3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Flying Scrolls and a Basket

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210015A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello and welcome to 3ABN
01:17 Bible Question and Answer program.
01:20 This is an hour program.
01:21 My name is John Dinzey.
01:22 It's a pleasure for me to be with you
01:24 during this hour.
01:25 And we have what
01:26 we would call an hour of blessing,
01:28 that's what I could call, an hour of blessing.
01:29 And so we want to introduce to you
01:31 the family members that are here with us.
01:33 We start with Pastor John Lomacang,
01:35 Pastor of the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:37 and Director of World Evangelism for 3ABN, welcome.
01:40 My Spanish brother John, I'm john.
01:43 There's very little difference between us.
01:45 We both love the Lord,
01:47 and always appreciate being on this program.
01:49 Thank you pastor Dinzey.
01:50 And we have Pastor Ryan Day with us.
01:53 We are glad that you're here.
01:54 I'm blessed. It's a blessing to be here.
01:56 And I'm looking forward
01:57 to answering some Bible questions.
01:59 Amen. Amen.
02:01 And Sister Shelley Quinn,
02:02 a joy and a blessing to have you here.
02:04 Oh, it's always.
02:05 It's fun to dive into the Bible.
02:07 Amen.
02:08 I believe that, I've heard from each one of you.
02:10 This is,
02:11 it's like a joy and a blessing to study God's Word,
02:13 but to share, to share.
02:15 And, of course, we know that
02:17 you could add a lot more to the answers.
02:20 But we have so many questions, we have to limit the time.
02:23 But we ask for God's grace
02:25 so that He can help us answer these questions.
02:26 So we're going to ask Pastor Ryan Day,
02:28 you can lead us in prayer, please.
02:30 Absolutely. Let's pray.
02:31 Dear Father in heaven, Lord,
02:33 we are so privileged and honored as always
02:34 to be here to be alive during these times
02:36 and to be a part of this incredible panel.
02:38 As your people are sending in questions,
02:41 Lord, it's such an honor and a privilege
02:43 to be able to have Your Word
02:45 and to be able to not have to depend on our own thoughts
02:48 and our own ideas, our own failed wisdom.
02:51 But, Lord, Your Word has all the answers.
02:54 And so, today, Lord, if You would empower us
02:55 with Your Spirit,
02:57 that we could simply just be able to rightly divide
02:59 the word of truth today.
03:01 That's what we're asking.
03:02 So as this program goes out,
03:04 may it bless so many people and may it draw all of us,
03:07 viewers and panel members
03:10 to Jesus Christ, our Savior.
03:12 We praise You and thank You.
03:13 And we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
03:15 Amen. Amen.
03:17 Amen. Praise the Lord.
03:18 Well, we want to let you know
03:20 how you can participate in this program.
03:22 These questions were asked by people like you
03:25 that are watching and listening to this program.
03:28 And so we want to let you know how you can do that,
03:30 we're going to share a phone number
03:32 where you can text in your questions
03:34 and you may have a phone right in your hand right now.
03:36 Who knows, you may already have a question in mind
03:38 that you'd like to send.
03:39 So we'd like to share that number with you.
03:41 It's (618) 228-3975.
03:45 (618) 228-3975.).
03:47 (618) 228-3975.
03:51 Email if you prefer that.
03:52 It's BibleQA@3abn.org
03:57 BibleQA@3abn.org
04:01 You can send in your questions
04:03 so that we can present it to our panel.
04:05 And we are going to start with ladies first,
04:08 ladies first.
04:09 Ladies first, yeah.
04:11 I was going to say in Spanish caballeros,
04:13 last, gentlemen last this time.
04:16 Okay, Sister Shelley Quinn,
04:17 this question actually came specifically directed to you.
04:22 And this person says,
04:23 "Sister Shelley,
04:25 what can be said about Zechariah 5:1-11?
04:29 Well, let's just set this up first by saying in Zechariah,
04:32 there are eight visions in the first six chapters,
04:36 the prophetic visions of encouragement
04:38 of what God is going to do for His people
04:42 after their return from Babylon all the way down to Jesus.
04:46 In Zechariah 3,
04:48 of course, is the most important
04:50 and well-known
04:52 when this is where
04:53 God is changing the filthy clothes from Joshua
04:58 and putting on the rich robes.
05:01 And He's showing here that He has a provision for people
05:06 who will be repentant,
05:07 that they will be clothed with the robe of righteousness.
05:10 Then in Zechariah Chapter 4,
05:13 He shows that He's going to empower people by a Spirit,
05:17 not by might but by My Spirit He says.
05:21 Now the fixed vision in Zechariah Chapter 5
05:26 is about the purging of sinners from the land.
05:31 And this is what's interesting.
05:34 This is what's going to happen to people
05:36 who won't repent,
05:37 who refuse the robe of righteousness,
05:40 who refuse to be led by the Holy Spirit.
05:42 Zechariah sees this flying scroll,
05:44 it's 30x15,
05:46 same dimensions as the Most Holy Place.
05:51 So what happens?
05:53 This is depicting the Word of God
05:55 because it's unfurled, this scroll is unfurled,
05:59 there's writing on both sides,
06:01 and it specifically mentions two of the Ten Commandments,
06:05 I believe they were all on there,
06:07 but stealing and false testimony.
06:10 Now, the Bible does not tell us what that scroll is,
06:14 I believe personally, that it could be
06:18 because it has the curse in it,
06:20 this could be the scroll of the book of the law,
06:24 the book of the covenant
06:25 that was on the side of the ark.
06:27 And so that was a scroll that had a curse in it,
06:31 stood there as a witness against them.
06:33 But an unavoidable curse is pronounced,
06:36 saying it will even follow the people
06:38 into their home.
06:39 And what God is just warning
06:41 that His judgment is going to be according to His Word.
06:45 He's got to root out and destroy the sinners.
06:48 Now in Zachariah 5:7-11,
06:51 we have the seventh vision of Him
06:54 removing iniquity from the land.
06:57 And there's a woman in a basket,
06:59 I think this is so fascinating.
07:02 And she personifies an evil system.
07:06 It could be that this is secular, commercialism
07:11 like we see in Revelation 18,
07:13 but she's covered
07:15 with a lid of lead, a heavy lid,
07:18 keep sin in there.
