Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL240033A
00:03 I want to spend my life mending broken
00:15 I want to spend my life 00:36 I want to spend my life mending broken 00:47 I want to spend my life Hello 01:08 and welcome to another 3ABN Today live behind the scenes program. 01:11 We are so glad that you have joined us this evening. 01:15 You know, I am encouraged tonight. 01:18 You know, God is on the throne in spite of whatever is happening in 01:22 this world. 01:23 We can trust in God and on His Word. 01:26 You know, Jill, I love these 3ABN behind the scenes program because 01:29 really it's a testimony and it's a testifying to the goodness of the 01:33 Lord Jesus Christ and what is happening. 01:35 It seems like the fall time, the late summer here at 3ABN has just 01:40 been going fast. 01:41 Non-stop. 01:42 Non-stop. 01:43 Lots of travel. 01:44 We had 3ABN camp meeting. 01:45 We're going to be sharing with you some updates, some exciting 01:48 projects that are happening here at 3ABN. 01:50 And really just an update saying thank you to the Lord Jesus Christ, 01:54 but also to you at home. 01:55 Because of your continued financial support of 3ABN, your ministry and 02:00 your prayers, 3ABN is able to reach the world at this moment in our 02:03 history. 02:04 Amen. 02:05 I just want to say today is October 17th and it is our sister, Dr. 02:11 Julia Ukuna's birthday today. 02:14 That's right. 02:14 So happy birthday to our sister. 02:17 Happy birthday. 02:18 She has been executive director there of 3ABN Russia since the 02:23 inception. 02:28 Russia there in Nizhny Novgorod. 02:31 But just we love Dr. Ukuna. 02:32 So appreciate her leadership of 3ABN Russia. 02:36 That was a behind the scenes moment. 02:38 Okay. 02:39 So good to have you on with us this evening, Mr. Danny. 02:42 Thank you. 02:43 Of course, Dr. Yvonne. 02:44 We want to say happy birthday to Julia too. 02:47 And what an incredible blessing moment of God. 02:50 And I always say if I could have earthly heroes and could put up one 02:54 count on five, you know, four fingers and a thumb, she would be 02:58 one of those that has had the biggest impact on my life. 03:02 And to watch what she's gone through and her persistence, her 03:07 love for Jesus. 03:08 Amen. 03:08 It's just incredible. 03:11 My hats off to you. 03:12 Sister Julia, we love you with all of our hearts. 03:14 And God bless you and our 3ABN Russian angels. 03:19 Amen. 03:20 We love you, Julia. 03:21 I'm so thankful that the Lord brought us together. 03:27 And even my Momichka, before she went to sleep in Jesus. 03:32 Yes. 03:33 We love all of you. 03:34 So thank you so much for all that you do and all that you've done in 03:38 Russia for the cause of God. 03:40 Amen. 03:40 We're just grateful. 03:42 Amen. 03:46 Dare to dream General Manager for just a couple more weeks because 03:53 Jason's transitioning. 03:55 We've announced this before, but this will be your last behind the 03:58 scenes. 03:59 I feel a little sad about it. 04:00 Oh, yeah. 04:03 And we love working together and glad you can be here tonight. 04:07 Thank you. 04:07 Thank you. 04:10 And I'm glad that I could be here this evening too. 04:13 And I want to wish you a happy birthday, Julia. 04:16 I love you. 04:17 And she is you're just so precious. 04:19 You're so precious. 04:21 And you have you're passionate about serving the Lord. 04:23 Thank you for all that you do for the cause of Christ. 04:26 And yeah, this is the last behind the scenes for me. 04:30 This is it's been an incredible almost 11 years here at 3ABN. 04:37 This place is amazing. 04:38 And I can say this on television that this has been the greatest 04:43 place that I have ever worked in my life. 04:46 And I'm just I mean, I will forever hold this in my mind as the 04:52 greatest place that I've ever worked. 04:55 We get to have prayer together. 04:56 We get to worship together. 04:58 We get all of those things and just spreading the gospel of Christ 05:02 around the world and know where I'm going next. 05:05 We won't be able to just have corporate worship or prayer and 05:10 stuff like that. 05:10 So I'm really, really going to miss it. 05:13 But this you guys will always be my family. 05:17 Well, you guys, but you'll always be my family. 05:21 And I love 3ABN and will continue to share 3ABN with all of the 05:28 people that I know. 05:30 Yeah, we appreciate, of course, your leadership with 3ABN Dare to 05:33 Dream. 05:37 Dream. 05:42 use the word retire because no one here retires. 05:44 Ministry are always involved in the Lord's work. 05:46 But you kind of said, you know, day to day, Jay, you take that on. 05:48 And of course, you've done just a great job. 05:50 And the Lord has used you. 05:51 You came here as a single man trying to kind of find your way. 05:55 And God has led you, you know, in your spiritual journey. 05:58 But also the Lord brought you a wonderful wife. 06:01 Now you have a little baby girl. 06:04 And the Lord is doing miraculous and marvelous things in your life. 06:06 And it's so neat to see the growth that God has done in your life. 06:10 Praise God. 06:11 What a blessing for you, too, right, Dr. Yvonne? 06:12 It is really teary right now. 06:16 When Jay came, he was broken. 06:19 Yeah, that's right. 06:20 This is the mending broken people. 06:23 And he was broken. 06:26 And I watched God just raise you up and and bless you because you gave 06:32 your heart to him. 06:33 And I'm so grateful. 06:35 I'm so grateful for what he's done in your life. 06:38 And the man that you are, I'm so thankful. 06:44 So I'm proud of you, too. 06:45 Thank you. 06:49 Oh, grateful. 06:53 time. 06:54 And she never gave up prayers for you and Mark. 06:58 And her prayer was, Lord, I want my boys to find you. 07:03 I want them to be in heaven. 07:04 And so, you know, that's happened for both. 07:07 Not only that, but move from, you know, different areas of the 07:11 country right here. 07:13 You're within a few hundred yards, maybe a couple thousand feet of the 07:18 house, you know, together. 07:20 And that's right. 07:24 grandbaby, baby Brooke. 07:26 And, of course, Matt also, what a great addition to the family. 07:29 And then Mark and Lonnie. 07:31 So they're here in West Frankfurt and giving their hearts to both of 07:35 you to the Lord. 07:40 And so we love you greatly. 07:41 And we'll be praying for you. 07:44 And who knows the Lord may send you back this way. 07:46 That's right. 