The Great Cosmic Controversy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: TGCC

Program Code: TGCC000001A

00:15 Well it's so nice to see all of you here today.
00:17 Today we're going to begin a new series.
00:20 The series is titled, The Great Cosmic Controversy,
00:26 and the subtitle, How God Clears His Name From All False Charges.
00:31 And basically, this is a nine part series.
00:35 And we're going to be producing this series
00:37 during the next couple of weeks.
00:38 And I hope it will be a blessing.
00:40 Before we begin, I think it would be a great idea
00:44 for us to have a word of prayer.
00:46 Never should we open the Word of God without asking
00:49 for divine guidance.
00:50 So I invite you to bow your heads reverently
00:52 with me as we pray.
00:54 Father in heaven, we come before Your awesome throne
00:57 to thank You, because we know that You are a good God.
01:00 You're a God of love, a God of mercy, and a God of justice.
01:04 We know that many of the charges that have been launched
01:07 against You are untrue.
01:08 In fact, all of the accusations are untrue.
01:12 And so we want to study about Your character
01:15 and how You resolve the problem of evil.
01:17 And we just ask for Your guidance, not only in this
01:20 first session, but in every one of the sessions
01:22 that we will meet together.
01:24 And we thank You beforehand for hearing our prayer,
01:27 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus.
01:30 Amen.
01:33 In this series, we are going to study the worldview
01:38 of the Bible and of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:43 This worldview of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
01:47 which is also the worldview of the Bible,
01:50 is composed of two specific parts.
01:54 Number one, the great cosmic and universal controversy
02:00 between good and evil; that is the problem.
02:04 And the second part of our study will be how the Sanctuary
02:09 service illustrates the method that God uses
02:13 to solve the universal cosmic problem of evil.
02:18 So basically, the problem is the cosmic and universal conflict.
02:23 And the solution is revealed in the Sanctuary that God
02:28 commanded Moses to build, and then later on Solomon.
02:33 Now there are several biblical doctrines that the
02:36 Seventh-day Adventist Church shares in common
02:39 with other churches.
02:41 For example, we believe in baptism by immersion.
02:45 That is no unique.
02:46 We believe in the vicarious substitutionary sacrifice
02:51 of Jesus Christ on the cross.
02:53 We believe that Jesus lived a perfect life;
02:56 a life without sin.
02:57 We believe that Jesus resurrected from the dead,
03:01 that He ascended to heaven, and that He is interceding
03:04 for those who come to God through Him.
03:07 Even some of the distinctive doctrines of
03:09 the Seventh-day Adventist Church are also held in common
03:13 by other churches.
03:14 For example, the idea that the dead are dead
03:18 until the resurrection.
03:19 There is one church, the Jehovah's Witnesses,
03:22 who believe in the same way as Seventh-day Adventists
03:25 on this particular doctrine.
03:27 And then we have the doctrine of the Sabbath.
03:30 Once again, it's a distinctive doctrine of the
03:32 Seventh-day Adventist Church, but it is not unique to the
03:35 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
03:37 Because there are Pentecostal churches that observe
03:40 the Sabbath, there are the Seventh-day Baptist,
03:43 of course the Jews observe the Sabbath as well.
03:46 So even though the Sabbath is a distinctive doctrine of the
03:49 Seventh-day Adventist Church, it is not unique only to
03:53 Seventh-day Adventists.
03:54 And then we have the doctrine of healthful living.
03:57 You know, the Seventh-day Adventist Church teaches
03:59 that we're not suppose to smoke, we're not suppose to drink,
04:02 we're not suppose to be doing drugs.
04:05 And that's not unique to the
04:06 Seventh-day Adventist Church either.
04:08 The Mormons, for example, have very high health principles.
04:13 And so even the distinctive doctrines of the
04:16 Seventh-day Adventist Church are not unique to the
04:19 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
04:21 But there is one theological concept
04:25 that is exclusively and uniquely Seventh-day Adventist.
04:29 And that is the doctrine of the Sanctuary.
04:33 Particularly the work of Jesus in the Most Holy Place
04:38 of the heavenly Sanctuary.
04:40 The Sanctuary is not merely one of the doctrines of
04:44 the Seventh-day Adventist Church or of the Bible.
04:47 It is the worldview of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
04:52 It is the concept that glues together all of the doctrines
04:56 in a beautiful system of truth.
05:00 Each of the doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
05:03 are merely parts of a whole.
05:06 In other words, the Sanctuary brings together
05:10 all of the doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
05:13 in a beautiful Mosaic.
05:16 So the Sanctuary is not one doctrine among many.
05:19 The Sanctuary is the worldview that brings together
05:24 in a unified whole all of the doctrines of the
05:27 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
05:29 Ellen White clearly stated the importance of
05:34 the Sanctuary doctrine.
05:36 In Letter 208, in the year 1906, Ellen White expressed the very
05:45 great importance of the doctrine of the Sanctuary,
05:47 or the concept of the Sanctuary.
05:50 And I read...
06:00 Notice that. Once again...
06:10 And referring to the importance of our belief that 1844
06:14 marks the beginning of the heavenly judgment,
06:17 and speaking specifically about Daniel 8:14,
06:22 in the book, Great Controversy, page 409,
06:25 Ellen White makes this statement...
06:48 So notice Ellen White refers to the Sanctuary doctrine
06:51 as the foundation and the central pillar
06:55 of the advent movement of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
06:59 In other words, the Sanctuary is not merely one of the
07:02 building blocks of Seventh-day Adventist theology.
