3ABN Today LIVE - 2nd Hour

Reclaiming Missing Members

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), John Lomacang (Host), Doug Batchelor


Series Code: TLB

Program Code: TLB011506

00:10 Hello, welcome back to 3ABN Today Live.
00:12 Thank you for joining us, and if you just been
00:15 somewhere maybe just get in a house,
00:16 you turned on another channel thank you for
00:19 watching 3ABN, and I am here with Pastor
00:21 John Lomacang, Pastor Doug Batchelor,
00:23 Pastor of the Sacramento Central Church in
00:26 California, and President Director of Amazing Facts
00:31 Ministries also located in Sacramento,
00:35 and Doug, thank you for being here and
00:36 thank you for what you've done.
00:37 We've been doing programs together.
00:39 Once our first satellite seminar we called 1997,
00:44 I think first we did in, I stayed in John's house.
00:47 Did we? That's right because I was in there.
00:49 Yeah. Yeah. Because that's Boss auditorium
00:51 at Mrs. Ford's, yeah, we were downstairs at
00:52 Mrs. Ford's house. Yeah okay. Kids were
00:55 about inch tall or something.
00:59 Yeah and it's called the Boss auditorium.
01:02 Larry and Harry, Boss donated some money,
01:04 we built a building and now it's a storage and
01:08 for, warehouse, basically call center
01:11 storing a lot of stuff back there and we've
01:13 expanded and had to use a lot of that,
01:16 but we have other studios now thankfully,
01:18 which you came here, we did those with great
01:21 success and my ad and many, many churches
01:24 around the world were watching the country
01:26 and then later we went into satellite totally
01:29 around the world and we have been pro,
01:31 you know, seminars like this with you for
01:33 many, many years live ones and you are
01:35 talking about maybe us doing a new one
01:37 now this coming year reclaiming the missing
01:40 members and somewhere along that line we got to
01:43 get into this practicality of Prophecies and put it
01:48 in a day-to-day, how do we deal with what we
01:51 were seeing, like events like what's happening in
01:53 Middle East right now? How do I ideal with
01:55 that? How do I sort all of this out of my mind?
01:57 What's happening in our own countries and
02:00 in the world and religion and politics and
02:03 how to, you know it's discouraging if you
02:05 don't know the answers. That's right.
02:07 Well Jesus gave one general answer that
02:09 seems to work right now, it says in the Luke,
02:12 I think it's 21 that will be distress of nations,
02:15 with perplexity and seeing the ways
02:18 worrying and you know there is a proliferation
02:21 of natural disasters and at the time of this
02:24 broadcast there was just a recent one in
02:26 New Zealand. Yes. And I got a lot of my
02:29 first sent pictures from David Asscherick.
02:30 Yeah, right. He sent us some, we'll show
02:32 tomorrow here. Yeah, and somebody asking
02:35 these questions or calling in and David
02:37 made it through he and his family and I haven't
02:39 heard in the last couple of weeks where they are?
02:41 How things are going but they made it
02:43 through that earthquake and happy and speaking
02:46 into diverse places because I was there last
02:49 year so maybe longer than that in the same
02:51 town, same area and it's like wow, you know,
02:54 yeah that's amazing. Yeah, it is. You think at
02:56 any given moment, earthquakes I think are
02:59 kind of like those signs of the Second Coming
03:02 that you can't predict, but you have to be ready.
03:05 Your house spiritually has to be earthquake
03:07 proof, because at any given moment there
03:10 could be a shaking of immense proportion
03:13 and speaking of that we are living in the last
03:15 days when there is a shaking so there is a
03:17 spiritual parallel there. There is a spiritual
03:19 earthquake happening in our world too,
03:21 and unless our homes are earthquakes proof,
03:23 they will come around, something is gonna
03:24 come down, look on the rock. Yeah, okay.
03:26 we're gonna do some more music? Yes.
03:29 Melody is going to be singing another song for
03:31 us entitled "I Tremble" and I know you enjoy
03:34 her music so sit back as she blesses us.
03:58 Lord it's with a simple reverence
04:03 That I come into your presence
04:08 Whispering the name that calms all fear
04:16 And I'm filled with such emotion
04:21 At Your mercy and devotion
04:25 To think that You would come and meet me here
04:34 Lord I tremble. At the very thought of
04:41 Calvary Where You chose me over life
04:47 As you suffered willingly Lord I tremble.
04:56 At the way I'm undeserving of
05:00 The love You came to give
05:04 And Your blood that makes me worthy Lord I tremble.
05:17 Let me not forget this temple
05:20 Is transformed into a throne room
05:25 Through Your name my soul is ushered in
05:32 So let me come to You in wonder
05:37 Let my heart still pound like thunder
05:41 At the way Your grace has found
05:44 me once again Lord I tremble
05:54 At the very thought of Calvary
05:57 Where You chose me over life
06:02 As you suffered willingly Lord I tremble
06:10 At the way I'm undeserving of
06:14 The love You came to give
06:18 And Your blood that makes me worthy
06:22 Lord I tremble at the way Your love has saved me
06:28 And Your precious grace forgave me
06:33 Let me never take for granted
06:37 who You are Lord I tremble.
06:46 At the very thought of Calvary
06:50 Where You chose me over life
06:54 As you suffered willingly Lord I tremble.
07:02 At the way I'm undeserving of
07:07 The love You came to give
07:11 And Your blood that makes me worthy
07:15 Lord I tremble.
07:27 Lord I tremble.
07:42 Thank you so much Melody, amen
07:43 isn't that wonderful? Yeah, it is, I appreciate
07:45 her so much, and the day she is born and now
07:50 her youngest daughter, Baby Faith looks so
07:53 much like Doug is just like raise in Melody
07:56 again I go there and it's just like seeing her all
07:58 over again, you know, I just love it, and.
08:01 Yeah, Melody is a champion.
08:02 I mean she really has accomplished
08:05 something that many people pray about but
08:08 Melody just put in a mind I think and prayed
08:10 about it and the Lord has blessed her in a
08:11 tremendous way and the music that you just
08:14 heard, if you got a melodyfirestone.com
08:17 or melodyshelton.com, you can see her
08:21 products there and also she has a book.
08:23 Yeah she wrote a little book, so many people
08:25 on Facebook and I guess few thousands
08:27 I don't remember, but I think something like
08:29 that was saying how did you lose 110 pounds.
08:32 Wow! So she said, well, rather than just try to
08:35 answer every one of these, so she put
08:37 together a little book with recipes and all that
08:39 so to help people so they could do the same thing.
08:43 So yeah I am really proud of her not only
08:45 that but she is a wonderful mother as
08:47 you now John. Oh, yeah. She is totally
08:48 dedicated to those children and Greg it's
08:51 amazing to see those kids and how much
08:54 they love her and her love for those children
08:57 and we need that children need to be
08:58 raised with that type of love in the world today
09:02 as you know that's not, it's almost not what we
09:04 called not normal anymore, but it's great
09:07 so thank you Melody for all you do for the
09:08 cause of God and I'm proud of you honey and
09:11 I love you very much. You know one of the
09:12 greatest compliments I've received her,
09:14 I remember once when we're singing together
09:17 and she said, you know I just want to say
09:18 publicly I love my Pastor, yes she does, and I was,
09:21 I didn't even know how to react to that,
09:22 but it was just people don't often say those
09:25 things, yeah, but Melody is such a
09:28 genuine person one who really loves the Lord
09:31 and you see in everything she does
09:33 and the other thing I must say to maintain
09:35 your sanity when you have so many children
09:39 that's amazing. Yeah, I don't know that,
09:41 but that's a gift. But it has been
09:42 great and helped significant much
09:43 through with Doug. Oh, yeah, he is great,
09:45 Yeah, praise the Lord for that.
