3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240028B

00:11 Well, welcome back from the diabetes conversation.
00:15 Had a wonderful conversation.
00:16 You know, now we had to change.
00:18 We don't want to mess up those shirts.
00:20 No, no, no, no.
00:25 So that therefore, well, this is a light brown, yours a dark brown.
00:28 It's okay.
00:29 It's close enough, right?
00:30 It's close enough.
00:30 All right.
00:31 Talked about that diabetes.
00:32 Well, yes, we did.
00:36 that was talk about a couple of things that's actually going on
00:39 with us.
00:40 Oh, upcoming events?
00:42 Yeah.
00:44 We want to get everything in the first hour.
00:47 So on this end, we're going to talk about our upcoming events.
00:50 So you want to get out your pad, pencil, or your cell phone, because
00:55 there's some dates about three things that's coming up within the
00:58 next few months here, 2024.
01:00 And so let's go to the screen and look at where we're going to be in
01:04 the coming months as well.
01:05 So let's go to the screen at this time.
01:07 The Women and Men's Wellness Day.
01:09 All right.
01:15 Adventist Church that's there in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
01:19 And so contact information is 707 -803-2421.
01:26 Again, 707-803-2421.
01:33 That's the Men's and Women's Wellness Day.
01:36 And my wife, she has a program.
01:39 Just briefly talk about yours and then I'll talk about mine just
01:42 briefly, honey.
01:42 It's about women's health.
01:43 Yeah, women's health.
01:45 All the things that go on with women, because a lot of times you
01:46 don't hear that.
01:50 We have a packed house to talk about women and their hair health.
01:54 Okay.
01:56 The women have one area.
01:57 I have the men in that other area.
01:59 And my presentation is entitled Bedroom, Belly, and Beyond.
02:04 All right.
02:08 simultaneously there at the Oakland's Park Seventh Day
02:10 Adventist Church.
02:11 All right.
02:11 Next one.
02:12 Okay.
02:13 All right.
02:16 Controlling Cancer Conference.
02:18 That's right.
02:19 Controlling Cancer Conference.
02:21 October 12th at the Glendale Seventh Day Adventist Church in
02:25 Indianapolis, Indiana.
02:27 All right.
02:36 Again, 281-217-4634.
02:42 That's at the Glendale Seventh Day Adventist Church, October the 12th.
02:46 That's a Saturday.
02:52 the same presentation, male and female presentations as well.
02:56 And we'll divide those groups out on that Sunday as well.
02:59 So dealing with cancer.
03:01 And that was good because we're going to be talking about cancer.
03:04 Yes.
03:07 Breast cancer, prostate, lung, and colorectal.
03:11 So yeah.
03:15 church, we do In the Pink Sap.
03:17 That's right.
03:18 In the Pink Sap.
03:19 Everybody's got pink on.
03:20 Even a pastor has a pink bow and stuff as well.
03:23 It's a big day.
03:24 And also I do My Story.
03:26 That's right.
03:34 And conqueror.
03:35 And a conqueror.
03:35 We changed the name.
03:36 I think you're going to make it, honey.
03:38 I think you're going to pull through.
03:39 I think she's going to pull through.
03:40 18 years, yeah.
03:41 And they've done this program on 3ABN as well.
03:43 That's right.
03:47 only am I an 18-year survivor, no chemo, no radiation, no hormone
03:51 treatment.
03:52 It's God all the way.
03:54 God's diet.
03:55 God's lifestyle.
03:56 I'm still here.
03:57 I'm still here.
03:58 I'm still here.
04:01 I still have people all the time.
04:03 My wife, we did do chemotherapy.
04:07 None poisonous chemotherapy.
04:10 And then we got one.
04:13 Oh yeah.
04:13 All right.
04:15 And so now the last one coming up.
04:17 This is kind of like a special research that's going on currently
04:22 in the Huntsville area.
04:24 This is the Black Longevity Study, a Contributing Longevity in Blacks
04:29 in Huntsville, Alabama.
04:31 So this is a study done by the researchers at Oakwood University.
04:35 It's going on as we speak.
04:37 So if African Americans, if you live in the Huntsville, Alabama
04:41 area or a 25-mile radius that includes basically North Alabama
04:47 and you have to be 85 years or older, not Hispanic.
04:52 You do not even have to be a seven -day Adventist and they will go to
04:56 your home or location of your choice, agreed location, and
05:01 they'll come to you or come to your home.
05:03 And this is a study done on the longevity of people in that area.
05:07 And this is the contact information, also the number as
05:11 well.
05:13 The email is blackstudyproject .gmail.com.
05:19 Again, blackstudyproject.gmail.com.
05:24 And the telephone number is 256-326 -5243.
05:29 Again, 256-326-5243.
05:35 They will come to your home or a location decided.
05:39 And also, there's a compensation as well going through this study.
05:42 There's a little bit of a stipend to get now.
05:44 There is a longevity, disproportionate longevity in the
05:50 Huntsville, Alabama area.
05:52 So now the study is being done by the researchers at Oakwood
05:55 University.
05:56 And it's going to be good too.
05:59 good is that they actually do studies because believe it or not
06:02 in the Huntsville, Alabama area, even in our own one church, which
06:06 is First Church, there are many individuals in this church who are
06:10 not only 85, they are 90, 95.
06:13 We even have 100-year-old individuals in the church as well.
06:17 So the study is coming down to see what is going on and what's going
06:20 on with our health and longevity about how we get to live so much
06:24 longer.
06:25 I love it.
06:25 I love it.
06:31 the end of this month.
06:32 So you need to call as soon as possible.
