Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL240030A
00:04 I want to spend my life mending broken people.
00:15 I want to spend my life. 00:37 I want to spend my life. 00:42 Mending broken. 00:47 I want to spend my life. 00:53 Mending broken people. 01:07 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today Behind the Scenes program. 01:11 Wow, what a mouthful it seems like that is, but we are so glad that 01:15 you are joining us this evening. 01:17 Thank you again for being a part of the 3ABN family. 01:20 And here we are at 3ABN. 01:22 It's almost 40 years since Mr. Danny was impressed with the Lord 01:25 to start a television station that would reach the world. 01:29 And I just think about his faithfulness to the calling on his 01:32 life. 01:37 caught the vision and we could not do it without you. 01:40 Your prayers and your continued, your continued financial support 01:44 for this ministry is because of you and the Lord Jesus Christ, Jill, 01:47 that we can actually reach the world. 01:49 Absolutely amazing times that we are living in that 3ABN is right 01:53 here at this moment in earth's history. 01:55 It's by God's providence that we are all here. 01:58 It is a divine miracle. 01:59 I think every day it's a miracle that the gospel continues to go out 02:03 around the world. 02:05 Every day it's a miracle that the finances come in, that this gospel 02:08 can continue to go forward. 02:09 And that's thanks to you. 02:11 You are part of the 3ABN family. 02:14 We love you. 02:15 We pray for you. 02:16 We are so grateful to have you as part of the family. 02:19 And we love these behind the scenes programs because we can share with 02:23 you what God is doing through this ministry. 02:25 It's not because of any of us. 02:27 It's because the Lord Jesus wants this gospel to go forward to the 02:32 entire world. 02:36 We are going to be trading out family for the second hour. 02:39 But the first hour, Mr. Danny and Dr. Yvonne, so glad you are both 02:43 here tonight. 02:44 Thank you for having us be here with you. 02:47 I started to say letting us and we don't want to overdo it, right? 02:51 Because I love sitting at this end of the table and I love them there 02:54 so we can just kind of sit and enjoy this and you all do such a 02:59 great job and God has blessed you and gifted you both tremendously in 03:03 so many ways. 03:04 So I always think of this that someone once told me years ago and 03:09 I think about you all that when Jesus was hanging on the cross you 03:13 were on his mind so he could see that you would be willing to accept 03:16 the call that God has given you, both of you to literally give your 03:22 basic, your life here on earth to the mission of 3ABN which is a 03:26 Bible message taking an undiluted three angels messages into all the 03:31 world. 03:36 talking to our other brothers and sisters here but our family at 03:39 home. 03:43 sitting here by ourselves and no one would hear anything we have to 03:46 say but thanks to you this gospel of the kingdom is going into all 03:50 the world. 03:51 Amazing times we're living in, aren't they Dr. Yvonne? 03:53 It's a privilege to be alive at this moment in nurse history. 03:56 Absolutely, and as you look and you see what's going on with current 04:00 events and everything it's just, and you look at the Word the Word 04:04 lets us know as Danny says we've read the back of the book so we 04:07 know what's going to happen but wow, we're seeing things happening 04:11 in real time and it's just it's exciting, it's exciting some people 04:16 are afraid but we don't need to be afraid, we can be excited because 04:19 Jesus is coming. 04:21 It really is good news, I mean we look around and see what's 04:26 happening and we talk about it all the time we'll say you know we're 04:31 not looking into the future waiting we're living in it. 04:35 Right now all these years, even since when I was a kid I remember 04:38 now all these prophecies it's like we are here, we're right now in 04:42 this time and we just have to be aware of it because the devil is 04:46 out to deceive us, distract us, so 3ABN's mission and goal is to 04:50 continue to proclaim the 3 Angels messages to the world and so it's a 04:56 privilege to be here 40 years later so I had no idea when we started 05:01 it, you know how long it would be till Jesus comes or how long I 05:05 would have even lived or what would happen to the ministry but that old 05:09 song says one day at a time sweet Jesus you just take it one day at a 05:12 time and join hands together with folk of like literally it's like 05:18 calling, it's like mission and so together somehow it all works and 05:23 it's a miracle and we wish it sometimes be easier, we wish we had 05:27 money in the bank that we could just something comes but it's 05:31 constantly and we've been doing this for a long time but somehow 05:34 thanks to you and the Lord it keeps working. 05:38 Amen, Amen. 05:42 what you had said before but so blessed by you all's mentorship, so 05:46 very grateful. 05:48 We consider them as our parents as well but just so grateful, God has 05:52 given you both great wisdom and thank you for your mentorship. 05:55 Coming around the table here, Jason Bradley, our general manager for 3 06:00 Vians Dare to Dream Network and just so grateful you're here 06:03 tonight. 06:03 Brooks Daddy. 06:08 title for sure. 06:10 I'm so happy to be here and you know it's interesting as we take a 06:14 look at the world and we see how confused the world is but we can 06:18 all gain clarity when we go to the word of God and we see things from 06:23 the lens of God's word. 06:26 So I'm excited to share what's going on with Dare to Dream and I'm 06:30 happy to be Brooks Daddy. 06:32 Tell us, your wife Palmetta had the baby so tell us about baby Brooks. 06:35 Yes, she is so precious and you know when she... 06:39 Got her proud grandma right there. 06:40 Oh yes, yes, you know this is probably the most I've ever seen my 06:45 mom since we had Brooke, then my mom's been coming around a lot more 06:52 lately and FaceTiming and all that stuff. 06:55 I wonder why, this little grandbaby. 06:58 That's right and Brooke is so precious, her little eyes, well her 07:01 big eyes, she's so focused and dials in and you know I was talking 07:07 to her the other day and she was looking and she was trying hard to 07:12 say hello and she ended up saying hello and she's under two months 07:16 old. 07:21 I did see the video and it's incredible, it does sound like she 07:24 says hello right back to you. 07:26 That's right. 