3ABN Today LIVE - 1st Hour

Teen Prayer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley (Host), Ruthie Jacobsen (Host), Marian Parson, Obadiah Wright, Raquel McIntyre


Series Code: TLA

Program Code: TLA011510

01:00 Well, good evening and we're so happy that
01:02 you could join us on our live tonight because
01:06 we have some exciting things to talk about.
01:08 This is Ruthie Jacobsen and she'll be our
01:11 co-host this evening, Ruthie is absolutely no
01:14 stranger to 3ABN. You're on 3ABN long
01:19 before I was ever on 3ABN. Maybe.
01:21 And you'd have been, in directing the prayer
01:24 ministries of the North American Division of
01:27 Seventh-day Adventist for a number of years.
01:30 And before I went there as a Vice-President
01:33 you have been there and you're still there
01:35 long after I've left. That's right.
01:37 And we're gonna be talking about some great
01:39 things, but Ruthie I just wanted to bring you
01:42 upto date, our viewers upto date on some
01:45 exciting things that are happening at 3ABN.
01:48 You know, last year the Lord gave us the
01:50 Pillars Project, that's right; this was most,
01:53 one of the most successful projects in the
01:56 history of Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
01:59 And it is just gone out around the world.
02:03 And we have been so excited, Camille and I
02:06 were overseas, we were in England.
02:08 What do we hear? We heard one of the
02:10 songs from our pillars, album and it was just
02:14 beautifully done by a local individual there.
02:18 And last week or so we were at a funeral for
02:23 A.W Roddy, a good friend of ours.
02:25 And all over the, the speaker comes the
02:29 sound of some of the pillars music,
02:31 it was so comforting at that particular funeral.
02:36 Now, this year a new project very close to
02:40 that and Danny Shelton is working on that
02:43 right now, they're over at the Sound Center
02:45 in fact, I was trying to get Danny to run
02:47 by here for a few minutes, but every minute
02:50 is counting because it's just a little over a
02:53 month there me almost two months I guess,
02:56 but until our Camp Meeting and we're going
03:00 to have this music ready, and I've got Danny
03:03 on this phone. So, he is on the speaker phone.
03:06 Danny can you hear me? I can hear you
03:09 Brother Jim. Alright, and I'm hoping that our
03:12 viewers can hear you because we weren't
03:15 able, we didn't have time to really hook up
03:17 our regular workup here. And so, I still wanted
03:20 to talk to you and tell me little bit about
03:22 what's going on at the Sound Center.
03:25 Well, first of all this time you call me once
03:28 before you were doing the live and I didn't
03:30 know you were doing a live and I call to you.
03:33 Yeah, that's right. And I don't know if you
03:34 remember that. I do. And, and you had left
03:38 your phone or kept your phone with you and I
03:42 guess it rang there, but anyway tonight
03:44 at least you've asked me to give an update,
03:47 yes, and say hi to Ruthie and all the other
03:49 guests that are there. That's alright.
03:51 And I know Ruthie loves the Gospel music,
03:53 that's right, yes. And for sure, but we're
03:55 doing an incredible project, we're calling it
03:58 Pillars hymns, it's not you know our last
04:02 these all original music, but we have taken
04:04 from the oldest Adventist hymns and some
04:07 of the hymns from as far back as the first
04:09 book that came out I think in 1869,
04:13 but I picked out some wonderful songs and
04:16 we have employed Tim Parton full time.
04:19 Tim is a natural you know, Ruthie you
04:21 probably know Tim, I do, he played in so
04:23 many groups. Tell him hello for us.
04:25 And a nationally known songwriter and piano
04:28 player, wonderful, and actually he's a
04:30 singer also, but we have Tim working on this
04:33 full time with us with Bobby Bradley and
04:35 E.T. Everett and of course you and John and
04:37 C.A. Murray and myself and we're actually
04:40 putting together. And today we've been
04:42 tracking in fact for the last two days,
04:45 we have a rhythm section coming in that's
04:47 putting down all the basic music and for the,
04:51 all of the Pillars song. And so, we've got that
04:53 all accomplished right here at our 3ABN
04:55 Sound Center. Next week we'll have a variety
04:59 of singers. This year we're gonna have John
05:01 Lomacang and Yvonne Lewis and I mean we're
05:04 gonna do a song and C.A. Murray and Melody
05:07 and Reggie & Ladye Love Smith, at with on
05:10 our last one. So, we have a few new singers
05:13 this year, but next week we're gonna spend
05:17 most of the week, everybody going in and
05:19 trying to put on their finish locals.
05:21 And then the following week we're putting
05:23 down a huge choir, it will be over 60 voices,
05:27 down in Nashville, we'll be going there and
05:29 doing some backup singing, putting that
05:31 altogether and then the following week we've,
05:34 the strings Kris Wilkinson who did the strings
05:38 for the first project. Now, the Pillars Project
05:41 is also doing all the string arranging,
05:43 so she will be putting on all the string,
05:46 then there is the matter of rushing back here
05:48 Jim and getting, trying to get all of this done
05:51 and hopefully if we get it done by may night
05:54 that it will be pressed and by Camp Meeting
05:58 we should have a finished CD for,
06:00 for everybody. Wow! That is really tremendous.
06:02 We are excited about it. We keep every chance
06:06 we get, we get to run over to the Sound Center
06:08 and, and just look in and see watch some of
06:11 the things that are being done there,
06:13 but Danny, we really are looking forward to
06:16 this, just as we looked forward to the Pillars
06:18 Project and we were not disappointed,
06:21 God really blessed with that.
06:22 This is gonna be huge Jim. Yeah, it is, we
06:25 really believe that the Lord is gonna use this,
06:28 and the Lord is using the good music.
06:31 And folks sometimes it's hard to find good
06:34 music today. Even among Christian people.
06:37 And so, music that would, many of us feel
06:40 comfortable with. You know, the pillars music
06:42 was the kind of music you feel comfortable with
06:44 and Danny tells me that this is gonna be the
06:47 same, isn't that right Danny? Jim this,
06:50 this music, when the pioneers were writing
06:53 this music they were anxiously looking at the
06:57 second coming, in fact it's something new to
06:59 many of the believers finding out the Jesus
07:02 was indeed coming back again. Yeah.
07:04 And so, there is so much excitement and so
07:06 much joy and so, the songs are so positive.
07:10 And each song shouldn't left by the way side.
