The Great Cosmic Controversy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: TGCC

Program Code: TGCC000002A

00:15 Well, hello everybody again.
00:18 It's good to see you all here for session number two
00:22 of this series.
00:23 We're talking about the great controversy between
00:27 good and evil, and how God solves this problem
00:31 through the Sanctuary service.
00:33 Now before we begin our study this evening,
00:35 which is titled, God's Judgment Process,
00:39 we do want to ask for the Lord's special presence with us.
00:42 And so I invite you to bow your heads with me as we pray.
00:46 Father in heaven, we thank You for bringing us
00:49 to this place once again.
00:51 I thank You for all of those who have taken time
00:53 from their busy schedule to come and be at this meeting tonight.
00:58 And we ask that You will be with us through the presence
01:00 of Your Holy Spirit, that You might give us understanding,
01:04 and that we might know that You are taking all the necessary
01:07 steps to vindicate Your character once and for all
01:12 forever before the universe.
01:14 And we thank You for hearing our prayer,
01:16 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
01:21 In our last study together, we were reading some verses
01:26 that indicate that all of the universe is observing
01:31 the problem of evil as it develops,
01:34 not only in this world, but in heaven as well.
01:38 And so I want to begin with one of those text that
01:41 we studied yesterday.
01:43 1 Corinthians 4:9
01:47 And it's very unusual that I would read a text
01:50 from the New International Version.
01:52 I'm actually a New King James guy.
01:55 But the translation in the NIV, I believe, captures best
02:00 the meaning of this text so that it's very understandable.
02:05 And so in 1 Corinthians 4:9, the apostle Paul writes...
02:17 So notice, Paul is saying that the apostles are on display.
02:22 The word, "display," here is the word, "apodeiknumi,"
02:27 which means, to demonstrate, to expose to view,
02:30 or to exhibit.
02:32 In other words, there's some aspect in which the apostles
02:35 are being exhibited.
02:37 So notice once again...
02:49 So he's using the illustration of what was done in Rome
02:53 by taking criminals to the Colosseum to have them
02:57 fight with wild beasts while the spectators watch
03:00 what was happening.
03:01 And so basically the apostle Paul is saying,
03:03 "Us apostles are being taken to the arena as a display
03:08 or as a demonstration."
03:10 And then he continues writing...
03:18 The word, "spectacle," is the Greek word, "theatron,"
03:22 from where we get the word, "theater."
03:24 In other words, this is a drama that is taking place.
03:28 And it's being observed by witnesses.
03:32 And the apostles are on display before these witnesses.
03:36 Now I want to read particularly the last part of this verse.
03:40 It says, "We have been made a spectacle..."
03:42 That is, a theater.
03:44 " the whole universe..."
03:47 The word there that is used is the word, "cosmos."
03:50 " angels as well as to men."
03:54 So notice, the apostles were on display.
03:57 This was a theatrical, a real theatrical display,
04:01 that was being viewed, or testified to, by men
04:07 as well as by angels.
04:09 In other words, heaven and earth are both
04:12 observing and watching what is happening here
04:16 on this earth.
04:17 And then we read 1 Peter 1:12, where it's speaking about the
04:22 message that was given to the Old Testament prophets.
04:26 And I read there from 1 Peter 1:12, "To them..."
04:30 That is, to the prophets of the Old Testament.
04:47 So in other words, the apostles wrote, not for their time
04:49 primarily, they wrote for our time because what they
04:52 wrote about is fulfilled in our time.
04:55 And notice the last part of the verse.
05:03 So basically, the plan of salvation which was described
05:07 by the prophets, which is fulfilled in our time,
05:11 had to do with things that angels desire to look into.
05:16 Angels are studying the plan of salvation, in other words.
05:20 Let's notice a few other verses that show that not only
05:23 this world, but heaven is involved in witnessing
05:27 the great controversy that is transpiring here on this earth.
05:31 Notice Colossians 1:19-20.
05:35 Colossians 1:19-20
05:38 It says there, "For it pleased the Father that in Him..."
05:42 That is, in Jesus.
05:44 "...all the fullness should dwell, and by Him..."
05:48 That is, by Jesus.
05:50 " reconcile all things to Himself, by Him..."
05:56 That is, by Jesus.
06:07 So notice, the cross not only reconciles the earth with God,
06:11 but it also reconciles what?
06:14 It reconciles heaven with God.
06:16 Because heaven catches a glimpse of what the character of God
06:20 is truly like.
06:22 Notice Luke 15:10.
06:24 Heaven is very closely linked with planet earth.
06:28 Heaven is watching what is happening on planet earth.
06:31 They're involved in the situation here.
06:34 Notice Luke 15:10.
06:36 Speaking about the angels, it says...
06:39 Jesus is speaking, by the way.
06:50 So when a sinner repents on earth, does that have
06:53 implications or repercussions in heaven?
06:55 It most certainly does.
06:57 Because Jesus said that there is joy in the presence
07:01 of the angels when one sinner repents.
07:04 Notice Luke 12:8.
07:06 Time and again we have this theme that heaven is involved
07:09 in this controversy on earth.
07:11 They are not only involved as witnesses, but they are
07:15 actively involved as well.
07:17 Luke 12:8
07:19 And we'll also read verse 9.
07:22 Jesus is speaking once again.
07:43 So notice, our names are being confessed before the angels.
07:47 The angels are observing our cases, in other words,
07:52 in the judgment.
07:53 Notice Revelation 3:5.
07:55 Revelation 3:5 once again speaks about God presenting
08:00 our name before the angels.
08:02 It reads there...
08:03 Once again, Jesus is speaking.
08:20 There it is again.
08:21 Notice, the angels are involved with what's
08:24 happening on this earth.
