3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL250006B

00:09 Hello, and welcome back to 3ABN Behind the Scenes.
00:12 We're so glad that you have joined us for the second hour.
00:15 I hope that you were encouraged the second hour.
00:17 I know that we were here on the set.
00:19 Again, we're just talking about the goodness of God, how He's
00:22 continuing to provide for the ministry of 3ABN.
00:26 Jill, we were talking about camp meeting and that upcoming
00:29 event.
00:31 The second hour we're going to be talking about the 3ABN
00:34 Latino Camp Meeting that's going to be happening right
00:36 here on the campus of 3ABN.
00:39 So many exciting things taking place here at your ministry,
00:43 3ABN.
00:44 Again, we thank you for your continued prayers and financial
00:47 support for this ministry.
00:49 I just think about how exciting it is to participate together.
00:53 Jill, I think about all of us here at 3ABN.
00:56 There's only about 130 full -time employees or so here at
01:00 3ABN.
01:01 So we can't just do it by ourselves.
01:02 We need you to get involved and we thank you so very much.
01:06 So if the ministry of 3ABN has blessed you and you've just
01:09 never given before to 3ABN, this would be a great time to
01:13 start, kind of at the beginning of the year and just say, you
01:16 know what?
01:17 I'm going to give systematically to the ministry
01:19 of 3ABN to help proclaim the Gospel around the world.
01:23 And together we can finish this work.
01:26 Praise God.
01:27 Amen.
01:31 hour.
01:35 Dinzey.
01:36 Yay!
01:36 Glad you both are here tonight.
01:38 It's a blessing to be here and we just rejoice to see how the
01:42 Lord is working and opening doors.
01:45 Thank you for the invitation.
01:46 I'm excited to hear of what God is doing and sharing of what
01:50 God is doing through 3ABN.
01:52 Amen.
01:53 Absolutely.
01:57 3ABN Latinos are involved in.
01:58 You just came back, Pastor Johnny.
02:01 Last week.
02:01 Just last week.
02:02 So we'll get a good report from your trip there.
02:06 Coming around the table here, we have Brother Moses Primo and
02:10 your beautiful wife is not here tonight but he does have a
02:13 beautiful wife too, Adima.
02:15 But so glad that you're here.
02:16 Of course, you're Director of Broadcasting and Engineering
02:18 and also wear the hat of General Manager for French.
02:22 I just want to give a little update of what God is doing for
02:25 the French-speaking community and we have new programs that I
02:30 like to show everyone and also give a little update and some
02:35 other possibilities of evangelizing outside of the
02:40 United States.
02:41 So I'm very excited and very happy to share behind the
02:45 scenes what is happening in our office here.
02:50 Oh, yeah.
02:51 You know, that is true here at 3ABN.
02:53 We wear many hats, right?
02:54 We do many different things.
02:56 I mean, you've even like done some cooking stuff for us too
02:59 and cooked us some wonderful food.
03:00 She's a great cook.
03:01 Oh, yes, she is.
03:03 So you have to be willing in ministry to do whatever God
03:06 wants you to do and I just appreciate all of you in free
03:09 willingness to do whatever God calls you to do.
03:12 And so again, it's a blessing to be in ministry together.
03:14 It is indeed.
03:17 Our summer camp meeting is June 4 through 7 so we just
03:21 encourage you to come, sign up for those RV spots or get a
03:27 Airbnb or a hotel or something in the local community or bring
03:30 your tent.
03:31 It's free and you can tent.
03:33 We would love to have you here.
03:35 The theme, of course, is preparing to proclaim the final
03:38 cry.
03:41 And what is that?
03:42 I was looking for it here but I know you know all that
03:44 information, the website that people can go to for all that
03:47 information like all the speakers and such.
03:50 3ABNcampmeeting.org.
03:53 we have the speakers and the schedule and all of that
03:55 information.
03:56 So let's talk about our 3ABN Latino Camp Meeting.
03:59 This is the second ever on our campus.
04:03 I know you've had multiple camp meetings in other locations but
04:06 talk to us about the dates and what's happening and theme and
04:10 all of that.
04:11 Wonderful, wonderful things to share.
04:15 August 13 through the 16th are the dates that we will be
04:19 having 3ABN Latino Camp Meeting right here on 3ABN campus and
04:23 we invite those that speak Spanish and those that would
04:26 like to learn to speak Spanish.
04:27 There you go, that's good.
04:28 So that they can enjoy the blessing.
04:30 You know we were thinking about the theme Families for Heaven
04:36 but after seeing the theme for the 3ABN Camp Meeting and we
04:42 took that to prayer and we looked at the different topics
04:47 and then we looked at the Sabbath School lesson quarterly
04:50 that's on that particular Sabbath and we say that really
04:54 lines up with the theme of the camp meeting.
05:00 So we decided to change to the parent theme for camp meeting.
05:06 So preparing for, in English it's...
05:09 Proclaiming.
05:11 Preparing to proclaim the final cry is the title in English.
05:16 It seems like a continuation of last year.
05:18 It is.
05:23 reality is the time that we're living in demands these type of
05:26 topics.
05:28 And so we have changed and so now we are kind of working some
05:32 things over and we're excited.
05:34 We're really excited because we believe this will be
05:37 encouragement, inspiration and hopefully we'll call some
05:41 people back to the Lord because the times indicate that Jesus
05:45 Christ is coming soon.
05:48 So those details are still the same as they are for the
05:50 English Camp Meeting.
05:54 We have a nice bath house, the food is complimentary.
05:58 Children's meetings, right?
05:59 Oh, yes.
05:59 Denzy?
06:00 Yes.
06:05 overall Children's Division this summer.
06:07 She did a great job.
06:08 Yes, she did.
06:10 And she's retiring in May.
06:13 And she says, I'd be more than happy to.
06:18 And I'll be more available.
06:20 So she's got a great team of people because as you know, she
06:23 goes to different churches throughout the North American
06:25 Division, the Spanish churches, and she trains them for the
06:29 Vacation Bible School programs.
06:31 So she has worked with a variety of people and she's got
06:36 a lot of volunteers who are willing to come.
