3ABN Today Bible Q&A

A Time of Investigation In Heaven

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210041A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:03 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:01 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello, friends, and welcome again
01:17 to another edition of 3ABN Bible Q and A.
01:21 This is a Today program
01:23 where we take your Bible questions
01:25 and we answer them according to the Bible.
01:27 And we just want to say thank you for all the questions
01:29 you have been submitting.
01:31 And, you know, I just want to take a moment
01:32 also just to let you know
01:33 if you have submitted a question
01:35 and it has not been answered yet in one of our shows,
01:37 please don't get discouraged.
01:39 Because we're getting a ton of these questions in
01:41 and we love that so keep sending them in.
01:43 But what we do is we put them in a spreadsheet,
01:46 and we filter through those
01:48 all the way through until we cover each
01:50 and everyone over a period of time.
01:52 So it may take a few weeks, but we'll get to your question.
01:55 Just keep submitting those questions to us.
01:58 My name is Ryan Day.
01:59 I'm your host for this particular program.
02:01 And I just want to go ahead and introduce our family here
02:03 with us, brothers in Christ.
02:05 Pastor John Dinzey, how are you doing?
02:07 By God's grace, I'm doing well. Amen.
02:09 I know you're locked and loaded and ready to go.
02:11 Locked and loaded.
02:12 That's right. Praise the Lord.
02:15 Pastor John Lomacang,
02:16 it's always a blessing to have you, Brother.
02:17 Yes. Whenever we answer God's Word, it teaches us something.
02:21 So I'm looking forward to learning something
02:23 as we answer the questions that you've asked.
02:25 Amen. Praise the Lord.
02:27 And, Pastor James Rafferty,
02:28 always a blessing to have you, my Brother.
02:30 It is so good to be here. Looking forward to it.
02:32 Amen.
02:33 We got lots and lots of very interesting questions.
02:36 I was going through this, just to mention a few here.
02:39 What are the living righteous
02:40 doing during the Battle of Armageddon?
02:42 We're going to be answering that question.
02:44 We have one pertaining here in a moment
02:46 that Pastor Lomacang is going to cover
02:47 pertaining to the 1000 year millennial period
02:50 and Satan being alone here during this time?
02:53 Is there going to be an investigation during
02:55 that time dealing with the 1000 year
02:56 millennial period?
02:58 And also, Pastor Dinzey I think you have a question
03:00 pertaining to water baptism.
03:01 Is sprinkling of water baptism?
03:04 We'll get to that one in just a moment.
03:06 We have lots and lots of good questions.
03:08 And we want to tell you and remind you
03:09 how you can submit your questions,
03:11 you may be new and watching this for the first time.
03:13 There are three different ways you can submit those questions.
03:16 The first is by email.
03:18 And that email address is going
03:19 to be right there on your screen
03:21 BibleQA@3abn.TV
03:24 That's BibleQA@3abn.TV
03:30 And, of course, you can also text in your questions,
03:34 so send us a text message at 618-228-3975.
03:40 Again that number is 618-228-3975.
03:45 And if you have social media account,
03:46 specifically Instagram,
03:48 then you could submit your questions via Instagram
03:51 right there on your screen as well at...
03:53 Be sure to conclude that at sign
03:55 @3abn_official
04:00 Send us those questions because we love your questions
04:03 and we love to give good Bible answers to those questions.
04:08 Well, before we dive right into our questions,
04:11 and we get those Bible answers, Pastor Dinzey,
04:14 I'm gonna ask you to have a prayer for us,
04:15 my Brother, Sure, let's pray.
04:18 Our loving and wonderful Heavenly Father.
04:21 We thank You, Lord, because You have given us
04:23 the blessing of having the Holy Scriptures.
04:26 And even today, Lord, there are more ways to study
04:28 to be able to have it available wherever we go.
04:32 We just thank You, Lord, we pray that You will help us
04:34 to study the scriptures that we may learn from them,
04:38 and be prepared to face the challenges of life.
04:41 We thank You for Your blessing that you will teach us.
04:44 We thank You for the promise of the Holy Spirit
04:46 that will guide us into all truth and we pray
04:48 that Your Holy Spirit will use us
04:51 and bring the truth to Your children.
04:53 We ask You for a blessing also for those that are joining us
04:57 in whatever country or place they may be.
04:59 We ask You for these things in the holy
05:01 and blessed name of Jesus.
05:03 Amen. Amen.
05:06 All right, Pastor Lomacang, I'm going to come to you first.
05:09 I feel like, we need a drumroll for our open one, right?
05:12 This is an interesting question
05:14 and I'm looking forward to the answer.
05:16 So, Pastor Lomacang, this person says,
05:17 "What will happen during the 1000 year period
05:20 where Satan will be alone?
05:23 Will there be investigating
05:24 of why some people made it into heaven
05:27 and why some people did not make it into heaven?
05:30 Could this be clarified more?"
05:31 This is coming from Rebecca, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
05:34 Okay. Thank you, Rebecca, for that question.
05:36 A couple of things that need to be specified
05:38 and clarified at the very outset.
05:41 When the judgment is done, you know, when Revelation 22:12
05:44 is declared, he that is righteous,
05:48 he that is holy, he that is unjust,
05:49 he that is filthy, when that declaration is made,
05:53 two categories are formed permanently
05:54 the holy and the righteous, the unjust and the filthy,
05:58 and that decides who's saved and who's lost.
06:00 But the question is, why would there be a judgment?
06:03 Because it's very clear that the Bible says God,
06:05 the Father judges no one,
06:06 but He has given all judgment to the Son.
06:09 So let's go right to Revelation Chapter 20
06:11 and look at the scene as it unfolds.
06:13 Revelation Chapter 20, I'm going to read verse 4,
06:16 because you asked, will there be an investigation?
06:18 The answer is yes.
06:19 Because some people would want to know, well,
06:20 why did so and so not make it or how did so and so make it?
06:26 Some of you shocked that they're there,
06:27 and some will be shocked that they're not there.
06:30 Revelation 20:4, speaking of the redeemed,
06:32 "And I saw thrones, and they sat on them,
06:35 and judgment was committed to them.
06:38 Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded
06:40 for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God,
06:43 who had not worshiped the beast or his image,
06:45 and had not received his mark on their foreheads
06:48 or on their hands."
06:49 And now speaking about those
06:51 who were sitting on the thrones.
06:52 "And they lived and reigned with Christ for 1000 years."
06:55 Well, the question is, who sat on the throne
06:56 and what were they doing there?
06:58 Let's go to 1 Corinthians 6:2-4,
07:01 because a lot of people wonder, well,
07:03 who's going to be presiding in the judgment?
