3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Bible Q & A

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210001A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:03 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for today's special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello, and welcome to the 3ABN
01:17 Today Bible Q and A.
01:19 Question and answer, you heard right.
01:21 This is a brand new Today program
01:23 that by God's grace,
01:24 we're going to bring to you a new one every single week.
01:27 We want to say thank you for joining us today,
01:29 as you do each and every day.
01:31 And we look forward to spending this time with you.
01:33 You know why?
01:34 Because you're our family.
01:36 And we just want to say, thank you for your prayers
01:38 and financial support for the ministry of 3ABN.
01:42 You know, we're all in this thing together.
01:44 And that's to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ
01:46 to a lost and dying world.
01:48 Here at 3ABN,
01:50 we receive a lot of questions, Bible questions
01:53 here at the ministry via email,
01:56 text, social media, phone calls,
01:59 letters that come in here.
02:00 And we decided to just focus on a Today program,
02:04 a new one every week.
02:05 We're hoping that today that you're watching this,
02:07 this will be every day
02:09 the same time each week
02:10 that you'll get some Bible questions answered.
02:13 And we kind of hope to do this rapid-fire.
02:16 A lot of times we'll do like a Bible topic
02:18 on the Today program,
02:20 where we may focus just on one topic
02:21 for the entire Today program.
02:24 But today there's just going to be
02:25 a whole lot of different questions
02:26 that have come in
02:28 and we want to encourage you to send your questions,
02:30 'cause you may be watching right now and say,
02:32 "Oh, I have a question
02:33 that I'd like for 3ABN to answer."
02:35 And I'll introduce our guests, our family here at 3ABN
02:38 to you in just a moment,
02:39 but you can text your questions to 3ABN.
02:42 And here's the number. It's (618) 228-3975.
02:47 That's (618) 228-3975.
02:51 Now, when you text that number, text to that number,
02:53 you're going to get a little reply asking you
02:55 where you want to send that question.
02:57 So just follow those prompts
02:58 and send us your Bible question or you can email.
03:00 Now, this is a brand new email
03:02 because this is a brand new Today program.
03:03 So take a look at this email address.
03:05 It's bibleqa...
03:08 So bibleqa@3abn.org.
03:12 So you're welcome to email your questions to us
03:14 and we'll be answering those questions
03:16 in future programs.
03:18 But today we have...
03:20 I don't wanna say guests
03:22 because you're part of the 3ABN family.
03:24 I live here. You live here?
03:25 I'm married to you. You're married to me.
03:27 And, Pastor, you live just across the street so to speak.
03:29 Yeah, that's right.
03:30 We're all here as family.
03:32 But I'm going to call you all Bible scholars
03:34 or could I, this is not disrespect.
03:35 Bible students. Yeah.
03:37 It's not disrespect to stay Bible students
03:38 because I've never heard either one of you say,
03:41 "Oh, I've got it all.
03:42 I know the Word of God completely.
03:43 I have all the answers."
03:45 Amen.
03:46 Each one of you love the Word of God.
03:47 You're students of the Word.
03:49 And what's really fun is that
03:50 when I get to watch you all on Sabbath School Panel,
03:52 you all just get so excited
03:54 or when you're preaching on the Worship Hour campaign,
03:56 you love the Word of God.
03:58 So today you've had the opportunity to look
03:59 at some of the questions that have come in.
04:01 And it's a blessing
04:02 when people actually are looking for answers
04:06 from the Word of God.
04:08 So you're going to be giving us those answers from God's Word.
04:12 2 Timothy 2:15 says,
04:14 "Study to show thyself approved unto God,
04:17 a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
04:20 rightly dividing the word of truth."
04:22 So we want to encourage you today.
04:24 Don't just sit back and say,
04:25 "Oh wow, let me just watch this program."
04:26 We want to encourage you to get your Bible.
04:28 So get your Bible out, study along with us,
04:30 grab a pen, pencil,
04:32 maybe some type of electronic device
04:34 and write down your notes
04:37 as the Lord speaks to each one of you as a vessel
04:41 answering these questions.
04:42 So again, this is a brand new program,
04:44 3ABN Today, Bible Q and A.
04:47 Thank you for joining us.
04:48 Pastor John, shall I start with you?
04:50 Sure. You're ready?
04:51 Yeah. Okay.
04:53 And I want to start with you
04:54 and then you open with prayer
04:55 and then we'll go to the first question.
04:57 Let's do that.
04:58 Loving Father in heaven, we thank You for the privilege
05:00 of being in the position
05:01 to impact lives in a positive way
05:03 to lead them to the light that never grows dim,
05:07 Your Word, the everlasting light.
05:09 We pray that You'll give us wisdom and tact
05:12 in answering these questions.
05:13 For those honest heart seekers,
05:16 for those individuals
05:17 whose minds may be that close to making a decision,
05:21 may these questions serve to prompt them,
05:24 trust You and to follow Your Word,
05:26 in Jesus' name I pray.
05:29 Amen. Amen.
05:30 Thank you, Pastor John.
05:31 This one comes from Brandon and he says,
05:35 "How do you think God will rule heaven?
05:39 What will the government be like?
05:41 Will it be a dictatorship
05:42 where He tells us what to do and how to worship Him
05:45 or a socialist type of government, et cetera."
05:48 That's an interesting question that someone is thinking.
05:50 It is a great question. It is.
05:52 When I heard that question,
05:53 I know that so much of what's happening
05:55 in our world today has impacted
05:57 what this question contains
05:58 the word socialist, for example.
06:00 Oh, yeah.
06:01 And dictatorship, we look at dictatorships.
06:04 Praise the Lord.
06:05 It's not going to be either one of those.
06:07 Amen.
06:08 But I like to get answers from the Bible.
06:09 First one, Psalm 89:14,
06:11 because the government is a reflection of the one
06:15 who is ruling that government.
06:17 And the word ruler is quite different
06:19 when it refers to God, as it relates to humanity,
06:22 men rule with weapons and armies.
06:25 God doesn't need a weapon.
06:27 He's calling us to worship Him out of love.
06:29 But Psalm 89:14 says,
06:31 "Righteousness and justice
06:34 are the foundation of your throne,
06:37 mercy and truth go before your face."
06:40 So it's not going to be a socialist government.
06:42 When you think about socialism,
06:44 some people have the idea that
06:45 socialism means you give away everything
06:47 and nobody has to purchase anything.
06:49 Well, the good thing about salvation is
06:52 it's not free.
06:53 It has been purchased.
06:54 We also purchased by the blood of the lamb,
06:57 but it's not going to be a socialist dictatorship
07:00 by any means.
07:01 Righteousness and justice are His foundation.
07:04 Also 2 Peter 3:13,
07:07 "Nevertheless we, according to His promise,
07:09 look for new heavens and a new earth
07:12 in which righteousness dwells."
07:14 It's going to be a righteous government.
07:16 Amen.
07:18 And the most important one to me, Revelation 22:11,
07:21 "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still,
07:23 he who is filthy, let him be filthy still, "
07:25 but look at this,
07:26 "he who is righteous, let him be righteous still,
07:28 he who is holy, let him be holy still."
07:31 It's going to be a just government
07:33 righteous, holy and good government,
07:37 because those are all properties of God's character.