06:38 Now the volunteers that attended the first camp
06:42 meeting, they're anxious to come back as well.
06:45 So praise the Lord, we're going to have new faces but also some
06:49 of the faces that supported us in the first camp meeting.
06:53 Oh, yeah, and of course there'll be tours of 3ABN if
06:55 someone's never been or has been before but wants to see an
06:58 updated tour, or have an updated tour, those will be
07:00 available here too.
07:02 Right.
07:06 And you know, a lot of our guests are influencers, you
07:09 know, social media, and they show a lot of videos and
07:12 pictures and everybody's like, well, I would love to be there.
07:15 Even myself, you know, I share a lot of stuff.
07:17 From here, and but once they get here, they're like, I never
07:22 imagined the size of this complex, you know, the campus
07:26 and the buildings and all the services, the donation center
07:30 that was well visited.
07:33 You know, we Latinos love to go bargain hop and go shopping.
07:38 So, you know, this money that came in because people have
07:43 items of value but chose to donate it to 3ABN so that it
07:47 can support the preaching of the Gospel.
07:49 You know, we're growing and a lot of demands come in.
07:53 Well, you guys already know it because you're the bosses here.
07:56 No, no, but that's just right.
07:57 People are really excited to go.
08:00 They love the bus ride or the transit, the vans from the
08:05 worship center when they came to the main building,
08:09 production building.
08:10 And there it said, as English -speaking guests say, it feels
08:15 as though we're standing on holy ground.
08:16 And they're just so moved.
08:18 And I don't know how many tons of pictures they took.
08:21 But anyway, it's exciting to receive our viewers here.
08:24 The fellowship, isn't it?
08:25 It's so encouraging.
08:26 Oh, yes.
08:27 It was also encouraging to hear from Clotis, our call center
08:30 representative in Spanish, that people are asking for the
08:34 dates.
08:34 What are the dates?
08:38 even some request vacation to come.
08:40 So that's really a blessing.
08:42 And we are just asking for people to pray for the Lord to
08:46 pour out his Holy Spirit and that it will be a tremendous
08:49 blessing and awakening.
08:51 One of the things that seems very important to our family is
08:56 food, you know.
09:00 I'd say one of the things we do well at Trevia is eat.
09:04 We love those potlucks and the fellowship together.
09:07 Yes, exactly.
09:09 So for the first camp meeting, we have chef Ines and she,
09:13 along with three other friends of hers, and the Trevian
09:16 family, were with us for then.
09:19 But for the Trevian Latino Camp Meeting 2025, we have Chef
09:23 Manuel.
09:24 And he's coming from Florida with his wife.
09:26 And they cater to all of the conference-level camp meetings
09:30 and special events.
09:32 And so it's exciting that the Lord provides.
09:36 And we're looking forward to his cooking as well.
09:39 We've had it before.
09:40 It's wonderful food.
09:41 It's excellent.
09:44 And healthy.
09:45 Yes, that is right.
09:47 So anyway, the children will be well tended to by the grace of
09:52 God.
09:55 And keep praying for these volunteers because one had a
10:00 flat tire, the other one had an issue from work.
10:03 I mean, the devil always, you know, tries to put his tail in
10:06 there.
10:10 Even those speakers.
10:11 Anyway, so that's exciting.
10:13 So the dates again are August 13-16 in August.
10:19 And so if somebody has an RV, they still need a call like
10:21 they do for English, right?
10:23 And reserve a spot.
10:24 We have a form that they have to register in.
10:27 And it helps us because the Children's Division, for
10:30 example, last year when they registered, we didn't ask for
10:33 the age group.
10:37 group.
10:38 So it helps us.
10:39 You don't have to, but it's nice to have an idea as to, you
10:43 know, how many people are coming.
10:44 And it's helpful for the people to register because we want to
10:47 make sure that we don't buy too much food or too little food.
10:51 So we're asking the people that are coming to please register.
10:55 It doesn't cost anything to register.
10:57 You don't have to pay anything to register.
10:58 It's just to give us an idea how many potatoes to buy, how
11:02 much rice to buy, you know, and these type of things that will
11:05 help us save money and be prepared because we hate for
11:08 people to come to the line and then, oh, we ran out.
11:11 So we also don't want to waste.
11:15 So we want to ask people to please register.
11:17 Yeah, no, I mean, we're excited about it.
11:19 I know that I cannot speak Spanish really very well, but I
11:22 was able to attend some of them.
11:24 And there was also, I had a little earbud in, someone was
11:26 doing some translating work too, which was very nice.
11:28 I could hear it in English then too.
11:30 So that was nice.
11:32 Yes, we had the participation of our very own Jorge Hacke,
11:35 who translated the English bouts for men and also
11:39 volunteer Angelina Roldan from Puerto Rico.
11:44 Yes, did a great job.
11:48 So it was such a blessing and heartwarming.
11:50 It was exciting to hear the song in Spanish for the first
11:54 time.
11:55 And the Lord really blessed with the musicians and the
11:58 whole program really.
11:59 For this year, there are some churches that have said that
12:02 they're not going to have their church service, that they want
12:04 to close and come over here for church service.
12:07 So we'll see.
12:09 That's wonderful.
12:10 That's very exciting.
12:11 I know we have some more Latino updates, but Dr. Mo, I want to
12:15 come to you and talk to us about this really incredible
12:17 opportunity in a country outside of the United States,
12:20 but something that I believe you at home will really want to
12:23 get behind because this is an amazing, an amazing
12:26 opportunity.
12:27 Yes, it is an opportunity that, honestly, I did not expect it
12:34 until they contacted us and asked to use our programs.
12:42 And they translated some in two different languages there and
12:47 sent me the sample and I said, wow, this is really amazing
12:50 work, what they are doing.
12:53 As you know, Pakistan is a very difficult area to preach the
13:00 Gospel, the Christian Gospel.
13:05 But somebody locally there was able to contact the cable
13:09 companies and secure a channel for 3ABN.
13:15 Amen!
13:17 Praise the Lord!
13:17 Thank you, Jesus!
