3ABN Today LIVE - 2nd Hour


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), Hans Diehl (Host), Nancy Gable, Wendy Gable


Series Code: TLB

Program Code: TLB011504

00:10 We are back and Mary from just outside
00:14 of Little Rock. I hope that you got
00:16 everything down that you had your pen
00:18 and your pencil ready and writing,
00:20 because we had a very exciting first
00:23 hour of dealing with Nancy's story. Nancy,
00:25 thank you so very much, well done.
00:26 Thank you. And CHIP has made a profound
00:30 impact on your life, yes, and you're
00:32 sharing that with others. We did say
00:35 at the close of the last hour that we would
00:37 run a little video, sort of highlighting
00:39 Nancy's story good doctor and I
00:41 think we'll take care, take that just now.
00:55 Where does she get all that energy?
01:02 Nancy, you're looking great. Hi, I'm Nancy.
01:07 I'd like to tell you my story. When I was
01:10 growing up I was thin and full of energy,
01:13 but after I got married I gained 30 pounds
01:16 in just 2 years and when I started having
01:18 children I gained 10 pounds with each
01:21 additional child and before I knew it,
01:23 I found myself 80 pounds overweight
01:26 and for years I felt sluggish and out of
01:28 energy and just didn't feel good,
01:32 and I knew I needed to get,
01:33 lose the weight and I tried some different
01:35 things, but nothing seemed to work
01:37 and stick with me. I found CHIP in my
01:39 community. CHIP is the Coronary Health
01:43 Improvement Project. I loved the lifestyle
01:45 that it gave me. I can eat of a large
01:48 variety of foods that I really enjoy,
01:51 fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains,
01:55 delicious foods of all kinds.
01:57 I exercise regularly. My weight stared
02:00 melting off and within a short time I have
02:02 found myself, I had lost 80 pounds.
02:05 My husband Ed, he was way overweight.
02:09 He had Type two diabetes,
02:11 high cholesterol and high blood pressure
02:13 and had been on medications for all
02:16 three of those for six years. My husband
02:18 is exercising a lot more now and his brother
02:20 can't hardly keep up with him anymore.
02:23 Hey, Ed, wait for me. That used to be me.
02:28 I used to be all out of energy,
02:29 but now I have lot of energy.
02:32 Hi, it's great to have you back again
02:34 for the summer. It's good to see you
02:36 too I mean you look great. How do you do it?
02:38 It's CHIP. Its really helped us to get our
02:41 health back. I've lost a lot of weight and I
02:43 have tons of energy and you know
02:45 I've lost so much weight that I can fit
02:47 back into my wedding dress again after
02:49 33 years. Your dad has lost weight.
02:52 He's turned his diabetes around and he's
02:54 off his medications for diabetes,
02:57 blood pressure and cholesterol.
02:58 He's feeling great too. Wow!
03:00 It's sounds like the extreme makeover
03:03 that you were always looking for.
03:04 Well, CHIP has really helped us to take
03:06 control of our lives
03:08 and now we have the best life.
03:15 Alright, well done. Good doctor,
03:16 I want to ask you a question before
03:18 we go to Wendy's story. Couple of things,
03:20 at no time tonight, have we used the
03:22 word diet. Why not and what is the
03:26 difference between diet and lifestyle
03:27 from your prospective as a health educator?
03:31 When you go on a diet, you ultimately
03:34 have to go off and that ultimately
03:37 is usually 1, 2, 3, 4 weeks, you go on,
03:40 you go off, you go on, you go off,
03:42 very hard on the body and usually
03:44 at the end of one year 95 percent
03:47 of the people who were on a diet to lose
03:50 weight have gained it back and have extra
03:52 pounds to boot. We don't talk about diet.
03:55 We're talking about a lifestyle change,
03:58 something you can live with for the rest
04:00 of your life you know comfortably,
04:03 so you don't have to do these ups
04:05 and downs, yeah, but rather you make
04:08 the changes gradually or once and for all
04:11 and you zero in. Now with Nancy,
04:14 she made this change, but then she
04:16 cannot plateau it, she got maybe a little
04:18 bit discouraged to follow why,
04:19 but then she got really tightened up
04:21 a little bit more and you were right there.
04:23 Your husband again, he responded as he
04:27 related to the dietary lifestyle program
04:30 and the exercise appropriately,
04:32 so they're directly related. You basically
04:36 get what you work for. Yeah, yeah,
04:40 well done. Nancy, I just want to
04:42 re-emphasize at no time during this
04:45 lifestyle change, did you feel yourself
04:48 deprived or going through some severe
04:51 traumatic kind of thing, it was just
04:53 sort of a natural progression once you
04:55 began to change, what you put in
04:57 your body? What was happening to
04:58 your body? That's correct, I never
05:00 felt deprived, in fact, I felt like I was
05:03 eating better than I ever had in my life.
05:05 The foods were delicious, colorful,
05:09 I enjoyed what I was eating, I enjoyed
05:11 fixing what I was eating, I wished
05:14 I had more time to work in the kitchen,
05:16 so I could try more recipes. I just
05:18 loved cooking and I still do now,
05:21 I love cooking and she look at.
05:23 I love that because, it's a big change
05:25 for you. Because Wendy happen to tell us,
05:29 tell us that during the growing of
05:31 years the kitchen was not exactly your,
05:33 need more expertise. That's right.
05:38 During that time and we're gonna get
05:39 to you sure, but good doctor I want to
05:41 just, yeah, bring back this magazine
05:44 which is our special free offer for the
05:47 evening before we go to your wife's music,
05:50 but the Clinton Health Crisis,
05:51 walk us through what this magazine is all
05:54 about and what the people will receive
05:55 when they get this? Yeah. This magazine
05:57 helps people to understand that not
06:00 only diabetes and hypertension and
06:02 cholesterol are reversible like you
06:05 talked about with your husband,
06:06 but you can actually reverse coronary
06:09 artery disease, the number one killer
06:12 in our society and that's what the
06:14 president is now doing as he has adopted
06:18 himself to a whole foods dietary program.
06:22 Fewer of these refined calories,
06:25 the animal calories, but more of the
06:28 whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables
06:31 and legumes, and that's exactly
06:32 what you did, isn't it? Exactly.
06:33 So you're on the same program. Yes.