06:36 And there'll be some compensation on that as well.
06:38 So I look forward to getting information and you can contact
06:42 Duff if you missed that number as well.
06:44 All right.
06:46 those dates out there.
06:47 Yes.
06:48 You're always asking questions.
06:49 Where are you guys at?
06:50 When are you coming to my area?
06:51 And they can also call their relatives and let them know we're
06:53 coming to the area they're going to be in as well.
06:55 So it's a good way to do that as well.
06:57 That's our 2024 schedule for this year.
07:04 And now 2025 is already booked already.
07:08 So, but anyway, that's 2024.
07:10 So looking forward to being in your area in the Indianapolis, Indiana,
07:15 and also Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
07:17 I love it.
07:18 I love it.
07:18 I love it.
07:21 Yes.
07:26 the way that God works with us.
07:28 And I mean, if we do, we are supposed to do how things can
07:32 correct themselves and sometimes not even correct, but can stop it
07:35 from going any further.
07:36 And so with that diabetes, defeating diabetes, that's why it's
07:39 called defeating diabetes, not only to keep from having diabetes, but
07:43 also once you have diabetes, being able to get a control method on it.
07:48 Yeah.
07:51 mentioned this, I can't remember.
07:53 If you see the commercials on television, it usually talks about
07:56 the medication for diabetes.
07:58 And the medication is geared to get your A1c below 7%.
08:05 Now think about that.
08:07 Medications on television, the commercial, get your A1c below 7%.
08:11 Well, now for a lot of people, you're still a diabetic.
08:14 That's right.
08:17 So we want those individuals to get it not just below 7%, but in the
08:22 normal range, which is 5.6% or lower.
08:27 Therefore, you're no longer diabetic or pre-diabetic.
08:30 That's normal range, no medication at all.
08:34 Again, ask your healthcare professional before you incorporate
08:38 any integrative or lifestyle medicine as far as that's
08:41 concerned.
08:44 that talking about simple carbs and the complex carbs.
08:48 We talked about the refined carbs and then we ended up with the ultra
08:52 refined.
08:52 The worst.
08:58 of what people are actually doing and alternatives.
09:02 But you know on 3ABN, when we bring the food in and we fix it, it is
09:07 like, go, go.
09:09 Knock down, drag out good.
09:11 That's your term.
09:12 Knock down, drag out good.
09:15 And once again, I'm really glad to be able to do this program too,
09:18 Chris, because we're able to bring in our veggies from our garden.
09:22 Oh, yes.
09:23 You want to show that picture now?
09:25 Yeah, let's go show this picture.
09:27 Let's go master garden there.
09:29 Now, that's one of our four by eight gardens.
09:32 We have two of those and you see there, those are the simple
09:37 carbohydrates, all right?
09:39 And complex.
09:40 And complex, right.
09:45 I know you're getting hungry.
09:46 And that garden is literally weed free.
09:51 Four by eight, raised bed garden.
09:53 It's part of a study, by the way, instead of Alabama.
09:55 So we are going to go to our very first.
09:57 Okay.
09:58 This is actually called Mexican cuisine.
10:01 Oh, okay.
10:02 I love Mexican food.
10:03 We got a lot of stuff that we're going to be doing.
10:04 The first one is going to be a steak fajita.
10:07 Oh, all right.
10:08 Let's look at the ingredients.
10:09 It calls for three tablespoons of canola oil, one eight ounce package
10:14 of satan slices.
10:16 One medium onion, sliced.
10:19 One medium green pepper, sliced.
10:21 One medium red pepper, sliced.
10:24 Two garlic cloves, chopped.
10:26 And four to six, stand and stuff taco shells.
10:32 And we're going to add to that one, one cup of your favorite salsa,
10:36 four tablespoons of soy sour cream and one tablespoon of chives.
10:41 Okay, now that's what that stand and stuff.
10:45 Stand and stuff.
10:45 I've never heard that.
10:47 Well, you know, the taco shells used to come out and they were
10:49 pointed.
10:53 just break on you.
10:55 This is actually called a stand and stuff shell because believe it or
10:59 not.
11:00 It stands up.
11:01 It stands up on its own and you can put your food in it.
11:04 Look at that.
11:04 It stands.
11:06 And you can put your food inside of that.
11:08 There you go.
11:09 Yeah, stand and stuff.
11:13 you.
11:13 Yes, okay.
11:17 Stand and stuff.
11:18 So we're going to show them that.
11:20 Stand and stuff.
11:21 That's the name of the shell.
11:23 Now, you know, you can also take this whole thing too and you can
11:25 take a whole wheat tortilla shell.
11:28 You can also use that as well.
11:30 But I want something a little bit different.
11:32 You know, we come on a show.
11:35 Give you a lot of variety because people always say I eat the vegan
11:39 stuff and I just get tired of it.
11:40 Well, we always try to bring something new on the show.
11:43 So that you can see what's going on.
11:44 And this is a good one.
11:45 Keep watching 3 Airbnb.
11:46 You should never get tired of eating plant-based not just our
11:49 cooking program but other cooking programs as well.
11:51 I like this one here because also it's a quick and easy one.
11:54 And I know that before in the past when I was doing my satin which was
11:58 actually done with the gluten base that you actually had to make it
12:01 all from scratch.
12:02 Now they actually have it at the store already ready to go.
12:05 And because it's kind of like a mock steak that draws your
12:09 attention, doesn't it?
12:10 My steak eating friends.
12:11 So it's a mock steak that we're going to be making.
12:15 Okay.
12:16 I'll let Miss Kelly get ready, get hot itself.