07:39 Amen.
07:41 I'm looking forward to being there.
07:42 Praise the Lord. Amen.
07:43 Ryan, Pastor Ryan, go you next?
07:45 Let's do it. Let's do it.
07:47 All right, this...
07:48 There's no name with this one, but it says,
07:49 what does the Bible say about gay marriage?
07:53 So many children are telling their parents
07:55 they are gay or transgender.
07:57 Does the Bible mention anything about this?
07:59 It's a great question.
08:00 Yeah, and it's a timely question,
08:02 that's sensitive,
08:03 we have to deal with this in our real society.
08:04 And so many people have questions about this.
08:07 First of all, as a Christian,
08:08 I believe the Bible is very clear
08:10 about God's attitude towards homosexuality,
08:13 transgenderism and all these things
08:15 that we deal with in today's world.
08:17 First of all, let's be reminded in Genesis 2:24.
08:20 The Bible reminds us that God says,
08:22 "Therefore, you shall leave your father and mother
08:24 and be joined to your wife,
08:26 or he shall leave his father and mother
08:27 and be joined to his wife
08:29 and they shall become one flesh."
08:30 So it was God's original plan
08:32 that, you know, man and woman are together.
08:34 Not necessarily man and man, or woman and woman.
08:37 So the Bible is very, very clear.
08:39 In fact, I'm just going to reference these texts here,
08:41 Leviticus 18:22,
08:44 as well as Leviticus 20:13 and a slew of other texts.
08:49 But these texts communicate God's attitude towards this.
08:51 In fact, he condemned as Pastor Lomacang, you know,
08:54 that God was very strong at saying,
08:56 you know, do not,
08:57 you know, a man should not lie with a man
08:58 and a woman should not lie with a woman.
09:00 So God's attitude towards homosexuality
09:02 and these practices
09:04 is that much of in the sense of condemnation
09:07 because it's not His plan, it's not His will.
09:10 Now, does that mean that God does not love the people
09:12 who practice these lifestyles?
09:13 And we want to make that very clear.
09:16 Another text, just to reference here,
09:17 Romans 1:24-22,
09:20 excuse me, 24:32,
09:23 where Gods again specifies this,
09:26 you know, sexual immorality, homosexualism,
09:29 all these things that the world practices, God,
09:32 you know, He frowns upon it.
09:34 He calls it an abomination in His Word,
09:35 but He loves these people.
09:37 And the sin of homosexuality is no different
09:39 than any other sin in the Bible.
09:40 I want to make that clear.
09:42 There's no different than
09:43 someone who cheats on their wife.
09:44 You know, even if they are with a woman,
09:46 as a man with a woman.
09:47 It's no different than thievery.
09:48 It's no different than killing or stealing
09:50 or worshiping other gods
09:51 or any other sin that you might commit.
09:53 God loves each and every sinner,
09:54 but you know, He wants us to change
09:56 and to turn away from that sin.
09:58 So that would, I would say that,
10:00 you know, in this day and age,
10:01 when we're dealing with children telling their parents,
10:03 you know, that they're gay, that they're transgender.
10:06 You know, we need to love them
10:08 and show them the love of Christ.
10:09 Point them to Jesus,
10:11 and by introducing them to Jesus Christ.
10:13 Then at that point
10:15 they will come to learn the love of God.
10:17 They will come to know God's will and Lord willing,
10:19 they will turn from that lifestyle,
10:21 as they come to know God's will for their life.
10:23 Yeah, fantastic. Amen.
10:24 Yeah. Thank you very much.
10:26 And Jill right to my right.
10:28 It's interesting, we usually are co-hosting together,
10:30 but to hear one of the panelists today,
10:33 so question for you, says,
10:35 how do I know God's will for my life?
10:38 That's a great question,
10:40 'cause I think we all want to know that.
10:41 We want to know, are we walking in the center of God's will.
10:45 I think there's no simple formula
10:46 because if there was,
10:48 we would seek the formula
10:50 instead of seeking the God behind the formula.
10:53 If you want to know God's will for your life,
10:56 seek to know God.
10:58 Having said that, I do think there's some simple keys
11:00 that we can look at.
11:01 James 1:5 comes to mind immediately.
11:04 We can pray for wisdom.
11:05 If any of you lack wisdom,
11:07 let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally
11:10 and upbraids not.
11:11 That wisdom will be given to you.
11:13 So if you want to know God's will for your life,
11:15 ask God for wisdom.
11:17 Another thing that comes to mind
11:18 is to listen for His voice.
11:21 Turn with me to Psalm 32:8-9,
11:25 "I will instruct you..." God's talking.
11:27 "I will instruct you and teach you
11:29 in the way you should go,
11:30 I will guide you with my eye.
11:32 Do not be like the horse or the mule,
11:35 which have no understanding,
11:36 which must be harnessed with bit and bridle.
11:39 Else, they will not come near you."
11:41 You know, sometimes we want to know the will of God
11:44 and we seek His will and we follow it.
11:46 But sometimes
11:47 we don't want to know the will of God.
11:50 Maybe God is revealing His will to you.
11:52 And we become like the horse and the mule.
11:54 And we have to be forced or led
11:56 because we don't want to listen.
11:58 We don't want to surrender to what God's will is.
12:01 So we pray for wisdom, we listen to His voice.
12:04 We are willing to surrender to whatever His will is.
12:09 We ask for godly counsel.
12:11 Proverbs 11:14,
12:13 "Where there is no counsel, the people fall,
12:15 but in the multitude of counselors,
12:17 there is safety."
12:19 And the final principle is wait for His peace.
12:21 Do you want to know God's will?
12:23 When you experience His peace,
12:26 you will know it in the depths of your heart
12:28 and in your soul.
12:29 Philippians 4:6-7,
12:31 "Be anxious for nothing,
12:32 but in everything with prayer and supplication
12:34 with Thanksgiving,
12:36 let your request be made known to God
12:37 and the peace of God
12:39 which passes all understanding
12:42 will guard your hearts and minds
12:44 through Christ Jesus."
12:45 Hmm. Amen. Thank you very much, Jill.
12:47 And you may be watching right now and say,
12:49 am I watching Sabbath School Panel?
12:51 No, you're not.
12:52 You're watching a brand new 3ABN Today program
12:54 called Bible Q and A.
12:56 So we're so glad that you have joined us.
12:58 We're gonna be doing a new program every week
13:01 and will be answering your questions.
13:02 So again, we want to encourage you
13:04 to email and text your questions here
13:07 at the address that's on the bottom of your screen
13:09 right now.
13:10 Pastor John, this question comes from Susan,
13:12 and she's referencing Revelation Chapter 17.
13:15 It says the pure woman in Revelation
13:17 and the woman who rides the beast
13:19 in Revelation Chapter 17,
13:21 are they one and the same thing?
13:23 Oh, the answer is no, absolutely not.
13:26 The characteristics right off the bat,
13:28 describe that they are different.
13:29 Revelation Chapter 12 refers to a pure woman
13:32 standing on the sun,
13:34 reflecting the moon
13:35 and is clothed with a diadem of a crown of 12 stars.
13:38 She is the one who gives birth to the male child
13:41 who rules all nations with a rod of iron.
13:44 And that is Jesus Christ.
