3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Can We Die In Paradise?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210016A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:03 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello, friends, and welcome again
01:16 to another edition of 3ABN Today,
01:19 Bible Q and A, that's right.
01:21 During this time, we are taking your Bible questions
01:24 and we're providing an answer straight from the Word of God.
01:28 And we are so thankful that you're joining us
01:30 during this time.
01:31 We know you could probably be anywhere else
01:33 or doing anything else, but you're here joining us.
01:35 And it's a blessing.
01:36 We know you're gonna receive a blessing during this hour.
01:39 Of course, as always wanna remind you
01:41 that you can send in your Bible questions.
01:43 And I'll probably give a few reminders
01:45 throughout this program,
01:46 but we wanna tell you exactly how you can do that.
01:49 There's two different ways you can do that.
01:50 First is by text.
01:52 And so you can text in your questions
01:54 to (618) 228-3975.
01:58 Again, that number is (618) 228-3975.
02:02 So text in your questions or you can email us as well.
02:06 And the email address is right there on your screen
02:08 BibleQA@3abn.org
02:12 Again, that's BibleQA@3abn.org
02:17 So send in those questions.
02:19 We've received hundreds of questions and you know what?
02:22 We're just working through them
02:23 as we do more and more of these episodes,
02:25 we're just...
02:27 We're just ciphering through them all
02:28 and just scooping them up as we go through
02:30 and answering them as we go along.
02:31 And so, again, we thank you so much
02:33 for sending in those questions.
02:34 I guess, before we pray and get right into our program,
02:37 I wanna introduce this incredible panel
02:39 as always.
02:40 Directly to my right, we have Miss Shelley Quinn,
02:42 and it's always a blessing to have you, Sister.
02:44 It's a delight to be here.
02:45 And I just have to tell you,
02:47 I don't know if you know at home,
02:48 but we're limited to two minutes on our answers.
02:51 So when we talk really fast, that's why.
02:54 Amen. It's fun.
02:55 Sometimes it feels like you're an auctioneer, right?
02:58 But it's good. It's all in good fun.
03:00 Pastor John Dinzey,
03:01 it's a blessing to have you as well, Brother.
03:03 Amen.
03:04 It's a blessing to be here and is,
03:06 good questions are coming in.
03:07 And I praise the Lord that people are studying the Bible.
03:09 Amen. Praise the Lord.
03:10 And all the way across this table,
03:12 Pastor John Lomacang, love your wisdom and certainly
03:15 appreciate all that you have to share with us today.
03:18 As each one of our panelists said,
03:21 it's an enjoyable time.
03:22 But once again, remember, we only got two minutes.
03:27 Sometimes the questions are longer than the answers.
03:31 That is the case in a couple of...
03:33 in a couple of situations.
03:34 But before we go right into our questions,
03:37 I'm gonna ask Miss Shelley Quinn,
03:38 if you would just give us a word of prayer at this time.
03:40 Absolutely.
03:42 Our loving heavenly Father,
03:43 we come before You with praise in our hearts.
03:46 We praise You for Jesus, Your Holy Spirit,
03:49 and we praise You for Your Word, Father.
03:51 You did not leave us as orphans.
03:53 You sent Your Spirit. You gave us Your Word.
03:56 And, Father, we thank You that Your Word is alive
03:59 and active and relevant in our lives today.
04:04 And we pray that You'll help
04:07 each one of us to answer.
04:10 Lead us by Your Spirit as we answer these questions.
04:13 And may we all be blessed.
04:15 We love You. We thank You.
04:16 In Jesus' name, amen. Amen.
04:19 Amen. Praise the Lord.
04:22 Well, Pastor John Dinzey,
04:23 it looks like we're coming to you first.
04:25 Okay.
04:26 And this question is coming from Marisol in Erling.
04:29 And the question is, "Please explain Isaiah 65.
04:35 The word die makes me question.
04:37 If we will die in the new earth,
04:40 can we die in paradise
04:42 if we misbehave or are we secure?"
04:47 That is a good question.
04:49 And, Marisol, I say, you would say
04:52 that in Spanish Marisol in Erling.
04:53 Yes.
04:55 This passage is sometimes confusing to people
04:57 because Isaiah 65:17-20,
05:01 speak to us of a condition,
05:04 a blessing the Lord will give to the people of Israel
05:06 had they been faithful.
05:08 And I want to encourage you to read Deuteronomy Chapter 11,
05:12 to see all the blessings the Lord said,
05:14 if you do this, I'm gonna do this.
05:16 And you're gonna be blessed in your home, in your field.
05:20 You're gonna be fruitful. You're gonna have children.
05:21 And it's a marvelous, marvelous passage.
05:25 However, not all the elements of Isaiah 65
05:30 can be applied to the future life,
05:33 after sin is done away with.
05:36 Had the people of Israel,
05:38 it seems like the Lord, had they been faithful.
05:40 It seems like the Lord would bless them
05:42 with like a heaven on earth.
05:44 And so, Isaiah Chapter 65, I'm gonna read verses 17 to 20,
05:48 "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth,
05:50 and the former shall not be remembered
05:52 or come to mind,
05:53 but be glad and rejoice forever in what I create for.
05:56 Behold, I create Jerusalem as a rejoicing
05:58 and her people a joy.
06:00 I will rejoice in Jerusalem and joy in my people,
06:03 the voice of weeping shall no longer be heard in her
06:06 nor the voice of crying."
06:07 And now it says, "No more shall an infant dare die
06:10 but a few days nor an old man who has not fulfilled his days.
06:14 A child shall die 100 years
06:17 but the sinner being 100 years old
06:19 shall be a cursed."
06:20 So the word die is in here
06:22 because it's talking about before sin.
06:26 Now, when we talk about the New Jerusalem
06:28 after sin is over,
06:30 we have the promise in Revelation 21,
06:32 which I will read now.
06:33 "I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
06:35 for the first heaven
06:36 and the first earth had passed away."
06:37 Notice that they had now passed away.
06:39 This is after sin.
06:41 "Also there was no more sea.
06:43 And then I, John saw the holy city,
06:44 New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God
06:46 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
06:49 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying,
06:51 'Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men
06:54 and He will dwell with them and they shall be His people.
06:55 God Himself will be with them and be their God.
06:57 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes,
06:59 there shall be no more death nor sorrow nor crying,
07:03 neither shall there be any more pain
07:04 for the former things have passed away."
07:06 No, there will be no death
07:07 or suffering in heaven or the New Jerusalem.
07:10 Amen. Amen.
07:11 Thank you, Brother, so much.
