Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), Danny Shelton (Host), Brad Peters, Cheri Peters
Series Code: TLB
Program Code: TLB011507
00:10 Hello and welcome back to 3ABN today live.
00:12 Thank you for joining us. I hope you got 00:15 to watch this first hour, if you didn't it's 00:17 not too late, we're gonna have a great 00:18 second hour, we already know one of the 00:20 reasons we knows we prayed and ask the 00:22 Lord to be here, amen, to rule and reign in this 00:24 session tonight, and we have felted. 00:27 And I don't know that I've ever, I have done 00:28 about 10 to 12000 programs, I don't know if 00:30 I've been involved in one that the first 00:32 hour is quicker. Lightening quick, that has 00:34 been for me, definitely the fastest program 00:36 I think we've ever, I've been involved in, 00:38 I couldn't believe the clock I kept looking and 00:40 said, what happen this hour, but that tells us 00:43 that we're where you had us you know, 00:45 sitting here on the edge of our seat Cheri. 00:48 We're with Cheri Peters and Brad her 00:50 husband Brad and I wanna thank you for 00:52 coming here to 3ABN and also want to 00:54 thank you for your friendship for not only 00:57 personally, ministry wise friend to 3ABN and, 01:01 amen, and friend of God of course, and I'm so 01:03 thankful for your own God's team. 01:05 And I know a number of people who tell me 01:09 Cheri Peter's programs has changed my life. 01:12 Meeting Cheri Peters has changed my life, 01:15 amen, because it gives me hope. 01:17 When I here where she's been from? 01:19 I said you know what? If she can do that I 01:21 can do it, amen. So, for you to stand up and 01:23 tell your testimony. Ellen White makes a 01:25 statement our Greatest Asset is our own 01:27 personal testimony and for what God has done 01:30 for us, amen. And you know, not only has God 01:34 given you this testimony, but now he 01:36 has given you incredible communication skills 01:39 to, to get this story out, yeah, and to do it with 01:43 the love and a fervor that people need to hear, 01:46 yeah, because I for one Brad said, well why don't 01:49 you join a Pentecostal church or what have you? 01:52 I'm frankly glad you, you join this one, 01:54 but that excitement you know; we can be 01:56 excited about things in this church too, amen. 01:58 And that's about Jesus and what He can do 02:00 for us, amen, and if we are not then maybe 02:02 shame on us, we should be more excited. 02:04 I go to churches and I tell the folks I traveled 02:07 around the world, I spoke into huge audiences 02:10 and you know, from small to huge audiences, 02:12 I don't get nervous anymore, it's been 02:13 26 years Brad, I say doctors and the attorneys, 02:16 and business people they don't intimidate me 02:18 anymore you know, but I'll tell you what does 02:21 intimidate me? Two things when you are too 02:23 quiet in church, the audience didn't talk bad 02:25 or when I know there is English teachers, yeah. 02:28 Those two things scare me and make me nervous, 02:30 so I say if you are an English teacher don't 02:32 let me know till after the day is over, yeah, 02:34 you know our services are over, but don't be 02:36 too quiet. And I tell folk when we're up upfront. 02:39 We don't wanna look like we're talking to people 02:41 who's been sucking on lemons all morning 02:43 before they came to church, yeah, we like to 02:44 see happy excited people, yeah, and we should be, 02:47 I mean who else should be more happy and 02:50 excited than Christians and Seventh-day 02:52 Adventist Christians who have present truth 02:54 to give to a lost and dying world, yeah. 02:55 And when the, the Bible says the joy alone is 02:58 our strength. Is our strength, is our strength. 02:59 Yeah, you were talking about being in, 03:01 in New Zealand just a couple of weeks ago 03:02 during that earthquake Danny and I were down 03:05 there couple of years ago and of course they, 03:06 they, they think its rude to talk when you're 03:08 singing on ministering? And we almost had a 03:10 heart attack trying to get those folks, 03:13 and like I said, no, no, no we'd never; 03:14 we would never talk back to you when you're, 03:15 when you're preaching you know. 03:16 You know what really I hate such thing. 03:17 But he did, they did loosen up some C.A. on 03:19 you before we left, yeah, yeah, we were 03:21 preaching each night and finally some really did 03:23 because I said, well for us we, we kind of our 03:26 respect is, not to be loud or not to be too noisy 03:29 and it's a respect you know to be quieter. 03:31 So, hey we, we honor that I mean we. 03:33 So, I was there couple of weeks ago and 03:36 we were doing after the Friday night meeting 03:38 there was five teams, New Zealand, 03:40 of pastors in New Zealand. There was five teams 03:42 of pastors and we were doing a prayer session 03:44 that lasted three hours with five teams. Wow! 03:47 And I mean it was just because the Holy Spirit 03:49 was there, and it was just incredible at our 03:50 camp meeting, but I'm praying and the whole 03:54 place is shaking and I mean we had just during 03:57 the prayer, just during the four hours I think 03:59 it was three different earthquakes during 04:02 that time, not major ones like they had. 04:04 You were thinking wow! There is power in His 04:06 prayer. Exactly, feels like the whole place is 04:08 shaking. Somebody saying, I'd like you to pray 04:11 for me because I'm fully, I'm, I'm just fearful 04:13 because we've had over 4000 earthquakes since 04:15 September and so as we were praying for her 04:18 fear, and I'm like, I didn't know how to do that, 04:22 but I, I want to just say to our friends in 04:24 New Zealand that we are praying for you, 04:26 and you have been through a lot in the last 04:28 little while. That's right, yes, yes. 04:30 And we, we love you and our praying for you, 04:32 I mean its, it's tremendous when you look 04:35 at the pictures and you look at the video, 04:37 the damage you know, to people and not at 04:39 only those lost their lives and those who 04:42 were injured, but just their ideas of homes and, 04:45 and buildings down and businesses and I mean 04:48 what this does to your lifestyle and, and 04:50 trying to get all of that back together. 04:52 But now that you have family all over the world 04:54 that really does love you. And it's really you're 04:58 on our heart and in our minds and I know that 05:01 at 3ABN here we have a lot of friends there, 05:04 and just that another people have been praying. 05:07 Yeah, wonderful. Yeah. Well, we were talking 05:09 about of course we will talk with Brad, 05:12 your husband and, and she had given us the 05:13 story and this was her short version believe 05:16 it or not, but through this hour I'll say its 05:18 quick version anyway, but we got all the 05:21 way through. Now, they're married and he 05:23 didn't know that he had, had married Sister 05:26 Teresa, her Mother Teresa just about sort of 05:29 speak because when you're married, 05:31 it wasn't, but all of a sudden you, you want 05:32 to get back to the Lord and in church, 05:35 not that you had totally left the Lord, 05:36 but you had left the building you call it, 05:38 and so you're back in other building, 05:40 so Brad says, well okay maybe I can go with 05:42 this, so you kind of just join the church and 05:45 feel like things are okay, yeah, but you really 05:47 don't have that desire to like she has to go 05:51 out and just Cheri wants to win the whole 05:53 world, yeah, yeah. Like I haven't seen anybody, 05:55 I've been in place with her. We went one night 05:57 to pizza place down in Marion with some folks, 06:00 and she wants to witness to everybody, yeah, 06:02 I mean she didn't even take time out to like 06:04 eat and you know talk, I don't care where 06:07 you are, she is gonna witness to people, yeah. 06:09 And then she wants to win the whole world, 06:10 but you're not quite at that point yet. 06:12 You know, let say she is like you know, 06:13 there is 20 foot ground fire, well I'm like a 06:15 little can that's turned over, trying to keep 06:18 the fun to soften you know. And, and so it 06:22 was real interesting, again I was teaching at 06:24 university, playing in the orchestra went to 06:27 this Jazz Festival and you know, she, she 06:30 would tell me from time-to-time you know, 06:32 God is telling me you're gonna lead this ministry 06:33 and I was like, yeah sure whatever. 