13:46 She is not connected by any means
13:47 to the woman of Revelation Chapter 17,
13:50 who sits on a scarlet colored beast
13:52 and who is described as mother Babylon,
13:55 the harlot of the earth.
13:57 She is described as the one who prostitutes herself
14:00 to the kings of the earth.
14:01 And that's a picture of the coalition of Babylon
14:04 as it develops fully.
14:06 And you find Revelation 16 contributes to that,
14:08 the kings of the earth, the merchants of the earth.
14:11 Revelation 18 gives you the complete full picture.
14:14 So that woman in Revelation Chapter 17,
14:16 by no means she has on purple and scarlet.
14:20 Now, why is there one particular color missing?
14:22 The color blue is missing
14:24 because purple and scarlet and blue are colors
14:26 in the sanctuary curtains.
14:28 But why is the color blue missing?
14:30 Because blue is a reminder of the commandments of God.
14:33 She doesn't keep the commandments of God.
14:36 She is a woman who has daughters.
14:38 She is the head of a system that has distorted God's Word
14:41 and misled the people of God.
14:43 She has brought together the coalition of finances,
14:46 politics, and religion.
14:48 She's ruling the earth until she is unmasked.
14:51 That's why the Bible says, "Come out of her My people."
14:53 Revelation Chapter 18.
14:55 Come out of her My people,
14:57 that woman in Revelation chapter 17,
14:59 but Revelation Chapter 12,
15:01 the Bible describes her as a faithful woman.
15:04 The one that Satan is angry with.
15:06 Revelation 12:17,
15:08 the dragon is angry with the woman
15:10 and went to make war with the rest of our offspring
15:12 who keep the commandments of God
15:14 and have the testimony of Jesus.
15:16 She is faithful
15:17 and the woman in Revelation 17 is not.
15:20 Wow, thank you, Pastor.
15:22 Yeah. That's a fantastic answer.
15:23 Pastor Ryan, this question says,
15:26 why do SDAs or Seventh-day Adventists
15:28 worship on Saturday Sabbath
15:30 rather than on Sunday, the Lord's Day
15:32 like most people do?
15:34 Okay. Good question.
15:35 That's a loaded question. Yes, it is.
15:37 But, first of all, I understand where this person's coming from
15:39 asking this question.
15:40 I just want to clarify for all those watching,
15:42 we should worship God every day.
15:44 Okay.
15:45 I worship the Lord every single day.
15:47 There's not a day Sunday through Saturday
15:48 that I do not worship the Lord.
15:50 Saturday is not necessarily set aside
15:52 just for Seventh-day Adventist to worship.
15:54 And then no other day
15:55 it's less like we refrain from worshiping.
15:57 But to clarify, there is one biblical Sabbath.
16:00 And that day is the seventh day.
16:02 It always has been the seventh day.
16:04 Of course, it's linked back to Genesis 2:1-3,
16:07 it goes all the way back to creation
16:09 where the Bible says that
16:10 God did three things on the seventh day
16:12 that He did not do to any of the other days.
16:13 And that is He rest, He blessed and He made holy,
16:16 sanctified the seventh day.
16:18 Notice, the seventh day, God was specific,
16:21 not the first day, not the second day
16:22 or any of the others, but the seventh day.
16:24 And, of course, as Bible Christians,
16:26 that's what we are.
16:28 We want to make sure we're Bible Christians,
16:29 not necessarily going out on a tangent
16:31 doing our own thing,
16:33 but following the Bible, The word of the Lord,
16:34 and it's linked to the Ten Commandments.
16:36 The fourth commandment
16:37 of the Ten Commandments tells us.
16:39 In fact, it says right there
16:40 in verse 8 of Exodus Chapter 20.
16:43 So, Exodus 20:8,
16:44 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
16:46 And then verses 9 and 10 tells us how we keep it holy.
16:49 We rest and we make sure everyone else rest
16:51 within our control.
16:53 And then verse 11, again, points us back to creation,
16:55 "For in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth,
16:58 the sea, and all that in the midst
16:59 and rested the seventh day,
17:01 wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
17:02 and hallowed it."
17:04 So, the last thing I want to make very clear,
17:05 we keep the Sabbath on Saturday the seventh day,
17:08 because it's the seventh day Sabbath.
17:10 It's the biblical Sabbath.
17:11 And we want to honor God.
17:12 Last thing really quickly in that question,
17:15 I believe it said something about Sunday, the Lord's Day.
17:17 Sunday is not the Lord's Day.
17:19 The first day is never mentioned
17:20 as the Lord's Day.
17:21 In fact, right there in the Ten Commandments there,
17:23 the fourth commandment, it says,
17:24 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
17:26 Notice, verse 9,
17:27 "Six days, you shall labor and do all your work."
17:28 Verse 10,
17:30 "But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord.
17:31 It's the Lord Sabbath."
17:33 Jesus said in Mark 2:27:28 that,
17:36 "He is Lord of the Sabbath.
17:38 So therefore we honor and keep it
17:40 according to the Bible, according to Jesus,
17:42 of course, He's the creator, He created all things.
17:45 He knows which day the Sabbath is.
17:46 He kept the Sabbath Himself on the seventh day.
17:49 And so should we if we're going to be Bible Christians.
17:51 Amen. Wow. Amen.
17:52 Great answer. Thank you very much, Pastor.
17:54 Yes. So, Jill, this is for you.
17:56 It says,
17:57 "If He is a God of love, why do people suffer?"
18:02 Wow. That's an age old question.
18:04 Yes, it is. Is it not?
18:05 And there's so many people,
18:07 so many who experienced so much pain in their life,
18:11 or maybe you've seen pain in other people's lives
18:14 or just seeing the pain in the world.
18:15 And you'll say,
18:17 "Wait a minute,
18:18 if God is a God of love, why do people suffer?"
18:20 I think there's three principles
18:22 that we need to remember.
18:23 Principle number one,
18:24 that God did not cause the evil in this world,
18:27 Satan is the one
18:28 who came to steal, kill and destroy.
18:30 John 10:10 tells us that
18:32 the thief came or Satan to steal, kill and destroy.
18:35 Jesus said that He came that we would have life
18:37 and that we would have it more abundantly.
18:40 So the evil, the sin,
18:41 the sickness of suffering that we see in this world
18:44 is not the result of God.
18:47 Principle number two,
18:48 God allows the outworking
18:52 of the great controversy on this earth
18:55 to reveal sin, to reveal the effects of sin
19:00 and to vindicate His character and His name.
19:04 So while God does not cause any of the evil
19:07 and any of the suffering that takes place right now,
19:11 you and I, we have to see the full result of sin.
19:14 You know, when Eve partook of the fruit,
19:16 she thought it looked pretty good.
19:18 She didn't think of death.
19:19 She didn't think of the consequences
19:22 of what would happen.
19:24 She thought it looked pleasant to the eyes and desirable,
19:27 and she wanted to partake of that.
19:29 When we look at sin, many times
19:31 Satan makes it look attractive.
19:33 So God has to allow this outworking
19:36 of the great controversy.
19:38 So we see the full effect of sin.
19:41 Principle number three, sin will not last forever.
19:45 I love the promise in Revelation 21:4,
19:50 God... This is in the new earth.