07:05 Well, when you study Scripture,
07:06 it means those who are our peers,
07:08 those who are in our own peer group will understand
07:12 and rectify the judgment that God has already made.
07:15 The judgment has already been made.
07:17 But the question is,
07:18 on what basis did God make these decisions?
07:21 1 Corinthians 6:2,
07:23 "Do you not know that the saints will judge the world?
07:26 And if the world will be judged by you,
07:28 are you unworthy to judge in the smallest matter?"
07:31 And also, "Do you not know that we shall judge angels?
07:34 Now, which angels? The ones that fell.
07:36 The Bible says they're reserved unto judgment to be punished.
07:40 "How much more then that pertain to this life?
07:44 If then you have judgments concerning these things
07:46 pertaining to life,
07:47 do you appoint those who are least esteemed
07:50 by the church to judge?"
07:52 That's talking about the maturity
07:53 and the relevance to judge.
07:54 Are they at that point yet?
07:56 But let's go to Revelation 20:12, again,
07:58 what did the saints used to investigate
08:02 during the judgment?
08:04 Revelation 20:12, "And I saw the dead,
08:06 small and great standing before God,
08:08 and the books were opened.
08:10 And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life.
08:12 And the dead were judged according to their works,
08:14 by the things which were written in the books."
08:17 You have books open.
08:19 One is the Book of Life and what's the other one?
08:21 Revelation 20:15,
08:23 "And anyone not found written in the Book of Life
08:25 was cast into the lake of fire."
08:28 So there's a Book of Life and there's a Book of Death.
08:30 The Book of Death contains all the sins
08:32 that have never been confessed.
08:34 That's why the Bible says we must all give an account
08:37 and we must all stand before the judgment seat of God
08:39 that we may give an account.
08:41 Now get this, the righteous don't give an account
08:43 because their sins have been blotted out
08:45 by the blood of the Lamb.
08:46 They receive eternal life,
08:48 but the wicked now have to account for their sins
08:50 and they will be judged according to their works,
08:53 Revelation 22:12.
08:56 Amen. Very thorough answer. Thank you, Pastor.
08:59 All right, Pastor John Dinzey,
09:00 I'm going to come to you for this next one.
09:02 This is coming from Mitchell in Virginia.
09:04 And they say, "I've been reading the Word
09:07 and would like to ask if Colossians 2:14-16
09:12 would be speaking on the Passover
09:14 and Feast of Tabernacles?
09:16 Are these events part of what was nailed to the cross
09:20 with Christ?
09:21 Thank you, Mitchell, for the question.
09:23 Yes. Colossians 2:14-16.
09:27 I will read verses 14 now,
09:30 "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances
09:33 that was against us, which was contrary to us
09:37 and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross,
09:40 and having spoiled principalities and powers,
09:42 he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it."
09:46 This has been a source of confusion for people
09:49 and we hope to give you some clarification.
09:54 All of the feasts included sacrifices
09:58 when Jesus died on the cross,
10:00 all the sacrificial ordinances and that,
10:03 including the Feast of Passover
10:05 and the Feast of Tabernacles, and the other feasts.
10:08 And so, I want to point you to the writing
10:13 of how this is worded in the Bible.
10:15 You see in the Bible, you have ordinances
10:19 and you have the Ten Commandments.
10:20 Sometimes people get confused,
10:22 and they think the Ten Commandments
10:23 were nailed to the cross, and that is not so.
10:27 Look at Deuteronomy 4:13-14, it says,
10:30 "So he declared to you His covenant
10:33 which He commanded you to perform,
10:35 the Ten Commandments,
10:36 and He wrote them on two tables of stone."
10:39 And then notice what he says, in verse 14,
10:43 "And the Lord commanded me at that time
10:46 to teach you statutes and judgments
10:48 that you might observe, observe them in the land
10:51 which you cross over to possess."
10:54 A difference between the two is made here
10:56 because he talks about the Ten Commandments.
10:58 And then he says, "And the Lord commanded me
11:01 at that time to teach you statutes and judgments."
11:04 So these things, the ordinances were nailed to the cross,
11:09 in Deuteronomy 31:24 and 26.
11:13 Notice how it's written, "So it was,
11:15 when Moses had completed writing the words of this law
11:18 in a book, when they were finished,
11:20 that Moses commanded the Levites,
11:23 who bore the Ark of the Covenant
11:24 of the Lord saying:
11:25 'Take this book of the law,
11:27 and put it beside the Ark of the Covenant
11:30 of the Lord your God,
11:31 that they may be there as a witness against you.'"
11:35 So this is a very interesting wording,
11:37 witness against you
11:39 because that's the way it's worded also,
11:41 when you go into New Testament in Ephesians
11:43 there's similar wording, in Colossians 2,
11:45 there's similar wording.
11:47 And notice that it's written... It was put beside the ark.
11:51 Inside the ark was the Ten Commandments,
11:55 making a difference between the two,
11:57 and were inside the ark,
12:01 and above the ark, what was it?
12:03 The Shekinah glory of God.
12:06 So there was a difference between the two placed
12:08 in the scriptures because of the nature
12:10 of these things and Jesus Christ fulfilled
12:14 the sacrificial system.
12:16 He is the Lamb of God,
12:18 that takes away the sin of the world.
12:20 Jesus fulfilled all of the sacrifices.
12:22 It's a marvelous study to study the tabernacle services.
12:27 And as you see,
12:28 the tabernacle services what took place,
12:31 the confession of sin,
12:32 and how once a year there was a Day of Atonement.
12:36 Jesus Christ is now in the heavenly sanctuary
12:39 in the Most Holy Place
12:40 ministering as our high priest for us.
12:44 Our time is up,
12:46 I guess we'll have to go for the next question.
12:48 All right.
12:49 Well, maybe you can add some more of that later on
12:50 if you need to.
12:52 All right, thank you so much, Pastor Dinzey.
12:53 All right, Pastor James Rafferty,
12:55 we're coming to you this next one.
12:56 Yes, sir.
12:57 This person, this is actually coming from Danelle.
13:00 And Danelle says, "With what is said in Revelation 21."
13:04 And I think they're quoting verse 4 here,
13:05 which references former things passed away?
13:08 And the question is, "Will we still read the Bible
13:11 about all the sin and sorrow that was in the world?"
13:15 Great question.
13:16 Danelle, I wanna look at a Bible verse with you.
13:19 It's in Zechariah Chapter 13, an Old Testament minor prophet.
13:22 Zechariah 13:6,
13:25 that will help answer this question.
13:26 This is what it says there, it says,
13:28 "And one shall say unto Him," talking about Christ,
13:31 "what are these wounds in thine hands?
13:35 Then He shall answer,
13:36 those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends."
