3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Is It Okay to Work on the Sabbath

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210028A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for today's special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:13 Hello
01:15 and welcome to another 3ABN Today Bible Q&A.
01:17 We're so glad that you have joined us.
01:19 You know, we look forward each week to spending
01:21 this special time with you.
01:22 And we know you love Bible study.
01:24 I know we do here at 3ABN,
01:26 and it's just a blessing to open the Word of God
01:29 and find the truths that are just hidden.
01:31 It's like a treasure chest.
01:33 And we just want to say thank you
01:34 for your participation too.
01:35 We've just been flooded, this is a good problem,
01:38 with your questions and comments.
01:41 So if you've never submitted a question to this program,
01:43 we want to encourage you to do that.
01:45 And this is how you can do it.
01:46 Several ways you can text us at (618) 228-3975,
01:51 (618) 228-3975
01:54 or you can always email us your questions or comments.
01:57 And that is BibleQA@3abn.TV
02:01 That's BibleQA@3abn.TV
02:04 And it's just great because we know
02:06 that you're interested in studying the Word of God,
02:08 and just thank you for sending us your questions.
02:10 I knew there's one thing I forgot,
02:12 and that is Instagram.
02:13 We have some people that are submitting questions
02:15 via Instagram.
02:16 And you can do that at 3abn_official.
02:20 So that's 3abn_official and ask through Instagram.
02:23 We're getting a few more questions
02:25 via that way.
02:26 But, you know, we just want to encourage you to look 3ABN
02:27 upon many different social media sites.
02:29 We're on Facebook and Twitter and, of course, Instagram,
02:32 things like that, but thank you so much again for your prayers
02:35 and financial support for the Ministry of 3ABN.
02:39 I love flashlights and I have this really cool one
02:43 that I bought on Amazon.
02:44 And it's got like this massive battery pack,
02:47 to me, it's pretty massive and it goes on my head.
02:49 I probably look kind of weird,
02:50 but I got these like bands that go around,
02:52 and this battery on the back
02:53 and this giant light in the front.
02:55 And we bought it
02:56 because our cat tends to not want to come in at night
02:59 and she likes to hide way out in the field.
03:01 And so I've got this beam.
03:03 I mean, it's like a locomotive.
03:05 I mean, I'm pretty proud of this thing, right?
03:06 So I could just...
03:08 Yeah, all right, Pastor Ryan.
03:09 So I got these like different options.
03:11 I can click it to like the brightest beam.
03:12 I mean, it seems like it goes for miles.
03:14 Of course, it doesn't, but it's a long ways out there.
03:16 And I can just say Pebbles.
03:18 I don't know why she does it.
03:19 Every time she does it, she turns her head
03:21 and I can see her two little eyes
03:22 way out there in the field reflecting the light.
03:26 When I am thinking about the Word of God, right,
03:27 Psalm 119:105 talks about God's Word being a lamp
03:31 unto our feet and a light unto our path.
03:34 So, wow, that's powerful.
03:36 God's Word is great, right?
03:38 But it's a light to our path.
03:40 And so today we're hoping
03:43 to get through maybe 15, 16, 17 of your questions,
03:46 and we want God's Word,
03:48 the light to shine on our path through His Word.
03:51 So my name is Greg Morikone.
03:52 I've got sitting next to me, my beautiful wife, Jill,
03:55 so good to have you on today's program.
03:57 Thank you, sweetheart.
03:58 I love opening up the Word of God,
04:00 love doing programming with you,
04:01 I love sharing with you at home as well.
04:02 Oh, yeah, it's fun opening the Word of God.
04:04 Jill enjoy studying the Word of God
04:05 as each person does here.
04:07 Pastor Ryan, good to have you on here, brother.
04:08 Amen.
04:10 It's always a blessing to be a part
04:11 of this wonderful program.
04:13 And I like flashlights, too.
04:14 Brother, that's great.
04:16 Another thing we have in common.
04:17 That's awesome.
04:18 Yes. Okay.
04:20 Pastor James, good to have you on too.
04:21 Relatively, new participant to Bible Q&A.
04:23 Yeah.
04:24 But good to have you on this program.
04:26 What a blessing.
04:27 Amen. Amen. Getting the hang of it.
04:29 And I need to get some flashlights.
04:30 Yeah, okay.
04:31 All right.
04:33 Pastor Ryan, maybe we should actually donate
04:34 some of ours to him.
04:35 Yeah.
04:37 I think we have enough.
04:38 We can share some.
04:39 Kind of a quick format. Isn't it?
04:41 Two minutes, three minutes.
04:42 Very fast.
04:44 Yeah. Yeah.
04:45 Goes by in hurry.
04:46 Yeah, we're getting hang of it.
04:48 We're getting the hang of it too.
04:49 Right.
04:50 Gradually.
04:52 So why does the Word of God mean something to you,
04:53 Pastor James, 'cause I know that it's been your life
04:54 since you were converted,
04:56 but you've studied the Bible for years.
04:57 Why does it mean something to you?
04:59 It's changed my life.
05:00 I can't even imagine where I'd be right now
05:01 without the Word of God.
05:03 And to be honest with you, when I first got a Bible,
05:04 my mom sent it to me she said King James only,
05:05 I could not understand it whatsoever.
05:07 You know, I was raised Catholic,
05:09 only knew the Lord's Prayer.
05:10 And I started reading the gospel of John.
05:12 By the time at the end of the chapter I thought,
05:14 "This is for the priest like I can't understand it."
05:16 So it was a miracle for the Holy Spirit to come in.
05:20 And for those of our viewers
05:21 who may be struggle with understand the Bible,
05:23 we're new to it.
05:25 God works the miracles through His Holy Spirit.
05:26 That's the inspiration of the Bible,
05:28 He works in miracle to change our ability to understand it,
05:32 and it'll change our lives.
05:33 I like that because there's someone
05:35 maybe today that's viewing like,
05:36 "Oh, this Bible it is complicated.
05:37 I have so many questions,
05:39 you know, there wouldn't be enough time
05:40 to answer them all,"
05:42 but in other words, you didn't give up,
05:43 hard to understand, just kept reading.
05:45 It was hard.
05:46 It was painful, but I just said,
05:47 "No, I got to get this."
05:49 Praise God.
05:50 Wow.
05:51 Amen. That's great.
05:53 Well, before we go into the first question,
05:54 Pastor James, why don't you open us
05:55 with a Word of Prayer, please?
05:57 Thank you.
05:58 Father in heaven, we just want to thank You again,
06:00 for this opportunity
06:01 for our viewers, and for us to study Your Word.
06:03 And I've just been blessed by the perspectives
06:06 that others bring to some of these questions.
06:09 And they always are unique to who we are in our life,
06:12 our situation, and they help us to recognize
06:15 that Your words are living,
06:17 breathing Word that pours life into us
06:21 as we studied as we search it, as we seek to understand it.
06:24 So draw us to you through your spirit,
06:27 the inspiration of the Word of God,
06:29 and guide each one of our viewers we pray,
06:31 in Jesus' name, amen.
06:32 Amen.
06:33 Thank you so very much.
06:35 Pastor Ryan, I'm gonna start with you.
06:36 Sure.
06:38 This is a good question.
06:39 And it comes from Lily.
06:40 She says, "I work at a mining company
06:43 and we work on Saturdays.
06:45 I feel guilty going to work on Sabbath,
06:49 but I'm still working while looking for another job.
06:52 My question is this.
06:54 If I give all my pay rates for each Saturday
06:57 that I work as an offering to God,
06:58 is it okay to keep working on Sabbath
07:01 when I'm on a shift?"
07:02 Good question.
07:04 That is a great question, Lily.
07:05 And I can relate to that.
