The Great Cosmic Controversy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: TGCC

Program Code: TGCC000010A

00:15 Well hello, everybody.
00:16 It's good to have you back again.
00:18 Believe it or not, this is session number ten
00:21 of our series, The Great Cosmic Controversy.
00:25 And the subtitle, of course, is,
00:27 How God Clears His Name From All False Charges.
00:32 The title of our presentation this evening is,
00:35 The Controversy Ended.
00:37 But before we study this glorious climax,
00:40 let's bow our heads and ask for the Lord to be with us
00:42 as we study together.
00:44 Father in heaven, it's been a real joy to see how You,
00:48 step by step, solve the problem of evil
00:51 in Your beautiful universe.
00:53 And we just ask that as we study the climax,
00:55 that Your Holy Spirit will be with us
00:58 and inspire us to desire to be within the holy city
01:02 when it descends from heaven.
01:04 We thank You, Father, for hearing our prayer,
01:06 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus.
01:08 Amen.
01:11 In this lesson, we are going to study the events that transpire
01:16 during the millennium and after the millennium.
01:20 Now before we deal with the events during and after
01:23 the millennium, we need to speak about the event that takes place
01:28 immediately before the thousand years begin.
01:31 And that, of course, would be the second coming of Christ.
01:35 In fact, if you go to Revelation 19:11-21,
01:38 you're going to see there it describes the
01:40 second coming of Jesus.
01:41 He comes on a white horse,
01:43 the armies of heaven are with Him,
01:44 and He comes and He destroys the wicked.
01:47 And then, of course, as soon as all of the wicked are dead,
01:50 then the millennium begins.
01:53 Jesus takes His people to heaven and the millennium begins.
01:57 Now there are three things that occur at the
02:00 second coming of Christ.
02:02 First of all, at the second coming of Christ
02:05 the earth is reduced to a desolate wilderness.
02:10 I want to read from the book of Jeremiah 4:23-27
02:16 where the condition of the earth is described
02:18 as a result of the second coming of Christ.
02:21 Here, Jeremiah in vision says, "I beheld the earth, and indeed
02:26 it was without form, and void."
02:29 So it's going to return to the condition it was in
02:32 before creation week.
02:33 Disorderly and void.
02:35 It continues say, "And the heavens, they had no light."
02:38 Do you remember at creation the earth was without form and void,
02:41 and there was darkness?
02:42 So the earth is going to return to the condition that it was,
02:45 at least to a great degree, that it was in before
02:49 God began the process of creation week.
02:51 So he says, " I beheld the earth, and indeed it was
02:53 without form, and void; and the heavens, they had no light.
02:57 I beheld the mountains, and indeed they trembled..."
03:00 Because there's a big earthquake when Jesus comes.
03:02 "...and all the hills moved back and forth.
03:05 I beheld, and indeed there was no man..."
03:09 So there are no human beings alive, according to this.
03:12 "...and all the birds of the heavens had fled."
03:15 The birds were gone too.
03:17 In fact, every living thing.
03:18 Verse 26 says, "I beheld, and indeed the fruitful land
03:23 was a wilderness, and all its cities were broken down
03:28 at the presence of the LORD, by His fierce anger."
03:32 And then we have this very important verse, verse 27.
03:36 "For thus says the LORD, 'The whole land shall be desolate;
03:40 yet I will not make a full end.'"
03:45 In other words, what has just been described
03:47 is not the full end.
03:48 Because there are events that are going to take place
03:51 after the millennium, after the thousand years.
03:54 So when he describes here the earth without form and void,
03:57 the earth without light, the mountains trembling,
04:01 no human beings alive, no birds, the earth like a wilderness,
04:06 all of the cities broken down, that's talking about
04:08 what happens at the second coming of Christ.
04:11 But verse 27 says that is not the full end.
04:15 Because you still have the millennium and you still have
04:18 the events that transpire after the millennium.
04:21 So first of all, at the second coming the earth is
04:25 reduced to a desolate wilderness.
04:28 Second, all of the wicked will die at the
04:32 second coming of Christ.
04:33 Of course, those who died before the second coming
04:36 will remain dead.
04:37 But those who are alive when Jesus comes,
04:39 they will perish.
04:41 And all of the wicked will be dead
04:45 during the thousand years.
04:46 You can read that, for example, in Revelation 19:21,
04:50 where it says that the rest of the wicked were destroyed
04:53 by the brightness of the coming of Jesus.
04:55 In the third place, we know that immediately before
05:00 the millennium begins, Satan, and by the way,
05:04 his angels as well, will be bound to planet earth
05:08 for the thousand year period.
05:10 And he's bound here for two specific reasons.
05:13 Number one, so that he can contemplate the work of ruin
05:18 that he has worked upon this world.
05:19 See, now he doesn't really pay any attention to what's going on
05:23 because he's too busy.
05:24 But during the thousand years, he's going to have to sit
05:27 and he's going to have to look at what he has done.
05:31 And then secondly, he also is going to have time to
05:34 meditate upon what is going to happen to him
05:36 after the thousand years.
05:38 Because he knows very well what the book of Revelation
05:41 has to say about him at the end of the thousand years.