07:47 That's right. 07:48 So talk to us about the new journey that God has you and your 07:52 beautiful, precious wife embarked on. 07:55 Yes. 07:55 Yes. 07:56 Praise God for a wonderful wife. 07:58 First of all, but, you know, I'm going down the path. 08:02 I'm working on getting my cybersecurity plus certification. 08:06 So I'm transitioning into the cybersecurity field and I'm going 08:10 to school online. 08:12 And so Mondays and Wednesdays are very, very long days because I come 08:17 into the office and then I go home and I'm in class from like 6 p.m. 08:21 to 930 at night. 08:23 So but it's it's really fascinating. 08:26 I'm excited about the journey and I'm looking forward to using this 08:31 as a witnessing opportunity. 08:33 I've had a chance to witness to the National Student Advisor and teach 08:37 him about the Sabbath and all of that stuff. 08:40 And he's, you know, at the end of our conversation, he said, you 08:42 know, that makes sense. 08:43 The seventh day is Saturday. 08:45 And so I don't know what he's going to do with that information, but 08:48 the seed was planted. 08:50 But, you know, that's the path that I'm going down now is to help 08:56 secure systems and keep hackers from gaining access to data and all 09:04 of that stuff, which, you know, is very, very important too. 09:08 And just looking forward to being able to witness to people that 09:12 might not step foot in the church. 09:15 God uses each one of us in every line of work. 09:17 Be his witness, because God calls everyone. 09:20 God calls you to be his witness. 09:23 So we love you, Jay. 09:24 We're so grateful for these time that we've had together your 09:27 leadership with Dare to Dream and look forward to once part of the 09:32 family, always part of the family. 09:35 So we're delighted about that. 09:36 Thank you. 09:37 Yeah. 09:37 Praise the Lord. 09:41 camp meeting. 09:46 And it's basically 3ABN family, right? 09:48 Many of you that are tuning in tonight were there at camp meeting. 09:51 We had an unprecedented camp meeting with actual rain coming 09:55 down. 09:55 Mr. Danny, we talked about that. 10:00 rained almost constant. 10:01 We had in our rain gauge, Jill and I live three miles north of the 10:04 campus here. 10:09 But people still came to camp meeting. 10:13 And in spite of the rain, the Holy Spirit was raining down at 3ABN 10:18 camp meeting. 10:19 And what a blessing. 10:23 When we looked at the news, it would show all the way from 10:25 Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, and a red going all the way up. 10:29 And it just barely covered southern Illinois and the rest of the 10:34 country was clear. 10:35 So we didn't get the terrible winds or any damage. 10:38 But that rain was incredible. 10:40 And yet people still came. 10:43 We had a smaller camp meeting, but actually it felt it was more 10:46 personal. 10:47 The fact that not as many people here. 10:50 Of course, we want as many as we can get to be here. 10:54 But we had more time to people come up and you could hear their story 10:58 as well as them just hearing yours. 11:01 So God blessed in the people that's here that needed to be here, was 11:05 able to be here. 11:06 So and those that didn't watched. 11:08 And so it's camp meetings is something that we used to do one a 11:12 year. 11:16 do it again? 11:19 Why don't we have a fall? 11:21 So as long as you want it and you continue to support and come out, 11:25 we'll continue to do it. 11:27 It costs a lot of money to put all that together and to bring all 11:30 these people together and speakers and the music and all that we do. 11:34 But we do it at your request. 11:37 And so thank you for your your love, your prayers and your 11:40 financial support of 3ABN for things just like this camp meeting. 11:44 And it brings us a tremendous amount of great programming that we 11:47 can use throughout the year. 11:48 Yeah, absolutely right. 11:49 And we have a role that the crew put together of camp meeting. 11:53 Just a little recap. 11:54 Let's go to that role and then we can comment on it afterwards. 11:59 Amen. 12:03 We are so glad that each one of you are here in person to 12:06 transformational prayer be occurring. 12:10 And I'm unaware. 12:18 Is there any hope for me? 12:20 I am a lost man. 12:21 I am undone. 12:22 I am a sinner. 12:23 Will you pray for me? 12:36 And repentance is, get this, a process. 12:44 You see, there's something about a mind that is fixed on the things of 12:52 eternity. 12:59 And we're looking at revival of righteousness. 13:03 God expects us to be ready when he comes. 13:15 God hasn't changed. 13:17 He still keeps covenant with those who love and obey. 13:29 This idea of being born again is necessary for each and every one of 13:35 us. 13:41 Camille, what a great promise from God, right? 13:43 That he is there with us in the midst of whatever storm we are 13:46 going through. 13:54 It was the nurse who told me all this woman does every waking hour 14:01 is sing for Jesus. 14:14 Love is the most important ingredient in the Christian world. 14:31 Of course, God doesn't need paper to share the gospel. 14:35 He's people. 14:41 Amen. 14:42 We loved spending time with you. 14:45 Thank you for coming out to that meeting as we talked about revival 14:48 of righteousness. 14:50 So very important in each one of our lives that we find Jesus and 14:54 experience him and receive his righteousness by faith. 14:59 And for those of you who watched at home, thank you for being part of 15:03 the 3ABN family. 15:04 It was a great camp meeting. 15:06 Absolutely. 15:08 I know, like we said, because of the weather, as many people were 15:11 there, but still the atmosphere and the spirit there was fantastic. 15:14 It was. 15:15 It was. 15:15 And the messages were so profound. 15:18 Still went around the world. 15:19 Yes. 15:19 That's right, Mr. Danny. 15:20 Isn't that amazing? 15:21 No matter how many people are here. 15:22 That's right. 15:23 Amen to that. 15:26 It was beautiful. 15:27 It was just powerful. 15:29 And the focus on righteousness by faith is so important. 15:33 The people who came and traveled from one of the really campfire 15:39 storms and all of that to be here said, we were determined. 15:43 We want to be here. 15:44 And they made it. 15:45 And some had tents. 15:46 We ended up having to move them into the gymnasium or somewhere 15:50 because they used to stay in tents out here. 15:52 Normally we have some really good weather. 