3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Cancer and Death Are Not God's Will, So Why Do We Get Sick?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA220002A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:14 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today Bible Q and A.
01:18 I'm Jason Bradley,
01:19 and whether you're listening to us on the radio
01:21 or watching on TV,
01:22 we are glad that you are tuning in.
01:25 And we will be answering some questions.
01:28 Well, I won't be answering some questions,
01:29 I'll be reading some questions.
01:31 But we have a wonderful panelists here
01:33 that will be answering those questions.
01:36 I want to share a Bible verse with you
01:39 and it's taken from Psalms 119:105,
01:43 it says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet
01:46 and a light to my path."
01:49 And if you've ever had any questions
01:51 about the Word of God,
01:53 I want you to know
01:54 where you can send those questions
01:57 to receive some answers.
01:59 You can send us an email
02:01 at BibleQA@3abn.TV Again,
02:06 that's BibleQA@3abn.TV
02:11 If you want to text us,
02:12 you can send that text message to 618-228-3975.
02:18 That number again is 618-228-3975.
02:24 Or if you want to send us a message on Instagram,
02:27 you can send it through at 3abn_official.
02:33 Again, send that direct message
02:34 to at 3abn_official
02:39 And here to provide you with answers
02:42 to your Bible questions.
02:45 We have a wonderful panelists, students of the Word
02:47 and servants of the Most High God,
02:49 we have Shelley Quinn.
02:50 Oh, I love that, servants of the Most High God.
02:53 I'm excited that you're sending in your questions
02:56 because we learn so much from each other
02:59 as we study these out and it's really quite fun.
03:02 Amen. Amen. Amen.
03:04 We have next to you, Pastor Ryan Day. Amen.
03:06 Always excited to be a part of Bible Q and A.
03:09 You know, as Shelley says, "We learn so much."
03:11 Sometimes they allow us to look at the questions
03:14 and I always try to pick a question
03:16 that sometimes I don't know,
03:17 it'll cause me to go back into the Word of God
03:19 to dig a little deeper.
03:20 So thank you for your questions.
03:22 We encourage you to continue to send those into us. Amen.
03:24 And we have Pastor John Lomacang,
03:26 it's great to have you.
03:27 Good to be here.
03:29 We always learn something whenever we open the Bible.
03:31 We're not just sharing what we've learned with you,
03:33 but we're learning in the same time.
03:35 Amen. Amen.
03:37 Pastor, would you pray for us, please?
03:39 Sure.
03:40 Loving gracious Father in Heaven,
03:42 this is Your Word.
03:44 We are simply Your servants.
03:46 And we pray as You inspire the prophets of old
03:49 by the unction of Your Holy Spirit
03:51 that You do the same today for us.
03:54 We don't want to just give answers
03:56 but we want to direct people to You and to Your Word,
04:00 which in fact is the only foundation
04:03 upon which they have security, a thus saith the Lord.
04:07 So speak to our hearts, speak through our mouths,
04:10 but may all the glory go to You in Jesus' name.
04:13 Amen. Amen.
04:15 Amen.
04:16 You know, it can be a challenge
04:17 to fit the answers in two minutes,
04:20 the two minutes you have allotted
04:21 and then the three minute question you have even then,
04:24 that's a tight window but,
04:26 Shelley, we're going to come to you.
04:27 This is a three minute question for you.
04:30 And part of this we will answer in an extra question.
04:34 "A pastor is preaching that getting cancer
04:37 and dying and being poor is not God's will for any of us
04:42 and that Christians shouldn't get sick or die early
04:45 because it's our will and we can control it.
04:48 Can you help me find in the Bible
04:50 that we have the authority to override God's plan?"
04:53 This is from Ken out of Durham, North Carolina.
04:55 Okay, and that's a two part question,
04:57 so I'm going to answer the part on getting cancer
05:00 and dying, and then we'll answer the poor
05:03 when we get to our extra questions.
05:05 The issue of getting cancer, the issue of dying,
05:09 this is difficult to deal with.
05:10 But let me just say this, all illness is a curse.
05:16 It's the result of the curse of sin,
05:18 Genesis 3:17, on the earth.
05:22 Now, is it ever our will?
05:25 I guess you could say that if you smoke
05:28 and you get lung cancer, or COPD,
05:32 or suppose that you drink to the point
05:35 of getting cirrhosis or liver cancer
05:39 then I could say, "Yeah, that was your will."
05:42 It wasn't God's will that you go through that.
05:45 But not all cancer is brought about by our will.
05:50 We live in a fallen world
05:53 and the natural course of this decaying fallen world
05:58 is we've got corruptible bodies
06:01 and our bodies are subject to illness and death.
06:06 And you know, we don't put on incorruption
06:11 until the last trumpet.
06:12 So here's a Bible verse for you.
06:16 Corinthians 15:53 says, "This corruptible,"
06:20 this body that can decay,
06:22 this body that can get cancer and die,
06:26 "must put on incorruption,
06:28 the mortal must put on immortality."
06:32 And if you look at that passage in 1 Corinthians 15,
06:36 this happens when Christ returns with a shout.
06:40 Now, let me if you're jotting down scripture references,
06:43 you want to jot down Matthew 17:14-18,
06:49 and Luke 13:10-16.
06:52 Let me repeat, Matthew 17:14-18,
06:57 and Luke 13:10-16.
07:00 What those verses tell us is that Satan
07:03 and his demonic force
07:07 can cause physical suffering.
07:12 But God sometimes allows physical suffering,
07:16 like in the...
07:18 When we think about what Job went through,
07:21 God allowed that,
07:23 so that His perfect will in this great controversy
07:28 between good and evil can be accomplished.
07:31 His sovereign purposes of demonstrating
07:34 to the angels and all.
07:37 Some sickness the Bible lets us know
07:39 can be because of God's loving discipline.
07:45 Psalms 119: 67.
07:47 Psalms 119: 67, "Before I was afflicted,
07:51 I went astray, but now I keep your word."
07:55 And in 2 Timothy 4:20,
07:57 we see Paul had to leave Trophimus in Miletus sick.
08:03 So what we have to remember
08:05 is that God's ways are higher than our ways.
08:08 He knows the end from the beginning,
08:09 He has our eternal benefit in mind.
08:13 And no, it is not a sin
08:16 if you've got cancer and dying.
08:18 Amen.
08:19 That's a comforting thought
08:21 that God's ways are not our ways.
08:22 Amen. Very comforting.
08:24 "Pastor Day,
08:25 this question is about Revelation 20:14-15.