07:13 All right, Miss Shelley Quinn, we're coming to you at this one
07:15 This question comes from Chandler...
07:17 Okay.
07:19 And Chandler says, "Why did God put
07:20 the tree of knowledge of good and evil there
07:22 if He knew
07:23 that people would partake of the fruit of it?
07:26 Also, why did He...
07:27 Why didn't He kill Satan right then and there
07:30 so that He wouldn't annoy us now?"
07:33 That's a good question, Chandler.
07:36 God...
07:38 When God created Adam and Eve,
07:39 He set them
07:41 in the Garden of Eden, Chandler.
07:43 And it was, that means garden of pleasure.
07:45 It was a garden of delight. It was a paradise.
07:48 Everything was very good.
07:50 There were many beautiful trees from which they could eat.
07:53 Only one tree was prohibited.
07:56 The knowledge,
07:58 the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
08:01 God created Adam and Eve as free will beings.
08:07 He even made His angels creatures a free will.
08:11 And there is a cosmic conflict that is going on.
08:15 We know that Satan got his heart lifted up.
08:19 He was a covering cherub. His heart was lifted up.
08:23 Isaiah 14 says, "He trafficked lies about God."
08:26 Ezekiel 28 says,
08:28 "And he got one-third of the angels
08:31 to believe in his lies."
08:33 You know, God can't lie.
08:35 Satan's got an advantage.
08:37 He was the father of all lies.
08:40 He was a liar and a murderer from the beginning.
08:43 So what happened is,
08:46 even though God is a sovereign being,
08:50 He is omniscient.
08:51 He knows all.
08:53 The Bible tells us that God shares His governance
08:58 with a divine council, a heavenly council.
09:01 We see it in Psalm 82:89, Psalm 89,
09:06 Nehemiah 9:6, Job 1:6,
09:09 1 Kings 22:19 and Daniel 4:17.
09:14 So here's what I believe happened.
09:16 I believe the reason God didn't zap Satan,
09:20 as soon as the sin was because
09:22 then people might believe the lies.
09:25 The other creatures would have said,
09:26 well, maybe he was right.
09:28 God isn't fair. Right.
09:30 God is too restrictive.
09:32 So then when He created Adam and Eve,
09:35 He put that one tree in there as a test of their loyalty.
09:41 They had,
09:43 they abused their freewill just as Satan did,
09:47 but God had to let this cosmic conflict.
09:51 The heavenly council said,
09:53 "We're gonna give Satan a short time to see
09:56 if he knows
09:58 or if he can prove what he's saying."
10:01 He can't. Wow.
10:03 You really needed two minutes for the first part
10:05 and two minutes for the second part
10:06 of that question,
10:08 but you did a fantastic job,
10:09 summing it up in such a short time.
10:10 Great. Thank you.
10:12 Pastor Lomacang,
10:13 we're coming to you at this time.
10:14 This question is dealing with Mark 13:32,
10:18 and this person says, "Mark 13:32 says no one knows,
10:22 not even the Son of God who or when Jesus is returning.
10:27 Would it be a lie to say that the Son
10:30 who is God does not know?"
10:32 Well, that statement in Mark was recorded
10:34 when Jesus was in His earthly ministry,
10:35 in the condescended form before His crucifixion,
10:38 before His resurrection, before His ascension.
10:41 And He was speaking from the human perspective.
10:43 Remember the Bible says
10:44 the Lord prepared a body for Him.
10:45 So He came forth into the world in the birth,
10:48 even though the seed was planted by the Holy Spirit,
10:51 He experienced the birth as you and I are,
10:54 you and I have experienced.
10:55 In the human sense He did not know.
10:58 However, when He rose to life,
11:00 He made a declaration that makes it clear.
11:02 He does know now.
11:04 First of all, Matthew 28:18,
11:05 we start when Jesus came and spoke to them, saying,
11:08 'All authority is given me in heaven and in earth.'"
11:12 So He talks about the authority now in heaven and on earth.
11:15 How could you have all authority,
11:16 but still be in the dark?
11:18 That's the first point.
11:19 Secondly, Isaiah 46:9-10
11:21 is not a declaration of the Father
11:26 as much as it is a declaration of the Creator.
11:29 He said, "Remember the former things of old,
11:30 for I'm God and there is no other.
11:32 I am God, and there is none like Me."
11:34 What did He say?
11:35 Declaring the end from the beginning.
11:37 When He condescended,
11:38 that knowledge was withheld from Him in His human form.
11:40 However, He started making it very clear to the disciples
11:45 in His earthly ministry.
11:46 He says, "Learn the parable of the fig tree.
11:48 When you see all these things know that it is near."
11:50 Right.
11:52 But after His ascension,
11:53 John the Revelator contains in,
11:59 in the Book of Revelation,
12:00 which is the revelation of Jesus Christ.
12:03 A statement that I now know He does know.
12:06 Jesus couldn't say in Revelation 22:12,
12:08 these words, "And behold, I am coming quickly.
12:12 And My reward is with Me to give to everyone,
12:14 according to his work."
12:16 He couldn't say I am coming quickly
12:18 if He didn't know when He was returning.
12:19 Right.
12:21 So the condescended statement,
12:23 no one knows the day nor the hour was the frailty
12:27 and the limitations of humanity.
12:30 But when all authority was returned to Him,
12:32 He did know.
12:33 Right. Wonderful.
12:35 Praise the Lord for that.
12:36 And if you're just now tuning in at this moment,
12:38 or in this time
12:40 and hour Bible questions and answer program,
12:42 we wanna tell you how you, again,
12:43 can send in your questions.
12:45 And there are two ways you can do that.
12:47 The first way is, of course, by text
12:49 and then number you need to text
12:50 is (618) 228-3975.
12:54 (618) 228-3975.
12:57 You can text in those answers or you can email us
13:00 at BibleQA@3abn.org
13:03 BibleQA@3ABN.org
13:07 So send us those questions.
13:08 We're excited to give a Bible answer to those.
13:11 Pastor Dinzey,
13:12 coming back to you for this one.
13:14 And this is coming from Marjorie,
13:16 from Massachusetts.
13:18 And she says,
13:19 "I know we aren't supposed to work on the Sabbath.
13:22 However, since the Sabbath is from sunset on Friday
13:25 to sunset on Saturday,
13:27 does that mean, for example,
13:29 those who work from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
13:33 during the winter season,
13:35 when the sun sets around 4:00 PM
13:37 are breaking the fourth commandment?
13:39 To be more general when the Sabbath hits,
13:42 does all work need to cease immediately,
13:45 no matter how long or short it is?"