05:45 Now I would like to read from the book, Great Controversy,
05:48 page 660, where Ellen White explains why the devil
05:53 will be forced to remain here during the thousand years.
05:57 This is how it reads, Great Controversy, 660,
06:00 "Even the wicked are now placed beyond the power of Satan..."
06:05 During the millennium.
06:07 "...and alone with his evil angels he remains to realize
06:11 the effect of the curse which sin has wrought...
06:15 For a thousand years, Satan will wander to and fro
06:20 in the desolate earth to behold the results of his rebellion
06:25 against the law of God.
06:26 During this time his sufferings are intense.
06:30 Since his fall, his life of unceasing activity
06:35 has banished reflection."
06:37 In other words, he's so busy he hasn't had time to reflect.
06:40 "But he is now deprived of his power and left to contemplate
06:45 the part which he has acted since first he rebelled
06:49 against the government of Heaven,
06:51 and to look forward with trembling and terror
06:55 to the dreadful future when he must suffer
06:58 for all the evil that he has done and be punished
07:02 for the sins that he has caused to be committed."
07:05 So that's the reason why Satan is exiled to this wilderness
07:11 of an earth during the thousand years.
07:14 So these are the three things that happen
07:16 at the second coming of Christ.
07:18 Number one, what is it?
07:21 Number one, the earth is reduced to a desolate wilderness.
07:25 Number two, all the wicked die.
07:28 And number three, the Bible tells us
07:31 that Satan and his angels, primarily Satan, will be
07:37 bound to this earth for a thousand years.
07:40 Now we need to talk about what will transpire
07:43 during the millennium.
07:45 See, the second coming marks the moment when the
07:47 millennium is about to begin.
07:49 Actually, when Jesus arrives in heaven with the righteous,
07:53 then the millennial judgment begins.
07:57 Now as we have seen, all of the lost of every age will be dead
08:03 at the second coming of Christ.
08:05 Some will have died before Jesus comes,
08:07 and the others will die at the moment when Jesus comes
08:11 as a result of, not only His coming, but also the
08:14 plagues that fell before.
08:16 But this death of the wicked is not their final
08:19 punishment for sin.
08:21 You see, the Bible tells us that their punishment for sin
08:25 is the second death, not the first death.
08:27 You can read that in Revelation 20.
08:29 So even though they're destroyed by the brightness
08:32 of Christ's coming, even though some died before Jesus came,
08:35 still that death is not their punishment for sin.
08:40 Because God would not punish them without first
08:44 giving them their day in court.
08:46 So in other words, they are going to see their
08:49 judgment process as well.
08:51 And then God will execute the judgment.
08:54 But not until they have a chance to see
08:56 the record of their lives.
08:58 Are you following me or not?
08:59 So the second death is always after the thousand years,
09:03 after the millennium.
09:04 Incidentally, it's very clear that people who live on
09:09 this earth, we could call that their first life, right?
09:12 If they die, that would be their first death, right?
09:16 Now if they're going to suffer second death,
09:19 must they resurrect from their first death?
09:21 Of course.
09:22 And second death is what the wicked suffer,
09:26 and the devil suffers, after the thousand years.
09:30 So the question then is this:
09:33 What is the purpose of the millennial judgment?
09:36 Basically, the purpose of the millennial judgment is to
09:39 persuade the saved...
09:42 Because the saved will be in heaven with Jesus.
09:44 We're going to notice in a moment that they're going to
09:45 perform a work of judgment.
09:47 The saved have to see that God acted correctly
09:52 in leaving the wicked behind.
09:54 There will be some people missing in heaven
09:57 that the righteous were sure were going to be there.
10:02 And so there will be questions.
10:03 "Why were all of those people left behind?"
10:06 So during the thousand years, God is going to open the records
10:09 and He's going to show the righteous and the heavenly
10:12 beings why every single person on earth
10:16 was left behind and was not taken to heaven.
10:20 In other words, Jesus, along with the saints,
10:23 will perform a work of judgment.
10:24 You say, "Now is that biblical?"
10:26 Absolutely.
10:27 Let's go to 1 Corinthians 6:1-3.
10:31 1 Corinthians 6:1-3
10:35 Here, the apostle Paul is talking about lawsuits; that
10:39 Christians are not suppose to go to worldly courts when they
10:42 have something to settle with somebody in the church.
10:44 Notice verse 1.
10:47 The apostle Paul writes...
11:01 Isn't that interesting?
11:02 The saints will what?
11:04 Will judge the world.
11:06 By the way, when it says, "the world,"
11:07 it's talking about worldlings.
11:09 It's talking about the lost.
11:10 It's talking about the wicked.
11:12 So he says...
11:15 "And if the world will be judged by you..."
11:18 That is, the Corinthian church.
11:20 Because he's writing to the Corinthians.
11:27 In other words, if you can't settle your little things here,
11:29 what makes you think you're going to be able to
11:30 judge all of the wicked, and Satan and his angels?
11:33 You say, "Satan and his angels?
11:35 Absolutely. Notice verse 3.
11:39 Paul includes himself and the Corinthians.
