3ABN Behind the Scenes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), Danny Shelton (Host), Brian Hamilton, Greg Morikone, John Dinzey, John Lomacang, Mollie Steenson, Moses Primo, Shelley Quinn, Yvonne Lewis


Series Code: TL

Program Code: TL016502B

00:10 We are back for hour number two.
00:13 The first hour went so quickly.
00:14 And again, we have to ask for forgiveness so many times
00:16 because we are sort of--
00:18 I don't want to say horsing around, but we are just--
00:20 we enjoy each others company.
00:22 And, you know, sometimes during these little brakes,
00:25 some history comes out that one did not know about--
00:27 Yeah, you're just like, now, you mean,
00:28 you don't want to tell them about it, that's fine.
00:33 One day, we had to do a show, and I think we were at--
00:36 just how everybody got here.
00:39 You know, we've talked about it,
00:40 but I don't think we've done on camera, the different--
00:44 Actually I'm doing some interviews,
00:46 Yvonne and I are interviewing number of you--
00:49 we're gonna find out a lot of that background
00:51 to on the today programs.
00:52 So we'll get some of that there.
00:54 That's good, because people ask that all the time,
00:57 you know, what is your story, how did you get there?
00:59 Yeah. That will be exciting. Yeah, absolutely.
01:01 And here's how you got here,
01:03 that's what we were talking about right before.
01:05 And they saw us laughing, when we come back.
01:07 See I thought it was settled when we sang,
01:09 when you ate my food at my house that made me think--
01:11 No.
01:13 I thought that was, but evidently was not the truth.
01:14 Oh, no, no, that wasn't the end of...
01:16 We came back from there and Mollie just kept on,
01:19 and she kept calling you, talking to you, and she said,
01:22 "We got to get this man here."
01:24 So I just let it go, I said,
01:25 well, if that's the Lord's will.
01:27 So she got you here. Yeah.
01:28 Then after she got you here, I said,
01:30 "Yeah, I think, this gonna work."
01:31 But the reason I was sowed on him
01:34 was somebody that you knew well told me,
01:36 that you were another Owen Troy.
01:40 I absolutely thought they were with Owen Troy.
01:43 So if somebody would put you in that same category,
01:46 then I knew, we needed you too.
01:48 Praise the Lord. Okay.
01:49 And I thought it was Danny all these years.
01:52 That's what he just said, man, I hurt his feelings,
01:54 right before we come out.
01:55 I said if Mollie hadn't kept on,
01:57 you wouldn't have been here.
01:58 Now that may not be, you know, all the way,
02:00 but I was trying to get your attention.
02:02 You did, you succeeded, yeah.
02:04 But I was supportive of it, I was supportive of it.
02:06 Praise the Lord. Perhaps we have to move on.
02:09 All right. And press on.
02:11 Now, you have been hurt now.
02:13 Here, let me hug you and kiss you.
02:15 I love you C.A. Thank you. I love you Danny.
02:18 At any event, Miss Quinn. Yes Mr., Mr. what's your name?
02:24 That we love so much. Dr. C. A.
02:26 Dr. C. A. Yes, indeed.
02:28 She is the maven of blesses on the go-go evangelism.
02:31 And, want to give it to you to give us a little update.
02:34 Because I know you and Danny have the compared numbers,
02:37 and you have some exciting news as we move into,
02:39 as we leap into 2016.
02:42 God has been blessing this initiative, has he not?
02:44 He has indeed, and I have to just say first.
02:47 You were mentioning Danny, that how--
02:49 you know, about the joy of coming to work
02:51 and about loving one another
02:53 and being friends with one another.
02:56 I have always enjoyed my time here at 3ABN.
02:59 I mean there was never been a time I haven't enjoyed.
03:02 Well, some getting ready for G.C. maybe.
03:05 But I have to say,
03:06 since we have started the blessing on the go,
03:08 and you can verify this with my husband.
03:10 I'm a happy person by nature, but I mean,
03:14 I get up in the morning and I am praising the Lord
03:16 and as we're praying, all the way here I am praying
03:19 and thanking God.
03:21 I'm just, I don't know why, God has reawakened
03:24 a real spirit of thankfulness in me.
03:26 And it's because of the go evangelistic team,
03:29 there's just something that clicked in me
03:32 and we're just so excited
03:33 and we want to thank each and everyone of you.
03:36 There's nearly a 2300 of you out there now.
03:40 And that is in just a short time that,
03:42 I'm very hopeful 'cause, I'm praying
03:45 that there will be 5,000 by June,
03:48 and 10,000 by the end of the year.
03:50 I think we're gonna make it. Absolutely.
03:52 But, if you are just hearing
03:55 about the blessing is on the go evangelistic team
03:58 for the first time.
03:59 Let me just briefly explain.
04:01 You can become member of this team by registering
04:06 to make monthly recurring donation to 3ABN.
04:10 Now that supports 3ABN's evangelism around the world.
04:15 It supports these major events that we're having.
04:18 But we also for a donation of any amount,
04:20 we'll send you a monthly tool,
04:23 so that you can evangelize within your family
04:26 and with your friends, and your neighborhood.
04:28 And that tool could be a Bible study.
04:31 It could be this coming--
04:34 Well, I am a head, 'cause we stay couple of months ahead
04:37 but we've got some Bible DVDs, sermon DVDs coming out.
04:43 But then we're getting ready to send out another book.
04:46 When you join, you get a certificate
04:48 that says you're a member of 3ABN's Go Evangelistic team.
04:52 And then you also get a copy of Danny Shelton's book,
04:56 "the Blessing is on the Go."
04:58 I've heard you say that since we first came
05:01 and we know that it's true,
05:02 I mean, if Moses hadn't put forth his rod
05:06 and taken a step out
05:07 or if the priest hadn't stepped into the Jordon,
05:10 God wouldn't have done the miraculous things He did.
05:12 So we are very, very excited.
05:14 And here is I want to explain one thing.
05:17 I made a comment that I believe this is going to help
05:20 ushered in the latter rain.
05:23 And someone took me to task over that,
05:25 and they said, "No one can tell God
05:29 when to send the latter rain."
05:30 I agree.
05:32 But we can do things or not do things
05:34 that prevent the latter rain.
05:36 That postpone I should say, not prevent,
05:39 but postpone the latter rain.
05:41 I think what's happening
05:43 and I'm getting the most testimonials,
05:45 I'm getting right now
05:46 are about people who are saying,
05:48 "These tools are changing me."
05:51 Because they are studying them themselves
05:54 before they hand them out.
05:56 And just being the member of the Go Evangelistic team
05:59 is changing people,
06:01 because their focus is getting off from themselves
06:04 and on to others.
06:05 They're starting to really open their hearts
06:08 to receive God's love for the lost and the suffering
06:11 and to go out and share.
06:13 And I believe with all of my heart,
06:16 I'm not gonna retract that statement
06:17 because I believe with all of my heart
06:20 that God wants to get each one of us
06:23 involved in fulfilling the Great Gospel Commission.
06:26 Amen.
06:27 And I believe that as we do, we become more Christ like,
06:32 we expand and open our hearts,
06:36 that God can pour His love into our hearts
06:39 and we become more like Christ.
06:42 We are actually taking on His mission if you will.
06:46 And so, I believe
06:48 that this is how God is going to get His people ready
06:52 for the outpouring of the latter rain.
06:55 Working for the souls of others is part of God's plan
07:00 to perfect the souls of the saints.
07:02 And I want the brethren to get that picture prepared,
07:04 the one, the lady in London
07:06 who brought her Go Evangelism team certificate members
07:09 and took a picture together.