09:46 But that is a gift. Well, that will explain where
09:48 my sanity went. But you are having
09:52 number of children too. In fact take a break and
09:55 tell us a little bit about the age of these kids,
09:56 because I was shocked when you told me
09:58 Steven started college I mean, that's just.
10:01 I've had kids in my home now for 35 years.
10:05 Wow! Okay. And I'm tired, get out of my home.
10:10 But the oldest Sheri is 35, and the youngest
10:14 Nathan is 14, going on 15. Wow! And Steven is
10:20 beginning college student, he is graduating this
10:22 year, he is 17. Isn't that unreal?
10:24 And then the Rachel and then Daniel, yeah.
10:29 They are scattered all over the place.
10:31 That's right. That's great, it's wonderful.
10:34 You know we asked, six grandkids already,
10:36 six grandkids. Okay, alright. Oh, that's right.
10:39 I'm gaining now, you catching me, yeah.
10:42 That's, that's good. What's fun about asking
10:44 Bible questions is Doug and I have been doing
10:46 Bible question for many years in Evangelism
10:49 and radio program, talk about your radio program.
10:52 You haven't mentioned that very much.
10:54 It's something that we've done consistently
10:56 now for 15 years, Bible answers live.
10:58 I don't know we've got hundreds of programs
11:00 now in the can and it's an adventure every
11:04 week, you've done with me before John, right,
11:06 and people call in we were on 3ABN radio,
11:10 people call in every Sunday night, it's live,
11:12 summary broadcasts, but usually it's Pastor
11:16 John Ross and I, and they call in
11:19 with Bible questions. We just ask that they
11:21 stick to the subject of Bible questions and we
11:25 get new questions every week and you know
11:28 I've got my laptop with scriptures in front of it,
11:30 but we really don't know what's going to
11:32 coming at that night. Yeah. And thousands of
11:35 people listen to the program because the
11:39 phone lines and it just fills up, first time we
11:42 started this program we were telling our friends,
11:44 call in with the Bible question so we can
11:46 have a question. But now before we've
11:49 gone on the air the phone start lighting up
11:51 and we stay pretty busy. People have asked me
11:56 now does Doug or these pre you know
11:59 questions, does he know what's coming
12:00 over the years. You know I've interviewed
12:02 you so many times and sometimes he have his
12:04 computer and sometimes he doesn't and they say,
12:07 now does he really know he couldn't know
12:09 all these things, but I said to myself now
12:11 these are legitimate. There is no pre,
12:14 no questions to him and one night that's when
12:16 I said, okay if I have a need to get in front of
12:19 somebody then I'm gonna have to answer.
12:21 I want Doug to be with me, they ask summary
12:24 questions, ridiculous, I don't care.
12:25 It was something like had to do with
12:27 Hezekiah. I don't know if it's a relative or
12:29 cousin or something. I didn't even know what
12:31 he had and somebody said, well what, he is
12:34 only mentioned like once in the Bible.
12:36 Can you tell us about this and I'm like what a
12:38 ridiculous question, you know in my mind
12:40 I think no that can't be, is there such a person
12:43 and Doug is like I see, I think if you turn to
12:47 Second King's and he gives the chapter and
12:49 verse number right, you got to be kidding so
12:51 I quickly get my Bible and there it was.
12:53 So I said, okay, Doug you are on my team.
12:56 I am getting Bible boy I want you with me.
12:58 I don't have my laptop tonight, but somebody,
12:59 somebody is after you saying that is gonna ask
13:01 a question I have no idea. Well that's fine.
13:04 I am sure nobody knows everything but,
13:07 it is fun to watch you guys and John too.
13:09 John is good at this you know.
13:11 Yeah the fun thing about it is and this is
13:13 true, the more you do it, the more you retain.
13:17 It's truly like exercise, the more you answer
13:20 Bible questions the more you remember.
13:22 The more knowledge you gain, but when you
13:24 stop putting yourself in a situation where you
13:26 have to answer questions off the cuff
13:28 then you start loosing what's there and that's
13:30 the thing that is so important about the
13:32 Bible question program. You remember I forgot
13:34 with the statistics are, but I only remember
13:36 like 10 percent of what you hear and you may
13:39 remember you know 20 percent of what you
13:42 read or 30 percent of what you write,
13:45 but if you actually share something that's what
13:47 you've the highest retention is if you read
13:50 a truth and you share it before you forget it,
13:52 it will be stored in your memory and so the best
13:55 way to keep the scriptures is as you
13:57 were saying, give Bible studies and you will
14:00 remember. Okay. I was very surprised to hear
14:02 that somebody asked you guys, I think John
14:05 you too, to do a program with a couple
14:08 of Sunday Pastors and talk about the Sabbath
14:11 and do that on the air. I still have the tape.
14:13 Tell me about that? Well, actually, actually
14:16 I was the one that invited Doug and Alan
14:18 Reinach. I was singing for a television network
14:23 Out West, Concorde, Concorde is called coast
14:26 to coast was the program. It didn't go from coast
14:28 to coast, but it was called coast to coast,
14:30 okay, and the, R.C. House, he travels
14:34 I think allow with Bennie Hen but his son
14:36 R.C House Junior. I was there one day and
14:39 I was singing songs, it was in February I never
14:41 forget that because he said, make sure all the
14:43 songs you sing are about love because they
14:45 want to do a program about you know love
14:46 and relationships. Yes. And that day
14:48 I was so impressed I said, Lord I know I'm
14:50 not here just to sing and I honestly I went to a
14:53 dark corner of the studio, turned my face
14:55 to the corner and said, Lord I wanted to be on
14:59 that couch I've heard so many things and I know
15:02 they are not right, and I went and sat on the
15:04 floor and waiting for me to get called and
15:06 they said, we're starting a new program called
15:08 "Round Table" and then this was your first topic
15:12 and the owner of the station, the host of the
15:15 program, he says, first one is going to be
15:17 Sunday versus Sabbath, really, and his staff said
15:20 are you kidding me? Do you realize,
15:23 I mean are you serious, I said no I am being
15:25 very honest. He said I was preaching a
15:27 seminar about the Sabbath and I will be
15:29 honest with it, about the Ten Commandments
15:30 and I got to the Sabbath. I honestly didn't know.
15:33 So I preached about a good Christian work
15:35 ethic and they said well who is going to get host
15:38 that program and he leaned back and said,
15:41 hey, Pastor John Lomacang I'm sure he
15:43 can get a couple of guys and that's the one we
15:45 did one was amazing I still have that.
15:47 We did two programs we did one and they
15:48 also did either death or state of dead,
15:50 the State of dead and Sabbath. Yeah.