08:30 In verse 14, it talks about death
08:33 and hell being cast into the lake of fire.
08:36 In verse 15,
08:37 it talks about those not written in the Book of Life
08:40 being cast into the lake of fire,
08:42 not in hell.
08:43 Is hell different than the lake of fire?
08:45 Sounds like they are two different places.
08:47 Thank you." Amen.
08:49 That's actually a really great question.
08:50 And I'm glad that we get an opportunity
08:52 to answer this question because we get to clear up
08:55 exactly what the Bible teaches here.
08:57 This is a prime example of what it means
08:59 in 2 Timothy 2:15,
09:01 "To study to show yourself approved,
09:02 a workman who needeth not to be ashamed,
09:04 rightly dividing the word of truth."
09:06 Because sometimes we got to go a little deeper
09:07 to understand exactly what the text is saying.
09:10 In this case, the answer to your question is yes,
09:12 there technically is two different places
09:14 being described here.
09:16 And I'm going to read the text.
09:17 This is from Revelation 20:14-15.
09:20 Now notice, I'm reading from the New King James,
09:22 the person who submitted this question
09:24 is obviously reading from the King James Version
09:26 because they're referencing death and hell.
09:29 But notice what the New King James says here in verse 14.
09:32 It says, "Then Death and Hades
09:35 were cast into the lake of fire.
09:37 This is the second death." Verse 15.
09:39 "And anyone not found written in the Book of Life
09:42 was cast into the lake of fire."
09:44 So, you know, the word Hades and the word hell,
09:47 there's a reason why the New King James
09:49 translated it this way Hades rather than hell
09:52 because in the original Greek language here,
09:54 when you dig a little deeper,
09:55 you find it's the word Haides in the Greek
09:58 which is actually where we get the word Hades
10:00 which is basically a place where,
10:02 you know, the soul sleeps or in other words, the grave.
10:05 In fact, if you have a Greek Lexicon
10:07 and you want to go look up that word, it'll tell you.
10:09 Another word for Hades is the grave.
10:11 And so in this instance, absolutely,
10:14 what we find here is it's not confusing.
10:17 We're not talking about a place of fire,
10:19 being thrown into a place of fire,
10:20 but rather the place of burning we know is the lake of fire,
10:23 that is hellfire
10:25 where the wicked are being destroyed.
10:26 But in this case,
10:27 and in many other cases in Scripture,
10:29 when we see the word hell or the word Hades,
10:30 it simply means grave.
10:32 And so in this case, death and the grave
10:35 is being cast into the lake of fire.
10:37 In other words, Jesus is putting an end to death.
10:40 And that's why 1 Corinthians Chapter 15,
10:42 I love this right there in verse 55,
10:44 where it says, "O, Death, where is your sting?"
10:47 And, of course, New King James Version,
10:48 "O, Hades, where's your victory?"
10:50 King James says, "Oh, grave, where's your victory?"
10:53 Because again, when Jesus comes back,
10:55 He's putting away all of that.
10:57 And all of that is going to be destroyed in the lake of fire.
11:00 Amen.
11:01 Thank you for the way that you unpack that.
11:03 Pastor Lomacang, we're going to come to you now,
11:06 this question comes out of Brooklyn, New York.
11:10 "Talking to my friend at work,
11:11 I mentioned something about the Bible
11:14 and standing on the Word of God.
11:16 My friend's response was the Bible condones slavery
11:19 and it was written by men and men are not perfect.
11:22 I told her, yes, it was written by men
11:24 with inspiration from God.
11:26 She left me with the impression
11:28 that she did not believe in the Bible,
11:30 although she is a Christian.
11:32 That same week, my brother-in-law
11:34 came into my living room as I was reading my Bible.
11:37 He said, "The Bible was used to justify slavery."
11:40 So he is not interested in reading the Bible.
11:43 I'm writing all this to ask,
11:45 can you be a Christian or have a relationship
11:48 with God without reading or believing in the Bible?
11:51 I am not an Adventist, but I enjoy 3ABN networks."
11:55 Well, thank you for that lengthy question.
11:58 But the point I think, that I need to answer is,
12:01 can you have a relationship with God
12:03 without reading the Bible?
12:05 And the answer is directly no. You cannot.
12:08 It is impossible
12:09 because the Bible is our guide book for any relationship
12:13 that we have with Christ.
12:15 Matthew 4:4, let's start there.
12:17 "Man shall not live by bread alone,
12:19 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
12:23 And then when you enter into the relationship with Christ,
12:25 we enter into a sanctifying relationship.
12:28 John 17:17, "Sanctify them by your truth.
12:31 Your word is truth."
12:32 We also enter into a faith walk.
12:34 Romans 10:17, "Faith comes by hearing,
12:37 hearing by the Word of God."
12:38 Then we enter into the transition from milk
12:42 which Peter says, "Desire the sincere milk
12:44 of the Word.
12:46 How can you desire the milk of the Word
12:47 if you don't read the Word?"
12:48 Then we go from the milk of the Word
12:50 to the meat of the Word.
12:52 And in Romans and then Hebrews tells us
12:54 what the Bible, in fact, its larger purpose is.
12:58 Hebrews 4:12, "For the Word of God is living
13:01 and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword,
13:04 piercing even to the division of soul
13:06 and spirit and joint and marrow."
13:08 And get this, "And is a discerner
13:09 of the thoughts and intentions of the heart."
13:11 I've often said when you're reading the Bible,
13:14 the Bible is reading you.
13:15 One of the reasons why people don't like to read the Bible
13:17 is because the Bible is reading them.
13:19 It gives them a conscience that is either condemned
13:23 and the Bible says,
13:24 "If your conscience condemns you,
13:26 then God is greater than your heart."
13:29 But that can only come as you read the Bible.
13:32 But lastly, the issue on slavery.
13:34 Slavery is not supported by the Bible.
13:36 Men have used the Bible to impose upon other men slavery.
13:41 The real slavery the Bible talks about is in Romans 6:16.
13:45 "When you yield yourselves, do you not know
13:47 that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey,
13:50 you are that one slave whom you obey
13:52 whether of sin leading to death
13:54 or obedience leading to righteousness?"
13:56 The true slavery is not man to man,
13:59 but sin that keeps us from a relationship to Christ.
14:04 Wow. Amen. Thank you.
14:05 Wow.
14:07 People don't want to read their Bible
14:09 because their Bible is reading them.
14:10 That's good. That's, yeah, I really like that.