07:07 Because I once had a job
07:08 way back in the day and of all times,
07:09 the Lord wanted to reveal the Sabbath truth to me,
07:11 it was during the time
07:13 when I was the only one working in my family
07:14 and trying to bring money in and put food on the table
07:18 for my family during a time of hardship.
07:20 And I had to make a decision
07:21 because I was so convicted as you were.
07:24 And so I want to be very direct in this answer.
07:26 God does know your heart, but at the same time,
07:28 God knows what we know and what we don't know.
07:30 And James 4:17 reminds us that he that knows to do good
07:34 and does it not to him it is sin.
07:36 And so I want to encourage you to trust in the Lord.
07:39 If you know the truth about the Sabbath,
07:40 you feel guilty because the Holy Spirit's
07:42 convicting you trust in God,
07:45 many times that new job won't come
07:47 until you step out in faith and say, "Okay,
07:48 God, I'm gonna trust You."
07:50 That's what I had to do.
07:51 I finally had to go up and turn in my badge and my uniform
07:53 and say, "I can't do this anymore."
07:55 I put the ball in God's court.
07:56 I said, "Lord, You've asked me to trust in You.
07:58 You've told me to believe in Your Word,
08:00 and to obey You at all costs.
08:02 Lord, You find me a job.
08:03 Within two weeks, I had a higher paying job,
08:05 better hours, every Sabbath off."
08:07 So that being said, let's get to the Bible on this
08:09 'cause I have already wasted a minute
08:11 of this time doing this, but Proverbs Chapter,
08:13 not waste, but still my time, pray for that clock.
08:16 Proverbs 3:5-6,
08:18 "Trust in the Lord God with all your heart,
08:19 lean not on your own understanding,
08:22 in all your ways."
08:23 That's important.
08:24 "In all your ways acknowledge Him,
08:26 and He will direct your path."
08:27 Go read Deuteronomy 28:1-2
08:30 talks about the beautiful blessings
08:32 that God will pour out on you if you obey Him,
08:34 but when you get down to verse 15,
08:36 it talks about all these curses.
08:37 And if you read Deuteronomy 28, I encourage you to read it.
08:40 When we obey God, God blesses us abundantly
08:43 but when we choose not to obey God,
08:45 we know the truth, and we choose not to obey God.
08:48 Verse 15, and onward is the result
08:50 of pushing God away and not obeying Him.
08:52 It's because the enemy now has access to us
08:54 because we have forsaken God's will.
08:58 Also, it's a love issue.
08:59 John 14:15.
09:00 Jesus says if you love Me, keep My commandments.
09:02 And you know, it's a test.
09:04 This is a test for you, Lily,
09:05 it was a test for Israel in Exodus 16,
09:07 the test of the Sabbath,
09:09 we often have to go through this test.
09:11 And so just pray to God and ask our Lord,
09:13 "Give me faith and help me step out in faith."
09:16 Quit that job if you have to,
09:18 and say, "Lord, this is on you.
09:19 I want to be obedient to you."
09:21 And you know what, the Lord will open the door
09:22 if your heart is sincere.
09:24 Amen.
09:25 Wow, thank you for the answer from the Word of God,
09:26 but also for sharing part of your testimony.
09:28 That's powerful.
09:30 Jill, this doesn't say where it's from,
09:32 but a great question.
09:33 "I was listening to a presentation
09:35 by Pastor Steve and Tammy Conway,
09:38 very informative.
09:39 I've been married for 29 years now
09:41 and my mother-in-law Adventist, by the way,
09:44 doesn't like me at all.
09:46 She has told me straight in my face
09:48 that she hates me."
09:49 Oh, that's strong.
09:51 "Is it a sin for me to step back and live my life
09:53 and have nothing to do with her?
09:55 She has caused so much pain in my life and sadly
09:58 it has affected my children in a very big way.
10:01 I want to go to heaven."
10:03 Wow, thank you for that question.
10:04 So, my sister, I don't know your name,
10:06 but now that the Lord Jesus knows you and loves you
10:08 and we'll be praying for you in the midst of this situation,
10:11 but the thing that I want to give you
10:12 is two words.
10:14 One word is forgiveness.
10:15 The other word is reconciliation.
10:18 You see, forgiveness only requires one person
10:20 to extend it.
10:21 Reconciliation takes two people.
10:24 Forgiveness does not mean
10:25 that we automatically trust again
10:27 or lead a person into our life
10:30 but reconciliation means healing in a relationship.
10:34 Forgiveness is essential for salvation.
10:37 Reconciliation is not
10:38 because we cannot force the other person.
10:40 Now forgiveness is biblical,
10:42 our salvation is dependent on it.
10:44 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins,
10:46 He is faithful and just to forgive us
10:48 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
10:50 So we need to go to God and ask for forgiveness.
10:53 Matthew 6 is probably one of the Scriptures
10:55 you're referencing verses 14 and 15.
10:58 Part of the Sermon on the Mount.
10:59 Jesus says, "If you forgive others,
11:01 then God will forgive you.
11:02 But if you don't forgive others,
11:04 then God will not forgive you."
11:07 And that is very clear that it's very biblical.
11:09 God calls us, now we can't conjure up forgiveness
11:14 in our own heart and life.
11:16 Forgiveness comes from God,
11:17 you can go to God and ask Him for that forgiveness.
11:20 But let's touch on reconciliation.
11:22 Reconciliation is also biblical.
11:23 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 says, "All things are of God,
11:27 who has reconciled us to Himself
11:29 through Jesus Christ, and has given to us
11:32 the ministry of reconciliation."
11:35 You see sin when Adam and Eve sinned,
11:37 there was this gap or chasm between us and God.
11:41 And we were separated,
11:42 but Jesus came to restore us to the Father.
11:45 Now was everyone reconciled to God?
11:47 No, because everyone has a choice to make.
11:50 Do they want to be reconciled?
11:51 So in this situation, I don't know.
11:54 Does your mother-in-law want to be reconciled?
11:55 Does she want to heal that relationship?
11:58 That choice is on her.
12:00 Your job, your only job is to extend forgiveness
12:04 and if God allow God to work in her heart
12:08 to do that reconciliation process.
12:10 Wow, thank you very much.
12:12 I love that reconciliation, forgiveness.
12:14 Excellent.
12:15 Thank you so very much.
12:17 Pastor James, this is another great question.
12:19 This comes from Kimmy from Jamaica.
12:22 So thank you so much for your question.
12:23 "Can a good person
12:25 that's an unbeliever/atheist be saved?"
12:28 Great question.
12:30 This one is going to require a little bit more time I think,
12:33 but there are three scriptures I want to give,
12:34 three references I want to give
12:36 just in case we run out of time.
12:37 The first one is in Romans chapter...
12:39 Actually, before we give those references
12:40 let me just answer the question simply, yes.
12:42 Questions is...
12:44 The answer to that question is yes.
12:45 Okay?
12:47 So three references I want to give
12:48 the first ones in Romans 2.
12:50 And we could go all the way from verse 1
12:53 all the way through to verse 16.
12:56 And then the second reference is going to be
12:57 in Zechariah 13:6-7.
13:00 And the third reference is going to be Psalm 87.
13:03 All right, so those are the three references.
13:04 Now the first one in Romans 2 is really powerful.
13:08 Context, don't judge people.
13:10 So one of the things that's really important for us
13:12 is to recognize that God is judge,
13:14 Christ is judge.
13:15 It reminds me of a poem that I memorized years ago,
13:17 "I dream death came the other night.
13:19 And Heaven's gate swung wide
13:20 with kindly grace an angel ushered me inside.
13:23 And there to my astonishment
13:25 stood folks I had known on earth.
13:26 Some I judged and label, Unfit or of little worth.