07:10 If you can just get that ready, because this Go Evangelism,
07:14 not just North America or South America,
07:15 it's worldwide.
07:17 And we're in the world week, is that not so?
07:18 Yes.
07:20 And this is the lady in London,
07:21 who, in fact there were many people who are members,
07:24 but she brought her certificate.
07:25 She wanted us to see.
07:27 There she is, she brought her certificate
07:28 and she wanted to see that.
07:30 I've got my certificate and--
07:31 Okay, Mollie's got a letter. Mollie's got a letter?
07:33 I do.
07:35 This is from Joe D, from Morris, Oklahoma.
07:38 And she says, "I have pledged at least 10 dollars monthly,
07:42 however I feel blessed at least 10 times over
07:46 by all the wonderful materials I have just received
07:49 to review and share.
07:51 I wanted to have this month's offering
07:53 reflect your station's offering to me.
07:56 I can't afford not to give donations to 3ABN.
08:01 Reading Danny's book "Blessing is on the Go"
08:04 I know that God will take care of my needs,
08:07 as I step out in faith
08:08 to take care of the needs of 3ABN and other ministries.
08:13 God has laid upon my heart through watching.
08:15 Thank you for this delightful way,
08:17 you are providing to join hands in ministry with you.
08:21 My prayers are with you. So thank you Joe D very much.
08:25 Amen. Amen.
08:26 You know, it's a matter of just to go over it again.
08:30 Whatever amount the Holy Spirit impresses you
08:32 to donate to 3ABN on a monthly basis,
08:35 when you commit to that, that's when we as Shelley said,
08:38 we send you the certificate.
08:40 And then, every month after that we will send you
08:44 a "Blessing on the Go" an evangelistic tool
08:47 may be singing, may be preaching,
08:49 might be teaching, could be whatever,
08:51 but it's something we want you to use,
08:53 and then we want you to share it
08:55 with your neighbors, folks at church,
08:57 wherever you want to.
08:58 But once you...
08:59 it helps you, then you share it to, you pass it on.
09:02 That old song takes a spark whatever, you know,
09:05 to keep fire, to keep it going.
09:06 And that's kind of what we want this to do,
09:09 is to continue to go.
09:10 So many of you now are joining up,
09:12 I've been signing almost every day
09:15 in the last two, three months.
09:16 Yvonne, sometimes I do 40 or 50
09:18 and we'll find out what the actual figures are,
09:21 but we know they are at least two and half times amount
09:23 before we started these monthly donors.
09:26 Thank you so much for that.
09:27 Some of you give 50 a month, some give a 100.
09:29 There's a few actually given $1000 a month
09:32 that weren't monthly donors before.
09:34 It says the Lord wants me to do this.
09:37 And so, but yours may be the $10 and we actually,
09:42 somebody sent 75 cents, I think, wasn't it, Mollie.
09:46 And we said you know what,
09:47 we said whatever amount you give,
09:49 they are monthly donor
09:51 and they have given in the past,
09:53 not every month, but sometimes 50 cents or 75 cents.
09:57 So we said, hey, your team member
09:59 is just like the rest of us.
10:00 Every bit of it helps.
10:02 It's not just about the money.
10:03 Of course, the money helps us take the gospel.
10:05 But it's about you, the tools we can give you
10:08 to help you as you then share them with others
10:11 to take this gospel into all the world.
10:13 And so, this has been a great thing.
10:15 Everywhere we go now, Mollie, Shelley, all of you,
10:19 people are showing me theirs
10:21 and people have actually sent pictures
10:23 and some folks on Facebook
10:24 can put up their pictures on their page or websites,
10:28 their Blessing on the Go certificate,
10:30 you know, and that's really neat to see that.
10:32 What a great idea, because that's the one thing
10:34 I want to encourage our Go evangelistic team members
10:39 is get others to get involved with this.
10:42 You know, you were saying it is around the world.
10:44 What I'm hearing from so many people
10:46 is that there are excited people from England,
10:48 people from New Zeeland and Australia.
10:51 There are in other places.
10:53 But they are excited because now they can donate
10:56 very simply through PayPal.
10:58 Thank you.
10:59 And this makes donating, if you--
11:02 wherever you leave easy.
11:04 But if you want to register, just go to 3ABN.tv
11:08 and you can click on the banner
11:09 that says "the Blessing is on the Go."
11:11 And it will take you, it explains the program,
11:14 it is not a program, forgive me.
11:16 This is the movement. Yes.
11:17 It explains the movement.
11:19 You can click on the donate and then you just sign up,
11:23 you don't have to have a PayPal account.
11:24 You can do it by credit card,
11:26 but however you want to do this, just join us.
11:30 And let's get this message to all the world,
11:32 because Jesus said, it is going to go into every nation
11:36 before He returns.
11:37 I think He is kind of been waiting on us
11:39 to get it together.
11:40 Our PayPal donations have gone way up the last few months,
11:44 haven't they, Mollie?
11:45 Just way up because people are understanding
11:47 'cause so many, we travel around the world,
11:49 people say I'd love to give,
11:51 but I don't know how to get my money there.
11:52 I don't know how to get it changed
11:54 to what have you, you don't have to worry about that.
11:55 Now, just go to 3ABN, she said our website.
11:58 And PayPal will tell you how to do it,
12:01 and it will convert it for you.
12:02 And it's really very simple.
12:04 So people are responding to this,
12:05 thank you so much.
12:07 And of course, you can always, if you don't have internet,
12:10 you can always mail 3ABN
12:13 and we'll send you up donation by mail,
12:15 and just express your desire
12:17 to be a Go Evangelistic team member.
12:19 Speaking of donations
12:20 or gifts for this evening is a check book,
12:24 is what it is cover, not a check book.
12:25 It's a check book cover.
12:27 And it says compliments
12:29 of Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
12:32 And so it has a phone number, PO Box,
12:34 so we would like you to have this.
12:36 All you have to do is contact us.
12:38 Here you can call us at 618-627-4651,
12:42 or free offer at 3ABN.tv.
12:46 Amen.
12:47 Shelley, thank you so very much.
12:48 She is indeed infectious in her joy.
12:52 And this is such a great, great program.
12:55 Pastor John, fresh from the London experience,
12:59 we showed some pictures last week that I took
13:01 and I know you took some things,
13:03 and Angie took some things this week.
13:04 Walk us through the flavor of what you experienced
13:07 over the last several days?
13:08 Well, London was exciting,
13:10 it was cold but it was exciting.
13:13 We were met with cold weather and rain,
13:15 but I think that shower was a blessing
13:18 because, when we saw the turnout on Sabbath morning
13:21 and Sabbath afternoon, Sabbath evening
13:23 and Sunday morning.
13:25 It was a clear indication that people in London
13:28 were not just coming to view 3ABN,
13:31 but many pulled us over.
13:32 For a matter of fact, a young lady pulled me over
13:34 and grabbed my arm on Sunday afternoon.
13:36 She said, "The Lord sent someone here to London
13:41 to help us carry on the work, and we are excited about it."
13:44 And, you know, the atmosphere was just infectious.
13:49 And we took a couple of video rolls
13:51 that I've strung together
13:52 and then after we look at those
13:53 and I'll go ahead and kind of give a synopsis
13:55 of what was happening there in London.
13:57 But these three video rolls and we'll show them,
13:59 the first one, we're gonna talk over that,
14:02 because the venue that we talked about,
14:04 this is one of the venue leaders.
14:08 There we were looking at the venue
14:10 that the Copper Box Auditorium, where after the two week,
14:15 many series are gonna be done
14:16 throughout the churches in London.
14:18 They're gonna have the final weekend
14:20 begin and end at this particular location.
14:22 That's a great facility.
