3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Old & New Testament Prophecies

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210038A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:14 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today
01:17 Bible Q and A,
01:18 Bible question and answer program.
01:20 We're so glad that you have joined us today.
01:22 We look forward to spending this one hour with you.
01:25 For some reason when we're on this program,
01:26 it seems like 60 minutes happens faster than 60 minutes
01:30 because this is a rapid Bible question and answer program.
01:33 And here's just a sample of some of today's questions.
01:37 I want to ask if watching movies or dramas
01:40 is a sin.
01:42 Good question.
01:43 Another one here.
01:44 How does 3ABN regard Ellen G. White?
01:47 Do you, 3ABN ascribe to her writings
01:50 and thoughts as a prophet of God?
01:53 Another one here.
01:54 Who are the two witnesses in Revelation Chapter 11?
01:57 And what is meant by their bodies
01:59 shall be seen three days three and a half days?
02:02 Well, these questions
02:03 and we know many more will be answered today
02:06 from the Word of God.
02:08 Thank you so much for your prayers
02:09 and financial support for the Ministry of 3ABN.
02:13 This is a great program
02:15 where you have submitted your questions
02:16 and I want to encourage you to send in your questions
02:19 and comments here to 3ABN.
02:22 Now I want to just make note of this.
02:24 We have some people say,
02:25 but I've sent in my question
02:26 that wasn't answered on the next program.
02:28 Well, that's because we've been inundated
02:30 with so many questions and comments,
02:31 so please continue to send them in.
02:33 But it may be answered in the next...
02:34 Oh, I don't know.
02:36 It's hard to say what program there'll be answered on
02:37 but they will be answered, we guarantee that.
02:40 This is how you can submit your questions and comments,
02:42 several different ways, email BibleQA@3abn.tv
02:47 That's BibleQA@3abn.tv
02:51 Take your cell phone,
02:52 you can always text us your questions.
02:54 That number is (618) 228-3975,
02:59 (618) 228-3975.
03:02 Instagram is another way we do receive some questions
03:04 from and that is 3abn_official.
03:08 That's 3abn_official.
03:12 Well, my name is Greg Morikone
03:13 and on the set with me today are three Bible loving,
03:17 Bible believing, Bible preaching,
03:18 Bible students of the Word.
03:20 And, Pastor James Rafferty,
03:22 so good to have you on with us today.
03:23 It's a pleasure to be here, Greg, always.
03:25 Amen.
03:26 Open the Word of God, what a privilege, isn't it?
03:28 Amen. Amen.
03:29 Yes. Praise the Lord.
03:30 Pastor Ryan, good to have you on with us today.
03:32 Oh, it's always a blessing to be a part
03:33 of this special program giving answers,
03:35 Bible answers to real questions.
03:37 So it's a blessing. Amen.
03:39 And sitting next to you is Jason Bradley.
03:41 Good to have you on, Sir. It's great to be on.
03:43 And I don't know if I could have said
03:44 what you just said,
03:45 because that was such a tongue twister
03:47 right there?
03:48 I'm not gonna repeat it, right?
03:51 And it's a blessing, you know, to open the Word of God,
03:53 we count it as a privilege.
03:54 You know, as we start these programs,
03:56 appreciate Ian, our floor director here,
03:58 you know, had a great prayer before we started this program,
04:00 we will pray here in just a couple of moments.
04:02 But it's a real privilege, because we know you're serious
04:05 about the Word of God,
04:06 you have real questions to real situations,
04:08 or even some of the questions we receive here is like,
04:12 man, this is going on in my life.
04:13 What is the answer?
04:14 So thank you, we take them all very seriously.
04:16 And it's so easy to give our opinions.
04:19 But you know what?
04:20 Here on this program, we believe
04:21 in giving you the answers from God's Word,
04:25 and we can always trust God
04:26 because He is faithful and true.
04:29 Well, let's start with prayer.
04:31 And then we'll dive into our questions.
04:32 Brother Ryan or Brother Jason, please pray.
04:35 Yes, absolutely.
04:36 Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You so much
04:38 for the wonderful opportunity and privilege
04:40 we have to study Your Word,
04:42 and to study it together.
04:44 And, Father, as we search for the answers in Scripture,
04:47 Lord, we just ask that You would help us to share
04:51 what You would have us to share and nothing more, nothing less.
04:54 We thank You for hearing this prayer.
04:56 Continue to be with our viewers and listeners.
04:58 Guide them into a closer relationship with You,
05:01 in Jesus' name we pray, amen.
05:03 Amen.
05:05 Pastor James, let's start with you.
05:06 Sure. Let me bring up this card.
05:08 I just want to say thank you to CJ and LaDonna.
05:10 There's a lot of questions like we said,
05:11 they come in and all these cards
05:12 and questions and I'll tell you this is great,
05:14 so organized very well.
05:16 Question here doesn't give the name,
05:18 but good question.
05:19 "What techniques do Seventh-day Adventists use
05:22 to tie Old Testament prophecy with New Testament prophecy?"
05:25 All right.
05:26 Well, primarily, we use the Bible itself.
05:29 Good.
05:30 You go through the scriptures
05:31 and you're going to find over and over again
05:33 that the Bible quotes the Old Testament
05:35 in the New Testament.
05:37 But you're also going to see some connections
05:38 between the Old Testament and the New Testament.
05:40 So I'll give you a few examples.
05:42 In Matthew 11:10, we see Jesus quoting Malachi 3:1.
05:47 For this as he of whom it is written, Behold,
05:50 I will send my messenger before thy face
05:52 which shall prepare the way before thee."
05:56 So that's Jesus quoting the Old Testament
05:59 and applying it to the New Testament.
06:01 That's how one of the ways we connect.
06:02 We see this all through the New Testament,
06:04 like in Acts 2:16-17.
06:08 We see Peter quoting from Joel,
06:11 the Old Testament Book of Joel, a minor prophet,
06:13 when he says, but this is that
06:15 which was spoken by the prophet Joel
06:17 and it shall come to pass in those days,
06:19 in the last day, saith the Lord
06:20 I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.
06:23 We see also Christ's quoting from the Isaiah,
06:27 the Book of Isaiah, which really was a prophecy,
06:30 a lot of Isaiah was a prophecy about Christ,
06:32 about foretelling what he would experience.
06:35 In Matthew 8:17, "That it might be fulfilled
06:38 which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying,
06:40 'He Himself took our infirmities,
06:42 and bore our sicknesses."
06:43 And that's Isaiah Chapter 53, talking about the Messiah,
06:46 and then we have Daniel and Revelation.
06:47 Now, Daniel and Revelation are considered twin books,
06:51 prophetic books, they're joined at the hip,
06:54 and two of the places we see them joined
06:56 is Daniel Chapter 7 is joined to Revelation 13,
06:59 both of them talking about these four beasts,
07:02 the leopard like, the bear like, the lion like,
07:05 and the dragon like beast,
07:06 and then we see Daniel Chapter 10,
07:09 connected, excuse me, yeah, 10 and 12 connected
07:12 with Revelation Chapter 10.