13:48 Okay, well, I have to say
13:50 that we sympathize with Marjorie,
13:53 and this is a good question and a challenge
13:57 that many Christians
13:59 that want to observe the seventh day Sabbath
14:01 according to God's commandment, as found in Exodus 20:8-11.
14:06 And I believe based on your question
14:08 that, you know, already the answer, Marjorie,
14:11 because you say, you know,
14:14 that you're not supposed to work on the Sabbath.
14:16 Unfortunately, society does not conform
14:19 to God's requirements.
14:21 We're living in a sinful world.
14:24 So the hours of work are not exactly the hours
14:26 that as God would have it, let's say.
14:29 So this is, this presents a challenge.
14:31 And I know you want to do God's will
14:32 because you are concerned.
14:34 So I would encourage you to pray
14:36 and ask the Lord to help you
14:39 in this challenge that you're facing.
14:43 But I must say that the answer is yes,
14:46 all work is supposed to stop when the sun sets
14:49 and the Sabbath begins.
14:50 It is the time of the Lord that is supposed to be sacred.
14:54 It's supposed to be holy.
14:55 And so I encourage you to pray
14:58 and ask the Lord to help you as you request.
15:02 And my suggestion is you request to your supervisor
15:05 to allow you to leave earlier by working,
15:10 perhaps starting earlier on that day
15:12 or some other way to work out for you
15:15 so that you can keep God's Sabbath day holy.
15:20 And this way you will be in harmony with the Lord,
15:24 because it is better to obey God rather than man.
15:27 Now, the wonderful thing is I have faced this.
15:29 And a wonderful thing is I can tell you from experiences
15:32 that God somehow will work it out for you.
15:36 He will bless you.
15:37 He wants to know that you are willing
15:39 to cooperate with Him in this, and He will help you.
15:43 And you may be surprised at how God works it out.
15:47 You may be challenged.
15:49 Some people have even lost their jobs
15:50 and they think it's all over because supervisor demands.
15:52 You've got to be here or you're gonna be fired.
15:54 Some people have been fired, some have been hired back,
15:56 and then some find a better job
15:59 because God is gonna be looking out for you.
16:02 Very, very nice. Appreciate that answer.
16:04 In fact, I can give a testimony to that
16:07 because I once was let go of a job
16:09 because I didn't really understand
16:10 my rights and all that.
16:12 And I asked my boss off to be off on the Sabbath
16:14 from sundown Friday night,
16:15 sundown Saturday, and he let me go.
16:17 But it wasn't a couple of weeks later,
16:19 the Lord gave me a better job with more money
16:22 and better hours and every Sabbath off.
16:25 So just ask the Lord, follow the Lord.
16:26 And He will always bless you. Praise the Lord.
16:29 All right, Pastor Lomacang,
16:30 I'm gonna come back to you for this next question.
16:32 And this is coming from Erling of Sweden.
16:35 I hope I'm saying that correctly.
16:36 E-R-L-I-N-G, Erling or Erling.
16:39 This person says,
16:40 "I hear that some or a lot of Adventists claim
16:44 that we just shall worship one day of the week
16:47 on Sabbath or on the Sabbath.
16:50 I hope they are wrong,
16:51 but I can't find it in the Bible
16:53 that we shall worship every day.
16:56 Please help me with this one?"
16:57 Sure.
16:58 Thank you for the question, Erling.
17:00 First of all, the question comes down
17:01 to the interpretation of what worship means.
17:04 Now corporate worship, I think is what you're talking
17:06 about, where we gather together one day a week,
17:08 and the Bible supports that.
17:10 First and foremost, it was a convocation
17:13 throughout the Old Testament among the Jews,
17:15 and then the life of Jesus.
17:16 Luke 4:16.
17:18 He went into the synagogue every Sabbath,
17:20 and stood up to read.
17:21 And you find in the Book of Acts
17:22 or many references.
17:24 I'll share those with you in just a moment,
17:25 but let's get back first to the issue of worship.
17:27 The Christian doesn't worship the Lord one day,
17:30 and this has been a big stumbling block
17:32 among people that say, well, I worship on the Sabbath.
17:35 Well, if your life is not an act of worship every day,
17:37 then you don't know who the Lord is.
17:39 You know, when Paul says in Romans 12:2,
17:41 that we should present our bodies
17:43 as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God,
17:47 which is our reasonable service.
17:49 The New International Version says
17:50 which is our spiritual act of worship.
17:52 You say, we see we are a living sacrifice...
17:56 Sacrifices brought to the Lord for the purpose of worship.
17:59 Your life every day should be an act of worship to the God
18:02 that you claim to be your Lord and Savior.
18:05 Let me translate that differently.
18:07 We don't live one way during the week
18:09 and then another way.
18:10 We just switch when the sun goes down
18:12 and say, okay,
18:13 now I hope my life is a living sacrifice holy
18:16 and acceptable to God.
18:17 Well, let me also translate the other part of that.
18:20 The Bible doesn't establish that we should honor
18:23 the Sabbath every day either
18:25 because the Sabbath is only one day of the week
18:26 that is blessed.
18:27 And that's the day that the Lord says
18:29 thou shalt not do any work,
18:31 that is specifically laid aside for that corporate worship,
18:35 that gathering together.
18:36 And you find not only in the life of Christ,
18:39 but in the Book of Acts 13:42-44.
18:42 The Bible says, "So when the Jews went out
18:43 of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged
18:45 that these words might be preached to them
18:47 the next Sabbath."
18:48 So they knew there was a sermon,
18:50 the next Sabbath.
18:51 And the Bible says also in verse 44,
18:53 "On the next Sabbath,
18:54 almost the whole city came together
18:56 to hear the Word of God."
18:57 In Acts Chapter 13, then in Acts Chapter 18.
19:00 And by the way, this is after the ascension of Jesus,
19:03 the Apostle Paul met every Sabbath
19:05 with the Greeks and the Jews.
19:06 And the Bible says in Acts 18:11,
19:09 "He continued there a year and six months."
19:11 That's 78 weeks in a row that the Apostle Paul spoke
19:15 to the Jews and the Greeks and the Bible said,
19:17 what did he do in Acts 18:4?
19:19 He reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath
19:21 and persuaded both Jews and Greeks.
19:24 So the day of worship as a corporate body
19:27 was not disputed in Scripture.
19:29 We also find that Paul taught
19:31 and spoke for three Sabbaths in a row.
19:33 And this is talked about in Amphipolis and Apollonia
19:36 where they came to Thessalonica in Acts 17:1-3.
19:40 Here's the point I want to make.
