:08 That's right. Amen.
58:09 Yeah, that--I mean that's an amazing thing.
58:11 I've said it many times before.
58:13 God doesn't need us, I tell people in churches.
58:15 Why did He said, "Go ye into all the world."
58:17 He doesn't need us.
58:18 Do you think He needs us to save anybody?
58:20 The Lord doesn't need us, we don't save anybody.
58:23 So why does He tell us to go into all the world,
58:25 since we are not really a factor.
58:27 And I say, you know, my little heart say, Danny,
58:30 who I say I'm thinking about it
58:31 is we need it for our own salvation.
58:35 Otherwise, go ye into all the world
58:37 because I get to experience what it's like
58:40 and I submit and commit
58:41 and watch you be a channel of blessing.
58:43 And you see God flowing in you and through you
58:46 and it keeps me from just
58:47 worrying about me, myself and I over here.
58:50 And we're getting that selfishness,
58:51 as you talk about Satan is.
58:52 So now as I begin to allow God to live in me
58:56 that love flows through me and people see it
58:58 and you say, "Wow, what a blessing."
59:00 So I think God tells us, you go out and do this.
59:03 Really, it's for our salvation as much as anybody else's
59:06 'cause He could do it on His own.
59:08 We have instances in scriptures where He did it through fish,
59:11 He did it through a rooster, He did it through a donkey.
59:13 He said, the rocks could cry out. Yeah.
59:16 And they are by the way. Radio was--
59:20 Yeah. I love that.
59:21 Radio, it comes from what? What's--you know what?
59:24 Silicon. That's right.
59:26 Rocks are involved in transmission process.
59:29 So through rocks, right? Yeah.
59:31 Came radio, comes television
59:33 and on top of every mountain there's antenna. Yes.
59:36 So today rocks and mountains are crying out to proclaim the name.
59:38 So we said here of Jesus. Yeah.
59:40 And the rocks are crying out. Yeah.
59:42 And so were the donkeys. Yeah.
59:45 Watch it, you don't have to tell everything that's true.
59:48 Hey, I just remembered a statement
59:50 that in Desire of Ages where Ellen White wraps a language
59:55 around what's happening at the cross
59:56 that I think is just very clear and beautiful language.
01:00:01 She describes that victory in this way
01:00:02 and I can't remember the page maybe one of you know the page.
01:00:05 But in Desire of Ages, it says
01:00:07 that what happened at the cross is this.
01:00:09 That love and selfishness stood face to face.
01:00:14 Wow. And love gained the victory.
01:00:17 Okay. Isn't that something?
01:00:18 Yeah, I love it. I love that one.
01:00:19 Love gained the victory at the cross.
01:00:22 That's what we see taking place. Praise the Lord, wow.
01:00:23 You know, Danny, you are--
01:00:24 I'm a bit of a basketball fan, you're bit of basketball fan.
01:00:27 You know there's always debates. This is an illustration.
01:00:29 Tell me what you think of this.
01:00:31 There's always debates about who was the greatest team.
01:00:34 You know, was it the 76 Celtics or the--
01:00:36 you know, '80 Bulls or whatever, whatever the team.
01:00:39 And there are the people that spend a lot of time,
01:00:41 too much time thinking about these things
01:00:43 and they'll say well, no, if the '76 Celtics had played,
01:00:46 you know, 2000 Lakers and. But we don't know.
01:00:49 Had the dream team of, you know,
01:00:50 of the '90 played the dream team now.
01:00:53 Which dream team would have won?
01:00:54 But here's a fascinating thing that I love about the cross
01:00:57 and the great controversy is that
01:00:59 unlike these basketball teams
01:01:01 where we don't really know because we can't--
01:01:03 because of time and space we can't get those teams to play
01:01:07 the greatest act oflove and grace and mercy
01:01:11 and magnanimity took place here,
01:01:13 at this place, in this time at the cross.
01:01:15 And the greatest act of selfishness,
01:01:18 cruelty and satanic hideousness took place
01:01:22 in the same place at the same time.
01:01:24 So we don't have to say well, what was--
01:01:26 was this better and this was worse
01:01:28 or was this worse and this was better.
01:01:29 Both of those things were right there at the same time.
01:01:33 Yeah. I love that. Absolutely.
01:01:36 So we can cast our vote, we can make our decision.
01:01:38 That's right. It's all there. We can cast our vote.
01:01:41 Okay. That's right.
01:01:42 On Jesus. I'm voting for Jesus.