06:35 I mean you should be in touch with the
06:36 President here. You know, several
06:40 years ago we went to a dinner at
06:41 the Washington Press Club.
06:43 I could not believe, you know,
06:45 you got Filet mignon, and you got cream
06:48 potatoes, and you got cream spinach
06:50 and creamed asparagus and you know
06:52 all of these things that people think
06:53 we are really eating good and actually
06:56 they're digging, digging their grave
06:57 with that, with that stuff. You know
06:58 the good life that we're all after. Yes.
07:01 It's not really that good. No.
07:03 but really one is the best life,
07:05 'cause that was you found right.
07:07 It's a simpler life and it's a life that is
07:10 related to simpler foods, has to do
07:14 with building relationships both
07:16 on this level and you know, she talked
07:18 about this kind of a level too right.
07:21 Yeah, yeah, yeah. She found a deeper
07:23 meaning in life, yes, she found a deep
07:25 relationship with God. Isn't that what
07:26 happened? Yeah. That's correct. Yeah.
07:28 And that provides the ultimate really,
07:30 resource of energy, yes, to do what
07:34 you think you should do anyway, yeah,
07:36 it makes you kind of victorious and
07:38 following what you think is the right
07:40 thing to do. Yeah, and God has given
07:42 you with this a ministry, because
07:43 CHIP really is a ministry. Yes,
07:44 it is. Yeah, it is a ministry. Wendy you
07:49 actually do get to talk if ever gonna shine
07:50 the spotlight on you, I think we'll give a
07:52 chance just to breath a little bit as we
07:55 call upon your good wife again to play
07:57 for us, and sister Lily Diehl is going to be
08:01 playing I believe it' "Joyful, Joyful
08:03 We Adore Thee" and we'll ask
08:06 her to do that at this very time.
12:46 Amen, well done. I was saying
12:49 to the good doctor that his wife's playing
12:52 style, she has to have very strong hands
12:56 for that to adopt that style and he
12:57 said that she's got, she's got a good
12:59 strong muscle here so he has to behave
13:00 himself or she can give him a good
13:02 karate chop and just end the whole.
13:06 And end the whole deal, so he's got to
13:07 behave himself, but well done, please
13:10 give our regards to your lovely wife.
13:14 Thank you. For doing that music for us.
13:17 You have to eat right to have that
13:18 strength. Yes. Those are vegetarian
13:20 hands I guess. They are, yeah,
13:22 they are. Praise the Lord. We've been
13:26 talking about the CHIP, Coronary
13:28 Health Improvement Project, this very
13:30 night and we dealt with the mother story,
13:33 but as we intimated at the close of the
13:35 first half when you've got something
13:37 good, of course, your natural desire
13:38 is to share and Nancy was no exception
13:41 as she wanted to share with her daughter
13:46 Wendy and I need to ask you,
13:48 when Nancy began this changes you're
13:50 already out of the house. Yeah,
13:52 I moved out when I was 15 and I have
13:54 been living away from home for several
13:56 years at the point, so our lifestyles
13:59 were very separate and she kind of did
14:01 her thing and I did my thing and we just
14:04 let each other do their thing and that was,
14:07 that was, how it was. Were you
14:10 kind of aware that she had begun going
14:12 to church and was beginning to investigate
14:14 something, were you getting information
14:16 on that? A little bit, at that point
14:19 I was away at college and I was
14:20 of state and so I really wasn't home
14:23 very often and I, I knew that she had been
14:26 exploring a little bit. They, my whole
14:29 childhood, my parents had been looking
14:31 for the one true church or for the biblical
14:36 teachings the church that taught them
14:38 and they kind of hopped around places,
14:40 but never found what they were looking
14:44 for and so I kind of felt they were
14:48 just hopping around again, they wasn't
14:51 anything to it. It was just checking
14:53 things out, checking out the churches and
14:55 so I knew they were kind of getting
14:58 involved with the church and starting
15:00 to learn about things, but that was really the,
15:03 I didn't think it was anything
15:04 significant or serious.. Did you have
15:06 a name, did you, had you heard the name
15:08 Seventh-day Adventist or anything?
15:09 You know I don't think I had,
15:11 maybe in passing once or twice,
15:12 but it was very none, there wasn't much
15:17 said about it. It was just,
15:19 we're kind of going, we went to a seminar
15:21 and it was about prophecy and of course
15:23 that was something they're always very
15:24 interested in, it was learning about
15:25 prophecy and you know at this point,
15:27 I kind of stopped being interested in that.
15:30 When I was young and I saw them looking at,
15:32 kind of appealed to me a little,
15:34 what are they looking for, but they kept
15:36 looking and looking and looking and never
15:37 finding anything and so I just sort of
15:40 felt well, they're just looking and they're
15:43 never gonna find anything. Right.
15:44 And so I was focused on my college
15:48 education and my career path
15:50 and, and what were you studying in school?
15:52 I was actually a technical theater major,
15:54 an undergraduate and then I did my
15:56 Masters in arts management and
15:59 I was very, my high schools was actually
16:01 very science focused, math and science
16:03 focused, and then I went all arts in
16:05 college and kind of business oriented
16:09 as well. And that was, I had a,
16:11 I was in a conservatory program,
16:13 I was at Carnegie Mellon University
16:14 and it was very focused and very intense
16:19 program and students who graduate
16:23 from there go on to good career
16:25 and so to me that was path that had a clear
16:28 direction, a clear, a clear place to go
16:32 in life, and so that was my focus and
16:35 I thought she is kind of, my parents
16:37 kind of just running, hopping around
16:40 looking the things and I'm on a path
16:43 and I'm, it's gonna work for me, yeah,
16:46 and so now, you know that was how
16:48 I was just going. How then did
16:52 it intersect for you, 'cause we know
16:54 your mother is feeding you with bits
16:55 and pieces of information which you're
16:57 pretty much putting on a shelf.
16:58 Where did the intersection come? Well,
17:01 when I was just beginning in college
17:04 and toward the end of high school
17:05 and early college I had found out that I
17:07 was struggling with some different food
17:09 intolerances and I0 had some different
17:12 health issues and it was just I was
17:14 realizing at that point that I was probably
17:17 very intolerant and that what,
17:18 that was the first thing that turned
17:20 out to be, and because of that I had
17:23 to learn a whole new way of eating.