07:27 She's extremely smart because when she was two days old I told him 07:31 that as soon as she says Papa I'm going to send a cash app of $100 07:35 and literally that afternoon Jay texted me and said, Brooke not only 07:41 said hello or said Papa but she spelt it too. 07:45 I said any baby that smart that can talk and spell at two days old, our 07:53 youngest daughter Trinity, her baby's a month old or four weeks 07:56 older and she wrote the same thing and said isn't that amazing that 08:00 baby Blair also said Papa and spelled it out and so I had to send 08:06 her $100 too. 08:07 I'll tell you what, you up that cash app to $500, Brooke will write 08:11 a sentence. 08:15 I can see where this is going. 08:18 You know your kids wouldn't exaggerate or stretch anything, 08:22 your grandkids are smart so I tell everybody I challenge you to say 08:28 your grandchild can spell your name and say it when they're two days 08:32 old. 08:33 See what happens right? 08:34 So far no one's said, well it took ours much longer. 08:40 She's a beautiful baby. 08:42 She is precious. 08:42 And so is Trinity's baby. 08:45 Coming around the table, Ricky Carter is our social media manager 08:49 as well as Dare to Dream editor and all things graphics with Dare to 08:54 Dream so just so grateful to have you here tonight as well. 08:56 It's great to be here, great to be able to work someplace where I can 09:00 use my talents for the Lord so very excited about that. 09:02 You got any like kids or grandkids stories to tell us? 09:06 Are all your kids married? 09:08 Yes, well we've got one that's married and they've got two 09:13 actually, two kids that are married and we have one grandchild on the 09:17 way. 09:20 So you'll have to try this thing that Mr. Danny was talking about. 09:22 He or she will probably be talking the first day. 09:27 I might have to text you and say hey look what this guy there said. 09:31 Yeah, the kids call me Papa so he says you can text me and say she 09:35 said Papa or he said Papa. 09:37 I'm like wow, that's great, okay, I'll buy it. 09:41 Yeah, Jasmine and I we were really excited about being grandparents. 09:44 We were trying to figure out what are they going to call us. 09:46 Am I going to say either granddad or I'm thinking about saying abuelo 09:50 so I'm trying to figure that out. 09:53 Spanish flair going like that, very nice. 09:56 Coming around the table last but not least our sister and mom, 10:00 Shelly Quinn. 10:01 She's our 3BM program development manager and producer and we'll say 10:05 sister in Jesus. 10:09 oh my sister Shelly or my sister Jill and then people write in and 10:12 say are you all really biological sisters? 10:16 So sisters in Jesus, glad you're here tonight Shelly. 10:18 Amen and I feel like you are my child, my daughter, I should say 10:23 that. 10:25 Danny what you said that we're not looking to the future, we're living 10:29 in the time. 10:36 time come oh Lord I look but then I add but give us just a few more 10:42 days, a few more hours because there's so many people that need to 10:47 be reached and of course he's not going to come till we reach those 10:51 people. 10:52 This is the time for the church to unite. 10:56 Evangelism, there's opportunities, you don't even have to leave your 11:01 house to be an evangelist nowadays and we thank you because you know 11:07 you all are evangelists if you're supporting this ministry because 11:11 the gospel is going out around the world. 11:14 We did our 3-Aby and Sabbath panel connect program, we had people from 11:21 Saudi Arabia, from all over but even it's reaching into close 11:29 countries that is so exciting to me and I just pray Lord give us, he 11:36 wants us to be united to go forward together. 11:41 We couldn't do what we do without you so thank you. 11:47 I just referenced for a quick second that Sabbath panel connect, 11:49 it's a monthly zoom conference we do on the third Friday night of 11:54 every month and you have to be registered to sign up for that but 11:59 we send that e-mail out and people register from all over the world. 12:02 We did the last one last Friday night, Shelly was there and it was 12:05 incredible because people joined and we said, tell us where you're 12:09 from and some people were typing on the chat, you know how you can do 12:12 with the zoom conference. 12:14 We got up at 3 o'clock this morning to jump on or we're just getting 12:16 ready for church. 12:21 Seychelles and Kenya and Uganda and Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and just 12:27 all over the world joining in, loving this ministry, wanting to 12:32 get involved in evangelism. 12:34 So thank you for being part of the three-band family. 12:37 That's incredible. 12:37 How do they register? 12:38 Yeah, I was just going to ask. 12:40 Thank you. 12:45 the invitation. 12:46 And how do they do that? 12:51 They get the notes every week. 12:52 You go to 12:55 There's a tab at the top that says notes. 12:56 You click on the notes and you just sign up and then we'll send you the 12:59 invitation link to register for the zoom conference. 13:03 Nice. 13:07 it's about 45 minutes or so. 13:09 We answer questions, maybe even pertaining to that week. 13:12 Sabbath school lesson this past week, Daniel Perrin gave a quiz 13:15 from last week's Sabbath school lesson. 13:16 So a lot of you really enjoy that, like, wow, this is really fun. 13:19 Quizzing you on the Sabbath school lesson. 13:20 But then some great testimonies are shared and you shared a devotional. 13:23 So it's a great thing to go to. 13:25 Sign up, like was just mentioned. 13:27 And you can join in next month, which I believe is about, is it mid 13:30 -October or so is the next one. 13:32 But you can find that information out. 13:34 So I tell you what, you all, if you've been following 3ABN, you 13:37 know that a week from tonight is 3ABN Homecoming Camp Meeting. 13:42 I tell you what, it's hard to believe that another camp meeting 13:44 is upon us. 13:46 And Shelly Quinn, tell us the theme and what we can expect. 13:48 As far as this coming camp meeting. 13:51 Well, you might expect I'm excited about this theme. 13:55 It is revival of righteousness. 13:58 It starts a week from tonight. 14:00 That's Thursday, September the 26th. 14:03 It goes through the 28th. 14:05 We have Pastor Mark Finley, Pastor C.A. 14:08 Murray, and then Danny Shelton will be doing our worship hour during, 14:15 on Sabbath. 14:16 We also have Ryan Day, Kenny Shelton, Jill Morricone, John 14:21 Dinsie, James Rafferty, and me. 14:25 And so there's people. 14:28 Let me just run through the topics real quick. 14:31 You can talk to the music hours. 14:35 But Thursday night and Friday night, both start with the music 14:39 hour. 14:40 Thursday, it's at 6 o'clock. 14:43 And then we've got the true gospel, repentance and confession. 14:48 That's the topics. 14:50 Free, delicious meals. 14:52 Boy, people are already cooking and preparing for this. 14:55 Preach, Shelly. 