19:41 Every day we should live our lives
19:43 as a spiritual act of worship to the true God.
19:46 We don't turn off on worship and turn it off.
19:48 We should be a living sacrifice holy
19:50 and acceptable to God in our acts,
19:52 our words, our deeds, and our choices every day.
19:55 And then we will be a living sacrifice
19:59 and an acceptable attitude of worship towards our Lord.
20:03 But He only blessed one day as a day of corporate worship.
20:06 Amen. Praise the Lord for that. Thank you.
20:09 All right, Miss Shelley Quinn,
20:11 coming back to you for this next question.
20:13 And this comes from Yvonne from Harlem, and she says,
20:17 "Jesus is called the Son of man.
20:19 So why does God refer to Ezekiel as the son of man?"
20:23 You know, it's interesting, Yvonne,
20:25 Ezekiel is referred to as the son of man, 90 times,
20:28 this just indicates his humanness.
20:31 Ezekiel was a member of the human race
20:35 through whom God was going to try
20:37 to reach other lost perishing souls.
20:40 Now the Messiah,
20:43 Son of man is a Messianic title for Jesus Christ.
20:47 You're right.
20:49 Because Jesus was the seed of a woman,
20:53 Jesus became God, became a human being,
20:58 took on our flesh in the person of Jesus Christ.
21:02 And you know what?
21:04 Son of man, I'm gonna come back to that
21:07 'cause He identified with us as in our humanity,
21:12 when He took on our flesh.
21:14 Son of man is used 107 times in the Old Testament.
21:18 Only once to Jesus in Daniel 7:13-14.
21:23 Daniel says, "Behold,
21:25 one like the Son of man coming with the clouds of heaven.
21:28 He came to the Ancient of Days,
21:31 and they brought Him near before them.
21:34 Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom.
21:37 And His dominion is an everlasting dominion.
21:40 His kingdom is the one which shall not be destroyed."
21:45 Jesus favorite title for Himself was Son of man.
21:48 He used it over 80 times.
21:50 In Mark 10:45, he says,
21:53 "Even the Son of man did not come to be served,
21:56 but to serve
21:57 and to give His life a ransom for many."
22:01 The Son of man is used as a term 88 times
22:06 in the New Testament.
22:08 And only once does it refer to a natural born human.
22:13 So it's a messianic title of Jesus.
22:16 Jesus was called Messiah, Christ, the Seed,
22:19 the Son of man, last Adam, the only begotten,
22:23 the first born, a Lamb of God, Son of God,
22:26 and the surety of the covenant.
22:29 Amen. Praise the Lord.
22:30 Thank you, Miss Shelley. All right.
22:31 Pastor John Dinzey,
22:33 I'm gonna be coming to you for this next question.
22:34 This is a question coming from Tony
22:36 and Tony says,
22:37 I hear many say that the end is near
22:39 where the Christ's return could be any day.
22:42 I get that.
22:44 I get the sense that they think the end will be any day,
22:48 certainly before the end of this year,
22:50 is this correct or am I misunderstanding?
22:54 Yes. This is a good question, indeed.
22:56 And I believe many people are wondering the same thing.
22:59 There are all kinds of doctrines.
23:01 The Bible says that every wind of doctrine
23:03 will be blowing.
23:04 And so where do we go?
23:06 We've heard people talk about the Lord is coming any day now.
23:08 And then we hear some people saying,
23:09 projecting it into the future.
23:11 So what is it?
23:13 So let's go to Matthew Chapter 24.
23:16 In Matthew Chapter 24,
23:18 you have Jesus giving signs
23:20 that would come just before His coming.
23:23 And I remember as we went...
23:26 As you study Matthew 24, you will...
23:28 You can probably do like a checklist.
23:30 Yes, this has been fulfilled. Yes, this has been fulfilled.
23:32 Yes, this has been fulfilled.
23:35 But when you get to Matthew 24:14,
23:39 it is difficult to measure when this is exactly done.
23:42 Only God knows.
23:44 Notice what it says, "And this gospel of the kingdom
23:46 will be preached in all the world
23:47 as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come."
23:52 So how do we know when that is done?
23:53 God knows.
23:55 However, we can pretty much look at the situation and say,
23:59 "Wow, 3ABN is on satellite all over the world.
24:03 We're covering the world via the internet,
24:05 and books and pamphlets have been printed
24:08 and practically in every language of the world
24:11 the gospel has gone through,
24:12 but there are some unreached people they say.
24:16 And I can tell you
24:18 that a lot of work needs to be done.
24:20 God's people need to get on the ball
24:21 and cooperate with the Lord
24:23 and bring this gospel message to the whole world.
24:27 Now, your question is,
24:28 you get the sense that it could be any day.
24:31 Looking at the prophecies.
24:33 When you look at Matthew 24:25,
24:35 look at the Book of Daniel, look at Revelation,
24:38 especially beginning in Revelation Chapter 13
24:41 and onward.
24:43 You see that there are some things
24:44 that are talked about in the Bible
24:46 that seem to be coming soon.
24:49 When you talk about an image to the beast,
24:53 and when you talk about a mark of the beast
24:56 and life and death sentence,
24:59 whoever doesn't take the mark,
25:00 the idea that this could happen any day,
25:03 you have to put that aside
25:05 because Jesus cannot come tomorrow
25:07 based on this, or maybe the next day.
25:10 However, we can see that these things
25:12 can happen rather quickly,
25:14 perhaps who knows, perhaps during a year,
25:16 all this can take place,
25:18 but we don't know the day nor the hour.
25:22 And so our part is to be watching and praying
25:26 and cooperating with the Lord,
25:28 sharing the gospel with other people.
25:30 You're not gonna be able to say the Lord is coming next month
25:33 or the month after that.
25:34 However, we are supposed to be ready.
25:37 And so I encourage you to read Matthew 24,
25:38 Revelation 12 and onward,
25:40 and you will see that Jesus Christ is coming soon.
25:43 You can look at the science.
25:45 I read now from Matthew 24:42-44,
25:48 "Watch, therefore for you do not know
25:50 what hour your Lord is coming, but know this,
25:52 that if the master of the house had known
25:54 what hour the thief would come,
25:57 he would have watched and not allow his house
25:59 to be broken into.
26:00 Therefore you also be ready,
26:03 for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
26:07 So be ready, place yourself in the hands of the Lord
26:10 and you will be ready.
26:12 Praise the Lord.
26:13 Thank you, Pastor Dinzey, for that.
26:15 All right, Miss Quinn, I'm coming back to you,
26:18 and this person is asking all the way from India.
