3ABN Today LIVE - 1st Hour

Revival And Reformation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), John Dinzey (Host), Armando Miranda


Series Code: TLA

Program Code: TLA011505

01:04 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today,
01:05 my name is C.A Murray and allow me once again
01:08 to thank you for sharing this part of your day
01:11 with us. For allowing us to come into your home
01:14 and prayerfully into your hearts as together
01:16 we seek to lift up the name of Jesus and take
01:19 one more step along that road that leads to glory.
01:21 This is a very, very special night for a number
01:23 of reasons, first I get to co-host with my buddy
01:29 John Dinzey and I don't think we've had this
01:32 opportunity before. No, normally you're on
01:34 this side and I'm on that side somewhere and it's,
01:37 it's a privilege, I'm honored. Praise the Lord,
01:40 we've never shared the host share,
01:42 but we doing so tonight. Now, I need to ask your
01:45 forgiveness, John and I close friends,
01:47 we worked very closely together I have a great
01:49 respect for him. If you hear me slip during the
01:52 course of the evening and call him El Jefe,
01:54 I have not insulted him, I haven't called
01:56 him heffer, I called him El Jefe, that means
02:00 the chief. He is the General Manager of course
02:02 of 3ABN Latino and I do call him John on occasion,
02:06 but I call him El Jefe as much as I call him John.
02:09 So, if you hear me slip and say that it is a term
02:12 of love and respect for his position here at 3ABN.
02:15 Latino he works very, very hard, a good man,
02:19 a good Christian and a very good friend so
02:20 I may slip him and call him El Jefe. It's not,
02:23 not a mistake because he's my buddy that's right.
02:26 Well, yes I'm honored and I also call you
02:30 Mr. Geo. So, if you hear us slipping in to
02:34 little Spanish, that's alright, we're just,
02:36 we're just practicing. But we're excited this night
02:39 for number of reasons, one of them is because
02:42 of our, our guest, it is not often that we get
02:47 brethren from the General Conference to make their
02:49 way to the cornfields of Southern Illinois and
02:51 to have a General Vice President come is very,
02:54 very special. But Elder Pastor Armando Miranda
02:59 is here and I'm just having talk with him
03:03 we see him as a very spiritual Godly man.
03:05 And he comes on a mission this very night because
03:09 as you well know the church has moved into
03:10 a time of emphasis on Revival and Reformation.
03:15 The Brethren have selected Pastor Miranda
03:17 to be the Chairman of the Revival and Reformation
03:20 committee; we'll talk all about that and what
03:21 that means. But it is one of his job is to go around
03:26 the world light fires for the Lord of
03:29 Revival and Reformation, so he's coming here
03:31 tonight to talk to us about some of those things
03:32 that the church is doing. That this committee
03:35 is doing as together we move through
03:38 a time of Revival and Reformation as we draw
03:40 closer to Christ as we're all aware, Christ
03:41 is coming soon. And as the church we want
03:44 to be ready, we want to be working and waiting
03:47 and doing all we can to be refreshed and on fire
03:50 for the Lord. And the Brethren have tasked
03:53 Pastor Miranda with that and so it's good
03:55 to have you here. It's a privilege and an honor
03:57 to be here Elder C.A, yeah Praise the Lord,
04:01 Praise the Lord. Well, Pastor Miranda
04:04 I've met him several years ago but he's from
04:06 the beautiful country of Mexico and he,
04:10 he also has been blessed with the talent of
04:12 singing that's for the first time I saw him,
04:14 he was singing God's, God's praise.
04:17 So, unfortunately he's not able to sing during
04:19 this program, you're welcome to do it, if it
04:23 comes it. If the spirit gets high you break
04:25 out in a song we will join you and we praise
04:28 the Lord for that I too the first time I saw him.
04:31 We went to lot of 3ABN Latino and our home
04:32 and we've seen you singing many,
04:36 many times and Lord has blessed you with
04:38 a beautiful voice among your other talents that
04:41 we're gonna talk about this very night.
04:43 Oh! It's a pleasure to I just spend time with
04:46 you and especially to come together and just
04:51 share some of the initiatives of the
04:52 General Conference. Praise the Lord,
04:54 Praise the Lord and I feel kind of like the
04:55 outsiders, if you guys break into Spanish I'll
04:57 have to get a translator to try to keep up with
04:59 you guys. No, actually you do quite well,
05:03 so I don't think you need a translator.
05:04 You are dangerous, you understand and you
05:08 speak Spanish, he said something,
05:11 he said you're peligroso, peligroso.
05:16 I wish I was as dangerous as you think but if you
05:18 guys are going really fast than I,
05:20 you will lose me so today we got, we got to stay
05:22 in English as possibly as we can praise the Lord.
05:24 Okay, we'll do it, praise the Lord again
05:27 we're happy to, to be here and happy to have
05:29 you with us. We're gonna talk about Revival
05:31 and Reformation, so you may wanna take this
05:33 moment to boot up your computer or to get
05:36 a pen and paper. Because the number of things
05:38 we're gonna be talking about the church is doing
05:39 something, you be able to participate in,
05:41 encourage your church to participate in,
05:43 because we wanna do this together.
05:45 This is not a move that's in one little corner
05:47 of the church or in one little part of the world,
05:49 this is a worldwide movement of Revival and
05:52 Reformation. That the church is moving together
05:54 in as, as we draw closer one to another and
05:57 closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and
06:00 so Pastor Miranda is going to tell us about that.
06:02 Before we move into all of that stuff we wanna
06:05 find that little bit more about him personally
06:10 and you know get a little background on him,
06:11 then we'll move into what the church is doing.
