The Great Cosmic Controversy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: TGCC

Program Code: TGCC000003A

00:15 Well, welcome today to presentation number three
00:18 of this series on the vindication
00:21 of the character of God.
00:23 You'll notice that the title is, The Great Cosmic Controversy.
00:27 And the subtitle is, How God Clears His Name
00:31 of All False Charges.
00:33 Before we study today about the immaculate spotless Lamb,
00:39 we want to ask for the Lord's blessings.
00:41 So let's just bow our heads for a word of prayer.
00:43 Father in heaven, thank You for this beautiful day.
00:46 Thank You for life, thank You for health.
00:49 Thank You for all of Your abundant blessings.
00:52 Thank You for Your Word and for the privilege of studying
00:55 that Word freely.
00:57 We ask that You'll be with us through the ministry
00:59 of Your Holy Spirit and Your angels.
01:02 Help us to understand the importance of what
01:04 we will study today.
01:05 And we thank You for hearing our prayer,
01:07 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus.
01:10 Amen.
01:14 Today we are going to begin studying the solution
01:18 that God has to the great controversy
01:21 between good and evil.
01:23 And basically, we're going to see that God solves this problem
01:28 by Jesus moving through the Sanctuary.
01:33 And so as we begin our study, we are going to take a look
01:37 at how Jesus moves in the Sanctuary step by step.
01:43 And of course, as we go along starting today,
01:46 we are going to study each of these steps in more detail.
01:50 But I just want to give you a global view now
01:53 of the steps that Jesus takes through the Sanctuary service
01:57 to solve the great controversy between good and evil.
02:02 We will begin our study of the Sanctuary in the camp.
02:06 The camp is where the sinners lived.
02:10 You know, many begin the study of the Sanctuary in the court.
02:13 But really, I believe that's a mistake to begin in the court.
02:17 Because in the camp is where Jesus lived
02:21 before He went to the cross, before He went to the altar.
02:25 In other words, we need to begin the study of the Sanctuary
02:28 in the camp where the sinners lived.
02:31 And there, Jesus came.
02:33 His first function was for Him to come and live a perfect life
02:39 as an immaculate Lamb, and to be a perfect Priest.
02:44 We're going to notice that Jesus is both the Priest
02:48 and the victim.
02:49 And the Bible tells us that the priest had to be without defect,
02:53 and the victim also had to be without defect.
02:59 So basically, the first function of Jesus in the camp
03:02 is to live a life without sin,
03:06 to develop a life of perfect righteousness.
03:09 He did that in the midst of sinners in the camp.
03:13 Then Jesus moved into the court.
03:15 The altar is the next piece of furniture in the Sanctuary.
03:20 And there, Jesus, the unblemished Priest
03:25 and the unblemished Lamb, offered His life as a sacrifice
03:30 for the sins of the whole world.
03:32 And so in the camp, He lives an unblemished life.
03:36 And in the court at the altar of sacrifice,
03:39 He bears the sins of the world and He dies the penalty of sin
03:44 that sinners should suffer.
03:47 And then the next piece of furniture in the Sanctuary
03:49 is the laver.
03:52 In the laver there was water.
03:54 And we're going to study that the laver symbolizes
03:57 the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
04:00 And of course, the purpose of the resurrection of Christ
04:03 is so that He can now enter the next function
04:07 of His ministry in the Holy Place.
04:09 Because if Jesus had not resurrected,
04:11 He would not have been able to begin His next function
04:15 in the Holy Place.
04:16 So the resurrection is the transition point between
04:20 His death on the cross and the beginning of His ministry
04:23 in the Holy Place.
04:25 And so basically, Jesus resurrects now
04:27 to pour out upon sinners the benefits of His perfect life
04:33 and His death for sin.
04:35 And then later on Jesus moves into the Most Holy Place
04:39 of the heavenly Sanctuary.
04:42 Excuse me, the Holy Place.
04:45 And there, Jesus becomes the High Priest.
04:48 In other words, Jesus becomes the Advocate,
04:51 the Mediator, or the Intercessor for those who come to Him
04:56 to claim the benefits of His life and of His death.
05:00 So the next step of Jesus is in the Holy Place
05:05 of the heavenly Sanctuary to serve as Advocate,
05:07 Mediator, and Intercessor.
05:10 And then He moves into the Most Holy Place.
05:13 And in the Most Holy Place He continues His function
05:16 as High Priest.
05:17 In other words, He continues interceding,
05:20 He continues being an Advocate or a Mediator,
05:25 for those who come to Him in faith claiming the benefit
05:29 of His life and of His death.
05:31 But Jesus then adds an additional function,
05:34 which is the judgment.
05:36 So He continues being the High Priestly Intercessor,
05:39 but He also now takes on an additional function,
05:43 which is that of the judgment.
05:47 And then finally the last step is, once all of the sins
05:52 have been cleansed from the Sanctuary on the
05:54 Day of Atonement, which is the judgment,
05:56 then Jesus brings all of the sins that were deposited
06:01 in the Sanctuary by those who were true believers,
06:05 and He brings out those sins and He places them
06:09 on the head of the scapegoat, Azazel.
06:13 And then Azazel, the scapegoat, is sent to the wilderness
06:17 where there are no inhabitants, and he basically is exiled
06:22 from the Sanctuary and from the encampment of Israel.
06:26 So summarizing the steps that Jesus takes in the Sanctuary,
06:30 first of all He comes to the camp to live a perfect life
06:34 so that He can be a perfect Priest and a perfect victim.