08:25 Notice also Ephesians 3:8-11.
08:32 This is a rather long passage, but it has very many
08:35 important points.
08:37 This is how it reads.
08:38 "To me..." That is, to Paul.
08:54 Notice he's saying, "I'm preaching so that
08:56 everyone can see."
08:58 Can see what?
08:59 Let's continue.
09:21 Now notice that the manifold wisdom of God
09:24 needs to be demonstrated.
09:25 Notice to whom it needs to be demonstrated to.
09:28 It's demonstrated " the church to the principalities
09:32 and powers..." Where?
09:34 " heavenly places..."
09:42 So once again you have the idea that the church is to
09:46 make known the plan of salvation, not only on this
09:50 earth, but to the principalities and powers
09:53 in heavenly places.
09:54 That's referring, not only to the angels, but it's referring
09:58 to the inhabitants of other worlds as well.
10:01 Notice Romans...
10:03 Well, before we go to Romans, let's go to Psalm 51:1-4.
10:07 And then we'll go to Romans 3:4.
10:09 There's a little difference here.
10:11 Romans 3:4 quotes Psalm 51, but in the quotation,
10:16 it changes it a little bit.
10:18 You know, if I was to ask you,
10:21 "In the judgment, who is it that is judged?"
10:24 you probably would say, "Well, we are the ones who are judged.
10:28 God judges us."
10:29 But there's another sense in which during the judgment
10:33 it is God who is being judged.
10:35 Now notice what we find in Psalm 51:1-4.
10:39 Of course, this is the penitential psalm of David
10:43 after he committed adultery with Bathsheba
10:47 and after he had her husband killed in the battle front.
10:50 It says there...
11:24 Does God say that we are all sinners, yes or no?
11:28 The Bible says that we are all sinners.
11:30 God says that we are all sinners.
11:32 Now if we openly confess that we are sinners,
11:35 is God judging us correctly?
11:38 Absolutely.
11:39 But what if we should say that we're not sinners.
11:42 Well, then we run into certain problems.
11:45 Now notice how Romans 3:4 quotes these verses from Psalm 51.
11:54 It says there...
11:57 This is Romans 3:4.
12:05 That is, those who say that they haven't sinned.
12:08 Now speaking about God.
12:19 Did you catch that?
12:21 In Psalm it says, "You will be found guiltless when You judge."
12:25 But when it's quoted by Paul in Romans 3:4,
12:28 he says that, "You might be found..." What?
12:32 "...that You might be found just when You are judged."
12:36 And so basically, in the judgment God is judging us.
12:40 But in the process of judging us, God Himself
12:44 is being judged by the universe to see if God
12:47 is pronouncing a righteous and a true judgment.
12:52 Perhaps the clearest indication that we have in the Bible
12:55 of this connection between heaven and earth,
12:58 of this involvement of heaven with earth,
13:01 is in the story of Job.
13:03 I wish I had a couple of hours just to talk
13:05 about the story of Job.
13:07 But we don't have the time to do it, so let me just synthesize.
13:10 In Job 1 it says that the sons of God come to present
13:14 themselves before the Lord.
13:16 And among them comes Satan.
13:19 And then God says to Satan,
13:21 "Have you considered My servant Job?
13:24 He is a blameless man, he eschews evil,
13:28 and he's righteous even though he lives in your territory."
13:31 I'm paraphrasing what God says.
13:34 And Satan says, "Oh, well of course he's faithful to You.
13:37 Because You favor him."
13:41 You remember one of the arguments that Lucifer
13:43 used in heaven?
13:45 "Oh yeah, You have favorites. Your Son is Your favorite.
13:47 Yeah, You take Him under Your wing.
13:49 You don't let anybody else in."
13:50 And so the devil says, or Satan says to God,
13:54 "Well, you know, of course he serves You.
13:57 Because You do everything good to him,
13:59 while You don't do good things to everybody else.
14:01 But if You allowed me to touch him, he would blaspheme
14:05 You to Your face."
14:06 Now we need to understand that all the
14:08 sons of God are present there.
14:09 The representatives of the worlds are there
14:12 in the heavenly council.
14:14 Now God could have said to Satan, "Nah, you're lying.
14:18 Don't believe what's he's saying."
14:19 God could have said that, but the heavenly beings
14:22 would have thought, "Hmm, what is God afraid of."
14:25 And so God says to Satan, "Oh, so you say that he serves Me
14:28 for the loaves and the fishes?
14:30 I'll let you do anything you want to him,
14:32 only don't touch him."
14:33 And so we know the story.
14:35 The devil goes out and he afflicts Job by making him
14:39 lose everything that he has; children, servants, beasts.
14:44 Everything that he owned he lost.
14:47 And instead of blaspheming God, Job says, "God gave and
14:52 God has taken away.
14:53 Blessed be the name of the Lord."
14:55 And so how is God looking before the heavenly council?
14:58 God is seen to be truthful.
15:00 And Job is seen to be faithful to God because he loves God.
15:04 Not because of the loaves and the fishes.
15:06 And so you have a second council meeting in heaven.
15:09 And once again, the sons of God who had left the first meeting,
15:12 it says that they come again to the presence of God.
15:15 And God says to Satan, "Have you seen My servant Job,
15:19 that he's still faithful to Me in spite of the fact
15:21 that you turned Me against him?"
15:23 And the devil says, "Of course.
15:25 Because You only let me take stuff away from him,
15:27 but You didn't let me touch him.
15:29 If You let me touch him,
15:31 he would blaspheme You to Your face."
15:33 And so God could have said, "No, no, the trial is over.
15:37 He's never going to do that."
15:39 He could have said that.
15:40 The heavenly beings would have thought,
15:42 "Hmm, we wonder what God is really afraid of.
