3ABN 31st Anniversary Special

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), Brenda Walsh, Brian Hamilton, C.A. Murray, Deyvy Rodriquez, ET Everett, Greg & Jill Morikone, Jason Bradley, Jay Christian, Joel Baker, John Dinzey, Jonathan Babb, Megan Cowan, Mollie Steenson, Moses Primo, Roy & Earlenne Hunt, Shelley Quinn, Yvonne Lewis


Series Code: TL

Program Code: TL015535B

00:07 So as we continue down from Danny's office,
00:09 it's always a treat to talk with him.
00:11 He is so encouraging and has great vision
00:13 for the work of 3ABN
00:14 and he is definitely being used by the Lord.
00:16 Amen.
00:17 And now on this side is Greg's office.
00:19 That's right. We won't stop in there.
00:21 Nothing too interesting about that.
00:23 And we have Ms. Yvonne Lewis, Dr. Yvonne Lewis.
00:26 Her office is here now.
00:27 I know you just saw her, she is over at the Uplink.
00:30 That's right.
00:31 Producing over there and working with that program.
00:33 She and Jason Bradley are in this office
00:34 and then Brian Hamilton is on this side.
00:36 But we are gonna talk to him in just a few moments
00:38 over in Accounting.
00:39 Yeah, in the Accounting Department.
00:41 But, yeah, this is a neat part of the building.
00:42 This was actually added on not oh, that long ago.
00:45 May be 10 years or so ago.
00:46 It seems like when Jim Gilley came about that time
00:48 when they added on the extra.
00:49 That's right. So tell us who is to our left.
00:50 On this side is Elisa and Barbara
00:52 and this is an important part of 3ABN.
00:54 Everything you send in, all the mail that comes in
00:56 or the donations,
00:58 all of that comes through this office
00:59 and then it's passed on,
01:01 filled on to our accounting department.
01:03 And then Elisa
01:04 is Mollie Steenson's administrative assistant.
01:07 And we all know Mollie is a busy lady,
01:08 so she needs someone
01:10 who can really step up to the plate
01:11 and who can help her.
01:12 Now we are gonna step into Mollie Steenson's office.
01:14 She is our vice president
01:16 and general manager here at 3ABN.
01:19 I love coming in this office. I do too.
01:21 Because Mollie is such a woman of God.
01:22 She has an open listening heart.
01:25 She is integral to the work that takes place here at 3ABN.
01:29 She is a woman of grace and dignity.
01:30 And, Mollie, today you are little bit hoarse.
01:34 Well, about oh, three or four weeks ago
01:38 our very dear friends
01:40 Shelley and JD Quinn had bronchitis.
01:43 And Helen and I are their dear friends
01:45 and we just share everything
01:47 obviously including bronchitis germs.
01:50 So last week Helen and I had bronchitis
01:53 and this week we are much recouped
01:55 but we still got little hoarse from it.
01:58 Now you've been with 3ABN for years
02:01 and I know that you've known Danny Shelton
02:04 since before 3ABN started,
02:05 you and Pastor Hal who works in pastoral department.
02:08 Yes, we knew Danny Shelton before there was a 3ABN
02:13 and I want you to know that man was as committed
02:16 to the Lord Jesus Christ
02:18 the first day we met him as he is today.
02:21 He hasn't changed.
02:23 He is one of the unique people
02:24 that I know are just always the same.
02:28 What you see is what you get.
02:29 What you see on the air at 3ABN
02:32 is what you would see right here at 3ABN.
02:35 Yeah, that's very true.
02:36 Yeah, we just came from his office
02:38 and he was, you know, again he is always positive,
02:40 so very optimistic about the future
02:41 and how the Lord is leading this ministry.
02:43 Hard to believe it's 31 years, isn't that, Mollie?
02:45 Thirty one years.
02:47 And, you know, back in the day when he first called--
02:53 Hal was one of the first ones he called
02:55 after God dropped that dream and that vision into his heart.
02:59 And from the very beginning there was no doubting,
03:03 there was no questioning.
03:05 He knew if it be God it will happen.
03:07 You know, I interview people here,
03:09 I don't mean on the air interview
03:10 but I interview them
03:12 for their positions here at 3ABN
03:14 and I like to tell people when you become a part of 3ABN,
03:17 you are joining yourself to a ministry
03:20 that was brought about by God.
03:23 And I explain to them that now 31 years ago,
03:27 God dropped a dream and a vision
03:29 in a young man's heart,
03:30 and either the dream was from God or it wasn't
03:35 and here's just a little try it saying,
03:38 the proof is in the pudding.
03:40 Thirty one years later did the dream come to past?
03:43 Yes, it did. Yes, absolutely.
03:45 So to me that's proof positive
03:47 that God brought this ministry into being.
03:50 Makes us feel good, doesn't it, Greg and Jill,
03:52 to be a part of something brought about by God.
03:56 Absolutely.
03:57 Now Mollie Steenson's title
03:58 is vice president, general manager
04:01 but I can tell you that Mollie Steenson knows
04:03 probably everything that goes on here at 3ABN.
04:06 She is a lady that has worn many hats and still continues
04:08 to wear many hats even thought her title is vice president,
04:11 general manager.
04:12 I can say to you,
04:13 if I go plunge a toilet if it needed to, wouldn't you?
04:15 Oh, I've plunged many toilets around here.
04:17 I said that because I knew she had.
04:18 Yeah.
04:20 You know, either you are part of the ministry or you are not
04:23 and if ever title goes to your head,
04:26 then it's time God moved you out.
04:28 Yeah, very true. We are here to do a job.
04:30 We are not and, and accomplish something
04:32 for the kingdom of God.
04:33 We are not here to be show ponies or visuals.
04:37 You know what we are?
04:38 We are work horses around here. Yeah.
04:40 We all work together and it's a team effort.
04:41 And I have to say this too from all I've worked with her
04:43 when I was at the call center and now in production.
04:46 Her door is always open.
04:48 I can come in the chair, close the door,
04:49 just sit down right here in one of these chairs and say,
04:52 Mollie, give me some words from the Lord
04:54 and God has given her tremendous gift
04:56 of being an encourager
04:58 and I don't mean this is something against you
05:00 but as a positive.
05:02 Almost like a mother, she is very much,
05:03 almost a mother of 3ABN.
05:05 It's a tremendous talent, Mollie.
05:06 God has blessed you here at 3ABN for sure.
05:09 Well, I love these people.
05:10 These are good people here at 3ABN
05:13 and I would just like to ask you
05:15 to please pray for every one of us.
05:17 We need your prayers, we need your love
05:19 and this ministry needs financial help
05:22 to further the cause of Christ to the whole world.
05:26 Thank you, Mollie, I know that you are busy,
05:27 but thank you for letting us
05:29 stop in your office on this tour.
05:30 So we are gonna continue on down the hall
05:32 in the west wing here.
05:33 Thanks. Kind of you.
05:34 Thank you very much.
05:36 So as we continue down the hallway here
05:38 and past Mollie's office.
05:40 We go down the hall and the last office
05:42 is Pastor C.A. Murray right here
05:45 at the end of the hall.
05:47 Hello, Pastor C.A., how are you?
05:49 I just walked in without knocking, didn't I?
05:52 I knocked for him.
05:55 Good to see you pastor.
05:57 Now Danny just mentioned about going to England
06:00 and this man has just come back as well.
06:02 I know, you are tried, you just traveled recently
06:04 but the Lord is using you in mighty ways.
06:06 And I know that he is the general manager
06:09 of the Proclaimed Network
06:11 but this man also wears many hats.
06:13 I work with him closely with production.
06:16 He is Today Live, the Today producer,
06:20 live events coordinator, producer, so he's a busy man.
06:24 Absolutely. And--
06:27 I do windows.
06:28 You do windows as in Macintosh versus Windows?
06:32 As in washing windows.
06:35 She started though that in there.
06:37 So before we get to you,
06:38 tell us about a little bit about Proclaim.
06:39 I see also that you got a lot of ships,
06:41 so are you-- you like sailing?
06:44 I do.
06:45 I don't know anything about them.
06:47 I can't swim. I just like sailing ships.
06:49 That period in history, a mystery that fascinates me
06:53 and I haven't lived on Long Island for so many years.
