3ABN Today Bible Q&A

When Am I God's Child?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210008A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:01 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
01:16 and we welcome you
01:17 to 3ABN Today Bible Q and A
01:23 every Monday night,
01:24 or every Monday we are taking this time
01:28 and dedicating it to your questions.
01:32 We're getting Bible questions from all over the world.
01:36 And if you would like to submit some questions for us
01:40 to do on future programs,
01:42 you can go to
01:43 BibleQA@3abn.org.
01:49 BibleQA@3abn.org.
01:54 Or you can text us your questions
01:56 at (618) 228-3975.
02:02 (618) 228-3975.
02:06 And we'd be delighted to try to get to your question.
02:10 Now, here's the thing.
02:12 We've got some of these questions,
02:13 we're trying to do these rapid fire.
02:16 Boy, you all are sending in some questions
02:18 we could preach for a couple of hours.
02:22 But before we begin today,
02:25 Jay, you want to have an opening prayer for us?
02:27 Absolutely.
02:28 Dear Heavenly Father, as we open Your Word,
02:32 we just ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
02:35 guide our conversation, be with the viewers as well.
02:39 And help a decision to be made for you today.
02:42 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
02:43 Amen.
02:45 And I guess I'll have to introduce you guys
02:46 just in case somebody hasn't been watching.
02:49 Jason Bradley, we're so glad that you're here today.
02:53 And Pastor Ryan Day,
02:54 and my pastor, Pastor John Lomacang.
02:57 These are Bible students and they're ready to go.
03:02 John, we're going to begin with you.
03:05 This question is coming from Vanessa.
03:07 She said,
03:09 "Recently, I heard a preacher say that
03:11 all are God's children,
03:13 and was not pleased with that statement."
03:15 They said,
03:17 "We are all created by God,
03:18 but only those who obey Him are His children.
03:21 So I'm asking when I obey, am I His child?
03:26 And if I fail, am I not?"
03:30 Well, the Lord,
03:32 I think that what the pastor was probably saying,
03:34 and I'm not trying to defend him.
03:36 When he says we are all God's children
03:38 by creation.
03:40 We are all God's children.
03:41 But when sin entered the world, it broke that relationship.
03:45 And then there became two categorical groups
03:47 that exists ever since then,
03:49 those who are obedient to God's requirements
03:51 and those who are disobedient or at some cases recalcitrant.
03:54 They just determined not to be.
03:57 And Jesus addressed that group in John 8:44.
04:01 When he was speaking to the religious leaders,
04:02 He said,
04:04 "You are of your father, the devil."
04:07 So in that context,
04:08 when a person is recalcitrant,
04:10 he's determined not to follow God's will,
04:12 he does not identify with Him.
04:14 He made it clear,
04:15 you are of your father, the devil,
04:16 and the desires of your father you want to do.
04:19 So we look at the world today.
04:20 And we see people doing some hideous things.
04:22 That's not identified by any means
04:24 with the character of God.
04:26 But I think what he means by this is,
04:28 and I mean to say the other part,
04:30 do we become His children when we obey?
04:32 And do we cease to be His children
04:34 when we disobey?
04:35 No, not any more than
04:36 you cease to be the mother of your child
04:38 when they disobey
04:39 and you become the mother when they obey.
04:41 There's something called grace.
04:43 The Bible makes it very clear in 1 John 2:1.
04:46 "My little children, these things are right to you
04:48 that you may not sin.
04:50 But if anyone sins
04:52 we have an advocate with the Father,
04:54 Jesus Christ, the righteous."
04:55 We are commissioned by Christ
04:58 and encouraged to take hold of His grace and strength
05:00 and not to sin.
05:01 But when we do sin, He doesn't cast us away.
05:04 He says, "But I am your advocate."
05:06 And the Bible says,
05:07 "Beloved, we are the children of God now."
05:09 And finally Proverbs 24:16,
05:13 "A righteous man may fall seven times
05:15 and rise again,
05:16 but the wicked shall fall by calamity."
05:20 So we don't cease to be God's children
05:21 in our growth patterns,
05:23 because we fail along the way.
05:25 He continues to accept us as we repent,
05:28 and continue to mold us and shape us into His image.
05:30 Amen, thank you for that answer.
05:33 All right.
05:34 Pastor Ryan,
05:36 we're going to go to you
05:37 this question is directed to you.
05:40 "In a previous program,
05:41 you made it sound like
05:43 hellfire would be over in one day.
05:45 I just like to point out Great Controversy, page 673,
05:50 where it says, some will suffer many days.
05:52 Can you please explain further?"
05:55 And this question comes from Rachel.
05:57 Absolutely.
05:58 And I appreciate Rachel for sending this in.
06:01 Because this particular quote,
06:03 I have read through the Great Controversy,
06:05 as well as the thousands and thousands
06:08 of other pages in quotes,
06:10 you know that
06:11 you can't really read all of Ellen White's writings,
06:13 but I've read so much and this particular quote,
06:15 just kind of slipped past my radar.
06:18 That taken in consideration,
06:19 I'm going to come back
06:21 and say something in just a moment
06:22 about this quote from Ellen White,
06:23 but just want to make it clear that
06:25 where I was getting that,
06:26 from that day, that single day perspective
06:28 was there was about five or six texts
06:30 that I had referenced,
06:32 that it talks about the judgment of God
06:34 coming down on us in a day,
06:36 the wrath of the Lord coming in a day,
06:38 that they will be burned up in a day.
06:40 And some of those texts were Job 21:30, 2 Peter 2:9,
06:44 Malachi 4:1-3.
06:46 And so I was taking that very literal.
06:49 But that being said,
06:51 this particular question brought me back to a point
06:53 where I had to go back to the drawing board,
06:55 and ask the question that I missed something.
06:57 And we came together and the Bible says,
06:59 "Let us all reason together."
07:01 So I've got Pastor Lomacang, Pastor Dinzey,
07:03 many of the panel members together,
07:04 and we talked through this.
07:05 And, you know, I am not, I'm not too proud to say that
07:09 I have reconsidered this.
07:11 And I can see very clearly
07:12 that if you take a scope
07:14 of multiple texts throughout the Bible,
07:16 you can see very clearly that while yes, it is possible
07:19 that very much God could bring down
07:21 all of that judgment on someone within a 24-hour period.
07:25 It's also very much possible
07:27 based on the concept that God is a God of justice,
07:29 that that justice can extend past
07:31 a 24-hour literal period of time.
07:34 Now the Bible, I want to make this very clear,
07:36 the Bible does not explicitly say
07:38 how long that time period is going to be.