15:45 You know, He's not letting Satan do it because He's afraid that
15:49 Job might apostatize."
15:50 And so God says to Satan, "Okay, you can do anything you want.
15:55 You can touch him any way that you want,
15:58 only I forbid you to take his life.
16:00 Because if you take his life, then the trial is over."
16:03 And so Satan goes out and he afflicts Job with boils
16:06 from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet.
16:10 And then he loses the support of his wife.
16:12 His wife says, "Curse God and die."
16:14 And his three friends come to console him.
16:17 And even his three friends turn to be his accusers.
16:21 And then Job feels that God Himself has forsaken him,
16:24 because he cries out to God and God apparently does not
16:27 listen to what he's saying.
16:28 He's lost everything except his life.
16:31 And yet Job remained faithful to God.
16:35 God was shown true before the heavenly council.
16:38 And Satan was shown to be wrong.
16:41 Are you following me or not?
16:42 And so we find in this story this controversy between
16:46 heaven and earth, and how God is made to look good
16:51 when His people are faithful to Him
16:53 even in the worst circumstances.
16:56 Now what we're going to study...
16:58 That was just the conclusion of our last study.
17:00 And now we are going to enter into our study on the judgment,
17:06 the judgment process.
17:08 I'd like to begin by sharing with you a list
17:12 of the beings in the universe that are involved
17:16 in this controversy.
17:18 First of all, God is involved.
17:20 God is the accused.
17:22 In the story of Job, it's not Job that is accused.
17:26 God is accused of favoring Job.
17:28 And so we need to understand that in the Bible,
17:31 the devil, yes he's the accuser of the brethren,
17:34 but primarily the devil is accusing God.
17:37 And so the accused in the whole great controversy
17:40 is God Himself.
17:42 Now another group that is involved in this
17:45 great controversy are the heavenly beings who remained
17:49 faithful to God.
17:51 And I've mentioned that those heavenly beings
17:53 who remained faithful to God are, first of all, the angels
17:58 that did not give in to Satan's temptations.
18:00 And secondly, the representatives
18:03 or the inhabitants of all of the worlds of the universe.
18:06 So there is a group of heavenly beings that are faithful to God.
18:11 They're involved in the great controversy
18:13 because they're observing how the great controversy
18:16 develops and how God is going to resolve this problem.
18:20 Now there's also a group of earthly beings
18:23 who are faithful to God.
18:25 The earthly beings are composed of the righteous
18:28 who died before the second coming of Christ
18:31 and the righteous who will be alive when Jesus comes.
18:35 And so among the righteous you have the dead in Christ
18:39 who die before Jesus comes, and you have the living
18:42 righteous who will be alive and remain when Jesus comes.
18:46 Then you also have a group of heavenly beings
18:49 that are unfaithful; which is the devil and his angels.
18:54 They're heavenly beings; they were cast to the earth,
18:56 but they still had their origin in heaven.
18:58 They also are involved in the great controversy.
19:02 And finally, you have a group of human beings on earth
19:06 that are also unfaithful to God.
19:09 So basically summarizing, God is the accused.
19:13 There's a group of heavenly beings who are faithful to God;
19:16 the angels and the inhabitants of the worlds.
19:19 There's a group of earthly beings who are faithful to God.
19:22 Those who died in Christ and those who are alive
19:24 when Jesus comes.
19:26 You have a group of heavenly beings that were
19:28 unfaithful to God.
19:29 That is Satan and his angels.
19:32 And finally, you have a group of earthly beings
19:35 that are unfaithful to God; which are those who chose sin
19:40 and rejected Jesus Christ as their Savior.
19:44 Now the purpose of the judgment is to clear up the issues
19:50 of the great controversy before each one of these groups.
19:54 In other words, when each one of these groups
19:57 is persuaded and convinced that God was just and loving
20:01 in the way in which He dealt with sin,
20:04 only then will God be able to destroy sin and sinners.
20:09 Every single group must be convinced.
20:12 The heavenly beings who remained faithful to God,
20:14 the earthly beings who remained faithful to God,
20:17 the heavenly beings who were unfaithful to God,
20:20 and the earthly beings who were unfaithful to God.
20:23 When all of these groups have been persuaded,
20:26 then God can bring the great controversy to an end
20:31 and He can cleanse the universe from sin and sinners.
20:36 Now, there are three stages of the judgment process.
20:41 You know, if you asked a common ordinary Christian
20:45 from any church when the judgment takes place,
20:50 most likely they would tell you that the judgment takes place
20:54 when Jesus comes.
20:56 And they get this, for example, from the creed where it says
20:59 that Jesus will come to judge the living and the dead.
21:02 So for them, the judgment is when Jesus comes
21:05 for the second time.
21:06 But even before that, they don't realize it,
21:09 but they believe that the judgment is when a person dies.
21:13 Because most churches teach that when a person dies,
21:15 if they were good they're whisked off to heaven.
21:18 And if they were wicked, they're sent to hell.
21:21 So basically they were judged at a certain moment when they died.
21:25 But they also say, "Well, you know, the final judgment
21:28 is going to be when Jesus comes again."
21:31 And then the righteous will be saved,
21:33 and the wicked then will be confined to hell,
21:36 not only from death till the coming of Jesus,
21:39 but forever and ever.
21:40 That's basically their concept of the judgment.
21:43 But the Bible describes the judgment, not as an event.
21:47 The judgment is a process.
21:50 We need to understand that the judgment is not an event,
21:53 the judgment is a process.
21:56 A process that, we're going to study, began in 1844
22:00 and does not end until the wicked are destroyed
22:04 after the millennium.
22:06 So in other words, for hundreds and hundreds of years
22:10 the judgment takes place, and the judgment occurs
22:14 in three successive stages.