06:55 I got to see whaling ships and all the whaling museums.
06:58 And I don't really know how I collected the first.
07:00 Those are all rummage sales, yard sales, you know,
07:04 you go rummaging around.
07:05 I never bought anything in a store.
07:06 So it didn't cost a lot of money.
07:08 Just you see a ship there so looking sort of lonely
07:10 so I gave it a home.
07:12 And this is only half of my collection the other one--
07:14 office is a little too small so they're boxed up
07:17 waiting for a time and I suspect.
07:19 It's an incredible collection of these ships.
07:21 I love that.
07:22 Now you are general manager of 3ABN Proclaim
07:25 and tell us how long Proclaim has been,
07:27 the network has been a network
07:28 and what are your plans and goals for it?
07:30 I think Proclaim is in its one, two, three,
07:33 fifth year and time, it gets away from you.
07:36 The challenge with Proclaim is that we don't produce
07:38 specifically for Proclaim.
07:40 The other challenge we produce the civic programs for them.
07:43 Proclaim is a preaching, teaching network
07:46 so we are dependent upon preaching series
07:48 that happen here at 3ABN
07:49 or preaching and teaching series
07:51 that people send us.
07:52 A lot of material is good,
07:54 a lot of it is not broadcast quality.
07:56 So it's really tough getting the kinds of sermons
07:58 that we want.
07:59 But so far we've done good.
08:01 We've added about three or four shows just this year.
08:02 Amen.
08:04 We use our anchors, we broadcast our anchors
08:05 and other things that are done over in the worship center,
08:08 we put on Proclaim that are of a preaching,
08:09 teaching nature.
08:11 I do know that 3ABN Proclaim
08:13 is one of the more popular networks
08:15 because one time we had some technical issues.
08:16 I think it was when I was at the call center then
08:19 and wow, did we get a lot of phone calls saying,
08:21 "Where is Proclaim?"
08:23 So it's a blessing. Yeah.
08:24 You only know sometimes-- well, you know,
08:26 that you lose your water when the well runs dry.
08:29 But we didn't really know
08:31 that we had this sort of loyal group
08:32 of a lot of guys just they don't want preaching,
08:35 they don't want cooking, they don't want music,
08:37 just want this or rather they just want sermons.
08:40 And so as I was in California just last year
08:43 and this husband and wife we're sort of kidding around
08:45 and he was saying what she watched.
08:47 They have two different TVs
08:48 and he watches Proclaim exclusively
08:50 and then she watches 3ABN English
08:53 and she likes the cooking and she likes the other things
08:54 but he is not concerned about it.
08:56 He just wants the word.
08:57 So for those who are just word devotees dare I say,
09:00 that's what Proclaim is for.
09:02 It satisfies that hunger.
09:05 Well, thank you, pastor for allowing us
09:06 stop in your office.
09:07 I know that you are a busy man but this again is an office
09:09 you can always come in, close the door
09:10 and just say give me some words of wisdom.
09:12 He is a man of wisdom, a man of God
09:14 and a man of the word.
09:16 If you watch 3ABN and all you know that Pastor Murray,
09:18 when he gets in the pulpit,
09:20 the anointing of the Holy Spirit
09:21 is gonna flow through him.
09:23 So we are so blessed to have he and his wife Irma here.
09:25 Yeah, we just saw her earlier in the Latino department.
09:27 So let's continue on down the hall.
09:28 We are going where next? The Accounting Department.
09:34 So here we are at the accounting window.
09:35 I'm gonna ring the bell and LaDonna should let us in.
09:39 All right. Thank you, LaDonna.
09:41 Thank you.
09:42 We'll see if Brian and Davey are here.
09:45 I know sometimes they meet quite a bit.
09:47 Let see.
09:48 Gentlemen. Yes, come in.
09:50 Hey, Brian, hi, Davey. How are you?
09:52 How are you guys.
09:53 Just thought we come in and start to interrupt
09:55 your meeting here.
09:56 Hopefully, we will just take a few minutes.
09:57 Say, hello.
09:59 Now Brian Hamilton is our CFO of 3ABN and Davey--
10:03 his position is rather new so, Brian,
10:04 we are gonna let you explain real quick Davey
10:07 and what you do here in accounting?
10:08 Sure. All right.
10:10 Yes, Davey is my new assistant.
10:13 He is assistant treasurer and office manager.
10:16 I've moved down to another location
10:19 and Davey is taking over the day-to-day activity
10:24 of accounting office overseeing it.
10:26 So we are happy to have Davey onboard with us.
10:29 And we hope you are happy too.
10:32 Yes, I'm very happy. Good.
10:35 Just right now we were, both were working on
10:38 year end annual tax return
10:41 that we have to complete each year.
10:43 It's a reporting kind of form, it's called the 990's.
10:48 Quite a big project about 60 pages long
10:50 but all charities have to do this.
10:52 So I have a question.
10:54 So when I hear accounting, I think money.
10:57 Now money flows freely into 3ABN, right?
11:01 Or is it a stressful position?
11:02 Tell me about the Accounting and how you feel
11:04 being in the Accounting Department
11:05 and how many years you've been here at 3ABN?
11:08 Yeah, Diane and I came about seven years ago,
11:11 just a little over seven years ago.
11:13 And before that I was in a conference work
11:17 doing treasure and accounting types of things.
11:22 We have a lot of volume of activity at 3ABN.
11:26 Lot of donations come in.
11:28 Often times small ones but big quantities,
11:31 big numbers of donors but small amounts.
11:34 So it adds a little bit of work there.
11:36 And then we have a lot of dollars go out
11:38 because the expenses of course.
11:40 Of spreading the gospel. Yeah. Yeah.
11:42 Sometimes I get a feeling like it's trickling in
11:45 and gushing going out,
11:46 you know, certain times of the month.
11:48 But the God is good to us
11:50 and every month we seem to be able
11:52 to put bear our expenses for the month
11:55 and we look forward to a new one so...
11:57 You have an incredible staff here who work with you.
11:59 Tell us briefly who works in Accounting Department?
12:01 Okay.
12:02 Well, Davey, why don't you tell me
12:04 about your crew now
12:05 that works here in Accounting?
12:07 Well, we will be quick here.
12:08 We have Karen Cordes who works with the trust and annuities
12:11 as the accountant.
12:13 We also have LaDonna who works here at the front desk
12:15 and we have Feathers who pays the bills.
12:18 We also have Dave who does a lot of our entries
12:21 and Xenia who does our payroll.
12:24 We also have a new team member who is Renise.
12:27 We are happy to have her as well.
12:28 And I think that's it.
12:30 It's a great team here at 3ABN,
12:31 it's definitely everyone working together
12:33 and thank you too,
12:34 because you are our team members as well.
12:36 You send your donations in to 3ABN or your prayer.
12:38 We appreciate that very much.
12:40 I'll tell you what, let's go down to production,
12:42 see what's going on down there.
12:44 We're coming back through the main lobby here
12:46 and why don't we go into Studio A?
12:48 Yeah, that sounds good.
12:49 Sometimes that little red lights on
12:51 and that means they are-- oh, it is on.
12:52 Oh, here's Steven he is our audio guy.
12:55 Good. Let's actually follow him.
12:57 They haven't started taping yet.
12:58 Let's follow in there and I think they are getting ready
13:00 to start a program so usually we had to be quiet.
13:02 Yeah, they are on the sets but we should be okay.
13:06 We do a lot of production in here.
13:09 This is control room A,
13:11 we do our flagship program from in here.
13:14 And remember we just saw Pastor John
13:15 and he was a busy man heading out of his office.
13:17 Well, he was actually heading on set.
13:19 So Steven here is putting the microphone on.
13:22 Again good to see you, Pastor John.
13:23 Hi, how are you? Good to see you again.
13:25 So I know this is a Latino program
13:27 but what you are getting ready to do here?
13:29 Well, we are about to interview
13:31 this lovely couple Diogenes Dominguez.
13:34 He is a musician and his wife also,
13:36 also musical evangelist in Spanish.
13:40 Well, of course piano is international.
13:42 Piano works for any language. For any language.
13:45 And so we are about to interview them about the music
13:47 they have taped during this day.
13:48 Amen.