13:29 Indignant words came to my lips but never were set free.
13:33 For every face showed stung surprise.
13:36 No one expected me."
13:37 Right?
13:39 So we are as Christians very quick to judge
13:42 who's going to be saved, who's going to be lost.
13:44 And we need to remember that in God's hands.
13:45 That's His prerogative, it's not ours.
13:47 And then when the context of Romans 2 tells us
13:52 that there are Jews and there are Gentiles
13:54 who do what is right and do what is wrong,
13:58 and the Jews do it
13:59 in the context of knowing the law,
14:02 but the Gentiles do it
14:03 outside of the context of knowing the law.
14:06 And God holds Jews accountable to their knowledge of the law,
14:09 and He holds Gentiles accountable
14:11 outside of the knowledge of the law.
14:12 And if those Gentiles do what the conscience says
14:14 is right to do, they will be saved.
14:17 That's what Romans 2 is telling us.
14:19 Now we're also directed to Zechariah 13.
14:22 And these verses are so powerful.
14:24 Again, for shortage of time,
14:26 I'm not going to read the verses,
14:27 but Zechariah 13:6-7, basically tell us
14:30 that there are going to be people in heaven,
14:32 who are going to walk with Christ,
14:33 and then they're going to ask Him as they look at Him,
14:35 they're going to ask Him, they're going to say,
14:36 "What are those wounds in Your hands?
14:38 What are those?"
14:39 And He's going to say, "Those are the wounds
14:41 that I was wounded in a house of my friends."
14:44 And of course, the verse 7 tells us about
14:46 how the sword awakened against the shepherd,
14:48 and the sheep are scattered.
14:50 It's His prophecy of Christ and His crucifixion.
14:52 So they're going to be people in heaven
14:53 who aren't going to know Jesus
14:54 or what He did, He died for them,
14:57 and Jesus is going to explain to them the plan of salvation.
15:00 And then Psalm 87 powerful, basically the context of it
15:03 tells us, hey, there's people in Philistia,
15:05 there's people in Ethiopia, there's people in Israel,
15:08 there's people everywhere,
15:10 and God is going to take into consideration
15:12 when He judges the people, when He writes them up,
15:13 He's going to take into consideration
15:15 where they were born.
15:16 Oh, this person was born over here,
15:18 and that person was born over there,
15:19 and that person was born over there.
15:20 Here's their circumstance, here's their situation.
15:23 And when God takes that into consideration,
15:26 He writes up the people according to the light
15:29 we have the situation we're born in, etcetera.
15:31 So those are the three basic scriptures
15:33 that I think would firm up
15:35 the answer and the answer is yes.
15:36 There going to be people in heaven,
15:38 you have an atheist whatever,
15:39 they lived up to the light they knew,
15:40 they followed what God gave them and...
15:42 Atheist would sense that
15:44 they haven't rejected Christ, right?
15:45 Because I know somebody is probably thinking,
15:47 "But what if they downright rejected Christ?"
15:48 Obviously, that's...
15:49 And here's another point real quick.
15:51 Some people are rejecting the God
15:52 that isn't in the Bible.
15:54 Some people are rejecting Jesus that isn't in the Bible.
15:57 God that burns people for eternity
15:58 is not in the Bible, the God of the Bible.
16:00 And some people reject that and I say,
16:02 Praise God that you rejected that picture of God.
16:03 That's not God at all.
16:04 That's good. Thank you.
16:06 Excellent answer. Yeah.
16:07 Praise the Lord.
16:09 Pastor Ryan, question from Cindy lives in Alabama.
16:11 "Does the Father come back with Jesus?"
16:14 Absolutely.
16:15 There's a quick and simple answer to this question.
16:17 Okay.
16:18 I feel convicted just to go back
16:19 to that previous question.
16:21 Yeah. Please, Pastor Ryan.
16:22 Because Lily had asked,
16:23 is it okay if she gives her offering as an offering
16:25 the stuff that she earned on the Sabbath?
16:28 I just want to quickly address that a little bit.
16:29 I hope you're still watching.
16:31 You know the answer to that is absolutely not.
16:32 It's not like God's going to say, "Oh, you know what,
16:34 I'll overlook the fact that You're,
16:36 you know, disobeying My commandments
16:37 and if You just give Me money."
16:38 That's not how God works.
16:40 Remember, giving tithe and offering
16:41 is a form of worship.
16:42 And remember, Jesus said in Mark 7,
16:46 He said, "In vain they do worship me,
16:48 teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."
16:50 You know, rejecting the commandment of God
16:52 for their tradition.
16:53 So just wanted to highlight that because obviously,
16:56 God does not want just your money,
16:58 He wants you to be fully committed.
17:00 I just wanted to add that in there.
17:02 To answer this question, though, pertaining to...
17:05 Yeah, does the father come back with Jesus?
17:06 Does the father come back?
17:07 Very simply put, Jesus told Caiaphas,
17:09 the high priest, as he was on trial,
17:11 right before he went to the cross.
17:13 They asked him, you know, confirm,
17:15 are you really the Son of God?
17:16 And this is what he said in Matthew 26:64,
17:18 he says, "It is as you say, nonetheless, I say you to you,
17:24 here after you will see the Son of Man
17:26 sitting at the right hand of Power,
17:29 and coming on the clouds of heaven."
17:30 So what is this right hand of power
17:32 that he's sitting on?
17:33 I believe very clearly
17:35 that this is the power of the Father,
17:36 we get this idea of kind of a throne setting
17:39 because the Father has a throne.
17:40 And Jesus even said in Revelation 3:21,
17:43 when He was giving his message to the Church of Laodicea.
17:46 He said, "To him who overcomes
17:47 I will grant to sit with Me on My throne,
17:49 as I have overcame and sat down with My father on His throne."
17:53 The right hand of power.
17:55 But also, I look at this from within the context
17:57 of the seventh seal
17:59 because when the seventh seal is opened right there
18:01 in Revelation 8:1,
18:03 it says, "There was silence in heaven for a half-hour."
18:05 Why is there silence in heaven for a half-hour?
18:07 That comes also within the context
18:09 what we find in the previous final verses
18:12 of the sixth seal found in Revelation 6,
18:15 where we see very clearly there that it's within the context
18:17 of the Second Coming of Christ,
18:19 the reason why there's silence in heaven
18:20 is 'cause there's no one there.
18:22 There's no one there so I very much believe
18:24 that there's plenty of evidence to show that when Jesus,
18:26 even though it's the Second Coming of Jesus,
18:28 the Father will very much be there
18:30 present with Jesus when He comes back.
18:32 Amen.
18:33 Amen.
18:34 What a glorious day that'll be look forward to Christ coming.
18:36 Amen.
18:38 Jill, this comes from Rudy from Newcastle,
18:41 when Jesus comes, talking about when Jesus comes.
18:43 "So when Jesus comes, will you be saved even
18:46 if you have no crown
18:48 and you never bring someone to Christ?"
18:51 It's a great, Rudy.
18:52 I would say, winning people to Jesus,
18:54 the stars we have in our crown, that doesn't save us,
18:57 but it is a natural outgrowth that we are saved.
19:00 It's evidence that we walk with Jesus,
19:03 I want to ask you a question that sort of similar,
19:05 are we saved?
19:07 Are you saved by what we do, or what he did, what saves us?
19:12 And I would say both.
19:15 I would say not just what he did,
19:16 we are saved by grace through faith
19:19 that not of ourselves.
19:20 It's the gift of God not of works,
19:22 lest anyone should boast.
19:23 So grace is a gift, faith is a gift,
19:26 salvation is a gift.
19:27 And if you follow that along in Ephesians 2,
19:30 even the works are a gift that He gives us.