17:25 I had to do a lot of research on different
17:28 foods that were out there and health and
17:32 what's going wrong with me that I can't
17:34 eat like everybody else and all these
17:36 campaigns, milk does the body good
17:39 and I was struggling with that 'cause
17:41 it wasn't doing my body good,
17:43 and but I was being brain washed with
17:46 this over and over and over again that
17:48 it was suppose to be good for me,
17:49 but every time I had it, I was in pain
17:52 and suffering and struggling.
17:53 You have to had pain from. I did, I did,
17:55 I had severe digestive issues and
17:57 it was very painful and I realized I had
18:00 to make a change and after about 2 years
18:03 of trying it in and out of my diet
18:05 I finally convinced myself yes, its that
18:07 and I got it out of my diet. Alright,
18:09 let me just stop you there one second
18:10 and ask you good doctor, is this Lactose
18:13 intolerance, is that a common thing in
18:15 United States or it's gonna a rare thing?
18:17 Well, it's fairly common occurrence worldwide.
18:22 In this country here you have more then
18:25 most people realize and particularly in the
18:27 Afro-American Community it could be
18:29 very prevalent, 30, 40 percent. So it's not a
18:34 minimal issue. Okay. And actually for me
18:39 it was the protein, the milk protein that was
18:41 causing the problems which was in everything
18:43 and then they put casein and whey
18:45 in butter, in taco seasonings of all places,
18:50 I mean it was everything that I had
18:52 to start reading ingredients on
18:53 and learning how to eat in a new way
18:56 and so I started studying this and
18:59 researching a lot and I came across vegan
19:02 foods and kosher foods, because
19:05 you know kosher powder foods these didn't
19:08 have dairy, so they were great for me
19:11 and I kind of called them joking loud
19:13 said, I'm a vegan who eats meat,
19:14 because you know I thought I still had
19:16 to eat meat, so I would take vegan food
19:17 and I throw meat into them. And,
19:20 but I started cleaning up my diet
19:22 and making healthy changes, but despite
19:26 those healthy changes I was still putting
19:28 on weight. By age 20, I was the size 14
19:31 and I was heading down the same path
19:33 as my parents and for reference I'm a
19:36 size four now, so it was, I never,
19:39 I didn't think it was possible to be that
19:42 size but, to be the 14 or the 4? The 4,
19:46 it wasn't even on our radar growing up, yeah,
19:50 you know I so, I had started making
19:53 these changes and then one summer
19:57 I was back in my home town area,
19:59 there was a theater there I was working
20:01 at and I didn't live at home,
20:02 I lived at the theater, but I came home
20:05 few times to visit. And towards the end
20:09 of that summer I came home for the weekend,
20:13 last weekend I was there and I wanted to
20:18 repaint my parent's house for that,
20:21 repaint one of the rooms. Nice gesture.
20:23 Yeah, it had, it was getting old and
20:26 tarnished and needed to clean up and
20:29 my parents, I knew at this point they were
20:31 going to the church regularly and they had
20:34 been talking about it, more about this
20:37 church and what it taught. You know I was
20:40 okay with them going, but it was their
20:42 thing and it wasn't my thing, it was
20:45 their thing and I said whatever they wanna
20:47 believe, whatever they wanna do,
20:49 that's okay, that's their choice and I
20:53 respect that. But towards the end of the
20:57 summer you know there was more interaction
21:00 around this and my mum had talked
21:03 about the Sabbath and I knew that
21:05 she talked about keeping the Sabbath
21:09 holy and that kind of thing and I knew
21:11 a little bit about that you know she didn't go
21:12 out to work, she didn't do certain things,
21:15 but I didn't really know what that meant
21:18 in detail and she actually, when I went
21:24 to paint, I wanted to paint the house
21:26 and I had my plan all worked out.
21:28 It was the last week I was home.
21:30 I had full schedule I was going to,
21:34 on Friday morning I was going to go,
21:35 buy the materials, I come home and
21:38 I'd move everything away Friday afternoon
21:40 and evening and then I paint all day
21:43 Saturday and then put everything back
21:45 Saturday night, and then do myself Sunday
21:48 and pack and leave on Monday. And when
21:51 I stared to tell her this plan she stopped me
21:56 and she kind of got this look on her face
21:59 that was very sad, and maybe a little
22:03 hurt and she said, she said, well, can we
22:11 do it after the Sabbath and I said, why,
22:19 why does it matter? Well, it's, I just,
22:22 it's the Sabbath, and I don't think
22:24 you should work on the Sabbath
22:27 and I wanted to respect her beliefs,
22:32 but at the same time I didn't want her
22:35 controlling me and that's what I thought
22:37 it was and when I said, you know, this,
22:40 it's fine I don't mind, I don't mind
22:43 doing this. It's not work to me,
22:44 I want to do it. Then she kind of told me
22:48 some of the scripture and you know,
22:50 you're not, the Bible says you know you're
22:52 not suppose to work on the Sabbath
22:55 and I thought she was kind of guilt
22:56 tripping me. I actually, I really felt like
23:03 she was trying to control me and control
23:06 what I was doing and it hurt me and
23:10 that combined with some other things that
23:13 had come up that weekend just really
23:19 hurt me very deeply and I actually
23:20 stopped talking to her for almost a year,
23:23 for about 9 months and. So you're very
23:27 passionate about this. It was something
23:29 that really. Yeah, you know it was,
23:33 I had grown up in a, you know,
23:36 she mentioned in the first half they didn't
23:38 go to the church, but they both had
23:40 a strong belief in the Bible and
23:42 we've grown up in a community that was
23:45 fairly Christian and you know a lot of
23:47 people went to church, but there was
23:49 a lot of fire and brimstone in churches
23:51 and when I would see Pastors on TV,
23:53 there was a lot of, it was a lot of fire
23:56 and brimstone and that didn't align
23:59 with the God I knew and I always believed
24:03 in a higher power and I always felt that
24:05 relationship, but when I saw certain churches
24:10 were teaching and how certain people
24:11 were acting who called themselves
24:13 Christians, I didn't feel like that was
24:19 what this higher power was telling me.