15:52 And then they invited you back to do
15:53 something, because on the whole, they had
15:55 some Sunday Pastor, but here is what
15:56 happened, three on each side I invited Doug and
16:00 Alan Reinach and then they had the host and
16:03 two other and he said as the program began he
16:05 said, now get your Bible, get your pen,
16:06 get your paper, he says, now we're gonna talk
16:09 about the Sabbath versus Sunday, we don't
16:10 want to hear that grandma told you do it
16:12 or your church told you do it, we're gonna do
16:14 what the Bible says, if it's not in the Bible
16:16 we don't wanna do it so gets your questions,
16:18 halfway in the program but the half hour mark
16:21 he leaned over the desk and he said to his two
16:22 guys, you got to give me something they are
16:24 killing us, but he was honest about it. Yeah.
16:29 And that forced a relationship because he
16:31 invited Doug Batchelor to do programs.
16:33 Yeah, he invited Alan Reinach back,
16:35 he invited me back to defend him now on
16:38 some new views that he formally didn't hold to.
16:41 So it was a call to Douglas, it was a great
16:44 program. It's a VHS, now I don't know how
16:46 I'm gonna watch it but I've got
16:47 the recording of that. You have to have put
16:49 on a DVD I would like do that. I shall do that
16:52 because I've told people about that. Yeah.
16:54 That's amazing. Tell us about your, now we are
16:57 going to get to these questions,
16:59 we are here, but tell us about you have a new
17:02 book and well, it's like to, I do some writing
17:05 but always what triggers a new book
17:08 and what's your topic? Well, for the several
17:11 years, I was part of a revival series like you,
17:15 was called "Who do you think you are".
17:16 I think It's probably the sermon of that,
17:18 it's actually played on 3ABN, but it's a whole
17:20 series that deals with the power of faith
17:24 and Pacific Press called the couple of years ago
17:27 and they said Doug maybe you could put
17:28 that into a book and we can make a devotional
17:30 book out of it and so we did that and it's the
17:33 devotional book for 2011 and they've got it
17:37 I think upon the screen. It's available through
17:39 the ABCs and sharing book. It's very inexpensive,
17:41 so you can get away and it's called
17:43 "Who do you think you are". It's got stories of
17:45 faith and it talks about how the devil is really
17:48 tried to steal your identity of Christians.
17:50 Wow! That's good. And how to find out
17:52 who you are in Christ? Okay. Well, I have to
17:55 read that. People say all the time I'm trying to
17:58 find myself and this book will help you do that.
18:02 It was through using scriptural foundations
18:04 I think it's inspiring, it encourages people
18:07 about how we can know our new creatures?
18:09 Now Doug he has a little different when he
18:12 was younger, he decided to find himself
18:14 and ended up in cave. I understand and tell me
18:18 if I wrong, but I understand you end up
18:20 living in cave naked, can I say that on television.
18:24 Yeah, compare to what everything else you see
18:25 on TV, it's probably pretty miles.
18:28 Now is that true? It is true.
18:30 People who maybe haven't seen you before,
18:32 they just joining us so you ended up as a
18:34 young person, that's a terrible part, living in
18:36 California in the mountains right.
18:38 You didn't catch, did you pick, as terrible
18:40 point you say for those who
18:41 haven't seen you before. Okay. Yeah, well,
18:47 a quick version of that is, yeah, I was raised,
18:51 my mother was Jewish, father had been raised
18:54 with the Baptist background, but they
18:55 pretty much became atheist before they
18:57 married and I was raised basically atheist,
19:02 got into trouble with the drugs and you know
19:05 contemplated suicide, hippy, by the time I was
19:10 15 I ran away from home and I was trying
19:13 to find some purpose and trying Eastern
19:15 religions as I wonder what the purpose of life
19:17 is and I moved into the mountains
19:20 above Palm Springs. I moved into a cave
19:21 there and I lived kind like a hermit for about a
19:26 year and half. I didn't wear clothes.
19:29 It was in the hills above Palm Springs.
19:30 It was warm most of the time and all the hippies
19:32 were doing back then so, I mean that's you
19:35 know that's not the, to me that's not the
19:36 exciting part of the story. Right, it's interesting,
19:40 yeah, where you know your mind like who has
19:42 the mind get to that point. Well, you know I was
19:46 trying to find God through nature.
19:47 I mean your folks they had a lot of money,
19:49 so it's not like you couldn't afford clothes
19:51 or couldn't have money if you wanted to be part
19:54 of the system so to speak go along with
19:55 things, right? Yeah, Dad was very wealthy
19:58 and they separated when I was three.
20:02 So mom lived in New York city and dad lived
20:05 in Miami beach, but we were trying to find God
20:09 through nature back then and so the idea
20:11 the more when you could be with nature
20:14 and so kind of hippies were all throwing their
20:16 clothes in the bushes and saying I'm going to
20:17 be one with nature and this is how God
20:20 made Adam and Eve. We tried to defend it
20:21 biblically you know since Adam and Eve
20:23 were necked and they were not ashamed then
20:25 so we really thought we were being spiritual,
20:26 but take my words friends that's not the plan.
20:31 Now what did you find in the cave besides,
20:33 well, rattlesnakes? Someone had left a
20:37 Bible there and I didn't read it right away
20:41 and you know there was all junk in the caves,
20:43 others had camped there before.
20:44 So there were cans and few pots and pans and
20:46 someone had left a Bible and after living
20:48 there for several months I started thumbing
20:50 through the Bible because I kept running
20:52 into Christians, there were hippies that had
20:56 converted to Jesus and we called them Jesus
20:58 freaks back then because they were very,
21:00 it's like they hadn't totally come of the LSD
21:02 epidural witnessing, yeah I remember those,
21:05 and so they were very enthusiastic and they're
21:06 getting your face and talking about Jesus and
21:09 I, you know I had very little Bible background
21:12 and so I started reading the Bible, no intention
21:15 to believe it, just so I could argue with
21:17 Christians and it changed my life and
21:21 so I eventually came out of cave yeah.
21:23 And you have a book called?
21:26 The book of the Testimony, it's called
21:27 the Richest Caveman, alright, and I think the
21:30 whole video is online if they just type in,
21:33 okay when we give an address pretty soon,
21:34 will it would be an address where people
21:36 can contact, sure, you know they can,
21:38 Amazing facts it's there. Amazing facts, so we
21:40 will put up and address pretty soon so people
21:42 can contact and you have a number of books
21:44 that you've written, but this latest one,
21:46 "Who do you think you are",
21:48 and in a nutshell who are we?
21:50 Well when we said Christ we become new
21:52 creatures and we are transformed into his
21:54 image and we become children of the king and
21:57 so appreciating that through faith,
22:00 we are new creatures you know the Bible
22:03 says that God calls those things that are
22:05 not as though they are, and so when we accept
22:08 that by faith it has a transforming power,
22:11 and so we become new creatures. Okay, John.
22:13 Well, we have some Bible questions.
22:14 Yeah, let's do it. And for those of you who
22:16 are wondering where do you send these
22:18 questions you can send them to live@3abn.org,
22:23 I think that's correct. Alright! But here's one,
22:24 there it is, and this is right up your ally,
22:28 not that the others are not, but it says
22:30 if a person belongs to a dying or stagnant
22:32 church, how can it be revived when the
22:35 people don't wish the revision?