14:13 Shelley, we're going to come to you on this.
14:15 This is out of Canada.
14:18 It says, "Can you please explain for me
14:20 the meaning of the passage in Exodus 3:14,
14:24 God said to Moses, I am who I am.
14:27 This is what you are to say to the Israelites,
14:29 I am has sent Me to you.
14:32 In John 13:19, Jesus uses the same expression
14:36 to describe Himself.
14:37 I am telling you now before it happens,
14:39 so that when it does happen,
14:41 you will believe that I am who I am.
14:44 What does this tell us about the nature of God?"
14:47 Okay, let's read this really quickly again,
14:49 Howard, in Exodus 3:14-15,
14:53 God says to Moses, "I am who I am."
14:56 In the Hebrew, this is a verb
15:01 that means to be or to exist.
15:04 Tell the children of Israel, 'I am has sent Me.
15:08 Tell them the Lord God of your fathers,
15:10 the God of Abraham, Isaac and the Lord of Jacob
15:13 has sent Me to you.
15:15 This is my name forever.
15:18 And this is my memorial to all generations."
15:22 So, I am, the verb is to be or to exist
15:27 and in the tense that it's used,
15:29 God is declaring that He is self-existent,
15:32 eternal, self-sufficient,
15:34 self-directed, unchanging.
15:37 This is, He is giving Moses
15:40 His proper holy covenant name.
15:45 This is His personal name.
15:47 From this verb is where we get Yahweh.
15:50 He's revealing His name, revealing His presence,
15:55 He's more than Adonai.
15:56 He's the God
15:58 who wants an intimate relationship with him.
16:03 So this is the God of your fathers,
16:05 He never changes.
16:07 Now, Jesus said in John 8:58,
16:10 "Most assuredly, I say to you,
16:13 before Abraham was, I am."
16:18 He is, this is definitely
16:22 the greatest argument Jesus ever used for His immortality,
16:26 His eternal existence.
16:29 He's declaring Himself
16:32 to be the preexistent God of the Covenant, Yahweh.
16:37 And then when He said this, you know what?
16:40 Jesus knew what He was doing
16:42 because they wanted to stone Him.
16:44 Malachi 3:6, God says, "I'm the Lord, I change not."
16:48 Hebrews 13:8,
16:49 "He, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,
16:52 today and forever.
16:53 I am Yahweh."
16:56 Amen. Amen.
16:57 Thank you, Shelley.
16:59 "Pastor Day, please explain about no need to teach
17:02 new law to neighbors and relatives
17:04 because God wrote it in their hearts.
17:06 How does this square up with preaching the gospel?"
17:09 This comes from Travis out of Washington State.
17:11 All right. Well, this is a great question.
17:13 You know, a lot of people
17:15 and I think I kind of understand where this person
17:16 is coming from who submitted the question.
17:19 And that is, many people can read Hebrews 8:10-11,
17:23 which obviously is within the context
17:25 of this New Covenant that God is establishing with us,
17:28 in which it says there in verse 10
17:30 of Hebrews Chapter 8 that
17:31 "I will put My laws in their mind
17:33 and write them in their hearts, and I will be their God
17:35 and they shall be My people."
17:36 But then verse 11 is the verse in question here.
17:39 It says, "None of them shall teach his neighbor,
17:41 and none his brother saying, 'Know the Lord,
17:44 for all shall know Me from the least of them
17:46 to the greatest of them.'"
17:48 And so, it almost seems like God is saying,
17:50 "Look, I'm going to do this but you don't have to go
17:52 tell anyone about My law,
17:53 or tell anyone about My goodness
17:54 or tell anyone, let me do that because they're going to."
17:56 No, no, no.
17:58 It's not saying that we should just not teach the law,
17:59 not teach the Ten Commandments.
18:01 The advantage of the New Covenant
18:03 over the Old one is that the believer
18:05 is to have a personal knowledge of God.
18:08 Through Christ, we have direct access to God.
18:11 And, of course, we know this because we are to be led
18:13 by the Spirit according to Romans 8:14,
18:16 we are to be taught of God according
18:18 to 1 Thessalonians 4:9
18:21 and to be filled with all the fullness
18:23 of God according to Ephesians 3:14-21.
18:26 And so we know that, yes,
18:28 God is going to do a mighty work
18:30 that we can't do in it of ourselves
18:32 or in someone else.
18:33 But that being said, we know that, of course,
18:35 the key word I believe here in this verse
18:36 is know the Lord because in this case,
18:39 we know that how we know Him,
18:41 according to 1 John 2:3-4,
18:44 is if we keep His commandments,
18:46 that's what the Bible says there.
18:47 And even Jesus Himself said, "Do not think
18:49 that I've come to destroy the law,
18:51 I have not come to destroy but to fulfill."
18:53 That's Matthew 5:17
18:56 and what's interesting is right after that,
18:58 and in verse 19, He says,
19:01 "Whoever therefore breaks one of the least
19:03 of these commandments and teaches men
19:04 so shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven."
19:06 So in this case,
19:08 we are to teach the law of God,
19:09 we are to uphold that law
19:11 that He's writing in our minds and in our hearts.
19:13 But what I believe this verse is emphasizing
19:15 is the fact that God is the one doing the work.
19:17 God is doing the calling.
19:19 God is doing the teaching,
19:20 but we also are to declare His goodness,
19:22 according to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
19:24 My last verse here I want to share,
19:26 which answers this last part here,
19:28 according to the question here, which says,
19:29 how does this square up with the preaching
19:31 of the gospel?
19:32 Acts 2:42, it says,
19:34 "And they continued steadfast in the apostles'
19:37 doctrine and fellowship in the breaking of bread
19:40 and in prayers."
19:41 The apostles' doctrine, of course,
19:42 was that of the truth that Jesus taught them
19:45 and we are to continue that as well according
19:47 to the New Covenant as its best specified.
19:49 Amen.
19:51 I love that because, you know, so often you hear,
19:52 oh, I'm a New Testament Christian,
19:54 like you hear that all the time,
19:56 so that's very, very important. Pastor Lomacang,
19:59 this question comes to you,
20:00 it's from Evette out of New Jersey.
20:04 "What is the Spirit of Prophecy?"
20:07 That's an very interesting question,
20:09 but a very direct answer I can give.
20:11 Simply put the two words together.
20:13 Spirit who is involved in clarifying prophecy.
20:18 Let me start with a passage.
20:19 And I'll mention two of those because these two passages
20:22 together give us the full picture
20:24 of what many people understand.