07:13 And we have this little book that was sealed up,
07:16 and we have an angel standing on the waters,
07:18 on the seas, lifting his hand to heaven, swear
07:20 by him that lives forever and ever,
07:21 that we time, times and a half a time.
07:23 And we see that unsealed in Revelation Chapter 10.
07:26 So those are the principles we use repeat and enlarge
07:29 and just quoting Old Testament to New Testament.
07:30 Amen. Yes, praise the Lord.
07:32 Great answer. And good question, too.
07:34 Thank you so much for submitting that.
07:36 Let's see here.
07:37 Let's go to you, Pastor Ryan,
07:39 this comes from Barbara from Pennsylvania.
07:42 "Both the Books of James and Galatians
07:45 tell us to keep the whole law.
07:47 If not, you're under the curse of the law.
07:50 Why does 3ABN want to keep the law
07:53 when Jesus came and fulfilled the law?
07:55 Amen.
07:56 I like how they put 3ABN there?
07:57 Why does 3ABN keep the law?
07:59 Why does 3ABN, well, I can think
08:00 I can answer this question clearly.
08:01 First of all, we have to understand
08:03 what it means to fulfill.
08:04 What Christ ultimately did fulfill
08:06 the completeness of the law,
08:07 but does fulfill mean necessarily
08:09 done away with or made obsolete,
08:11 and that's what a lot of people,
08:12 the big mistake that they make
08:14 is they try to take that word fulfill and say,
08:15 well, since Christ fulfilled it,
08:17 then He done away with it or He made obsolete
08:19 or made void the Ten Commandment law
08:22 that we believe here at 3ABN, we should upkeep, right?
08:24 We should uphold that.
08:25 And so Matthew 5:17-18 comes to mind
08:28 when I'm thinking of this where Christ clearly says,
08:30 "Do not think that I've come
08:31 to destroy the law or the prophets,
08:33 I did not come to destroy but to fulfill,
08:37 for surely I say to you till heaven
08:38 and earth pass away,
08:39 one jot or one tittle will by no means pass
08:41 from the law till all is fulfilled."
08:43 Now, was all fulfilled at the cross?
08:45 Not necessarily, we know that
08:46 Christ ratified the New Covenant,
08:48 His blood brought in into that sacrificial system,
08:52 which was a large portion of the overall law
08:55 that was given to the children of Israel.
08:57 But God's Ten Commandment law is eternal.
09:00 There's a difference between these two segments
09:02 of the law in the sense
09:03 that when we get to Colossians 2:14-17,
09:06 we see very clearly
09:08 that there was a handwriting of ordinances
09:10 that was against us,
09:11 that was contrary to us,
09:12 that was taken out of the way, nailed to the cross.
09:14 In other words, Christ nailed it to the cross,
09:16 He completed it, He fulfilled it.
09:18 And He done away with that.
09:20 Now, in that case, when you go to Deuteronomy 31,
09:22 we are told that this is the Book of the Law
09:24 written by the handwriting of Moses.
09:27 It was placed on a side compartment
09:28 on the outside of the ark,
09:30 meaning that it's temporary,
09:31 it was temporary for a short time,
09:33 but what was on the inside of that ark was forever,
09:36 it's eternal.
09:37 What was on the inside?
09:38 God's Ten Commandment law, His eternal law.
09:41 And, of course, we know that 3ABN upholds this
09:44 and we teach this because
09:45 not because it's a means of salvation.
09:47 Nowhere, if you've ever heard a program on 3ABN
09:50 where someone has taught
09:52 that we gain our salvation by the keeping of any law,
09:54 then let us know.
09:55 I'm not aware of any of that because we believe that
09:58 the motivation and the motivation
10:01 behind keeping the law is love.
10:03 We don't keep the Ten Commandments
10:04 because we think it saves us,
10:06 we do it because Jesus said in John 14:15,
10:08 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
10:11 So that's my short two minute answer.
10:12 We could talk more about that, but, yeah, leave at that.
10:15 That can be a challenge, can't it?
10:17 Yeah.
10:18 Good questions, great answers from the Word of God.
10:20 Jason, let's go to the question that we talked about
10:22 the very beginning of the program,
10:24 and no name with this, but they ask,
10:27 "I want to ask if watching movies or dramas
10:31 is a sin?
10:33 If yes, can you please pray for me
10:35 so that I can overcome this addiction?"
10:38 Okay.
10:40 The act of watching movies or dramas
10:42 is not a sin in and of itself.
10:44 But the question is, what direction
10:46 do these movies point you in?
10:48 We have to be very careful
10:49 what we're allowing to flow into our minds.
10:52 Mark 7:20-23, "And He said,
10:56 'What comes out of a man, that defiles a man.
11:01 For from within, out of the heart of men,
11:04 proceed evil thoughts, adulteries,
11:06 fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness,
11:09 wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye,
11:13 blasphemy, pride, foolishness.
11:16 All these evil things come from within and defile a man.'"
11:20 With that being said, do the movies
11:22 that you're watching contain these things,
11:25 or the things of that nature in it?
11:28 If they do, then it's something
11:30 that you probably shouldn't be watching.
11:32 Really, that you definitely shouldn't be watching.
11:35 That's right? Yeah, that's right.
11:37 And the other thing is,
11:39 you know, if it's not pointing you
11:41 in the direction of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
11:43 and who needs it,
11:45 you probably shouldn't be watching that either.
11:48 Would you watch those same movies
11:50 if Jesus was sitting on the couch with you?
11:53 Think about that question.
11:55 We need to keep the following principle in mind.
11:57 1 Corinthians 10:31,
12:00 "Therefore whether you eat or drink,
12:02 or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
12:07 As for the addiction part,
12:09 it sounds as though watching movies
12:11 is a serious stronghold for you.
12:13 And it's definitely something to pray about.
12:15 And I want to take a second to pray for you right now.
12:17 It's good.
12:19 Dear Heavenly Father, I just want to lift up
12:20 this viewer or listener,
12:22 Lord, who's struggling with this addiction to movies.
12:25 Father, we just ask
12:26 that You would remove that stronghold
12:28 from this individual's life
12:30 and help them to see with all the incredible dramas
12:34 and all of the incredible things
12:36 that take place in Your Word
12:38 that all point to you.
12:40 We thank You for hearing this prayer.
12:42 In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
12:43 Amen. Amen.
12:45 Thank you very much, Jason.
12:47 Yeah, and great question, too.
12:48 We appreciate you submitting that.
12:51 Pastor James, question here
12:52 talking about a previous program.
12:54 It says, "In a previous program,
12:56 you were talking about persecution,
12:58 and how the jailer in the story of Paul and Silas
13:01 in the jail was going to kill himself,
13:03 but because of the witness for Jesus,
13:06 he and his family were saved.
13:08 Will God's people be able to witness
13:10 during the time of persecution?
13:12 Or will probation close before the time of trouble?"
13:15 Oh, that is a really good question.
13:16 It is.
13:18 And the answer to that question
13:19 is that probation does close before the time of trouble,
13:22 spoken about in Daniel 12:1,
13:25 and also referred to in Revelation Chapter 7.
13:27 However, we will be witnessing up until that time.
