3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL250007B

00:10 Welcome back to the second hour, and we've got a salt
00:14 shaker with a lot more salt in it.
00:16 We should have had a salt shaker.
00:17 Yeah, I know, right?
00:18 You need to get yourself a salt shaker.
00:19 Should have did some salt water in here.
00:21 Yeah, exactly.
00:22 Eric is not about to lose any flavor anytime soon.
00:26 No, no, no.
00:27 If you missed the first hour, you missed a lot, but
00:30 fortunately, there's a replay of this program later on that
00:33 you'll get a chance to peek in on it.
00:34 But salt, if somebody's just joining us, boom, summarize, S
00:40 -A -L-T, first of all, what does that mean?
00:42 Salt is an acronym for service and love together.
00:45 We act as a front door for people experiencing
00:47 homelessness.
00:48 Not just a front door, but a mobile front door.
00:51 So anyone that's experiencing homelessness can come to us
00:53 first, get their basic needs met through things like our
00:56 trailers, our case managers, counselors, and be led toward
01:01 navigating ending their homelessness.
01:04 And doing it in a Christ-like way, you know, alongside our
01:08 spiritual care team to help make sure that they also know
01:12 who Christ is too, you know, and that's, you know, we don't
01:15 force anyone, we don't believe God would force anyone to
01:18 worship here, but we make it optional for our guests and
01:20 many of our guests, you know, have taken advantage of that.
01:22 So you connect them with the church also, with an Adventist
01:25 church.
01:28 comfortable while they're experiencing homelessness
01:30 because, you know, but if they do want to be connected to a
01:34 church, we will connect them to a church.
01:36 So our spiritual care team will usually, what they'll do is
01:40 they'll, you know, they might connect them with Bible studies
01:42 and other things, but after in those Bible studies, if they
01:46 request being a part of a church or we notice that they
01:49 want that kind of community, then they'll actually go with
01:53 them to the church.
01:56 really just kind of, you know, it's, anyway, it's real special
02:01 what happened here.
02:06 church, right?
02:07 And so that our client, our client that was with him was
02:10 still experiencing homelessness at the time.
02:12 He didn't fully feel comfortable.
02:14 He's like, don't worry about it.
02:15 Just calm, you know, whatever, it'll be fine.
02:18 So, you know, he goes to pick him up to go to church and our,
02:22 you know, our spiritual care team member that's that's
02:25 taking him, he's wearing a tie -dye shorts, flip-flops, has a
02:30 hole in his shirt, you know, and the guy he's taking to
02:33 church is like, man, I thought they were going to be looking
02:35 at me, but they're going to be looking at you, you know, and
02:38 he's like, you know, but he did that intentionally, right?
02:41 Because then now, now, you know, maybe he will get, you
02:45 know, more of the looks or whatever.
02:46 And and, you know, they won't, you know, notice our guests as
02:50 much.
02:53 needs help.
02:53 Yeah, right, right.
02:54 They're going to him and asking if he needs assistance, you
02:57 know, but that's that's the spirit that they they come with
03:00 with that.
03:00 Remove that fear.
03:02 Yep.
03:03 Remove that fear.
03:03 Yeah.
03:04 Yeah.
03:06 So we, you know, at Salt, you know, and like I mentioned
03:10 before, you know, Central Florida is one of the highest
03:13 concentrations of youth and young adult homelessness, you
03:16 know, 16 to 24 year olds.
03:18 And so we applied for a grant to specialize in youth and
03:24 young adult homelessness.
03:25 And so we have actually a dedicated team of people that
03:29 focus on just 16 to 24 year olds.
03:32 So this team, you know, I actually have a picture here of
03:35 our trailer that is this trailer right here is
03:38 completely dedicated to youth, youth and young adults
03:41 experiencing homelessness.
03:42 It has three bathrooms with, you know, showers like the
03:45 other one.
03:46 Yeah.
03:46 Has the 88 in the back there.
03:48 And in the middle, there's actually two washers and two
03:51 dryers in it, too.
03:52 So it's an all in one kind of trailer.
03:55 And so that was sponsored by an insurance company.
03:58 They paid for that.
03:59 And the truck that goes along with it, they gave us about one
04:01 hundred fifty thousand to to build that trailer and to get
04:04 that truck.
04:05 But that that trailer goes across Central Florida engage
04:09 in youth and young adults experiencing homelessness.
04:12 And so how do you know where to go?
04:14 You know, it's yeah, that's a good question.
04:17 A lot of the time they go to other agencies.
04:20 So a lot of agencies kind of give give us tips.
04:23 Hey, we have a young person here, you know, that kind of
04:25 thing.
04:29 reviewed studies on youth and young adult homelessness.
04:32 And the the the by far, the way that gets the centers out the
04:38 most is word of mouth.
04:40 Once you get one or two youth there, see, I mean, you're
04:43 you're I mean, that that's going to spread.
04:45 Yeah.
04:48 set up, where we go.
04:50 So so that youth and young adults know where to go.
04:53 And so we actually are going to be we had a grant to renovate a
05:01 property to be a youth and young adult center for unhoused
05:05 youth, young adults.
05:08 Yes.
05:11 So you'll see here at the top right, we're building eight in
05:16 eighty a bathroom with a shower.
05:18 OK.
05:21 shower there.
05:24 You'll see there at the front at the bottom of the picture
05:26 there, there's the front reception area.
05:28 You can walk in and you'll see those tables with seats.
05:31 Those those tables with seats can be actually removed and
05:34 that could be an open like maybe lounge area.
05:36 But when we're doing classes or something like that or
05:39 someone's presenting, we could set that up for them to be able
05:42 to get those classes in the back right behind that.
05:45 We have kind of a library, kind of a library lounge area, you
05:49 know, place for them to do homework.
05:51 On the right, you'll see a kitchen.
05:53 They'll have two refrigerators, two microwaves, places they can
05:56 eat and get food and not have to worry about food.
05:59 And the top left there, you'll see, you know, we have some
06:02 office spaces below that and kind of a lounge area as well
06:05 for them to be able to just be out of the elements.
06:07 And in the back of this center, there's like a little grassy
06:11 area.
06:15 This is meant to be a refuge for youth and young adults
06:19 experiencing homelessness to come.
06:21 They there's case managers there.
06:22 There's going to we're going to have a counselor there.
06:24 I mean, they can get all of their basic needs met and be
06:27 navigated through the system into housing from the center.
06:31 So we're really excited about this project.
06:33 That's that's phenomenal.
06:35 So the impact is is something that's really targeting
06:42 specific groups.
06:43 Yeah, yeah.
06:46 talking about this, but we would like to, you know, yeah,
06:50 we're growing and we're setting up these different centers for
06:53 all everyone.
06:54 No, it doesn't matter who you are.
06:55 We we will take you.
06:57 But we've been talking about maybe creating specialized
07:00 teams for specific demographics, you know, because
07:04 youth, young adult needs are very different than than older
07:08 adults or, you know, maybe a veteran's needs are different
07:12 than maybe someone escaping domestic violence.