06:35 And but it guns after a little while was kind 06:39 of like okay the Jazz Festival, the 06:40 administrative side you know, I was starting 06:42 to kind of burn out on that a little bit and 06:45 there was some change in the administration 06:46 at the university and, and I could kind of see 06:49 you know, okay maybe it's time to be doing 06:52 something different and what, what about 06:55 this you know, ministry and, and you know 06:57 I have been learning a ton of different skills 07:00 because of the festival, I mean production skills, 07:02 and event production, and dealing with people 07:04 and organization and, and you know all this stuff. 07:08 And so, kind of marching along and then lo 07:10 and behold that was like, well we've decided 07:13 not to renew your contract, I got laid off, 07:16 okay. So, now what, okay, time for me to come 07:20 to work, okay. Because now I believe right, 07:25 I'm good now, I'm good now, here we go 07:27 you know, and so it was real interesting to, 07:29 to kind. But at that point what was really 07:32 interesting is because I knew that it was like 07:34 it wasn't this heart felt thing. And so, I knew 07:36 that now we're gonna live together and work 07:38 together. And I had looked at him and I said, 07:39 do you know Hun unless you get like a year 07:42 of counseling that we had to start to learn as 07:46 we were together that it may mess us up 07:48 and so, we both started to look at who we 07:51 were communication skills and spiritually, 07:54 and at that point is when I watched Brad come 07:58 alive. Do you know what I mean? He started 08:00 to look at as a man of God, if he stood up 08:03 in that position with integrity, who is he as my 08:06 husband and at one point he came home from 08:09 ministry treat, he had never been to one. 08:10 If you haven't been to one and you're out there, 08:13 they, they change you. And so, he went to the 08:15 ministry treat and he came home and he sat 08:17 down across from me and he said, Cheri I'm 08:22 gonna win your heart everyday. Wow! 08:24 And I, that's what I said. Oh! Okay, yeah. 08:27 I said, I love ministry treat, are you kidding me. 08:30 That's really good. She loves ministry treat 08:34 now, yeah. And so, it was to me was real 08:36 interesting because we had, we had gone and 08:38 we started counseling, it was one of those 08:39 things and, and well this is kind of curious and 08:42 I hopefully speak to some of the other man 08:43 who maybe listening to this. For as crazy as 08:46 her background was and you heard me talk 08:47 earlier, mine was you know, solid American 08:50 middle class and I don't have any issues, 08:52 you're the one who needs it, you got the messed 08:54 up family you know and all that stuff, yeah. 08:56 And so, as we start to getting the counseling 08:57 soon its like oh! Okay, so I'm critical, I have 09:02 judgmental I, I'm she likes the word arrogant, 09:04 arrogant she says a lot. High expectations, 09:06 high expectations and all that stuff, 09:08 and you know, what we kind of bowl it up 09:09 and say, well this is good, just try for 09:11 excellence and do all that stuff, the reality is 09:13 this those can be just as damaging, yes, 09:15 to someone and sometimes more so because 09:18 they are socially acceptable. And so, here 09:20 we are walking along thing and I'm be in the, 09:22 the right doing and all the right thing and you 09:24 are just trashing your family emotionally, 09:26 and you don't even know it. And so, it was 09:29 interesting to starts, I went to this ministry 09:30 treat it was like okay, God I wanna message, 09:33 I'm ready, I'm ready and I keep saying, 09:34 I'm ready for the burning bush, 09:36 I want to come home someday and my hair will 09:37 be white and all the way back like this you know. 09:40 That will happen but it may take time that will happen. 09:44 And so you know, I went to the retreat 09:47 and the speakers were good, 09:48 but I'm getting nothing, I go out and meditate 09:49 for little while and I got meditate, 09:51 oh! God what do you want to tell me about Cheri 09:53 and my marriage and nothing, nothing. 09:54 So, I go back in and I'm talking with my friend Jack 09:57 and we're just talking about life and stuff 09:59 and he says this one thing. 10:00 And it was, if God had hit me with the lightening bolt 10:03 it was like, that's the message I mean it was 10:06 I felt electric, it was like that's the message. 10:08 And, and that led me to decide to change 10:12 the person we were doing our counseling with them, 10:14 and everyone was like you got to counsel this guy Joe, 10:17 Joe is amazing. And he is straight from the Bible. 10:19 This guy that's all he used. 10:21 Let me ask you Brad, now where you guys going 10:23 through some stuff, I mean because obviously 10:25 you're going home and he is kind of chilling 10:27 and you know, will you go, go onto some, 10:29 some social stuff together. Not, not let me, 10:32 let me say it from my side first; 10:33 since you get precisely, okay. 10:35 You know, to me it was like, it wasn't like 10:38 I didn't think the marriage was in trouble 10:40 although she on an emotional basis probably felt 10:43 that it was, but it was like it's not that we're in 10:46 big trouble and someone's beating each other up, 10:48 or someone is walking out the door, I actually want 10:50 to learn I want to learn to love for better, 10:52 that where we stepped in saying I think it's okay 10:54 and probably doing pretty good was my thing, 10:57 but I wanted to be better, okay. 10:59 So, it was really from that place and that if 11:01 we're gonna work together and once we started 11:02 doing the stuff, it was good 11:04 because as one person said, we're chalk and cheese. 11:06 We may look the same. 11:08 But don't exactly go together. 11:10 But they are not the same function, 11:13 but you know what, what I loved about it that, 11:15 that his spiritual growth is as he realize you know, 11:19 because I've never had a man in my life 11:22 that took spiritual leadership, I've never had someone 11:25 in my life that I could look at and know that that, 11:28 if a decision has to be made and that we're 11:31 back and forth on it, that I can trust you with my 11:33 heart to make that decision that, that final decision. 11:37 And when he started to do do that and I could 11:40 take a breath and realized that I, 11:41 I think I've wanted that my whole life. 11:43 You know, I think of, you know, 11:44 when I think most women don't have it, 11:46 and I shouldn't say most women, a lot of women 11:48 don't have it and don't realize that we wanted, 11:50 I mean I, I don't want to take leadership. 11:54 I don't want to be the one that makes the decision, 11:56 it's not my role, my role is to nurture and love 11:59 and to do, I mean all that kind of stuff 12:01 that is so cool that I'm actually good at, 12:03 and so as he took leadership, 12:05 as he fell in love with God, and then fell in love 12:07 with taking care of us as a family. 12:11 It was amazing, it was amazing, 12:14 that was everything that I had ever dreamed off 12:16 in my whole life, not even knowing, 12:18 that was a desire of my heart, 12:19 is to have that in my home. 12:21 So, for me it was very interesting that, 12:24 that experience of the Ministry Treat 12:25 led us to work with this guy name Joe, 12:27 and Joe I mean just climbed inside your heart 12:29 God did because it's, it's, it's really a prayer 12:32 based ministry and a spirit led ministry as far as the, 12:35 the counseling and working on your issues, 12:37 and I mean just under covered a married stuff. 12:40 And then what was real interesting to was my dad 12:43 passed away kind of during this period 12:45 and a number of things in, in the process of 12:47 cleaning out the basement of my house, 12:49 I discovered a bunch of stuff that led to me 12:54 inheriting things on a generational bases 12:56 that I didn't even know about. 12:58 And I started learning about my family 13:00 and characteristics about my family, 13:02 and I love my family and I say this 13:04 with all the compassion in the world, 13:05 but discovered that I inherit the critical judgment 13:08 and, and all that litigious stuff from my mom, 13:10 born at a little tiny town in Northern Wisconsin, 13:12 250 people German immigrants for parents you know, 13:17 and all the girls there by the time 13:18 they are at high school were pregnant 13:20 married to a guy working in the saw mill 13:21 where they wanted something better for, 13:23 for their daughter. So, she wasn't allow to play 13:25 with the kids in that town, was sent 13:26 to boarding school and you are better. 13:28 Better, you're better than that. 13:29 So, I inherited that. 13:30 So, kind of litigious mindset from, 13:31 from your ghetto yeah. And I didn't even know 13:33 it discovered and, and, and that my dad 13:37 had a pornography addiction and a sexual 13:39 some kind of stuff that way, find out that his dad did 13:42 because I was cleaning out the basement 13:43 I found my dad stuff and my grandpa stuff. 