20:25 Revelation 12:17,
20:27 "And the dragon was enraged with a woman
20:29 and went to make war with the rest of her offspring,
20:31 who keep the commandments of God
20:33 and have the testimony of Jesus."
20:34 Revelation 19:10,
20:36 "The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy."
20:38 Now we have to ask ourselves the question
20:40 is the Spirit of Prophecy
20:42 a human or is the Spirit of Prophecy the Holy Spirit?
20:47 The second is true.
20:49 The Spirit of Prophecy is a gift
20:50 that has been imparted to men and women,
20:52 so that they can exercise the gift
20:56 that has been given to the church.
20:58 You know, Revelation, I mean, 2 Peter 1:21 gives us clarity.
21:02 The Bible says,
21:03 "For prophecy never came by the will of man."
21:05 So it's not something belonged to persons,
21:08 but holy men of God spoke as they were moved
21:10 by the Holy Spirit.
21:12 And when you find all throughout the Old Testament,
21:14 you find starting in the Book of Numbers,
21:16 the Lord as He began to work through Moses,
21:19 speaking directly to Pharaoh
21:21 and then speaking to the children of Israel,
21:22 He made it very, very clear
21:24 that the Holy Spirit will be poured out on the prophets.
21:27 And we find also in Joel 2:28,
21:31 "It shall come to pass in the last days."
21:32 Acts Chapter 2 is a reflection of the fulfillment
21:36 of Joel Chapter 2.
21:37 What does the Bible say?
21:39 "I will pour out My spirit on all flesh,
21:41 your sons and your daughters shall prophesy."
21:44 So the Spirit is the one that's revealing
21:46 to the person prophesying
21:47 what the prophecy should be and also to be understood.
21:50 So clearly speaking,
21:52 if I could narrow down to the context of the question,
21:55 as an Adventist,
21:56 we say that that gift was given to Ellen White,
21:59 but she's not the Spirit of Prophecy,
22:01 she's just simply exercising
22:02 the gift of the Spirit of Prophecy.
22:05 And why is that?
22:07 1 Corinthians 1:6-8,
22:10 clearly saying,
22:13 "Even the testimony of Christ which was confirmed in you,
22:16 so that you come short in no gift."
22:19 When the Bible warns of false prophets,
22:22 it's a confirmation that they'll also be true prophets,
22:24 and the Holy Spirit will speak through a true prophet
22:27 in harmony with the Word of God.
22:29 Amen.
22:31 Wonderful. I love that.
22:32 I think that was the key right there,
22:34 in harmony with the will of God.
22:36 That's excellent.
22:37 Now, you may be sitting there wondering, well,
22:39 how can I send in my questions?
22:42 Well, this is where I get to share
22:44 that wonderful information with you.
22:46 You can email your questions
22:47 to BibleQA@3abn.TV
22:52 Again, that's BibleQA@3abn.TV
22:57 or you can text us at 618-228-3975.
23:03 Again, that's 618-228-3975.
23:07 If you're on Instagram,
23:08 just go to at 3abn_official
23:13 and send us a message there.
23:15 Again, that's at 3abn_official
23:20 and just send us a DM there.
23:23 Shelley, we're going to come to you on this one.
23:26 "It seems that to bring others to Jesus,
23:29 we must rub shoulders with them as Jesus did.
23:32 So what are we to make of 2 John 9-11?
23:36 Oh, great questions.
23:38 Well, first of all, Jesus hung out with unsaved sinners.
23:41 He showed them compassion, mercy, love and patience,
23:45 but He never condoned their lifestyle.
23:48 He never approved of their lifestyle.
23:51 He practiced what we would call today friendship evangelism.
23:55 Before we go to 2 John, let's look at 1 Corinthians
23:58 because this will give you a really good hint.
24:01 1 Corinthians 5:9-13,
24:05 Paul is kind of clarifying,
24:08 expanding something that he had told the church earlier
24:12 and the church at Corinth misinterpreted.
24:15 Paul said, "Hey,
24:16 don't have anything to do with sexually immoral people."
24:19 So the church at Corinth was stopping their contact
24:25 with the unsaved world.
24:27 And here's what he says, 1 Corinthians 5:10,
24:30 "I certainly did not mean
24:33 with the sexually immoral people of this world,
24:36 or with the covetous, extortioners, idolaters,
24:40 since then you would need to go out of the world."
24:44 In other words, Paul is saying to them,
24:46 "No, no, no, no,
24:47 I'm not talking about the people
24:50 outside the church who practice this.
24:52 I'm saying don't associate with the people inside the church
24:57 who do this."
24:58 So 2 John
25:02 and you asked about verses 9-11.
25:06 Let's look at verse 7. In verse 7.
25:10 This is the same principle of 1 Corinthians Chapter 5.
25:14 2 John in verse 7,
25:18 there's only one chapter, says, it's talking about deceivers,
25:22 false teachers that were campaigning
25:24 against the fundamental truths of Christianity, even saying,
25:28 they wouldn't confess that Jesus Christ came in the flesh.
25:31 Verse 9 says,
25:33 "They didn't abide in the doctrine of Christ."
25:35 Verse 10, then says this,
25:37 "If anyone comes to you
25:39 and does not bring this doctrine,
25:41 do not receive him into your house,
25:44 don't even greet him."
25:45 You're not supposed to.
25:47 We should recognize heretics, we should not support heretics,
25:50 because verse 11 says,
25:52 "If you're supporting them,
25:54 you are participating in their evil deeds,
25:57 because it's leaving the impression
26:00 that you sanction their teachings."
26:02 So our loyalty has to be to the truth of God's Word.
26:06 Amen. Amen.
26:07 And then friendship evangelism is so crucial.
26:11 Implementing Christ method of evangelism.
26:14 "Pastor Day,
26:15 I am a Seventh-day Adventist since young,
26:19 I guess, since they were younger
26:21 and many preachers always said that Jesus is coming again.
26:24 Now I am almost 30 and Jesus hasn't come.
26:28 How can I be sure that Jesus' Second Coming is real and near?
26:32 All right.
26:33 So the person who sent this question in,
26:36 that's a good question, but it's, you know,
26:38 it's prophetically told to us
26:40 that this same question would be declared,
26:43 but in kind of a scoffing in the last days.
26:44 Notice what 2 Peter 3:3 says, "Knowing this first
26:48 that scoffers will come in the last days
26:50 walking according to their own lust."