07:14 You know, these are these are all little teams that we want
07:18 to develop in and in lines to getting people into housing,
07:22 because if we can have dedicated teams that are pros
07:26 at getting youth, young adults housed, then any time we see a
07:29 youth, young adult, any of our other centers, we'll say, hey,
07:32 go here.
07:32 There's a team for you.
07:33 There's resources here.
07:34 There's, you know, and so that's kind of what we're
07:37 thinking.
07:40 We're applying for a grant to focus on on veteran
07:42 homelessness as well.
07:44 I should about veterans.
07:45 Yeah.
07:48 It's a three year grant where we can, you know, hire veterans
07:54 with lived experience.
07:55 So they're veterans.
07:56 They've also experienced homelessness.
07:59 We hire them and they minister to other veterans that are
08:03 experiencing homelessness.
08:04 And so because with veteran homelessness, you know, there's
08:08 a lot of trust that needs to get built there in the
08:10 beginning.
08:14 like a big wedge there that you need to get past.
08:17 But when it's another veteran, and not only that, when it's
08:20 another veteran that has experienced homelessness, I
08:22 mean, it's just the yeah, the bridge is there.
08:25 So it's a much easier transition.
08:28 So we're we're applying for that.
08:30 We might not get that.
08:30 It's a very competitive grant.
08:32 But we're where we kind of have thought a lot about that.
08:34 So we're hoping we can raise some funds to maybe get
08:37 something like that going eventually.
08:39 But, you know, we'll see what God does.
08:41 We'll see what God does.
08:44 about, hey, here's our veteran trailer.
08:46 Here's our veteran, our veteran staff.
08:49 Right.
08:49 Right.
08:52 that is not even there, they're not there.
08:57 Thank you, honey.
08:58 There's a world on the streets that is often overlooked.
09:02 It's like it reminds me of the story of the Good Samaritan.
09:06 There are people walking by every day.
09:08 There are people on the street.
09:10 And because they don't look the part, because sometimes they
09:13 may look threatening or they may look like the best they
09:17 could look.
09:18 They might be asking for a handout and somebody say, I
09:20 don't need a handout.
09:22 These are real circumstances.
09:25 These are real situations.
09:27 People that you might see a guy with his dog.
09:29 You talk about the 72 year old lady who couldn't carry on what
09:33 her husband was in charge of.
09:35 And she's now homeless.
09:38 And sometimes you'll see a person on the on the corner
09:40 say, veteran, homeless, need food, can you help?
09:44 And he has his dog with him.
09:46 You know, it's going to give a different attitude to many
09:48 people.
09:50 Just drive and buy them.
09:52 We've got to think, wow, do we need a salt chapter here, too?
09:55 That's why I like the idea that salt is expanding.
09:57 Talk about some of the statistical aspects of salt,
10:00 too, because you you know, there's so many different
10:03 things that have happened as you have continued to grow.
10:05 Yeah, yeah, definitely.
10:07 You know, you spark something when you were talking just now.
10:11 And, you know, kind of like that world of homelessness that
10:15 sometimes, you know, us as house people, us as house
10:18 people, it's invisible to us, right?
10:20 We don't we don't know like, you know, the how the mail
10:23 services that might not be something someone might think
10:26 about right away as a need, you know, but something that we
10:30 realized was a need that we're where we've been implementing
10:33 is storage services.
10:35 And I want to talk about that a little bit because, you know,
10:38 when we have people in encampments, you know, a lot of
10:40 times there's cities where there's people in tents and
10:43 they're maybe out in in different areas and and, you
10:48 know, a lot of the time people are like, well, why don't they
10:50 just go and get help or go?
10:52 You know, now, see, the challenge is, is when they
10:54 leave their tent with all their stuff, many times their stuff
10:59 will get stolen.
11:00 And when they get stolen, they have to start at ground zero
11:03 again.
11:04 You know, and so what what we're doing now is we're having
11:07 a storage service where they can come to us, they can bring
11:10 their important things.
11:11 Leave their tent, bring their important things.
11:12 We'll store it for them.
11:14 Keep it safe.
11:15 And then they can go off to their medical appointment.
11:18 They can go off to see a case manager and go see their
11:20 counselor without having to worry about their stuff getting
11:23 stolen.
11:27 about until we get in there and we start interacting with
11:30 people and realize that's a huge barrier to getting someone
11:33 to go and seek services and get the help they need.
11:37 That's so true, because you don't think about it.
11:38 They have no walls, no doors, no locks.
11:42 Sometimes just something as simple as the beer necessities
11:45 or a blanket they've laid on for the longest time and just
11:49 something all their belongings right there in their knapsack.
11:52 Yeah, yeah, that's gone.
11:54 And shopping carts, shopping carts.
11:56 Yeah, yeah.
12:01 A risk to that what, you know, and there's some times where,
12:04 you know, maybe it's maybe there's there's a pet or maybe
12:08 there's there's something of sentimental value.
12:12 Maybe some of their clothes.
12:13 We meet people that, hey, you know, this these these clothes
12:16 right here was passed down to me from my dad who passed away.
12:19 You know, and it might look like it's just a shirt and
12:22 pants to someone else, but there's sentimental value
12:25 there.
12:28 get lost or stolen, you know, so.
12:31 But, you know, when it comes to the the numbers, you know, and,
12:35 you know, our data team kind of puts this together.
12:38 And we always are trying to break records every year
12:41 because the need is growing every year.
12:43 The first graphic here shows a bar graph of some of the needs
12:48 that that we met.
12:49 So you'll see here, you know, showers.
12:51 We provide over 16000 showers last year.
12:55 You know, over 50000 hygiene products, over 80000 loads of
12:59 laundry, over 80000 articles of clothing.
13:02 And and, you know, these are things that help meet basic
13:05 need.
13:06 Right.
13:08 And then the next slide there is actually that.
13:11 So each dot there is the amount of people that were housed
13:15 after services with salt.
13:17 So that's that's each dot is a quarter is a three month
13:20 period.
13:27 people transitioned into housing.
13:30 Forty four percent of that number was directly housed by
13:33 our case management team.
13:35 The rest were housed in collaboration with other case
13:38 management teams.
13:39 So so those, you know, we're we're very, you know, housing
13:44 focused.
13:47 the showers.
13:51 trust, you know, show them who Christ is, get them linked to
13:54 housing.
13:56 Yeah, one of the first things he did was put him in shelter.
13:59 Right.
13:59 Exactly.
14:02 So he was good.
14:03 You know, he could whatever he needs is covered.
14:05 I'll take care when I get back.
14:06 Right.
14:06 Right.
14:11 that just that just are paralyzed.
14:15 Because how do you when you're in fight or flight mode 24 7,
14:19 when you're not sleeping at night, every 15 minutes you're
14:21 waking up, bug crawls on you on you.