13:31 There's an outline that tells us
13:33 the prophetic stages of development
13:36 in Matthew Chapter 24.
13:37 There are three of them.
13:39 Three basic stages, Matthew 24:1-10,
13:42 Matthew 24:11-22.
13:44 And then Matthew 24:11 or 22, to the end of the chapter.
13:48 And the first stage we see wars and rumors of wars, etc,
13:52 leading to affliction, leading to pressure,
13:55 leading to hatred among the nations for God's people.
13:57 In the second stage, we see
13:59 the Sabbath and abomination conflict.
14:01 And it's in that stage where we see the gospel
14:04 going to all the world as a witness.
14:06 And that word witness also includes martyrdom,
14:09 because that word comes from a root word
14:11 which is martyr.
14:13 So we see in the second stage of development,
14:15 now this is before the third stage,
14:17 which is when Satan actually personates Christ,
14:20 and confirms through miracles and deception,
14:24 that he's changed the day of worship.
14:26 And he wants all the world to worship on the day
14:28 that he has instituted in place of the seventh day Sabbath.
14:31 And so what we see in the second stage
14:33 is God's people witnessing like the jailer was witnessed
14:36 to by Paul and Silas.
14:38 God's people going through persecution,
14:39 love is waxing cold,
14:41 and God's people are standing for the truth boldly
14:43 and preaching the everlasting gospel,
14:45 then the end comes.
14:46 Somewhere between stage two and stage three,
14:49 we have the end or the close of probation.
14:51 And just after stage three begins
14:54 and Satan appears here and there
14:55 and deceives people and produces miracles etc.
15:00 We see Jesus coming like the lightning shining
15:02 from the east even unto the west.
15:04 So definitely we'll be witnessing
15:06 just before probation closes,
15:08 just before the time of trouble,
15:09 we will be witnessing
15:11 and people will be coming to the truth
15:12 and there'll be learning in weeks and months
15:13 what has taken others of us a lifetime to learn.
15:15 Right. Yeah.
15:17 Wow. Yeah, great answer.
15:18 Thank you so very much.
15:20 Talking about previous programs.
15:22 Pastor Ryan, let's go to this one.
15:23 This says, "I recently watched the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel,
15:28 and Ryan Day stated
15:33 is only referring to business pleasure
15:36 based on the meaning of the root word,
15:37 and not secular pleasure.
15:39 I investigated his statement and I found
15:42 that it is the same original word used in,
15:44 and here are the references 1 Samuel 15:22 delight,
15:48 2 Chronicles 9:12, desire,
15:51 Jeremiah 22-28, pleasure,
15:55 Jeremiah 48:38, pleasure, etc.
15:58 I would like some clarification, please."
16:01 Yeah, absolutely.
16:02 So this word is used some 39 times in Scripture.
16:05 And it's used in the form of different
16:09 English translated words.
16:10 In this case, you've listed a few of them here,
16:12 delight, pleasure, desire.
16:14 Of course, we're going to bring up another one
16:16 in just a moment
16:17 where it uses the word purpose.
16:19 And so that the key to understanding
16:20 what I was speaking about in a previous program,
16:23 is we have to study these words
16:25 within the context that they're used.
16:26 Now, how I came about this,
16:28 as I was doing some study on this,
16:29 and I heard a minister,
16:31 another minister preach about this,
16:32 and it struck my attention.
16:34 And so I started digging deeper,
16:35 and I found an article that was submitted
16:37 to the Adventist Theological Society
16:40 by Dr. Ed Christian.
16:42 He's a professor of literature, English and theology.
16:44 And he wrote an entire journal article on this
16:47 and it's entitled Sabbath is a happy day.
16:49 What does Isaiah 58:13-14 mean?
16:52 And so I read through this article,
16:54 and he builds the support for how this word pleasure
16:58 is not necessarily pleasure in the sense of what we think
17:01 is, you know, if I find pleasure, or delight,
17:03 or, fun, or happiness,
17:05 doing something then I'm violating the holiness
17:07 or the sanctity of the Sabbath.
17:08 Let me read something from that article there.
17:10 And this is found from page 87 of this article.
17:12 I thought it was worded well,
17:13 speaking of the word for pleasure
17:15 in the original language, which is chephets.
17:18 He says, "So what else might the noun chephets mean
17:20 beside pleasure?"
17:22 And he goes on to say, "The word also means
17:23 business, affair and matter."
17:26 It occurs in Ecclesiastes 3:1 and verse 17.
17:30 And this is that chapter where, you know, proverb,
17:32 where Solomon is saying, there's a time to do this,
17:34 there's a time to do that, and there's a time to do this.
17:36 So verse 1 talks about a time for every purpose,
17:39 and the word purpose there is the word chephets.
17:42 Same word used in Isaiah 58:13 for pleasure.
17:45 But it's interesting, we don't translate that to,
17:47 there's a time for every pleasure.
17:50 And so you have to understand it
17:51 within its context and how it's being used.
17:53 And even when you go on and study there,
17:55 you know, there's a popular,
17:57 a very respected and popular study source
18:01 known as the Brown-Driver-Briggs,
18:02 which is a very historical and very well respected
18:05 Hebrew and Aramaic lexicon.
18:08 And even they suggest here,
18:10 they say the preferred translation
18:11 for Isaiah 58:13,
18:13 in terms of pleasure is doing thy affairs.
18:17 And so the point that they're making here
18:18 he goes on to say, God is thus speaking again,
18:21 not against pleasure here,
18:22 but against working, doing business on the Sabbath.
18:25 Finding your own pleasure
18:26 should actually be translated finding business,
18:28 or looking for customers.
18:30 This is also implied at the top of this same passage,
18:33 when you go into Isaiah 58 verse,
18:35 I believe it's verse 3.
18:37 Let me look back here and make sure,
18:38 yes, verse 3 also implies the fact that it's tying it
18:42 to the exploitation of employees.
18:44 So the whole context of how he's using
18:46 this in this passage,
18:47 is he's saying, look,
18:49 you know, don't be finding to do your business pleasure
18:50 on this day.
18:52 And so it's interesting here that when we read that,
18:53 we often say, oh, you know,
18:55 we can't do this on the Sabbath,
18:56 and we make the Sabbath
18:58 such a heavy drudgerous experience
19:00 that we don't make it an exquisite delight,
19:03 as the scripture implies.
19:04 We should make it a day again.
19:06 We certainly should exercise wisdom and not just,
19:09 you know, let everything in on the Sabbath.
19:11 We should protect the sanctity of the Sabbath,
19:13 but certainly here, the original language suggests
19:17 that it's talking about business pleasure.
19:19 In fact, we use this even in Proverbs 20:1,
19:22 this is the example Proverbs 21 says,
19:24 you know, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging:
19:26 whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise."
19:28 Well, the word for wine there is the Hebrew word yayin
19:32 which is the general word for wine.
19:34 But it's interesting, you got to read
19:35 and study this word within this context,
19:37 because in many cases, it's talking about
19:39 the fermented wine beverage
19:41 that God says don't touch it, leave it alone.
