3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240034A

00:02 I want to spend my life mending broken people.
00:14 I want to spend my life.
00:36 I want to spend my life mending broken people.
00:46 I want to spend my life.
01:06 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today Live.
01:09 It is Thursday night.
01:10 Here we are in 3ABN Studios in West Frankfurt, Illinois.
01:13 Thank you for taking the time to join us.
01:15 With me is my co-pilot.
01:17 We're going to be on a two-hour journey.
01:19 Thank you for joining me on this flight.
01:22 Oh boy, I'm excited to be here.
01:25 You're going to be blessed by this program.
01:28 It's one of my favorites, by the way, so we just give them a sneak
01:31 peek, huh?
01:32 That's right.
01:33 When Sabbath afternoon comes in our home, for those of you that don't
01:36 know what Sabbath is, Saturday afternoon, and this program comes
01:40 on, we pause because it's our favorite program, and we don't want
01:44 to hold you in suspense.
01:45 No.
01:50 The program Lineage, and if you've seen it before, you know and you've
01:54 been moved by just the vast knowledge, and we're going to talk
01:58 about that tonight in detail.
02:00 We have two guests here tonight, which we'll introduce in just a
02:04 moment, but I want to just first of all thank you for your prayers and
02:07 your financial support of 3ABN as we continue going and growing,
02:11 getting ready for the most exciting event, the soon return of Jesus.
02:17 When we became familiar with Lineage, I think it was first on
02:19 the app.
02:23 I saw it on 3ABN.
02:26 You did?
02:27 Yeah.
02:27 That's why I was introduced.
02:28 Well, once we found it, we could not un-find it.
02:31 Couldn't.
02:32 We were just gripped by it.
02:34 Let's not hold them in too much suspense, let's just go ahead and
02:37 introduce them.
02:39 Well, to my immediate left is Adam Ramden.
02:43 To my immediate right.
02:44 See, my arms are broken tonight.
02:47 Good to have you here, Adam.
02:49 Thank you for having us.
02:50 Good to be here.
02:51 Yes, and Clive Coutet right across from me.
02:55 Now what would we call him?
02:57 The voice of the Lineage, the image of Lineage.
03:02 Before we go any farther into the program, just kind of give our
03:06 viewers and listeners tonight a little bit about your background,
03:10 and we will go on to the questions about how it got started, but just
03:12 kind of nutshell, who you are, we know what you do, but kind of where
03:15 you're from.
03:20 there for about the first 20 years of my life.
03:22 I spent several years in America, then I moved back to the UK, and
03:26 was working for the church there as a pastor, and also as a evangelism
03:30 school director, and also when Lineage started, I was serving as
03:34 the youth director in the North England Conference at the time.
03:38 So that was my day job, so to speak, and Lineage came up as a
03:43 project within that context that I was doing there.
03:46 So that's my work background from England, yeah.
03:51 Wow, and he's from Nottingham.
03:53 From Nottingham.
03:59 so good to have you here.
04:00 It's good to be here.
04:01 The Brits are in the house tonight.
04:02 The Brits are here.
04:04 Right, and he's from England too, and kind of it started as a
04:06 ministry, really started, originated there in the UK, because
04:10 all the core members are from the UK.
04:15 I could say the UK is okay.
04:18 You spent a bit of time there, yeah.
04:19 Oh, we love it there in England.
04:21 You still have family in England.
04:23 I still have two uncles.
04:24 That's right.
04:27 Wow.
04:28 Two left.
04:28 And Clive Coutay.
04:30 Yes.
04:31 Thank you for having me.
04:34 listeners know your connection to Lineage.
04:37 So my connection to Lineage is I co -founded it with Adam.
04:40 My journey kind of into media.
04:44 I studied a film and video production degree at university and
04:47 was kind of really struggling what to do with that.
04:50 But the Lord really convicted me to start a media ministry and fast
04:53 forward a number of years.
04:55 Here we are.
04:56 He used to edit Premier League games.
04:58 Oh, really?
04:59 Like the soccer.
05:00 He was helping edit that.
05:05 degree.
05:06 And so, you know, the journey took me to this point.
05:10 Now you're the guy that people don't see, but you're the guy that
05:13 makes people want to see.
05:15 He's the guy that makes it look good.
05:16 Yeah.
05:17 Praise the Lord.
05:19 To be in that position, to edit a program, audio, video, just the
05:24 whole, the list goes on and on.
05:25 You might mention some of that during the program for those who
05:27 are techie people like I am.
05:29 And because it's a very gripping program, the theme music, the
05:36 moment it comes on, just sit down.
05:39 You just want to watch.
05:41 It's so good.
05:41 Thank you for being here tonight.
05:42 We're looking forward to a wonderful program.
05:44 And by the way, to those of you who are tuning in, we're going to have
05:47 questions this second hour.
05:49 We're going to have you text those questions in.
05:51 And let me see.
05:52 I have the phone number and time here.
05:53 Yes, if you text your questions in, if you have any questions for our
05:57 guest tonight, that's 618-228-3975.
06:02 That's once again, 618-228-3975, or email live at 3ABN.org.
06:11 Wow.
06:14 Oh, yeah, Sunday.
06:17 We're headed to Australia.
06:18 New Zealand first.
06:19 That's right.
06:23 Where are we going?
06:28 the Hamilton Central Seventh-day Adventist Church, Wednesday night,
06:32 October 30th.
06:33 Tim is going to be joining us a little later on, but it's going to
06:36 be Jill and Greg and you and I, and we're going to be there on the 30th
06:41 of October, and then the Bunbury Church in Western Australia.
06:45 We've been there before.
06:46 We love that church.
06:51 the west coast of Australia, and the next stop, they tell me, if you
06:54 go to the ocean, it's going to be South Africa.
06:56 South Africa.
06:57 So we're looking forward to that.
07:02 Church is on a Friday evening, then Sabbath School on November 2nd,
07:08 they're also at the Bunbury Church, then church service there, and an
07:13 afternoon concert, wow, with Tim and me and Rosemary and John,
07:17 that's going to be good.
07:19 And then, where are we going on November 3rd?
07:21 Adelaide, South Australia, that's Sunday, November 3rd.
07:25 Wow, we're going to be on the move.
07:27 Yeah, and then we're back to the Hamilton Church, New South Wales.
07:32 Newcastle.
07:32 Sorry, I can't...
07:35 The Hamilton Church, Newcastle, New South Wales, and we're looking
07:38 forward to a wonderful time.
07:40 And by the way, Hamilton SDA Church is not, they're the same names, but
07:45 different churches, and that's going to be on November 5th, on
07:49 Tuesday.
