Series Code: TDYQA
Program Code: TDYQA210011A
00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times. 00:05 Join us now for Today special program. 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:18 Mending broken people 00:23 I want to spend my life 00:29 Removing pain 00:34 Lord, let my words 00:39 Heal a heart that hurts 00:44 I want to spend my life 00:50 Mending broken people 00:55 I want to spend my life 01:00 Mending broken people 01:15 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today 01:17 Bible Q and A question and answer. 01:19 We're so glad that you joined us. 01:21 We enjoy spending this time with you 01:23 and we have been inundated in a good way 01:26 with all of the questions that have been coming in 01:28 from this newer program 01:29 we've been doing this for about two months or so, 01:32 now and we know that you like to delve into 01:34 and dive into the Word of God. 01:37 Thank you for your great questions 01:38 because we know that you are students of the Word, 01:40 and your questions are very sincere and thank you. 01:43 You can always text or email us your questions. 01:47 We're continuing to take them here 01:48 and as we have time in future programs, 01:50 we'll be answering them but you can text us 01:53 at 618-228-3975. 01:57 That's 618-228-3975, 02:01 or you can email us at 3ABN 02:03 or 02:07 02:10 I think I got that right. 02:11 Sometimes I get that confused a little bit, 02:13 but thank you for sending in your questions to us here. 02:16 My name is Greg Morikone, 02:17 and I'm joined here on the set 02:19 with some great Bible students. 02:21 Right next to me is my dear wife, Jill. 02:23 So good to have you with us today. 02:25 Thank you sweetheart, joy to be here, 02:27 always a privilege to open up the Word of God, and study. 02:29 Absolutely, Pastor Ryan Day, so good to have you here too. 02:32 Amen. 02:33 I'm excited and ready to go for some Bible questions. 02:35 I can see you got that smile on your face. 02:36 Always. Amen. 02:37 And Pastor John Lomacang, 02:39 the pastor of our Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church, 02:40 so good to have you here with us today too. 02:42 Praise the Lord. 02:43 The Bible always has answers 02:45 and we are also learning as we share. 02:46 Yeah. Yes, absolutely. 02:48 You know, before we went on the program here today, 02:50 we were messing with the tie, my knot tie here 02:54 and you know I've been tying this style of knot in my tie 02:57 for probably I'm thinking about that 02:59 like 35, 40 years not the same tie, 03:02 I've gone through ties through the years, 03:04 to make sure I clarify that. 03:05 But you know it's interesting you can get 03:07 and we're and I'm having troubles with it 03:08 because it always comes crooked, 03:09 I can't get straight on television that sort of thing. 03:11 You know it's interesting, 03:13 I've been tying it for like 35, 40 years, 03:15 and you can get stuck into a tradition, 03:17 or a rut, so to speak, but it's not always the best. 03:19 You know, a lot of times in life, 03:22 maybe some of our religious thoughts, beliefs, 03:24 we're in a rut or tradition 03:26 because mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, you know what? 03:29 We can find answers in the Word of God. 03:32 You know not how to tie your knot for your tie, 03:35 but other answers like, what day do I worship, 03:37 what happens when I die 03:38 or other questions that you're sending in. 03:40 So we want to answer the questions that you send in 03:43 based on the Word of God 03:46 because God has those answers for us today. 03:48 So I want to encourage you to get your Bible, 03:51 study along with us 03:53 as we delve into the Word of God. 03:54 This is a rapid fire, we try to go through, 03:56 maybe 20 questions in about 45, 50 minutes, 04:00 so it's kind of rapid fire but it's a lot of fun. 04:03 If this is your first time to join us. 04:06 Before we start, I always like to open with the scripture 04:08 and then we'll have a prayer. 04:09 2 Timothy 2:15 says, 04:12 "Study to show yourself approved unto God, 04:15 a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, 04:17 rightly dividing the word of truth." 04:20 So we're looking forward to today's study 04:22 all these questions that we have for today. 04:24 Great question, so Pastor John, 04:26 would you mind the opening prayer for us? 04:27 Sure. 04:29 Loving Father in heaven, it is a blessing, 04:31 as well as an understanding journey for us. 04:34 Yes. 04:35 You have given us the responsibility to share 04:37 what Your Word has said. 04:39 Yet the blessing has come, 04:40 every time we step into this bottomless cavern of riches. 04:46 Yeah. 04:47 We are enlightened ourselves. 04:48 And so, Lord, may we answer these questions humbly, 04:52 while we're teaching others You are teaching us. 04:54 Thank you. 04:55 And may all the glory go only to You. 04:57 In Jesus' name I pray. 04:59 Amen. Amen. 05:01 Amen. Thank you very much. 05:03 Pastor John, this question is for you, 05:05 and there's no name, 05:07 they came in with this question but it's a really good one. 05:09 And it says, 05:11 "What is the soul? 05:12 Is it your brain? 05:14 Is it your character? 05:16 Is it some mysterious spirit? 05:18 My friends say people have a soul but animals do not." 05:22 Okay. Wow. 05:23 Great question. It is a wonderful question. 05:25 One of the concepts today about souls, 05:27 the most common one is people say that 05:30 when you die your soul leaves your body. 05:33 The Bible doesn't teach that. 05:36 And I could see how many of them 05:37 can take scriptures and twist them 05:39 because Ecclesiastes 12:7 says, 05:43 "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was 05:45 and the Spirit shall return to God who gave it." 05:49 But without finding out with that spirit is 05:51 as Job 27:3 says, 05:53 "All the while my brothers in me 05:55 and the Spirit of God is in my nostrils." 05:58 Well, how did the spirit get there? 05:59 Genesis 2:7, 06:00 "The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, 06:03 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life 06:06 and man became a living soul." 06:09 Don't forget, "became a living soul" 06:12 meaning when he was just a mound of dust, 06:14 being formed and my forensic pathologist friend says, 06:18 when we say God formed man of the dust of the ground 06:20 he says as a forensic pathologist, 06:23 you have no idea what God did, all the veins and the muscles, 06:26 and the sinew, and the various layers of skin, 06:29 and all the things that 06:31 it takes to keep the body alive. 06:32 Well let's look at some scriptures 06:34 to show that the soul is not some everlasting entity 06:37 that just continues to live after a person dies. 06:41 David the psalmist in his distress prayed 06:43 the prayer in Psalm 30:3. 06:45 He said, 06:47 "Oh Lord, You brought my soul up from the grave. 06:51 You have kept me alive, 06:53 that I should not go down to the pit." 06:55 David knew when he die, he is going down, 06:57 but he didn't die 06:59 so the Lord kept his soul alive. 07:00 He said, "You kept me alive." 07:02 That's the context right there. 07:04 Also you find the rich man that had many things in his barn. 07:08 Speaking of himself, he says, 07:10 "And I will say to my soul, 07:12 soul, you have many good goods later for many years, 07:15 take your ease, eat, drink and be merry." 07:18 What if the soul is some kind of ethereal mist 07:20 it can't eat, but he's talking about himself. 