14:24 Car lights pass by and it wakes you up.
14:27 You feel like someone's pulling on your bag and you wake up
14:29 scared.
14:31 You know, I mean, you're not sleeping at night.
14:33 You're not I mean, it's it's the uncertainty.
14:36 It's yeah.
14:37 How do you how do you do that?
14:39 And so so, you know, sometimes there are people out there that
14:45 they need to be in housing first.
14:48 Many really everyone needs to be in housing first before they
14:51 can start thinking about, you know, just these other like
14:54 getting a job, you know what I mean?
14:55 Some people can do it.
14:57 Richie was one of the people we talked about last hour.
14:59 He got a job.
15:03 place.
15:07 know, we we have a guy.
15:08 I'll share this story with you guys.
15:10 We have a guy.
15:11 He's in his 70s.
15:13 He's in a walker.
15:14 Barely can barely, you know, get around and stuff like that.
15:20 And, you know, we we we serve him pretty much every day.
15:25 We're open.
15:25 He's there.
15:27 He doesn't talk much.
15:28 Very quiet.
15:29 No family or friends or anything like that.
15:32 And every night, there's only two porta potties in downtown
15:36 Orlando for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people
15:39 to use overnight, too.
15:42 And and so overnight, that's that's all they have.
15:45 Right.
15:48 border body.
15:49 So there's two choices.
15:52 You defecate yourself at night.
15:55 Or you you you risk going on the sidewalk and getting
15:58 arrested and losing all your stuff, because you would be
16:02 surprised how many people unsheltered get arrested for
16:04 using the bathroom outside.
16:06 And I mean, I get it.
16:09 But, you know, yeah, it's a it's a crime to defecate in
16:11 public.
16:13 You know, like, so what ends up happening for him?
16:16 He defecates himself every day, every night.
16:19 He comes to us for a shower.
16:21 Our staff help clean him up.
16:23 He gets new clothes sometimes.
16:25 And the same thing happens the next day, the next day, the
16:28 next day.
16:29 He can't get a job.
16:30 He he he has social security.
16:32 He's barely getting anything on social security.
16:33 He's not enough to pay rent anywhere.
16:36 He has he's on a waiting list for permanent supportive
16:38 housing, which will take two and a half years for him to get
16:40 in.
16:41 Yep.
16:43 It's it's unfortunate, but there are some, you know, some
16:46 people that, you know, I a lot of time we hear, oh, get a job
16:49 first.
16:50 They just need to get a job.
16:51 Some people can't hold a job.
16:52 They can't get a job, you know, and he's one of them.
16:55 And so it's it's heartbreaking.
16:58 And so, you know, if we weren't around, he wouldn't even be
17:02 able to get a shower.
17:04 He wouldn't be able to get his laundry done or get his mail
17:06 anywhere or or even see a case manager that's helping him
17:10 through some things that he's going through.
17:13 And, you know, and helping to get him on that permanent
17:15 supportive housing list and doing all that.
17:17 I mean, you know, so it unfortunately, there's there's
17:21 a good number of people out there that just they can't
17:24 work, you know, and we're helping to support them.
17:27 We're into everything we can to get them off the street.
17:29 Nationwide, we're peeling back the onion skin tonight.
17:32 I really appreciate that, because sometimes we see salt
17:35 as, hey, everything is working.
17:38 But sometimes you could look at situations like you just
17:40 described here where, you know, you're you just showered.
17:45 You just got new clothes and you're singing your mind.
17:47 He'll be back tomorrow.
17:49 Same situation.
17:50 And it's a cycle.
17:52 And so it almost behooves the government, the local officials
17:58 to recognize this hidden world.
18:02 Yeah.
18:03 What do they do about it?
18:04 Are they embarrassed?
18:05 You know, you want to ask yourself the question.
18:07 This is not something you could ask.
18:08 But sometimes it might be the locals.
18:11 The city doing?
18:12 Yeah.
18:16 You know, good people at the city.
18:17 They they they give us, you know, some grant funding and do
18:20 some some of what we're doing.
18:22 And initially, when we first were kind of ramping up, they
18:25 were big and getting us funded to do it.
18:27 And, you know, that's why nonprofits exist, because the
18:30 city can't, I guess, is unable or, I mean, they might be able
18:34 to, but aren't aren't doing everything they can do for
18:38 their citizens.
18:39 So so they give us money and other agencies money to try and
18:42 do something.
18:44 You know, I will say that the.
18:48 How do I say this?
18:50 The attitude toward homelessness right now.
18:53 Yeah.
18:56 More than any other time that we've been doing this ministry
18:59 has been just unhinged and and and the city, you know, is
19:06 trying to build a shelter right now.
19:08 Yeah.
19:11 each time the community pushes back and says, we don't want to
19:14 hear.
19:15 Yes.
19:20 see, you know, they don't want to tell the shelter next to
19:22 them, whatever.
19:23 But then where is it going to go?
19:25 Where are you going?
19:26 Where where is it going?
19:27 It has to go somewhere to go somewhere.
19:28 And and and, you know, and so right now, the next shelter,
19:32 the shelters have been full for years, four years, four or five
19:35 years.
19:40 And for a new shelter to get built, we're talking like three
19:43 years at the soonest.
19:46 There'll be a new shelter in Orlando.
19:47 What's going to happen in three years?
19:49 And so in the meantime, in the meantime, God has called us to
19:55 a certain mission, a certain purpose.
19:57 We are here to help.
19:59 I mean, there are people that are surviving because we're
20:02 there.
20:04 I'll share this story, too, because I and we'll go on to
20:06 some testimonies.
20:07 We have some other things to talk about.
20:09 Yeah.
20:10 So we man.
20:13 This is tough.
20:14 So we we were serving in an area.
20:17 We were taking our shower trailer out there.
20:19 It was a wooded area where we knew some people experiencing
20:22 homelessness were there.
20:23 Yes.
20:24 They were eager for help.
20:25 I mean, they I mean, there was a young person there crying, I
20:27 just want to see a case manager.
20:29 You know, I've walked over to this place.
20:31 I've waited in line, can never see a case.
20:33 I just need to see a case manager.
20:34 I need help.
20:35 You know, and they're there.
20:37 And they were when we got there and we started bringing case
20:39 management showers, clothing, hygiene.
20:41 We had some food meals.
20:43 I mean, they were all grateful and they started to work with
20:45 our case manager.
20:49 in particular that I want to talk about today.
20:52 He he was he's getting a job.
20:53 He was applying for jobs.
20:55 He was really excited to get to the next stage and get out of
21:00 his situation.
21:02 And so one day where they're serving and, you know, in order
21:06 to get to this wooded area, we have to cross a private
21:11 business owner's driveway.
21:13 So we're not we're not they don't even have a place of
21:17 business there.
21:17 It's just an empty lot.
21:18 We drive over this little sidewalk, probably as big as
21:22 this table, and get to the other side and we get to the
21:25 wooded area.