01:01:44 Now there is something I want to say here
01:01:45 that might be a little deep but I think it just--
01:01:48 I want to throw it out there especially for Bible students
01:01:51 that are tracking right with us because this is a little heavy.
01:01:55 In the Book of Revelation, Revelation 12,
01:01:58 couple together with other passages
01:01:59 that we've talked about it's clear
01:02:01 that Satan had limited access to heavenly territories.
01:02:08 Those heavenly territories that he had access to.
01:02:10 We've already seen in Job where he comes
01:02:11 and he says, hey, I'm here in this--
01:02:13 we know it wasn't they.
01:02:14 We know that they couldn't have been on earth
01:02:15 because God says, where did you come from?
01:02:16 It couldn't have been earth,
01:02:17 it must have been some other place. Okay.
01:02:19 So when we get to Revelation 12
01:02:21 this fascinating thing happens at the cross,
01:02:24 at the cross in fact I'll just read it.
01:02:26 At the cross in Revelation 12 and it says verse 8,
01:02:32 "So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old,
01:02:35 called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world,
01:02:38 he was cast to the earth,
01:02:39 and his angels were cast out with him."
01:02:41 Three times, cast out, cast out, cast out.
01:02:44 That's what Jesus just said.
01:02:45 Now is the judgment of this world,
01:02:47 the principles upon which this world operates.
01:02:49 Now the ruler of this world will be cast out but in what context?
01:02:52 When I am lifted up.
01:02:55 "When I'm lifted up from the earth,
01:02:56 I will draw all men unto me."
01:02:57 Now look at verse 10 of Revelation 12.
01:02:59 "Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,
01:03:01 'Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God,
01:03:04 and the power of His Christ have come,
01:03:07 for the accuser of our brethren,
01:03:09 who accused them before our God day and night,
01:03:10 has been cast down."
01:03:12 Well, let's ask the question.
01:03:13 When was it that salvation came?
01:03:15 When was it that the strength of God,
01:03:17 a unique and wonderful new kind of strength came?
01:03:20 And when was it that the power of His Christ
01:03:22 was fully demonstrated?
01:03:23 At the cross. At the cross.
01:03:25 So in the context of the cross,
01:03:27 Satan is cast out, cast out, cast out.
01:03:29 Now watch this. Verse 11, "And they--"
01:03:31 that's us and all believers throughout time.
01:03:34 "Overcame him--" Satan, "By the blood of the Lamb."
01:03:37 Amen. That's written in red. That's your friend's song.
01:03:40 "They overcame by the blood of the Lamb
01:03:41 and by the word of their testimony,
01:03:42 they did not love their lives to the death."
01:03:44 And look at verse 12, "Therefore--"
01:03:46 on the basis of the cross and this casting out
01:03:49 and this goes back, Ty,
01:03:51 how we begin this whole study.
01:03:52 Listen heavens and earth, "Therefore rejoice, O heavens,
01:03:57 and you who dwell in them!"
01:03:59 Hey, it's happy, it's good, something great has happened.
01:04:01 Why? Well, because Satan been cast out, cast out, cast out.
01:04:05 That limited access that he had is now been totally taken away.
01:04:09 Wow. At the cross.
01:04:10 At the cross. At the cross.
01:04:11 But where does He spend all of his time now?
01:04:13 "Wow to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea
01:04:17 For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath."
01:04:20 Why is this wrath so great? Why is this wrath so intense?
01:04:23 Because he knows that he has a short time.
01:04:25 Post cross. Post cross.
01:04:27 So what's happened here is that Satan's territory,
01:04:31 think of it as quarantine.
01:04:33 He's been increasingly quarantined.
01:04:35 In the garden, he was allowed
01:04:36 only at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
01:04:38 But then when Adam and Eve abdicated
01:04:40 his territory began to expand
01:04:42 and he began to make the rounds in heaven.
01:04:44 He had access to some heavenly places.
01:04:47 But then he is quarantined away from there
01:04:51 and then he is quarantined still further.
01:04:52 And when the final quarantine comes, two quarantines.
01:04:56 In Revelation 20, all the people are gone.
01:05:00 He's by himself on a planet.
01:05:02 He's--he's locked away by himself
01:05:05 and then eventually he will be quarantined
01:05:07 even away from life itself.
01:05:09 He will lose, his territory expanded
01:05:13 and then he's losing it, he's losing it,
01:05:15 he's losing it, he's losing it.
01:05:16 But he's not losing it by the size of God's biceps
01:05:19 but by the decisions,
01:05:20 the free decisions of individuals
01:05:22 to align themselves with love and truth
01:05:25 rather than control and deception.