22:39 And they put they are afraid of change how
22:41 could they survive pretty much in the
22:43 dying church? I wrote a book years
22:46 ago called "How to Survive",
22:48 How to survive in church? How to Survive and
22:50 Thrive in Church? And one of the
22:53 chapters in there is how do you know,
22:56 how do you live in what appears
22:57 to be a dead church? And the real key is
23:00 revival begins with you and you know the real
23:04 revival is contagious and so when we catch
23:07 it we want to expose ourselves as much as
23:09 we can, when we can catch it then it's more
23:12 likely to diffuse and spread in our church
23:16 and as we said earlier the three things you
23:18 can do for anybody if you want to see a
23:20 transformation is be a good example and so if
23:23 you have a church that it seems like things are
23:26 dead you'll be loving and Christ like and
23:29 enthusiastic and carbonated about your
23:32 Christianity, pray for revival and share good
23:37 information, inspirational information and the
23:40 truth does change and so those are the three
23:42 things that make a big difference.
23:45 Here is one that actually it's addressed to me
23:48 I wanna kind of clear this up that sometimes
23:50 you say things without the framework and it's
23:52 sounds little differently. And thank you so much
23:54 for sending this question,
23:55 Diana says, John Lomacang said,
23:57 something that set my nerves on edge as
23:59 difficult as it was for me to come back to church.
24:02 It's hard on you for people to say you just
24:05 sitting off in a corner potting.
24:08 It's actually pretty huge that they are even there.
24:11 And so I don't want you to be offended by that
24:15 statement if it sound incorrect I do apologize
24:18 for that, but the point of the matter is we were
24:20 saying there are various things that cause people
24:22 to stray away from church and I spoke to
24:26 someone actually today, a member who just
24:29 went through a very difficult crisis and that
24:32 person's life from being general, I don't want to
24:33 be male or female just so that nobody would
24:35 really narrow it down. And I said one of the
24:38 first things that usually happens when a person
24:39 decide to stay away from church, is the
24:43 spiritual life is the first thing that gets impacted
24:46 and the long do you stay away the more
24:48 concrete it gets to hard, it's like concrete that
24:51 start setting and somebody has to
24:53 literally come and break up the concrete by
24:55 loving you back. That's right. And you know,
24:58 also as a Pastor Doug, I know you had this
24:59 experience, sometimes even as Pastors we have
25:04 to pray for, now speaking of my own
25:06 experience, we have to pray for wisdom to go
25:09 after that person so we could say the right thing
25:12 and but yet there are many situations that
25:15 cause people be out there so, what do you
25:18 say to people that are at home and maybe they
25:21 are therefore, maybe they've been offended,
25:23 how do you help a person in that respect?
25:26 Well I think it helps me to realize that if I were
25:31 the devil the very thing I would do is try to
25:35 keep people from going to church by getting
25:37 someone to hurt their feelings and you know
25:41 would we wanna join Jesus' Church and yet
25:44 he had a Judas in the church that was so
25:47 insensible, betrayed the savior.
25:50 And so it's, you know, it's expected that there
25:53 is gonna be friendly fire. You look at the stories
25:56 in the Bible, first murder it was a brother.
26:02 You know right there in the beginning of the
26:03 Bible and Joseph was sold by his brothers.
26:08 David is made fun of by his brothers and chased
26:10 by his own king, betrayed by his own,
26:12 attacked by his own son and you just see the
26:16 history in the Bible that the devil has often tried
26:18 to work from within by causing friendly fire in
26:21 the family, a family feud, and so it's
26:24 expected, it's anticipated when you join the
26:25 church you know a lot of our Amazing Facts
26:28 Evangelists when people are baptized
26:30 they try and prep them and say now you may
26:32 find when you join the flock of God, the family
26:35 of God that there is gonna be imperfect
26:37 people in there and there might be people
26:38 that will hurt your feelings.
26:40 Just put on your armor really and realize that
26:42 those people need love also and so
26:47 Jesus is our example. He will never let you down.
26:50 That's right. And so keep your eyes on Him;
26:52 don't be discouraged by somebody that might
26:54 offend you. I have got a question here that
26:57 maybe I can address new guys comment it
26:59 says, well, what happen if all the Adventist
27:02 channels got together and it says I think it
27:05 would really be a blessing for them to
27:07 join together it could bless the whole world,
27:09 why can it happen in the sense we are
27:11 together because what puts us together
27:13 is the a same message. We are preaching the
27:15 same message, but there are so much
27:17 programming available, no one channel could
27:20 do it just like 3ABN itself has about 6
27:22 channels or so now, we kind of Sunbeam,
27:25 you know our Proclaim, our Russian channel,
27:28 our new Dare to Dream channel,
27:29 Latino you know regular 3ABN and then
27:34 of course Hope has a few channels and
27:36 Amazing Facts has channel up there now
27:38 right, and so there is others you know LLB
27:41 all of these people and no one person is going
27:44 to reach everybody so with different entities
27:47 it's like to say let's build one big church and all
27:50 Adventists go to that one church come
27:51 together, well it's not practical in the same
27:54 sense to me, it's not practical.
27:56 In fact it's great because we have a totally
27:58 different audience. For instance so in G-19,
28:00 a satellite that some of you have there are a
28:03 number of Adventist channels, but most of
28:05 you getting 3ABN on Dish Network were the
28:08 only one there with those 15 million homes,
28:11 this full time channel for hundreds if not few
28:15 thousands cable stations around the world
28:18 is getting 3ABN, those on satellite systems,
28:22 those on of course internet or own
28:24 channels, 3ABN has all the downlink stations,
28:28 a 120 or 130 what have you plus nearly 200
28:31 radio stations, they are reaching different
28:33 people than Hope reaching over here or
28:35 maybe Amazing Facts is reaching over here.
28:38 So all of us together are reaching different areas
28:41 of the world, so it's not a competition thing,
28:45 we are all just doing what God has blessed
28:47 us to do and we work together.
28:49 In fact the unity that we pray for each other and
28:52 wish everybody well and you know this
28:55 message to go to an entire world.
28:57 So it's like saying maybe let's just support
29:01 Doug Batchelor, an Evangelist, let's all get
29:03 behind him. Well let's do, let's get
29:05 behind John Lomacang too and John can be
29:07 preaching to an audience over here.
29:09 Doug is preaching to someone there.
29:11 David Asscherick is preaching to someone
29:13 over here, right, and that's really so I hope
29:15 that answers your question, but I don't
29:17 know if you guys having comments on it, but.
29:20 Well, for one thing we are working together
29:21 I mean, yeah, obviously we do things every year
29:24 and we are here together now, right,
29:26 so when they say working together if they
29:28 talking about consolidating all of them into one
29:32 I remember some of the first vehicles I drove
29:34 had a radio with one speaker.