13:40 So this is a picture of a time,
13:43 probably in the New Heaven and the New Earth,
13:45 if not in heaven,
13:46 when we realize
13:48 that there are people there who really didn't understand
13:51 the Bible or the plan of salvation,
13:52 and Jesus Christ has these marks in His hands
13:56 and His feet and in His side.
13:57 Now we know that's true
13:58 because when He came back to His disciples
14:01 after His resurrection,
14:02 Doubting Thomas wasn't there the first time
14:04 and he said, I won't believe unless I put my fingers
14:06 in the prints of His hands, et cetera.
14:09 And Jesus appeared to them and said, "Thomas,
14:12 go ahead and put your fingers in the prints of My hands
14:15 and in My side and see and believe."
14:17 These are the marks of sin that remain in the hands
14:22 and feet of Christ throughout all eternity.
14:25 And the Word of God,
14:26 which Jesus is because Jesus is the Word made flesh
14:29 is also immortalized.
14:31 And you might say, well, if the Word of God
14:33 is there and the record of sin is there,
14:35 isn't that going to be like kind of dissonance in eternity
14:38 to know all these things that we've done?
14:40 Well, I've been a Christian for 37 years
14:42 and just in that short period of time,
14:45 my past has become a distant memory.
14:48 Just think of what it's going to be like after 1000 years
14:51 or a million years or a billion years
14:53 or a trillion years.
14:55 We're going to be studying the mysteries of God's Word
14:57 for all eternity, but our connection
14:59 with the actual sins that we may have committed
15:01 or the things in there that are sinful are going
15:03 to become more and more distant and more
15:05 and more foreign to us.
15:07 Nevertheless, God's Word is going to be established
15:10 throughout all eternity
15:11 because God's Word is immortal and eternal.
15:14 We are going to as Malachi 4:2 says,
15:17 "Unto those that fear my name,
15:19 shall the Son of righteousness
15:20 arise with healing in his wings,
15:22 and you will grow forth as calves of the stall."
15:25 You will grow and go forth asi¿½calves of the stall.
15:28 So we're going to grow, but the Word of God
15:30 is still going to be central in the context of the plan
15:33 of salvation and the great revelation
15:35 of God's love and God's grace through all eternity.
15:38 Amen. Praise God. Thank you, Brother.
15:41 Pastor Lomacang, this is coming from Chandler.
15:44 Chandler says, "In a previous Q and A,
15:47 Pastor Lomacang answered a question
15:49 about Judas Iscariot's remorse
15:51 and mention that it's different from repentance.
15:54 How is it different from repentance?
15:56 Please explain this idea." Sure.
15:58 A lot of people show remorse.
15:59 I've watched court cases where criminals show remorse,
16:02 but they don't show repentance.
16:04 You know, remorse is often
16:06 sometimes a sorrow for getting caught.
16:08 It's not always a sorrow,
16:10 because I've done something wrong.
16:12 And some people go, I'm so sorry,
16:14 you know, but when you go through further,
16:17 when you look through that further,
16:18 you find that confession always happens
16:22 when a person is caught.
16:23 But is that confession for the removal of that sin
16:27 or is that confession,
16:29 man I'm so sorry, I got caught.
16:31 Right. There was an opportunity for Judas to repent.
16:35 And that is when the Lord was with him in the final,
16:38 in the Last Supper.
16:39 Right. John 13:26-27.
16:41 This is a pivotal moment. Listen to this.
16:44 Speaking to Judas, "Jesus answered,
16:48 'It is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread
16:51 when I have dipped it."
16:52 So he was given the sign,
16:54 you'll know who's going to betray me.
16:55 "And having dipped the bread, He gave it to Judas Iscariot,
16:59 the son of Simon."
17:01 That was a pivotal moment because he heard
17:03 what the Lord said in front of everybody.
17:05 And then here's what God said, "Now, after the piece of bread,
17:08 Satan entered him.
17:11 Then Jesus said to him, 'What you do, do quickly.'"
17:14 At that very moment,
17:17 he had a chance to not do it but the Lord said to him,
17:20 knowing that Satan had entered him,
17:22 that was the pivotal moment.
17:24 Now when he hung himself later on
17:26 and threw the 30 pieces of silver back to the priest
17:29 who had bought him out,
17:31 it was too late,
17:32 because his remorse led to his own death,
17:35 he hung himself.
17:36 Now that was not a repentance but that was, man,
17:39 I got caught, I betrayed the only one
17:42 that could have given me eternal life.
17:43 Now, I may add one more component before I turn this.
17:46 We often see repentance is something
17:47 that we do after we sin,
17:49 but sometimes the Lord wants to repent us for the sin
17:51 we're contemplating.
17:53 And that is of more deep repentance
17:55 than just the sin itself.
17:57 That's why the Lord says, "For all have sinned
17:59 and fall short of the glory of God."
18:00 We have all sinned.
18:02 Sometimes God says, I know what you're about to do,
18:05 you need to repent at that very thought.
18:07 When you do that kind of repentance,
18:09 the act will not follow.
18:11 Many years ago, there was a KGO talk show host in California,
18:14 he says, "It's better to ask for forgiveness
18:16 than to ask for permission."
18:18 And he used to be a priest.
18:20 He said this horrible thing, encouraging people to sin
18:22 and ask for forgiveness, rather than to repent
18:25 instead of asking for permission.
18:27 So repent and not do it rather than do it and then repent.
18:31 Amen. That's a great truth.
18:34 All right, Pastor John Dinzey.
18:35 This one's a short question, but it's necessary,
18:40 "Is sprinkling of water baptism?"
18:44 All right. Let's go to Mark 1:10.
18:49 It says, "And straightway coming up out of the water,
18:52 He saw the heavens opened,
18:53 and the Spirit like a dove descending upon Him."
18:55 This is Jesus when He was baptized.
18:57 And notice that it says, coming up out,
19:01 and then out of the water, He saw the heavens opened,
19:04 and the Spirit like a dove descending upon Him.
19:07 This is because the word baptism or baptizo in Greek
19:12 means to submerge, to bring under,
19:15 and even is a connotation of being made thoroughly wet.
19:21 So sprinkling does not really meet
19:24 the Bible method of baptism.
19:27 There are a few denominations that practice sprinkling,
19:30 but that does not meet
19:31 what the Bible says concerning baptism.
19:33 I'm reading now from Romans 6.
19:36 I will begin in verse 1.
19:37 "What shall we say then?
19:39 Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
19:42 Certainly not!
19:43 How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?
19:47 Or do you not know that as many of us
19:49 as were baptized into Christ were baptized into His death?
19:54 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism."
19:57 See baptism,
19:59 when you're baptized you are buried in the water.
20:02 I will read that again.
20:03 "Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death,
20:07 that just as Christ was raised from the dead,
20:10 coming up out of the water, by the glory of the Father,
20:13 even so we also should walk in newness of life."