19:43 In other aspects, it talks about
19:45 it in a positive light.
19:46 So we have to understand,
19:47 we have to study these words within its context
19:50 and how they're used
19:51 and this is the case of Isaiah 58:13
19:53 with the word pleasure.
19:54 Wow, very good. Yeah.
19:56 There's a lot that can be said without juice added on to that.
19:58 Okay.
20:00 Thank you, Pastor Ryan.
20:01 Jason, let's go to this question.
20:04 "Can my prayers bring about a change in a person
20:07 who has a personality disorder like narcissism?"
20:11 Excellent question.
20:12 First let's start by defining narcissism.
20:14 Narcissism is defined as having an excessive interest
20:19 or admiration for oneself and in one's appearance.
20:23 And believe it or not, this type of behavior
20:25 is described in the Bible and it reminds me
20:28 of the carnal nature of mankind.
20:30 Consider the following passages.
20:32 2 Timothy 3:2-5,
20:36 "For men will be lovers of themselves,
20:39 lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
20:42 disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
20:46 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers,
20:48 without self-control, brutal,
20:51 despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty,
20:54 lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
20:57 having a form of godliness
20:59 but denying its power.
21:00 And from such people turn away!"
21:04 Now that's a pretty solid description
21:05 of a narcissist.
21:07 Proverbs 1:7, "The fear of the Lord
21:11 is the beginning of knowledge,
21:13 but fools despise wisdom and instruction."
21:17 Have you ever met an individual whom you can't teach anything
21:21 because they know everything?
21:23 Yeah, those, that's an example of a narcissist.
21:27 Proverbs 15:2 says,
21:30 "The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly,
21:34 but the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness."
21:37 And Proverbs 18:12, says, "Before destruction,
21:41 the heart of a man is haughty,
21:43 and before honor his humility."
21:46 King Nebuchadnezzar could be considered
21:50 the narcissistic king.
21:52 But through trials and humbling experiences,
21:55 he recognized the sovereignty of the one true God.
21:59 In regards to your question, I'd like to provide you
22:02 with some biblical hope.
22:03 1 John 5:14-15 says,
22:08 "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him,
22:11 that if we ask anything,
22:14 according to His will, He hears us.
22:17 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask,
22:22 we know that we have the petitions
22:24 that we have asked of Him."
22:27 God can cause the blind to see,
22:29 the lame to walk, the deaf to hear,
22:32 and the dead to raise, to rise, excuse me.
22:36 He can certainly give someone the victory
22:39 over a narcissistic personality disorder.
22:43 There's nothing that's too big for God.
22:45 Amen.
22:47 Yeah, I like that, Jason, because hope
22:49 because this person obviously here is,
22:50 can my prayers bring about a change in a person?
22:53 Yeah. So to keep on praying, right?
22:54 Absolutely. Yeah.
22:56 Don't give up. Amen.
22:57 Yeah. Thank you so very much.
22:59 Pastor James, Revelation.
23:01 I know you love the Book of Revelation, right?
23:02 And Daniel? Yes.
23:04 Okay.
23:05 "So who are the two witnesses in Revelation Chapter 11?
23:08 And what is meant by their bodies
23:10 shall be seen three and a half days."
23:13 This is from Tamika from Trinidad.
23:14 Thank you very much. Hi, Tamika from Trinidad.
23:16 Well, that's a really good question.
23:17 There are a lot of views on the two witnesses.
23:20 Some say there Elijah, some say, and Moses simply
23:23 because of the plagues that are mentioned there,
23:26 the water turning to blood
23:27 and no rain coming on the earth.
23:29 But we need to remember that Elijah and Moses
23:33 both spoke by the Word of God.
23:35 These two witnesses represent the Word of God.
23:38 The Old Testament and the New Testament
23:40 are the two witnesses of the truth of God,
23:42 of the gospel of God,
23:44 of the sovereignty of God, of the love of God.
23:46 These two witnesses historically,
23:49 in Revelation Chapter 11,
23:50 were attacked during the French Revolution.
23:53 Now, there's a whole chapter you can read
23:56 on this in a book called The Great Controversy.
23:58 It's called the French Revolution
24:00 in the Bible,
24:01 or the Bible in French Revolution
24:03 begins at about 271.
24:04 It gives all the details that we won't be able to cover
24:06 in this short span of time that we have.
24:08 But basically what happened was,
24:11 the French Revolution rose up in about the year 1793,
24:17 and made war on the Bible,
24:18 the Old and the New Testament,
24:20 which had been faithful witnesses
24:21 through the Dark Ages,
24:23 to the truth of God's Word.
24:24 And from 1793 to 1797, these two witnesses were slain.
24:29 The Bibles were thrown out in the streets,
24:30 and they were burned in big piles.
24:33 It seemed as though the Bible was dead in France.
24:35 So this is allegorical, it's symbolic.
24:39 It's representing, these two witnesses
24:40 representing the Old and the New Testament,
24:42 which were attacked and slain in the streets.
24:44 But then it talks about
24:46 how these two witnesses rose up.
24:48 When all of Europe saw what happened to France,
24:51 the devastation that came by rejecting the Bible
24:53 and rejecting God,
24:54 and they saw how hundreds and thousands of people
24:57 were killed and many people left France
24:59 and France just declined,
25:00 they were shocked.
25:02 And all of them took note
25:03 as to how important the Bible is for society.
25:05 And the Bible was after this time exalted.
25:08 Bible Societies raised up all over Europe,
25:10 especially in England,
25:12 and the Bible was printed and published
25:14 in all kinds of different languages
25:16 and in hundreds and thousands of copies.
25:18 And, of course, the Bible is available today.
25:20 So that's a basic summary of these two witnesses
25:22 in Revelation.
25:24 Oh, wow, two minutes.
25:25 It's very good, Pastor James.
25:27 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
25:29 Pastor Ryan, this comes from Boaz, from Kenya.
25:32 Okay.
25:33 "How does 3ABN regard Ellen G. White?
25:35 Do you 3ABN ascribe to her writings
25:39 and thoughts as a prophet, prophetess of God?"
25:42 Well, the simple answer to that is yes.
25:45 And the reason why is because it's backed
25:46 by Scripture and by Bible in the sense that
25:49 we are clearly told in Joel 2:28,
25:51 that in the last days prior to the day of the Lord,
25:53 the coming of the Lord,
25:55 that, that his sons and his daughters
25:58 would prophesy.
25:59 And so this into, obviously we know that God will rise up
26:02 and we're told that He will rise up men and women
26:05 in the last days to prophesy.
26:06 In this case, we believe that that prophetic gift
26:09 was manifested and clearly shown
26:11 through the ministry of Ellen G. White.
26:14 You know, just referencing
26:15 a couple of other scriptures here that
26:17 we believe provide inspiration
26:19 behind why we believe
26:20 this is because in Revelation 12:17,
26:22 given a couple of identifications
26:24 for God's last day remnant movement.
26:26 We are told that the dragon,
26:27 the devil is making war with the woman
26:29 that is the church,
26:31 the remnant of her seed,
26:32 which keep the commandments of God
26:33 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
26:35 And, of course, we need not ask or wonder
26:38 what in the world that testimony
26:39 of Jesus Christ means.