06:13 But I think before you do that, John we're gonna
06:14 have some music, we sort of love music here at
06:18 3ABN and looking over what we could do and
06:21 music that we could use to sort of set the tone
06:26 for what we wanna talk about,
06:27 we chose a song by Emily Felts Jones and of course
06:31 she is a great friend of this ministry,
06:33 a great person, a great Christian and
06:35 she's gonna provide that music at this time.
06:52 In the beginning back when it all began
06:59 There was a cross drawn on the master plan
07:05 And placed in front of eternity
07:10 The Salvation symbol for all to see
07:16 And there's no way around the cross
07:21 All history hangs on that tree.
07:26 And the shadow falls far and wide
07:31 And covers humanity.
07:36 You can choose to ignore, but it won't go away
07:42 It's a part of your past, it's your future today
07:46 'Cause there's no way around the cross
07:58 There is an ending for everything that's done
08:04 And having designed Calvary just for one
08:11 The fate of this world was decided there
08:16 Right from the answer shines everywhere
08:21 Because there's no way around the cross
08:27 All history hangs on that tree.
08:32 And the shadow falls far and wide
08:37 And covers humanity
08:42 You can choose to ignore, but it won't go away
08:47 It's a part of your past; it's your future today
08:52 'Cause there's no way around the cross
08:58 There's no denying the choice we must made
09:04 'Cause it stands at then end Whichever road we
09:14 take Because there's no way around the cross
09:19 All history hangs on that tree.
09:24 And the shadow falls far and wide
09:30 And covers humanity
09:35 We can choose to ignore, but it won't go away
09:40 It's a part of our past; it's our future today
09:45 'Cause there's no way around the cross
09:50 There's no way around the cross
09:55 There's just no way around the cross.
10:11 Amen, well done, no way around the cross Johnny,
10:13 that's right, yeah. The cross of Jesus Christ
10:17 has changed the world, amen,
10:18 I mean even you know, as you know the dates
10:21 are marked by the time they believe Christ
10:23 was born. So, Jesus Christ is really by his grace
10:31 is that we have this time that we're life.
10:34 Beautiful song "No Way Around The Cross"
10:36 well Emily Felts Jones, a great friend of this
10:38 ministry and just well done. Pastor Armando
10:42 Miranda is the General Vice President of the
10:44 General Conference what does a General Vice
10:48 President of the General Conference do?
10:50 It's a good question. We do a lot of things,
10:56 but you know we are just apart from some
11:02 specific assignments from the president.
11:06 We have a lot of others activities but specifically
11:12 role of Vice Presidents is just to share,
11:18 share committees and boards.
11:21 And specifically some assignations from, from
11:28 the President and also we have some especial,
11:35 especial time in some part of the world with
11:40 the different divisions. So, we have a lot of
11:42 assignments, but basically it's a administration,
11:46 administration, I talked, ask that question of
11:48 another General Vice President and his answer
11:50 was we do what we're told. That's true, that's true,
11:56 the President give us assignment that so we do,
11:58 as we do what we're told. Praise the Lord,
12:01 we know that you're born in Mexico tell us
12:02 a little bit before we get into the initiative
12:04 of Revival and Reformation about you.
12:07 Where you grew up? Did you work at Adventist home?
12:11 No, I was born in the Northern part of Mexico,
12:15 Mexicali, Baja California specifically and I was born
12:18 in a Catholic home. But at the 17,
12:24 when I was 17 the Lord just found me and just
12:30 gave me the opportunity to be transformed.
12:34 Well, let me go back a little bit, because when
12:37 I was 4 years old my family just accept the
12:42 Adventist message for some years.
12:46 So, perhaps 6 years I was just attending the church
12:53 in the Seventh-day Adventist church,
12:56 but for some reason my, my family just left
12:58 the church. And I grew up well the next years
13:03 the most difficult time in my life as teenager;
13:07 I grew up in a difficult environment I just learned
13:12 to smoke and to drink and all the bad things.
13:17 But when I was 17 years old, the Lord just
13:22 found me through a friend and he invite me
13:26 to read the Bible and the Holy Spirit just brought
13:29 to me to the way of the Lord and one of the
13:32 thing that impressed me more it was the way
13:36 how the young people in the church was trying
13:40 to do their best for the Lord. Just to live
13:44 a different life, total different from those who
13:49 are just outside you, not knowing the Lord
13:53 and one of the books that he just gave me,
13:57 it was the Great Controversy.
14:00 And that book makes, make that great difference
14:03 in my life. How did you feel, I mean you have a,
14:08 a way of life, you say you were smoking and
14:10 drinking. When you gave your life to the Lord,
14:13 how did you feel, you were baptized and now
14:16 a new life in Christ, how did you feel?
14:18 Well, it was a 180 percent turn, turn because
14:27 it's about just the opposite way, my life was
14:31 very difficult. I wasn't a young fellow but you
14:35 know the environment was effecting deeply
14:41 and just conduct my, conducted to my life
14:45 in a very wrong way. So, when I just came to
14:52 the Lord, my life was totally changed.
14:56 Pastor was it a sudden change or it was kind
14:57 of you know snap change or did it kind
14:59 a just work slowly, gradual change.
15:01 Well, it is basically gradually, it's not easy
15:06 but you know the Lord just work little by little,
15:10 oh yes, yeah. But there were some changes,
15:15 immediately changes some habits and,
15:19 some way of life yes, yes. So, how did you go
15:22 from accepting the Lord Jesus Christ,
15:25 because now we know you as a Pastor
15:29 serving the Lord from many, many years,
15:31 how did you come to the decision.
15:34 I think I want to serve the Lord as a pastor,
15:35 a minister? Well, it was a very interesting
15:40 experience, because I was just thinking to be
15:46 a doctor or to be a lawyer. It was my, my dream,
15:50 my goal in life. But when I met the Lord,
15:56 one day the local pastor, my pastor at that time
16:01 just invite one of my friends to go to
16:05 Montemorelos University to study Etiology.