26:52 And it goes on to say, and saying,
26:54 "Where is the promise of His coming
26:56 for since the fathers fell asleep,
26:57 all things continue as they were,
26:59 from the beginning of creation."
27:01 I'm certainly not calling the person
27:03 who sent this in a scoffer
27:04 because I think many people have asked this question
27:06 and expressed doubt over time.
27:09 But nonetheless, my friend,
27:10 I think that this is where you have to exercise trust,
27:14 deep trust in God and His Word,
27:16 because this is a Word of God thing.
27:18 We have to learn to not trust ourselves but the Word of God.
27:21 I'm thinking of Proverbs 3:5-6 where it says,
27:24 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
27:25 and lean not on your own understanding,
27:27 in all your ways acknowledge Him,
27:29 and He will direct your path."
27:31 And so in this case, you know,
27:33 we need to understand that the word...
27:35 Pastor quoted this earlier, Romans 10:17,
27:38 "Faith comes by hearing
27:39 and hearing by the Word of God."
27:40 Our faith is built. Our trust in God is built.
27:43 When we get into the Word of God,
27:44 the Holy Spirit,
27:46 the Bible calls it the Spirit of Truth,
27:47 according to John 16:13,
27:50 it will guide us into all truth
27:52 and it will build our trust in God's Word to help us
27:55 to believe and trust in what He has said He will do,
27:58 He's going to do.
28:00 And in this case, John 14:1-3,
28:02 we're told Jesus made a promise that He was going to go away
28:06 and if He goes away to prepare a place for us,
28:07 He will come again to receive us
28:09 that where He is there we may be also.
28:11 That's a promise and the Bible makes it clear in Hebrews 6:18,
28:15 that God does not lie.
28:17 God doesn't change as Shelley brought out earlier.
28:20 God has spoken, His Word is sure.
28:21 We have a more sure word of prophecy
28:24 as told there in 2 Peter Chapter 1
28:26 that we have to believe in,
28:28 we have to ground ourselves in the belief and trust that
28:30 what God has said He will do.
28:32 And I will just in the last few moments that I have here,
28:35 I just have to emphasize, go read Matthew 24.
28:38 I mean, if you have any understanding
28:40 at all of the signs of the times
28:42 and the things that have been happening,
28:43 we can see that every single thing
28:45 that Jesus has spoken with the exception
28:46 of a couple of things has happened
28:48 just as He said it would.
28:49 Prophecy confirms with all the signs of the time,
28:52 just as in the parable of the fig tree there,
28:54 "That as you see the leaves turning,
28:56 know summer is near even so He said,
28:58 when you see these things happening,
29:00 know that my coming is even at the door."
29:02 So in this case, look unto Jesus the author
29:04 and finisher of your faith.
29:05 Look into His Word, study His Word,
29:08 build a relationship and your trust will grow.
29:10 Your faith will grow and you will see
29:12 that what the Bible has said, it is true.
29:14 It will come to pass just as He said, He is soon to come.
29:17 Amen. Amen.
29:19 "Pastor Lomacang, Abel and Cain gave up their first fruits,
29:24 and why was Abel's first fruit accepted and not Cain's?"
29:27 This is from Merrill.
29:29 Well, Cain gave fruits,
29:32 Abel gave a sacrifice.
29:35 Genesis Chapter 4.
29:37 Let's look at the description of what the Bible says
29:41 as you compare.
29:42 The question, why was Abel's first fruit accepted
29:45 and not Cain's?
29:46 This is simply a comparison
29:48 between requirement versus preference.
29:51 And ever since Cain and Abel,
29:53 we've always had two types of worshipers,
29:55 those who give God what He requires
29:57 and those who give God what they prefer.
30:00 That's still true to this very day.
30:02 Genesis 4:3,
30:04 "And in the process of time it came to pass
30:06 that Cain brought an offering of the fruit
30:10 of the ground to the Lord."
30:12 Now, this was from a tree.
30:15 But verse 4,
30:16 "Abel also brought up the firstborn of his flock
30:20 and of their fat."
30:21 This is an animal, of lamb.
30:23 The Bible, Revelation 13:8,
30:24 "The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."
30:27 The Lord established what He was going to accept.
30:30 In the temple services,
30:32 you find there was always some animal
30:34 whose life had to be sacrificed as a symbol of Christ.
30:38 But notice, the question was,
30:40 what happened as a result of that?
30:42 Verse 4, "Abel also brought up the firstborn
30:45 of his flock and of their fat.
30:47 And the Lord respected Abel and his offering, but He did not,"
30:50 verse 5, "respect Cain and his offering.
30:53 And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell."
30:57 Verse 6, "So the Lord said to Cain, 'Why are you angry?
31:00 And why have your countenance fallen?
31:01 If you do well, will you not be accepted?'"
31:04 That's the key.
31:05 If you do what God asked, you will be accepted.
31:07 But He says, "And if you do not do well,
31:11 sin lies at your door.
31:13 And its desire is for you,
31:14 but you should not rule over it."
31:16 Now verse 8 is where I will end.
31:18 "Now Cain talked with Abel his brother,
31:20 and it came to pass when they were in the field,
31:22 that Cain rose up against Abel,
31:23 his brother, and killed him."
31:26 And that's where you have, Am I my brother's keeper?
31:28 So the nutshell of it is,
31:30 this is a battle between requirement and preference.
31:33 Abel gave what God required.
31:35 Cain gave what he preferred.
31:37 I love that, requirement and preference.
31:40 "Shelley, why is it that Adam is blamed
31:43 more strongly than Eve for our fall
31:45 when it was Eve who left Adam's side
31:48 and went off on her own,
31:49 was encountered by the serpent,
31:51 had a conversation with him
31:53 and allowed him to persuade her?
31:55 Is it because Adam gave in and partook of the fruit
31:59 and because he was the first created
32:01 and given dominion over the earth?"
32:03 This is from Vanessa. Vanessa, what a great question.
32:06 Genesis 3:13 tells us that Eve was beguiled,
32:11 she was seduced.
32:12 She was deceived, deluded.
32:15 But in 1 Timothy 2:14.
32:18 1 Timothy 2:14.
32:20 It said, "Adam was not deceived,
32:23 but the woman being deceived fell into transgression."
32:26 So Adam intentionally sinned in the full knowledge
32:29 of what God's requirement was,
32:31 he voluntarily took of this fruit
32:33 because of his love for his wife
32:36 and he didn't want to be separated from her.
32:39 He chose to blatantly disobey God
32:42 and here's the important part, you hit on it.
32:45 He is violating his leadership role.