07:20 And then she's carried off by two women
07:23 with wings like storks,
07:25 which are unclean animals,
07:27 which were obviously agents of evil,
07:31 but she's taken to Shinar
07:33 which is an old name for Babylon.
07:36 So God calls His people out of Babylon,
07:39 but those who refuse to repent, He sends back.
07:42 Well, thank you very much.
07:44 I know there's a lot to share in short time.
07:46 And we now go to Pastor Ryan Day.
07:49 Question for you is,
07:51 "How do I defend God's dietary laws to others
07:56 in light of Deuteronomy 12:15,
08:00 which seems to allow the eating of all flesh
08:04 as long as the blood isn't eaten."
08:06 This is from Julie, from Wisconsin.
08:08 Okay. Now, this is a great, great question.
08:10 In fact, if you read
08:12 Deuteronomy 12:15 a little closer,
08:15 then you'll find some context clues in there very clearly,
08:17 in which is very much in harmony
08:19 with the rest of what God has to say,
08:21 and His attitude towards the, you know, the differentiation
08:24 between the clean and the unclean.
08:25 So let's read that passage there.
08:26 This is Deuteronomy 12:15.
08:30 And actually, I did not put that in my notes.
08:34 So let's go to Deuteronomy 12:15, real quickly,
08:37 and I thought I had copied and pasted into my notes there,
08:39 but that's okay.
08:41 So Deuteronomy 12:15, again,
08:42 God is outlining
08:44 what is okay for the children of Israel,
08:45 and what is not okay
08:47 in reference to what they can eat.
08:48 And so Deuteronomy 12:15, says,
08:51 "However, you may slaughter and eat meat
08:53 within all your gates, whatever your heart desires,
08:55 according to the blessing of the Lord your God
08:58 which He has given you,
08:59 the unclean and the clean may eat of it,
09:02 of the gazelle and the deer alike."
09:04 So there's a couple of things
09:05 you have to understand here in this
09:07 within this particular text.
09:08 First of all, notice what it says, it says,
09:10 whatever your heart desires,
09:11 according to the blessing of the Lord your God,
09:14 which He has given you.
09:16 Now what, notice this is Deuteronomy,
09:18 so the Deuteronomy would have been written
09:19 and given after probably the Book of Leviticus,
09:22 and even so the Lord's not going to say over here
09:25 in Deuteronomy11, and also excuse me,
09:27 in Leviticus Chapter 11, and also,
09:29 two chapters later in Deuteronomy Chapter 14,
09:32 what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten.
09:35 And then in this chapter, say,
09:36 oh, you know, just eat whatever you want, right?
09:37 We know God is not the author of confusion.
09:39 So whatever your heart desires,
09:41 according to the blessing of the Lord,
09:43 God only made a distinction between that
09:45 which is clean and unclean.
09:46 If you read Leviticus Chapter 11,
09:48 and as I mentioned earlier, Deuteronomy Chapter 14,
09:51 God makes a very clear distinction
09:53 between those animals
09:54 that are labeled or considered clean
09:56 and those animals that are not,
09:58 so where a lot of people get confused
10:00 is they misinterpret or misapply,
10:02 where it says here in verse 15.
10:04 It says,
10:05 "The unclean and the clean may eat of it,
10:08 of the gazelle and the deer alike."
10:09 So a lot of people read those words and think,
10:10 "Oh, He's telling me that
10:12 I can eat anything unclean or clean."
10:14 Well, if you look at this particular translation
10:17 and compare it to even other Bible translations,
10:19 the unclean and clean alike may eat of it.
10:23 Not that you may eat of it,
10:25 but the unclean and clean alike may eat of it.
10:28 That's what the scripture actually says.
10:29 It's referring
10:31 to the ceremonially unclean people
10:34 and the ceremonially clean people.
10:36 There was a differentiation between that as well.
10:38 In fact, you will read this
10:40 in the New International Version,
10:41 the International Standard Version,
10:43 the New English Translation, New Living Translation,
10:45 Common English Bible and other translations
10:47 that make this very, very clear
10:49 that that unclean and clean alike
10:51 is speaking of the people, not the food.
10:53 In fact, right there in that verse, in verse 15,
10:56 it ends with of the gazelle and the deer alike.
10:59 Both gazelle and deer are ceremonially clean meats.
11:03 In this case, they have the split hoof,
11:05 and they chew the cud.
11:06 So if you read this verse,
11:07 this verse does not give anyone permission
11:09 to go outside of the dietary laws
11:11 that God gave.
11:12 It is within those dietary laws.
11:14 And God says,
11:15 "You can eat whatever your heart desires,
11:16 according to the blessing of the Lord."
11:19 And God only blessed the clean meats.
11:22 Thank you very much.
11:23 Well, Pastor Lomacang,
11:25 we now come to you
11:26 and this question, this question is,
11:30 "Why are there so many denominations in the world?
11:35 What in the world is going on?"
11:36 This is Morris from Virginia.
11:39 Well, the simple reality
11:40 can be best contributed to the Protestant Reformation.
11:43 You find, prior to the Protestant Reformation,
11:46 you find that the Old Testament,
11:48 the Lord chose the nation of Israel
11:50 to proliferate the gospel to the world.
11:52 And then you had the Jews and the Gentiles.
11:56 This is primarily designating two groups,
11:58 meaning those who followed Christ
12:00 and those who didn't.
12:01 In the Old Testament, those who followed God
12:03 and those who the adverse nations
12:04 to the worship of God.
12:06 But as the church began to progress,
12:08 past the death of all the disciples,
12:11 then you have the persecution of the Jews and the Christians
12:16 under the Roman Emperor Diocletian
12:17 from 303-313 AD.
12:20 Then the church continued to progress
12:22 and begin to metamorphosize
12:24 and surely later part of the 300s,
12:27 the church received the reprieve.
12:30 As Roman Emperor Constantine gave the church a reprieve,
12:34 and then the Bible began to be openly discussed,
12:37 but the church continued under the rule of Rome
12:39 until the Dark Ages in 538 AD 1798 AD,
12:43 and the church went
12:44 into a very strong time of persecution.