14:24 And that's right now where they had some Olympic games there
14:27 and they play basketball there.
14:29 Matter of fact, they said, that lot of the...
14:31 they are actually starting a professional league in London
14:34 to bring a lot of American basketball players.
14:36 But they practice at this particular facility.
14:38 So that's where we kind of saw, what does Lord have in store,
14:41 and that's the one that the conference chose,
14:43 and to have this series begin
14:46 and then seats about 7500 people.
14:49 So they are looking at planting seeds
14:50 to get the work started there in London
14:52 through this particular venue.
14:55 Then on Saturday night, at the largest church Brixton.
14:58 Brixton. That place was packed.
14:59 I mean, we're gonna go ahead and let you watch this.
15:01 I think it's about three minute clip.
15:03 And you'll hear some audio,
15:05 each of us that were over there.
15:07 And then the third clip will be Danny on Sunday morning.
15:09 But let's go ahead and look at the second clip.
15:11 And you'll get an idea of what was happening there.
15:23 In Christ alone, who took on flesh
15:29 Fullness of God in helpless babe
15:34 This gift of love and righteousness
15:39 Scorned by the ones He came to save
15:44 'Till on that cross as Jesus died
15:50 The wrath of God was satisfied
15:55 Need joy when I'm wearing the frown
16:03 He is my hope
16:07 In the midst of journey's pain
16:11 And--
16:14 So I sing
16:18 Not because I feel like singing it
16:23 And I praise him
16:27 Though the end I may not see
16:34 For and ever, I'll lift the name of Jesus
16:41 Jesus reaches down
16:45 And he lifts me.
17:25 We got a team coming back from third to 17th September,
17:30 and hire the Copper Box Arena in the Olympic Park,
17:35 for a run day on 3rd of September,
17:38 and we needed to get all of our ministry
17:40 is like accomplished.
17:41 And then on the final Saturday 17th of September,
17:44 we'll have a date friendship, we'll come together
17:47 to enjoy what has happened through our campaign.
17:49 So we have campaigns planned for Croydon,
17:52 Brixton, Central London.
17:55 Dr. Williams has came, Dr. Williams,
17:56 will you stand up please, so I see you in the audience?
17:59 Pastor of Central London church, say amen.
18:01 Amen.
18:02 These churches Brixton, Croydon, Hampstead,
18:06 we have Central London church
18:08 and couple of other churches we are yet to confirm.
18:11 We're running two weeks ofcampaign for 3ABN speakers.
18:14 So please be advised, you need to make sure
18:17 that your friends come, ensure that they get the V box,
18:21 and ensure they having to choose 3ABN,
18:23 so we can have fantastic time.
18:25 Two days of friendship, ready to entertain friendship,
18:27 and ensure that you use them, know exactly what we're doing
18:30 throughout the Central Conference,
18:31 this evangelism, everyone, everywhere.
18:33 Tomorrow morning, be there in your college,
18:35 so we can extend the king of God, by God's grace.
18:38 Amen.
18:42 That was some handheld footage my wife took,
18:44 since we didn't take
18:45 any professional video guys with us.
18:47 Well, we're gonna do the next time,
18:48 but that gives you an idea on Saturday night,
18:51 when you step back in the Brixton Church,
18:54 people were standing along the side
18:56 and standing on the back and there was an extended side,
18:58 that we didn't get a chance to seeing that.
19:00 But seating capacity,
19:02 what would you say, 1500, 2000 in that place?
19:05 Yeah, at least 1200, 1300, yeah.
19:08 And it was full.
19:09 But it was full, but the conference president,
19:11 that was Elder Richard de Lisser,
19:13 who was talking about the churches
19:15 that, right now are presently committed
19:17 for the 2016 Evangelistic series, the smaller ones.
19:20 He's gonna be adding some, as he goes along.
19:22 But this last one, our show Sunday morning,
19:25 when we were at Newbold College.
19:26 And this is Danny, and look at the crowd,
19:29 before you look at this, you could see that,
19:32 there was a lot of people there.
19:34 Danny was talking about the vision of 3ABN,
19:36 and the ministry that began.
19:38 But there were so many people there that,
19:40 they had to make an announcement.
19:42 They said, "We are already exceeding the fire code,
19:45 and you get a chance to see that
19:46 in just a few seconds here.
19:49 So that was at the Newbold College,
19:51 they said, "There's an overflow room,
19:53 then there is another building across the campus,
19:56 please if you don't have a seat, go there
19:58 because if anything happens,
20:00 we would not be able to get out of here."
20:02 And quite an impressive turnout.
20:04 And they said, they've never had
20:07 that number of people respond to anything
20:09 pertaining to evangelism, which showed
20:12 that they were not only interested in evangelism,
20:15 but they were excited that the Lord impressed Danny
20:18 to bring the 3ABN team.
20:20 This is pastor C.A., he ended by saying,
20:22 "If ever you're in a position,
20:23 where something difficult is happening,
20:25 and people want to throw dirt on you.
20:27 Because you're doing God's will,
20:28 he would say to the people, shake it off,
20:31 press it down and rise up little higher."
20:35 And that was interesting.
20:36 We had a wonderful Sunday morning.
20:38 But the seeds are planted, Danny,
20:40 and we're excited about what's happening in London.
20:41 Absolutely.
20:43 You know, the Lord says, "Cast your bread upon the water
20:47 and it will return after many days."
20:49 We know that, whenever God adjusts the vision
20:51 that we had, and the plans that you had in the beginning.
20:54 I think you may want to talk about that.
20:56 God augmented that,
20:58 but one of the things we pointed out,
20:59 any time God adjusts anything,
21:02 it's gonna be better than we even thought about.
21:04 So that's coming down September this year.
21:07 Yeah, we and originally had talked
21:09 that we're gonna do like this huge auditorium
21:12 for the entire meeting, evangelistic,
21:15 but when we look at the church growth in Europe,
21:19 it's the division, it's one of the slower growing.
21:23 I don't mean that in negative way,
21:25 but the churches, the conference president,
21:29 so why don't we go to lot of the churches individually.
21:32 bring 3ABN speakers will hold basically revivals.
21:36 And so, to me all of a sudden, it hit me,
21:38 you know, this is probably the best, because why,
21:41 if you gonna do something public evangelism, later on,
21:45 where you are in big auditorium,
21:46 just spending a lot of money.
21:47 You're doing lot of work to get a lot of people.
21:49 We want to make sure that our churches
21:52 are spiritually healthy.
21:53 And so we worry about physical,
21:56 but we want to be spiritually healthy.
21:58 And so therefore, this revival and all these churches,
22:02 I believe we're gonna bring people
22:03 much closer to Jesus.
22:05 When people come into our churches,
22:06 they're gonna now see those of us
22:08 like a lot of churches everywhere in the world.
22:10 Sometimes we have our own things going
22:12 or we are not in unity.
22:14 I believe this can really bring the churches
22:18 in that conference, in a spirit of unity.
22:21 And when people come in, they're gonna see,
22:23 there is folk there who loves Jesus,
22:25 and want to got out and tell their friends
22:26 and neighbors about it.
22:28 So God's will be done.
22:29 And I believe this is--
22:31 I accept this instead of the bit evangelism,
22:34 you know, the big meetings at the time.
22:36 And I trust the conference president Elder de Lisser.
22:40 I mean, God has put him there for such an hour as this,
22:43 and so we're there to support.
22:45 Whatever we can do, he wants us to bring 3ABN speakers over,
22:49 and so that's what we're planning on doing.
22:51 And you know, one Pastor C.A. pointed this out.
22:54 Ellen White says a lot about London.