32:49 God created Adam, Adam was the representative of all mankind.
32:55 And when Adam did this, he plunged all men into sin.
32:59 1 Corinthians 15:22, "As in Adam all die,
33:05 even so in Christ, all shall be made alive."
33:07 And in 1 Corinthians 15:45-47 says,
33:11 "The first man, Adam, made of the dust of the earth,
33:15 became a living being but the last Adam,
33:18 this is our God, who came down,
33:22 took on our flesh became a human being,
33:25 so that He could be the last Adam.
33:27 The new representative of mankind."
33:30 Says the last Adam became a life giving spirit.
33:35 The second man
33:37 is the Lord from heaven,
33:41 how amazing.
33:43 The Lord God, our Creator,
33:46 came down and became the person of Jesus Christ.
33:51 And not only did He condescend to that, but He died,
33:55 He was resurrected, He went to heaven,
33:59 ascended in that flesh,
34:02 He sits at the right hand of the throne of the Father,
34:05 as the new representative of mankind.
34:08 Hallelujah. Amen.
34:10 That's powerful.
34:13 Pastor Day, this is coming from Marie.
34:16 "Is it disrespectful or even a sin to be cremated
34:20 when we depart this world?"
34:22 Amen. Thank you so much, Marie, for your question.
34:24 And it's a good question because it's one of the most
34:26 popular questions.
34:28 I think that evangelists and pastors
34:30 and ministers get all the time
34:31 because we live in a world
34:33 where, you know, we have options, right?
34:34 There's people who believe in the more traditional way
34:36 of burial and there's other people
34:39 that believe in this cremation process.
34:41 But there's a little bit of a contention
34:42 among some Christians because some say
34:44 it's disrespectful.
34:45 Like you said, some people believe it's even a sin.
34:48 But as Christians, we have to be people of the Word.
34:51 And if we're going to go and tell someone that they're,
34:54 you know, violating God's will or they're sinning if they,
34:56 you know, dispose of the body in the form of cremation.
34:59 We have to be able to prove that from the Word of God.
35:01 And so the direct answer to this question is no,
35:04 because the Bible does not explicitly
35:06 or even in principle in the closest remote way,
35:10 tell us that it's a sin
35:12 if someone chooses the process of cremation.
35:14 In fact, you know, there's people in history
35:17 who were, their burial process really wasn't a choice
35:21 and they were cremated.
35:23 They were burned alive at the stake.
35:24 I mean, we have martyrs mentioned there in Revelation
35:27 Chapter 6 and 7.
35:29 And we know that these martyrs,
35:30 these are righteous people who, again, they were burned alive,
35:33 they were brought to ashes,
35:34 but yet they will be in the kingdom of God.
35:37 And I think where some people get confused on is, you know,
35:40 yes, we know in Genesis 2:7,
35:42 where God created and formed Adam
35:44 from the dust of the ground, He breathed into his nostrils
35:46 and man became a living soul.
35:47 And then when you get to Ecclesiastes, there,
35:50 Ecclesiastes 12:7, you know, first to the dead,
35:52 returning to the earth, as it was.
35:55 But again, we have to be people of the Bible,
35:57 even though, yes, we are going to return
35:59 no matter how we're buried,
36:00 no matter how we leave this world,
36:02 we will return to the earth as it was,
36:05 but nonetheless, the process,
36:07 the burial process or the disposal process
36:09 in the form of cremation.
36:11 We cannot prove from the Bible
36:13 that it is a sin or disrespectful.
36:15 So in this case, we have to be patient with our brother,
36:18 not allow it to be an issue of contention.
36:21 Just let it be an issue of personal decision.
36:24 Amen. Amen.
36:26 Pastor Lomacang, this question comes from Rex.
36:29 "For some time now I've been wondering
36:32 and needing clarification on this question.
36:34 Would there be a second death for those who died
36:37 when God destroyed the earth by water
36:39 and those who were destroyed by fire in Sodom and Gomorrah?
36:43 I need a Bible reference if possible."
36:45 Sure.
36:46 The Bible reference I'd like to give to you is Hebrews 9:27.
36:50 And by the way, what Ryan alluded to this,
36:53 I think, on a couple of questions.
36:55 Ryan alluded to this, how we die is not up to us.
36:59 That's the unfortunate thing.
37:01 You know, we had Cindy,
37:04 one of the nurses at our church.
37:06 She said that we're going to die one of three ways.
37:09 We're gonna die of old age,
37:11 we're gonna die of an accident
37:13 or we're going to die of a disease.
37:15 We don't get a choice which one is going to be.
37:17 Some people die in fires,
37:18 some people die from smoke inhalation,
37:20 some people die in car accidents,
37:21 some people die of a disease,
37:24 some people die in plane crashes
37:25 and they are incinerated as Ryan talked about.
37:29 And Sodom Gomorrah is just simply an example in Scripture
37:31 where people in Sodom and Gomorrah
37:33 were destroyed by fire.
37:35 But that was simply the first death, Hebrews 9:27,
37:39 "And it and as it is appointed for men
37:45 to die once, but after this the judgment."
37:50 Okay, now the judgment is the second death.
37:53 Go to Revelation Chapter 20, and look at that with me.
37:57 Revelation 20:14-15.
38:01 All right.
38:03 Here's what the Bible says.
38:04 And I'll start with verse 13.
38:06 Well, actually, verse 12, "And I saw the dead,
38:08 small and great, standing before God,
38:10 and the books were opened.
38:12 And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life.
38:15 And the dead were judged according to their works,
38:17 by the things which were written
38:19 in the books."
38:20 The first death people not judged
38:22 according to their works.
38:23 Verse 13, "And the sea gave up the dead who were in them,
38:25 and Death and Hades were delivered up the dead
38:28 who were in them.
38:29 And they were judged, each one according to his works."
38:31 That's what Hebrews 9:27 says after that the judgment.
38:35 Verse 14, "Then Death and Hades
38:37 were cast into the lake of fire.
38:39 This is the second death."
38:41 So after the judgment and their verdict is concerned,
38:45 then comes the punitive side of the judgment.
38:48 That's the second death for the wicked.
38:50 That's simply that. Amen.
38:53 "Shelley, if Melchizedek is king of Salem,
38:57 which is king of peace and Christ is Prince of Peace.
39:01 And if Melchizedek is without father,
39:03 without mother, without descent,
39:06 having neither beginning of days,
39:07 nor end of life, but made like unto the Son of God
39:11 abideth a priest continually,
39:13 if he is not Christ, who is he?"