29:36 I'm really glad thought the cars have about six
29:38 speakers and it kind of gives you surround
29:41 sound and I am not going go poke out the
29:43 other speakers, yeah, yeah. So, you get back to
29:45 mono again. Yeah, I will be honest that
29:47 I have G-19 at home and it's wonderful
29:51 having the options because different hours
29:52 of day, different people are available and you
29:56 have such so many choices now that it
30:00 multiplies the voices and the messages,
30:03 so many more people are hearing what they
30:05 need to hear when they need to hear it and it's,
30:07 I think it's multiplying the impact.
30:10 Like you know we were in, well, actually I was
30:13 in Australia and I was speaking at a church
30:17 there few years ago and a family showed up
30:20 and I told Moses about, hey Moses I am so glad
30:24 that you guys are broadcasting
30:26 in these cities. We don't have any
30:28 contract in that city. When I broadcasting
30:30 there I said, well, how did you get this?
30:33 He said I have no idea how they got it, but that
30:36 family not a Adventist family, they came to the
30:38 meetings and somehow they heard that I was
30:41 going to be there, not through the people
30:44 that invited me because nobody knew who they
30:45 were, so it's amazing. They were watching.
30:48 They were watching either on the internet or
30:50 it was in, actually was in Sydney, Australia.
30:54 And so it's amazing how God gets around
30:56 and what's nice about that is, it increases the
30:58 possibilities of people being able to see the
31:00 programming when it's on a number of
31:03 channels because can you imagine all the
31:05 channels, now-a-days you have to find that
31:06 one channel with all Adventists on it,
31:09 but there are so many more.
31:10 So praise the God diversity. Amen.
31:12 Doug somebody wants to know that should you
31:14 talk about setting dates and of course you don't
31:17 agree that this is likely to happen that Jesus
31:20 coming on these particular dates in May,
31:23 they said in some ways where we lessening the
31:26 fact there is an urgency that Jesus is coming soon.
31:30 They want you to come, where do you see us in
31:32 this world history if you don't think it's ending,
31:35 May 31st, when do you think it's gonna end?
31:38 Yeah, and I think that the date that Herold
31:41 Campaign in particular speaking is May 21st or
31:44 22nd I forget, but most people when they try
31:48 and say how does He come to that date?
31:52 Nobody but He understands the logic
31:55 behind it. It's to me and I don't want to be
31:57 unkind but it's just seems like very
31:59 convoluted theology. We began the broadcast
32:02 by saying, I've got this inner sense that we're
32:05 living in times that are very profound that
32:09 something is unfolding, that we are living in the
32:12 last days and you know, Peter said, day with the
32:15 Lord is like a thousand years and thousand
32:17 years is a day and I think that we should
32:19 plan with long range plans for Evangelism
32:23 and I will be very happy if the Lord comes
32:26 before I get to go to Jakarta, I never been
32:27 there, looking forward to it but God says Doug.
32:30 I am going to come first. I am not going to
32:31 say Lord but wait I haven't preached in
32:33 Jakarta yet. So you know if God comes
32:36 sooner, wonderful, but yeah I think we need to
32:39 guard against setting a date.
32:42 Jesus said, we can know when the time is near.
32:44 That's right. But no man knows the day or the hour.
32:46 I think we do know the time is near.
32:48 Yeah, that was Matthew 24:32, we could know
32:50 by all the budding flowers as the summer
32:53 is coming, in the very same way all these
32:54 events starting happen together,
32:57 tells us these thoughts. It's time of the times.
32:59 You have another one Danny?
33:01 Yeah, we have several here.
33:02 I am trying to pick out which one for sure.
33:04 I have someone Dr. Conley he said Danny talked to
33:07 earlier about Pastor Doug and Pastor John
33:10 have an tag team and he didn't hear what you
33:13 guys thought about it, so you're doing tag,
33:16 prophecy tag team? Well, some tag team
33:19 maybe a practicality. But you use to do Bible
33:21 questions with John? Yeah. You would help
33:23 me doing our Evangelistic meetings.
33:24 He supposed to be singing, it help me do
33:26 you know you can read the questions and
33:28 ostensibly I was supposed to answer
33:29 but John got so excited. I had several times
33:33 I just did sit out what he answered, he'd read the
33:35 questions, hey, let me answer that one.
33:37 Alright, oh, that's a tag team.
33:39 We've done a tag team before you.
33:40 Yeah, one of our lighter moments in the
33:42 Sacramento Carmichael Church years ago when
33:44 that was being taped actually and I've fell
33:48 into the trap of, well, okay when we add
33:50 another thing to that questions and started
33:52 doing that too frequently as Doug said,
33:54 John would you cut that out.
33:55 I am supposed to answer the questions,
33:56 you ask them, and he said besides you it look
33:59 like a car with his doors open, my ears and I said
34:03 you look like a comfortable with top down.
34:06 You had to be there. It was a lighter moment.
34:08 It was a lighter moment, it was, okay, but we
34:10 loved doing that together. So we will think about
34:12 that maybe in the future doing something like that.
34:14 I am sure we will. Well great.
34:16 Well that's the beauty of having a network and
34:18 again thanks to all of you for your love and
34:21 your prayers and financial support of
34:23 these ministries of 3ABN and Amazing
34:24 Facts where we literally have this opportunity.
34:28 I am really more conscious than ever
34:31 when I see already that Christians can't be these
34:35 Pentecost folk, can't be foster parents if they are
34:39 teaching about homosexuality
34:42 and probably a numerous other things
34:45 and how is that effecting the airways or
34:47 certain things in Canada already.
34:50 You can't, they call and what is hey?
34:51 Hate speech! Hate speech or something,
34:53 or hate crimes, if you disagree and the others
34:55 I've mentioned earlier people disagree with us
34:58 all the time as Christians they can call
35:01 us all the kind of things for believing in creation
35:05 and so it's almost overwhelming the time
35:08 how short it is and that we need to take
35:11 advantage of that and as we joined together
35:14 and prayerfully and financially we can reach
35:17 so many avenues to reach, but we wanna get
35:20 it while we can get on here and talk to where
35:23 we are tonight, give our opinions and give what
35:28 the Bible says, it's not our opinions,
35:29 it's important actually but it's how we perceive
35:31 Bible truth and we have the freedom to do that.
35:33 So thank you for your support that we can
35:35 continue to do that. Amen. Here is a person
35:37 by the name of Tommy that has question;
35:39 was Jesus created or was He like God just there?
35:45 My wife is a Jehovah's Witness and I
35:47 believes that Jesus was created,
35:50 and she believes that Jesus was created by God,
35:53 but he is adding I don't believe that but I can't
35:55 find the scriptures. Well it's quite a few
35:59 scriptures and I've got be careful to rash and
36:02 how much I'll say here, she will stop me,
36:05 from everlasting to everlasting that our
36:07 God, Christ is the alpha and the omega.
36:11 The Bible says that all things that were made,
36:13 this to me is what they were called a Slam
36:15 Dunk who speak basketballs,
36:17 it's what they call it, yeah, but I don't slam
36:19 dunk, but its nice thought. We can get a hooked
36:22 down low for it, but you can, yeah can't afford,
36:25 but this to me is a slam dunk is that, the Bible
36:28 says all things that were made or made by Him
36:30 and without Him was not anything
36:32 made that was made. If all things were made
36:36 by Christ, the word and if He was made by the
36:40 father then He didn't make Himself which
36:42 means He didn't make all things and
36:45 furthermore the Bible says that God is love.