12:18 Now, honey, now the mock steak.
12:20 Now there's a lot on the market as far as meat alternatives.
12:23 Right.
12:24 A lot of brands.
12:29 No, no, no.
12:30 Oh, this is a regular shelf.
12:31 In a cold area where you have your tofu and your best and stuff.
12:35 It's actually there.
12:36 Already packed as well.
12:37 So it's not in the can.
12:38 No, it's not in the can at all.
12:41 than just...
12:42 And we're trying to keep that down.
12:43 Right.
12:43 Okay, good.
12:47 a little bit or cut it up.
12:48 It comes in chunks, but you can slice a little bit more.
12:51 Supposed to give the assimilation of the steak.
12:52 Is it already seasoned?
12:54 Already ready to go.
12:55 Already ready to go.
12:56 We're just going to be adding other things to it.
12:57 So I'm going to get you to go ahead and get that pepper ready for me.
12:59 Okay.
13:02 And once we get our pan nice and hot, I'm going to go ahead and put
13:05 the canola oil in.
13:08 All right.
13:11 oil.
13:16 that food is.
13:20 to an olive oil, it will change the texture of the actual product
13:24 itself and bring on that flavor a lot stronger.
13:26 We want this flavor to be exactly like it needs to be.
13:29 So Kirsten is getting that ready.
13:31 I'm going to just take my spatula and we're going to move it around.
13:37 And by the way, it is already pre -cooked.
13:40 So you don't have to do a whole lot of cooking, which I really like
13:43 also.
13:48 Okay.
13:49 I'm going to add this to this.
13:50 Yes, you can add that to that.
13:51 Okay.
13:52 And not a whole lot of cooking here.
13:54 I'm going to turn this up a little bit more.
13:55 Let me just do this so I can turn it up.
14:00 And just a little bit of, you want to try and just get it brown, but
14:03 not really look, not really brown brown.
14:06 Because it's already brown in color.
14:08 But just we're salting that for a hot second.
14:10 I'm going to put that back there.
14:13 And so the peppers and the onions came from the garden.
14:17 The garden.
14:18 And I've even grown garlic.
14:21 Now that's my surprise.
14:21 That's true too.
14:23 Garlic, one clove of garlic, one clove can go into the soil with the
14:29 point of the garlic up in the air.
14:32 It goes down into the soil.
14:33 And in 10 months, it is a complete garlic bub.
14:39 Come on now.
14:40 Only God can do that.
14:43 I can't believe it.
14:44 You can't believe it.
14:45 One clove is an entire bub.
14:47 There you go.
14:51 Yes.
14:51 Right?
14:51 Yes.
14:52 And so I like that.
14:53 I like that.
14:55 I remember Senator Lawrence Ellen White says that those who have a
14:58 property and also a garden live like kings and queens.
15:02 Yes.
15:04 Self-sustaining and growing your own produce.
15:06 And once you grow a garden, folks, I mean, tomatoes, cucumbers, you do
15:10 not want to buy a tomato at a store again.
15:13 I mean, once you taste it.
15:14 Well, you're different.
15:15 Yeah, it's totally different.
15:16 Yes.
15:17 Totally different.
15:21 Not only is the food good, but also it gives you a chance to go out and
15:25 sit in nature.
15:26 Yes.
15:32 down.
15:32 Talked about stress also.
15:34 Oh, yes.
15:34 Talked about stress.
15:35 Yeah.
15:41 you know, and we said about the brain and the brain's main food is
15:46 glucose, the brain.
15:47 Yes.
15:53 Bible or research on health until I eat my breakfast first.
15:59 Then I get that glucose.
16:01 Then I study afterwards because the brain's food is glucose.
16:05 And then who do you ask to bring you in when you study the Word of
16:10 God?
16:11 The Holy Spirit.
16:14 Now, because the Holy Spirit...
16:14 It guides us into all truth.
16:16 ...by direct and lead and everything.
16:18 That bowl that you had a few minutes ago?
16:19 Yes.
16:20 You want to burn it?
16:22 You can see how it's got a little brown going on.
16:24 We don't want it to burn.
16:25 You want it to actually just get a little brown.
16:28 It's supposed to give assimilation of steak, of course, you know.
16:31 So I'm going to put it back into the bowl because then we got the
16:33 next part of this one to do as well.
16:35 All right.
16:38 All righty.
16:39 And what's the name of this?
16:41 Sautéing.
16:42 Sautéing, okay.
16:43 Now, this is going to be in the produce section.
16:46 Where they have tofu.
16:47 Where they have the tofu.
16:47 What are the tofu?
16:48 Coal items.
16:49 Coal items, okay.
16:50 That's where it's going to be at.
16:52 I made...
16:53 And it's already seasoned.
16:54 You don't have to really just heat it?
16:56 No, it's already ready to go.
16:57 Ready to go.
17:00 Why don't you go ahead and put in the peppers and onions.
17:03 A spatula, yeah.
17:04 No, just go ahead and put them in.
17:05 I'll stir it around.
17:06 Okay.
17:07 All right, so we got the...
17:10 Okay, you want a spatula.
17:11 Here we go.
17:12 Yeah, there you go.
17:13 Okay.
17:14 And then the other...
17:15 Go ahead, red peppers.
17:16 Red peppers.
17:16 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
17:17 This is all from our garden.
17:19 Yeah, uh-huh.
17:20 All right.
17:20 And the onions.
17:22 Okay.
17:22 Turn that down a little bit.
17:25 So folks, we have simple and complex carbohydrates.
17:32 We have the good.
17:33 There's no bad and there's no ugly.