13:46 You know, and by today standard they were nothing, 13:48 but still I knew exactly what it was. 13:50 So, I have been, I have been subjected to that 13:53 and because there is no spiritual leadership 13:54 in the household, we're left vulnerable, 13:57 we're unprotected, do we got nothing 13:59 going on you know, and so as all that, 14:01 if God starts pealing back the layers so on. 14:04 Let me, let me just say one, one thing about with, 14:06 with Brad when he finds out the stuff 14:08 about his dad's addiction and the pornography 14:11 and all that kind of stuff, we realize this 14:12 throughout the years where he has kind of played 14:15 with that addiction and at one point decides 14:18 to come to me and ask me for forgiveness 14:21 and not that he ever had to mean, 14:22 my background was really wild and, 14:24 and you know, I just felt like 14:25 you don't have t do that, but God said I want you 14:27 to do that for her, I want you to say 14:29 I'm sorry that I, I, I'm sorry 14:31 that I didn't save myself for you, 14:33 I'm sorry that I have all the stuff, I'm sorry and, 14:36 and, and I'm also sorry for the abuse that you had 14:38 in your life and with the tears in his eyes 14:40 he just cleaned up that stuff in his heart. 14:43 And as he was cleaning up that stuff in his heart 14:45 I just was, I just was won, I was won, I was, 14:50 you know and, and I think that for a lot of men 14:52 and women when we work together 14:54 that we don't realize, when God says you know, 14:56 confessed to each other, pray for each other, 14:59 so that you can be healed, get rid of that stuff, 15:01 so that I can show you what it feels like 15:03 to be together with the clean heart. 15:05 And I, I think that I didn't realize how powerful 15:08 that was, and how much God that wants that for us? 15:11 And, and the more that he did, the more that he, 15:15 I won, I was won over is more than he wanted to do 15:18 and then the more I was won over, 15:20 and it was just absolutely awesome. 15:24 And I've got to just say that that you know, the, 15:27 the free offer that we're talking about tonight 15:28 is that Brad realizes the power of even men 15:33 in our lives praying for us and covering us 15:36 and my step dad, who is alcoholic and dying of cancer 15:40 and his alcoholism and his drug addiction and, 15:42 and not Christian at one point Brad feels like 15:46 I really like to pray for him because he is sick, 15:48 got sent home from the hospital and hospice care. 15:50 And I talk about that on the DVD, but he goes and, 15:54 and brings my, my step dad brings him 15:57 to Christ before he dies. Wow! And, and who would 16:00 have known that this is guy that wasn't even 16:02 standing up and when he did stand up, 16:04 he changed everything, changed everything, yeah. 16:07 And, he now just being able to say that that, 16:09 that now as he stepping up is, is I heard him talking 16:13 one time and he was talking to somebody you know, 16:16 I think I'm joining Cheri In the ministry and he says, 16:18 you know what do you do then? 16:20 He says, well I'm the President. 16:24 And I am listening to this, I think 16:26 he is a President, wait a minute. 16:27 And but, but soon as I said wait a minute 16:30 God said, he is the President, you know, 16:32 it is the, the leadership has to be the way 16:35 has to be, okay. And I, I thought, I thought 16:38 how funny that God, God says I know where people 16:40 are gonna stand I just needed to clean up 16:43 and surrender and then I can stand to them. 16:45 Yeah, wow! We, we want to for those of you at home, 16:48 if you have questions or comments, 16:49 we have some already coming in, 16:51 but hopefully the last maybe 15-20 minutes 16:54 we'll take some of these and go through, 16:56 so we've ask you, if you want to just again 16:58 you can call us at (618) 627-4651, 17:02 or the freeoffer@3abn, right? 17:05 Yeah, freeoffer@3abn and then if you want 17:07 to send in questions, L.I.V.E. okay, 17:10 for, for your questions. 17:12 You know, if, if you guys ever write a second sequel 17:15 to your first book or you may you call it Oh! Baby. 17:20 Hey that's a good name Oh! Baby, 17:21 because you started with Oh! Baby, Oh! Baby. 17:23 Of course God shows you now that he has given you 17:25 a man of God, so now you'll say it Oh! Baby. 17:27 You know, exactly, exactly, okay. 17:30 It is amazing. It is very powerful. 17:31 And you know and, and what's really incredible now 17:34 is that then at the entire time that God has laid 17:38 this on my heart to work with someone is 17:41 when I came into my recovery 17:42 there was really no place to go. 17:44 You know, it was like I came from the streets 17:46 and I really didn't have any place I could actually 17:49 just go and, and spend sometime getting 17:51 in my life to get and whatever. 17:52 And I've always wanted to do that and so, as a 17:55 Brad is standing now, we, years ago I wrote, 18:00 if I had a dream in place what would it look like? 18:04 And, and I thought you know, wouldn't it be fun 18:07 to have a place a recovery house for you could come 18:10 and do your 3 months or 15 months 18:12 whatever it took you to do your recovery, 18:14 but I've some really cool things 18:15 that you can do in the mean time. 18:17 And so you know, I'm always going to juvenile halls 18:19 and jails and, and prisons and rehab centers 18:22 and all that kind of stuff, so I thought you know, 18:24 as you come in, we'll teach you to stand up like 18:28 David Asscherick has that Evangelistic Center, 18:30 where you learned to be in evangelism, right. 18:32 But you know, how about somebody learning 18:34 to stand up and give their testimony 18:36 and going out and talking about that, 18:37 so I thought it be kind of like that. 18:39 And so, I thought you know, what we need 18:41 a little kind of studio, television studio, 18:44 so we can put the testimony on DVD in case 18:47 we want to show that and, and wait in them, 18:49 so if people are in recovery let's get them certified 18:51 in different things in sound, in editing 18:53 and writing and, and been able to do that and so, 18:56 when they leave the program 18:57 they have some certification, sure. 18:59 Let's do a music studio in case we want to do DVDs 19:01 and Brad done the music and so wrote all this up. 19:04 And at this point and I brought some drawings 19:08 of the place that we're actually looking at. 19:10 We, we had, we have a picture 19:11 I believe of the residence, okay, 19:13 or we could take a look of that, okay. 19:15 And understand that this is a really the dream 19:19 has been Cheri's for a long time by God's grace, yeah, 19:24 we got some people to put some drawings 19:26 together for us that I mean really, 19:29 it's, it's really fun we've, we've been in touch 19:30 with the, a contracting company, a Christian based 19:33 contracting company, and so is, is the Star Center 19:37 is what it will be called, and so. 19:38 And star saving those, saving at those at risk. 19:41 Wow! So, so somebody said you know, 19:43 what if they don't want to do media and, and so, 19:46 so we said, well let's do a vegan vegetarian 19:49 little cafe and teach culinary arts you know, 19:52 and let's having an organic garden 19:54 and grow some organic garden stuff. 19:56 And, and so what ever do we in the community 19:58 with that, oh! We'll let's feed take meals 20:01 to people in hospice cares. 20:02 Let's take meals to people that are shut ins. 20:05 And so, as you're going through this program 20:07 let's teach you this, let's grow some garden stuff, 20:10 let's learn about health and healthy living 20:13 and eating and then that's 20:14 how we reach out to the community. 20:15 And so, as its developing what's really fun 20:18 about that is Brad standing up in a time where the, 20:22 the dream was kind of, is coming to a point 20:26 where everything is starting to happen. 20:27 And I don't think it could have happened 20:30 had he not been standing up, right. 20:33 And so, it's to me it's just an amazing God's timing. 