26:41 Because when you get to Revelation 19:10,
26:42 it's the Spirit of Prophecy.
26:44 We consider that Spirit of Prophecy a gift.
26:47 It's a gift of prophecy.
26:48 We believe that that gift is very clearly shown
26:51 and manifested through the life,
26:53 through the works and writings of Ellen G. White.
26:56 Now, that being said, I believe very clear,
26:59 I think I can speak for all of us here and you can,
27:00 we can clarify if I'm mistaken here,
27:02 but I believe here at 3ABN
27:04 we very much have put on display
27:06 and clearly showed
27:07 that we believe in the inspiration
27:08 of the Spirit as used through Ellen White.
27:10 We quote her writings,
27:12 we use her writings quite often,
27:13 to give support for the Bible,
27:16 which is above the lesser light.
27:19 Now, I'm referencing that
27:20 because even Mrs. White herself said,
27:22 in referencing her writings.
27:24 And I believe that the same Spirit
27:25 that inspired Mrs. White is the same Spirit
27:27 that inspired the Bible writers.
27:29 But she makes very clear
27:30 under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
27:32 that her writings is a lesser light,
27:34 leading men and women to the greater light
27:36 of Christ in His Word.
27:37 So the Bible's here,
27:39 Ellen White's writings are here,
27:40 that doesn't mean that they're not important.
27:42 But yet we should put it in its proper perspective.
27:44 And that's why we always go first
27:46 to a thus saith the Lord the Bible first,
27:49 and then oftentimes, we will use the inspiration
27:51 and the gift of the Spirit of Prophecy
27:53 as used through the ministry of Ellen White and her writings
27:56 to bring support and lead men and women back
27:59 to the inspiration of Scripture.
28:00 Amen. Yeah, excellent.
28:02 Yeah, great explanation. Yeah, absolutely.
28:03 We believe in the Word of God for sure.
28:05 Amen.
28:06 And we appreciate the writings of Ellen White
28:08 and the support clarification, you know, as you mentioned.
28:11 Jason, question here, it's a great one.
28:14 "How can I get rebaptized
28:17 into a Seventh-day Adventist Church?
28:19 I'm only 17 years old,
28:21 and have been studying the Bible for months now.
28:24 When I found out that
28:25 the true Bible Sabbath was Saturday,
28:27 the seventh day of the week, I was truly amazed."
28:30 Praise the Lord. Wow!
28:31 Amen. Praise God.
28:33 First off, I just want to say that I'm thrilled
28:35 that you found and accepted the truth
28:38 and that you want to get rebaptized
28:41 into the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
28:42 that is wonderful.
28:43 Now, if you're looking
28:45 for a Seventh-day Adventist Church in your area,
28:46 we have a wonderful pastoral team here at 3ABN
28:50 that is more than willing to assist you
28:52 in finding one in your area.
28:54 Just call (618) 627-4651.
28:58 Follow the prompts to get the pastoral team on the phone
29:03 and they will help you find that
29:05 for the sake of our viewers and listeners
29:07 that don't know about the precious Sabbath truth.
29:10 I just want to share with you the fourth commandment.
29:13 I want to read that ever so quickly.
29:15 Exodus 20:8-11.
29:19 It's interesting that this is a commandment
29:22 that begins with remember,
29:24 yet it is most often forgotten.
29:27 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
29:29 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
29:32 but the seventh day is the Sabbath
29:34 of the Lord your God.
29:36 In it you shall do no work:
29:37 you, nor your son, nor your daughter,
29:40 nor your male servant, nor your female servant,
29:42 nor your cattle, nor your stranger
29:44 who is within your gates.
29:45 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
29:48 the sea, and all that is in them,
29:50 and rested the seventh day.
29:52 Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
29:55 and hallowed it."
29:57 Now when we look at the calendar,
29:58 we see that it starts on Sunday.
30:01 So the first day of the week, Sunday, Monday,
30:05 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday is the sixth day.
30:09 And Saturday, the Sabbath is the seventh day.
30:13 And so the seventh day Sabbath is a wonderful time,
30:17 where we can reflect
30:18 on all the marvelous things that God has done,
30:21 His creation,
30:23 and spend time with Him and grow closer to Him.
30:26 So if you haven't learned about that,
30:28 we don't have time to go into an exhaustive study
30:31 on it at this time.
30:32 But we have plenty of resources here at 3ABN
30:35 that are available to you.
30:37 Amen. Thank you so much, Jason.
30:38 Thank you for referencing the 3ABN Pastoral Department.
30:41 Brother Ryan, you're there too,
30:43 you know, far as to receive those calls
30:44 when people are trying to find a local church.
30:46 I know you as a pastor as well
30:47 it's nothing more thrilling right than to get a call
30:50 from someone saying, hey,
30:51 how can I find your church?
30:52 How can I attend? I'm so excited.
30:54 So thank you, we're here to help you
30:56 and we're praying for you too.
30:57 Seventeen years of age, that's so encouraging.
31:00 This program, as we've mentioned,
31:01 goes by really fast, and I know that you're jotting down notes.
31:05 I want to encourage you to go to 3abnplus.tv.
31:09 You may be asking, why do I want to go there?
31:11 Well, this is why you want to go to 3abnplus.tv
31:14 because there you can find this program
31:17 and other programs,
31:18 3ABN Sabbath School Panel, Worship Hour,
31:21 previous Bible Q and A programs,
31:23 and you can watch them video on demand.
31:25 And what that means is that you can play, pause,
31:28 rewind, start from the beginning,
31:30 stop for a little while, take a drink of water,
31:32 write your notes down, then continue on.
31:34 That's a tremendous resource for you,
31:36 as you're student of the Word
31:38 as well of looking into these studies further.
31:41 And also, it's a great way of sharing these programs
31:45 with someone that may be blessed by them.
31:47 It's very easy to do on 3abnplus. tv
31:50 So we encourage you to go there.
31:52 Again, we want to encourage you
31:53 to submit your questions to us that's...
31:54 You can email them to us BibleQA@3abn.tv
31:58 or you can always text us (618) 228-3975.
32:02 And again, we receive a lot of questions here.
32:04 So they will be answered in previous
32:07 and future not previous,
32:08 boy, I'm going back in time, future programs coming up.
32:12 Thank you again for submitting
32:13 again your questions to us.
32:15 Amen.
32:16 Let's see, Pastor James,
32:18 let's go to this question from Australia.
32:22 Okay. It comes from Shirley.
32:24 "I have a beautiful Sabbath keeping,
32:27 but not Seventh-day Adventist family
32:29 who we regularly meet with.
32:31 A few weeks ago we had a discussion
32:33 about the origin of evil,
32:35 and they are very much of the opinion
32:37 that God is where evil originated from,
32:40 from because of verses like Isaiah 45:
32:44 verse...
32:45 Excuse me, Isaiah 45:7, where God says,
32:48 "He formed light and created darkness."
32:51 Are you able to help with a suitably explanation
32:53 of this verse, please?"
32:55 Amen.