16:09 At that time I was not baptized.
16:13 So, I was just listening, the way how the pastor
16:18 was just inviting my friend to accept opportunity
16:23 to go to Montemorelos University and
16:25 suddenly just came to my mind the idea.
16:29 Well, it's a good opportunity I'll like to
16:31 go to Montemorelos University, but my plan
16:33 was just to study laws or medicine.
16:39 And when I just interrupt the pastor and I told him,
16:43 you know pastor I would like to go to
16:44 Montemorelos University. And he said well,
16:48 what is your plan, are you planning to be a
16:50 pastor or, and I just responded no,
16:53 I'm planning to be lawyer or doctor.
16:57 And he responded, well you know this plan
17:00 is especially for those who are just thinking
17:03 to be a pastor, I just reacted and just
17:09 a thought just came to my mind I said well
17:13 if my life belong to Lord. I'm going to accept
17:17 Jesus Christ and I'm gonna be baptized, why not?
17:22 I would like to be a pastor it was just suddenly.
17:25 Wow, wow so all these happen, you're not even
17:26 baptized yet and you already a pastor.
17:30 Yes, you know this special time just recall,
17:36 just came to my mind when I was a little boy,
17:39 I admired the priest and I went to the church
17:42 and I just so many times, the priest just doing
17:49 his work. Yes, yes. I admired that and many
17:52 time I thought well this is something good
17:56 but never, never came to my mind idea to be
17:59 a pastor or a priest, I admire that.
18:02 But the Lord just called me in that, praise God.
18:05 I would like to ask you a question you make
18:08 this change, you're get ready to be baptized
18:10 and you're already on track to be a pastor.
18:12 Did your family support you in this,
18:15 did they follow you or did you have to kind
18:16 of just step out by yourself? Well,
18:19 I step out by myself because it was difficult,
18:22 they were basically they were my enemies.
18:25 I was struggling to be faithful to the Lord,
18:29 because my old friends just rejected me and my
18:37 family it was the most difficult as they rejected
18:41 me for the reason that I just coming to the Lord.
18:45 It was, it was a difficult time yes, yes,
18:48 it was time when after some months
18:52 I attended church. At least twice I took the
18:56 decision to go back to my old life,
19:00 but my friend, now he is a pastor too.
19:03 Wow, praise the God, Pastor Victor Aispuro
19:06 who is just now a pastor in Texas conference.
19:12 At that time he, we were young fellows though,
19:17 he always just went to, to sit me and to try to,
19:21 to bring me to the church, the Lord looking for me,
19:24 yes, yes. Now, that's very interesting because
19:27 you know you mention that your parents were
19:29 visiting the Seventh-day Adventist church
19:31 for a while and now they have their son
19:36 become baptized, perhaps you know
19:41 I am thinking that perhaps they said maybe,
19:43 maybe we should go back to church but
19:44 that was not the case? It was just the opposite
19:48 and you know I was praying to the Lord,
19:53 help me to be faithful and just, I was praying
19:56 for them and 8 years, after 8 years praying for
20:01 them and working for them then I brought
20:04 them again. Praise God, yeah, yeah well my next
20:08 question do they ever come back,
20:11 praise the Lord for that. You when off to school,
20:14 you went out to Montemorelos? Oh! Yes,
20:16 yes and study for ministry, yeah,
20:19 praise God never looked back I guess.
20:21 Never, never I really enjoyed my stay there
20:25 the new environment and my decision was
20:29 strengthened everyday. I had the conviction
20:34 this is God's church, this is God's call and
20:38 this is the way. Amen, praise the Lord,
20:40 by God's praise, praise the God.
20:42 Did you meet your wife at Montemorelos?
20:45 Not exactly, we met in our church,
20:49 just in the West Coast of Mexico we attend the
20:54 same church, and we attended the same church.
20:56 We met there and I went first to Montemorelos
20:59 and two years later, she went to Montemorelos
21:02 too. Praise God, praise the Lord when you came
21:06 out of school Pastor in Mexico or did you come
21:08 to the states? No, I was pastor in Mexico in
21:12 different places, different cities, also in the
21:15 leadership of the church that. Now,
21:16 you were a Conference President 4 time.
21:18 Yeah, well I was Conference President
21:21 in three different Conferences in the Northern
21:23 part of Mexico, Central part and Southern
21:25 part of Mexico. That's what I wanna ask you
21:27 about particularly your time in the Southern part
21:29 of Mexico, because we got some reports
21:32 sometimes that things are pretty rough down
21:34 there for the church sometimes you know what
21:36 other churches down in the Southern part
21:38 of Mexico and yeah they were great baptisms
21:40 and great work being down there,
21:42 talk to us just a little bit about your work in
21:43 the Southern part of Mexico? The Southern part
21:45 of Mexico is wonderful area to work for the Lord,
21:50 there are some challenges as you mention, yes.
21:53 Because there are some fanaticisms,
21:56 yes some areas but in general the Southern part
22:02 of Mexico is more not easy, is not easy?
22:09 But the people is more how do you say that
22:12 is approachable, approachable,
22:14 approachable more open to the gospel.
22:18 And the Lord is doing wonderful things there,
22:21 praise God. As a matter of fact just a few weeks
22:26 ago I was just attending a big, a big meeting
22:30 in Chiapas, just in the border with Guatemala
22:35 and the people where one thousand there and
22:38 just in one day, one thousand and one hundred
22:41 and eighty people were baptized.
22:43 Praise God, praise the Lord, 40 people,
22:45 40 pastors were baptized under the same time.