07:05 The Sanctuary is the foundation of the entire building.
07:11 In this series, we are going to follow Jesus
07:15 in the Sanctuary to the camp.
07:18 Then we're going to follow Him to the altar of sacrifice.
07:21 Then we will follow Him to the laver.
07:24 Next we will go with Jesus to the Holy Place,
07:27 then to the Most Holy Place.
07:30 And then at the end of our series, we will go back
07:33 to the court where you have the famous scapegoat ceremony.
07:38 We will notice that each one of those places that
07:40 Jesus moves to is one part of the solution
07:46 to the great cosmic and universal problem of evil.
07:50 We're going to understand each function of Jesus
07:52 and how each of those functions helps solve
07:56 the problem of evil and clear the name of God
08:00 that has been smeared by Satan in the course
08:04 of the last six thousand years.
08:06 Now virtually all Christian churches, if you should ask them
08:11 why Jesus came to this world, they would most likely tell you
08:15 that Jesus came to this world to save human beings.
08:20 And I would say that is one of the reasons why Jesus
08:24 came to this world.
08:26 But there is a much broader and deeper reason why Jesus
08:30 came to this world.
08:32 I would like to read a statement that we find in that classic
08:35 book, Patriarchs and Prophets.
08:38 It's one of my favorite books written by Ellen White.
08:41 It provides the history of, actually not only the world,
08:45 it begins with the origin of evil in heaven.
08:48 And then it traces the history of the Old Testament
08:51 up to the time of the Hebrew kings.
08:54 And in this statement, Ellen White explains
08:57 the tremendous importance of understanding
09:00 why Jesus came to this world in its broadest
09:04 and deepest sense.
09:06 I'm reading now from, Patriarchs and Prophets, pages 68-69.
09:21 Did you catch that?
09:23 Once again...
09:32 Not only to save man.
09:53 That is the broadest and deepest reason
09:56 for the plan of salvation.
09:58 Once again...
10:02 Because His character has been smeared by an enemy.
10:06 She continues writing...
10:33 Now some versions say, "I will draw all men unto Me."
10:36 The word, "men," is not in the original.
10:38 What Jesus is saying, "I will draw all unto Me."
10:42 Heaven and earth, the whole universe,
10:44 would be drawn to Jesus through the plan of salvation.
10:48 And then she ends this statement by saying...
11:18 So the deepest and broadest purpose of the plan of salvation
11:22 is not to save man, but in the process of saving man,
11:27 to vindicate or exonerate the character of God
11:31 before the universe.
11:33 To clear up all of those smears that the enemy has launched
11:37 against God.
11:39 So we are dealing with a much broader problem
11:43 than just sin in this world.
11:45 The great controversy between good and evil
11:48 is not confined to this atom of a world.
11:52 The problem is cosmic and universal.
11:55 That is to say, the entire universe is involved
11:59 in this problem of evil.
12:02 God has permitted what has been happening
12:04 during the last six thousand years because He wants,
12:09 in the process, to exonerate His character.
12:13 You see, the Bible tells us that the conflict
12:15 did not even originate here on this earth.
12:17 The Bible tells us that the conflict between good and evil
12:21 originated in heaven in the very presence of God.
12:25 The purpose of the plan of salvation is to vaccinate
12:29 the universe against the possibility of sin ever
12:33 rising again in the future.
12:37 That is, God has permitted the existence of sin.
12:40 God has allowed Satan to develop the principles
12:43 of his kingdom because God has in mind the eternal security
12:48 of the universe.
12:50 You see, God does not implement quick solutions to problems
12:55 that temporarily solve the problem.
12:58 Us humans usually want quick solutions.
13:01 For example, if we have a headache, we'll take a Tylenol.
13:04 But we don't really deal with what caused the headache,
13:07 which is the real problem.
13:08 Because we want our problem solved quickly.
13:11 God does not do that type of thing with the universal
13:14 and cosmic problem of evil.
13:17 God takes His time.
13:19 Because He is not going to leave any loose ends
13:23 when sin comes to an end.
13:25 Sin will never rise again in the universe because God has
13:29 allowed sin to develop during the last six thousand years.
13:34 When the problem is solved, it will be solved eternally
13:39 and universally.
13:40 And the Bible says that evil will not rise a second time.
13:46 So as we study this, we're going to see that
13:48 God has allowed sin to take its course, to ripen,
13:53 to mature, so that we could understand
13:56 the difference between the character of Satan
13:59 and the character of God.
14:02 Now on Mount Sinai, God showed Moses a scale model
14:08 of the heavenly Sanctuary and told Moses to build
14:12 a copy of the scale model.
14:15 Now God did not show Moses at the top of the mount
14:19 the heavenly Sanctuary.
14:20 Because the heavenly Sanctuary is huge.
14:22 It's much larger than the earthly Sanctuary,
14:24 than any Sanctuary that was built here.
14:26 What God showed Moses was a scale model of the
14:29 heavenly Sanctuary, and told Moses, "I want you to build
14:33 the Sanctuary according to the scale model,
14:35 which is a miniature copy or shadow of the true
14:39 and original Sanctuary in heaven."
14:42 In other words, the earthly Sanctuary is a reflection
14:45 of the heavenly Sanctuary.
14:47 It is a miniature of the heavenly Sanctuary.
14:50 A scale model, if you please, of the heavenly Sanctuary.
14:54 After the author of Hebrews, after the writer of Hebrews
14:58 described the services of the earthly Sanctuary,
15:02 he stated the following...