14:57 Preach. 14:57 Preach and delicious. 15:01 So after breakfast on Friday morning, the topics are 15:06 consecration, transformational prayers from milk to meat, how to 15:11 grow in Christ. 15:13 Then a free lunch. 15:16 We'll have production center tours, plan giving. 15:20 Then the music hour for Friday night is followed by discipleship. 15:25 And my mind is fixed. 15:27 In other words, staying the course. 15:30 Now, Sabbath, we have a beautiful Sabbath breakfast. 15:34 Then the Sabbath School panel will present. 15:37 Then Danny will do the worship hour. 15:39 Lunch and we've got a little break in there so that it doesn't start 15:44 again till 3. 15:46 So you all can visit. 15:47 Everybody loves visiting. 15:49 It's like a little taste of heaven when you come. 15:52 And the 3 o'clock is though the heavens fall. 15:56 So it's about releasing doubt and building on our faith. 16:01 Then we have an evening snack and then the joy of the Lord and 16:06 standing for Christ. 16:08 These topics are so relevant to today. 16:14 We have to prepare ourselves for the outpouring. 16:18 I believe the shaking is already beginning and we've got to prepare 16:23 ourselves. 16:24 God is going to give us kind of like, what do you call those boost 16:29 machines on a space rocket? 16:31 He's going to give us this boost so that we can get this message out 16:36 everywhere. 16:38 But here's the thing. 16:40 You already have to be softened by the influence of the Holy Spirit 16:46 and involved in ministry in order to receive it. 16:50 If your heart is hard, when he has that final outpouring, it's going 16:54 to just roll over you like water off of a duck's back. 16:59 Yeah, so we're just super excited. 17:01 We've got camping spots. 17:03 Oh, beautiful children's programming too. 17:05 I'll let you talk about that. 17:07 Oh yeah, no, I enjoy camping. 17:08 I mean, what a great time of fellowship. 17:10 I just enjoy getting together with you, our 3ABN family. 17:13 Again, that starts next Thursday, which is September 26th and goes 17:17 through Sabbath night. 17:18 And if you cannot be here in person, of course you can watch it 17:21 live on 3ABN. 17:23 But what a blessing when you all come here. 17:25 Again, great kids' meetings. 17:27 It's to me a great family time to be together with God's family. 17:31 The food is complimentary. 17:32 The camping sites are complimentary. 17:34 We have some nice tenting spots. 17:36 Some of you may not have ever been here before. 17:38 So we do have a nice bath house. 17:40 And of course some nice, really nice RV spots as well. 17:43 You do have to register for those RV spots. 17:46 We have a few spots available, the last I heard, Jill. 17:49 And so you can always reach out to us here at 3ABN at 618-627-4651. 17:54 And the call center will sign you up for an RV spot here. 17:57 But to me, what a great time to be together and to really open the 18:01 Word of God and to be encouraged and then to go back to your 18:04 community and share what you have learned. 18:07 So Camp Meeting to me is always a great blessing. 18:09 And I understand too, we're also at the end, we're talking about family 18:13 time. 18:16 have the hay wagon ready and ready for Sabbath night. 18:20 They'll be a little... 18:21 We can ride. 18:22 Yes, that's right. 18:22 There'll be a tractor. 18:23 There'll be a hay wagon there. 18:25 So a great time of family fellowship. 18:27 We just pray that the weather is good. 18:29 Usually it is, Mr. Danny, this time of year. 18:30 Fall time in Southern Illinois is a beautiful time of year to be here. 18:35 So a great time to be together. 18:37 Yes. 18:37 Where do you want to go to next? 18:39 What if we talk about some brand new programs launching, Jayne? 18:42 Well, that would be beautiful, Bill. 18:44 I love it. 18:45 I love it. 18:46 You know, I'm just excited about what God's doing through 3ABN and 18:50 Dare to Dream Network. 18:52 And this Bible verse here is taken from John Chapter 8, Verses 31 and 18:57 32. 18:59 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed him, If you abide in my 19:03 word, you are my disciples indeed. 19:06 And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. 19:10 There are a whole lot of people that are stuck in bondage. 19:13 And so we want to create programs for them to see Christ and to gain 19:20 freedom. 19:21 And so we have The Ultimate Encounter, which is a wonderful 19:25 series. 19:30 character development and choices and, you know, character 19:34 development is so, so important. 19:37 And each episode ends with practical steps that the viewer or 19:41 listener can apply to their life today to get started walking in the 19:48 right direction. 19:54 Hello, friends, I'm John Loma Kang and welcome today to The Ultimate 19:58 Encounter. 20:03 every day. 20:04 And we're going to walk through eight action steps on how choice 20:08 can be used in a positive way or in a negative way. 20:12 Remember this, choice is the precursor to destiny. 20:16 So join us as we walk through God's word today and find out how you can 20:20 use choice to enhance your life and how the wrong choices can really 20:25 damage your life. 20:27 You know, we begin in the book of Joshua 24 and verse 15. 20:32 You know, the Bible says in a very direct way, the latter part of this 20:37 verse, it says, Choose for yourselves today whom you will 20:40 serve. 20:45 They were in a journey on their way to their destiny. 20:48 And he noticed, even beginning with Moses, that they were making 20:52 choices that negatively impacted everything they did in their 20:56 journey in the wilderness. 20:58 Amen. 20:58 Wow, that's great. 20:59 That's a nice looking set too. 21:01 Oh, it is. 21:02 And what a great series too. 21:03 Yeah, Pastor John has done. 21:04 How many again in that series? 21:05 So there are eight in that series. 21:08 But we're going to rotate hosts. 21:10 So he's not going to be hosting the second season. 21:13 We'll have someone else hosting the second season. 21:15 And so it's a program. 21:17 You'll get variety that way for sure. 21:19 And praise God, we have a wonderful team, we have Kassar and Design, 21:23 that as well, Robby D. 21:26 and Ricky and I mean, just absolutely incredible. 21:29 So we're extremely blessed. 21:32 You know, we're talking about truth and wanting to point people to 21:36 truth. 21:37 The devil is after our children. 21:39 And we have a new series. 21:41 It's called Be Real, Be True, Be You. 21:42 Which educates children on identity and sexuality. 21:47 Their God given design, God's design. 21:50 because the world is trying to say, well, you know, whatever you feel, 21:55 that's what you are. 21:57 And it makes absolutely no sense. 