19:35 But we are also saved by what we do.
19:38 Meaning, we have to reach out, we have to accept,
19:42 we have to ask for forgiveness.
19:44 And then as we journey with Jesus,
19:47 He changes us by the indwelling spirit.
19:50 If you read the Word of God, you find evidence
19:53 that we are called to be His witnesses.
19:55 We are called to shine for Him all throughout the Word of God.
19:58 I love Matthew 5:16, it says,
20:00 "Let your light so shine before men,
20:03 that they may see your good works."
20:04 So you notice the Bible doesn't say,
20:05 strive to shine.
20:07 I got to work at winning stars in my crown.
20:09 I got to try harder.
20:10 No, it just says, let your light shine.
20:15 We share Jesus by sharing the Word of God
20:17 with other people.
20:19 We share Jesus by sharing our personal testimony
20:23 that He led us out of darkness into this marvelous light.
20:27 We share Jesus simply by our example,
20:30 think about the thief on the cross,
20:31 he did not have a lot of time to witness
20:32 'cause he was dying when he accepted Jesus.
20:37 And yet his example,
20:40 the words he said at that moment had an influence
20:43 on those around the cross.
20:45 And that was in the final moments of his life.
20:48 So don't worry about who you're winning to Jesus.
20:51 Simply live for Jesus and let him do the rest.
20:54 Amen.
20:56 Yeah. I love that.
20:57 Let your light shine.
20:58 Fantastic.
21:00 Praise the Lord.
21:01 Let's see, Pastor James.
21:03 Good question here, it says,
21:05 "The people met and worshiped on Sunday recorded in Acts.
21:10 Can we worship on both days, Saturday and Sunday?"
21:14 That is a good question.
21:16 And the answer to that question is sure
21:17 you can worship on Sunday and Tuesday
21:20 and Thursday and Wednesday,
21:21 you can worship any day you want to.
21:23 But there is a distinction when you get into the Bible
21:26 when it comes to media and worship.
21:28 And the distinction is this that there is nowhere
21:31 in the Old Testament or the New Testament,
21:33 where God in any way commands worship on Sunday.
21:38 The only day that God is blessed
21:39 in the Bible is the Seventh-day Sabbath.
21:41 He blessed and sanctified, He set it apart.
21:43 In fact, in Ezekiel Chapter 8, God actually tells us
21:47 that we should not be worshiping the sun,
21:49 He shows His people in dark apostasy,
21:53 their backs towards the temple
21:54 and they're worshiping the sun.
21:57 So Sunday worship actually comes from paganism.
22:00 And the paganistic roots of Sunday worship
22:03 crept into the church,
22:05 post the Apostolic age,
22:07 through a compromise that was taking place
22:09 with pagan Roman converts who came into the church
22:13 and Sunday was their day to worship the sun.
22:16 And there was a compromise that took place.
22:18 When you get into the post-resurrection
22:21 time of the early church, what you find is,
22:23 is that the early church
22:25 are meeting together every single day,
22:28 including Sunday, they're breaking bread,
22:29 and they're just talking about Christ.
22:31 They're talking about the great things
22:32 that God is doing, but you never find anywhere
22:35 that God blesses,
22:37 sanctifies or transfers the day of worship,
22:40 from Sabbath to Sunday.
22:42 You don't find that anywhere in the Bible.
22:43 So yeah, you can worship God,
22:45 you can meet together any day of the week,
22:46 but there is one day that God has sanctified,
22:49 blessed, and set aside.
22:51 And that day in accordance with His Word,
22:53 His commandments, that day is the Seventh-day Sabbath.
22:56 That is the only day in the Bible
22:58 where God actually commands us to worship.
23:00 Now in the end of time, there's going to be a conflict
23:03 between specifically the Sunday
23:06 and the worship the God has outlined
23:08 and we see that conflict identified
23:10 in Revelation 13, and Revelation 14.
23:12 So it's going to become a conflict and at that time,
23:14 we need to be really careful
23:16 that we don't actually substitute
23:19 the day that it comes from the pagan roots
23:22 for the day that is in the Bible.
23:23 Amen.
23:25 Thank you so much, Pastor James.
23:26 Great answer. Praise the Lord.
23:28 Pastor Ryan, this comes from Donna,
23:31 and I want to pronounce this accurately.
23:33 Loxahatchee, Florida.
23:36 Not so sure, but you can tell me,
23:38 you can write us and let me know
23:39 if I pronounced that right.
23:41 Good question, though.
23:42 Thank you so much.
23:43 Can you tell me what 1 Corinthians 15:51 means?
23:47 Absolutely. Well, let's read it.
23:49 Okay.
23:50 This 1 Corinthians 15:51.
23:52 And we're actually going to read beyond verse 51
23:54 because the answer is given somewhat
23:56 in the following verses if we allow to say.
24:00 So notice 1 Corinthians 15:51,
24:02 it says, "Behold, I tell you a mystery.
24:05 We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed."
24:08 Okay, so obviously the sleep concept
24:11 here is in connection with death.
24:13 We see right there in John 11,
24:15 where Jesus is talking about the death of Lazarus,
24:17 he says, "You know what, Lazarus is asleep,
24:19 that I'm gonna go and I'm gonna wake him up."
24:20 And the disciples said, "Hey, look,
24:22 Jesus, if he's taking a nap
24:23 why we're going to go wake this brother up?"
24:25 Jesus like, "No."
24:26 He's dead.
24:28 In fact, it says, he plainly says to them Lazarus is dead.
24:30 Speaking of his death as asleep.
24:32 Even Paul often uses this even in 1 Thessalonians 4
24:35 there we see him talking about,
24:37 you know, "I would not have you ignorant,
24:39 brethren, concerning the saints
24:40 who have fallen asleep."
24:41 So this sleep reference here, we shall not all sleep.
24:43 What he's saying is, we're not all going to die
24:45 because are there going to be people alive on this earth
24:48 when Jesus returns?
24:49 Absolutely.
24:50 In fact, you're going to find this within the context
24:52 of the Second Coming of Jesus.
24:53 Again, it says, "We shall not all sleep,
24:55 but we shall all be changed."
24:56 What does that change mean?
24:58 Let's continue reading
24:59 because it gives us an context here.
25:00 Verse 52, it says, "In a moment,
25:02 in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet."
25:04 So this is Second Coming wordage, okay?
25:07 It says, "For the trumpet will sound,
25:09 and the dead will be raised incorruptible,
25:11 and we shall be," there it is again,
25:13 "we shall be changed."
25:14 But what does that mean?
25:16 Verse 53 and 54,
25:17 "For this corruptible must put on incorruption,
25:19 and this mortal must put on immortality."
25:22 So notice we're mortal before,
25:24 but now we're given the immortality by God,
25:25 verse 54.
25:26 "So when the corruptible has put on incorruption,
25:29 and this mortal has put on immortality,
25:31 then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,
25:33 'Death is swallowed up in victory.'"
25:35 This change it is taking place we're being transformed
25:38 literally in body and mind,
25:41 our natures are being changed made like unto Christ.
25:44 In fact, right there in Philippians 3:20-21.
25:47 I love this text.
25:48 It says, "For our citizenship is in heaven,
25:50 from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior,
25:53 the Lord Jesus Christ, who will," there it is,
25:55 "transform our lowly body
25:59 that it may be conformed to His glorious body,
26:02 according to the working by which He is able
26:04 even to subdue all things to Himself."
26:06 So we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed.
26:09 We will be given immortality, given new glorious bodies,
26:12 new minds, beautiful nature
26:16 made just like unto Jesus Christ,
26:17 it's gonna be awesome.
26:19 Well, that's encouraging, isn't it?
26:20 Yes, it is. Yes, it is.