13:19 We have to pay.
13:20 It's not a lot in comparison here to the United States.
13:23 But it does cost.
13:24 It does cost.
13:26 And the potential is for 4.5 million people.
13:32 4.5 million?
13:33 Wow!
13:34 But we didn't have all the funds, so we are going to start
13:38 a little bit just with the 3 million.
13:41 That's still a lot of people.
13:43 But it will be in three major cities and we are raising funds
13:48 for this project because we need the consistency and keep
13:53 the channels paid.
13:57 So there is no 24-7 and then it stops and then you have to
14:02 start it again.
14:04 So we need a continuous support to secure this channel.
14:11 So we are raising funds if you wanted to help on this project.
14:16 Just earmark your donation to Pakistan and that would be for
14:21 cable companies in Pakistan.
14:23 We are going to start with 3.1 million and the potential is to
14:28 grow to 4.5.
14:30 So it's a very amazing project.
14:35 I know that there are forces that are strongly oppressing
14:41 this but God is greater and mightier and He already won the
14:48 battle.
14:49 But we needed to give this message to people.
14:53 There are a lot of sincere people that still wanted to
14:57 hear about Jesus and the sacrifice and the cross and the
15:00 plan of salvation.
15:01 You know what I like about this is that...
15:04 I'm sorry, you're going to say something.
15:05 Pakistan is part of the 1040 window.
15:07 So you think in that region of the world that so many people
15:12 are different religions, non -Christian and have not either
15:17 had access to the Gospel or these unreached people groups.
15:21 So what an incredible opportunity for 3ABN to
15:26 proclaim the Gospel within that 1040 window.
15:29 And I know we take the Gospel to the world but in a special
15:32 sense for those 3.1 million people there with the cable
15:36 system, what an incredible opportunity.
15:38 So as Brother Moses just mentioned, you can call us
15:41 right now if you would like to donate and just say, I want to
15:44 donate to Pakistan.
15:45 You can call us 618-627-4651 and you want to help support
15:51 that monthly cost for cable there in Pakistan or you can
15:56 send us a check in the mail as well.
15:57 Absolutely, we get still quite a few checks here with 3ABN.
16:00 So yeah, just like Dr. Mo mentioned in the memo line, you
16:02 can just put Pakistan, Pakistan cable, however it is and it'll
16:05 go toward this.
16:06 Go ahead, Dr. Mo.
16:11 It's a little small but you can see that there are so many
16:15 cities in the East Coast that there are hundreds of thousands
16:20 of population and some of them are even up to 1.1 million in
16:29 some of those cities.
16:31 And all of these areas that are marked, they have a cable
16:35 company that is willing to take us.
16:39 Yeah, no, I mean, this is amazing, Dr. Mo, because I
16:41 mean, this reminds me of Cuba, right?
16:43 A door open because we do have a budget here at 3ABN that we
16:46 just say it's on paper because we have no idea how much money
16:48 is going to come in in a given year, right?
16:50 So this Pakistan thing was not on any type of a budget but
16:54 it's like, you know, a door is opening and you and I talked,
16:57 it's like, okay, we just need to kind of go forward in this
16:59 thing, trying to somehow make it work even though technically
17:01 the money is not there.
17:03 But you have to go forward because the predominant
17:06 religion there is Muslim.
17:09 And we can't tell you all the details just for the sake of
17:13 safety over there but like the cable owner is Muslim.
17:17 He's not even Christian.
17:18 And so I'm telling you folks, for this to happen, it's a
17:21 miracle.
17:25 into some major cities there in Pakistan and the owner of the
17:30 cable company is Muslim and it's amazing.
17:33 I've seen some video footage that you gave to me and you can
17:36 see the panning from the rooftop of that business and
17:39 you can see the mosques.
17:40 It's like New York, you know, in terms of population and one
17:46 house on top of the other, there are a lot of rooftops.
17:49 And a lot of mosques you can see too in the background.
17:52 We hope that as we start in March and the next behind the
17:57 scenes we can show some of this video.
18:01 This is brand new, folks, this is brand new.
18:03 It's amazing.
18:04 It is, it's an opportunity.
18:06 We just have to say yes, here we go and the Lord will take
18:09 care of it.
18:10 And that means to me then that there are people that the
18:13 timing is perfect for them to hear the Christian gospel
18:16 there, right?
18:18 It's amazing.
18:26 school panel.
18:26 That's right.
18:27 And they charge very, very small fee for the people that
18:33 work.
18:34 Local languages.
18:35 And, you know, it's $60 for one hour of programs and we only
18:40 pay for two programs.
18:42 But they said, you know what, we're not going to put just the
18:46 programs that we translated.
18:48 We're going to put 24 hours in English and the people will
18:53 understand what is going on.
18:55 So there is potential for translation but we're going to
18:59 be 24 hours even in English.
19:02 See, that's amazing too, right?
19:03 It's not just a certain time slot in the day.
19:05 It's actually 24 hours a day.
19:08 And it's on cable.
19:09 It's not just kind of out there but it's actually cable.
19:10 People have many subscriptions to these cable companies.
19:12 So, it's amazing.
19:14 You know, you talk about doors opening like I mentioned
19:16 earlier.
19:17 And I believe we're going to see more of this.
19:20 And it's amazing.
19:21 I just praise the Lord that this opportunity is there.
19:24 And pray for more opportunities people.
19:26 Fasten your seatbelt.
19:28 Because, you know, the last events are going to be quick
19:30 and we have to preach a gospel everywhere and every kindred
19:34 tongue and people.
19:35 But what's neat is that we're supposedly not able to get into
19:38 China.
19:41 China.
19:42 They were not Christian.
19:44 But they had found us using some back end way on the
19:50 internet to get access.
19:51 Found our channel.
19:53 Was intrigued because it was in English and they were trying to
19:55 learn English while they were in China.
19:58 Found our programming.
19:59 Were amazed at what they were finding from the Bible.
20:01 They didn't even have access to a Bible at that point.
20:03 But I think they got one.
20:04 But, you know, God has amazing ways when people are searching
20:07 for truth to make it happen, right?