22:00 And so this program educates children in a very tasteful way 22:04 that doesn't compromise their innocence or anything like that. 22:07 It points them to the genuine. 22:10 And so we actually have a clip of that program as well. 22:14 In my basement, and so I took my dog in the basement and I shaved 22:18 him down. 22:21 creative, you know, with putting a disguise on my dog. 22:25 Do you want to see the disguise I gave my dog? 22:27 All right. 22:27 Hang on a second. 22:29 There you go. 22:30 What do you think? 22:30 He looks like a lion. 22:32 Oh, he does? 22:33 Hang on a second. 22:34 He looks like a lion. 22:35 He does. 22:36 He does. 22:37 But let me ask you a question. 22:38 Is he a lion? 22:39 No. 22:39 What is he? 22:40 A dog. 22:41 Just a dog. 22:41 That's right. 22:45 actually reported to one of the rangers in East Tennessee where I 22:48 live in the mountains, they said that they actually saw a lion. 22:51 And the ranger said to this lady, ma'am, there are no lions in East 22:55 Tennessee. 22:56 Isn't that funny? 22:57 So it was the highest compliment and even fooled somebody. 23:00 But even though I shaved my dog to look like a lion, he's still just a 23:04 dog, right? 23:05 And so did you know that in the Bible, there are times when people 23:08 wore a costume and there were people that put on disguises. 23:12 Can you think of a story in the Bible where somebody wore a 23:15 disguise? 23:16 Let me go with you, Brighton. 23:18 Leah. 23:19 Leah? 23:20 Okay. 23:23 Jacob's wife and I have a dog. 23:26 What? 23:27 I have a dog. 23:28 It's a golden fever and she looks like a female lion. 23:32 Yeah? 23:33 You do too? 23:34 Wow. 23:34 Okay. 23:37 Leah married who? 23:39 Jacob. 23:40 But is that who Jacob wanted to marry? 23:41 No. 23:42 Who did Jacob want to marry? 23:44 Rachel. 23:44 That's right. 23:45 And so did Leah put on a disguise? 23:47 Yes. 23:48 And she disguised herself as who? 23:51 Rachel. 23:51 That's right. 23:53 Wow. 23:54 That's great. 23:55 I liked Brighton's comments too. 23:58 That was priceless. 24:00 And Michael's like, okay, we'll come back. 24:03 But the concept of presenting these concepts of identity to young 24:07 people, that's so Do you all have a dog that looks like a lion? 24:10 We don't. 24:11 No, we don't. 24:13 Does that count? 24:16 Well, maybe. 24:18 But this is a great series. 24:19 It's still a cat. 24:19 It's still a cat. 24:21 That's correct. 24:23 Absolutely. 24:25 Really good point. 24:30 said, Jade, it doesn't impinge upon their innocence. 24:37 It's done in such a way that they can grasp it. 24:41 It's really good. 24:42 Well done. 24:42 He did a good job. 24:43 It's counteracting the counterfeit. 24:44 It is. 24:45 It is. 24:45 What is happening today. 24:47 Because we have, supposedly, I saw before Congress, one of our 24:51 smartest doctors, they say, and they asked her, the congressman 24:55 said, what is a woman? 24:57 And this smart doctor from one of the prestigious universities said a 25:04 woman is whoever she thinks she is. 25:08 The congressman thankfully stopped her and said, no, that's not a 25:11 woman. 25:16 Well a woman, if she thinks she's a woman, she's a woman. 25:19 Now these little kids knew the answer to that, because they're 25:22 being taught that way. 25:24 See, our schools are ruining, it's a ruination, of this is a, 25:28 literally, the devil has a plan, and that's to kill, steal, and 25:31 destroy, but he's starting in our grade school with these kids in 25:34 really young ages, and they're so confused. 25:37 They even have people now, this doctor wasn't confused, she's 25:41 worried about culture and politics, that's all she is, she's trying to, 25:46 scared to say, because if she didn't know the difference, 25:49 wherever she got her degrees, they ought to tear them up, and out you 25:53 go. 25:58 Absolutely. 26:01 That one we have 11, there are 11 in that series, yes, yes, and 26:06 just... 26:09 They are. 26:15 that's the number 2,, and see when that airs. 26:21 We also have some other great programs, new ones, you know, we 26:25 need to study God's Word and really dive in, none of the surface level 26:30 just reading, but diving into God's Word, and so we have a program 26:34 called Digging Deeper, and it's hosted by the hosts, Hosts Rotate, 26:40 so we have Pastor Ryan Johnson, we have Pastor Gordon Fraser, we have 26:44 Pastor John Dinsie, and the first 14 episodes are focused on the 26:50 first 14 of the 28 Fundamental Beliefs, and we have a roll of that 26:55 that I'd love for us to look at right now. 26:59 Sister Beckman makes the best veggie fajitas, and I was really 27:04 putting them away one Sunday afternoon where she had invited me 27:08 over to enjoy the company of some good friends, and among those 27:12 friends is Pastor Anthony Rudolph and his family who were visiting 27:16 from the East Coast. 27:18 Now earlier in our ministries we had labored together in the 27:22 spiritual trenches, and now he's laboring in Missouri, and I'm, 27:27 well, I'm in the spiritual trenches of Las Vegas, and both of us now 27:32 have speckles of gray in our beards, both of our sons are now 27:36 tall. 27:37 How things been in Vegas, he asks me, and I said, well, you know, the 27:41 people struggle with the usual trappings of Sin City life, and I 27:45 clapped him on the shoulder, you know, and I said, I'm just praying 27:47 for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and then he says, funny you 27:52 should mention that, because what we are battling is the rise of this 27:58 false doctrine claiming there is no real Holy Spirit, and many, he 28:04 said, are being deceived. 28:06 Many do not understand that the Holy Spirit is a person and not 28:11 just some vague force or an exaggerated way of just saying, 28:16 hey, God is with you. 28:19 So I was like, let me understand this. 28:22 Some are teaching that when we pray, may the Holy Spirit be with 28:27 you, all we're really praying is, may the force be with you? 28:34 That's a great question. 28:36 Wow, yeah, it is. 28:40 course, our fundamental beliefs, but takes that, and it's so 28:43 important that we know what we believe. 28:45 It's so important with the winds of doctrine that are blowing, both 28:48 within and without the church. 28:51 In every denomination, really right now, it's so important that we're 28:54 grounded in the Word of God. 28:56 So this program takes us back to the Word on what we believe. 28:59 So I love that. 29:00 Amen. 29:01 Praise God. 29:07 other books of the Bible and study out some other things. 29:11 So I could see this going on for quite a while by God's grace. 29:16 Our next program that we have, we're seeing this issue surrounding 29:21 abortion and how people are so confused. 29:26 And again, we want to point them to truth. 