06:38 Secondly, He goes to the court altar, bears the sins
06:42 of the whole world, and suffers the penalty for sin
06:45 in place of every human being.
06:48 Then He moves to the laver.
06:50 That is, Jesus resurrects from the dead.
06:53 The purpose of His resurrection is so that He can go to the
06:56 next function in the Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary.
07:01 And in the Holy Place Jesus serves as an Advocate,
07:05 Mediator, or Intercessor for those who claim
07:09 His perfect life and those who claim His death for sin.
07:13 And then later on Jesus moves into the Most Holy Place
07:17 where He continues serving as the High Priestly Mediator,
07:21 but He adds another function.
07:23 That is, the function of the judgment.
07:26 And then after His work in the Most Holy Place is finished,
07:30 then He moves back to the door of the Tabernacle
07:34 to the Holy Place, and the scapegoat is waiting there
07:37 in the court right next to the door that leads
07:40 into the Holy Place.
07:42 And all of the sins that had been placed in the Sanctuary
07:44 now are taken, the two hands of the High Priest
07:48 are placed on the head of the scapegoat,
07:49 and all of the sins that have been placed in the Sanctuary
07:53 are confessed on the head of the scapegoat.
07:55 And then the scapegoat is sent to a wilderness,
07:59 a desolate wilderness, where there are no inhabitants.
08:02 And in this way, the Sanctuary and the camp
08:07 are totally cleansed from sin.
08:10 So those are the steps that we're going to take a look at
08:13 in the rest of the presentations that we are
08:16 going to study here together.
08:19 Now I need to mention that the first three functions of Jesus,
08:24 the first three functions; which are His perfect life
08:28 in the camp, His death on the cross which is
08:32 symbolized by the altar, and His resurrection,
08:36 Jesus performed for every single human being who has ever lived
08:42 in the history of planet earth.
08:44 In other words, in those first three steps Jesus provided
08:50 what is needed by every single person on the planet.
08:55 So there's no one, we're going to notice,
08:57 that really should perish.
08:58 Because the provision for salvation is complete.
09:02 By His perfect life, His death for sin, and His resurrection
09:07 Jesus has made provision for everyone to be saved.
09:13 However, we find that the last steps of Jesus in the Sanctuary
09:19 have to do, not with the whole world, but they have to do with
09:25 individuals who actually come to Jesus claiming the benefits
09:32 of His life and His death and His resurrection.
09:35 So basically, what I want us to remember is that the
09:38 first three functions; that is, His life in the camp,
09:41 His death in the court, and His resurrection in the court,
09:45 that He did for every single person who has ever lived.
09:48 The last steps; which are His ministry in the Holy place,
09:52 His ministry in the Most Holy Place,
09:54 and the placing of the sins upon the head of the scapegoat,
09:58 has to do only with those who believe in Jesus
10:01 and claim what Jesus did in the camp and in the court.
10:06 And this will become clearer as we study along.
10:10 By the way, what Jesus did in the first three steps
10:13 of His ministry; that is, by His perfect life in the camp,
10:17 and by His death at the altar, and by His resurrection,
10:21 Ellen White calls that the benefits of His atonement.
10:26 The benefits of His atonement.
10:28 The benefits He gained for every single person
10:32 who has ever lived.
10:33 I want to read a statement that we find in, Early Writings,
10:36 page 259, where Ellen White explains what the benefits are.
10:44 Here's the statement, page 259, Early Writings.
10:53 That happened at the cross, right?
11:04 So when Jesus said, "It is finished," on the cross,
11:07 the veil was rent.
11:08 That means that the sacrificial system of the Jews
11:11 came to an end.
11:13 She continues writing...
11:35 Now listen carefully.
11:37 " shed upon His disciples..."
11:40 Not all human beings.
11:42 But He went there " shed upon His disciples
11:45 the benefits of His atonement."
11:49 So what did Jesus go to heaven for?
11:52 To pour out upon His disciples, that means His followers,
11:57 the benefits of His atonement.
11:59 And the benefits of His atonement are His perfect life
12:04 and His death for sin.
12:05 Those are the benefits.
12:06 Jesus gained those benefits for everyone.
12:09 But only those who come to God through Him are benefited
12:14 by what Jesus did in the camp and in the court.
12:18 Ellen White continues explaining...
12:41 In other words, because they did not follow Jesus to the cross,
12:43 because they didn't believe in the resurrection,
12:45 they were not ready to follow Jesus in His work
12:48 in the Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
12:50 So she says...
13:06 So are you understanding what this is saying?
13:08 So the first three aspects of the ministry of Christ;
13:12 His perfect life in the camp as Priest and as victim,
13:16 and His death on the cross, represented by the altar,
13:19 and His resurrection where He now goes into the Holy Place,
13:23 those three steps were done for every single person
13:27 who has ever lived in the history of planet earth.
13:30 They are the benefits of Christ's work.
13:34 But not everyone claims those benefits.
13:37 And so we need to remember, that is a very, very important point.
13:40 Now let's review the accusations that Satan
13:45 launched against God.
13:47 And I'm going to only mention four of those accusations
13:51 of Satan against God.
13:54 Number one, God is a respecter of persons.
13:57 In other words, God has favorites.
14:00 He favored His Son above everybody else.
14:04 And so the first argument is, God plays favorites.
14:08 God is a respecter of persons.
