3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240033B

00:11 Hello, and welcome back to 3ABN, second hour of the Behind the
00:14 Scenes program.
00:15 We're so glad that you've joined us.
00:17 The first hour just flew by, and Jill, I know I mentioned this, it
00:20 seems like every BTS, it seems like 60 minutes speed up, but they
00:23 don't.
00:27 through the ministry of 3ABN.
00:29 And like you said, at the close of the first hour, we kind of play
00:31 some musical chairs here and bring in some more of the 3ABN family.
00:35 And we have with us this evening, of course, Pastor John Denzi.
00:38 So good to have you and your lovely wife, Sister Edalia, with us this
00:41 evening.
00:42 A lot of great things are happening in 3ABN Latino.
00:44 So I know we're going to be hearing some great updates.
00:46 But thank you for being on this evening.
00:48 Thank you.
00:52 give glory to Him because He's doing great things.
00:54 He deserves all honor and praise.
00:56 But we just rejoice because we get to be a part of it in some way.
01:00 And the whole 3ABN, all the workers are doing something to advance the
01:06 gospel.
01:07 And it's a team effort.
01:09 Yes, definitely it is.
01:10 And most of them don't even speak Spanish and they're winning souls
01:13 for Christ.
01:14 Isn't that neat?
01:15 That includes me, too, because I don't speak Spanish.
01:19 Just some of the things like bathroom and gloves.
01:22 That is true.
01:25 But we're going to be talking in a few minutes.
01:27 You guys were just there.
01:28 We're talking about traveling the first hour.
01:29 But you guys were in Mexico.
01:31 Some amazing things that took place there.
01:34 An update.
01:35 Amazing.
01:35 Really an incredible project with Cuba.
01:37 3ABN Cuba.
01:38 So stay tuned.
01:39 Don't turn off 3ABN.
01:41 And then right around the corner from you guys is Jeff Dorr.
01:44 Good to have you on this evening.
01:45 Well, it is a privilege and an honor to be able to be here and
01:48 share this time with both the Moriconis and the Densies and our
01:52 3ABN family.
01:53 That's right.
01:54 Yes, we are.
01:55 We love the 3ABN family and it's a privilege and an honor and such a
01:59 blessing to be a part of it.
02:01 Amen.
02:05 and your wife is able to participate with you especially
02:08 when you travel and see some of our 3ABN family at home.
02:12 And speaking about family and that, we talked the first hour, Jill,
02:16 about 3ABN camp meeting that we just came from.
02:19 But I can hear you at home saying, so when is the next 3ABN camp
02:24 meeting?
02:26 meeting.
02:30 a 3ABN camp meeting, summer camp meeting right here on the campus of
02:34 3ABN.
02:35 It's a month before the GC session in St. Louis, Missouri, but we
02:38 decided to go ahead and have that camp meeting.
02:40 What are those dates, Jill?
02:41 I was scrolling very fast in my calendar.
02:44 I tried to talk a little longer, give you a little bit of time to
02:47 find that calendar.
02:48 That's how we work together.
02:50 June 4 to 7, so that's 2025.
02:53 This is next summer, June 4 through 7.
02:56 We'll be 3ABN summer camp meeting, and we invite you to come on down
03:02 and spend that time with us as we seek the Lord in prayer, as we hear
03:07 anointed messages from the Word of God, and the music, the kids
03:11 programming, everything.
03:13 So we look forward to that.
03:14 We're still working on the speakers and what the theme will be.
03:17 But again, like Jill said, we invite you to come make plans, mark
03:20 that on your calendar, June 4 through 7, 2025.
03:24 Jill, before we dive into all these great details this evening and what
03:28 God is doing, we have some music this evening.
03:30 We do.
03:34 song on the piano, Power in the Blood.
06:48 Amen.
06:49 There is power in the blood of Jesus.
06:52 I love that.
06:53 Thank you, Tim.
06:54 We love you.
06:55 So grateful to still have you as part of the 3ABN family.
06:59 You play the piano like that, Jeff?
07:01 Oh, I wish I could.
07:04 Oh, in heaven maybe, yes.
07:06 Amazing.
07:09 doesn't even really move his body, but it's just like incredible music
07:12 just flows out of the piano.
07:13 It is incredible.
07:14 It's beautiful.
07:15 What a gift.
07:15 A gift from God, it is.
07:17 Amen.
07:18 This is, of course, behind the scenes.
07:20 So we want to give you a sneak peek behind the scenes for our
07:24 anniversary program, which will be next month.
07:28 3ABN's 40th anniversary program is coming.
07:31 It's hard to believe 40 years ago, God called Danny to start a
07:35 television station that would reach the world with the undiluted Three
07:39 Angels messages, one that would counteract the counterfeit.
07:42 And for 40 years, 3ABN has sought to be faithful to that vision.
07:47 One of the features, you could say, of this particular program will be
07:52 the testimonies of people whose lives have been changed impacted
07:57 because God is using the ministry of 3ABN because people are finding
08:03 Jesus and accepting the truth in his words.
08:05 So our crew went out and got a lot of testimony.
08:08 Yeah, so yeah, this year.
08:09 So that's going to be, like Jill said, a major part of the 40th
08:13 anniversary special program that it actually happens to be.
08:16 I want to say happens to be, but it is November 14, 2024, is the 40th
08:21 anniversary Thursday Night Live program.
08:23 Well, that's the evening 40 years ago November 14 and the early
08:27 morning of November 15 that Mr. Danny Feldman pressed to the Lord.
08:31 So I just find, I don't know if it's ironic, it's just amazing to
08:33 me how that happens to fall when we air that special program.
08:36 So mark that on your calendar.
08:38 And we have been looking at the videos that the crews gone out
08:41 around the country and they've been interviewing people of how their
08:44 life was changed because of the ministry of 3ABN.
08:47 So we just want to give God, of course, all the honor and the
08:50 glory, but we want to encourage you at home.
08:53 It's because of you that these people's lives have been changed
08:56 because of your prayers and your continued support of 3ABN.
09:00 We cannot emphasize that really enough.