19:52 "God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
19:55 There shall be no more death,
19:57 no more sorrow, no more crying, no more pain,
20:00 for the former things have passed away."
20:03 Someday, this world of sin and sickness
20:04 will be over forever
20:06 and God's government will reign forever.
20:09 Amen. Wow, fantastic.
20:10 Amen. Thank you so much.
20:12 Pastor John, this one, again, there is no name here
20:15 that who submitted this question,
20:17 but it's a great question, it says,
20:19 "Will there be a secret rapture?"
20:22 Okay, I could just say no and go on.
20:24 Okay.
20:25 Expound on that a little bit. Yeah.
20:27 First of all, the rapture,
20:29 the word rapture means
20:30 to be caught up against not by your own power,
20:32 but the drawing power of God,
20:34 that's going to happen,
20:36 but it's not going to be a secret.
20:37 That's why we don't use the word rapture.
20:39 It's been misunderstood. It's been misinterpreted.
20:41 It's been misapplied.
20:43 The rapture came about
20:45 with something called dispensationalism,
20:47 the misinterpretation of Daniel
20:49 9:24-27 to 70 week prophecy.
20:53 When you begin at the wrong dates,
20:54 the prophecy never comes to a close
20:56 and evangelicals have done that.
20:58 They began as Cyrus and Darius as date.
21:00 So, they have this seven year period
21:02 that never happened according to theirs.
21:04 But when the Bible is followed according to the exact date,
21:07 the seven years refers to the ministry of Christ
21:10 and the gospel going to the Gentiles.
21:11 So it already happened.
21:13 There's no seven year tribulation
21:14 that leads into a secret rapture.
21:16 But is the coming of Jesus going to be secret?
21:18 Revelation 1:7.
21:20 The answer is, no,
21:21 "Behold, He is coming with clouds,
21:23 and every eye will see Him."
21:25 So it's going to be visible to everyone.
21:27 And not only that,
21:29 all the tribes of the earth will mourn
21:30 whether you're righteous or not.
21:32 Everybody's going to be affected in one way.
21:34 Matthew 24:30,
21:37 "Then the sign of the Son of Man
21:38 will appear in the heavens,
21:40 then all the tribes of the earth will mourn,
21:42 and they will see the Son of Man
21:43 coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."
21:46 Is it going to be secret? Is he going to sneak up on us?
21:48 The answer is no.
21:50 Psalm 50:3,
21:51 "Our God shall come and shall not keep silent."
21:54 That's right.
21:55 "A fire shall devour before him,
21:57 and it shall be very tempestuous
21:59 all around Him."
22:00 And 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18,
22:03 "When He comes, it's going to be the trumpet of God.
22:05 The dead in Christ are going to rise.
22:07 There's going to be a great shout."
22:08 That's anything but secret.
22:10 So the answer is absolutely not.
22:12 That has come from a theory that is not based on the Bible.
22:16 And National Geographic's Look It Up has done an exposa
22:20 disclaiming it,
22:21 showing that Christians believe something
22:22 that's not founded on Scripture.
22:24 Wow, I didn't know about that, Pastor.
22:26 It was an amazing two-hour program
22:28 I saw about seven years ago.
22:29 So Look It Up and it says...
22:30 Because millions of Christians believe something
22:32 that has no biblical support
22:33 and they trace it all the way back
22:34 to its origins.
22:36 Wow, fantastic. Thank you, Pastor.
22:37 Yeah. Great answer.
22:39 Pastor Ryan, it says,
22:40 "If the living cannot communicate with the dead,
22:43 then what about Saul's experience
22:45 with the Witch of Endor?"
22:48 Okay. Wow. That's a good question.
22:50 Yeah, so a lot of...
22:51 Where this stems from is, you know,
22:53 we teach as the Bible clearly communicates that
22:54 once the dead is dead.
22:56 Once they've been buried in the grave, they sleep
22:58 until the resurrection of Jesus Christ
23:00 at the second coming.
23:01 But when you read this story
23:02 about Saul's experience with this Witch of Endor,
23:05 it seems like she was able to conjure up
23:07 the dead spirit of Samuel the prophet,
23:09 and there's this exchange and Paul,
23:11 or excuse me, Saul in this case,
23:13 King Saul believes that
23:15 this witch is communicating with the dead spirit,
23:18 the ghost of Samuel the prophet.
23:20 And so, first of all, let's be reminded
23:22 of God's attitude towards, you know,
23:25 seeking necromancers or witches or sorcerers.
23:28 The Bible makes it very clear
23:30 and I'm just going to reference here Leviticus 19:31.
23:33 Leviticus 19:31, the Bible says,
23:35 "Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits,
23:38 and do not seek after them to be defiled by them.
23:41 I am the Lord, your God."
23:43 There's several texts in the Bible
23:44 that clarifies this.
23:45 Leviticus 20:27 also alludes to this.
23:48 Isaiah 8:19-20, where God clearly says,
23:52 "Look, don't go seek after these witches,
23:54 these sorcerers, these necromancers,
23:55 the spiritists, "
23:56 because it's an abomination.
23:59 They're not actually communicating
24:00 with dead spirits
24:02 because God's Word has been very clear
24:03 that they sleep, they know nothing.
24:05 That's Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 and 10,
24:09 that the dead do not know anything,
24:11 they're asleep in the grave of waiting that resurrection.
24:14 And so God is very clear towards that.
24:15 So the question is,
24:17 was it really Samuel the prophet
24:19 that Saul was communicating with?
24:21 And the answer,
24:23 the simple answer to that is no.
24:24 If you go to the actual text, so this is 1 Samuel 28:13-14.
24:29 And by the way I want to mention here really quickly.
24:31 Saul had actually,
24:32 previously the record of Scripture
24:34 records that Saul previously banished
24:36 the witches and the spiritists
24:38 and all these people from the land.
24:39 So Saul knew that what he was doing
24:41 by going and seeking after this witch
24:43 that he was doing something wrong
24:44 that he shouldn't have done.
24:46 Really quickly, 1 Samuel 28:13-14, it says,
24:48 "And the king said to her,
24:50 'Do not be afraid. What did you see?'
24:53 And the woman said to Saul,
24:54 'I saw a spirit ascending up out of the earth.'
24:56 So he said to her,
24:57 'What is his form?'
24:58 And she said, '
25:00 An old man is coming up,
25:01 and he is covered with the mantle.'"
25:03 Now notice this next part.
25:04 It says, "And Saul," here's the key word,
25:05 "perceived that it was Samuel."
25:08 Notice how Saul himself
25:10 never actually saw Samuel the prophet.
25:12 He's going off the record of this witch.
25:14 And so this which is telling him
25:16 what she's seeing, he is believing this witch,
25:18 and the Scripture says
25:19 he perceived that it was Samuel.
25:21 So the quick answer to this question,
25:22 the simple answer is Saul didn't actually...
25:25 First, number one,
25:26 he didn't see Samuel, the prophet.
25:28 He perceived that it might have been Samuel
25:30 based off this witch's record.
25:31 And so the clear answer is
25:33 what who was he communicating with
25:34 according to God, according to God's Word?
25:36 It wasn't the dead spirit of an individual who had died.