07:13 These are all part of the pillars, are way
07:15 marked to this church that here bring us to
07:18 where we are today. So, the folks won't be
07:21 disappointed, I didn't know how we could take
07:24 these songs, but after listening to the
07:26 arrangements and Tim and E. T, and Bobby
07:28 and everybody is working on, I'm, I'm
07:31 tremendously excited. I think it's a great,
07:34 great project that the people are gonna love
07:36 it. And most of all be blessed by.
07:38 I know I should, I have been already.
07:40 Wow! That's just great Danny.
07:41 Well, listen keep us posted on this,
07:44 we're gonna get some more information on
07:46 our next behind the scenes. And I hope we
07:49 can get you in here and, and talk about it
07:51 then. And also maybe give us B-roll footage
07:54 and so forth where we can. Well, see some
07:57 of the actual things that are happening over
07:59 there. And we look forward to that.
08:02 Okay, thank so much and God bless you all
08:05 on the program tonight. God bless Danny,
08:07 we'll see you later, bye-bye. Bye-bye.
08:10 Well, we're excited here I want to tell you the
08:12 Lord, Ruthie is doing something fantastic.
08:16 This is gonna be huge. It is, and you know,
08:19 we found out recently we, we never really
08:21 kind of knew, how many people could see if
08:25 they are really turned on their television sets.
08:28 How many people could watch a program like
08:30 this tonight? No, they don't have to hook up
08:33 to another cable, don't have to hook up a
08:36 satellite, don't have to do anything different.
08:39 How many you know, just by our television,
08:42 okay, how many could watch? And we found
08:44 out recently 1.65 billion people can turn
08:51 on their sets and watch 3ABN.
08:55 But what about, what about the Internet?
08:57 Well, that's another 2 million, two billion
09:00 excuse me, that's another two billion but,
09:03 but you see we believe that God is setting
09:08 this up. And we want you folks and this is
09:11 a prayer objective that I hope that everybody
09:14 that views 3ABN will start to talk about and
09:18 to pray about to the Lord. And that is that
09:21 more people would turn on. You see,
09:23 a lot of people are watching the televisions
09:25 tonight, but they're not watching us could
09:27 be we are one of the channels they get.
09:31 And listen, you take in Europe they've got,
09:34 they've got a satellite over there that is just
09:37 like Direct TV here except it's free to
09:40 everybody say, so everybody in the nation
09:43 and those all those nations over there can
09:45 pick it up. And we have other places around
09:48 the world that are like that plus we're on over
09:50 a thousand cable outlets right here on the US,
09:53 Dish Network a 135 stations that we own
09:57 that we're on. So, what our prayer objective
10:01 now is Lord is there the, the whole mechanics
10:05 are setup, please Holy Spirit inspire them to
10:09 look. Amen. And we're, we're finding people
10:12 walking in a Churches on a, on a weekly
10:15 basis, that's right, I mean by the hundreds
10:17 folks. It happens quite often in Las Vegas.
10:21 Oh! In Las Vegas it's happening
10:22 over-and-over again, yeah. And all the
10:24 Churches in Las Vegas, the Paradise,
10:27 the Mountain View, recently I've mentioned
10:30 that Marvin Ray and his book talks about
10:33 having down to Mountain View and ask him
10:36 how are you baptizing so many peoples?
10:38 And they said, we baptize 40 to 50 people
10:41 every year just they walk in the door from
10:44 3ABN. Wow! So, it is amazing what God is
10:48 doing. Now, we want to pray. And I want
10:51 to, and Ruthie I'm gonna ask you to pray
10:52 tonight before we begin, but I want to read
10:56 the real, a part of the real Lord's Prayer.
10:59 That is John 17. That's right. Now, the model
11:04 prayer is just so dear to my heart.
11:06 And I say it often the Lord's Prayer and
11:10 I love it. And especially when it's get down
11:12 that last part we'd say, forgive us our debts
11:15 as we forgive our debtors, forgive us those
11:18 that that are not our friends just as much
11:21 as we would want to God to forgive us.
11:24 And so, and then we use to have a lot of
11:27 exercise in forgiveness here, I want to tell
11:30 you that that, that's a, a fact, but I want
11:34 to read this text because Jesus says here,
11:37 first of all in verse 13 He says,
11:40 "But now I come to you that these things I
11:43 speak in the world that they may have My
11:45 joy fulfilled in themselves." Jesus says,
11:48 I want you to have My joy. Wow! I want His
11:52 joy, His joy; I mean that's genuine joy.
11:57 And He says, I want you yo have it. He said,
11:59 "I have given them your word.
12:02 And the world has hated them because they're
12:03 not of the, of the world just as I am not of the
12:06 world." Then verse 15 He says, "I do not pray
12:11 that you should take them out of the world,
12:13 but that you should keep them from the evil
12:17 one. They are not of the world, just as I am
12:21 not of the world. Sanctify them by your
12:25 truth: your word is truth. Tonight God's word
12:32 is truth. Amen. And He says, I want to
12:36 sanctify my people by My word of truth.
12:41 Amen, amen. And tonight Ruthie you know,
12:42 we've got so many people that have so
12:45 many challenges, that's right, challenges with
12:48 their children, challenges with their money,
12:51 challenges with their, their job, health, health,
12:56 every kind of challenge that there is,
12:59 that's right, their marriages, that's right.
13:00 And would you lift our viewers up in prayer
13:05 tonight? Would you do that? Absolutely,
13:07 let's pray. Father in Heaven, we are so
13:10 thankful for the wonderful gift and the
13:13 privilege of prayer. Thank you that prayer
13:17 is as strong as God is. Thank you for giving
13:21 us such a, an amazing gift. And Lord as we
13:25 heard tonight a little earlier thank you for
13:27 this wonderful music project and thank you
13:30 for blessing it. And all the people who will be
13:32 blessed because of it. And as Jim just
13:36 mentioned we don't know the people who are
13:39 watching, but you do. And you know,
13:42 that young person or that older person who
13:45 struggling with something, maybe it's an
13:48 addiction, maybe it's a health issue,
13:51 maybe it's a family member, maybe it's a
13:54 terminal illness, but Lord we thank you that
13:58 there is power in Your word, that's right,
14:01 Your promises are true and that You will
14:03 never leave us or forsaken us. Amen.
14:06 So, Lord we thank you that you are present,
14:09 not only here with us, but this is your world.
14:15 In Psalm 2 you tell us that the father says
14:19 to the son, today I have given you the whole
14:21 earth for your inheritance. So, Lord
14:24 put Your arms around our planet,
14:27 it's just a little blue dot in space,
14:29 but Jesus died. So, for us and so you're not
14:35 willing that any should perish, we ask for a
14:37 special blessing for each one tonight
14:41 because we come to you in the strong name
14:43 of Jesus, amen. Amen, praise the Lord.