07:41 Even Mrs. White says many days,
07:43 she doesn't give a specific time period,
07:45 however many days that is, we don't really know.
07:47 But I will state after reconfiguring
07:49 and looking through a few of these texts,
07:52 we have to recognize that God is a God of justice.
07:54 And yes, the Bible does say that
07:56 each and every one of us will be rewarded,
07:57 or we will receive a reward according to our works,
08:00 according to our deeds.
08:01 And so you know,
08:03 Pastor Lomacang brought this to my attention.
08:04 It's very live,
08:05 very, very much clearer to think that,
08:07 you know, Hitler for all of the horrible deeds
08:09 that he has done
08:11 compared to someone who may not have been repentant
08:13 according to a sin or two that they committed
08:15 is that justice that they would receive
08:17 the same duration of punishment, of course not.
08:20 And so we have to just simply allow the Bible
08:23 to say what it says,
08:24 while it does say in these texts,
08:26 that it comes within a day,
08:27 it is not very clear for myself or anyone
08:29 for that matter to say,
08:31 and to put God's judgment in a box
08:32 and say that it's within this 24-hour period,
08:35 or it's this many days.
08:36 The Bible does not explicitly say,
08:38 and so we're going to say this very clearly,
08:40 God is a just God.
08:42 He is a loving God, He is a passionate God.
08:44 And He loves each and every one of us.
08:45 And He will give the just judgment
08:47 according to however long He sees fit,
08:50 whether it is within 24 literal hours
08:53 or if it is beyond that.
08:55 And I just want to leave it at that for now,
08:57 because I don't want to add too much into this.
08:59 We want to make it clear
09:01 that the overall point of this is not to just,
09:03 not to make a big deal out of this
09:05 because it's not a salvation issue
09:07 one way or the other.
09:08 But we want to stick
09:10 to the whole scope of the matter,
09:11 which is we know for sure
09:12 that God does not allow
09:14 according to His grace and His love
09:15 for people to burn for ceaseless ages to come,
09:18 that He is a just God that these fires will burn out,
09:20 they will consume the wicked,
09:22 and it will come to an end,
09:24 according to His perfect timing.
09:25 Amen.
09:27 Thank you so much for that.
09:29 And now, Jason,
09:31 I want to call you, Jay if that's okay.
09:32 You can.
09:34 Your first question.
09:35 "If God is powerful,
09:38 the creator of heaven and earth,
09:40 what's stopping Him
09:42 from paralyzing the devil's efficiency?"
09:46 And this comes
09:47 I hope I'm pronouncing your name right,
09:49 from Agrai.
09:50 Okay.
09:52 Well, first off, thank you for your question, Agrai.
09:55 I'd like to start by saying that
09:56 God is definitely
09:57 the powerful creator of heaven and earth.
10:01 Having said that, let's begin in the Book of Job
10:04 and examine the conversation between God and Satan.
10:08 And Job 1:10-12,
10:12 "Have you not made a hedge around him,
10:15 around his household
10:16 and around all that he has on every side?
10:20 You have blessed the work of his hands
10:22 and his possessions have increased in the land.
10:25 But now stretch out your hand and touch all that he has,
10:29 and He will surely curse you to your face."
10:31 And the Lord said to Satan,
10:33 'Behold, all that he has is in your power,
10:37 only do not lay a hand on his person.'"
10:40 Now notice that
10:41 He's stopping, He's drawing the line,
10:45 He's drawing the line there.
10:47 "Do not lay a hand on his person."
10:48 So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.
10:51 And if you've never read the Book of Job,
10:53 I definitely encourage you to read that book,
10:57 as it's a powerful one.
10:59 But then consider 1 John 3:8 that says,
11:02 "He who sins is of the devil,
11:04 for the devil has sinned from the beginning.
11:07 For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested,
11:10 that He might destroy the works of the devil."
11:13 We have to remember that
11:15 sin was never God's ideal for mankind.
11:19 All the bad things
11:20 that are taking place in our world
11:21 are a result of sin,
11:24 and God doesn't force us to worship Him.
11:27 If He got rid of the devil, as soon as He sinned,
11:30 God's character would be in question.
11:33 We wouldn't have any idea how bad sin truly was.
11:38 And we really wouldn't have free will.
11:40 And God is a God of free will.
11:41 He allows us to choose
11:43 whether or not we're going to serve Him.
11:45 Despite everything that we're facing on this earth,
11:48 I find great hope in Revelation 21:4.
11:51 And it says,
11:53 "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes,
11:56 there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying,
11:59 there shall be no more pain,
12:01 for the former things have passed away."
12:04 Amen.
12:06 Jay, thank you so much.
12:07 So you at home are seeing some of the examples
12:10 of the types of questions we're getting.
12:12 And we want to encourage you,
12:15 because we're doing this for you.
12:16 Send your questions to BibleQA@3abn.org.
12:23 That's how you can email us, BibleQA@3abn.org.
12:29 Or you can text us
12:31 at (618) 228-3975.
12:37 And we look forward to your questions.
12:39 All right, John,
12:41 this is an interesting one is wearing,
12:44 no name,
12:45 "Is wearing a mask
12:48 conforming to the mark of the beast?"
12:51 The answer is unequivocally
12:53 absolutely without any reservation or doubt,
12:57 from the depths of my soul from my feet to my head,
13:01 no, absolutely not.
13:03 What has happened
13:05 in this political rhetoric society
13:07 that we're now existing in, at least in America,
13:10 is the mask has taken on so many different meanings
13:14 that people are saying
13:16 if they're forcing us to wear a mask,
13:18 is this just the genesis of us being forced
13:22 to receive the mark of the beast?
13:23 That's where they're trying to build a bridge.
13:25 And the answer is no.
13:27 Other people might say,
13:29 well, there seems to be an intolerance to me
13:31 not wanting to wear a mask.
13:33 There seems to be a continual push
13:35 that I must wear a mask.
13:37 Are they testing my allegiance to see whether or not
13:40 I will succumb to the powers that be?
13:42 I can't answer that question either way.
13:44 But based on your question, the answer is no.
13:46 It is not the mark of the beast.
13:48 The mark of the beast is a religious issue
13:52 based on religious intolerance and persecution.
13:55 The mask is based on a medical ordinance,
13:59 simply put.
14:00 Simply put and beautifully stated.
14:02 Thank you.
14:03 I'm going to jump back to you, Jason, on this one
14:05 because it kind of these questions
14:08 go hand in hand, if you will.