07:22 And lastly, we know that 07:24 the Bible makes it very, very clear the soul can die. 07:27 Ezekiel 18:4, 07:29 "Behold, all souls are mine. 07:31 The soul of the father as well as the soul of the son, 07:33 the soul who sins, it shall die." 07:36 So souls are not immortal. 07:37 That's the point I want to make. 07:39 Excellent, Pastor. Thank you very much. 07:41 Jill, this comes from Steward from Alabama. 07:44 And it says, 07:46 "Jacob's name was changed to Israel, 07:48 and he developed into a nation, 07:50 often referred to as the Israelites. 07:52 How did they become to be called Jews? 07:56 What's the origin of the name Jews?" 07:59 It's a great question. 08:00 This is gonna be a history lesson actually. 08:02 We know that God established His covenant with Abraham. 08:06 You can read about that in Genesis 12, in Genesis 15, 08:09 you'll see more in Genesis 17. 08:11 And that covenant was that 08:12 God was going to make of Abraham, 08:15 a great nation, and we see Abraham had a son, Isaac. 08:19 Isaac had a son, Jacob. 08:21 Jacob's name was changed to Israel 08:24 after he spent that night wrestling with the Lord. 08:28 We know that the sons of Israel went into Egypt, 08:32 but 400 years later, 08:34 they came out of Egypt as the nation of Israelites. 08:39 We see them wandering 40 years in the wilderness, 08:41 on their way to the Promised Land. 08:44 They arrived at the Promised Land, 08:45 and are the nation of Israel. 08:47 Now, we have the time of the judges 08:50 then we have the time of the kings, 08:52 we have Saul, we have David, Solomon, 08:54 and then after Solomon, 08:56 there was a rending of the kingdom, 08:59 the northern kingdom 10 tribes stayed 09:02 with the northern kingdom of Israel, 09:04 and then two tribes 09:05 that would be Judah and Benjamin 09:07 stayed as the southern kingdom. 09:09 The northern kingdom was taken away captive 722 BC, 09:13 the Assyrians came, they completely annihilated 09:16 the northern kingdom of Israel, 09:18 and they were taken and they were dispersed 09:20 or settled amongst other nations, 09:24 completely lost sight of. 09:25 But the southern kingdom remained. 09:29 They were, of course, taken captive to Babylon in 605 BC, 09:32 but they came back after those 70 years. 09:36 Those are the people that we refer to as Jews today 09:40 from the southern kingdom because of the tribe of Judah, 09:45 they're referred to as Jews today. 09:48 So the Jews went into captivity in Babylon, 09:50 they came out from captivity, 09:52 and the nation we know as the Jews 09:54 would be those two southern tribes today. 09:57 Good, that's very interesting, good history lesson, 09:59 so we have a little history lesson, we did. 10:00 Good job. 10:02 Pastor Ryan, this is from Kyle, 10:04 "What does the Lord say about wearing jewelry, 10:08 especially engagement rings and wedding bands." 10:11 All right. 10:12 That's a full question. 10:14 Yeah, that is a full question 10:15 and again lots that we can discuss on this 10:16 but in short here, I just want to make it very clear that God. 10:20 God created gold, 10:21 He created silver, He created the pearls, 10:23 He created all the jewels, and the wonderful things 10:26 that people often want to apply as ornamentation 10:28 to their body jewelry. 10:30 So it's not that God in and of itself 10:32 is against those jewels 10:34 or against the gold or against the silver. 10:36 It's often the fact of our pride 10:37 and our haughtiness 10:39 that is often associated 10:40 when we wear these type of things 10:42 that God speaks negative of in the Scripture 10:44 and we find a fluidity of this 10:45 all the way through the Scripture 10:47 from Genesis to Revelation. 10:48 For instance the first time this comes up 10:50 where God tells the children of Israel, 10:51 and uniting himself together 10:53 He tells Jacob in Genesis Chapter 35, He says, 10:55 "Look, I want you to build me an altar, 10:58 and I want to, I want my people 10:59 to be consecrated as my people." 11:00 And one of the stipulations was, 11:02 they had to remove their false gods 11:04 from their camp 11:05 and they had to remove their jewelry 11:07 and we see that reference there. 11:08 Genesis 35:1-4, 11:10 and it says there in verse 4, it says, 11:12 "So, they gave Jacob, all the foreign gods 11:14 that were in their hands 11:16 and their earrings which were in their ears, 11:18 and Jacob hid them under the terebinth tree 11:21 which was by Shechem." 11:23 So they were willing to say okay, 11:24 "We're going to follow the word of the Lord." 11:25 God was very clear, 11:27 take it off, don't wear it, right? 11:29 Also we see this come back up. 11:30 Many years later, again, as Jill was telling the history 11:33 of after the captivity in Egypt, 11:36 God is wanting to again reunite Himself with His people, 11:39 and so they had come out of Egypt 11:40 with earrings and nose rings 11:42 and all these different ornaments 11:43 that they were wearing. 11:45 And God has another meeting and He says, 11:46 "Look, if you're going to be My people, 11:47 I want you to be a special people, 11:49 remove those things." 11:50 And so in Exodus 33:4-6. And I'm just gonna read. 11:55 I'm gonna read verse 6 there, it says, 11:56 "So the children of Israel stripped themselves 11:58 of their ornaments, by Mount Horeb." 12:00 So we see God again telling them, 12:01 you are stiff-necked people, 12:03 and you need to be consecrated, 12:04 you're going to be My people you need to look peculiar 12:06 and separate from all the other heathen nations. 12:08 The wearing of ornamental jewelry is often associated 12:10 especially from a historical perspective 12:12 with the other nations around. 12:14 God wanted His people to be separate. 12:16 Again, not that He's against these things 12:18 but He wanted them to look different 12:19 and appear to be different in character 12:22 and on the inside and out. 12:23 It kind of goes back to that 12:25 your body is the temple 12:26 of the Holy Spirit's perspective. 12:28 On the inside, God definitely wants 12:29 to clean you up on the inside, 12:30 but He also wants the outside to appear holy as well. 12:33 And we have all the way through 12:35 and I'm running out of time here, 12:36 but I just wanted to just make a few mentions. 12:38 We need to be able to have a willing heart 12:40 to follow the Lord. 12:42 In fact that's exact word that's used 12:43 in Exodus Chapter 35 12:45 when God had asked them to make an offering to them 12:48 on behalf of the tabernacle. 12:49 If the people of God came forward 12:51 it says, then everyone whose heart was stirred 12:53 and everyone whose spirit was willing, 12:55 they brought the Lord's offering, 12:56 and, of course, in those, 12:58 down there in verse 22, it says, 12:59 "They came before men and women 13:00 who many who had a willing heart 13:02 and brought their earrings their nose rings, 13:04 their necklaces, all of their jewelry of gold 13:06 and they gave it to the Lord." 13:07 That's the same thing, 13:09 we find this all the way through 13:10 even into the New Testament, 13:11 where God says, you know, don't wear this, 13:13 the plating of the hair, 13:14 of the wearing of gold or jewelry 13:16 or any of those things, 13:17 but the inside man is what matters. 13:19 So we have to be separate. 13:20 We even see in Revelation there with the two women, 13:23 one who's decked with all of the gold and the silver 13:25 and the pearls of the world. 13:26 The other woman which is called to follow the natural lights 13:29 that God created. 