13:49 And Steven, I know we just interrupted him
13:51 because we don't like to keep
13:52 mike wires hanging out like that.
13:53 Well, that's what Steven Danner does is that
13:55 he would mike them up, go into the control room
13:56 which you are gonna just see in a moment
13:58 and run the audio from there.
13:59 So when here we do what we do in control room Studio A?
14:01 I love Studio A.
14:02 There is a lot of production that takes place here.
14:04 As you can see Brother Johnny is on the set.
14:06 This is our Today's set
14:08 or in Spanish it would be our Hoy set.
14:10 It's our interview set.
14:12 Behind me here we have our music set.
14:14 We would move the cameras,
14:15 we would turn the lights on over there
14:18 and we would take music.
14:19 If we move the piano away, we tape 3ABN Family Worship
14:22 that airs on Friday night opening up the Sabbath.
14:25 Over here we have our kitchen set and that's exciting
14:28 because we get to taste the food
14:30 and we get to show you at home
14:31 how to make delicious, nutritious vegetarian recipes.
14:34 That's right.
14:35 We do that in English and in Spanish.
14:37 And then we have over there Urban Report
14:39 and Dr. Yvonne Lewis tapes that.
14:40 That sort of her flagship program
14:43 for Dare to Dream.
14:44 Absolutely, light goes on here is very versatile
14:46 in what we can do in Studio A.
14:49 Steven, I know he is off to the side.
14:50 We'll let you finish miking up.
14:52 Let's go on and see the control room real quick.
14:56 You know what, as we walk out of Studio A,
14:59 I think what we should do
15:00 instead of going into the control room,
15:02 let's actually go to Studio B
15:04 where there's some neat programming takes place.
15:06 These studios are actually mirror images of each other
15:10 but we obviously do different programming in Studio B.
15:13 And in Studio B a lots of the sets,
15:15 some of them are stay up like in Studio A
15:17 but a lot of them come up and come down.
15:19 We set up sets, we tape them for a week or two
15:21 and then we take it down and then we set up another set.
15:25 Now this set very permanently stays that up and this is--
15:28 You might recognize the set.
15:29 This is we call it Cheri Peters set.
15:31 They take Celebrating Life in Recovery here.
15:33 Yeah, that's true and actually right now
15:35 we are getting set up for some special Christmas music
15:38 that's gonna be taped here.
15:39 So in a few weeks, this will be covered in snow
15:42 and some lights and things,
15:44 we'll be doing some Christmas music
15:45 that you will be hearing a very soon.
15:47 Over in this corner this morning
15:49 actually Pastor John and John were taping.
15:52 First and second John, they were taping House Calls,
15:54 or in Spanish it's Respuest as Biblical.
15:57 We call it RB's in the acronym. That's a lot easier for me.
16:00 But yeah, they were doing House Calls.
16:02 Pastor John Lomacang, Pastor John Stanton.
16:04 That's the green screen behind us which you can see.
16:06 We tape a lot of programs there as well.
16:09 Makes it very nice because it's very versatile.
16:11 We can basically tear down because there is no set.
16:13 Very easy to set something else up very quick.
16:15 The newsbreak is done in there as well.
16:17 That's true, and over in this corner
16:19 is what we call the multi set.
16:20 Now on that set,
16:22 oh, you would see may be exercise programs.
16:24 We do some Spanish programs.
16:26 There's actually new series that you just did
16:27 that you will be seeing coming up shortly.
16:29 That's true.
16:30 But a number of programs are done on the multi set.
16:33 We basically just change some walls,
16:35 put some different backgrounds up
16:36 and you probably wouldn't be able to tell
16:38 that it's the same set
16:40 because of just all the different.
16:41 We have a talented staff here
16:42 and they do many different things
16:44 to make it look different.
16:45 But this is a very busy studio.
16:47 Well, I tell you what, let's go to the control room
16:49 that I promised you would see next.
16:50 Let's go.
16:55 So again we've to walk into control room A.
16:58 Oh, wow, they are actually just starting,
16:59 so we got to be kind of quiet.
17:01 They are rolling the open, you just saw John
17:02 and the guest on the set there in the Studio A.
17:05 They are getting ready to start the program.
17:07 So what you hear right now is the open to the program
17:10 we call it.
17:11 Mrs. Dinzey here which is John's wife.
17:13 She is actually the producer.
17:14 She is running the teleprompter.
17:16 We have Robert here who is the director.
17:17 Now he is the guy that punches the buttons
17:19 that actually switches the cameras.
17:21 So he chooses which camera he wants.
17:23 You can kind of hear him off
17:24 the background counting right now.
17:26 I might just kind of hold the microphone over there
17:27 so you can kind of hear him as he counts out at the open
17:30 to Pastor Johnny on the set.
17:32 That way he knows when he is actually supposed to start.
17:34 So let's see if we can get kind of close.
17:35 I got Mark here.
17:37 He does our CG or video which is the graphics
17:40 and the camera shading.
17:41 Twelve, eleven and ten, nine, eight,
17:46 seven, six, five, going to...
17:49 four, three, two, one.
17:54 So it been kind of quiet
17:56 but you kind of see how it goes.
17:57 And then Mark here, he's gonna put up the name super
17:59 which actually is the name of Pastor Johnny.
18:01 So that's what Mark does here. He does the shading.
18:03 Now we saw Steven putting the mike on.
18:06 He's actually right behind us here in this glass,
18:08 behind me in this glass.
18:09 He is back there doing the faders
18:10 for the audio and stuff.
18:12 But it's kind of fun to be in here
18:13 behind the scenes a little bit.
18:15 Where shall we go next?
18:16 Let's head down the hall.
18:18 We have another control room which is the mirror image
18:20 of what takes place here.
18:21 That's the control room for B.
18:23 And then we want to get all the way down to engineering
18:24 and mass control and meet Moses Primo.
18:26 That's right. Let's do it.
18:30 So on our way down to master control,
18:32 there are some offices off of this hallway
18:33 one of those is Sheryl Walsh,
18:35 she is my assistant to me in production
18:37 and that lady works very hard and I appreciate her very much.
18:40 She and I are in a lot of meetings together.
18:42 She coordinates a lot of stuff
18:44 and she is our integral part of our production.
18:47 Also sharing the office with Sheryl Walsh is Kathy Dugger
18:50 and she wears many hats at 3ABN.
18:52 Does a tremendous amount of work in production
18:54 and we appreciate her a lot too.
18:56 This office here is Bobby Davis.
18:58 He is Managing Editor of 3ABN World Magazine.
19:01 He does an incredible job. He is a great writer.
19:04 He writes the newsbreaks, he does basically everything
19:07 that comes out of 3ABN that's written,
19:09 Bobby Davis has had his hand in it
19:10 and he does an incredible job.
19:11 He's been here for many years too
19:13 and he also helps us in some editing.
19:15 This door right here is actually into Studio B.
19:19 It's dark right now.
19:20 They did some program in this morning like
19:22 we said with Pastor John and John.
19:23 But that's control room B where it's just like A
19:25 where they have a switcher and the audio board etcetera
19:28 and that control rooms-- well, control room is for B.
19:32 It is, we've have editing suites
19:33 and now John Dinzey talked
19:34 before about Luis Capote and Alex
19:37 and on the new employee John, he works there.
19:39 Down the hall and around the corner
19:41 is the programming department
19:42 and that's headed up by Tim Lass.
19:44 He is the manager there. He is.
19:46 And we have Danny Pauline and Angela
19:48 and they do an incredible job
19:49 keeping track of all the details
19:51 that takes place to put all these networks on air.
19:54 Boy, that's for sure.
19:55 And just as we are coming down the hall I saw Pete Troy
19:57 and he is one of our electricians here at 3ABN.
20:00 Ducking one of these closets that has our dimmers
20:02 that do our lights, but the electricians,
20:04 we don't want to forget them
20:05 and the hard work that they do here.
20:06 Absolutely.
20:08 And we also have our housekeeping department.
20:10 Those women do an incredible job keeping this place clean.
20:14 Very important.
20:15 And now we are moving into the engineering
20:17 and the master control area.
20:19 Oh, there is Moses Primo.
20:20 I think he is gonna let us inside.
20:23 Hey, Mr. Moses. Thank you.