14:10 "Can taking the COVID vaccine affect my faith
14:14 or is taking or not taking the COVID vaccine
14:19 a matter of faith."
14:20 And this is Rovestry in Canada?
14:23 Okay.
14:24 Well, before I answer this question,
14:26 I just want to put this disclaimer out.
14:28 I am not a doctor, nor do I profess to be one.
14:32 So I think that
14:33 you should consult your primary care physician
14:36 as to whether or not
14:37 you should take the COVID vaccine.
14:39 I'm not going to tell you either way.
14:41 But I will say that
14:43 the COVID vaccine is
14:45 whether you get it or whether you don't,
14:47 it's not a matter of faith.
14:49 It's not indicative of a lack of faith
14:53 or a surplus of faith or any of that.
14:56 God has blessed us with the intellect
14:58 to go seek the help that we need from doctors
15:02 who he's blessed with the resources
15:04 and the knowledge to treat us.
15:06 Now with anything,
15:07 we should always take everything
15:09 in prayer to the Lord.
15:10 So even when we go in for surgery,
15:12 we pray and ask God to guide the physician's hands,
15:16 or the guide the surgeon's hands
15:18 and come up with the best treatment plan for us.
15:21 So with everything
15:23 we should pray and ask God for His guidance,
15:26 but that is not a lack of faith if you get it,
15:29 and it's not a lack of faith if you don't.
15:31 If you break your arm and you go to the doctor,
15:34 you're going to get your arm set back in place,
15:37 that doesn't mean that you lack faith.
15:39 Amen. Well spoken.
15:40 All right.
15:42 Now kind of turning back to a Bible question, Ryan.
15:46 "Why is the study of Daniel so very important, "
15:52 and this is from Rustan.
15:54 Thank you.
15:56 Because your life depends on it.
15:59 It's a matter of life and death literally.
16:03 Let's be reminded for 2 Peter Chapter 2,
16:05 excuse me, 2 Peter 1:19-21.
16:09 This is what the Bible says about prophecy.
16:11 And Daniel is a prophetic book.
16:14 And so notice what verse 19 through 21 says
16:16 of 2 Peter Chapter 1.
16:17 It says,
16:19 "And so we have a prophetic word confirmed,
16:20 which you do well to heed as a light
16:23 that shines in a dark place until the day dawns,
16:26 and the morning star rises in your hearts,
16:28 knowing this first,
16:29 that no prophecy of Scripture
16:31 is of any private interpretation,
16:33 for prophecy never came by the will of man,
16:35 but holy men of God spoke as they were moved
16:38 by the Holy Spirit."
16:39 So this is a message from God in the Book of Daniel,
16:42 straight from the Holy Spirit.
16:44 And so how important it is,
16:45 is it for us to know and to study
16:48 and understand the Book of Daniel?
16:49 It is extremely important.
16:51 Even Jesus Himself in Matthew 24.
16:53 In His day, some 500-600 years after Daniel's book
16:57 had been written and put out there
16:59 for people to read those scrolls,
17:00 Jesus is referring His disciples
17:03 back to the study of Daniel
17:05 so that they will be aware of the signs of the times
17:07 that they were living in.
17:08 And, you know, not to mention
17:10 how in the world we're going to understand
17:12 the great prophetic
17:13 end time apocalyptic Book of Revelation,
17:16 if we have not first studied responsibly
17:18 the Book of Daniel.
17:20 For instance, Revelation 13:1-2,
17:22 when you read about
17:23 this beast rising up out of the sea,
17:25 how in the world would you know what a beast represents
17:26 if you haven't first studied Daniel?
17:28 It talks about horns in this chapter.
17:30 How would you know what a horn represents
17:31 if you haven't first studied the Book of Daniel?
17:34 And he goes on to talk about this beast comprised of,
17:36 you know, a bear and a mouth of a lion
17:39 and the body of a leopard,
17:40 you wouldn't know what any of those things meant
17:42 have you not first studied the Book of Daniel.
17:45 So how important is it?
17:46 It is crucially important
17:47 because much of the great prophecies of Revelation
17:50 depends on your knowledge and responsible study
17:53 of the great prophetic Book of Daniel.
17:55 So study, study, study,
17:57 come to show yourself approved
17:58 asking the Lord to give you understanding.
18:01 Thank you so much.
18:02 All right, John.
18:04 Does a person have to...
18:06 This is from Julie in South Dakota.
18:08 Julie, thank you for your question.
18:10 "Does a person have to be 100% surrendered in the light
18:16 that has been given to him or her
18:19 in order to be saved?"
18:22 Okay, I love the question.
18:23 Let me make it very clear.
18:25 Following light that you've been given
18:27 is not the means of salvation, Jesus Christ is.
18:31 That's the first and foremost thing,
18:33 because there are people
18:34 that have become intellectual sinners.
18:37 They have a lot of understanding,
18:38 they have 28 fundamentals.
18:40 And, you know, we know Ryan knows,
18:41 as he do a lot of evangelism and preaching.
18:44 There's some people that could argue very well
18:46 the doctrines of the Bible,
18:47 and they can maybe back you into the corner,
18:49 but they don't know Jesus.
18:51 So first and foremost,
18:53 salvation is based on
18:54 not an intellectual understanding,
18:55 but a heart surrender.
18:57 Having said that, when you surrender,
19:00 I'm married,
19:01 my wife and I don't have a 50-50 relationship,
19:03 it's a 100%-100%.
19:05 That's right.
19:06 And I've said to somebody in counseling once,
19:07 if you think that 50-50 is going to work in a marriage,
19:09 you don't know woman and you don't know men.
19:13 If you think that 50% in relationship with Christ
19:15 is going to work,
19:17 you don't know Christ and you don't know math.
19:19 He said in Matthew 16:24.
19:22 Matthew 16:24,
19:24 "If anyone desires to come after Me,
19:26 let him deny himself
19:28 and take up his cross and follow Me."
19:31 And by the way, He says in Luke 14:33,
19:34 "So likewise,
19:35 whoever of you does not forsake all
19:39 that he has cannot be My disciple."
19:42 If God has given you understanding,
19:43 100% dedication,
19:46 100% investment in the bank brings 100% interest.
19:50 Absolutely.
19:52 I just praise God that the light that we have
19:55 glows brighter and brighter with each passing day.
19:58 Good point.
19:59 This is a fun one, Jay.
20:02 Since fish are water creatures, this is Irene in Tennessee.
20:07 "Since fish are water creatures,
20:10 did all the fish die in the flood waters
20:13 since they were outside of the ark?
