3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Old & New Testament Prophecies

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210038B

00:01 This one hour Bible Q and A programs
00:02 always go by in a hurry.
00:04 We've got two minutes left here of this program.
00:06 Going to talk to the three of you gentlemen here,
00:08 any closing comments, any clarification?
00:11 Yeah, Revelation Chapter 11.
00:12 I forgot to mention,
00:14 three and a half days are prophetic days.
00:16 Oh, good point. So day for a year.
00:18 Ezekiel 4:6, and in Numbers 14:34.
00:22 So the three and a half days
00:23 would be three and a half years.
00:25 And then we looked at Hebrews Chapter,
00:27 talked about Hebrews 13:4,
00:29 "Marriage is honorable, and bed undefiled."
00:31 And have a study on dating courtship.
00:34 My wife and I wrote a book on that,
00:35 and we can send that study out to the listener,
00:38 the guy asked that question.
00:40 And then just other thought,
00:42 you know, God's justice actually
00:44 allows victims of immorality,
00:46 victims of crimes,
00:47 to find healing from the abuse and from the painful effects
00:51 that sin is brought upon them.
00:52 And that's really important for all of us.
00:54 Excellent, no, thank you so much for that.
00:56 Pastor Ryan?
00:57 Just really quickly on Jaycee's question
00:59 pertaining to the signs and wonders,
01:00 and manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
01:01 You know, we got to be careful with that,
01:03 because Jesus did say,
01:04 an evil and adulterous generation
01:05 seeks after a sign, right?
01:07 And even Christ said in Matthew 24:24,
01:10 He said, "For false prophets and false christs
01:13 will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive,
01:16 if possible the very elect."
01:18 So we look for the sign of the fruits of the Spirit
01:20 to show that a person has led,
01:22 not an outward manifestation
01:23 of some kind of physical sign.
01:25 Yeah, good. Yeah, excellent.
01:26 What about you, Jason?
01:28 I just want to say that
01:29 we're all going to experience trials,
01:30 we're all going to go through difficult circumstances,
01:33 difficult situations.
01:36 But how we respond to those trials
01:38 makes all the difference.
01:40 Do people see Christ standing with us
01:43 in the midst of our trials,
01:44 it could be the difference between their salvation
01:47 and them being lost.
01:49 Amen. Thank you so very much. Thank you, Jason.
01:51 Thank you so much, Pastor Ryan, Pastor James,
01:53 and thank you for joining us at home.
01:55 We always enjoy studying this time with you,
01:57 taking this time with you.
01:59 We'll see you next time. God bless.


Revised 2022-01-13