3ABN Today Bible Q&A

What Does The Bible Say About Drinking Wine?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210039B

00:01 Well, time really flew by guys
00:02 and I just want to open the floor
00:04 for some final thoughts.
00:06 Pastor Rafferty?
00:07 Well, I really have been blessed
00:10 by the questions that have come in this time.
00:11 I know a lot of them have been deep questions.
00:14 I was just thinking about the one with Pharaoh
00:16 and how God's foreknowledge, you know, works.
00:21 And many times we see things in the Bible and we think,
00:23 "Oh, I don't understand why God would do that."
00:26 But God knows a lot more about the situation than we know.
00:28 And so the main thing for me is, 2 Peter 3:9,
00:32 you know, "God is longsuffering toward us,
00:34 not wanting that any would perish
00:35 but that all will come to repentance."
00:36 God is going to do everything He can
00:38 to save every individual that's possible.
00:40 Amen. Amen.
00:42 You know, Revelation 21:5 is one of my favorite verses.
00:45 It gives me great hope.
00:46 It helps me to look forward to the beautiful things
00:49 that Christ has prepared for us.
00:50 And He says here, it says,
00:51 "Then He who sat on the throne said,
00:53 'Behold, I make all things new.'"
00:56 And we serve a God that's all about
00:59 making our lives the best that it can possibly be.
01:01 He's going to make all things new.
01:02 He has made all things new.
01:04 So look to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith.
01:07 Amen. Amen.
01:09 Concerning wine, I like to quote somebody
01:11 that did a little more digging in this.
01:13 He says, "It must be observed," notes Leon C. Field,
01:17 "that the adjective used to describe
01:20 the wine made by Christ is not agathos,
01:23 good, simply, but kalos,
01:25 that which is morally excellent or befitting."
01:30 So Christ made the pure, fresh grape juice.
01:33 Amen. Thank you, Pastor Dinzey.
01:35 Thank you, Pastor Day.
01:37 Thank you, Pastor Rafferty, for the insight
01:39 that you've provided from the Word of God today
01:41 in response to these questions.
01:43 And I just want to encourage you to pray,
01:47 to study God's Word,
01:48 to apply what you're learning
01:51 and watch the growth that takes place in your life.
01:54 Thank you for tuning in to Today Bible Q and A.
01:57 Until next time, may God richly bless you.


Revised 2022-02-04