36:49 If God, the Father existed without the son
36:51 for Aeons and the son was the first creation as
36:56 some Jehovah Witnesses believe;
36:59 how can God be love with no one to love?
37:02 But if God has always been the God, head of
37:05 the father, son and spirit, there can always
37:08 be love existing between them you can't
37:11 be love without giving and so if God the Father
37:14 was self-existing with no other being he
37:18 couldn't be loved. Is this that makes sense?
37:21 Yeah. And so there is a lot of you know from
37:23 it says that in the Bible Jesus says before
37:27 Abraham was "I am" the term "I am" is uses
37:30 the self existence one. That's right. And they
37:33 got a little book that Amazing Facts, if you
37:35 don't mind can I mentioned it, no go
37:36 ahead, it's free people can download it's call
37:38 the Trinity Is A Biblical, they just go to Amazing
37:41 Facts under the Fre Library, the Trinity is a
37:43 Biblical to whole Bible study on that subject
37:46 and we will have a lot of these same version there.
37:48 Let me add a couple verses since the time
37:49 our tag teaming. Sure. Okay. One of the ones,
37:52 you know, having lived in New York City
37:56 that's with watch tower located and we wanted
37:58 to be kind also we are not slamming anyone
38:00 particularly with on that particular teaching,
38:04 the believe is that Jesus is mighty God and the
38:07 Father is almighty God, that's one of the
38:10 phrases, but that's not actually true because in
38:13 Revelation 1, speaking about Jesus He says,
38:16 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning
38:18 and the end says the Lord who is and who
38:21 was and who is to come, the Almighty
38:25 and then in Hebrews one, last one here,
38:29 speaking of the Lord, speaking of the Father,
38:33 now the Father says God at various times in
38:35 different ways spoken times pass by to the
38:40 Father by the prophets has in these last day
38:43 spoken to us through his son, but now listen
38:45 what is God has said that, but now listen to
38:47 the son, in verse 8 of Hebrew's 1, but to
38:50 the son he says, "Your throne, O God,
38:53 is forever and ever". And so ever and ever is
38:57 a term meaning never beginning,
38:59 and never an end. Yeah. Jesus is eternal
39:02 future path. He was not made, He is not a creature.
39:05 He is a creator. That's right.
39:08 Here is an interesting question, it says if and
39:11 you have to tell us if this is true or not,
39:14 if the Ten Commandments existed in heaven,
39:17 how do you apply the Seventh Commandment
39:19 since the angels do not marry?
39:22 Or you might even ask how would you apply
39:24 the Fourth Commandment if you know before the
39:26 world is made you have the Rotation of the
39:28 planet how would they keep the Sabbath
39:30 I mean is it govern by a son up there
39:33 in heaven somewhere. When we talked about
39:35 the Ten Commandments existing before, Paul
39:38 says, all of the Commandments are
39:39 summarized in, I love the Lord with all your
39:43 heart and love your neighbor as yourself,
39:45 so the principles of the Ten Commandments
39:46 have always existed and principles of for
39:49 instance like the Seventh Commandment, fidelity
39:53 to covenants that's what marriage is about it's
39:55 fidelity to a covenant that's how it existed
39:58 and principles of worshiping God and
40:00 resting in God that you find in the Sabbath,
40:02 that's how it's existed, so certainly these
40:05 principles of the Ten Commandments are eternal.
40:08 God said back in the Garden of Eden when
40:11 Cain was, not garden but right after that when
40:14 Cain was thinking murdering his brother,
40:17 God said, sin lies at your door.
40:20 And there is no law written yet.
40:22 So what sin? Without law there is no sin.
40:26 So the law don't murder must have existed back
40:29 in Cain's day, even though the Ten
40:32 Commandments were written. So they have always
40:34 been, so that's a good question.
40:37 Many people are saying that the
40:40 Ten Commandments the first time they made
40:42 any entrance they were given on Mount Sinai
40:45 by God to Moses but only for the Jews.
40:49 Can I, let me just throw one more reference,
40:52 go ahead, Joseph lived long before on Mount
40:53 Sinai, and when he was tempted by part of his
40:56 wife he said how can I do this evil
40:58 and sin against God? And so how did he
41:01 know, and so he knew adultery was wrong
41:03 long before the Ten Commandments.
41:05 God originally, keep in mind, the word of God
41:10 existed from the beginning.
41:12 Moses wrote down was the first one to codified,
41:15 up until the time of Moses the word of God
41:17 was given orally. And so they knew it.
41:22 They passed it on. Their minds were so
41:24 magnificent in the Garden of Eden,
41:27 they had photographic memories.
41:29 And Adam and Eve communicated the truth
41:32 verbatim from God. They got from the
41:35 mouth of God to their offspring and they were
41:38 able to retain it. But after the flood,
41:41 and keep in mind, Abraham knew Shem,
41:46 the son of Noah, who had lived before the
41:50 flood lived during the time of Abraham.
41:54 And so they had been transferring things
41:56 orally then. Abraham lived 175 years,
41:59 their minds were incredible.
42:00 You know how much I will remember when I am 175.
42:04 The rate I am going. Did anyone keep the
42:07 Sabbath before it was handed to Moses?
42:11 You know the answer of that all at you.
42:12 As a matter of fact, Genesis 26 and verse 5,
42:14 Abraham before even the call of the,
42:16 before Abraham alone before Isaac, before
42:19 Jacob, the Bible says in Genesis 26 and verse 5,
42:22 Abraham kept my Commandments,
42:24 my statutes, and my laws. So it couldn't be,
42:27 where's that found, Genesis 26 and verse 5
42:29 Okay so those of you at you home.
42:31 And in Exodus before Mount Sinai one of the
42:33 reasons why Pharaoh was upset with Moses is
42:35 because he gave them one day to rest.
42:39 When we look at the word rest there it's the
42:40 Hebrew word for Sabbath. Okay.
42:43 So he restored to them. He reminded them up
42:45 the Sabbath. While they were still in slavery?
42:47 While they were in Egypt, in Egypt,
42:48 before they left, advantage they were
42:50 keeping the Sabbath, exactly, but they were
42:52 always upset about it. And last point is before
42:54 they got to Mount Sinai, Exodus 16 says,
42:58 the Lord tested them on the Sabbath how long
43:00 do you refuse to keep my Commandments?
43:02 How long do you refuse to keep my Sabbath?
43:04 Was that in chronological order or I've heard
43:07 people say about those chapters that are just
43:09 not in the right order. Oh no Exodus, when
43:12 when they were, before they got to Sinai,
43:13 the Lord tested them on diet. Okay.
43:16 And the issue was there will be no food on the
43:17 Sabbath, before they got to Sinai before the
43:20 Commandments were written down.
43:21 Okay. Well. And the Pharaoh said the actual
43:23 word there in Genesis, I am sorry Exodus when
43:26 the Pharaoh said, why do make the people Sabbath?
43:29 Exactly! So you are making the people
43:31 Sabbath and I am gonna increase their labor.
43:34 Oh! Wow! Don't let them rest. Okay.