15:55 Again, the Lord blessed. 15:56 You said it a while ago, showers of blessing. 15:58 Amen. 15:59 That's true. 16:00 I know, Jason, you enjoy it, too. 16:02 Camp meeting is a blessing to fellowship one with another. 16:05 Absolutely. 16:06 It was great to hear all the powerful messages. 16:09 And just as we were looking at people's faces and interacting with 16:13 people, just knowing that they're going to go home and they're going 16:18 to take what they learned and hopefully they will share that with 16:22 their sphere of influence. 16:25 The camp meeting is incredible, but it's not meant to just be a one 16:29 -time event. 16:35 hearing, what we're learning, and then to go out and share that with 16:38 the world. 16:39 And we got to share our two new grandbabies, Duncan and Blair, 16:44 which I'm sure did. 16:45 That was so special. 16:46 That was beautiful. 16:50 ladies, we're pregnant. 16:51 So now you can show here the babies. 16:53 How special. 16:55 We had side views of them during the spring camp meeting or June 16:58 camp meeting. 17:04 I'm so glad Brooke was well-behaved on the stage. 17:09 Oh, boy. 17:10 She's growing fat. 17:11 She did very good, and she went to sleep. 17:15 Blair started crying a little bit, but she and Melody, they instantly 17:18 took up. 17:20 I saw as soon as they were out on stage, because Melody hadn't got to 17:23 meet her before. 17:25 And so she just kept looking at her the whole time we were up there, 17:29 and then she whined a little and handed her to Melody, and then she 17:32 was fine. 17:33 So I remember when you guys walked off, I said, this reminds me of the 17:37 Christian church. 17:42 Blair was. 17:43 So most of us Christians, spiritually that's the way. 17:47 By the Lord looks down, he's like, man, these Christians are either 17:50 asleep or crying. 17:52 Crying, complaining, something. 17:54 And speaking of camp meeting, I want to encourage you to go and 17:58 listen or watch the programs again, and you can do it by going to 18:02 3ABN's app. 18:03 So if you've not downloaded the app, the 3ABN Plus app to your 18:07 phone or to your tablet, it's very easy. 18:10 You don't have to pay for it. 18:12 It's free. 18:16 you just put in 3ABN. 18:17 You can even put in 3ABN Plus if you want to. 18:20 The app's right there. 18:23 can go. 18:26 see the little logo for 3ABN Camp Meeting. 18:29 And all the messages are already there. 18:32 So I want to encourage you to go back and enjoy camp meeting again. 18:36 And the beautiful thing, Jay, I mean, I know you're in social media 18:38 a lot, and that is you can actually share these messages, and it 18:41 becomes an evangelistic tool to be able to just share that message 18:44 with somebody else. 18:45 Absolutely. 18:47 And it's a real non-invasive way to witness, you know, just, hey, I was 18:52 watching this program. 18:54 It really touched my life. 18:55 Hope you'll check it out. 18:56 Amen. 18:57 Just share it. 18:58 And I want to just touch on one other thing before we transition to 19:01 the next point, and that is a lot of you have asked. 19:04 We're talking about the hurricane. 19:08 the news what happened in North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia. 19:10 We've been receiving quite a few messages here at 3ABN. 19:13 What is 3ABN going to do to help out those that have been suffering? 19:17 So we're already making plans where a lot of ministries, Seventh-day 19:20 Adventist Ministries, are down there helping out with the disaster 19:23 relief. 19:26 weeks, months, and be sharing those with you, the work that the 19:30 Adventist Church and others are doing there to help those that have 19:33 been going through just terrible devastation, not only just North 19:36 Carolina, Florida, and other places, too. 19:38 So that's what 3ABN is doing. 19:39 I know you've been asking those questions, because 3ABN is all 19:42 about ministering and doing evangelism. 19:43 And Mr. Danny, from the beginning, 3ABN has been a great platform for 19:46 other ministries to share what they are doing to help other people, so 19:50 we can do that again. 19:51 So what do we want to talk about next, behind the scenes? 19:53 Well, I'm thinking that you all just came back from winter 19:55 recently. 19:56 Yeah, good point. 19:58 Oh, we did. 19:59 It's incredible. 20:01 I hadn't been to Weimar in, I don't know, 25, 30 years I was there at 20:05 once, and didn't really, you know, in my mind, to see what is 20:08 happening with Dr. Nedley and the rest of the group there is just 20:12 amazing. 20:17 about, but when you go on campus, there's a different spirit there, 20:21 and it's a good spirit. 20:23 It's like sometimes we go to some of our, you know, educational 20:27 systems or where groups of young people are, and these people, as 20:32 soon as you see these young people, we went in on Friday afternoon and 20:36 Friday evening, they got their choir together, and they got their 20:39 orchestra together, and it was alumni weekend also. 20:42 Oh, very nice. 20:48 an incredible atmosphere of young people. 20:52 It really was. 20:53 I didn't even know they had an orchestra. 20:56 I mean, they had a full orchestra, and their academy choir sang, their 21:01 college choir sang. 21:02 Outstanding, too. 21:02 Outstanding. 21:07 kids, like you were saying, I mean, the kids were really nice and very 21:12 spiritual. 21:16 I'd never been to Weimar before. 21:18 I'd heard so much about it, and I'd met Dr. Nedley before, and this 21:23 time had the privilege of meeting his lovely wife, Erica, and we just 21:28 had a really nice time with them and the Kruegers, so it was a 21:33 blessing. 21:37 begin with through the Weimar board, I guess, Dr. Nedley, and 21:43 what a blessing they've been, too, and they are to Weimar as well, but 21:49 I was tremendously impressed because Friday afternoon they said, 21:53 well, Dr. Nedley, I'm speaking in the evening. 21:55 He wants to speak to you, and I said, oh, okay, that's fine, so we 21:59 start to go to his office. 22:01 We don't quite get in it, and we're in a big conversation right in the 22:04 hallway, and so again, it's just beautiful. 22:07 It's in the mountains, and you're looking at all, but they said he 22:10 wants to talk to you, so he started off, and he said something like, 22:14 well, I want to let you know that we now are an accredited 22:17 university. 