22:56 But the one quotation I want to segue with is this one,
22:59 she says, "London has been presented to me
23:02 again and again,
23:03 as a place in which a great work is to be done."
23:06 That was in 1901, how much bigger is London now?
23:09 If the work was great, it needed to be done in 1901,
23:11 how much greater is it today?
23:13 Yeah, absolutely. So praise the Lord for that.
23:15 Glad to be involved. Yeah.
23:17 God is gonna bless and we're gonna watch him
23:20 do some wonderful things.
23:21 And we're getting calls it's too long
23:23 to mention places, but we're getting calls
23:25 to go other places, and do our work for the Lord.
23:28 They are coming in.
23:30 And God has something very special,
23:32 he's gonna do to with for and through this ministry.
23:36 We haven't heard from Pastor John Dinzey
23:39 in a long while.
23:41 When last we met, he's always on the go
23:44 and he has more frequent-flyer five miles
23:46 than I think anybody because he is always on the go,
23:48 you talk about blessing on the go.
23:49 Blessings on the go.
23:51 He might be the most blessed person here,
23:52 'cause he's gone all the time doing for the world.
23:56 So we wanted to bring him
23:57 on this opening program of the year,
23:59 to kind of talk about,
24:00 what happened last year in Latino.
24:02 And things are going and growing for 3ABN Latino.
24:05 So, Johnny, give us a little flavor
24:06 of what's been happening in the last a little bit?
24:09 Well, a little bit will do.
24:11 We are blessed, 'cause God is still on the throne.
24:14 Amen.
24:16 And, you know, we are over 1300 cable companies.
24:21 We began in the year about February,
24:25 Sister Irma Murray, our cable specialist,
24:28 went to Columbia with other staff
24:31 including Jorge Jaque, our production manager.
24:34 And there we were blessed
24:39 to go to Cartagena, Columbia.
24:43 And that's a cable convention,
24:45 cable executives from different countries
24:47 go to this convention every year.
24:48 They have several in different countries.
24:51 We went to the one in Columbia,
24:52 and we say, we have over 1300 cable companies,
24:56 because we do not have all the information
25:00 on other cable companies.
25:02 And this is one of the example that we received,
25:04 when they got there,
25:06 we were trying to get cable companies
25:08 interested in 3ABN Latino.
25:10 But 40 of them said, we already have 3ABN Latino.
25:14 It's just that we haven't told you we have it.
25:18 So, but we need to get you to give us authorization
25:23 because the government comes around every so often
25:25 and says, how many channels you have, so many?
25:27 You have, let me see your list of authorizations
25:31 to have these channels on.
25:33 And so 40 of them said, we need authorization from you.
25:35 Praise the Lord.
25:37 And so that was 40 that we didn't know about.
25:40 Plus another 40 that said, I don't have it, I want it.
25:43 And so it's a tremendous blessing,
25:45 so that's 80 cable companies there.
25:47 Can you believe it, Danny, and forgive me, John,
25:49 40 companies just decided, we're gonna take this.
25:51 This is good stuff. We're just taking it.
25:54 Yeah.
25:55 We're not asking anybody, we're not telling anybody,
25:57 we're just taking it.
25:59 You know, and so they just took it.
26:00 And that is, that shows you the hunger out there.
26:04 And that you have a product that people want.
26:07 You know, that makes me think too.
26:10 We are a large television network
26:12 that goes all over the world.
26:14 In our marketing department at this moment
26:16 consists of two ladies.
26:18 We don't have a marketing department
26:20 that is going all over the world,
26:22 so who has to do the marketing for us
26:25 throughout the world.
26:26 That's God by the power of His Holy Spirit.
26:28 And He's doing an incredible job
26:31 much better than we could do
26:32 if we had 10 hard hitters in our marketing department.
26:37 So we were busy enough to ask the conference president,
26:40 the conference president came to help us.
26:42 And he had two secretaries come and help us at the booth,
26:46 because so many people were passing by.
26:48 And it was a tremendous blessing,
26:50 of course after that,
26:51 you have to send the satellite receivers.
26:53 And we thank the Lord, and praise the Lord
26:54 for those of you that have contributed
26:56 to make this possible because when you are talking about.
26:58 Some of these are satellite receiver plus modulator.
27:02 It can be somewhere between $200 and $400
27:04 depending on the cable company, depending
27:06 'cause sometimes they specify, I use these type of receivers,
27:09 or these type of modulators
27:11 and we try to supply those for them.
27:13 And that's--
27:15 that's, you are talking about
27:17 hundreds of thousands of more viewers.
27:19 And what we've seen is that God continues to help us grow.
27:23 We are in the US, we are on over 100--
27:26 We say about 140 television stations.
27:30 About last week,
27:31 I saw a little list of other TV stations
27:35 that I didn't know about that are carrying 3ABN Latino.
27:38 And today, no, yesterday, I was talking to a gentleman
27:42 that is putting together another box,
27:44 like the MySDA TV box with channels, and they say,
27:49 we want all the 3ABN channels on this box.
27:51 Praise God.
27:53 And so, we are talking to them, and Danny,
27:56 we're gonna bring that to you, and so that you can look at it
27:58 and see it if we want to be on that box.
28:00 And they said, all we want to do
28:02 is bring the everlasting gospel to millions of people.
28:06 Praise God.
28:07 So the Lord is just opening doors for 3ABN
28:11 and we just praise the Lord.
28:12 We talked in the past
28:14 about people that are carrying even satellite dishes
28:17 to places that are so remote,
28:19 that some of them don't even have electricity.
28:21 So they install solar panels,
28:24 so these people can have access to 3ABN
28:27 and people from the community come to their house,
28:30 because that's the only house that has solar panels,
28:32 that's the only house that has these types of things on.
28:34 And so, we just praise the Lord for these pioneers
28:37 that are doing this type of--
28:38 I'm calling them pioneers because I've never heard of--
28:40 We have these pictures, I wish I would have brought them
28:42 so I can show it to you, give you another time.
28:44 And so these type of things are happening.
28:46 I would like to show
28:49 some of the things we did that last year
28:51 and one of them is our annual event,
28:54 evangelistic event, where we bring,
28:57 like we do, we used to do
28:58 with the Ten Commandments weekend.
29:01 And so we have series on the second coming.
29:04 And this time it was called the "Second Coming:
29:06 Every Eye Shall See Him."
29:07 So we went to Montemorelos University,
29:10 and this is the view of the university
29:12 and between Idalia and I is pastor Ismael Castillo,
29:17 he is the president of the university.
29:20 And they said, "We are overjoyed to hear
29:23 that 3ABN wants to come to our university again
29:25 and it was a beautiful, beautiful series.
29:29 They in that university have so many groups, soloists,
29:36 quartets, the bands,
29:38 they participated in the whole weekend events.
29:40 We had 20 hours of programming broadcasted live from there.
29:44 And tremendous blessing, because they--
29:48 As a matter of fact, all the music that was done,
29:51 it was with live instruments.
29:54 And it was a joy to see that,
29:56 and plus, we had speakers that are already on 3ABN,
29:59 like pastor Robert Costa, Pastor Franklin Salas,
30:04 we also had Pastor Alejandro Bullon,
30:06 Pastor Alejandro Bullon's son.
30:09 We also invited one of the speakers
30:11 that was not able to make it, Pastor Stephen Bohr.
30:14 Because of a snow storm,
30:15 because this was held in February,
30:16 when you went to Florida.
30:18 And he was coming to Mexico,
30:19 but he was not able to make it because of the storm.
30:21 These are some children,
30:23 maybe we can listen to them sing praises to the Lord.
30:48 And so we had here,
30:51 that is Pastor Robert Costa also preaching.
30:53 He is the global evangelism leader
30:57 for the General Conference.