32:57 That is a challenging text.
32:58 But you need to recognize
32:59 that there are other texts in the Bible
33:01 that tell us where evil originated.
33:04 And one of those is Revelation 12:7-9.
33:07 But we need to look at this text and recognize
33:10 what it is actually saying.
33:11 The context of it is talking about
33:13 how God has anointed Cyrus of the Medo-Persian realm,
33:16 to come in and take down Babylon,
33:19 an empire that was given
33:21 a certain amount of probationary time
33:23 to rule and fail to acknowledge God fully.
33:26 And God had to take them down.
33:27 It's in that context that this word evil is used,
33:30 and God is saying, listen,
33:31 and that word evil actually means
33:32 calamity and affliction.
33:34 Listen, I'm the one that comes in
33:35 and takes down these evil empires.
33:37 I bring affliction, I bring justice
33:38 when it's needed at the right time.
33:40 That's the context of Isaiah Chapter 45.
33:43 We also need to remember that many times in the Bible
33:46 God is seen as doing
33:48 what He actually takes responsibility
33:49 for when He's not really doing it.
33:51 The devil is doing it.
33:53 We see this in the story of Job,
33:54 where we see God allowing the devil to come in
33:58 and afflict Job and test Job.
34:00 And Job himself even says in chapters 1 and 2
34:03 that it's God, God takes away,
34:05 God is the one who's doing all of this to me,
34:07 doesn't realize as we do,
34:09 and as Job finally realized
34:10 that it was really the devil behind the scenes.
34:13 Jesus came to make this really crystal clear
34:15 in the New Testament John 10:10,
34:18 Jesus says, "The devil comes to kill,
34:20 to steal, to destroy, but I have come,
34:23 they might have life and have it more abundantly."
34:24 Amen.
34:26 Of course, in John Chapter 14, Jesus says,
34:28 "If you've seen Me, you've seen the Father."
34:30 So Jesus comes to kind of clarify this,
34:32 but it doesn't take God off the hook 100%
34:35 because truly God does have to deal justly with humanity.
34:39 We see that in Sodom and Gomorrah,
34:41 we see that in the flood.
34:42 God isn't the one
34:43 that actually created evil in the sense that
34:46 He's the one that turned Lucifer away
34:48 from truth and righteousness.
34:49 But He did create Lucifer,
34:50 and Lucifer chose to turn away from God to evil and to sin.
34:54 And God takes responsibility for that,
34:56 in the sense that He deals with Lucifer.
34:59 He deals with evil, He deals with sin,
35:01 He takes it down, He brings justice
35:02 in His time and in His way.
35:04 Wow! Amen.
35:05 Yeah, boy, that's to the point.
35:07 Very good. Thank you, Pastor James.
35:08 Praise God.
35:10 Brother Ryan, question from Gary.
35:11 "Who is God in the first angel's message
35:14 where it says,
35:16 'Fear God and give glory to Him and worship Him?'"
35:19 Amen.
35:20 Well, that's a great question.
35:22 And the simple answer is
35:23 we're talking about the completeness,
35:24 the totality of the Godhead, which when it says,
35:27 you know, Fear God and give glory to Him,
35:29 it's talking about God.
35:30 Of course, we know that God, our God,
35:32 the Christian God of the Bible
35:33 is, is a plurality, a combination,
35:38 a unity of three co-eternal persons,
35:40 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
35:42 So when we worship God,
35:43 it's not like we're just aiming our worship to one person,
35:46 you know, or the other.
35:48 Like, I'm only going to worship the Father,
35:49 I'm only going to worship the Son
35:51 or I might just worship the Spirit.
35:52 No, when you worship God, you worship Father,
35:55 Son, and Holy Spirit.
35:56 And just some support text for this
35:57 because I know a lot of people,
35:59 there's a lot of confusion out there today
36:01 in regards to this plurality of God.
36:03 Some people state that there's only one God
36:05 in the very rigid sense,
36:06 and they apply it to just the Father and that somehow,
36:08 Jesus is just the Son of God and the Holy Spirit.
36:11 Again, there's a lot of confusion out there.
36:13 People said, "The Holy Spirit's not a person at all."
36:15 But we know that, we know that's not the case.
36:17 In Matthew 3:16-17, where Jesus was baptized,
36:20 we see all three mentioned in present there,
36:23 in the sense that Christ is there being baptized.
36:25 And the Bible says that when He was baptized,
36:27 that the Holy Spirit descended down upon Him
36:29 as in the form of a dove.
36:30 And then also the Father speaks from heaven it says,
36:33 well done, or excuse me, He says,
36:35 "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."
36:37 So we see the completeness,
36:39 the totality of the Godhead there,
36:40 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
36:42 Also, Matthew 28, the Great Commission,
36:44 where Jesus says, when we go and we teach,
36:47 and proclaim the good news,
36:48 we are to also baptize them in the name of the Father,
36:51 the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
36:53 Again, God, God in His completeness,
36:56 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
36:58 And, of course, we know the Holy Spirit is God.
37:00 Acts 5:3-4 confirms that, you know, when we,
37:04 when we pray to God, when we serve God,
37:06 when we are obedient to God, in this case,
37:08 Ananias and Sapphira was not, they lie to God,
37:10 and the scripture actually says,
37:12 they lied to the Holy Spirit.
37:13 And so when it says there in Genesis 1:26,
37:17 and let us make man, that's again,
37:19 referencing the unity of Father,
37:22 Son and Holy Spirit,
37:23 who was involved in the divine plans
37:25 of creation,
37:26 and therefore when we're serving God,
37:28 and worshiping Him,
37:29 according to the first angel's message in fearing God,
37:31 and also worshiping Him who made all things,
37:34 obviously, all the Godhead was involved
37:36 in the plans of creation.
37:38 Now Ephesians 3:9 does say
37:40 that Christ was the active person
37:42 who carried out those creative plans.
37:44 He spoke this world into existence.
37:45 But when we worship God, we worship Father, Son,
37:48 and Holy Spirit, because they are God.
37:51 Amen. Yes.
37:52 Praise God. Great answer.
37:54 Jason, question from Tennessee.
37:57 "What is the difference between going by faith
38:00 and going by feelings?"
38:02 Hmm, I believe that came from John Terrius.
38:04 Well, I like to think of faith
38:06 as the ability to tolerate uncertainty
38:08 while trusting in God.
38:09 The Bible defines faith in Hebrews 11:1, it says,
38:13 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
38:16 the evidence of things not seen."
38:19 Hebrews 11:6 says, "But without faith,
38:22 it is impossible to please Him."
38:25 Notice it doesn't say but without feelings,
38:27 it says, "But without faith,
38:28 it is impossible to please Him,
38:30 for he who comes to God
38:32 must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder
38:36 of those who diligently seek Him."
38:39 We cannot rely on our feelings.
38:42 Jeremiah 17:9-10,
38:45 "The heart is deceitful above all things,
38:48 and desperately wicked who can know it?
38:51 I the Lord searched the heart,
38:53 I test the mind even to give every man
38:56 according to his ways,
38:58 according to the fruit of his doings."