20:17 So the proper method,
20:18 the way the Bible describes baptism
20:21 is to be brought completely under the water.
20:24 This is the symbolism of dying to the old way of life,
20:29 dying to a life of sin.
20:30 And coming up again identifies
20:33 that you are now a new creation in Jesus Christ.
20:37 So sprinkling does not meet
20:39 what the Bible says concerning baptism.
20:42 Amen. Very thorough. Thank you, Brother.
20:44 All right, Pastor James Rafferty,
20:46 "What are the living righteous doing during the Battle
20:49 of Armageddon?"
20:51 All right. Let's, that's a great question.
20:52 Let's look at the Bible verses on the Battle of Armageddon.
20:55 They're found in Revelation 16:13-16.
20:59 I think the context of these verses will tell us
21:02 what the living righteous are doing.
21:04 Revelation Chapter 16, beginning with verse 14,
21:06 "I saw three unclean spirits like frogs
21:09 come out of the mouth of the dragon,
21:10 and out of the mouth of the beast,
21:12 and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
21:13 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles,
21:16 which go forth under the kings of the earth
21:18 and of the whole world,
21:19 to gather them to the battle of the great day
21:21 of God Almighty."
21:23 Verse 15, "Behold, I come as a thief.
21:25 Blessed is he that watches, keeps his garments,
21:30 lest they walk naked and see his shame."
21:33 And then verse 16,
21:34 "And he gathered them together into a place
21:36 called in the Hebrew tongue, Armageddon."
21:38 The only place this word is used in the New Testament,
21:41 and it comes from a Hebrew word in the Old Testament.
21:44 So here we have the Battle of Armageddon.
21:46 It describes the unclean spirits
21:48 like frogs coming out of the mouth of the beast,
21:49 the dragon, and the false prophet.
21:51 It describes the gathering of the people,
21:55 the kings of the world,
21:57 and the whole earth being gathered to this great day
21:59 of battle with God Almighty.
22:02 And then it says, or describes exactly what you're asking,
22:05 what are the living righteous doing
22:07 during the Battle of Armageddon?
22:08 This is what it says, it says, "Behold, I come as a thief,
22:11 blessed is he that watches."
22:13 So they're watching, that's what Jesus tells us
22:15 to do several times in Matthew 24,
22:17 Luke 21, and Mark 13 They're watching
22:20 and they're keeping His garments.
22:22 His garments, being His garments,
22:24 the garments of righteousness.
22:26 Ephesians 6:10-18
22:29 lay this out for us.
22:31 We have the armor of God,
22:32 we have the breastplate of righteousness,
22:34 the righteousness of Jesus Christ,
22:36 the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation,
22:38 and the shoe shod with the gospel of peace,
22:41 and we're praying earnestly.
22:42 And I believe in the Battle of Armageddon,
22:43 we had to be praying earnestly
22:45 because the gathering is taking place right now,
22:47 and this battle is going to continue on
22:49 until Jesus comes to Revelation 19 to rescue us
22:53 with those horses and that great army from heaven.
22:56 So keep watching.
22:57 Keep focused, connected with Christ,
22:59 wearing His righteousness, His perfect life,
23:02 His penalty, satisfying death,
23:03 trusting the righteousness of Christ.
23:05 Amen. Beautiful answer.
23:07 Some of us need a garment overhaul.
23:11 Just need to go in our closet and clean out.
23:12 Let Jesus clean us, right,
23:14 we need to put on His garments awaiting His soon return.
23:17 Amen.
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23:43 Again, BibleQA@3abn.TV
23:48 Send us an email or you can text us your question,
23:52 and the number is right there as well 618-228-3975.
23:57 Again, 618-228-3975.
24:01 And if you have an Instagram account,
24:03 we encourage you if you don't, get one,
24:04 because you can submit your questions that way also.
24:07 You can see it right there. It's @3abn_official.
24:14 When you submit those questions to us
24:16 again in a future program.
24:19 It may not be next week immediately,
24:21 but keep watching.
24:22 Submit those questions and keep watching
24:23 because we will eventually get to your question.
24:27 All right.
24:28 Pastor John Lomacang, coming back to you, my Brother.
24:32 This question is an interesting one.
24:34 It says, "I was doing the math the other day.
24:37 And now I am wondering
24:39 how we get 1290 days
24:43 out of 360 plus 360 plus 180
24:47 when it actually equals 900?"
24:49 Okay.
24:51 This is a very interesting question.
24:52 By the way, the math is all off in this question.
24:56 It's all over the place.
24:57 And I want to respectfully answer that
25:00 because 360 and 360, 720, and 180 brings you to 900,
25:04 but that's not what the text says.
25:06 And by the way, I know you meant 1260 instead of 1290.
25:10 Let's read Daniel 7:25,
25:12 this would be a very quick answer.
25:14 Daniel 7:25.
25:15 And we find this time frame also referred
25:17 to in the New Testament in Book of Revelation.
25:19 He shall speak,
25:20 that is speaking about the fourth beast of Daniel 7,
25:24 "He shall speak pompous words or great words against
25:26 the Most High,
25:28 shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
25:30 and shall think or intend to change times and laws.
25:34 Then the saints shall be given into his hands,
25:37 or into his hand for a time and times and half a time."
25:41 Now, let's look at this in the broad sense.
25:45 The time frame, which you got right is 360
25:49 but times is a doubling of that, which is 720.
25:52 That's where you fell off the cart right there
25:54 because you did 360 twice,
25:57 it's time, times, and half a time.
26:00 360, 720, 180,
26:03 bringing us down to the time frame of 1260.
26:08 You ask yourself the question, how do we get a day for a year?
26:10 Well, Ezekiel 4:6,
26:14 and also Numbers talk about that the time,
26:16 the number of days they were in the wilderness,
26:18 the number of years.
26:20 Ezekiel 4:6, the Bible says,
26:23 "And when you have completed them,
26:25 lie again on your right side,
26:27 then you shall bear the iniquity
26:29 of the house of Judah forty days.
26:31 I have laid on you a day for each year."
26:35 So in the prophetic sense it's day for a year,
26:37 but now John is writing...
26:39 You find Daniel is writing
26:41 and you also find when Revelation talks about
26:43 the same time frame.
26:45 John is writing in a period when the Romans used a sundial.
26:48 And so the Romans added an addition to this time frame
26:51 because the sundial was a 360-degree dial.
26:54 When you ran up on it twice, you went around 720 times
26:58 when you went around half the time it was 180.
27:00 So couple that with Daniel, which is the Old Testament
27:03 time frame of prophetic understanding
27:06 and then John's on both fronts,
27:08 you still come up to 1260 days which is 1260 years.