07:50 So if you're in the area, or if you would like to join us at any of
07:54 those locations, put that in your schedule now, starting, we're
07:58 leaving on Sunday, we get there on Tuesday.
08:00 It's going to be quite a bit of time.
08:02 And some of you that have watched the program before, you might
08:04 notice, well, Pastor John looked a little darker than you normally do.
08:06 Yeah, yeah, yeah, tell them why.
08:07 You know, we were recently in Jamaica.
08:10 We were in St. Elizabeth in Jamaica, and tonight...
08:15 Parish of St. Elizabeth.
08:16 And you're also Jamaican.
08:18 Yeah, my family's from Jamaica, Clarendon and St. Anne, but we had
08:22 the privilege of ministering at the Bull Savannah Seventh-day Adventist
08:28 Church, last Sabbath, and you gave a concert, you spoke that morning,
08:34 even though you got a little sick, didn't you?
08:36 Yeah, but the Lord turned it around, and we have a little
08:38 picture to show you.
08:40 It was men's day there, and there's my wife and I, and a lot of the men
08:44 and the leadership of the church.
08:45 It was a full house, but thank you.
08:47 Oh, overflow.
08:48 It was an overflow.
08:49 Yes, they gave me a basket.
08:53 the ministry was wonderful.
08:54 Thank you so much for inviting us there.
08:56 Love, love, love my people.
08:58 That's right.
08:58 It's very special to me.
09:00 So, God bless you.
09:05 Okay, we have a lot to cover, don't we?
09:07 Yes, we've got a lot to cover, and, you know, once again, Adam, thank
09:10 you for coming, Clive, thank you for coming, and just kind of, you
09:13 know, since you are the voice, we're going to kind of throw the
09:15 questions out, either one of you or both of you could contribute to the
09:18 answers to the questions.
09:19 Tell us, you kind of gave us a hint about lineage beginning as a
09:23 project, but I want to kind of, when did it go from a project to a
09:27 life commitment?
09:31 Well, tell us, first of all, where did the idea come from?
09:33 Yeah, yeah.
09:35 He came with the idea.
09:36 Okay.
09:39 then I'll pick up as it comes to me.
09:42 I was reading The Great Controversy, and I was going
09:46 through the chapters, and I was trying to find really good
09:49 resources that would appeal to me and my age group as I read each
09:53 chapter.
09:57 then I'd go online, and I'd type some stuff about them, and I
10:00 thought, the video content that I'm seeing is either really long or
10:04 really dated, really old, and I thought, that's not going to impact
10:07 my generation, and then the idea came, well, do something about it,
10:11 you know, since I had a background in this, and I was living in London
10:14 at the time, in England, so do something about it.
10:17 So, I actually approached somebody, it wasn't Adam, maybe you can pick
10:20 up from here.
10:24 Yeah, he approached, whoever he approached, and then he came to me.
10:27 We were actually down in London at the British Museum.
10:30 Chad and Fadiya Cruz, I'm guessing you know them, they were in
10:34 England, they had been preaching at camp meeting, and after camp
10:36 meeting, as I was hosting the speakers, you know, let's go to
10:39 London, we'll show you out.
10:40 So, we went to London, Clive came with me as well, and we showed them
10:43 around the British Museum.
10:45 After we'd done this little tour, Clive came to me, and he said,
10:48 would you like to make some videos on the great controversy and on
10:52 church history?
10:54 And it so happens that the British Museum allows you to use a tripod
10:58 inside, so you know, we can shoot with a tripod inside the British
11:01 Museum, we could use some of the artifacts and make some videos that
11:04 match with the book Great Controversy.
11:07 And so the original idea was to shoot some videos in the British
11:10 Museum, and maybe John Wesley's house, just a few, a handful of
11:15 videos there in London.
11:16 It wasn't a series, it wasn't, you know, doing it for eight years, it
11:20 was just shooting five to ten, that was the idea, like around five or
11:25 ten videos at the most, shoot it there in London, there was no name
11:30 to this project, there was nothing, it was just, let's just shoot a few
11:32 videos here in London, it's our hometown.
11:35 And then, as we sat together, the idea came, well, you know, let's go
11:40 to Oxford as well, and let's go to Cambridge, let's go up to
11:43 Lutterworth, John Wycliffe's church, oh, let's go to Scotland as
11:46 well.
11:53 the, you know, the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
11:56 And so then our creative juices start flowing, and we're like,
11:59 well, actually, it's actually quite cheap for us to fly to Europe, so,
12:04 the continent of Europe, so why don't we go to Germany as well, and
12:08 Switzerland, and cover some of those reformers?
12:11 And the ideas just kind of start flowing, and it became this idea,
12:15 well, let's just do a video every week for next year, and we'll just
12:20 kind of have this going.
12:21 At the time, as youth director and working with Clive, we were
12:24 releasing devotional videos on Fridays, like, you know,
12:28 prominently speak, we get devotional, we put them on Fridays,
12:30 and they were being well-received back then, we'd been doing that for
12:33 about two years, and we were also releasing sermon snippets of our
12:36 camp meeting sermons on Mondays, so then we thought, oh, we've got
12:39 Mondays, we've got Fridays, let's create another series and put it on
12:42 Wednesdays, so we'll just have regular content, so it was just
12:46 kind of an organic idea that formed of providing another media resource
12:51 to the young people in the conference, and let's do it
12:54 throughout the, you know, we'll cover, we'll go throughout the
12:56 year, and then the idea came to make it chronological, so we'll
13:00 just kind of build one week to the next, and that was how it formed in
13:04 2016, around August, September, so we started fine-tuning the idea,
13:09 and, you know, putting some subjects down together and I ran it
13:13 by a few, you know, historians and speakers, what do you think about
13:16 this?
13:18 And, and yeah, we, we didn't really have any money at the time, but we
13:20 had the vision.
13:21 Right.
13:25 Just the two of you.
13:26 Yeah.
13:26 It was just us.
13:26 Yeah.
13:28 just us.
13:29 It was just us.
13:32 Right.
13:33 It was just an idea.
13:36 that was it.
13:37 But then it just evolved over time.
13:39 And then our first trip, we were going up to Scotland, which was
13:42 kind of close to us.
13:46 Hey, do you want to come and help with the video and the photography?
13:50 His name is Ashley and he came and then we were in the back of the car
13:54 driving up there.
13:54 He designed the logo because he's a designer.
13:57 Right.
14:00 we need a website and it just grew so organically.
14:04 God just kind of put everything in place.
14:07 Yeah.
14:07 Wow.
14:08 The Lord was in it.
14:08 See how it pulled together?
14:10 I know, yeah.
14:10 So beautifully.
14:12 Yeah, and the name kind of, we had all these different names and we
14:18 were brainstorming different names and what to do.