12:47 But during that time, God preserved His message
12:49 and reformers like Martin Luther,
12:50 Calvin Hus, Zwingli, Jerome Wycliffe,
12:53 and many others rose up in protest
12:56 against the Roman Catholic Church.
12:57 They broke off and never intended
13:00 to start their own movements,
13:01 but the Lutherans came out of Martin Luther.
13:04 The different doctrines that resurfaced
13:07 where the precursor to movement starting
13:09 in favor or in honor of these men
13:12 who started to break away from the Roman Catholic Church.
13:15 In recognition, Jesus is a forward looking prognostic
13:19 position on the duplicity of Christianity
13:22 is pointed out in John 10:16.
13:24 Jesus says,
13:25 "Other sheep I have which are not of this fold,
13:27 them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice,
13:29 and they will be one fold and one shepherd."
13:31 So before Jesus comes back,
13:33 there is going to be a gathering together.
13:35 Revelation 12:17 tells you
13:37 the movement that Satan is angry with.
13:39 The Lord is going to say in Revelation 18,
13:41 "Come out of her, My people."
13:42 So we are living in the day and age
13:44 where the gathering of God's people,
13:45 wherever they are, is underway.
13:47 And when Jesus comes,
13:49 once again, there will only be two groups,
13:51 those who worship Him in spirit and in truth,
13:53 and those who do not.
13:54 Amen. Thank you very much.
13:56 Thank you.
13:57 We now come back to Sister Shelley Quinn.
13:59 Okay.
14:00 Question for you is,
14:02 "Why did it have to take so long
14:06 before Jesus was born?
14:07 Why wasn't he born
14:09 right after sin had entered this world?"
14:12 This is from Arlene, from Sweden.
14:14 Arlene, it's a great question.
14:16 There are many theological theories as to why,
14:20 but I'm just going to tell you, I can't tell you.
14:23 Isaiah 55:9 says that God says,
14:28 "My thoughts are higher than your thoughts,
14:30 My ways are higher than your ways."
14:34 We know that He introduced the deliverer,
14:38 the promised seed in Genesis 3:15,
14:41 right after sin.
14:43 And you know what?
14:44 We just have to trust God's timing.
14:46 God is a God
14:48 who operates by love, by free will,
14:51 and according to certain time periods
14:55 and appointed times.
14:56 So I believe He has His good reasons
15:01 and too for His delays.
15:04 And you know, it could be that, Arlene,
15:07 that what He's doing is
15:09 trying to help the world truly understand
15:13 the magnitude of sin,
15:15 and through the progressive revelation of His plan,
15:18 but here's what I want to have you hold on to.
15:22 Sin will come to an end
15:24 in Nahum 1:9, He says,
15:26 "The Lord is good,
15:27 a stronghold in the day of trouble.
15:29 He knows those who trust in Him.
15:30 But with an overflowing flood,
15:33 He will make an utter end of its place
15:35 and darkness will pursue His enemies.
15:38 What do you conspire against the Lord?
15:40 He will make an utter end of it.
15:42 Affliction will not rise a second time."
15:46 So we know in Malachi that it says
15:49 the wicked will be ashes under our feet.
15:52 God's not going to leave them root or branch.
15:54 But we know 2 Peter 3:12-13 says that
15:58 we look forward
15:59 to a new heavens and a new earth
16:02 where righteousness dwells.
16:04 Amen. Amen.
16:05 Thank you very much.
16:06 Praise the Lord.
16:08 Well, we see this question tells me that
16:10 people are studying the prophecies.
16:12 And we are going to go
16:14 to Pastor Ryan Day for this one.
16:16 In Matthew 24:29, it says,
16:21 "The sun will grow dark,
16:23 and the moon will not give its light."
16:26 "I learned," she says,
16:28 "that this happened in May, 1780.
16:32 Will this happen again before Jesus returns?"
16:35 This is from Jennifer from Jamaica.
16:37 Absolutely, there is an overwhelming evidence
16:40 to show that this will happen again.
16:43 We got to recognize that
16:45 these signs happening in the heavens and on earth.
16:49 These follow the Great Tribulation time periods.
16:52 We saw a first Great Tribulation time period.
16:54 And it's lengthened 1260 years during the Dark Ages.
16:59 And as you were referencing there, Jennifer,
17:01 this series of happenings that happened in the moon
17:06 and the sun and the stars,
17:08 and you know, the heavens be shaken.
17:10 That it was mentioned in Matthew 24,
17:12 and then again also in Revelation Chapter 6.
17:15 And, of course, there's also some mentioning
17:16 of the same things happening in the Book of Joel.
17:19 We have to understand that there is a dual application
17:21 to many of these things.
17:23 Just because there was a Great Tribulation time period
17:25 in the Dark Ages
17:26 does not mean there's not going
17:27 to be another Great Tribulation time period.
17:29 In fact, we know it because the Bible confirms that
17:30 there will be an even greater tribulation time period,
17:34 mentioned there in Daniel 12:1.
17:36 And, of course, we see that
17:38 great global tribulation time period happening
17:40 in Revelation Chapter 16,
17:42 with this pouring out of the seven last plagues.
17:45 But this sin, these are the signs
17:48 and He's in the heavens,
17:49 for instance, the earthquake that you're mentioning
17:51 happened in 1755,
17:53 the sun turning black or dark in 1780,
17:55 the moon did not give its light
17:57 or actually turned to blood, red blood in 1780,
18:01 and the stars in 1833.
18:03 And I've had some people suggest that
18:05 perhaps the mentioning of this in Revelation 6:12-13,
18:09 could actually be referring
18:10 because it's in the exact order
18:12 that these events happened back after the Dark Ages,
18:16 and that the ones in Matthew 24
18:17 referring to the very end of time
18:19 right before the Second Coming of Jesus.
18:21 You know, it really doesn't matter either way,
18:23 because it's still, we still know there's going
18:24 to be some sign to happen in the sun,
18:26 some stars or a lot of stars are going to fall,
18:28 we know that the moon whether it turns blood,
18:30 or does not give its light.
18:31 We know very, very much
18:33 so that these exact same signs
18:35 according to both Matthew 24 and Revelation 6:12-13.
18:40 It will happen again
18:41 right before the Second Coming of Jesus.