27:13 Amen.
27:14 God's Word is very clear and very thorough.
27:17 All right, Pastor, John Dinzey, this person is asking,
27:21 "What time period
27:22 is Isaiah 65:20-25
27:27 referring to?"
27:29 Okay, let me try to read that really quick here,
27:31 Isaiah 65:20-25.
27:33 I'm reading so you can see some of the elements
27:35 of the verses and the things that are taking place there.
27:38 It says, "No more shall an infant from there live
27:41 but a few days, nor an old man who has not fulfilled his days,
27:45 for the child shall die one hundred years old,
27:48 but the sinner being one hundred years old
27:50 shall be accursed."
27:51 So right here, at this onset,
27:55 I'd like to tell you that this is not describing
27:57 the New Earth, after sin is already done away with.
28:01 There are some elements of this
28:03 that can be applied to the New Earth.
28:05 What's happening in Isaiah 65:20-25,
28:08 is that the Lord told the people of Israel,
28:11 that He was going to give them like a foretaste of heaven,
28:14 and He was going to do some modification
28:16 to the place where they lived,
28:18 so that they can have like a precursor,
28:21 a foretaste of heaven.
28:23 And He was making promises to them based on being faithful.
28:27 And in those days, some children died before,
28:31 even while being born,
28:32 and over a few days because of diseases,
28:35 but the Lord promised them your child shall die
28:38 one hundred years old,
28:40 and notice that he's talking about sinners,
28:41 therefore this is not the New Jerusalem,
28:44 this is not heaven.
28:45 Now notice what it says the promises He makes them.
28:47 "They shall build houses and inhabit them,
28:49 they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
28:53 They shall not build and another inhabit,
28:55 they shall not plant and another eat.
28:57 For as the days of a tree,
28:58 so shall be the days of My people,
29:00 and My elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.
29:04 They shall not labor in vain,
29:05 nor bring forth children for trouble,
29:07 for they shall be descendants of the blessed of the Lord,
29:09 and their offspring with them.
29:12 And it shall come to pass that before they call,
29:14 I will answer
29:15 and while they are still speaking, I will hear.
29:17 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together,
29:19 the lion shall eat straw like the ox
29:22 and dust shall be the serpent's food.
29:25 They shall not hurt nor destroy in My holy mountain, '
29:28 says the Lord.'"
29:29 I point you also to Deuteronomy Chapter 7
29:32 and there you will see many promises
29:34 that the Lord made to them based on obedience,
29:37 and if they did not obey,
29:39 the Lord was not going to fulfill these promises.
29:41 So when were these things to take place?
29:43 If the people of Israel were faithful,
29:45 the Lord was going to bless them temporarily
29:47 with these types of things and also delivered them
29:50 from their enemies.
29:53 But my time is up.
29:55 All right. Okay.
29:56 Well, thank you so much for that answer.
29:58 Appreciate it.
29:59 All right, Pastor Rafferty, this person is asking,
30:01 "How do I lead a family that is so entertained
30:05 by some of the ungodly imagery Hollywood
30:07 and other media outlets display?"
30:10 Really good question.
30:12 Job Chapter 1 really gives us a good answer for that.
30:14 In Job 1:1,
30:16 "You have this man in the land of Uz,
30:18 whose name was Job, and this man was perfect."
30:20 And, of course, we argue a lot about perfection
30:22 and perfectionism.
30:24 But the context is of his perfection
30:26 is the answer to this question.
30:27 How do I lead a family that is so entertained
30:30 by some of ungodly imagery, Hollywood and say,
30:33 how do I lead them?
30:34 Well, Job had a similar situation.
30:36 He was so concerned about his kids,
30:39 they were 10 of them,
30:40 who are partying in their houses,
30:41 having these birthday parties, these get-togethers.
30:43 He was so concerned about them because he was afraid
30:45 they might be cursing God in their hearts.
30:47 And by the way, that is an indication of Job's perfection.
30:50 The reason why Job is called a perfect man
30:52 is because of the way he responds to his children.
30:56 He responds by getting up early in the morning, we're told,
30:59 and praying for every one of them.
31:01 He responds by offering sacrifices in their behalf,
31:05 sacrificing his time,
31:06 and sacrificing stuff for his kids.
31:09 Why? Because they were good kids?
31:11 No, because he was afraid they weren't good kids,
31:12 because he was afraid they were caught up in Hollywood,
31:14 because he was afraid they were doing things
31:15 that really weren't in harmony with God's will for their lives
31:19 and so this led him as a godly man,
31:22 as a godly parent.
31:23 This led him to pray earnestly for them,
31:26 to rise up early in the morning for them,
31:27 and to sacrifice his stuff in their behalf.
31:29 So, if you love God,
31:31 if you are filled with the peace of God,
31:33 and the joy of God, and the happiness of God,
31:35 if you know that eternal life is yours,
31:37 and you see your family caught up
31:40 addicted to Hollywood,
31:41 addicted to things that that aren't good for them,
31:43 that aren't spiritually nurturing them.
31:45 Follow the example of Job, get up early in the morning,
31:48 and pray for your family.
31:50 Sacrifice your stuff,
31:52 give your stuff in their behalf,
31:55 so that they can know that you love them
31:56 and in knowing that you love them,
31:58 they can see a picture
32:00 of God's unconditional love for them.
32:01 Because we're told in Romans 2:4,
32:04 "It is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance."
32:07 And that word repentance means to turn around.
32:10 The only way that people can turn around
32:12 according to the Bible,
32:14 the only way their lives can be turned around
32:15 is if they see the goodness of God,
32:17 the goodness of God turns our life around.
32:20 So let the love of God shining through you
32:23 turn the lives of your family around.
32:26 Amen. Thank you so much, Brother.
32:28 Appreciate that. All right.
32:29 Pastor Lomacang, coming back to you.
32:31 This is coming from Pam from Illinois.
32:33 And she says this question is for Pastor Lomacang
32:36 because of his comment.
32:38 And she's quoting you, "If the devil is angry with me,
32:41 I must be doing something right.
32:43 Does the Bible or Ellen White
32:45 give examples in correlation to this?"
32:48 And then she goes on to say, "You see,
32:49 I experienced a visit from an evil spirit
32:51 and this was the same day one of my siblings didn't trust
32:54 that I divided my mother's estate equally
32:57 but with God's help every penny was accounted
32:59 for and the estate was settled.
33:00 I always wanted to know if I did the right thing.
33:03 Why was this evil spirit allowed to get close enough
33:06 to touch me to try to instill fear into me?"
33:11 Thank you for the question, Pam.
33:14 First answer.
33:16 If you are a follower of Christ,
33:18 you are on Satan's hit list.