14:11 Secondly, God keeps secrets.
14:15 There's certain knowledge that He keeps to Himself
14:17 and He only shares with His Son, when everybody should have
14:21 the opportunity of knowing those things.
14:24 In the third place, God's law is restrictive of our liberties
14:30 and cannot be kept.
14:32 That is a strong argument that Lucifer used in heaven,
14:37 and he also used it on earth when he tempted Eve,
14:40 and then Eve tempted Adam.
14:42 And then we have the argument that God is selfish.
14:46 All He wants is for His creatures
14:49 to serve Him as slaves.
14:51 He wants them to render Him blind service.
14:55 And God will not lift even one finger to serve.
15:01 Now we're going to study this evening about the ministry
15:06 of Jesus in the camp, the Sanctuary camp,
15:09 which is the first step that Jesus takes in solving
15:13 the problem of the great controversy.
15:16 And we're going to see how Jesus answers step by step
15:20 these accusations that were launched against
15:24 the government of God.
15:25 And when we finish our study, we are going to notice
15:29 that every single accusation of Satan against God,
15:32 every smear of God's character, will be removed
15:37 and God will be cleared.
15:39 Now after man sinned, Satan came up with a new argument
15:45 that seemed to place a contradiction
15:48 in God's character.
15:51 Satan's argument against God's character
15:55 flowed in the way that I'm going to read now.
15:58 This is Satan speaking to God.
16:01 "Your law requires absolute sinless perfection.
16:08 You, Yourself, stated that if the righteous requirement
16:12 of the law is not met, the result is death.
16:18 Man has not met the righteous requirements of the law.
16:23 And therefore, he must die."
16:25 Are you understanding the argument?
16:27 "Therefore, he must die."
16:29 "If You don't keep Your word," the devil says to God,
16:33 "Your justice and truth is compromised.
16:37 Because Your justice demands the death of the sinner,
16:40 and the law demands a perfect life.
16:43 Furthermore, if You do not keep Your word,
16:46 then You will appear to be a liar."
16:49 So Satan continues saying to God, "If You don't
16:54 keep Your word, Your justice and truth is compromised.
16:57 But if Your justice destroys man, if You keep Your word
17:02 and man is destroyed because of sin,
17:05 then Your love is compromised.
17:08 How can a God of love destroy His creatures?"
17:12 So are you seeing that there's a seeming contradiction
17:15 between the justice and the love of God?
17:17 Satan is saying to God, "Your law demands absolute perfection.
17:22 You said that if someone doesn't render the law
17:24 absolute perfection, that person has to die.
17:27 Well, all human beings have failed to render
17:30 perfection to the law.
17:32 Therefore, all human beings should die.
17:34 If You don't execute the penalty, then You will be
17:38 proved a liar and Your justice is compromised.
17:41 But if You destroy sinners, then how is it that a God of love
17:46 destroys His own creatures?"
17:49 And so there seems to be a contradiction between the
17:52 justice and the love of God.
17:54 That was an additional accusation of Satan against
17:58 God's character after Adam and Eve sinned,
18:01 and after all human beings followed the example
18:04 of Adam and Eve.
18:06 And so now we need to take a look at how God resolved
18:09 that first accusation of Satan where he says,
18:13 "God, You have said that the law demands absolute perfection.
18:18 And if a being does not offer the law absolute perfection,
18:22 that person must die."
18:26 Now I would like us to remember that according to the Bible
18:30 Jesus created every single person that lives
18:34 upon this planet.
18:36 Let's notice John 1:1-3.
18:40 John 1:1-3
18:43 This is a passage we know very well.
19:01 So who is it that created every single person
19:05 that lives upon this planet?
19:07 Jesus.
19:08 You know, when I say that, somebody usually says,
19:12 "But Pastor Bohr, you know, Jesus didn't create me.
19:14 I was born from my mother."
19:17 And so I say, "Well very good.
19:18 And who was your mother born from?"
19:20 "Well she was born from her mother."
19:22 I say, "And where did her mother come from?"
19:25 "Well she came from her mother."
19:26 Now if we go all the way back to the beginning,
19:28 where does the process end?
19:29 It ends with Adam and Eve.
19:31 When Jesus created Adam and Eve, He created everyone,
19:35 because everyone descends from Adam and Eve.
19:38 And so because Jesus created everyone, Jesus is responsible
19:43 for our existence.
19:44 Isn't Jesus responsible for our existence?
19:46 He's not responsible for our sin.
19:49 That's our choice.
19:51 He is responsible for our existence because He created us.
19:55 Did we ask to be created? Did we ask to be born?
19:58 No.
19:59 So who is responsible ultimately for our existence?
20:02 It is Jesus Christ.
20:03 And so Jesus says to Himself, "I created these individuals,
20:08 I'm responsible for their creation.
20:10 I cannot conceive of not creating a way in which
20:15 My creatures can be saved,
20:17 in harmony with the character of God."
20:21 Now as we've noticed, the law of God requires absolute
20:26 sinless perfection.
20:28 The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, tells us that
20:31 God requires absolute sinless righteousness from everyone.
20:37 Now the Bible also says that if we don't give the law
20:42 perfect righteousness, if we can't offer the law
20:45 what the law requires, the Bible says that is sin.
20:50 Let's notice 1 John 3:4.
20:54 1 John 3:4
21:05 I like better the way the King James reads in 1 John 3:4.
21:10 It says, "For sins is..." What?