14:21 And I was, as youth director, I had my team and I was running names by
14:25 them and I sometimes look back at the sheet of names that we came up
14:30 with.
14:30 Yes.
14:31 And I'm just like, wow, those have been terrible names.
14:36 I'm so glad we didn't go with whatever.
14:40 I was actually talking to a friend of mine, you may know him, Pastor
14:43 Justin Kimmies, at the review now.
14:45 I was brainstorming with him and he's actually the one that kind of,
14:48 what about lineage?
14:50 And I put that down on the list and it became one of, it eventually
14:53 became the name that we went with.
14:55 So it was just kind of going.
14:57 Even a week before we launched, we didn't even have our own platforms
15:01 like Facebook, platform, Instagram.
15:03 We were just going to do anything on the NEC youth social account as
15:07 I was youth director.
15:08 And then about a week before we sat there and we thought, well, you're
15:12 not going to be youth director forever and then, you know, you'll
15:16 hand the login details to the next guy and so on.
15:19 And we thought, oh, maybe we should put it on our own platform just in
15:22 case, you know, to give us access forever.
15:26 And then, well, OK, then we, you know, so we started that.
15:29 So, yeah, it was, it just kind of, it happened organically in a sense.
15:33 It wasn't, you know, sometimes these ideas, you think they come
15:35 around a strategic table and it wasn't like that.
15:39 It just kind of happened.
15:40 And the Lord was leading each step.
15:41 So, you know, it's the Lord.
15:43 And even to the point of the first episode that we launched, I was
15:47 editing that with my wife and a friend of mine, Ashley on the phone
15:51 on FaceTime.
15:52 And we were editing it till like three o'clock in the morning.
15:54 And just because we had this product that we'd filmed and we
15:57 didn't know what was going to come of it.
15:59 So we were kind of just bouncing off each other very organically.
16:01 And before you knew it, we had the first episode.
16:04 And I remember Ashley said to me, this has come out really good, but
16:09 how are you going to maintain this for so long?
16:12 But literally God has enabled us to do that.
16:15 So praise the Lord.
16:18 far?
16:22 Oh, close.
16:23 Yeah, close to that.
16:24 Now, if people only understood the man hours that it takes, let's just
16:29 kind of give us an overview of what it takes.
16:33 And I guess I know it also depends on where you're traveling to.
16:36 The travel time is one thing.
16:38 That's a financial responsibility.
16:41 And then getting to the location, depending on how far it is.
16:47 But we're going to kind of give one of the episodes there and kind of
16:53 get people that have not seen lineage before.
16:56 Let's just start with the Laodicea episode, kind of lead us into that.
16:59 Sure.
17:06 ancient city in modern day Turkey.
17:08 OK, it's mentioned in the Book of Revelation and it's one of the
17:11 seven churches that the Book of Revelation was originally sent to.
17:15 So there were seven cities, seven churches and John sent the letter
17:18 to those churches.
17:19 So in 2020, we filmed the series on the seven churches.
17:24 So we did an introductory one and then we did an episode in each of
17:28 the city.
17:29 So it was an eight part series.
17:29 You went to each of those cities?
17:30 Yeah, we went to Turkey and we filmed there.
17:32 That was during Covid.
17:33 It was, but it was later in the year when the restrictions had
17:37 lifted.
17:41 We filmed them.
17:42 Which was great because it was empty.
17:44 Oh yeah, no one was there.
17:46 Filming it was the best time.
17:47 There were no tourists, there were no coaches, there were no buses, we
17:51 just had the place to ourselves.
17:52 So the Laodicea episode was, that was probably our third or fourth
17:56 series that we'd released by the time we released the seven
17:59 churches.
18:03 churches.
18:04 They're messages that obviously they have a historic value, but
18:08 then have a personal application.
18:10 And when you actually travel to the city and you see the physical
18:12 features that you've either preached about or heard a preacher
18:15 preach about, you know, the lukewarmness and you hear these
18:20 descriptions of the church, which also describe our own spiritual
18:23 condition, it really makes revelation come alive.
18:27 Oh wow, you know, the hot springs are still flowing today and it
18:31 still flows out of Heriopolis.
18:33 You saw that?
18:36 It's amazing.
18:38 So the Laodicea one is, there's a historic value, but there's also
18:41 personal spiritual application in that series heavily as well.
18:44 Well, let's just dive in some of the work that Clive and Adam has
18:47 done.
19:09 Laodicea was located about 40 miles from Philadelphia and 100 miles
19:13 east of Ephesus, and it was founded by Antiochus II and named in honor
19:18 of his wife, Laodicea, who incidentally later poisoned him.
19:22 It was located on the Lycus River and was about eight miles from
19:26 Colossee to whom the Book of Colossians was written and was at
19:29 the crux of two major Roman roads.
19:32 It was an incredibly wealthy city.
19:34 It had a large banking center with large manufacturing interests.
19:43 When Laodicea was destroyed by an earthquake in AD 60, they refused
19:48 outside aid and rebuilt the city at their own expense.
19:52 Such self-sufficiency was rare and made the city famous.
19:56 They were also famous for a valuable wool found in the valleys
19:59 that was soft in texture and black in color, which meant that
20:03 Laodiceans almost exclusively wore black as evidence of their wealth.
20:08 There was also an important school of medicine located in the narrow
20:12 and connected to this school was an industry for the manufacture of a
20:16 special eye medicine, collirium, made from a famous Pyrogean stone.
20:25 Laodicea was a successful and well -ordered city with proud, arrogant
20:30 and self-satisfied inhabitants.
20:32 They were accustomed to leisure, pleasure and entertainment as
20:36 evidenced by the ruins of the amphitheaters which remain here to
20:40 this day.
20:41 Jesus begins his message to the church and gives them no
20:44 affirmation.
20:52 This analogy would have been familiar to them.
20:55 Hot water from the nearby springs here in Heriopolis was pumped down
20:59 to them by aqueducts and pipes.
21:02 Today you can see the remnants of these aqueducts and pipes with the
21:05 mineral deposit inside them.
21:07 By the time the water reached Laodicea, it was lukewarm, good for
21:11 nothing.
21:16 remain in this state, I will vomit you out.
21:24 There is nothing worse than a half -hearted Christian.
21:27 If you are spiritually hot, then you are on fire for God.
21:30 If you are cold, then there is at least the idea that whilst you are
21:34 not walking with God, you are aware that you are not.
21:37 But if you are lukewarm, you think you're doing good, but the reality
21:40 is far from it.
21:43 Laodicea's spiritual condition was such that they think they're rich,
21:46 increased with goods, and have need of nothing, but their level of self
21:51 -awareness is non-existent, and they don't know that they're
21:54 wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.