29:28 There's life in the womb. 29:30 And so, Divine Design is a program that was done outside of 3ABN, it's 29:37 outside production, but we air it on 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network, 29:41 and it's so, so powerful, and it explores the miraculous journey of 29:45 childbirth and God's guiding hand in every step. 29:49 We have a role from that program, and I love for us to look at that 29:52 now and gain some truth. 29:55 I would like to share with you just a few of the many astounding 29:58 wonders of childbirth. 30:00 In Jeremiah chapter 1, verses 4 and 5, we read these amazing words. 30:18 He knows each and every one of us, and He knew us before we were born. 30:23 In Psalm 139, 13, we read, 30:31 So you see, God is not just a bystander. 30:35 He is actually involved in the formation of every individual. 30:40 The next verse says, 30:49 The word fearfully comes from a Hebrew word meaning reverently, and 30:54 wonderfully is derived from a Hebrew word meaning differently or 30:58 distinctly. 31:00 So each of us is reverently and distinctly made. 31:06 Wow, yeah, amen. 31:07 What a powerful program, and thank you for airing that on 3ABN Dare to 31:10 Dream. 31:14 Just appreciate, Jason, what you're doing there with Dare to Dream. 31:17 You have something else to share about another series, but I want to 31:20 talk to Mr. Danny right now since we're talking about the sanctity of 31:22 life and abortion. 31:23 It's a brand new book. 31:24 I'm so excited about this, and we're talking about camp meeting. 31:27 If you come to camp meeting, you're going to be able to get, by God's 31:30 grace, a copy or multiple copies of this book to hand out. 31:33 Mr. Danny, tell us about this exciting new booklet. 31:36 Right now, we're told they're setting in Chicago, which is about 31:39 300 miles away, and they're supposed to be here in just a few 31:41 days right before camp meeting. 31:43 I think this is the first nearly 400,000 coming. 31:47 We have about 2 million of those. 31:49 So we do have a new little booklet, 48 pages, The Truth About Abortion. 31:54 And so Yvonne and James Rafferty and me, we all collaborated with 32:00 God, I'll say, with the Bible and the Holy Spirit, because the truth 32:05 about abortion, I'm amazed that 42% of Seventh-day Adventists believe 32:12 abortion's okay. 32:14 According to Pew Research, 42%. 32:17 That's not much different than most of Christianity. 32:20 In fact, some evangelicals and others, only 30-some percent. 32:24 And then a big percentage of Adventists say that abortion is 32:29 okay under certain circumstances, that abortion is fine. 32:34 And so what I look at, I look back at Revelation 13 and it says all 32:38 the world wandered after the beast. 32:40 It doesn't say all but just one group or this group or the other. 32:44 So when we stand up and say, we're a remnant church, we have the 32:48 truth, and we're as confused on the murder commandment as much of the 32:53 Protestant world is and the Catholic world on the Fourth 32:56 Commandment, then it's time that we do some self-checking and come back 33:01 to ourself. 33:06 million of them coming thanks to the donors who have already paid 33:11 for those. 33:12 All you'd be paying is shipping, I think you get 200 of these books. 33:16 But the book, we cover it. 33:19 Yvonne, you want to tell them basically where we cover it from? 33:21 And then one of the chapters that you decide to put in about how it's 33:25 done I think is very important. 33:27 Yes, so there's so much confusion about actually the sanctity of life 33:35 because the narrative is misleading. 33:39 So you'll hear, oh, it's just a blob of tissue or it's 33:44 undifferentiated cells or it's a fetus, never the baby, never called 33:50 murder, always using these euphemisms that make you feel a 33:56 little bit better about it or it's gentle suction involved with the 34:00 abortion. 34:01 And it is barbaric what happens in an abortion. 34:07 And so we address a little bit of that not to take people over the 34:17 edge with it, but just to explain what actually happens. 34:21 The truth, it's the truth about the process and also what happens in 34:27 the stages of development of the baby. 34:31 It is amazing every week something new is happening with that baby 34:39 inside. 34:46 the process and letting people know what is really going on with it. 34:53 There's something dark beneath it. 34:56 And so we look at all that and we look at it from a biblical 35:01 perspective. 35:06 from week to week. 35:08 We have that, but we also have God's intention for the baby and 35:14 that the plan started before the foundation of the world like God 35:18 knew each of us sitting at this table would be. 35:25 And it started with one cell, one sperm fertilizing an egg. 35:32 And it just goes from there. 35:35 Anyway, I know I'm rambling but I'm just really excited about being 35:39 able to bring this to people and particularly to women who don't 35:44 really know because again the narrative is misleading. 35:49 So women, many women don't know what the real process is and what 35:54 the baby is really subjected to in that process. 35:58 And it's amazing people want to use secular people and even a lot of 36:02 Christians want to use science except when science really you 36:06 should be using it and all of a sudden when it comes to biological 36:09 genders well let's throw that out the window when kindergartners can 36:13 tell the difference unless when it comes to babies and abortion oh 36:17 well you know this is all about a woman's choice. 36:21 So my sermon actually is going to be God is always pro-life. 36:25 And I'm going to show from the Bible he is. 36:27 I know right now these minds, Christian's minds and now wait a 36:31 minute God's not always, didn't he instruct this or didn't this 36:35 happen? 36:35 No, God is always pro-life. 36:38 The thief cometh not the devil but to steal, kill and to destroy. 36:42 Jesus says I'm come to give you life and give it more abundantly. 36:45 And he says I knew you, you just saw the scripture there a while ago 36:49 before I formed you in the womb and I ordained you. 36:52 Isn't that beautiful? 36:56 just the last camp meeting we had the two daughters and sons and 37:02 daughters so our grandbabies the wives were standing Trinity and 37:06 Palmetto standing sideways and you could see their bellies sticking 37:09 out. 37:10 Many of the people according to a few research in our own church 37:13 would have said it's okay to I'm going to call it murder those 37:17 babies. 37:18 They'll say abort those babies. 37:20 This camp meeting just a few days we'll have the actual babies. 37:24 They have their own personalities. 