20:36 And, and so what's really kind of fun in, 20:38 we have another little picture that I think 20:40 is of the, the site itself, so there is three 20:42 buildings one will be a residence that would house 20:44 about 12 people, then one is the, the media center 20:47 classrooms with the TV studio and, and, and classrooms 20:51 where they will get you know work on healing 20:54 their hearts and learning about God really, 20:56 and then the other would be the cafe 20:58 with the kitchen and what not. 20:59 And so, looking back is very interesting 21:01 that I sold real estate for eight years, 21:03 so here is an actual construction project 21:05 that I at least have some background in putting 21:08 stuff up from scratch what the concepts are? 21:10 Yeah. With the events all the stuff with Jean Harrison, 21:13 the event production that you know, organizing 21:16 something on that capacity, and having some 21:18 understanding about hanging lights and you know and, 21:21 and all that I mean God has so prepared for this time. 21:24 And, and I'm gonna say real quick and I had 21:27 this thing happened to me the other day 21:28 I'm involved with team in training, 21:31 which is a leukemia society thing that deals 21:34 with fighting cancer and they do it by doing 21:36 marathons, triathlons and hundred mile bike rides, 21:39 so I've done 5000 miles on my bike 21:42 in the last two years. Wow! Praise God. 21:44 And I'm the official coach, so we endorse because 21:46 this winter and training and Cheri is off ministering 21:48 in New Hampshire somewhere, and you know, 21:50 and, and it's one of those things during 21:52 on my healing and stuff there is 1.2 as you know, 21:54 like ECGs yeah, he is right there, 21:56 but I can't feel them, my arms are too short 21:58 to reach him, I mean this is literally in my mind, 22:00 these are the visions, its there but you know, 22:02 I can't get there yet. And so, I'm paddling away 22:05 on the spin bike and I know she is in New Hampshire 22:07 doing a presentation and all of the sudden 22:09 I literally felt it was like yellow fire 22:13 right in front of me, I mean almost visual 22:16 and I felt the warmth of Christ hands 22:19 on my shoulders like for about 5 seconds 22:21 and during that same time, all I think was about her, 22:24 is I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, 22:26 and it was like the love of Christ was flowing 22:29 through to me to meet her, I'm sitting 22:30 on the spin bike, oh there are other people, 22:33 and she like, okay I probably can't talk 22:35 about this right now, what your speed, 22:39 I can do a bit in appropriate, but you know to me 22:41 it was like God is so unbelievably in present 22:44 and what's really fun is I've, I've, I've caught 22:47 the vision and, and, and inspiration and you know, 22:50 when it's, it's we're just, we're really 22:52 excited about what's taking place. 22:54 Go, go ahead. Can I say something that that 22:57 I think that, and this may sound crazy, 23:00 but I figured out that with the cost of all this 23:04 and staff, if we had 500 people give a $1000, 23:07 I just had to say that out loud, 23:09 and that's not you know, and so every time 23:12 I go out now I just say, okay, you know, 23:14 that it everybody just give something 23:16 we could actually. We could make this. 23:17 That's that I wanna talk to the viewers 23:19 about right now. Yeah. And we, we're gonna 23:21 have a prayer in just a moment, 23:23 I'm gonna ask Pastor C.A. Murray to pray 23:26 and we're gonna ask the Holy Spirit 23:28 as the Holy Spirit impresses you. 23:30 The Lord maybe saying to you, 23:32 what is this you have in your hand? 23:33 Maybe you have something that you can send 23:35 a junk and you are willing to sale it, 23:37 you are willing to get rid of it maybe you are in, 23:40 in a business and you say, Lord if you give me an 23:42 extra percentage as investment I'll, I'll give 23:45 it to the ministry of True Step, I, I'll give it, 23:48 I'll do, whatever you just be open Lord 23:50 what would you have me to do? 23:52 And we know there is all kinds of projects going on, 23:54 but really what, all that matters James says 23:57 that that what true Christianity is, 24:00 and I know you know this well, is helping those 24:02 basically who can't help themselves, amen. 24:04 Motherless, the children, those that are like you 24:08 so vulnerable and take an advantage of him, 24:10 what you guys are doing is, is, is it's like, 24:13 I see this complex is bringing a lot of youth, 24:16 lot of Cheri's and, and now equipping them 24:20 and doing it in a way that that's an organized way 24:24 that can help people and from your experience, 24:25 where you had to take each step by yourself. 24:28 We don't want somebody come in and then 24:29 going back out for a while because they didn't know 24:32 how to deal with all of this? Exactly. 24:34 And with the experience that you have and so, 24:36 this is something that coming souls for eternity, 24:39 so there is really nothing more important 24:41 and it's not the buildings that are important, 24:42 but buildings are necessary. And so, as we see this 24:46 we want to get together with you in prayer 24:47 and we're gonna ask you and we want to put up 24:49 an address after the prayer. 24:51 And how you can contact them 24:53 and some of you can do more than that, 24:55 some of, there is people that honestly 24:57 can send a $100,000, there is somebody send 50, 25:00 there is somebody that only sends $5, amen, amen. 25:03 But 3ABN has kept going by thousands of people 25:05 every month, yeah, that are giving $10, $50, or $100 25:09 and there are those who send a 1000 from time-to-time. 25:12 So, believe that we're on the same team. 25:15 People used to say, well how do you going 25:17 your program everyday and all your guest 25:18 you raise money for them? 25:20 I say, well we're all on the same team, amen. 25:23 And the Lord blesses all of us, so when our, 25:25 as we're willing to reach out and so, 25:26 we want you to really think about and pray 25:28 about you've heard the testimonies, 25:30 you see what they're doing, hopefully you've caught 25:33 the vision and we want to support that, 25:35 so I'm gonna ask Pastor C.A. Murray, 25:37 if you will just pray for us. 25:38 Let's join hands here, let's do, alright. 25:42 Gracious Father, we come to you now, 25:44 and our hearts are glad, we're happy, we're excited. 25:47 We're happy for the moving of God 25:50 not only in Brad and Cheri's life, 25:53 but in this room and in these ministries, 25:55 we have seen tonight the unfolding of a brand 25:59 new vision. And we pray God that the same excitement, 26:04 which aminates our souls will fill the hearts 26:07 and minds of those who have the funds that can be used 26:11 to lift up the name of Jesus and further the gospel 26:15 in this, this new venture, this new ministry 26:17 for Christ. Father God, first of all we pray 26:20 your blessing on Cheri and Brad. 26:23 We know that whenever we stand up for you, 26:26 Satan stands up to appose, but we also know 26:30 that greater is he that is in us, amen, 26:32 than he that is in the world. 26:34 And so, we commend them to you to move them from 26:38 strength-to-strength and victory-to-victory, amen, 26:42 until this ministry is made a full reality 26:45 and hundreds, thousands of lost souls, yes, 26:49 can come and find their way to the very throne 26:54 will move God, amen, to the foot of the cross, yes, 26:57 to the heart of Jesus. Father even now touch those 27:00 who are thinking about what to do with their money, 27:04 who may be even ask me Lord, 27:06 where should I place my money? 27:07 What can I do to help the cause of Christ? 27:10 Yes. Lord, convict them, convince them 27:13 that this is a worthy project, 27:15 but more than that it's God's project. Yeah, amen. 27:19 It's Christ project, amen. It's something that you 27:22 prepared these two wonderful Christians for, 27:25 for a long time Lord you've, you've given 27:28 Brad skills and, yes, and, and, and abilities, 27:31 you've prepared him for this time and certainly 27:35 you have called Cheri, yeah, to the field 27:38 for such a time as this. And we're happy at 3ABN 27:41 to just have the opportunity, yes, 27:43 to share their vision with the world. 27:46 And so, Father I commend them to you 27:48 and ask you in the name of Jesus, yes, 27:51 to give them Heaven's very best, amen, 27:54 and move this ministry along, let it become 27:57 a reality, so that thousands can find the way 28:00 to Christ Lord, alright, we love you, we praise you 28:02 and we thank you for your promise to answer 28:05 the prayer faith in Jesus name, amen, amen, amen. 28:10 I have reason to believe in miracles 28:12 like the dawn expects the sun, 28:13 I will not accept defeat from my trust in him 28:16 is complete, again my victory, 28:18 is already been won. I love that. 28:20 So, I praise, I praise the Lord for that 28:23 to take the chorus. Good deal. 28:24 It's a chorus of the song, but it's, it's a wonderful 28:27 song I've reason to believe in miracles 28:29 like the dawn expects the sun, 28:31 so right now you all are looking for a miracle, 28:33 we are, God has done many, many miracles, amen. 28:36 So, it doesn't make any difference, if you needs 28:38 are thousand dollars or million dollars 28:41 because God is, has all the resources, 28:44 all the resources. You know what I, 28:45 what I love Danny too about you know? 28:46 I would like every church to know that if you have 28:49 somebody that you don't know what to do with them, 28:51 call us up, send them to us. 28:53 If you have a pastor that wants to work 28:55 with all those people, send them to us, 28:57 let us go and have programs that teach not only 28:59 the idea how to do that, but the person 29:02 that's interesting in that ministry because I know 29:05 that God has a need and a plan for all of us. 29:09 You know what I mean? That anybody standing up 29:11 is you can stand them up and send them out, 29:13 it's just huge. I ask you a question. 