13:30 So there is a clear attitude communicated in the Bible, 13:33 and that is that God says, 13:34 "Don't wear. Take it off. 13:36 Be clean, be My holy peculiar people." 13:38 Amen. 13:39 Thank you Pastor Ryan, yeah. 13:41 That's a lot. 13:42 That's a full question 13:43 for a short period amount of time. 13:45 Some grace period right there. 13:46 Yeah, for sure. 13:48 It's good answer. 13:49 Pastor John, this is a really good question here. 13:50 This comes from Joel in North Carolina. 13:52 Thank you, Joel. 13:53 And it says, 13:54 "What is the investigative judgment? 13:56 'Cause we hear that mentioned quite a bit so what is that?" 13:57 Well, the investigative judgment 13:59 is not for God, 14:00 because God knows everything that's the thing about it. 14:02 And the investigative judgment 14:04 is simply if I could put it in a nutshell. 14:06 When you profess, what you profess 14:09 must be displayed by how you lived. 14:12 Let's go to the end of the story. 14:14 We're in heaven now for thousand years. 14:16 And the Bible tells us in the Book of Corinthians, 14:18 know that we will judge angels. 14:21 Now for God to be vindicated 14:22 we have to determine whether or not, 14:24 every decision that God made 14:25 about who is saved and who is lost 14:27 was a just decision. 14:29 That's where the investigation comes in. 14:31 The investigation is not to determine 14:34 that God knows something, 14:35 because He knows everything. 14:37 But it's to say, 14:38 "Okay, Lord, 14:40 we agree with the decisions you've made." 14:42 And so we find in Revelation 15:3. 14:45 The Bible says, 14:46 "They sing the song of Moses the servant of God, 14:49 and the song of the lamb saying, 14:51 'Great and marvelous are Your works, 14:53 Lord God Almighty just and true are Your ways, 14:58 O King of saints.'" 14:59 And then 16:7, 15:03 "And I heard another from the altar saying, 15:04 'Even so, Lord God Almighty, 15:06 true and righteous are Your judgments." 15:09 Now where does the investigative judgment, 15:13 where is it focused? 15:14 It's not focused on people in the world 15:16 because they make no profession to even know the Lord. 15:18 True. 15:20 So we're not going to say, well, he drinks, he smokes. 15:21 You don't even look to the people of the world 15:25 to investigate how they live 15:26 because they've never made any profession to the Lord. 15:30 But 1 Peter 4:17 says 15:32 "For the time has come 15:34 for judgment to begin at the house of God. 15:37 And if it begins with us first, 15:40 what will be the end of those 15:41 who do not obey the gospel of God?" 15:44 Now, if the righteous one is scarcely saved, 15:48 where will the ungodly and the sinner appear? 15:51 So the Bible is in essence saying 15:52 and I use a great illustration. 15:54 If your wallet is missing and you have five children, 15:56 would you go to the neighbor and ask them, 15:58 did you take my wallet? 15:59 No, you begin with your children. 16:01 You say to your kids. 16:02 I've taught you not to steal. 16:03 So you're saying, as my children 16:05 I taught you how to behave. 16:07 Your behavior is not in harmony with his family. 16:11 In the same way God is saying, 16:12 "I've taught you how to live. 16:14 Your behavior is not in harmony with his family." 16:18 James 2:12 says it this way, 16:20 "So speak and so do as those who will be judged 16:25 by the law of liberty, 16:27 not only how we live, but how we speak. 16:30 Every idle word that we speak we will give an account." 16:33 Matthew 12:36, 16:34 "Each of us shall give an account to God 16:36 of themselves." 16:38 Romans 14:12, 16:40 and it says in Hebrews 4:13, 16:42 "There is nothing hidden in from his sight, 16:44 but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him, 16:47 to whom we must give an account." 16:50 And finally, Jeremiah 2:22, that's why Jeremiah says, 16:54 "For though you wash yourself with lye 16:59 and use much soap, 17:01 yet your iniquity is marked before me, 17:04 says the Lord." 17:05 So God sees it all. He does. 17:07 Nutshell of it, the investigative judgment 17:09 is to measure by what you profess 17:11 is how you live. 17:13 Amen. Pastor, wow, excellent. 17:14 Thank you very much. 17:16 You're watching 3ABN Bible Q And A. 17:18 We hope that you're enjoying it. 17:20 We want to invite you to send us your questions. 17:23 You can email them at 17:27 That's 17:32 or you can text us your questions 17:33 at 618-228-3975. 17:36 And again we just appreciate 17:38 all the questions that have come in here 17:39 because it's wonderful and exciting, 17:41 isn't it to open the Word of God, 17:42 to be able to share what God has for each one of us. 17:45 Absolutely. 17:46 Pastor Ryan, good question here from Susie from Jamaica. 17:50 We're hearing from all over the world, 17:51 that's really neat too. 17:53 Says, 17:54 "What type of war unrest took place in heaven, 17:57 physical or verbal is the account in the Bible?" 18:00 Okay, that's a great question. It is. 18:02 Revelation 12:7 actually is the text we're referring to. 18:07 And the text says, 18:08 "And war broke out in heaven, 18:10 Michael and his angels fought with the dragon 18:12 and the dragon and his angels fought." 18:15 And see, when you read that kind of on the surface 18:17 you kind of get this somewhat Star Wars 18:19 looking scene you might ride in. 18:20 You know Jesus and Satan, you know with their swords 18:23 or heavenly swords or whatever it is, 18:24 and there's this very, very, you know, 18:26 physical element of fighting. 18:28 Now the word here war 18:29 and this is where you have to do a little bit of a... 18:31 Go little bit deeper and do a word search here. 18:33 But the word war in the original Greek here 18:36 is the word polemos, 18:37 and it can indeed 18:38 if you go to your Greek Lexicon 18:41 and you look at that, it can indeed 18:42 mean that there's very much 18:44 could be a physical element there, 18:46 war like fighting 18:48 some type of physical struggle there. 18:50 Very much could have been. 18:51 However, when you read, 18:53 kind of read within the context 18:54 and study within, you know, in connectivity 18:56 with other texts in Scripture, 18:58 you know, it's hard for me to see 19:00 not saying that it could not have happened. 19:01 It's hard for me to see how as a creative being 19:03 going to challenge the Creator, right? 19:06 I just can't imagine, 19:07 you know, the devil showing up and be like 19:08 "All right, Jesus, I'm gonna challenge you 19:10 in a boxing match to the death," right? 19:12 I just can't imagine that 19:13 and so when you dig a little deeper 19:15 into that word polemos, 19:16 it's also where we get certain words 19:18 like polemic, okay? 19:20 Which is also word the derivative of, 19:22 derived from that is the word we get our word politics. 19:25 And, of course, we know the very heart of that 19:27 is simply, it's a fighting of words, 19:29 it's a contention of thought and idea. 19:33 And so the nature of the war 19:34 that I believe is happening here 19:36 in Revelation 12:17, when it says, 19:38 "Michael and his angels fought," 19:40 we know according to a previous episode, 19:41 that Miss Shelley Quinn made it very clear, 19:43 Michael is Jesus. 19:45 So this is Jesus and the devil and the angels. 19:47 There's a war of thought and idea manipulation, 19:51 the devil had launched a war, 19:53 manipulation of thought and idea to try to turn 19:55 the angels away from God, 19:57 and he was able to do that with one-third of the angels 19:59 as we see they were cast out. 20:01 So I believe very clearly in study with also, 20:04 Ephesians 6:12, where it says that, 20:06 "We do not wrestle against flesh and blood. 