22:49 Praise the Lord, that is amazing, that is amazing
22:51 so the Lord is blessing this church in Mexico
22:53 in general because we have Mexico more than
22:56 six hundred thousand members. Praise God and
22:59 three unions well yeah three unions, four
23:02 unions right now. Yeah, it's four, four unions
23:07 and I don't know how many local fields but
23:09 we have a lot, praise the Lord. I've just had
23:11 the privilege to return from Mexico,
23:14 I was invited to do a one week evangelistic
23:16 meeting in Tuxpan I'm sure you have been there.
23:20 And wonderful people, wonderful people and
23:23 the reason I was invited to that particular place
23:25 is because the Inter- Oceanic Union of the
23:28 Seventh-day Adventist church, they say we
23:29 will send you here because 3ABN Latino is there.
23:32 So using the fact that, the people might be
23:35 familiar with seeing me on TV,
23:38 more people would come and when the pastor
23:40 at the end of the week told me.
23:42 You know we have three hundred and forty
23:43 four visitors, I said really that's, that's an
23:47 impressive number. So, you know it was a,
23:49 it was an auditorium of six hundred people
23:52 eager to hear God's word, so the people
23:54 are eager to hear God's word and I praise
23:56 the Lord for them. Praise God, Praise the Lord.
23:58 I know there has been some persecution in
24:00 pastors in Chiapas and great baptism and it
24:02 seems like where there was great persecution,
24:04 when the spirit takes hold there is also
24:05 great results. Oh! Yes, yes and also you're
24:07 seeing that down in Mexico, oh! Yeah,
24:09 yeah praise God. Working in Mexico,
24:13 did you come from the Mexico straight to the
24:15 General Conference or did you pastor in the States
24:17 for a while. No, I pastor in the States,
24:19 I was pastor in two churches in Texas
24:21 Conference for, some years ago when I was a
24:25 young pastor. Praise the Lord, we were watching
24:31 John, my wife and I, well I guess last year before
24:34 and we turn on the television sets at 3ABN
24:37 Latino and we see pastor Miranda singing away and
24:42 he have a little group behind him and he's just
24:43 singing and just doing a very, very fine job.
24:46 Now this guy could sing a little bit, that's right,
24:47 that's right and I guess there was a meeting
24:50 I don't know if it was a row house, it was a
24:52 meeting yes, yes, yes you did a lot of singing
24:54 during that time. Oh! Yeah, I work in the
24:56 Southern part of, South Eastern part of Mexico,
24:58 yes, yes Tabasco, yes, yes Tabasco, good, very,
25:01 very good. And then from there to the
25:04 General Conference from Texas to the
25:05 General Conference? Well, I was just working
25:07 in Texas Conference for some years and then
25:10 I returned to Montemorelos University,
25:13 now as a pastor of the University church.
25:17 It was a great privilege to, to pastoring that
25:21 church. Yeah, you haven't gone to school there,
25:22 and enjoy there and after that the,
25:26 at that time Northern Mexican Union just called
25:28 me to be the Departmental Director for youth
25:31 the Departmental Director and after that
25:36 Union Secretary for 7 years and after that
25:41 Northern Mexican Union President.
25:43 And then Toronto just came 2000,
25:48 the General Conference just elected me as.
25:51 The GC Session elected me as one of the
25:53 Vice President, one of the Vice President,
25:55 okay praise the Lord. So, you have been
25:56 serving as a General Conference
25:57 Vice President for how many years you say?
25:59 Ten years, ten years, my eleven year.
26:02 Yeah, I could tell just that this guy somewhere
26:04 in your past you'd been a youth man,
26:07 you just he feels like a youth guy, you know.
26:10 Once your in a youth working kind of stays
26:12 with you, you know. It's wonderful,
26:15 praise the Lord, you go with the young people
26:17 is the must precious activity. Yeah, yeah,
26:20 wonderful activity, yeah then this summer
26:25 Elder Wilson was elected President of the
26:28 General Conference. Yes, summer 2010,
26:30 summer of 2010 and right off he set a tone as
26:38 you recall that Sabbath full of, of, of,
26:42 of people and right there he set atone that his
26:46 administration was going to focus for one
26:52 of a better term on, on Revival and
26:54 Reformation throughout the church.
26:57 It is the sermon that we played here on 3ABN
27:00 at least half a dozen times. And there is a one
27:04 of the worker is here, and she said every time
27:07 I hear that sermon I cry, I just cry because
27:11 she felt as did a number of us, that this was
27:13 a signal who's time had come. And, and he follow
27:17 through on those initiative, I was at the
27:19 General Conference doing the Annual Council and
27:23 you of course were there. And they selected a
27:26 committee to begin to put some of these initiatives
27:30 into place. And the Brethren thought it not
27:33 robbery to ask you to, to chair that committee,
27:37 tell us a little bit about what the committee
27:38 is and well at first let me ask you this question
27:43 because I, first I've been dying to ask you.
27:46 When I was at General Conference,
27:47 I talked with my buddy Jim Herr and
27:49 Dan Houghton was there and the question
27:51 I asked them and I'll ask you
27:56 Revival and Reformation is something that
27:58 needs to take hold of the whole church,
28:01 the entire Church, yes. We feel it's fires burning
28:06 in the local churches, is Revival and Reformation
28:11 has it taken hold at the General Conference at,
28:15 at the top level of the church, at the brethren
28:18 I use this term buying what they're selling,
28:21 do they believe in this, this idea of Revival
28:24 and Reformation? Very good question pastor,
28:29 you know let me just put it that this way when
28:34 Elder Wilson just appointed as leadership
28:40 of the Revival and Reformation Committee
28:43 and I said appointed as because under chair
28:46 member I had two, two wonderful pastors
28:51 that are my support and they are really
28:53 wonderful people, God's men. And I referring
28:58 to Mark Finley and Jerry Page, Mark Finley
29:02 you know very well him, now he's retired but
29:07 at the same time he's working.