25:39 It was probably more than likely actually a dead spirit
25:42 or excuse me, a demon perceiving himself
25:45 or manifesting himself as a dead spirit.
25:47 Wow. Absolutely.
25:49 Yeah. Thank you so much. Very good answer.
25:51 This one or for you, Jill, it says,
25:53 "If we have truly forgiven someone,
25:57 does that mean we no longer feel the pain?"
26:00 Short answer is no.
26:02 You can truly forgive someone
26:03 and still feel pain in your heart,
26:05 but that will not last forever
26:07 'cause there's coming a time
26:09 when all of that pain will be taken away.
26:12 Forgiveness is not forgetting.
26:15 Forgiveness does not equal trust.
26:18 Forgiveness is not even about the other person.
26:21 Forgiveness is for me.
26:22 When I forgive someone, it's for me,
26:24 it's not even about the other person.
26:27 I forgive because I want to be forgiven.
26:30 Matthew 6:14-15 says,
26:32 "If you forgive men their trespasses,
26:34 your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
26:37 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses,
26:39 neither will your heavenly Father
26:41 forgive you."
26:42 I forgive because I want God to hear me.
26:46 Psalm 66:18, if I regard iniquity,
26:49 that word is cherished sin in my heart.
26:53 "If I hold on to cherish sin, the Lord will not hear me."
26:57 I forgive because I want to be free from the pain,
27:01 from the hurt, from the bitterness,
27:03 from the resentment.
27:05 John 8:36,
27:07 "Whoever the Son sets free is free indeed."
27:11 The pain can still sometimes be there.
27:13 It depends on
27:15 how the other person responds to you.
27:17 Forgiveness is not,
27:18 this is a whole other topic, Pastor John,
27:20 it's not reconciliation.
27:22 Forgiveness is me, but it takes two people to reconcile.
27:26 It takes two people
27:28 for that pain to be completely gone.
27:29 "But there is coming a time, Revelation 21:4,
27:33 when that pain will be gone forever.
27:36 And that is in the heaven and the new earth,
27:38 God will wipe away all those tears."
27:40 And that tells me that when we go to heaven,
27:42 there will still be pain.
27:44 Whether it's pain from something
27:45 that someone did against me,
27:47 or whether it's pain from a loss of a loved one
27:49 or someone who is not there,
27:50 there will be times of pain,
27:52 but God at that point
27:54 will wipe away all the pain from the past.
27:58 Amen. Thank you so much.
28:00 You're watching 3ABN Bible Q and A.
28:03 And by God's grace,
28:04 we're going to air this every Monday, right?
28:06 You do the programming for Monday's stuff.
28:07 Every Monday, we're going to be airing this new program
28:10 and there'll be,
28:11 of course, different hosts sitting in this chair
28:12 and we'll be rotating people through this spot.
28:14 And, of course, different people panelists here.
28:16 But we just want to say thank you
28:18 for sending in your questions.
28:19 You know, you're students of the Word too
28:21 trying to find answers.
28:22 And we appreciate that you're asking
28:24 because you're asking from the Word of God.
28:26 You know, these are students of the Word that study
28:28 and definitely enjoy studying the Word of God.
28:31 You, Pastor Ryan work in the pastoral department,
28:33 you get a lot of questions.
28:35 And a lot of people that have, want answers
28:36 from the Word of God.
28:37 Pastor, you've been in the ministry
28:39 for many, many years, not saying you're old, Pastor.
28:41 No.
28:42 With due respect to you, but you know.
28:44 Seasoned. Seasoned, thank you baby.
28:45 That's been while.
28:46 It's been, I don't know
28:48 how many years, but a number of years.
28:49 Thirty four.
28:50 Thirty four years, yeah, in the ministry.
28:52 You know, when you see a lot of people
28:53 that are hurting and looking for answers
28:55 and you, of course, being in the office
28:56 receives a lot of letters and stuff coming in.
28:58 So we want to encourage you.
28:59 You see what's coming up on the bottom of your screen,
29:01 how you can submit your questions to the panelists
29:03 for future programs.
29:04 And thank you for doing that.
29:06 Pastor John, the next question is,
29:07 "Does unforgiveness hinder your prayers or my prayers?"
29:11 I'm kind of picking up where Jill left off.
29:13 Okay.
29:14 Well, the answer is,
29:16 would God hear the prayer of a person
29:18 who hasn't forgiven another person?
29:21 The Bible doesn't give any indication
29:22 that he will not hear the prayers of a person
29:24 who hasn't forgiven someone,
29:27 but that prayer will be hindered
29:29 from being answered.
29:31 The Lord puts a responsibility in our hand to settle matters.
29:35 This is kind of like along the line of reconciliation.
29:37 If we give, bring our gift to the altar
29:39 and we have something
29:40 or our brother has something against us,
29:42 go first be reconciled
29:44 and offer that gift to the Lord.
29:46 So what will hinder our prayer?
29:48 And I want to make it very clear.
29:50 If you have unforgiveness in your heart,
29:52 you are actually blocking yourself
29:54 from spiritual growth.
29:56 You are hindering your own development,
29:58 but don't hold another person in jail
30:02 and require of them
30:04 something that God doesn't even require of you.
30:07 Sometimes we make the price of forgiveness higher
30:10 than God does.
30:11 He says, "If we confess our sins,
30:13 He is faithful and just to forgive."
30:15 If somebody comes to you and confesses,
30:16 are you faithful and just?
30:18 Are you going to forgive them?
30:19 Or are you going to say, "I'll never forget that."
30:21 That's the spirit of unforgiveness
30:23 and it will hinder you.
30:25 You'll end up becoming bitter and recalcitrant
30:27 and jailed in.
30:29 But here's some things that will hinder your prayer.
30:31 Proverbs 28:9,
30:33 "One who turns his ear from hearing the law,
30:35 even his prayer is an abomination."
30:38 So the Lord is saying,
30:40 and here's the principle, it's very simple.
30:41 If you want God to hear you, when you pray,
30:44 listen to God when He speaks.
30:46 Don't make this a one way street.
30:48 It's good.
30:49 Isaiah 59:2,
30:51 "But your iniquities have separated you
30:53 from your God,
30:55 your sins have hidden His face from you,
30:57 so that He will not hear."
30:59 Now does God not hear or is that saying,
31:01 God, won't listen.
31:03 I'm not answering that question.
31:04 "Settle your life, get things right before me,
31:07 and then, I will be willing to be the God
31:10 who reconciled you to me
31:12 and makes the difference in your life."
31:14 So forgive and you will be forgiven.
31:17 Excellent. Thank you very much, Pastor.
31:18 And I have to be, I have to remind myself this
31:21 because your wife works in 3ABN Radio.
31:23 And when I just say,
31:24 look at the bottom of your screen,
31:25 that doesn't tell anyone on radio,
31:27 who's listening, what that means.
31:28 So this is how you can contact us
31:29 for any questions.
31:31 Those that are listening on radio
31:32 or listening to a podcast of this program.
31:34 You can text us at (618) 228-3975.
31:39 Or you may email your questions to us
31:41 at Bible QA.
31:43 So, bibleqa@3abn.org.
31:46 That's where you can submit your questions to us.
31:48 Okay, Pastor Ryan, this question says,
31:51 "Why doesn't hell last forever
31:54 if Revelation says
31:56 their torment ascends forever and ever?"