11:42 And we're also going to notice that those who were
11:45 beheaded because they did not worship the beast,
11:47 his image, or his mark will also participate in that judgment.
11:50 Actually, all of the righteous from all ages
11:51 will participate in that judgment.
11:53 So Paul says...
12:03 So does the Bible teach that the saints or the righteous
12:06 are going to judge the world?
12:07 Yes.
12:09 Does the Bible teach that the righteous
12:11 are going to judge angels? Yes.
12:13 Would that be the righteous angels, the holy angels,
12:16 that would be judged?
12:17 That would be ridiculous.
12:19 They don't need to be judged.
12:20 They're in heaven.
12:21 And so this is speaking about the fallen angels.
12:24 The saints will perform this work of judgment.
12:26 And you say, "Well why would the saints be involved
12:29 in this process of judgment?"
12:31 Well, just think about it.
12:34 Is it the case that while the saints are examining
12:38 these cases in the heavenly court, they come to
12:42 the case of an individual, and they say,
12:44 "Lord, you know, you should have brought this guy up here."
12:49 Do you think that's going to happen?
12:50 No.
12:51 Is there going to be any change of any case that is examined
12:55 of the world and of angels during the thousand years?
12:58 There's not going to be one single case
13:00 where the righteous are going to say,
13:02 "Well you know, God, You got this one wrong."
13:05 They will agree with God that every case that He decided
13:09 to leave those individuals there, He did it righteously
13:13 and He did it correctly.
13:14 So you say, "Why then would the righteous judge
13:16 during the thousand years?"
13:18 Because the judgment is not for God.
13:21 The judgment is for the righteous.
13:23 By the way, this is what I call, God's great audit.
13:29 What does an auditor do?
13:30 Does a good auditor doctor the books?
13:34 Does he change the books?
13:35 No. What does he do?
13:37 He examines the books to see if the accounting
13:40 was done correctly.
13:41 I also call it, God's great instant replay.
13:46 Does an instant replay change the play?
13:49 No.
13:50 The purpose of it is to show you if the referee
13:54 got it right or not.
13:55 But it doesn't change the play.
13:57 And so the purpose of the millennial judgment
14:00 is that the righteous are going to audit God,
14:03 in other words, to see that God made all of the right decisions
14:06 in leaving the wicked behind.
14:08 And also they will see the cases of Satan and his angels.
14:13 Let's go to another text that clearly says that the righteous
14:15 are going to participate in a work of judgment
14:17 during the thousand years.
14:19 Revelation 20:4-5 Revelation 20:4-5
14:31 See, it's talking about the righteous.
14:33 Judgment was committed to them.
14:47 "And they lived..."
14:49 That must mean that they died, right?
14:51 Because it does say that they were beheaded.
14:52 So if they were beheaded, they died.
14:55 And so it says...
15:07 Who are the rest of the dead that did not live again
15:10 until the thousand years are finished?
15:11 It must be the wicked.
15:13 So are you understanding this?
15:14 What are God's people going to do during the thousand years?
15:17 They're going to reign with Jesus.
15:19 And secondly, they are going to perform a work of what?
15:23 A work of judgment.
15:24 And the apostle Paul says who they're going to judge.
15:27 They're going to judge the world and they're going to judge
15:29 Satan and his angels.
15:31 They're going to examine all of those cases
15:33 and they will pronounce sentence.
15:35 Now I want you to notice also Revelation 20:11-12
15:39 where this millennial judgment is also described.
15:44 Revelation 20:11-12
15:56 Now this is describing the second coming of Christ.
15:59 And you say, "Now wait a minute.
16:01 Doesn't Jesus come sitting on a white horse?"
16:04 That's what Revelation 19 says.
16:06 Here it says that Jesus is sitting on a white throne.
16:09 So how can this be referring to the second coming?
16:12 Very simple.
16:14 The fact that Jesus is coming on a horse indicates that He's
16:17 coming as a conqueror.
16:18 Whereas the fact that He's sitting on a throne means
16:21 that He's coming as King of kings and Lord of lords.
16:24 And so the two pictures simply depict the fact that Jesus
16:29 is a King, and Jesus is a conquering King.
16:33 Now you say, "How do you know that this great white throne,
16:37 and One who sits on it, the earth and the heaven flee away,
16:41 how do you that's the second coming of Christ?"
16:43 Well it's very simple.
16:44 Let me read you a statement that we find in Revelation 6
16:48 which is describing the second coming of Jesus.
16:51 It says, this is verse 14...
16:58 So does the heaven vanish away at the second coming?
17:01 Yes.
17:09 So you see, the heavens and the earth roll away
17:12 at the second coming of Christ.
17:14 Now let's go back, once again, here to Revelation 20:11-12.
17:28 And now notice.
17:29 "And I saw the dead..."
17:32 That's an important detail.
17:33 It doesn't say, the dead who resurrected.
17:35 It says, "I saw the dead, small and great,
17:39 standing before God..."
17:41 Who are these dead that are standing before God,
17:42 the righteous or the wicked?
17:44 It's the wicked. This is the millennial event.
17:46 So it says, "...small and great, standing before God..."
17:49 Now the question is, how can dead people stand before God?