26:22 Thank you, Pastor Ryan.
26:23 Jill, a question here.
26:24 It says, "What does Paul mean in Philippians 1:15-16?
26:30 Who is Paul referring to in these two texts?"
26:34 So let's read the text.
26:35 I'm going to read Philippians 1:15-17.
26:38 "Some indeed preach Christ even from envy and strife,
26:41 and some also from goodwill.
26:43 The former preach Christ from selfish ambition,
26:46 not sincerely,
26:47 supposing to add affliction to my chains,
26:50 but the latter they preach out of love,
26:52 knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel."
26:54 So your question was, who is Paul referring to?
26:56 And we'll address that,
26:58 but I also want to look at what is Paul referring to
27:01 or what is the present-day application
27:03 we could make for this,
27:04 but let's look at who was Paul referring to.
27:06 Of course, we know this would be a Prison Epistle.
27:09 Paul wrote it while he was in prison.
27:12 And it's he's referring to his opponents,
27:14 who tried to gain control over the territory
27:17 and converts during his absence.
27:19 We see him something similar happened in Galatians.
27:22 It seems like he would go to different places,
27:24 he would witness he would leave,
27:25 and other people would come in,
27:27 and try to undo the work that he had done.
27:30 We see that in Galatians 1,
27:32 you can look that up in six and seven.
27:34 He says, "I marvel
27:35 that you were turning away so soon,
27:37 from him who called you in the grace of Christ
27:39 to a different gospel,
27:41 which is not another,
27:42 but there are some who trouble you
27:44 and want to pervert the gospel of Christ."
27:46 So this happened over and over again
27:48 in Paul's ministry,
27:50 but what is Paul referring to?
27:51 You know, I believe that doing the right thing
27:53 is really important
27:55 but doing it with the right motivation
27:57 is equally important if not more important.
28:01 As Christians, we must not only do the right work,
28:04 but we need to do it with the right attitude.
28:06 If you are a preacher,
28:08 you can preach from the wrong attitude
28:10 from an attitude of strife, from an attitude of self-will,
28:14 from an attitude of pride, or an attitude of ambition.
28:17 Ask yourself, "Do I care more about winning arguments
28:20 or witnessing for Jesus?
28:22 Do I care more about numbers or about the needs of others?
28:27 Do I care more about converts or Christ?"
28:30 To me, those are questions that we need to ask
28:33 as Christians every single day,
28:35 why do I do what I do?
28:38 That's what I get from that passage.
28:39 Wow. Amen.
28:41 Thank you, Sweety.
28:42 Yeah, great answer. Praise the Lord.
28:44 Pastor James, this doesn't say who it's from.
28:46 Good question though.
28:48 Okay.
28:49 "If you are not baptized with water,
28:51 will you not go to heaven?"
28:54 So if you're not baptized with water,
28:55 will you not go to heaven?
28:57 This is a great question.
28:59 And the reason why this is a great question is
29:00 because Jesus is pretty emphatic about this.
29:03 Let's just read a verse here in John 3:5.
29:07 Jesus is speaking to Nicodemus,
29:09 he's talking about how we get to heaven, basically.
29:11 And Jesus says, "Verily, verily,
29:13 I say unto you," John 3:5,
29:15 "except the man be born of water,"
29:17 referring to baptism,
29:19 "and of the spirit referring to the Holy Spirit,
29:22 he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
29:25 So we know here that the Bible wants baptism
29:30 to be part of this plan of salvation.
29:32 It's very significant, very important,
29:34 but the question is asked,
29:35 "If you were not baptized with water,
29:37 will you not go to heaven?
29:39 And the answer to that question is,
29:41 no, that's not actually true.
29:44 We know that
29:45 because of the thief on the cross.
29:46 The thief on the cross put his faith in Jesus
29:50 on that day just before he died,
29:52 he was sentenced to death along with Christ
29:54 and the other thief and one of the thieves
29:56 put their faith in Christ.
29:57 They said, "You know, remember me
29:59 when you come into your kingdom."
30:00 And Jesus said, "I will remember you,
30:02 I'm telling you, you're going to be with Me in paradise."
30:05 And so that thief was guaranteed salvation,
30:07 but he couldn't be baptized.
30:09 What are we going to do now?
30:10 The Bible says we should be baptized.
30:12 Jesus says you can't be.
30:13 So the only answer to that happens to be
30:17 the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
30:19 The righteousness of Jesus Christ is actually
30:21 how we're saved by his life,
30:23 his perfect life and his substitutionary death.
30:25 So when Jesus goes to John the baptizer,
30:28 he actually says to John, "I want you to baptize me."
30:31 And John the baptizer says, "No way.
30:33 I'm not even going to touch your shoelaces."
30:35 He says, "No, no, we have to do this
30:37 to fulfill all righteousness."
30:39 In other words, Jesus Christ has filled up
30:41 all of the righteousness that we need to be to be saved.
30:45 The thief on the cross got his baptism,
30:47 he got his righteousness, we all get his righteousness.
30:50 Now we live lives in post-righteousness
30:53 of Jesus Christ, and that those lives are lives
30:56 that are filled with the fruit of that righteousness,
30:58 but we're not saved by the fruit.
30:59 The fruit testifies that we put our trust
31:01 in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
31:03 So we are going to be baptized, we need to be baptized,
31:05 but if we can't be baptized,
31:06 we have Christ's righteousness
31:08 and Christ's righteousness is how we're saved.
31:10 And, of course, our lives will bring forth.
31:11 If the thief could have come down off the cross,
31:13 he would have been baptized.
31:14 Yeah, that's right.
31:16 Absolutely. Wow.
31:17 So much pressure, James.
31:18 Yeah, great answer.
31:20 Whoo!
31:21 It is happening fast, isn't it?
31:22 All these answers from the Word of God.
31:24 I'm just taking a breath right here.
31:25 Maybe you are too at home.
31:27 I want to encourage you
31:28 that you can always go to 3abnplus. TV
31:30 to watch these programs video on demand,
31:32 which means you can watch it later.
31:34 It's there you can play it, you can pause it,
31:35 you can go back, reverse if you want to say that
31:38 and watch it again like, "Wow, that was great,"
31:40 because to write all these answers down
31:42 and whoo it's a lot happens really quick.
31:43 And I can see everyone here,
31:45 we almost need oxygen masks to keep up.
31:47 But it's fun, right?
31:48 The Word of God is alive and well ad wow,
31:50 it's just encouraging.
31:51 If you want to submit a question to us here
31:53 at 3ABN Today Bible Q&A,
31:56 you can do it at (618) 228-3975.
31:59 You can text it
32:01 or you can also email at BibleQA@3abn.TV
32:06 we always welcome your questions
32:07 and comments here for this program.
32:10 Pastor Ryan and Jill, we have several questions
32:12 on like marriage, family, sexuality, and things.
32:14 So, Pastor Ryan, I want to go to this one here.
32:16 This comes from Marguerite from Transylvania.
32:20 It says, "I am a..." Let's see here,
32:22 it's a pretty long question, comment.
32:24 "I'm a 28-year-old woman
32:26 just recently came to the truth.
32:28 My question is if it is not good for a man to be alone,
32:32 and I'm assuming that the same goes for women,
32:34 and I do have the desire to get married,
32:37 will God bring someone into my life
32:39 when I'm ready?
32:41 Or does He give you the desire but not fulfill it?"
32:44 Wow!
32:46 "For some reason, I get very discouraged
32:48 by what Paul says about staying single,
32:50 I do desire to get married
32:52 and without sounding too desperate here.
32:54 The fact of the matter is that I'm almost 30 years of age.