43:36 So when we hear all of these because that's one
43:38 of the things we hear so much about is the
43:41 Sabbath was just for the Jews given to the
43:43 Jews on Mount Sinai and before that.
43:46 That always astounds me because and I don't
43:48 wanna say this is graceful. And pastors, I am not
43:50 talking about just individuals, yeah okay
43:52 we go with pastors because of our Ten
43:53 Commandments book that showing that put
43:56 together, they write say about you guys that's
43:58 the Jewish thing, it was given.
43:59 The logic of God writing Ten Commandments as
44:03 a complete unit and the one Commandment that
44:07 begins with the word remember that's the
44:10 longest of the Ten Commandments in the
44:11 middle of the law for someone to say what
44:14 word to keep the other nine but that one that's
44:16 been basically nestled in the very core of the
44:19 Ten Commandments, it was just for this one
44:22 race of people. And what Pastor believes
44:25 that it was only Jews that needed a day of rest.
44:28 Yeah. So you know I never have heard a
44:30 Pastor stands before his congregation and say
44:33 stop coming to church on Sunday because we
44:36 are not under the law, we are under grace.
44:38 Their problem was not with the concept of the
44:39 Sabbath, but their problem is with the day.
44:41 Okay. Which day it is? Okay. And so a matter
44:46 of fact some churches trying to get rid of the
44:47 whole idea of the Ten Commandments,
44:50 not that they have a problem with,
44:51 don't worship idols or don't commit adultery
44:53 or kill, the problem is with that one
44:55 Commandment that says what day to
44:57 remember because they know; you just can't
44:58 defend a Commandment that says; remember the
45:01 first day to keep it holy, it doesn't say that.
45:03 That's right. And it's interesting you said,
45:05 the only Commandment that starts with
45:07 remember is the one that, trying to get same,
45:10 is same to be forgotten by people. Yeah.
45:11 Now think the logic of that there are at least
45:14 three members that I often refer to;
45:16 would you say to the young people that says
45:18 remember the creator in the days of the youth.
45:19 Would you say to the young people no don't
45:21 do that, young people don't need Jesus,
45:23 they don't need God in their lives.
45:24 Do you believe that? No. The other one is
45:26 remember Lord's wife? Do we say well forget
45:29 Lord's wife? She looked back, doesn't really
45:30 mean anything. But when it comes to what
45:33 God has said, but the issue that Satan wants
45:35 us to forget what God said, that's what when
45:37 he came to Eve, he says, did God really say that?
45:40 Yeah. So it's an issue with Satan and God.
45:42 It uses ministries to break down our desire
45:45 to listen to God. Here's a question Doug.
45:49 Shall we this one? Yeah, sure.
45:51 I know Pastor Doug used to be a smoker.
45:54 I want to know how he over cam.
45:58 Well that's concise. And you smoked a
45:59 number of things not just tobacco
46:01 I understand. That's true. Probably couldn't even
46:04 count all the different things I think I smoked
46:05 everything from banana peels to mushrooms
46:08 in my day which explained the failing
46:11 memory too. I've ever seen that.
46:13 I don't think exactly. It is a struggle and some
46:16 have said that getting off tobacco can be as
46:18 hard as heroine. It is a struggle, but
46:22 you can do all things with Christ.
46:24 What helped me is really, it's just a
46:27 powerful of God, but just love for Christ,
46:31 I threw away my cigarette several times
46:33 and then a few days later I get them back,
46:35 it was just more a habit than a physical addiction.
46:38 And one day I was struggling for months to
46:42 quit smoking I was convicted God want me
46:44 to quit and I said Lord if you give me a new
46:48 truck I quit smoking because I had this
46:50 broken down firewood truck.
46:53 And a little voice said, Doug you would quit
46:54 smoking for a truck but you won't quit for me
46:57 and I gave my life for you. Wow! And I just was
47:00 sort of overwhelming how selfish I was,
47:01 and I said, you know Jesus died for me and
47:04 I am thinking Lord make a deal, I will quit
47:05 smoking if you give me a truck. Oh.
47:08 And I thought boy what value do
47:10 I place on his sacrifice. So I went home,
47:13 I threw away my cigarettes, but there is
47:16 really what I call 5 minute plan also
47:18 and that's very simple, a person asked this
47:20 question, do you believe God wants you
47:22 to quit smoking? Let's assume the answer is yes.
47:24 Okay. Secondly, will God help you do what
47:28 He wants you to do? That's up to you.
47:30 If you believe the answer is yes, then the
47:33 third thing is throw away your cigarettes,
47:35 now this is very important sequence,
47:37 throw away your cigarettes, your alcohol,
47:39 whatever your addition is, destroy, get it out of
47:41 your house, take a step of faith.
47:44 The Bible says, draw near to God he will
47:45 draw near you, you take the first step and use
47:48 what the power of God has given you to make a
47:50 choice, throw it away and then get on your
47:53 knees and say Lord I am powerless without
47:56 your help to get the victory over this.
47:58 You draw near to God, He will draw near to
48:00 you and He will give you strength so that you
48:02 will not be tempted above what you are able to bear.
48:06 That's right. Wow! That's correct.
48:08 The works we've seen in Evangelistic
48:10 meetings of thousand times.
48:11 You are living testimony of yourself,
48:14 that's wonderful. Jean says a month ago,
48:18 a lady walked into their church and she says the
48:20 reason see watch 3ABN with Doug Batchelor
48:23 says she really appreciates all of us and she is
48:27 supporting the ministries and said the lady that
48:30 walked into church is getting baptized.
48:33 And here is another one says, I love John
48:35 Lomacang singing, I became an SDA
48:38 because of seeing Doug Batchelor on 3ABN and
48:40 it says, God bless Doug and Danny too.
48:43 Thank you, Sherri. And Sherri, that's wonderful.
48:48 Okay. Another wonderful, I want to thank 3ABN
48:53 for turning my life around and for actually
48:55 saving my life. God bless all of you guys.
48:59 Thank you so much Sherri.
49:02 Here is another one; there was a group
49:04 World's last chance that's I guess the group's
49:07 title, that's says that the Sabbath is based
49:11 on the new moon. Have you ever heard this before?
49:16 Yeah. That's unfortunate. It's a, you know there is
49:20 always all kinds of theories that are floating
49:22 around that usually are distractions and one of
49:25 the theories that we've encountered is people
49:28 who are saying that the Sabbath now is not
49:30 governed by the weekly cycle but it's really
49:32 governed by the moon which means that lands
49:34 were same as the Sabbath lands in
49:35 different days of the week, every month,
49:37 it might be Wednesday one week and it might
49:40 be Monday another, based on the moon,
49:44 and I would just disagree in the strongest
49:49 terms with that theory. You can look at the
49:53 nation of Israel and go back its foreign history
49:56 as it's recorded and the continuity of the weekly
50:00 cycle has been what he has governed the
50:02 Sabbath, I'm half Jewish. You can look at the
50:06 history is far back is written history among
50:09 the Israelites has written. They did have Lunar
50:12 Sabbaths that were part of their annual feasts,
50:16 but that's completely separate from the
50:17 weekly Sabbaths, that came in a sequence
50:21 of every seven days and it coincided with the
50:26 days of the week. And you look in any
50:27 dictionary, look in any encyclopedia, you look
50:29 up Sunday it will say first day of the week,
50:31 you look up Saturday it will say
50:33 seventh day of the week. And so this is a kind of
50:37 pardon me friends I don't want to be unkind,
50:38 but I want to be straight, it is a convoluted theory
50:41 that is distracting and confusing people.