17:52 We've already studied this when it comes to the righteous.
17:55 How do the dead stand before God?
17:57 They stand before God through the record of their lives.
18:00 So Jesus comes the second time, and then what's going to happen?
18:04 The dead are going to stand before God.
18:06 Not personally, because they don't live again until after
18:09 the thousand years are finished.
18:11 They will stand there through their biographical record.
18:16 Are you following me or not?
18:17 So it says...
18:26 Notice that they're not alive, they didn't resurrect.
18:29 They're dead.
18:35 Are you understanding this?
18:37 Now let me read a passage from Ellen White,
18:40 which is just simply marvelous the way Ellen White
18:42 understood these things.
18:44 It's just matter of fact.
18:45 And once again it's, Early Writings.
18:47 It's the early Ellen White.
18:49 This is, Early Writings, pages 290-291.
18:52 "Then I saw thrones..." And she's seeing this in vision.
19:04 Is that biblical?
19:05 We read it in Revelation 20:4.
19:07 And then it says...
19:12 Is that in the Bible?
19:13 Yes. 1 Corinthians 6.
19:16 And then she says...
19:20 Notice, the wicked dead.
19:32 Then notice, is this an investigation?
19:35 The investigative stage? Yes.
19:37 Now notice there's also a sentence.
19:51 Is that the sentencing? Yes.
19:52 Has the sentence been executed yet at this point? No.
19:57 During the thousand years you have the investigation
19:59 and you have the sentencing, according to this.
20:02 She continues writing.
20:05 And I'm going to begin a little bit earlier
20:08 where we began before.
20:09 "Then they meted out to the wicked..."
20:20 It that biblical?
20:21 1 Corinthians 6, once again.
20:24 She continues saying...
20:32 Now the question is, is it going to be greater
20:34 with regards to intensity of suffering or it is going to be
20:37 greater in terms of the amount of time that he suffers?
20:41 Well Ellen White explains.
20:43 She says once again...
20:48 "He suffering would so far exceed theirs..."
20:52 That is, of the wicked.
21:07 So it's greater suffering in terms of what?
21:10 Length of punishment.
21:12 Because people are punished according to their what?
21:15 Their works.
21:16 It's simple justice.
21:19 So the events that are going to take place after the millennium
21:22 will last a lot longer than what we generally think.
21:26 Now when will their sentence be executed?
21:30 It's after the thousand years.
21:32 Let's read about it.
21:34 It's found in Revelation 21:8.
21:38 What was contained in the books that condemned the wicked?
21:42 Well, here we have the answer of what was in the books
21:44 that condemned the wicked.
21:46 It says there in Revelation 21:8...
21:48 "But the cowardly..."
21:51 Do you know why they were cowards?
21:53 Because when the death decree was given,
21:55 when they were commanded to worship the image,
21:57 and that they could not buy or sell unless they
21:59 worshiped the image, what did they do?
22:01 They were cowards.
22:03 That's right.
22:06 Unbelieving means that they had no faith.
22:11 "...murderers..."
22:13 That's the sixth commandment, right?
22:15 "...sexually immoral..." That's the seventh commandment.
22:18 "...sorcerers..." That's the first commandment.
22:20 Because a sorcerer claims to exercise the powers of God.
22:24 "...idolaters..." That's the second commandment.
22:26 "...and all liars..." That's the eighth commandment.
22:33 Were they commandment breakers?
22:35 And all those inside the city were what?
22:38 Commandment keepers.
22:40 Are you with me or not?
22:41 So do we know what was in the books that were examined
22:44 during the thousand years that condemned the wicked ultimately?
22:47 We have an inkling of what was in the books.
22:50 Now we've discussed then the millennial judgment.
22:53 Is it clear in your minds the purpose of the
22:55 millennial judgment?
22:57 Who's going to do the judging?
22:59 Jesus in union with the saints.
23:01 Who are they going to judge?
23:03 The wicked. And who else?
23:04 Satan and his angels.
23:06 Does God need to know why the wicked were lost?
23:10 No, because God knows everything.
23:11 What is the purpose of this judgment?
23:13 The purpose of this judgment is for the righteous to understand
23:17 that God was right in leaving every single
23:20 one of those people behind.
23:22 And the heavenly beings will also notice that,
23:25 because they will be observing the judgment as well.
23:28 Now let's talk about the post-millennial judgment.
23:32 Listen carefully now.
23:34 Have the wicked, and Satan and his angels,
23:37 seen their cases in a court of law yet at this point?
23:42 No.
23:43 Why? Because Satan is where?
23:46 He's bound on earth with his angels.
23:48 And what condition are the wicked in?
23:50 The wicked are all dead.
23:51 Have they had their day in court?
23:53 No.
23:54 There's been a day in court where the righteous have
23:57 done the judging along with Christ, but the wicked
23:59 have not seen the justice of their sentence.
24:01 And God would not execute the sentence without giving them
24:05 a fair hearing.
24:07 Are you with me or not?
24:09 Now after the millennium God will give Satan, his angels,
24:14 and the wicked their day in court.
24:17 God would not execute the sentence without showing them
24:21 why they were lost.