22:01 The counsel to Laodicea is interesting in that it either
22:04 included things they thought they already had or was the opposite of
22:08 what they had.
22:12 tried in the fire.
22:14 They had an eye clinic, and yet they were told to anoint their eyes
22:17 with eyesalve.
22:18 They prided themselves on their black clothes, and yet they were
22:21 told to get white raiment.
22:24 The gold tried in the fire is symbolic of faith in the furnace of
22:28 affliction.
22:33 represents the righteousness of Christ that we need to clothe
22:37 ourselves in.
22:42 The name Laodicea means a people judged, and we take the time period
22:46 for this church to be from 1844 to the second coming, during the time
22:50 period of the judgment, and it is directly relevant to us today.
22:55 The message to the Laodiceans ends with a beautiful appeal.
22:58 Jesus is standing and knocking at the door of our hearts.
23:02 He doesn't force his way in, though.
23:04 He, the person on the outside, is the one taking the initiative,
23:08 pressing the door, pleading for entrance.
23:10 Salvation is a personal matter, and we must open our hearts to him
23:15 personally.
23:20 come in and sup with him.
23:22 Not only will he sup with us, but the Bible says we can sit on his
23:25 throne with him.
23:27 Jesus longs for an intimate relationship with us.
23:30 If he is knocking at the door of your heart, then open the door and
23:34 let him come in.
24:03 Well, if this is your first time, consider yourself a part of
24:07 lineage.
24:11 on you could see these episodes again on 3ABN later on, or you
24:15 could go to 3ABN Plus and see it on demand.
24:19 The Bible comes alive, doesn't it?
24:21 The Bible comes alive.
24:22 The lukewarm, the hot water, you said?
24:25 Fascinating.
24:26 You see some of the things that are...
24:30 about five miles from Laodicea, and then the water would have flown
24:35 down the valley, and today there's still hot water flowing out there.
24:38 And then by the time it got down there, it was lukewarm.
24:40 You get the analogy.
24:42 Right, it's cooling off.
24:42 It's cooling off.
24:43 So the analogy matches perfectly with the Bible.
24:46 Perfect.
24:48 Spew you out of my mouth, the Bible says.
24:50 Don't want to be lukewarm.
24:53 Well, so Clive, as a person who...
24:56 Based on what you do, I dabble, okay.
24:59 But I'm understanding some of the context of the technical part of
25:02 it.
25:06 project.
25:11 That includes Photoshop, After Effects.
25:13 It typically takes us around two days.
25:16 Well, used to when we first started, takes about two days to
25:18 edit each episode.
25:19 Each five-minute video takes about two days.
25:21 But over time, we've refined the process.
25:23 We've made it quicker and faster because we've done it so many
25:26 times.
25:29 About a day.
25:30 Yeah.
25:31 That's good.
25:31 For five minutes, so...
25:33 But see, so...
25:35 I'm glad you mentioned that because my wife sometimes says, it's only
25:37 five minutes long.
25:37 What's taking you so long?
25:39 He needs time.
25:40 He needs time.
25:42 You put something together and went to the...
25:43 Where were we?
25:46 Indonesia.
25:46 Right.
25:49 She said, it's taking you so long.
25:50 I said, honey, this is seven minutes.
25:52 You should probably spend some time with my wife.
25:54 We can just edit together.
25:55 Yeah.
25:56 Yeah.
25:58 Now...
25:59 What partnership have you had with other organizations, and how has it
26:03 benefited you both?
26:05 Okay.
26:08 they have been a real blessing.
26:10 One of the more recent ones, we did do a partnership in the last two
26:15 years with an organization called Streams of Light.
26:19 Oh, yes.
26:20 You're familiar with their organization.
26:22 Their mission is quite singular.
26:24 In some ways, it's to get the book break controversy into as many
26:28 homes as possible.
26:30 And so they approached us, and they do mass distribution projects of
26:34 great controversies around America and other parts of the world.
26:37 And they had QR codes in their books, but the QR codes took, at
26:41 the time, a couple of years ago, would take the viewer to maybe a
26:44 sermon or something like that, but they wanted something that was a
26:48 little bit more shorter.
26:49 Some of their QR codes came to the early lineage episodes that we did
26:53 in season one, but then we only really covered maybe the first 17
26:59 chapters of the book, Great Controversy, we didn't go beyond.
27:02 So they came to us and said, would you like to redo them, but this
27:05 time, intentionally do every single chapter of the book, Great
27:08 Controversy.
27:09 And so we had the opportunity to work with them.
27:13 And that was a fun project.
27:15 So we reshot some of the early episodes that Kalei wasn't happy
27:21 with because of the editing, or I wasn't happy with because of the
27:23 early scripting, so we kind of reshot some of those early ones.
27:26 I will say that was our hardest series to do.
27:30 We just felt like everything was always going wrong.
27:33 It's just like when she wrote the book.
27:34 You're right, you know, right before we were about to film, Adam
27:36 broke his arm, he fell over, broke his arm, so we had to postpone the
27:39 filming.
27:40 No, we didn't.
27:41 Oh, no, yeah, we didn't.
27:42 We didn't.
27:45 And then Kalei was like, oh, it doesn't matter, we can still film.
27:48 So we did the whole two weeks of filming with this broken arm, and
27:51 it's painful if you've broken a hand.
27:53 And then when it came to edit, he's like, yeah, we can't use this.
27:56 It doesn't look good.
27:57 It didn't look right.
27:59 You know, you got an eternal message, and you wanted to present
28:01 it in the right way.
28:02 I can't have an episode on heaven with a broken arm.
28:04 Yeah, so we just said, you know, let's just redo it.
28:07 It's gonna take us a bit more time, but then we're gonna come out with
28:10 a product that is done well and can last eternity.
28:13 That's right.
28:15 And that's not just that, though.
28:19 we've never had, and it just felt more oppressive, so to speak, or
28:23 more under...
28:24 Great controversy.
28:25 With the great controversy.
28:26 Yeah, the controversy over the great controversy.
28:28 It was.
28:29 So that was one of the partnerships we did.
28:30 We also did a partnership with, somewhat partnership with ASI.
28:34 They asked us to do a video.
28:35 We saw you at ASI.
28:36 On the history of ASI, so we did that one with them, and that was a
28:40 fun project to work on as well, and just telling...
28:41 What do you mean, the history of ASI?
28:42 So we started with the early origins of ASI with Madison
28:46 College, and then kind of followed the journey through the children of
28:49 Madison, and then the various ministries that have started since
28:52 then, and then what ASI is today in terms of how it helps to enable and
28:57 empower ministries and also people to share Christ in the marketplace.