20:16 If not, how were they preserved?"
20:20 Okay, excellent question.
20:22 There is no thus saith
20:25 the Lord on this particular subject,
20:27 but I believe that
20:29 we will be able to deduce from scripture
20:32 that fish were preserved.
20:34 Genesis 7:20-24.
20:39 "The waters prevailed 15 cubits upward
20:43 and the mountains were covered,
20:45 and all flesh died that moved on the earth."
20:48 Okay, notice that all flesh died
20:51 that moved on the earth.
20:53 "Birds and cattle and beasts,
20:55 and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
20:58 Okay, so fish swim,
21:00 "And every man, all in whose nostrils,"
21:03 okay, fish have gills,
21:06 "was the breath of the spirit of life,
21:09 all that was on the dry land died."
21:13 Fish are in the water.
21:15 "So he destroyed all living things
21:18 which were on the face of the ground.
21:21 So on the face of the grounds, both man and cattle,
21:26 creeping thing and bird of the air,
21:29 they were destroyed from the earth.
21:32 Only Noah and those who were with him in the ark
21:35 remained alive,
21:36 and the waters prevailed on the earth 150 days."
21:41 So the other thing to consider is that
21:43 people ate fish,
21:45 like after and there was no place
21:47 that I've seen in the Word of God
21:49 that says that fish were recreated.
21:51 So there were still fish after, we still have fish today.
21:55 And so I think
21:56 fish were just swimming just fine throughout the flood.
21:59 Good deduction. I thought that was good.
22:02 All right.
22:03 This next question kind of breaks my heart.
22:08 Lovanna, we love you.
22:12 My mother suffered with this, Lovanna, is Ryan,
22:17 we're going to let you answer this.
22:18 She says,
22:20 "I am currently admitted in the hospital
22:22 diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
22:24 It's been a real struggle for me
22:26 to act right
22:28 in the circumstances I have been placed.
22:31 And my mental health
22:32 and with my mental health issues.
22:35 How does one keep the hope
22:37 in the darkest moments of their life?"
22:40 There is hope.
22:42 Absolutely.
22:43 You know, it's, this is very tough,
22:45 because there's so many different,
22:49 very strange and interesting scenarios
22:52 that people have to go through
22:54 and that they have to experience.
22:55 And it's not always easy from one person to the next.
22:57 You just say,
22:58 "Oh, you know, just hang in there and go on,
23:00 everything's going to be okay."
23:02 But nonetheless,
23:03 in the darkest moments of anyone's life,
23:05 no matter what they are going through,
23:07 the one thing that we can rely on
23:10 is God's Word.
23:11 The promises of God's Word.
23:13 And, you know, as I was reading this question,
23:16 Lovanna, I thought of Isaiah 41:10,
23:20 which says,
23:21 "Fear not for I'm with you,
23:23 be not dismayed for I am your God,
23:26 I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you,
23:29 I will uphold you with the right,
23:31 with my righteous right hand."
23:33 There is an array of beautiful promises
23:35 in God's Word
23:36 that no matter what we are going through,
23:38 no matter what we are experiencing,
23:40 God says, I'm there with you,
23:41 that you may have to walk through the fire,
23:43 but I'm there with you.
23:45 You may have to deal with whatever anxiety,
23:47 depression, mental illness or whatever it is
23:50 that you're dealing with at that moment.
23:51 But God promises that
23:52 not only will he walk through that with you
23:55 and get you through that,
23:56 but He promises that on the other side,
23:58 whenever that may be,
23:59 He will deliver you from that if you remain hopeful in Him
24:02 and place your faith in Him.
24:04 I think of Jeremiah 29:11-13,
24:07 which promises that God has a plan for your life.
24:10 And it was never God's plan
24:11 for you to have to go through the troubles
24:13 and whoever's watching this right now,
24:15 whatever difficulties, trials, tribulations, ailments,
24:19 or whatever you're dealing with.
24:20 It was never God's plan for you to have to go through this.
24:23 It's the enemy's fault.
24:25 And he should be the one to get the fist shaken at.
24:27 But God wants to see you through.
24:29 Philippians 1:6 promises us
24:31 that He who has begun a good work in us
24:34 will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.
24:37 All of these promises together.
24:38 All I'm saying is dwell on those promises.
24:40 Believe in the Word of God,
24:42 believe that when Christ says
24:43 that He will see you through
24:45 and that He will be there through it.
24:46 Yes, sometimes we have to endure things
24:48 for the building of our faith,
24:50 for the building of our character.
24:51 I'm thinking of James Chapter 1.
24:53 It says that
24:54 sometimes we have to go through
24:55 these tribulation and trials to build patience,
24:57 and to build our faith in God.
24:58 And for whatever reason,
25:00 God will allow us to go through it.
25:01 But He will not allow us to go past the point
25:03 that we can't bear.
25:05 Don't lose your hope in Christ.
25:06 Keep pressing forward and know that
25:08 no matter what dark cloud hovers over your life,
25:11 Jesus is in that cloud.
25:13 And He is there with you to see you through,
25:15 if only you will believe.
25:16 Amen.
25:17 And, Lovanna, I just want to add this,
25:19 do not allow the stigma to take away your hope.
25:24 You know, if you were a diabetic,
25:27 that's a chemical imbalance, you need insulin.
25:30 Well, bipolar mood disorder is a chemical imbalance.
25:34 It's usually because of the lithium in our bodies
25:36 and the minerals.
25:38 So this is something just stay on your medication,
25:41 don't be embarrassed by it,
25:43 and know that God has a plan for your life.
25:45 All right, that's good.
25:48 Now let's see, John.
25:52 "Is the purpose of speaking in tongues,
25:56 if the purpose of speaking in tongues
25:58 is to hear the gospel in your own language.
26:01 Why were tongues given to the disciples
26:04 in Ephesus in Acts 19?
26:07 That comes from Sida for you.
26:08 Wonderful. Acts 19:6-7.
26:11 And I think that's what you're referring to
26:12 and the Bible says,
26:14 "When Paul had laid hands on them,
26:16 the Holy Spirit came upon them,
26:18 and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.
26:21 Now the men were about 12 in all."
26:24 I think that a thorough study or a more detailed study
26:27 of the book of Ephesus
26:28 or the city of Ephesus at that time
26:31 would really be enlightening.
26:32 And I decided to do that in light of this question.
26:35 And I've discovered that as Jerusalem was to the Jews,
26:39 Ephesus was to the Gentiles.
26:42 Ephesus was a city where the God called Artemis,
26:47 also known as Diana was worshiped.