31:59 Right, absolutely.
32:00 So, the concept or the term forever and ever
32:03 is mentioned several times in Scripture,
32:04 for example,
32:06 just based on the King James translations alone,
32:09 the term for forever is used 56 times
32:13 in connection with things that have already ended.
32:15 Okay?
32:17 So what basically the concept is that
32:18 the term forever in the modern sense,
32:21 it's not necessarily in the same
32:23 as what we see in Scripture for certain things,
32:26 for instance, you know, like the word tall,
32:28 it means something describing,
32:30 you know, men, trees and mountains.
32:31 You wouldn't say that that man is tall
32:33 in the same way that that mountain is tall, right?
32:34 It's a different concept.
32:36 And that's the same thing
32:37 basically that is used in Scripture.
32:39 I'm thinking of scriptures like Jonah 2:6.
32:41 Jonah is describing
32:43 his experience in the belly of that fish, right?
32:46 And he actually says there in the scripture that,
32:48 you know, that the earth and its bars were about me
32:50 and he says forever, right?
32:52 So, it's probably seemed like he was down there forever,
32:54 but yet we know the Bible makes it clear that
32:56 that forever experience came to an end.
32:59 It was only three days and three nights
33:01 that he was actually in the belly of that fish,
33:03 Deuteronomy 23:3, describing 10 generations.
33:07 But yet it says it's forever, right?
33:09 But that forever term was referencing 10 generations.
33:12 In other words, it came to an end.
33:15 So it's talking about time that it does have an end.
33:18 Another one when Hannah in 1 Samuel 1:22 offered up,
33:23 you know, her son, there's a Samuel.
33:26 It's very clear that she said,
33:27 "I'm giving him to the Lord forever."
33:29 But the Bible actually clarifies
33:30 it was until the end of his life.
33:33 And so we often take that term forever and we say,
33:35 "Oh, you know, well, I'm going to use my modern understanding
33:38 and say forever and ever to infinity and beyond
33:40 that's how souls are going to burn in hell."
33:42 But yet it has an, it has an end.
33:45 And we know that the Bible clarifies that
33:47 God is going to burn the elements of this earth.
33:49 He's going to burn the sinners.
33:51 And it's all going to happen in one single day.
33:53 In fact, if you go read Malachi 4:1-3,
33:57 it says that those sinners, the unrighteous
33:59 will be brought to ashes in one single day.
34:02 So that forever does have an end.
34:05 Wow, amen.
34:06 Yeah, excellent answer. Thank you very much.
34:08 And thank you for submitting the question to us.
34:10 This one, Jill, says,
34:12 "Are there degrees in sin or of sin?
34:14 Are their degrees in sin?"
34:15 The short answer is yes,
34:17 but it's not the degrees that we think.
34:18 There's God's perspective of sin
34:21 and there's our human perspective of sin.
34:24 You know, if you think about it from a human perspective,
34:26 we have what we think our minor sins and major sins.
34:29 Is that not true?
34:30 Minor sins would be a little white lie,
34:32 that's a minor sin.
34:34 Gossip, oh, that's definitely a minor sin.
34:35 And some people think it's not even the sin at all.
34:38 Backbiting, that's a minor sin,
34:40 jealousy and envy and pride, lust.
34:43 Well, that might be a minor sin,
34:44 but we consider major sins would be murder, rape,
34:49 incest, adultery.
34:51 Those are more major,
34:52 but let's look up what the Word of God says.
34:55 Proverbs 6:16-19,
34:59 God's perspective of sin.
35:01 "These six things the Lord hates,
35:04 yes, seven are an abomination to Him."
35:07 Now you'll notice here that
35:08 some of the sins we consider to be minor,
35:10 God considers to be pretty major,
35:13 a proud look, that's pride,
35:15 a lying tongue, that's deceitfulness,
35:19 hands that shed innocent blood, that's killing.
35:24 A heart that devises wicked plans,
35:26 feet that are swift and running to evil,
35:28 a false witness who speaks lies.
35:32 And one who sows discord among the brethren.
35:36 Backbiting or gossip,
35:39 which we consider is not even a big deal,
35:41 God hates.
35:43 If you read the Sermon on the Mount,
35:45 you think about Matthew Chapter 5.
35:46 What did Jesus say?
35:48 You have heard it said that you should not kill someone.
35:52 But I say to you,
35:53 if you hold hatred in your heart against someone,
35:55 that that is the same thing.
35:57 You have heard that it was said,
35:58 you should not commit adultery.
36:00 But I say to you,
36:02 if you even have lust in your heart
36:03 for someone else,
36:05 that is the same thing.
36:06 What does that say? Are there degrees in sin?
36:09 Absolutely, but the motive and the heart behind it,
36:14 the action matters just as much.
36:17 Sin is sin in the sight of God,
36:19 and He wants to cleanse and forgive and restore us.
36:22 Wow. Thank you very much.
36:24 Great answer. Amen.
36:26 This one, Pastor John, comes from Gordon.
36:29 And Gordon is asking,
36:30 "If we are saved by grace,
36:32 why worry about keeping the Ten Commandments?"
36:35 Okay, I'm going to take my time here.
36:36 Okay, yes.
36:38 First of all the commandments are not...
36:39 It's a good question.
36:40 The commandments are not kept to save you.
36:42 The commandments reminds you
36:43 that you are in need of salvation.
36:46 It's the mirror that shows us our character.
36:48 That's why I always have
36:50 a difficult time with this question
36:51 because people think that somehow
36:53 when you are set free from jail,
36:54 you can go ahead and keep robbing
36:56 and stealing and killing.
36:57 Would a person who just got freed from prison
37:02 go out and do the same thing that got him in there?
37:04 Would you consider a person who served his time,
37:08 a criminal that paid his debt, goes back out in society.
37:13 And you say to him, watch this,
37:15 "From now on you don't have to keep the law."
37:18 That's what we're saying as Christians.
37:19 We're saying,
37:20 "When Jesus sets you free,
37:22 you no longer have to keep the law."
37:23 Well, you couldn't even keep the law
37:25 unless you are set free.
37:27 If you are not set free,
37:29 you are under the condemnation of the law.
37:31 That's why people go to jail.
37:32 The law that they broke, condemns them to do jail time.
37:36 In the same way the sinner is under the condemnation.
37:39 That's why the Lord says
37:40 that you are no longer under the law,
37:41 but under grace,
37:43 that means under the condemnation.
37:44 But the obligation to keep the commandments of God
37:47 is very, very simple.
37:48 If you love Me, keep My commandments.
37:51 You can't even keep the commandments of God
37:53 unless you are in a saving relationship.
37:55 Sinners don't need to keep the commandments of God.
37:58 Sinners first need to be saved.
37:59 And what is a sinner?
38:01 Sin is the transgression of the law.
38:03 1 John 3:4, so here we are.
38:06 We're set free. We're saved.
38:08 And Paul asked the question that you just asked,
38:10 "Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?"
38:12 He says, "Certainly not,"
38:14 Roman 6:1.
38:16 So here it is.
38:17 Do we keep the commandments of God?
38:19 Solomon ended it very clearly.
38:20 Ecclesiastes 12:13-14,
38:23 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
38:26 Fear God and keep His commandments,
38:28 for this is the whole duty of man.