50:43 I can understand now here for me is the
50:46 Kudegra, Slam Dunk in that argument.
50:49 You might convince me that one or two Jews,
50:52 got locked up somewhere with no
50:53 sunlight and they lost track of time.
50:56 But the idea that the Jewish nation all
50:59 simultaneously got mixed up about how to
51:01 keep their Sabbath and yet Jews around the
51:03 world still know it's Saturday the seventh
51:06 day and the, And not only that the
51:08 Catholic Church from the first century
51:11 as always said Sunday was Sunday and that's
51:13 one thing they agree on. They agree that Sunday
51:15 is Sunday with the Jews and Jews agree that
51:18 Sunday is Sunday and Saturday is Saturday so.
51:20 Muslims agree that Friday is Friday. Yes.
51:21 So you would have the Muslims, the Jews and
51:24 the Catholics all agreeing that
51:26 these are still the days.
51:28 So I doubt all of these people would,
51:31 you know would be wrong in this, mistaken.
51:33 Only this, this is to, go ahead, this is to tap that
51:36 off, I mean to cap that of, if you tell people
51:39 come and pick up your check on the seventh
51:41 day of the week, they will know what day it is.
51:44 But here is how you separated to do from
51:46 new moon to Sabbath and the Bible shows it's
51:48 not the same. Isaiah 66 verse 22 and 23,
51:52 23, it shall come to pass that from one new
51:55 moon to another, and then, and from one
51:59 Sabbath to another, they're distinct.
52:01 It's totally separate, shall all flesh come to
52:05 worship before me, from one new moon,
52:06 every month. One is week to week,
52:08 one is month to month. Exactly! Okay.
52:10 Quickly we only have four minutes to do this
52:13 but they want to know there is a lady calling
52:15 she is a Christian not at this phase she says,
52:19 she didn't understand why you and others on
52:22 3ABN don't believe in the secret rapture?
52:25 So I know that's a long but we've got to make
52:28 this really quick. In fact I need to put
52:30 up an address roll. Let me put that at
52:32 first because I wanna to make sure people know
52:34 how to contact you. Then we will get back
52:36 and you got about a minute or two to answer that.
52:37 Let's go to the address roll, right now.
52:41 If you would like to find out more about
52:43 Amazing Facts or if you would like to support
52:45 their ministry you can contact them in a
52:47 variety of ways. You can write to
52:50 Amazing Facts Ministries, PO Box
52:53 1058, Roseville, California 95678.
52:57 That's Amazing Facts Ministries, PO Box 1058,
53:01 Roseville, California 95678.
53:04 You can all them at (916) 434-3880,
53:08 that's (916) 434-3880. Or you can visit their
53:13 web site for free Bible studies, upcoming event
53:15 information and a lot more just point your
53:18 browser to www. amazingfacts.org,
53:20 that's www. amazingfacts.org.
53:26 Okay Doug, two minutes or less why
53:28 don't you believe in a Secret Rapture that
53:30 much of the Christian world believes in?
53:32 Second Peter chapter 3, it tells us that the day
53:35 of the Lord will come as thief in the night,
53:37 people stop there and you see it's the secret
53:38 like a thief. Keep reading that verse,
53:41 the day the Lord will come as a thief in the
53:42 night in which the heavens pass away
53:44 with the great noise, the elements melt with
53:47 fervent heat, the earth and the things in it are
53:49 burned up, seeing that all these things will
53:51 dissolve, how could all of that be happening
53:54 and it be a secret. Now that website we
53:56 just gave, I've got a book called
53:58 "Anything but Secret". Oh, okay. The whole
54:01 Bible study on the visible nature of Jesus
54:06 coming, okay, so every eye shall see him is that
54:09 what it says? It's amazing we can
54:11 difference like that. Lightening from the
54:12 east to the west I mean just pounds and pounds
54:15 of scripture that make it everyone know that it's
54:18 very obvious. Okay. The last thing
54:21 we have time form, I am sorry no more
54:22 questions we talked earlier about a series,
54:26 maybe this fall, tell us about
54:28 that one more time. I don't know anybody
54:31 that doesn't know somebody that used to
54:34 go to church that doesn't anymore.
54:37 And we want to reach these people and we
54:39 don't like you say you have all the answers but
54:41 we want to do something.
54:42 We wanted to do a program and put
54:44 something with in your reach that can be
54:46 broadcasted and handed to people that you can
54:48 recommend or email people to reclaim this;
54:53 it's an ocean of missing members.
54:56 There are more people right now that are
54:57 inactive Christian and Adventists than they
55:00 aren't active. We've got to reach those people.
55:03 I Love it. John your comments!
55:05 Well, you know it's amazing about this.
55:06 I always think about the Faith's secret, why
55:08 would the Lord want to sneak up on you when
55:09 it's the greatest event in the world's history?
55:12 That's my answer to it. He is not gonna say hey
55:14 let's go, let's go, He is coming back to save
55:16 us from ourselves and praise the Lord for that
55:18 is not gonna be secret. My Lord shall come
55:21 and shall not keep silent and friends when the
55:23 Lord comes we are committed to being
55:25 ready for that and that's what this program is all
55:27 about, that's what this network getting people
55:29 ready for the greatest event.
55:31 The World Series is not a secret; the NFL's
55:33 Super Bowl is not a secret, why would Jesus
55:35 come back in a secret? Okay. Good.
55:39 Now Doug on this you will keep this updated
55:42 in our audience and how we can participate
55:44 and what we can do to reach out to those
55:47 locally to make sure there where they can
55:49 watch the television or the computer or
55:51 listening to the radio or what have you so we
55:53 can get these people involved, and then also
55:56 the revival and reformation.
55:58 We all need to be taken that very seriously.
56:01 We are thankful for a new general conference
56:03 president, and some new anymore but since
56:05 this past year 2010 in the summer, but putting
56:09 so great emphasis on revival and reformation
56:13 and I am trying to take that to my own personal
56:15 life before I take it to ohers and say you need
56:18 this in your life. I understand that
56:19 I need it and so each of us really need to
56:23 concentrate on rededicate and resubmitting,
56:25 recommitting our life to the Lord Jesus Christ
56:28 before we can go and tell what He has done
56:30 for us. Ellen White says our greatest asset is our
56:32 own personal testimony of what God has done for us.
56:36 And now all we have to do is go and share of
56:39 what Jesus, the difference He made
56:41 in our life, that's what the world
56:42 is looking for today. They are looking for
56:43 something different, they are looking for
56:45 way out when there is seemingly no way out,
56:48 even those that are not Christians, believe the
56:50 world is not gonna last very long. That's right.
56:52 They are right on that part. But we know why
56:54 Jesus is coming back very soon.
56:56 Hey our time is all gone for this evening.
56:59 Until we see you next time, may the Lord
57:01 richly bless you abundantly more
57:02 than you could ever ask or think.


Revised 2014-12-17