22:17 Now you say, what are the three successive stages?
22:22 We're going to study those in a few moments,
22:24 but I also would like to mention something else
22:27 to set the stage for what we're going to discuss.
22:30 Not only does the judgment take place in three successive
22:34 historical stages, but each stage of the judgment
22:38 consists of three steps.
22:40 Each of those three stages consists of three steps.
22:44 Now you say, what are the three steps?
22:47 You know, the human system of jurisprudence
22:51 is built on God's method of judgment.
22:55 You say, how is that?
22:57 The first step of each stage of the judgment
23:02 is an investigation of the case.
23:06 Let me ask you, in earthly tribunals when a judgment
23:10 is going to take place, is the case examined first?
23:13 Is the evidence presented first?
23:16 Absolutely.
23:17 You have an examination of the evidence,
23:19 an investigation of the evidence.
23:21 That is the first step of the judgment.
23:24 The second step of the judgment is, after the case has been
23:28 evaluated, examined, investigated,
23:32 and it's been discovered whether the person is innocent
23:35 or guilty, then the sentence is pronounced.
23:39 That's the second step of the judgment.
23:42 And then once the sentence is pronounced,
23:45 the time comes for the third step; which is the
23:49 execution of the sentence.
23:51 Are you following me or not?
23:53 Is that the way our system of justice works
23:55 in the United States?
23:57 Absolutely.
23:58 Democratic countries operate that way.
24:00 There's an investigation of the case to determine
24:03 whether the person is innocent or guilty.
24:05 Then you have the sentence based on the
24:07 examination of the evidence.
24:09 And finally you have the execution or the implementation
24:13 of the sentence that was given based on the evidence.
24:17 So what I want us to remember now, as we're going to get into
24:21 a study of the stages, is there are three successive historical
24:25 stages to the judgment.
24:27 And each of those stages follows these three steps.
24:31 Investigation, sentence, and execution of the sentence.
24:36 Now, the first phase of the judgment takes place
24:43 before the second coming of Christ.
24:46 In fact, now we are living in the time of the judgment.
24:51 Now you say, what is the purpose of this stage of the judgment?
24:55 The purpose of this stage...
24:57 And by the way, later on in this series we're going to study
24:59 this in much more detail.
25:01 Today we're looking at the global picture so that later
25:04 we'll be able to fit all of the pieces into the global picture.
25:07 But what is the purpose of this stage of the judgment
25:11 before the second coming of Christ?
25:13 The purpose is to persuade the heavenly beings
25:17 that God acted correctly in every case that is examined
25:23 of those who profess Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.
25:26 You see, among those who profess Jesus,
25:29 are there individuals who are true believers
25:32 and others who are not true believers?
25:34 Of course.
25:36 Do you have true and false virgins?
25:40 You have five wise and five what?
25:43 Foolish.
25:44 They all have a lamp.
25:45 They all have the Bible.
25:47 And a certain measure of the oil, which is the Holy Spirit.
25:49 And yet, one group are counterfeit believers.
25:53 In the church, is there wheat and also tares in the church?
25:57 Absolutely.
25:58 Are there those people who say, "Lord, Lord,"
26:01 but Jesus says, "I don't know you"?
26:04 Are there people who have the form of godliness
26:07 but don't have the power of godliness in their lives?
26:10 Are there even ministers that disguise themselves
26:13 as ministers of righteousness when they're not really
26:16 ministers of righteousness?
26:18 Are there good and bad fish in the church
26:21 that the fishermen bring into the boat, or into the church?
26:24 Absolutely.
26:25 Are there true and counterfeit believers
26:28 in the wedding chamber?
26:30 You know the parable of Matthew 22.
26:33 And so not everybody who professes the name of
26:35 Jesus Christ is a true believer.
26:38 And so God is going to open up the records of all of those
26:42 who profess the name of Jesus Christ.
26:45 The judgment before the second coming is only of those
26:48 who claimed Jesus Christ as Savior and as Lord;
26:53 to sift between the genuine and the counterfeit.
26:56 Are you following me or not?
26:58 And the purpose is that the heavenly beings will see that
27:01 God acted correctly in every single case
27:05 and that God has a right to bring those who are
27:08 faithful believers to heaven with Him when He comes
27:11 for the second time.
27:13 In other words, does a judgment have to take place
27:16 before Jesus comes to determine who Jesus can take to heaven?
27:19 Of course.
27:21 There has to be investigation, a sentence, and then when Jesus
27:24 comes He executes the sentence or He gives the reward.
27:28 Are you following me or not?
27:29 And so the purpose of the judgment before the
27:32 second coming of Jesus is to separate true believers
27:36 from counterfeit believers in the view of the heavenly jury
27:39 so that Jesus, when He comes to take the genuine believers,
27:44 the whole universe will say, "You brought the ones here
27:48 who really were worthy to be brought here."
27:51 The purpose of the second stage of the judgment
27:54 we will look at after we examine some verses
27:57 about the pre-advent investigative judgment.
28:00 Now let's notice several text in the Bible that describe this
28:05 stage of the judgment before the second coming of Jesus.
28:09 Go with me to Daniel 7.
28:11 We'll read verses 9 and 10,
28:13 and then we'll read verses 13 and 14.
28:17 Now you know Daniel 7 describes a series of beasts
28:20 that represent historical stages.
28:23 First of all, you have a lion that represents
28:25 the kingdom of Babylon.
28:27 Then you have a bear, which is the Medes and Persians.
28:30 Then you have a leopard, which represents Greece.
28:32 Then you have a dragon beast that represents Rome.
28:35 Then the dragon beast sprouts ten horns.
28:37 And that represents the divisions of the Roman Empire.