21:27 They came with a forklift and cement blocks to block us in.
21:32 They said, leave right now.
21:34 Leave right now or you're getting locked in here.
21:36 What?
21:38 And and so we were like our team was like, OK, you know,
21:42 we're going to go, you know, please don't.
21:44 You know, and at one point, they almost rammed that truck
21:48 with that cement block into one of our staff.
21:50 We had it on camera.
21:51 We're recording it the whole time because we want to make
21:54 sure you know, we were covered and and just that that the
21:58 hate.
22:00 It was the hate toward people experiencing homelessness.
22:04 There's no there's nothing holding anyone back anymore.
22:07 You know, they're just going all out.
22:09 So we ended up leaving that place and it was and we weren't
22:12 able to serve in that area anymore.
22:15 Two weeks later, the guy that was that I was working with our
22:19 case manager that was looking for a job, we found out he
22:22 passed away.
22:24 He got a cut, simple cut, opening wound, became septic,
22:31 and he passed away in that camp.
22:33 What?
22:35 We were pushed away from that encampment and that ended up
22:39 happening.
22:43 if we were not there, they they they wouldn't they wouldn't be
22:47 alive.
22:50 out there.
22:52 And and, you know, we you know, I had the privilege of speaking
22:56 at the Homeless Memorial Service in Orlando.
22:59 I did the Homeless Memorial, Homeless Memorial Service.
23:05 It's where every year we get together a bunch of
23:08 organizations and we honor the lives of those that passed away
23:12 experiencing homelessness.
23:13 There were one hundred and sixteen people that we knew of
23:15 that passed away in last year.
23:17 And there was we had a John Doe that was for everyone else that
23:21 passed away that we didn't know of know about.
23:23 And they asked me to do the the eulogy at that service.
23:30 And and I talked about that client.
23:32 I'm like, we we we need to we need to keep pushing.
23:36 We need to keep going.
23:37 We need to go harder.
23:38 There are people that are dying because we are not out there
23:41 doing what we need to do to serve these people.
23:44 And they're dying without knowing Christ, you know, like
23:47 we we need to we need to get out there.
23:50 There's a sense of urgency.
23:51 There is a sense of urgency.
23:52 And so we have that sense of urgency.
23:54 And that's that's what that's what keeps pushing us, you
23:56 know.
24:00 Well, but you know, really, Eric, you're bringing us to the
24:04 reality of the, you know, it's no longer black and white.
24:06 This is full color of what we're seeing, what's happening
24:09 there.
24:13 You don't know what you're going to deal with when you
24:16 pull up at a location.
24:17 And to think about that, it's just somebody with feel the
24:22 disparaging attitude to just block it off.
24:24 So I don't really care whether they die and I just get off of
24:27 my property.
24:28 That's just a sad reality.
24:30 Yeah.
24:30 Yeah.
24:33 you almost had to hold up your camp, so to speak.
24:37 We did.
24:37 We did.
24:38 And, you know, I, you know, I.
24:47 So we we were on a live last year.
24:49 Some people might be watching now that we're on that, that
24:52 they were watching that live and there were people that, you
24:59 know, they so so I'll start from the beginning.
25:01 Let me let me start there.
25:02 So basically.
25:05 In June of last year, we were promised a very large donation
25:08 from a corporation, one that's given us more money in the
25:12 past, you know, MOU signed, everything was set up.
25:17 Right.
25:19 Right.
25:19 So that's a lot of money.
25:21 So so we were we were really counting on that check to come
25:25 in and everything was planned.
25:26 And then I get a text from that corporation saying that they
25:31 don't there's some internal issues.
25:34 They don't know if they can get us that money.
25:35 They don't know when they will get us that money.
25:38 And so I go to our finance guy, I'm like, look, let's take our
25:42 cash flow projection here.
25:43 Let's take off one hundred and thirty thousand.
25:45 Just just delete it.
25:47 How does that affect us moving forward?
25:49 And he's like, Eric, we will have to shut down our services
25:53 by 80 percent for three months, move our staff to other grant
26:00 funded positions.
26:00 So no one's losing their job.
26:02 But for our main operation, our busiest operation, the one
26:06 where we serve that gentleman that has to, you know, that 70
26:10 year old and with a walker.
26:13 We had to shut we have to shut down by 80 percent.
26:15 That means 80 people a day, five days a week, not getting
26:17 their basic needs met.
26:19 That meant, you know, that that cutting down on our case
26:22 management capacity, too.
26:25 And, you know, that was that was really hard to stomach, you
26:28 know, and so we did everything we could.
26:31 We looked and we we looked at every possible avenue of how
26:35 can we how can we recoup this, you know?
26:38 And there was nothing that we could do, nothing we could do.
26:41 So we ended up about a week later, we brought our whole
26:46 team into into the room, into a room.
26:49 We did like a town hall with our team.
26:51 And I told them, hey, this is what's happening.
26:55 Wow.
26:57 There was a dry eye in that room, of course, you know,
27:00 because, yeah, they weren't losing their jobs, but but they
27:02 knew how this would affect the people we're serving.
27:07 So right after that meeting, it just so happened a reporter
27:10 came by and it was about something totally different.
27:14 And she could tell I was a little emotional.
27:15 She's like, what's going on?
27:16 And, you know, I tell her what's going on, what's
27:19 happening.
27:20 And she's like, you know what?
27:21 Forget that story.
27:22 Let's talk about this.
27:25 So I share what's happening on the news.
27:27 After that story, six other news stations reached out and
27:30 started, you know, they were like, oh, it's all can't shut
27:32 down.
27:35 open, popped up.
27:38 You know, salt can't shut down.
27:39 We need to we need to get it out there to try and get
27:41 support for you guys.
27:42 And so seven total seven news stories, Channel six, Channel
27:45 13, Channel two.
27:46 I mean, everybody was talking about it.
27:48 And we we ended up after that news story.
27:53 I you know, our team, a few days later, they end up going
27:56 to our clients now to our guests and they go in the
28:00 courtyard where they are and they tell them what's going on.
28:05 It was it was, you know, in in this in this really just
28:09 emotional, heartbreaking time.
28:12 There was a there was a moment of beauty there because we
28:14 shared what's happening with our clients.
28:16 And someone in a wheelchair raised their hand and said,
28:19 I'll volunteer to keep this going.
28:21 You know, someone else, you know, with a disability, I'll
28:25 volunteer.
28:29 for everyone else.
28:30 And so, you know, we we.
28:33 So, you know, that happens.
28:35 And you know, while this is happening, I get an email about
28:38 someone that, you know, they see our shower trailer in
28:41 Sanford, you know, 30 minutes north of Orlando.
28:42 They say, hey, you know, we I just want to talk.
28:44 You know, I have some ideas for Sanford and love to meet with
28:48 you.
28:48 I'm like, OK.
28:49 So we schedule something for a week later.
28:51 Now, this is four days before the shutdown.