30:58 And we had pleasure to work with him.
31:01 He is a person that we praise the Lord to work with,
31:04 because he is evangelistically minded.
31:07 And so, the children were singing,
31:10 because Jesus is coming again.
31:13 And so, it was a tremendous blessing.
31:15 The reason we went there is
31:17 because 3ABN Latino has been on cable in that area
31:20 for over 10 years.
31:21 Praise God.
31:23 And 45 minutes,
31:24 about an hour and half away is Monterrey,
31:25 the third largest city in Mexico.
31:28 We are also on cable there.
31:30 So people were coming from all an hour and half
31:33 every night to see what was happening there.
31:37 And it was a tremendous blessing.
31:38 People were baptized, as a result of this 20,
31:42 18 sermons on the second coming of Jesus Christ.
31:45 And so, we have another video we would like to show to you.
31:48 This one was organized
31:50 by the Northeast Conference of Mexico,
31:53 and the North Union of Mexico.
31:56 They invited us to come and work with them
31:58 to put on the air
32:00 an evangelistic campaign inviting our viewers
32:03 that are in the Monterrey area.
32:05 This was in October of 2015.
32:09 And the speaker was Pastor Alejandro Bullon.
32:11 Danny, I know you're well familiar with him,
32:13 I don't know, in fact it goes back to 1988 or 1987.
32:16 Yeah, around 1990 at least 88, 89 somewhere.
32:19 And so Pastor Bullon is one of the few evangelists,
32:24 Spanish evangelist that,
32:25 if you say Pastor Bullon is in this stadium,
32:28 people will come from all over.
32:30 Sometimes travel four, five hours
32:31 to come to the meetings.
32:32 And in this Monterrey,
32:34 we went to the arena of Monterrey,
32:37 which holds a little over 12,000 people.
32:39 So we'd like to show you a video
32:41 of what happened in Monterrey
32:44 and as you see this video, you will see a...
32:48 They are building the set that was on.
32:51 So we'd like to ask them to roll the video,
32:54 so that we can show you what took place there.
32:57 This is the city of Monterrey.
32:59 Over four million people in the area.
33:02 We tried to get the video of the mountain
33:03 that is very famous there,
33:05 it's called a Horseshoe Mountain,
33:07 but this is the entrance to the Arena Monterrey.
33:10 And people were asked to bring tickets.
33:13 They want to get a tally of how many people
33:15 were coming in every night.
33:17 And so, it was a tremendous endeavor.
33:21 When I say tickets, the tickets were free.
33:23 If you didn't have a ticket before you got there,
33:24 they'll give you one at the door.
33:26 And we thank our staff
33:29 that was able to put this video together.
33:30 They put a little camera,
33:33 that was recording
33:34 for about 24 hours, what was going on.
33:37 And that's why you see this fast movement of things
33:40 being put together here.
33:42 So what we saw was that people were coming
33:46 from all over Monterrey to this evangelistic campaign.
33:50 And Pastor Alejandro Bullon was the speaker.
33:53 They put together two like swimming pools,
33:57 where people can get baptized
33:58 and it was entitled Victory in Jesus.
34:02 Amen. And we praise the Lord.
34:04 They invited Idalia and I to be the host because,
34:07 people see us on 3ABN.
34:09 And Idalia and I as...
34:10 before the program starts,
34:12 sometimes we went through the hallways
34:13 and people from all...
34:15 anybody in the hallway would say,
34:16 "Oh, we know you're on 3ABN, can we take a picture."
34:19 And that's because they watch us on 3ABN
34:21 and that encourage some people to come
34:24 that were not even Adventist.
34:26 Here's another choir at this event
34:29 that was Montemorelos University choir
34:31 which was one and half hour away
34:32 they came to participate and did all the music.
34:35 But this place was packed every night.
34:39 Started on Wednesday through Saturday
34:42 and they say Wednesday, you'll have, Pastor Bullon say,
34:46 "Well, you are on TV here."
34:48 Well my experience has been,
34:50 that if you have an evangelistic campaign
34:52 where you are on TV.
34:54 The people stay home and watch this thing.
34:56 But it started... so Wednesday you get a crowd.
34:59 This is Pastor Alejandro Bullon,
35:01 he's preached all over the world.
35:03 And he has a simple message,
35:05 that he lifts up Jesus and as it's written,
35:10 he says, "And I, if I be lifted up,
35:12 I'll draw all men unto me."
35:14 And people when you're making appeal,
35:15 people would come from all over the auditorium,
35:18 coming forward, asking,
35:20 yes I would like to be baptized.
35:22 Yes, I want to give my life to Jesus Christ.
35:23 The very first night,
35:25 one gentleman came to the meeting,
35:28 the last he said,
35:30 "This is the last religious meeting I'm going to,
35:33 because after this, I'm going to kill myself."
35:36 And what he heard that night changed his life,
35:40 he had so many problems, he said, "I don't know,
35:42 how this is gonna...
35:43 how even God can solve this,
35:45 but the Lord put hope in his heart
35:48 and so that was Wednesday, and on Friday,
35:51 he was baptized along with his family.
35:52 Amen.
35:54 And so we praise the Lord for...
35:56 Over 300 people were baptized
35:58 and many more came on the last day saying,
36:01 "I'm not ready right now,
36:03 but in the future I would like to be baptized.
36:05 Over 12,000 people came,
36:07 and one other things that impressed us
36:12 with the conference say...
36:14 we are going to go forward by faith.
36:15 By the way, I have to say this,
36:18 the first three people baptized were all people that learned
36:23 the doctrines of the Bible watching 3ABN Latino.
36:26 Amen.
36:28 And Pastor Bullon, he and I were just praising the Lord,
36:31 Jorge Jaque also was there,
36:33 because Pastor Bullon would tell a story.
36:35 Every night he would have one or two baptism,
36:37 where he tells the story of the first baptism,
36:40 and then he will ask people,
36:41 "If you also want to have the joy that they have.
36:43 Look at the joy in that person's heart
36:45 as he comes up out of the water."
36:46 And hey says, "That joy can be in your heart tonight,
36:48 so if you accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior,
36:51 you can have that same joy.
36:53 Then he would tell the story of that person, he said,
36:56 "This person came here
36:58 because they watched 3ABN Latino."
36:59 I'm like, "Praise the Lord."
37:01 So the first three people baptized,
37:03 and then many others afterwards were because of 3ABN Latino.
37:06 So we praise the Lord for that.
37:07 Praise God. Amen.
37:09 I have you here a candle, I'd like to close with this.
37:10 Okay.
37:11 This candle is from Italy,
37:14 and Jorge Jaque brought it back,
37:16 Brother Joe Baker also went,
37:18 and two other production staff went there
37:23 because Pastor Robert Costa invited us to participate.
37:27 And on here it's written some words
37:30 that I think nobody here can read.
37:33 But we know what it says.
37:35 This it has to do with the Waldenses
37:37 and Pastor Robert Costa has had in his heart
37:40 for several years to tape a documentary
37:43 about the life of Waldenses and what they,
37:46 what they-- we can learn from them.
37:48 He used the basis of their history
37:50 to bring you doctrines
37:51 that are light to shine into darkness
37:53 because that's what this candle says,
37:55 "A light that shines in the darkness."
37:57 And we know some of the history of the Waldenses,
37:59 because they have seen it on 3ABN.
38:01 And so, five half hour programs were taped and were--
38:06 they're almost done with production.
38:08 But I think it's a symbol also what 3ABN does.
38:11 We bring a light and shine it in the darkness.
38:14 This is all this means.
38:16 3ABN is a light that shines in the darkness
38:18 to bring people to Jesus Christ.