33:21 You don't even have to do anything
33:23 but just accept Jesus
33:25 and you align yourself with Christ,
33:28 you automatically have an enemy.
33:30 The Bible makes it very, very clear.
33:32 That's why 1 Peter 5:8
33:33 and when I said that if I'm doing,
33:35 I must be doing something right.
33:36 Yes.
33:38 I'll show you the scriptures that support that.
33:40 Let's start with 1 Peter 5:8,
33:43 "Be sober, be vigilant,
33:46 because your adversary the devil walks about
33:49 like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour."
33:53 That is to every Christian, how do I know that?
33:57 2 Peter 3:12.
33:59 Yes, and all who live godly,
34:03 in Christ Jesus Will suffer persecution.
34:07 Not might or possibility but will.
34:11 Here's the key. I've asked people this before.
34:13 If you're doing something right, is the devil happy?
34:15 The answer is no.
34:16 If you're doing something wrong, is he happy?
34:18 Yes.
34:19 If you're doing something right,
34:21 what is his attitude towards you?
34:22 We just read that he wants to devour you.
34:24 He wants to make your life miserable.
34:26 That's why James 4:7 says, "Therefore submit to God,"
34:30 what is our action,
34:32 "resist the devil and he will flee from you.
34:35 Draw near to God and God will draw near to you."
34:37 Without resistance,
34:39 the devil will have access to us,
34:40 without any power on our own to be able to resist him.
34:43 That's why Paul says,
34:45 we don't wrestle against flesh and blood.
34:47 Ephesians 6:16, how are we safe?
34:50 "Above all, taking the shield of faith
34:53 with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts
34:58 of the wicked one."
35:00 But what about the temptations?
35:02 Anything that comes your way, the Lord measures it.
35:06 He doesn't allow any temptation or trial to come your way
35:09 that you through His grace cannot handle.
35:12 1 Corinthians 10:13,
35:13 "No temptation has overtaken you
35:15 except such as is common to man."
35:17 But God is faithful,
35:18 who will not allow you to be tempted beyond
35:20 what you are able, but with the temptation,
35:22 and we also had the trial, also make a way of escape
35:25 that you may be able to bear it.
35:27 So yes, if you're doing something right,
35:29 you are on the devil's hit list.
35:31 All right. That's very clear.
35:33 In fact, on the point that Pastor Lomacang
35:35 just referenced 1 Corinthians 10:13,
35:39 Pastor Dinzey, Maureen asked this question.
35:43 She says, "My references are taken from the NIV.
35:46 In the model prayer, we must ask God
35:48 not to lead us into temptation.
35:51 In 1 Corinthians 10:13, and she says,
35:55 with emphasis to the second half,
35:57 and God is faithful," which pastor just quoted it.
35:59 "He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.
36:03 If God is the source of all goodness,
36:05 why are we to ask him not to lead us into temptation?
36:08 Am I to understand that God temps or tests us?
36:12 I always thought that the enemy brought our trials,
36:14 tribulations, temptations, et cetera to us,
36:18 and God helps us through them.
36:19 Can you please help me with this?"
36:22 Thank you for your question.
36:24 I'm going to read first,
36:26 James 1:13
36:29 that clarifies the aspect about God
36:33 tempting us or not tempting us?
36:35 James Chapter 1, it says,
36:36 "Let no one say when he is tempted..."
36:38 James 1:13, "Let no one say when he is tempted,
36:42 I am tempted by God,
36:44 for God cannot be tempted by evil,
36:47 nor does He Himself tempt anyone."
36:51 So it is very clear statement in the Book of James
36:54 that God does not tempt anyone.
36:57 So what does it mean then when it says,
37:00 lead us not into temptation.
37:02 I'm going to Matthew Chapter 6,
37:04 and I'm going to back up a little bit to verse 11
37:08 to give a little bit of context.
37:09 It says, "Give us this day, our daily bread."
37:11 Now notice verse 12, "And forgive us our debts,"
37:15 this is talking about our sins,
37:17 "and forgive us our sins, as we forgive our debtors,
37:20 those who have trespassed against us."
37:22 So when verse 13 comes around,
37:25 "And do not lead us into temptation,
37:27 but deliver us from the evil one."
37:29 We have to understand that the person that is praying
37:33 is asking the Lord, Lord, forgive me for my sins,
37:37 and do not allow me
37:40 to fall into sin again.
37:43 This is a way you can understand this
37:45 and lead us not into temptation.
37:46 Do not allow me to fall into sin.
37:49 This is a person that wants to walk with the Lord
37:52 and be faithful to the Lord because he realizes,
37:54 I don't want to be in a state of sin,
37:57 and I want to be forgiven.
37:59 I want to be faithful to you.
38:01 And this is a wonderful prayer in the sense that it identifies
38:05 with the word repentance,
38:06 you do not want to continue sinning.
38:08 Now, some people have taken this as to say
38:11 that because the word temptation
38:12 can also be applied to trials.
38:14 In this case, you will say,
38:15 do not allow me to go into sword trials
38:17 that will overwhelm me.
38:20 But God is faithful,
38:21 who will not allow you to be tempted above that
38:23 what you are able.
38:25 Yes, the devil is the one that brings the trial,
38:27 God permits those things to come to us
38:29 that He has weighed and carefully measured,
38:32 so that you do not get overwhelmed
38:35 and He provides you the power because it says,
38:38 "With God, all things are possible."
38:40 Amen. Amen.
38:41 Thank you, Brother. Great answer.
38:43 Pastor Rafferty, coming to you for this one.
38:46 This comes from Renata in Washington.
38:48 And she says, "Please explain
38:50 why Jesus has to minister for us in heaven.
38:53 We are saved already because Jesus already paid,
38:55 saved and redeemed us.
38:57 Maybe we don't fully understand His ministry in heaven."
39:01 That is a really good question, Renata.
39:03 And I want to look at a Bible verse with you.
39:05 This one is found in 2 Corinthians 1:10.
39:09 And it really describes, you said,
39:11 maybe we don't understand His ministry,
39:13 maybe we don't understand, you know,
39:14 how salvation works.
39:16 So 2 Corinthians 1:10
39:17 explains it perhaps in a very simple way.
39:20 It's talking about Jesus Christ,
39:22 it's talking about God, it's talking about the plan
39:23 of salvation and basically says,
39:25 who delivered us from so great a death that's past tense,
39:30 and does deliver that's present tense,
39:33 in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us,
39:37 that's future tense.
39:38 Salvation is not a one-time deal
39:40 that was settled back in December of 1984.
39:45 Salvation is a past, present, and future experience
39:49 that we have with Christ, justification, sanctification,
39:52 and finally, glorification.
39:54 It's a process that takes place in our lives.
39:56 And that's why Christ ministers for us
39:58 in the heavenly sanctuary.