09:03 It's really, it's a faith-based ministry all these years.
09:07 We don't receive money from the church or any other entity.
09:10 It's you sending in your $1, $2, $5, $10, $1, $1, and that's how
09:15 3ABN has continued to go forward and to grow.
09:19 Absolute miracle.
09:23 see this on a day-to-day basis where we're praying and the money
09:27 shows up, maybe not on that day, but the next day.
09:30 And what is amazing to me, we're just being open, right?
09:33 This is behind the scenes.
09:34 You felt impressed.
09:37 what?
09:40 So you write your check out, you put it in the mail and then we
09:44 receive it here at 3ABN just when we need it.
09:48 That's a miracle, folks.
09:49 That is a miracle.
09:53 all these years.
09:55 All glory goes to God.
09:56 It is amazing to see how God is at work.
09:59 But we have a really special role, Jill, that the crew has prepared.
10:03 This is kind of a tease, a little sneak preview into what you'll be
10:07 seeing.
10:10 two -hour live program.
10:11 But let's go to this four-minute role right now.
10:22 Growing up for me, it was very difficult to relate to my dad
10:26 because since he wasn't there very often, I had more of a relationship
10:30 with my mom.
10:31 But I've never had a good like solid relationship with my dad.
10:35 And so when he came back from 3ABN and I had went, we had something in
10:39 common to talk about.
10:40 We had something that we could connect with.
10:42 I think for each family, there's always that one moment that God
10:47 uses or one thing that God uses to bring together or to bring them
10:51 closer to him.
10:55 together and just going and getting trained the same and being able to
11:02 connect that way.
11:03 For us, 3ABN is what God used to heal us and bring us together as
11:10 where we are now.
11:12 My name is Taluna Ziegler.
11:14 I know I focus mainly on making money and my job and acquiring
11:22 things One day I went to my hairdresser and she said, Oh, I
11:27 have 3ABN on.
11:29 I've never really watched it before, but I would like to watch
11:32 it.
11:37 programs that just touched my heart.
11:39 I started listening and made me realize that it it wasn't too late
11:45 for me to come back to Christ.
11:50 And I'm grateful for 3ABN.
11:52 They've given me so much inspiration.
11:56 It's been a tremendous blessing for me.
12:00 My name is Greg Klembach.
12:02 I didn't really come across Seventh Day Adventist, but it was through
12:09 3ABN they came across me.
12:12 As I was flipping through, I saw the title at top, 3ABN, and I went
12:20 past it and then my dog alerted and her head came up and she looked at
12:26 me and looked back at the TV and I was like, that's strange.
12:32 So I was like, OK, we'll flip back to that channel.
12:36 My TV's mostly been on 3ABN ever since.
12:40 Love to give Danny Shelton a hug and tell him, I think you saved me,
12:43 but I know it wasn't you.
12:46 It was it was the Lord and he just used you.
12:49 And then for them to make me feel like I know them, I do.
12:53 I think of them as friends, as family, brothers and sisters in
12:58 Christ.
13:00 They do change lives and, you know, I'm living proof of that.
13:07 My name's Herschel Crippen.
13:09 I didn't even begin to find the Lord until I was in my three score
13:13 and 10.
13:14 Surfing around, found 3ABN when they first started here and that's
13:19 a wonderful station.
13:21 It's my church, my church family.
13:24 They're about 3ABN.
13:25 They go by scripture.
13:26 They back up what they're saying with scripture.
13:30 So I can't get any truer than that.
13:33 I watch 3ABN every day and I'm sharing that with my son and his
13:36 wife.
13:38 We've been having Bible study, have Bible study over here every Sabbath
13:41 and we can have one.
13:42 3ABN's been a blessing for me and be a blessing for anybody else.
13:47 For you to open up their eyes and open up their heart and find the
13:51 truth is like an idea.
13:54 My name is Scott Harder.
13:56 This is my wife Wanda and for a big portion of my life I didn't want
14:01 anything to do with God.
14:03 Worshiped Buddhist most of my life until God brought me here to
14:07 America.
14:13 and I just rejected it.
14:16 You know, the more she pushed the more I would dig in my heels and
14:22 one day I stumbled on a channel that had his pastors on there and I
14:27 was watching because they were talking about prophecy.
14:30 And then he was telling me how he stumbled onto 3ABN.
14:35 So I came from a person that didn't want anything to do with God to a
14:40 person that knows he needs God.
14:43 Through 3ABN we found truth of living God in the Bible and that
14:48 has set us free from all the bondages of our lives and knowing
14:52 that God is the answer to all of our troubles and our questions.
14:59 40 years of changing lives for eternity.
15:04 Amen.
15:05 Wow, praise God.
15:06 40 years of changing lives for eternity.
15:09 That's because the Lord's word does not return void.
15:13 That's right.
15:17 Praise the Lord for that.
15:18 And that's because each one of you are faithful to pray for and
15:22 support the ministry here and each one of you and our camera people
15:26 and everybody working here all together making a difference for
15:30 the Kingdom of God.
15:31 You know, we're just talking here family to family.
15:33 I mean, your family are part of our 3ABN family.
15:35 But I believe, Jill, we should go and mention this, but we have had
15:39 so many of these great programs or testimonies and they're kind of
15:42 lengthy, some of them.
15:46 weekend that would actually be just focusing on a longer version of
15:50 these testimonies because they are so powerful.
15:52 You talk about encouraging, right?
15:54 Wasn't that encouraging?
15:55 It sure was encouraging for us here on the set.
15:57 So may God be praised.
15:58 Amen.
16:02 nights.
16:07 lives here.
16:13 week.
16:14 Hopefully you can see it there.
16:15 It says 40 years.
16:17 So this means you can call us at the call center because they're
16:20 open right now and you can get your own 40th anniversary pin.
16:25 Call us at 618-627-4651.
16:30 That number is 618-627-4651.
16:34 Amen.
16:37 hour this really special, we've been talking about this book for a
16:39 while, The Truth About Abortion.
16:41 It finally arrived here at 3ABN.