24:23 The purpose of this stage is to inform the wicked, and Satan
24:29 and his angels, as to why they were condemned.
24:33 Are you seeing why we have these stages of the judgment?
24:36 The judgment before the second coming of Jesus
24:38 is to convince the heavenly beings that
24:41 God has a right to bring His righteous people home.
24:43 Every single one of them.
24:45 The purpose of the millennial judgment is to convince
24:48 God's people that God was right in leaving
24:50 all those people behind.
24:52 And the purpose of the post-millennial judgment
24:54 is to convince Satan, his angels, and the wicked
24:57 that God has acted right.
24:59 What a God!
25:01 Only then will sin be eradicated from God's universe.
25:06 Because everybody will agree that God acted correctly.
25:11 Now we're going to study twelve post-millennial events.
25:14 And we're going to have to really motor, because
25:16 there's so much material for this lesson.
25:18 I should have divided it into two parts.
25:20 But it's too late now.
25:22 So let's go through twelve points that will take place
25:26 after the millennium.
25:29 Number one, Jesus will descend from heaven
25:33 after the thousand years with the redeemed saints,
25:37 and His feet will split open the Mount of Olives.
25:41 Let's read Zechariah 14:4-5.
25:44 Zechariah 14:4-5
25:47 It describes what we might call, the third coming of Jesus
25:51 after the thousand years.
26:11 Has that happened yet?
26:13 No, this is future.
26:14 Verse 5...
26:34 Are the feet of Jesus going to touch the earth
26:37 when He comes after the thousand years?
26:39 Yes.
26:41 Because the Mount of Olives will be what? Split.
26:43 It says His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives.
26:46 At the second coming He doesn't touch the earth.
26:49 But after the millennium He touches the earth.
26:51 The Mount of Olives is split and this huge plain is opened up.
26:56 What is going to come down on that plain?
26:58 What is going to come down is the holy city,
27:01 the New Jerusalem.
27:02 Point number two, Jesus, as He descends,
27:06 resurrects the wicked dead from all ages,
27:10 and Satan will once again have his power base.
27:15 Why is the devil bound during the thousand years?
27:17 Where does the power of the devil reside?
27:19 Why does the devil have power?
27:21 Because he has people. Right?
27:23 Because he has people to deceive.
27:25 But what happens if the devil doesn't have any people?
27:28 He is powerless, right?
27:30 Are you with me?
27:31 So what must it mean here when it says that he's going to
27:34 be released from his prison?
27:36 It must mean that the wicked are going to what?
27:39 They're going to resurrect. It says so.
27:40 "The rest of the dead did not live again until the
27:42 thousand years were ended."
27:44 So the wicked are going to resurrect,
27:46 and Satan is going to have his power base back.
27:49 Are you following me?
27:50 In other words, all of the wicked from all ages
27:53 are going to be present there.
27:57 So point number two, Jesus resurrects the wicked
28:00 from all ages, and Satan will once again have his power base.
28:05 It says in Revelation 20:5...
28:12 Now do you remember the verses that we read,
28:14 Revelation 20:11-12, where it describes
28:17 the throne and the dead standing before God?
28:21 But now let's notice in verse 13, it's talking about
28:25 what's going to happen to those dead people
28:27 after the thousand years.
28:28 They're going to resurrect.
28:30 Notice Revelation 20:13.
28:33 It says...
28:39 Hades is the grave.
28:49 Now what does this mean, "the sea gave up the dead,
28:54 and death and the grave delivered up the dead"?
28:56 That's talking about what?
28:58 About the resurrection.
29:00 Let's notice a parallel verse that we find in Isaiah 26:19.
29:05 It says there...
29:21 So in other words, when it says here in verse 13
29:24 that the sea gave up the dead that were in it,
29:26 death and the grave delivered up the dead that were in them,
29:30 it's talking about the resurrection of the wicked
29:32 after the thousand years.
29:33 And then we are told they were judged,
29:36 each one according to his works.
29:37 So after they resurrect, are they going to be judged,
29:40 according to that verse?
29:41 Absolutely, they're going to be judged.
29:44 Let me read a statement that we find in,
29:46 Great Controversy, page 664.
29:48 Do you remember we studied about what the spirit is?
29:51 Remember what the spirit is?
29:53 It's the breath, but along with what?
29:56 With the identity of the person.
29:58 Now how do the wicked resurrect?
30:00 Let's take, for example, Adolph Hitler.
30:04 When Hitler resurrects in the second resurrection,
30:10 is he going to be the same Hitler that he was when he died?
30:14 So what does God return to Hitler?
30:17 Does He only return the capacity to breathe,
30:19 or does He return to him his life identity?
30:22 His life identity, that's right.
30:23 His biography which God kept in the heavenly records.
30:27 Now notice this interesting statement.
30:29 Great Controversy, 664.
30:32 This is outside of the city.
30:34 "There are kings and generals who conquered nations,
30:37 valiant men who never lost a battle..."
31:03 In other words, if an individual,
31:05 if a general of an army...
31:07 And this is in Old Testament times before there were
31:10 rifles and guns.