26:49 It was a center of commerce for the Gentiles.
26:53 The Lord decided,
26:55 He filled the disciples to proclaim the gospel
26:58 on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem,
27:00 the center for the Jews,
27:03 and where Diana was worshipped in Ephesus,
27:05 the center for the Gentiles,
27:07 people from all Gentile backgrounds
27:10 commerced that city.
27:12 He ignited the lives of 12 men
27:14 to communicate in the languages of the people
27:17 through the amazing gospel
27:19 that they would only have access to
27:21 as they came to worship Diana,
27:23 and the evidence of that is verse 20.
27:26 So the word of the Lord grew mightily
27:29 and prevailed.
27:31 So the Lord ignited men in the center of pagan worship
27:34 for the Gentiles,
27:35 as He ignited the apostles on the day of Pentecost
27:38 in the center for the Jews.
27:40 Amen. Well, that's good.
27:41 Amen. Thank you.
27:43 That was good question.
27:45 This comes from Bruce in North Carolina.
27:48 And, Jay, we're going to let you answer this.
27:52 He says,
27:53 "Ever since I was re-baptized,
27:56 I've lost my job became anemic and have a hole in my eardrum.
28:01 Why is God letting all this bad luck happen to me?"
28:07 Bruce, first, I just want to say that
28:09 I'm sorry to hear that
28:10 you've had such a rough experience.
28:12 But I have to say that
28:15 it's not uncommon that
28:16 that this type of thing happens
28:18 and so we're going to get into that.
28:20 Anytime we make a decision to serve the Lord,
28:22 the devil gets angry and wants to attack us.
28:25 Now consider the following scriptures.
28:27 1 Peter 5:8-10 says,
28:30 "Be sober, be vigilant
28:32 because your adversary the devil
28:35 walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
28:40 Resist him steadfast in the faith,
28:42 knowing that the same sufferings
28:45 are experienced by your brotherhood
28:47 in the world.
28:48 But may the God of all grace
28:51 who called us to His eternal glory
28:53 by Christ Jesus,
28:55 after you have suffered a while,
28:57 perfect, establish, strengthen and settle you."
29:01 James 1:2-4,
29:05 "My brethren counted all joy
29:07 when you fall into various trials,
29:09 knowing that the testing of your faith
29:11 produces patience,
29:13 but let patience have its perfect work
29:16 that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
29:20 Also, Bruce, keep in mind who we're wrestling with.
29:24 If you look at Ephesians 6:12, the Word of God says this,
29:28 "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood
29:31 but against principalities, against powers,
29:33 against the rulers of the darkness of this age,
29:36 against spiritual hosts of wickedness
29:39 in the heavenly places."
29:41 And so even though
29:42 you are facing these tough trials,
29:45 God is standing with you through the midst of them.
29:49 Just continue to persevere in faith,
29:51 stay steadfast in your walk with Him,
29:54 and continue to give these burdens to the Lord.
29:57 He's there with you.
29:58 Think about the three Hebrew boys
30:00 who stood in the fiery furnace.
30:03 Jesus stood with them in the midst of their trial.
30:06 And He's standing with you now.
30:07 Amen.
30:09 Thank you there, Jay.
30:10 All right. This is a question from DJ.
30:13 Ryan, and let's give this one to you.
30:16 Does Ash Wednesday and Purim have a biblical basis?
30:23 Well, the simple answer is no.
30:26 Neither one of these particular practices
30:29 or celebrations are mentioned in Scripture.
30:32 Now, of course, Purim is a,
30:35 it's a Jewish celebration
30:37 based on the real actual story
30:39 that we find in the Book of Esther
30:40 in which, obviously,
30:42 the children of Israel were saved
30:43 from the hands and the destructive plans
30:46 and dark plans of Haman
30:48 to wipe out all of the children of Israel.
30:50 And so the Jewish nation has,
30:52 they celebrate Purim in commemoration,
30:54 and in celebration of that redemption
30:58 that was brought to them,
30:59 but that particular celebration
31:02 is not found in Scripture anywhere.
31:04 We can find obviously the story of this
31:06 in the Book of Esther, but that's not found.
31:08 Ash Wednesday,
31:09 that also is not mentioned in Scripture.
31:12 Now the concept behind Ash Wednesday,
31:14 those who don't know what Ash Wednesday is,
31:16 it's basically marks
31:17 the beginning of what is called Lent.
31:19 And so basically Lent is this extended period
31:22 in which not all Christian denominations
31:25 but some, such as Catholics, Aether
31:27 Norse, Orthodox, Lutherans, Methodists and Anglicans
31:31 all have this 40 day period
31:32 in which they give up something for the Lord
31:35 or they have a time
31:36 in which they surrender something to God.
31:38 Now, the concept of that
31:40 giving up and surrendering for the Lord
31:42 absolutely is found in Scripture.
31:44 But the 40 days of Lent or the Ash Wednesday,
31:47 that marks the beginning of this,
31:48 of this time period in which you kind of,
31:51 you know, you give this up,
31:52 or you purge your soul for the Lord
31:54 that is specifically not mentioned in Scripture.
31:57 And we do know that some of these practices
31:59 do have kind of a pagan background.
32:01 And we want to be careful
32:03 not to just adopt any little thing in our life.
32:06 So to answer this question very directly, very simply, no,
32:09 these particular practices and celebrations
32:11 are not found in Scripture.
32:13 Giving up something for the Lord is great.
32:15 Absolutely, we should.
32:16 But you know, what,
32:18 if we have to do it for 40 days,
32:19 we probably should be rethinking
32:20 and praying through
32:22 because more than likely,
32:23 that's something we need to be giving up permanent
32:25 for the Lord.
32:26 So we'll just leave it at that. That's good.
32:29 All right, I'm going to come back to you, Jay.
32:32 "When man was created on the sixth day,
32:35 was he in a spiritual or flesh body?
32:37 If so, was Adam who was formed from the ground
32:40 and in the Garden of Eden,
32:41 a spiritual body till he sinned,
32:44 and then became flesh?
32:46 Looking for scripture to understand if there is any."
32:50 And this is from Sherry in Pennsylvania.
32:53 Well, yes, Sherry, there is definitely scripture
32:56 that will provide you with the answers
32:58 that you are seeking.
33:00 The simple answer is Adam was in a flesh body.
33:04 So let's prove it.
33:05 Genesis 2:7,
33:08 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground,
33:11 so He formed man of the dust of the ground
33:15 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
33:19 and man became a living being."