01:05:26 Amen. Amen.
01:05:28 I'm preaching now. Give me a pulpit.
01:05:29 You are. You are.
01:05:30 Give me a pulpit. You are.
01:05:31 Okay. So we are up through act 5.
01:05:34 We're through scene five, we got two to go.
01:05:36 We got 21 minutes left. Oh, yeah we'll do it.
01:05:38 We can do this two. All right.
01:05:40 So now we come to number six. Number six.
01:05:44 Is we're going to just again,
01:05:46 we're just wrapping language around this.
01:05:48 And so we are calling it
01:05:49 the church militant /triumphant. Okay.
01:05:53 The church militant, it has--
01:05:55 the church has a militant phase where it is taking territory,
01:05:59 it's expanding the kingdom of God. Yes.
01:06:01 Then it has a final triumphant phase.
01:06:04 Now what we're-- the scriptures
01:06:06 we read now at this stage in the storyline
01:06:11 make absolute sense with the context behind us.
01:06:14 Now think of one of those scriptures
01:06:15 that you were quoting earlier tonight,
01:06:17 Danny, that perfectly,
01:06:18 Matthew 28. Yeah.
01:06:20 Matthew 28:19 or 18-20. Yes.
01:06:24 Where Jesus says all authority
01:06:28 has been given to me in heaven and earth.
01:06:30 "Go ye therefore and teach all nations,
01:06:32 baptizing them in the name of the Father,
01:06:33 Son and Holy Spirit
01:06:34 and lo, I am with you always to the end of the age."
01:06:36 Jesus very clearly says here
01:06:39 that all authority has now been taken back.
01:06:43 Okay. By him.
01:06:45 He possess all authority now.
01:06:47 And this is replete through the New Testament.
01:06:50 You have the Apostle Paul
01:06:51 for example in Philippians 2 saying,
01:06:53 "Let this mind in you which was also in Christ Jesus.
01:06:57 Who, being in very nature God,
01:06:59 did not consider equality with God
01:07:01 something to be held on to.
01:07:03 But made himself of no reputation,
01:07:05 took the form of a servant."
01:07:07 And you have these descending steps
01:07:09 of self sacrificing love.
01:07:11 And He died even the death of the cross
01:07:13 and then it says-- Therefore.
01:07:16 Therefore, he was highly exalted above all
01:07:21 so that the name of Jesus every knee shall bow
01:07:24 and every tongue confess.
01:07:25 So you have very clearly scripture is saying again.
01:07:28 The authority that was taken by the enemy
01:07:32 has now been reclaimed by the Savior.
01:07:35 All authority has been given to me
01:07:37 and now I'm delegating.
01:07:38 I'm giving that authority to my followers
01:07:40 to go out and to take territory
01:07:42 on behalf of the kingdom of God. Isn't great.
01:07:44 Mark Trammell wrote a song. He sings here on 3ABN.
01:07:47 "He is Lord, He is Lord.
01:07:52 He has risen from the grave and He is Lord." Yes.
01:07:58 "Every knee shall bow." Yes.
01:08:01 "Every tongue confess
01:08:04 that Jesus Christ is Lord." Yes.
01:08:09 Beautiful, thank you. That's beautiful.
01:08:11 You got a great voice, Danny. You do.
01:08:12 You should record some CDs. I should.
01:08:14 I may think about it someday.
01:08:16 Okay. What about Luke 10?
01:08:18 We were in chapter 11 where Jesus basically said that
01:08:22 there's a strong man
01:08:23 and then there's a stronger than he.
01:08:27 And Jesus is the stronger man
01:08:29 that basically conquers the enemy.
01:08:31 But back in chapter 10
01:08:32 in the immediate context of all that
01:08:34 is the story of the 70
01:08:36 who are sent out as witnesses for the kingdom of God.
01:08:40 In verse 17, he says
01:08:42 "Then the seventy returned with joy, saying,
01:08:45 'Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.'
01:08:49 And He said to them."
01:08:50 Verse 18, "I saw Satan fall like a lightning from heaven" Yes.
01:08:57 "And behold, I give you the authority
01:08:59 to trample on serpents and scorpions,
01:09:02 and over all the power of the enemy,
01:09:03 and nothing by any means will hurt you."
01:09:07 So here Jesus is using the language of Satan falling,
01:09:11 his kingdom crumbling.
01:09:14 Satan is falling as the witnesses of the gospel
01:09:19 go out and proclaim the truth.
01:09:22 As they go out and they live the principles of the kingdom.