38:20 Amen. Wow, amen.
38:21 That is so powerful.
38:23 You know, there is a scripture in Philippians 2,
38:25 I think it's 14-16, but anyway,
38:28 Paul is talking about
38:29 how to be ready for the kingdom.
38:31 But he says that, "You will shine
38:34 as a bright light in the universe
38:37 as you hoe forth the word of God."
38:41 And what you just said, that's what I'm so,
38:42 why I'm so excited about the Go Evangelistic theme
38:45 and everything that's going on here,
38:47 is because everyone's getting involved
38:50 in holding forth the word of God.
38:52 And God is up there...
38:53 just imagine He looks down here,
38:55 we look up and see the stars shining,
38:57 some not quite as bright as the others.
38:59 He's looking down and He says, "Look at these stars,
39:02 here's Johnny in and Pastor Costa,
39:06 and here is our Go Evangelistic team,
39:09 and we're shining like stars in the universe,
39:12 in this dark world.
39:13 It is wonderful.
39:14 Yeah. It is wonderful.
39:16 I'm gonna ask Robert
39:17 to get that picture of Miriam in B.C., from London.
39:20 You know, everywhere you go,
39:22 we run into people who have come to the Lord through 3ABN
39:25 and it is so refreshing.
39:26 We did little interview
39:28 but there was so much room noise.
39:29 You really can't hear it clearly.
39:30 So I just want to put the picture of...
39:32 there she is.
39:34 She is African, she is from Ghana or Kenya.
39:37 And she said,
39:38 "I used to try to go to work on Sabbath or go shopping,
39:41 I would get these headaches
39:42 and I would get sick to my stomach,
39:43 I couldn't understand
39:45 why won't the Lord let me go out of house on Saturday.
39:46 What is in and she didn't know anything
39:47 about Adventism or Sabbath.
39:50 She just, "I can't function on Sabbath,
39:51 I can't do anything."
39:53 So she would just stay home
39:54 and one day she turned on the television
39:56 it said, "boom 3ABN."
39:57 And it all came together for her. Wow.
39:59 And she traveled to lunch, and now resides in London,
40:02 she is the member of the Adventist Church.
40:04 And the Lord just gave her these terrific headaches.
40:06 And He was preparing her for Sabbath.
40:08 Said, now, I feel great on Sabbath.
40:10 No problem.
40:11 Everything is quite fine on Sabbath now.
40:13 So every where you go,
40:15 you see our God is using this ministry, Danny,
40:17 to touch lives and change lives.
40:20 It's a wonderful thing.
40:21 Amen. Praise the Lord.
40:22 And it's people touching people.
40:24 I mean that's really what it all is,
40:25 is for each of us to accept our privilege,
40:29 it's our responsibility, but our privilege to say,
40:32 you know what, it's my...
40:34 not only duty, but my privilege,
40:36 my responsibility to tell others
40:38 what I've received.
40:40 If you've not really received Jesus Christ
40:42 as Lord and Savior of your life,
40:44 you really don't have a relationship with him.
40:46 You can't give something you don't have.
40:48 So what we encourage you
40:50 is to really submit and commit your life to Jesus.
40:53 I had somebody from Australia that keeps writing me and says,
40:56 "You don't tell people
40:57 they have to repent from their sins."
40:59 Amen.
41:00 And so I said, "No, we really do that quite often.
41:03 We don't think it's our job to beat people over the head,
41:06 that's between them and God."
41:07 But of course when you come to the foot of the cross,
41:10 you're confessing your sins.
41:12 And you're asking God for forgiveness.
41:14 Then you go and tell, what He has done for you.
41:16 And that's your great asset.
41:18 It's your own personal testimony.
41:19 But I would encourage each and everyone of you,
41:22 I grew up very legalistic, it was an Adventist home,
41:25 my mother became an Adventist the year I was born.
41:27 My father joined the church about four years later,
41:30 was very stubborn about doing it.
41:31 The Lord had to do some really, you know,
41:34 allow some things to happen.
41:36 And finally get my dad's attention.
41:37 So in 1955, you know,
41:39 he joined the Adventist church also,
41:42 but when I think backing my folks,
41:47 they were good people, they love Jesus,
41:49 but it was a lot of do's and don'ts.
41:51 You don't do this, and I didn't understand why.
41:53 So when you're 12 years old
41:55 and you really love to play basketball,
41:57 I wasn't really sure,
41:58 why I couldn't go out and play some on the Sabbath,
42:00 other than I told you not to.
42:02 Where the Lord said, "don't do it."
42:04 So as I have gotten older, I have asked the Lord,
42:07 "I want a relationship", like my daughter Melody had
42:10 when her mother was killed in an automobile accident
42:12 at 11 years old.
42:14 She was cuts and bruises, and she literally said,
42:17 "I'm gonna sing for mama's funeral."
42:20 I said, "Who're we gonna get to sing?"
42:21 she said, "I would sing, mama would want me to,
42:24 and Jesus would want me to."
42:26 So that morning, we actually recorded her
42:28 there at the church,
42:29 where her mother was and so she could sit down.
42:32 But I said, "Lord, I want that kind of relationship,
42:34 I don't want the one that I'm having."
42:36 When we go play soft ball,
42:38 play right up till the sundown.
42:39 And on Sabbath evening, I wait till and as soon as
42:42 it's over and I'm back out on the fields.
42:44 I want to be able to have a relationship
42:46 like this little 11 year old girl.
42:48 And the Lord has given me that,
42:50 because He'll give you what you ask for.
42:52 And so, what I'm encouraging people,
42:54 what we all are here,
42:55 when we say the blessings on the go.
42:57 You can't go tell anybody something you don't have
42:59 or convince somebody of something.
43:01 So we want you to share Jesus, the blessing is your testimony.
43:05 But it is your testimony.
43:06 People don't care how much you know,
43:08 how much you memorize,
43:09 Revelation all these scriptures.
43:11 They want to know what's gonna get me
43:13 through this sin sick world today.
43:16 I need help, where is God when I need him?
43:19 And you have the answers,
43:20 'cause you've already found it.
43:22 And you know, the answer is in the Lord Jesus Christ.
43:24 So when you come to the foot of the cross,
43:26 you confess your sins.
43:27 God is faithful and just to forgive us from our sins,
43:30 and to cleanse us from all, how much, all unrighteousness.
43:33 Amen.
43:34 So therefore,
43:36 there is where the blessing is on the go,
43:37 not that you're or me
43:39 or any of us are worthy of anything.
43:41 But God honors what we do.
43:43 So it takes faith to go.
43:45 So it says, faith is small as a grain of mustard seed,
43:48 He will honor that.
43:49 So we want you to be a part of our
43:50 "Blessing is on the Go"
43:52 but we want you to come to the foot of the cross,
43:54 and it's not always easy to do, to see yourselves,
43:57 for what we really are?
43:59 I struggle with it.
44:00 It's bad enough to look in the mirror.
44:01 But then when you look to spiritual side,
44:03 it's even tougher.
44:04 You know, that you have to say, "Lord, you know, change me.
44:08 Let mould me in your image."
44:11 Because that's why you say, if I be lifted up.
44:13 That's not me just saying, serve Jesus, whatever.
44:15 It's when people see the reality of Jesus Christ
44:19 working in and through our lives.
44:20 Amen.
44:22 That's what draws them. Absolutely.
44:23 And it also is what rejects them.
44:25 But at least they are draw to Jesus,
44:27 to the attention there, but it's up to the individual,
44:30 either I accept the Lord, or I don't want to do it.
44:33 But we've done our part.
44:35 And that's why we encourage everybody to do that.