24:21 And so then I kind of rebelled against
24:26 the lot of that. I didn't, I knew that
24:28 wasn't the right way and I didn't want
24:30 anything to do with that and so
24:33 when she started trying to control my life
24:37 or what it felt in me like she was trying
24:38 to control my life. I got very hurt
24:43 by that, very standoffish, and I
24:47 didn't want anything to do with it
24:49 and I said, you can believe what you
24:51 want to believe and if you feel that
24:54 this is what you need to do, you go ahead
24:58 and do that, but don't expect me to join
25:01 you on that. Don't, you know,
25:03 that's not what I believe. My whole
25:06 career at that point was depended upon
25:08 working Friday night and Saturday.
25:09 I was in theater and that's when
25:11 performances are. And I did believe that,
25:15 that was where God had called me go
25:16 to school and so it didn't, it didn't
25:19 align for me, but as we, you know,
25:25 we went our separated ways,
25:26 we didn't end on a very good note
25:28 that weekend. Did you finish that room,
25:31 did you paint that? I did, I did,
25:32 I painted, I did, I did paint it.
25:35 I did all myself because she didn't,
25:38 she wasn't gonna help and I said,
25:41 well, that's fine, I'm just gonna do it,
25:43 I'm not gonna make her work,
25:44 yeah, alright, because that would violate
25:47 her beliefs but it wasn't my belief.
25:50 So I felt entitled to work. So the whole,
25:53 thy son nor thy daughter nor the
25:54 cattle that. I didn't know about that part.
25:59 It wasn't until about a year or two later
26:01 that I read that part and realized oh,
26:03 that was why she was concerned.
26:07 Well, let me hold just a second, Nancy,
26:08 how did you feel? She obviously rejected
26:10 what you were trying to share?
26:12 You were sharing it from your heart.
26:13 She is painting your house on the Sabbath
26:15 what was going on in my mind and head? Well,
26:16 I was very grateful that she wanted
26:18 to do this for us. I thought it was a
26:21 wonderful idea and I knew she was doing
26:23 this out of the goodness of her heart
26:25 and the love for us and it just bothered
26:29 me that she wanted to do it on the Lord's
26:33 Sabbath day, the day of rest, and I felt
26:37 that she could just adjust the time,
26:39 so that she could do it on Saturday night
26:41 and Sunday, do other things you know on
26:45 the Sabbath and I tried to make it clear
26:49 that I wasn't trying to control her life
26:53 or tell her you have to do things this way
26:56 and I guess I didn't come across very
26:58 well on that, because that's not the way
27:00 she took it, but that was the intent was
27:06 that, I didn't want people work, since
27:11 I didn't work on the Sabbath,
27:13 I didn't want others working for me
27:16 or doing work for me on the Sabbath either,
27:19 because the command says, you know,
27:21 neither thy son, nor thy daughter,
27:23 maid-servant, the man-servant within
27:26 your gates you know, yeah, and I had
27:30 mentioned that to her and I think that
27:32 just kind of, she took it even harder that
27:34 it was, I was laying a guilt-trip on her.
27:37 That's exactly what I thought.
27:39 Well, you were painting now as of with
27:41 a clenched fist. Yeah, yes, exactly
27:43 oh, I was, I very much was. I didn't tell her
27:48 she couldn't do it, but I just left it,
27:51 left it go at that point. Yeah, yeah,
27:53 did you guys going to church and
27:55 sort of just live there or you around
27:56 the house or? I don't remember.
27:58 You know I think they actually were
28:00 Friday night they went to bed and that's
28:02 what I started moving the first, because
28:04 I didn't want to make them mad so I just
28:07 did while they were sleeping, and then put
28:12 everything back the next day and I just
28:14 did it on my own and. But it's so interesting
28:16 isn't it? You have feel your love,
28:19 you have the love of a daughter who wants
28:21 to do something nice for the parents.
28:22 The parents have a different belief system
28:24 than she has and all of a sudden you have
28:26 two things in collision and both
28:28 parties are well intentions,
28:29 isn't that right? Yes, yes, yes.
28:31 This is what happens sometimes, isn't it?
28:33 How did you resolve this whole things?
28:35 Well, about 9 months later in the following
28:38 spring, my brother had returned a car
28:41 back to my parents house, so now there's
28:43 an extra car and I could get it and
28:44 take it back to school. So this is a year
28:46 of silence now you have, pretty much yeah,
28:48 we talked a few times, but it was just
28:50 business. It was, you got this mail, okay,
28:53 send it to me or file it and I, there was
28:57 no emotion, no heart to heart,
29:00 it was just business or and it was very
29:03 tense at least for me all the time,
29:06 because I was upset, I was angry,
29:08 I felt like she was trying to control me
29:13 and I was in college now and I've been
29:16 living on my own for a long time and
29:17 I didn't want my parents controlling me
29:20 anymore. You're paddling own canoe.
29:21 Exactly, and I was, you know,
29:24 I was determined to make a life for myself
29:29 and have a good life and I didn't want
29:34 anything interfering with that and so,
29:36 I you know, I sort of made up my mind about
29:39 certain things I believed and didn't
29:41 believe and that was not something that
29:44 I had believed at that time and so.
29:46 How did you feel Nancy during that time,
29:48 It must have been hard to be without a
29:51 daughter that you care deeply about right?
29:52 It was difficult because we had
29:55 communicated in the previous years of her
29:57 education and I wanted to make a point
30:01 too that she mentioned she moved out at 15,
30:03 well, she didn't move out because she
30:05 didn't like home, she moved out to
30:08 go to a residential school where she
30:10 could get the education she wanted,
30:13 and so it was a mutual thing for
30:15 her to move out. So you're very focused
30:16 educationally from fairly young you
30:18 had an idea what you're gonna do
30:20 and where you're gonna go,
30:21 and then it turned out that she got summer
30:22 jobs at that same school, so it kept her
30:24 there even in the summer time.
30:26 So she became very independent
30:28 at age 15, yeah, and this showed,
30:31 as a college student now I mean
30:34 we had communicated well and we're
30:35 doing fine relationship wise
30:37 until this occurred. And I just felt that
30:41 at that point, I need to just let
30:44 her go, don't try to make up,
30:49 in case of make up you know
30:51 at this point I just felt like let her
30:53 do what she needs to do,
30:54 what she wants to do and I kind
30:57 of felt a spiritual sense of you
31:01 might say God telling me, let her go,
31:04 don't worry about it. And so that's
31:06 what I did, and so she said, she,
31:09 we felt tense when we communicated.