20:25 Boy, it's good to see you. I know that you are a busy man.
20:27 I know Danny calls you Dr. Moe.
20:30 This is the center of 3ABN.
20:33 We call the heartbeat of 3ABN, we call master control.
20:37 This is where the signal goes out, that's for sure.
20:39 Not everyone that is allowed here
20:41 but we are making a special concession for you and Jill
20:46 and the viewers to come to master control.
20:49 Thank you very much.
20:50 Now I know you've been at 3ABN for many years.
20:52 Clarence Larson started out.
20:53 You heard Danny talk about the three-phase power
20:55 over at the Uplink.
20:57 Moses, you've been here for many years, how long?
20:59 Yeah, almost 24 years and with me I have my family
21:04 starting with my beautiful wife Adima.
21:07 She is a good help at the home but also at the 3ABN.
21:13 She has done a wonderful job
21:14 by doing the GC session helping in the booth.
21:18 Also I have my daughter Catherina.
21:21 She is a camera person here part-time
21:24 and she goes to college.
21:26 And my son Moses Jr.
21:29 he is the marketing manager for 3ABN.
21:32 I have Daniel also that he sometimes,
21:36 he helps doing odds and so...
21:39 Benjamin Primo is my last one and he is only seven
21:44 but I'm already training him to be a future engineer.
21:47 So I know that engineering is a very busy department.
21:50 I've worked with you quite a bit with production.
21:51 You help us sort our equipment, cameras etcetera many things.
21:54 But tell us about engineering,
21:56 your staff that you have here at master control.
21:58 I know the viewers will be interested in that.
22:00 Yes, we have about six engineers in our department
22:04 and the three technicians
22:07 that do the master control operation.
22:10 There are six engineers that are now here
22:13 but I want to introduce the first one is Cindy Clark,
22:17 she is our assistant
22:19 and she takes cares of all of us
22:21 making sure that we do our duties.
22:23 And then Dan Peek.
22:25 How long have you been here, Dan?
22:27 Fourteen years. Fourteen years.
22:29 Dan is-- we call downlink station's field engineer
22:34 and he also help in the studios when he is here.
22:38 And then we have Rendell on the IT department.
22:41 Rendell, how long have you been here?
22:42 Yeah, coming up on seven years.
22:44 Seven years,
22:45 Rendell is in the IT department with Frank.
22:48 Frank unfortunately is not here today
22:50 but Frank and Rendell are in the IT department.
22:54 And then we have somebody new with us Jeremy.
22:58 How long have you been here, Jeremy?
23:00 Abut six or seven months.
23:01 Yeah, Jeremy left us and then he came back.
23:04 I'm glad that he heard the voice of God
23:08 calling him in to come back.
23:10 And actually all of these people
23:13 are behind the engineer department
23:15 of moving all the technology forward
23:19 and they are all God sent people.
23:22 But especially in the last few months,
23:25 God sent Jeremy to help us to push this IPTV box
23:31 which is the My SDA box
23:33 and he has been a tremendous help
23:35 with My SDA TV box programming
23:39 and helping that you get it done.
23:42 Eric has been-- how long with 3ABN?
23:45 Almost, almost two years. Yeah, two years.
23:49 Eric has a wife that he works in the call center also
23:52 and he is an engineer.
23:54 He's double duty.
23:55 He works as an engineer and also helping
23:58 with some of the programming and some of the maintenance.
24:02 But also he does help in master control
24:05 when they need somebody to relieve
24:07 because he has the knowledge here in master control
24:09 and he came from master control operation also.
24:13 And then we have John Parsley.
24:16 John, how long have you been with 3ABN?
24:18 Well, I started nine and half years ago,
24:20 worked for two and half years, took a break to help a guy
24:23 that had cancer and came back in 2010.
24:27 So total about seven and half years altogether.
24:30 That's wonderful, we appreciate master control operators
24:33 because if it wasn't for them we wouldn't know
24:37 that we are on the air or off the air.
24:39 So they keep track of all the channels
24:41 that are on the air.
24:43 And, Dave, how long have you been with 3ABN?
24:45 A year in November. One year?
24:47 One year.
24:49 Dave also is master control operator
24:51 and we have Jeff Poling.
24:53 Jeff is amazing, I don't know, probably more than 10 years
24:57 that he has been here
24:58 and his whole family is also committed
25:00 that we have his wife, all the children that--
25:03 some have worked here, some they left for college.
25:06 But the Poling is a part of the 3ABN also.
25:09 So there are six engineers, the last one
25:12 is one that didn't want to stop working, John Bevin.
25:16 He is also an ITRF and all the file transfer work
25:23 that we have to do here at the 3ABN.
25:27 John, how long have you been working for 3ABN?
25:30 Think I started in 2003, so I'm not good at math.
25:34 Seven and two is twelve.
25:36 So that's just a good number to be here.
25:43 We appreciate all the work that you do
25:45 and sometimes the many hours at night.
25:47 After midnight when we call you and we have emergency.
25:51 Like I said this is master control.
25:54 And, Greg, you want me to tell--
25:57 Well, this is really a neat place
25:58 because when people come in for tour,
25:59 there is that big glass window like you said.
26:01 Usually when a tourist comes
26:02 they don't get to walk into master control.
26:04 When you look here, you see all these impressive monitors
26:07 and, see what's it that eight networks I think.
26:09 Eight channels, yes.
26:11 Channels that come from master control.
26:12 This is a busy place.
26:14 So like you said, you can get a call at any hour of the night
26:16 if there is some technical difficulty
26:18 etcetera goes on here.
26:19 Yeah, besides the monitors, there is a lot of technology
26:22 behind these monitors here.
26:24 You will see the racks and all the wiring,
26:28 all of that is connected and these holding these
26:31 eight channels to be broadcasting 24 hours a day.
26:34 Amen. That's right.
26:35 But here in this room we only put the monitors
26:39 that are the results of what is,
26:41 were going on behind those racks.
26:43 I see.
26:44 And the operators can actually keep eye on it
26:46 and make sure that there is no problem
26:49 and the files are being played back at 24/7.
26:53 On the left side we have the DVD duplication.
26:57 Jim, we are-- Jim, can you come here please.
27:03 He is a busy man. I know the call center.
27:05 Yeah, as I forgot to call Jim.
27:08 How long have you been with 3ABN, Jim?
27:10 Oh, I lose track at time when you haven't planned.
27:12 You know, it goes.
27:14 I don't know.
27:16 I have been here first as a full time volunteer
27:19 some time about 12 years or little better.
27:22 Good, now, Jim, he does all the duplication.
27:24 Now he also was a master control operator one time
27:28 and now he is on fulltime in duplication.
27:31 You know, praise the Lord for engineers
27:33 because if they were up to me or something like this, man,
27:35 this place would be a mess.
27:37 So praise the Lord for you, Mr. Moses
27:38 and your team that's around you.
27:39 You know, we talked about
27:41 Danny answering emails early in the morning,
27:42 I've had Moses answer emails 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning.
27:45 This man is a hard working man but it's all for the Lord
27:48 and for His honor and for His glory.
27:49 I just want to tell the viewers also that these channels,
27:52 they are playing back here
27:54 are going to the satellite in Pennsylvania
27:58 and they are shooting onto the G19 satellite
28:02 and it goes to Israel and we guess repeated
28:06 for nine satellites delivering all around the world.
28:09 So what you see here is going all around the world
28:12 and going to the other point, the extreme point of the earth
28:16 which is Australia and it takes about 22 seconds to get there.
28:20 It's amazing.
28:21 Besides that we are also doing the internet delivery from here
28:26 and we just started doing the IPTV box
28:30 which is My SDA box.
28:33 With this box you get not only the eight 3ABN channels
28:38 but you got all the Seventh-day Adventist channels,
28:40 the radio channels.
28:42 And it is a box that would be growing
28:45 to much more than just a TV.
28:48 Absolutely.
28:49 Isn't amazing how technology has changed.
28:50 You know, my parents
28:52 had one of those massive dishes back in the day.
28:53 I don't know if it was nine, ten, eleven feet.
28:56 Yeah, it was about 12 foot dish.
28:58 Huge things and now we are down to--
29:00 You can get 3ABN
29:02 if you have high speed internet on one of these.