39:16 Melchizedek is not Christ.
39:18 He's introduced in Genesis 14
39:20 and then he is not mentioned again
39:23 till we get to the Book of Hebrews.
39:25 In Hebrews 7:1-3 and, Miz, your question's excellent.
39:30 But Hebrews 7, it's talking about Melchizedek,
39:34 who is both king of Salem,
39:36 which is another name for Jerusalem.
39:39 He was also the priest of the Most High God.
39:41 He's the only man who ever held both offices king
39:44 and priest until both positions
39:47 were held by the person of Jesus Christ.
39:50 His name translated, did mean king of righteousness,
39:53 king of peace.
39:54 But look at verse 3, "Without father,
39:56 without mother, without genealogy,
39:58 having neither beginning of days nor end of life,
40:01 but made like the Son of God,
40:05 he remains a priest forever."
40:07 In the ancient Syriac Peshitta,
40:11 it gives a more accurate translation here
40:14 of that Greek phrase and it says,
40:18 "Whose father and mother
40:20 are not written in genealogies."
40:25 Melchizedek did have a father and a mother,
40:28 he was a human being
40:31 but his ancestry was not recorded
40:35 because it didn't matter to his priesthood.
40:37 It wasn't like he was of a Levitical priesthood
40:40 where ancestry had to be proven,
40:42 he was of the same.
40:45 In Hebrews 5:6, it says
40:47 that Jesus was like the order of Melchizedek,
40:53 as opposed to being Levitical in nature.
40:57 But we know that Hebrews tells us that Jesus'
40:59 priesthood was superior to the Levitical priesthood.
41:05 And Hebrews 7:15 explains
41:07 that He was a priest in the likeness
41:12 of Melchizedek.
41:14 Melchizedek resembled Jesus,
41:18 which implies he was different from Jesus.
41:22 He was not a heavenly being.
41:24 If he was without parentage, without beginning or end,
41:29 he'd be God himself.
41:30 And there would have been no need
41:32 for another priest to come.
41:34 But Jesus did come.
41:36 He's not a successor to Melchizedek.
41:38 His priesthood was just similar to his.
41:41 Excellent explanation.
41:43 Pastor Day, this is going
41:45 to be your three minute question here.
41:46 All right.
41:48 "As I was reading Matthew Chapter 24,
41:49 about the abomination of desolation,
41:51 I came across something.
41:53 All my life, I was taught that the abomination
41:56 of desolation was going to stand in the Holy Place.
41:59 But it actually says when you see the abomination
42:02 of desolation stand in the Holy Place,
42:06 I always heard it to read when you see the abomination
42:09 of desolation standing in the Holy Place,
42:13 this changes things completely for the interpretation.
42:16 It is actually telling believers
42:18 to stand in the Holy Place in the spiritual sanctuary.
42:21 Am I correct in this understanding?"
42:23 This is from Richard out of New Jersey.
42:25 Okay. Yeah, I appreciate this question, Richard.
42:28 And I'm just going to be direct about it.
42:30 I do believe you're stretching a little bit,
42:32 because the text does say right there in Matthew Chapter 24,
42:35 which you are referencing here,
42:37 when you shall see the abomination of desolation
42:39 standing in the Holy Place.
42:41 In this case, I'm going to give it to you straight.
42:43 I wish I had 10 minutes to talk about this, but I don't.
42:46 I believe that there are three very clear phases
42:49 to this abomination of desolation in the sense
42:52 that it's fulfilled on three different levels.
42:54 We see it here in Matthew 24,
42:56 which is actually in reference
42:58 to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD,
43:00 there's an abomination of desolation there.
43:03 Of course, I believe, according to Daniel Chapter 11
43:05 and Daniel Chapter 12,
43:07 in reference to that 1,290 days,
43:09 the abomination of desolation is mentioned there as well,
43:12 that's going to be fulfilled
43:13 somewhere around the year 508 AD
43:15 with the bringing about of the priesthood
43:17 of the Catholic Church.
43:18 That's another question.
43:19 Of course, the third phase, I believe,
43:21 is right there in that harlot of Revelation Chapter 17,
43:23 where it talks about the abominations
43:25 and the filthiness of her fornication.
43:26 She also has abominations
43:28 that will bring about her desolation.
43:30 So that's three different phases,
43:32 I believe we see this played out in
43:33 but pertaining to your particular question here.
43:36 This is directly in Matthew 24,
43:38 referencing the abomination of desolation
43:41 standing in the Holy Place,
43:44 you don't really get the fullness
43:45 of this until you get over to Luke 21
43:47 and read the equivalent passage of this
43:49 because all of the same words,
43:51 all of the same descriptions are used there
43:53 that you see in Matthew 24,
43:55 pertaining to the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem
43:58 but when you get to Luke 21:20-24,
44:02 notice what the Bible says here, it says,
44:04 "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies
44:08 then know that its desolation is near."
44:12 And if you go on and read through this,
44:13 "Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains,
44:14 and let those who are in the midst not depart,
44:17 and let those who are in the country enter her
44:19 or let not those who were not in the country enter her.
44:20 For these are the days of vengeance,
44:22 that all these things that are written may be fulfilled.
44:24 But woe unto those who are pregnant."
44:26 And it goes on to describe exactly the events
44:29 that took place in 70 AD
44:31 after a seven long year siege by the Roman armies.
44:34 In this case, it's interesting because when you go back
44:37 to Daniel 9:27,
44:39 which is what this is referencing,
44:41 it actually says there in Daniel 7:20,
44:44 excuse me, 9:27,
44:46 "On the wing of abomination
44:48 shall be the one who makes desolate."
44:50 Referring to Titus and his Roman armies coming
44:52 where they put their Roman pagan standards
44:55 in the ground outside of Jerusalem.
44:57 Their symbol, of course,
44:58 was the eagle on the wings of abomination.
45:01 Their pagan god of the eagle representing
45:03 the sun, they put it outside of Jerusalem,
45:06 setting their standards in the ground,
45:08 they surrounded Jerusalem,
45:09 that's exactly what we're seeing here
45:12 played out in Matthew 24,
45:13 in the equivalent passage of Luke 21.
45:16 When you shall see the army surrounding Jerusalem,
45:19 then know that her desolation is near.
45:21 Even Jesus, you know, He told them,
45:23 He foretold this in just the previous chapter,
45:26 Matthew 23, when He said, "Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
45:28 how often I've wanted to gather you as a hen
45:30 gathers her chicks on her wings but you were not willing."