18:43 Thank you, Pastor Ryan.
18:45 And, Pastor Lomacang,
18:47 we have a delicate question here for you.
18:50 And it's coming from Kenya, Christopher from Kenya.
18:53 He says,
18:55 "First, I know life is sacred
18:57 and should be treated as such.
18:59 I've always been against abortion,
19:02 regardless of the circumstances
19:04 surrounding the conception of the child,
19:06 i.e., rape, incest, etc.
19:10 However, I have always supported the notion
19:12 that if the life of the mother is at risk,
19:15 then termination of the pregnancy is permitted.
19:18 Recently, this position has been challenged
19:21 and I would like clarity on this issue
19:24 from the Bible."
19:25 Okay.
19:27 Now, this is a delicate issue.
19:28 And I want to make that very clear to those
19:30 who are listening to my response.
19:31 I'm going to deal with this from the scriptures
19:32 and then also deal with it from the parameters
19:34 as the individual asking the question
19:36 said this is a delicate,
19:39 he says, the position has been challenged recently.
19:42 When you talk about the issue of abortion,
19:43 you open up a can of worms that are not easily,
19:47 you don't put a lid back on it.
19:49 But before I answer the question,
19:50 I need to make it very clear that the issue of abortion
19:53 has been a hotly debated issue.
19:55 By no means does the Bible support
19:57 the taking of the life of the unborn or the born.
20:03 Either way you look at that, murder is murder either way.
20:06 Somebody might say,
20:08 well, the unborn child doesn't have the choice.
20:10 And that is exactly correct.
20:12 Also, the same case could be made when you go,
20:14 we had some school shootings up in Connecticut
20:17 where little children in the second or third grade,
20:20 they had no choice either.
20:21 So what's the difference?
20:23 One is already alive, the other one is not born yet.
20:28 The Bible makes it clear that thou shalt not kill
20:30 does not just apply to the unborn.
20:33 Thou shalt not kill applies across the board.
20:36 And so when people look at abortion,
20:38 making that a separate issue altogether,
20:41 and they ignore the life of those
20:42 who are already alive,
20:43 you find issues such as people that say,
20:45 well, doctors should not perform abortions.
20:48 But they go ahead and kill the doctor
20:50 that performed abortion.
20:51 In both cases, it's murder. That's right.
20:53 So let's make this very clear that the abortion issue
20:55 is not the only issue
20:57 on which thou shalt not kill hinges.
20:59 And when it talks about choice,
21:03 this is the issue I think that was addressed,
21:05 I believe in his question,
21:06 because he said, if it's incest or rape,
21:08 then she cannot terminate the pregnancy.
21:11 Well, that depends on
21:12 whether you're the one that's raped,
21:13 or you're the one that have to go through incest.
21:15 In some parts of the world,
21:16 we're living in a world
21:18 where child trafficking, babies,
21:21 literally girls 11, 12, 13
21:22 have been impregnated by crazy men,
21:25 militia groups,
21:26 and they're saying if we impregnate these girls,
21:27 they better have that child.
21:29 If that's you,
21:30 I think you'll have quite a different position.
21:32 Let me go to a story now.
21:34 When my, when I was born, when my mother was pregnant,
21:38 she was unwed.
21:40 She was not married.
21:42 I was born out of wedlock.
21:43 The world calls that
21:45 and I'm going to use a term here.
21:46 They call that a bastard child.
21:49 I'm not a bastard child.
21:50 No, you're not.
21:52 I didn't do anything wrong.
21:53 The illegitimate ones were my parents.
21:56 I was simply born based on the process
21:58 that the Lord has ordained.
22:00 What we have to keep in mind is the Lord, life is sacred.
22:05 Jeremiah 1:5,
22:07 "Before I formed you in the womb,
22:10 I knew you.
22:11 Before you were born, I sanctified you,
22:15 I ordained you a prophet to the nations."
22:17 And I believe before I was born,
22:19 the Lord saw my situation and says,
22:20 "I got a special plan for you."
22:22 I praise God, my mother did not believe in abortion.
22:25 And also, you find in the Bible,
22:28 that when Mary and Elizabeth met
22:32 in Luke 1:41, and it says,
22:35 "And it happened when Elizabeth heard
22:36 the greeting of Mary,
22:37 that the babe leaped in her womb,
22:39 then Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit."
22:41 So there was some point of the child
22:43 not even being outside the womb
22:45 was affected by what was taking place
22:46 outside the womb.
22:48 Make the point very clear.
22:49 Choice is something the Lord never rescinded
22:52 from any human being.
22:53 I placed before you two rows, life and blessings,
22:56 death and cursings.
22:57 He says, choose life.
22:59 But we still have to make a choice.
23:01 So unless you're in that position,
23:03 I don't believe that
23:04 we can enforce this law on someone,
23:06 but we can surely stand for what is right
23:08 according to God's Word.
23:09 And thou shalt not kill is murder,
23:11 whether you're alive,
23:13 or whether you have not been born yet.
23:15 Thank you very much.
23:16 We now want to offer you again,
23:18 the opportunity to send in your questions
23:21 so that we can present it to our panel.
23:23 You may even as some people are doing,
23:25 address this specifically to someone on the panel.
23:28 And so, if you would like to text your question,
23:30 the number is (618) 228-3975.
23:34 (618) 228-3975.
23:37 I'll say that again, (618) 228-3975.
23:41 By email, it's very easy, just BibleQA@3abn.org
23:47 BibleQA@3abn.org
23:52 And so we continue with our questions.
23:54 And we go to Pastor Ryan Day in this one.
23:58 "How do I prepare to have the character of Jesus
24:02 as I believe and follow the Sabbath day,
24:05 as an elder of 65 years?"
24:08 Absolutely.
24:09 Well, to be honest with you, my brother,
24:12 if I believe this is coming from,
24:14 maybe it's not our brother, I don't know.
24:16 But either way, I want you to understand that
24:18 it doesn't matter
24:19 whether you have kept the Sabbath all your life
24:22 or you haven't,
24:24 to prepare to have the character of Jesus
24:26 is the same for every single person.
24:28 And we have to understand that
24:29 the only way that
24:30 that character can be developed is
24:32 if we are beholding Jesus Christ.
24:35 It really is as simple as that.