15:04 This is found in Hebrews 8:5.
15:07 He's just described the ministration in the
15:09 earthly Sanctuary, and then he says this...
15:17 In other words, what happened on earth was
15:20 a copy and a shadow of the heavenly things.
15:35 So he was shown a pattern of the heavenly Sanctuary.
15:38 So basically what this is saying is that the earthly Sanctuary
15:43 has its counterpart in the heavenly Sanctuary,
15:46 which is much larger and much greater
15:49 than the earthly Sanctuary.
15:52 Now this is an important detail in the series of studies that
15:56 we are going to have together in this place.
15:59 I'd like to invite you to go with me to Exodus 25:19-20.
16:04 Exodus 25:19-20
16:08 And we're going to take a look at the description of the
16:11 Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary.
16:15 And we're going to deal, first of all, with
16:16 the earthly Sanctuary.
16:18 Exodus 25:19-20 is describing the ark of the covenant.
16:24 I'm sure that you've all heard about the ark of the covenant.
16:27 And it tells us there, and we're going to read the text
16:30 in a few moments, that at each side of the ark of the covenant
16:37 was what is known as a cherub.
16:40 On one side there was a cherub, and on the other side
16:43 there was a cherub.
16:44 And in the middle at the very cover of the ark
16:49 was what is known as the mercy seat.
16:51 That's where the glory of God descended upon the ark.
16:54 It represented the throne of God, in other word.
16:58 Now let's read Exodus 25:19-20 where this ark of the covenant
17:05 is described with the two cherubs, one on each side.
17:09 It says here, and God is speaking to Moses...
17:28 Now this is an important detail.
17:30 "And the cherubim shall..."
17:33 And what's the next word?
17:36 "...covering..." That's an important word.
17:38 That's why they're called, covering cherubs.
17:41 It's because their wings covered the mercy seat.
17:44 So once again it says...
17:58 So you can imagine what this is like.
18:00 You have the ark of the covenant.
18:02 The cover of the ark of the covenant where the glory
18:04 of God was manifested.
18:06 At each side of the ark of the covenant is one of the cherubs,
18:10 or the two cherubim.
18:12 And between, you have a representation
18:15 of the throne of God.
18:17 You say, "How do we know that?"
18:18 Well go with me to Psalm 80:1.
18:21 Psalm 80:1 tells us where God dwells in the Sanctuary.
18:26 It says there in Psalm 80:1...
18:43 So where does God dwell?
18:45 He dwells between the cherubim.
18:47 And what was between the cherubim?
18:49 The mercy seat.
18:51 And that's where the glory of God descended
18:53 in the earthly Sanctuary.
18:55 It fell on the mercy seat between the two cherubs.
18:59 Now there's another detail that I want us to notice
19:01 about the earthly Sanctuary.
19:04 And that is that underneath the mercy seat
19:08 were the tables that contained the ten commandments.
19:10 Notice Deuteronomy 10:5.
19:14 Deuteronomy 10 verse 5 tells us very clearly
19:17 that beneath the mercy seat...
19:19 And this is why we believe that the ten commandments
19:21 are the foundation of God's throne,
19:24 they're underneath God's throne, in other words.
19:27 It's because the tables of the law were under the mercy seat.
19:31 It says there in Deuteronomy 10:5...
19:35 This is Moses speaking.
19:47 So are you catching the picture of the Most Holy Place?
19:50 Once again, you have the ark of the covenant.
19:52 In the middle, the mercy seat representing God's throne.
19:56 Because He dwelt between the cherubim.
19:58 At each side of the ark there was a cherub.
20:01 And underneath the mercy seat, the foundation of God's throne,
20:05 were the ten commandments of God's holy law.
20:09 Now another important point that we need to realize
20:11 is that inside the Sanctuary there were angels
20:15 embroidered on all of the curtains of the Sanctuary.
20:18 In other words, God's throne is surrounded,
20:21 not only by the two cherubs, but by millions
20:24 and millions of angels.
20:25 I want you to go with me to Job 38:4-7.
20:30 You see, God, before He created this world,
20:32 created millions and millions of angels.
20:35 The Bible refers to them as ten thousand times ten thousand
20:40 and thousands of thousands.
20:41 Because there was no word for million in Greek.
20:44 And so all you could do was multiply thousands.
20:46 But basically, this means that there were millions and millions
20:49 of angels that were created by God.
20:52 Now there's a very important point.
20:54 If you asked some Christians today who the angels are,
20:58 they probably will tell you that they are the spirits
21:01 of the departed that come back to help human beings.
21:05 That is a false idea that is contrary to Scripture.
21:09 Because the Bible tells us that the angels existed
21:11 before this world did.
21:13 Let's read it, Job 38:4-7.
21:17 Job 38:4-7
21:20 Here, God asked Job a series of questions.
21:25 And I want you to notice how verse 7 ends
21:27 after we read the questions.
21:29 It says there in verse 4...
21:42 God is speaking somewhat sarcastically to Job.
21:53 What event is being described in these questions?
21:56 Clearly it is what?
21:58 It is creation.
22:00 But now notice verse 7.
22:02 It says that when God created the universe...
22:12 So did these stars of heaven and the sons of God exist
22:17 when this world was created?
22:18 Absolutely.
22:20 They are not the spirits of departed human beings.
22:23 The angels are a separate class of beings that
22:26 God created long before the creation of this world.
22:31 Incidentally, the stars in the Bible represent angels.
22:35 So when it says the morning stars sang together,
22:39 it's saying that the angels sang.