01:09:25 Satan--Jesus says, when you are out ministering,
01:09:28 when you are out ministering,
01:09:29 when you were preaching, when you were teaching,
01:09:31 when you were healing,
01:09:32 when you were touching people,
01:09:34 when you were sharing with them
01:09:35 my forgiveness, my grace, my love.
01:09:37 When all of that ministry was happening,
01:09:39 I saw Satan like lightening fall from heaven
01:09:42 in the wake of your ministry.
01:09:43 His--I love what you say there, his kingdom is crumbling.
01:09:46 Now look at verse 20.
01:09:47 I love verse 20, Ty, because it gives us
01:09:49 a window into the heart of God.
01:09:51 Jesus has just said, "Hey you have power
01:09:53 over serpents and scorpions
01:09:54 and nothing will hurt you over all the power of the enemy."
01:09:56 Verse 20, "Nevertheless do not rejoice about this."
01:10:00 'Cause that's the thing they were really happy about.
01:10:01 Right. They were little inflated in there.
01:10:03 They were inflated,
01:10:04 "That the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice
01:10:06 because your names are written in heaven."
01:10:07 What a window into the heart of God.
01:10:09 What Jesus is essentially saying here is,
01:10:11 don't rejoice that they're out. Right.
01:10:14 Rejoice that you are in. Yeah.
01:10:16 See what the Bible says that
01:10:17 we need to study to show ourselves approved
01:10:19 because so often just like you bringing up this point
01:10:22 where Jesus said, I think about they spoke
01:10:24 rather than to look at the big picture
01:10:26 that say well, we're gonna pick up these rattlesnakes
01:10:28 'cause He said, no harm will come now to us. Yeah.
01:10:31 Of course many of them get bitten
01:10:32 and then they say well, the guy didn't have faith, you know.
01:10:35 But I mean we missed the whole point
01:10:37 and thank you for bringing that up.
01:10:38 This is not Jesus says, that's not the point.
01:10:40 That's not the point. No.
01:10:42 The point is not that they're out,
01:10:43 it's that you're in. Yeah.
01:10:44 You can just think of the heart of God breaking here,
01:10:46 Jesus is the creator.
01:10:47 The Bible says without Him was nothing made that was made.
01:10:50 That means that Jesus would have known
01:10:51 those angels by name, that's John,
01:10:52 that's Mark, that's--I don't know.
01:10:54 Those obviously aren't angel names
01:10:55 but Jesus would have--
01:10:58 when He saw His disciples gaining territory
01:11:01 and the kingdom of Satan crumbling.
01:11:03 This is a period of great sadness one, joy
01:11:06 that the disciples have taken hold of ministry.
01:11:08 But sadness that this is all taking place
01:11:11 in the context of a civil war
01:11:12 against God's own love and government.
01:11:14 Jesus says please, please, please,
01:11:16 don't rejoice about that.
01:11:17 Jesus actually had fellowship with those fallen angels.
01:11:19 Of course He did, He knew them,
01:11:20 He named them, He spent time with them. Yeah.
01:11:23 So He's saddened by it while the disciples in there--
01:11:26 They think this is great. Yeah.
01:11:27 They are immature but they are growing in their faith
01:11:29 and Jesus is sending them out.
01:11:31 He said I want you to go
01:11:33 and proclaim the gospel of the kingdom
01:11:35 and Satan's kingdom crumbles
01:11:39 in direct proportion to your effective ministry
01:11:43 on behalf of the kingdom of God.
01:11:44 Beautiful. Yeah, that's great.
01:11:46 That's why He said to Peter, when they are converted,
01:11:49 go strengthen your brethren. Strengthen you brethren.
01:11:50 Because we saw what He had done earlier, you know.
01:11:53 And the Lord finally says
01:11:54 when you get what I'm saying here,
01:11:55 when you really tracking with me and you finally get it,
01:11:58 you will understand it's not that sword
01:12:00 that you carry but it's my spirit. Beautiful.
01:12:02 Now go and teach to all nations.
01:12:06 Now what about the Book of Acts in this regard, David?
01:12:08 Did--I didn't even think of this scripture early.
01:12:10 Go ahead with that.
01:12:11 Acts 1 where He says okay, I've given you authority
01:12:14 and He says, now I want you to what here in Jerusalem.
01:12:17 Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria.
01:12:19 The outermost parts of the earth.
01:12:20 Outermost parts of the earth.
01:12:21 That's territorial language. That's territorial.
01:12:22 He's saying basically begin right here
01:12:24 with whatever I've given you.