31:11 I didn't feel that she did,
31:14 but I just felt but it was a surface
31:20 communication you know just things
31:22 were on the surface, but I didn't delve
31:25 into her life or her privacy or anything
31:28 like that and just let her go.
31:30 Yeah, I can see that as Dr. Hans said,
31:32 kind of paddling your own canoe since 15
31:35 on your own, I'm in college now and
31:36 this woman was gonna try to control
31:38 my life, no way. And of course you maybe
31:40 feeling a little guilty. Alright. I was,
31:43 I was, I definitely was and you know it
31:47 was an odd kind of guilt too,
31:48 because I felt like I did everything right.
31:52 I was respectful of her beliefs.
31:55 I just didn't believe it by myself, yeah,
31:57 and so I really felt like I was
32:01 doing everything that I needed to do,
32:04 but I was still violating the laws
32:08 of the land, you know I was still violating
32:10 the way God created His system to
32:15 to work and so He put that, that, I think
32:19 he put that in my heart and gave me
32:21 that sense of, you know there is something
32:24 I want you to learn here Wendy,
32:25 that was sort of the feeling
32:28 and I didn't, I didn't want to relinquish
32:30 that for a long time. But going back
32:34 to what you have mentioned about
32:36 coming home, how do we come back
32:39 together? I had to go home to get
32:41 this car. Yes. I needed, I wanted
32:44 this car. It wasn't a very good car,
32:46 but it was a car and I wanted it
32:49 at school and so I had to come
32:51 home and get it, but I had to do it
32:53 in one weekend get back for class.
32:54 They lived very remotely and at
32:57 this point, there was many foods that I
32:58 was not eating, because of my food
33:01 intolerances, and I had to have her
33:03 pick up some food for me,
33:06 but I wanted her to get vegan butter
33:10 and soy milk, because I was dairy free
33:12 and knowing she came from a dairy
33:14 farm and they basically lived out on
33:16 a beef farm, I thought she is going
33:18 think I am crazy when I ask for this,
33:20 and I, but I was still so hurt.
33:23 I went through everything I could
33:26 come up with, every way I could
33:28 think of that I could go, get this stuff
33:30 myself instead of having to ask her
33:32 for it, but there was just no option
33:34 and I had do it, so I sent her
33:35 an email and I hesitantly write
33:39 you know, I know I'm not gonna be
33:40 home for long. Can you, can you pick up
33:42 these things, so I can eat while
33:43 I'm there. And I am expecting her to right
33:46 back and be like, are you crazy you know
33:49 what, but you want vegan butter
33:50 and soy milk for because you know,
33:52 being a vegetarian and where we lived
33:55 was crazy, it was I mean you were weird
33:59 if you were a vegetarian, so
34:00 vegan butter and soy milk that
34:03 would have been over the top.
34:05 And I, so I very hesitantly emailed
34:08 her and I'm expecting just you know
34:11 a crazy response back and instead she writes
34:16 me back and she says this is really cool.
34:19 We're learning about this in our church
34:23 and I said, your church teaches about health?
34:31 You mean your church actually cares
34:33 about people, because in my experience
34:36 at this point the church didn't care about
34:38 people. My church encounters
34:40 were not caring. They were judgmental
34:45 and critical and that wasn't right
34:48 to me. So that arrested you that
34:49 idea that they. Yeah, I was very shocked
34:55 that this church was teaching something
34:57 that actually helped people where
35:00 they were and so I started asking
35:05 her more questions then. Well, what do they
35:08 teach about health? And she said,
35:11 well supposedly vegetarian and that
35:13 put up a red flag to me,
35:15 because I had been studying a lot about
35:18 health and I had been coming across
35:20 a lot of, you know, the veggie foods
35:23 were that this processed foods were
35:27 hitting the market and because of,
35:31 I'm very sensitive to MSG and I
35:33 had realized that a lot of these foods
35:35 are loaded with MSG in various forms.
35:38 All those meats substitutes. Yeah,
35:40 hidden forms but I was reacting to
35:43 them and so I knew these foods
35:44 weren't healthy and they were
35:45 as high in fat as their counterparts
35:47 a lot of time. Many times, yes.
35:49 And so I knew these weren't healthy
35:51 and I thought well, this church must just
35:52 be pushing you know vegetarian products
35:56 that are out there so they can
35:57 make a buck and that was my first thought.
36:01 And she said, no, no, I don't think
36:04 they are. She said, I have this recipe book
36:07 and I'm pretty sure you can eat most
36:10 of what's in it, and so I got kind of
36:13 interested and she started passing along
36:15 some materials to me and she started
36:18 showing me CHIP materials with me
36:20 and I started reading them and I was
36:23 so impressed by what they had
36:26 to say, because everything that I had
36:28 been studying on my own, from my own
36:31 research, praise God, was leading towards
36:33 this way of eating, but everyone,
36:35 it was, there is still so much marketing
36:37 influence from industries and it was
36:41 watering down the truth. It was you
36:44 need to eat more whole foods, you need
36:45 to eat more fruits and vegetables,
36:47 more fruits is grown, but make sure
36:50 you still get me dairy and all these
36:51 other things at the end. And so I thought
36:54 I didn't think I could ever rid of
36:55 those things, I thought I just had to
36:57 make, you know eat more fruits
36:59 and vegetables. Now just a deal
37:00 with time all this was prior to you
37:02 come to get the car. You would establishes
37:04 little routine. This was around the
37:07 same time, so this conversation was going
37:10 home to get the car is really what opened
37:11 the door to things. To all this.
37:13 And I came home and got it,
37:14 you know this conversation had
37:15 came out of that and, and that was on going.
37:18 Yeah, even that was ongoing and so in fact,
37:20 I think she gave me some other
37:22 materials while I was home and so
37:26 I took them back with me and as
37:28 I was reading them I was just really
37:30 impressed, because not only was the science
37:33 valid with what I had been studying,
37:36 but it went further, it took it a
37:40 step further there was more depth there
37:42 then what I had found before,
37:43 and there was a strong realization to me
37:49 that I didn't need to eat meat
37:52 to be healthy, but this wasn't the staple.