28:41 Then among the ten horns rises a little horn.
28:44 That's Papal Rome that rules for 1260 years.
28:49 At the end of the 1260 years, you have the verses
28:54 that we're going to read now.
28:55 Verse 9...
29:03 Who is the Ancient of Days?
29:05 It's God the Father.
29:06 Where does God the Father live?
29:08 We pray, "Our Father, which art everywhere?"
29:11 No, that's not the way we pray.
29:12 "Our Father, which art..." Where?
29:13 " heaven." The Father dwells in heaven.
29:16 Remember that.
29:20 Now if He was seated, He wasn't seated there before.
29:24 Are you following me or not?
29:44 Who are those, the ten thousand times ten thousand?
29:47 The angels. Where do the angels live?
29:48 In heaven.
29:50 They're in the presence of the Father.
29:51 And then notice what it says.
29:57 So what is going to begin at this point?
30:00 The heavenly judgment.
30:02 It's going to take place in heaven.
30:04 And it takes place after the year 1798.
30:08 Because this comes after the dominion of the little horn.
30:11 Now Daniel 7 doesn't give us the exact date.
30:14 We're going to study that a little bit later on,
30:16 but it is after 1798.
30:19 Now, let's go in our Bibles to verses 13 and 14.
30:24 See, the Father moves, He sits, and the judgment begins.
30:29 And then immediately after, notice what happens in verse 13.
30:39 Who is that, the Son of Man? Jesus.
30:44 What are the clouds?
30:46 The angels.
30:49 Now the Millerites said, "Oh, this is the second coming of Jesus."
30:52 No it's not the second coming of Jesus, because it doesn't
30:55 say here that the Son of Man comes to the earth.
30:57 Where does He go?
31:03 He goes to the judgment chamber in heaven.
31:11 Now why did Jesus go there?
31:12 Why did Jesus go there to where the Father was?
31:16 And the Father sits to begin the judgment, the books are opened.
31:20 Why does Jesus go there?
31:22 Notice verse 14.
31:24 "Then to Him..." That is, to Jesus.
31:32 So what does Jesus go there for? To receive what?
31:34 The kingdom. To receive the kingdom.
31:59 Now what is Christ's kingdom?
32:01 We usually have the tendency to think that the kingdom
32:04 is a geographical territory.
32:07 You know, for example, the United Kingdom.
32:11 We think that's Ireland, and Scotland, and England.
32:15 But in the Bible when it speaks about the kingdom,
32:18 it is really referring to the subjects of the kingdom,
32:21 the people that belong to the kingdom.
32:24 Now is it necessary for an investigation in the judgment
32:28 to be made to show who is a member of Christ's kingdom?
32:33 Absolutely.
32:34 And so Jesus goes to the Ancient of Days
32:37 so that it can be revealed who are subjects of His kingdom.
32:40 And when the judgment is over, His kingdom is made up.
32:44 Because it's been determined who the subjects of His kingdom are.
32:49 Now let's go also to Revelation 14:6-7.
32:52 We're talking about the first step of the
32:56 first phase of the judgment.
32:57 The investigative stage.
32:59 Notice Revelation 14:6-7.
33:03 This is the first angel's message.
33:05 You know, in Revelation you have three messages,
33:07 which are God's last messages to the world.
33:10 And this is the first of the three.
33:12 It says there in Revelation 14:6-7...
33:27 Question, while the gospel is preached
33:31 can people still be saved?
33:33 That's kind of a dumb question.
33:35 But I ask a dumb question to make a point.
33:37 Of course.
33:38 If the gospel is preached to every nation, kindred,
33:40 tongue, and people, people can still be saved.
33:43 Right? The door of mercy has not closed.
33:45 But now notice what verse 7 continues saying.
33:49 It says in verse 7, "...saying with a loud voice,
33:52 'Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment
33:57 will come.'"
34:00 That you very much.
34:01 In the Greek, it is an aorist.
34:04 That is a past tense.
34:06 In other words, the first angel is saying,
34:09 "The hour of His judgment has come."
34:12 Does the judgment then begin while the gospel
34:15 is being preached?
34:16 Very clearly, the gospel is preached.
34:18 And the judgment begins while the gospel is being preached.
34:22 So must the judgment, the investigative stage anyway,
34:26 be before the second coming of Christ?
34:28 Absolutely.
34:30 Now I want you to notice also the moment when the
34:32 sentence is pronounced.
34:34 After the judgment comes to an end...
34:35 This is the investigative stage, the first step
34:38 of the first phase of the judgment.
34:40 As soon as it's finished, a pronouncement is made.
34:44 It's found in Revelation 22:11.
34:47 This is the sentence.
34:48 Revelation 22:11.
34:52 It says there...
35:14 Does that sound pretty final?
35:16 Pretty much.
35:17 Because it's describing the close of probation
35:21 after each case has been examined and investigated.
35:25 And the kingdom of Christ is made up because Christ has
35:28 revealed before the heavenly universe who is His true child,
35:32 who is a genuine believer.
35:35 Now after this in the very next verse, we have the time
35:39 when the sentence is executed or when the sentence is rewarded.
35:45 Notice Revelation 22:12.
35:49 Jesus says...
35:55 What does Jesus bring when He comes?
35:57 His what?
35:59 Now if Jesus brings the reward, must He have determined
36:01 in the judgment before what the reward is going to be?
36:05 Of course. Absolutely.
36:07 And so here you have the implementation or the execution
36:10 of the verdict that was given in the judgment.
36:27 So here you have the first phase of the judgment.
36:31 It's before the second coming.
36:33 It is to judge the righteous.
36:35 For Christ to make up His kingdom and reveal to the
36:38 heavenly universe who is worthy of being taken to heaven
36:41 when Jesus comes.