01:12:26 Proclaim the gospel in Jerusalem
01:12:27 but then gradually reach out
01:12:29 the tentacles of truth from there
01:12:31 and just take in the whole globe.
01:12:33 The church continues the victory
01:12:36 and mission that Jesus had established.
01:12:38 Let's go back to what Danny said there.
01:12:40 Greater things you will do, well in what sense.
01:12:42 Well, Jesus was one man
01:12:44 limited as you said by His humanity.
01:12:46 But now He has disciples who themselves have disciples,
01:12:48 who themselves have disciples, who themselves have disciples.
01:12:51 And so the ministry of the announcement
01:12:54 of the life death resurrection of Jesus
01:12:56 and the triumph of truth and love
01:12:58 over coercion and force goes out in a way
01:13:02 and with a breadth and just a new miracle power
01:13:06 that Jesus Himself, even His God
01:13:08 could not never have done, just by Himself.
01:13:10 'Cause if He's here, He can't be here
01:13:12 and if He's here, He can't be here.
01:13:13 And of course this happens by a spirit.
01:13:15 He sends His spirit into us
01:13:17 and I saw this just a moment ago
01:13:18 and I see it there now. You are in 2 Corinthians 10.
01:13:21 Are you there? This pass--
01:13:22 I'm going there right in it.
01:13:23 This is--you wanted to do 2 Corinthians 10, Danny. Okay.
01:13:26 This is a powerful scripture that David
01:13:28 and I've been rejoicing about recently.
01:13:31 You know, I don't know if you know this
01:13:33 but we do the Sabbath school lesson, commentary.
01:13:38 And we took this scripture up,
01:13:40 but you know the Sabbath school quarterly. Yeah.
01:13:41 So we do a commentary on the lessons study ahead of time.
01:13:45 So people can get it and listen to it.
01:13:47 And they can study the lesson ahead of time with us,
01:13:52 sharing with them the insights that we gain from the lesson.
01:13:55 And this is one of the scriptures
01:13:57 that we dealt with.
01:13:59 We were just-- we were just like--
01:14:00 Yeah, we were floating. That's great.
01:14:01 Yeah, that was a good stuff, good stuff.
01:14:03 Okay. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
01:14:10 "For though we walk in the flesh,
01:14:12 we do not war according to the flesh.
01:14:14 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal
01:14:17 but mighty in God for the pulling down
01:14:20 of strongholds, casting down arguments
01:14:24 and every high thing that exalts itself
01:14:27 against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought
01:14:31 into captivity to the obedience of Christ."
01:14:34 Wow. That's heavy, isn't it?
01:14:36 It is heavy, that's deep.
01:14:37 This scripture is describing I guess one way we could say,
01:14:41 this scripture is describing the nature of our warfare. Yeah.
01:14:45 But what kind of warfare is this?
01:14:47 Are we called to take up bombs and guns and knives
01:14:50 and to defend the kingdom of God
01:14:53 with that kind of warfare, no.
01:14:55 And there are people in the name of God, they are doing that.
01:14:57 They believe, they believe that's the point.
01:14:59 But that's not what Paul says here. Right.
01:15:01 It's not what Jesus said either. Go ahead.
01:15:03 Yeah, the nature of our warfare--
01:15:05 They call Him terrorist nowadays. The terrorist, yeah.
01:15:07 Well, now what Jesus said I will just throw this in there,
01:15:09 when He was standing before Pilate.
01:15:10 Pilate said, are you a king?
01:15:11 If you are a king, then what are you standing before me here?
01:15:13 He said, I, just my kingdom is not of this world
01:15:15 where else my servants would fight. Okay.
01:15:17 So now we're there.
01:15:18 We are not fighting, we don't fight the way you fight. Okay.
01:15:21 Yeah, we fight but not the way you fight.
01:15:23 And that's Paul's point here,
01:15:24 "For though we walk in the flesh,
01:15:26 we do not war according to the flesh."
01:15:27 We would say that this way.
01:15:28 We don't fight like the worldly kingdom fights.
01:15:31 It's a different battle that's going on.
01:15:32 There's a reason for it.
01:15:33 If we-- when you fight in the physical,
01:15:36 there's an end to life.
01:15:38 When you're fighting this spiritual battle
01:15:40 that God fought is one for eternity. Yes.
01:15:44 And when you fight physically,
01:15:46 you think you're winning but you're losing.
01:15:48 Because by the exertion of force and taking life,
01:15:53 you're actually demonstrating principles of selfishness
01:15:57 and you are giving-- you are arousing
01:16:00 the response of the territory violence.