37:54 The required food that I had been brought
37:59 up to think it was you know,
38:00 we were taught meat, potato and vegetable,
38:02 that's what you should eat at
38:04 every meal, it was meat, potato and
38:06 a vegetable, that was a healthy balanced
38:08 meal and now I was seeing in these
38:10 materials that there wasn't the case that,
38:12 that there are healthier options and that,
38:16 they make a big difference on
38:18 over health, and so I started reading
38:21 this and I started grilling her on well,
38:23 what does the church teach about this
38:24 and what they teach about these other
38:25 things and I still hadn't made all the
38:28 changes yet that it was teaching,
38:30 but we started talking more and
38:33 she started sharing with me this scripture
38:36 and at that time I, somewhere around
38:42 there I decided but a year after
38:43 sort of being introduce this. She challenged
38:47 me to the CHIP approach and I was
38:52 kind of hypoglycemic at this point, and
38:54 my sugar levels were up and down all the time
38:56 and my energy was up and down.
39:01 And she said, try the CHIP program and
39:05 I am like I don't know it's I mean it's
39:07 looking good, but can you really do this,
39:12 that was my thinking, is it really
39:14 possible and she said, well, try it
39:18 for two weeks and tell me
39:19 what you think. And I thought alright,
39:21 two weeks I can prove that I'm wrong,
39:23 I can go back to life. That was literally
39:24 what went through my mind and so
39:32 I tried it and I said, alright, I'm gonna
39:33 try, but I am not gonna stop snacking.
39:34 See when you are in hypoglycemic,
39:36 they tell you to snack, you need to snack
39:38 all the time to keep your energy up,
39:40 but I said, I will try, but I am not gonna
39:42 stop snacking. But within a week
39:44 I had stopped snacking and I didn't
39:46 even realize it. And my energy was more
39:50 stable through the whole day then
39:52 I had ever experienced. My body was
39:54 functioning so much better than ever
39:56 before and I felt amazing well,
39:59 I can think clear and I was sold
40:01 and I have never gone back since
40:02 then and you know the two week challenge
40:05 turned into six years, six years or so
40:08 since that and the program just
40:12 made such a difference for me,
40:15 eating this way, it made such a
40:16 difference for me. And so that started
40:20 me getting interested well, what else does
40:22 the Bible teach, because she showed me
40:24 this health teachings from the Bible
40:27 and said, you know this came from God.
40:30 He is the one who develop this.
40:33 And when I read this scriptures I
40:37 was so impressed that this was in there,
40:41 a book written two thousands years before
40:44 the science could ever prove it,
40:45 described this it's the optimal way
40:48 to eat, and that to me was divine
40:50 inspiration and that set the Bible apart
40:53 in my mind from a lot of other holy books
40:56 out there and a lot of either teaching,
40:58 even though I had experienced you
41:01 know a lot of those other culture and
41:03 religions and nice people in them.
41:06 This to me said, there was something
41:08 here in Christianity, in the Bible and I
41:12 wanted to know what else the Bible teaches.
41:14 It's very, very interesting isn't it?
41:15 Yeah, it is. She finds biblical principles.
41:19 Her mother draws her attention to those,
41:23 then at the same time she looks
41:25 at these CHIP principles which are build
41:27 really on scientific principles, but
41:31 they also mesh very well with the biblical
41:33 content and all of a sudden the Bible
41:35 becomes a book that is validated in your
41:38 scientific thinking mind, isn't it? Yeah,
41:40 it was very, very validated and they said,
41:44 scientific thinking mind and that's what
41:46 I was. I, I'm an analyst and I'm very science
41:50 driven, very focused on numbers and
41:53 data or what does the data say and
41:55 then if I apply it does it actually work
41:58 and what was impressive here was
42:01 that the number is validated and when
42:03 I applied it, it actually worked. And
42:05 that said, there is something here
42:08 that's different and that's powerful
42:11 and it's effective. So now you went deeper.
42:13 Right. What did you do? Well, after
42:16 that I actually started praying to God
42:20 about whether or not the Sabbath Day
42:23 was important to him. And we had been
42:26 talking for a while now she was very
42:28 committed to Sabbath continually and I
42:32 at first I was like this is just too weird
42:35 like why would one day the any different
42:38 then the other, why does it matter
42:40 and you know really Saturday, everyone
42:43 was going to church on Sunday
42:44 and what's the difference and I started
42:48 praying, God if you, I know you there,
42:51 I feel you're in my life, I wasn't
42:53 really read in the Bible yet but
42:54 I know you are there. If this is important
42:57 to you, you need to show me. Oh,
43:00 dangerous prayer. You need to make it
43:01 personal to me. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
43:03 you asked that prayer He is on the line.
43:04 He was, he was, so this car I went
43:09 back to get, it was very old, rusty
43:17 and it was in rough shape and I prayed
43:21 that God would just keep that car
43:23 running until I got it back home.
43:26 I was planning on moving to California
43:28 after graduation I said, I just need you
43:29 to get this car through my college
43:32 education, till it gets back to Illinois
43:34 and when I go to California I will get
43:36 a new one. Isn't that interesting?
43:37 A scientific analytical mind. Yes. And all of
43:40 a sudden there is, the faith is beginning
43:44 to sprout, right, she talks to God
43:46 like he is some kind of friend. Yeah.
43:49 That is there right. Yeah. Interesting
43:51 development. Yeah, you're developing a
43:54 relationship almost under your own radar,
43:57 you know, yes, yeah, this thing is growing
43:59 almost unbeknownst you, because you're
44:01 focusing on okay this works, this works,
44:02 this works, but in the under girding
44:05 all of this is this little God consciousness
44:07 that's beginning to formulated in your
44:09 mind and in your life. Yup, and so I prayed
44:11 that He would keep that car running
44:12 until I got it back to home, but when
44:17 I prayed this prayer for Him to prove
44:19 to me the Sabbath that it was important.
44:24 He just like He trumped that other prayer
44:28 with this one, and anytime I wanted go
44:32 out on Sabbath to go shopping,
44:34 to go to a movie, to go to school
44:37 and work, anything I wanted to do,
44:40 anytime I wanted to do something on Sabbath
44:43 that wasn't really keeing the Sabboth.
44:45 The car would stop working. But the rest
44:49 of the week it was fine and if I
44:53 was doing something on Sabbath
44:54 like just go to a friend's house
44:55 to spend some time with them the
44:59 car would work, but if I wanted to go
45:00 to the store it would break down,
45:02 wow! And, so is this only once or twice.