17:35 Just the good.
17:36 That's it.
17:37 That's it.
17:41 doesn't look good, it doesn't smell good.
17:44 If it's not economical, nobody's going to bother with it.
17:48 Nobody's going to bother with it.
17:49 Nobody's going to bother with it.
17:54 a cooking class and they made a...
17:56 We're going to make a green split pea burger.
17:59 And I was like, okay, I'm out of here because...
18:03 Burgers are not supposed to be green.
18:04 They're not supposed to be green.
18:05 Will be brown.
18:06 Because we eat with our eyes.
18:07 Oh, that's right.
18:10 Uh-huh.
18:16 And so along with that...
18:18 I began praying and our daughter said, Mommy, if you don't really
18:22 like what's going on with the food, why don't you do your own?
18:26 Coming out of their mouth of babes.
18:27 Out of the mouth of babes, she talked about it.
18:30 And once she said that, I said, okay, yeah, let's do something
18:32 about it.
18:36 it.
18:39 that's when I got involved in vegetarian cooking.
18:42 And not always a vegetarian.
18:44 I didn't really get to be a vegetarian until after I got
18:46 involved in the church.
18:51 diseases, if indeed they would eat the wrong foods instead of the
18:56 right foods.
19:00 You took a class on Councils on Dice and Foods by Aquilla Wright in
19:06 Georgia.
19:07 Was that correct?
19:08 Yes, that's my first one.
19:08 And it's a whole class from...
19:10 It's a book called Councils on Dice and Foods, all right, by Ellen
19:13 White.
19:17 Just studied a lot.
19:20 And I also learned that, believe it or not, you don't have to throw the
19:23 baby out with the bathroom.
19:25 Believe it or not, it's just changing of things, changing things
19:27 out, all right?
19:33 already know you got your above purpose onions going on.
19:35 So I'm going to put that back in, okay?
19:39 And what's going to happen is I'm going to put the lid on this.
19:41 It only takes a few minutes.
19:42 Remember now, everything is already pre-cooked.
19:44 I'm going to put the lid on top of it and let it just simmer for a hot
19:48 second.
19:52 to stuff it in a shell and we're going to talk about the other
19:54 things that go with that as well.
19:56 Let's look at the very next ingredient.
19:58 Okay, let's do it, honey.
20:00 Mexican brown rice.
20:03 It calls for one tablespoon of canola oil, one garlic clove
20:07 minced, one medium green pepper diced, one medium onion diced,
20:13 three cups of brown rice steamed, one cup of diced tomatoes, one cup
20:20 of tomato sauce, one half teaspoon of cayenne pepper is optional and
20:26 one teaspoon of sea salt.
20:29 Okay, we're going to get this ready to go.
20:31 All right.
20:31 Turn the stove on.
20:32 Okay, you want me to go ahead and get this cut.
20:36 Let this turn down.
20:38 And this recipe is another good one.
20:40 It's a quick one.
20:41 Already pre-did the brown rice, steamed the brown rice, talking
20:44 about defeating diabetes.
20:45 Instead of white rice, we're doing brown rice.
20:48 All right.
20:48 There you go.
20:49 We're going to get that.
20:49 Complex carbohydrates.
20:51 We're going to go ahead and put our oil in.
20:53 All right, to get it started.
20:59 onions and garlic.
21:00 All of these are the seasonings that make things taste good.
21:03 You know, really and truly, a lot of times people say to me, well,
21:06 the food tastes kind of bland.
21:07 Now that's because you got to season that food.
21:09 You got to put the seasoning in in order to get the flavors you want.
21:13 And unlike the meat dishes that we have, you're going to have, you
21:17 will notice that that when you're doing any kind of plant-based food,
21:20 it actually gets better as it moves along because then all the
21:23 seasonings get in.
21:24 So we're going to go ahead and put in the onions.
21:26 Now about the brown rice.
21:28 Now, sometimes people say, well, it takes too long to cook brown rice.
21:33 Can you talk about that?
21:34 Because we hear that quite a bit.
21:36 I mean, you can get a rice cooker, which I purchased you one for you.
21:40 What else?
21:41 Well, I thought you, that's where I stopped.
21:44 You can kind of take it over from there, honey.
21:46 Okay.
21:47 Okay.
21:48 Brown rice is going to take a little bit longer.
21:50 Yeah.
21:53 minutes.
21:54 Okay.
21:57 that.
22:01 parboiled.
22:02 You put in the packs in water, hot water.
22:04 Okay.
22:07 is concerned.
22:11 kernel with the hole on it.
22:13 And so as it's cooking, it's going to be more better for us, got more
22:17 fiber going on.
22:18 It's not like white rice.
22:19 Now I do have people say, well, I still don't like the white rice, I
22:22 mean the brown rice.
22:27 skillet with no oil in it.
22:30 You can put your brown rice in a skillet, in a simmer.
22:33 And you're going to just let it, you hear it popping like, you know,
22:35 popcorn dust.
22:39 of hot boiling water.
22:41 And voila, you also get brown rice already steamed and also not as
22:46 hard.
22:46 Right.
22:49 Or simply purchase a rice cooker.
22:52 You can purchase a rice cooker as well.
22:54 Yes, you can.
22:57 So there you go.
22:58 So brown rice going in, the complex carbohydrates.
23:02 Yes, yes, yes.
23:07 That's the bottom line.
23:07 That's the bottom line.
23:08 Bottom line is get that fiber in.
23:10 Fiber in, yes.
23:11 And also the complex carbohydrates.
23:15 Yes.