29:04 It's definitely amazing how the gospel
29:05 is going around the world in amazing ways.
29:09 And very soon we will have also a smaller versions
29:13 than this that you can give it away.
29:14 It's called dongle, it just connects
29:16 to the HDMI input of your TV set
29:19 and literally it's about this size that,
29:23 you know, you can buy and give it away as a ministry.
29:27 Amen. Thank you, Mr. Moses.
29:29 For your work and your dedication
29:31 and your heart for the cause of God.
29:32 Yeah, we appreciate you.
29:34 All right, we are gonna go upstairs to 3ABN
29:36 and see what's happening upstairs
29:37 in pastoral, marketing, many other places upstairs.
29:42 Now if you need exercise at 3ABN,
29:43 you just run up and down these stairs one or two times
29:45 and you gonna get some exercise.
29:47 It's true. I've done that a few times.
29:49 Makes the circulation good.
29:51 We came out of master control, came down the hall
29:53 and now we're on the second floor
29:54 here in the 3ABN production building.
29:56 This is CQ's office.
29:57 We call her CQ, Chrystique Neibauer.
30:00 She is our print and web director
30:02 and she and her team do an incredible job
30:04 with all the print everything and layout and design,
30:07 everything that goes out from here
30:08 and they are very creative in what they do.
30:10 Down the hall, around the corner
30:11 is Shelley Quinn's office
30:13 and she is 3ABN program development manager
30:16 and she works and coordinates all the program
30:18 and all the new programs that come out of here out of 3ABN.
30:21 We have a conference room off to my right
30:23 where we have a lot of meetings,
30:24 production has their meetings there as well.
30:25 A number of different departments do.
30:27 And we get to eat lunch.
30:28 We always have to eat so that's a good thing too.
30:30 Some of the crew eats there.
30:31 This side is part of our publishing department.
30:34 We have Janelle and Spetia
30:36 and they are both working there.
30:37 Spetia takes a lot of the picture that you see
30:39 and Janelle does a lot of layout and design.
30:41 That's true.
30:42 And Mrs. Idalia Dinzey's office is here.
30:45 We just saw her downstairs in the control room
30:46 so she is not there.
30:48 This is post production or editing.
30:49 We have Ralph, Christine, Joseph.
30:53 They put in long hours fixing programs.
30:55 Once we've recorded them in the studios,
30:56 it could be put in and open or close in
30:58 or may be a graphic or fixing a little mistake like that.
31:01 They put a lot of hours in and appreciate very much
31:03 what they do.
31:05 Wow, what is it?
31:06 We are entering marketing department.
31:07 Now we see we are so full for office space
31:10 that we've even put people in the hallway here.
31:12 We have Jennifer and Donna, both work here.
31:14 They're both part of our 3ABN marketing team.
31:17 Couple stairs, here we have Grace Yost.
31:19 We are entering more of the pastoral department.
31:21 She works with lot of the prisoners.
31:23 She does. The prisoners who write in.
31:25 Who have needs, who have question,
31:26 she sends them Bibles and that's an exciting thing.
31:29 And I know that Dr. Yvonne Lewis
31:31 has some Dare to Dream works in here.
31:32 They will be doing some editing in this room off to my left.
31:35 This is Moses Primo, Jr. office.
31:37 We just talked to Moses Primo Sr. downstairs.
31:39 Moses Primo, Jr. is in charge of marketing.
31:42 So he handles all of that.
31:43 The cables contracts and getting 3ABN
31:45 in different avenues.
31:47 That's right, yeah, he is the marketing manager.
31:48 As we continue on down this hall,
31:49 we are heading toward the pastoral department.
31:52 I'm sure number of you have called in
31:54 to the pastoral department,
31:55 may be question or prayer request.
31:57 Pastoral department is a incredible department.
31:58 We have Dr. Senez.
31:59 He takes calls in both Spanish and in English.
32:03 And then we have Mitch behind two offices in there.
32:06 And if you have a prayer need, if you need a prayer,
32:09 if you are struggling, if you have a Bible question,
32:11 any of those things they handle here
32:13 in the 3ABN pastoral department.
32:15 We have JD on this side. He is the manager.
32:17 That's right, the pastoral department
32:19 that his office is right here.
32:20 Joe O'Brien is on this side.
32:22 He is taking prayer calls as well.
32:23 We've Pastor Hal Steenson down at the end here
32:25 and he always handles the prayer requests
32:28 and the prayer needs that come in.
32:30 For the prayer warriors. And that is exciting.
32:32 He sends them out twice a week
32:33 and that, you can, you can join,
32:35 you can sign up, you can be part of that
32:37 and pray over the needs of people who come in.
32:40 Absolutely, you know, 3ABN is a neat ministry
32:42 and we again thank you for your prayers
32:44 and support of this ministry.
32:46 I think the next place we should go
32:48 is may be on our way to the call center.
32:50 Yes, so let's head back down the stairs
32:52 and we're gonna go outside the back
32:54 and pull the entrance store and you can meet us there.
33:03 We are coming outside the 3ABN employee entrance actually.
33:06 We are gonna head on over to the call center,
33:08 but on the way just want to talk about our generator
33:11 that if we lose power here,
33:13 it kicks in and gives master control
33:16 which is very important
33:17 it's power and electricity to run.
33:19 So you can keep getting the feed from 3ABN,
33:21 that's important.
33:22 That's true.
33:24 We've got a big tower here that is by us,
33:26 we've got a microwave I know that's on that.
33:28 They get sometime signal I think from the Uplink
33:30 or the Worship Center.
33:32 And on my right is the Boss Auditorium
33:35 which is donated years ago.
33:37 The money was by the Boss sisters.
33:40 And we did a lot of production out of that
33:44 before we built the Worship Center,
33:45 the 3ABN Worship Center.
33:47 We are walking now on gravel.
33:48 This is part of our parking lot for employees to park.
33:51 And right now we are standing
33:52 in front of the 3ABN Donation Center.
33:55 And Bruce and Tammy Chance head up our 3ABN donation
33:58 and at home if you have any items--
34:01 People donate all kinds of things.
34:03 I know, jewelry, dishes.
34:05 Some people have donated some old antique dolls
34:07 or some antique furniture etcetera.
34:09 This is--
34:11 Bruce and Tammy do a great work here
34:12 and I know that Bethany also comes
34:15 and does a lot of work on putting things up online
34:18 for people to purchase.
34:19 A lot goes on this building and its fun.
34:20 At camp meeting time, they open this up
34:22 and they usually have a little sale out of here
34:23 like the spring camp meeting etceteras, this is neat.
34:26 It is absolutely and we have picnic people out here.
34:30 Employees can come and they can eat
34:32 and that's a wonderful thing as well.
34:33 And right now-- I think we've got some--
34:35 Eating some lunch right now, actually they're.
34:36 Yeah, that's free.
34:37 And now we are gonna take a look at the 3ABN Call Center.
34:43 We're coming in now to the 3ABN Call Center
34:45 and this is an exciting place to see.
34:48 All that takes place in this building.
34:50 The fun thing about the call center
34:51 is that this is where all the calls come in
34:54 after the switch board which is at the main building,
34:56 but this is where the calls come in
34:58 for questions and free offers.
35:01 You know what, I think Jonathan Babb,
35:03 he is the call center manager, so let's go talk to him
35:05 because I don't want to provide all the answers.
35:07 But the call center has a special place in my heart
35:09 because I worked here.
35:11 Oh, I think may be ten years or so
35:12 and this is a really fun place.
35:14 I enjoyed my time here but this is Jonathan Babb.
35:17 How are you, sir? Good.
35:18 Tell us quickly what happens here in the call center?
35:21 At the call center we take all the phone calls
35:24 that come in for orders and for satellite calls
35:27 or general questions.
35:28 They all come in here.
35:30 We try to answer them the best we can.
35:32 Absolutely.
35:33 And right now we are working on the fun project called--
35:35 I know you are working with it too.
35:36 "The Blessing is on the Go!" Absolutely.
35:39 And we are excited about that project.
35:40 And you have someone specific who works here,
35:42 who works with the certificates and everything, right?
35:45 Yes, Barney.
35:46 She works on the certificates,
35:48 making sure that they get printed
35:49 and the correct names are on there
35:51 and they get shipped out to the people.