22:19 Weimar isn't accredited. 22:20 We're no longer Weimar College. 22:22 We're an accredited, and that word always kind of scares me a little 22:25 bit when you say, we're accredited, Weimar University, and I said, uh 22:29 -oh, because I'd been asked, somebody said, we want you to not 22:32 hold back and talk to us about issues within the church as far as 22:37 LGBTQ, abortion, whatever's on your heart and your mind. 22:41 We want to hear the 3ABN story, so that's what the Kruegers had said 22:46 to me, Kirk and Marianne, so we said, okay, that's fine, so Dr. 22:52 Nedley, he's looking at me, and he says, now, you know that when you 22:56 get accredited that you can't always say what you want to say, 23:01 and my mind's like, oh, no, they didn't get to you, too, right? 23:04 And then he says, just out of the clear blue, he says, but we reject 23:09 all that. 23:11 We're not taking any. 23:12 You preach whatever the Lord's put on your heart. 23:15 We can talk about issues in the church and the LGBTQ, basically. 23:19 They don't have those clubs there, and he says, you know, many of our 23:23 universities that are accredited with the government, that's why 23:26 they actually have LGBTQ clubs. 23:29 You wouldn't believe it on Christian universities, including 23:32 Adventist, and they support their pro-abortion, pro-all of these 23:36 things, because once you take that government fund, government says 23:40 we're not loaning money to students who are going to go to your 23:43 university, and we're not going to credit you if you don't support, 23:46 you know, and support somebody's sexual preference. 23:50 I mean, that just is mind-boggling to me that the government gets 23:53 involved in that, but he said, no, here at Weimar, we've decided to 23:57 trust the Lord, and I'm telling you that. 24:00 I can't tell you what that did for me, but I see that, the reflection 24:04 of that in the entire student body, those that we saw. 24:07 We watched the young people. 24:08 We watched the teachers, the people there, and it has a great spiritual 24:13 atmosphere that I will have to say that was so refreshing, and we 24:17 enjoyed ourselves tremendously and walked a little bit through there, 24:20 and then we got driven through, because so many acres, and to see 24:24 all the things that they have done, I mean, and beautiful and built, 24:27 and the growth now of Weimar is growing, and so I told them, look, 24:33 we'd be happy to work with you. 24:34 They said, anyway, we can work with you, but they've got so much to 24:38 offer, and I think it'd be great, you know, we'll work together with 24:41 them as much as we can, but thank you, Dr. Nedley and Weimar 24:45 University for standing firm for God's law and say, look, we're an 24:51 educational system. 24:53 We want to be accredited, but we're not going to take funds, you know, 24:56 from the government and where they can hold our speech back, and so 25:02 that in itself was great, but then we were able to talk as the Lord 25:06 inspired us to do. 25:09 Isn't it encouraging to be amongst young people that are on fire for 25:12 the Lord, have their vision? 25:14 I mean, it gives you confidence and hope, right? 25:17 These are going to be the leaders of tomorrow and of today, so what a 25:21 blessing to have educational systems such as Weimar Academy. 25:24 You said the academy, the college, the university. 25:26 Yeah, praise the Lord for you. 25:27 You can see a difference in people. 25:30 I mean, it took me back years and years ago, you know, when I 25:35 remember, yeah, going to Adventist youth and all them together. 25:39 I mean, just the way the people, the kids dressed, the way they 25:41 gathered, things they were talking about, doing, you know, having fun 25:45 and all of this, but it just looked like, wow, this is what Adventist 25:50 education is all about. 25:52 That's right. 25:56 weekend. 25:57 Thanks to Kirk and Marianne for hosting us. 26:00 Oh, yeah, what a great meal. 26:03 Yeah, absolutely. 26:07 into consideration because I will not pay thousands upon thousands of 26:11 dollars to send my kid to a school that compromises. 26:15 I'm not going to spend a whole lot of money on a Christian education 26:21 if there's compromise. 26:22 You have to fund them. 26:23 Yeah. 26:24 That's good, Jay. 26:26 Amen. 26:27 Thank you for going and sharing. 26:28 Yeah, we're happy to. 26:30 Jill and I just came back from down south and Jill, you had the 26:34 privilege. 26:38 The Atlantic Caribbean Union Women's Conference. 26:42 You know, I just shut my mouth and she brought them all. 26:45 I was mixing up all the words, but what a great time to share with us 26:48 exactly how that happened and the experience there. 26:51 What a privilege, you know, to be, to see how the ministry of 3ABN 26:57 impacts people's hearts and lives around the world. 26:59 We were there with the women. 27:01 They came in all over. 27:02 The Atlantic Caribbean Union. 27:04 I want to give a shout out to Sister Arlene Sands as the Women's 27:08 Ministry Director. 27:09 She did an incredible job. 27:11 And there's four conferences under that union and each one of the 27:15 respective Women's Ministry Directors, Sister Carla Rogers, who 27:19 we know and love, Carla and Brother Buck. 27:22 She is the Women's Ministry Director for the South Bahamas 27:25 Conference, but Karen Burroughs was North Bahamas Conference. 27:28 Corey Chambers is the Cayman Islands. 27:32 And then Sister Fredeline is Turks and Caicos. 27:35 So the women came in from all over the Caribbean. 27:38 The theme was Rescuing Your Value for Mission. 27:42 And we just talked about what is our identity in Christ? 27:46 And then once we discover that, how we heal relationships with other 27:50 people and how we serve, how we witness how that's equipped and 27:55 empowered. 28:00 They found Jesus. 28:01 They discovered the truth in God's Word. 28:04 So what an incredible time and experience. 28:07 The First Lady of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. 28:11 It was the Prime Minister's wife, Mrs. Anne Marie Davis. 28:15 She was there and she gave a greeting and a dress Friday evening 28:18 for the woman. 28:20 Just a wonderful Christian woman. 28:23 And the Honorable Dr. Lachelle Adderley was there. 28:27 She is the President of the Senate. 28:29 She's the Seventh Adventist. 28:31 And our Sister in Jesus, she was there throughout the weekend. 