20:09 You know, when I was in China I asked for, it was a Sabbath,
20:13 and I asked for, do you know where there is a Seventh-day
20:16 Adventist Church?
20:17 And they said, oh, yeah, go to McDonald's.
20:20 And I said, no, we don't want to eat any food.
20:25 And they said, no, go to McDonald's.
20:27 So we got a taxi and said, we want to go to McDonald's at
20:31 this location.
20:32 And at the second level of McDonald's there was a Seventh
20:36 -day Adventist group that was meeting there.
20:40 And we congregate with them for the whole day.
20:43 They eat the meals there and they stay studying the lessons
20:48 in the afternoon.
20:49 And then they have the evening sunset worship.
20:54 And it was amazing, you know, how they wanted to study and
20:59 learn about the Bible message.
21:03 And there was about 150 to 200 people.
21:07 What a good group!
21:09 Second floor of McDonald's.
21:11 I love that.
21:13 If I can share a story that reminds me of a viewer who is a
21:19 Bolivian living in Japan watching 3ABN Latino.
21:25 And they're not at Venice, but she says that she gathers her
21:30 four children, husband and wife, and they sit to receive
21:33 Sabbath with us.
21:35 But I'm like, how in the world?
21:36 Why are you doing in Japan a Hispanic family?
21:42 But I'm a little ignorant on that area.
21:45 I don't know which countries are represented inside.
21:49 It's like here, so many countries.
21:51 But anyway, she says, no, we've been here for many years and we
21:54 just stumbled on 3ABN Latino and we really enjoy the family
21:58 worships.
21:59 So praise the Lord.
22:00 I mean, it's in Spanish, but it's in Japan.
22:03 You would expect Japanese -speaking programming.
22:07 So English will reach all the nations, really.
22:10 God asks us to put it out there, right?
22:12 He gives us the one that does the increase and He promises
22:15 that His Word will not return void.
22:17 That's right.
22:18 Praise God.
22:23 I was pulling some statistic report from our website
22:28 streaming.
22:29 Just the streaming.
22:30 Of course, the first country is the United States.
22:34 But just for the views, information, amazing, Ukraine
22:41 is this month of February is the second most-watched
22:46 country.
22:47 And then Guatemala, Netherlands, Jamaica, and then
22:52 France.
22:53 So there are people watching and the numbers are just
22:59 amazing.
23:00 Some days it gets over 100,000 people watching continuously.
23:08 In the 24-hour period.
23:09 In the 24-hour period.
23:11 And that's just the streaming aspect.
23:12 That's not all the other...
23:13 Yeah, especially on Fridays and Saturdays.
23:16 It goes very, very high.
23:19 People are watching from different parts of the world
23:22 and different languages.
23:25 But they are watching all these 10 channels that 3ABN has.
23:31 Amen.
23:31 Those are amazing statistics.
23:32 Praise God for that.
23:33 I want to shout, hallelujah, praise the Lord.
23:38 And sometimes we think, how are we going to get the Gospel over
23:40 there?
23:43 You don't have to travel over there.
23:45 Just partnering with 3ABN in evangelism.
23:48 We get to go to all parts of the world from the comfort of
23:52 our very own home.
23:53 Another information, just because the viewers may wonder,
23:57 everybody thinks that Roku is the device that you use to
24:05 watch 3ABN, but that's not the only one.
24:08 Actually, it's a small portion in the pie.
24:11 If you divide the pie, it's a small portion for Roku.
24:16 I would say probably 80% of that pie is unknown devices.
24:22 Really?
24:23 Isn't that intriguing, though?
24:24 Isn't that intriguing?
24:25 Unknown devices.
24:27 So what type of devices would be unknown devices?
24:29 Well, it could be our 3ABN Plus on the web.
24:33 There is a separate for Chromecast, the iPad, iPhone, a
24:38 Linux.
24:39 There are people watching who are using Linux.
24:41 Wow.
24:44 Macintosh and some other devices.
24:46 But then the other is unknown?
24:47 Unknown, yeah.
24:49 Wow.
24:51 I'm just like, okay, God says, all right, I got a way.
24:54 I got a way.
24:56 Yes, that's right.
24:56 You're going to watch this.
24:58 You shouldn't be able to, but I got a way.
25:00 3ABN is putting it out there.
25:02 I got a way.
25:03 And Moses is going to see it on the graph.
25:04 It's unknown.
25:05 But I got a way.
25:06 So praise God for that.
25:08 Well, that's a fulfillment of his promise that if we preach
25:11 the Gospel, his Word is not going to come back void.
25:15 So it's come back full of fishes that we are just fishing
25:20 with the Lord.
25:26 viewers like in Racine or Michigan area and they were not
25:30 supposed to be able to watch the network.
25:33 Oh, reaching out.
25:34 Yeah.
25:35 And I guess the signal was bouncing off of the lake and
25:39 the people were able to watch.
25:41 Do you remember that?
25:42 Yeah, it was down in the station.
25:43 Oh, okay.
25:45 God has his way, right?
25:46 That's exactly it.
25:47 That's the other way.
25:49 The rocks will proclaim it in the end of times.
25:52 That's right.
25:53 I remember Clarence talking about that.
25:55 They say that's a rare occurrence.
25:58 It was a channel that we had in, I think it was channel 25
26:01 in Michigan.
26:02 I think in the Philead.
26:04 And I, you know, talking to Moses and Clarence and they
26:09 said, well, there's a rare occurrence that this may be
26:14 this way because the channel was across, we looked at the
26:18 map, across the lake.
26:19 And that channel is only supposed to go, what are they,
26:22 15, 25 miles?
26:23 Twenty miles, yeah.
26:27 it's a far distance.
26:28 It should not be getting there.
26:29 Correct.
26:33 how are you watching us?
26:34 We don't have a channel there.
26:35 I don't know.
26:36 It's on my TV.
26:38 Unknown.
26:39 Unknown, exactly.
26:40 Just to go along with that very shortly, I got an email from
26:46 somebody from north of Alaska.
26:49 North?