22:41 You say, "Well, where does the Bible say that?"
22:43 Revelation 1:20
22:44 We don't have time to read all of these verses.
22:47 I hope that you'll write them down.
22:49 Revelation 1:20 clearly says that the seven stars
22:53 related to the churches represent seven angels.
22:57 And of course, Revelation 12:4 says that the devil
23:01 took a third of the stars of heaven with him,
23:04 which represents the angels.
23:06 So the stars of heaven represent the angels, the morning stars.
23:10 What is represented by the sons of God?
23:13 I don't have time to get into the details regarding this,
23:16 but the sons of God are the representatives of the worlds
23:19 that never sinned.
23:21 You say, "Well how do you know that?"
23:22 Well, I'll just give you one inkling.
23:24 You remember once upon a time in the book of Job it says
23:27 that God had a meeting in heaven where He called
23:30 all of the sons of God to come to that heavenly meeting.
23:33 Who came among the sons of God?
23:37 Satan came among the sons of God.
23:39 Now where did Satan come from?
23:42 He says, "I came from the earth."
23:44 So why is he in that meeting?
23:46 Who should have been in that meeting?
23:48 Adam should have been in that meeting because
23:49 he was the father and representative of the race.
23:52 But when Satan conquered Adam, he took the place that Adam had.
23:57 And so Satan goes to that meeting
23:59 representing this planet.
24:00 So let me ask you, if Satan goes there as the representative
24:05 of planet earth, who must the other sons of God be?
24:09 They must be representatives of other worlds.
24:12 And incidentally, we know that these are not common angels.
24:16 Because the Bible tells us that they came to present
24:19 themselves before the Lord.
24:21 The angels are in the presence of the Lord always.
24:23 But these come from some place to present
24:25 themselves before the Lord.
24:26 And after the first meeting they go back to where they came from.
24:30 And then there's a second meeting, and it says
24:32 again they come to present themselves before the Lord.
24:34 They're coming from different parts of the universe.
24:37 So basically, what this is telling us is that all of the
24:41 heavenly universe, the angels, and the representatives
24:44 of worlds that never sinned sang for joy when God
24:48 created this world.
24:51 Now the Bible tells us that there was one angel
24:54 that was above all of the other angels.
24:57 He was beautiful and he was wise.
25:01 Ezekiel 28:12 describes him.
25:04 He's known as Lucifer.
25:06 Ezekiel 28:12, God speaking about this being, Lucifer,
25:11 states the following...
25:20 Notice the description of this being.
25:22 All wise and just absolutely beautiful.
25:27 The Bible tells us exactly what the function of this
25:30 angel above all angels was.
25:33 Notice verse 14 of Ezekiel 28.
25:35 Verse 14 tells us what the position of this angel was,
25:40 this angel which was the leader of the angels.
25:43 In fact, some people think that he was the director
25:45 of the heavenly choirs because musical instruments
25:49 were created for him the day that he was created.
25:52 It says there in Ezekiel 28:14 what the function
25:56 of this angel was.
26:04 Now did we notice something about covering cherubs
26:06 some other place?
26:07 Now we're talking about the original.
26:09 We're not talking about the copy.
26:11 We're not talking about angels that are made out of gold,
26:14 you know, on the mercy seat covering,
26:17 and just the glory of God coming down upon the ark.
26:20 We're talking about the real Sanctuary in heaven.
26:23 And we're told here that this being was one of
26:27 the two covering cherubs.
26:29 It says, "You are the cherub who covers."
26:31 So must there be an ark of the covenant
26:33 in the heavenly Sanctuary?
26:35 Absolutely.
26:36 In fact, the Bible tells us there is.
26:38 In Revelation 11:19 it says the temple of God was
26:41 opened in heaven and the ark of His testament
26:44 was seen in His temple.
26:46 So we know that in heaven there is a temple,
26:49 and there is an ark of the covenant.
26:51 And originally there were two cherubs.
26:53 And one of those cherubs was called Lucifer.
26:58 He's called, the anointed cherub who covers.
27:01 And there, God dwelt between the cherubim.
27:04 Like we read in Psalm 80:1.
27:09 But there came a moment in which this angel
27:12 known as Lucifer was filled unexplainably with jealousy
27:19 and with envy against Jesus Christ.
27:23 Sin raised its ugly head first in heaven,
27:27 not on earth.
27:29 The problem of sin is cosmic.
27:31 It begins in heaven above in the very presence of God.
27:36 The story of the rebellion of this majestic angel
27:40 is sad and astounding.
27:43 You see, Jesus sat at the right hand of His Father
27:46 on the throne and shared all the mysteries of the kingdom,
27:50 including the Father explaining to Him and sharing with Him
27:54 the plan of creation.
27:56 In fact, the Bible tells us that everything in the universe
27:58 was created by the Father through Jesus.
28:01 Jesus had an intimate fellowship with His Father.
28:04 His Father shared the secrets of the kingdom with Him.
28:08 The Bible tells us that Lucifer was filled with jealousy
28:11 because Jesus was consulted and he wasn't.
28:15 Because Jesus had a special intimacy with the
28:17 Father and he did not.
28:18 Because the Father shared secrets with Jesus
28:21 that He did not share with Lucifer and the other angels.
28:24 Ellen White describes this in a magnificent way in,
28:28 Early Writings, page 145.
29:01 You've read that in Genesis, right?
29:03 Now we know who was speaking to whom.
29:05 The Father was speaking to the Son.