16:43 It is available tonight.
16:46 As Jill said, the call center is open and a case of 200 of these
16:50 booklets cost $30.
16:52 And basically the $30 is to pay for the shipping to get to you anywhere
16:55 in the United States of America.
16:57 So while you're calling in for the free pin, maybe just say, hey, you
17:00 know, for $30, I'll just go and get a case of these booklets.
17:03 And I know Dr. Yvonne and Mr. Danny Rahn in the first hour were talking
17:06 about the contents, you know, and what the book is all about.
17:08 But we didn't get to really mention that this is just a great sharing
17:11 book to just pass out.
17:12 You don't have to actually meet the person if you don't want to.
17:15 This is a great booklet because it contains everything that is needed
17:19 to discuss this topic.
17:20 And it's actually talking about hope and healing as well in this
17:24 booklet too.
17:28 church, but also if you want to just leave it, if you're pumping
17:30 gas and just leave it on the gas thing.
17:32 Hopefully gas people aren't upset with me for saying that or maybe in
17:36 a rest area or something like that to just leave this little booklet
17:38 because God wants us to put the word out and as Jill mentioned a
17:42 couple of minutes ago, his word does not return void.
17:44 So this booklet is filled with great scripture as well.
17:48 So again, as you're calling this evening, 618-627-4651 for the free
17:52 offer of the 3ABN brand new 40th anniversary pen.
17:56 Also, maybe just say, you know, for $30, I'll get a case of these
17:58 booklets and we'll be happy to ship them to anywhere in the United
18:02 States.
18:03 Amen!
18:04 Let's talk about plan giving.
18:05 All right, let's do that.
18:07 Jeff, what is plan giving all about?
18:10 Plan giving that people with a heart of charitable intent that
18:13 want to support 3ABN.
18:16 That is for them because it is for viewers like yourself.
18:20 I was there one time.
18:21 Now I'm here in this chair.
18:23 But 3ABN is supported by donations while we're alive.
18:28 We can send in our donations by month.
18:30 That's right.
18:31 You said the one, five, ten dollars a month.
18:32 That's right.
18:33 Or larger.
18:37 We can do that with our estate plan.
18:39 We can do that with items that we can help you with here at 3ABN
18:44 through trust, through charitable gift annuities, or we can take and
18:48 assist you.
18:54 documents, whether it be your will, a trust, a life insurance policy,
18:58 an IRA.
19:03 in the soul winning process.
19:04 But we'll be glad to take and answer your questions and assist
19:07 you.
19:09 Charlotte and I, we've been traveling around quite a bit this
19:11 year speaking with people that have used 3ABN to set up their estate
19:15 plan.
19:21 real estate, their personal property.
19:23 Some were helping them set up their estate plan so that whenever the
19:26 time comes that they go asleep in Jesus, that we will be able to go
19:29 and take and handle the plan for the system with that.
19:34 One lady we did was a kind of a unique story Charlotte and I, we
19:40 just came into the church through 3ABN around 20 years ago.
19:43 Yes, praise the Lord.
19:47 year that was very encouraging to us.
19:50 Well, he passed away and the first call that Charlotte and I got to go
19:54 visit was from his wife and we went and visited with her and it was a
20:00 tremendous opportunity to share with her and talk.
20:03 And before we left that day, she said, I am so thankful that you and
20:08 Charlotte stayed in the church that her husband was Clint, said, Clint
20:12 and I have prayed for you all these years that you would stay faithful
20:17 and true in the church.
20:18 That's beautiful.
20:19 Because they were there at your baptism.
20:21 They were there at our baptism.
20:22 That's right.
20:22 Yes, they were.
20:23 Absolutely.
20:26 join the team as an employee and be the director of 3ABN Plan Giving
20:30 and Trust.
20:31 God is amazing, isn't he?
20:32 It's amazing.
20:33 I mean, it's just and right.
20:35 He calls and he qualifies we've been working in this type of work
20:41 all through our life with the states, through the auction
20:44 business, through the real estate.
20:46 So it's very familiar to us with what we're doing.
20:49 I had wonderful grandparents and my grandparents taught me a tremendous
20:54 work ethic.
20:58 handle my money.
20:59 He says, it doesn't matter how much you make.
21:02 It's how you handle it, how you spend it and save it.
21:06 And it's true.
21:11 spend a million dollars.
21:13 Yeah, that's true.
21:14 It's very true.
21:15 I don't know how to do that, by the way.
21:17 I know, right?
21:18 That's a good point, Pastor Johnny.
21:21 But you know, it's just by systematic saving and being frugal
21:25 and knowing what your limitations are.
21:27 And through 3ABN, we have dealt with a lot of people here lately.
21:32 You know, interest rates, whenever I was young trying to borrow money
21:35 to work on our home, or to take and build a shed at the farm or buy a
21:39 machinery, interest rates were 16, 18, 20 percent, extremely high.
21:44 But then I had a neighbor walk across the street and kind of told
21:47 me, he said, boy, these interest rates are great.
21:49 He said, I'm getting 10 percent on my CDs.
21:51 So he was reaping the harvest, but it was really a burden for us.
21:57 Well, here in the last couple of years, CD rates, if you're a CD
22:00 person, you like to have systematic saving, know exactly what your
22:04 interest is going to be.
22:05 The rates were in 5 percent.
22:08 So, but they've dropped.
22:09 The feds have dropped their rates, but we have charitable gift
22:12 annuities, which are very similar to a CD.
22:14 It's guaranteed interest for the rest of your life.
22:17 It's not a six-year term, a six -month term or a year term is for
22:21 the rest of your life.
22:22 So if you are a person that likes to save with CDs, you should maybe
22:27 consider a charitable gift annuity.
22:29 It benefits the ministry.
22:31 It also benefits yourself.
22:33 A charitable gift annuity can be started with $10,000 for a couple.
22:37 And I'll use this example.
22:39 We had a person that passed away this past year that benefited
22:43 greatly with these charitable gift annuity.
22:46 He and his wife purchased a charitable gift annuity.