29:15 Let's put up, let's put up the address, 29:16 it's good time to do, well we're thinking about it, 29:18 we'd like to put up the address, 29:19 if the Holy Spirit is impressing, yeah, 29:21 you want to contact and you have questions, 29:23 you want to donate to them, you want to find out 29:25 about the materials, they have available for you, 29:27 you may do so at the following address. 29:33 If you would like to contact Cheri Peters 29:35 or if you would like to support her ministry, 29:36 then you can write to True Step Ministries, 29:39 PO Box 163, Kuna, Idaho, 83634. 29:44 That's True Step Ministries, PO Box 163, 29:49 Kuna, Idaho, 83634. You can call her at 29:53 (208) 562-8477, that's (208) 562-8477, 30:00 or you can visit her website for testimonies, 30:03 live event information and more at, 30:07 it's all one word 30:11 Contact her today, she will love to hear from you. 30:17 Okay, we've got about 27 some minutes left, 30:19 we want to finish up and I know you got a little more 30:22 to talk about, then we'll ask you few questions 30:23 from the audience. So, we have a couple 30:25 of other things that we're really excited about is 30:27 through this process of the healing, 30:29 Cheri and I have done we've realized that getting 30:32 couples to stand up together is really something 30:35 that God delights in, we call to be the light 30:39 of the world and walking what is that mean? 30:40 You know, I want, when she and I walking to the room 30:43 together people look at how much we love and they go, 30:45 man I want a piece of that. How they can do that? 30:47 What's going on with that? 30:48 You know, yeah, and so, we're starting to do 30:50 counseling that way, in fact we did, couples retreat, 30:53 couples and we're, we're planning our first ever 30:55 couples retreat in November this year. 30:56 Again you can find out about it at the website, 30:58 it's in this wonderful place up in Mccall, Idaho, 31:00 its beautiful camp right to heaven. 31:02 I don't know if you're familiar with that, 31:04 but it's, its part of our Adventist network 31:07 of places to go and it's beautiful in Payette lake. 31:09 And so, we're offering that and another thing 31:12 we're excited about again through the, 31:14 the team in training stuff is we have receive 31:17 donations of one of the people works at the shoe, 31:22 a shoe store, running shoe, and people go 31:24 and buy these $100, $150, $200 running shoes 31:26 and they wear them for a week and then, 31:28 and it's like, well they don't fit me 31:29 and then bring them back, for a day, 31:30 sometimes for a day. We have been donated to us 31:34 some boxes of these, I mean, so probably it has 31:37 4, 500 pairs of shoes. Wow! And so, so then somebody 31:41 from Australia that little girl said, she watched her 31:44 during the flood, she watched her shoe float 31:46 down the thing and she lost her shoes 31:48 and so we're taking for, because I'm speaking 31:50 at AYC with you C.A, yeah, in June. 31:53 And so, we're taking 700 pairs of shoes for people 31:56 that lost their shoes during the flood. 31:58 That's great. And the guys are gonna continue, 32:00 so the people in Haiti because you have 32:01 that clinic in Haiti, yes good, 32:03 it's been bringing some shoes over. Oh! Yeah. 32:05 So, it's really fun to just say, God whatever we can 32:08 put in our hands, let to put in our hands, 32:09 so that we can send out. 32:10 Cheri we got to ask you a question, yes. 32:13 How did it feel to you, what went on your mind 32:17 when after so many years of sort of chariness 32:20 brought by yourself and praying for the mate 32:23 that would help you with this? 32:24 When, when God reveal to you, here is your guy, 32:27 he is onboard with you? 32:29 How did you, you want to do this by our self anymore? 32:31 How did it, how did it feel to you? 32:33 I can even tell you it's felt like, I always thought 32:36 that you know what I'm going to have somebody 32:38 finally love me on the second coming, 32:39 when Jesus comes back and it will all make sense 32:42 and this pain will lift. But when Brad came in 32:45 and took that position and pain started to leave then 32:48 and Jesus said, I plan victory for you now 32:51 not only at the second coming, 32:53 but I want you to have life abundantly now. 32:56 I wanted to weep like a baby because I never felt 32:59 that God really does want us to experience, 33:04 what it feels like to be truly love, 33:07 and to love the people around you. 33:08 And all of the sudden I realized that the gospel 33:10 is bigger than I imagined, that's it. 33:14 You know, yeah, yesterday and you are witness 33:16 to this yesterday Brad is playing in the studio for, 33:20 he is playing beautiful, how great that work kind 33:22 of medley something else, yeah, with that beautiful. 33:25 And so, you and me and I think Dr. Louis was here 33:29 and John Lomacang, Tim, Tim Partner, 33:32 there was a number of us who sat here in the studio 33:34 and Brad is playing and he is doing this 33:36 real great job and he is playing and we're all 33:39 listening you know with, with you know, 33:41 just kind of and all of a sudden this, 33:43 this I don't know what it was the street fly passed us 33:46 and it, and it's up like haa, and its her, 33:50 and it's like. I love it. 33:52 It was like now wait a minute. 33:53 It was like what was that. 33:54 Haven't you ever seen him play before? I have. 33:57 And she was just and the person beside me said 33:59 look at her she is madly in love with him. Yeah. 34:01 And I said, well she really is. 34:03 She really throws her arms around, 34:04 yeah, yeah, she really is the groom. 34:06 Yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm not even sure 34:07 he has through playing the, the song 34:09 and she was like oh! But that was cute, 34:11 I mean it was wonderful. It really was. 34:13 I watch that you support him so much. 34:15 I watch this incredible musician, 34:17 a classical musician, he is, he has played the molar 34:21 with the San Francisco symphony, 34:22 he has done great stuff, yeah, in his career 34:25 and now he is dedicating, he is playing to God 34:27 and to me, yeah. God you know, the change is just 34:31 so amazing to me. He hit this one high end note 34:34 and he bit that and she went flying by. 34:36 Yeah, didn't she? Yeah, she was like, 34:38 oh! Baby all over the day. Oh! Baby. 34:40 I'm back, yeah, that maybe the next book. 34:42 That's your next book, the next book, oh! Baby, 34:44 alright, oh! Baby alright. 34:46 Let's do a couple of questions right now 34:48 and then if you got other thoughts, 34:50 on finishing things we're gonna do, 34:52 we'll do it, well we told the folks we would. 34:53 This caller says, I've had addictions 34:56 in my whole life, I manage to get over alcohol, 34:58 tobacco, food, I manage to handle those addictions, 35:02 but I have a pornography addiction 35:03 that I cannot get control. 35:05 Can you give me some advice how do I 35:07 overcome this addiction that I have? 35:11 What's really hard about porn addictions 35:13 or sexual addictions is, because they are 35:15 so shame based, we do them in silence. 35:17 You know what I mean? And, and so the other ones 35:20 I can tell you that you know what it's hard for me 35:21 to quit smoking and you can sympathize with me, 35:23 but I'm not gonna tell you I'm online 35:25 porn on most nights, you know what I mean? 35:27 So, it's a very silent thing. And so, most addiction 35:30 you have to start bring an accountability and, 35:33 and you guys know Bernie Anderson has a ministry 35:36 online with Triple X Church and that kind of thing, 35:38 but, but you know, so you really need to say out loud 35:42 to somebody that this is what I'm struggling with, 35:45 getting the accountability partner, 35:47 get someone that you can say you know, 35:50 this has got me every single time I turn around then 35:54 and we used porn addictions, or sexual addictions we, 35:58 we, we used them when we feel stress, 36:00 when we feel disrespected, 36:02 when we feel out of control, when I'm angry? 