33:21 Genesis 2:21-24,
33:26 "And the Lord God caused the deep sleep to fall on Adam,
33:31 and he slept,
33:32 and He took one of his ribs."
33:35 So notice he has ribs
33:36 and closed up the flesh in its place.
33:41 "Then the rib
33:42 which the Lord God had taken from man
33:44 He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man."
33:48 Well, that's the best sleep ever right there.
33:50 And Adam said,
33:52 "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh,
33:57 she shall be called woman
33:58 because she was taken out of man.
34:01 Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother
34:05 and be joined to his wife
34:06 and they shall become one flesh."
34:09 So Adam and Eve
34:10 were both flesh and bone prior to entering,
34:15 prior to sin entering the world.
34:17 Amen.
34:19 Okay, you guys are doing great.
34:21 Pastor John?
34:22 Okay.
34:24 This is a good one.
34:25 This is from Kathy in Connecticut.
34:27 Kathy, thank you for your question.
34:29 She says,
34:31 "I know the spirit,
34:33 the witch of Endor called up was an evil spirit.
34:36 I just always wondered how the devil knew exactly
34:40 what would happen to Saul the next day.
34:42 Did God have the devil speak those words?"
34:46 Well, Kathy, the answer is God doesn't unite with evil
34:49 to accomplish His purpose.
34:51 When this experience occurred,
34:53 and we find this in 1 Samuel Chapter 28.
34:55 Saul had already been...
34:58 Saul had already turned away from the Lord
35:00 and the Spirit of the Lord left him
35:02 and he didn't even know it.
35:04 And therefore,
35:05 he went ahead and participated in a practice
35:09 that he himself had forbade in his own kingdom.
35:12 You find in 1 Samuel 28:9 and 10.
35:16 This is where Saul even stepped over the bounds
35:19 because when the witch of Endor recognized him,
35:22 she said,
35:24 "Wait a minute, you know what Saul has said
35:27 concerning the witches and how they are banned
35:29 and how they can be killed."
35:31 And then Saul said in verse 10,
35:34 "Saul swore to her by the Lord."
35:37 He included God in His rebellion against God.
35:43 He used God's name to give authorization to evil.
35:47 He says,
35:48 "As the Lord lives,
35:49 no punishment shall come upon you
35:51 for this thing."
35:53 The Lord did not participate with Saul
35:56 or with the witch of Endor or brought up actual Samuel.
36:00 Here's one of the reasons why.
36:02 And let's go to Leviticus 20:6.
36:04 What happened here was a familiar spirit.
36:07 Why familiar?
36:08 Because the devil knows what Samuel looked like.
36:11 And the devil allowed in his rebellious moment.
36:14 This today is called seance soothsayers.
36:17 But I'm going to give you a passage very quickly.
36:19 Leviticus 20:6,
36:21 God's attitude about familiar spirits.
36:23 "The person who turns to mediums
36:24 and familiar spirits
36:26 to prostitute himself with them,
36:28 I will set my face against that person
36:30 and cut him off from his people."
36:32 The Lord does not participate in evil
36:34 to accomplish good.
36:35 And finally, Isaiah 8:19-20.
36:38 We know verse 20,
36:40 but the context of it is the very same thing.
36:42 Verse 19 of Isaiah 8,
36:44 "And when they say to you
36:45 seek those who are mediums and wizards
36:48 who whisper and mutter."
36:50 That's exactly what the devil did,
36:51 brought up a fake Saul,
36:53 which was a familiar evil spirit
36:55 that looked like Saul.
36:56 Because remember, he didn't see him, he said it.
36:59 He said, "Tell me what you see."
37:01 And she said, "It looks like."
37:03 "Should not people seek their God?
37:05 Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living?"
37:08 That's exactly what Saul was doing
37:10 through the witch of Endor.
37:11 And that's where this context come from,
37:13 to the law and to the testimony
37:14 if they do not speak according to this word.
37:17 It is because there is no light in them.
37:19 God did not participate.
37:20 And there was no light or union
37:22 between God and Satan
37:24 to participate in the activity of Saul.
37:27 Amen and amen.
37:28 All right, Ryan.
37:31 This is from JC or Jayce.
37:35 "Is it okay to cook on the Sabbath
37:37 for personal consumption?
37:41 How about doing charitable works
37:44 on the Sabbath?"
37:45 Okay. All right.
37:47 So let's just address the charitable works
37:49 just for a moment.
37:50 Obviously, Jesus Himself said in Matthew 12:12,
37:54 of how much more value than is a man than a sheep,
37:57 talking about the situation that He was dealing
38:00 with the Pharisees at that time.
38:01 He says, "Therefore,
38:03 it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."
38:05 What's better to do good on the Sabbath, right?
38:07 But here's we have to be careful,
38:09 you know, those spontaneous unavoidable,
38:11 unplanned actions
38:13 that may cause us to have to labor
38:14 or do something good for someone else?
38:16 Absolutely.
38:17 Jesus says it's good, it's better to do good.
38:19 Well, we want to be careful as those deeds,
38:21 those charitable deeds that we might plan to do
38:23 that may require heavy, laborious activity
38:26 that we can do on the other six days of the week.
38:28 We want to make sure that we plan that out carefully
38:31 and not try to violate or desecrate the holiness
38:34 or the sacredness of that day of rest,
38:36 by putting our events and our works on that day
38:39 that we could do on another day.
38:40 So be careful with that,
38:42 as far as the cooking on the Sabbath,
38:43 and this is, this is where you know,
38:45 anybody can look this up, and of my own knowledge
38:47 and you guys can correct me if I'm wrong,
38:49 of my knowledge,
38:50 the only reference in the Bible,
38:52 Exodus 16,
38:54 is where we find
38:55 God giving instruction to the children of Israel
38:57 on how to cook their food,
38:59 the day before the seventh day.
39:01 So on the sixth day, He says to them,
39:04 "Tomorrow is the Sabbath day
39:05 of rest the Holy Day of the Lord
39:07 bake what you will bake today and boil what you will boil
39:08 and lay up for yourselves all the remains
39:10 that will be kept until morning."
39:12 And so people will use that text
39:13 and say you're supposed to cook everything
39:15 the day before
39:16 and do no cooking on the Sabbath.
39:18 Because if you do, you're sinning.
39:19 Well, you have to also take in consideration
39:21 the times that we're talking about.
39:23 Heavy activity was definitely used
39:26 and exploited.