39:01 Feelings fluctuate, but our faith shouldn't waver.
39:04 Our faith allows us to claim the promises
39:07 found in the Word of God,
39:09 but our feelings can cause us
39:10 to have a false perception of reality.
39:13 Our faith should be carried out in our works,
39:16 our feelings of carried out can lead us astray.
39:19 Our faith compels us to stand for God,
39:21 our feelings don't.
39:23 Faith operates on principle,
39:25 but feelings are an emotional state
39:27 and can change based on what someone says to you.
39:31 Daniel 3:15-18,
39:34 "Now if you are ready at the time you hear
39:37 the sound of the horn,
39:38 flute, harp," I always mess this word up,
39:41 "lyre, something and psaltery,
39:44 in symphony with all kinds of music,
39:47 and you fall down and worship the image
39:48 which I have made, good!
39:51 But if you do not worship,
39:53 you shall be cast immediately
39:54 into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.
39:56 And who is the god
39:58 who will deliver you from my hands?
40:00 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered
40:02 and said to the king, 'O Nebuchadnezzar,
40:04 we have no need to answer you in this matter.
40:07 If that is the case,
40:08 our God whom we serve is able to deliver us
40:12 from the burning fiery furnace,
40:13 and He will deliver us from your hand, O king.
40:17 But if not, let it be known to you,
40:19 O king, that we do not serve your gods,
40:21 nor will we worship the gold image
40:23 which you have set up.'"
40:25 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego's faith
40:27 was stronger than their feelings.
40:29 Wow! Praise the Lord.
40:31 Thank you so much, Jason.
40:33 Yeah, powerful, very powerful.
40:36 Let's go to Philadelphia,
40:38 Pennsylvania from Irma, Pastor James.
40:41 "Why are the wicked dead raised
40:43 to just be punished in the fire?
40:47 Isn't leaving them dead punishment enough?
40:50 Who benefits from seeing this?
40:52 What lessons are to be learned from this and by whom?"
40:56 Really good question.
40:57 Thank you so much, Irma. Yes.
41:00 I'm taking a little bit longer on this question I think
41:02 because it is a challenging one.
41:04 A couple of texts, I want us to look at, Jeremiah 17:10,
41:07 "I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins,
41:10 even to give every man according to his ways,
41:13 according to the fruit of his doings."
41:15 That's the Old Testament.
41:16 New Testament says this, "Be not deceived,
41:18 God is not mocked for whatsoever a man sows
41:21 that shall he also reap."
41:23 What we're seeing here is we're seeing the Word of God
41:26 and the Word of God is true.
41:27 So who benefits from the punishment
41:30 that is given out to the wicked in the end of time?
41:34 We do because we see God as being true to His Word.
41:38 But why are they resurrected?
41:39 What's the point?
41:42 Jude verses 14 and 15 say this, "And Enoch also,
41:45 the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these saying,
41:47 Behold, the Lord comes
41:49 with ten thousands of his saints.
41:50 This is the third coming after the thousands years,
41:53 to execute judgment upon all,
41:55 and to convince all that are ungodly among them
41:58 of all their ungodly deeds
42:00 which they have ungodly committed,
42:03 and their hard speeches which the ungodly sinners
42:06 have spoken against him."
42:07 So for some reason,
42:09 God feels the need to convince the wicked,
42:12 the ungodly of all the ungodly things
42:14 they've done, and all the ungodly things
42:16 they have said.
42:17 So when we look at the scriptures,
42:18 there are three points we want to consider.
42:20 Apparently, leaving the wicked dead
42:23 in the grave is not punishment enough.
42:25 It is, in fact, no real punishment at all.
42:28 Since all people saved and lost, good and bad
42:31 die as a natural consequence of sin,
42:34 the entire universe, as well as every raped,
42:38 pillaged, beaten, oppressed, murdered, tortured,
42:40 cheated, abused, deceived, ridiculed,
42:42 and honest, repenting, trusting,
42:44 saved by grace person on planet earth,
42:47 believe that God is merciful, and that God is just.
42:51 The cross of Christ validates justice and mercy,
42:55 the justice and mercy of God.
42:57 And so the world has experienced God's mercy
43:00 for 6000 years.
43:02 And it will also experience God's justice,
43:04 if God is going to be true to who he is.
43:07 Romans Chapter 12 and 13 tell us
43:09 that vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the Lord.
43:12 Who benefits from the fact
43:14 that God is the one that brings vengeance,
43:16 and God is the one that pays?
43:17 We do, because we can leave
43:19 every single person in God's hands.
43:21 We don't need to reap personal vengeance ourselves,
43:24 we can forgive and we can be forgiving,
43:26 and we can hope all things,
43:28 believe all things and endure all things.
43:30 These words are spoken by a Father, who is true,
43:35 a Father, who is just,
43:36 a Father who is hurt by everyone
43:40 that has been hurt, a Father of us all,
43:43 all the pain that we experience,
43:44 God experiences,
43:46 and He is a Father who is going to be fair,
43:48 and He is a Father that is going to be just.
43:49 Even our court systems teach us this.
43:51 And in a court system when justice comes
43:54 to the perpetrator of sin and evil and wickedness,
43:57 there is, in a sense,
43:59 a trust that is built in a person
44:01 who has seen the fairness and the justice
44:04 of that system play out.
44:05 There's a dissonance that needs to be
44:08 alleviated in people's minds and hearts
44:11 when they have been the victims of crime and wickedness
44:15 and God is just as just if not more
44:18 just than our criminal systems
44:19 and He is going to bring the dissonance to an end.
44:23 He's going to bring peace, He's going to bring rest,
44:26 He's going to bring fairness and justice
44:28 to all of those victims of wickedness and evil.
44:31 Wow. Amen.
44:32 Praise the Lord.
44:33 Thank you so much, Pastor James.
44:35 Yeah, that's powerful. Yes.
44:36 You know, and it's comforting. Amen.
44:37 Yeah, thank you so very much.
44:40 Pastor Ryan, Jaycee asked this question.
44:44 "I hardly see Seventh-day Adventist pastors
44:47 slash people laying hands,
44:50 anointing with oil, and speaking in tongues.
44:54 What are the signs and wonders
44:56 that should follow the physical manifestation
44:58 of the Holy Spirit to confirm it is the power of God?"
45:02 Okay, I appreciate this question, Jaycee.
45:04 It's a very, very important question.
45:07 And I think it's something
45:08 that definitely needs to be clarified.
45:10 First of all, I would disagree with your application here
45:15 when you say that you don't see Adventist pastors
45:17 laying hands and anointing with oil.
45:19 I've seen that many times.
45:20 I guess it depends on the need
45:21 of the church members on an individual basis
45:23 because we do try to follow the counsel
45:26 given very clearly there in James Chapter 5,
45:28 where it talks about when a person is sick,
45:30 call upon the elders,
45:31 they will anoint them with oil, they will pray them with,
45:33 with laying on of hands.
45:35 These are things that we definitely believe
45:37 and will practice if individuals
45:39 call upon that service.