36:42 Then you have the sentence,
36:44 where every case has been decided.
36:46 And then Jesus comes to give the reward based on the sentence
36:50 that was given, which is based on the investigation
36:53 that was made.
36:54 It follows the same system of jurisprudence of
36:57 the United States and many other democratic countries.
37:01 We copied it from God, actually.
37:04 Now, there's a second stage of the judgment.
37:08 The second stage takes place during the thousand years.
37:13 Now during the thousand years, this is after the second coming,
37:16 during the thousand years the righteous will be in heaven.
37:21 Because Jesus is going to come to take them to heaven, right?
37:23 The Bible tells us, Jesus says, "In My Father's house
37:26 are many mansions.
37:27 If it were not so, I would have told you.
37:29 I go to prepare a place for you.
37:31 And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again
37:34 and receive you to Myself."
37:36 So when Jesus comes the second time,
37:38 He takes His people to heaven.
37:39 He takes the saints to heaven.
37:41 Those who have been proven worthy in the judgment
37:44 to be taken there.
37:46 And then in heaven God's people will be involved
37:50 in a process of judgment.
37:52 Now for who's benefit is this stage of the judgment?
37:56 It's for the benefit of the righteous.
37:58 You see, are there going to be a lot of people missing in heaven
38:00 that the righteous felt should be there?
38:03 That had pretty moral lives?
38:05 And they're wondering, "Hey, why isn't so and so here?
38:09 That person was so nice.
38:11 He never spoke an evil word."
38:13 You know?
38:14 And Jesus is going to open up the records
38:17 to the saints who went to heaven with Him,
38:20 and He's going to show to them how He was righteous
38:23 and true, gave every opportunity to all of those
38:27 who stayed behind to be saved,
38:29 and that they rejected salvation.
38:32 When this phase of the judgment ends, God's people
38:35 are going to be convinced that everyone that is there
38:38 deserves to be there and everybody that stayed behind
38:42 deserved to stay behind.
38:44 It's to persuade the righteous that God acted correctly
38:47 in every single case.
38:49 Are you following me?
38:50 Now, let's notice the stages of this second
38:54 phase of the judgment.
38:56 Go with me to Revelation 20:4.
38:58 Revelation 20:4.
39:00 Here we have the investigation and the sentencing.
39:04 Notice what it says there in verse 4.
39:15 So notice that those who sit on thrones, they're going to
39:18 receive the work of judgment.
39:20 They're going to be working in a judgment
39:22 during the thousand years.
39:24 So it continues saying...
39:34 Now don't get all hung up over the souls crying out.
39:38 You know, this is figurative language.
39:40 This is not literal language.
39:42 The word, "soul," in the New Testament
39:44 is also translated, "life."
39:46 In fact, in the Bible it says that the blood
39:49 of man is his soul.
39:50 The blood is his life.
39:53 Probably the best explanation for the souls crying out here,
39:56 they're the same souls that were crying out
39:58 under the fifth seal in Revelation 6:9-11,
40:01 is the story of Cain and Abel.
40:03 Was an injustice done in the case of
40:05 the story of Cain and Abel?
40:07 Did the bad guy live and the good guy die?
40:11 Of course.
40:12 What happened with the blood of Abel?
40:14 What did the blood of Abel do?
40:15 God said to Cain, "The blood of your brother Abel
40:18 cries out to Me from the ground."
40:20 So it's the life of Abel that is crying out.
40:23 It's not some intangible soul that's flying off somewhere.
40:28 And so here it says, once again...
40:32 This is the righteous. They go to heaven.
40:35 They're going to judge.
40:55 So those who are going to judge during the thousand years,
40:57 are they going to be alive and in heaven
40:59 during the thousand years?
41:00 Yes.
41:01 And so you say, "But Pastor Bohr,
41:03 who are they going to judge?"
41:06 Well, let's read another text that describes this judgment
41:10 during the thousand years.
41:11 And then the Bible gives us an answer of who the righteous
41:15 or the saints are going to be judging
41:17 during the thousand years.
41:18 Notice Revelation 20:11-12.
41:22 Revelation 20:11-12
41:26 Verse 11 is describing the second coming of Christ.
41:31 We need to understand that.
41:33 Revelation 20:11 is describing the second coming of Christ.
41:37 And verse 12 is describing the judgment during the millennium.
41:41 Now let's notice verse 11.
41:55 So notice, heaven and earth fade away,
41:58 and there's no place for them.
42:01 Now you say, how do you know that's describing
42:03 the second coming?
42:04 Because this same idea is repeated in Revelation 6:14-17.
42:10 Let's read that carefully.
42:12 Speaking about the second coming, it says...
42:19 So you see, the heavens fade away.
42:21 And then it says...
42:26 There's the key word, "...out of its place."
42:28 So Revelation 20:11 and Revelation 6:14
42:34 are describing the second coming of Jesus.
42:36 And then of course it continues saying in verse 15...
42:59 This is describing the second coming of Christ, right?
43:02 So is He sitting on a throne, according to this,
43:04 at the second coming?
43:06 Absolutely.
43:07 It speaks about one who is seated on the throne.
43:09 Does it say that the heaven fades away
43:12 as a scroll? Yes.
43:14 Does it say that every mountain and island on earth disappears?
43:18 Of course.
43:19 And so Revelation 20:11 is describing the
43:22 second coming of Jesus.
43:23 Let's read it again.
43:34 And then notice what comes next.
43:36 What comes next in verse 13 is the millennial judgment
43:41 after the second coming.
43:43 Notice what it says in verse 12.
43:45 "And I saw the dead..."
43:47 Which dead would this be?
43:49 Is this the righteous dead?