14:48 Well you know Ruthie, you remember
14:51 Ben Parish, you're saying you know,
14:52 that so beautifully often sang with George
14:55 Vandeman and for George's programs I
14:58 enjoyed Ben's music so very much.
15:00 And not long ago his son Todd was here with
15:06 his wife Lisa. And they sing for us and
15:12 we're going to listen right now
15:16 as they sing "One More Voice."
15:35 Listen to the singing of the people of the Lord,
15:41 Filling all the earth with songs of praise;
15:48 For, by many millions now, the Savior is adored
15:54 I have also joined in the song they raise!
16:05 One More voice to sing of Jesus and his boundless
16:13 Love divine, one more voice to join in worship
16:23 One more voice it will be mine!
16:30 One more voice to speak His goodness,
16:36 Tell of His rich gifts out poured,
16:43 Add my song to swell the chorus
16:49 One more voice Here's one more voice,
16:55 One more voice to praise the Lord!
17:08 Maybe just a few will hear the song of praise I sing,
17:15 But, my friend, I'll sing it just the same;
17:22 Daily and with gratitud I'll worship Christ my
17:27 King Wonderful and precious is His name!
17:39 One More voice to sing of Jesus and his boundless
17:47 Love divine, one more voice to join in worship
17:57 One more voice it will be mine!
18:04 One more voice to speak His goodness,
18:11 Tell of His rich gifts out poured,
18:17 Add my song to swell the chorus
18:24 One more voice Here's one more voice,
18:30 One more voice to praise the Lord!
18:43 One more voice to speak His goodness,
18:50 Tell of His rich gifts out poured,
18:56 Add my song to swell the chorus
19:03 One more voice Here's one more voice,
19:10 One more voice to praise the Lord!
19:30 Well, I tell you he can sing and she can too.
19:34 It's beautiful. Yeah really, really,
19:36 praising the Lord, one marvel. And so, well you
19:39 brought some guests with you tonight,
19:42 tell me who you brought and introduce them
19:44 for me, would you? I do, and I'll be glad too.
19:46 Okay. Well, Marian Parson is the prayer
19:48 coordinator and she is also on the pastoral
19:51 staff, Jim did you know that?
19:52 No, I didn't know that, but I have known
19:54 Marian for a long time. Because you were
19:56 the president, yes, of
19:57 Arkansas-Louisiana, right, that's right.
20:00 And so, Marian Parson is a prayer
20:02 coordinator. And she has been doing some
20:05 wonderful things for the teenagers
20:07 at Ozark Academy. And she brought Raquel,
20:11 alright, McIntyre. Okay. And she is a senior,
20:17 so we're glad to have her and then,
20:19 glad to be here, Obadiah Wright is from
20:21 Fletcher Academy in North Carolina.
20:23 Alright, okay. So, we've got a good group
20:27 and I'm so glad that they're here. Well,
20:29 that's great. Well, listen I know the
20:31 Marian has come from Gentry.
20:35 And my good friend Mike Dale has been
20:40 very ill, that's right. And I, I, and we
20:43 were praying hard, we had about 1500
20:48 plus Prayer Warriors from this group.
20:52 Oh! That's wonderful, praying for Mike,
20:53 wonderful. And tell us, give us a little up.
20:57 Does he know that? I hope he knows that.
21:00 And I hope he does too because tell
21:02 us a little bit about what's going on. Well,
21:04 I'm very happy to report tonight Jim
21:07 that Mike Dale in on the road to recovery.
21:10 Amen. And those prayers plus thousands
21:14 of others and all of the students at
21:17 Ozark Academy were praying diligently
21:20 for Mike. Yeah. God has heard those prayers.
21:23 And tonight he is in rehab recuperating
21:26 and he's anxious to be back at his post.
21:29 Let me tell you a little bit about Mike Dale;
21:30 Mike Dale was an outstanding public
21:33 school teacher in Texas, Cana, Texas.
21:36 He was teacher of the year many times
21:40 and, and administrator I, I don't know of all
21:44 the positions he held, but I think principal
21:46 and so forth of some schools there.
21:48 And just tremendous he took early retirement.
21:51 I know that when I was there Mike used
21:53 to help us at our Camp Yorktown Bay and
21:57 he was very much into that. He later became
22:01 Principal at Ozark Adventist Academy.
22:05 And then recently he was sick with,
22:08 it was a very serious case of viral pneumonia,
22:11 is that what it was? Yes, actually they,
22:15 they said he had double pneumonia,
22:17 a typical pneumonia. Right. Mike was
22:20 extremely sick, yes. Mike's desire has been
22:24 that God be in control of Ozark Academy.
22:29 Yeah. He is a praying man, yes,
22:32 I can tell you that. Yes, he is.
22:33 And he has had on his heart a burden
22:38 for the students, and we'll share more
22:41 you know, a little bit about what took
22:43 place there, alright, and Mike's part in that.
22:46 Alright, but he, he was flown from a hospital
22:50 there in Northwest Arkansas, yes,
22:54 to Kansas City, is that correct?
22:57 That's correct, that's correct. And he was
22:58 put in intensive care there in a very
23:00 large hospital. He was, and, on a ventilator.
23:04 Okay. Mike was on the ventilator
23:06 I'm sure well over a month. One month.
23:10 We, we recently recognized the
23:14 seriousness of his illness, yes, but
23:16 praise God, prayers answered, Mike
23:20 is making phone calls, okay, on his
23:22 own cell phone. Alright. And he is up and
23:25 around he's, he's got a little ways
23:26 to go, but I have full confidence
23:30 by next school year Mike is gonna be back
23:32 at his post. Okay, and as a, as a student.
23:36 Raquel is from Ozark. That's right;
23:39 you're one of his students. Yes. And
23:41 tell us how, how was this impacting
23:43 the students. It, it was really shocking
23:47 to lot of us because we see Mr. Dale
23:50 as like a strong I don't know powerful figure,
23:54 because he always stories of his past
23:57 and how. Yeah. He's overcome so
23:58 many situations, yes, so hearing this
24:00 and knowing about it was really shocking
24:03 to us like you know, you have to go
24:04 through this kind of. Yeah, yeah, but the,
24:07 the young people there have been praying
24:09 for him as you mentioned, yes,
24:11 and you've, you've seen an answer to
24:14 your prayer. Oh! Yes. Well, listen Mike
24:16 if you're watching tonight we love you,
24:18 we continue to pray for you and we believe
24:21 that you are really on the road to recovery.