35:53 Amen.
35:55 I know that the call center has been busier
35:56 because of this project, even in the shipping part
35:59 which we will get to and see in just a moment.
36:01 But we have here-- who is your assistant?
36:03 Tell us who we have here in the call center?
36:05 My assistant here is Marilyn Durant
36:07 and she helps very much
36:08 in handling most of the day to day stuff
36:10 that goes on here.
36:11 We have Sandy Smith, she is a CSR.
36:14 We have Elaine,
36:16 she works on lot of the school fund raiser stuff
36:18 working with the schools on that.
36:20 And then we have Carolyn
36:23 and we have Bethany who is not here currently.
36:27 We have Kathy and then we have Barney
36:31 of course who works in satellite
36:32 and with The Blessing is on the Go.
36:33 And we have Rocio who works in the Latino department.
36:37 So wonderful group of women
36:38 and, you know, each one has a heart for God
36:40 and a heart for the people, for you who call in.
36:43 And it's an incredible place to work.
36:44 Thank you, Jonathan, for what you do
36:47 for your management here at the call center
36:49 and for each one of the people who work here as well.
36:51 Absolutely.
36:52 And I want to just say hello here to
36:54 Sandy Smith here real quick.
36:56 I worked with her for a number of years.
36:58 And tell me, Sandy, how many years you've been here
37:00 at 3ABN in the call center, right?
37:02 Right. It will be 16 in November.
37:05 Sixteen years,
37:06 that's a lot of years dedication to the Lord's work.
37:08 And, Sandy, I know I always appreciate working with you
37:10 and of course this entire team here
37:12 that is at the call center.
37:14 I want to-- Carolyn might be on the phone
37:15 I think may be right now,
37:17 but Carolyn I know has also been here a while.
37:18 A number of people at the call center
37:20 have been here a long time.
37:21 Again, it is a fun place to work.
37:23 Now right behind me, you can see
37:24 the 3ABN call center print shop
37:27 if you want to call that
37:29 and a lot of neat things happen there.
37:30 We print lot of the coloring books,
37:32 free items that go out to essay the 3ABN camp meetings,
37:36 it could be the ASI, GYC, even the GC session
37:39 that we just went through.
37:40 Could be some marketing material.
37:42 I know they also mail out the 3ABN world magazine
37:45 internationally.
37:47 We have a number of subscribers internationally
37:49 that also sent from the little 3ABN print shop.
37:52 I had a chance to work there too
37:53 for a few years and that's a lot of fun as well.
37:55 I tell you what, let's go back and see
37:57 the shipping department, that's a lot of fun too.
37:59 We are entering here, the shipping and receiving area
38:01 here at the call center
38:03 and on my left here is the computer
38:04 for FedEx, UPS, USPS,
38:07 special packages to be mailed out.
38:09 That's right.
38:10 To my right is the US postage meter,
38:11 we send out a lot of envelops and letters
38:13 that all gets postage put on it
38:15 right through this machine here.
38:17 This is a fun area because this is where
38:18 if you order books, DVDs, CDs,
38:21 The Blessing is on the Go certificate
38:22 is shipped from here in the evangelist tool,
38:25 that all comes from here in the call center.
38:27 There is a lot goes on.
38:28 I know Jonathan said about 300 orders as average
38:31 go out of here each day.
38:33 And we have Pam and Abbey
38:35 and they are both filling orders.
38:36 Right now they are looking at the fulfillment sheet
38:39 seeing what was ordered
38:40 and giving it shipped out to you in the mail.
38:42 So over here it's almost like our own 3ABN store.
38:45 You have all the products and some of the DVD sets
38:47 and all of that that they have over here
38:50 that they can pull from
38:51 and they can pack from and ship out.
38:53 Now I know the goal is, usually the order is placed,
38:55 let's say on Monday,
38:56 let's say you call in and order,
38:58 it's usually the goal is to ship it out the next day.
39:00 It doesn't always happen depends on what's here
39:02 but that's usually the goal has become
39:04 much more automated through the years
39:05 with the fulfillment sheets barcode,
39:07 you scan it, the label is automatically populated
39:10 with the addressed etcetera.
39:11 This is a fun place to work.
39:13 We also want to go to receiving next
39:15 which is where Jason and Yonick work
39:17 and they put a lot of hard effort
39:19 into delivering the mail and receiving the stuff
39:21 that comes into the call center.
39:23 Let's go over there and take a look.
39:27 We are walking through the shipping and receiving area
39:30 where again Yonick and Jason work hard
39:32 on receiving stuff into 3ABN.
39:34 It could be pallets of books or shipping material.
39:38 But we are walking now into the 3ABN warehouse
39:42 which was built about two years ago.
39:43 This is a huge blessing to 3ABN,
39:46 to the call center because we can store pallets of books
39:49 right next door attached actually to the call center
39:53 and this has been a massive a blessing for us.
39:56 I believe it's about hundred and some feet by 80 feet
39:58 and I think the ceilings were about 18 feet high
40:01 so we have room for racks, we can bring forklift in here,
40:04 stack pallets on the racks.
40:05 This is a blessing.
40:07 Plus at the back, you can see,
40:08 we have a production truck parked.
40:09 So it serves many different functions.
40:11 You know, and I want to say that's true
40:13 because I'm now in production.
40:14 This is a huge blessing for our crew,
40:16 our road crew especially
40:17 because they can bring the trucks in here
40:19 and to work on them, store them in here,
40:20 keeps them out of the sunshine.
40:22 So this is a real blessing. That's right.
40:23 This has been a quick peak at the 3ABN Call Center
40:26 and right now we want to go back to Danny.
40:29 All right. Thank you, Greg and Jill.
40:31 Wasn't that fun? That's exciting.
40:32 I got an easy job.
40:34 I get to kind of stay in my truck here
40:35 and drive you around.
40:37 I like this a lot.
40:38 So now we are gonna head over to the sound center,
40:40 that's where we make the music for all of our CDs
40:43 and do that type of production.
40:45 This is all the rest of it,
40:46 you've been seeing in television studios
40:49 but now we are actually gonna go over here.
40:51 And as we drive through, it's again,
40:52 it's a pretty little place.
40:54 We bought 70 acres here for $50,000.
40:58 Seventy-- yeah, you heard that right,
40:59 70 acres for $50,000
41:02 and we have got tremendous use of it.
41:05 So God is good.
41:06 He has provided us area cheaply.
41:08 You can see behind us, we have a number of people
41:10 who come here, some of the workers,
41:12 volunteer they bring their campers
41:13 or the motor homes.
41:15 They can stay here.
41:16 And then over here as we are heading,
41:17 you see all of the dishes they're sending signals
41:20 to different satellites
41:21 going literally around the world,
41:23 all the uplink dishes
41:24 and some of the receiving dishes.
41:26 So all of that we call it our little dish barn.
41:29 Now we are coming to one of my favorite places
41:31 is the sound center but, you know what,
41:33 I'm gonna make a little turn,
41:34 I'm gonna take you to a beautiful spot.
41:36 Don't tell anybody it's our secret.
41:38 It's a little road through some woods here
41:40 and it just-- I mean, this time of year
41:42 absolutely it's beautiful,
41:44 but I'll take you to little facilities,
41:46 then we will come back to the sound center.
41:48 What we are going through,
41:49 isn't this a beautiful little pathway,
41:52 little woods acreage,
41:53 we have around probably 30 acres of this woods
41:56 and little rolling hills.
41:57 And we are gonna go over and see--
41:59 We actually have a carpenter shop
42:00 and auto mechanic shop, equipment shop
42:03 because when you have a ministry this large
42:06 and you have this much property,
42:07 you got to keep the yards moat,
42:09 you got to keep any type of building that we're doing.
42:12 We have our own dozers.
42:13 We found that cheaper over the years
42:15 to own our own equipment,
42:17 then we can get work done whenever we needed.
42:19 We got people like Dave Turner
42:21 who can get on any equipment and operate it.
42:23 I don't care if it's dozers,
42:25 I don't care if it's dirt movers,
42:27 I don't care if it's graders, bobcats.
42:29 You know, Dave he can do it.
42:31 But what a privilege to have people like Dave
42:35 and all the rest of the folks that you've seen
42:37 who have given their life to ministry here.