20:08 It's a spiritual warfare." 20:09 It's a spiritual war of thought and idea, 20:12 a manipulation of those thoughts and ideas, 20:14 I believe is what was happening in that war. 20:16 Excellent. Yeah, good. 20:17 Thank you Pastor Ryan. 20:19 Jill, this comes from Heather. 20:21 It's a rather long question comment here, 20:24 so we'll start with, 20:25 "What is the truth concerning how completely changed 20:28 our hearts have to be to qualify us 20:31 for that final transition when our Lord returns? 20:35 Well people who die suddenly 20:36 or even those who are converted a moment before their death 20:39 qualify for that change to immortality. 20:42 I have heard some presenters/pastors 20:45 say that we all have to change before we leave earth. 20:48 Will there be a continuum 20:50 that reflects each person's achievement, 20:52 bearing in mind the promise 20:54 that he who began a good work in us 20:56 will be faithful to complete it." 20:57 This came from Heather. Thank you. 20:59 Thank you so much, Heather, for that question 21:01 and there's actually several questions inherently 21:03 within that one question, 21:05 so we're going to unpack too. 21:07 The first question I see is the first question, 21:09 meaning do our hearts, 21:12 how right do we have to be with God 21:14 to qualify for a translation. 21:17 How perfect you can say do we have to be? 21:20 The only thing we take to heaven, 21:22 you and I, is our character. 21:24 The Word of God says in Revelation 22:11, 21:26 "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still. 21:28 He who is filthy, let him be filthy still. 21:31 He who is righteous, let him be righteous still. 21:33 He who is holy, let him be holy still." 21:37 Now, we don't have time to address this, 21:39 but this holiness, this righteousness 21:42 is a result of Christ living in the heart of the believer. 21:47 It's a result in Romans 6 of us dying to that old life of sin 21:52 and rising to newness of life. 21:55 It's a result of 2 Corinthians 5:17, 21:58 "If we are in Christ, 21:59 we are a new creature and the old things have passed 22:02 and the new has come." 22:04 That means that 22:06 our character is going to look like Jesus 22:09 at the point of translation. 22:11 And that is a result of the work of the Holy Spirit 22:15 and us surrendering to Him. 22:17 Now the question number two, 22:18 what happens if you had 50 years to surrender 22:22 and become more like Jesus 22:24 versus someone who accepted Christ 22:26 like the thief on the cross 22:28 and was dead that same day, 22:29 or someone who accepts Christ 22:31 and then dies in a car accident, 22:32 what about that? 22:34 I think about the parable of the workers in the vineyard. 22:36 This is a Matthew 20, we won't read it, 22:38 but Matthew 20:1-16, 22:41 remember the worker who went out early in the day, 22:43 they were paid one denarius for a full day's labor. 22:46 The one who went out at the sixth 22:47 or the ninth hour was paid one denarius, 22:50 the 11th hour worker received the same wage. 22:55 Now the other workers got upset, 22:57 and you see this in verses 11 and 12. 23:00 They complained to the land owner, 23:03 saying these last men only worked one hour 23:05 and you made them equal to us 23:07 who have worn the burden and heat of the day. 23:11 You know what I learned from that 23:12 is that our expectations are not always true, 23:15 right and biblical. 23:16 I learned from that that God looks at the heart, 23:19 we look at the outward appearance 23:20 and say yesterday they were drinking, smoking 23:22 and carousing with woman. 23:24 They accepted Christ and they died, 23:25 how can they be perfect in that moment, 23:28 we don't see the heart. 23:30 You and I are saved by grace through faith, 23:34 not by our works or lack of them, 23:37 not by the quantity of those works, 23:39 not by the righteousness of those works, 23:41 not by the time length of those works. 23:44 We are saved by grace through faith. 23:47 And I believe that God accelerates sanctification. 23:51 God knows the heart, God knows in that moment, 23:53 if that person has surrendered everything to Jesus, 23:56 in that moment they stand righteous 23:58 before the Father, 23:59 as if they have never sinned. 24:02 And we have the promise that throughout eternity 24:04 we can be growing more into the image of Jesus. 24:07 Amen. Wow. Thank you very much. 24:09 Yeah, that was packed question there. 24:11 So thank you for unpacking and answering that 24:14 from the Word of God. 24:15 Pastor John, this doesn't have a name with this question. 24:18 Again, it's a good one though, it says, 24:19 "In the Bible there are two things that say 24:22 we should do in remembrance of me. 24:25 One is washing each other's feet 24:26 and the other is communion. 24:28 Please explain this to me." 24:30 Okay. 24:31 Communion is a renewal of our commitment to Christ. 24:35 It's also a reconfirmation 24:38 that we have previously accepted 24:40 the righteousness of Jesus as our righteousness, 24:45 and you find in the Bible, 24:46 the broken body and the shed blood 24:49 are the two symbols of the communion service. 24:51 The foot washing, let me summarize it, 24:53 is the ordinance of humility, 24:55 revealing the desire to be a servant, 24:58 not, Jesus said, 24:59 "I didn't come to be served but to serve." 25:02 And he is saying in order to be a follower of Christ, 25:06 our hearts need to be hearts of humility 25:08 where Christ first abides. 25:11 Humility is the foundation to exaltation. 25:14 But the Bible talks about the blood, 25:15 why is the blood necessary? 25:17 Let's talk about the grape juice. 25:19 Matthew 26:28, 25:20 "For this is the blood of the new covenant, 25:22 which is shed for many for the remission of sin." 25:25 And Hebrews 9:22 says, 25:27 "According to the law 25:29 almost all things are purged with blood, 25:32 and without shedding of blood there is no remission." 25:35 So, if there is no shedding of Jesus' blood, 25:38 there is no removal or no taking away of the sin. 25:42 It's amazing how the red blood of Jesus 25:45 can make our red sin cleansed. 25:48 It's amazing, isn't it? Praise the Lord. 25:49 But the blood is a symbol of the redemption. 25:51 1 Peter 1:18-19, 25:54 "Knowing that you are not redeemed 25:55 with corruptible things like silver or gold, 25:58 from your aimless conduct 25:59 received by tradition from your fathers, 26:01 but with the precious blood of Christ 26:03 as of a lamb without blemish and without spot." 26:07 And so Revelation makes it very clear. 26:08 So, let me go down to the broken body. 26:11 The broken body is an indication 26:13 that Jesus is not just our substitute, 26:15 but He is our propitiation. 26:17 Yes. 26:18 That means He's the appeasement for the price 26:21 that was necessary to redeem us from the transgression and sin. 26:27 That's why the Bible says you are bought with a price, 26:29 therefore glorify God in your body 26:32 and in your spirit, 26:34 which are God's. 26:35 Amen. Amen. 26:37 Thank you very much, Pastor. 26:38 And again, thank you for submitting these questions. 26:40 Pastor Ryan, before we give you this question. 