28:54 I meet with this woman.
28:57 And it was actually the the the day I was going to be here on
29:01 three and live with Danny Yvonne Shelton.
29:06 I meet with her and she, you know, she's like, hey, I want
29:11 to talk about Sanford, but I saw this new story.
29:14 I want to talk about that.
29:15 What was that about?
29:16 And I'm like, yeah, well, this is what's going on.
29:19 So, OK, well, you know what?
29:20 You know, let me see what me and my family can do.
29:23 Maybe we can help in some way.
29:24 I don't know.
29:25 You know, we'll we'll see.
29:26 I'll send you a text about an hour before I come on this live
29:30 show.
29:33 thousand dollars to salt to keep salt going.
29:38 So the next slide here shows.
29:40 So now all the journalists that did the whole story on us
29:44 shutting down, they ended up having as good journalists.
29:48 They're like, we can't have this out there.
29:49 They're not shutting down anymore.
29:51 So there were seven more news stories that had to come around
29:55 and share the miracle of what happened because they had to.
29:58 They couldn't keep the shutting down story out by itself.
30:00 Right.
30:07 with me the most.
30:08 You know, I and it was because, you know, sometimes when they
30:10 do stories, you talk about God and they don't include it in
30:14 the news story to that particular news story in the
30:16 middle.
30:21 So and because that's what we told our team.
30:23 We're like, look, we did everything we could.
30:26 All we can do is pray right now.
30:27 That's right.
30:29 We're in that room, you know, in tears, all praying for this
30:32 miracle.
30:35 And and so, you know, I what I do is I take, you know, we're
30:38 praying, you know, we pray that God can get the glory for all
30:42 this.
30:46 You know, we'll share how you deliver it, how you try to try
30:49 it.
30:55 media sometimes of salt.
30:56 You know, we have an Instagram.
30:57 And so I I, you know, sometimes I spend hours and hours putting
31:03 together a social media post and it gets like two likes.
31:07 And I'm like in my head, I'm like, yeah, it's going to go
31:10 viral.
31:10 Everyone's going to love that.
31:11 And no one likes it.
31:13 So but but in this case, I took a screenshot of that news
31:16 story, the same screenshot you saw in that previous slide
31:18 there, the middle news story, took a screenshot.
31:21 I posted on Instagram and it went viral.
31:25 Wow.
31:26 Three point eight million people saw this news story.
31:30 And so God got the glory.
31:32 Man, he got the glory.
31:34 He made this.
31:35 We don't have viral posts like that on our page.
31:37 We're not that big.
31:38 But for some reason, and I know it was God, he made that news
31:43 story viral.
31:44 And and so it was just, you know, had twenty four thousand
31:48 likes, you know, so many people saw it.
31:52 And and now I get to share it in places like here.
31:54 And share what the greatness that God did.
31:58 And, you know, it's it's it's it's so being a part of
32:02 ministry and, you know, we're all in it, you know, we're all
32:04 in ministry and stuff like that.
32:06 And, you know, every year, the challenges don't necessarily at
32:12 the core.
32:13 The challenges are all the same.
32:15 But but the difference is, is they get bigger and bigger and
32:18 bigger.
32:19 Yeah.
32:24 donation would have been like, oh, man, what are we going to
32:26 do?
32:27 Oh, what's what's what's going to happen?
32:30 Yeah.
32:34 thirty thousand dollar gap.
32:35 We're like, oh, no, what's you know, God, what are you going
32:37 to do?
32:38 And and you know what?
32:39 Well, we came on here and three being live.
32:41 Yeah.
32:44 Yvonne in the in the live.
32:46 And they didn't know they didn't actually know.
32:48 I didn't tell them before.
32:50 Right.
32:50 Right.
32:52 and you know, that that live 3ABN viewers.
32:58 Yes.
32:58 They stepped up.
32:59 Amen.
33:00 They were donating.
33:01 We got so many donations that that day from 3ABN viewers
33:05 wanting to help and make sure that we can hit our goal to to
33:11 to keep things going.
33:12 And, you know, honestly, I just I almost feel like I need to
33:16 take a second just to talk to the 3ABN viewers because sure
33:19 you know, from the beginning, like 2016, you know, we had
33:26 this dream and 3ABN viewers have walked alongside us.
33:30 They're they they're donating on a regular basis.
33:33 They're being a part of these miracles.
33:35 They're part of these miracles.
33:36 You know, they're part of this mission.
33:38 And it couldn't happen without all the support we get.
33:42 And we're so thankful.
33:43 And, you know, I'm almost in tears now because it's like
33:46 we're just we're just so we're so thankful for your support.
33:49 Your support goes such a long way.
33:53 And so we're just so grateful for you.
33:55 Thank you for your support.
33:57 I'm glad you put that out there because we definitely want to
33:59 reach out to the audience and I'm I know I'm just kind of
34:03 sniffling here to keep it from becoming teary because in
34:06 reality, when you think about what God does, he's looking for
34:09 people to stand in the gap.
34:11 There is an unseen world that remains unseen to so many
34:15 people.
34:19 We pass them by, you know, the song, People Need the Lord.
34:22 It's so fitting there.
34:23 I could see it in their eyes and you see it in their eyes.
34:27 Empty people filled with care.
34:29 I remember once years ago when we were new in ministry, there
34:33 was a man and his son that was homeless.
34:37 And we took him in our home to live with us.
34:41 He had nowhere to go.
34:43 Right, honey?
34:44 Yeah, I'll tell you about this.
34:49 never published it yet.
34:50 But it's, you know, I might even dedicate this to what you
34:53 guys do because we were living up in the Northern California
34:57 mountains at the time, our first church we pastored.
35:01 Actually the second one, but the first solo church.
35:05 And a van pulled up in the parking lot.
35:07 It was a lot of older people.
35:09 So we had our prayer meeting early in the day, like two o
35:12 'clock because they couldn't drive at night through the
35:14 mountains.
35:18 up a man and his son, Caucasian guy and his young son, I'd say
35:24 about 15 at the time.
35:26 And he said, we asked him his name, he told us his name and
35:29 we said, where are you going?
35:30 He said, nowhere.
35:35 So we says, so how can we help you?
35:37 He says, I just have 47 cents.
35:42 Can you help me with something?
35:43 So as I tell the story, the lyrics were just so powerful
35:51 that I'm going to just look it up here as I tell the story,
35:54 actually it's in my head.
35:57 So our church members, most of them older, they said, where
36:01 are you going?
36:01 He said, nowhere.
36:03 They said, well, why don't you stay for a while?
36:06 So we took him in.
36:08 To live with us.
36:09 So we put him in a hotel for the week, right in town.
36:12 And what do you need?
36:15 We provided it for him.
36:17 They said, so where's your destination?
36:19 We really don't have one.
36:21 We're just driving.
36:23 And I said, okay.
36:27 there at the gas station and said, hey, how you doing?