37:25 They laugh, they cry. 37:27 They do all the things that the rest of us do. 37:29 They say papa. 37:39 do that is we don't see life through Jesus' eyes. 37:43 If we saw life through God's eyes we would see that under that 37:48 covering is a real human being a creation of God that he ordained 37:53 before the foundation of the world had a plan as she said for each and 37:58 every one of us each and every one of you so to me abortion is a huge 38:02 lie that I don't see how anyone that when you study it and that's 38:07 why we've written the book that's why the sermon when you study it 38:10 out why anyone should be at this church or any other Christian can 38:15 possibly say that abortion is okay. 38:18 Again it's been so termed we've been so brainwashed that Planned 38:22 Parenthood for instance think of the name Planned Parenthood if it 38:26 said murder factory they'd bankrupt nobody would support them and 38:31 people wouldn't want the government giving them all the money, right? 38:34 They literally would bankrupt but they don't. 38:36 Planned Parenthood wow that sounds like we're going to help you as 38:39 parents we're going to train you how to no we're going to kill you 38:42 we're going to teach you how not to be a parent. 38:44 I mean all of this is such deception of the devil and we have 38:49 fallen for it many of our members in the church and our pastors I 38:54 hear pastors say oh well I'm against abortion but a woman should 38:57 have a choice we're going to talk about that. 39:00 We do have choice I'm glad we have choice Shelly but the same I told 39:04 one pastor okay so you're against abortion but you think a woman 39:10 should have a choice absolutely God created us with freedom of choice. 39:15 I say okay then how about the pedophile does he get to have 39:17 freedom of choice to molest your 12 year old daughter? 39:21 Is that so? 39:23 How about then it's okay to rape your wife and then murder and you? 39:27 It's okay to and the only thing standing between you me and your 39:31 beautiful home is you so I can just kill you right? 39:34 Because he says well the government shouldn't legislate moral laws. 39:39 I said but every country in the world communists when I went to 39:42 Russia they legislate moral laws of course they do because God knew man 39:47 would self-destruct so while the same time God gives us choice He 39:52 says thou shalt not murder so does that mean we have a choice to 39:56 murder? 40:00 doesn't differentiate between the born and the unborn and we have 40:04 bought it so many of us 42% according to the Pew research is 40:09 saying have interest in nearly in almost all conditions now there are 40:13 some I think only 19% say there shouldn't be any but then some say 40:19 you know with exceptions and I'm not even talking about exceptions 40:22 right now but we can't just sit and say well exceptions except for rape 40:27 and incest and you know Down syndrome children the Bible doesn't 40:32 say that so all we can do is preach the truth and it's between God and 40:36 the people and the mothers and the parents and those certain 40:39 conditions that's up to you but we can't condone that so we don't 40:43 condone it in the book we say there are certain things left up to the 40:47 individuals but here's what the Bible says and I believe that this 40:51 has been a huge downfall in our church I think we're on a downward 40:54 spiral, as long as we, and we're so happy and so thrilled, so 41:00 spiritually arrogant, that we are one of the few churches who preach 41:04 and keep the fourth commandment. 41:06 And on the other hand, many of us say, oh, it's okay to kill babies. 41:10 Really, it's just astounding to me, the deception. 41:14 So we're going to be talking about that at camp meeting. 41:16 We're talking about it in the book. 41:18 And all you got to do is you're just want to quickly add that many 41:24 of you while listening to him, to Danny talk, are probably saying, 41:29 oh, he's being political. 41:31 He's being, he's going off into a political talking point. 41:35 No, this is all about Bible. 41:36 When we talk about LGBTQ, it's about Bible. 41:40 When we talk about abortion, it's about Bible. 41:42 This is not, this is not some talking point. 41:45 The devil is so shrewd because he'll get you to turn away from 41:49 something because you think it is a political issue. 41:53 This is a spiritual issue. 41:56 And that's why we're addressing it because people have gotten off 42:00 track with what the Bible, what does the Bible say about it? 42:05 And that's what this is about. 42:07 So, you know, four years, your political dander gets all riled up. 42:11 Think about just put on a different lens and think about what the Bible 42:15 says about these. 42:17 It's anything but political, but that's the lie the devil has put 42:21 out for us to believe. 42:22 There's a few things that the Bible says God hates. 42:25 One of those is shedding of the innocent blood and hands that shed 42:29 innocent blood. 42:35 like Jase and friends? 42:37 I mean, no one on earth. 42:40 So God actually hates the murder of innocent, you know, shedding of 42:45 innocent blood. 42:46 So now this is nothing to do. 42:48 If it's in the way of your politics, I would really consider 42:52 changing, moving your politics to fit the Bible rather than the Bible 42:56 trying to fix your politics. 42:58 And that's what happens. 43:02 things that sound good and good, but sometimes people, churches are 43:09 trying to replace the gospel with trying to fix this world ourselves, 43:14 fix our problems. 43:15 And so we get distracted and so get involved in all of this that we 43:19 totally forget what we're supposed to be doing. 43:21 Anyway, I better quit. 43:22 No, no, this is fantastic. 43:24 You know, and I think that again, for me, that's where 3ABN Mr. Danny 43:27 is here for such a time as this too, because we keep talking about 43:29 it. 43:32 of God. 43:33 You cannot go wrong with that. 43:35 And this is a behind the scenes. 43:36 I'm going to be very open and honest with you too, right? 43:38 3ABN receives opposition because of the stance we have through the 43:41 years, Mr. Danny for 40 years, right? 43:43 We don't expect any of that to change, right? 43:46 Yeah. 43:46 Oh yeah. 43:49 We just go forward. 43:50 We stand on the word of God. 43:51 We continue to preach the message. 43:53 You've mentioned this through the years and that is the message the 43:56 vision that God gave you and 3ABN all these years, we've got to keep 44:01 true to that, stick to that, and God will take care of the rest. 44:04 And so thank you again for your prayers for the ministry of 3ABN. 44:07 I want to just mention this real quick, then talk to us about how 44:10 people can get these books, but just real quick is that this is 44:13 crossing denominations and we, many of you have been following us here 44:16 this year, especially when we've been talking about sending the 44:18 LGBTQ book. 44:19 Can the Christian church affirm LGBTQ? 