38:30 For God will bring every work into judgment,
38:33 including every secret thing, whether good or evil."
38:36 We keep the commandments
38:37 because we are in a saving relationship.
38:39 Amen.
38:40 Whoo, that's powerful. Wow, that was really powerful.
38:42 Yeah. Great illustration too.
38:43 Yes. Amen.
38:45 Pastor Ryan, this one says how this question says,
38:48 "How can I know
38:49 if I've committed the unpardonable sin
38:52 or grieved Him?"
38:53 It's a capital H
38:54 so I'm assuming the Holy Spirit or God away.
38:56 So how can I know if I've committed
38:57 the unpardonable sin or grieved Him away?
38:59 Yeah, that's one of those that are...
39:02 That's one of those questions
39:03 you really need more than two minutes
39:05 to really break this down,
39:07 but I'm going to give the simple answer.
39:08 And that is that, first of all,
39:09 the person who submitted this question,
39:11 I can tell that you haven't committed the unpardonable sin
39:14 because you're submitting the question about it, right?
39:16 You're worried about it.
39:17 Maybe not worried, but maybe you're concerned.
39:19 You know, I want to make sure that I haven't done this.
39:21 I can tell you for sure
39:23 based on a responsible study of God's Word,
39:25 that if you are asking that question
39:26 or remotely concerned about yourself
39:28 having committed that one sin
39:31 that God said cannot be forgiven,
39:33 then you're safe because you haven't.
39:35 The Bible makes it very clear in a ray of different texts
39:39 that basically, you know, a person who is deceived,
39:42 they're unaware that they are deceived.
39:44 That's kind of the nature
39:45 or the overall essence of deception
39:47 is that you're unaware that you've been deceived.
39:48 And a person who has grieved the Holy Spirit
39:50 has pushed the Holy Spirit away
39:52 to the point that they've created
39:53 that spiritual callus up on their ear.
39:55 They're not really listening to the Holy Spirit anymore,
39:57 but yet the deception is that
39:58 all the while they're pushing them away,
40:00 they think that they're saved.
40:02 First of all, let me make this clear.
40:03 Matthew 12:31 is where we're getting this from
40:05 the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
40:08 in reference to that unpardonable sin,
40:10 the unpardonable sin,
40:11 that phrase is not found in Scripture,
40:13 but the concept is found in Matthew 12:31,
40:15 where Christ says,
40:16 "Therefore, I say to you,
40:18 every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men,
40:20 but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
40:22 or the Spirit will not be forgiving men.
40:24 So blasphemy of the Spirit.
40:26 First of all, let's make this clear.
40:28 Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is not,
40:30 it's not a type or kind of sin.
40:32 I want to make that clear.
40:33 It's really a state of being.
40:35 It's a point in which you reach,
40:36 where you stop listening and obeying the Holy Spirit.
40:39 For instance, in 1 John 1:9, what does Jesus say?
40:41 He says, "If we confess our sins,"
40:43 he is what?
40:44 He is faithful and just.
40:45 So if you come to a point where
40:47 Lord, I'm sorrowing for this, I'm sorry, Lord,
40:48 please forgive me.
40:50 Jesus says, I'll forgive you of this.
40:51 So in order for you to commit the unpardonable sin
40:54 or the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit,
40:56 you have to reach a point
40:57 where you stop listening to the Spirit of truth.
40:59 You stop listening to the Holy Spirit
41:00 leading and guiding you,
41:02 and you start doing your own thing.
41:04 You know, he, that the Bible says that
41:06 there is a way which seems right into a man,
41:07 but the end thereof are the ways of death.
41:10 So we have to be clear on that.
41:12 Another text that comes to mind really quickly.
41:13 I got to read this, 1 Timothy 4:1-2.
41:16 It says, "Now the Spirit expressly says that
41:18 in latter times some will depart from the faith
41:20 giving heed, "
41:21 here it is, "to seducing spirits
41:23 or deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,
41:25 speaking lies and hypocrisy,
41:26 having their own conscience seared with a hot iron."
41:30 I think of the cauterizing of a wound, right?
41:32 What does it do? It seals it up.
41:34 So in this case, when a person has,
41:36 has reached the point where they've pushed away
41:37 or grieved the Holy Spirit,
41:39 they've committed that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
41:41 They've reached a point in their life
41:42 where they're no longer listening to the Holy Spirit.
41:45 They've pushed him away.
41:46 They're not listening anymore,
41:47 but all the while they're deceived
41:49 in believing that they know God.
41:50 You don't have to worry about that.
41:51 If you, if you're concerned about your salvation
41:54 and you're seeking the Lord each and every day,
41:55 you have not committed that unpardonable sin.
41:57 Amen.
41:59 Yeah, what an incredible assurance.
42:00 Amen.
42:02 So this one, Jill, says,
42:03 thank you, Pastor Ryan, for that too.
42:04 Amen. All right.
42:06 So this one, Jill, says,
42:07 "How do I prepare
42:08 for the second coming of Jesus Christ?"
42:10 I would say live as if He's coming today
42:13 and you will be ready.
42:15 Let's look at Romans 13. Romans 13.
42:17 When I think about getting ready
42:18 for the second coming of Christ,
42:20 this is the first scripture that pops in my mind.
42:21 Romans 13,
42:23 we're going to look at verses 11 through 14.
42:24 And, Pastor John, we have a list of four things.
42:26 Hopefully we'll get through it in two minutes.
42:28 Number one is to wake up,
42:31 be aware of the signs of His return.
42:35 We're in Romans 13:11,
42:37 "Do this knowing the time
42:39 it is now high time to awake out of sleep,
42:42 for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believe."
42:46 Number one, wake up.
42:47 Number two,
42:49 use proper weaponry
42:51 that would be cast off the works of darkness
42:54 and use weapons of the light.
42:57 Verse 12,
42:58 "The night is far spent, the day is at hand.
43:00 Let us cast off the works of darkness
43:02 and let us put on the armor of light."
43:05 We cast off the works of darkness.
43:07 It reminds me of Ephesians 4:22,
43:09 "You put off concerning your former conduct,
43:11 the old man,
43:13 which grows corrupt
43:14 according to the deceitful lust."
43:16 And what do we put on? We put on the armor of God.
43:18 We have our ways girded with truth
43:21 and the breastplate of righteousness.
43:23 We have our feet shod
43:24 with the preparation of the gospel of peace,
43:27 the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation,
43:29 the sword of the spirit, and we pray.
43:32 Principle number three, walk appropriately.
43:35 Verse 13,
43:37 "Let us walk properly, "
43:39 that word in Greek means
43:40 becoming what is respectable or honorable,
43:44 "not in revelry,
43:46 not in drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust,
43:49 not in strife and envy."
43:51 And finally principle number four,
43:53 prepare for battle.
43:54 Verse 14,
43:55 "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ
43:57 and make no provision for the flesh
44:00 to fulfill its lusts."
44:01 We are called to put on Christ to be clothed
44:04 with His character, His disposition, His habits,
44:07 and we make no provision for the flesh,
44:10 no provision for temptation in our lives.
44:13 So we wake up, we use proper weaponry.
44:16 We walk appropriately and then prepare for battle.