29:01 We shared some of those stories and testimonies in a project that we
29:04 did with them, so that was another kind of...
29:05 So you're part of ASI, aren't you?
29:07 Yeah.
29:08 Amen, wonderful.
29:09 You know, what's nice about the work that you're doing and the
29:11 quality of it gives it longevity, and I like that you mentioned
29:14 earlier, the generation, your generation, and young people, I
29:20 mean, the media world we're living in, the competition is great.
29:25 When you look at anything on, whether it's YouTube or Instagram
29:28 or TikTok or wherever you're getting that media from,
29:31 immediately in the first five or 10 seconds, if you don't have that
29:34 person's attention, it's like, well, it's kind of religious, I
29:36 don't wanna watch it.
29:37 That's why I like lineage.
29:39 It grabs you right away.
29:40 Instantly.
29:42 And not that it's a bad thing, but you don't dress up for it, it just
29:45 gives it a contemporary feel.
29:47 I like that.
29:51 maybe he is smart.
29:53 You know, this is a different generation.
29:56 and shared about lineage and people have come up to me afterwards and
29:59 they're like, yeah, you look like him.
30:04 It's like, yeah.
30:05 You're in a town in a suit.
30:06 You want me to put the hat on and...
30:07 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
30:08 You want me to take off my tie and put the hat on?
30:10 You sound like him.
30:11 But just to say, what exactly you said, that was intentional.
30:13 You know, we wanted it to be fast -paced.
30:15 We knew when we first started, we spoke about having one to three
30:19 seconds to grab someone's attention.
30:21 That's why it's intentional with the way it starts so rapidly,
30:24 because you really want to grab that person's attention and get
30:26 them to watch the whole video.
30:27 And while they're scrolling, they just see the first clips and are
30:30 interested in watching it.
30:31 And this was, what, eight years ago that we started this.
30:34 Now that attention span's dropped more, you know?
30:37 So we've had to kind of adapt and do some even shorter content, one
30:40 minute long and 30 seconds long.
30:42 Do you have those?
30:43 Do you have...
30:46 Yeah, very short videos.
30:48 Do you have a lot of viewers?
30:49 Yeah, yeah, yeah, we do, yeah.
30:51 Wow.
30:51 That's amazing.
30:53 So in addition to the video projects, what other resources does
30:57 Lineage have?
30:59 Talk about some of those resources.
31:01 So just talking about the great controversy.
31:06 When we built the videos, we thought, well, if someone is seeing
31:10 this video for the first time, they may want to know more information,
31:13 like some of the historical facts.
31:15 So actually, if you go to our website and we have a whole study
31:18 section where you can actually go through the great controversy,
31:21 historical data, see book resources, watch the videos, watch
31:25 related videos, read the chapter on the website, if you want to as
31:28 well.
31:33 book, Great Controversy.
31:35 Remember, we were showing this at church, the lineage between Sabbath
31:38 school and church.
31:40 Right, we were showing that at our church.
31:42 Okay.
31:47 Sabbath school study time.
31:49 Really, really good, I always heard it.
31:50 And then finally, they put a television backstage so I could see
31:53 it.
31:54 Everybody else was seeing it.
31:56 I really, really enjoyed that.
31:58 So the...
31:58 Go on.
31:59 Yeah, go ahead.
32:02 Are you gonna talk about some of those?
32:03 Yeah, we've got some books, original stuff that we've...
32:06 As Clive mentioned, the guy who designed our logo, actually, he's
32:11 a...
32:12 What would you say he is?
32:13 He's an illustrator.
32:14 Illustrator.
32:14 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
32:15 So he does...
32:20 come up with this amazing drawing.
32:21 Wow.
32:22 Just, you know...
32:23 How many in your team?
32:24 In the team, good question.
32:25 There's about...
32:27 No, there is, there's 10 of us.
32:28 There's 10 of us in the team.
32:30 And it's really been that way since 2017, really.
32:33 Yes.
32:39 too.
32:41 About eight of the people is people that we know.
32:43 Two of the people...
32:47 Contacted us out of the blue.
32:48 One of them contacted us out of the blue.
32:49 The other one I knew, but contacted me out of the blue.
32:51 So it kind of just kind of came together.
32:54 The people in England were people that we just asked to come on a
32:57 filming trip.
32:58 And back then, we've got no money.
33:00 Yes.
33:01 We're broke.
33:03 I can promise to give you a bed and travel and...
33:08 Time's not even that, though.
33:10 No.
33:11 No, just one of our...
33:12 And feed you.
33:12 And feed you.
33:18 limited on budget that we needed an extra driver.
33:21 So I called Anton and I said, hey, Anton, can you do a shift with us?
33:25 Because he's a driver.
33:27 We were driving through the night up to Scotland, up to a little
33:31 island called Iona.
33:32 So I said, hey, can you come along?
33:34 It'll be myself, Anton, my wife, and Adam.
33:37 So Anton was like, okay, I'll come.
33:39 And I knew that Iona was windy.
33:41 So I was like, hey, it's gonna be windy.
33:42 Can you just bring your boom mic as well?
33:44 Just to help out if you can.
33:45 And he was like, yeah, sure.
33:46 So he comes, he does the sounds, loves the project.
33:49 And then he's just, he's in.
33:51 He just organically just joined the team like that.
33:53 It wasn't like there was no finances put down.
33:56 It wasn't a contract.
33:57 It was just like very organic.
33:59 And I can tell you a story about every single one in the team who
34:02 kind of started that way.
34:03 And everyone joined, not for pay, or no one said, oh, how much am I
34:06 getting?
34:10 project.
34:12 And that's kind of special because even though the ministry has grown
34:15 a little bit since then, and the Lord blessed us in some ways, the
34:20 core team is all people that join just out of a passion and a burden
34:23 to join.
34:24 And so anyway, so that's most of the guys on the team.
34:27 And then a few of them joined.
34:29 Is it all a guy team?
34:30 No, no, no, no.
34:32 So our writer who writes our website content and the books that
34:36 I mentioned in just a minute, she's from Australia, her name's Suki.
34:40 And then my wife's on the team.
34:42 Clive's wife's on the team as well.
34:43 Aiko and Charlene are both on the team.
34:45 So you travel together?
34:46 When we can.
34:47 Not always.
34:48 Sometimes it's just me and Clive.
34:49 Sometimes it's three of us.
34:50 Sometimes it's five of us.
34:51 Sometimes it's more.
34:52 It just kind of varies on who's available.
34:54 And how long we're going for as well.
34:56 How long we're going for and what we need to do when we get there.
34:58 How many countries have you been to?
35:00 That's a good question.
35:01 I've never counted.
35:02 Never counted?
35:04 Never counted.
