3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Will God Punish Me for An Insincere Prayer?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210026B

00:01 These one hour Bible Q and A programs
00:02 always go by in a great hurry.
00:04 So we've got just a couple of minutes left.
00:05 Closing comments, Brother Jason, let's start with you.
00:08 Real quick, I just want to share that,
00:10 you know, we serve a God of love,
00:12 and He has our best eternal interest at heart.
00:17 He wants to spend eternity with us,
00:19 and no good thing will He withhold from His children.
00:22 Amen.
00:23 Yeah, I like that, Jason.
00:25 That's a really good point, you know, because God,
00:26 He wants us to be there, like we talked about earlier.
00:27 And that's a precious thing.
00:29 You think about a God of love, that's powerful.
00:30 Amen.
00:32 And I just, I'm just thinking of Philips' question
00:33 about the church in the Old Testament
00:34 and the New Testament.
00:36 You know, I just want to urge everyone watching,
00:38 you know, become a part of God's Church,
00:41 become a part of that body.
00:43 We are all members of the body of Christ.
00:45 And remember, Christ is the head of that body.
00:47 And when we're not a part of that body,
00:49 we've disconnected ourselves from Jesus Christ.
00:51 So follow Jesus, seek Him
00:53 and become a part of that church today.
00:55 Amen.
00:56 Thank you for the invitation. Yes, Jill.
00:57 I was thinking a lot of our questions today,
00:59 or at least some of the questions today
01:01 had to do with, "Can I be forgiven?
01:02 And is God gonna set me
01:04 and am I back in right standing with God?"
01:06 I want to leave you with this scripture.
01:08 I love this scripture.
01:09 Romans 8:15.
01:11 It says, "You did not receive
01:13 the Spirit of bondage again to fear."
01:15 Do you feel like you're in bondage?
01:16 Do you feel like you're in fear?
01:18 Are you afraid of God?
01:19 Or are you afraid of your standing with God?
01:21 The scripture doesn't end there.
01:23 It says, "We have received the Spirit of adoption,
01:26 by which we cry out Abba, Daddy, Father."
01:29 So just come to Him,
01:31 know that Satan is the one who brings condemnation.
01:34 Satan's the one who brings separation.
01:36 Jesus came that you would have life
01:38 and that you would have it more abundantly.
01:41 So just open up your heart to Jesus.
01:43 Amen.
01:45 Thank you so much. Thank you, Jill.
01:46 Thank you, Pastor Ryan.
01:48 Thank you, Brother Jason.
01:49 And thank you for joining us being part of our family
01:51 and for joining us for this time of Bible study.
01:53 I did not open with a scripture like I usually like to do
01:56 and it comes from 2 Timothy 2:15.
01:58 "Study to show thyself approved unto God,
02:01 a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
02:03 rightly dividing the word of truth."
02:05 Goodbye, we'll see you next time.


Revised 2024-01-29