32:58 Some Christians used to tell me
32:59 that God might want me to stay single
33:01 and never get married,
33:03 but then why should I have such a strong desire for a husband?
33:06 If it just doesn't make sense to me,
33:08 please help me out."
33:11 That's a beautiful question, Marguerite.
33:12 And thank you so much for submitting that.
33:14 I'm going to do my best to answer it
33:16 in the time I'm given.
33:17 And so I just want to remind you,
33:18 much of the council that we received from Paul
33:20 about marriage to couples that are married,
33:24 and also couples that are unmarried,
33:25 is found within we're in 1 Corinthians 7:40.
33:28 And the fact that you referenced
33:30 that you were kind of discouraged by what Paul says
33:32 I'm sure you're familiar with these verses,
33:33 but perhaps I can bring some encouragement
33:35 and straighten some things out here
33:37 in this next couple of minutes.
33:39 I want to highlight the fact
33:40 that what we read in the majority
33:41 of this passage, and we have to be reminded by this,
33:44 and this is not any way I want to give a disclaimer,
33:46 this is not in any way diminishing or trying to say
33:48 that this passage is not inspired by God
33:50 because I believe it is,
33:51 but we also have to remember
33:53 that even Paul himself admits
33:55 three or four times in the same passage
33:57 that some of the council that he's given
33:58 is his own opinions and not necessarily from the Lord.
34:01 Let me highlight a few of those.
34:02 1 Corinthians 7:6, he says,
34:05 "But I say this as a concession,
34:07 not as a commandment."
34:09 So he's highlighting the fact that,
34:10 you know, hear what I'm saying,
34:11 but it's not necessarily to the letter of the law.
34:14 1 Corinthians 7:12, he says,
34:17 "But to the rest I, not the Lord, say."
34:20 Okay, so he's highlighting the fact that it's him saying,
34:21 not the Lord.
34:23 1 Corinthians 7:29.
34:24 Again, he says, "But this I say, brethren."
34:26 Again, he's highlighting the fact I say this.
34:28 And then, of course, the big one,
34:29 1 Corinthians 7:40, he says,
34:31 "But she is happier if she remains
34:33 as she is according to my judgment.
34:36 I think also I have the Spirit of God."
34:38 So he's highlighting the fact that some of these are his,
34:41 you know, spiritual opinion.
34:43 And but we still need to take it
34:44 'cause I believe there's great beautiful counsel,
34:46 and I believe it still is inspired by the Lord.
34:48 So that being said, let's start back
34:50 and read a couple of these texts here.
34:52 1 Corinthians 7:8-9.
34:54 Let's read what it says here.
34:55 He says, "But I say to the unmarried
34:57 and to the widows.
34:58 It is good for them if they remain even as I am,
35:01 but if they cannot exercise self-control,
35:03 let them marry.
35:05 For it is better to marry than to burn with passion."
35:07 So he's highlighting the fact that,
35:08 you know what if we absolutely
35:10 can't, then we need to be married,
35:11 it's better to be married than to burn with passion
35:13 and fall into an immoral sexual type relationship.
35:16 1 Corinthians 7:25-26, he says, "But now concerning virgins,
35:21 I have no commandment from the Lord,
35:22 yet I give judgment as one whom the Lord of His mercy
35:25 has made trustworthy."
35:27 And verse 26, he says,
35:28 "I suppose therefore that it is good
35:30 because of the present distress,
35:33 that it is good for a man to remain as he is."
35:35 He's saying, according to this distressing time,
35:38 Paul lived during the time of the time of Nero,
35:41 when Nero was, you know, killing Christians.
35:43 And it was a very troubling time
35:45 of tribulation for Christians.
35:46 So Paul is saying a lot of the saying
35:48 remain as he is single, based on the fact that,
35:51 you know, you don't need any distractions.
35:52 In fact, he's going to say that in just a moment,
35:54 talking about distractions,
35:56 you don't need any distractions.
35:57 It's good to remain single, if you can,
35:58 but he also says it's not a sin, if you marry.
36:02 Notice, 1 Corinthians 7:28,
36:04 he says, "But even if you do marry,
36:06 you have not sinned," there it is,
36:07 "and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned.
36:09 Nevertheless, he goes such will have trouble in the flesh,
36:13 but I would spare you."
36:14 In other words, he says, "You know what,
36:16 I want to spare you of this because in this marriage time,
36:19 in this time of distress,
36:20 you might experience some trouble.
36:21 And then I've got to add this last text here,
36:23 1 Corinthians 7:35, it says,
36:25 "And this I say for your own profit,
36:27 not that I put a leash on you."
36:30 He says, "But for what is proper,
36:32 that you may serve the Lord without distraction."
36:35 There it is.
36:36 Paul is not saying it's a sin not to marry.
36:38 In fact, I want to encourage you,
36:39 Marguerite, to ask the Lord, if you desire a good husband,
36:42 I believe a good woman deserves a good man and the Lord.
36:45 And a good man deserves a good woman.
36:47 But, you know, again, we shouldn't just make
36:48 that our number one priority.
36:50 I think that's what Paul is saying
36:51 to become a distraction
36:52 during these distressful times,
36:54 especially in the last days,
36:55 we need to make sure our focus is first on God,
36:57 and then, of course, praying humbly and sincerely saying,
37:00 "Lord, if you have a good woman or a good man, for me,"
37:03 whichever case it is,
37:04 if you're a man or a woman, in this case, say, "Lord,
37:06 please give me that spouse
37:08 that you would have me to have."
37:09 Amen.
37:11 Wow, yeah, thank you so much.
37:12 So there's a whole lot more that can be said but...
37:14 Thank you so much.
37:15 Talking about marriage and sexuality.
37:17 I want to just give a little disclaimer
37:18 on this next question, it's coming to Jill.
37:19 This one has some description
37:21 pertained to some sexuality and things.
37:22 So if you have someone in the house that you're like,
37:24 "Well, I'm not sure I want them to hear this question."
37:25 Just giving a little forewarning here.
37:27 And this person, actually, Stephen says,
37:30 "It's a little embarrassing to ask this question,
37:31 but I'm sure I'm not the only one
37:33 that has this question."
37:34 So thank you so much for submitting this.
37:35 So, Jill, the question is, "I agree that the commandment
37:38 could be better stated as thou shalt not have sex
37:42 with anyone you're not married to,
37:44 but the sex includes such things as oral sex,
37:48 mutual masturbation,
37:49 what the massage books term sexual massage,
37:52 and even really passionate kissing and embracing
37:56 what does the Bible have to say about this?"
37:58 Thank you, Stephen, so much for that question.
38:00 You know, I would say first and foremost,
38:02 that purity is not a line in the sand,
38:05 where we say we come this far, and we can't go any further.
38:09 Purity is a state of heart.
38:10 In fact, Jesus talked about it
38:11 when he gave the Sermon on the Mount.
38:13 If you look at Matthew 6, Jesus said that,
38:16 "I did not come to destroy the law and prophets,
38:18 I came to fulfill, and not only fulfill
38:21 but to magnify and to elevate the law."
38:24 In Matthew 6:27-28.
38:26 He said, "You have heard that it was said of old,
38:28 'You shall not commit adultery.'
38:30 But I say to you that even if you look with lust
38:33 on someone that is the same as having committed adultery."
38:37 So we say the physical act of adultery is sin,
38:40 but to be honest with you,
38:41 thoughts of lust is sin in God's eyes as well.
38:47 So if we look at it, from 2 Timothy 2,
38:51 this is Paul giving counsel to his son in the faith.
38:55 2 Timothy 2:22.
38:56 He says, "Flee also youthful lusts,
38:59 but pursue righteousness, faith, love,
39:02 peace with those who call on the Lord
39:04 out of a pure heart."