35:07 If a viewer can tell us that, we can give them a free gift.
35:11 Now, is there a headquarters?
35:14 That's, we're very...
35:15 My bedroom.
35:17 There's no physical headquarters because I'm based in England.
35:20 He lives in California.
35:22 Jasper, who's one of our videographers, lives in the
35:24 Philippines.
35:25 Suki is our writer, lives in Australia.
35:27 So we're kind of...
35:27 This is totally contemporary.
35:29 This is what you call...
35:31 We have a Slack channel.
35:32 We have a channel on Slack and we do our projects on there,
35:36 communicate on there and we meet once a month virtually.
35:39 But we've never had the whole team in one place at the same time.
35:43 I'll say to our audience, welcome to the modern order of things.
35:47 That's really how the world is nowadays.
35:49 It is.
35:54 And that quick response.
35:56 But now as far as editing, are you the chief editor or you have other
35:59 people editing with you?
36:04 of our behind the scenes videos.
36:05 Eden is the guy who does that for us and he travels with us
36:08 sometimes.
36:09 And again, he had another organic story of how he joined.
36:12 But most of the episode editing that you'll see would be myself.
36:16 And I would say myself and my wife, because my wife, she fixes my
36:20 mistakes.
36:21 Well, she edits also.
36:22 We do that.
36:23 Women do that, right?
36:25 No, seriously, because sometimes you're looking at something so long
36:29 that it just kind of blends in.
36:30 And my wife says, you're missing a letter on that word.
36:34 Yeah, exactly.
36:35 Y-O-U, you forgot R.
36:37 Yeah, my biggest Achilles heel is I leave the R out on the word, your.
36:41 But she finds that she's very, very good at that.
36:44 But now let's talk about another one because we just looked at Leo
36:46 to see.
36:50 Oh, you went there?
36:52 Yeah, I mean.
36:53 I always want to go there.
36:54 So in terms of the chronology of lineage, our first series was on
36:59 the Reformation.
36:59 That was season one.
37:00 Yes.
37:01 We did that in 2017.
37:02 And that kind of started in the early church.
37:04 It went all the way through to John Wesley, the birth of missions and
37:10 so on.
37:14 need to do Adventism, which comes after that and early religion in
37:19 America.
37:23 We did the birth and the rise of Adventism in America and its
37:27 expansion around the world.
37:28 So that took us up to Ellen White and so on.
37:32 Then for our third season, we went back in time.
37:37 And this is kind of where I say, if we'd done it strategically, we
37:39 would have done that one probably first, but the Lord just, His
37:43 plans.
37:48 Conflict of the Ages.
37:49 Wow.
37:55 early Old Testament, then Prophets and Kings, Lateral Testament.
37:58 And we call them different.
37:59 So we called Patriarchs and Prophets, we call that from
38:02 creation to Kings, Pentecost, I mean, Prophets and Kings, we call
38:06 from Kings to...
38:08 Captivity.
38:08 Kings to Captivity.
38:10 Desire of Ages, we call from Manger to Messiah.
38:13 And then Acts of the Apostles, we call from Pentecost to Patmos.
38:17 Oh, I love the titles.
38:19 So Patmos was our final episode in that series that covered the
38:23 history of the Bible.
38:27 It was more telling the story of the Bible on location.
38:34 And so just summarizing, I mean, where there was irrefutable
38:37 archaeological evidence that I can point to, we'd reference it, but it
38:41 wasn't primarily aiming to be that.
38:44 It was more telling the story, the narrative of the great controversy
38:47 through Scripture from Genesis all the way through to Revelation or
38:51 Patmos.
38:56 But you know, one of the things that, and I believe somebody in our
38:59 audience might identify with this, I know we identify with that, we
39:03 can't wait to see where you're next in every episode.
39:06 I know.
39:06 Where are they now?
39:07 Where are they now?
39:08 And that's kind of like the drawing factors.
39:10 We love that.
39:11 Wow, we heard about that.
39:12 Look, it actually does exist.
39:14 And so that's just...
39:15 To us, that's one of the major things in that, I don't know, I'm
39:20 saying this in a studio, but we're not shooting what we're shooting in
39:23 a studio.
39:27 One of the draws, I think, is that we are on location.
39:30 And so for a lot of people, we recognize they can't go there.
39:32 A lot of people aren't able to go, or haven't the opportunity to go to
39:36 Patmos.
39:37 So by seeing the video and seeing it, it's a real place and what it
39:42 would have looked like when John was there.
39:45 So, you know, Patmos was special for me to go there and just kind
39:47 of, we were there on the Sabbath as well.
39:49 Oh, how special.
39:51 Sometimes you can read the Bible and you don't remember or realize
39:55 that these places exist even till today.
39:58 So just bringing that to life and showing the young people, like it's
40:02 not a book full of fables.
40:04 You know, Laodicea exists, Jerusalem exists, all of these
40:07 different locations in the Bible, they're there today.
40:09 And it was special for me to go to these places and document them.
40:15 But just bringing that to life is really what attracted us to it.
40:17 Oh, the Waldensees, you did that too, didn't you?
40:21 I love that.
40:22 So give us the lead into what we're gonna see on John on Patmos.
40:25 Yeah, so the Patmos one is the episode, it's the conclusive
40:28 episode, the final episode in that series.
40:31 And we're telling the story of John as he would have written the book
40:33 of Revelation, as he was isolated there on that rocky island of
40:37 Patmos.
40:38 Okay.
40:39 Well, let's look at this.
40:41 John on Patmos.
40:42 Let's listen.
41:05 John had a special place in Jesus' heart, for Scripture notes that he
41:10 was the disciple whom Jesus loved.
41:13 John shared experiences with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and on
41:17 the Mount of Transfiguration.
41:19 And he was the disciple whom Jesus entrusted the care of his mother to
41:23 when he was on the cross.
41:25 John had defects of character that earned him the nickname, the Son of
41:30 Thunder.
41:35 coarse and rough edges.
41:37 John was ambitious for power, vengeful, critical, and impetuous,
41:42 yet he had great potential and would go on to be the longest
41:46 living disciple.
41:55 The book of Acts mentions that John was present during Pentecost, but
41:59 after that he barely gets a mention in Scripture.
42:02 Whilst the other disciples were literally travelling the then-known
42:05 world, Thomas was preaching the Gospel in India.
42:09 Peter was in Rome.
42:10 John has several decades of his life where there is very little
42:14 written.
42:15 He was looking after Jesus' mother.
42:18 It would not have been easy to stay at home, so to speak, but John
42:22 needed his own version of a wilderness experience.
42:33 We are told that Peter was crucified upside down.
42:36 Thomas was pierced with a spear.