22:49 And for just our purpose here this evening, I'm going to use $10,000.
22:53 His was different amount, but he's used $10,000.
22:56 So his husband and wife joint charitable gift annuity, $10,000.
23:01 Through the course of life, his wife passed away.
23:05 His payments continued for him to the end of his life.
23:08 Well, in the course of their life, they had bought $10,000.
23:12 They received $10,000 back in interest plus an additional $5,000.
23:18 So their charitable gift annuity that they took and set up, took and
23:25 benefited them up to $15,000.
23:28 So it was a win-win for them and for the ministry.
23:34 We have the health message.
23:35 The rates for charitable gift annuities are set up for the
23:39 general population.
23:40 So us as Adventists with the health message.
23:42 We can live longer, which means more money is given back.
23:48 Very interesting.
23:50 And then we have that.
23:51 We have also the self-administered trust.
23:53 And that's what we've been doing quite a bit with as well.
23:56 But the self-administered trust, if you don't have any other family, if
24:00 it's just you or your spouse has passed away or maybe you never were
24:03 married and you don't have any other family that can take care of
24:07 your business at the end of your life.
24:09 3ABN, you can have us set up your trust.
24:12 We pay the legal fees and those trusts then, 3ABN is the trustee.
24:17 We can come in.
24:18 We can handle your entire estate.
24:20 We can send the money out as you so choose.
24:23 Your list of beneficiaries can be one.
24:25 It can be 3ABN or it can be several ministries.
24:27 And your children.
24:28 Your children.
24:29 We encourage you to include your children.
24:31 That's right.
24:31 We sure do.
24:34 That's important.
24:36 They're your family.
24:37 That's right.
24:40 So include them so that they can continue on the legacy.
24:43 That's right.
24:44 So that's very important to do that.
24:46 So the charitable gift annuity is that you have to be a certain age
24:50 to apply for that.
24:51 And the interest rates vary based off your age.
24:53 That's a dude.
24:56 Charitable gift annuity.
24:57 You must be at least 65 years old.
24:59 OK, I can see that chart.
25:00 OK.
25:01 Yes.
25:06 OK.
25:10 So the percentage goes up as the age goes.
25:13 Yes, it does.
25:14 And if you're golden years of 90, you can get 10.1.
25:18 That's a single life.
25:20 And this other column is for a joint with a husband and wife.
25:24 And that husband and wife column can vary depending on exactly how
25:28 old each are.
25:30 But that is the basic amount.
25:33 So right now, a CD is approximately 4.
25:37 % less than five.
25:39 And they're limited about a four or five month and you're going to have
25:42 to renew it and the rate could go up or down.
25:45 But this rate would be locked in for the rest of your life.
25:48 Yes.
25:53 to 3ABN.
25:54 You can get signed up.
25:56 You can get a charitable gift You can get 5.7% interest for the rest
26:01 of your life.
26:03 So those are irrevocable.
26:05 Thank you.
26:05 That's right.
26:06 So they get a check every month?
26:07 Is that how it works?
26:08 Well, it depends.
26:10 Less than $50,000 you get it once a year.
26:14 $25,000 you can get it bi-annually.
26:16 $50,000 or more you can get your check monthly.
26:19 Okay.
26:19 So it depends on how much you put in.
26:21 But it's irrevocable.
26:22 So this is a contract.
26:23 So once you start this, then you have that guaranteed interest for
26:26 life.
26:28 Right.
26:29 It is it is irrevocable.
26:30 It is guaranteed as a contract for life.
26:33 So you know exactly how much interest you're going to get.
26:35 Now, this is not for your emergency fund.
26:37 Right.
26:42 your savings plan for many years.
26:44 My grandmother always told me don't put all your eggs in one basket.
26:47 That's right.
26:48 Diversified.
26:48 Diversified.
26:52 been buying some CDs and the interest rates going down on them
26:55 consider a charitable gift and hoodie.
26:58 And those interest rates, Jeff, that we were showing that's at the
27:01 recording of this program because I know that some of this stuff goes
27:03 on 3ABN and you can look at it two years later.
27:05 Well, they said this.
27:07 Well, this is as of the airing which is in October of 2024.
27:12 These rates are the current rates.
27:14 That's right.
27:20 these rates stay constant for a long period of time.
27:23 They can.
27:27 January.
27:28 Which affects these rates.
27:29 Which could affect these rates.
27:31 So Jeff, really people need to call you and your department is the best
27:34 thing, right?
27:35 Absolutely.
27:36 So what phone number can they reach out to you?
27:38 800-886-4800.
27:42 That's 800-886-4800.
27:46 Yeah, that's fantastic.
27:48 And I like the point too, Jeff, that you brought out is that a lot
27:50 of you, because we hear this from time to time, have your own
27:52 documents already set up with a local attorney or you've set it up
27:56 like you mentioned, the will.
27:57 And it's actually really easy.
28:01 to 3ABN.
28:02 No, just change who the beneficiaries are and maybe add
28:04 3ABN to your current existing documents, right?
28:07 That's pretty straightforward.
28:08 Yes, life insurance policies have a beneficiary.
28:12 Years ago, whenever Charlotte had purchased a life insurance policy,
28:16 she put as one of the beneficiaries a ministry.
28:19 At that time, it wasn't 3ABN.
28:21 It's still not 3ABN.
28:22 But she chose a ministry to be one of her beneficiaries.
28:26 And it's very easy.
28:32 you include 3ABN, put a sentence 10 % or 15, 20, whatever percentage
28:37 you feel led by the Lord.
28:39 That's right.
28:42 to 3ABN and you will be a missionary winning souls through
28:46 3ABN.
28:47 While you're resting in the grave.
28:48 While you're resting in the grave.
28:50 Isn't that beautiful?
28:50 Wow.
28:51 That is amazing.
28:54 In a sense, I kind of think about, okay, while I'm resting, waiting
28:56 for that second coming, the money is now helping 3ABN.
29:00 So what a blessing.
29:05 Great team.
29:06 You too.
29:07 And I think about this department is really big for 3ABN too.