36:04 There are so many things that that our sexual 36:06 addictions cover that it's almost like somebody 36:09 that's really got an anxiety disorder 36:12 and they take Valium, but for sex addict 36:14 we do sexual things we get online. 36:17 And so, you really have to get in accountability 36:20 to your partner and then learn to deal 36:21 with your stress in the different way. 36:22 And it all takes time, and you? 36:24 One other things that I think is, is interesting 36:26 and again I am gonna speak to men 36:28 and there are women who have this addiction as well, 36:30 but the men in particular is, is the studies 36:33 have shown that with men when they are involved 36:37 with this, they actually wined up creating 36:40 a chemical bonding with the image on the screen 36:44 that neurochemically this is what happened you know, 36:47 rewind and rebind to it with your brain to where you, 36:50 you can't have a relationship with the real person 36:52 because you've created it with this image 36:54 on the screen, yeah, yeah. And so the, the depth 36:57 and the insidiousness of Satan's plot 37:00 with this is so great. So, what you've got, 37:02 you really do have to start to reprogram your brain 37:05 and the other thing Cheri talked about, 37:07 but kind of having that understanding something 37:09 is like you've actually bonded with the image of. 37:11 It's very true, I was talking to a Ph.D. in psychology 37:13 just today several hours ago, he said the exact 37:16 same thing, you develop this bond 37:18 with this virtual image and so that reality 37:22 you don't even want flesh and blood, right, 37:24 you're, you're in love with by you see on the screen, 37:26 you're really made yourself to this, 37:28 this satisfied with reality, you rather have virtual 37:31 and you'll love the screen more than you love, 37:33 even the person lying in bed with you at night. 37:35 But unfortunately nobody is deceived 37:39 enough to think that that's real to the bottom 37:42 of their heart, precisely. 37:43 And so you have that grief reaction 37:44 on top of everything, so you, you really get fed 37:48 with the porn stuff, but then you've to wake up 37:50 next to yourself, yeah. And, and you are ashamed 37:52 and grieved and all that kind of stuff. 37:54 And so, being able to that is the saddest addiction 37:57 because it's an addiction against our own bodies, 37:59 yes, yes, it's against oneself. 38:00 And so, being able to says that that we wiring 38:02 and that we connecting with the people around you 38:05 to your own body it takes time, 38:08 but when you got it oh! I just, when you get it, 38:11 you get it, and you get your life back. 38:12 Praise the Lord. And they say, that the percentage of, 38:15 of what, how you can love other people 38:16 we knew how porn addictions or sexual addictions 38:19 is you can love someone else maybe 3 to 5%, 38:22 so 95% you really are disconnected 38:26 from the people around you, and I'm talking about 38:28 spouses, children's, friends because with the porn 38:32 addiction you start to disconnect with what's real, 38:34 and you connect with this event to this object. 38:36 And, and so to me when somebody says out loud 38:39 like this guy I just want to say, I love you and I do, 38:43 and, and I, and, and, and fight for this one, yeah, 38:46 is this one is a sin against your own body 38:48 and will take everything from you eventually, 38:51 rob you from everything, yes, yes, 38:53 you maybe able to play it off socially, 38:54 but you are not connecting. 38:56 But what classifies that though as an addiction 38:59 versus Brad just a, a man's natural attraction 39:03 to woman, or woman's natural attraction to a man. 39:05 And, and so you look at somebody 39:08 and they are attractive or they whatever, yeah, 39:10 what, what really separate, is there is a line 39:13 like is there something that you cross 39:14 that all of a sudden you say, look I'm, I'm, I'm. 39:17 I better pay attention. Yeah, yeah. 39:19 Where it is, they really? There it is actually, 39:21 and, and you can kind of go down a checklist 39:23 some other things include you know, 39:25 is it starting to interfere with your ability 39:27 to perform your job, is it starting to interfere 39:30 with your ability to go have fun and you stop 39:33 playing basketball on Tuesday nights. 39:35 Because I know Tuesday night I can get 39:36 to the computer when nobody is around. 39:38 yeah you know its going to bug me 39:39 You know, is it costing me money, 39:40 is it causing me to stop spending time 39:42 with my family or my children. 39:44 And I looked at my wife differently 39:45 and my husband differently, am I saying you know, 39:47 I wish, I wish she looked more like this image 39:51 or I wish she would dress sexier you know, 39:53 and so all of the sudden, yeah all of the sudden 39:55 this comes to your mind more than before 39:58 or when somebody disrespects me 40:01 within how much time am I online, do you know? 40:05 All of the sudden I'm, I'm being disrespect 40:07 or I'm getting angrier or whatever 40:09 and at what point do I online and almost 40:12 like what point am I using it like a drug. 40:14 Okay, so there are signs that spouses can maybe 40:17 they see certain changes, yes, in their husband 40:20 and their wife and they say. 40:21 Yes, it's a, it's a, it's a red flag 40:24 and again speaking to the man, 40:25 we desire intimacy just as a woman does. 40:30 Sometimes we don't know that's something 40:32 that we want and quite often for men 40:34 they're trying to get that intimacy and again until 40:37 you're kind of unshackle your heart sometimes 40:39 you don't know how do get it, 40:40 you don't know how to express it, 40:41 and you may not be able to feel and, 40:43 and again the instant gratification that comes 40:45 with the pornography and the ease of it 40:47 and all that stuff can just pull you 40:49 so far away from that, but what you really looking 40:51 for is that interconnect where you're caring 40:54 for someone's heart next to you. 40:55 Evidently there is a little bit of more this, 40:57 a lot more this in the church and we, okay, 41:00 you think here and here is another question, 41:01 this person didn't sign but it's that same question. 41:03 What do you do with the sex, with sex addiction? 41:05 So, it's there. You know, it's there whether we talk 41:07 about or not it is there. And let me just say 41:09 you what's really interesting about even 41:11 Bernie Anderson's Ministry or you can call Lawson 41:13 and start working on these kind of issues is that, 41:17 is that you have to do stops like I, 41:20 you know I wanted to tell somebody I want to get 41:21 a filter on my computer, I wanted there is a, 41:24 there is a filter that you can get on your computer 41:26 that soon as you go online anything 41:27 unquestionable side, it goes out emails 41:31 go out to five different people 41:32 and you chose the five people, 41:34 but those five will then email you and say, 41:36 hey what's up buddy? You know, and so it's like 41:39 you know, it's like that if you really want 41:41 to get well there are so many ways to do it 41:44 and it's tough, yeah, and you can't be ashamed by it. 41:46 It is like you know, when Jesus said, 41:48 I came and died for you, I came and died for you 41:51 because these issues are huge, the devil has us, 41:53 has us in bondage and so you know, 41:58 God says you know, I'm not coming down 41:59 because you kind of need me, you are so loss, 42:02 so you are not connecting with anybody anymore, 42:04 you're so loss that that you're, you're, 42:06 you're even saying that you know what 42:08 I, I, I need help and with these other things I can, 42:12 I can kind of deal with that, but this one has me. 42:15 And so and, and I, and the only reason I can say 42:18 that is I can sympathize with people 42:20 that have those kind of deeper addictions 42:23 because you know from where I came from 42:25 those were all on the table for me 42:26 and when God sets us free, we're free indeed, 42:29 Sia Louis said, here was sort of afraid, 42:32 Sia Louis is Christian writer and well known 42:34 and he said, he just, it kills him to think 42:38 I have to give this addiction up. 42:39 You know because you know, you get your need 42:41 some at this way, you think it works 42:42 and all that kind of stuff and he realizes, 42:44 okay I'm gonna give it up and I know that means 42:47 I never gonna have fun anymore, 42:48 I'm never gonna be satisfied anymore, 42:50 I'm never gonna have any kind of sexual stuff anymore, 42:53 but I love God so here and He finally gives it to God, 42:56 God untwisted, He cleans it up 42:58 and gives them a sexuality back. 43:00 And he actually has this intimacy 43:02 which he had been searching for the whole time 43:04 and he said, I was I don't know. 43:06 The God didn't want to steal anything from me, 43:08 yeah He wanted to give me something that was real. 43:11 Wow! And not so the devil lies to us 43:13 is that the devil tangled this in front of us 43:15 and says it's real, it's never been real. Yeah. 43:17 You have an online addiction with an image, 43:20 may not even be the same girl you maybe talking 43:22 to a 300 pound woman behind that screen and, 43:25 and you don't even know that this image 43:27 is not even her. Yeah, yeah. And the devil, 43:28 and God says I'm gonna give you what's real 43:31 and you will be satisfied, Brad 43:33 and I love each other and as a man and wife 43:36 we're totally satisfied with each other. 