26:51 So he sent me an audio portion in the email that it was J.
26:59 Christian's voice.
27:00 And I said, my brother, you are not supposed to get this signal
27:04 because we're talking from Vancouver or from the north of
27:10 Canada.
27:11 The earth will be going around.
27:14 So the signal is supposed to, if any signal will travel far,
27:18 it's supposed to go just up, you know, not reach.
27:22 But somehow that signal was turning and this man lives
27:27 right in the middle of the ice, you know, and he is getting the
27:33 radio signal.
27:34 So God is, you know, making miracles in this end of times.
27:41 That's exciting, right?
27:42 I mean, that is exciting.
27:44 And I hope it's exciting for you at home because we're
27:46 telling these stories to encourage you because you're a
27:48 part of this ministry, right?
27:49 We keep talking about your giving and your prayers.
27:51 We're sharing these to again, give God glory but to encourage
27:54 you and thank you for your faithful, consistent support of
27:58 3ABN.
27:59 Let's go back to 3ABN Latino.
28:02 Do you want to talk about, I know we have some video roles
28:04 we're going to play and I know Dr. Mojito too.
28:06 So programs or whether you want to talk about Cuba?
28:08 Where do you want to go to first?
28:09 Well, we have a children's program.
28:11 Good, let's talk about that.
28:17 together and the idea, the Lord gave her the idea.
28:20 So this is a children's program and it's called...
28:23 Talk to us about that.
28:24 Okay.
28:25 It's Chicos y Grandes, Adoran a Dios.
28:28 So little ones and adults, praise the Lord.
28:32 And it's a catchy Chicos and it's not niños and niñas.
28:37 It's just Chicos y Grandes.
28:39 And the kids really loved it.
28:41 We have a couple who is Ben and Abby Castells.
28:46 She is a homeschooling mom and he is a nurse.
28:50 And they love the Lord and they love their children and their
28:55 children reflect the home, you know, the spirituality of the
29:00 home.
29:04 camp meeting and as we watch how they interact with all the
29:08 children and the Lord was just, these are the people, these are
29:11 the people.
29:16 challenge.
29:20 to record the first 29 programs.
29:24 They're 15 minute programs.
29:25 And these programs have sing along, scripture reading,
29:31 object lessons, you know, and it's just going back and forth
29:36 in all the songs.
29:37 Sometimes they're, you know, walking around on the set and
29:41 singing along, you know, the children's stuff.
29:43 So you'd say, well, why another worship or another children's
29:47 program?
29:48 Well, it's a complete program, father and mother.
29:51 You're inviting your children's friends to come home to your
29:55 home and giving them a safe zone to have worship.
29:58 So the adults and the children alike enjoy the program.
30:02 So we had over 32 children participating in the first
30:07 series.
30:08 Yeah, it's a lot of children.
30:10 That's super exciting.
30:11 What a wonderful idea.
30:13 I think we have a roll of that.
30:14 So we have a roll.
30:15 The first part, we're going to talk through it.
30:16 But then there's a part where a song starts and we're going to
30:19 have you listen.
30:20 And we'll talk a little bit about that song in a moment.
30:22 So if they roll that, we can go ahead and begin talking about
30:24 it.
30:26 This is the open and it's kind of fun and telling you the time
30:31 has come for the children's program.
30:34 Yes, that's right.
30:40 to...
30:42 We had kind of like a system going, you rest and then we
30:45 stop and then we get another group of children involved.
30:49 This is the audio here, I think.
30:50 Yes, these are the hosts.
30:52 Tia means auntie or aunt, Aunt Abby and Uncle Ben.
30:57 It's like the right Uncle Ben.
31:00 But anyway, Uncle Ben plays the guitar and they have a theme
31:05 song for the program.
31:09 Part of this is prayer.
31:11 So you see the kids learn the importance of prayer as well,
31:15 kneeling to pray.
31:16 And now in a moment, we're going to go ahead and raise the
31:19 audio so you can hear the theme song that they sing during the
31:25 program.
31:26 The nice thing is that the children also pray, not just
31:30 the adults.
31:36 able to participate.
31:37 That's wonderful.
31:38 So we were really excited about that.
31:40 Let's listen to the song.
31:41 Okay.
31:45 It's time, it's time.
31:54 It's time to praise our God and share His world.
32:00 It's time, it's time.
32:09 It's time to praise our God and share His world.
32:12 It's time to praise our God
32:18 And so part of this also has the scriptures.
32:23 We have scripture of course for the kids and we don't
32:25 overburden them with scripture but the scripture goes along
32:28 also with the object lesson.
32:31 That's right.
32:36 participate but you know it's nice to take turns and show
32:41 that family worship doesn't have to be monotonous.
32:45 And sometimes we, like our first family worship after
32:48 having children, I told Johnny it's not a sermon time, it's
32:52 family worship.
32:54 We've got to make it child friendly so they can enjoy the
32:59 worship.
33:02 disconnect.
33:04 So families could literally just join along and make this
33:06 kind of the worship because they're 15 minutes, not too
33:08 long for a young child to just enjoy music, singing,
33:12 scripture.
33:13 If I could...
33:14 Oh, go ahead.
33:15 I wanted to share a testimony.
33:18 Well, a couple of the families said thank you so much because
33:22 now I can practice these ideas at home with my children.
33:26 And others, some of the moms that had the autistic children
33:29 participate, they said, Idalia, thank you so much for allowing
33:34 my children to participate because usually they can't
33:38 participate because they get overstimulated, you know, and
33:42 it's not something that they want to do, it's just a
33:44 condition that they have to deal with.
33:48 So this particular mother that I'm thinking about, she has two
33:51 and both of them participated.
33:54 And at times there were fun things and at other times it
33:58 was more challenging for her.
34:00 But I said it's okay because we all have our challenges at
34:03 home.
34:07 you and that the style of worship is not for you or
34:11 fitting for your needs in your homes.
34:14 So that was one of the challenges but the Lord blessed
34:16 in spite of.
34:17 That's beautiful, I love that.
34:19 When does this program begin, Aaron?
34:21 Or when does it launch on 3MN Latino?