26:42 I just want to touch on this 26:44 because there's so many questions 26:45 that are coming in here, 26:47 so many answers, you know, 26:48 they're being given in such a short period of time, you're, 26:49 maybe feverously trying to write them down at home. 26:51 We want to encourage you, 26:53 you can always watch these episodes 26:54 again on YouTube 26:55 or brand new, 3ABNplus, 27:01 that's 3ABN and 27:04 and you can watch these programs again, again, 27:05 stop, pause, write your notes down. 27:08 But, Pastor, also what's very exciting is 27:10 that you've been working on a website 27:11 that will be taking the majority 27:13 or a lot of these questions, 27:14 and people can actually go online and do searches. 27:16 Tell us briefly about that that's coming up? 27:17 Yeah, absolutely so we're building it, 27:20 we're building the content for it 27:21 and hopefully here in the near future 27:22 we're going to have a website build. 27:24 It's going to be a Bible questions and answer database, 27:26 so a lot of that you're hearing here 27:27 in just a couple of minutes, 27:29 you're going to be able to see in a much detailed manner 27:32 on the website just simply by doing a search on the website. 27:35 So we hope to have that ready and available this year. 27:37 Thank you for working on that 27:39 because we're very excited about this 27:40 because it's all about resources, 27:41 right, about learning and growing. 27:43 So thank you for working on that. 27:45 This question here, 27:46 my notes here, so this one is a great question. 27:50 No name with it, but it says, 27:51 "Is the pope system the Antichrist?" 27:55 Okay. 27:56 The simple answer, and I understand 27:58 where this person is coming from... 27:59 So simple answer would be yes, 28:01 but we want to clarify what we mean by that. 28:03 Of course, when we say pope system, 28:04 we want to be a little bit more clear 28:06 that we're talking about 28:08 the Roman papal church state system. 28:10 Of course to be even more candid, 28:12 the Roman Catholic Church system. 28:15 We're not talking about individuals, 28:16 we're not here to throw people under the bus, 28:18 but yes, that office of the pope 28:21 is the leadership figure. 28:22 It is a leadership Antichrist figure 28:24 that leads out in this Antichrist system, 28:27 and we want to be very clear about that. 28:28 Where we get this from the time 28:30 that I have left the minute and a half, 28:32 where we get this from is, 28:34 when you simply do a responsible research 28:36 in Scripture, 28:37 between the chapters of Daniel Chapter 7. 28:39 Also you can throw in there Daniel Chapter 8 as well. 28:42 Also go over and study Revelation 13, 28:45 that first beast of Revelation 13 28:47 and as well as the harlot from Revelation 17. 28:50 The little horn from Daniel 7-8, 28:52 Revelation 13, first beast, 28:54 and the harlot of Revelation 17, 28:56 and you begin to pull out 28:58 some clear biblical identifications 29:00 that can only point to one earthly system, 29:04 and it happens to be that Roman papal church state system. 29:06 I have all of the lists here in front of me 29:08 of those identifications. 29:10 I'm not going to be able to read them all off, 29:11 we're talking about a small kingdom 29:13 that little horn. 29:14 We're talking about it rising up in Western Europe, 29:16 among the others in Western Europe, 29:18 a man at its head, eyes of a man, 29:20 a mouth that speaks words of blasphemy. 29:22 It's a blasphemous system that's been persecuting power. 29:26 All of this is coming from Daniel 7-8, by the way. 29:29 It thinks to change times and laws. 29:31 Daniel 7:25, changes God's law. 29:34 He goes on to become a world dominant power 29:36 reigns for 1260 years, 29:39 it wears colors of purple and red. 29:41 Revelation 17, 29:43 its headquarters are located on seven mountains. 29:45 Revelation 17:9, 29:47 and it has a relationship with the leaders of the world. 29:49 You put all of these, 29:50 allow the Bible to just speak to you 29:52 and see these clear identifications, 29:53 it can only point to one earthly power, 29:56 and it happens to be the system, 29:58 system of the Roman Catholic Church. 30:00 Wow. Good job. 30:02 Good job in two minutes. 30:03 And we believe, of course, 30:05 that God has people in all churches... 30:06 Absolutely. 30:07 Good spirit led people in the Catholic Church. 30:09 Amen. But you're talking system. 30:10 That's right. That's right. 30:12 I'm glad we're gonna have that website. 30:13 Yeah. That's right. 30:14 Coming soon, right? 30:16 Coming soon. Thank you, Pastor Ryan. 30:17 Thank you, Jesus. 30:18 All right, Jill, this comes from Tim, and he says, 30:21 "How can I be a mediator for my sisters. 30:24 They don't talk anymore, 30:26 even though they say they have forgiven each other?" 30:28 It's very sad. 30:29 "What can I say to help them reconcile with each other?" 30:32 There's many things you can do, Tim, 30:34 but I would say three things. 30:36 The first two focus on what you can do. 30:39 And the last one is on what the Holy Spirit does. 30:41 So the first is to pray. 30:43 We cannot change other people's hearts, 30:46 only God can. 30:47 You can't make your sisters reconcile, 30:49 you can't change them but God can. 30:51 James 5:16 says, 30:53 "Confess your trespasses to one another, 30:55 and pray for one another, 30:56 that you may be healed. 30:58 The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man 31:02 it avails much." 31:03 Prayer can move mountains. 31:05 Prayer can part the Red Sea. 31:07 Prayer can raise the dead. 31:09 Prayer can do anything. 31:10 Prayer can bring about reconciliation 31:12 between your sisters. 31:13 The second thing is to persist. 31:17 That means persistent prayer. 31:19 Luke 11:9-10 says, 31:21 "So I say to you, ask... 31:23 And in the Greek it means ask and keep on asking, " 31:25 And will be given to you, 31:27 seek and keep on seeking and you will find. 31:30 Knock and keep on knocking and it will be opened to you. 31:35 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds 31:39 and to him who knocks it will be open." 31:41 So don't just pray for your sisters and say, 31:43 "Okay, God, I'm done," 31:44 and go off and do your own thing. 31:46 Pray, persist in prayer. 31:48 Commit every day a certain time to pray for your sisters. 31:51 Number three is what the Holy Spirit does, 31:53 and that is pursue. 31:54 John 16:7-8, 31:58 "I tell you the truth," Jesus is speaking, 32:00 "it's to your advantage that I go away, 32:02 because if I don't go away, the Helper," 32:04 that's the Holy Spirit, parakletos 32:07 "will not come to you, 32:08 but if I depart, I send him to you. 32:10 And when he has come, 32:12 he will convict the world 32:13 of what sin of righteousness and of judgment." 32:17 So what I take from that verse 32:18 is that only the Holy Spirit will bring conviction. 32:21 Only the Holy Spirit will show your sisters 32:23 that they are at odds 32:24 and that they need to be reconciled to each other. 32:27 So allow the Holy Spirit to pursue them. 32:29 So pray, persist 32:31 and allow the Holy Spirit to pursue. 32:34 Amen. I like that. 32:35 Pray and persist. Excellent. 32:37 We want to invite you to submit your questions to us here. 32:40 You can email at 32:45 or you can text us at 618-228-3975. 32:49 I just have to say thank you to Ladonna 32:51 who organizes all these questions that come in 32:53 because we have literally been flooded 32:55 with questions from you. 32:56 Thank you for submitting them. 32:58 Amen Pastor Ryan, I like that I think we're all amening that, 33:00 and thank you for submitting the question 33:02 but thank you, Ladonna, 33:04 for sorting all these out and getting this, 33:05 getting all of these to us. 33:07 Pastor John, great question here. 33:09 Pastor John but this is from John-John. 33:11 Well, I saw it. 33:13 Did you see that? 33:14 Yeah. 33:15 So, John-John has this question, 33:17 "Why is there so much confusion about this seventh day Sabbath? 