29:08 Yes, he's one of the Assistant to the
29:11 President, yes, yes and Jerry Page is the
29:15 General Conference Ministerial Secretary.
29:18 He's been here several times, yeah we know.
29:20 So, these two men are a wonderful example
29:26 of Godly people, amen, so when we were just
29:30 appointed as the leadership of the Revival
29:34 and Reformation Committee.
29:36 The first thing we just did, it was just to
29:40 have a special meeting the three of us
29:43 and we just spend first of all the time searching
29:48 the scripture, reading the Bible,
29:50 seeking the Lord in special way and then
29:53 we spend almost 45 minutes in prayer
29:59 with Emily, praying and praying and praying
30:02 and let me tell you that it was a wonderful
30:06 and unique experience for me.
30:09 I was just telling John this morning that for
30:13 many years I was just practicing something
30:18 that is very important when I just read
30:21 in the, the book Desires of Ages in
30:25 English it's page 83 and the advice there
30:28 is that we is good for us to spend, spend
30:34 at least one hour daily and contemplating
30:37 the life of Jesus Christ. And I just took that in
30:42 special way for me because I meet the Lord,
30:45 so everyday I used to spend at least one hour
30:48 very early in the morning. Just seeking the Lord
30:53 studying the life of Jesus Christ,
30:55 but something special happened when I met
31:00 with Mark and Jerry and we spend together
31:04 45 minutes praying, it was amazing
31:07 how the Lord impress us and how the Lord
31:09 just came to us. Not because we are better
31:13 than all other people, sinners but, but God's
31:17 grace the Lord just came to us and
31:21 we finish that we'd ended up just praising
31:23 the Lord that occasion and then some ideas
31:26 just came to our minds and we started to,
31:29 to work in some initiatives. And then next step just
31:33 was to, to go to the three, the three GC
31:39 officers and Elder Wilson that the President,
31:42 Elder GT the ex-secretary and Elder Lemon
31:47 the treasurer. So we went together and
31:53 we spend one hour studying the Bible
31:56 and praying together and again the Holy Spirit
32:00 just came to us and impress our, our life
32:03 and I remember that occasion we were just,
32:07 just weeping, crying because the Lord was
32:14 great and he was doing something special
32:17 in our lives. And Elder Wilson just conclude
32:22 that occasion saying you know we had
32:24 to do this and he each of the committee
32:27 meetings, before we go to the business
32:30 of the church this is the most import thing
32:32 we need to do. So, he called the Vice Presidents,
32:37 the group of the Vice Presidents
32:39 and the other Officers and we call that
32:43 group adcom the Administrative Committee
32:46 of the General Conference and
32:48 we spend time in doing the same and again
32:52 the same experience and after that GCLC
32:55 that just in compose the rest of the personnel
32:59 and the General Conference,
33:01 the Departmental Directors, the associates,
33:05 all the Officers and it was amazing how the
33:10 Lord just guide us to the process of seeking
33:13 him and, and just looking for something
33:16 special for the Holy Spirit. I remember
33:19 I was just starting the meeting, when I just
33:22 starting to speak about that, I was watch the
33:29 faces of the Director, the Departmental
33:34 Directors and the people there and
33:37 I saw in some of them a little bit surprise
33:42 like thinking what, what is happening here.
33:46 Everybody here just took time in their homes
33:51 to study the Bible to have an encounter
33:54 with God and why we are spending
33:57 a lot of time in this; these is importable
33:59 lets prayer and let's do it the work of
34:02 the Church. Yeah, at the end of the day,
34:04 this is God's business I'll just have the
34:08 perception because of that reaction of those
34:12 who were there, yeah. But a few minutes later
34:16 and as soon as we just started to prayer
34:19 and to sing and to share some thought
34:24 of the Bible, something happen.
34:27 And it was difficult to, to stop praying,
34:31 we were praying and praying and praying
34:33 and praying, it was something unusual.
34:37 So at the end of that meeting the Lord
34:40 manifests his power, amen.
34:43 And from then we, we went to the prayer
34:47 meetings before the Annual Council
34:50 and during the prayer meetings exactly
34:53 the same experience and then the
34:57 Annual Council just arrive. We just prepare
35:00 some of the initiatives and when the Elder Wilson
35:04 just called the people to spend more time
35:08 in seeking the Lord and praying together
35:11 and having time for testimonies.
35:13 It was amazing how the Spirit of the Lord
35:17 was manifested there, praise God and we just
35:21 interrupt that time of Annual Council with
35:26 some very important initiative, but let me
35:30 tell you the Lord is blessing the church
35:34 everywhere. And the leaders of the church
35:36 in the past, they did excellent work
35:41 and the Lord blessed their efforts and
35:44 we had great leaders in the church.
35:46 But let me tell you that I've been just
35:50 attending the GC business meeting the
35:54 Annual Council for 17 years as first of all
35:58 as Union President and after for 10 years as
36:03 Vice President. But every time the Lord blessed
36:09 the meetings and we, we felt the presence
36:12 of the Lord, but this Annual Council 2010.
36:15 When we just go through the appeal document
36:22 and the initiatives on Revival and Reformation,
36:24 yes, it was something, something really
36:28 wonderful yeah, yeah unique, yeah.
36:31 And I don't wanted to just place emphasis
36:34 I was there on that Tuesday and Wednesday
36:36 when it ended, the tears, the confession,
36:39 some of the testimonies and this is not to say
36:42 that, that the brethren we're not doing the
36:45 work of the Lord before. I mean, in excellent
36:48 work, but they are develop routine and,
36:51 and, and I heard a division leader say man
36:55 I get up I have my little prayer and I go
36:57 on do the business of the church,
36:59 I just and I do the business of the church
37:00 and so the brethren had develop this idea.
