3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Can We Die In Paradise?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210016B

00:01 Amen.
00:02 We definitely encourage you to continue to send
00:04 in those Bible questions.
00:05 We're gonna take the remaining time
00:06 to get some closing thoughts from our panelists.
00:08 I just have one because we've talked about worship.
00:10 And I just want to say that the highest expression
00:14 of worship is obedience.
00:17 Amen.
00:18 I'm gonna shortly say,
00:20 you know, when we spend time to read and study God's Word,
00:25 God draws near
00:26 because My children are reading My scriptures,
00:29 and He wants to illuminate our mind
00:32 with God's Word that, again,
00:34 are able to make us wise unto salvation.
00:36 Amen. That's right.
00:37 And coming back to the issue of worship.
00:39 Thank you very much, Shelley,
00:40 because that in fact is the litmus test
00:43 for your dedication,
00:45 your love relationship to Christ
00:47 to worship the Lord.
00:49 But let me just go ahead and define
00:50 what worship is according to the words of Jesus.
00:52 John 4:23,
00:54 "But the hour is coming and now is when the true worshiper
00:58 must worship the father in spirit and in truth.
01:01 God is spirit.
01:02 And those who worship Him
01:04 must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
01:06 Amen.
01:08 For the Father seeketh such to worship Him.
01:09 So don't omit truth
01:13 and the guidance of the Holy Spirit
01:15 and substitute it with worship-tainment.
01:18 That's what's happening in Christianity today.
01:20 Worship-tainment
01:22 has taken the place of true Christian dedication
01:25 to the Word of God.
01:26 Amen.
01:28 And we always need to make sure
01:29 that we are placing our faith in the Word of God
01:32 and getting our answers from the Word of God.
01:33 Again, our, kind of our theme text
01:35 that we use often is 2 Timothy 2:15,
01:37 "That we study to show ourselves
01:39 approved a workman
01:40 who needeth not to be ashamed,
01:42 rightly dividing the word of truth."
01:44 And as we've often quoted here as well,
01:47 this Psalm 119:105,
01:48 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
01:50 and a light unto my path."
01:53 Again, we wanna thank you for joining us here
01:55 on 3ABN Today, Bible Q and A,
01:57 and we encourage you to come back here
01:59 right in here next week, next Monday,
02:01 because we're gonna be here again,
02:03 answering your Bible questions.
02:05 Until next time, God bless you,
02:07 and we'll see you here next week.


Revised 2021-06-27