44:37 And as a member of the Go Evangelistic team,
44:41 that Shelley is just always so enthusiastic about.
44:45 Your job or your responsibility isn't to do
44:50 what the Evangelistic team here at 3ABN is doing,
44:53 which is going over to London.
44:56 Going to Europe and doing the big evangelistic campaigns.
45:00 What we are encouraging you to do is
45:02 evangelize that neighbor next door,
45:04 or to evangelize those in your family.
45:08 We're giving you the tools,
45:09 because if everybody does their part,
45:12 then the whole gets accomplished.
45:14 What is it...
45:15 it's not...
45:17 I don't want to call it or tried saying, but it's,
45:19 if that which I am a part of
45:22 is more important than that part which I play.
45:25 As we all come together and do our part,
45:28 then we're going to see the whole world evangelize
45:31 for the Lord Jesus Christ.
45:32 You know, you'll never preach a sermon
45:35 in that big auditorium over there in London.
45:39 However, that neighbor next door
45:41 needs to hear about Jesus Christ
45:43 just as badly as the whole city of London.
45:46 With how many people did you say it was?
45:48 Eight and half million. Eight million.
45:50 But if eight million people
45:52 that are watching and listening today,
45:54 go next door, we've reached just as many people.
45:56 Amen.
45:57 And that's, and by evangelize all we're saying is share.
46:01 Share the tools, share what God's done to you.
46:04 Just love the people, let God reach.
46:06 Salvation belongs to the Lord, you don't have to say,
46:09 the more you've got to do is to introduce some tool.
46:11 Plant good seed and He will reap the harvest.
46:14 Amen. Well said.
46:15 Mollie, in the letter that you read earlier,
46:17 I think that the person said, "I can't afford not to give."
46:20 Is that what she said?
46:22 Yeah. That's what she said.
46:23 Yeah. I can't afford not to give.
46:25 I mean that's fantastic.
46:26 If you think about that, I mean that's someone
46:27 that's really sold out for evangelism.
46:29 And I know we've heard from number of people
46:31 that have contacted 3ABN
46:33 saying that they are blessed by the tool.
46:36 And then they themselves of course are sharing it.
46:38 And like you're saying to, you know,
46:39 it's our own personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
46:42 That's the key, because then we can represent
46:43 Christ as well.
46:45 So, yeah, it's a great,
46:46 this the Go Evangelistic team member,
46:48 all this is so exciting
46:50 because I have noticed a little change at 3ABN,
46:52 a big change I should say to,
46:53 lot of excitement about spreading the Gospel,
46:55 even amongst the staff.
46:56 And I think that's really neat to see.
46:58 Speaking of that, how does that affect
47:00 in your department,
47:01 tell us about your department?
47:02 Oh, I tell you, I work in a wonderful,
47:04 wonderful department called the production department.
47:06 I have great staff to work with.
47:08 It's fun to work with all of you too,
47:10 because I work with most of you everyday, every week.
47:13 And a great staff to work with.
47:14 In production, this last year 2015,
47:17 it was a busy year.
47:18 We had the G.C.
47:20 session, kind of seem to be the big point in above.
47:21 We started out in the early part of the year
47:23 with winter camp meeting down in Florida.
47:26 And just went from there.
47:27 But it was a great year, 2015 and Pastor C.A.
47:30 you mentioned earlier in the first hour
47:31 about this being the first behind the scenes for 2016.
47:35 And so as I look at the calendar,
47:38 for this year, it's a busy one.
47:39 But a lot of exciting programs
47:41 that are scheduled throughout all the networks here at 3ABN.
47:44 And of course we as the production department
47:46 are excited to be participating in each one of those.
47:51 You know, 2 Corinthian 13:8 says,
47:53 "For you can do nothing against the truth,
47:56 only for the truth.
47:58 Only for the truth.
47:59 There's a saying that we all heard before,
48:00 "If you can't beat them, join them."
48:03 But it comes from the proverb that simply says,
48:05 "If you are tired,
48:07 because you cannot defeat who you're fighting against,
48:11 band together with them."
48:12 So they shortened it to,
48:14 "If you can't beat them, join them."
48:15 You know, Danny, we are part of something,
48:17 all of us including the camera people,
48:19 a part of a cause that will not fail,
48:22 'cause you cannot do anything against it.
48:23 Yeah.
48:25 So if you can't do anything against it.
48:27 It makes only eternal sense to be a part of.
48:31 Mollie, I like what you just said,
48:33 the individual part we play is not as important
48:35 as the total...
48:37 That means we are a part of,
48:38 is more important than that part which we play.
48:40 Thank you.
48:42 And when we all do our part, the whole gets accomplished.
48:44 That's the body concept. Yes, it is.
48:46 Calm assurance that it gives us.
48:48 There are people, I actually know people,
48:49 who spent more than decade
48:51 trying to destroy this ministry.
48:52 Oh, I know them.
48:54 They haven't figured it out yet that it's not the people.
48:56 It is God's ministry.
48:58 God's ministry. Amen.
48:59 So you can do all you want, you can throw everything,
49:01 you want to throw at somebody.
49:03 But God's ministry as long as...
49:05 the message God has commissioned us to do
49:07 the ministry is gonna go forward.
49:09 That's right.
49:10 It's not the message is important,
49:11 but people want to waste all their time,
49:13 trying to downplay.
49:14 There had been books written, everything else literally.
49:16 Oh, yeah.
49:17 Folk hardly believe that, to destroy 3ABN,
49:20 to bring whatever they can do,
49:22 and 3ABN continues to grow.
49:23 Praise God.
49:25 And financially, and the support of people,
49:28 and the amount of evangelism, the homes reached,
49:31 growing every year.
49:32 It's amazing.
49:34 Is it because we're perfect?
49:35 No, absolutely not, neither you.
49:37 But it is because we decided,
49:39 you know what, this is God's work,
49:40 we're gonna do what we can do with blessing is on the go.
49:43 So if you're one of those that's wasting your time,
49:46 you don't want to talk about your neighbors,
49:47 your friends, your enemies,
49:48 everybody else either in front or behind their back.
49:50 Don't worry about it. Don't do all that stuff.
49:52 Concentrate on being a vessel of honor for Jesus.
49:55 That's right. Amen.
49:56 Lord, I want to go, tell the world about you,
49:59 'cause someday you're gonna stand before,
50:01 and I'm gonna stand before the Lord Jesus Christ.
50:04 And do I want to be mudslinger or do I want to be
50:07 part of "The Blessing is on the Go" team.
50:09 So I'm just encouraging all of you there but,
50:12 I'm amazed that people can spend years
50:15 trying to destroy rather than to build up.
50:18 And we have to say one thing, they are persistent.
50:20 But God is still on the throne. Amen.
50:22 And we see the blessings everyday.
50:24 We want you to enjoy the blessings of God,
50:27 if you don't already, mean if you do,
50:29 you know what this is about.
50:30 For those of you who don't try...
50:31 He says try me, prove me here.
50:33 But that's not just in your finances,
50:35 but as you go forward, God wants to bless us.
50:37 Absolutely. Each and every one.
50:38 We have to put ourselves in a position to be blessed.
50:41 "Lord forgive me, I'm a sinner.
50:43 Now what do you want me to do?"
50:45 God will impress you what to do, I promise you.
50:47 Amen. And your life will be changed.
50:49 And as H.M.S Richards...
50:50 I'm sorry, while you're taking out a letter.
50:52 Yeah.
50:53 We will finish your statement. Yeah.
50:54 As H.M.S Richards encourages us to do, Danny,
50:58 what we're gonna do?
50:59 Stay about our work,
51:01 just gonna keep our hand to the plow
51:03 and we're not going to fight.