43:38 And that's only because we've surrendered 43:40 all the addictive stuff. So if you're out there 43:43 and you're listening to my voices the lies 43:45 will keep you in bondage, God says I actually 43:48 want to give you your life back. Amen, okay. 43:49 What about somebody says that they have given up 43:52 alcohol, drugs, but they cannot give up smoking? 43:57 It's, why smoking, and I've heard that before 44:01 from other people, oh yeah, smoking seems 44:03 to be tougher to give up 44:04 than some of these other thing. 44:06 It was tough from even heroine. 44:08 Really? Heroine was easier and people 44:10 say that all the time, but I want to just say 44:12 personally it was tougher, and the first thing 44:15 I had to do in order to it took me five or six years 44:18 after my Baptism to finally say you know, 44:22 the God you know, finally please take this from me, 44:24 but I had to first realize that that you know, 44:29 Danny see I had to realize that God loved me. 44:32 You know I have a cigarette hanging out of my face 44:34 and he died for me, do you know what I mean? 44:36 Yeah. And he didn't come down to cigarettes, 44:38 he doesn't like the fact that my lungs 44:40 are being thrashed, but he said first of all 44:41 you have to know that my love is bigger than your, 44:44 my blood is bigger than your cigarettes, 44:46 and it's almost like I had to so get that in my head 44:50 that it wasn't that you know, God's gonna love me 44:53 if I stop smoking, God's gonna love me if I quit this. 44:56 God's gonna love me what God says, 44:58 no let's get one thing established, I love you. 45:01 Alright! Everything else will work on, 45:03 and I think that you know get that in your 45:05 mind first, that everybody else may 45:07 judge you by your cigarettes, but God is 45:09 saying you are my son and I love you. Amen. 45:11 And then start doing the things that you need to 45:14 do in order to stop smoking and that is 45:17 looking at the reality of what smoking does, 45:20 educate yourself, take a lung and put it up on 45:23 the table, you know what I mean? 45:25 Do something that this causes lung cancer, 45:27 this is gonna cause you to be on oxygen, 45:30 this stinks. You know do stuff that actually 45:33 shows you the damage and this causes your 45:36 children to have a respiratory diseases, 45:39 these causes you know and so start 45:41 educating yourself. Bring back smoking Sam. 45:44 Oh, you remember that one. Smoking Sam is to 45:46 have this manic that that you can see how 45:49 much damage that it did, yeah the time he 45:51 make it with that. Now, this one says, 45:53 I think this is a great question. It says how 45:55 did Cheri learn to keep her dignity when 45:58 recovering from you know, your addictions 46:01 and all this, the stuff that you had your life? 46:03 How did you? Who says I did? Yeah, 46:06 because I'll be lying, yeah, you know I would 46:10 say you know it's only God that even teaches 46:12 you what that word means. Do you know what I mean? 46:14 As I didn't even know what that word man, 46:16 you know, I manipulated and I get defensive and 46:22 I was hypersensitive and people hurt my 46:24 feeling, and so I don't think I kept anything. 46:27 It was only by the grace of God that I was able 46:30 to not to grab somebody right by the throat. 46:31 Do you know what I mean? And I think that over 46:33 the years what God has done is taken that heart 46:36 of stone and that heart was so damaging, 46:38 give me a heart of flesh. And now I truly can say 46:41 that even when somebody has offended 46:43 me most of the time I love them and I feel bad 46:46 that they can speak to someone like that. 46:48 So I don't even take the offense anymore in the 46:50 same way, but that's what God does for us? 46:52 The Lord showed me years ago that being 46:54 offended is a choice. Exactly! So no one can 46:58 offend you if you don't allow them to, 47:00 if you don't allow them to. So, it's like why do we 47:01 spend so much time to saying, oh well he 47:03 offended or this person offended me, 47:05 but they can't offend you unless you chose to 47:07 be offended. I was talking to somebody 47:09 and he came up to me and he said, do you 47:10 know what, I listen to your speak, and the way 47:14 he was saying that I thought I'm in trouble, 47:15 and I said listen to your speak and I want you to 47:18 know that I felt like walking up to you and 47:20 taking a wash cloth and wiping that makeup 47:22 right off your face. And I said really, and I said 47:25 do you know I want you to know something and 47:27 he said what? And I said for the first 10 47:30 years of my marriage, my husband didn't see 47:32 me without makeup on, I didn't go to the 47:34 mailbox without makeup 'cause I'm so 47:36 insecure about who I am, I don't feel good 47:38 enough about anything and if you would have 47:40 done that, you would have really traumatized me. 47:42 And I'm sorry to offend you, but God is working 47:45 on that with me. And all of a sudden his 47:47 whole mood change, but I just wanted to say, 47:49 were you in church, I was in the church. 47:51 Boy! But you know what I mean? 47:54 Is that I wanted to say you don't, you don't 47:56 even know, oh boy, my husband has not seen 47:58 me because I'm so insecure and I'm so, 48:01 I feel worthless and I have all of that stuff 48:03 and God Himself is trying to tell me baby 48:06 you don't need that I love you, but let him 48:09 do it 'cause you so gentle with us, 48:11 but we want to it for each other and we're not 48:15 as gentle as God. We short story aside, yeah, 48:19 Angie Hoffman who sing here years ago and 48:22 we were in California quite a few of us that 48:23 were singing and a lot of people and this little 48:26 lady came up and grabbed her hair and 48:29 pulled her really hard and she said, ouch! 48:32 What are you doing? She said, oh! I thought 48:33 that was a wig. No! And so she was gonna 48:36 pull it off in the church, but she said my friend 48:39 and I said it's a wig and she said it isn't, 48:42 so instead of asking her, she was gonna now you 48:44 see what in the world is going through 48:46 somebody's mind. We have to behave 48:48 in the building, yeah. Yeah, we do, yeah, 48:50 we do, absolutely. Bit of praise you for you. 48:52 This is from Sherry, Cheri, yeah, and she 48:55 says, I've been a smoker for 40 years and due to 48:58 you and 3ABN I've smoked three for five 49:01 days, you want to be remembered in prayer, 49:03 okay. God bless, because she wants to 49:05 have victory and she said please remember 49:07 her in prayer, Sherry Cheri. We are going to 49:09 pray, yeah, and you know we started the 49:11 program Danny that you believed in us and 49:16 started the program Celebrating Life in 49:18 Recovery, and I can't even tell you how many 49:21 people have gone victory, just because for 49:23 somebody saying out of love that God is bigger 49:26 than this stuff. Alright, and He loves us. 49:28 yeah. Alright! You know just a quick 49:31 comment, if someone who is really a recent 49:33 person to the Adventist Church and I'm gotten 49:35 involved in you know, these endurance things 49:37 right in 100 miles on your bicycle in one shot 49:39 around Lake Tahoe, the Adventists have a 49:43 wonderful health message, give such a 49:45 health message, and as you start dealing, 49:47 as you start dealing with these addictions 49:48 and the different things, regardless of what it is, 49:51 one of the things I've learned in my own walk 49:53 is that you got to kind of clear the channels a 49:55 little bit for God to talk to you better, 49:57 how communion? God talks to her, 49:59 how come He is not talking to me. 50:00 Okay I don't hear him. And this you know, 50:03 with as you're dealing with this, if you can 50:05 think about well what am I eating and maybe 50:06 I just change one thing at a time, drink water, 50:09 he can start, the Holy Spirit can start to speak 50:11 to you more, well you'll hear him better. 