31:11 You know, he had his spear and he was encouraging his armies
31:15 to come after him, and he says, he's going to say, "charge,"
31:20 "Char..." and somebody shoots an arrow through his heart.
31:25 When he resurrects he'll say, "...rge."
31:29 "Char..." ""
31:31 Because he'll start exactly where he left off.
31:34 So what is God going to return to him?
31:36 He's going to return to him, yes, the capacity to breathe,
31:39 but along with the self-identity which was preserved
31:42 in the heavenly records.
31:44 Are you with me or not?
31:45 So secondly, the wicked from all ages will resurrect.
31:49 Number three, the holy city, New Jerusalem, will then
31:53 descend from heaven.
31:55 Revelation 21:2 describes that moment.
32:08 So the holy city descends upon that plain that was opened
32:12 by the feet of Jesus upon the Mount of Olives.
32:15 Point number four, Satan now prepares and organizes
32:20 the unrighteous for an attack against the holy city.
32:24 The number of Satan's troops is greater than all of the
32:28 warriors that have fought in all of the wars
32:31 in all of the history of planet earth.
32:35 The Bible describes them as the sand of the sea in number.
32:40 Ellen White refers to them as, "unnumbered millions,"
32:44 Great Controversy, 663, and, "a countless host,"
32:49 Great Controversy, page 664.
32:52 Now I'm going to summarize some of the events that Ellen White
32:56 describes are going to take place when Satan
33:00 sees that the wicked have resurrected.
33:02 First of all, she says that Satan will consult with
33:05 his angels about how they can overcome the holy city.
33:09 Secondly, he will consult with kings, conquerors,
33:13 and mighty men to lay plans to conqueror the city.
33:16 Third, she says skillful artisans will construct
33:20 implements of war.
33:22 Because the whole infrastructure of the world
33:24 has been destroyed at the second coming of Christ.
33:27 Then she says that military men organize throngs of
33:31 war-like men into companies and divisions.
33:35 There's going to be a very long boot camp.
33:38 How long does it take to organize a countless host
33:42 that are going to prepare to attack the city?
33:46 She says that each of these companies
33:48 has its appointed leader.
33:50 And when they finally are organized and go towards
33:53 the city, she says that they march with military precision
33:57 in serried ranks.
33:59 And they march toward the holy city following Satan's orders,
34:04 who is at the front of all of these armies.
34:08 The Bible describes it as well.
34:10 Revelation 20:7-9 Revelation 20:7-9
34:28 Have you ever stopped to count the grains of sand
34:31 in just one hand?
34:33 It says here that they will be like the sand of the sea.
34:36 No wonder Ellen White would say, "unnumbered millions,"
34:39 millions that you can't number, and a countless host.
34:43 It continues saying in verse 9...
34:50 By the way, it doesn't say that they attack the city.
34:52 We're going to come to that in a few moments.
35:01 Let me read you Ellen White's description
35:03 of this preparation to attack the city in,
35:07 Great Controversy, page 664.
35:45 Must they have practiced the art of war?
35:50 Is the time after the millennium going to be longer than what
35:52 we generally have thought?
35:54 Absolutely.
35:55 So it says...
36:08 This is point number five.
36:09 "...the gates of the New Jerusalem are closed."
36:18 So can you catch the picture?
36:21 By the way, is the devil the same devil?
36:24 Are the wicked the same wicked?
36:26 You better believe it.
36:28 Now, point number six.
36:30 When all of the wicked are all ready to attack the holy city,
36:35 Jesus is seen on a great white throne
36:38 sitting high above the city.
36:40 And He is crowned in the presence of all
36:44 of the wicked host.
36:46 Let me just read from, Great Controversy,
36:48 and then I'll show you the biblical basis for this.
36:51 Great Controversy, page 665.
37:12 Where do you find this idea of Jesus sitting on a throne
37:15 and all of the nations gathered outside the city?
37:18 Matthew 25:31-32
37:21 We usually apply this passage to the second coming.
37:23 It's not referring to the second coming of Christ.
37:26 Matthew 25:31 and following is describing
37:29 post-millennial events.
37:31 And I'm going to show that to you.
37:33 Matthew 25:31-32
37:45 See, there's the throne.
37:50 Is that what happens after the millennium,
37:52 all nations are gathered before him? Yes.
37:58 Is that judgment terminology?
38:01 Is there going to be a judgment afterwards?
38:02 Yes. With all nations present there? Yes.
38:04 It says...
38:12 That's the post-millennial judgment.
38:14 You say, "Are you sure?"
38:15 I'm absolutely sure.
38:16 Let's notice Matthew 25:41.
38:21 Matthew 25:41
38:24 You know that He speaks, first of all, to those that are
38:26 at His right hand, and He says, you know,
38:28 "You're going to inherit the kingdom."
38:30 Then He speaks to those on the left hand, which are the goats,
38:32 and He says to them the following words...
38:47 When are the wicked cast into the fire,
38:49 according to the book of Revelation,
38:51 before the millennium or after?
38:52 After the millennium.
38:54 So this is a post-millennial event.
38:56 So Jesus, sitting on the throne with all nations gathered
38:59 outside the holy city, is not only mentioned by Ellen White.
39:02 It is also contained where?