36:30 He says, I'm just getting some fuel for my van.
36:33 And he was there when I got there and I was filling up and
36:37 I bought the lead, but he's still there.
36:38 I said, is there something wrong?
36:40 Are you guys still in the hotel?
36:43 Actually, no, we're not still in the hotel.
36:45 What happened?
36:46 Well, my son got really angry one evening and they put us
36:49 out.
36:49 How long ago was that?
36:51 It's our second night.
36:52 So where are you sleeping in our van?
36:56 And he said, we're having battery problems and so how do
36:59 you get your battery started?
37:00 Well, we kind of drive up the hill in the morning, we put it
37:03 in neutral and push it down the hill so it starts up.
37:07 I said, I called, but actually I just brought, I said, come to
37:11 our house.
37:11 There was no cell phones.
37:14 I said, why don't you stay with us?
37:16 So we had them come in and it was not too far from Christmas.
37:23 Just shorten it.
37:23 Shorten.
37:27 is interesting.
37:30 We helped them fill out paper.
37:32 The church pulled together.
37:33 So this evening, I get the story.
37:35 So talking about going from one place to the next.
37:38 So quickly on the story.
37:39 So this evening, the father says to his son, go outside the
37:44 play, I got to talk to.
37:45 And he said, now we can tell the story because it's been
37:48 many years.
37:52 I won't tell you, I won't say from where.
37:55 I've been on the run.
37:57 There's probably a warrant out for my arrest.
37:59 And he explained the situation.
38:00 He says, if you want to verify that, here's my mom, call her.
38:03 He had not done anything illegal, but he found a very
38:07 uncompromising situation.
38:09 He reacted to it.
38:10 And my son and I just...
38:13 So he said, what we're going to do is we're going to return
38:14 back home, face our consequences.
38:19 And that was toward the end of the story.
38:21 But we bought them gifts and all.
38:24 They went back home, faced their time.
38:27 And years later, we came through the town.
38:29 This is shortened in the story.
38:30 And they were living in that town.
38:33 And so the words of the man and the son were out on the run,
38:36 heading nowhere.
38:41 They saw a small steeple, and then they found people right
38:45 there.
38:47 Man, I need to hear that.
38:48 I need to hear that.
38:50 What they didn't know, as we would come to show them, you
38:54 care.
38:55 They were out on the go.
38:56 What they did not know, there's no place you can't find it.
39:01 So I don't get emotional like this, but this is what salt is
39:04 all about.
39:10 There's no place that God can't find them.
39:12 I've never gotten emotional on this story before like this,
39:15 but I'm listening to the whole story of salt, and it's really
39:19 impressing me that there are so many people that are listening
39:21 to the program, watching the program.
39:25 I mean, we've had people come through here, and we've called
39:27 their families and said, your mother is here.
39:30 And they say, we don't really care.
39:32 We don't care what happens to her.
39:34 And I'm thinking, this is your mother.
39:35 She gave you birth.
39:36 I don't care.
39:37 You want to take care of her fine, but we don't care.
39:40 They hang up the phone, and we've had many instances like
39:42 that.
39:45 around the world that are having to deal with this.
39:47 I mean, when I say chapters around the world, people around
39:50 the world dealing with that.
39:51 Now take us down the Mount Sinai route.
39:57 So, you know, I just want to say, I mean, that's such a
40:02 beautiful story.
40:09 Before I leave, before I leave.
40:11 I'll let you hear it.
40:12 Yeah, I'd love to hear it.
40:13 It's a beautiful song.
40:16 So we, you know, so the Mount Sinai route, right?
40:21 Yeah.
40:25 It's our busiest operation.
40:27 It's at downtown Orlando.
40:30 We, you know, we did our mission well there.
40:32 It's led to our vision.
40:34 And what's happening is that organization that we're
40:37 operating on their property, we're transforming that
40:40 property into a drop-in center campus.
40:43 I mean, they're turning all the buildings focused on this and
40:47 with resources, five million dollar grant they got to turn
40:50 this campus into a center for people experiencing
40:53 homelessness.
40:54 So we were able to be that proof that this is needed here.
41:01 And it's helped to generate that.
41:03 So we knew we had to move off the property eventually, right?
41:06 Yes.
41:14 30 -day notice that we need to be out of here, like in 30
41:17 days, basically.
41:18 And this was at the end of last year.
41:20 So just get off the property.
41:22 Yep, yep.
41:24 over a hundred people a day where we're, you know, we have
41:30 our full case management team there.
41:32 I mean, there's, you know, all of our services and resources
41:35 are stocked in that building.
41:37 Our administrative team is in that building.
41:38 I mean, there's a lot of stuff that's getting uprooted here
41:41 when we have to move.
41:43 And so we looked all over the place and in that short time,
41:47 Mount Sinai Seventh-day Adventist Church, they were
41:49 like, you know what?
41:50 We can take you guys here.
41:52 You know, it would have had to been temporary at that time,
41:55 which we understood, it was going to be mostly outside.
41:59 It was about two miles away from where we were.
42:02 But it was on short notice, you know, for them to take us in.
42:05 We were so grateful for that.
42:07 So we could at least continue serving while we figure out a
42:10 longer term solution, right?
42:12 So in the middle of all that, you know, I have a graphic here
42:14 to kind of illustrate a little bit.
42:17 So, you know, we're in a place called the Christian Service
42:20 Center.
42:22 And, you know, in the middle of us looking for a space, right?
42:27 We see a place called Power House.
42:30 And that place was actually much better for our clients.
42:33 It was closer to where we were.
42:35 There was more space.
42:36 It could be longer term.
42:37 The challenge was, is it's $6 ,000 a month.
42:41 So we saw that place and we're like, oh, wow, this is great.
42:44 We heard the rent price.
42:45 We're like, you know what?
42:46 I don't know if God wants us here.
42:48 Let's go free.
42:50 Let's go to Mount Sinai, you know?
42:52 And so we end up going to that Mount Sinai Church.
42:56 We're about to go there.
42:58 About six days before we get to that, we officially move to
43:03 that location, open up.
43:05 I get a phone call.
43:06 It's a Thursday.
43:08 The next Wednesday is when we fully move into Mount Sinai
43:12 Church.
43:13 I get a call and it's someone yelling at me.
43:16 I don't know if, I can't remember the last time, like,
43:20 anyone's ever yelled at me like this, but they were like, we
43:23 don't want you here.
43:25 Keep your homeless people over there.
43:29 They're going to break into our homes.
43:31 They're going to, you know, get our kids.
43:35 They're going to, you know, do this.
43:37 I mean, it was like, it was a good 20 minutes and I couldn't
43:41 even get a word in.
43:42 I was just, I just stood on the phone.
43:44 I'm like, I try and you know, she keeps cutting me off
43:47 yelling.
43:48 And she's like, you need to stop, you know?
43:51 And obviously like, I can't make a decision right there on
43:56 this phone call.