24:23 And God is gonna restore your strength,
24:26 some of us have had some major
24:28 illnesses at time and we know God can
24:30 restore your strength that He can give you
24:32 that energy that you had in the past;
24:35 you'll have it again when He heals you.
24:37 So, just know that we're thinking about you
24:40 and we're praying about you. Well listen,
24:43 tell me some more about what's going on?
24:45 Well you know, the emphasis now is
24:47 on revival. Yes. Revival and praying
24:51 and getting to know God intimately and
24:54 the young people have had an amazing
24:58 experience, it was the weekend,
25:00 the last weekend in October. Well,
25:03 tell us what happened? This, this is
25:05 something, if you haven't heard this,
25:07 my son would say, this is gonna knock your
25:09 socks off. Okay, well I've got my boots
25:11 on tonight, so I'll have to get over
25:13 the boots. This is amazing. Well, at the
25:16 end of October we hosted a prayer conference
25:19 at our school, yes, and I'm not sure
25:21 how many students were there, we had
25:23 about 400 I think, yeah of course to 400
25:25 and I was about 70 student like team
25:28 leaders that we, we went off to a separate
25:30 camp and we were supposed to get
25:32 training, I guess on how to lead the
25:35 conference. And when we went there we were
25:39 all surprised I remember the first day that we
25:42 were there, when we first got there I was
25:45 wondering when dinner wave, and I was
25:48 asking around, I was like when is dinner
25:50 time, does anyone know when dinner
25:51 time is, you know, I was answering
25:52 the sponsors who had a schedule, over
25:55 the schedule was, so we could find it out.
25:56 And nobody, nobody had a schedule,
26:00 nobody knew when the program started
26:02 and I was like I don't, I don't understand,
26:05 why doesn't anyone have a schedule of
26:07 what's going on. And type A, type A.
26:10 Yes, and from then, from then on like the
26:14 Holy Spirit just led from our first program
26:17 we knew that it was just gonna be
26:20 I don't a lot, we experienced the, the
26:23 lively personality of Pastor Gary, okay, and
26:27 he let us through and he taught us how to
26:29 basically let move ourselves out of way
26:32 let the Holy Spirit lead and throughout that
26:33 whole training camp we, we let go and let
26:38 God lead and. Amen. Well, and you know his,
26:43 his goals were, he wanted you to learn to
26:45 give you testimony. Yes. And to be able
26:49 to lead a small group Bible study. Yes.
26:51 And but most of all to pray. Yes. And he did
26:56 not want things to be structured. No.
26:58 He wanted you to learn to depend on God.
27:02 And I think that came through didn't it?
27:04 Oh! Yes. Oh! Yes. You know, sometimes when the
27:06 schedules are too tight it seems like the
27:09 Holy Spirit doesn't work as well, as when
27:11 there it is. But we put him in a fence,
27:13 yeah, you know, when we put those schedules
27:15 and you know, give him time like, the
27:17 Holy Spirit when he's gonna be able to
27:19 come out and do his work and it's.
27:21 Isn't that amazing that we as puny human
27:24 beings, have the audacity to do something
27:26 like that, limit God, yeah, we can limit God,
27:28 you know, we can tell Him what He can do.
27:30 Yeah. Which is, it is, I mean he know shake
27:33 his head, yeah, but I think this is one
27:36 reason why he likes working with teenagers,
27:39 yes, because the Lord enjoys working with
27:41 young people because they are more willing
27:44 to be open and obedient and they don't know
27:48 what doesn't work. No, no that's right.
27:50 And then once you get away from the
27:54 schedule philosophy and you get in to allowing
27:58 the Holy Spirit to lead some wonderful
28:02 and beauty things can tape. Marian, what
28:04 happened on Friday night? Well, Ruthie we
28:08 brought the, the young people back from
28:11 the training and they were, by the time we
28:15 finished the training on Friday morning they,
28:18 they were so excited and then they began
28:22 to wonder how could this happened to
28:24 the students that were just coming on to
28:26 campus for the, for the prayer conference.
28:30 And you had a lot of different schools
28:32 represented. We did, we had schools from
28:35 Illinois from of course Ozark Academy
28:37 we had students from Texas, from
28:40 Ouachita Hills Academy, from Midland Adventist
28:44 Academy in Kansas City. And then many
28:47 students that were home schooled, high
28:50 school students. And so, we had all these
28:53 students coming on campus and these seventy
28:56 began to wonder, how can we make,
29:00 allow them to have the same experience
29:03 we just had? And we smiled because we
29:06 knew that there was nothing they could do,
29:08 or nothing we could do. And so,
29:11 when they got back over to the Academy Campus
29:14 they began, they gathered in a room and
29:18 they began to try to plan something and they
29:21 couldn't agree on what should be done and then
29:23 one of them said, wait a minute,
29:25 what's going on here? This is, this is not
29:27 the way it happened out there. And so,
29:30 they were all down on their knees, pleading
29:34 with the Lord for the young people that
29:36 were coming onto the campus that they would
29:38 have that same experience. Yeah. And
29:40 that was when the Holy Spirit took over again.
29:44 I like, I like something I would didn't get
29:46 to be there, so I have just been enjoying
29:50 this vicariously, but I have many of us
29:53 who weren't there have been blessed
29:54 over-and-over by hearing these stories,
29:56 but I understand that Gary Burns stood up
29:59 on Friday night and just welcome to people
30:02 and introduce the weekend and then he
30:04 said, now you aren't gonna see me
30:06 or other adults here on this platform
30:08 all weekend. The young people are in
30:10 charge and he prayed and he walked off.
30:13 Yes. And I guess it was quiet for a minute
30:16 or two and then finally young people came
30:19 up and started giving their testimonies.
30:21 Tell us what happened Raquel? That that night
30:24 was really amazing, people opened up and
30:26 share testimony they were confessing,
30:29 singing song, sharing personal experience
30:32 and that was great because once people
30:34 start doing it and there was at the end
30:37 of the stage you had to sit in line basically
30:39 to go next and the line just kept getting
30:41 longer-and-longer people kept wanting to share
30:43 more-and-more it was wonderful like how
30:46 you like one person's testimony would
30:48 encourage some, inspire, people yes. Yeah.
30:51 Tell us about, is that Craig the big tall kid
30:55 with iPhone, Caleb, Caleb, Caleb, yes,
30:58 tell us about that, that's wonderful story.