01:16:03 And that's why some people refer to violence
01:16:05 in the name of God or violence of any sort that
01:16:08 you are expected to get a good result
01:16:09 out of as the myth of redemptive violence.
01:16:13 It's a myth, it's not true that violence redeems.
01:16:16 You don't solve any conflicts between human beings
01:16:20 by throwing punches and grenades
01:16:22 and pushing buttons to set off bombs.
01:16:24 That just produces the same kind of response
01:16:27 so you perpetuate the battle. So--
01:16:30 So, Ty, if that's not our warfare.
01:16:32 What does Paul say our warfare is here?
01:16:34 Was very fascinating because he says
01:16:36 that our warfare is one that involves
01:16:39 pulling down strongholds and casting down arguments.
01:16:44 What a strange thing to say. Arguments.
01:16:46 What's an argument?
01:16:47 And argument is the articulation of an idea
01:16:52 in order to illicit agreement.
01:16:55 An argument is the articulation of an idea with verbiage,
01:16:59 with words to articulate an idea
01:17:02 in order to win somebody's thinking.
01:17:05 Not to force them, not to manipulate them.
01:17:07 But to say hey, hey, do you see this?
01:17:10 Point A, point B.
01:17:11 Let me explain something to you
01:17:13 that's an-- it's not argumentation
01:17:15 in the sense of being of an argumentative spirit.
01:17:18 It's basically saying--
01:17:19 Ideas. Ideas. Explain.
01:17:22 It's explanatory power is what it is.
01:17:25 So you explain the truth, you preach the cross.
01:17:30 The cross is an argument. Amen.
01:17:33 In favor of the character of God.
01:17:34 Hallelujah. Sure.
01:17:35 And so you preach the cross and strongholds come down.
01:17:39 Where do the strongholds come down?
01:17:41 They come-- they come down in the arena,
01:17:44 it says in verse 5 of people's thoughts.
01:17:49 Another version calls that their imagination. Yeah.
01:17:52 Bringing every thought into captivity
01:17:54 to the obedience of Christ.
01:17:55 It's the thoughts that we're seeking to win.
01:17:58 We're not trying to win
01:18:00 people's physical territory. Right.
01:18:02 We don't want their land under their feet.
01:18:05 We want their hearts for the kingdom of God.
01:18:08 So that's how the great controversy
01:18:10 is fought by the members of God's church.
01:18:13 It's a militant triumphant church
01:18:15 that is going out and claiming hearts,
01:18:17 you know, to make this very practical.
01:18:19 When you sit down and do the simple act
01:18:22 of giving somebody a Bible study.
01:18:24 You're advancing the kingdom of God
01:18:27 and you're expanding the territory of the kingdom
01:18:30 into their thinking.
01:18:31 They begin to believe the gospel what happens.
01:18:33 Well, they begin to share
01:18:35 with the members of their household. Yes.
01:18:37 Their husband, their wife, their children,
01:18:39 their aunties and uncles and nanas and papas.
01:18:41 And that whole house now is a territory captive
01:18:45 to the obedience of Christ, right? Yeah.
01:18:47 And they begin to share in their community. Yes.
01:18:50 You see what's happening--
01:18:51 Back to the demoniac of the Gaterines.
01:18:53 Can I go with you? No, you stay here.
01:18:54 Exactly. I need you here.
01:18:56 Now we're gonna go to our--
01:18:57 Eight minutes, we got eight minutes.
01:18:58 We're gonna go to our final act here
01:18:59 but let me just read this and I'll just read it quickly.
01:19:01 Romans 16:20.
01:19:02 Look at what Paul does here
01:19:03 where he takes that promise of the warrior.
01:19:07 In Genesis 3:16.
01:19:08 In Genesis 3 and he applies it to the church.
01:19:10 Listen to this, Romans 16:20.
01:19:12 "And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly."
01:19:19 This is awesome.
01:19:20 Paul here is appropriating the promise back in Genesis
01:19:24 and he's saying that crushing that took place
01:19:26 that victory that Jesus won on the cross.
01:19:28 He's winning in your life as you believe the gospel,
01:19:31 as you accept it and as you getting back to your point,
01:19:33 Danny, as you share with others.
01:19:35 You know, you were saying that God has raised us up
01:19:37 to preach not primarily for others,
01:19:39 certainly that's an element but even just for ourselves.
01:19:42 In doing that we are crushing
01:19:44 the head of Satan under our feet.
01:19:45 Not with power, not with biceps,
01:19:46 not with-- well, it's a power
01:19:48 but not with physical or carnal power.
01:19:50 It's with spiritual power.