45:41 Now, you know, there are a little bit
45:42 of a different application
45:44 in a more charismatic Pentecostal sense,
45:46 where people practice this not just for,
45:48 you know, the biblical principles,
45:50 as we see there in James 5 and other texts,
45:52 but just, you know, dousing people with oil
45:54 and laying them,
45:55 lay hands on them
45:57 for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
45:58 of which we do not see evidence or instruction for that.
46:01 No, we do see Paul,
46:02 laying hands on people to pray for them.
46:04 And they did receive the Holy Spirit
46:06 in the Book of Acts,
46:07 but there's not an instruction that says,
46:08 you got to do this to get the Holy Spirit,
46:11 and that text is not found in Scripture.
46:13 As far as the signs and wonders,
46:14 the physical manifestation of the Holy Spirit
46:16 in regards to speaking in tongues.
46:18 I want to clarify this clearly.
46:20 Because in 1 Corinthians Chapter 12,
46:21 we need to be clear on this.
46:22 1 Corinthians Chapter 12,
46:24 specifies the many different gifts
46:25 of the Spirit.
46:27 Now, there's a difference between
46:28 the fruits of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit.
46:30 The fruits of the Spirit are the evidence
46:32 to be shown for that a person has the Holy Spirit,
46:35 or that the Holy Spirit is working on someone.
46:37 We find the list of the gifts of the Spirit, excuse me,
46:40 the fruits of the Spirit, in Galatians 5:22-23,
46:44 the fruit of the Spirit is love,
46:46 joy, peace, and the list goes on.
46:47 That is how we determine
46:49 if a person has received the Holy Spirit,
46:51 not because of some physical manifestation
46:54 of a gift of the Spirit,
46:55 because the Bible makes it very clear in 1 Corinthians 12,
46:58 that while all these different gifts are listed,
47:01 it says there in 1 Corinthians 12:4,
47:03 "There are diversities of gifts,
47:05 but of the same Spirit."
47:06 But then it goes down a few verses later in verse 11,
47:08 it says, "But one and the same Spirit
47:10 works all these things,
47:11 distributing to each one individually as he wills."
47:14 Not everyone receives the same gift.
47:17 For instance, someone may have the gift of healing
47:18 or the gift of interpretation
47:20 of the gift of tongues
47:22 or another person may have a gift,
47:23 the gift of prophecy, or whatnot.
47:27 And we go on down in this chapter,
47:28 we see that God specifies it in the latter verses,
47:31 verses 28 through 30 of 1 Corinthians 12,
47:33 when he says, "All prophets are all apostles.
47:35 Do all have this gift?
47:37 Do all have gifts of miracles?
47:38 Do all have gifts of healings?
47:39 Do all have gifts of tongues?"
47:41 Obviously, that's not the case.
47:42 So we look for the Holy Spirit
47:44 to be on a person by the fruits that they bear,
47:46 not the gifts that they have.
47:48 Yeah. Amen.
47:49 Thank you very much.
47:51 Great question and great answer to from the Word of God.
47:53 Again, Jason, this, they identify themselves
47:56 as viewer from Florida.
47:58 And great question.
48:00 "I have prayed for years asking the Lord to take away
48:03 my bad temper and pride.
48:05 But He is not answering me.
48:07 What can I do?
48:08 He said He will withhold no good gifts from us."
48:13 I don't typically like to answer a question
48:15 with a question.
48:17 But my question is,
48:18 what action have you taken outside of prayer
48:21 to combat the issue?
48:22 Prayer is imperative.
48:23 And taking action is important as well.
48:25 For example, if we pray for God to remove,
48:29 let's say, our addiction to alcohol or substances,
48:31 but we frequent the local bar,
48:34 then we're not taking practical steps
48:36 to be a co-laborer with God.
48:39 Continue to pray,
48:40 claim the following scriptures and take action.
48:43 Philippians 1:6,
48:45 "Being confident of this very thing
48:47 that he who has begun a good work
48:50 in you will complete it
48:51 until the day of Jesus Christ."
48:53 Philippians 4:13,
48:56 "I can do all things through Christ
48:58 who strengthens me."
48:59 Christ does the heavy lifting,
49:01 but we must be a willing participant.
49:04 The fact that you submitted this question is evidence
49:07 that you desire a change in your life.
49:10 James 1:19-20, "So then,
49:15 my beloved brethren,
49:16 let every man be swift to hear,
49:19 slow to speak, slow to wrath:
49:21 For the wrath of man
49:22 does not produce the righteousness of God."
49:25 Psalm 4:4, "Be angry and do not sin,
49:30 meditate within your heart on your bed and be still."
49:34 Study God's Word and allow Him to shift your perspective.
49:39 James1:2-4, "My brethren,
49:43 count it all joy when you fall into various trials,
49:46 knowing that the testing of your faith
49:49 produces patience.
49:50 But let patience have its perfect work,
49:53 that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
49:57 So don't give up.
49:59 Hold on to God
50:00 and look for some positive coping techniques
50:03 to help you combat that anger.
50:05 And continue to pray.
50:07 Amen. Yeah.
50:09 Praise the Lord. Thank you so much, Jason.
50:11 Thank you again, for submitting your questions.
50:12 We're running out of time.
50:15 So we've got what we call some extra questions here.
50:17 I'm just gonna put it on the table
50:19 and one or all of you can give your answer to this.
50:23 Let's take this one here from Jeffrey,
50:26 "Please tell me about relationships in the church.
50:29 When and how does God want us to have love relationships?
50:33 I really look around me and I faced a challenge,
50:36 getting an understanding of the matter.
50:38 Does God condemn them?
50:39 Are they illegal?
50:41 Please help open the scriptures to me."
50:44 Interesting question there.
50:45 Any thoughts on that question?
50:47 I would just say God is the one
50:48 who instituted marriage in the garden.
50:50 So He's clearly for relationships
50:53 between a man and a woman
50:55 and the confines love relationship
50:58 and all of that and wants it to end up in marriage
51:01 if that's the right one for that individual.
51:04 So God does not condemn that.
51:05 He does not condemn that.
51:07 Yeah, I thought that's good, Jason.
51:08 He says that marriage is honorable
51:10 and bed is undefiled.
51:12 But there are parameters in relationships
51:14 you don't just love on anyone.
51:16 And God wants us to have commitment to that,
51:18 He wants to direct that,
51:20 He wants that commitment to lead to a relationship
51:23 that is you know,
51:25 with one person and not with several.
51:27 And you said that's in Hebrews?
51:29 Hebrews 13:13, "Marriage is honorable,
51:31 and bed is undefiled."
51:33 Fantastic.
51:34 If you're a man, find you a Proverbs 31 woman.
51:37 If you're a woman, find you an Ephesians 5 man,
51:39 it's the way it goes.
51:40 All right.
51:42 Yeah, and God endorses marriage,
51:43 like you said, between a man and a woman.
51:45 Thank you so very much.
51:46 What we're going to do right now
51:47 is actually take a quick break.
51:49 We'll be right back with some closing comments.
51:51 If you're enjoying our 3ABN Bible Q and A,
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51:56 each Monday we'll bring you a fresh program,
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52:07 To have your questions answered on a future program,
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Revised 2022-01-13