39:28 Back in these days,
39:29 there was not good cooking technology,
39:30 there was a lots of heavy labor that went into these things,
39:33 even all the way back to the 1800s
39:34 in Ellen White's day,
39:35 where she has a dozen quotes where she says,
39:37 you know, do all your cooking
39:39 as much preparation as you can on the sixth day.
39:41 And the principle there is, is that we want to rest,
39:44 we want to use the Sabbath as the day of holiness
39:46 to be with our family, to be with our friends,
39:48 and some people they will pull out all stops
39:51 to prepare a meal that just is labor.
39:53 It's heavy, heavy labor.
39:55 Now I don't think in and of itself
39:56 that it's wrong to heat something up,
39:58 to warm something up on the Sabbath
40:00 because we have great technology these days
40:03 in the ovens and the countertops
40:05 and the things that we use and the cookers that we use
40:07 that does not require
40:08 a lot of heavy, laborious activity.
40:10 So we got to use good judgment,
40:13 don't make it such a dogmatic issue.
40:15 And when you know when I pop some popcorn in the microwave,
40:18 oh, we've broken the Sabbath.
40:20 You know, use some sense here.
40:22 Make it a day of joy.
40:23 Make it a time, but do as much preparation as you can
40:26 on the sixth day, if possible.
40:28 Yeah, you know what ladies ought to be very happy.
40:31 We can precook and just warm up on the Sabbath
40:36 because it, I remember my first Sabbath,
40:38 it was like, I don't even have to do the dishes.
40:42 I was so excited.
40:43 All right.
40:45 We are through with assigned questions.
40:48 We've got some bonus questions, if you will.
40:50 And I wanted to give you another opportunity.
40:53 This program is specifically for you.
40:56 We want to answer your Bible questions
40:59 and you can send them to us by email,
41:02 by mailing it to 3ABN,
41:05 excuse me,
41:07 start that one over to emailing it
41:10 to BibleQA@3abn.org.
41:16 That's BibleQA@3abn.org
41:21 or you can call us, text us,
41:24 wake up here in a minute,
41:25 (618) 228-3975.
41:31 (618) 228-3975,
41:34 text your questions
41:36 and we'll be sure to get to them
41:38 on another program.
41:39 All right. We've got a few extra questions here.
41:42 This one's interesting.
41:46 Catherine from Seattle, says,
41:48 "I heard a prominent pastor
41:51 being interviewed on a TV show.
41:53 The host asked him about the gender of God.
41:57 His response was God is gender neutral.
42:01 He's neither male nor female.
42:03 He also said Jesus is a created being.
42:07 I don't know if he's reading the Bible.
42:09 I've lost much sleep over this.
42:12 Can you please speak on this?"
42:16 Well, if we go to Genesis 1:26,
42:19 I think we could start there.
42:21 In Genesis Chapter 1,
42:23 and if you have your Bibles go there with me,
42:24 I'm going to go ahead and just turn to this
42:26 because this is the creation of humanity
42:28 and we begin to see clearly
42:30 how God delineated this should be done.
42:32 Genesis 1:26, and the Bible says,
42:35 "Then God said,
42:36 'Let us make man in our image,
42:39 according to our likeness, let them,"
42:44 He obviously was not referring to just one person.
42:47 Watch, He's going to go and make it clear
42:48 in the next verse to come.
42:50 "Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
42:52 over the birds of the air, over the cattle,
42:54 over all the earth,
42:55 and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
42:58 And look at verse 27.
42:59 "So God created man in His own image,
43:03 in the image of God,
43:05 He created him,
43:07 male and female,
43:09 He created them."
43:11 Now, so what we're seeing here beautifully in the passage is
43:15 from God came the creation of woman
43:18 and the creation of man.
43:20 God's plan was, but now let's look at how He did this.
43:23 He created Adam first.
43:25 And then from Adam, He took the rib
43:26 and then He formed Eve.
43:28 And as, I think in one of the programs
43:30 we talked about,
43:31 and now from this point,
43:32 you are born of my bone and flesh of my flesh.
43:35 But the question is about God's gender.
43:38 The Bible continually refers to God.
43:40 And He said, and God said, and He said, and God said,
43:45 the ideology that God is a female
43:46 comes from Eastern mysticism and Eastern religions.
43:50 And so they say, Mother God and Father God,
43:52 which you have no scriptures
43:53 on which to base the gender of God
43:55 in the context of the female.
43:57 But here's the other thing you have to be very careful of,
43:59 God is holy and the Bible says, God is a spirit.
44:04 Let us not try to nail down the gender of God
44:07 because it has nothing to do with the issue of salvation.
44:10 Amen.
44:12 The knowledge He revealed to us as the Bible says,
44:14 that belongs to us,
44:15 but the secret things belong to the Lord.
44:18 And this is not something
44:19 that the Bible ever makes even allusion
44:21 that God is female.
44:23 Amen. Absolutely.
44:24 And I just want to add to that beautiful explanation
44:26 that pastor gave.
44:27 And we got to be careful with this
44:29 because someone that's even,
44:30 that's even trying to allude to the fact
44:32 that somehow God is gender neutral
44:34 or that He's that God is a makeup of male and female,
44:36 this is just a new age ideology of trying to use this
44:40 to push the agenda that we see today
44:42 of this whole LGBTQ transgender and all that stuff
44:46 that we see happening today.
44:47 Now, I just want to be very clear about this,
44:49 that, you know, we want to respect all people,
44:53 but we have to call sin by its right name,
44:55 and we have to make clear what the Bible actually says.
44:58 And so, as pastor brought out very clearly
45:00 there's thousands of references to God,
45:03 both Father, Son and Spirit in using the pronoun He,
45:07 He said this, He did that.
45:09 And so, and also addressing this question here,
45:12 I think it mentions here also that
45:13 He also said Jesus as a created being,
45:16 you know, that's very dangerous,
45:18 because there's so many texts
45:19 of which I don't have time to share.
45:21 But just looking at the very first words
45:23 of John Chapter 1,
45:25 speaking of Christ,
45:26 "In the beginning was the Word,
45:27 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
45:30 Notice the very first word of verse 2,
45:32 "He was in the beginning with God,
45:36 all things were made through Him.
45:38 And without Him, nothing was made,
45:40 that was made."
45:41 Speaking of Jesus Christ,
45:42 referring to Him as a Him, a He,
45:45 and Jesus has been from the beginning,
45:46 the very first chapter of Revelation
45:48 and the very last chapter of Revelation
45:50 refers to Christ as the Alpha, the Omega,
45:53 the beginning, and the end,
45:55 He has no end, He always has been.