29:10 It really helps that money comes in just in the nick of time, as Mr.
29:14 Danny says.
29:19 Amen.
29:20 Absolutely.
29:21 Speaking of the gospel, let's talk about Mexico.
29:24 You all came from there just shortly before our 3ABN Fall Camp
29:27 meeting and held these evangelistic series there in conjunction with
29:33 Hope Channel and other departments there with the division.
29:37 So talk to us.
29:38 What happened?
29:38 Yes.
29:44 specifically Mexico, the country of Mexico.
29:47 And I was at an event with the Inter-American Division and there
29:52 we're talking to the different union presidents and they told me
29:55 about, hey, we're doing an evangelistic campaign covering all
29:58 of Mexico.
29:59 Would 3ABN be interested?
30:01 And we began talking about it and we were involved in this nationwide
30:08 evangelistic campaign.
30:10 This is the fourth one.
30:12 There are five unions.
30:13 They're each taking a turn every year.
30:16 Next year is the fifth union and then they're going to cycle again.
30:20 This is the fourth one.
30:21 We've never participated before.
30:23 So it's remained pretty much a nationwide effort.
30:26 Five unions, 43 local conferences across the nation and 5,278
30:37 churches participated.
30:39 That's a lot.
30:40 In the downlink of it.
30:42 Now what's interesting is that when we remember the net series that was
30:49 done before, this is bigger in a sense because I mentioned 43 local
30:55 conferences.
30:56 Each conference has their website.
30:57 Each conference also did streaming of the series.
31:01 Each union did streaming of the series and some of the churches had
31:07 streaming as well.
31:08 So that's a lot of streaming.
31:10 Reaching many people and then there were some members of the church
31:14 that are on some social media.
31:16 They streamed on their Facebook.
31:18 They streamed on their platforms.
31:21 So this is a multiplied effort.
31:24 But Hope Channel Inter America also entered into the broadcasting of it
31:31 and on their social media platforms as well.
31:34 But 3ABN Latino, the Lord has blessed us with over 1,300 cable
31:38 companies.
31:44 And of course, we're on some streaming services as well that
31:47 even we call it Britain.
31:51 Freeview.
31:52 Yes, Freeview, which in the United Kingdom, massive coverage now that
31:58 we will not know in this earth the results of this campaign.
32:04 But every year there are about 5 ,000 people baptized.
32:09 And just before coming on this program, I asked Pastor Lopez, Ogle
32:14 Lopez, Pastor, I need those numbers because he said, he told me last
32:20 week, we're going to get the numbers this afternoon.
32:21 Last week he said this, but today he says we still don't have them
32:24 all.
32:30 Chiapas union.
32:31 They have about 3,000.
32:33 So there are still four other unions to report.
32:37 So this year it's going to surpass the 5,000.
32:40 And we praise the Lord for that.
32:42 That 3ABN was so part of it.
32:43 And that was the hosting union.
32:47 We were at the Chiapas union.
32:48 That's where we were.
32:49 They had 3,000 plus baptisms.
32:51 Yes.
32:51 Amazing.
32:51 Praise God.
32:52 Now this is done like a virtual type of thing.
32:57 And so the auditorium was at the union and it has the capacity for
33:01 about 200 people.
33:02 Okay.
33:03 Yeah.
33:06 So do you want to talk about the other sites?
33:07 Now we have pictures.
33:08 Oh, yes, pictures.
33:09 And it's interesting how the Lord has blessed.
33:13 When we invest in ministry, we take a step of faith.
33:18 Lord, we are dedicating this dollar, this $5, this $1,000.
33:23 You do as you see fit.
33:26 We're not dictating.
33:27 No, that money has to do this or that.
33:29 But God has a plan.
33:31 And many times people say, oh, I'd like to learn to do Bible studies,
33:37 which is wonderful.
33:38 But I'd like to go to that country, but I don't speak the language.
33:42 But when they invest in ministry, we're a team.
33:45 And so we want to thank publicly all the supporters of 3ABS, because
33:50 there are thousands and thousands of souls that have learned of
33:54 Jesus.
34:00 to develop a relationship with Him and accept Him as their Savior.
34:04 So you see these pictures, people in parking lots watching the
34:09 services, the campaign, hospitals in their parking lots, they would
34:15 put a panel up and they would project in the parking lot, in
34:19 hospitals.
34:21 They would just see the employees being able to watch it and visitors
34:26 of those hospitals.
34:27 There are churches where you'll see the simple benches.
34:33 Oh, I love that.
34:34 This one is in the auditorium.
34:35 Where we were.
34:36 Yes.
34:37 This is where I'd lunch.
34:38 So every night, there were different churches present.
34:43 Now, this is one of those simple benches that you see, but they were
34:47 there tuning in.
34:48 This is a shopping center.
34:50 Outside.
34:51 So they broadcast it there.
34:52 Exactly.
34:59 people in homes.
35:01 Wow, where's that?
35:02 This is another place, like a public park.
35:05 A park.
35:05 Yes, a park.
35:06 That's right.
35:07 It just had a big screen out there.
35:09 Yes, it had a big screen.
35:10 And this is a smaller church, but there, again, the people are
35:14 watching.
35:15 And so this was a huge, huge event for them.
35:18 Is this another home?
35:20 Okay.
35:21 That's right.
35:23 And even people, yes, they were.
35:25 And even, you know, as you see the security guard, of course, they're
35:30 working, but they've been ministered to.
35:33 They were told watch and they were watching on their phones.
35:36 That's right.
35:38 And this out in the country, say, simple families.
35:41 inviting the neighbors.
35:42 But this is technology that unites us, you see.
35:46 So people open their homes to their small groups.
35:49 It didn't matter and whether it's a comfortable place or not as
35:53 comfortable, but people were tuning in and they say, we don't want to
35:57 miss this.
35:58 So the Shabbat's union is one of the most active.
36:01 This is baptism.
36:02 This is baptism.
36:03 And this is what it's all about.
36:04 Sure is.
36:06 Wow.
36:06 Praise God for that.
36:08 A tremendous, tremendous opportunity to present the gospel.