26:22 This is Samuel from India, and Samuel says,
26:25 "Adventists believe in God the Father,
26:28 God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit,
26:31 and three are equally God.
26:34 My question is, Revelation 4:2 and he quotes the verse here.
26:38 "And immediately I was in the spirit
26:39 and behold a throne was set in heaven
26:42 and One sat on the throne."
26:43 And then the question is, why is there only one throne?
26:47 What about the other two Gods?"
26:51 Samuel, we only believe in one God,
26:54 it is not God the Father, plus God the Son,
26:57 plus God the Holy Spirit.
26:59 It is God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
27:04 rather than one plus one plus one,
27:06 which equals three, it's one times one times one,
27:10 which equals one.
27:12 So the second fundamental belief
27:14 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
27:15 is the Trinity,
27:17 one God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
27:20 a unity of three co-eternal persons.
27:25 We believe that these three there's one being
27:31 three divine persons that exp...
27:35 They have the same nature.
27:36 They express the same purpose
27:39 and everything about their personality
27:41 and character are the same.
27:45 Now, let's look at chapter...
27:50 Your question in Revelation
27:52 in Chapters 1 to 3 of Revelation,
27:56 we see a prophetic vision
27:58 of the condition of the Church.
28:01 Chapter 4,
28:02 we see a symbolic vision of God's throne in heaven.
28:08 Everything is symbolic,
28:10 but just because God the Father is on the throne,
28:14 don't think that Jesus is not coming
28:18 because in Chapter 5,
28:20 Christ appears as the lamb as though it were slain
28:24 with seven heads and seven eyes.
28:27 So here's the point.
28:30 Just go to Google and look up my sermon,
28:34 His presence is in the cube, and you'll get more.
28:39 Here's a two-minute juiced version.
28:40 Go watch that sermon.
28:43 Praise the Lord.
28:44 Because that's a difficult topic.
28:45 Oh, yeah. Tough in two minutes.
28:47 Yeah, that's one of those atom, what was atom bomb topics.
28:50 Yeah, absolutely.
28:51 What's the title of that sermon just in case?
28:53 His presence in the cube.
28:57 Praise the Lord. By Shelley Quinn.
28:58 Amen. Amen.
29:00 Wonderful. All right.
29:01 Pastor John Lomacang,
29:02 I'm coming to you for this next question.
29:04 This question is coming from Cabrera and they ask,
29:08 "Why is it that the disobedience
29:10 of Adam and Eve is passed on to their offspring?
29:14 Yet one can argue that we had no part
29:17 in their decision making."
29:18 Hmm.
29:20 We've had a few questions over the course of our time
29:22 about people that were concerned
29:24 about the things that we didn't have a part in.
29:26 And I just wanna reiterate just in case you missed it.
29:29 We didn't have a part in where we were being born,
29:31 who our parents were,
29:33 what our nationality was going to be,
29:35 what our gender is.
29:37 We didn't have a part in any of that.
29:38 Those were decisions and choices made for us,
29:41 but there's one major decision and choice
29:43 that affects the entire human race.
29:45 And that is the nature of Adam.
29:48 We know in Acts...
29:50 In 1 Corinthians Chapter 5,
29:52 1 Corinthians 15:22.
29:55 The Bible says, "For as in Adam, all die."
29:58 Well, how's that Romans 5:12,
30:01 it gives us a picture
30:03 just as through one man sin entered the world
30:07 and death through sin and thus death spread to all
30:12 because all have sinned.
30:14 Now, what that mean is not saying
30:15 that everybody did something wrong
30:17 to fall into the category, but as is the DNA code,
30:22 one of the ways that we can tell,
30:24 I can tell my father or mother is
30:25 as we have the identity in our DNA.
30:28 And there's a sin DNA that Adam communicated to us.
30:34 The good news I believe is in 1 Corinthians 15:45.
30:37 The Bible says,
30:38 "As we have borne the image of the man of dust,
30:42 we shall also bear the image of the heavenly man."
30:45 Amen.
30:46 You see this nature that Adam gave to us
30:47 which condemns us to death, for all have sinned
30:49 and fallen short of the glory of God.
30:51 Romans 3:23
30:53 is not the thing that we should focus the most on.
30:56 We can't change where we came from,
30:58 but we could show a change where we're headed.
31:00 And I wanna give you the encouragement
31:02 is to say, well,
31:03 I could say, well, I had nothing to do with this.
31:06 I'm just an innocent victim.
31:08 Well, the victimization is not going to change,
31:10 but you've got the power in your own hand
31:13 to choose, to give your life to Christ,
31:15 put on His nature so that when He does return,
31:19 you would have a gift that even Adam could not give you.
31:22 And that is the gift of eternal life.
31:24 Amen.
31:25 Well said. I like that.
31:27 And perhaps you're watching right now
31:29 and tuning in for the first time,
31:30 from somewhere around the world and asking
31:32 what in the world am I watching?
31:34 You're watching one of the newest
31:35 3ABN Today programs entitled 3ABN Today, Bible Q and A,
31:40 in which we take your Bible questions
31:43 and we answer them according to the Bible.
31:45 And so actually there's a couple of ways
31:47 you can send in your Bible questions,
31:48 and in a future program,
31:50 we will try to take on your Bible questions.
31:53 So if you want to do that, there's a couple of ways.
31:55 The first time...
31:56 First way to do that is via a text message.
31:59 And, of course, that number is (618) 228-3975,
32:05 or you can email that in to
32:08 BibleQA@3abn.org
32:14 One quick correction, 1 Corinthians 15:49,
32:18 the image of the heavenly and the image of Christ.
32:22 Adam's image and Christ's image.
32:24 Just wanna correct that before we go any further.
32:25 Oh yeah, no, I appreciate that.
32:27 Thank you so much.
32:28 So send in your questions and we're gonna continue
32:30 on with our questions during this hour.
32:32 'Cause we have so many more left here
32:34 and I'm actually gonna go back to you,
32:36 Pastor John Dinzey,
32:38 and we're gonna be taking this question
32:40 from F. Campbell and this person says,
32:43 "How can I or anyone be able to memorize God's Word,
32:47 especially in this world that keeps us busy with work,
32:50 school and unforeseen circumstances.
32:53 I always admire how the Bible is memorized.
32:56 And I would love to learn." Praise the Lord.
32:58 I praise the Lord for this question
33:00 because it is a wonderful question
33:02 and I congratulate you,
33:04 but now you have to take the step
33:06 and make an effort
33:07 because without the effort, then doesn't come the blessing.
33:10 Yes, this is wonderful to do.