28:35 And I was just thinking of Daniel. 28:37 And others that God called to be in positions in the government, in 28:41 power, for such a time as this. 28:45 So what a privilege to be there and to be able to see God at work in 28:51 the woman's lives, to see marriages being restored and families. 28:55 And I think we have a couple of pictures. 28:57 Okay. 28:57 Let's see if we put them up. 28:59 I'm not sure. 29:03 there. 29:07 dress. 29:08 That's just the woman there at the conference. 29:10 There were about 550-600 people on set. 29:13 That's Dr. Lachelle Adderley, the President of the Senate there. 29:18 And this is Dr. Kent Price and his wife. 29:22 They were from the Atlantic Caribbean Union. 29:24 He's the Assistant to the President. 29:27 Incredible people. 29:28 And their spirit of worship. 29:29 I love how the woman worshiped. 29:31 They had the praise and worship music. 29:33 Sister Carla Rogers. 29:35 And that's her mama. 29:36 So they look so much alike. 29:39 You can tell mother-daughter there. 29:40 And her mom was able to be there. 29:42 So that was beautiful. 29:43 The woman just worshiping, you know, worshiping God. 29:47 This is somebody very special. 29:50 This is your mother-in-law, Jason. 29:52 Palmetta's mom, Paul Max. 29:54 Right between you and I. 29:55 Yes. 30:00 Union and the conferences. 30:01 And they had a baptism. 30:03 Wonderful. 30:07 because it was right there on the ocean and the people got baptized. 30:11 Yeah, this took place in Nassau, Bahamas. 30:13 And so what a great way to be baptized right there in the ocean 30:16 water. 30:16 Yeah, really special. 30:18 Really special time. 30:18 Praise the Lord. 30:23 presentation. 30:23 Praise God. 30:24 The Lord used you mightily. 30:26 Yeah, we heard it from sources that were there and people that said, 30:30 you know, Jill, that God really blessed you. 30:33 Praise the Lord. 30:38 anointed. 30:39 And they said people really, really responded to the Holy Spirit. 30:43 So thank you for being a vessel of honor that God could use. 30:47 Praise the Lord. 30:48 It is wonderful to meet the women to see what God can do in each one 30:52 of our lives. 30:53 That's such an amazing thing. 30:54 Like you guys are out in California. 30:56 We were talking about camp meeting that was right here. 30:58 You know, we were down in Bahamas and just being together in that 31:01 fellowship, but there's something really special about that. 31:04 We don't know really what all the future holds for us, but I believe 31:07 that we have freedom now. 31:09 Like we will see it being reduced. 31:12 We know as we head towards Jesus soon coming. 31:15 So I think about 3ABN being able to preach the message. 31:18 I think about the times of fellowship like this. 31:21 So often, I know for myself, I take it for granted. 31:25 So to me, and this is an encouragement to you at home, 31:27 right? 31:31 that is. 31:36 but do it now. 31:38 And so I think about 3ABN. 31:39 That's what it's been doing for almost 40 years. 31:41 Mr. Danny in November will be 40 years. 31:43 It's been preaching that undiluted message to a lost and dying world. 31:47 And thank you for being a part of that family, talking about the 3ABN 31:50 family. 31:55 I know, Jill, we're getting ready to also travel to Australia, New 31:58 Zealand, or you have something else. 31:59 No, that's what I had right here. 32:01 Speaking of 3ABN family, we cannot wait to meet you down under. 32:05 So Pastor John and Angela Lomakane, Greg and myself, and Tim Parton 32:09 will be heading down under in just under two weeks. 32:13 We'll be in New Zealand at the Hamilton Central Seventh-day 32:16 Adventist Church Wednesday night, October 30. 32:20 So we look forward to seeing you then. 32:23 And then on Friday night and all -day Sabbath, this is Friday night, 32:29 November 1st, and all-day Sabbath, Tim Parton joins us. 32:31 We'll be at the Bunbury Seventh-day Adventist Church and looking 32:36 forward to that. 32:38 Sunday night we'll be at the Adelaide City Seventh-day Adventist 32:42 Church. 32:42 That's November 3rd. 32:43 And then November 5th, we'll be at the Hamilton Seventh-day Adventist 32:47 Church in New South Wales. 32:49 So we are looking forward to seeing you as part of our 3ABN family. 32:54 And then November 8 through 10, we're at the Greater Sydney Women's 32:59 Conference. 33:00 They call it their Breathe Conference. 33:03 And we'll be there for the weekend. 33:06 Speaking, the theme is Ephesians 6, being equipped for battle. 33:11 And so we'll be focusing on that for the weekend. 33:14 So yeah, looking forward to, as Jill mentioned, to seeing you all 33:17 down under. 33:18 And it's a long trip over, but it's certainly worth it to build that 33:21 meet. 33:23 Boy, we have a lot of things. 33:25 And man, we only have 24 minutes left. 33:26 Jason, talk to us about, in the first hour, there is a second hour 33:29 coming, OK? 33:30 But Jason, talk to us a little bit about Dare to Dream, some of the 33:33 exciting things that are happening. 33:34 And Mr. Danny, I want to talk to you and also about some amazing 33:37 evangelism opportunities. 33:38 Absolutely. 33:42 Greg. 33:47 my path. 33:52 So we have a new program called Digging Deeper. 33:55 It's relatively new. 34:00 It's hosted by Pastor Ryan Johnson, Pastor John Dinsie, and Pastor 34:05 Gordon Fraser. 34:07 And they just kind of rotate. 34:09 They take turns hosting. 34:11 The first 14 episodes cover the first 14 fundamental beliefs out of 34:16 the 28 fundamental beliefs. 34:18 And we actually have a roll of that. 34:20 And I'd love for us to take a look at that. 34:24 This is a magnet. 34:28 People have known about these things for millennia. 34:31 And they call this the magnetic force. 34:35 It's an attractive and a repelling force. 34:38 Now, this battery generates electricity. 34:42 Even before we learned how to harness electricity to do work for 34:46 us, people who looked into lightning storms had a healthy 34:49 respect for what was called the electric force two separate forces 34:55 with distinct capabilities. 34:58 Now, let me show you something. 35:01 You can use electricity to create a magnet. 35:10 You can also use magnets to create electricity. 35:12 That's a generator. 35:14 But you're like, wait, how can that be when they are two separate 35:18 forces? 35:20 Well, it turns out that though electricity and magnetism have 35:24 distinct properties, they are part of the same force called 35:29 electromagnetism. 