31:00 He was, he was inspire to go up and share
31:03 his personal experience with his music and
31:06 his iPod and how he was so connected with
31:08 his iPod and all the music on it, he would
31:10 always listen to it, that was like his escape
31:12 I guess, and. But this was dark music. Yes,
31:15 heavy metal that kind of music. And he went
31:20 up there and deleted all his music on his,
31:22 in front of everybody, is that right?
31:25 He said, this is Caleb with all of his music.
31:28 This is Caleb deleting all of his music,
31:31 all of music. And he made a good point
31:33 while he did that, he was like you can't
31:34 just you know, throw it all the way without
31:37 filling it was something good or else it's
31:39 just gonna refill with trash. Right. You know,
31:41 and so he, he had played a song you know
31:44 a Christian song that he enjoyed and it was
31:46 wonderful. I thought that point was really
31:47 important. And I understand that
31:49 kids came up you know, and surrounded him
31:52 and prayed for him. You know, that's one
31:54 of the things about teenagers you see,
31:57 such encouragement and such support for
32:00 one another, if one person's crying they're
32:02 all crying. Yeah, that's right. If, if one
32:04 person is laughing they're all laughing.
32:05 Amen. And they know that they, their parents
32:08 understand, that's right, another thing
32:10 about for teenagers is that, an adult
32:15 might try to fool a kid, but kids can't
32:19 fool each other. And they understand
32:21 exactly where you're coming from. And
32:24 it really, I mean you get through faster I
32:26 think than adults. I used to tell the kids
32:29 you are smarter now than you're ever
32:32 gonna be, you never gonna be this smart
32:35 again. You just keep getting dumber. Yeah,
32:37 yeah. And I've, I've told them you are in an
32:41 enviable position because adults will
32:44 listen to you, your parents listen to you
32:47 and children look up to you like you know,
32:50 you know everything. And so, teenagers are in
32:53 a very strategic and important position in
32:57 our Church today. That's right. That means
32:59 we need to step up, we need to. Yeah,
33:00 that's right. It's like I don't know when I
33:02 think about teenagers and are like the great
33:05 opportunity that we have, it makes me
33:08 think of my math class for one reason,
33:11 our teacher Mr. Fisher he always ask for
33:14 like people to, who like shout out the
33:16 answers, so he can maybe write it on the board
33:18 or whatever, and some of us may know how
33:22 to find the answer, and some of us may already
33:24 have the answer, but they're, they're always
33:26 be like a moment of silence like people are
33:28 scared to shout out the answer or people like
33:31 the people that know the answer they won't
33:33 say it because they know somebody else has it
33:35 or somebody else who find it first, so they
33:37 can say it. And I feel like that's what we're
33:38 doing in the Church like we know, waiting,
33:41 yes we're waiting and it's the moment of the
33:43 silence like somebody needs to say the answer,
33:45 someone needs to you know, step out there
33:47 like we know the answer, or some of us know how
33:50 to find it, but we're not, we're waiting on
33:52 someone else to do it. That's a wonderful
33:54 example Raquel, that's exactly where we are.
33:58 And I think God is saying, what are you
33:59 waiting for? Yes, like myself you've like,
34:02 I know you guys have the answer; you guys
34:04 have your calculators in front of you to find
34:05 the answer, that's like God find it and
34:07 waiting. It's like a Bible right there. Yeah,
34:08 right there the answers, right. Well and
34:11 you know, I wanted to, to ask Oby a question
34:15 in a minute too, but jump in when you see
34:19 something that because we all are,
34:21 are excited about this, that's right, and I
34:23 don't want to leave anybody out. Can I tell
34:27 what happened Saturday night? Yes. And wasn't
34:30 even there, but I've told this so many times
34:33 you'd think I was there. Yeah, on Sabbath
34:36 morning they had testimonies and Bible
34:39 study, on Sabbath afternoon they went
34:41 out in the community, yes, and gave books
34:44 away and prayed with people, yep, and
34:46 then in the evening when they came back
34:48 they were usually the kids get up and
34:53 again there's a long line waiting you know,
34:56 to tell what happened. Because there is a
34:58 lot of excitement, yes, lot of excitement,
35:00 but one of the first people was a girl by
35:05 the name of Brooke, Brooke she was 14,
35:09 yes, and she came up and told her story,
35:13 she was an addicted alcoholic.
35:16 Oh! Wow! At 14, 14, yeah.
35:19 And her home situation as a human being
35:23 we would look at that and say, that's
35:25 totally hopeless, yeah, that's hopeless.
35:27 But with God there are no hopeless cases.
35:30 No, nothing. And I just want to say that
35:32 into the camera tonight wherever you are with
35:35 God there are no hopeless cases.
35:37 That's right. God can do anything for you.
35:40 Yes. That night when Brooke came up
35:43 and gave her testimony she said, I want to
35:48 be baptized, yeah, I've never been baptized.
35:51 And so, the correct me if I'm wrong
35:54 because I wasn't there, but she,
35:56 the pastor took her aside and questioned
35:59 her and made sure that she understood
36:01 and she was ready for Baptism.
36:02 And then she was baptized, but that night
36:06 I don't know if I can tell this without a lot
36:10 of emotion because this is so amazing,
36:13 that night from about 8 O'clock until
36:17 2 O'clock in the morning these kids
36:20 were giving their testimonies weeping
36:23 together, praying together and 50 were
36:25 baptized. Wow! Wow! Really amazing.
36:28 Is that revival? Yes, it is. Absolutely it is.
36:32 It's the kind of revival that our pioneers had.
36:36 That's right. And they would pray sometimes
36:38 all night long, this is not an extreme thing
36:42 folks, it's something that we honestly are
36:45 all gonna have to start being more involved
36:47 with, if we're going to have the fortification
36:50 of our souls that we're gonna need to live
36:53 in the times that we're living in,
36:55 you look at the things that are happening
36:57 in Japan as far as the nuclear fall out situation,
37:01 we don't know where that's going,
37:04 and we don't know some of the things that
37:07 are going to start happening in this world
37:09 we must be ready and there's no way we can
37:13 do it without being fortified by the word
37:15 of God, that's right, and by prayer.
37:17 It's the only way. And I remember,
37:20 I remember after, when I was at the
37:21 prayer conference, the North American Prayer
37:24 Conference at the Cove, you know, there was,
37:27 there were some young people there not
37:29 many of us, but the ones that were there
37:31 I could see something you know, in them and,
37:34 and so one night I was, I was in well saying,
37:39 it was just kind of like a watch type thing
37:41 and me and these boys. Billy Graham Coves
37:43 near Asheville. Me, me and this boy we started,
37:47 we start talking and, and, and sharing our
37:51 faith with each other and, and kind of connecting
37:53 on a spiritual level really and, I remember
37:56 that night we, we just started praying
38:00 and we just prayed for hours.