44:18 Oh, Amen. Wow. Thank you very much.
44:21 We're getting down to the end of this hour
44:24 and it has gone by quickly.
44:25 It's almost like I need oxygen, it's like,
44:28 I mean, there's so much information.
44:29 I just want to say thank you, Pastor John, Pastor Ryan.
44:31 Thank you, Jill.
44:32 You know, for explaining and giving answers
44:34 from the Word of God.
44:36 What I want to do here
44:37 since we're getting so close on time
44:38 is just put one question out there
44:40 and let everyone comment on it
44:41 because we've been kind of going to John, Ryan,
44:43 Jill, that kind of thing.
44:44 So, this question, it's a great question.
44:46 This comes from Michelle and she says,
44:49 "Why does God only answer certain prayers you pray?"
44:53 And that's a really good question.
44:55 I know a lot of people have asked me that too.
44:56 So, why does God only answer certain prayers you pray?
45:01 Pastor John?
45:02 Well, it's just like, why does a parent only give you
45:04 certain things you asked for?
45:05 Because God knows best, you know, God knows.
45:08 Simply He says, I will provide all of your need
45:12 according to My riches and glory.
45:14 Okay. We want our wants.
45:16 And James says,
45:17 we ask amiss
45:19 so that we'll spend it on our own selves.
45:21 He's not going to answer that question.
45:23 He's not going to answer that prayer.
45:25 Somebody say, I need a...
45:26 Jill, we need a jet to fly to Marion to shop.
45:30 I was just joking with Jill one day and said that
45:32 that's a prayer that will never get answered.
45:33 Yeah. That's right.
45:35 That's a request that never be fulfilled.
45:36 That's right. God is a just God.
45:37 He would not give you anything that will hinder you
45:40 or be opposite to His will for your life.
45:42 Okay, anyone else?
45:44 So the question is why does God only answer
45:45 certain prayers you pray?
45:46 Yeah. Go.
45:48 Go ahead. Pastor Ryan. Yes, go ahead.
45:49 Well, I mean the text that always comes to my mind
45:51 when I'm thinking of this question,
45:52 as I've been asking many times is 1 John 5:14-15.
45:57 It says,
45:58 "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him,
46:00 that if we ask anything," here's the key,
46:03 "according to His will he hears.
46:06 And if we know that he hears us, whatever we ask,
46:08 we know that we have the petitions.
46:10 And we have asked that we have asked of him.
46:13 So many times as pastor brought up very clearly there.
46:15 Sometimes we ask things
46:16 that necessarily may not be according to His will.
46:18 And if it is according to His will
46:20 and some people say,
46:21 well, why doesn't He answer it then and there?
46:23 Why doesn't it come in a timely manner?
46:25 You know, I think of that text in scripture
46:26 where the Bible says, you know, God,
46:28 God's thoughts are not our thoughts,
46:29 His ways are not our ways.
46:31 God, He knows what's best for us.
46:32 But He's an on-time God.
46:34 He's sometimes that answer may be according to His will,
46:37 but He delays it because
46:39 He knows what's best for us in the time that we need it.
46:42 And so, you know,
46:43 I guess pastor brought up very clearly.
46:45 Sometimes we may ask for things
46:46 that isn't according to His will
46:47 and God knows what's best for us.
46:49 And He's protecting us, right?
46:50 He's not just going to give us any and everything,
46:52 because it also helps build faith
46:53 that we trust in Him.
46:55 When we ask those things of Him,
46:57 that He will hear us and He will answer us
46:59 according to His will not our own,
47:01 or we think of the words of Christ.
47:02 Nevertheless, not My will, but Yours be done all the way.
47:05 Amen. I love that.
47:07 I was going to 1 John 5, so a different scripture.
47:10 I love that scripture.
47:11 So I'm going to flip instead the question on its head.
47:14 The question was what?
47:15 Why does God only answer certain prayers we pray?
47:17 My answer is God answers every prayer you pray.
47:19 Just the answer might not be what you expected.
47:23 What's the Word of God say?
47:24 2 Corinthians 1:20,
47:25 "All of God's promises are yes and amen in Christ Jesus."
47:30 And if we build off
47:31 of what both of you have just shared,
47:34 the principle is that
47:35 God wants us saved in the kingdom.
47:37 So whatever is going to help us in that journey,
47:41 He's going to answer those prayers.
47:42 All of His promises are yes and amen.
47:44 Those promises are for salvation.
47:46 Those promises are for forgiveness.
47:48 Those promises are for peace.
47:49 They're not necessarily for a fancy house or a new car,
47:52 but those promises any spiritual promise,
47:55 any spiritual need.
47:57 Those promises are an automatic yes.
47:59 I love that.
48:00 Now it might be something
48:01 about maybe healing or physical healing.
48:04 God always answers that prayer too.
48:06 Sometimes it's immediate healing.
48:08 Sometimes it's a healing through natural remedies
48:11 or through the medicine that God gives us.
48:13 Sometimes it's the healing at the resurrection,
48:15 but He always heals.
48:17 Wow. Amen.
48:18 Thank you all three of you. Yes Pastor.
48:20 Now there is one prayer
48:21 that the Lord does answer immediately.
48:22 Peter knows that.
48:24 It's the shortest prayer ever prayed,
48:25 "Lord save me." And He answered immediately.
48:28 And whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord
48:31 shall be saved.
48:32 When it's about salvation, it's never delayed.
48:35 Amen. Praise the Lord.
48:36 So this question, I hope it's.
48:38 This is, this comes from Andrew
48:40 and then Jessica also sent it in.
48:41 "Should we believe in the Trinity?"
48:43 Got about a minute, 30.
48:46 I know y'all can do it. So Pastor John, okay.
48:48 Fifteen seconds. All right.
48:49 The Bible doesn't mention Trinity anymore
48:51 that it mentions millennium, but a thousand years.
48:54 It doesn't mention Trinity,
48:55 it doesn't mention millennium either,
48:56 but there's a thousand years,
48:58 but the concept of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
49:02 is not even a concept, it's a reality.
49:03 Yeah.
49:05 God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy spirit.
49:07 So do we believe that God exists,
49:10 in Jesus Christ His Son exists,
49:12 and there's a Holy Spirit?
49:13 The answer is yes.
49:14 And I honor, and I believe all three of them.
49:17 Amen.
49:18 The answer is yes, you should because the Bible teaches it.
49:21 The concept is there as pastor said.
49:23 And so yes, God is a plurality, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
49:26 They are one. Amen.
49:28 I love John 1:1,
49:30 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
49:32 and the Word was God."
49:33 Jesus preexistent from beginning.
49:35 And you can see in the creation account,
49:37 the Holy Spirit present there also.
49:39 I love that, the three of them working together.
49:41 Amen. Thank you.
49:42 Oh, this has gone by in a hurry, isn't it?
49:44 The fastest Trinity.
49:46 We need to do that on another one.
49:47 Yeah.
49:49 Unpack that a little bit.
49:50 Amen though. This has been a really fun.
49:52 Again, this first hour has gone by in a real hurry.
49:54 We're going to be right back in just a moment.
49:57 We're going to take a quick break
49:58 and we'll see you on the other side
49:59 with another closing comment.
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Revised 2024-01-02