35:32 They are one force with separate properties depending on the work 35:37 being done. 35:43 Did you know that God's a little bit like that? 35:46 There was one God, one. 35:48 But it's even more amazing than my imperfect little example, because 35:52 God is not just some force. 35:55 God, it turns out, is three distinct persons. 36:00 God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit. 36:05 Yet, He is one God. 36:08 This is a fundamental truth, and we will look at it in the Bible. 36:12 One God, three persons. 36:16 Amen. 36:17 Thank you so much, Pastor Ryan Johnson. 36:18 Each one of the pastors on that program. 36:21 What an incredible program focusing on the 28 Fundamentals. 36:24 I love that, Jesus. 36:25 Absolutely. 36:26 I love the practical illustrations that they gave. 36:30 We have another great program that is scheduled to debut on November. 36:35 This is a Tuesday, November 12th. 36:38 Tuesday, November 12th. 36:40 And 3 John 2, it's only one chapter in 3 John. 36:47 3 John 2 says, Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and 36:52 be in health just as your soul prospers. 36:55 This program focuses on mental health, physical health, spiritual 36:59 health. 37:00 It's called Remedy Roadmap. 37:01 It's hosted by Raven White out of Wildwood Lifestyle Center, and she 37:06 did a phenomenal job. 37:08 We have Dr. Eric Walsh on there, Dr. Helen Stoddard, and a whole 37:13 bunch of other people. 37:14 We have a clip of that, too. 37:15 I would love to take a look at that. 37:18 So I would like to define anxiety. 37:21 Can you define that for me? 37:24 Anxiety is really kind of this heightened sense of fear and doom 37:31 that is really kind of outside of what the situation calls for. 37:35 Okay. 37:36 So anxiety is basically fear on steroids. 37:41 And what makes anxiety what it is is that there is an element of it 37:46 being unreasonable. 37:48 So the response does not match the threat. 37:51 Okay. 37:55 to be worried about because realistically, for example, there 37:59 are people who have phobias and anxieties about, let's say, like a 38:02 terrorist attack. 38:06 car accident, but they are anxious about this other thing. 38:10 So fear is reasonable. 38:11 God designed us to have a certain amount of fear, especially post 38:14 -sin. 38:16 We're supposed to know where dangers are and respond to them. 38:19 But when we stay on them, we can't take our mind off of what we 38:24 perceive might be dangerous. 38:25 It can lead into anxiety. 38:27 So they said it's 18.1% of Americans are experiencing this. 38:32 What are some of the effects that we're experiencing? 38:37 We see a lot of this effect of this anxiety that people are 38:42 experiencing. 38:47 people. 38:53 you in your eye. 38:54 They're very anxious about the things that are going on. 38:56 They don't want to go around other people. 38:59 They don't want to participate in situations or in activities. 39:03 They tend to be more isolated. 39:05 They tend to be more nervous. 39:09 So you'll see a lot of that going on with these people. 39:13 Amen. 39:18 what's taking place within society and give us physical health, but 39:22 mental health as well. 39:23 Yes, yes. 39:24 And spiritual health. 39:25 I love how all of that was intertwined throughout the season 39:31 of this program. 39:32 So make sure you check it out. 39:34 November 12th. 39:35 That's a Tuesday. 39:36 Tuesday, November 12th. 39:38 Please, if you don't already have the 3ABN Plus app, download that on 39:43 your phone. 39:44 3ABN Plus. 39:45 That is very, very important that you have that. 39:49 It's a wonderful, evangelistic tool. 39:51 And we have another program that is airing. 39:55 It's called Divine Design. 39:57 I am so thankful for Patty Barnes and Heartland College who produced 40:02 this wonderful program. 40:04 And it really explores the miraculous journey of childbirth 40:08 and God's guiding hand in every step. 40:12 And Patty Barnes, actually, she, man, she's a godsend because she 40:17 reached out. 40:21 gave us tips and all kinds of stuff. 40:24 Just amazing. 40:25 So thank you, Patty. 40:27 Thank you, thank you, thank you. 40:29 And we actually have a clip of Divine Design. 40:31 And I'd love for us to check that out. 40:36 I would like to share with you just a few of the many astounding 40:39 wonders of childbirth. 40:41 In Jeremiah, chapter 1, verses 4 and 5, we read these amazing words. 40:59 He knows each and every one of us. 41:02 And He knew us before we were born. 41:04 In Psalm 139, 13 we read, 41:12 So you see, God is not just a bystander. 41:16 He is actually involved in the formation of every individual. 41:21 The next verse says, 41:30 The word fearfully comes from a Hebrew word meaning reverently. 41:35 And wonderfully is derived from a Hebrew word meaning differently or 41:40 distinctly. 41:41 So each of us is reverently and distinctly made. 41:46 Wow, amen, amen. 41:48 Wow, amen. 41:49 Praise the Lord. 41:50 We're all fearfully and wonderfully made. 41:52 Sanctity of life. 41:53 Amen. 41:58 process, it's amazing. 41:59 Thank the Lord for that. 42:04 the growth and seeing, you know, Brooke move in the womb, just 42:09 absolutely incredible. 42:10 Incredible. 42:11 You're absolutely right. 42:14 that you're putting out. 42:15 And, of course, 3ABN Parent airs a number of these as well. 42:18 So what a blessing. 42:20 What a blessing. 42:24 life and babies and abortion. 42:27 We have a brand new evangelism project. 42:30 Yes, the truth about abortion and then we'll let you all talk about 42:33 this. 42:36 Right. 42:40 Truth About Abortion, written by Mr. Danny and Dr. Yvonne and James 42:44 Rafferty, we encourage you to get this by the case. 42:49 That's right. 42:54 So there's 200 booklets and a case. 42:57 And all you have to pay is the shipping. 42:59 $30 for the shipping cost for 200 booklets. 43:03 That's amazing. 43:07 already paid for the printing. 43:09 So we can make it available to you just the cost of shipping. 43:12 So call us right now at 618-627 -4651. 43:19 That's 618-627-4651. 43:22 Or you can go online and you can order the cases online at 3ABN.TV. 43:29 That's 3ABN.TV and just click on the abortion booklet there and you 43:33 can order it online as well. 43:35 You all did an amazing job. 43:37 It's biblical, it's sensitively written, it's kind, but it's truth 43:43 -filled. 