21:12 "...sin is the transgression of the law."
21:16 So I want you to notice what we have here.
21:18 The law requires absolute sinless perfection,
21:21 absolute righteousness.
21:24 If that is not offered to the law, that is called what?
21:29 Sin.
21:30 And let me ask you, how many people are guilty of sin
21:35 on this earth?
21:36 Every single person.
21:38 Notice Romans 3:10.
21:41 Romans 3:10
21:43 And then also we will read verse 23.
21:54 How many human beings could offer sinless perfection
21:58 to the law, absolute righteousness to the law?
22:01 No one.
22:03 It says, once again...
22:08 And then verse 23 tells us...
22:16 So there's a serious problem in the human race.
22:20 There is no one on the planet that can offer the law
22:25 perfect righteousness.
22:27 And so, the law tells every human being what?
22:30 Because you don't offer the law perfect righteousness,
22:33 a perfect life, the result is that you must what?
22:38 You must die.
22:40 Let's read that in Romans 5:12.
22:43 Romans 5:12
22:46 And then we'll also read chapter 6:23.
22:56 Who was that one man?
22:59 Adam. Very well.
23:15 Are you seeing the chain of argument here?
23:20 And then it says in Romans 6:23...
23:29 So the law says, "Obey me perfectly and live.
23:33 If you don't, that's sin.
23:36 And if you sin, you will die."
23:39 And everyone has what? Sinned.
23:42 Therefore, how many human beings were on death row?
23:45 Every single human being was on death row.
23:48 Now the question is, how could man be saved
23:53 from this problem of not being able to offer the law
23:57 sinless perfection, or absolute righteousness,
24:00 when there was no one in the human race who could
24:03 offer the law what the law requires?
24:06 Well, in the Old Testament we have what are called,
24:09 the laws of redemption.
24:11 If a person, for example, sold their possession,
24:15 their inheritance, that inheritance could
24:18 be bought back.
24:20 And if an individual sold himself into slavery
24:24 or into servant-hood, there was a way in which
24:27 that person could gain his freedom.
24:30 And you say, "Well, how could the person get back
24:33 their inheritance that they had sold, and get back the freedom
24:36 that they had sold as well?"
24:38 Let's go to Leviticus 25, and we'll read verse 25
24:42 first of all about the lost inheritance,
24:45 and secondly we'll read Leviticus 25:47-49
24:50 which describes when a person sold themselves into slavery.
24:54 First of all, Leviticus 25:25.
25:05 That is, his inheritance.
25:10 Now the word, "redeeming," is very important.
25:12 It's the Hebrew word, "ga'al."
25:16 And basically it means, buying something back
25:20 by paying a price.
25:22 It's the principle of the pawn shop.
25:25 Do you know what a pawn shop is?
25:27 You need some money, and so you take an object
25:30 and you take it to the pawn shop, and you sell it
25:32 to the pawn shop owner.
25:34 Can that object that you sold be recovered?
25:39 Yes.
25:40 By doing what?
25:42 By paying a higher price, right?
25:45 So you go pay the higher price and you can buy back
25:48 that which you sold.
25:50 That's the meaning of the word, ga'al, that is used here.
25:54 So it says...
26:02 That is, a relative that pays the price to buy back
26:05 the inheritance that was lost.
26:12 So who could redeem or who could buy back
26:16 what an individual had sold?
26:18 It had to be a what?
26:20 It had to be a redeeming relative.
26:24 And it calls that relative, specifically, his brother.
26:29 So in other words, a close relative could buy back
26:33 what had been sold.
26:35 Now, what happened if an individual sold
26:38 himself into slavery?
26:39 Because they could do that in Israel as well.
26:42 Notice verses 47 to 49.
27:07 Once again the word, "redeemed," there is the word, "ga'al."
27:10 In other words, he can be bought back.
27:13 The relative can pay a price to buy that person's freedom back.
27:18 And then notice what it says in the last part of verse 48.
27:40 Well, it's a hypothetical statement, because if he
27:42 sold himself into slavery, you know, he wasn't going to
27:46 be able to buy himself back.
27:48 And so basically what this is saying is that if an individual
27:51 sold their inheritance, or if an individual sold himself
27:54 into slavery, the inheritance could be bought back
27:58 by paying a price, and the freedom could be bought back
28:02 by paying a price.
28:04 Let me ask you this:
28:05 Did all human beings sell their inheritance?
28:09 We sold our inheritance, right?
28:11 Who did we sell it to?
28:13 We sold it to the devil.
28:15 Did all of us sell our freedom and come into bondage?
28:20 Yes. Bondage of sin.
28:22 We became slaves of sin.
28:24 Now the question is, how could we get our inheritance back?
28:28 How could we gain our freedom back?
28:31 We needed a what?
28:33 We needed a brother or a next of kin who could come
28:37 and pay the price so that our freedom could be bought back
28:42 and our lost inheritance could be bought back.
28:46 But there was a serious problem.
28:49 And that is, that within the human race
28:52 there was not a single human being that had not
28:55 sold his inheritance and sold himself into slavery.
28:59 Are you understanding the problem?
29:01 The problem is, everybody sold themselves into slavery.
29:04 Everybody sold their inheritance.
29:07 And so nobody within the human race could what?
29:11 Could redeem that which had been sold.
29:16 Now let me ask you a question.
29:18 Before Jesus came to this world,
29:22 was Jesus a member of our family?