38:02 And I, I, I barely knew this, this person,
38:05 but because we connected on a
38:07 spiritual level we weren't, we weren't
38:09 afraid and, and it was like we sparked each
38:12 other I mean, if this person, wow! This
38:13 person is, is, is willing to, to pray with me.
38:17 And, and, and the way they're pouring out
38:19 their heart to God I mean we wee pouring
38:21 our hearts out like things in our personal
38:23 life that to God you know, with his person
38:26 right next to us and it really strengthen us
38:28 and being with other young people there and,
38:30 and it was, it was, it was a great experience
38:33 spiritual relationship. It's true, isn't it Oby
38:36 that when somebody is praying about a
38:38 problem or a situation, the Holy Spirit reminds
38:42 you, yes, you know, that's something that
38:45 you can identify with that and not only do
38:48 I want you to pray for him, but you can pray
38:50 for yourself. And it strengthens both of you.
38:52 Good, that's right. And especially when,
38:54 especially when you're willing, when
38:57 someone sees that, well this person is
38:58 willing to share what in their life has,
39:03 has brought them down, this person really
39:05 and most people don't want to admit their
39:06 faults, yeah, and when they see that they're,
39:08 they're like well this person cares you know
39:11 and, and, and is trusting with us and,
39:13 and it's a way to strengthen each other.
39:15 That's one of the beauties I think in
39:18 working with young people. Yes.
39:20 Because you don't play games, or at least
39:23 as not as much as some adults, we as adults
39:26 tend to do, you're just willing to look at the
39:30 bottom line and say, who are we trying to kid,
39:33 we need God. Yeah, yeah. And that's really what
39:36 we all. As adults we're a little more guarded and
39:40 we little more careful, but yeah a young
39:43 person is very open. A young person is a child
39:47 who's grown big and the Lord said, except
39:50 we become as little children and that's
39:53 true for those of us who have really grown big
39:56 unless we become as little children,
39:59 trusting in Him, having faith in Him,
40:02 then He says, we want really have
40:04 that connection. Child like in our
40:06 faith and trust. Yeah. Ruthie,
40:08 can I share with you what was taking place
40:11 at the back of the church? Please.
40:13 On that Saturday night, as adults we were
40:18 not allowed to go upfront,
40:20 but we really didn't want to,
40:21 aren't you glad? I'm so thankful.
40:24 I was at the back of the Church praying
40:26 as I was ordered to by Gary.
40:29 And of course that was what I want to do,
40:32 but as we were back there praying
40:34 the church was fairly dark except for
40:37 the lights upfront and as I walked around the
40:41 very back of the Church I almost stumbled
40:43 over some boys that were laying faced down
40:48 pleading with God for these kids that had
40:52 come to that conference that they would
40:54 yeild their hearts to the Lord,
40:56 from their school, from this all of the schools.
40:59 I walked around the hallway and in
41:01 the overflow room on the outside a boy
41:05 came out of the room and he said,
41:07 Mrs. Parson, could you please come here,
41:10 my friend needs you to pray with her?
41:13 And so, I went in thinking that she was
41:15 you know, struggling and she was in tears
41:20 just pouring her heart out and I said,
41:23 what is it? What, what's troubling
41:25 you know, and she said, my friends,
41:27 I'm just pleading with the Lord,
41:29 my friends haven't yet yielded
41:32 to the Holy Spirit. And she,
41:35 her heart was so full for her school
41:38 classmates that she was pleading and crying
41:43 asking God to reach them. Don't you think
41:46 this is the kind of love that God wants
41:50 us all to have? Absolutely.
41:52 For the people who are lost. Absolutely,
41:54 and when we really want to have that,
41:59 God gives it to us. Had a good friend
42:01 by the name of Ray Rushing and Ray
42:03 told me that one time he was at a Church
42:05 in Dallas, Texas and he said,
42:07 we would pray and we were praying
42:10 for souls? And he said that was one
42:12 young man that he said, when I came on
42:16 in he was lying face down. That's right.
42:19 He said, he was a Bible, a Bible College,
42:23 a Bible College president of a small
42:25 Bible college as he was lying face down
42:29 and he was praying and he said,
42:31 I could, he was praying out loud oh! God,
42:33 please make me a soul winner;
42:36 please make me a soul winner.
42:38 Amen. He was praying this prayer over
42:40 and over again and he said,
42:42 I knelt beside Him, and we began
42:45 to pray together. And he said that was
42:47 the first time I ever made Billy Graham.
42:50 And Billy Graham was that young college,
42:53 Bible college president. Amen. Who went from
42:56 there to holding the meeting that he held
42:58 out in California and became, amen,
43:01 a soul winner because he was asking God,
43:04 make me a soul winner. And you know,
43:07 I think that all of us want that and we
43:09 get a Free Offer for you tonight.
43:12 And it's "How to Grow in Jesus."
43:15 Right now you and I need to grow as
43:17 never before. This is a great little
43:20 book by Marvin Moore, we're gonna send
43:22 it to you, it's our Free Offer,
43:24 you can get it by calling 618-627-4651 or
43:29 you can email us at freeoffer@3abn.org.
43:36 And please do that, we need to hear
43:38 from you, we want to hear
43:39 from you and you're going to want to
43:41 have this little book. Now, the second
43:44 half of our program Ruthie we're gonna,
43:47 if we can get time to get through them.