43:57 You know what I mean?
44:00 to be, you know, is we're not just going to...
44:01 So I tell her, I'm like, look, you know, I thank you for
44:04 sharing.
44:05 I'll take what you said.
44:06 I'll share it with the team.
44:07 That's all I can say right now.
44:10 But that's my personal cell number that now gets circulated
44:13 to all the communities surrounding the church.
44:17 I'm getting calls all night on Thursday night.
44:21 Friday comes.
44:23 I'm meeting with some people, some allies that we have trying
44:27 to get some advice.
44:28 You know, I'm meeting with HOA presidents in that area.
44:32 I'm talking with the church even, because now the church is
44:35 getting, you know, knocks on their door and it's the
44:38 pastor's first week.
44:39 God bless him.
44:39 He's...
44:40 It was his first week.
44:41 He's like, what did I get into?
44:43 Yeah, that's my fire.
44:44 And that was his first Saturday.
44:46 He was going to speak and everything.
44:47 It was just crazy.
44:48 So, you know, I'm talking to him even because he's like, you
44:51 know, well, who saw it?
44:52 What's going on here?
44:53 You know, he's learning still and what's going on.
44:56 And so, you know, I'm talking to the church.
44:57 I'm meeting with these HOA presidents.
44:59 When I'm in this meeting with the HOA presidents, there's
45:01 three presidents there.
45:04 They're like, tomorrow, Saturday.
45:07 If you continue to go forward with this, we have a protest
45:10 that's rallying right now that's going to protest during
45:12 your church service at Mount Sinai Church the next day.
45:16 And on top of that, we're calling a press conference.
45:19 We're going to get the news there.
45:21 This is on Sabbath.
45:22 This is on church service time.
45:25 And so, I'm like, look, I hear your concerns.
45:34 I need time to pray about this, to talk to our board, talk to
45:38 our leadership team.
45:40 I can't make a decision.
45:41 They were forcing me to make a decision on the phone.
45:43 I'm like, I can't make a decision on this call.
45:45 I'm sorry, but please, please do not organize.
45:51 Please call off your protest.
45:52 Call off your press conference.
45:55 Just give me a day.
45:56 Give me a day to pray on this, to figure this out, talk to our
45:59 team.
46:02 through in this ministry.
46:05 And one of the challenges was, Mount Sinai is an amazing
46:08 church, amazing pastor.
46:10 I mean, they're spirit-filled.
46:12 They're wanting to do ministry.
46:13 And they're advocating.
46:14 They want, you know, the church wants us there, right?
46:17 They feel like this is a partnership.
46:19 This is something God, you know, ordained.
46:22 And, you know, a part of me, the human nature in me is like,
46:26 I don't care what you guys say.
46:27 We're going to do it.
46:28 You know what I mean?
46:30 You want to protest, fine.
46:31 But you have people's needs.
46:32 Right, you know, because this is for helping, you know, we
46:35 got to help our people.
46:36 We can't leave them stranded, you know?
46:39 But you know what?
46:41 I take everything off the table.
46:42 Man, and I just want to shout out my wife here because I was
46:46 struggling, man.
46:47 I was struggling.
46:48 My wife was there every step of the way.
46:50 She was with you.
46:54 this.
46:55 She didn't even seem worried.
46:56 She's like, it's going to work out.
46:58 You're stressing out too much.
47:01 But she was praying alongside me.
47:03 She was comforting me.
47:04 I mean, it was such a blessing.
47:05 You know, God really, I'm so glad that she's in my life and
47:08 that God, we're married.
47:10 Yeah, so anyway, so now on Saturday, I have to go talk to
47:15 the church because Mount Sinai Church had a business meeting
47:18 that Saturday night.
47:20 And again, this is now four days until we start operating
47:23 there.
47:26 You know, how is this going to look here?
47:28 You know, where do we set up?
47:29 Those questions we were going to answer that night.
47:32 But instead now, I had to go there and share with them.
47:35 Look, we took everything off the table and only left our
47:40 clients on the table.
47:41 And we asked ourselves, what is best for our clients?
47:44 Forget about money.
47:45 Take money out of it.
47:46 What's best for our clients right now?
47:48 The best thing we determined for our clients that what God
47:51 led us to was to be at that powerhouse location.
47:54 $6,000 rent, right?
47:56 And we're like, I don't know, God, that's pretty steep.
48:01 But you know, maybe that's where God wanted.
48:04 Because we realized that we just kind of brushed that
48:06 location off because of the rent.
48:08 But in reality, God could meet all the financial needs.
48:12 He's the provider, right?
48:14 He's provided for us before.
48:15 He just provided for us.
48:16 I just shared that story with you.
48:18 So God can do it.
48:21 At the end of the day, that location, the powerhouse
48:23 location was much better for our clients.
48:27 So we said, you know what, God, I think you're diverting us
48:30 back to this church.
48:32 Even though it's a lot of money, we then had to develop
48:35 the faith to say, God's going to provide.
48:38 It's best for our clients.
48:39 God's going to provide.
48:41 So I go and I share that with the Mount Sinai Church.
48:43 And man, I'm there in this, you know, and I'm feeling, you
48:47 know, I'm feeling a little...
48:49 It's hard.
48:50 It's hard.
48:54 excited about having partnering in this way.
48:57 You've been to the church, you know.
48:58 Oh, yeah, yeah.
48:59 We know Mount Sinai.
49:06 someone came up to the microphone.
49:07 They're like, I told them everything, you know, these are
49:10 the reasons why we believe God's moving us to this new
49:12 location, blah, blah, blah.
49:14 Someone came up to the mic and they said, so what are you
49:18 asking from us?
49:19 And I'm like, what do you mean?
49:21 I'm not, you know, they're like, well, ask something.
49:23 And I'm like, well, yeah, I mean, well, we could use help
49:27 for that rent because we don't know how we're going to get
49:29 that rent money.
49:30 And then people, I'll give 400 a month.
49:32 I'll give 200.
49:34 Writing checks right there.
49:35 Giving us checks for the money.
49:37 The pastor on the screen.
49:38 Yeah, the church will make a formal donation to this and to
49:41 help support this move.
49:43 You know, it was just, it was really beautiful.
49:46 It was really beautiful.
49:47 You know, beautiful people there, God-fearing people.
49:51 And then, so, you know, it was affirmation.
49:54 It was confirmation that God was going to provide for the
49:57 rent.
50:04 Avon health says, you know what?
50:07 You know, we had been talking with them.
50:09 We share with them the story.
50:10 They reached out to us recently a few weeks ago.
50:12 They were like, you know what?
50:13 We're going to cover the first year of rent.
50:15 Whole year.
50:17 $63,000 they're giving us to cover the rent of that church.
50:21 God provided the rent.
50:23 God provided the rent.
50:25 Now, now, when, when, in thinking about, you know, uh,
50:29 uh, you know, some texts in the Bible, right?
50:31 Okay.
50:32 All right.