45:06 No, this was over the course of a
45:08 whole year. Well, this was consistent
45:11 that every time I would want to do
45:14 something on Sabbath, Friday night
45:16 or Saturday, go to the store, go out to
45:20 a movie, the car would flood out
45:22 and it wouldn't work. A Sabbath event,
45:25 praise the Lord. Well, I took it to the shop.
45:30 I took the car to the shop and it
45:33 had this gas smell and after sometime
45:36 I took it to the shop to find out
45:37 what was wrong and the guy
45:41 at the shop said, I don't even know
45:43 how your car is running. He said, how
45:46 about my old gas tank which was rusted
45:48 horribly and these two pipes and
45:50 he said, you see these two pipes coming out,
45:51 you see this one it's broken off. He said,
45:55 your car shouldn't even be running.
45:56 I don't know how it's still running, but it
46:00 has been but this is why you have
46:01 this gas smell. You replace the tank
46:03 and you know that was that,
46:05 but God blessed that car to
46:08 keep running. Amen. Except on the Sabbath
46:11 after I prayed for Him to reveal
46:13 the importance of Sabbath. He used that
46:16 to show me. I mean if that would
46:19 have happened once you would think
46:20 it's a coincidence right. It was
46:23 scientifically, analytically oriented
46:24 mind and if he finds it to happen
46:26 over and over and over again and
46:27 all of a sudden there was a pattern
46:28 here right, so how would you interpret
46:31 this, right. It was clear to me
46:32 what it was about and I started committing
46:36 to keeping the Sabbath, before I even
46:39 started going to church. Wow!
46:40 Are you filtering any of this information
46:42 back to your mom, is she aware
46:43 of these thing that are going
46:44 on in your life? You know I think
46:45 we were talking more at this point.
46:47 I wasn't sharing every detail with her
46:50 yet but I was testing it out with you
46:55 know with God and it was just
46:56 mostly between Him and I. Okay. This
46:58 was about my relationship to Him,
47:00 not hers and so I was interested and
47:04 I was gaining interest. And when I moved
47:06 to California He blessed me I mean
47:10 there were so many miracles I can
47:11 tell you about how He has worked
47:12 in my life and how He has provided
47:14 one step of the way through challenges
47:16 and I know we don't have all day
47:18 but He gave me a place to live
47:21 with some amazing Christian roommates
47:23 who I still live with today and one
47:27 of them introduced me to church,
47:30 to going to church. And that kind
47:34 of broke down a lot my barriers.
47:35 I had a lot of walls up still
47:37 about going to church and she introduced
47:40 me to very young adults oriented
47:42 contemporaries service and it was
47:44 what I used to, it especially coming
47:46 out of theater world, is very comfortable,
47:48 but after a month or two I just
47:50 felt like it wasn't challenging me
47:52 in the world, it wasn't helping me grow
47:55 and that's when I stared looking for
47:56 Adventist churches, because I said,
47:58 you know that's what God has really
47:59 touch me through the most at this point.
48:02 And so I started going around the churches
48:05 and after that fall I felt God call me
48:12 to a church in Alhambra. Now I would live up
48:16 at near studio city in California and Alhambra
48:19 was not close to me. And my only connection
48:23 with Alhambra was a guy that I had
48:25 kind of dated who wasn't even a believer
48:27 and I thought why would God call me
48:29 to a church where he is and I didn't
48:32 want to go there because the relationship
48:35 didn't workout, and I didn't want to go
48:37 and have that association. So I felt
48:42 this call but I was resisting it, and then I
48:46 went to a young adult New Year's gathering
48:48 at another church and I talked
48:52 with one of the girls there, and she asked
48:54 me what I was looking for in churches
48:56 and I wanted a really good Pastor
48:57 and you know I need, I want
48:59 someone who can really teach me
49:00 what the Bible teaches. And she said,
49:04 I totally understand she said, I know just the
49:06 church you need to go to and I know
49:08 just the Pastor you need to hear and
49:10 she preaches at the church at Alhambra.
49:14 And I thought she first off that
49:16 was weird me, well this is Pastor Elizabeth
49:19 Tabot who was on voice of prophecy
49:21 now and she was the head Pastor there
49:23 now and she was the at that time.
49:24 And that Alhambra I was sort of shocked,
49:28 because I had felt this call to a church
49:31 in Alhambra. Wow! And I went and the
49:36 sermons spoke right to me and broke down
49:39 every barrier that I had and about 3,
49:42 4 weeks after I was there, this girl from
49:46 my church in the fellowship hall and
49:48 walking by, she reached out to me
49:50 and said, Wendy, Wendy come here, I'm like,
49:53 hey, I don't even know you but you
49:55 know me. And she said, I have to tell
49:58 you something, I have to tell you,
50:00 come here. I'm like what does this lady
50:02 have to tell me. I was very nervous
50:05 but like okay, God's working in my life,
50:08 I'm gonna come sit down. And she says,
50:12 you are an answer to my prayers,
50:17 and I'm like what do you mean?
50:18 I'm sitting there with this odd look,
50:20 I don't even know how to respond to
50:21 that, I'm just new to the church.
50:22 How can I be a answer to somebody's prayers?
50:25 She said, we've been praying for somebody
50:27 to do the health message here.
50:28 She said, I have been praying since
50:29 last fall for someone to do the prayer,
50:31 the health message here. And I knew
50:33 in that moment that she was telling me
50:35 the truth because that was exactly
50:37 when I felt called to that church,
50:40 and so God at this point, was
50:45 very real to me. There was no question
50:47 that He hears prayers and that He answers
50:49 prayers and that He really is there.
50:51 This book is not just the book about
50:54 you know nothing. There really is a higher
50:58 power here because there is no possible
51:00 way that this lady could have
51:03 known that I felt called to this church
51:05 at the same time she was praying.
51:07 Wow! Now I was planning on leading
51:09 a health ministry at this point.
51:11 I wasn't, I didn't want my membership
51:13 with the church. I didn't want anything
51:15 you know I wasn't ready for that.
51:17 Well, you're becoming a tough nut yeah.
51:19 I was very resisted, very resisted.