01:19:52 So I'm just gonna review, Ty, here.
01:19:54 We've gone through, let's see if I can remember them all.
01:19:56 We've gone through dominion,
01:19:57 then abdication, then declaration of war,
01:20:02 the promise of a warrior to come. That's right.
01:20:04 Then organized forces, number four.
01:20:07 Then five was the-- remind me.
01:20:11 Number five is the unarmed warrior comes-- He comes.
01:20:14 He comes, Jesus comes
01:20:15 and He wins the victory at the cross.
01:20:16 Sixth is the church carrying forward the victory
01:20:19 that Christ gained. That's right, church militant.
01:20:21 So what's-- what's the end of the story?
01:20:24 The end of the story is number seven. That we win.
01:20:28 And that--and you can use that language,
01:20:30 you can use that language.
01:20:31 The language that we wrapped around it
01:20:33 is the first dominion restored. Okay. Yes.
01:20:37 You see, how we're looping back now to Genesis, right.
01:20:40 Genesis 1, God created Adam and Eve. That's right.
01:20:43 He gave them dominion.
01:20:44 So it's restored. Yeah.
01:20:45 That dominion was lost. It was transferred to the enemy.
01:20:49 The great controversy unfolds through history.
01:20:52 Jesus gains the victory at the cross. Amen.
01:20:55 He then empowers and delegates authority
01:20:58 to His followers to expand the kingdom
01:21:02 throughout the world.
01:21:03 In an organized way-- In an organized way.
01:21:06 And then the end result, the end goal is
01:21:10 that the former Dominion
01:21:11 the first Dominion is completely restored.
01:21:14 And you find this throughout scripture
01:21:16 in all kinds of language.
01:21:18 A scripture that immediately will just be familiar to people,
01:21:22 but we never think of it in this context
01:21:23 and now it make sense.
01:21:25 Jesus said, I'm gonna tell you something here,
01:21:28 "The meek shall inherit the earth."
01:21:31 Wow. That's right.
01:21:32 It's theirs, they are getting it back. Okay.
01:21:35 The earth is going to become-- Not the powerful,
01:21:37 not the controlling, not the coercive.
01:21:39 Right. But the meek.
01:21:40 The meek inherit the earth. Isn't that powerful?
01:21:43 It is, it's beautiful, it's absolutely beautiful.
01:21:47 Now, okay now the language first Dominion,
01:21:51 we want to give people the scriptures,
01:21:52 so they know where we derived this language from.
01:21:53 Its Micah 4, it's an Old Testament prophecy,
01:21:57 in Micah 4 and this beautiful,
01:22:01 this beautiful prophecy unfolds
01:22:03 that basically says in short form.
01:22:05 We only have five minutes, but this prophecy basically says
01:22:09 that God is working toward an end
01:22:11 in verses 3 and 4 of Micah 4.
01:22:14 Where people will not raise
01:22:16 swords of violence against one another any longer.
01:22:21 They'll beat their swords into plowshares.
01:22:22 Plowshares, yeah.
01:22:24 Into implements of agriculture. Okay.
01:22:27 Okay, so they can feed the hungry--
01:22:29 Spears into pruning hooks. Yeah, that's right.
01:22:31 That's the old spiritual. Ain't gonna study war no more.
01:22:34 Yeah, exactly. Yes, okay.
01:22:35 So there is--
01:22:36 Have you made any CD's?
01:22:38 Oh, no, I don't have quite the voice that you have.
01:22:41 No, I didn't mean that. No it's great.
01:22:43 You're lifting it up for the Lord. Amen.
01:22:44 So it's a great voice. Amen, that's right. Amen.
01:22:46 So then you have this idea,
01:22:48 Danny that God is working through history
01:22:52 to bring an end to war and violence
01:22:56 as a means of interaction for human beings.
01:22:59 And as this prophecy comes to conclusion in verse 8.
01:23:03 This is just so powerful, "And you, O tower of the flock,
01:23:06 The stronghold of the daughter of Zion,
01:23:09 To you it shall come," what will come?
01:23:12 "Even the first dominion shall come,
01:23:16 The kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem."
01:23:20 Now, King James Version is the first dominion.
01:23:24 New King James is even better here,
01:23:26 the former dominion.
01:23:28 Because that's saying, look back,
01:23:30 what is it used to have.
01:23:32 What was the former dominion? Eden.
01:23:35 A garden, a place where you need pruning hooks
01:23:39 and plough spears, not spears. Yeah.
01:23:42 It starts in a garden and it ends in a garden.
01:23:45 Ends in a garden, okay. Yeah.