42:39 Dave says, "I'm not a preacher."
42:41 You know, may not be a singer
42:43 but I know he has lot of talents
42:45 but I'll use my gifts and talents for the Lord
42:47 in doing what he does in so do the other folks here.
42:50 But I'm just taking up,
42:51 it's pretty little drive through the woods.
42:53 And what you are seeing right here
42:54 is actually our carpenter shop.
42:56 We build our sets.
42:57 They are built right here in this little building
43:00 and then over here we got Don, Don Houston,
43:04 he is in charge of our auto mechanics.
43:07 We've so many vehicles and so much equipment,
43:10 we can't afford to send them to places
43:12 so Don has been with us a number of years here.
43:14 So he kind of in charge of this
43:16 and he is in charge of the mowing and all as well.
43:19 So I'm going through here and you will see
43:21 a number of pieces of equipment.
43:24 We have little bobcats,
43:25 we have a number of tractors and mowers.
43:28 We have forklifts back also over here.
43:32 Little dump trucks and graders
43:35 for grading the roads around here.
43:37 Here's couple tractors over here, farm tractors.
43:40 And again here's another little pond
43:42 and it's just beautiful rolling hills around here.
43:45 And again we bought this whole, there are 70 acres here,
43:49 then we bought next door another I think it's 70 acres
43:52 what we are on right now.
43:54 So I think we have like 140 acres right here.
43:58 And we bought it for not much more money than the other.
44:01 May be it's $75,000 or $100,000 we bought it years later.
44:05 But now we are getting ready to come back
44:07 so I'm gonna take you back up here
44:09 and we are getting ready to go into the sound center
44:12 and bears it with E.T. Everett.
44:13 And what a blessing that she has been
44:16 and I always wanted to build,
44:19 always wanted to build a recording studio.
44:21 I had one before 3ABN started little one in my house,
44:24 but it seemed like we never got a chance
44:26 because we were doing television.
44:29 Then about 15 or 16 years ago, I think around 2000,
44:32 I took a walk back here one day
44:35 and it was during lunch time and I saw this spot
44:38 and it's just like the Lord finally said to me,
44:40 "Okay, this is the time
44:41 and this is the place you can build,
44:43 build the sound center."
44:45 Because we were going to Nashville,
44:47 we produce all kinds of music for the network,
44:49 for our own CDs and it cost a lot of money
44:52 traveling back and forth and renting the studios.
44:55 So the Lord provided funds, we built our own sound center
44:59 and now we have produced numerous projects here,
45:03 too many to name.
45:04 Some of the recent ones that we have done
45:06 the "Hallelujah, We're Home at Last"
45:08 we did a lot of it here,
45:09 some of it we did in another studio.
45:11 We've done the Pillars Projects that you see
45:14 "Pillars of Our Faith," Pillars hymns.
45:17 We've done the kid CDs, the "Love Rules."
45:20 We've done it almost entirely here.
45:22 "It's A Beautiful World" is the new, newest CD
45:26 and we've done personal ones
45:28 with other ministries had come here,
45:31 Reggie and Ladye Love and Mark Trammell,
45:34 Steve Darmody, Jennifer LaMountain
45:36 we've had them all here.
45:37 And so we are just now pulling up
45:39 and this is our beautiful little way out by itself
45:42 where it's calm and quiet.
45:43 You can get relaxed to our sound center.
45:45 So I'm gonna go in this time
45:48 and we will talk to E.T. Everett
45:50 and get a little tour.
45:56 Okay, I'm coming in to one of my favorite places
45:59 of course is the sound center
46:01 and it's where a lot of music is made.
46:03 I think hey, E.T., are you here?
46:05 Can you come here?
46:06 Okay, E.T. Everett, she runs the sound center for us.
46:10 She is the brains and the talent
46:11 behind all of the good music.
46:14 We borrowed her microphone.
46:16 Being in the sound center
46:17 we needed an extra mike so here we have one.
46:20 So come over here just a little bit closer to me,
46:22 see how that works.
46:24 Okay. Okay.
46:25 So when do we build this center?
46:27 2000. 2000, so--
46:29 We started actually little before that.
46:31 Yeah, 15, 15 years ago. No, 16 years ago.
46:34 And how long you've been running this thing?
46:37 I've been in here since 2000.
46:40 Yeah and I guess helping to design it.
46:42 A year before. Get it all going a year before.
46:45 And how did you end up being here
46:46 because I know you are piano teacher
46:48 and you were working
46:50 and you lived quite a few miles from here.
46:52 What got you to change?
46:53 Well, I have to ask you that, because we were in Oregon
46:56 and you were sitting in a window sale on Sabbath eve
47:01 and we were talking about something totally different
47:04 eating fruit soup which I'd never had.
47:07 Okay, all right. And you said, "That's it."
47:10 That's the words you said and you said,
47:12 "Holy Spirit just impressed me
47:14 and now it's the time to build a studio
47:15 and He will take care of it but you have to run it."
47:18 Oh, wow.
47:19 And I looked at you and I said,
47:21 "I don't know how to build a studio."
47:22 You said, "I'm just telling you what dropped on my spirit.
47:25 You need to pray about it."
47:26 That was the end of the conversation.
47:27 You said nothing else.
47:29 We went through Sabbath services,
47:31 Sabbath afternoon we were supposed to leave
47:33 on Sunday and some way you connived around
47:36 and got us tickets and we flew overnight
47:39 and got back in the area about 4 am on Sunday morning
47:44 and on Sunday evening I run into a man
47:47 who looked at me in the face and I did not know him
47:49 and he said, "God has given you favor
47:52 with the man that reaches the world
47:54 and he needs you to say yes."
47:56 Wow. Wow.
47:58 And that's all it took and I called you
48:01 and said, yes, and we went from there.
48:04 Yeah. And here it is.
48:05 Who are some of the folk that we've been working with here
48:08 that record here and do CDs?
48:10 We have recorded with some, some wonderful people
48:13 back from, go back to Alison Speer--
48:15 Well, Danny Shelton and Melody Firestone
48:17 and we go back to Alison Speer and Mark Trammell
48:21 and then Mark Trammell Trio
48:23 and then recently Jim Brady Trio
48:25 and we worked with Lari Goss.
48:27 We are working with Lanny Wolfe right now.
48:28 We've worked with Steve Darmody.
48:30 We've worked with Wonda Beerman,
48:32 and Nadica Paris and the list just goes on
48:36 and then Reggie and Ladye Love and then of course
48:38 we had a lot of the most talented players
48:41 from Nashville, come up from Nashville.
48:43 String Machine with Carl.
48:46 Chris Wilkinson and Larry Blackstone and--
48:48 I mean, just, you know,
48:49 just numbers and numbers of people.
48:52 Well, almost too many projects,
48:54 too numerous to come to our forefront right now.
48:57 Well and also some local people that have come in here
48:59 that I think sometimes, they've been as most to me,
49:03 the most tendered
49:04 because it's been like a dream come true for them
49:06 to get to come and do something
49:08 that's been their hope to do
49:10 and so it's just been our-- it's been a great ride.
49:12 Well, it's a wonderful little facility it's out here.
49:14 Of course we have a-- It's not little.
49:16 Well, yeah, it is not too little.
49:18 You and Dave live here. Yes, we live.
49:19 So I figured the best way to keep her I said,
49:22 this sound center is gonna be so busy
49:24 and lot of times you got to record till 10, 11 at night.
49:27 So if we put her in here leaving here
49:29 then she will be right here
49:31 and Moe have to drive back and forth.
49:32 Bobby knocks on the door,
49:34 E.T., you need to come listen to this.
49:35 E.T., you need to do that.
49:36 Bobby Bradley our engineer from Nashville,
49:38 he has worked here all these years
49:40 and he works all week, and drives home weekend,
49:42 still comes back.
49:43 So he has his own little apartment here
49:45 and little room like hotel room
49:48 and we've been doing this for a long time.
49:49 E.T., I want to thank you for what you've done
49:51 and the work that you do with the people
49:53 because you are not, you are not just--
49:55 you are musician, a great musician
49:57 but it's a ministry to you
49:59 and you minister to a lot of those folk
50:01 who have come here to record
50:02 who are in the business of ministering to others.