33:21 And will this be a main problem 33:23 in the last days of earth's history?" 33:25 I think that question is somewhat rhetorical 33:27 because I think you answered the question with a question. 33:30 Yes, because there's so much confusion about it 33:31 is going to be an issue. 33:33 You don't have confusion about something that's clear. 33:35 That's right. 33:36 If it's an issue, it's because it's not clear. 33:38 Let's go ahead and establish a couple of parameters. 33:40 We have a seven day week that's world over 33:42 whether you are atheist, whether you are Buddhist, 33:44 whatever you may be, 33:46 the entire world is on the clock 33:47 of a seven day week. 33:49 But ask yourself the question, 33:50 why do we have a seven day week. 33:52 And what does that do 33:54 and the only place you can find 33:56 a seven day week is in the Bible. 33:57 That's right. 33:59 You can't point to a star, a moon, 34:00 a planet or a rotation of the sun, 34:01 going up or going down, it's only in the Bible. 34:04 What did God do with that seventh day? 34:05 Genesis 2:1-3, 34:08 "Thus the heavens and the earth 34:09 and all the hosts of them were finished." 34:11 Genesis 2:2, 34:13 "And on the seventh day 34:14 God and His work which He had done 34:16 and He rested on the seventh day 34:17 from all His work which He had done. 34:19 Then God blessed the seventh day 34:21 and sanctified it 34:23 because in it He rested from all His work 34:25 which God had created and made." 34:27 The only day of the week that was blessed, 34:29 sanctified and God who never gets tired rested 34:33 as an example to us is the seventh day. 34:36 you might say, 34:38 "Well which day is the seventh day? 34:39 Look at your dictionary, look at the encyclopedia. 34:41 People have made attempts to change calendars, 34:43 but the fact that history is the seventh day is Saturday, 34:47 the Sabbath, according to the Bible. 34:49 It's not Jewish, because there were no Jews 34:51 when God blessed the seventh day, 34:53 Jesus kept the Sabbath and He said in Mark 2:27-28, 34:57 "The Sabbath was made for man" 34:58 It was kept in the Garden of Eden 35:02 by the Old Testament, 35:03 by the New Testament followers of Christ, 35:06 the disciples of Jesus kept it, the apostles kept it. 35:10 According to what Ryan said and this is history. 35:12 Rome changed it, 35:13 it's going to be kept in heaven, 35:15 why is it not being kept now? 35:17 That's why when the Mount Carmel showdown 35:19 between Ahab and Elijah happened. 35:22 Look what Ahab said, 35:24 look what Elijah said to Ahab in 1 Kings 18:18, 35:28 "I have not troubled Israel but you and your father have. 35:31 In that you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord, 35:34 and you followed Baal." 35:35 And lastly Revelation 12:17, when the Bible says, 35:38 "The dragon is angry with a woman 35:40 who keeps the commandments of God." 35:41 He's angry because the only one that's not being kept 35:45 and is being taught against is the one that Jesus says, 35:48 "Remember to keep it holy." 35:50 Amen. 35:51 And that's the Sabbath. 35:52 Wow. That's right. That's right. 35:54 Amen, Pastor. Thank you. 35:55 In two minutes, yeah, powerful. Amen. 35:56 Thank you and thank you for that question, John-John. 35:58 Jill, this I like this name, this comes from Genuine, 36:02 this is the person's name Genuine. 36:03 Genuine. I like that. 36:05 Yeah. Great name. 36:06 So Genuine's asking, Jill, 36:08 "When I read the book, Song of Solomon, 36:10 I just don't understand it. 36:12 What or who is the Song of Solomon about?" 36:16 Okay, well the Song of Solomon, 36:17 you can understand literally 36:19 and symbolically, allegorically. 36:21 I would submit there's more literal understanding 36:23 in the Song of Solomon, 36:24 but you can definitely see both. 36:26 The Song of Songs, it's really the best or most sublime song, 36:31 belonging to Solomon. 36:32 The King Solomon wrote it, 36:34 probably during the first half of his reign 36:37 before polygamy and idolatry got a hold of him. 36:40 This would have been... 36:42 If you look at Song of Solomon 6:8 36:44 it references 140 women in the harem 36:46 as opposed to his latter kingship 36:48 when there was 1000 women sitting in the harem. 36:50 Wow. 36:52 It was written, who the Shunammite is, 36:54 is there's some discussion on that, 36:56 some discussion, it could be Abishag, 36:58 which was David's nurse you could say 37:02 and his latter years, some discussion, 37:04 it could be Pharaoh's daughter 37:05 who was one of Solomon's first wives, it could be. 37:08 But the literal meaning of the Song of Solomon, 37:11 it's a love song. 37:13 It's a love story. 37:14 You see the courtship 37:16 in the first couple of chapters, 37:17 then you see the bridal procession 37:18 and wedding, 37:20 and you see the life of love after marriage. 37:23 The theme is courtship. 37:24 You can see that longing for each other. 37:26 You can see the expression of marriage, marital love 37:31 within the confines of a marriage relationship, 37:34 and there are some frank open discussion 37:37 in the Book of Song of Solomon regarding that physical love, 37:41 that God created between a husband and a wife. 37:46 The book really combats two extremes 37:49 asceticism, which is the dial of all pleasure, 37:52 and hedonism, which is the pursuit of only pleasure. 37:56 And then, of course, you can look at the book 37:58 as an allegory or a symbolism 38:00 of the love of Christ for His bride, 38:04 which is you and I, which is the church. 38:07 Wow. Amen. 38:08 Yeah. Thank you very much. 38:10 Excellent. 38:11 Pastor Ryan, no name with question, but it says, 38:13 "Can you explain the differences 38:15 between the rapture, and second coming of Christ. 38:18 Most Christians believe that the church will be rapture 38:21 before the tribulation, 38:22 but Matthew 24:29-31 states that, 38:25 "Immediately after the tribulation, 38:27 we shall see the Son of Man coming 38:29 in clouds with power and great glory." 38:32 Man, that's a powerful question. 38:34 Yes, it is. 38:35 And in fact to be frank, the person asked, 38:37 can I explain the difference 38:38 between the rapture and the second coming, 38:39 and the answer is no, I can't, 38:41 because in reality the rapture and the second coming 38:44 are the exact same event. 38:46 Now from an evangelical perspective, 38:48 obviously there are many people out there 38:50 who believe they are two separate events, 38:52 but the concept of rapture is found in Scripture. 38:55 The word rapture was not found 38:57 in the original text of Scripture. 38:59 And so what we want to look at here very quickly, 39:01 how do people get this idea 39:03 that there are two separate events, 39:07 the rapture that occurs some pre tribulation, 39:09 pre seven year tribulation, 39:11 and then seven years later, a second coming. 39:14 What happens is people go into Matthew 24, 39:16 and they take the first couple of chapters, excuse me, 39:19 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4-5, 39:21 and they tried to say that those events 39:22 are two separate events 39:24 when we read in 1 Thessalonians 39:25 from an evangelical perspective, 39:27 many people say that, that's the, 39:28 that's more of a rapture versus the Matthew 24 39:32 is more of a second coming 39:33 and I've had people explain it backwards. 