44:21 We've sent them to many different churches, Baptist and Presbyterians 44:24 and Pentecostals and all of that and non-denominational and the 44:27 response that we have received here at 3ABN tells us again that 44:32 denominations people are looking for truth, looking for Bible based 44:35 truth. 44:38 Can the Christian church affirm LGBTQ? 44:40 I don't know why we can't do this with the abortion book too, by the 44:42 way. 44:45 We didn't even know a book like this exists. 44:47 Can we have cases of these books because in our Baptist church, our 44:50 pastor standing up and saying, this is incredible folks. 44:53 We have a lady that was just shared this week. 44:55 Someone at the call center received this call. 44:57 It was sitting on their Sunday school table and she was so excited 45:02 about this. 45:05 booklet. 45:09 So this across the nation and across the world as this subject, I 45:13 hate to say it within Christianity, to me, it's very simple. 45:16 It's in the word of God. 45:20 we're proclaiming the airwaves, internet and radio, et cetera. 45:23 But Jill, how can they get these books? 45:24 Because this is an amazing opportunity. 45:26 The call center is open right now. 45:27 Yes. 45:34 cases. 45:35 That's right. 45:39 printing of the book. 45:40 So all you pay is the shipping and handling costs. 45:42 So it's $30 for the shipping of a case of 200 of these abortion 45:47 booklets. 45:48 So they will be in by next week. 45:49 So you can place your orders right now and then we can start shipping 45:52 them out as soon as they come into the call center. 45:55 So give us a call 618-627-4651 or you can go online and you 46:04 can order the cases that way. 46:05 We want to get this biblical message out to the world. 46:09 I see we're coming down to the end of this time. 46:12 So Jason, we have one more program for dare to dream. 46:14 We want to talk about, and then Ricky, we got to come to social 46:17 media and YouTube and evangelism and all of that. 46:20 And Shelley, we got to talk about that too. 46:21 So let's go. 46:22 All right. 46:26 It's hosted by Raven white of wildwood lifestyle center. 46:29 It's a powerful program that addresses common issues in our 46:33 society, such as mental health, anxiety, trauma, sexual abuse, 46:40 fibroids, diabetes, all kinds of things like that from a holistic 46:44 point of view. 46:46 And so from a lifestyle point of view, we actually have a role of 46:48 that. 46:52 Let's go. 46:54 But when you talk about anxiety and depression, the key 46:56 neurotransmitter is serotonin. 46:58 Now in order for your body to make serotonin, which is the, um, I feel 47:02 satisfied brain chemical that keeps you from getting anxious in order 47:06 to make it, you need tryptophan, which is an amino acid. 47:09 We always say there's a lot of it in Turkey, but that's actually one 47:11 of the worst ways to get it. 47:14 Absolutely. 47:17 preferentially send the tryptophan across the blood brain barrier into 47:22 your mind to make serotonin. 47:24 And then that'll calm you down. 47:26 So why do we have so much anxiety? 47:27 One of them is the standard American diet is one that strips 47:31 the brain of the resource of tryptophan it needs when you're 47:34 eating highly processed foods, um, and foods and a lot of products. 47:39 They actually, it actually turns away, uh, turns down serotonin 47:43 production. 47:47 And then once anxious, the comfort foods feel even better because of 47:50 vicious cycle. 47:53 other part. 47:58 sleep. 48:00 They should not have to melatonin is something you should make 48:03 naturally when your diet is right and hygiene is right. 48:07 You will naturally make the melatonin you need to make. 48:09 Why is that important? 48:11 Melatonin is also indigenously highest antioxidant your body 48:16 produces. 48:17 So without melatonin, even though you eat all these great, great 48:20 vegetables and fruits during the day, melatonin at night is what 48:23 makes sure that the mitochondria in your cells don't overheat, send out 48:27 these free radicals and cause you damage and disease. 48:31 So without, that's the food part of it. 48:35 So in 1988, we came out with a new class of drugs called SSRI, 48:40 serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors. 48:42 In 1988, they were released. 48:44 Since then, the prescriptions for these things are up like 400%. 48:50 The most commonly prescribed drugs for 12 to 40 year olds in America, 48:57 millions and millions of dollars worth of these drugs are used. 48:59 Here's the irony, they don't work as good as exercise. 49:03 Wow, what a wealth of information. 49:05 And I love this new series, Jason, and it'll start airing soon. 49:08 I believe it hasn't started yet. 49:10 It's currently in the review process and then we'll get it 49:12 scheduled, promote it and it will be good to go. 49:15 Remedy roadmap. 49:16 Wow. 49:16 I like that. 49:18 Dr. Walsh is excellent. 49:20 Wonderful information. 49:21 I love that. 49:25 physical or emotional or whatever you're dealing with. 49:28 I thank you for your leadership, Jason, with 3B and Dare to Dream. 49:32 It's a great content and also thank you for letting Parent air some of 49:36 these series as well. 49:38 Usually they premiere on Dare to Dream, of course. 49:40 You know, you produce them and then of course we air them on Parent. 49:43 Some of them are just, they're all really good. 49:44 We do, back and forth. 49:46 Fantastic content. 49:48 But talking about evangelism and the tools of evangelism, we're 49:51 talking about the booklets and having that great opportunity to 49:54 share the booklets. 49:57 Like Jill mentioned, you can call the call center this evening. 49:59 They are open. 50:00 But Ricky, going to you, another great way of evangelism is through 50:04 social media. 50:06 And I see your cell phone there in front of you. 50:08 Most of us have cell phones and they're not really flip phones 50:11 anymore. 50:14 we can do evangelism very simply with our phones. 50:17 Yes. 50:17 Yes. 50:21 but one of the easiest ways that you at home can do this is simply 50:26 by going to YouTube. 50:28 And when you get on YouTube, search for a 3ABN channel. 50:32 And when you get there, you can subscribe to that channel. 50:34 So then you say, well, how does that help with evangelism? 50:39 Well, the more subscribers that we get for 3ABN on YouTube, that 50:46 increases the reach. 50:48 YouTube, it helps the analytics grow. 50:50 And then what YouTube then does is they say, Oh, this is, there's a 50:53 lot of people who are subscribed to this. 50:54 Let's send this out to more people. 