37:03 We have church business do lets have
37:05 our prayer and get to it, but, but, but
37:08 Ted was saying, the committee was saying,
37:10 we need to do more than just a little prayer
37:13 and go to business, right. We need to spend time
37:15 seeking the Lord and a lot of confession was
37:18 I'm not praying enough, I'm not talking to the
37:21 Lord enough. We need, we need more prayer,
37:24 we need more prayer and obviously the
37:27 results were that with us emphasis on
37:30 drawing closer to the Lord.
37:31 The meetings went better and the power
37:33 of the Lord was manifested in these
37:35 meetings. Oh! Yes, yeah. I guess I'm wondering
37:38 it by the way we were, we're talking here
37:40 that you know prayer is part of the meeting
37:43 process. So, does it become then part of
37:47 the business just to pray oh! We must
37:49 pray because it's part of the business
37:51 process to pray before we are.
37:53 Yeah, so does it become that for some people
37:56 and you know what you're describing here
37:59 is apparently the opening of the heart
38:03 for the Lord to begin to work, right.
38:06 And to really begin a process of Revival
38:11 and Reformation. In order for that
38:13 so happen there must be humbling
38:14 because you know we have in what is that First
38:17 or Second Chronicles chapter 7: If my people,
38:20 which are called by my name, shall humble
38:23 themselves and pray, yeah, then I will hear
38:26 from Heaven, yes. So, there must be that
38:28 process of humbling and coming to the Lord
38:30 and confessing our sins, opening our hearts
38:32 to the Lord. So, I'm, I'm gathering from
38:34 what you're saying that, that's what was
38:36 begin to take place in some of these meetings
38:38 alright. And let me tell you because of
38:40 your question, your original question
38:43 we went far away from your original question.
38:46 The people in the General Conference this staff
38:49 and the elected personnel.
38:51 Everybody is just accepting the call to be,
38:57 to seek the Lord in a special way, amen.
38:59 To be revived, to be reformed,
39:02 to do something for the Lord, more than
39:04 that usual way how we, we did in, yes,
39:08 yes anyways, yes. So, let me tell you that
39:11 I had the privilege to be the Chair
39:12 of the Worship Committee, the Worship
39:14 Committee in the GC building is in-charge to
39:18 promote the spirit of life and just among the,
39:23 the personnel staff and elected personnel
39:27 and we have everyday our morning worship,
39:31 also we organized the week of prayer.
39:34 But now we are doing a little bit more,
39:39 the worship committee has just developed,
39:45 it's developing a plan to have more, more
39:51 interaction with our people inside the building
39:55 and we have wonderful people doing the
39:59 developing some of these strategies.
40:01 We have a group of young people that
40:05 three times a day, they, they have meeting
40:11 especially for prayer just at 10 O'clock
40:15 in the morning. They set apart sometime,
40:18 there are three groups of young people
40:21 and then we have a 12:30 everyday the chapel.
40:26 Time for everybody, not a lot of people standing
40:30 usually but at 3 O'clock we have the young
40:36 people again meeting for prayer, praise God.
40:40 But not only that now they are expanding
40:44 their work and just seeking others
40:48 and everybody is trying to do something for God,
40:52 amen, and, and just trying to inspire
40:54 and to do their best for the Lord.
40:57 So, it's wonderful to experience,
41:00 everybody is trying to, to catch the spirit to,
41:04 to be revived and to do something.
41:06 One of the things that, that Johnny
41:08 and I were talking about and the reason I,
41:10 I asked that question is because it appears
41:13 to me I mean when I was down there the
41:15 question I asked Jim and we were talking
41:17 and Dan Houghton came to the table also.
41:18 You Brethren do the work of the church
41:24 everyday, you're doing church work every
41:26 single day and it, it occurred to me that
41:29 we didn't want this is to be just another
41:32 program coming from the General Conference.
41:34 Just another initiative coming from the General
41:37 Conference, but a real move of God in the
41:40 church, amen, and, and Jim and I was saying
41:42 hey if, if Jim said to me if, if, if we can get
41:47 this fire lit in this building and get this
41:50 brethren who do church work everyday
41:52 to see need of drawing closer.
41:55 And doing more consecrated then
41:57 that fire will spread throughout all of the
41:59 Adventism and, and, and his statement was this
42:03 is the real deal. Amen. Truly the Church has
42:07 seen the need for and has a desire for
42:10 Revival and Reformation and obviously you feel
42:12 that also. Yes, we feel in that way,
42:15 we praise the Lord for that, praise God,
42:17 praise God, we praise God for that.
42:19 I want to say just a moment before we,
42:20 we go on because we do have a free offer
42:23 for the evening and we haven't had a chance
42:25 to talk about this yet. The free offer for the
42:28 evening is this small book by our good buddy
42:31 Doug Batchelor called 12 Steps to Revival,
42:35 that is 12 Steps to Revival and we would love
42:39 to send this to you, just a little book that
42:41 you can put in your pocket or that you can
42:43 share with a friend, not very long but
42:46 packed with information and inspiration
42:49 that you would love, we would love to send
42:50 this to you if you will contacted us you can
42:53 email us at freeoffer@3abn.org
42:57 that's freeoffer@3abn.org
43:00 or call us 618-627-4651 and we will be glad
43:05 to get this in the mail to you, something that
43:08 will help you as you walk that road that
43:10 leads to glory. 12 Steps to Revival from our
43:13 friends that amazing fact and written by
43:15 Doug Batchelor we would love to send it to you.