39:04 It is contained in Scripture.
39:05 In fact, every single detail that we find in the last chapter
39:08 of, Great Controversy, The Controversy Ended,
39:11 is found in Scripture.
39:12 All you have to do is search for it.
39:15 And that's the difficult thing.
39:16 You know, people read Ellen White, they'll say,
39:18 "Well that's not in the Bible."
39:19 Well look for it.
39:21 You know, if you look for it, you might just find it.
39:24 No, I'll rephrase that.
39:26 It's not that you might just find it.
39:28 You will find it.
39:29 I can tell you for sure.
39:32 Point number seven, the wicked are all gathered
39:35 outside the city, Jesus has been crowned above the city.
39:38 All nations are gathered there.
39:41 And now the books are opened.
39:44 And Satan and his angels, and the unrighteous,
39:48 will see the records of their lives.
39:53 I just read Revelation 20:13 a few moments ago.
40:06 So you have the resurrection and then you have the judgment.
40:10 In great panoramic vision, the whole history of planet earth
40:15 will be seen on a gigantic HD screen.
40:18 Now the Bible doesn't say that, but people will see the whole
40:22 history of the human race and the decisions that were
40:26 made by the wicked during the course of history.
40:29 The purpose is to show all of the wicked,
40:31 and the devil and his angels, that God acted correctly
40:35 in every single case.
40:38 Now let me read from Ellen White the description of this
40:41 great panoramic vision.
40:42 It's found in, Great Controversy,
40:44 you'll never forget this page, page 666...
40:48 ...and 667.
40:51 I better read it quickly.
40:54 This is after the thousand years.
40:56 The wicked are alive.
41:39 God has somehow, you know, saved the whole history
41:43 of the human race.
41:45 Now what kind of technology do you need for that?
41:47 You know, we brag and we say, "Oh wow, we have megabytes
41:51 and terabytes and gigabytes."
41:54 You know, God has bytes that we don't even know about.
41:58 So it says...
43:13 The wicked are going to see every detail of their lives.
43:20 On page 670, Ellen White says, as a result of this judgment...
43:33 After they see the records.
43:54 So once they see the records, Satan, his angels, and the
43:57 wicked, they say, "God was right in leaving us out here.
44:02 We have no one to blame but ourselves."
44:06 And then point number eight.
44:08 The sentence of eternal death is pronounced upon the wicked.
44:12 So is there an investigative stage after the thousand years?
44:15 Do the wicked, and Satan and his angels, see the records?
44:18 Yes.
44:19 Is there a sentencing stage after the thousand years?
44:22 Let me read from, Great Controversy, page 668.
44:41 And then, of course, it's going to be carried out.
44:44 But something needs to happen before that takes place.
44:47 Number nine, this is the climax of the great controversy.
44:51 Satan and all of the wicked host, once they have seen
44:54 the records, will bow and confess that God's judgment
45:00 was fair and that their sentence is just.
45:04 For the first time in history since sin came in,
45:08 the entire universe recognizes that God acted correctly
45:13 in every single case of the righteous and the wicked,
45:16 and even of Satan and his angels.
45:19 And the Bible says that every knee will bow
45:22 and every tongue will confess.
45:25 Let's read Isaiah 45:23.
45:27 I wish we had time to talk about the context of this verse.
45:30 Isaiah 45:23. It's talking about that time.
45:35 God is speaking here...
45:49 Every tongue shall confess.
45:51 This is quoted by the apostle Paul in Philippians 2:9-11.
45:56 He says that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess
46:00 that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
46:05 We find also a reference to this moment when
46:07 the whole universe will recognize the justice of God
46:11 in Revelation 15:2-4.
46:13 I'm going to read that, Revelation 15:2-4.
46:30 See, the 144,000 at this point are already victorious
46:33 standing on the sea of glass in heaven.
46:52 And now notice the future tense.
46:54 They're singing this song when they are on the sea of glass
46:58 in heaven, but now you're going to have a transition
47:01 to the future tense.
47:02 Verse 4 says...
47:19 Interesting.
47:20 So are all nations going to recognize that God was just
47:24 and true in all of His dealings with sin and sinners?
47:28 Yes.
47:29 And then what's going to happen is that Satan,
47:32 he's going to bow himself, Ellen White says.
47:35 His knee is going to bow.
47:37 He's going to confess that God acted correctly.
47:40 And all the wicked will too.
47:41 And the angels, the evil angels will also.
47:44 But Satan will still be Satan.
47:47 He will get up and he's going to try to rile the multitudes
47:51 to attack the holy city.
47:53 But his power is finished.
47:56 The wicked are furious at him.
48:00 They no longer focus on the city.
48:02 You know, there's this myth among Adventists
48:04 that the wicked die attacking the city.
48:06 No. The wicked never attack the city.
48:09 The wicked die attacking Satan and his angels.
48:13 You say, "What?"
48:15 Let's read Ezekiel 28.
48:18 Remember, Ezekiel is talking about the covering cherub?
48:20 We studied this in our first lesson.
48:21 The covering cherub, Lucifer.
48:23 Notice Ezekiel 28:6-10.
48:29 It's speaking about Lucifer.