43:47 So thank you all so much. 43:48 And why did you feel then the need to write this little booklet, Mr. 43:52 Danny? 43:54 It's very controversial and I guess that's why. 43:58 Because we as Seventh Adventists, Christians, in fact, and we talked 44:03 about nearly 40 years ago when I was impressed to build a television 44:07 station that would reach the world with an undiluted Three Angels 44:10 messages, one that would counteract to counterfeit. 44:13 That is the entire message. 44:15 The first angel is fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of 44:19 His judgment has come. 44:21 Murdering innocent babies in the womb is not part of fearing God and 44:24 give glory to Him because He created us. 44:28 You saw the Scriptures, Jeremiah 1, 4, and 5 and Psalms 1, 38, 39. 44:34 It's incredible that we have a Savior who cares enough about us 44:40 that He allowed sinful man to procreate to be able to do. 44:45 And Satan is angry about that because he can't. 44:48 Satan's an imitator and God's a creator. 44:51 So Satan has taken sex, has taken what God has given to human beings 44:57 and perverted it in so many ways. 45:00 And one of those is, of course, not only through the breaking of the 45:03 Seventh Commandment, but the result in many times is unwanted 45:08 pregnancies, which are, as our studies show, is about 99.5% of 45:14 pregnancies. 45:15 There are abortions. 45:16 They're murdering. 45:21 what it really is. 45:22 Abortion is the murdering of innocent babies in the womb. 45:26 When I look at our two grand babies, I can't imagine not having 45:30 them already as young as they are, two or three months old now, that 45:34 there's so much joy and happiness to see them smile and to see them 45:39 to respond and to think that people, Christians and the Church, 45:44 so 3ABN, we've said, you know, the message that we've had as a Church 45:48 and as a people can never change. 45:50 Now, people get mad at me, and a lot of times I probably deserve it, 45:54 but it's okay to get mad at the messenger, but the message, we 45:59 should love the message, and so what I see is if every camp 46:04 meeting, if we preach on the Sabbath, no one complains. 46:08 We've written books, a number of books, the Ten Commandments, Twice 46:11 Removed, there's probably 18 or 20 million of those out in 46:14 circulation. 46:19 and people order them by the millions, and yet if we go on camp 46:23 meetings, I talked about it once and then the next one, just bring 46:28 it in more, people are upset, and it's like, why are they upset? 46:31 And I've never seen so many people writing insults and, you know, 46:37 attacking the messenger about, well, you should stay out of this, 46:40 and this is politics, and why would you talk about abortion? 46:43 Why would you talk about LGBTQ? 46:45 You did that last camp meeting, and I say, well, I've done this and 46:49 I've been preaching the Sabbath for 180 years or what have you, because 46:53 people haven't got it yet. 46:55 So as long as until people get it, so it's our responsibility to get 46:59 it out there. 47:01 So this is not just for the people outside the Seventh-day Adventist 47:05 Church, this is people within the Church. 47:07 Pew Research Center says that nearly 44% of all Christians, if 47:14 you combine them together, some are higher and lower, but 44% are pro 47:19 -abortion in almost all cases. 47:23 Seventh-day Adventist Christians, we preach that God gave us 10 47:26 commandments, not 9 commandments. 47:28 For years, for 160, 80 years, we've been saying, no, there's more than 47:33 9 commandments, there's 10, and then all of a sudden within our own 47:37 Church, we see people that were no higher really than the rest of the 47:42 average of Christians, around 44% of Seventh-day Adventists surveyed, 47:46 they didn't survey some of us, or it might have changed it a little 47:49 bit, but the surveys says that many Seventh-day Adventists are pro 47:55 -abortion or the murdering of innocent babies in the womb, which 48:01 is mind-boggling to me, because it's trampling on the sixth 48:04 commandment of thou shalt not murder, because that's all that it 48:08 really is. 48:13 steps of what happens to... 48:15 Well, yeah, I want to go back though to the understanding that 48:21 many people have a misunderstanding about when life begins. 48:27 And I think it's important to understand that life begins at the 48:30 point of conception. 48:39 happen. 48:46 embryo. 48:48 The other thing is it's interesting the way language is used, because 48:53 we have, we'll use abortion instead of murder, we'll use just a blob of 49:01 tissue. 49:02 It's the way things are phrased that make you think, well, it's 49:07 really not that serious if you get it early enough. 49:10 No, as soon as that egg is, thank you, fertilized, that's when life 49:19 begins. 49:20 Week one, the process begins. 49:24 Week two, ovulation takes place. 49:27 Week three, by week three, the gender, skin color, all those 49:31 things are determined by week three, when you can barely even see 49:36 the zygote. 49:40 Week four, then it becomes an embryo. 49:44 Week five, things are starting to happen. 49:47 The baby is now visible. 49:49 By week six, it has grown three fourths and its heartbeat is now 49:54 detectable. 50:01 developing. 50:03 What happens is it's not called a baby. 50:07 They'll start with the zygote and then the embryo and then the fetus. 50:12 The fetus, yes. 50:15 And it's just tissue. 50:17 It's the way things are phrased that is really confusing because it 50:24 makes you think that it's not a human being. 50:27 Women's reproductive health, they say. 50:30 Yes, it's a euphemism. 50:32 They're all euphemisms, but it's wrong. 50:35 And so when you think of that, when you think of a baby that's totally 50:42 dependent, totally innocent, what happens later in life when people 50:50 are really old and their brains are not functioning properly? 50:54 Should we kill them? 50:55 Should we kill them because should we have a euthanasia center where 51:00 people go and take their, you know, lung syndrome or physically 51:04 handicapped children? 51:05 Well, I'm really trying to show that it's not about your stage of 51:10 usefulness. 51:11 Yeah, that's right. 51:13 It is about a living human being that's created in the image of God 51:18 that deserves to live. 51:21 We are not God. 51:23 We cannot be placed in that position of determining who lives 51:28 or dies. 51:30 And again, we have said it before. 