34:23 March.
34:24 Yay, so next month.
34:26 We share the Christmas special in December, right?
34:30 So because a special one was recorded precisely for that.
34:34 Yes, but it's our dream and desire and prayer that we may
34:40 continue and the next series would be the three in those
34:43 messages, you know, lessons in those programs and the
34:47 Sanctuary, the doctrine of the Sanctuary.
34:50 Amen, I love that.
34:51 What great vision for new programs.
34:53 What about a music program?
34:54 I won't give the name of it.
34:56 I can't melodious something.
34:58 But what about a new music program you have coming up?
35:01 This is another need.
35:03 I call it a need because people ask for music.
35:06 Even in Cuba they say, could you put more music into the
35:09 package?
35:10 And so music of course can draw people to the Lord and
35:15 especially when it has a message with it.
35:19 Of course you have the instrumental music and then you
35:22 have the singing aspect as well.
35:24 So we try to combine this in another program and it's called
35:28 Melodias de Victoria and that is Melodies of Victory.
35:32 So Hidalia can talk about that as well because part of this
35:36 was her initiative as well.
35:38 Well, where do we start?
35:43 The music is ministry.
35:45 I remember receiving a letter and it was handwritten and the
35:52 viewer said, I was so stressed and I was going through such a
35:55 hard time.
35:56 I was changing channels, changing channels, and radio
36:00 stations and whatnot.
36:01 And finally I got to 3APN, I heard the most beautiful music,
36:07 so peaceful that it brought me peace and I was able to sleep.
36:13 So no, we don't want to put people to sleep.
36:15 I don't know if you understand what we're saying.
36:16 But it gave her peace.
36:17 If you have insomnia, it's good to go to sleep.
36:21 Plus if you're going through anxiety and stresses and mental
36:25 challenges, emotional, it's good to relax.
36:28 Yes, and the Lord has blessed with a team of people, music
36:32 ministries, to come and participate with us.
36:36 And this series was recorded with hosting Pastor Carriles,
36:42 Pedro Carriles.
36:43 He's from Cuba and now he's in California, pastor of three
36:48 churches.
36:53 my life.
36:59 in music, but with 3APN Latino that reaches even my own
37:02 people.
37:03 So this is for everyone.
37:06 We have a role.
37:11 role, but we're going to just talk a little bit about some of
37:13 the guests that we had invited.
37:16 So this is Pedro Carriles.
37:18 He is the pastor that Hidalia was talking about.
37:23 And I need Montalvo, she's from Arizona.
37:25 Isis Espana, our very own, she's been in ministry for many
37:28 years and supported 3APN Latino for many years.
37:32 And she's Cuban as well.
37:35 So having her participation here has been a blessing
37:39 throughout these years.
37:41 We also have a variety.
37:43 We've had children, we've had moms.
37:46 This is Eddie Di Boche.
37:47 He came from Colorado.
37:51 He and his wife, it was his first time here.
37:53 Of course, Mairey Clark.
37:56 I almost said Cruz, but it's Clark.
37:59 Yes, and I had the opportunity of interviewing the host so
38:03 that others can know where he comes from and what his
38:07 ministry.
38:11 called him to ministry.
38:12 He was a very famous and popular actor in Cuba and he
38:18 would act in musicals and whatnot.
38:21 So the whole Cuba knows.
38:24 But when they saw him pushing a cart selling snow cones instead
38:28 of being in the highlights and the spotlight, I mean, and the
38:33 outfits and what nots, they said, you've lost your mind.
38:36 What is it with you?
38:38 You know, you had it going.
38:39 You had everything going.
38:40 Why are you pushing a cart selling those snow cones?
38:44 And he said that the Lord has a way of molding us to be able to
38:50 do what he has designed and called us to be.
38:53 And he decided to study to be a pastor and he's pastoring in
38:56 California.
38:57 It's amazing.
38:58 What a great testimony.
38:59 And so I believe we also have the Sabbath School.
39:02 Tell us about the Sabbath School panel also.
39:05 Well, this is where we see how God allows, I'm going to use
39:09 that word, allows technology to increase in an effort also to
39:16 bring the gospel to more people.
39:18 So we're using artificial intelligence to translate the
39:23 3ABN Sabbath School panel from English to Spanish.
39:26 They're doing it also in French and Portuguese, but we're going
39:29 to show you a little row that shows the different Sabbath
39:34 School panelists talking in Spanish.
39:38 Oh my, okay, let's go to that now.
39:46 I'm delighted to be here, John.
39:48 I have the Monday lesson, which is entitled, God is slow for
39:50 anger.
39:51 Amen, it's true.
39:52 Sister Jill Morricone, welcome.
39:54 Thank you very much, Pastor Johnny.
39:56 I have Tuesday, fair indignation.
39:58 Amen.
40:02 Thank you, Johnny.
40:04 It's a pleasure to be here.
40:06 The lesson of Wednesday is, God does not afflict voluntarily.
40:12 Amen.
40:12 And Pastor John Lomacan is with us.
40:14 And I have Thursday, returning to the positive side, showing
40:18 compassion.
40:19 Thank you very much.
40:21 I love that.
40:23 That's amazing.
40:26 people say you're using AI.
40:27 What about the theology?
40:28 So all of these programs, after AI does its work, are being
40:32 reviewed by a native speaker.
40:34 So we want to ensure that the quality is there and the
40:38 integrity is there.
40:39 And nothing's being changed to the theological content, but it
40:43 is in Spanish.
40:44 And in French.
40:46 And in Portuguese.
40:47 So what an incredible blessing.
40:49 That is very important, what you said, because AI is not
40:53 perfect, like people.
40:56 But it does make mistakes.
40:57 Sometimes it picks up a word thinking that you said this,
41:02 like you could have said local, but it thinks you said vocal.
41:06 And so it provides you a script, and it provides you a
41:10 script in English, and it provides you a script in
41:12 Spanish.
41:15 to it, both languages.
41:18 And so it is important to check it, because AI does make
41:21 mistakes, and sometimes they're very shocking mistakes.
41:24 And so we have found some, and it's getting better.