24:37 And obviously, what we mean by beholding,
24:39 in a literal sense,
24:40 people obviously are thinking of,
24:42 you know, looking and staring or beholding simply means
24:46 completely surrendering your will
24:48 to the will of God,
24:50 placing the life of Christ before you,
24:52 His example, His teachings, His word,
24:55 and meditating on that,
24:57 making that word a part of your life
24:59 and feeling your inner man
25:01 with that of the mind of Jesus Christ,
25:04 just as Jesus had the conversation
25:06 with Nicodemus there.
25:07 He said,
25:09 "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
25:10 so shall also the Son of man be lifted up."
25:13 And so we must behold,
25:14 there is life in a look at the Savior.
25:16 So that's the most important thing.
25:18 First, we behold the Lord.
25:19 And, of course, when we do this,
25:21 as we behold Him,
25:22 you've heard that saying, as by beholding,
25:24 we become change,
25:25 and that is certainly the case, we become sons of God.
25:29 And then, and according to Romans 8:14,
25:32 if we are, if we are led by the Spirit of God,
25:35 then we are sons of God.
25:37 So we need to be led by the Spirit of God daily,
25:40 as we take up our cross daily.
25:42 Luke 9:23, that if we deny ourselves
25:45 and take up our cross daily and follow Him,
25:48 then we are His indeed,
25:49 we are abiding
25:51 in a daily relationship with Christ.
25:52 It is that ongoing life of faithful work
25:56 each and every day
25:57 as we surrender our will to Him,
25:58 that the mind of Christ is being pressed upon us,
26:01 He increases and we decrease.
26:04 And before you know what the old man is gone,
26:06 and the new man that is Christ in you,
26:09 the hope of glory is there.
26:11 And, of course, ultimately, the character of Christ
26:13 is very, very much put on a clear display
26:16 in Galatians 5:22-23.
26:18 And that is you begin to show forth the fruits of the Spirit
26:22 that is leading and guiding you.
26:24 Amen. Thank you very much.
26:25 Thank you.
26:26 Sister Shelley Quinn, are you ready?
26:28 I'm ready. All right.
26:30 "Can you explain Exodus 22:29-30,
26:34 about the firstborn of your sons."
26:37 This is from Ron and Debbie from Wisconsin.
26:39 Okay, Ron and Debbie.
26:41 Exodus 22:29 says,
26:43 "You shall not delay to offer the first
26:46 of your ripe produce, and your juices.
26:48 The firstborn of your sons you shall give to Me,"
26:51 the Lord says."
26:52 So the firstborn of man and beast,
26:54 the firstborn of all of their produce
26:57 was required of the people.
26:59 Now with the child, the firstborn of a couple
27:02 was dedicated at one month old,
27:06 they were then redeemed by a money payment.
27:11 We'll see Numbers 18:16 says,
27:14 "Those redeemed of the devoted things
27:18 you shall redeem when one month old
27:23 for five shekels of silver."
27:27 The rest was offered in sacrifice.
27:29 This is in memory of Egypt's firstborn.
27:34 Let me show you this.
27:36 Because when the tenth plague was put on Egypt,
27:40 there was a preservation of the firstborn of Israel.
27:44 And in Exodus 13:13-15, this is what the Lord says,
27:49 "All the firstborn of man among your sons
27:52 you shall redeem.
27:53 So it shall be, when your son asks you
27:56 in time to come, saying,
27:57 'What is this?'
27:58 Then you shall say to him,
28:00 'By strength of hand
28:02 the Lord brought us out of Egypt,
28:04 out of the house of bondage.
28:05 And it came to pass,
28:07 when Pharaoh was stubborn about letting us go,
28:09 that the Lord killed all the firstborn
28:13 in the land of Egypt
28:15 and the firstborn of beast.
28:17 Therefore sacrifice, I sacrifice to the Lord,
28:21 all males that open the womb,
28:24 and all the firstborn of my sons, I redeem."
28:28 One further thought,
28:30 firstborns had a priority status,
28:33 double portion of the inheritance,
28:35 extra responsibilities,
28:37 but firstborn is also a covenant term.
28:41 In Exodus 4:22-23,
28:45 God called Israel, His firstborn son.
28:48 Jesus Christ is called firstborn,
28:52 not because He was issued forth from the bosom of the Lord,
28:56 but it means preeminent.
28:59 Thank you very much. Very good, thank you.
29:02 Well, Pastor Lomacang, we now come to you.
29:04 And this question is,
29:08 "How do I address this argument?
29:11 Is God really fair and just?
29:13 I didn't ask to be born into this mess.
29:16 I have no control on my existence.
29:18 Is it fair and just that I could be forced...
29:20 I should be forced into a world
29:22 in which I must serve someone or something,
29:24 and if I choose wrong, I'm subject to a second death.
29:27 I didn't ask to be born."
29:29 This is from CW.
29:30 When I read that question, I chuckled a little bit
29:32 because, you know, one thing we can do,
29:35 one thing we can't change is what already happened.
29:38 But one thing we can change is what we're going to do next.
29:42 And the Israelites felt the very same way.
29:45 They had this recalcitrant spirit
29:47 that they were blaming God for all their adversities.
29:50 First, you're saying please free us from Egypt.
29:54 You got us out, now you're going
29:55 to kill us in the wilderness.
29:57 We're starving. We don't have any water.
29:58 Give us some quail to eat.
30:00 Oh, our children and our grandchildren
30:02 and our wives cannot handle the heat out here.
30:05 And Moses, why do you cry to me?
30:07 Well, let me make a point.
30:09 Ezekiel 18:29.
30:12 If you think that your life is unfair,
30:14 what's even more unfair is you have a choice
30:17 for eternal life and you don't make it.
30:19 That's worse than saying you had no choice.
30:23 You didn't have choice about where you're going to be born,
30:25 who your mom and dad were going to be.
30:27 You didn't have a choice about your nationality
30:29 nor your gender.
30:30 Those were decided by you from birth issues.
30:33 For like me,
30:35 I was born and left at a babysitter
30:37 at three-months-old.
30:38 I didn't choose to be abandoned at three-months-old.
30:41 But one day I heard a radio program
30:43 where one radio talk show host,
30:45 a woman said to a young girl
30:46 complaining that she didn't get anything from her parents.