50:57 And then it will even increase once you subscribe. 51:01 When you like one of the videos that you're watching, when you like 51:05 that, then people will see that YouTube sends that to the 51:08 analytics. 51:12 more people are watching this and they're liking it. 51:15 This must be really important. 51:16 Let me share this with someone else. 51:18 And so YouTube is now doing some evangelism for us. 51:21 What about that? 51:23 So let me show you how you can do that. 51:26 So here on my phone, go to the YouTube app. 51:29 And we can watch you right now on your phone. 51:31 Exactly. 51:38 My fingers could type. 51:41 And then there's the app or the channel. 51:44 And then right in the middle of the screen, there's a subscribe button. 51:46 So we'll hit right there, choose subscribe. 51:48 And then this part that comes up that says all the notifications, 51:52 click on all. 51:53 That's another helpful thing. 51:55 What that will do is every time 3ABN launches a video on our 52:03 channel, you will now get a notification for that. 52:07 And so then when you get a notification of that video, then 52:10 you can watch it then, or you can watch it later. 52:12 And then as you're watching that video, here, let me scroll here and 52:16 find a video. 52:16 Let's check out. 52:17 Let's go here to this one here. 52:20 So while you're watching this video here, there's a little like button 52:23 that's right there. 52:24 It's got 214 likes. 52:25 Click that button right there. 52:27 So you subscribe, you like, and then you can even share. 52:32 Hit the share button and hit the message or Facebook. 52:35 Share a number of different ways. 52:37 So there's three different ways that you can do some evangelism 52:39 that helps 3ABN and helps the gospel go around the world. 52:44 You can subscribe. 52:46 You can hit the all notifications. 52:48 You can like it. 52:49 That's three things now. 52:51 And then you can share it. 52:53 So four ways that you can help in evangelizing with 3ABN and getting 52:58 the message around the world. 53:00 And cause you know what? 53:01 I want to go home. 53:02 I know you want to go home. 53:04 And so the Lord is coming soon. 53:05 He wants to take us all home with us. 53:07 So let's be ready and let's evangelize. 53:09 Ricky, when you say subscribe, that doesn't cost you money. 53:14 You're not having to sign up and do money, right? 53:15 No, it doesn't cost anything. 53:17 So what we're suggesting that some of you want to help 3ABN, you say, 53:21 I really can't do anything. 53:22 I can't get out. 53:23 My health's not good. 53:24 I don't have money. 53:25 I can't do it. 53:30 And when you do, as you said, not only push like, but subscribe. 53:35 And as Ricky said, that then when, when YouTube sees that they send 53:39 this out. 53:44 should do that. 53:47 We got several hundred thousand, but the few million, because the 53:51 more people that you simply, and it'll tell you, go to YouTube, any 53:55 YouTube and it'll say, subscribe. 53:57 You just push the button, push the like, and then go through all the 54:01 3ABN programs. 54:02 And you can do that for hours at a time because that's what other 54:06 people are doing. 54:07 That's right. 54:12 With your thumb. 54:13 Yeah. 54:14 You can do that sitting in your chair at home. 54:16 Right. 54:17 That's great. 54:20 YouTube for years. 54:22 Well, I never subscribed. 54:23 Shame on me. 54:28 so, I did the subscribe. 54:30 I subscribed a long time ago. 54:33 Yes. 54:34 Good for you. 54:34 You're the good child. 54:35 I'm not so good. 54:37 So see, but I've been watching 3ABN on YouTube and I was like, oh, this 54:41 is great on, on the app and stuff. 54:42 So Ricky, when you mentioned that this is a key thing too, you said 54:44 click the all. 54:45 I hadn't, I did not do that either. 54:47 So when I subscribed, then I did the all and now I get the 54:49 notifications and it's just fantastic. 54:51 And I thought, wow, how neat is that? 54:52 Great way to do evangelism. 54:54 And it's super important to like when the video first launches. 54:56 That helps with the algorithm analytics on YouTube side. 55:01 So when you get the notification, even if you're busy, you pull it 55:04 down, you hit it and I hit like, and then I close it. 55:07 And that way, that way you get more likes at the beginning. 55:11 YouTube pushes it more. 55:12 Now it helps even if you go two weeks after, but it's most 55:16 important like in the first, what, 30 minutes, hour after the program. 55:19 So for camp meeting this week, you know, whenever this comes out on 55:23 YouTube, hit it right away. 55:25 And you'll be notified if you subscribe. 55:28 So when you subscribe, you'll be notified immediately. 55:29 Like, Hey, here's a new video up. 55:31 So yeah, absolutely. 55:32 Thank you, Ricky, for what you're doing. 55:34 I mean, what a great to me, another way to evangelize very easy, very 55:37 simple for people at home. 55:39 Thank you for your leadership there too. 55:41 And we should give a quick update to Shelly several weeks ago or a 55:44 month or so ago, we were talking about the reprint of the spotless 55:47 book, which you have right there in front of you. 55:50 And we were asking for support for the second printing, which will 55:53 include some Spanish as well. 55:55 The Spanish translation is done. 55:58 It's Sin Mancha. 55:59 This book, like yours, reaches people of all denominations. 56:04 Now, Danny, you said everybody in the Seventh-day Adventist Church 56:08 ought to read this, but Doug Batchelor has said this is an 56:12 evangelism in a book and an evangelistic series in a book. 56:17 And what we're getting are reports of people who've given in to all 56:22 different denominations and people are responding. 56:25 So I want to thank those of you. 56:28 We've already raised, we have sponsors have sent in 65,000. 56:34 We still need $40,000 before we get this order in for another 52,000 56:42 books that we can give away for shipping only. 56:46 And I just have to say this book, I don't get any glory. 56:51 It's all Bible. 56:52 And all I did was knit the scriptures together as the Lord led 56:57 me. 56:58 But this book exalts Jesus Christ. 57:02 This book will have you standing in holy wonder of what God has done 57:08 for you. 57:09 So we ask you to please support the second printing of this. 57:15 It's when you call in, it's code 3 1 7 or if you go online, it's 57:22 spotless 3 1 7. 57:25 Amen. 57:25 Absolutely. 57:26 Thank you, Shelley. 57:27 Down to the end of this first hour. 57:29 Thank you all for being here. 57:30 Thank you for being family. 57:32 We would trade out family for the second hour, but call center right 57:36 now for the abortion book, the cases or to give some funds for 57:40 spotless and we'll be right back. |
Revised 2024-09-19