29:33 Envious and jealous of Jesus, the position that Jesus had
29:37 at the right hand of the Father.
29:40 And so Lucifer came up with a plan that he was going to
29:43 overthrow God from His throne.
29:46 We find that in Isaiah 14:12-14.
29:50 Isaiah 14:12-14
29:53 Here it says, speaking of Lucifer...
29:59 And notice what his problem is.
30:19 He had a severe "I" problem, didn't he?
30:21 It's called myopia, nearsightedness.
30:23 All he could see was himself.
30:26 So sin in its origin is selfishness.
30:31 So he said, "I'm going to be like the Most High.
30:34 I'm going to occupy the place of the Most High."
30:37 But Lucifer knew that alone he could not accomplish anything.
30:42 So he decided to implant his spirit in the minds
30:46 of the heavenly angels.
30:48 He needed to gain sympathizers or co-conspirators with him
30:52 in order to be successful.
30:54 Because he knew that with just one, just himself,
30:57 it was not going to be possible.
30:59 Now in order to gain supporters and fellow conspirators,
31:04 of course he needed to smear and tarnish
31:07 the reputation of God.
31:09 He needed to make God's government look bad.
31:14 And of course, for this he had to use deceit,
31:16 he had to use lies.
31:18 Because we know that God and His government
31:20 are holy, just, and good.
31:25 And God is love, and God is mercy, and God is justice.
31:28 Everything about God is good.
31:30 But Lucifer had to implant in the ideas of the heavenly beings
31:35 the idea that God's government was despotic,
31:38 that God could not be trusted, that God was not love,
31:41 that God wasn't just, that God keeps secrets,
31:44 that God is selfish.
31:46 He had to tarnish and smear the reputation of God.
31:51 The Bible tells us very clearly that this is exactly
31:54 what Lucifer did.
31:56 Notice John 8:44 where it's speaking about
32:00 the nature of Lucifer at the very beginning.
32:03 By the way, later he becomes the devil or Satan,
32:06 the ancient serpent.
32:08 He has many less than desirable names later on.
32:11 Notice John 8:44.
32:14 Here, Jesus is speaking to the Jews of His day.
32:33 Speaking about Satan.
32:41 So since when is Satan a liar?
32:44 From the very beginning he's a liar.
32:47 From the very time that he was in heaven.
32:49 Now go with me to Ezekiel 28:16.
32:53 Ezekiel 28:16
32:55 This is an interesting verse.
32:56 You know, for a long time I struggled with the meaning of
32:59 one particular word in this verse.
33:01 It says there...
33:03 And by the way, this is speaking about the king of Tyre.
33:06 Tyre was one of the commercial centers in the ancient world.
33:09 There was much commerce on ships at that time.
33:13 Notice Ezekiel 28:16.
33:20 This is speaking about Lucifer.
33:36 So notice, "By the abundance of your trading," it says,
33:40 "you were filled with violence within, and you sinned."
33:43 Now what does that mean, "By the abundance of your trading"?
33:46 What was Lucifer trading in heaven?
33:51 Well, the word, "trading," is a commercial term, isn't it?
33:55 We use it for the world of commerce.
33:58 Now what was Satan trying to trade in heaven?
34:04 Well even today we use figuratively commercial terms
34:08 when we speak about an individual who tries to
34:11 convince us that something is the truth and we don't really
34:14 believe it's the truth.
34:16 Have you ever heard the expression, "I'm not buying it"?
34:20 Somebody tells you something and you have a hard time
34:23 believing it, you say, "I'm not buying it."
34:25 In fact, I looked the figurative meaning
34:28 of the word, "trading," or, "buying,"
34:31 and this is one of the definitions:
34:33 "Trying to get someone to believe your story."
34:37 So what was Lucifer doing in heaven?
34:38 He was trading lies.
34:40 In other words, he was trying to sell lies to the heavenly angels
34:44 about God and his character.
34:46 Incidentally, the root word that is used here, "trading,"
34:51 is used in two other text which I want us to notice now.
34:54 Ezekiel 22:9
34:56 The very same root word, but it's not translated the same.
34:59 Notice Ezekiel 22:9.
35:02 It says, speaking about Israel, it says...
35:12 That word, "slander," is the same root word.
35:15 What is slander?
35:17 Does slander have to do with lying?
35:19 You better believe it.
35:20 So it says...
35:29 And then Leviticus 19:16 uses the same root word, "trading."
35:35 And it doesn't translate it, "slander."
35:37 It uses another word.
35:39 God is speaking to Israel about not being talebearers.
35:43 It says there...
35:48 The same root word.
35:50 So what does trading mean?
35:52 It means, to slander, and it means to be a what?
35:56 It means, to be a talebearer.
35:59 That's exactly what Lucifer was doing in heaven.
36:02 He was slandering God, he was libeling God,
36:06 he was trying to smear the good character of God.
36:10 And the Bible tells us that a third of the angels
36:12 bought the lie.
36:14 Now, one of the great attacks of Lucifer against God
36:18 was against His holy law.
36:21 Many Christians believe that the law had its
36:23 beginning at Mount Sinai.
36:25 That's not true.
36:27 Notice Ezekiel 28:16 once again.
36:39 Notice, Lucifer what?
36:41 Sinned.
36:51 So it says that Lucifer sinned where?
36:54 In heaven he sinned.
36:56 Now, of course, we need to ask the question,
36:58 if he sinned, what is sin?
37:00 Well the Bible tells us what sin is.
37:02 1 John 3, we will read verse 4 and then we will read verse 8.