39:35 The second coming is, 39:37 is found more in 1 Thessalonians 4-5 39:39 and you know the rapture is in Matthew 24. 39:41 The truth of the matter is 39:43 when you do a clear, responsible word search 39:45 and you just compare the two, 39:46 you find it is the exact same event. 39:48 For instance, the word coming Jesus coming in the clouds 39:52 in Matthew 24 and 1 Thessalonians, 39:54 same exact Greek word parousia, 39:56 which simply means 39:57 Christ is coming to gather His people. 39:59 Christ is seen in the clouds in Matthew 24, 40:02 He's seen in the clouds in 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4. 40:05 We see the sound of a trumpet or hear the sound of a trumpet 40:07 in Matthew 24, 40:09 we see again a trumpet sound in 1 Thessalonians 4-5. 40:13 We see Jesus talking about 40:14 no man knows the day nor the hour, 40:16 Matthew 24 and Paul mentions the, 40:18 you know, the variation of the times and seasons, 40:20 brethren, I have no need to write to you for 40:22 you know that the day of the Lord is coming 40:25 as a thief in the night. 40:26 Notice there's a thief referencing. 40:27 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5, 40:29 "Jesus is coming back as a thief." 40:31 In Matthew 24, 40:32 "All of the wicked are taken away," 40:34 in Matthew 24, "and destroyed." 40:35 "All of the wicked comes to sudden destruction" 40:37 in 1 Thessalonians 5. 40:39 And, of course, in both chapters 40:41 Jesus ends it with, watch, watch, 40:44 where the Son of man is coming soon. 40:45 So, it's the exact same event, 40:47 there's no pre tribulation rapture, 40:49 no seven years of tribulation, 40:51 although there is a tribulation. 40:52 But it's all the same event. 40:54 There's reason why it's called the second coming. 40:56 He came the first time, He's only going to come once 40:59 the second time, we just need to be prepared for it. 41:01 Amen. 41:02 Absolutely. Wow. Yeah. 41:04 Excellent answer, it's like military school, 41:06 it's like wow, bam, bam, bam. 41:08 It's incredible. 41:09 To God be glory. Yeah. Amen. 41:10 Thank you very much. 41:12 Pastor John, this is just a beautiful question, 41:13 it comes Youlde. 41:15 "What are the steps to being baptized?" 41:18 Beautiful question. Yes. 41:19 I love it because the Lord moves on hearts 41:21 to ask that question. 41:22 Let me just make six points, Jill. 41:25 One accept God's saving grace, Ephesians 2:8-9, 41:29 "For by grace you have been saved through faith 41:31 and that not of yourselves. 41:33 It is the gift of God, not of works, 41:34 lest any man should boast." 41:36 Let me give you a very revolutionary concept 41:38 you have been saved. 41:39 The gift is there. 41:41 You just have to accept it to be saved. 41:45 All provision has been made for you to be saved, 41:47 just accept the gift, 41:48 and the salvation now becomes yours. 41:50 But what happens when you accept God's grace, 41:53 something must follow repentance. 41:56 Yeah. 41:57 Acts 2:38, 41:58 "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized 42:01 in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ 42:04 for the remission of sin, 42:06 and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." 42:08 Watch, the gift of salvation, 42:10 then the gift of the Holy Spirit 42:11 to empower your life to live above the sin of the past." 42:15 But how does that repentance come? 42:17 Following confession. 42:19 1 John 1:9, 42:20 "If we confess our sins, 42:21 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins 42:24 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 42:27 If all unrighteousness is cleansed, 42:29 then what are you? 42:31 Righteous by the character of Christ, 42:33 then you have to forsake that sin. 42:35 Don't go back to it. 42:36 Proverbs 28:13, 42:37 "He who covers his sin will not prosper. 42:39 But whoever confesses and forsakes them 42:42 will have mercy." 42:44 But now preparatory to baptism, 42:46 you have to be taught the essentials. 42:48 Acts 8:29-31, 42:50 the example of the Ethiopian eunuch. 42:53 He was on his way back to Ethiopia 42:55 and Philip was sent out into the wilderness 42:57 first evangelistic series where only one person attended. 43:00 That's right. 43:01 And he said, "Do you understand what you're reading," 43:03 and he says in Acts 8:31, 43:05 "How can I understand unless someone guides me." 43:09 And he asked Philip to come up and sit down. 43:11 After the explanation, Acts 8:36, 43:15 now as they went down the road, 43:16 they came to some water and the eunuch said, 43:19 "See, here is water what hinders me 43:21 from being baptized." 43:23 And finally after you are baptized, 43:24 you accept the commission to go and lead others. 43:26 Matthew 28:19, 43:28 "Go and make disciples of all nations." 43:30 Wow. Amen. 43:31 Pastor, Thank you, Great six steps, 43:33 I mean, it's fantastic. 43:34 Thank you for that question. 43:36 Pastor Ryan, I tell you these questions here are just great, 43:39 I'll tell you, I love it. 43:41 He says, "Please explain the meaning 43:43 of one will be taken and the other left 43:45 from Matthew 24:40-42. 43:48 Please clarify who is taken, and who is left?" 43:50 Yeah. Absolutely. 43:52 So Matthew 24:40-42 43:54 is a great place to find this obviously, 43:56 that's one another one is Luke Chapter 17, 43:59 but to actually answer this question 44:01 we need to read what is found in Luke 17 44:03 because there's a clearer ending to that text 44:06 that gives us and sets the context 44:07 for who is being taken and who's being left. 44:09 And so let's read Luke 17:34-37, 44:12 these are those famous words, 44:14 "I tell you in that night 44:15 there will be two men in one bed, 44:16 that one would be taken and the other left. 44:18 Two women will be grinding together, 44:19 the one will be taken and the other left. 44:21 Two men will be in the field, 44:23 the one will be taken and the other left," 44:25 So up to this point Jesus is just simply establishing 44:27 that when He comes back at the second coming, 44:29 there's going to be two groups, 44:31 there's going to be the righteous, 44:32 there's going to be unrighteous, 44:33 the sheep and the goats, the wheat and the tares, right? 44:35 There's going to be some that will be taken 44:36 and the question is where will they be taken? 44:39 Really there shouldn't even be a question 44:40 as to where those who are taken are taken, 44:42 because we know that clearly 44:44 according to Matthew 24:31, it says that, 44:47 "The angels with the great sound of a trumpet 44:48 they gathered together his elect 44:50 from the four winds 44:51 from one end to heaven to the other." 44:53 So the angels come down and gather, 44:54 they take the righteous, 44:56 where are they being taken to the kingdom of God. 44:58 This is also communicated in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, 45:01 when it says, 45:03 "Then we who are alive and remain 45:04 are caught up together with them in the clouds 45:06 that meet the Lord in the air, " 45:08 Why are they meeting them in the air? 45:09 Because God is going to take the righteous 45:11 to heaven with Him. 45:13 I think the ultimate question though is, 45:14 what about these that are left. 45:16 The evangelical kind of 45:17 pre tribulation rapture theory says 45:19 there's going to be people left behind, 45:21 alive during, 45:22 you know, for seven more years of tribulation. 