40:00 Christ is ministering for us in the heavenly sanctuary
40:02 because Christ has saved us past tense,
40:05 and that salvation comes through his merit
40:07 or righteousness apply to us
40:09 when we pray to Him in heaven
40:10 for the forgiveness of our sins,
40:12 and then salvation, God is ministering to us.
40:15 That's why it says in Hebrews 4:15-16,
40:19 "For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched
40:21 with the feeling of our infirmities,
40:23 but it was in all points tempted like
40:24 as we are yet without sin.
40:26 Let us therefore come boldly before the throne of grace,
40:30 that we may receive mercy and find grace
40:32 and help in time of need."
40:34 There's a three full power there that God wants us
40:37 to tap into,
40:38 and so has been shared just recently here.
40:41 There's no temptation that comes to us that God
40:43 is not able to save us from.
40:44 All things work together for good to them
40:46 that love the Lord and are called according
40:47 to His purpose.
40:49 So God is in the business of past tense saving us,
40:51 present tense, saving us and future tense, saving us.
40:54 He is in the business of working out our salvation
40:57 in the heavenly sanctuary with justification,
40:59 sanctification, and redemption.
41:01 Amen.
41:03 That present truth gets you on fire down there, I can see.
41:04 Amen. Amen.
41:07 I like to praise God. All right, Pastor Lomacang.
41:09 This next question is actually a really good one
41:11 coming from Elena.
41:13 And she says, "My question is in regards
41:15 to reverence and worship in our churches.
41:18 Pastor Lomacang, in a sermon found on YouTube,
41:21 preached about the impact of music,
41:23 and I've noticed a lot of what he warned
41:25 about in the music played in our church
41:27 and it seems I'm the only one worried.
41:31 She goes, not only that,
41:33 is it appropriate to have a concert-like service
41:36 with lights and all?
41:38 Why aren't we using hymnals anymore?
41:40 Am I wrong and behaving like a Pharisee?
41:42 I've been praying to try to find kind words
41:45 to talk to the pastor,
41:46 but he's been commenting on how we are a diverse church,
41:49 and I'm not the confrontational type.
41:52 I've had to leave the service because it was too loud.
41:54 Maybe I just need to find a new church.
41:57 But I'm really concerned,
41:58 what would be the right approach?
42:00 If I'm wrong, please let me know.
42:02 I feel I'm being judgmental?"
42:05 I liked the way she phrased that question
42:07 because she didn't come down in a definitive way I'm right,
42:09 and he's wrong or any other way.
42:11 But when we talk about the issue of music,
42:13 and music is so much a part of my life.
42:16 Before I got into pastoring, I was into music
42:18 and I'm still singing.
42:20 I have a wide range of music
42:22 that I like to listen to gospel music,
42:25 Christian music, traditional music,
42:27 and they're all variants of the gospel.
42:30 But when you talk about music and its impact,
42:32 it's critical to understand the proper purpose for music.
42:36 Sometimes music has become a suitable
42:38 substitute for the depth and knowledge of God's Word.
42:42 I don't support that when the sermon is,
42:44 when you get a sermon up,
42:45 but you get 45 to 50 minutes of music.
42:48 And I've seen people say I've gone home starved,
42:50 but I got caught into the 711.
42:53 Seven words repeated 11 times.
42:56 Other times music has been so minimized,
42:59 that some churches services just seemed dry,
43:02 it's like one song, that's it and is like,
43:05 absolutely no emotion at all.
43:08 There is a biblically scriptural prescription
43:11 for what worship and praise
43:13 should be and that's Psalm 100.
43:15 The Bible says, "Make a joyful shout to the Lord,
43:17 a joyful noise, all you lands!
43:19 Serve the Lord with gladness,
43:20 come before His presence with singing."
43:22 And it goes on, "Know that the Lord He is God,
43:25 it is He who made us
43:27 and we did not make ourselves."
43:28 I'll let you read the rest of that.
43:30 "Enter his courts with thanksgiving
43:31 and his presence with praise."
43:34 But here's the thing I want to bring out.
43:36 Notice that volume style of praise
43:39 and musical instruments were not the specific functions
43:42 of Psalm 100.
43:45 People tend to think that musical instruments are evil.
43:47 I'm not one of those.
43:49 Some people say the drum, the flute,
43:50 the horn, the bass, the guitar,
43:52 the Bible doesn't speak of any evil instruments,
43:54 it's the use of those.
43:55 That's right.
43:56 That curve that crossed the line to make that
43:58 instrument offensive.
43:59 If somebody was raised in a classical background,
44:01 well, they're not really into any kind of music
44:03 that may deviate from that.
44:04 There was a time in the Christian church
44:06 that pianos were not allowed.
44:07 Right.
44:09 And there are still some places in the world
44:10 that pianos are still not used.
44:11 And I was in Africa, in some places,
44:13 they don't use pianos,
44:14 because they see it as a bar instrument.
44:17 But here's something that I would like you to really use
44:19 as a principle.
44:21 If the music is in vain repetition,
44:24 Matthew 6:7 applies as well as it does to prayer.
44:28 Don't use vain repetition, Lord, I love You, Lord,
44:30 I love You, Lord, I love You, Lord, I love You.
44:31 That's not bringing out emotion,
44:34 but that's focusing on emotionalism.
44:37 That's focusing worship in the wrong direction
44:39 but if the music moves you, praise God.
44:42 But here's my closing point
44:44 and I've gone over my time, but I have to say this.
44:46 When the Hebrews were on the plain of Dura,
44:49 Nebuchadnezzar said, "Bow when the music is played."
44:51 Why didn't they bow?
44:53 And here's something I always remember,
44:54 God showed this to me.
44:56 When music leads you to bow at the wrong altar,
44:59 it ceases to be worship to the true God.
45:03 The question is, to what altar is your music leading you?
45:06 If it's taking you where you've come from,
45:08 then I think you should find another place to worship.
45:11 Amen. Well said, Brother.
45:12 Thank you for that. All right, Pastor Dinzey.
45:15 This is your last question
45:16 before we get into our bonus round.
45:18 And this is coming from April, I believe in Connecticut.
45:21 And she says, "Pastor Dinzey,
45:23 this is a follow-up question regarding Sabbath keeping.
45:26 In one segment,
45:27 a question was asked about breaking the Sabbath,
45:29 if one has to work 9 am to 5 pm
45:32 and the sunsets at 4 pm.
45:34 My question is, how about those countries
45:37 such as Finland, Norway,
45:38 where sometimes the sun would shine for 73 hours straight?
45:43 It goes on to say, or the sun would never show up
45:45 during wintertime?
45:47 Is the Sabbath still observed from sunset to sunset?"
45:50 It's a good question.
45:52 It really is a good question.