45:57 And so for anyone to try to suggest that
45:59 Jesus Christ is a creative being
46:01 has not studied their Bible properly,
46:03 and probably needs to go back to the drawing board
46:06 and do a responsible study of the Word of God.
46:08 Amen.
46:09 Philippians 2:53,
46:11 we think of when Christ as God,
46:15 the person, I shouldn't even say,
46:17 God came down
46:18 to become the person of Jesus Christ.
46:21 I think people get thrown off because the word begotten,
46:25 and that is a covenant term.
46:29 God used it of Exodus, he said,
46:33 "I have begotten you."
46:35 Jesus is not created. Yes.
46:38 And that word means
46:39 that is a term of preeminence above all, in through all
46:44 and in all,
46:45 but just really going back to the dual nature of God.
46:49 This is a paganistic view.
46:51 I did a series not many years ago,
46:53 I mean too many years ago called The Unclean Spirits.
46:58 And I talked about Baphomet,
47:00 which is a male, female god figure
47:03 in the occult world,
47:04 it's a male with female breasts.
47:08 And you find at the feet of this evil image,
47:11 man is on one side,
47:12 and woman is on the other chained,
47:14 and in the philosophy of the pagan world,
47:16 they blend the genders together.
47:18 This is where this whole ideology
47:20 of Mother God and Father God comes from.
47:23 But in the pagan world, when they talk about God,
47:26 they're not talking about the sinless beautiful God,
47:29 they're talking about this dark god,
47:30 this god called Baphomet,
47:32 which is an evil force
47:34 that has nothing to do with divinity or righteousness.
47:36 And it's interesting that you say that
47:38 because that Baphomet
47:39 that pastor was referencing this,
47:40 this amalgamative beast of male and female,
47:44 actually is the official symbol,
47:46 it's the official being to represent Satanism
47:49 in the Church of Satan.
47:51 I'm from Arkansas.
47:52 And it's interesting that
47:54 right there in Arkansas in the capital,
47:55 there was a copy of the Ten Commandments
47:56 where the Church of Satan didn't like that
47:58 there was a copy
47:59 of the Ten Commandments on display.
48:00 So what do they put up next to that Ten Commandments?
48:03 A statue of Baphomet.
48:05 And so absolutely, pastor's right,
48:07 it's an agenda of the devil himself.
48:09 And another text back to the Christ question.
48:12 You know, I love this right here.
48:13 John 17:5,
48:15 when Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane,
48:17 he said, these words was just beautiful.
48:18 Jesus Himself, He said,
48:20 "Oh, now, O Father,
48:21 glorify Me together with Yourself
48:23 with the glory, which I had with you
48:25 before the world was."
48:27 Even Jesus Himself recognize that before the world ever was,
48:31 He was there with the Father, He always has been.
48:34 Amen and amen.
48:35 As you just mentioned about the Baphomet
48:37 and all of that stuff,
48:38 we need to be careful about what vegan restaurants
48:40 would go check out, I went to a website,
48:42 and I saw the Baphomet on the menu,
48:46 so check the ownership
48:47 and find out where you're dining.
48:50 That's scary.
48:51 That's a great point, Jay,
48:53 because people think veganism is a point of evidence
48:55 of a sign of salvation.
48:57 You find Satanists
48:58 sometimes more vegans than some of us are.
49:01 And they use that to be the catch.
49:04 Anyway, good point.
49:05 I don't think we've got time
49:06 to get into another question here.
49:08 But does anyone have a little something
49:10 that they wanted to add to their day?
49:15 Absolutely.
49:16 Yeah, I guess I'll go ahead and start us off here,
49:18 you know, back to the question
49:19 that I got in reference to Lovanna.
49:23 As she's just been on my heart, in my mind,
49:24 and she's pouring her heart out here
49:26 asking about how she can remain hopeful
49:29 during this dark time in her life.
49:31 You know, I was thinking of, you know, oftentimes,
49:34 when we're dealing with something,
49:35 it seems like we're the only ones
49:37 having to go through.
49:38 And Lovanna was the one with suffering from bipolar.
49:40 Bipolar,
49:41 and she's in the hospital and says,
49:42 "I've been really in this dark portion of my life.
49:44 How do I look forward through this
49:46 in a hopeful perspective,"
49:47 and, you know, oftentimes,
49:50 even in I have experienced dark times in my life,
49:52 and it's very easy for us to get locked in on this,
49:55 you know, it's almost feels like
49:57 we're the only one right,
49:58 it almost feels like we were the only ones
50:00 and that's a real feeling to have.
50:02 It's a real thing to go through.
50:03 And I know that that's very real.
50:05 But you know, I also sometimes
50:07 I think about some of the Bible characters
50:10 and what they went through.
50:11 I think about Job, and Joseph, and John the Baptist,
50:15 and you know, Mary and Martha,
50:17 when they sent out for Christ to respond,
50:19 hey, come heal our brother.
50:21 He's sick.
50:22 And Jesus didn't come back and heal him.
50:24 And what happened to him? He died.
50:25 These were very dark, dark, despairing moments
50:28 for these individuals.
50:29 I can think of John the Baptist,
50:30 when he's lying there in that prison,
50:32 he just thinking,
50:33 you know, Jesus,
50:35 He's the greatest of all the prophets,
50:36 the greatest of all the prophets.
50:37 I had to imagine was probably they're saying,
50:39 Jesus is going to show up eventually,
50:40 and bust me out of this jail.
50:41 That was a very dark despairing moment for him.
50:43 And I could imagine, in those moments,
50:45 being very real people that they were,
50:48 I'm sure that they had those negative thoughts
50:49 of how am I going to get through this.
50:51 But nonetheless,
50:52 these are powerful examples of faith,
50:54 people who still held on to their faith in Jesus,
50:57 their faith in God to know
50:59 that he was going to see them through,
51:00 so, Lovanna, I just want to encourage you
51:02 and anyone out there
51:03 who's going through that dark despairing time
51:06 in their life.
51:07 Hang on, keep holding on.
51:08 Remember Paul says,
51:10 fight the good fight of faith, right?
51:11 I have fight. I have fought the good fight.
51:13 I've kept the faith I've run the course.
51:15 Keep pressing through because remember,
51:17 those who persevere to the end shall be saved,
51:20 so keep holding on to Jesus Christ.
51:22 Lovanna, we will be praying for you
51:25 and we pray for all
51:27 who find themselves in a difficult position.
51:30 Just remember that God is always with you.
51:32 He never leaves you or forsakes you.
51:34 Now we're going to go to our news break
51:36 and we'll be right back with another closing thought.
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Revised 2022-08-01