41:28 It's getting better.
41:32 Gospel to every kindred tongue and people.
41:34 Amen.
41:36 Dr. Moore, we're going to come to you here next, but I just
41:37 want to say thank you to Tyler Walker, who several years ago
41:40 said, hey, look about this with languages and with AI and stuff
41:44 like that.
41:48 an engineer, it seems like your whole life, right?
41:50 Yes.
41:54 better.
41:56 we'll ever see AI.
41:57 It's just going to improve and improve and get better and
42:00 better and more accurate, etc.
42:01 So very exciting.
42:03 But talk to us about French, the French network.
42:04 Well, just to tag along what you just said, I remember that
42:09 even back in Brazil, we were doing already translation, and
42:14 it would have taken about five to six hours to do one hour
42:19 program translation.
42:20 How long ago was that, do you think?
42:22 That was so...
42:24 Sorry, maybe I should have...
42:25 A few years ago.
42:26 I already kind of got my trouble in the first hour, got
42:28 in trouble the first hour.
42:29 Very long, you know.
42:30 I've been in television for 47 years.
42:33 So, but yeah, that would take that long.
42:37 But today with the AI, still we have to like Johnny the Scribe,
42:43 we look at the English script and the French script.
42:49 And it takes about an hour and a half, at most two hours to
42:55 review and make sure that it is correct with the meaning of the
43:02 words.
43:03 So it is getting better.
43:05 We are getting more familiar with it.
43:08 So the probability is that we can even get the lower down to
43:13 one hour to one hour.
43:15 That'd be great.
43:15 That's incredible.
43:17 Talk to us more about what's happening in 3Binge Francais.
43:19 Well, we are using the same software, and Hannah Peake is
43:24 doing the editing with the translation.
43:28 And I want to show you talking in French.
43:32 Oh, dear.
43:33 The viewers already watched you talking in Spanish.
43:38 You're going to see that your voice is just your voice, very
43:44 close to your voice, but the language is a different one.
43:47 And I don't have separated, but I just want to show what the
43:52 new programs that we have just recorded.
43:56 After the Sabbath School panel, we have one minute, and then we
44:01 have a program that we made with Pastor Nathaniel Gracia.
44:08 He came, and he wanted to help the parents in the role of man
44:18 in the family.
44:18 Oh, good.
44:23 So he just brings up very different aspects of a man and
44:30 the role of man in the family.
44:32 And then we had a professor from the university in Alabama,
44:41 and Oakwood College University.
44:44 And she came and she did a program in biology, and health
44:51 -oriented was very good program, also with one of their
44:55 students.
45:03 We have a little booklets that we can offer to viewers, and we
45:07 did a translation and the printing of the books.
45:10 It's like a devotional?
45:11 It's a devotional, yes.
45:14 So I just want you just to watch it.
45:15 Okay, all right.
45:16 Let's go to that role right now.
45:19 Hello, family.
45:20 I am Jill Moriconi.
45:21 Welcome to 3ABN and to the Sabbath School panel.
45:24 We are in the middle of our journey through the love and
45:26 justice of God.
45:28 In fact, we are in lesson number 8, the free referee,
45:32 love and divine providence.
45:34 I want to introduce you to my family, your family, on the
45:37 set.
45:40 Lomakong.
45:41 Happy to have you here.
45:42 It's good to be here, Jill.
45:44 I have a class that starts with the word Grek Pantorektor.
45:49 We are going to take a short break for a moment of mission
45:51 and we will be right back.
45:53 Hello, I am Grek Moriconi.
45:55 I am very happy that you have joined me for a missionary
45:58 moment of 3ABN.
46:00 The last time, I told you about a woman who watched a musical
46:03 show for children on 3ABN, which changed her life.
46:40 Here is Christmas, sing with us.
46:45 Oh, sing, let's unite.
46:50 Hello, dear friends.
46:52 My name is Hannah Antonio.
48:02 Hello.
48:04 Hello.
48:09 If you liked this story and would like to order a free copy
48:16 of this story, visit our website, 3ABNFrancais.tv, to
48:22 send us a message.
48:26 3ABNFrancais.tv.
48:28 I wish you a day full of God's grace.
48:58 I am very excited because she speaks French and she has been
49:03 a tremendous help, not only editing, but as you saw, the
49:07 Christmas program, she had a beautiful voice, singing and
49:11 she did the entire Christmas program from the beginning to
49:14 the end and she did the script also by having the voice and
49:19 the introduction and everything.
49:21 She is a tremendous asset for 3ABNFrancais.
49:26 We also have the booklets that are the devotion we translated.
49:34 And recently, just actually last week, we have a new
49:38 edition of somebody that is coming part-time, Gabriela.
49:42 And one of the first assignments that I am going to
49:47 give her is to translate the 3ABN lessons.
49:52 So we are going to do that because some people are already
49:57 asking that.
49:58 So we wanted to translate that and offer it not only in
50:02 Spanish, but also in French.
50:04 Speaking of that, I love that, speaking of that, these are our
50:08 Bible study guides, 3ABN Bible study guides.
50:10 This is Lesson 1-14.
50:12 The second set, 15-27 is Searching Deeper.
50:15 It is more into the prophecies.
50:16 They are both incredible sets and we have them.
50:20 They are available for free for download at the website.
50:22 Or, of course, you can order them from 3ABN.
50:25 But we used AI to do the initial translation into
50:28 Spanish and French, German, Greek.
50:32 And we are still working on Mandarin.
50:34 That is a little more complicated.
50:35 But I know, the Denzies, you have been working very
50:38 tirelessly on getting that translation and correcting and
50:42 getting that.
50:43 So we are close to done, I think, with the Spanish
50:45 translation for this.
50:46 And then the French is going to start soon.
50:48 Yay!
50:49 Praise the Lord!
50:50 That is wonderful!
50:51 And we will be taking these, I know we are almost out of time,
50:54 to Paris, right, for the evangelistic series.
50:58 And we will have the Bible studies there in Spanish as
51:00 well.
51:03 Yes, please pray for the evangelistic campaign.