29:28 You know, sometimes I ask that question and people say yes,
29:30 because they're not reflecting a lot upon the question.
29:34 The question is, before His incarnation,
29:38 was Jesus a member of the human family? No.
29:42 So was Jesus our next of kin? No.
29:45 So could Jesus fulfill the laws of redemption
29:49 of buying back the inheritance and buying back our freedom
29:52 if He came as God?
29:54 He could not do that.
29:55 He had to be what?
29:57 He had to be our next of kin.
29:58 And you say, "Well, why would He have to be our next of kin?"
30:02 There are several reasons, but there are two main reasons.
30:05 Number one, the Bible tells us that God cannot be tempted.
30:13 And so if Jesus had come as God, He could not have been what?
30:18 He could not have been tempted.
30:19 Could Jesus have developed a perfect life of righteousness
30:23 if He was not a human being?
30:24 No.
30:26 He had to be tempted in all things such as we are,
30:29 and He had to develop a righteous character
30:31 that He could give to us when we claim it.
30:34 Are you following me or not?
30:36 But if He came as God, He couldn't be tempted.
30:39 And therefore, He could not form a righteous character
30:42 that He could impute or credit to our account.
30:46 So because He had to be tempted, He had to come as a human being.
30:51 It says in James 1:13...
31:04 So can anyone tempt God?
31:05 If Jesus had come to this world as God, would the devil
31:10 have been able to deceive Him?
31:12 Come on, God can't be deceived.
31:13 God knows all things.
31:15 And so it would not have helped us at all
31:17 for Jesus to come as God.
31:18 Now there's a second reason why Jesus had to become
31:21 our next of kin, He had to become a human being.
31:23 And that is so that He could die.
31:28 Can God die?
31:30 No. God can't die.
31:32 Notice 1 Timothy 6:15-16.
31:36 1 Timothy 6:15-16
31:39 I'm only reading the last part of verse 15.
31:42 Speaking about God the Father, it says..
32:07 And so you notice here that we're told that God is what?
32:11 Immortal.
32:13 Basically, it means that God cannot die.
32:15 So if Jesus had come to this earth, not as one
32:18 of our next of kin, could Jesus have died?
32:22 He could not have died.
32:24 And so now we understand why the laws of redemption
32:26 required that an individual, in order to redeem someone,
32:30 had to be his brother.
32:32 It had to be a member of that family.
32:35 Are you following me or not?
32:36 Now, here's something very interesting.
32:39 Go with me to Matthew 1:1.
32:43 Matthew 1:1
32:46 This is speaking about the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
32:51 And I want you to notice what we're told there in Matthew 1:1.
33:05 So was Jesus the Son of David?
33:08 Yes. Was Jesus the Son of Abraham?
33:11 He most certainly was.
33:13 Bu now I want you to notice something very interesting.
33:17 Go with me in your Bibles to John 8:58.
33:22 John 8:58
33:26 Here, Jesus is speaking to a group of Jews.
33:29 And I want you to notice what He says.
33:34 Or as it says in the King James, "Verily, verily..."
33:42 Now wait a minute.
33:43 We just read that Jesus is the Son of Abraham.
33:46 Now Jesus is saying, "Before Abraham was, I AM."
33:50 So Jesus is the Father of Abraham and the Son of Abraham.
33:54 You say, "Now wait a minute.
33:55 How can He be the Father and the Son of the same person?"
33:59 Well, because as God He's Abraham's Father.
34:03 And as Son of Abraham, He is because He became incarnate.
34:09 Are you with me or not?
34:10 Now notice also Revelation 22:16.
34:14 Revelation 22:16.
34:18 Here, Jesus is speaking and He says...
34:33 So Jesus is the Root of David,
34:36 and He is also the Offspring of David.
34:38 So David comes from Jesus and Jesus comes from David.
34:42 You say, "Now how can that be possible?"
34:44 How can Jesus be the Father of David and the Son of David?
34:47 He's the Father of David because He created David.
34:52 Because He is God.
34:53 He is the Son of David because He is what?
34:56 Because He is man.
34:58 So are you understanding the reason for the incarnation?
35:02 If Jesus had not become a man, Jesus could not have been
35:07 tempted like we are tempted, and He could not have developed
35:10 a righteous character that He could offer the law
35:13 in our place.
35:15 Are you following me or not?
35:16 Very, very important point.
35:18 And that's what we're studying today.
35:20 And in our next study together, I'm going to show you
35:23 that unless Jesus had become a man, our next of kin,
35:27 Jesus could not have gone to the court to die at the altar,
35:32 because God is immortal.
35:34 He had to become a man in order to what?
35:37 To die.
35:38 So He had to become a man in order to be tempted
35:41 and develop perfect righteousness to offer the law
35:43 in our place.
35:45 And then, Jesus had to bear the sins of the whole world,
35:48 and as a human being He had to die, paying for the penalty
35:51 of the sins of the whole world.
35:54 I hope you're understanding what we're saying.
35:56 Now let's go to John 1:14.
35:59 John 1:14
36:02 You know, sin was committed in the Sanctuary camp.
36:07 So Jesus came to camp in our midst when He became incarnate.
36:11 You know, sometimes, actually most of the time,
36:14 when Adventists study the Sanctuary, they begin
36:17 the study of the Sanctuary in the court at the altar.
36:20 I think it's a mistake to start studying the Sanctuary
36:24 in the court at the altar of sacrifice.