51:24 But God is, He works hard, He knows
51:27 what we need, but I went to the CHIP
51:29 summit the following fall. That's a national
51:31 conference where we train CHIP people
51:34 and you came to that CHIP conference right.
51:37 Yup. You were certified as a trainer and
51:40 you actually assumed responsibilities in that
51:43 church as the health ministries director
51:46 and you're opting to offer the CHIP program,
51:49 is that right? Well, what happened?
51:51 I actually went to the summit, because
51:55 I kind of wanted to debunk this church
51:58 in this CHIP program. I was still a
52:01 skeptic and, so you're still kind of
52:03 pulled a pin from under. She was going
52:05 to the summit and I thought I got
52:09 to see what's behind this curtain
52:10 because what in front of the curtain
52:12 looks great but once that curtain opens,
52:14 once I get behind this scenes,
52:16 what are they really teaching their people?
52:19 It's like mother like daughter, isn't it?
52:21 Yeah, very much. You had the same skeptical
52:24 mind too. Right. Yes, yes. Very analytical,
52:26 there must be something there,
52:28 so now you're looking behind the curtain,
52:30 what happens? So I came expecting
52:34 to see them teaching their directors
52:37 to be manipulative and you know,
52:39 these kinds of things and they were
52:42 gonna be all rich and you know all about
52:46 that and just this was just another
52:47 greedy way to get money that was
52:49 basically what I thought and when
52:51 I went I was just blown away because
52:54 the people were so real, so down to earth.
52:59 Praise God. So selfless. Praise the Lord.
53:02 In their work and they did it because
53:05 they believed in it, and it was just so
53:10 amazing to meet people who really
53:12 genuinely cared and not just 2 or 3
53:16 or 5 or 10. There was 200, 300 people there
53:20 who all had this same level of commitment
53:24 to this work and to a work that was
53:29 actually helping people, actually making
53:31 a difference in people's lives and I was
53:34 just so impressed by that, that. And saw
53:37 the results of some 20 scientific papers
53:41 published in medical journals that appeared
53:43 to a scientific analytical mind.
53:45 Exactly. I was amazed at the speakers over
53:47 there. I thought wow, a church who values
53:50 this kind of scientific research and who
53:53 is not of afraid of it. Because I had grown
53:55 up in the world where science and
53:56 Christianity could not co-exist and when
54:00 they did, things really didn't line up.
54:03 People were trying to put them in but
54:05 their logic wasn't there and I'm very logic
54:10 oriented, it's just that I can't,
54:12 I can't do logical things and.
54:13 It was matching up. Here it matched,
54:16 it matched up, everything came together
54:18 and the two just coincided and there was
54:23 compassion in it as well. There was a care
54:26 for people. Wendy, our time is slipping by,
54:27 we got to move you a long a little
54:28 bit because obviously it all came together
54:33 for you. Science and faith meshed and you
54:36 became a member of the Adventist Church
54:38 and now you're a CHIP leader. Correct.
54:40 So this is real and it works. Good doctor,
54:44 I want to get your address roll up,
54:46 your information up, because there maybe
54:48 those of you who will want to make contact
54:50 with Dr. Hans, you've seen what CHIP has
54:53 done in the minds of two very skeptical
54:57 people who are now true believers and are
54:59 promoting this. You may want
55:00 this in your life; the weight loss,
55:02 the health, the spiritual realities,
55:06 all of this comes when CHIP comes
55:09 into your life. Should you want to contact
55:11 Dr. Hans Diehl. Find out more about CHIP,
55:13 here is how you can do preciously that.
55:17 If you would like to find out more
55:18 information about the CHIP program and how
55:21 you can bring CHIP to your area,
55:23 write to Lifestyle Medicine Institute,
55:26 PO Office Box 818, Loma Linda, California,
55:30 92354. That's Lifestyle Medicine Institute,
55:35 PO Office Box 818, Loma Linda,
55:39 California, 92354. Or visit their website
55:44 at www.CHIPhealth.org, that's one word spell
55:49 this way CHIPhealth.org. Be sure you contact
55:58 them today. They would love to hear from you.
56:03 Now you will note that we didn't ask
56:05 for a lot of questions this particular time
56:07 and we structured it this way because
56:09 we wanted you really to hear these
56:10 personal testimonies, more than a lot
56:13 of scientific reports from doctors,
56:15 which we do sometimes well we want
56:16 you to hear real people who've had a real
56:18 experience with CHIP and with the Lord
56:20 and we wanted spend some time with mother
56:22 and daughter and get you to understand
56:24 that this is a real thing that brings real
56:26 benefits in your particular life.
56:29 CHIP is a very real thing and if you've
56:32 got the kinds of problems that you've
56:33 seen here, CHIP can correct those.
56:36 Good doctor, in the last few minutes
56:37 just give us a word to have encouragement.
56:40 It's a real privilege for me to see
56:43 here two skeptical people, who come
56:47 into our world, fifty thousand graduates
56:50 who have learned that health is
56:52 largely a matter of choice, not chance,
56:56 I mean people become understanding
56:59 that they can make a contribution
57:01 to own health and take it seriously
57:03 then the same thing can happen,
57:05 it happened to you and to your
57:07 husband. You lost some 138 pounds,
57:10 two of you. You lost 1 percent of your family,
57:12 your husband is off his medication,
57:14 you have a daughter who is doing
57:16 very, very well, very carrier successful
57:19 and she lives a balanced life,
57:21 I mean what else can they really
57:23 want in life, to balance health,
57:25 happiness and meaning and then
57:28 you see you know look at this.
57:29 Yeah. I mean that's the reward.
57:31 That's the reward. Wendy, just really
57:33 quick what are you doing now because
57:34 I know you sort of moved out
57:36 of the arts into the another field,
57:37 what are doing? I work as a business
57:39 analyst and it's a home entertainment
57:41 company and a lot of DVD, media production
57:45 kind of stuff and you know I just,
57:47 I feel very blessed that God actually
57:49 allowed me to keep the Sabbath
57:51 and that's a commitment I made
57:54 at work and it's very good.
57:56 Praise God. Still analyzing. Yes. Well,
57:59 our time has fast slipped into eternity.
58:01 Allow me now in closing to wish
58:02 you both grace and peace through
58:05 our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
58:06 We will see again soon.
58:07 Bye, bye and God bless.


Revised 2014-12-17