43:50 No, because the righteous dead resurrected when Jesus came.
43:53 So which dead must this be?
43:55 It must be the wicked dead.
43:57 And so it says...
44:03 And you say, "Now wait a minute, pastor.
44:04 How can dead people stand before God?"
44:08 Does it say that these are dead people standing before God?
44:11 Yes, that's what it says.
44:12 It says, "And I saw the dead..."
44:25 So when they're judged, are they dead?
44:28 When they're judged are they dead, yes or no?
44:30 Yes, it says, "And the dead were judged..."
44:36 So how is it that the dead stand before God?
44:39 We're going to study this in more detail later on.
44:41 They stand before God through the record of their life
44:44 in the heavenly books.
44:47 They don't stand there personally.
44:49 And believe me, we have a whole lecture where we're going to
44:52 deal with this aspect of the judgment.
44:54 When it says that the dead stand before God
44:57 and the dead are judged during the millennium,
44:59 what it simply is saying is that God keeps a biography
45:04 of everyone on earth of their entire life
45:08 in the heavenly records.
45:09 And that is what is examined during the thousand years.
45:13 The dead, as individuals, are dead during the thousand years.
45:18 But they are before the throne of God
45:20 through the record of their lives.
45:22 Are you following me or not?
45:23 And by the way, I'm going to cover this
45:25 with luxury of detail later on in our series.
45:29 So notice it says that the dead are judged during
45:33 the thousand years.
45:35 Now the question is, who are they going to judge?
45:40 Well, here we have something very interesting.
45:44 A text that many people don't even look at.
45:47 Adventists do, but from other churches.
45:50 It's like this text doesn't really exist
45:52 in the minds of people.
45:54 Notice 1 Corinthians 6:1-3.
45:56 It clearly says who the saints are going to judge.
46:00 The apostle Paul is speaking here of lawsuits,
46:02 that we should not take one another to court.
46:05 And he says this...
46:14 In other words, if you have a beef with one of the
46:16 church members, are you going to take that case
46:19 to the worldly courts to make the church look bad?
46:22 Verse 2...
46:26 What?
46:28 What does, "the world," mean?
46:30 It must be the worldlings.
46:31 It's not talking about the righteous.
46:33 It's not talking about the saved.
46:35 Jesus said, "Love not the world, nor the things
46:37 that are in the world."
46:39 He says that he who makes himself a friend of the world
46:43 is an enemy of God.
46:44 So the word, "world," refers to the unrighteous.
46:47 So the apostle Paul is saying, "Don't you know that the
46:50 saints are going to judge the unrighteous?"
46:52 But not only the unrighteous.
46:54 Notice what it continues saying in verse 2...
47:11 What are the saints going to judge?
47:13 Not only the ungodly, the world, but they're going to judge what?
47:18 Angels.
47:19 Which angels would those be?
47:21 The righteous angels?
47:23 Do the righteous angels need a judgment?
47:25 No.
47:26 It's the wicked angels who need a judgment.
47:28 And so it says clearly here that the saints
47:31 will judge the world, the ungodly, and they will judge
47:36 the fallen angels, Satan and his angels.
47:39 And by the way, this is exactly what Revelation 20:4 says.
47:43 It says, "Judgment was committed to them."
47:46 God's people will judge during the thousand years.
47:48 Because God wants to show them that He was right
47:51 in taking those to heaven that He did
47:53 and in leaving behind those that He left behind.
47:58 Now there's another step or another phase to the judgment.
48:02 The third phase of the judgment.
48:04 It takes place after the thousand years.
48:07 Now let me just say, you're probably wondering,
48:10 you're saying, "Okay, we understood the investigation.
48:14 We understood the sentencing.
48:16 But where is the execution of the sentence of those
48:19 who were judged during the thousand years?"
48:21 Well, the execution of the sentence doesn't take place
48:24 until after the thousand years.
48:25 That's when the wicked are cast where?
48:28 Into the lake of fire with the devil and his angels.
48:30 That's the execution of the sentence that is investigated
48:34 and pronounced during the thousand years.
48:37 But let's talk briefly about the judgment that takes place
48:41 after the thousand years.
48:43 Now who does God want to convince of His righteousness
48:48 and of His love in the judgment that takes place
48:51 after the thousand years?
48:53 Well the purpose of the judgment after the thousand years
48:58 is to even convince the wicked and Satan and his angels
49:03 that God was right in excluding them from heaven.
49:08 In other words, God is going to prove before the heavenly beings
49:13 that He was right.
49:14 He's going to prove before the saints that He was right.
49:16 And He's going to prove to the devil and his angels
49:19 and the wicked that He was right.
49:21 And only when the whole universe recognizes that God
49:25 was right in His judgment will God be able to eradicate sin.
49:29 Because everybody will be on the same page.
49:33 Are you following me or not?
49:34 What a wonderful God, who even is going to make it
49:37 necessary for the wicked and the devil and his angels
49:41 to see the righteousness of their sentence,
49:43 and how God is love.
49:46 Now let's read several text that describe the judgment
49:50 after the second coming of Jesus.
49:52 Go with me to Revelation 20:13.
49:55 Revelation 20:13.
49:59 This is describing what happens after the millennium.
50:03 So notice, Revelation 20:11 is the second coming.
50:06 Revelation 20:12 is the judgment during the thousand years
50:10 when the dead stand before God.
50:12 But verse 13 describes the time when the dead
50:15 are going to resurrect, the wicked dead are
50:17 going to resurrect.
50:18 Notice once again Revelation 20:13.
50:26 Hades is the grave, by the way.
50:31 What do these expressions mean, "the sea gave up
50:36 the dead who were in it," and, "Death and the grave
50:39 delivered up the dead who were in them"?