30:48 She said,
30:49 "Young lady, what did your parents give you?"
30:53 Finally, she led her to say "Life."
30:55 She said, "Then shut up and do something about it."
30:57 Now I'm not telling you to shut up
30:59 and do something about it.
31:00 I'm telling you that you are at the pivotal point
31:02 where the next decision you make
31:04 can alter your life here
31:06 and give to you the gift of eternal life.
31:09 The Bible says,
31:10 "For God so loved the world
31:11 that He gave His only begotten Son,
31:14 that whosoever regardless of the unfair circumstances,
31:17 that you are now called to shoulder
31:20 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
31:23 but have everlasting life."
31:25 If you were to turn to the Lord now,
31:28 all that has happened to you that sounds unfair,
31:31 will be replaced with something you don't even deserve.
31:34 And that's the gift of eternal life.
31:36 Take advantage and embrace that today.
31:39 Amen. Amen.
31:40 Thank you very much. Thank you.
31:42 Well, then, let's go back to Sister Shelley Quinn here
31:45 and bring you this question from Julie, South Dakota.
31:47 Okay.
31:49 "When God is determining
31:50 who gets to spend eternity with Him in heaven,
31:52 what criteria does He use to make that determination?"
31:57 Julie, there is a clear path to eternal life in Scripture.
32:00 Ephesians 2:8-10 says that
32:04 we are saved by grace through faith
32:05 not of works that any should boast,
32:07 but we were saved for good works in Christ Jesus.
32:10 We were created in Christ Jesus
32:12 for good works that the Lord prepared in advance.
32:15 And what we have to understand good works don't save us,
32:19 but they're evidence of our salvation.
32:23 Now, it's important that we do God's will.
32:27 Jesus said that in Matthew 7:20-21, He said,
32:31 "You call Me Lord, Lord,
32:33 but only those who do the will of My Father in heaven,
32:39 will enter the kingdom of heaven."
32:41 And Hebrews 5:9 says that
32:43 "He became the author of eternal salvation
32:47 to all who obey Him."
32:50 So let me give you four quick steps.
32:52 First, we have to recognize that we're sinners.
32:55 Romans 3:23-24,
32:57 "All sinned and fallen short of the glory of God,
33:01 being justified freely by His grace
33:05 through the redemption in Christ Jesus."
33:08 Second, we have to confess that we are sinners.
33:11 1 John 1:9 says that, if He is faithful and just,
33:15 if we confess our sin, He forgives us of our sin,
33:20 and He cleanses us of all unrighteousness.
33:23 Third, you've got to receive God's gift.
33:25 Romans 6:23 says,
33:27 "The wages of sin is death,
33:30 but the free gift of God
33:33 is eternal life in Christ Jesus."
33:36 And then fourth,
33:37 you've got to be led by the Spirit.
33:38 Romans 8:13-17 says,
33:42 "If you live according to the flesh, you'll die,
33:44 but if by the Spirit,
33:46 you put to death, the deeds of the body,
33:49 you will live,
33:50 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God,
33:54 these are the sons of God and if we're the children,
33:58 then heirs, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ."
34:02 Amen. Amen.
34:03 Thank you. Thank you very much.
34:05 Pastor Ryan Day, Pastor Ryan Day,
34:07 we have another question for you.
34:08 "Will the people who perished in the flood be in heaven?
34:13 Please give Bible references whether they will or will not."
34:18 This is from Jacqueline in India.
34:20 Sure, absolutely.
34:21 Well, I can say with certainty,
34:24 based on what the Bible teaches
34:25 that these people who perished in the flood
34:27 will not be in the kingdom of God.
34:29 And there's a couple of Bible texts,
34:31 few Bible passages that we can find that in.
34:33 First of all, let's go to Genesis Chapter 6,
34:35 and look at verses 5 and 6.
34:36 That says,
34:38 "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man
34:39 was great in the earth,
34:41 and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart
34:43 were only evil continually."
34:45 So what kind of people were these?
34:46 These were evil people, and how often were they evil?
34:49 They were evil continually
34:51 because their thoughts were evil continually.
34:52 In fact, it even goes on to say in verse 6.
34:54 It says,
34:55 "And the Lord was sorry
34:57 that He had made man on the earth,
34:58 and He was grieved in His heart."
35:00 And so He goes, we know this story very clear,
35:02 He goes to Noah and he tells Noah,
35:04 "Noah build an ark because I'm going to flood,
35:06 I'm going to destroy this earth."
35:08 And there was only one means of salvation from that flood
35:10 and that was they had to trust in the word of the Lord
35:14 that was preached through Noah to get on that ark.
35:17 So anyone who was on the ark was saved,
35:19 anyone who was not on the ark,
35:20 well, they had their ultimate finish.
35:23 If you also compare that to 1 Peter 3:20,
35:26 speaking of these people who were evil continually.
35:29 It says, who were formerly, who formerly were disobedient,
35:32 so they were disobedient,
35:34 when once the divine long suffering waited
35:36 in the days of Noah,
35:37 while the ark was being prepared,
35:39 in which a few that is eight souls
35:42 were saved through water.
35:43 So only eight people
35:45 were accounted righteous by faith.
35:48 Really, it was by the faith of Noah,
35:50 his family was even saved.
35:51 But eight people listened and obeyed the word of the Lord
35:54 and got on that ark,
35:55 and therefore it was accounted to them as righteousness.
35:57 And, of course, I'm not going to be able
35:59 to read the whole passage given the time here.
36:00 But if you go read 2 Peter 2:4-6,
36:04 you see an interesting comparison.
36:06 God compares the people in Noah's day that were,
36:09 that perished in the flood to the fallen angels of heaven.
36:11 Are the fallen angels in heaven going to make it
36:13 in the kingdom of God?
36:14 No, they will be destroyed, as the Bible says,
36:16 in the lake of fire.
36:17 And also he compares them to the wicked people
36:19 of Sodom and Gomorrah.
36:21 Are the Sodom, people of Sodom and Gomorrah
36:22 are going to go back, they're going to be allowed
36:24 in the kingdom of heaven?
36:25 Those who perished in that city? No.