01:23:46 So then we of course fast-forward
01:23:49 to where this picture is filled out with great detail,
01:23:51 Revelation 21 and 22. Yes.
01:23:56 Where God says, "I'm going to behold,
01:23:59 I make all things new." Wow.
01:24:01 Yes. That's great.
01:24:02 Everything is restored.
01:24:03 Planet earth becomes the home of the redeemed forever
01:24:08 the city of God, New Jerusalem is brought to this world.
01:24:12 God says and I, Myself will be there with you as your God
01:24:16 and you'll be My people. I'll be on my kingdom.
01:24:18 My throne will be established on planet earth
01:24:21 and forever and ever into eternity future.
01:24:24 This becomes His territory.
01:24:25 Yes, this little world ravaged by sin
01:24:30 taken captive by an enemy Lord,
01:24:33 completely restored.
01:24:35 This place where Jesus was crucified becomes His home
01:24:40 and the home of the Father and the Holy Spirit
01:24:42 and all the Holy Angels for eternity future.
01:24:44 This planet in rebellion becomes the most highly honored
01:24:48 of all the planets in the universe.
01:24:51 And God himself will reside here
01:24:53 and it's on that beautiful note that the story ends
01:24:56 and at that point it's only begun.
01:24:59 Eternity stretches out before us.
01:25:01 "The Love of God is greater far than
01:25:02 tongue or pen could ever tell, it goes beyond the highest star,
01:25:06 and reaches to the lowest hill."
01:25:08 Second verse, "If we with ink the ocean fill
01:25:11 and all the sky of parchment made.
01:25:13 And every man on earth
01:25:16 or every stalk on earth was a quill
01:25:18 and every man a scribe by trade.
01:25:20 To write the love of God above would drain the oceans dry.
01:25:24 Isn't that amazing the love of God.
01:25:25 So incredible. Praise God.
01:25:27 Thank you so much for this.
01:25:29 What we want to do is, is I wanna,
01:25:30 we are gonna come back we have time for prayer
01:25:32 but, maybe you can just put up your address
01:25:34 because we are not going to put up
01:25:35 the regular 45 seconds.
01:25:36 But you have an email or website?
01:25:40 Lightbearers.org. Okay.
01:25:41 And we could put the phone number up
01:25:43 541-988-3333. 541-988-3333.
01:25:50 There is just a couple of things,
01:25:52 they can get the DVD from 3ABN. Yes.
01:25:54 We've made that available.
01:25:55 Write to 3ABN for the Zambia DVD.
01:25:57 Okay, all right.
01:25:58 They call or write to us
01:26:01 or call us for the publication called "Territories"
01:26:04 that explains all of these concepts
01:26:06 in greater detail. Good.
01:26:07 And it's a beautiful magazine. Thank you so much.
01:26:10 So for us our hope is at the cross,
01:26:12 through the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:26:14 All we have to do is submit and commit our lives.
01:26:16 Nothing we've done are so bad
01:26:17 that God won't forgive us, right?
01:26:19 And if we stay within His will,
01:26:22 that protective hedge would be around us.
01:26:24 And Satan can rob us of some things
01:26:26 but he can't keep us from eternity, right?
01:26:28 Amen. Amen.
01:26:29 So it's our hope and prayer today.
01:26:30 I'm gonna ask Brother David,
01:26:31 we'll just go out praying tonight, all right. Okay.
01:26:33 We got some time, so take your time,
01:26:34 we want to pray for these folk at home.
01:26:37 Father in heaven, tonight we've walked through scripture
01:26:39 and we have seen there is a great conflict,
01:26:41 a great battle that is being waged over territories.
01:26:45 Not just physical geographical national territories,
01:26:48 but especially the territories of human hearts.
01:26:52 Father earlier Ty,
01:26:53 and I think Danny as well alluded
01:26:55 to that scripture in Revelation 3,
01:26:57 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock."
01:26:59 And, Father, if any of our viewers tonight feel that
01:27:02 Jesus is on the outside,
01:27:03 that God is on the outside knocking to come in,
01:27:05 I pray that they tonight would open that door
01:27:09 and that He would come in to their territory.
01:27:11 Father, please expand our borders.
01:27:14 Bless 3ABN, bless even our country,
01:27:18 we're worried about our country.
01:27:20 Help us to see that we are part of a large conflict
01:27:25 and authentic actual conflict that is taking place.
01:27:28 May we play our role faithfully trusting totally
01:27:31 to the righteousness of Christ.
01:27:34 In His name we pray, amen.
01:27:35 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17