37:09 1 John 3:4, 8
37:20 I like the King James translation; "Sin is..." What?
37:23 "...the transgression of the law."
37:25 So was there a law to transgress in heaven?
37:28 Of course, because Lucifer what? Sinned.
37:31 And sin is the transgression of the law.
37:34 So the law did not begin at Mount Sinai.
37:37 Incidentally, you remember that in the earthly Sanctuary
37:41 inside the ark were the tables of the law?
37:44 Now the earthly Sanctuary was a copy of the heavenly.
37:46 Do you suppose that the heavenly also has
37:49 the tables of the ten commandments if the earthly
37:51 is a reflection of the heavenly?
37:53 Of course.
37:54 Notice Revelation 11:19.
37:57 I've mentioned this verse before.
38:04 Do you know why it's called, the ark of His covenant?
38:07 Because the covenant is the ten commandments.
38:09 So in other words, in heaven there's an ark.
38:11 And the ark contains the ten commandments.
38:13 The earth had an ark and the ten commandments were in it as well.
38:18 So this covering cherub on one side of the throne of God
38:23 had a issue with God's commandments.
38:27 Now what were Satan's arguments against God?
38:32 I want you to remember his arguments because
38:34 in a moment we're going to come back to those arguments
38:36 in Genesis 3.
38:37 Do you know the devil used the same method on earth
38:39 to deceive Adam and Eve as he used in heaven?
38:41 The very same methods.
38:43 And we're going to notice that.
38:44 So remember the arguments that I'm going to go through now
38:47 that Lucifer used against God in heaven, because
38:50 we're going to encounter those again when
38:52 Satan comes to tempt Adam and Eve.
38:55 First, "God is a respecter of persons," is what Lucifer said.
39:01 "He plays favorites.
39:04 He consulted His Son, but He does not consult
39:07 all of us, the angels.
39:09 We do not have the same privileges as Jesus does.
39:13 Jesus receives special treatment."
39:16 In other words, God actually is a respecter of persons.
39:22 Another argument which Lucifer used is that God keeps secrets
39:27 that only His Son can know.
39:30 And He doesn't want anybody else to know those secrets.
39:33 So God keeps secrets.
39:36 Another thing that he argued against God is that
39:38 the law of God takes away freedom.
39:40 It restricts our liberty.
39:42 I want to read you a couple of statements.
39:44 One from, Patriarchs and Prophets,
39:46 and the other from, Great Controversy, page 499.
39:50 The one in, Patriarchs and Prophets, page 37, says...
39:53 "He..." That is Lucifer.
40:10 Now listen carefully.
40:14 They didn't need God to tell them what to do.
40:16 Their own wisdom would tell them what to do.
40:19 She continues writing...
40:58 Are you catching the picture?
41:00 An attack against God's law saying it's restrictive
41:04 and wanting to get rid of it.
41:07 Great Controversy, page 499, is the other statement.
41:10 "He..." That is Lucifer.
41:18 Remember that. They should be left to what?
41:21 To follow their own will.
41:24 In other words, "God doesn't have to tell us what's right.
41:27 You know, from inside we'll know what's right and what's wrong."
41:32 She continues writing...
41:45 Are we hearing sermons from the pulpits today where
41:47 they're saying that the law was abolished
41:49 or nailed to the cross?
41:51 Absolutely. Where does that start?
41:53 It starts in heaven.
42:09 Those are almost identical to the words that Ellen White
42:13 describes when she talks about Eve.
42:14 She felt when she ate from the tree that she was entering
42:18 a more exalted sphere of existence.
42:21 But then, of course, she landed.
42:27 Another argument of Lucifer against God is that
42:29 God is selfish.
42:31 He wants everybody to do what He says.
42:34 He wants everybody to be a slave.
42:37 He doesn't want to serve anyone.
42:38 He doesn't lift one finger to serve anyone.
42:41 He wants everybody to serve Him.
42:43 And then finally an argument that Lucifer used is that
42:46 God is absolute justice.
42:48 If you don't obey God's law, His justice will require
42:53 your destruction.
42:55 There's no room for mercy and grace.
42:57 "If you disobey, death is absolutely certain,"
43:01 is what Lucifer said to the angels.
43:02 No room for mercy and for grace.
43:05 Now the question is, why didn't God destroy Lucifer right away?
43:09 Why did He allow sin and evil to continue?
43:14 Folks, it was necessary for God to give time for Lucifer
43:19 to develop his plan of government
43:22 so that everybody could see where his arguments
43:26 would ultimately lead.
43:28 Only in this way could Satan's arguments be fully
43:33 and finally answered by God.
43:35 Satan's plan must be allowed to grow to maturity
43:40 so that the universe could see what was the final fruit
43:44 of his ideas.
43:46 You see, if God had destroyed Lucifer right away,
43:49 doubts would have remained in the minds
43:51 of the heavenly beings.
43:53 They would have said, "Lucifer said that whoever
43:55 does not obey God is wiped out.
43:58 Look, He wiped him out."
44:00 There would have been doubts.
44:02 Secondly, the heavenly beings would have served God
44:05 out of fear and not out of love.
44:08 God cannot accept a service of fear.
44:11 And finally, there always would have been the possibility
44:14 of another rebellion to overthrow this individual
44:18 that they might come to conceive of as a despite.
44:22 So finally, Lucifer won a third of the angels.
44:25 And he decided that he would carry out a military coup
44:29 against the government of God.
44:31 That is described in Revelation 12:7-9.
44:35 Revelation 12:7-9 says...