33:13 In Psalm 119:11 says,
33:14 "Your word I have hidden in my heart
33:17 that I might not sin against You."
33:19 You remember that when Jesus was tempted,
33:21 He said it is written or Jesus took time
33:23 to try to memorize the scriptures.
33:25 Well, how do you do that?
33:26 That's the question.
33:28 So first you have to read, meditate upon God's Word.
33:31 That's step number one,
33:33 and a method that most people use,
33:36 a lot of people use is to repeat it.
33:38 What I like to do is to take bites, you know?
33:41 For God so loved the world.
33:43 I take that bite and I meditate upon it.
33:46 I think about it.
33:47 And then I add a little more,
33:48 that He gave His only begotten Son.
33:50 So I consider those two and think about those
33:54 and repeat them several times.
33:56 For God so loved the world
33:58 that He gave His only begotten Son.
34:00 Then you add a little more and you repeat and you repeat.
34:03 This is one of the best methods to learn.
34:06 This is what many people use.
34:07 There's some people memorize some Bible verses,
34:09 but some people memorize chapters
34:13 on this method and others.
34:14 Another method is scripture songs.
34:17 Many people have written scripture songs
34:20 just going to the internet type scripture songs.
34:23 And you will see that some people have put to music,
34:26 some of the scriptures,
34:28 and this is a wonderful way to memorize scripture.
34:30 So I encourage you to make an effort.
34:33 And by the way, a lot of people have
34:35 these smartphones these days.
34:38 You can have the Bible there, glance at it from time to time
34:41 and little by little you will see
34:43 that you're memorizing more and more of God's Word
34:45 and you'll be strengthened as you do so.
34:48 Amen. Amen.
34:49 Praise the Lord for that.
34:51 Pastor Lomacang,
34:52 this next question is coming from Ronald in Maryland.
34:56 Okay.
34:57 And Ronald actually asked a very good question,
34:59 which as evangelist
35:00 I think we all have heard this at some point but he says,
35:04 "Jesus being the Lord of the Sabbath.
35:06 When I accept Jesus, am I not accepting the Sabbath
35:10 And as long as I pray...
35:12 As long as I praise and worship Jesus.
35:15 He is my Sabbath."
35:17 So... I like that way.
35:20 That's a good, that's a good point.
35:21 Yeah. That's great spiritual acrobats.
35:23 I really wanna appreciate you for trying to do that,
35:26 but I guess you better have a net
35:29 because you're gonna land on some hard ground
35:30 trying to just land on your feet.
35:32 This is a...
35:34 This is something that a lot of people struggle
35:35 with spiritually
35:36 and we're living in a day and age
35:38 where I asked the question, how can we accept Jesus,
35:43 but reject the Sabbath
35:45 and still think it's praise and worship.
35:48 You cannot accept Jesus and reject the very thing
35:51 He says, remember.
35:52 That's right.
35:54 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
35:55 Just imagine saying, Lord, I love you.
35:57 And I worship You,
35:58 but I am not keeping Your Sabbath.
36:00 I know you said I should remember,
36:02 but I'm choosing to forget,
36:03 but I love You anyway.
36:05 Now try that on your wife.
36:07 If you're married and see how far that goes.
36:10 And I'm just being very candid with you
36:12 because there's a new kind of religion nowadays.
36:14 We have this atmosphere of praise and worship.
36:16 If we lift our hands and we say,
36:18 I love you Lord, that, that omits obedience.
36:21 Friends, we cannot do that. That's right.
36:22 The Sabbath is one of God's Ten Commandments,
36:25 try breaking the other nine
36:26 and still try to convince the Lord that you love Him.
36:29 It's not going to work.
36:30 The Ten Commandments are commandments,
36:32 not suggestions and not multiple choice.
36:35 Jesus made it clear.
36:37 Luke 6:46, "Why do you call me Lord,
36:39 Lord and do not do the things which I say."
36:41 Jesus kept the Sabbath.
36:43 Luke 4:16, His disciples kept the Sabbath.
36:45 The apostles kept the Sabbath.
36:46 There's nothing wrong with the Sabbath.
36:48 The Sabbath is not the issue.
36:49 Jesus said in 1 John 2:6,
36:52 "He who says he abides in Me,
36:54 ought himself also to walk just as He walked."
36:57 You will never be lost
36:59 if Jesus is your perfect example
37:01 and you do what He did.
37:02 But if you say I know what He did,
37:04 but I'm gonna do the opposite.
37:06 And I'm gonna just say, I love you, Lord.
37:08 I'm gonna praise You.
37:09 I'll sing my heart out to You.
37:11 Here's what He will say to you.
37:12 Matthew 15:8,
37:14 "These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
37:16 they honor Me with their lips,
37:18 but their hearts are far from Me."
37:20 So, brethren, let me make it very clear,
37:22 if you love the Lord, prove it by how you live,
37:26 walk as He walked.
37:28 Hmm.
37:30 Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord. All right.
37:32 Miss Shelley Quinn coming to you.
37:35 This is from Stephanie in Washington and she says,
37:37 "Did Jesus lose His omnipresence for eternity?
37:41 Or did He get it back after His resurrection?
37:44 Can you please share where you find your answers?"
37:47 Certainly, let me set this up
37:49 because what Stephanie is referring to is
37:52 Philippians 2:5-8 refers to Christ as God
37:56 who humbled Himself to become a man.
37:58 He took on our flesh.
38:01 He emptied Himself in a...
38:04 It's kenosis in the Greek, not of His deity,
38:07 but of His divine prerogative is His glory
38:12 and His eternal riches.
38:13 So we know that when He was in the flesh,
38:16 He was limited to being in one place at one time,
38:20 He was resurrected in the flesh.
38:22 Luke 24:36-39.
38:25 He shows them His, the nail wounds.
38:26 And He says, hey,
38:28 a spirit doesn't have flesh and bones as you see here.
38:31 He walked for 40 days on the earth
38:33 after the resurrection,
38:34 then He ascended in the flesh.
38:37 And in Acts1:11,
38:39 the angel said, hey, the same Jesus
38:41 you're seeing taken up.
38:43 He's gonna come back in the same manner.
38:45 In 1 Corinthians 15:45,
38:48 we know that Christ is in His human flesh,
38:52 His glorified human flesh.
38:54 He is the last Adam,
38:58 the new representative of humanity.
39:02 And He said in Genesis 16:7 to His disciples,
39:07 "Hey, it is to your advantage that I go away,
39:11 because if I do not go away, the helper will not come.
39:15 But if I depart, I will send him to you."
39:17 What He is saying is in My flesh,
39:20 I can't be with you everywhere,
39:22 but I'm going to send the Holy Spirit.