42:39 Luke was hung from an olive tree, and Bartholomew, Simon, Philip, and
42:43 Jude were beheaded.
42:45 But John was the only apostle to die of natural causes.
42:49 This was, however, due to miraculous power of God, as
42:52 Tertullian, writing in AD 200, said, At Rome the apostle John,
42:56 having been immersed in hot oil, suffered no harm at all.
43:00 This attempt to boil him alive did not work and is alleged to have
43:04 happened behind me.
43:08 before being banished to Patmos.
43:18 This rocky island was chosen by the Roman government as a place of
43:22 banishment for criminals, and here, away from the busyness of life,
43:26 John received visions from heaven that outlined the closing scenes of
43:30 this earth's history.
43:33 Here, amidst the rocks and cliffs, John held communion with God as he
43:37 was able to meditate on the Book of Nature and marvel at God's
43:41 goodness.
43:47 thought by some to be past useful service, an old man.
43:51 But it was here that he received more communication from heaven than
43:54 he had during all his former years.
43:57 The Book of Revelation The Book of Revelation is written in signs and
44:06 symbols and needs to be decoded in order to be fully understood.
44:11 The purpose of this is twofold.
44:13 Firstly, to protect and preserve it from the ruling power in John's
44:17 day, and secondly, to ensure that those who wish to understand it
44:21 actually study and dig deep.
44:24 Revelation contains many messages that have relevance for our time
44:28 today, and it has helped, and continues to help, the church to
44:32 understand where it comes from and where it's going.
44:36 If you have not yet read the Book of Revelation, I urge you to start,
44:40 for it begins with a blessing to all those who read and understand
44:44 it.
44:52 Here on the Isle of Patmos, John finally had time to write, and it
44:56 is here where he wrote the Gospel of John and also the Book of
45:00 Revelation.
45:05 himself and the Christian church in ages to follow.
45:08 It is traditionally believed that he received his visions in the Cave
45:12 of the Apocalypse, but we really don't know where he received his
45:15 visions.
45:19 barren place but also a beautiful place and a place where John was
45:23 able to commune with God.
45:33 Here on the Isle of Patmos, John experienced trials and obstacles,
45:37 but these could not shake his faith.
45:40 He had developed a deep and a pure love for God, and urged in his
45:44 writing, "'Beloved, let us love God,' and reiterated the point that
45:48 we ought not love in word, but in deed.
45:51 John lived a long and faithful life, and at the end of his life he
45:55 came to realize that the most important thing is to love God and
46:00 love one another.
46:04 another, as I have loved you.' And later on he said, "'Beloved, let us
46:09 love one another, for love is of God.' May we be faithful to God and
46:15 serve him amidst the trials and adverse circumstances that come our
46:18 way, and may we reflect on and live out the words of John to love one
46:24 another.'" Well, the reason I like Revelation is because it says, I,
46:44 John, saw.
46:47 But no, it's a beautiful book, and the sad reality is many in the
46:51 Christian world think it is a book that's still closed, but as we've
46:55 seen by illustration, we know it's not a closed book.
46:58 Its very name means Revelation, to reveal.
47:03 How touching is this for you because you're bringing us into
47:06 this vicariously, but what is it doing to you while you're there?
47:10 I know.
47:11 To me it was special,
47:15 some sites are more special than others to visit, and to me, Patmos
47:18 was one of the most special because it's the place where John wrote the
47:21 book of Revelation, and it's the place where you read, I was in the
47:24 Spirit on the Lord today.
47:26 Oh, yeah.
47:29 There is technically, I mean, there is traditionally a cave where they
47:33 say he had it, but I'm like, how do they know he had the cave?
47:36 They built a monastery on top of it.
47:37 Right, declaimed it.
47:39 I like to imagine he was on a rocky edge somewhere, thank you, me too.
47:43 On a beach maybe somewhere, and he goes into vision, and so we
47:47 actually went there on a Friday and we left on the Sunday, so
47:49 sandwiched in the middle, we had Sabbath there, and it was just
47:52 special to just meditate, read the book of Revelation, have some quiet
47:59 time, you know, go on a hike there and just be like, this is the place
48:04 where Revelation was written, and it's the place where God met with
48:08 him.
48:09 Yes.
48:14 them, they say traditionally this happened, whereas you can't move
48:18 the island, you know that that is the island of Patmos, it did happen
48:22 there, and so it does, it does make an impact on you when you go to
48:27 places I think that you know are authentic, and you know for sure
48:31 something of importance happened there.
48:33 As you mentioned, I feel like I'm there with you on that journey, and
48:37 I'm sure many of you feel that same way, like you're there, come, come
48:41 with me, and it's just beautiful.
48:42 It was great to be able to share that with other people.
48:46 That people see.
48:47 That's wonderful, and we want to remind our audience about.
48:50 Oh, yeah, if you want to write in, or if you want to text, if you want
48:55 to text us, you can text us at 618 -228-3975 if you have a question
49:00 for these two wonderful gentlemen, or you can send an email live at
49:06 3ABN.org.
49:08 So, send some questions in.
49:11 You know, when I look at the evolution, the growth, the
49:16 expansion of this project, at what point did you realize how large the
49:21 project is, and how did it metamorphosize from, you know,
49:24 let's do that to where it is today.
49:29 Some of that, to a certain degree, happened when we released the first
49:35 episode.
49:36 Because for me, I'm like, I'm recording a video on history, and I
49:42 had no idea how Clive was going to edit it.
49:45 No idea.
49:47 He's not showing me, oh, this is, I just spoke to video, I assume he's
49:50 just going to have the video of me talking to the camera, and that's
49:53 it.
49:56 boom, boom, boom, you know, as it is with the drone shots.
50:00 Oh, yeah, yeah.
50:01 This, this, this is pretty good.
50:06 But then when we released it, when I first kind of got an idea was
50:11 when the algorithm was different then, when on Facebook, it just got
50:15 like, it just got share after share after share after share after
50:19 share.
50:22 just like, oh, wow.
50:24 There's something to this.
50:26 Like, maybe this is scratching an itch that we didn't know was as
50:29 itchy as we thought it was.
50:31 And I think it did, it wasn't just the graphics or the visuals, but I
50:37 think the idea, and this really is what inspired the idea of lineage
50:41 and has metamorphosed to a certain degree, the idea of understanding
50:46 our identity through our history.
50:48 Right.
50:49 And I think this is something very important.
50:51 The world is going through an identity crisis.
50:54 Young people are going through an identity crisis.
50:56 I mean, the causes of that we can debate on and there's many factors
50:59 as to why there's such an identity crisis, particularly amongst
51:03 teenagers and young adults.
51:06 But understanding where we come from and what our heritage and what
51:09 our background and history is, is one of the ways to help us
51:13 understand what our identity is today.