45:54 I first want to establish that the Bible measures
45:57 or God measures days,
45:59 according to Genesis 1 from evening to evening.
46:02 And the evening and the morning was the first day,
46:04 evening and the morning was the second day, et cetera.
46:07 So when we say that
46:09 the Sabbath begins in the evening,
46:10 we're talking about Friday evening begins the Sabbath
46:13 until Saturday evening, what we call Saturday evening,
46:17 that's the way the Sabbath is measured.
46:18 But what about those countries where the sun is out,
46:22 and you don't see it go down, or the sun doesn't come up?
46:26 Well, I want to thank Brother Tim Lass that lived in Alaska.
46:29 They helped me to understand
46:30 how they observed the Sabbath there.
46:32 You see, and those days where the sun doesn't go down,
46:35 what they do is they see the sun appears to go down,
46:38 they start going down, down, down.
46:40 It doesn't dip below the horizon
46:42 but it comes to a point where it starts to rise again.
46:46 So what they do is that point where it stops,
46:50 they mark the hour, oh, now it began to rise again,
46:53 that must be the sunset for us.
46:55 So that's the way they measured when there is no sunset.
46:59 It doesn't get dark.
47:01 What about those times when it's always dark
47:04 for sometimes for almost two months.
47:07 And he says that over there,
47:09 they mark when the last time the sunset
47:13 and then they already know by all previous years,
47:18 when the sun comes up again, there you see it again.
47:21 So they calculate they've done this,
47:23 they calculate the time difference
47:26 between when it went down
47:28 and then when it came back up again
47:31 and they look at the time
47:33 and they calculate minutes per week.
47:36 They take all those minutes per week,
47:38 and they divide it among those
47:40 and that to them is an understanding,
47:43 we're doing the best we understand
47:45 to keep the Sabbath according to the commandment.
47:48 And it's a pretty good method,
47:50 I believe to keep the Sabbath and to them.
47:53 He said it was easy for us to keep the Sabbath
47:55 because when the sunset on Friday evening,
47:59 when they went to bed on Friday, it was dark.
48:03 When they came back on Saturday they continue to observe
48:07 the Sabbath when Sunday came up in the morning.
48:10 They said well, the Sabbath is over.
48:11 Basically, it was very easy to observe the Sabbath
48:14 when it was dark.
48:15 All right, nice.
48:17 It was a very creative question and a good one.
48:21 So thank you for submitting that.
48:22 All right, Pastor James Rafferty,
48:24 this is coming from David in Oregon.
48:26 And he says, "How do we reconcile
48:29 the way of salvation is grace only,
48:32 and then be lost by our taking of the mark of the beast?
48:36 And then he says some people claim that it is working."
48:39 A really good question from David in Oregon.
48:41 Thank you for sending that question.
48:43 Actually, the very essence of the mark of the beast
48:46 is trusting in our own works or righteousness by works.
48:49 So there's really no collision here between the mark
48:53 of the beast and being saved by grace.
48:54 If we're saved by grace
48:56 which is the pronunciation or the reception
48:58 of the pronunciation or the giving
49:00 of the everlasting gospel in Revelation 14:6-12.
49:04 If we're saved by grace,
49:06 then we will not receive the mark of the beast,
49:08 because the grace leads us to worship God,
49:11 to trust in Christ's righteousness,
49:12 to glorify Him.
49:14 Ephesians says that we're saved by grace through faith,
49:16 it's not of ourselves,
49:17 the gift of God lest any man should boast or glory.
49:20 When we give glory to God,
49:21 we don't boast in what we're doing.
49:22 We give all the glory to the salvation gift
49:25 that is given us in Jesus Christ.
49:28 And that's what it means to be sealed
49:30 with the seal of the Holy Spirit.
49:31 Ephesians Chapter 1 talks about how we're sealed
49:34 after we receive the truth of the gospel.
49:37 So when we are saved by grace,
49:39 we reject the mark of the beast.
49:41 If we're not saved by grace,
49:42 we're going to incline toward the mark of the beast
49:44 because the mark of the beast is all about human systems,
49:48 human powers setting up a way of salvation
49:51 that is contrary to the way that God
49:53 is established in His Word.
49:55 It's kind of like Cain and Abel if you will.
49:57 Both of them were worshiping, both of them had an altar,
49:59 both of them brought a sacrifice.
50:01 One sacrifice was in harmony with God,
50:04 in harmony with Word, pointing to Jesus
50:06 that was Abel's, and the other sacrifice
50:08 was dependent on his own works, that was Cain's,
50:11 the fruit of his hands, his own labors.
50:14 Well, that's what we see projected into Revelation
50:16 Chapters 13 and 14.
50:18 In fact, it's interesting Cain was eventually marked
50:21 and we see the same thing taking place
50:23 in Revelation 13, and 14.
50:24 There's the mark of the beast, and there's the mark of God,
50:27 that word remember the Sabbath day,
50:29 that word remember,
50:30 in the Hebrew actually means
50:32 to mark the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
50:34 So there's no contradiction here.
50:36 We are saved by grace and that grace connects us
50:39 with the law of God, the everlasting gospel,
50:41 being saved through the righteousness
50:43 of Jesus Christ.
50:44 Illustration, the Sabbath is the exact opposite
50:48 of the mark of the beast.
50:49 God uses the Sabbath as a sign of salvation,
50:52 because when God created us or this world in six days,
50:57 He created us humankind on the sixth day,
51:01 and then He rested on the seventh day.
51:03 So the first thing that Adam and Eve did
51:05 after they were created was rest.
51:07 They rested and everything God did for them without them.
51:10 There was nothing that they could point to and say,
51:12 hey, you see that tree over there?
51:13 Well, God made the trunk and I put on the branches,
51:17 and then He put on the leaves, and I put on the fruit?
51:18 No, no, God did it all but God did it for us.
51:22 He did everything for us, without us,
51:25 and then He asked us to rest in that.
51:27 And that's exactly what happens in recreation.
51:30 Jesus came to recreate us in His image.
51:32 If any man is in Christ, he's a new creature.
51:34 He's a recreation in the image of Jesus Christ.
51:38 He trod the wine press alone of the people,
51:40 there was none with him.
51:41 And on the cross the Friday the sixth day,
51:44 just like in the garden, Jesus said, "It is finished."
51:48 He accomplished our salvation by ourselves,
51:50 and the first thing we do when we accept Christ
51:52 as we rest in everything He's done for us without us.
51:55 And that's what the Sabbath is really all about.
51:57 It's resting in a finished work of Jesus Christ.
52:00 Amen.
52:01 Well said, my Brother. Thank you so much.
52:03 We're going to take a short break.
52:04 Don't go anywhere. We'll be right back.
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Revised 2022-02-21