45:24 The context of this, the key to this of understanding 45:26 this is verse 37 of Luke 17. 45:30 So notice how he just said, 45:31 "One will be taken, one will be left, 45:33 One will be taken, one will be left." 45:34 Then He follows with this, and the disciples say. 45:36 "Where Lord" and Jesus' response 45:40 "Where the body is, 45:41 there the equals will be gathered together 45:43 while the equals gathered together. 45:46 Because those who have been left, 45:48 they are slain at the coming of the Lord." 45:49 We see this in 1 Thess... 45:50 or actually 2 Thessalonians 2:1 and 8, where it says that, 45:55 "The wicked are destroyed 45:57 at the brightness of the coming of Jesus." 45:59 And if you read the equivalent verse there in Matthew 24:28, 46:04 it's actually, Matthew says, 46:05 "Where the carcass is, 46:07 there where the equals be gathered together." 46:08 So those that are taken are taken to heaven. 46:11 Those that are left are left behind, 46:13 but they are slaying 46:14 at the brightness of the coming of Jesus. 46:16 Wow. Excellent. 46:17 Thank you very much, Pastor Ryan. 46:19 Jill, this says, 46:21 "What is the difference between God and Satan? 46:26 The difference between God and Satan 46:27 is like day and night. 46:29 God is love. Wow. 46:30 Satan is a liar, he's a murderer. 46:33 He acts out of his own selfish interest. 46:36 You know, at the cross, we see the justice of God, 46:39 combined with the mercy of God, 46:42 the justice of God and that the claims of the law, 46:45 they must be met. 46:46 The wages of sin is death. 46:48 We're told in Romans 6:23, 46:49 but the gift of God is eternal life 46:52 through Jesus Christ, our Lord. 46:54 The claims of the law must be met. 46:56 That's why Jesus die, 46:58 but we also see the mercy of God. 47:00 He took my punishment and my sin on himself. 47:04 2 Corinthians 5:21, 47:06 "God made Jesus 47:08 Who knew no sin to be sin for us 47:10 that we might become 47:12 the righteousness of God in Him." 47:15 At the cross we also see the hatred of sin, 47:17 we see the effects of sin, 47:20 we see the unfolding of Satan's plan 47:23 to destroy Jesus, 47:24 and by extension, all of us. 47:27 You know if you contrast. 47:28 I see that Christ is the way, truth and life. 47:31 Satan is a liar and the father of lies. 47:34 Christ's law is holy, just and good. 47:37 Satan's law is wicked, cruel and egotistical. 47:40 Christ's love is unselfish sacrificing love. 47:45 Satan's love is self focused. 47:48 Christ came to save sinners, Satan came to claim sinners. 47:52 Christ spilled His blood to save me, 47:55 Satan sought to kill me. 47:57 Christ sets me free. 47:59 Amen. 48:00 Satan enslaves me. 48:02 Christ tells the truth, Satan twists truth. 48:06 Christ leads with humility, Satan leads with pride. 48:10 Christ brings peace, Satan brings division. 48:14 Christ heals, Satan enfeebles. 48:18 Christ uplifts the downtrodden, 48:21 Satan oppresses the downtrodden. 48:23 Christ convicts, Satan condemns. 48:27 Christ empowers, Satan cast doubt. 48:31 The difference between Christ and Satan is everything. 48:34 Wow. Wow. 48:36 Amen. Praise the Lord. 48:37 I'll take those notes. 48:38 Yes, exactly. 48:40 Amen, thank you very much. Thank you, Jill. 48:41 Wow. 48:42 Well, we only have about three minutes left, 48:44 we've got some of our, we call them bonus questions 48:47 or extra questions. 48:48 Do you all want to tackle numbers five in a few minutes? 48:51 Shall we do that? 48:52 So let's all dive in. 48:54 So the question from Jan says, 48:55 "Would you discuss Numbers Chapter 5, 48:57 and how this shows the love of Jesus?" 49:00 Numbers five is a very, it's a long, 49:04 detailed book of statutes, codes and regulations 49:08 and I just put it this way. 49:10 The Numbers 5 contain regulations 49:11 that govern community relationships 49:13 among the people of God, 49:15 and we have some of the same parameters today. 49:17 Here my quick examples. 49:18 If someone is sick, or infected with something contagious. 49:22 We establish parameters to govern the head, 49:25 to govern the handling of these individuals, 49:27 so the contagion is not spread. 49:29 It also established parameters of morality and relationships 49:33 and obligations that contains specific prescribed measures 49:36 that should accompany the resolution of those matters 49:38 in marriage and relationships 49:40 with those who are not, you're not married to, 49:43 and you don't understand how powerful regulations are 49:46 until the divorce happens. 49:48 And one spouses says, 49:50 "Thank God that there are laws to protect my interests." 49:53 God was establishing these so that Israel, 49:56 His people will know how it works. 49:58 So in a nutshell, it's true today, 50:00 medical community has laws, 50:02 law enforcement community, 50:03 judicial community, family court 50:05 and the like have specific parameters 50:07 to govern matters of all areas. 50:09 And the nutshell principle 50:10 behind all of that is Luke 6:31, 50:14 "And just as you want men to do to you, 50:17 you also do to them likewise, 50:20 love your neighbor as yourself." 50:22 Matthew 22:39. 50:24 And so that's simply what it is. 50:25 It seems very harsh, 50:27 but if you are on the receiving end, 50:28 you'll say thank God, those parameters are in place. 50:32 Yeah, excellent. I love that, Pastor John. 50:34 I would just one thing that stuck out to me 50:36 when you try to seek the love of God 50:38 when you're reading some of these harsh things, 50:40 or some of these harsh laws. 50:41 Really I see love 50:42 because it's talking about separating the lepers person 50:45 from the society from the camp and that is love, 50:49 because you're trying to protect other people 50:51 from becoming infected, 50:52 where they're talking about adultery 50:54 and unfaithfulness 50:55 and the jealousy possibly of a husband against his wife, 50:59 maybe even falsely accusing her of adultery, 51:02 and I see love evidence there because it's giving the woman, 51:06 the benefit of the doubt 51:08 and that society was very patriarchal 51:10 and the woman was usually, 51:11 she couldn't own, she didn't have any rights, 51:13 she couldn't do anything, she was squashed down. 51:15 And so this is actually extending more rights to her 51:18 than maybe they even had in their society. 51:20 Yeah. Excellent. 51:22 Pastor Ryan, any other comments. 51:23 I can't add anything to that. 51:25 It's worded very well. 51:26 Yeah, fantastic, because we know that God is love. 51:28 The Bible says that and we know that. 51:30 Yeah, He is our Father and He's our friend 51:32 and I tell you what a loving God 51:34 that we each one of us serve. 51:35 What we're going to do right now 51:37 is actually take a quick break 51:38 and then we'll be right back with some closing thoughts. 51:42 If you're enjoying our 3ABN Bible Q and A, 51:45 then tell your friends. 51:47 Each Monday we'll bring you a fresh program, 51:49 answering the Bible questions you send us 51:51 and we'll use God's Holy Word to shed light on those texts 51:54 that seem difficult to understand. 51:57 If you would like your questions answered 51:58 on an upcoming program, 52:00 just email them to us. 52:02 Our email address is 52:06 That's 52:11 You can also text us your questions 52:13 by sending them to (618) 228-3975. 52:17 That number again is (618) 228-3975. 52:23 Be sure to include your name and where you live, 52:25 and then watch 3ABN Bible Q and A 52:28 for the answers from God's Word. |
Revised 2021-05-13