45:03 And so now Satan is cast out of heaven with a third
45:07 of the angels of heaven, the sympathizers
45:10 or the co-conspirators with Satan.
45:15 And so the Bible tells us that Lucifer ended up
45:18 coming finally to planet earth.
45:22 Now God decided to create Adam and Eve
45:25 in spite of the fact that Lucifer had sinned
45:28 and rebelled in heaven.
45:30 And as we know, God told Adam and Eve,
45:33 "You can eat of every tree of the garden,
45:35 but there's one particular tree that you cannot eat of.
45:39 Because is you eat of that tree, you will surely die."
45:44 But Eve, one day, goes astray from her husband.
45:47 Of course, he should have been looking out for her.
45:49 She ends up under the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
45:53 Very dangerous ground.
45:55 And suddenly, the serpent speaks to her.
45:57 And I want you to notice how the same type of argument
46:01 that Lucifer used in heaven he uses on Eve.
46:05 Let's go to Genesis 3:1.
46:07 And we'll go through this very quickly.
46:09 Genesis 3:1-6
46:21 Would it be a miracle for a serpent to talk?
46:24 See, the devil performs a counterfeit miracle, doesn't he?
46:27 Because he gives the serpent the capacity to talk.
46:30 And Ellen White says that Eve knew that the serpent
46:33 had not been given the ability to talk.
46:36 And so now she says, "God told us that serpents
46:39 could not talk, and now he's talking.
46:40 So why did God lie to us?"
46:42 See, the devil is starting to plant doubts
46:44 about the character of God.
46:46 Now notice, "So he says to the woman..."
46:48 This is a talking snake; a miracle.
46:58 Is that what God has said?
46:59 That they couldn't eat of every tree of the Garden?
47:02 No. What is the devil doing?
47:03 Is he misquoting God's word?
47:05 He's misquoting God's word. Right?
47:08 Now what is the purpose of misquoting God's word?
47:11 Listen, there's no better way of starting a conversation
47:14 than to say something that's wrong.
47:16 It'll get a reaction from somebody, won't it?
47:18 For example, if I said to you, "Do you see this coat
47:21 that I have on tonight?
47:22 It's red."
47:25 You'd have to be color blind.
47:27 Immediately your reaction is, "No it isn't.
47:29 What, are you color blind or something?
47:31 That coat isn't red. It's black."
47:34 So the purpose of making this false statement
47:37 and attributing it to God is to get Eve to respond.
47:41 The devil wants to start a conversation with her
47:44 because he knows that once the conversation starts,
47:47 he'll be able to overwhelm her.
47:50 So it says, once again...
47:56 Oh, now she's going to correct him.
48:11 And now she's going to add to God's word.
48:16 So the devil is misquoting God's word,
48:19 and she, to defend the honor of God, is actually
48:22 adding to God's word.
48:25 And now notice verse 4.
48:28 He has her exactly where he wants her.
48:37 You know what the devil is doing here?
48:38 He's planting what is known as cognitive dissonance
48:42 in psychological terms.
48:44 It's another way of saying that he's planting confusion
48:47 in the mind of Eve.
48:48 He's planting a thought in the mind of Eve.
48:52 What is the thought that he's planting in the mind of Eve?
48:55 Well, she says, "God said that if we eat of the tree,
48:59 we're going to die.
49:00 Now the serpent is telling me that we're not going to die
49:04 if we eat from the tree.
49:05 So the big question is, if we're not going to die,
49:08 why did God say that we were."
49:11 Are you following me or not?
49:12 That's the question that he planted in Eve's mind.
49:15 "Why did God say that we were going to die
49:18 if we eat from the tree if we're not going to really die?"
49:21 Do you suppose the devil had the answer to his own question?
49:23 You better believe he did.
49:25 See, he's playing psychological games here.
49:28 And so it says in verse 4...
49:34 In other words, "God knows something He
49:36 doesn't want you to know."
49:37 God keeps what?
49:39 "God keeps secrets that only He wants to know.
49:43 And you really have a right to know as well."
49:46 Did he use that method in heaven?
49:47 He most certainly did.
49:49 "For God knows that in the day you eat of it
49:53 your eyes will be opened..."
49:55 Is this talking about the physical eyes?
49:57 No, because Eve had...
49:59 Well, I was going to say 20/20 vision.
50:02 It's probably better than that.
50:03 But she was seeing with her physical eyes.
50:06 What the serpent is saying to her is,
50:08 "God wants blind service.
50:11 He wants you to simply serve Him because He says so.
50:14 But if you eat from the tree,
50:15 your eyes are going to be opened."
50:17 In other words, you're going to be wise.
50:21 So he says, "...your eyes will be opened..."
50:24 And now notice this, "...and you will be like..." What?
50:29 Had Lucifer said that in heaven, "I will be like the Most High"?
50:32 Yes, he says, " will be like..." What?
50:35 " God..." Now listen carefully.
50:37 Satan is not telling her, "You'll be little gods."
50:42 You know, the King James Version says, "You shall be like gods."
50:46 No, no.
50:48 What the devil is telling her is, "You are going to be
50:50 on the same level as God."
50:52 "You shall be like God," is what he's saying.
50:56 Now what is the devil really insinuating here?
51:00 What the devil is saying is, "Listen, God told you
51:03 not to eat from the tree because He knew that if
51:07 if you eat from the tree, you're going to be on
51:08 the same level with Him.
51:10 And God doesn't want any competition,
51:12 He doesn't want any rivals.