39:25 And Ephesians 3:16-17
39:29 says that Christ lives in our heart
39:31 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
39:33 He says, Paul prays that you'll be strengthened
39:37 with might through His spirit,
39:38 in the inner man that Christ may dwell in your heart
39:42 through faith.
39:43 So through the Holy Spirit, who is one with Jesus,
39:49 Jesus still has His omnipresence.
39:51 That's right.
39:52 Very well said. Thank you.
39:54 Pastor John Dinzey,
39:55 this question comes from Rachel.
39:57 And she says, "What does it mean
39:59 that the unpardonable sin
40:01 is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
40:03 How do you blaspheme the Holy Spirit?
40:07 Okay. That's a very good question.
40:08 And one that sometimes brings people
40:11 into some great concern
40:13 and they fear they have a blasphemed the Holy Spirit.
40:18 I would like to say first that it is not a word
40:21 that you say or an act that you say at one time,
40:25 this is a continue...
40:27 The continued resistance of the Holy Spirit
40:32 to the degree of resisting to the point
40:35 that the Lord can do no more for you.
40:37 Because the resistance you have made
40:39 is you have rejected God.
40:42 How soon does that happen?
40:45 We cannot say,
40:46 but look at the scriptures reveal
40:51 that God is patient with us, forgiving and kind,
40:56 willing to forgive us practically anything.
40:58 And now let's go to the scriptures.
41:00 Notice how this is used here in Matthew 12:24 first.
41:06 "Now when the Pharisees heard, they said,
41:08 'This fellow does not cast out demons
41:10 except by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.'"
41:13 So they were talking about Jesus,
41:15 that He was doing something through the ruler of the demons
41:18 when He had done it through the power of God,
41:21 through the power of the Holy Spirit.
41:23 So this is when you enter in not attributing to God,
41:26 acknowledging the work of the Holy Spirit.
41:29 You are beginning the process
41:31 of rejecting the work of the Holy Spirit.
41:33 And unless you repent
41:36 and you continue resisting God's grace
41:39 and God's offer a mercy.
41:41 Eventually your heart is hardened
41:43 and you will not listen to God's voice
41:45 and you just reject God completely.
41:48 Now, if you are concerned
41:50 that you have committed the unpardonable sin,
41:52 you are worried about it,
41:54 then you have not committed the unpardonable sin.
41:57 You are still concerned about your salvation.
42:00 Therefore, come to the Lord, repent of your sins and say,
42:04 Lord, come into my heart because it's still there.
42:07 Revelation 3:20, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
42:09 If any man hears my voice and opens the door,
42:11 I will come into him
42:12 and sup with him and he with Me."
42:14 The door of mercy is still open.
42:15 Praise the Lord.
42:17 Amen. Praise the Lord.
42:18 Thank you, Brother.
42:20 Pastor Lomacang, coming back to you.
42:21 And this question is coming based on,
42:25 I guess 1 Corinthians 2:9,
42:27 they say, "Should I love my enemies
42:29 even though they continue to falsely accuse me
42:32 of the same thing that I didn't do?"
42:35 Okay.
42:37 Well, nobody knows that frustration
42:40 better than Jesus, because they confused Him
42:45 with so many adverse personalities,
42:49 but we don't love people because they are lovable.
42:54 We love people
42:55 because our hearts have been transformed
42:58 and the love of God has been poured into us.
43:02 Now, if you fill up a glass,
43:04 I do this illustration on our...
43:05 We have a Zoom worship each week
43:07 with a group of people.
43:09 I had my wife get me a full glass of water.
43:12 And then I had to get me an empty glass of water.
43:14 And when Paul says the love of God
43:16 has been poured out into us,
43:18 I said, now I have something here
43:20 that I could pour out into something else.
43:23 If you try to serve God with an empty heart,
43:25 thinking that the love stems from you.
43:28 They're not gonna understand your frustration.
43:30 But if Jesus Christ is living in you,
43:32 then this is not an act of futility,
43:35 nor is it an effort that you put forth
43:36 that you finally accomplish,
43:39 but it is God working in you both to will
43:41 and to do of His good pleasure.
43:43 But notice this command of love is not something
43:46 that's arbitrary nor it's not even optional.
43:48 It's an evidence that we are disciples of Christ.
43:51 Jesus says, John 13:35, "By this all will know
43:55 that you are My disciples
43:57 if you have love for one another."
43:59 But what about your enemies?
44:00 Matthew 5:43, "You have heard that it was said,
44:04 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
44:06 But I say to you love your enemies,
44:08 bless those who curse you,
44:10 do good to those who hate you and pray for those
44:13 who spitefully use you and persecute you."
44:17 That's where you're having a difficulty.
44:19 However, once again, when the love of God is in you,
44:23 why do you love?
44:25 We love because He first loved us.
44:28 Amen.
44:29 1 John 4:19.
44:30 So if you appreciate the love of God
44:33 while you are a sinner,
44:35 let that be evidence in you that you love others
44:37 because Christ has loved you first.
44:39 Amen.
44:40 Amen. Thank you, pastor for that.
44:42 All right.
44:43 Miss Shelley Quinn,
44:45 this question is coming to you and it says,
44:47 "I hear so much about once saved, always saved,
44:51 but in 1 John, you have to obey the commandments of God.
44:55 Are people saved if they return to their old sinful habits
44:59 or were they never saved?"
45:01 I'm gonna sound like I'm tooting my own horn,
45:03 but I just got through doing an hour long sermon on this.
45:06 And it is called the real truth
45:09 of once saved, always saved.
45:11 If you Google the real truth, once saved, always saved.
45:15 You can see all of this biblical support.
45:18 You got to add my name, Shelley Quinn.
45:20 Salvation is by grace through faith, we know this,
45:25 but the covenant of redemption,
45:28 there's three stages that we're going through.
45:30 We have been saved.
45:32 We're justified. We are being saved.
45:34 We're sanctified and we will be saved.
45:36 We will be glorified. Yes.
45:38 God has conditions to this covenant of redemption.
45:43 He does ask that we walk motivated by love
45:49 in obedience to His will
45:51 and stay in covenant relationship with Him.
45:54 The Bible clearly says
45:55 that God keeps covenant with those
45:58 who keep covenant with Him.
46:00 And you know, by the way, Malachi 4:6, God says,
46:04 "Hey, I'm the Lord, I change not."
46:07 So the same God of the Old Testament
46:09 is the God of the new.
46:11 Spiritual principles of the Old Testament
46:14 are echoed in the new.