51:32 But this is not to come down on women who've had abortions. 51:37 We realize that it was a tough decision. 51:39 Or maybe it wasn't tough in the beginning, but maybe you're feeling 51:43 some guilt or recrimination now. 51:45 God forgives that. 51:47 You ask Him to forgive you. 51:48 He forgives that. 51:49 But it is still something that needs to be addressed. 51:55 And that's why we wrote this booklet so that people will address 52:00 the situation from another point of view. 52:03 Ask the Lord when you read this book to open your mind. 52:06 If your mind is closed toward that whole sanctity of life issue, ask 52:12 the Lord to open your mind as you read this book and to give you His 52:16 perspective on it. 52:17 Because that's what is written in this book. 52:20 It's from the Word. 52:21 Absolutely. 52:27 and his wife, they found out, the doctor said, your baby is going to 52:31 be Down syndrome. 52:32 You need to abort it. 52:33 And they said, no, no way. 52:34 And they said, oh, well, yes. 52:35 They just kept encouraging him. 52:38 You need to abort this baby. 52:40 They didn't. 52:41 He's about eight years old now. 52:42 And of course, we all love him. 52:43 He's an incredible young man. 52:47 But society is like, let's get rid of these. 52:49 So here you have, well, this baby may not be healthy, so let's get 52:53 rid of this. 52:54 And it's amazing. 52:55 Nowhere in the Bible has God given sinful man the authority to sit on 53:00 his judgment throne and decide who lives and who dies. 53:04 And especially when he says in scripture, he says he hates the 53:09 shedding of innocent blood and hands that shed innocent blood. 53:13 And we use these scriptures. 53:14 There's a number of scriptures in here. 53:16 And I'm so thankful, though, we did the sermon at camp meeting and a 53:21 lot of criticism. 53:22 But I'm always amazed. 53:24 I tell people, well, send me. 53:25 I don't care if you criticize me. 53:27 That's no big deal. 53:28 I mean, there's people who got a lot more criticism than me. 53:31 Look at those running politicians, you know, whether it's Trump or 53:36 Kamlan and all the people and Biden and everybody. 53:39 Half the people hate you and half the people love you. 53:41 So that's an umpire that plays for, you know, or a referee of a game. 53:46 Half the people love you and half the people hate you. 53:48 And then they flip-flop on you. 53:50 As soon as you, they love you this minute and they don't. 53:52 So I'm used to that, being in ministry. 53:54 But what I've noticed is no one has sent me scriptures yet showing me 53:58 that from the Bible that it's OK to murder the innocent babies in the 54:03 womb. 54:04 So we're trying... 54:05 Oh, go ahead. 54:07 I'd like to read a quick response from someone about the sermon. 54:13 Pastor Danny Shelton, after many years of claiming that I was pro 54:16 -life, pro-choice, because I truly believe that I was being fair to 54:20 let others have their right to choose, I have changed my mind. 54:23 What you taught me is this. 54:25 I can only vote for one side of this most controversial subject. 54:30 I basically am not responsible for billions of women's choice, 54:33 although I do believe that every person has free will and each must 54:37 make their own choice. 54:38 Wow, that idea really hit home and has actually solved the dilemma 54:42 that I wrestled with year after year, especially when it came time 54:45 to vote. 54:46 I now declare myself pro-life. 54:49 I have told my family and friends that they're not pleased and not 54:53 all pleased about this, but perhaps, and God willing, I've 54:56 given them pause to think about this vital question. 54:59 I'm thankful to you, Pastor Danny, for helping me see. 55:03 God bless you as you preach this truth with all holy boldness. 55:07 Amen. 55:08 So some people are seeing the message. 55:11 It's the message that's so important. 55:14 We're seeing the personal from people, and I've said it just 55:17 changes one person's mind, so you ask why do it. 55:21 The reason is it's affecting the church. 55:25 We're to be watchmen on the wall. 55:27 So we're so looking at Sunday laws and so focused on what may come 55:30 that we're allowing LGBTQ, we're allowing the abortion, the 55:35 murdering of innocent babies, all of that to come into church and be 55:38 acceptable when they're just as trampling God's laws as the Fourth 55:44 Commandment. 55:45 So what I'm finding out is, as I mentioned in the sermon and then 55:49 after getting so many responses, so many people, I call it hate mail, 55:54 is like I said, where's the love? 55:56 Where are we as Christians when it comes to loving people? 56:00 That's our number one, and of course loving people is not 56:03 murdering the most innocent of all of God's creation right now. 56:08 So this is what we're hoping that people care enough in the church 56:12 because nearly half of you within the Christian church say you're pro 56:17 -choice. 56:24 -choice, and yet they're not pro -choice when it comes to breaking 56:27 the other commandments of stealing, lying, killing, outside the womb 56:31 and all of that, but they are. 56:33 So pro-choice, God did create us with choice, but there's 56:37 consequences for breaking God's laws, and we as a church have, many 56:41 of us have accepted this. 56:45 So our hope and prayer is that as soon as you will get these, pass 56:47 them out to your members in the church, let them decide. 56:52 And so we have just Bible scriptures, not our opinions in 56:55 here, and by God's grace, I believe that many lives will be changed and 57:00 hopefully we'll see a lot of orders because they're free, as you said, 57:04 except for the shipping. 57:07 Yes, absolutely, and thank you for writing the book. 57:11 Both of you and of course Pastor James and Jill again, and people 57:13 can get them tonight. 57:14 The call center is open. 57:15 The call center is open, and you can get it tonight. 57:18 Just give us a call, 618-627-4651. 57:24 That's right. 57:24 618-627-4651. 57:27 Thank you, Mr. Danny, Dr. Yvonne and Jason for being on tonight. 57:31 We're trading out family for the second hour. 57:34 We love each one of you, love working in ministry together, and I 57:39 just pray God's special anointing over you, Jason, in this new 57:42 chapter as well. 57:43 Don't go anywhere. 57:44 We will be right back. |
Revised 2024-10-17