23:16 It's going to bring in the complex carbohydrates.
23:19 We're trying to defeat that diabetes.
23:21 We need to find other ways to fix foods and not say, well, I can't
23:25 have that.
23:28 white rice.
23:29 No, yes, you can.
23:30 Yes, there you go.
23:32 All right.
23:36 Yes, you have.
23:37 And the reason why all right.
23:39 Okay.
23:39 So I'm going to go ahead.
23:41 I want you to go ahead and put the garlic in for me, babe.
23:42 The garlic, okay.
23:44 You know, we got to make sure.
23:45 Put that there.
23:46 Okay.
23:47 All right.
23:48 Now, if the color is right now, it's okay.
23:51 But we got to change this because remember we said it's a this is a
23:54 Mexican cuisine program.
23:56 Let's go ahead and put in the diced tomatoes.
23:58 Okay, diced tomatoes.
24:01 Now we're going to see the coloring of the foods changes personality,
24:06 changes color.
24:11 Okay.
24:12 And of course, it's starting to change now.
24:15 Change this color.
24:16 Go ahead on and put in the tomato sauce.
24:19 Tomato sauce going in.
24:20 All right.
24:23 There you go.
24:25 This is also a real nice dish to do for the holidays.
24:28 You know, Thanksgiving, Christmas, the red, the green, the yellow,
24:32 orange, all those kind of colors that people are used to seeing.
24:35 Look at that.
24:36 Look at that.
24:36 Look at that.
24:37 Changing his personality.
24:39 This is so good and it goes along very good with the steak, the steak
24:44 fajitas that we actually have already made.
24:47 Now we're going to start putting the seasoning in.
24:48 Okay, so now what we have here.
24:50 I'm going to use another spoon.
24:52 All right.
24:53 And now we've got onion powder.
24:55 Onion powder.
24:56 Have the sea salt.
24:57 Sea salt.
24:57 And we also have, okay, the Olay.
25:00 Cayenne pepper.
25:01 Yeah, we do.
25:02 We got a little kick.
25:03 Cayenne pepper.
25:04 They make you say Olay.
25:05 Just a small amount of it.
25:08 You don't have to use it.
25:09 It is optional.
25:10 Which one is first?
25:11 It doesn't really matter.
25:12 It does not matter.
25:13 Go ahead and do that.
25:14 All right.
25:15 All right.
25:16 All right.
25:17 It's a small amount of it.
25:18 And this is the...
25:19 This is the onion powder.
25:24 Going in.
25:25 And a little sea salt.
25:26 And then a little bit of the sea salt going in.
25:28 You want all that, honey?
25:29 Yep.
25:30 Okay.
25:30 Okay.
25:31 So I make the rice up some time ahead of time.
25:34 Or you might have a dish you're making up that has rice in it and
25:37 you have rice left over.
25:38 Guess what?
25:39 I put it in a plastic container.
25:40 Put it in a refrigerator.
25:42 A lot of time people say, well, you cook all the time.
25:44 I cook a lot on Sundays.
25:46 I get everything ready on a Sunday so that when I'm going through the
25:49 week, I don't just say, okay, Monday we're having rice and
25:51 Tuesday we're going to have something else and rice is coming
25:53 back.
25:54 I do all my rice for the week.
25:55 I do all my stuff on a Sunday so things are ready to go.
25:58 It takes us quicker.
25:59 It's easier.
26:00 Is this not beautiful or what?
26:02 Look at that.
26:04 You're beautiful.
26:05 I'm looking at you too.
26:06 Thank you.
26:06 The dish and you.
26:10 But that's okay.
26:12 I'm preparing my attention to the person who's preparing the dish.
26:14 Okay, Ducky.
26:15 All right.
26:16 I'm throwing you off a little bit.
26:17 Yes, you are.
26:18 So let's go to the very next recipe that goes along with it.
26:20 Oh, you changed recipes just because of that.
26:22 Can we look at the next recipe?
26:24 We're making guacamole.
26:27 Guacamole, it calls for two ripe avocados, one tablespoon of lime
26:33 juice, one half green pepper, one tablespoon of lemon juice, two
26:39 scallions chopped, one small tomato chopped, one teaspoon of olive oil,
26:47 one teaspoon of fresh cilantro chopped, and sea salt to taste.
26:54 Now I see that you brought your friends who love to use.
26:59 There you go.
27:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
27:01 I like this.
27:02 Yes.
27:07 High tech.
27:08 So this is a lemon juice squeezer.
27:10 Is it a lime juice squeezer?
27:12 Yeah, lemons, limes, uh-huh.
27:14 Whatever.
27:14 Okay.
27:18 Let's go ahead and do that for him.
27:19 So you put this in there.
27:20 Do you got a close-up with this?
27:21 Because this is really half of that right there.
27:25 Okay.
27:25 And then this goes on top.
27:27 Okay, they really got a close-up.
27:29 Okay, the pressure is on.
27:31 It's on and we have juice.
27:36 Now where do you want me to put this juice?
27:38 Because I'm through.
27:40 Did you really squeeze it really well, honey?
27:44 That's enough.
27:45 Okay.
27:46 Okay, now I've already got the avocado.
27:48 I've already taken and mashed it up and got it ready.
27:51 Now you'll notice sometime when you do an avocado, if it sits too long,
27:54 it'll start turning that brown color.
27:56 Okay, that's because of the oxygen.
27:58 What you can do is because it is using a lemon and lime, you can
28:01 take lemon juice itself, the lemon you're going to be using in the
28:04 product, and you can just kind of sprinkle it along with you mashed
28:07 up your avocado while you're waiting to get the rest of your
28:09 ingredients together.