50:34 Um, and so I have one last graphic here I want to show.
50:36 Let's see.
50:37 So, so...
50:38 Here we go.
50:39 Walk us through it.
50:39 In Exodus 13, right?
50:41 The, the, the, the Israelites come out of Egypt, right?
50:45 Goshen and, and in Exodus 13, it says, well, they could have
50:49 went the short way.
50:50 Yeah.
50:54 Egypt, right?
50:54 So they were like, okay, you know what?
50:56 I can't take them the short way.
50:57 Their faith isn't there yet, right?
50:58 So they said, you know what?
50:59 Let, let me take them the long way.
51:01 So we took them by the way of the Red Sea.
51:03 So they had the Red Sea experience.
51:05 They go and, and one of the climactic experiences they
51:08 experience on this long way to their home is the Mount Sinai
51:14 experience.
51:16 And after that Mount Sinai experience, they eventually
51:19 route their way all the way to, you know, where Canaan is.
51:24 Now they had to go through a Mount Sinai experience to build
51:27 the faith they needed to get home to the rightful home.
51:31 We also had to go through a Mount Sinai experience.
51:34 All right.
51:35 To be able to get to our rightful home because God, we
51:38 would not have had the faith for some reason.
51:41 And it's so crazy because, you know, and that's how, you know,
51:44 that's how it is, right?
51:45 You know, God does something amazing and then all of a
51:47 sudden, you know, we're like, oh man, we're seeing this
51:50 challenge now.
51:51 What are we going to do?
51:52 You know, and, and God, God used that situation to build
51:57 our faith, to gradually build our faith to get to the point
52:01 where we said, you know what?
52:03 It doesn't matter the money.
52:05 God's going to provide the money.
52:07 That's right.
52:07 This is where he wants us.
52:09 Amen.
52:11 I've heard that and so, and, and he did it and you know what
52:16 I mean?
52:20 God is so good.
52:21 This year, this just happened.
52:24 This literally just happened.
52:25 We just moved into the new place.
52:28 Yeah.
52:28 About a month ago.
52:31 Yeah.
52:31 Officially, how big is it?
52:33 So it's about, it's about, I believe it's a combined about 5
52:38 ,000 square feet.
52:39 It's huge.
52:40 So we have storage for all of our location.
52:42 Oh, wonderful.
52:43 Supply chain and all that.
52:45 We have office space.
52:47 We have a break area for our team.
52:49 You know, we're signing a three year lease.
52:50 We're going to be there long -term.
52:52 All of our services could be there.
52:54 We have a courtyard for guests to wait.
52:56 We can make it our own.
52:58 You know, our shower and laundry trailer will be there.
53:00 I mean, we have a case management dedicated space to
53:04 for our case managers.
53:05 I mean, it is...
53:07 The promised land.
53:08 Yes, it is the promised land.
53:10 It made it to the promised land.
53:12 That's what it is.
53:13 From Egypt to Mount Sinai to the promised land.
53:14 That's what it was.
53:15 That's what it was for us.
53:17 And I believe that God is just getting started with you and I
53:20 want to just take a little time here to reach out to our
53:23 viewers and our listeners because I know that if you've
53:25 been touched as I have, I mean, I don't ever get teary-eyed on
53:28 a program and tonight it's just my heart was moved and
53:32 continues to be stirred in me, Eric, about what God is doing
53:35 in your life.
53:36 And if you've had a lack of faith when you started watching
53:39 this program, you cannot end this program with that lack of
53:43 faith because God may have a Mount Sinai in your journey and
53:47 it may be on the way to the promised land.
53:49 You might be a person watching this program from a homeless
53:53 position.
53:54 And you're thinking, hey, what about me?
53:56 We're going to be praying for you tonight that God will lead
53:58 you and guide you.
54:00 And we know that the salt experience is not something
54:02 limited to Orlando or Southern California, but they're praying
54:05 for this to be nationwide.
54:06 But tonight, as a viewer, if you are in the position where
54:09 you can say, I want to be able to stand in the gap.
54:12 I want to be able to help build this bridge financially.
54:16 I know that God has blessed me in ways that only you know and
54:22 you want to reach out to salt.
54:23 Could you put that information back up on the screen there so
54:26 that they'll know how to reach out?
54:28 Service and love together.
54:29 That's what S-A-L-T dot org.
54:32 Service, S-E-R-V-I-C-E and A-N -D-L-O-V-E and the word
54:37 together dot org if you're listening on the radio.
54:39 And you might say, I want to reach out to Eric Camarillo.
54:42 I want to partner with him, his staff.
54:45 They may need more.
54:47 I mean, this ministry is just growing.
54:51 There's a silent world out there and God has blessed those
54:55 who are watching the program and those who are viewers of
54:57 this program, radio, 3ABN radio, 3ABN television.
55:02 And we want you to know that the blessing is literally, as
55:05 Danny has said, the blessing is on the go.
55:08 God will provide.
55:09 And as you bless, given it shall be given unto you.
55:13 There's the phone number.
55:14 You can also call 866-B-SALTY.
55:21 That's 2-3-7-2-5-8-9.
55:25 866-2-3-7-2-5-8-9.
55:28 I love that.
55:29 Want to get something catchy in there?
55:32 I will say if you call that number, make sure to leave a
55:35 voicemail.
55:38 That's our main number.
55:39 So we get a lot of calls on that number.
55:40 Make sure to leave a voicemail so we can get back to you.
55:43 Email me if so.
55:46 And honestly, if you want to make a donation, you could
55:47 always text PASSTHESALT to 44321.
55:53 You could go right on our website or you could text
55:55 PASSTHESALT to 44321.
55:58 And it's 501-C3?
56:00 501-C3, tax-deductible donations.
56:03 Yeah, yeah.
56:04 The 3ABN viewers have helped us to get this far.
56:06 We're excited to see where we can go and, you know, moving
56:10 forward.
56:15 Many denominations, but here's the blessing.
56:18 I was hungry.
56:18 You gave me food.
56:19 I was thirsty.
56:20 You gave me drink.
56:20 I was a stranger.
56:21 You took me in.
56:22 I was naked.
56:23 You clothed me.
56:23 I was sick.
56:24 And you visited me.
56:26 I was in prison and you came to me.
56:28 God bless you, Eric.
56:29 I'm looking at you prospering in the Lord and the work of the
56:33 Lord.
56:36 difference is going to be a significant blessing.
56:38 We're looking forward to the next miracle stories.
56:41 It's blessing others, you know, the homeless, the ones that
56:45 don't have.
56:46 And so we're grateful for what you're doing.
56:48 God bless you.
56:49 Not just you, but your team and your wife.
56:53 You know, it's wonderful.
56:54 Well, there's somebody out on the run heading nowhere.
56:57 We pray that in your journey, you will find Jesus as he
57:00 directs you to him through the ministry of salt.
57:02 Until next time, God bless you.


Revised 2025-02-28