43:50 We're gonna have some questions and you know,
43:53 the address for questions is,
43:55 questions what is it, at 3abn.org,
44:00 live@3abn.org. And you can send
44:04 your questions to that address;
44:07 put them in here, any kind of question
44:09 about prayer, revival, things of that nature,
44:14 618-627-4651 for your questions or
44:19 live@3abn.org. And we'll be looking
44:23 forward to those, those questions,
44:25 yes. I'd like to say something more
44:27 about Billy Graham. Okay. He had been
44:31 speaking and he had been holding
44:34 evangelistic crusades, but something
44:36 happened in Los Angeles. Yes. And all the church
44:41 has got together and they decided
44:42 that there we're gonna pray for months before,
44:46 yes, his crusade. And he said that was
44:49 when God turned everything. Oh! Yes,
44:52 absolutely. While they were praying the,
44:55 the crime rate went down, yeah,
44:58 and everything changed in that City
45:01 of Los Angeles. And so, he said I want to,
45:04 to continue with this, but I will never go
45:07 into a city that doesn't have a city
45:09 wide prayer, yeah, yeah,
45:11 serious. Then people would realize
45:12 he was just in a great big old tent on a,
45:15 a vacant lot. Yeah. It was not some kind of a,
45:18 a great auditorium or great stadium
45:22 or anything of that nature, it was about as
45:24 primitive as you can get in that
45:26 first meeting, right, but God continued to
45:28 bless it and night after night people
45:31 were receiving Jesus Christ and
45:33 He went from there, if my memory
45:35 serves me right, Boston to Pastor
45:39 Harold John Ockenga's Church there the park,
45:43 I guess called Park Street to Presbyterian
45:46 and held his second meeting in a
45:48 Church there. And that began
45:50 to grow and grow and then they went out
45:52 to one of the places there for a stadium,
45:58 actually an indoor type stadium and I'm
46:00 trying to remember the name of it,
46:01 but it's where the Celtics play and the
46:04 so forth the old one and there they held
46:08 a larger thing, but these meetings
46:10 were started out small, yeah, and God continued
46:13 to bless them. And as the people
46:15 prayed then things began to happen.
46:18 Do you know that man is incredible,
46:20 they just celebrated I think his
46:22 90th birthday. Yes. And but he was
46:24 telling his friends and his family.
46:26 You know, I don't the Lord is
46:27 finished with me I think there are some
46:29 more things He wants me to do. Yeah.
46:31 And it may not be in the huge crusades
46:34 that He used to have, but He's giving Billy
46:38 Graham ideas that He can carry out,
46:40 or carry them out through other people,
46:43 he's just there, that's right, praying
46:44 and studying and wanting to be used,
46:47 it's beautiful. And Billy Graham
46:49 if you're watching tonight we want you
46:50 to know that we really appreciate
46:52 your ministry of bringing, amen, many,
46:54 many people to Christ. And there are so
46:57 many people that are part of the
46:58 Three Angels Messages found that gave
47:02 their hearts to Jesus. Oh! Yes, in a Bally
47:04 Graham crusade. And all over the world.
47:07 And George Beverly Shea is a hundred
47:08 and what? He is a little over,
47:10 I think a 102 I think it is. But you know,
47:12 he can still sing. He still sings,
47:14 and watches other 3ABN. So,
47:17 he maybe watching tonight as well,
47:19 if he is, okay, we're praying that both
47:22 of them have great health because they
47:24 were great inspirations to some of us
47:26 as young people they, they held up Jesus
47:29 Christ and preached, preached to Christ
47:32 and they were a great example to us.
47:35 Well, I'd like to say something else getting
47:37 back to the Ozark Team Prayer Conference. Yes
47:40 There was a group that came to
47:42 the North American Division in Silver Spring
47:44 Maryland and they were there for the year
47:48 end meetings and they prayed over
47:50 Elder Dan Jackson and they led out
47:53 in the early morning prayer, prayer time,
47:55 times and they went to the prayer room.
47:59 And you know, Paul Brantley told me
48:01 something he is a Vice-President he said,
48:04 I was going into the building one day
48:06 and I just felt like he had quite a few big
48:11 things in front of him and he said,
48:12 I just felt like I needed to pray
48:15 and he said, I went up to the Chapel
48:17 on second floor to pray and he said,
48:20 it was just full to walls with all these
48:23 kids because they were there praying
48:25 for people. And he said,
48:27 when they thought they had finished
48:29 praying for everyone that had come in,
48:32 they were gonna just prayer walk
48:34 in the building and pray for,
48:35 pray for people in their offices or cubicles
48:39 as they had request. And he said,
48:43 Paul, told us he said, I saw them they were
48:45 getting ready to leave and I said,
48:46 no, no, no don't go yet I want to
48:48 have prayer. And so, they prayed for Him
48:51 and He has been so grateful for that.
48:55 He still, he still talks about it,
48:57 still thankful for it. There's something
49:00 about the prayer and the faith, yes,
49:02 of a teenager. That's right, very true.
49:06 I know I notice when, when I go to
49:10 strangers I've, I've done canvassing
49:12 for a long time and, and usually I, I, I ask,
49:14 if I can pray with them before I leave
49:16 and I mean just hearing from a young
49:18 person that this young person wants to,
49:20 wants to pray with me. I mean most young
49:22 people don't have thought, asking to God
49:24 and just ask you to pray with somebody,
49:26 right, but I remember one woman she,
49:29 she was so shocked that I mean this is a,
49:32 this has been a, been a time when
49:34 I actually knelt down to 'cause to get
49:37 down with her level to pray with her. Yes
49:39 She was just shock that a young
49:41 person would do that and the impact
49:43 it had on her was amazing,
49:44 she ended up buying 17 religious
49:47 spiritual books, books for the employees,
49:50 book for other people because she was so
49:52 touched and, and for a few minutes
49:54 she was stunned, she couldn't say
49:55 anything, she actually almost basically
49:58 dismissed me because she was so shocked
50:00 and I was walking down the street.
50:02 And, and her secretary came running after
50:03 me and said, she wants you
50:04 to come back and that's when she
50:05 told me how, how, how touched she
50:08 wasn't and she was just speechless.
50:10 And she just want everything,
50:11 she's like I don't care what you have
50:12 just, just give it, I want it all,
50:14 whatever you have I want it.
50:16 Praise the Lord. And she, she saw
50:17 and it was amazing. Praise the Lord.
50:18 Praise the Lord. Now, that was in
50:19 somebody's office. That was in
50:21 somebody's office, it was a, yeah I was,
50:23 it was actually in a, it was a,
50:25 a business actually really, yeah, and so.
50:30 Raquel, what have you seen in your life
50:33 personally as a result of prayer?
50:37 Wow, I've seen personally just looking
50:42 at where God has, where God has
50:44 brought me from to where I'm now
50:46 as a result of my prayer life and my
50:49 personal you know experiences with Him
50:51 that's I guess the first hand account of
50:53 what prayer has done for me,
50:55 and what God has done for me and I don't,
50:58 I don't know it'd a long segment,
51:00 if I went into, to places that he,
51:02 move on we've got a few more minutes,
51:04 so go ahead. But Team Prayer
51:06 Conference though was five months ago.
51:08 Yeah. And that is not an experience
51:11 that has just gone away. Yes one,
51:14 one thing I, I shared with Ms. Marian
51:17 earlier was ever since the prayer conference,
51:19 I don't know it really strengthened my
51:21 faith and my, my trust in God. And so,
51:24 after ever since the prayer conference in
51:26 October I've never set my alarm clock.