43:16 And be glad to put it in the mail to you,
43:21 should you make contact with us.
43:23 Pastor we've talked about the committee
43:27 that you are privileged to chair
43:29 and you have two Vice Chairmen talk about
43:31 the other members who on the committee
43:32 and the lets move into some of these
43:34 initiatives because there is a lot of thing
43:35 that you're doing. That you wanna should be
43:38 aware of. You know, we started with
43:40 14 people as member of the Revival and
43:43 Reformation Committee, but as soon the people
43:45 just learned that we have this committee
43:49 and we have spend every time, a lot of
43:54 time praying and studying the Bible.
43:58 And when they notice that something special
44:02 was happening, a lot of people just requested
44:06 to be member of that committee.
44:08 That's we have, how, when brethren are
44:12 asking you to be on the committee who were
44:14 on the committee, a lot of time when they
44:15 ask you to be on the committee,
44:16 that's a move of God, that's, that's God think,
44:18 oh! Yes. We usually have the whole day
44:22 for the committee from 9 to 5 and we had
44:26 just only one, one hour for lunch time and we,
44:32 we had lot of time of prayer, praise God.
44:35 A lot of time and it's something really
44:38 wonderful the presence of
44:41 the Lord is manifested their, so when
44:43 they learned that something is happening,
44:47 was happening, some of them just
44:49 requested to be member. Now we have 40 people,
44:52 from 14 to 40, praise the Lord, 14 to 40
44:55 praise God. Well we praise the Lord for that,
44:58 because each one of them are wonderful
45:01 people, we have people like Jim Meyers,
45:03 we have one of the doctor of the law,
45:11 from BRI Clinton Wahlen, also we have
45:19 Ganoune Diop, yes, yes, yes.
45:22 And from Adventist review we have
45:26 Bill Knott, Bill Knott, well William Costa,
45:33 we have a lot people, each one of them
45:36 very committed to the Lord and also
45:38 we have few well some young people praise God.
45:42 Pastors, young pastors and also we have lay
45:47 representatives and they are young people,
45:51 praise the Lord and you mention Dan Houghton,
45:54 Houghton he is doing a wonderful work
45:58 for the Lord. He's the key person
46:01 in the area of the website and all these
46:06 kind of technology, yes, yes it's amazing
46:08 how the Lord is using him and rest of the people.
46:11 We are just amazed, praise God, gift they have.
46:15 Speaking a websites in previous conversation
46:18 with Pastor Miranda, there is a website for,
46:21 Revival, this initiative Revival and Reformation.
46:25 Can you talk to us about the website
46:27 and we would like to know what the website is,
46:29 I already know it because I want to see it.
46:31 And there are lot of wonderful things there,
46:35 but can you tell us about the website and
46:38 what the website is, that way we can before
46:41 this hour is over at least we have some people
46:42 already with that information.
46:44 Yeah, yeah, Revival and Reformation has
46:47 taking advantage of the technology,
46:50 we are aware that the present time a
46:56 lot of people, millions of people
46:58 everywhere are engaged in just
47:01 searching something in the web.
47:04 And we, we have developed the website
47:08 RevivalandReformation.org and you can find in that
47:14 website a lot of wonderful material.
47:18 We have the, the appeal document,
47:20 we have devotionals on Revival and Reformation.
47:25 We have wonderful preachers like
47:33 Dwight Nelson, pioneer memorial at
47:36 Andrews University, we have Pastor Jose Rojas,
47:43 we have well I don't remember except to the
47:46 name of. I saw some name that maybe familiar
47:49 to some people, because he's written some
47:50 books recently Norman Gulley, I saw apparently
47:54 an article there, many articles and some audio
47:58 sermons for people to hear and some videos
48:00 as well. Yes, a lot of people not only videos
48:04 but also we have some material that you can
48:08 print and like our prayer you know different
48:12 models ways how you can just prayer
48:14 and all some ideas how to organize the,
48:18 the Revival and Reformation initiative
48:22 in your church and also we have some material
48:27 in regard the Bible study.
48:31 So, it's rich website so one of the,
48:36 one of the activities of your committee
48:38 is to plan activities for churches,
48:41 church members to involve themselves in to,
48:43 to store Revival and Reformation in their
48:46 local churches at homes. Yes, but you know
48:49 we wanna take time to, to go one by one
48:52 of the initiative that we have this is
48:54 important to, to let the people know that
48:58 this is the, initiative of prayer,
49:00 this is initiative in fasting prayer.
49:03 So, there are lots of good thing that
49:06 we're gonna talk about, praise the Lord,
49:07 praise the Lord. Now, in our second half coming
49:11 should you hear something that,
49:12 that spurs a question in your mind or you have
49:15 a comment to make about Revival
49:17 and Reformation in your own life,
49:18 in your own church, in your own community
49:20 contact us this night to as you can do so
49:22 forth you can write us at lets
49:27 live@3abn.org thank you El Jefe.
49:31 I appreciate that and or contact us at
49:36 618-627-4651 I have an mental block here
49:41 618-627-4651 and leave your question
49:45 and comment we'll try to get to some
49:46 of those in this second half live@3abn.org
49:51 you can email us there and also questions,
49:54 comments you may want to ask our Pastor
49:57 Miranda question or have a comment on Revival
49:59 and Reformation or perhaps you praise God
50:02 have seeing Revival and Reformation come alive
50:04 in your own life, for in your own church
50:06 we like to know about that tonight.
50:07 That's a great idea, I like that, I think we should,
50:10 our viewer should call and see how the Lord
50:12 has blessed them with Revival and Reformation
50:14 in your own lives and what changes have taken place,
50:17 yeah, since they. I like that particularly
50:20 if you have seen Revival and Reformation come
50:24 alive in your own life or in your own church.