36:27 Let me ask you, does the ministry of Jesus begin
36:30 when He died on the cross?
36:32 Or did He have to live a perfect life before that?
36:35 He had to live a perfect life.
36:37 You see, in order for the sacrifice to be acceptable
36:41 before God, that animal had to be without what?
36:46 Without blemish.
36:48 And the priest that offered the sacrifice
36:51 also had to be without blemish.
36:54 Now the victim without blemish and the priest without blemish
36:57 represents the perfect life of Christ before His death.
37:02 You see, Jesus had, first of all, to live a perfect life
37:05 so that He could offer perfect righteousness to the law,
37:09 which no human being can offer.
37:12 And that's why in John 1:14, we are told...
37:22 That word, "dwelt," is very interesting.
37:24 It comes from the word, "skenoo," which means,
37:28 to pitch a tent.
37:29 So it's saying Jesus pitched His tent in our camp.
37:33 Notice once again the idea that He came to camp with us.
37:36 And so it says, once again...
37:51 Now what did Jesus do in the camp where sinners dwell?
37:55 The fact is that Jesus lived a life of perfect righteousness
38:00 that He could offer the law of God.
38:02 He lived that life for every single human being
38:06 who has ever drawn breath in the history of planet earth.
38:11 In order for His sacrifice to be accepted...
38:14 And tomorrow we're going to talk about His sacrifice.
38:16 In order for His sacrifice to be accepted,
38:19 He had to, first of all, be a blameless Priest
38:22 and He had to be a blameless or immaculate sacrifice.
38:28 By the way, Jesus also proved by His perfect life,
38:31 as we'll notice, that it is possible to obey the law of God
38:36 in sinful flesh.
38:38 Also, Jesus developed a perfect life that He could impart
38:43 or He could infuse into people that received Jesus Christ
38:48 as their Savior.
38:50 But we want to dwell primarily in this study
38:52 with the point that Jesus lived a perfect life
38:57 which He lived for every single human being
39:00 and He is willing to give to those who come to Him in faith.
39:05 Now go with me to Leviticus 22:20-22.
39:10 This is describing the victims that were offered
39:13 on the altar in the Old Testament.
39:15 I want you to notice what characteristics the beasts
39:20 that were offered had.
39:22 Once again, Leviticus 22:20-22.
40:04 So you notice that the victims that were offered
40:07 had to be without blemish.
40:09 Now in the Old Testament service they could only determine
40:13 that the victim had no physical blemish.
40:17 But the fact that the victim had no physical blemish
40:20 illustrated the fact that Jesus was going to come
40:23 and He would have no moral blemish.
40:25 In other words, the fact that the beast that was offered
40:29 had no physical blemish is an illustration or a type
40:33 of Jesus who would have no moral blemish.
40:37 But I want you to notice that not only did the victim
40:40 have to be without blemish, but the priest that offered
40:44 the victim also had to be without blemish.
40:46 Notice Leviticus 21:17-21.
40:51 Leviticus 21:17-21
41:43 So you notice that the victim had to be without blemish,
41:47 and the priest that offered the victim also had to be
41:50 without blemish.
41:52 Now the question is, what was represented
41:55 by the priest and by the victim?
41:58 Let's take, first of all, a look at what was represented
42:02 by the victim.
42:03 Go with me to Exodus 12:5.
42:07 It's talking about the Passover here.
42:08 Exodus 12:5
42:12 Here, God specifies what type of victim would be acceptable
42:17 in the Passover sacrifice.
42:31 So notice, the Passover lamb could have no what?
42:34 Could have no blemish.
42:36 Now the question is, what was represented or symbolized
42:39 by the Passover lamb?
42:41 We don't have to guess.
42:42 Go with me to 1 Peter 1:18-20.
42:47 1 Peter 1:18-20
42:51 It says there...
42:57 Incidentally, that word, "redeemed," that is used here
43:00 is the equivalent word to, "ga'al," in the Old Testament
43:04 in Hebrew.
43:06 And basically, it means the same thing is Greek.
43:08 It means, to buy back by paying a price.
43:11 So in the New Testament, when you find the word, "redeemed,"
43:14 it means that you have gained your freedom,
43:18 you have regained the inheritance, because
43:20 our next of kin has paid the price to buy back what we sold.
43:25 That's the idea here.
43:26 So it says...
43:33 In other words, nobody paid silver or gold
43:36 to gain back our freedom and our inheritance.
43:39 So it says...
43:43 "...from your aimless conduct..."
43:45 That's another way of saying, "of your sins."
43:47 "...received by tradition from your fathers..."
43:49 That is, by inheritance.
43:57 What kind of lamb?
44:07 The plan was laid long before Jesus died.
44:20 So what was represented by the victim that had no blemish?
44:24 It was Jesus Christ who was represented by the victim
44:28 that had no blemish.
44:29 Now I want you to notice another text that refers
44:33 to Jesus as the victim without any blemish.
44:36 1 John 3:5 1 John 3:5
44:57 So is Jesus the victim without any sin?
44:59 Absolutely.
45:01 How important is the life of Jesus?
45:05 If I was to ask you this:
45:07 What is more important; the life of Jesus,
45:10 the perfect life of Jesus in the camp,
45:13 His death at the altar of sacrifice,
45:16 His resurrection at the laver,
45:19 His intercession in the Holy Place,
45:23 or His judgment in the Most Holy Place?
45:25 What would say is the most important function of Jesus?
45:30 I would say, yes.