50:04 You take time to minister them.
50:06 Everybody needs somebody to minister to you.
50:08 Well, I'm--
50:10 I thank you
50:11 because I would have never had the opportunity
50:13 and it's like not only do we--
50:16 we've always looked at this a tithe,
50:18 you know, giving back into other ministries
50:20 and didn't realize for a long time
50:21 it wasn't just giving back into them with a product,
50:25 with opportunity
50:26 or a place to come a Christian environment,
50:28 a place to come,
50:29 but it's also giving back to them spiritually
50:32 to help them just to be refreshed and to grow
50:34 and it's a-- it's been--
50:36 somebody said, I bet you thought,
50:38 you know, the scripture it says
50:39 "God can do exceeding abundantly
50:40 more than ever you can think, dream or imagine.
50:43 Your dream came true."
50:44 I said, I would have never been able to dream this.
50:45 Yeah. Absolutely. This was better than that.
50:47 I agree with you 100 percent. It's too much fun.
50:50 Way too much fun. Absolutely.
50:52 And I want to thank all of you because without what you do,
50:55 we couldn't be doing what we are doing.
50:56 The music ministry like the Pillars Project
51:00 as I had mentioned earlier
51:01 or "Hallelujah, We're Home at Last"
51:03 letting people know and giving them
51:05 that vision right in front of them.
51:07 DVD or CD that every song on the second coming of Christ
51:11 and I mean, we have to be focused
51:13 and 3ABN is trying to put tools out there
51:16 that help us focus.
51:17 Not only all the bad, ugly things around is
51:20 but Jesus Christ and His loveliness
51:22 and His plan for fallen man that not one should perish
51:25 but all should have everlasting lives.
51:28 And to give an end times message
51:29 for an end times people, it takes all of it,
51:32 music, the ministry, the teaching,
51:34 the preaching, all of it.
51:35 E.T., and so each of us and we've been showing you
51:38 a number of different departments here.
51:40 We haven't shown you everything but we've given you enough
51:43 that may be I'm hoping the folks will say,
51:45 "I want to come and see everything else there."
51:46 Yes, and they should come.
51:47 Yeah, at 3ABN and meet the folk one on one.
51:51 Those of you that can't, can't, again I'm always saying
51:54 at least at camp meeting and June,
51:55 if you can come that would be great
51:57 or in the fall, I think we do it
51:58 around the end of September first October each year,
52:01 we like for you to come.
52:03 But right now, I just want to again thank you
52:04 and Bobby Bradley also over here.
52:06 Oh, thank you all for believing what we are doing here
52:09 and supporting this ministry.
52:11 Well, we are gonna head back
52:12 over to the administration building
52:14 and see what's in store for you there.
52:21 You know, 31 years ago when Danny shared this dream
52:25 that God had placed in your heart
52:27 we had no idea,
52:29 all that God was going to do here in 20 years ago
52:31 when I came to this ministry to be a part of it, Danny,
52:35 still no idea the extent of what God was going to do.
52:39 But as you've seen, God has done marvelous
52:42 and mighty miraculous things
52:44 and what we know is without you,
52:47 you know, we couldn't have accomplished this.
52:49 But there is a group of people behind us and without them,
52:52 we couldn't have accomplished today.
52:54 That we praise God for our viewers,
52:57 for our listeners, for our 3ABN family
52:59 and for the 3ABN working family here.
53:02 Oh, I think it's fun today,
53:04 we've been able to literally go places
53:07 we've never gone before and with our drone,
53:09 with our little cameras up above flying around,
53:12 it's really been neat to watch everything
53:14 but go to all the different departments.
53:16 We usually don't take the time to do it
53:18 but we thought, Yvonne,
53:19 that people should see the size of 3ABN,
53:22 the ministry that they support.
53:23 It's their ministry.
53:25 For instance you came here what, five years ago.
53:27 Did you have any idea that 3ABN, their whole mission?
53:31 I really didn't. I really didn't.
53:33 And in fact, Pastor C.A. Murray and his wife
53:36 picked me up from the airport
53:37 and I had fallen asleep in the back seat.
53:39 And when I got on the ground,
53:42 I was stirred and I woke up and I said, "Where are we?"
53:45 Because I felt the presence of God
53:47 on these grounds.
53:48 We are standing on holy ground.
53:50 Amen.
53:51 And I just feel that this ministry
53:53 God has blessed over these 31 years
53:55 has just been amazing, amazing
53:58 and we praise the Lord for our 3ABN family,
54:01 we praise the Lord for your vision,
54:03 for the fact that you were obedient to the vision.
54:06 Well, you now, right now
54:07 I can't imagine life without 3ABN
54:09 because I was only 33 when I started the idea
54:12 and of course now you can add 31 to that,
54:14 you get 64 pretty easy,
54:17 but I've never been more excited
54:18 about what God is doing than I'm right now
54:21 to see what was happening around the world
54:24 that we are able,
54:25 we are living in the end times of earth's history.
54:27 We no longer have to look at prophecy
54:29 well, when this happens and that happens.
54:31 Brian, you are pastor, you are CFO but you are pastor,
54:34 we are living in some great times, don't we?
54:35 Yes, we are.
54:37 Some very interesting times when we think about prophecy.
54:41 Diane and I came here about seven years ago,
54:45 just little over seven years ago
54:47 and, you know, I've been involved
54:48 in the financial side of things.
54:50 I just want to thank our viewers
54:52 for the study consistent support financially
54:56 that you have been to us.
55:00 The gospel is given free but the delivery does cost.
55:05 Yeah. It does at every unit. Yes.
55:08 And I could say for the-- although standing behind us,
55:12 they are happy every day, it's every time it's pay day
55:15 and I may be grown a little bit sort of but they are happy.
55:19 And that's only been possible because of you.
55:21 For 31 years you stood behind this ministry
55:24 and we just want to say thank you for that.
55:27 Absolutely.
55:28 Hey, Shelley, I know you always have
55:30 something good to say
55:32 and I know, I think now what's on your mind.
55:33 Let's see if I'm right.
55:35 Well, JD and I came here 11 years ago
55:38 and it's been amazing what God has done
55:40 but you haven't seen anything yet.
55:42 It is absolutely my belief that these past 31 years
55:46 all God's been doing is getting the infrastructure in place
55:50 for the "GO" Evangelistic Team and I'm so excited to see
55:54 what God is going to and already in my own heart
55:58 He is changing me.
55:59 He is really giving me a tender place in my heart
56:02 for every lost soul and I know He's gonna do the same for you
56:06 and the "GO" Evangelistic Team
56:08 is going to help finish this work.
56:10 This is a movement of God
56:12 and I feel like 3ABN is being rebirth.
56:16 I'm just truly, truly excited. And how can people join?
56:19 You can join, just go to our website
56:22 and you just click on the, you will see the go--
56:25 blessing is on the "GO" Evangelistic Team,
56:28 you just go on there,
56:29 you can join using a credit card, PayPal.
56:32 Mail us at our regular address.
56:33 I'm sure the address is on the screen,
56:35 PO Box 220, West Frankfort, Illinois, 62896.
56:39 Or call 618-627-4651 and someone will register you
56:44 to be part of this "GO" Evangelistic Team.
56:48 Well, I can't believe that our time is all gone.
56:50 And again thank you so much for taking this tour with us
56:53 around the 3ABN facilities
56:55 and all the different properties
56:56 that God has placed here for a reason
56:59 in this closing moments of earth's history.
57:01 Our vision is the same.
57:02 I may look a lot older because I'm a lot older
57:04 and some of the rest of you are too so don't laugh.
57:07 Everybody here is--
57:08 many of them been here 20-25 years
57:10 but our vision is the same,
57:11 to take an untied partner with you,
57:13 to take an undiluted Three Angels' Messages,
57:16 one that would counteract the counterfeit
57:19 So thank you again for your love
57:20 and your prayers and financial support.
57:22 I want to thank all of you, all of our workers here
57:25 who joined, many are volunteers,
57:27 some are fulltime, some are part-time
57:28 but together we can take this gospel to the world.
57:32 Our time is all gone for today until we see you next time,
57:35 may the Lord richly bless you
57:36 abundantly more than you could ever ask or think.


Revised 2015-12-24