28:11 And it will keep the avocado in that green color instead of having
28:13 it turn brown.
28:14 Just another for your information kind of thing.
28:17 Okay.
28:19 Oh yeah, okay.
28:21 So how much lime did I get?
28:22 Well, not a whole lot because let's go ahead.
28:24 I'll let you guess.
28:25 Uh -huh.
28:26 Uh-huh.
28:26 Oh yeah.
28:27 Oh yeah.
28:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
28:29 There you go.
28:29 Okay.
28:32 That was quick and easy.
28:34 Yeah, it's a good time.
28:35 Avocado.
28:40 have guacamole?
28:42 This is a simple but also fruit and non-starchy vegetable.
28:52 So avocado falls into that category.
28:54 Avocado falls in?
28:55 There you go.
28:55 Yeah.
28:59 Green peppers, once again.
29:02 We rolled the peppers in our garden.
29:05 So we're going to just stir that up.
29:07 And we're also going to put in there, let's go ahead and put our
29:09 tomatoes, which also came from the garden.
29:12 We're going to put the tomatoes in.
29:13 Chopped tomatoes.
29:14 Which technically is a fruit.
29:17 Once again, once again, once again.
29:19 A seed within itself, Genesis 1, 29.
29:23 Although people think of it as a vegetable, tomato and a cucumber,
29:29 they're fruits.
29:30 And avocado.
29:31 Technically, all right, because they have a seed.
29:33 Got the seed in the center.
29:34 Got the seed going on.
29:35 Okay.
29:38 season.
29:39 We got the cilantro.
29:40 Go ahead and put the cilantro in.
29:41 Okay.
29:42 All right.
29:46 whatever, just go ahead and get dry cilantro as well.
29:50 Because it just helps to make this recipe come out really good.
29:52 Then we're also going to be adding in the, that's the lemon juice.
29:56 Lemon juice.
29:57 Already did a line.
29:58 Okay.
29:59 We're going to add the salt in.
30:01 Okay.
30:04 And we're going to add in the olive oil.
30:06 Olive oil going in.
30:10 All right.
30:11 This is also, once again, we eat with our eyes.
30:13 This is a very pretty dish.
30:15 Yeah, a little bit more of that.
30:16 Thank you, honey.
30:18 A real pretty dish.
30:19 Now from this, there's two things that can happen.
30:22 Number one, number one, is you can actually, now because you can make
30:26 a chunky guacamole just like this and serve it up with chips, or you
30:31 can put it on your toast or whatever.
30:34 But we're going to actually make it a little bit more softer, but still
30:36 we want to see those colors in here as well.
30:38 So we can open that up, my love.
30:41 Oh, the whole thing.
30:42 Okay.
30:43 The top.
30:43 Yes.
30:43 Okay.
30:44 Now I'm going to use my spatula.
30:46 Now you got, what's that chives?
30:48 Yeah, that's going to be, that's not going to go right this minute.
30:50 Not yet.
30:51 Okay.
30:51 Okay.
30:52 I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to put in.
30:56 Now can we turn this on high?
30:58 What's the highest level?
30:59 No, it cannot go on high.
31:00 I don't want it to turn.
31:01 You don't want it to the highest level?
31:01 No, honey.
31:02 No, we cannot do that.
31:03 Okay.
31:03 Okay.
31:04 You can see that he loves to do that.
31:06 I learned that from two of the two men.
31:08 I know.
31:08 What, Tim the Two Man?
31:09 You've been watching too many of those shows.
31:11 Okay.
31:14 He'd be on a roll.
31:15 Okay.
31:16 I want a pure recent brick.
31:18 What's the highest level possible?
31:20 I need smoke coming out of this machine.
31:23 Okay.
31:24 That's the reason why I turn around and I do it.
31:27 Oh, okay.
31:27 I just don't be trusting you.
31:29 You don't be trusting me.
31:30 You should also trust your husband.
31:32 Yeah, it depends on what instrument he's using.
31:36 Yeah.
31:36 So with this in mind.
31:38 We're going to have a long ride home after this program.
31:40 Okay.
31:41 Okay.
31:42 So this is 3ABN, it's not ours.
31:45 I'm not used to it.
31:46 Okay, you do it.
31:47 Yeah, I'm not used to that one.
31:51 Now, the word is.
31:53 The word is.
31:54 Pulse.
31:55 Pulse.
31:55 So you just pulse.
32:07 Hold up.
32:08 Hold up.
32:12 Okay.
32:14 Okay.
32:15 It's coming.
32:17 All right.
32:18 We're going to do some more pulsing.
32:21 What's so funny, honey?
32:23 You are funny.
32:24 Okay, go ahead.
32:24 Pulse a little bit more.
32:29 All right.
32:31 Okay.
32:33 I'll do that last one.
32:38 Okay.
32:38 So you still have your tamales.
32:40 You can see them in there.
32:43 down as well.
32:44 I'm going to take it out.
32:46 Let's take it off of here.
32:49 Okay.
32:53 Next time we bring it on.
32:55 Yeah, we're not used to this one.
32:58 It's got a different kind of a personality going on.
33:01 I just want you to see what that looks like.
33:03 Look at that.
33:05 Nice texture.
33:07 Like I said before, your tortilla chips or whatever you want to put
33:11 on there.
33:14 well.
33:17 to our very next recipe that we're going to be doing and that is black
33:21 bean salsa.
33:22 One 15 ounce can of black beans drained.
33:26 One 15 ounce can of diced tomatoes with green chiles.
33:31 One and a half cup of scallions minced.