45:33 All of them.
45:36 Because if Jesus had not lived a perfect life,
45:38 His sacrifice would not have been accepted.
45:41 And if His sacrifice had not been accepted,
45:44 He would not have resurrected.
45:46 And if He had not resurrected, He would not serve as our
45:49 Intercessor in the Holy Place.
45:51 And there would be no judgment.
45:53 And no cleansing of the Sanctuary.
45:56 You know, many Christians just dwell on the cross.
45:57 They say, "The cross, the cross, the cross."
45:59 They're dwelling just on the altar of sacrifice.
46:01 Don't get me wrong, the cross is important.
46:04 The death of Jesus for sin is important.
46:07 But it would have had no value unless Jesus had first
46:09 lived a perfect life in the camp so that He could offer the law
46:14 perfection in our place.
46:17 So basically what Jesus did was He lived His life,
46:20 and it is available to every single human being
46:23 who has ever drawn breath.
46:25 He provided a perfect life of perfect righteousness
46:28 for every person who has ever lived in the
46:30 history of planet earth.
46:32 And so you say, "Well, that means then that
46:33 everybody is going to be saved."
46:35 No.
46:37 What is the most famous verse in the Bible?
46:40 You even find it at football games between the goal posts.
46:44 Maybe it's to convert the kicker, or perhaps
46:48 it's to distract the kicker.
46:50 To lead him to think about other things.
46:52 But anyway, you find John 3:16.
46:55 And everybody likes to emphasize the first half of John 3:16.
46:59 "For God so loved the world, that He gave
47:02 His only begotten Son."
47:03 Period.
47:05 But they forget that the second half of the verse
47:08 has conditions.
47:10 Because the second half of the verse says,
47:12 "...that whosoever believes in Him should not perish,
47:16 but have everlasting life."
47:18 Was it vitally important that Jesus live a perfect life
47:20 in our place?
47:22 That He weaver a perfect robe of righteousness
47:24 that He could offer us?
47:25 Yes. But it only becomes ours when we meet the conditions.
47:30 So was the provision of His life complete for everyone?
47:35 Yes. And tomorrow we're going to find that His death
47:37 on the cross was a complete death for every sin
47:40 that has ever been committed, as a provision.
47:44 Does that mean that everybody is going to benefit?
47:46 No. Because you have to claim it.
47:49 So what I'm saying is that the work of Jesus
47:52 in the camp and in the court is for everybody.
47:55 Beginning with His work in the Holy Place, His intercession,
47:59 He applies His life and His death to those who meet
48:02 the conditions.
48:04 And then it becomes an individual thing.
48:07 It's not corporate for the whole world.
48:09 It's for those who claim what Jesus did.
48:13 Now Jesus was not only the perfect victim,
48:16 the victim without blemish.
48:18 We just read some text here.
48:20 1 Peter 1:18-20 says that He was the Lamb
48:24 without blemish and without spot.
48:26 We read 1 John 3:5 where it says that in Him there is no sin.
48:30 But the Bible also tells us that Jesus was the
48:34 unblemished Priest.
48:36 Notice what we find in Hebrews 4:15.
48:40 Hebrews 4:15
48:50 "...but was tempted in most points..."
48:56 Oh, okay. My eyes must be failing me.
49:00 So it says...
49:05 "...but was tempted in some points..."
49:09 No, it says He "was tempted in all points like Adam was..."
49:15 No, it doesn't say like Adam was.
49:19 It says, He "was tempted in all points as we are..."
49:24 But there's a difference.
49:26 " we are, but without sin."
49:29 Did Jesus offer the law absolute sinless righteousness?
49:34 Yes He did.
49:35 And He did it for every single human being
49:38 who has ever lived in the history of planet earth.
49:41 So we're going to notice that in this way God answers the
49:45 argument that Satan used that we began with
49:49 in our study this evening.
49:50 In a moment we'll go to that.
49:52 Every act of obedience of Jesus added a thread
49:57 to the perfect robe of righteousness.
50:00 And when Jesus said, "It is finished," on the cross,
50:03 the last thread was added to the perfect robe of righteousness
50:08 that He is willing to offer to every single sinner
50:12 who is repentant and confesses his sin
50:14 and trusts in Jesus Christ as his Savior and as His Lord.
50:19 So we do not have a High Priest who can't sympathize with us.
50:23 He was tempted in all things, and yet He never sinned.
50:28 He was an unblemished Priest.
50:32 Now let's notice another text that speaks about Jesus
50:35 as the unblemished Priest.
50:37 Hebrews 7:25-26 Hebrews 7:25-26
50:45 "Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost
50:52 those who come to God through Him..."
50:56 Now we're going to study more of that particular phrase.
50:59 It's very interesting.
51:00 So who is Jesus able to save to the uttermost?
51:04 Did He make provision for everyone to be saved?
51:07 The provision is for everyone to be saved.
51:09 But is everybody going to be saved?
51:11 No. Notice what it says.
51:18 So must we come to God through the intercession of Jesus Christ
51:22 in order to be saved?
51:23 Yes. That's an individual thing.
51:26 It's claiming what Jesus did personally and individually.
51:31 And it continues saying here...
51:43 Who is, "them"?
51:45 Those who come to God through Him.
51:47 And then verse 26 tells us what kind of High Priest He is.
52:05 Does that talk about the moral perfection of Christ?
52:08 Could Jesus present perfect righteousness before the Father
52:12 if He had not lived a life of perfect righteousness?