36:13 You know, when you think about the Hope Channel, Interamerica, Spanish
36:16 channel, they were broadcasting.
36:17 I don't know how many cable companies and TV channels they
36:20 have.
36:24 about 35 3ABN Latino down links that are 3ABN down links that are
36:29 doing.
36:30 Then there are all 3ABN.
36:31 Also, you know, we have a strong tower.
36:35 They have a TV station and 3ABN Latinos on there.
36:38 So it's a massive amount of people that were being reached with this
36:43 evangelistic campaign.
36:45 We also have another video.
36:47 Oh, we have a video.
36:48 We didn't show the video yet.
36:51 Well, okay.
36:52 What is it about the video?
36:54 Well, the first part of the video it has audio.
36:56 So we're going to be quiet during that part.
36:58 And you'll see the intro for the evangelistic campaign.
37:01 And then you hear part of the singing.
37:03 And then we will start talking about the rest of it.
37:06 Okay, let's go to that role right now.
37:39 Amen,
37:54 amen.
37:58 campaign to introduce singing, but also the prayer for the night.
38:05 They had different union presidents coming in every night.
38:10 And this is the speaker.
38:11 That is right.
38:14 Pastor Orso Luis Orozco.
38:16 And he is young, dynamic and a lot of young people appreciate him.
38:25 He and his wife and his two children are in ministry.
38:28 What I admired was that he would ask one of his family members to go
38:33 up to the platform and pray.
38:35 And their son, little son says, Papi, that I want to pray with you
38:41 in the campaigns.
38:42 So he sees it's important to involve your family.
38:46 So his son, his daughter, his wife would go up and the Lord used him.
38:50 As you can see, he did altar calls every night and people responded
38:55 not only locally, but also right there in the auditorium, but people
38:59 in their homes, in their churches, he would say, come, come, go
39:04 forward.
39:08 So we had the baptisms every night and it was a privilege for us to be
39:15 able to meet these people.
39:17 When they say we grew up watching you and now they're parents and now
39:20 they're working.
39:22 And some said, you know, I never imagined that my dream would come
39:26 true to work with 3ABN Latinos.
39:28 So it was encouraging to see these young professionals investing their
39:33 talents in time and giving it back to the Lord in service.
39:37 So this was an admirable project because it consisted of all of the
39:44 media teams from all of the conferences, all of the unions is
39:49 not just the team.
39:50 OK, so the Chiapas Union team, production team is doing this now.
39:55 It's all of them from all the conferences and unions inside
39:59 United effort.
40:01 And in unity, their strength.
40:04 They support each other.
40:05 They did an outstanding job and just praise God, praise God for
40:10 that opportunity.
40:13 Sorry, what a privilege for 3ABN Latino and the Hope Channel and all
40:18 the conferences to work together in the broadcast of the gospel.
40:23 With all the cable stations and all the down links 3ABN has the 3ABN
40:27 Latino, we can broadcast the gospel and with everything Hope Channel
40:30 has, they can broadcast the gospel and we can do it simultaneously.
40:34 Yes, we bombarded the country.
40:37 I love that.
40:38 Sorry, Patron.
40:38 That's a good bombardment.
40:40 Yes, so from a national effort became an international campaign
40:45 through the Hope Channel and 3ABN.
40:48 I want to say the singer that was heard, she grew up watching 3ABN
40:55 Latino and when she saw us, oh, we're feeling old.
41:01 But what an impression though.
41:04 Yes, absolutely.
41:05 She had a beautiful voice.
41:06 Yes, beautiful voice.
41:07 Yes, and the music was anointed and they're willing to come and help
41:13 here in 3ABN to collaborate with the music department in whatever
41:18 functions.
41:19 But I want to say that you never know what impact we're causing in
41:23 the homes.
41:24 We're going forward by faith.
41:26 We serve here.
41:27 There's a list of jobs to do.
41:28 We have to feed the big appetite of a channel.
41:33 That's right, 24-7.
41:34 So you have to feed it and you have to feed it.
41:36 And you pray, Lord, may this not be just another project.
41:40 May this be anointed.
41:42 May the viewers that join us in prayer keep praying for the content
41:46 of the programs because a television station can entertain,
41:50 but we have to minister.
41:51 There's so many needs out there.
41:54 From the smallest, I just had a call today, a 21-year-old from
41:58 Chiapas who lives here.
42:00 And she says, I'm having such a hard time.
42:02 My parents are not at Venice, but I grew up watching 3ABN Latino.
42:07 I'm now in the States.
42:08 My father's here.
42:10 And I just want to tell you that my father just accepted to start La Fe
42:13 de Jesus, the Bible studies with her.
42:18 They were shunning her out, but she's like, you guys are a lifeline
42:23 for us.
42:23 So please pray for me.
42:25 So just as she is, crying out for that spiritual support, there are
42:31 many others.
42:35 needs of the people.
42:37 That's right.
42:38 This evangelistic campaign, it was called Jesus is Sufficient.
42:42 Jesus is Sufficient.
42:43 Right, Jesus is Sufficient.
42:48 talk about that.
42:50 This evangelistic campaign seems to have united the country in
42:54 evangelism.
42:54 Yes.
42:55 Unlike ever before.
42:56 And they're having another one next year.
42:58 They already started talking about can 3ABN join us as well?
43:03 So praise the Lord for this opportunity.
43:05 And we want to just praise the Lord that there's a story that I think
43:11 Idalia will tell.
43:12 There was a man that heard about that, that he wanted to participate
43:16 and he was helping people find 3ABN.
43:21 Well, yes, this is Jose Augusto.
43:24 He is from the South Chiapas Conference district of Villa
43:28 Comaltitlan.
43:30 Yes, he's holding up Dios Te Ama.
43:33 And that means God loves you.
43:34 And that's his wife at that.
43:36 And what it is is that he was very active in missions and he loved
43:43 3ABN Latino.
43:44 He loved it.
43:51 say, tuning to 3ABN Latino and he would tell every door, where the
43:56 channel, what to watch.