39:05 We are called to flee sexual temptation not to pause
39:10 and dally with it,
39:11 not to flirt with it, but to flee sexual temptation.
39:16 Now this is just being very frank right now
39:18 but heavy petting, passionate kissing.
39:22 You mentioned mutual masturbation,
39:25 we call that foreplay,
39:26 and that leads to sexual intercourse.
39:30 So if you are engaging in behavior
39:33 where the end result will lead to that,
39:36 the Word of God says
39:38 we are called to stay away from that
39:39 because God calls us to have a pure heart,
39:43 pure thoughts, pure mind before Him.
39:47 1 Corinthians, he says, "Flee sexual immorality,"
39:50 that's 1 Corinthians 6:18-20.
39:53 And that's the highest standard and when you look at it,
39:55 it might seem impossible,
39:57 but we don't do it in our own strength.
39:59 We don't grit our teeth and try harder.
40:02 We don't say, "Okay, I just lost it.
40:03 I can't do that again or I just did this."
40:06 Go to the Lord Jesus, seek His grace,
40:10 seek His strength, and seek His deliverance.
40:13 He's the one who gives us purity when we fallen.
40:16 He's the one who covers us when we've stepped into sin,
40:20 and He's the one who pulls us out,
40:22 and enables us to walk in purity.
40:25 Wow. Thank you so much.
40:26 Yeah, thank you so much again
40:28 for that question that you submitted.
40:30 Pastor Ryan, I'm gonna actually come back to you
40:31 because in the last few questions
40:33 with Pastor James and Jill has to do
40:34 with like diet and foods and stuff.
40:36 So, Pastor Ryan, this one comes from Marion, Oregon.
40:39 "Is it idolatry to have a picture of Jesus
40:42 in the church or my home?"
40:44 Yeah, you know, it could be depending
40:45 on how you idol it or worship it.
40:49 I think it's no more a sin
40:51 as having a picture of your family,
40:52 your wife, your husband, you know, your children,
40:54 anything like that, but I think the key is that
40:56 we stick to what the commandment
40:58 actually tells us in relation to this.
41:00 So Exodus 20:4-5, let's read it within context.
41:04 It says, "You shall not make for yourselves
41:05 a carved image of any likeness,
41:08 anything that is in heaven above,
41:10 or that is in the earth beneath,
41:11 or that is in the water under the earth."
41:13 But notice verse 5 it goes with that.
41:15 It says, "You shall not bow down nor serve them.
41:18 For I, am the Lord God, am a jealous God."
41:21 We have to understand this from a worship
41:23 an idol worship perspective.
41:25 The reason why God gave this is
41:27 because there are many people in the world
41:28 who they set up certain things as an idol,
41:30 and they worship these things.
41:32 And that is what God is addressing here.
41:34 I actually had a gentleman, you know, you mentioned this,
41:36 I think at the beginning of the program
41:38 or maybe a previous program,
41:39 where you had, you know, you had pictures
41:41 and, you know, had statues and things
41:43 you pray to pictures of Mary and Jesus
41:44 I actually had a gentleman in Louisiana,
41:46 one of my meetings who came,
41:48 he was full practicing Catholic.
41:50 And he came to me toward the end of the meetings,
41:52 as he had seen all of the truth.
41:53 And he had made a decision for Christ
41:55 to come out of the Catholic Church
41:57 and to join the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
41:58 he brought me this couple of interesting pictures,
42:00 he showed me his little shrine he had in his home.
42:03 And it wasn't just, you know, beautiful artwork
42:06 of Jesus of some kind.
42:07 It was actually pictures of Jesus,
42:08 statues of Jesus in a crucifix,
42:11 pictures of Mary and all these different saints,
42:12 statues of the saints,
42:14 you know, laced with gold and silver,
42:15 and these precious claws and things.
42:16 And he had it set up in his home,
42:18 and he showed me, "So this is my shrine,
42:19 I would bow to these and I would pray to them
42:21 because we were taught, you know, in Catholic Church,
42:23 that it's okay to that."
42:25 I think that's what Jesus is saying here.
42:26 I've had people to challenge, you know, at my meetings,
42:28 and they'll see an artist's portrayal
42:31 of what Jesus might have looked like,
42:32 we don't know what Jesus looks like.
42:34 But they're artists' portrayals.
42:35 And I've had people come there.
42:36 Oh, that's an image,
42:38 you're breaking the commandments,
42:39 you know, an image and artwork of some kind,
42:41 that's different having it then completely worshiping it
42:44 or bowing down to it, serving
42:46 as the type of idol or God.
42:47 And that's what we have to stick to
42:49 is notice what the commandment says and what it doesn't say.
42:51 In this sense, it's okay to have a picture
42:53 as long as you're not worshiping it.
42:55 Okay, good. Yeah.
42:57 Thank you very much, Pastor Ryan.
42:59 All right, Pastor James, good question here
43:01 from Debbie from Washington.
43:02 Thank you so much.
43:03 "Regarding foods,
43:05 please explain Mark 7:18-23."
43:10 All right, Mark 7:18-23,
43:13 is where Jesus is confronted by the Pharisees.
43:17 And He has been eating,
43:20 but He forgot to wash His hands.
43:22 Oh-oh.
43:23 Oh-oh.
43:24 And so the Pharisees get on about this
43:26 because they had their rules and regulations
43:29 that were added to what God had laid out.
43:32 And it was a big no-no for him to do this.
43:35 And so they got on Him.
43:36 And so Jesus responds,
43:37 and the verses that Debbie is asking about,
43:40 verses 18 to 23, we just read those.
43:42 "And He said unto them,
43:44 'Are ye so without understanding also?
43:45 Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing
43:47 from without entereth into the man,
43:50 it cannot defile him.
43:51 Because it entereth not into his heart,
43:53 but into the belly, and goes out into the draught,
43:55 purging all meats?
43:56 And this verse, these verses that we've just read
44:00 are the key verses, they're very difficult.
44:03 And the reason why they're so difficult,
44:04 and I really appreciate this question,
44:06 Debbie, 'cause I coming from a Catholic background again,
44:09 eating meats all my life,
44:10 I struggled with this because some of the newer translations
44:13 of the Bible actually translate this incorrectly.
44:17 They take a little bit of liberty here,
44:20 and they translate this little phrase
44:23 that we just read,
44:24 "Insane this Jesus declared all foods clean."
44:28 That's what you have in the NIV, the Amplified,
44:30 the NASB, the ESV, the ASV, the RSV,
44:35 you have a statement
44:36 that isn't actually supported by the Greek.
44:38 And the problem with that, of course,
44:40 is that you're adding to the Word of God,
44:41 Jesus, nowhere in this chapter
44:44 is Jesus talking about clean and unclean meats.
44:47 In fact, Debbie, what he's talking about,
44:48 what they're talking about is eating with unwashed hands.
44:51 That's it.
44:52 And Jesus is saying, you know, "If I don't have clean hands,
44:54 and I eat something,
44:55 it's just going to go into my belly."
44:57 But your thoughts, the things
44:58 that you're thinking and the things
45:00 that you're judging Me about
45:02 those are really actually going to defile Me.
45:04 You're saying that eating with unclean hands defiles,
45:06 but it's not eating with unclean hands
45:08 that defiles in this situation.
45:10 It's the thoughts.
45:11 It's the thing that your thinking
45:14 and the critical words that you have,
45:16 and the critical thoughts that you have.
45:17 They're really defiling you.
45:18 Excellent.
45:20 Thank you so much, Pastor James,
45:21 you have a great answer.
45:23 Now, Jill, this is a question from Joel,
45:24 "Why should we fast
45:26 and how long should we fast for?"
45:29 Thank you so much, Joel.