33:34 Four tablespoons of lime juice.
33:37 Fresh one and a half cup of fresh coriander minced.
33:42 This is another good one, Curtis.
33:44 Let's talk for a hot second though, because I said can and you know, we
33:48 talk about can.
33:49 We're talking about the defeating diabetes.
33:50 So we want to try to stay away from as much as possible.
33:54 Okay.
33:55 We know fresh is always best.
33:58 Frozen.
33:59 Frozen.
34:02 Why the frozen better?
34:04 Well, as soon as the food is picked from the source, they flash freeze
34:09 or flash froze the food itself.
34:11 So it locks in the freshness.
34:13 And so therefore with that in mind, it keeps in all the nutrients.
34:16 Now, if it's fresh, unless it's a farmer's market, by the time you
34:21 eat it from the grocery store, it may be past the seven days or 10
34:25 days and loses nutritional value.
34:27 So sometimes frozen may be better than fresh.
34:32 It's flash frozen, locks in the nutrients.
34:35 So just keep that in mind as well.
34:36 Unless it's at a local farmer's market, then of course, fresh may
34:42 be a little bit better.
34:45 really turn things over fast.
34:47 You want to go to places to get real good food.
34:49 The canned beans, you can actually cook the beans, the black beans
34:52 from scratch.
34:55 cooker and cook the beans in a slow cooker.
34:58 But you know, people say to me now when they watch our program, I
35:02 don't have time for all that cooking, Paula and all that stuff.
35:06 So guess what?
35:07 They're actually black beans in a can with no salt.
35:11 Oh, okay.
35:12 Black beans in a can, you'll see the word organic, no salt added.
35:15 You have more opportunity to mix in your seasonings when you do it that
35:19 way.
35:23 sodium content is too high.
35:25 If indeed you can't find it, the no sodium canned black beans, then you
35:30 want to make sure when you bring your black beans home, that you
35:32 actually rinse them off.
35:34 Rinse them off with your cold water.
35:36 That'll take a lot of the sodium away completely.
35:39 And you're right back where we started from, sodium free.
35:42 Not only want our diabetics to think about the fat and the sugar,
35:46 but also we want them to think about the sodium levels as well.
35:49 And so we have that.
35:50 And then the tomatoes with chilies, you can make that from scratch, or
35:56 they already have that once again in the store, and tomatoes with the
36:02 chilies already there.
36:03 So that's another option that's open to you as available as well.
36:07 And of course, the bottom line is that because we're talking about
36:10 defeating diabetes, think about it.
36:12 Already on the show, we did a Mexican rice.
36:15 We did a mock steak fajita.
36:18 And then we turned around and now we're actually doing, well, we did
36:21 the guacamole, all right?
36:22 So you know already, you're saying to yourself, you know, this is not
36:25 a bad idea.
36:26 I really think I could do this, okay?
36:29 Because we try to do foods that are called superfoods, foods you're
36:33 used to.
36:34 And a superfood is that a food that you grew up under.
36:38 You know, your mom, your mom and dad, or your mama cooking in the
36:41 kitchen, there were certain foods.
36:43 The holidays came up, your birthday came up, or whatever, and you would
36:46 always say, hey mom, would you fix this and so for me?
36:48 Well, when we look at these foods, superfoods, they are foods that you
36:52 bring in from when you're younger to your adulthood, and you still
36:56 like them, all right?
36:57 And what we're doing, because we're talking about defeating diabetes,
37:00 is we're not throwing out foods you're used to.
37:02 You've had guacamole, you've had Mexican rice, and you've even had
37:06 steak fajitas, all right?
37:08 We just did them differently this time.
37:09 We did them differently this time, okay?
37:11 And tortilla shells too.
37:13 Sometimes it's enriched, tortilla shells.
37:16 Now you have whole wheat, all right?
37:18 You want to get that dietary fiber, the dietary fiber, all right, on
37:23 your breads, all right?
37:24 Look at the dietary fiber.
37:26 Even on your pastas, all right?
37:29 The dietary fiber.
37:30 You want to be over about 20% of dietary fiber on your pastas, so
37:35 make sure it's whole wheat, but again, the dietary fiber as to
37:39 controlling diabetes and glucose, blood sugar levels.
37:43 So, you know, we already mentioned about the fact about those instant
37:46 pastas, you know, white spaghetti noodles and all that.
37:50 Enriched, yeah, all of that.
37:51 They now have also thin whole wheat pasta noodles.
37:57 Good, yeah.
37:58 They have the elbow noodle.
38:01 They have the spaghetti noodle, all that.
38:03 Whole wheat.
38:07 concerned.
38:10 actually getting into?
38:11 Try to eat more healthier.
38:13 It's in the stores.
38:16 No more regular grocery store, all right?
38:19 Make it easy for yourself.
38:21 It's really easy to defeat diabetes.
38:23 It really is, and even type one diabetes, because sometimes people
38:30 say, well, that's irreversible, but type one can also be reversible
38:35 while we can establish and rebirth those beta cells in the pancreas.
38:41 Type one diabetes.
38:42 Type one, type one, type two.
38:44 The name of the game, and that type two, by the way, type two basically
38:47 is usually more of an onset adult because it just comes from not good
38:52 eating habits throughout your life that eventually you wind up with
38:56 something like type two diabetes, all right?
38:59 So let's get to this recipe because this is an easy one also.
39:03 I'm going to just put in in this one recipe because I'm going to put
39:06 into our blender.
39:07 Okay, open this up.
39:09 Yes.
39:12 Okay, okay.
39:13 I'm going to put in half.