51:15 And I think without knowing it at the time, lineage helped with that.
51:19 It's like, oh, that's where we come from.
51:21 So that's part of who I am today.
51:23 And it really, and so, back to your question as to where do we know it
51:27 would kind of grow.
51:28 Oh, yeah.
51:34 as we have ideas, you know, creatives getting ideas and as the
51:38 Lord provided a little bit of resources to do it like, well, as
51:41 He provides resources and as we have ideas, let's just, let's keep
51:44 going.
51:45 And so, you know, we kept going, there's ideas and there's a little
51:48 bit of, you know, resources to keep going.
51:50 And so, we've just kind of carried that on as we have ideas.
51:56 And so, we started as a project, but now we've moved into the
52:00 ministry phase.
52:01 Yeah, that kind of happened.
52:02 So, we were a project in 2017.
52:05 We became a ministry towards the end of 18, 20, around 2019.
52:12 And that's when we kind of said, become our own entity.
52:16 Now, you did the whole book of great controversy.
52:20 We did do that, yeah, every chapter.
52:23 Now, some people haven't even read the whole book and you did a video
52:26 series.
52:28 Some people have said that to us.
52:30 They've said, I've always tried to read this, but, you know, I've read
52:34 the destruction of Jerusalem, chapter one, like 20 times, but
52:37 never can get past that.
52:38 But watching the videos, they were able to get through the whole book
52:41 just by summarizing it up in a video.
52:44 How long each episode?
52:47 Five minutes?
52:48 Most five or six minutes.
52:50 A few of the chapters of great controversy, a few of them were
52:52 longer than our typical, some of them went to seven or eight
52:54 minutes, but normally it's five or six minutes, generally speaking,
52:59 and that's kind of been the sweet spot that we've kind of settled on.
53:02 How long does it take to do five or six minutes?
53:05 A day now.
53:06 About a day, about a day, yeah.
53:08 It's interesting you say that because the great controversy
53:10 sometimes was a little bit more challenging because especially the
53:14 first part of the book, you have actual locations, you have, you
53:19 know, the French Reformation.
53:21 Well, we're going to do that in France, we're going to do that in
53:22 Paris.
53:24 The later chapters, you know, the second coming or, you know, some of
53:28 the later ones, where do you do those?
53:29 So we had to be a little bit creative as to where we shot some
53:33 of those things to kind of bring them to life.
53:35 So we did Heaven in Hawaii.
53:37 Oh!
53:39 That's a good place to do Heaven.
53:40 We did Hell in Hawaii too.
53:41 Yeah.
53:42 You did Hell too?
53:42 The Volcanoes.
53:43 Oh, the Volcanoes, yes.
53:45 You did Hell too.
53:47 Interesting.
53:48 Right, because you have the Volcanoes.
53:50 You have the Volcanoes, right.
53:51 We're able to hit two birds with one stone.
53:54 Heaven and Hell.
53:56 People that have gone to Hawaii probably said that's true.
53:59 You could have Heaven and Hell in Hawaii.
54:01 But the reality of it is, the community of people that are
54:05 watching Lineage are being affected in a positive way.
54:08 It's kind of like, wow.
54:10 And for us, honestly, our weeks are so busy when Saturday afternoon
54:15 comes at home.
54:16 And even if we're maybe finishing lunch at home or whatever, the time
54:21 it comes on is just perfect.
54:22 It really pulls us into it.
54:24 It's going to be wonderful.
54:26 And we've walked past each other at ASI.
54:28 You're busy at ASI, I'm busy at ASI.
54:31 But those who are watching the program, and I could imagine that
54:34 you probably have stories that you can tell that when you rewind the
54:39 videotape, no pun intended, we don't do videotapes any longer, but
54:42 when you rewind your journeys, you've seen miracles along the way.
54:48 Can you think of one of those miracles?
54:50 You might want to share this side of the program before we go to our
54:52 second half.
55:00 in England, we call it the boot.
55:02 But over here, you call it the trunk.
55:05 So we put the stuff in the back, and the car was sealed up.
55:08 We had cameras, drone, laptops, all in the back.
55:13 And we went off to film.
55:14 We went to the Vatican to film, and we were out for most of the
55:18 afternoon.
55:19 By the time we came back, it was dark.
55:21 And we walked up towards the car, and the window had been smashed in.
55:24 Oh no.
55:26 And we're thinking, oh no.
55:27 And then we saw that the seat had been put down, so whoever has gone
55:31 in has gone and taken all our stuff in the back.
55:33 Then we turned the corner and looked in, the window smashed, the
55:37 seat is down, and all our stuff is in plain sight for everybody to
55:41 see.
55:46 laptop, all on full view.
55:48 So even if the thieves...
55:49 Once the seat was down.
55:49 Once the seat was down.
55:50 Right.
55:56 walking down the street had plain sight view of all of our stuff, and
56:00 nothing got taken.
56:01 Angels blocked it.
56:02 Angels blocked it.
56:03 The value of what was in that trunk is inestimable.
56:07 Yeah, well, you can put a value on...
56:09 On equipment.
56:13 And how do you get that back?
56:14 You have to go do all that again.
56:16 But everything was there, nothing was missing.
56:18 I could only imagine your heart rate went up and went down.
56:25 It's like, you lean on the car and think, thank you, Lord.
56:30 That is a miracle, honestly, because the enemy would do whatever
56:32 he can to stop such a project, but the Lord was showing you that the
56:36 Lord is with you on the front lines and is really, really with you.
56:39 Now, we want to tease a little bit to the second hour because just to
56:42 remind our viewers again, you can text us at 618-228-3975, that is,
56:47 if you have a question or comment, or you can send a question by email
56:51 live at 3ABN.tv.
56:54 And in the second hour, we're going to have some more videos about the
56:56 French Reformation Liberty of Conscience Threatened, which is a
57:00 very big issue today, a snippet on AI Translation Episode because
57:05 we're living in a day and age where...
57:06 Yeah, it's fascinating how we're using AI to translate into
57:10 different languages.
57:11 So, you know, I'm speaking of the languages, but I'm not speaking
57:14 them.
57:18 places as well.
57:22 Portuguese, and we're going to talk about that the second hour, and AI
57:25 is phenomenal, but you know, you've just gotten a chance to peek into
57:29 the lineage window.
57:31 If you are a follower, then you know, but if you're not, I think
57:33 you're going to become one.
57:34 And we have a second hour where there's a lot more to cover, a lot
57:36 more questions, a lot more miracle stories.
57:39 It's going to be good as it has been, so don't go away.
57:42 We are going to be right back in just a few moments.


Revised 2024-10-25