51:05 What he said?
51:07 I think, he calls it the devil's dogs.
51:09 We're gonna just stay about our work.
51:10 Amen. Now you can settle later.
51:12 Yeah.
51:13 And what you're saying that,
51:14 you know, it's the Balaam principle.
51:16 You cannot curse what God has blessed. Okay.
51:18 You know, you are either part of the building committee
51:19 or the wrecking crew.
51:21 And you cannot curse what God...
51:22 and has nothing to do with us.
51:23 No. The blessing is on the ministry.
51:25 We happen to be on the battlements
51:27 at this point in time.
51:28 But when we go off scene,
51:30 should the Lord delay His coming.
51:32 God will put a new set of people in here,
51:33 who will do his will, who'll be blessed,
51:35 because the blessing is on the go,
51:37 it's on the ministry.
51:38 And you cannot curse what God has blessed.
51:40 The blessing is on the go forward,
51:42 and he said,
51:43 "The enemy you see today, you'll see no more forever."
51:47 Wow. Go forward.
51:48 Amen.
51:50 I would like to go back about 26 years.
51:56 I came here in 1989,
51:58 and I don't remember if it was late '89
52:00 or beginning of 1990,
52:03 I already gave part of the story away.
52:05 A gentleman called and said,
52:07 he had watched one of the programs,
52:09 and he said, "That program is against blank movement.
52:14 And it's a moment of corruption.
52:16 I have to just summarize it as that,
52:18 and there I almost go, praise the Lord,
52:20 but I contained myself.
52:22 And he said, "Well,
52:23 I don't know who you people are,
52:24 who are you people?"
52:26 I said, "Well, we are Seventh-day Adventist."
52:27 He said, "Well, I can only tell you this,
52:30 I'm a man of great influence,
52:33 and you're not gonna be on the air very long."
52:36 And I said, "Really, well, let me take your...
52:38 may I please take your name,
52:40 and maybe at least the city you are calling from?"
52:42 Yeah, take their name, there's somebody threatening you.
52:46 That's right.
52:47 At least take your name to write your complain down,
52:49 and I'll bring it to administration,
52:51 that's not important.
52:52 What is important is that I'm a man of great influence,
52:55 you're not gonna be on the air very long.
52:56 After that phone call ended, I said, "Well,
52:58 who is this man,
53:00 why does he have power to take us off the air?"
53:03 And I said to myself, you know what,
53:05 I don't think that man can do anything,
53:07 because God said, this is gonna go to all the world.
53:10 3ABN is supposed to take the undiluted
53:12 Three Angels' messages to all the world.
53:14 In 1990... 1989, we were on one satellite,
53:18 one downlink in Salem, Illinois.
53:20 Yes.
53:21 And one cable station in San Diego, California
53:24 from 2 to 6 a.m.
53:25 Yeah.
53:27 And now we are on, what?
53:28 Is it nine satellites covering the whole world.
53:30 Hundreds of TV stations, thousands of cable stations,
53:33 internet, all over the world.
53:35 Radio, internet, dish, networks...
53:36 Nothing against the truth.
53:38 When God is done with 3ABN, that's when 3ABN stops.
53:40 That's right.
53:41 So saying that I say,
53:43 we do need the prayers of people,
53:45 because 3ABN has made a recommitment,
53:47 a declaration, evangelism in 2016 and beyond.
53:51 Yeah. This is the year of evangelism.
53:53 Year of evangelism.
53:55 So we need the prayers
53:56 because we know the devil doesn't like
53:57 for people to do evangelism.
53:59 Yes.
54:00 But, we're gonna do it,
54:01 because that's what Lord said to do.
54:03 Go, because the blessing is on the go.
54:04 It sounds like the resistance
54:05 and the persecution and so forth is nothing
54:07 but fertilizer that makes us grow.
54:09 Amen. That's God for you.
54:10 All right. So you want a good letter.
54:12 Indeed we do.
54:13 Let me do a good letter,
54:15 "I'm a long time viewer of your programs,
54:17 I have learned so much regarding the Bible,
54:20 and Bible truth.
54:21 Thank you.
54:23 I'm a Sabbath keeper,
54:25 but not a Seventh-day Adventist,
54:27 and as such, do not have a church home,
54:29 although I do worship online."
54:31 And I just wanted to encourage you
54:33 that so many people do,
54:35 find their nourishment from viewing 3ABN online.
54:40 So thank God for that.
54:41 I got one more, and I know we're almost out of time,
54:44 but let me do this one, then I'm through.
54:45 Please do.
54:47 "I want to tell you,
54:48 how 3ABN has touched my heart,
54:50 I grew up an Adventist.
54:52 But my husband and I left the church in 2005.
54:55 This past April, a pastor worked with us,
54:58 and we rejoined the church.
54:59 Two weeks later my husband died,
55:01 I was devastated,
55:03 but I ordered cable and found 3ABN.
55:06 Between 3ABN and my church family,
55:09 I have never felt closer to God.
55:11 I want to thank you
55:12 for reaching out to people's hearts.
55:14 Amen. Amen.
55:15 Here is the encouragement.
55:17 If you're not being attacked by the enemy,
55:19 you're not doing anything right.
55:20 Okay.
55:22 I just want to say, for those who were watching on the G19
55:27 "Dare to Dream",
55:28 you can still watch "Dare to Dream."
55:29 You can be on Roku, you can get MySDA TV box,
55:33 which is really, really great to have.
55:36 The internet, the computer, I mean there is...
55:39 iPhones or iPads.
55:41 Yes, yes.
55:42 I mean so, we're not off the air,
55:44 we're just not on the G19.
55:45 So you can find a way to watch.
55:48 You know, in the words of song, Danny,
55:50 His truth is marching on.
55:53 And we praise God for it. Amen.
55:54 Well, our time is getting away from us, man. It is.
55:58 It says one minute, is that true?
56:00 That's true. We've been here two hours.
56:01 We've been here two hours.
56:02 We've been her two hours.
56:04 So on behalf of our Pastor John Lomacang,
56:06 Greg Morikone, John Dinzey, Yvonne Lewis, Shelley Quinn,
56:12 Mollie Steenson, Danny Shelton,
56:14 our founder and friend and all around good guy.
56:17 We need to pray for this guy, you know,
56:19 because the Lord is attacking him
56:21 in so many, many ways.
56:23 Not the Lord. Not the Lord.
56:24 But God will strengthen you.
56:25 I'm sorry, I said "the Lord", the Lord is sustaining you...
56:28 Sustaining me. And the devil is attacking you.
56:29 Yeah, that's right. Praise the Lord.
56:31 It's the way that works. You got that straight, yeah.
56:32 Lord is sustaining, devil is attacking.
56:33 Yeah. That's right.
56:35 Alright, praise the Lord. Now we want to pray for C.A.
56:36 Oh, yes, yes, pray,
56:37 give me the Lord, I'll pick up my brain here.
56:39 All of you, we want you home to pray for us.
56:40 We want to pray for you, also.
56:42 And in fact, we just go out, send our prayers.
56:45 C.A will just pray
56:46 and we'll say good bye to you now.
56:47 Let's just pray for the folks at home.
56:49 God knows the needs.
56:51 And we'll join together with you.
56:53 Whatever your need is, God wants to bless you. Amen.
56:55 Shall we pray?
56:56 Gracious Father, as we close this program,
56:59 we certainly do not close our hearts
57:00 which are opened up to you.
57:02 We thank you Lord for what you've done in the past.
57:04 And for the promise of your even greater blessings
57:07 in the future.
57:08 Father we ask you to keep us, bless our founder,
57:11 bless each and every member of the team, here at 3ABN.


Revised 2016-05-02