51:29 And so, every morning, every night I pray,
51:32 I pray that He wakes me up and I know
51:35 that He will, I trust that He will
51:36 and He always wakes me up and we,
51:38 we have that time to spend together
51:41 and He's, I've never been late to any
51:44 appointment or, wow! Or anything
51:47 and it's just. Raquel there's on
51:49 the screen now these are the pictures,
51:52 yes, that came from Ozark Academy,
51:54 these groups of people praying together.
51:56 Yes. And you can just see the intensity
52:02 of the prayers. This is at the NAD,
52:05 okay yeah, there here. Yeah, that's right.
52:09 And here are people that care enough
52:11 about one another and are willing to pray
52:15 and to open the scriptures together.
52:18 Yes, this is at the training camp that we
52:20 went to the, the 70 team leaders,
52:22 okay, this is during a Bible study we did.
52:25 Kids, kids can make use of any space,
52:27 they don't care. Oh! Yeah,
52:28 well that's all yeah. And it has not a
52:31 problem with all. And where was this?
52:33 This is at Dan Jack, Elder Dan Jackson's
52:36 house, His house, yes. Wow! Alright.
52:40 You know, Ruthie, you mentioned that
52:42 that girl who is just on, on the floor praying
52:46 interceding for her friends and it was
52:49 amazing what the Lord brought up
52:50 from my heart, it sounds like Lord
52:52 help me to see through Yours eyes,
52:53 help me to feel, where You feel,
52:55 help me to feel the need for the people
52:57 around me, help me to, to see it and,
53:00 and to intercede for it. He touched my heart
53:03 and the Lord touched my heart in such
53:04 a way that that whenever an issue
53:07 would arise with some of my friends
53:09 whether it was spiritual battles or,
53:11 of battles of the flesh and different things,
53:15 I would fight myself pouring out my heart
53:17 to God, to God crying interceding for this
53:20 other friend of mine even,
53:23 even neighbors that I had that aren't
53:25 even Christian, that don't even know
53:27 God totally in the world I found myself
53:30 one day 'cause this was, this was a day was a,
53:32 it was a powerful, it was, I was crying for
53:35 this person to say because I've been over
53:37 at their house and I had been
53:38 friends with them. And this girl was
53:40 thinking about committing suicide.
53:42 This girl, she was, she was,
53:44 she was crying out, she is like I can't take
53:46 life anymore, there is no purpose for me,
53:47 I feel like my soul is so dark that I've no,
53:49 that I've been taken over by evil that
53:52 I there is no purpose for me that,
53:55 that my life I, I wanna end it,
53:56 but I can't, I don't if the God's too. How old?
53:58 She was, she was 18.
54:01 She is like I don't have guts
54:02 to kill myself, but she is like she,
54:04 and she was going insane,
54:05 just right in front of me she was there and,
54:06 and nothing I could say. Right.
54:09 Could nothing I could get across to her
54:12 would do anything, but I remember
54:14 going home and I'm pouring my heart
54:15 out to God for this, for this girl.
54:18 I believe the Lord's still working with her,
54:20 but it was just it impacted me
54:23 and you know, just praying for
54:24 this person. And it was just
54:26 amazing what, what the Lord
54:28 did and I was actually one day praying for her
54:31 to come to Church, and I went into her
54:33 room to wake her up 'cause she was
54:35 still sleeping, I was like hey,
54:36 you're gonna come to Church.
54:37 And, and she, she said, oh! No,
54:40 no I can't. And I just got
54:42 down on my knees and I prayed;
54:43 I prayed prayed and prayed,
54:44 and she ended up coming to Church.
54:46 And, and so it's. How is she doing now?
54:49 She is, she is still, she has improved,
54:53 she hasn't, she's gotten out of suicidal.
54:56 I believe the Lord is still working with her
54:58 and that has great plans for her, but
54:59 still pray that she'll submit to the
55:01 Lord one of these days. Your prayers are
55:03 important. It is. Okay. Raquel,
55:06 the pictures who are coming on just as
55:07 you were talking and, and I wanted to say,
55:11 what a big thing that is?
55:12 At night for you to say to the Lord,
55:17 wake me up, yes, and, and He does,
55:20 doesn't He? Yeah, yeah. He wakes you up
55:22 every morning what time? It's not,
55:24 it's not really a consistent time,
55:25 and, and there is, yes, the lately
55:27 has been very early you know,
55:29 around like 5, round the clock.
55:31 And it sounds insane, but it's wonderful
55:33 because we struggle for the time during
55:35 the day or you know, at night it's hard to
55:38 find time you know, so it's nice to get up
55:40 early fresh, yes. Aren't you finding,
55:43 aren't you finding that instead of this
55:46 being a discipline, and sometimes we
55:49 really need to go to our prayer time
55:51 as a discipline, but more than that
55:55 I think the Lord gives us a hunger
55:57 in our hearts to spend time with Him
56:00 and to just say, Lord what do you
56:02 have for me today? And He tells us
56:05 how much He loves us and how valuable
56:07 you are to Him? Yes. Isn't that true?
56:09 Yes, it is a wonderful, but I don't know every,
56:13 every morning I have something new
56:15 like I learned something new just this
56:18 past month and just the journey,
56:20 ever since the prayer conference.
56:22 God has definitely shown new things
56:25 to me and, and taught me different things
56:26 about myself and about Him and
56:30 it's just been an amazing
56:31 experience. Wow! That really is
56:33 and I will tell you this Ruthie,
56:35 that the Lord wakes me up for prayer.
56:38 And sometimes it's like 12:30,
56:41 1 O'clock and I think, wow! Lord I don't
56:44 know how I'm gonna make it tomorrow,
56:46 but you know it's amazing how he
56:48 refreshes us? That's right. Even though
56:50 we don't get as many hours of sleep
56:52 as we think we were gonna get that, that
56:56 prayer time with Him is something
57:00 that fortifies us and maybe sometimes
57:02 it doesn't need to be so structured,
57:04 we've got about 40 seconds here
57:06 until we take our break. So,
57:08 you if you want to get word to us,
57:10 you can do it, you can send out
57:13 the freeoffer@3abn.org or questions and those
57:20 are availabl live@3abn.org,
57:24 either way you can call 618-267-4651.
57:30 So, do that we'll be looking forward
57:32 to hearing from you. And we'll be looking
57:34 forward the second part of this meeting
57:37 we're gonna be having some experiences
57:40 and we're gonna get to as many of
57:41 your questions as we
57:43 possibly can. We'll be right back.


Revised 2014-12-17