36:27 So this is very clear,
36:28 the Bible makes it very, very clear
36:30 that those who perished in the flood
36:32 during Noah's days,
36:33 they were evil, they were not saved,
36:35 and therefore they will not be in the kingdom of God.
36:37 Amen.
36:38 Very good. Very clear.
36:40 All right. Pastor Lomacang, are you ready?
36:42 I think so.
36:43 We have one for you as well.
36:45 We have,
36:46 "Can someone repent
36:49 without knowing how bad sin is?
36:51 Like the story of the prodigal son,
36:53 when he realized there was nothing out there,
36:56 then, he then appreciated his father's home.
36:59 So can someone who hasn't experienced the badness
37:02 or evilness of sin truly repent?"
37:05 This apparently was sent from Instagram.
37:07 I am so glad that...
37:10 Wow, that's a great question.
37:11 But it's a pretty easy answer.
37:14 And I put, make three very quick bullet points here.
37:17 You don't have to experience the depth of sin to repent.
37:20 Amen.
37:21 Some people wish
37:23 they could reverse the decisions they made
37:26 to go out into the world.
37:28 And as it were experienced what they thought
37:31 was some kind of trophy.
37:33 Some people look at sin as well, it's pleasurable,
37:36 I need to get an experience of it.
37:38 And when I have had my fill,
37:40 then I will give my life to the Lord.
37:42 Many of them never make it back.
37:44 The world you have to understand
37:46 sin is not some kind of excursion
37:48 that you go on.
37:49 And when you go in the roller coaster,
37:52 it has an end you get off and then go back to life,
37:54 as you usually does.
37:56 Years ago, I heard a statement in the movie,
37:59 God is not dead.
38:01 The older lady said to her son who was recalcitrant,
38:03 refused to give his life to the Lord
38:05 and she said sin is like a jail cell.
38:09 You can go in and out of that every day
38:11 until one day the door closes and you can't get out.
38:15 And I thought and he, he wondered,
38:18 how could that possibly be?
38:20 You don't want to experience the depth of sin.
38:22 The Bible says in Romans 6:23, the wages of sin is death.
38:26 And by the way, sin doesn't have any age limit.
38:29 The teenager, the middle age, the older person,
38:32 to make it to 60, 70, 80 years old
38:34 nowadays is a gift.
38:36 Because the world is replete
38:37 with young people that are dying
38:39 because they wanted to experience
38:40 the goodness of sin or the depth of sin.
38:43 There is no such thing as a reprieve from that.
38:46 The point I want to make is appreciate something about sin.
38:50 Sin is not stronger than salvation.
38:53 The greater gift is salvation.
38:55 And the Lord said,
38:57 or do you not despise, Romans 2:4,
38:59 or do you not despise the riches of His goodness,
39:03 His forbearance and suffering,
39:05 not knowing not the badness of sin,
39:08 but the goodness of God leads you to repentance.
39:12 Focus on God's goodness and repent,
39:14 not the badness of sin.
39:16 Amen. Amen.
39:17 Praise the Lord. Thank you very much.
39:19 Now we go to Sister Shelley Quinn.
39:21 "I would like to have more understanding
39:24 of the order of Melchizedek,
39:26 and the difference between him and Jesus Christ."
39:28 This is from Sirius in Maryland.
39:31 In two minutes.
39:32 In Genesis 14,
39:34 we are first introduced to Melchizedek.
39:37 He is the king of Salem.
39:40 He comes out,
39:42 he meets Abraham
39:43 who's coming back from a victory,
39:45 victorious war battle.
39:48 He blesses Abraham.
39:50 Abraham pays him a tenth of all his war booty.
39:55 Beside that one place in Genesis,
39:57 there's only one more time in the Old Testament
39:59 that he's mentioned and that's Psalm 110:4
40:02 where the psalmist says you are priest forever,
40:04 according to the order of Melchizedek.
40:08 Now, he's only mentioned in the New Testament
40:11 briefly in Hebrews 5 and then in Hebrews 7.
40:14 But the writer of Hebrews
40:16 only sees that
40:18 Jesus fits the Psalmist's description
40:21 as the priest of the order of Melchizedek.
40:24 Hebrews 7:2 says,
40:26 "Melchizedek was the king of righteousness,
40:28 the king of peace."
40:29 And by the way, he was,
40:31 this was the first time in the history of Israel
40:34 that a king simultaneously served as high priest.
40:39 So Melchizedek prefigured Christ.
40:44 He was a type of Christ.
40:47 And the writer of Hebrews draws significant parallels
40:51 between Melchizedek and Christ.
40:53 But Jesus is the ultimate King of righteousness,
40:56 the ultimate King of beast, and ideal high priest
41:00 who has sacrificed once for all.
41:04 In Hebrews 7:1-8,
41:06 this is where a lot of people
41:10 have a lot of funny ideas.
41:13 It says in verse 3, Hebrews 7:3,
41:16 that Melchizedek was without father,
41:18 without mother, without genealogy,
41:20 having no record of...
41:23 He had no record of ancestral line.
41:26 And, you know, the Jews were very careful,
41:28 especially the priest
41:30 about recording all of their...
41:33 I mean, he's their first priest,
41:36 but he is not of the Levitical order,
41:40 just as Jesus would not be of the Levitical order.
41:44 And my two minutes are up.
41:47 I fell like an auctioneer.
41:52 Well, we have one more question for Pastor Ryan Day,
41:55 "In the Garden of Eden,
41:57 Adam and Eve had free access to the tree of life.
42:02 Were there angels
42:03 that prevented Satan and his demons
42:04 from having access to the tree of life?
42:07 I know that after they left the garden paradise
42:09 that cherubims guarded the tree,
42:11 so they would not go back in to eat of it.
42:14 So my question deals with prior to them having,
42:17 prior to them leaving the Garden of Eden.
42:19 "This is from Devon.
42:21 Yeah, so, Devon,
42:23 this is actually a great question.
42:25 But it's a simple answer.
42:27 The Bible just simply does not say explicitly
42:29 how Satan was kept out of that garden.
42:31 But we know that he was, because obviously,
42:34 that was the garden of Paradise,
42:35 only those who have not sinned could be in that garden.