43:58 So for the series, he went door-to -door and those people that were in
44:02 contact, his contacts that are doing Bible studies, he wanted to
44:06 make sure that they were watching.
44:09 So when he got to the door and he could hear 3ABN was already on in
44:15 their living rooms.
44:17 So, I mean, it gives me goosebumps because he was, and I say was,
44:22 because after he made the efforts and went door-to-door and people
44:27 were tuning in and all, unfortunately, he had an accident
44:31 in his job and he died electrocuted and he did not make it to the rest
44:37 of the meetings.
44:38 But people not today still are saying he loved 3ABN Latino.
44:44 He used it as a tool to witness for people and Jesus is coming soon and
44:50 he invested.
44:54 funeral, they were talking about the conference, tuning in the
44:59 conference and still saying, you know, Jesus is coming soon.
45:03 What are we doing with our time?
45:04 Let's invest it and he invested it by inviting people to tuning in
45:08 because salvation is today.
45:11 Today is the Day of Salvation.
45:12 So this man was being...
45:14 What a story.
45:14 Yes, yes.
45:15 What a testimony, true.
45:17 We lift up the family in prayer and invite you at home to pray for his
45:22 wife and children and the family they're left behind.
45:25 It was tremendous to consider that to the very last day of his life,
45:30 he was doing evangelism, helping people find, you know, this
45:35 evangelistic campaign and tuning 3ABN.
45:37 So praise the Lord.
45:38 It's amazing.
45:40 You know, we were also...
45:43 Brother Randy Bermejo went with us and he was managing the streaming
45:46 to directly come to 3ABN master control so that it could go out to
45:52 the other outlets.
45:54 So we're grateful for Brother Randy.
45:57 Tremendous, tremendous worker for the Lord.
45:59 We have another video we can go to that quick.
46:01 If it's okay with you.
46:02 It's about a minute and a half, I think.
46:03 Yeah, let's do that.
46:06 So this is Idalia's interviewing.
46:08 Tell us who you were interviewing, Idalia.
46:10 He's the speaker of this series.
46:13 And, you know, it's amazing that he also watched 3ABN Latino when he
46:18 was a child.
46:22 And his mother would make it, you know, tune in and his children are
46:27 watching.
46:33 generations are welcome to watch.
46:35 So I had the opportunity to interview the president of the
46:39 Chiapas Union.
46:40 That's Pastor Ignacio Navarro.
46:42 The things work differently in Mexico.
46:45 He is also the president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for
46:49 the whole nation, because the government of Mexico recognizes
46:53 only one leader for the nation, all the other union presidents.
46:58 They basically acknowledge him as the president.
47:02 And this was a department or a service that was offered.
47:06 Mexico has the church has a service as a channel that serves to the
47:11 people that are deaf.
47:12 So this is sign language, the hearing impaired.
47:15 What was interesting here is that these two young men, they don't
47:19 have any families that need this service.
47:22 But the Lord placed that as their ministry and they studied Mexican,
47:28 Spanish sign language.
47:31 I didn't realize that every country has their own.
47:34 I had no idea.
47:37 Yes, there is an international general sign language, but for the
47:43 Mexican language, which is Spanish, there are some words in Mexico that
47:49 I don't understand.
47:50 I speak Spanish, but I'm from Puerto Rico.
47:52 Right.
47:54 So there are some terms, but anyway, they dedicated to be there
48:00 to interpret in sign language.
48:03 So everybody was able to.
48:05 There was a separate channel for the hearing impaired.
48:08 Normally they're in a little box doing their sign language.
48:13 This time it was a...
48:14 They had their own channel.
48:15 Their own channel.
48:17 From waist up, you could see.
48:19 They were the speakers.
48:21 Yes, and there was a little box for the evangelistic campaign that you
48:24 could see.
48:25 So it was a different experience for the hearing.
48:28 And what I learned is that when you put it in the little circle, it's
48:32 hard to see.
48:35 They say what we learn and when we study this is that it's a small
48:39 circle on the side, but that is a ministry in itself.
48:42 So for the hearing impaired, that is a service.
48:44 Thank you both for going there.
48:46 And thank you again for your leadership with 3ABN Latino.
48:49 I mean, you think about the channel, the network, all these
48:52 years and the impact.
48:53 And like you're saying, these little kids we're watching now
48:55 they're grown adults, their own kids and evangelists.
48:58 How neat is that, right?
49:00 And the impact again of 3ABN, 3ABN Latino.
49:04 But thank you both for your leadership.
49:05 I'd like to talk about Cuba also, both of you, because that's again
49:09 another exciting project at 3ABN and 3ABN Latino has been involved
49:13 in.
49:17 Tell us about this really neat aspect of Cuba.
49:20 This is a wonderful opportunity to help spread the gospel in Cuba.
49:26 Now, many of you are already helping with the weekly TV package,
49:31 which we still have to pay a monthly fee for that.
49:34 That is still going strong.
49:35 Praise the Lord.
49:36 But this is another ministry opportunity.
49:39 This is a Bible.
49:40 And this is a Bible that we, 3ABN administration has approved to send
49:49 Bibles to Cuba.
49:50 That's right.
49:51 This is a marvelous, marvelous project.
49:54 Bibles for Cuba.
49:56 And it is an opportunity that is coming at a time of great need in
50:00 Cuba.
50:01 That's right.
50:04 About a month or so ago, I came from there and I can tell you there
50:07 is a great need.
50:08 People are going through very difficult times in Cuba.
50:11 All over the world.
50:12 In Cuba, they're going to very difficult times.
50:15 And I was talking to the director of the Cuban Bible Society.
50:22 They're very happy that 3ABN has decided to do this project.
50:28 And he said, there is a great need.
50:31 And he said, I can tell you because we have been having events.
50:36 There's a Cuban Bible Society, by the way, I mentioned that.
50:39 And they went somewhere and they started offering free Bibles.
50:45 There was a long line of people.
50:47 And he said, over and over again, we see confirmation that people
50:52 need Jesus.
50:55 The other things that are in the country, the secular things, that
51:01 does not change lives.