51:14 He knows that if you eat from the tree,
51:16 you're going to be on the same level.
51:18 And He doesn't want anybody to be on the same level with Him.
51:21 God is selfish.
51:23 God wants blind service.
51:26 God keeps secrets."
51:28 Are you seeing the picture?
51:31 "God lied to you.
51:32 God's a liar because He said you're going to die.
51:35 You're not going to die.
51:36 God is self-serving.
51:38 God wants slaves."
51:39 He's smearing the character of God.
51:42 And Eve is buying into it.
51:44 Now notice the final point in this, verse 5.
51:54 "...and you will be like God," in a particular way.
51:59 In what way?
52:00 "...knowing good and evil..."
52:04 Now let's stop there for a moment.
52:07 Who is it that defines what is good and what is evil?
52:11 Does our heart define what is good and what's evil?
52:14 No. What does?
52:15 God's law.
52:18 So the individual who defines what is good
52:22 and what is evil is God, outside of us.
52:25 It is not our heart, it is not our mind,
52:28 it is not our feelings that define.
52:29 "Oh, I think this is good and I think this is evil."
52:32 No.
52:33 God, because He's the Creator, is the one who defines
52:37 the distinction between good and evil.
52:40 But what is Lucifer, what is the devil telling Eve?
52:43 He's saying, "You will be like God,
52:47 knowing what is good and knowing what is evil
52:50 without God having to tell you what is good and what is evil.
52:54 You will be able to define good and evil for yourself."
52:59 Is that what he argued in heaven?
53:01 Do you notice the two statements from, Patriarchs and Prophets,
53:04 and, Great Controversy?
53:06 Interesting that the devil would use the same methods
53:10 with Eve that he used in heaven.
53:12 Why would he use the same methods?
53:14 He said, "Hey, it worked in heaven.
53:16 So if it worked in heaven, why not try it on earth."
53:19 And he did try it on earth, and he was successful
53:24 in his endeavor.
53:27 Now our time is running out and I have quite a bit of
53:29 material here, so let's go through this
53:31 as quickly as possible.
53:33 All heaven is engaged in observing what is happening
53:39 in the great controversy on a universal level
53:42 as well as on this small earth.
53:46 I want to read, and then in our next lecture I'm
53:49 going to pick up on this.
53:51 I'm going to finish this lecture, and then we're
53:52 going to go also to lecture number two.
53:55 But I want to introduce our next lecture with 1 Corinthians 4:9.
54:00 1 Corinthians 4:9
54:03 This is a significant verse.
54:04 And then we might have time also for 1 Peter 1:12.
54:08 But notice 1 Corinthians 4:9.
54:10 And I'm reading from the New International Version.
54:13 Don't get all bent out of shape over that.
54:16 I believe the King James is a great Bible version.
54:21 And I use King James or New King James most of the time.
54:24 But sometimes, once in a while, there's another version
54:27 that catches the nuance better.
54:29 Notice 1 Corinthians 4:9.
54:31 Here, the apostle Paul says...
54:39 So the apostles, according to Paul, are on what?
54:42 On display.
54:43 The Greek word is, "apodeiknumi."
54:48 It means, to demonstrate, to expose to view,
54:51 or to exhibit.
54:53 In other words, he's saying,
54:54 "Us apostles, we are on exhibit."
55:03 In other words, the apostles are going to die in the arena.
55:06 And they are on what?
55:08 On display.
55:09 Everybody is looking.
55:11 Remember the Colosseum, the Roman Colosseum?
55:12 They were on display and everybody was what? Looking.
55:15 Only this is not talking only about the Colosseum.
55:18 This is talking about the whole universe
55:20 watching what's going on.
55:22 Let's finish reading the text.
55:40 Do you know what that word, "spectacle," is in Greek?
55:43 It's the Greek word, "theatron."
55:46 What word do we get in English from, "theatron"?
55:50 Theater.
55:51 In other words, what is happening in this world
55:54 is like a movie that the universe is watching
56:00 to see who's right and who's wrong,
56:03 whose character is good and whose character is evil.
56:07 So it continues saying here, "We have been made a spectacle,"
56:11 and that is the theater, "to the whole universe..."
56:14 And then it explains what the universe is.
56:18 It says, " angels as well as to men."
56:24 So is this world on display?
56:28 It's on display to angels, to heavenly beings,
56:31 as well as to men.
56:33 Let's notice one more verse, 1 Peter 1:12.
56:36 We'll pick up on a few of them in our next lecture tomorrow.
56:39 This is speaking about the Old Testament Scriptures
56:42 that were given to the prophets.
56:44 It says, "To them..." That is, to the prophets.
57:01 So in other words, what they wrote
57:03 they didn't write for themselves.
57:05 They wrote it for whom?
57:06 For us, in the times of fulfillment.
57:09 And now notice the last part of the verse.
57:11 The last part of the verse says...
57:19 So the plan of salvation in this world is something
57:23 that the angels desire to look into.
57:26 We are the theater of the universe,
57:28 both to angels and to men.
57:30 Angels and the beings of other worlds are watching
57:33 what's happening in this world to see how God will
57:36 clear His name from the accusations that have been
57:39 launched against Him by this enemy of all enemies.
57:44 In other words, the purpose of the plan of salvation
57:46 is not merely to save man.
57:48 It's in the process of saving man God clears Him name
57:54 from all of the accusations that are launched
57:56 against Him by the enemy.
57:58 And when the conflict is over, God's name will be
58:01 totally cleared of any accusations.


Revised 2016-10-19