42:39 And so we know that for the same reason
42:41 that Satan was kicked out of the kingdom of heaven
42:44 and not been able to get access to,
42:47 you know, immortality,
42:49 we see that also Adam and Eve
42:51 kicked out of the garden because of sin.
42:53 The only way he was able to access Adam and Eve
42:55 was through that tree of knowledge of good and evil.
42:59 But obviously, he was not allowed access
43:00 to anywhere else in the garden, especially that tree of life
43:03 as to how he was kept out could have been angels,
43:06 could have been some spiritual hedge
43:07 of protection of some type, I don't know.
43:09 The Bible just simply does not say,
43:11 but we know he was kept out.
43:13 Actually, I have about a minute and 10 seconds here,
43:16 I want to go back and take the remaining time
43:18 and mention something really quickly
43:19 on one of my previous questions,
43:20 which was,
43:22 "Will the people who perished in the flood
43:23 be in heaven?"
43:25 I just want to say something quickly,
43:26 because I was thinking of this as I only had two minutes
43:28 to talk about that before.
43:30 But I just want to take the remaining time to say that
43:31 I feel like the reason
43:33 why a lot of people ask that question
43:34 is based on a passage in 1 Peter Chapter 3,
43:38 where, you know, it's seems to say
43:40 from some people's perspective that Jesus,
43:42 you know, He was crucified, He went down into hell,
43:46 and He preached to the spirits in prison,
43:48 who were once disobedient during the flood.
43:50 And it sounds like Jesus went down
43:52 into the depths of hellfire.
43:54 And He preached all those people that were,
43:56 you know, perished in the flood,
43:57 who were sent to hell.
43:58 That's just how people misinterpret that passage.
44:00 In fact, I want to encourage someone at home
44:02 to send in a question about that,
44:03 send in a question about 1 Peter 3:18-20 and 21,
44:08 asking about that, because we'd like to clarify that
44:10 more in the future
44:11 as to who are the spirits
44:13 and did Jesus really go into hell and all that?
44:15 That'd be a great question to address here
44:17 on the panel in the future.
44:19 I decided since I had a few more seconds,
44:21 I would take up the time since the first one
44:23 didn't really require much more than an answer of what I gave.
44:25 So thank you so much.
44:27 Very good. Thank you.
44:28 I like that.
44:29 Well, the challenge is out there,
44:31 whoever wants to send in that question.
44:33 Pastor Lomacang, this one is for you.
44:35 "I've been wondering why a lot is said in Acts
44:38 about Paul appealing to Caesar.
44:39 And then it's a major theme in the final chapters of Acts.
44:43 So the reader with great anticipation
44:45 reads forward to find out about the climax.
44:47 What is Paul going to say in front of Caesar,
44:50 but then nothing is said about Paul meeting Caesar.
44:53 I wonder why the end of Acts kind of fizzles out
44:56 in this respect and not and how Paul ends up
44:59 waiting for death in 2 Timothy."
45:02 This is from,
45:04 I think you say Yuka from Finland.
45:09 Okay.
45:10 Well, the story of Paul appealing to Caesar
45:12 had a two-fold purpose.
45:14 One, he was preventing the Jews
45:15 from carrying out the execution
45:17 because he was a Roman citizen.
45:19 If he had appealed to his Hebrew identity,
45:24 they could have carried out the sentence
45:26 of whatever they wanted to do to Paul.
45:28 But Paul says, I'm a citizen of Rome,
45:30 you can't do anything until I appealed to Caesar.
45:32 So they said, okay, you'd have been okay,
45:34 if you had not appealed to Caesar.
45:35 So Acts Chapter 27,
45:36 the focus of Acts 27 is not the purpose
45:39 of giving all the details
45:40 of what he's going to talk about
45:42 when he gets to Caesar.
45:44 Which brings me to this point,
45:46 the same that I've adopted throughout the years,
45:48 it's not what we become when we reach our destination,
45:50 but what we become in our journey,
45:53 and the journey is more powerful
45:55 than its destination,
45:57 because they never got to appeal to Caesar
45:59 the ship was broken up in the great storm,
46:01 that I did a sermon on this, a couple of sermons,
46:04 one called I believe God,
46:06 and the focal point of the story
46:07 of the appeal of Caesar to appeal of Paul to Caesar
46:12 was verse 25 of Acts Chapter 27.
46:16 This to me was the apex of the entire story.
46:20 Because while Paul is a prisoner in chains,
46:23 it's hard to believe a preacher that looks like
46:25 he's at a terrible disadvantage.
46:27 Paul said,
46:28 "Do not, do not take this journey,
46:31 I perceive, it'll result in a great loss of life."
46:36 But then later on, the Lord reveals to Paul that
46:38 nobody is going to lose their life.
46:40 But there are certain parameters, He said,
46:42 "Don't let anybody, don't let anybody get off board.
46:44 We're all necessary for the safety of others,"
46:47 meaning we all need each other says,
46:49 "Lighten the ship
46:51 so that the storms could be more easy to handle."
46:54 That's what we have to do in the burdens of life
46:55 when they come, lighten the loads in our lives.
46:58 But then Paul said, "I believe God,"
47:01 that means it's going to turn out
47:02 the way God said,
47:04 it's going to turn out in Acts 27:25.
47:06 He said,
47:07 "Therefore take heart men,
47:09 for I believe God
47:11 that it will be just as it was told me."
47:13 So the greater lesson in life is this.
47:16 Often while we are planning life,
47:19 life happens.
47:21 It is important to pay as much attention
47:22 to our journey,
47:24 as it is to desire our destination.
47:26 What happened to Paul in the journey
47:28 was a greater lesson
47:30 because he never made it to Rome
47:32 on that boat.
47:33 It broke up before they got to Caesar.
47:36 Okay.
47:37 I just want to say one thing, because to me,
47:40 I remember the first time I ever read Acts
47:42 when I was a teenager.
47:43 You know, Acts is the first,
47:45 the history of the first 30 years of the church.
47:48 And boy, you're just going along
47:49 and the Holy Spirit's doing
47:51 all of these wonderful things and everything's going,
47:54 then it just stops.
47:57 It's kind of like, well, what happens?
48:00 So I don't know
48:02 if there was something that interrupted,
48:04 but I understand your question.


Revised 2022-09-13