50:14 Let me rephrase that because you start 50:16 clogging me in tennis and somebody is like 50:18 oh, I can see that and so as you're dealing with 50:20 all of these different addictions and I think 50:22 includes the porn issue, yes, you know, that you 50:25 it allows the Holy Spirit to speak to you and 50:28 you'll start to understand things 50:30 differently and start to gain your power and 50:32 strength because God starts to working. 50:33 Okay, yeah, why don't we there is several 50:35 people that have prayer request, absolutely, 50:37 because they're suffering through these things 50:39 and we want you to Cheri to say prayer, 50:42 so we can join hands and if you are with 50:43 somebody at home if not you can reach out to 50:45 our Heavenly Father, and reach out to Him 50:48 because we know that God hears and answers 50:50 these prayers so, absolutely. 50:51 Dear Father in Jesus name I know that you 50:53 know every single person that's asking for 50:55 these request, every single person that's 50:58 viewing this program I know that you are 50:59 non-absence with little kids, little boys and 51:03 little girls, and I don't care what age we are, 51:05 you know us. You know our addictions, 51:07 you know what kids gets to stuck, you know 51:09 what it's hurt us, you know what we struggle 51:12 with as far as bitterness and unforgiveness and 51:14 anger and insecurity and how people have 51:17 offended us and how we've taken those 51:19 offences and then the devil takes all of that 51:21 and continues to lie, I pray Father to break 51:25 those lives from us. Let us know that you 51:27 were the God that created the whole world 51:29 and your thoughts towards us are 51:32 incredibly good. Your thoughts towards 51:34 us are of thoughts of love of and of health 51:36 and of yeah, that you delight in the fact that 51:39 we get it even a little, but you delight in us 51:42 and I pray Father delight in the people 51:43 that are asking for prayer right now. 51:46 Let them know through your Holy Spirit that 51:47 nothing that they're walking with is bigger 51:49 than what you are and then you are not 51:51 ashamed of them, but your love for them is 51:53 just, it's just beyond what they can imagine, 51:57 that you will walk with them however they need it. 51:59 You will sit with them, you sing over them as 52:01 they sleep, as it says in Zephaniah. 52:03 And that you are God and I just pray Father 52:06 for healing of whatever physical, mental, 52:09 emotional, spiritual healing and I just ask 52:13 you Father I leave that all in your hands and 52:16 the person that with the porn addictions, 52:19 what I love about you is you're not ashamed of 52:21 them even. You are sad that they're in bondage, 52:24 that it hurts you that they've pulled away 52:27 from what's real, and I just pray Father to even 52:29 free them up. I pray for the perpetuator that's 52:32 watching, the child molester, the people 52:35 that have done things of the world says, 52:37 you know what that you don't even deserve to 52:39 live on the same street as me, 52:41 God is saying come home. Wow! Come home. 52:44 Amen! I miss you! Amen! And I pray 52:46 Father let them know that you miss them and 52:49 I pray Father let us all return and let the devil 52:52 just look like He is, he is a defeated fellow, 52:55 he has no power anymore, the blood of 52:57 Christ has really put him in his place, 53:00 and the only power he has is when we start 53:02 believe in life and let us see the truth give us 53:04 discernment, give us wisdom and give us the 53:07 ability to seek after the heart of God and we ask 53:10 all this in Jesus name, amen. Amen! Amen! 53:13 Well thank you. The power of prayer is just 53:16 amazing, thank you, and I don't know how people 53:18 can live and exist in today's world without knowing 53:22 that we have a Heavenly Father that 53:24 we can go to who hears and answers prayers, 53:27 I mean it's amazing. We only have about 53:29 two or three minutes left, you got anymore or, 53:31 well I think we should put the address one more time. 53:33 Okay. We've got bunch of people who want to 53:34 contact you off air because they have some things 53:36 that wanna, amen, and you have a web page too now, 53:38 yes, the, yeah, it's up there,, 53:41 it will appear okay, well let's go to the address. 53:47 If you would like to contact Cheri Peters or if you would 53:49 like to support her ministry, then you can write to 53:52 True Step Ministries, PO Box 163, Kuna, Idaho, 83634. 53:58 That's True Step Ministries, PO Box 163, 54:02 Kuna, Idaho, 83634. You can call her at 54:06 (208) 562-8477, that's (208) 562-8477, 54:13 or you can visit her website for testimonies, 54:16 live event information, and more at 54:21 It's all one word, 54:25 Contact her today, she love to hear from you. 54:30 Okay, we have just a couple of minutes left 54:32 and you guys have anything to tell us, what's happening? 54:35 Where you're gonna be in the next few weeks? 54:36 Okay we're finishing up filming the 54:38 Seven Seasons of Celebrating Life in Recovery here. 54:40 So we'll be here for another week, 54:42 then we're on our away to Australia for six weeks 54:45 and we're seeing we're gonna be in, I think in Perth 54:50 and we'll be around that area. 54:51 I love the people down under we've a great time, 54:54 wonderful folks, and then we're coming back 54:56 and on our way then to New Zealand and then Australia 54:59 again and throughout the states, 55:01 we're doing Prison Ministry Sunday. 55:03 And so did you actually when you are there, 55:05 do you go out and try to find kangaroos like? 55:07 I learned to surf. Oh! You learned to surf. Yeah. 55:09 But did you go look out kangaroos? Yes, we, but we, 55:12 we did. Didn't we? He tried to get me beat up by a kangaroo. 55:14 Well, well, you see C.A. goes stands next to the kangaroos, 55:18 I said they don't look that harmful, 55:19 somebody said be careful and I said they don't look 55:21 that tough, you look like you are tough for C.A., 55:23 don't be afraid, haven't just going up, right? 55:25 Yeah, I will wait right here, you go. 55:27 He is a big pastor and it was you know, 55:29 they were just out while and they said, that's fun, 55:32 look at these, I thought they look friendly, go see C.A. 55:35 Yeah, he is like, I'm not going to do that. 55:38 I said, well I take a picture of you and he is like 55:40 forget it, some of them are big muscular. I didn't 55:42 expect these kangaroos to be so big and strong looking. 55:46 I mean they really were. I said well that's great, 55:48 that's funny, in Australia. Yeah, it's great. 55:50 Wonderful people and great supporters down there 55:52 too so, absolutely, so you head off to a very long trip, 55:55 long trip, I don't envy that I'll tell you 55:57 that's a long trip, but once you get there it's worth it. 56:00 Alright, any closing thoughts; 56:02 Brad anything from you, we've got about 30 seconds. 56:04 I just want to say, just one quick thing, two things 56:06 for the people who help us. 56:07 Our website is brand new as of today, 56:09 oh great! And God's grace it got turned on about 56:11 3 O' clock this afternoon, wonderful, that is good. 56:13 There was lot of people working on that, 56:15 but I just want to say again kind of speaking to them 56:17 and I'm stand up covering and prayer, 56:19 you mentioned prayer, I'm praying for my family 56:21 everyday and God is blessing us, amen, unbelievable, amen. 56:24 And it's just a win situation, you can, okay. 56:27 Thank you so much and God bless and your 56:29 friendship has meant, thank you, world to me personally 56:32 and you've been a great help to me also over the years, 56:34 thank you for what you do and both of you 56:36 for the cause of God and for you Pastor Murray, 56:38 thank you, what a blessing that you're to me and 56:40 3ABN and the people around the world and, amen, 56:43 glad your on God side too. 56:44 And we're glad that you are too, if you're not 56:46 tonight's type to give your life to the Lord, amen, 56:48 Jesus Christ, He is simply waiting there. 56:50 All you have to do is submit; commit your life to Him 56:52 and then go and tell what He's done for you. 56:55 Well our time is all gone for this evening 56:57 until we see you next time, may the Lord richly bless you 57:00 abundantly more than you could ever ask or thank. |
Revised 2014-12-17