50:26 We would like to know that live@3abn.org,
50:29 live@3abn.org or 618-627-4651
50:34 and we will glad to take those
50:35 comments in this second half.
50:37 Yeah, yeah and I think is very great that
50:39 you committee has grown from 14 to 40,
50:42 that does be speak a move of the Lord Johnny,
50:45 yes in the General Conference Building.
50:48 Yeah, and let me tell you that we have
50:51 an H division, a committee doing Revival
50:55 and Reformation and they have a coordinator
50:58 for that and they are doing excellent work.
51:02 We're gonna talk about that later,
51:05 but it's amazing how the Lord is moving
51:07 everywhere, praise the God, praise the God.
51:08 So, that's now we have some divisions
51:13 I said division, but areas of the world that
51:14 are particularly secular, particularly resistant
51:17 to the gospel, are you finding that even in this,
51:20 I'll say tough areas that Revival is beginning
51:23 to break out that the spirit is moving
51:25 and these things are begin to take hold
51:26 there also? Oh! Yes, the Lord is doing great
51:31 things even in the difficult or tough areas
51:34 of the world, for example I had the privilege to,
51:37 to promote Revival and Reformation in your
51:42 Africa Division we have some countries there
51:48 that are difficult to, to reach like Germany,
51:52 like France, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Italy,
51:58 it's a tough area for the preaching of the gospel,
52:01 yes. And our leaders there are doing excellent,
52:04 each one of them are committed people,
52:06 but we recognize that there are some areas
52:08 of the world that is not easy.
52:12 But the Lord is doing something great,
52:14 because when we just launch these initiatives
52:19 and the year meetings of the your Africa Division
52:23 the same experience that we just had in
52:28 the General Conference during the Annual Council,
52:31 is exactly the same in that section
52:35 of the world. And not only there
52:38 Trans-European Division another difficult section
52:43 they are dealing with the lot of secularism
52:46 and all kind of isms, it's really difficult, yes.
52:50 and do You know Trans-European Division
52:52 comprehend Norway, Holland, Denmark;
52:57 yeah these are secular areas,
52:59 yeah very, very secular areas.
53:00 Sweden, yes, Iceland very tough areas.
53:05 You know I remember at one time since you're
53:07 mentioning these areas and it was
53:09 somewhere in Europe there was a one of the
53:12 Conference Presidents was there, Gulley and I
53:15 happen to be there in the meeting, it was a meeting
53:19 about across cultural, trying to reach people of
53:22 different cultures and each during, each hour
53:25 there was a time for prayer,
53:26 they took place even then. But I remember one
53:29 you know there was time for also petitions
53:32 for prayer, before we prayed. And there was
53:36 one Conference President that you can see
53:37 his heart breaking. Because he said pray
53:41 for our Conference in and he mentions the country.
53:46 He said secularism has come in and is hurting
53:51 us and it's just, it's a real problem, yeah.
53:55 So, this is a way by which their problem
53:59 can be solved when God's people
54:02 go to the Lord in prayer. You know we have from
54:05 the Lord and in one of the text, Bible text that
54:09 we're like to share with, with the public and with
54:11 you is Matthew 28:18 to 20, that Bible passage
54:19 it's really powerful and it says that:
54:23 the Jesus came and spoke to them, saying,
54:28 All authority has been given to me in heaven
54:32 and on earth. God therefore and make
54:36 disciples of all the nations, baptizing them
54:41 in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
54:44 Holy Spirit, yes, so teaching them to observe
54:48 all things that I have commanded you; and lo,
54:51 I am with you always, even to end of the age.
54:55 Amen. Amen you know the, the great need that we
55:01 have is just to be instruments in God's
55:06 hands, we have a huge challenge to
55:12 fulfill the mission, the command of the Lord,
55:17 to go and preach we have nothing to offer
55:21 from our own life because we are sinners.
55:25 We don't have the power, we don't have the means,
55:29 we don't have nothing that can just enable us to,
55:35 to face this big challenge. The only way is just to
55:41 request the Lord, to seek the Lord, yes for the
55:44 power. He has the power, amen, he has the power
55:48 and he promised to be with us, even at the
55:51 end of the age, yes, yes. And there is another,
55:53 another passage it's found in Acts chapter 1
55:58 in verse 8 and this passage say: But you shall
56:02 receive power when the Holy Spirit has come
56:05 upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me
56:08 in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria,
56:12 and to the end of the earth. You can just see
56:16 the Lord just gave the command, but at the same
56:20 time he just empower us and tell us the way how
56:27 we can accomplish to preach the gospel.
56:32 Just only by the power of the Holy Spirit,
56:35 praise God, praise God, amen, yeah.
56:37 When we just look for the Lord, we seek the Lord
56:40 everything is different the Lord is just the way
56:44 how he is going to finish the work, praise God.
56:47 And we are seeking the Lord and we are praying
56:50 for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit just to be
56:53 instruments in God hands. As we're coming on to
56:56 last seconds I think that is so key, before Christ
56:59 ask us to do he said first of all,
57:01 all power is mine, I've got that and then he
57:04 promise that we can have that. So, we go now
57:06 with your assurance that he has the power and we
57:10 can have that power so victory is, is the assured
57:14 and evidently all 13 world divisions have bought
57:17 into this they see that this is an idea whose time
57:21 have come, has come and reward for themselves,
57:24 so in the next hour we're going to talk about
57:27 specifically what the committee is doing,
57:29 the kinds of initiatives that are going to be
57:31 taking place and you wanna stay by, get a drink
57:34 of water, come on back, we got a lot more to
57:36 talk about, we'll see you in just two minutes.


Revised 2014-12-17