46:15 In Ezekiel 33:18,
46:18 God says when the righteous turns from his righteousness
46:22 and commits iniquity, he shall die because of it."
46:25 In John 15:6, Jesus echoes this.
46:28 "If anyone does not abide in Me,
46:30 if he doesn't remain in Me, he is cast out as a branch
46:34 and withered and they gather them
46:36 and throw them into fire and they're burned."
46:38 God's message is consistent throughout Scripture.
46:41 God told Moses in Exodus 32:32,
46:45 He said, "Whoever has sinned against Me,
46:48 I will blot him out of My book."
46:51 This is the book of the redeemed,
46:53 the Book of Life.
46:54 And then in Revelation 3:5,
46:56 Jesus repeats this same idea in an...
47:00 In a reverse way.
47:02 He says, "He who overcomes," this is Revelation 3:5,
47:07 "shall be clothed in white garments.
47:10 And I will not blot out his name
47:14 from the book of Life.
47:16 See, Paul said, and everybody's always quoting
47:19 this in Romans 8:38-39,
47:22 "Nothing can separate us from the love of God."
47:25 How true that is.
47:26 Amen.
47:28 But we can separate ourselves.
47:29 Jesus said in Matthew 7:21,
47:32 "Not everyone who says to me,
47:34 Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven,
47:36 but he who does the will of My Father."
47:40 And He says, there's gonna be some
47:41 who come up to Him and say,
47:43 didn't we do this, and this, and this in Your name.
47:46 And guess what He's gonna say?
47:47 Depart from Me you who practice lawlessness.
47:50 I never knew you.
47:52 So we know from 1 John 3:4,
47:54 "Lawlessness is transgression of the law.
47:58 Sin is lawlessness."
48:00 He tells us, Paul told Timothy, "Hey,
48:02 if we deny Him, He's gonna deny us."
48:05 Right. So we've got, go to Google.
48:09 The real truth of one saved always saved by Shelley Quinn.
48:14 Well, chances are at this point.
48:16 Look, you send in those Bible questions
48:17 if we can't answer it,
48:18 Shelley is probably got a sermon about it.
48:21 No, that's a blessing though.
48:23 Thank you so much for joining us.
48:24 If you're just now tuning into the last few minutes,
48:26 but we have just enough time
48:28 perhaps, maybe to throw out
48:29 a couple of these bonus questions.
48:31 You know, I was just playing with you by the way.
48:32 Oh, no. That was a joke.
48:34 But you certainly are a blessing to this program.
48:36 We know, we love your sermons, Miss Shelley.
48:38 Thank you.
48:40 This question comes from Lisa in Ontario and she says,
48:43 "Can someone please explain Matthew 5:19?"
48:46 All right. Matthew 5รข |
48:48 And I'll go ahead and read that if you guys would like me to,
48:50 Matthew 5:19.
48:51 Well, here it is.
48:53 Okay, go ahead and read it then, Brother.
48:54 "Whoever therefore breaks one of these
48:56 the least of these commandments and teaches men
48:58 so shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven,
49:01 but whoever does and teaches them,
49:02 he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
49:04 This is not talking about the order
49:06 in which you're gonna be called like,
49:07 well, you're number four, five six, seven.
49:09 The word there least means you.
49:12 The least you will be is called in the kingdom of heaven.
49:15 The Lord is saying that if anyone teaches you
49:17 to disobey the commandments, which He says,
49:19 if you love Me, keep My commandments.
49:22 Then the chances of you being in the kingdom of heaven,
49:24 it's the least thing that's going to happen.
49:26 So when you look at that,
49:28 the Lord is saying all of my commandments,
49:29 10 of them, I wanna say 10,
49:31 because many people think that
49:33 there are 640 that we have to keep
49:34 and we have to keep the Jewish ceremonies
49:36 and all that.
49:37 No, I'm just talking about the Ten Commandments,
49:38 the first four, our relationship to God,
49:40 the last six in our relationship
49:42 to our fellow men.
49:43 So let's not be led down the path
49:45 to violate these thinking
49:47 that somehow our relationship with Christ is still secure.
49:51 Amen.
49:52 Anybody else want to add to that before we move?
49:54 Yes.
49:56 Because when you go here to Matthew 5:20,
49:59 remember it says, "For I say unto you
50:00 that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness
50:03 of the scribes and Pharisees,
50:04 you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.
50:07 So you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven
50:10 being a violator of God's commandments.
50:12 Amen.
50:13 Good point. Good point. All right.
50:15 We have just enough time for this next question.
50:18 And this person says in the Book of Numbers 21:8-9.
50:22 Moses made a bronze snake and the Israelites looked at it
50:25 and got healed from the snake bites.
50:27 Did the Israelites break the commandment
50:29 in Exodus 20:4-5?"
50:33 The second commandment is that you shall not worship idols.
50:37 Actually in Numbers 21:8,
50:39 we see God told Moses to create the serpent,
50:44 to have the people look at this bronze serpent
50:47 on the pole in looking to him for provision of healing.
50:53 They were not worshiping.
50:55 However, by the time Hezekiah comes along, he has to...
51:00 In Kings 18:4, it shows He had to destroy the serpent
51:05 because the people had begun to worship
51:08 and they were burning incense to it.
51:11 There's nothing wrong.
51:12 God had cherubs at the altar.
51:16 He had them in the embroidery of the curtains.
51:19 There's nothing wrong with religious images.
51:23 Hmm. Amen. Thank you for that.
51:25 Well, my friends,
51:27 we basically have come to the end
51:29 of our question and answer time.
51:30 We still have a little...
51:31 We have a couple of minutes on the other side
51:33 of the break that we're about to take.
51:34 We're gonna tell you one more time,
51:36 how you can send in those Bible questions
51:39 right now at this time.
51:40 So don't go anywhere.
51:42 We'll be back for some closing thoughts.
51:45 If you're enjoying our 3ABN Bible Q and A,
51:47 then tell your friends.
51:49 Each Monday we'll bring you a fresh program,
51:51 answering the Bible questions you send us
51:54 and we'll use God's Holy Word to shed light on those texts
51:57 that seem difficult to understand.
51:59 If you would like your questions answered
52:01 on an upcoming program,
52:02 just email them to us.
52:04 Our email address is BibleQA@3abn.org
52:09 That's BibleQA@3abn.org
52:13 You can also text us your questions
52:15 by sending them to (618) 228-3975.
52:20 That number again is (618) 228-3975.
52:25 Be sure to include your name and where you live,
52:27 and then watch 3ABN Bible Q and A
52:30 for the answers from God's Word.


Revised 2021-06-27