50:41 What does it mean, "gave up," and, "delivered up"?
50:45 It's talking about the what?
50:47 The resurrection of the wicked.
50:49 In a moment I'm going to read you another parallel verse
50:52 that uses similar language.
50:54 And notice what it continues saying.
51:00 So is there a judgment that takes place after
51:03 the resurrection of the wicked?
51:04 Absolutely.
51:06 Very clearly this verse tells us so.
51:08 It says the sea gives up the dead in it;
51:11 that's the resurrection of the wicked.
51:13 Death and the grave deliver up the dead that were in them.
51:16 And then it says that once they're raised,
51:20 they are what?
51:21 They are judged, each one according to his works.
51:24 They were judged during the thousand years
51:26 so that the saints could see why they were lost,
51:29 whereas after the thousand years they are judged
51:32 while they're alive so that they can confess
51:34 the justice of their sentence.
51:36 And Satan and his angels themselves will bow
51:39 and say that God has acted correctly, God has been right.
51:43 Notice Isaiah 26:19 where this idiom is used about "giving up."
51:50 Isaiah 26:19 says...
52:04 Who are those who dwell in the dust?
52:06 It's the dead, right?
52:07 The dead dwell in the dust.
52:09 And then it says...
52:17 You see the similarity in the terminology
52:20 that we found in the book of Revelation?
52:22 And so after the millennium, the Bible tells us
52:25 in Revelation 20:5 that the rest of the dead resurrect
52:30 after the thousand years.
52:32 And when they resurrect, they will be able to see,
52:36 there will be an investigation that will show them
52:39 the righteousness of their sentence.
52:41 And then they will kneel and they will
52:43 pronounce their own sentence.
52:44 They will say, "Just and true are Your ways, O God.
52:47 We deserve to be destroyed.
52:49 You gave us an opportunity to be saved,
52:52 and we rejected it."
52:54 And then what is going to happen?
52:56 God is going to execute the judgment that was determined
53:01 in the investigation and was shown to these wicked people
53:06 and to the devil and his angels.
53:08 Are you following me or not?
53:09 Now, let's notice the execution of the sentence
53:12 in Revelation 20:14-15.
53:15 And then we will notice Revelation 21:8.
53:18 This is the sentence and the execution,
53:22 the final execution of the sentence.
53:27 That is, the grave.
53:35 Now let's unpack that for a moment.
53:38 What is the death that the wicked are going to suffer?
53:41 What is their final punishment for sin?
53:43 The second death.
53:44 Can you have a second death unless you had the first?
53:47 No.
53:49 Let me tell you what the scenario is.
53:51 Many who live before the second coming of Christ,
53:54 ungodly, died right, before Jesus came?
53:57 And then others died when Jesus came, right?
54:00 So all of the wicked were dead.
54:03 Did they die once?
54:05 Yes. That's their first death.
54:06 Is that their punishment for sin?
54:08 No. Why couldn't it be?
54:10 Because they have not seen their day in court.
54:14 See, God is going to show them in a court of law
54:17 that he was right.
54:18 He would not give them second death without them saying
54:22 that we deserve it.
54:24 Are you following me or not?
54:25 And so basically what we find is that God reveals to them
54:30 their cases, and then they will suffer second death.
54:35 Which means that the first death was before Jesus came,
54:38 or at the moment of the second coming of Jesus.
54:41 And the second death is a death from which there will be
54:44 no resurrection.
54:47 That is the final execution of the sentence against those
54:50 who rejected Jesus.
54:52 So it says in verses 14 and 15...
55:07 Now you say, "Pastor, what was in the books
55:10 that condemned the wicked?"
55:12 Oh we don't have to guess, because the Bible gives us
55:15 a description of what was found in the records of the wicked.
55:18 Notice Revelation 21:8.
55:21 Revelation 21:8.
55:39 Is that a list of the things that are found in the records
55:43 of the wicked?
55:45 Absolutely.
55:46 What's going to happen with them?
55:47 Based on what is found in the books, all of these sins,
55:50 of which they did not repent, they did not confess them,
55:53 and they did not trust in Jesus as their Savior,
55:56 it says...
56:10 So does this make sense, what we've studied this evening?
56:14 You see, the judgment is not an event.
56:18 The judgment is a process.
56:21 A three phase process.
56:24 And each phase is composed of three steps.
56:28 Investigating the case, then pronouncing the sentence
56:33 based on the evidence, and finally executing the sentence
56:37 based on the evidence and the pronunciation of the sentence.
56:41 In other words, God will not condemn anyone without
56:46 them having their day in court.
56:49 They will confess before the universe that God was right.
56:53 God will convince all of the heavenly universe
56:56 that He was just and He was loving.
56:59 He will convince the righteous during the thousand years
57:01 that He was just and He was loving
57:04 in leaving behind those who stayed behind
57:06 and in taking to heaven those whom He took.
57:10 And finally, He will even convince the devil
57:13 and his angels, and the wicked themselves,
57:15 that He has dealt justly with them, that He loved them,
57:19 that He gave them every opportunity to receive
57:21 Jesus as Savior.
57:23 He gave them every opportunity to be saved.
57:26 And yet, every opportunity was slighted and rejected.
57:31 And therefore, Satan and his angels, and the wicked,
57:35 will pronounce their own sentence.
57:38 They will say, "Just and true are Your ways, O God."
57:42 And then, and only then, will God be able to destroy
57:46 sin and sinners from the universe.
57:49 Because everybody is on the same page.
57:54 Don't we have a wonderful God?
57:56 A God who cares what His creatures think.
57:59 Now don't miss our next study.
58:00 We will be studying about the entrance of Jesus
58:03 as the Lamb to the camp of God's people.


Revised 2016-08-22