51:07 We are going to Paris to preach in Spanish.
51:10 The Lord has provided that opportunity.
51:12 And that is unique.
51:13 That is unique.
51:16 speakers, right?
51:17 French.
51:18 French.
51:19 Yes, correct.
51:20 So, there is a Spanish church there in Jorge Jaque.
51:23 Is it just one in the city?
51:24 Yes, there is just one in the city.
51:26 One Spanish-speaking church?
51:26 Yes, one.
51:27 We hope that there will be more after this campaign is over.
51:31 So that is our prayer.
51:32 So we want to ask you to pray.
51:34 It is going to be March 22nd to March 30th.
51:39 And so we want to please pray for that so that the Lord will
51:43 use me and that the people will receive the message.
51:46 And of course, choose to follow the Lord with all of their
51:49 hearts.
51:50 Amen.
51:51 Tell us quickly about Cuba.
51:52 Because I mentioned that...
51:53 Cuba.
51:53 You just came back from Cuba.
51:55 Tell us what is going on there.
51:57 It is a wonderful, wonderful thing.
51:59 We are still on the package.
52:03 There are 16 provinces.
52:04 You call them provinces over there.
52:06 Call it like 16 states.
52:08 And the matrix, I am calling it the matrix now because there
52:13 were two and then there was just one.
52:15 But now there is another one.
52:17 I will talk to you about that in a moment if the time
52:18 permits.
52:19 But we are there every single week.
52:22 A portion of our programming is there.
52:25 And so this particular trip, I had to go to the different
52:29 conferences, talk to the presidents and the leadership
52:32 and say, hey, 3AVN is bringing 20,000 Bibles and we hope that
52:37 you will be able to use these.
52:39 Oh, they were so happy.
52:41 The conference presidents and the leadership.
52:44 And one of them said, wow, that is fantastic.
52:48 We are about to baptize 200 people and we don't have any
52:52 Bibles to give them.
52:54 Another one said, 80 plus people recently were baptized.
52:59 We didn't have any Bibles to give them.
53:01 I was at a church.
53:02 I had the opportunity to go to a church and preach.
53:05 And the lady that was doing something before me, she said,
53:10 okay, let's go to this Bible text.
53:11 How many of you brought your Bibles?
53:13 And many hands went up.
53:15 And then it occurred to me, when you go up there, ask them
53:18 how many people don't have Bibles.
53:20 So I did.
53:21 And it was about a quarter of the people did not have any
53:25 Bibles in the church.
53:27 And I said, I have good news for you.
53:30 The Lord has blessed 3AVN is going to bring 20,000 Bibles
53:33 and I hope you'll be able to get one of these.
53:36 And so these Bibles are needed.
53:38 And the time is right.
53:40 The Lord has blessed us to be able to bring this.
53:42 The people of Cuba are going through such difficult times.
53:45 They are looking for spiritual things.
53:48 And so thank you every single one of you that has helped.
53:52 I just got a report about 24 hours ago from our accounting
53:58 team.
54:02 purchase the Bible, print the Bibles, but also to bring them
54:05 to Cuba.
54:06 And to be able to bring them there to the conferences and
54:10 all the churches.
54:14 we're going to give some to the church to give.
54:16 But the greater portion 3AVN will have so that when we
54:20 announce on the package we have free Bibles.
54:22 If you don't have one, contact us.
54:24 And so it is such a wonderful thing.
54:27 And it's just amazing that the Lord has provided this
54:30 opportunity.
54:32 Yeah, no, amen.
54:35 again searching for truth.
54:36 You think about the timing.
54:37 You mentioned about the timing.
54:38 It's just a great time to be able to bring these Bibles into
54:42 Cuba.
54:43 Can I squeeze it in about 30 seconds?
54:44 I'll try, I'll try.
54:45 Let me try.
54:48 When I said the matrix is that they feed distributors with
54:52 programming.
54:54 And these distributors also give it to the people that sell
54:57 the package in the neighborhoods.
54:59 And this is how 3AVN is distributed there.
55:01 Yes, and so thank you for supporting that.
55:03 Every month we have to pay a fee for being on that package.
55:07 But there's a competitor, if you're going to call it, the
55:11 other matrix.
55:13 And the one we're on is on all the provinces.
55:16 This other one was going down, down, down.
55:19 And this guy that was a worker in that other one decided, we
55:23 can't let this die.
55:24 And so he talked to the other owner that left to Spain and he
55:28 says, I want to bring this back up.
55:30 So he got going and he bought equipment.
55:33 And now this one is coming up.
55:35 And they're on seven provinces.
55:38 And when I was talking to him, he said, oh, I know about 3AVN.
55:42 I said, how do you know?
55:44 Somebody that buys it on the other one was bringing it to
55:47 him and said, could you do me a favor and put this on?
55:51 But he was coming every week.
55:53 And sometimes he doesn't come.
55:55 So we want to make sure that it's there every single week.
55:58 So we're going to be on both of them now.
56:00 The original one and then the competitor who's doing better
56:05 now.
56:05 We're going to be on both.
56:07 Praise the Lord.
56:07 What a great report.
56:08 That's the gospel going that much further.
56:10 You know, praise the Lord.
56:11 Thank you, Pastor Johnny, Mrs. Denzi.
56:13 Thank you, Brother Moses, for being here.
56:16 Being part of the 3AVN family.
56:18 Just the privilege of working together, you know, and helping
56:21 to spread that gospel message.
56:23 So thank you all very much.
56:25 And thank you at home as well.
56:27 You are part of the 3AVN family.
56:30 Know that we love you.
56:32 Know that we pray for you.
56:33 And that you can reach out to us at any time if you have
56:37 program ideas, if you want to partner in some way
56:40 evangelistically, if you have prayer needs.
56:43 We have a Pastor World department and we want to be
56:45 here for you and to pray over those needs.
56:48 But don't be discouraged.
56:50 Jesus is coming soon.
56:52 We have the privilege and opportunity to proclaim this
56:55 gospel as never before.
56:57 We will see you next time.
56:58 God bless you.


Revised 2025-02-20