51:02 And they feel like there's a need to search for the Lord.
51:07 So 3ABN, thank you.
51:10 Our goal is 15,000, I'm going to say at least, 15,000 Bibles to send
51:16 to Cuba.
51:16 And we've researched it.
51:19 And, you know, in talking to them and researching Bibles, I've
51:22 learned some things.
51:23 And we were looking at another Bible and it had a shiny cover.
51:27 It looked nice and it was wonderful.
51:30 But this Bible that I was looking at, it was not as good as quality
51:36 as this Bible.
51:37 The other Bible I'm talking about because I noticed that the other
51:42 Bible was just glued on to the cover.
51:46 A better Bible, longer lasting Bible is sewn together and then
51:52 glued to the cover.
51:53 This is a higher quality Bible.
51:56 It will last a long time.
51:58 In addition to that, this Bible, a lot of these Bibles that are just
52:04 glued, they're just glued on.
52:07 But these Bibles are, it's a group of pages sewn together and then
52:13 sewn together to many other groups.
52:15 So it should last a long time.
52:17 So it lasts a long time.
52:19 So good quality Bible and it's amazing about three dollars per
52:23 Bible.
52:26 I mean, this is behind the scenes.
52:27 You're kind of in on our three of in living room here.
52:30 So let's, you're kind of maybe in a little business session.
52:33 Pastor Johnnie, you said 15,000 Bibles, right?
52:36 But just as we're starting this program, you said for a full
52:39 container, those containers that go across the ocean, how many Bibles
52:41 will fit in a container to fill it up?
52:43 If we order 15,000 Bibles, they have to put it in a 20 foot.
52:47 But how many Bibles will fit in that?
52:50 20,000 Bibles.
52:51 See, OK, so this is OK, this is our little business thing here.
52:54 So a business session here, right?
52:55 So, you know, what I think we need to do then actually is that instead
52:57 of the 15,000 that we're just talking about, why don't we just go
53:00 forward and let's just do the 20 ,000 Bibles to fill up the
53:03 container.
53:05 So, I mean, I know we don't have the funds for that, you know, yet,
53:09 but I know we're just telling you about this, too.
53:10 You're kind of sitting in on this.
53:12 So about three dollars times another five thousand, it's like
53:14 another 15,000 or so for the extra five thousand Bibles.
53:19 Yes.
53:22 because we talked about this.
53:26 to Cuba.
53:26 Yes, absolutely.
53:27 And so that takes a few more thousand dollars.
53:29 But if you are feeling impressed this evening, we're just talking
53:31 about this here.
53:34 all right?
53:35 Praise the Lord!
53:39 forward by faith.
53:43 Bibles.
53:44 So we just upped that, babe.
53:44 Is that all right?
53:45 We just upped it.
53:45 That's wonderful.
53:47 So you can call us right now and donate and support this project.
53:51 The fund code is 309, that's Bibles for Cuba.
53:56 Call us at 618-627-4651.
54:00 That number is 618-627-4651 and just say, yes, I want to get on
54:06 board and help sponsor 20,000 Spanish Bibles going directly to
54:11 Cuba.
54:12 They will be given out to the people there.
54:15 We're sharing some with the Cuban Bible Society, some with the church
54:19 and then some people who watch 3ABN on the package will be contacting
54:24 us and will be giving those Bibles away for free.
54:27 So you can go online as well, 3ABN .tv and you click on the donate tab
54:33 at the top, scroll down to code 309, that's Bibles for Cuba and you
54:40 can donate that way as well.
54:42 You know, we don't usually just throw around specific numbers.
54:44 You know, you've been a part of 3ABN for about 40 years yourself,
54:48 Pastor John Ape, and you know, of course, but we just, you know, this
54:51 evening we need about an additional $20,000, I think about it because
54:54 we had almost enough to do the 15 ,000 Bibles but to make it 20,000
54:58 Bibles, we need probably about an additional $20,000 or so.
55:01 So I know that's not a problem.
55:02 The Lord has that all taken care of.
55:04 So I'm excited about these Bibles going to Cuba for such a time as
55:08 this.
55:11 God.
55:12 Yes.
55:16 last a long time.
55:17 They do.
55:23 was there on Saturday and I was taking a look at Bibles and the
55:29 gentleman behind me, he had a Bible, but his Bible was stapled
55:33 together.
55:35 I'm not saying everybody has Bibles stapled together, but even among
55:38 the Church members, there's a need for Bibles.
55:40 We're going to be giving these Bibles away.
55:41 And yes, we're going to be giving these Bibles away.
55:43 These are not going to be sold.
55:45 And so actually, and we want to print that inside that it says
55:48 this, these Bibles are to be given away freely.
55:51 So nothing will be sold.
55:53 Thank you for your vision with this project.
55:55 Yes, really appreciate it.
55:59 God's work is moving, growing and going and moving forward.
56:03 Praise the Lord for that.
56:05 Thank you, Pastor Johnny and Mrs. Denzi.
56:07 I love you both.
56:09 We're grateful for your leadership with Freebie and Latina.
56:11 Great job.
56:16 because we're still being broadcast through people getting the hard
56:20 drive and getting the Freebie and Latino programming in their own
56:24 home and sharing it in their community.
56:27 So thank you both.
56:28 And Jeff, we love you as well and your wife, Charlotte.
56:32 Just so grateful for your leadership with our planned giving
56:35 department and what you both do.
56:38 Praise the Lord.
56:39 Absolutely.
56:39 That's God.
56:40 It is.
56:41 You know, and one other thing real quick.
56:43 If you have an IRA and you need to take and make a donation or you
56:47 need to make a withdrawal of your IRA, you need to contact us because
56:50 there's two different ways you can do it and not pay any taxes on that
56:54 for your capital gain that you've got on your IRA.
56:58 You can go from your IRA to your Charitable Wealth Denuity and we
57:03 look forward to hearing from you.
57:04 Call us at 800-886-4800.
57:07 Thank you so much.
57:08 We love you at home and we will see you next time.


Revised 2024-10-17