45:34 And then He goes on to say,
45:35 "See your houses left to you desolate."
45:39 So in this case,
45:40 standing in the Holy Place is reference to Titus
45:43 and the Roman armies outside of Jerusalem in the 70 AD
45:46 destruction of Jerusalem.
45:47 Wow.
45:49 Yeah, that was a lot to say in three minutes.
45:51 And it could take a 10 minute answer for sure.
45:54 Easy.
45:55 Pastor Lomacang,
45:57 this is going to be your three minute question.
45:59 "My question is found in 1 Corinthians 11:5-6,
46:04 Pastor Lomacang, can you please explain those verses?"
46:07 Well, we find two words in 1 Corinthians 11:1-16
46:12 is exactly what is being talked about.
46:14 The covering is, I think, the focal point of the passage,
46:19 because it covers two different topics.
46:21 But I think what the person
46:23 when they point to verse 5 and 6
46:24 is specifically about the woman covering her head.
46:27 Now we find in verse 1, Paul talks about a tradition.
46:31 But when we get to verse 16, he talks about a custom,
46:34 what is the difference?
46:35 A tradition is something handed down from generation
46:38 to generation where it starts,
46:40 is determined by that particular culture.
46:42 But a custom is according to a practice.
46:46 For example, Luke 4:16, Jesus went into the synagogue
46:49 and as His custom was and then the disciples
46:52 as their custom was they went
46:54 and kept the Sabbath from week to week.
46:56 Custom is something that could be supported
46:58 by a scriptural observance.
47:00 But a tradition starts based on their culture.
47:03 In this particular passage, there was a cultural tradition
47:07 that was passed down from generation to generation.
47:10 And this was common among the Jews.
47:12 The Jews had a difficult time
47:13 when the disciples did not follow traditions.
47:15 As a matter of fact, Mark 7:5, they said,
47:18 "Why do your disciples not walk according to the tradition
47:20 of the elders?"
47:22 So when the Christian church was being established,
47:23 many of these traditions that were practiced
47:25 among the Jewish contingency,
47:27 they were trying to force them on the Gentiles.
47:29 And Paul the Apostle was saying,
47:31 "Okay, let's talk about this tradition,
47:32 the woman's head being covered
47:34 or the man's head not being covered."
47:36 And the focal point of this entire passage is verse 3.
47:40 He says this,
47:42 "But if you want to know
47:43 that the head of every man is Christ,
47:47 the head of woman is man
47:50 and the head of Christ is God."
47:52 So the woman's covered by her husband's authority,
47:56 the church is covered by Christ's authority
47:59 and Christ is covered by God's authority,
48:02 the covering is already there.
48:03 He is showing the order of structure and authority
48:06 as it relates to any kind of custom.
48:09 But they continue saying, "Well,
48:11 shouldn't the woman cover her head?
48:12 And if it's not covered, she should shave her head."
48:15 But then they said, "But it is a shame for a woman
48:17 to shave her head."
48:18 So what are we contending over here
48:20 and it continues to go forward.
48:21 And Paul settles the issue in verse 16.
48:24 I had somebody approached me about this issue once,
48:27 you know, they got caught up in some side cult.
48:30 The way you can tell the difference between a cult
48:32 and a Christian religion,
48:34 is they lock you to salvation by works.
48:37 When they start demanding works of you long dresses,
48:39 cover your head, wear a scarf, wear 17th century clothing,
48:43 it's a cult,
48:44 because there's nothing you can do to enhance your salvation.
48:47 Amen.
48:48 Paul makes it very clear in verse 16
48:50 as he addresses the whole issue of covering or not covering.
48:53 He says, "But if anyone seems to be contentious,"
48:57 listen to this,
48:58 "we have no such custom nor does the churches of God."
49:03 Amen.
49:04 So there is no custom to cover your head or not to cover.
49:06 If you want to do that,
49:08 the Lord is not going to make it something, say we're lost.
49:10 If you want to do that as a practice, you can do that.
49:12 But there is no such requirement
49:14 or custom according to the Church of God.
49:16 Amen. Amen.
49:19 Shelley, we're gonna come to you
49:20 with this extra question here
49:21 because we're picking it up from your first question.
49:25 "Pastor is preaching that getting cancer and dying
49:28 or being poor, this is the part that we need to answer,
49:31 is not God's will for any of us
49:33 and that Christians shouldn't get sick or die early,
49:36 because it's our will and we can control it.
49:38 Can you help me to find in the Bible
49:39 that we have the authority to override God's plan?"
49:43 Okay, so we've already addressed
49:44 getting sick or dying with cancer.
49:46 Let's talk about being poor.
49:48 If you're poor because of bad choices, laziness,
49:52 failure to budget, refusal of good counsel, guess what?
49:56 You have willed that poorness on you and it's not God's will.
50:00 That's true.
50:02 There's a lot of Proverbs
50:04 that address these causes of poverty.
50:06 But being poor is not always our will.
50:09 And it doesn't mean that God disapproves of us.
50:12 There's many examples of poor people in Scripture
50:17 that are blessed beyond measure.
50:19 Just think of the widow and her mite.
50:21 Jesus in Matthew 8:20,
50:23 He talks about I had no place to lay My head.
50:27 The disciples abandoned what they had,
50:30 2 Corinthians 8:9, "Though the Lord was rich,
50:32 He became poor for our sake."
50:34 Matthew 26:11, Jesus said,
50:37 "The poor you have with you always."
50:40 But one of the most convincing scriptures to me
50:43 is the great famine struck Jerusalem.
50:47 It was overpopulated and the believers became poor
50:52 and destitute and Paul took up a collection.
50:55 Romans 15:26,
50:58 he speaks of other believers and he says,
51:01 "Please, to make a certain contribution for the poor
51:05 among the saints who are in Jerusalem."
51:08 Oh, there's so much but here's the bottom line.
51:11 God does use wealth for His glory,
51:14 sometimes what people like Solomon,
51:17 but many times in the Bible,
51:20 wealth is spoken of in a negative fashion.
51:23 Jesus said in Matthew 13:22,
51:26 that the deceitfulness of riches
51:29 can choke the word from your heart.
51:31 Mark 10, 25.
51:33 It's easier to go through a rich man to I mean,
51:37 a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man
51:40 to enter heaven.
51:42 Wow. Is poorness a sin?
51:44 No. Wow, thank you, Shelley.
51:46 Thank you for that answer.
51:48 We're going to be right back after we take a short break.
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Revised 2022-02-24