45:30 In my mind, Christian fasting has two sides of the same coin.
45:34 On one side of the coin in fasting,
45:36 the purpose of fasting is to draw us closer to Jesus.
45:39 On the other side of the same coin,
45:41 the purpose of fasting is to push away.
45:44 It's like a weapon against the enemy
45:46 to push away anything that's pulling us
45:49 from Jesus or any idol that's in our life
45:52 that's pulling us from Him.
45:54 If you look at the Word of God,
45:55 there's so many purposes for fasting.
45:57 We see that David fasted
45:59 for the healing of a sick child.
46:00 Nineveh fasted in an act of repentance.
46:03 Nehemiah fasted in grief.
46:05 The Israelites fasted to gain victory.
46:07 Esther fasted to gain supernatural favor
46:10 with the king.
46:11 Saul termed Paul later, fasted to gain clarity.
46:15 Daniel fasted to gain further understanding from God.
46:19 And there's many more examples of fasting in the Word of God.
46:23 Motive is super important.
46:25 We don't have time to get into that,
46:26 but that's very important.
46:28 We can fast for all the wrong reasons
46:29 to try to earn favor with God
46:31 or become more spiritual or be it's a prideful thing.
46:35 We want other people to think better of us
46:37 because we fast so there's many motive,
46:40 it's super important as we look at fasting.
46:42 As we look at types of fasts, there are many types of fasts,
46:45 I just want to highlight a couple.
46:46 There's what we call an absolute fast
46:48 with no food and water.
46:49 Moses experienced this.
46:51 This was when he was upon the mount with God,
46:53 you can look it up in Exodus 34,
46:55 he went 40 days with no food and no water.
46:59 This is before the giving of the Ten Commandments.
47:01 Now we know he had supernatural strength from God
47:05 in order for this to take place.
47:07 Esther fasted for three days, with no food and no water.
47:11 We have what I call the Daniel fast.
47:13 This is Daniel in Daniel 10.
47:16 He's fasting for three weeks,
47:17 and the Word of God said he ate no meat,
47:20 no wine, nor pleasant food.
47:22 This is a fast of certain foods,
47:24 not a complete fast,
47:25 but maybe picking certain foods that you would fast.
47:29 We talked earlier about sexuality,
47:32 there's actually, a sexual fast,
47:34 you can find that in the Word of God as well.
47:36 The Israelites engaged in that.
47:39 This is Exodus 19,
47:40 prior to the giving of The Ten Commandments,
47:42 and if you look at 1 Corinthians 7,
47:44 there's a little reference to that as well.
47:46 We have corporate fasting.
47:48 You see, Ezra and the children of Israel,
47:50 this is, of course, the second return
47:52 from Babylon back to Jerusalem.
47:54 They fasted and prayed for God's protection.
47:56 We have the early Christian church
47:58 fasting and setting apart Saul and Barnabas
48:01 for the first missionary journey.
48:03 And they fasted corporately before that took place.
48:07 We also have what I call soul fasting,
48:09 this is not food fasting.
48:10 This is fasting things are out of balance in your life,
48:13 or maybe something that takes a lot of your time.
48:16 This could be fasting social media
48:18 for a certain amount of time,
48:20 fasting the radio, I've done that
48:22 I'm going to drive in the car,
48:23 I won't listen to the radio instead,
48:25 I would take that time to pray
48:27 and spend with God it could be fasting magazines
48:30 or the Internet or even chocolate.
48:33 Okay, I said that.
48:34 So there are many different things
48:36 that we can choose to fast,
48:37 but the purpose of it is to draw us closer to Jesus.
48:41 Amen.
48:43 Amen.
48:44 Thank you so very much yeah, great explanation on fasting.
48:45 Yeah, I love that.
48:47 Pastor James, let's go to this question here it's...
48:50 They want to know an explanation
48:52 pertained to Romans 14:2,
48:56 only the weak eat vegetables only.
48:58 Okay.
49:00 So Romans 14:2 says,
49:01 "For one believes that he may eat all things
49:03 in other who is weak eats," King James, "herbs."
49:06 And this is a very significant
49:11 conflict that Paul is dealing with here in Romans 14.
49:15 Actually, it's one that we talked about earlier.
49:17 Judaizers would follow him wherever you went.
49:19 They tried to undermine his ministry
49:20 and their main focus was to get new believers,
49:23 new converts, Gentile believers
49:25 to start keeping the ceremonial laws,
49:28 which included Sabbath
49:29 that were extra to the Seventh-day Sabbath
49:32 and included eating certain foods,
49:34 certain herbs, and certain foods
49:35 during the special occasions, these convocations,
49:38 these special days that God had set up.
49:41 All of these ceremonial laws were fulfilled in Jesus Christ,
49:44 and all of them were shadows and types
49:46 of the plan of salvation.
49:47 Some of them we still look at today
49:49 even like the Day of Atonement,
49:50 for example, in which we are living.
49:52 So Paul is dealing with believers in the church.
49:55 Those that are in the faith, some of them are weak,
49:57 who are the weak ones.
49:59 They happen to be the Jews.
50:00 Why?
50:01 Because they've kept the ceremonial laws
50:04 for generations.
50:05 Okay, and now all of a sudden, what Moses gave them,
50:08 they've got to let go of?
50:09 Ooh, that's not going to be easy.
50:11 The Gentiles they're coming in.
50:12 They're like, "Ceremonial laws what are those?
50:14 Oh, don't worry about those.
50:15 Oh, okay, we don't have to worry about those?
50:17 Let's not worry about those."
50:18 So they're the stronger
50:19 because they don't have to worry about
50:21 what the Jews are really struggling with.
50:23 And so Paul basically says, "Listen,
50:25 don't despise those who aren't keeping
50:28 eating these herbs and keeping these,
50:30 Jews, and don't judge those that are Gentiles.
50:33 We're all in the faith, we're all going to stand
50:35 before the judgment seat of Christ,
50:37 don't put a stumbling block
50:38 before your brother, your sister,
50:40 let everyone be fully persuaded in their own minds."
50:42 And I love that because that's a principle
50:44 that we need in our society today.
50:46 Let people have a little bit of freedom,
50:47 a little bit of wiggle room to make a decision
50:49 based on their conscience
50:50 and what they're convicted of.
50:52 And this is especially talking about people in the faith.
50:55 So that's my understanding of the context of Romans 14.
50:58 Amen.
50:59 Thank you so much.
51:00 We have just like 50 seconds left,
51:02 I'm going to put a little challenge out there.
51:03 All of you can make a comment on this.
51:04 I'm going to summarize this question quickly
51:06 comes from Addie.
51:07 "How do we study the Bible, understand it,
51:09 and connect scriptures
51:11 from different books of the Bible?"
51:13 Thank you, Addie.
51:15 Strong's Concordance is what worked for me
51:17 and it's fantastic.
51:18 You can get an app, you can download it,
51:20 you can use a hard copy, it changed my life.
51:22 I don't know if you want to add something to it.
51:23 No, absolutely.
51:25 That's exactly where I was going as well.
51:26 For someone who's, you know,
51:28 not an advanced student of the word,
51:29 get to a Strong's Concordance,
51:30 either the book or the app,
51:32 you can cross-reference all those words.
51:33 It's powerful, powerful tool.
51:35 In this question, they asked about a study Bible.
51:37 I know you like...
51:38 I love my Android Study Bible.
51:40 Hands down, it's my favorite,
51:41 but I was going to say I like Bible Hub.
51:43 It's an app and I love it and you can do the same.
51:45 You get the Strong's and all that too.
51:46 Excellent. Good job.
51:48 Wow, 50 seconds.
51:49 All right, we're going to take a quick break
51:51 and we'll be right back.
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Revised 2021-10-07