48:47 Interesting.
49:13 Aliens because they've withdrawn their support from him.
49:18 Ellen White describes this in, Great Controversy, page 671-672.
50:11 See, the wicked will perish, not attacking the city.
50:15 They will perish attacking Satan and his angels.
50:19 Because now they've seen in the judgment
50:21 who is the true guilty party in the great controversy
50:25 between good and evil.
50:26 If they didn't understand that, they would still
50:29 plan to attack the city.
50:31 But now Satan has been unmasked by the judgment.
50:34 And therefore, they say, "God is right and you are wrong.
50:38 You deceived us."
50:40 And they turn on Satan.
50:43 And then number eleven, fire descends from heaven
50:46 and destroys the unrighteous and cleanses the earth.
50:50 This is what the Bible calls, the second death.
50:54 It's described in Revelation 20:14-15.
51:06 See, they resurrected in the second resurrection
51:08 after the millennium.
51:10 Now they're going to suffer second death.
51:11 Is that the execution of the sentence?
51:14 Was there an investigation before the
51:16 execution of the sentence?
51:18 Was there a sentencing before the execution of the sentence?
51:21 See how God operates?
51:23 Just like courts of law here.
51:25 Let me ask you, those individuals who flew the
51:27 planes into the World Trade Center,
51:29 you know, there's some al-Qaeda individuals
51:32 in prison in Guantanamo.
51:35 Are they going to be given due process?
51:37 Maybe some day.
51:39 But you say, "Why would you give them due process?
51:41 They're guilty."
51:43 Well, in the system here in the United States,
51:46 you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
51:50 And God operates by that principle.
51:52 There's an investigation, a sentencing,
51:55 and an execution of the sentence in all three stages
51:58 of the judgment; pre-advent, millennial, and post-millennial.
52:02 Don't we have a wonderful God?
52:03 A God that really cares what we think.
52:05 You know, God could say, "I know who is righteous
52:07 and who is wicked.
52:09 And these are saved and these are lost.
52:10 And if you don't like it, lump it."
52:13 God could say that.
52:15 But He doesn't.
52:17 Because He cares what the universe thinks.
52:19 He wants evil to be eradicated forever from the universe.
52:24 It says in Revelation 20:14-15...
52:34 Why are they not in the Book of Life?
52:36 Either they were never written there or their name was what?
52:39 Was blotted out.
52:43 Notice 1 Corinthians 15:24-28.
52:47 1 Corinthians 15:24-28
53:05 You know, we usually think the devil is
53:07 the last enemy to be destroyed.
53:08 No. It's death.
53:10 Because when the devil dies, that's the end of death.
53:13 Are you with me?
53:15 So it says, "The last enemy that will be destroyed is death..."
53:28 In other words, it's talking about the relationship between
53:30 the Father and the Son.
53:32 Jesus reigns until He's able to give the kingdom to the Father.
53:36 It says in verse 28...
53:50 Is Jesus going to be subject to His Father throughout eternity?
53:52 You know, you say that to those who believe in
53:55 women's ordination, and that's the worse thing
53:57 that you could ever say.
53:59 "That Jesus is going to be subject to His Father forever?
54:02 Come on!
54:04 That means that He would be inferior if He's subject."
54:06 No.
54:09 Is Jesus inferior to His Father?
54:11 No, He's not inferior to His Father.
54:14 But He's going to be subject to His Father, right?
54:17 So let me ask you, is there any problem with a wife
54:19 being subject to the husband?
54:20 Does that make her inferior?
54:23 Are you understanding my point?
54:26 Now, number twelve.
54:28 This is the most beautiful part.
54:31 God will then make a new heavens and a new earth.
54:34 Revelation 21:1, 3, 4
55:02 Are you looking forward to that day?
55:05 Ellen White ends the book, Great Controversy,
55:06 with these words, Great Controversy, 678...
55:40 Do you know why the universe is going to be secure forever?
55:43 Because God allowed sin to run its course.
55:48 And because He sent Jesus to die for sinners.
55:51 I end by reading this last statement.
55:53 Signs of the Times, December 30, 1889.
56:20 Did you catch that?
57:05 The cross.
57:07 And of course, when we say the cross is the center,
57:09 it means everything that Jesus did.
57:12 His perfect life.
57:14 His death for sin.
57:15 His resurrection.
57:16 His intercession for those who come to Him
57:19 repentant and in faith.
57:20 His work in the Most Holy Place of cleansing the Sanctuary
57:23 from the sins of the penitent.
57:25 Placing those sins upon the head of the scapegoat
57:29 and exiling him to a desolate wilderness without inhabitants.
57:34 And then after the millennium, showing the wicked
57:36 the record of their lives.
57:37 The whole universe will see that God is just and God is love.
57:42 And only then will God be able to destroy sin and sinners,
57:47 and can we be sure that harmony and peace
57:50 will exist in God's universe forever and ever.
57:53 That's the reason why the science of salvation
57:56 will be the study of God's people throughout the
57:58 ceaseless ages of eternity.
58:00 We will never stop studying the wonderful work
58:04 of redemption that was done by the Father and by the Son.


Revised 2016-10-18