52:15 No.
52:16 So how important is the life of Jesus before His death?
52:20 Folks, it's just as important as His death.
52:24 Now let's go back to Satan's argument.
52:27 Satan's argument was composed of two particular points.
52:31 We're talking about the last new argument after sin
52:34 entered the world.
52:36 Point number one, Satan says to God,
52:39 "The law requires absolute sinless perfection.
52:43 And no one can offer the law that perfection
52:48 that the law requires."
52:49 That's point number one.
52:51 Was the devil right that no one on planet earth
52:54 could offer the law sinless perfection
52:56 or perfect righteousness?
52:57 He was right.
52:59 But of course, he didn't exactly know at that point
53:02 what the solution was going to be.
53:03 That the One who created all was going to offer to come
53:07 and live in place of all.
53:09 And now the second point that the devil argued was,
53:13 "Therefore, because no one is able to offer righteousness
53:17 to the law, therefore everyone is under the sentence of death."
53:24 A double whammy.
53:26 We cannot offer perfection to the law, and therefore
53:30 Satan says to God, "You said it.
53:32 You said that if anyone does not offer perfection to the law,
53:36 then that person has to..." What?
53:38 "...has to die.
53:39 And because everyone has sinned, everyone has to die."
53:43 Now the subject that we're studying this evening
53:47 solves the first problem.
53:49 The problem of nobody being able to offer righteousness,
53:53 perfect righteousness, to the law of God.
53:56 Jesus answered Satan's first accusation
53:59 by coming to this earth, becoming our next of kin,
54:04 and living the life that we should live in our place.
54:08 In this way, we've studied, He wove a robe of perfect
54:14 righteousness which is freely available to all who come
54:19 to Him repentant and by faith.
54:23 There is now a perfect life that can satisfy
54:27 the just demands of the law.
54:29 And all we have to do is become brothers of Jesus,
54:32 all we have to do is receive Jesus through repentance,
54:35 confession, and faith in Him and Jesus will take His
54:39 perfect life and He will credit it to our account.
54:42 And God will look at us as covered with the perfect robe
54:47 of Christ's righteousness which He wove by His life
54:53 on planet earth.
54:55 Now what about the second problem?
54:57 There was a second serious problem.
55:00 And that is, that the law not only requires
55:03 perfect righteousness, but if righteousness is not
55:07 offered to the law, the law says what?
55:10 You must die.
55:13 So was it enough for Jesus to live a life of
55:16 perfect righteousness that He could offer the law?
55:18 It wasn't enough.
55:20 How would the problem of all of the sins that had been committed
55:24 be resolved?
55:26 Somebody had to pay the penalty for the sins, right?
55:28 Are you understanding the second problem?
55:30 And so Jesus says, "I'm going to solve this problem too.
55:35 The first problem is solved because I went,
55:37 I suffered all of their temptations,
55:39 and I never sinned.
55:40 I wove a perfect robe of righteousness
55:42 for every single person who has ever lived
55:44 in the history of the earth."
55:45 And anyone can come repentant, confessing, and in faith,
55:49 and can claim that perfect robe of righteousness.
55:51 And they can stand before the throne of God
55:54 guiltless in Jesus Christ.
55:56 But Jesus says, "I'm going to solve the second problem too."
55:58 And this will introduce our subject for tomorrow.
56:02 Jesus says, "And then after I've lived a perfect life,
56:05 I am going to go to the garden of Gethsemane,
56:08 and I'm going to go to the cross,
56:09 and I'm going to bear the sins of the whole world.
56:12 Every sin that has ever been committed in the history of
56:15 planet earth, I am going to bear it upon Myself.
56:18 I'm going to suffer the penalty for all of the sins
56:21 of My creatures.
56:23 Because I created them all, I have the right to take the place
56:27 of all of them.
56:28 And I will take all of the sins upon Myself
56:30 and I will suffer the penalty that all of them should suffer.
56:35 And then if anyone comes to Me repentant,
56:38 confessing their sins, sorrow for sin,
56:42 and having faith in Me, I will take My life, My perfect robe,
56:47 and I will place it upon them.
56:49 All of their sins will be forgiven because I bore them
56:52 on the cross."
56:53 And those individuals will be seen as if
56:57 they had never sinned.
56:59 They will be accepted in the Beloved.
57:04 So let me ask you, does the perfect life answer one of the
57:08 accusations of Satan?
57:11 That no one can offer perfection to the law,
57:13 therefore everybody is doomed to die?
57:15 Absolutely, because Jesus offered it in the place of
57:18 all of His creatures.
57:19 Does the death of Jesus on the cross
57:21 answer the second part of that accusation?
57:24 Yes.
57:25 And by the way, when Jesus dies on the cross,
57:29 He shows both the justice of God and the love of God.
57:32 Remember that the devil tried to present a conflict between
57:35 the justice of God and the love of God?
57:38 He said, "If You don't punish man justly,
57:41 then You're a liar.
57:42 Because justice demands the death of the sinner.
57:44 But if You destroy the sinner, what God who loves
57:47 is going to destroy the sinner?"
57:49 But the beautiful thing is that Jesus came to this world
57:53 and He suffered under the justice of God,
57:57 showing that God loves.
57:59 In other words, Jesus proved that the devil's
58:01 argument was wrong.
58:02 God can be the just and the justifier of those
58:06 who believe in Jesus Christ.


Revised 2016-08-29