39:15 You're going to say the other half or something else?
39:18 The other ones are going into, but you know, when you're doing these
39:20 foods, you don't want you want all the color, texture, all that's a
39:24 part of it, all right?
39:25 So with that in mind, even though it's getting crazy here, it's
39:28 getting crazy going down, go down.
39:30 Okay, even with all that going on, the name of the game is you want it
39:34 also.
39:37 You want to save some of it because we want texture and color.
39:42 All right, now we're going to go ahead and let me add this.
39:44 Let's take the spoon, babe.
39:45 We're going to do half of the half of this.
39:47 Yes.
39:48 Okay.
39:49 Have that as well.
39:53 That's enough.
39:54 Okay.
39:57 Okay, and got some on the table too.
40:01 Okay.
40:02 All right.
40:03 Anything else going on here?
40:07 we're going to do the beans.
40:08 Go ahead and put that on top.
40:09 Oh, that's it.
40:09 We're going to pulse that.
40:10 We're going to pulse it.
40:13 Okay, see?
40:15 Okay.
40:15 Pulse?
40:16 Yes.
40:23 I was going to tell you one of the things is a secret to this, this
40:26 one here, this food processor, is that this piece here goes over this
40:30 silver piece in the center.
40:32 Okay.
40:33 Let's go ahead and do that again.
40:38 Okay, got it.
40:39 Okay.
40:39 There's no use of this one.
40:46 Okay.
40:46 All right.
40:48 Okay.
40:48 Okay.
40:54 this one, and we're going to go ahead on and pour this into the
40:57 bowl.
40:58 So this is a pureed.
41:00 You don't want to make it real, real soft, but remember now, black
41:04 bean salsa, oh yeah, with some corn chips, yeah, uh-huh.
41:09 Honey hush.
41:10 Okay.
41:13 chips, a lot of those are now corn type chips.
41:16 Corn chips.
41:17 They got black bean chips out there.
41:19 All of these are things also seasoned, taste good, and so you
41:24 don't have to say, well, I can't, I can't, I can't do vegetarian.
41:28 I can't do it.
41:28 Yes, you can.
41:29 Well, the word is whole foods, plant based.
41:33 Plant based.
41:34 That's what you will see.
41:35 That was you.
41:39 Absolutely.
41:39 Yes.
41:42 No, we're going, we're finished now.
41:44 Guess what I'm going to do now.
41:50 And I'm going to also put in the tomato with chilies.
41:59 I'm going to stir that up.
42:01 Look at that combination.
42:02 The thing is we eat with our eyes.
42:05 If it looks good, smells good, economical, I'm willing to try it.
42:10 And you can see that what we've been preparing here in the whole
42:14 Mexican cuisine is that it's not, it's also economical and also it
42:20 looks good.
42:21 And we haven't even finished yet.
42:23 Okay, so now we're getting ready to put in, we're going to put in the
42:28 lime juice.
42:28 Lime juice.
42:32 And we're also going to put in the cilantro.
42:36 All right.
42:37 This is coriander.
42:39 Okay.
42:40 Now this, is this from my garden too?
42:42 Yes.
42:42 Yes.
42:42 Okay.
42:43 Yes.
42:44 Will you smell that smell?
42:45 Can you smell that?
42:46 You can smell the lime.
42:47 You smell all the different combinations here.
42:50 This is, and this is going to be...
42:52 Scallions?
42:53 These are the, these are the, yes, the scallion.
42:58 Yeah, you want to put that in?
42:59 Yes.
42:59 Okay.
43:01 All right.
43:01 There you go.
43:03 Yummy, yummy.
43:05 Look at that.
43:06 Look at the color.
43:07 Once again, beautiful color.
43:11 I just always say, God made everything beautiful in his time.
43:13 When you think about the foods and stuff that we have on the
43:15 marketplace.
43:20 Someone says, I don't eat any carbs whatsoever.
43:23 Oh yeah, yeah.
43:23 I'm on, I'm on a low carb diet.
43:26 No carb.
43:27 Okay.
43:27 So what are you trying to say?
43:29 What?
43:32 I don't eat any pasta.
43:33 I just eat mostly fruit.
43:37 What did he say?
43:38 Fruit is a carbohydrate.
43:41 So that's why we explain the different types of carbohydrates.
43:45 All right.
43:46 So, and they're like almost like potatoes.
43:48 So I only eat potatoes.
43:50 Potatoes is good as long as you eat it with the skin on.
43:56 The potato said, please keep my skin on.
43:59 Yes.
44:03 oil.
44:03 There you go.
44:04 Now I went from complex to refined.
44:07 Okay.
44:08 But I know what you said.
44:09 Did she take the French fries away?
44:11 No.
44:12 Just guess what?
44:12 Oh, yes.
44:18 into strips like you would see a regular French fry.
44:21 You can actually put, spray your sheet pan, put it in the oven about
44:26 between 375 and 400 degrees.
44:29 Guess what?
44:31 In a few minutes, you will have French fries.
44:34 Yes, you will.
44:34 That's not fried.
44:36 French fries done in baking.
44:38 Yes.
44:42 So the bottom line is that we find people that says they have a lot of
44:46 excuses, but you know what?
44:49 The excuse is nothing compared to what can happen if we continue to
44:53 eat and do the things we're doing.
44:55 We're just asking for trouble.
44:57 And folks, let me just say this.
44:58 We want to keep all our limbs on our bodies.
45:03 Yes, yes, yes.
45:04 The foot, the toe, the leg.
45:06 I've seen too many of those over the years and it's needless that
45:11 amputations are 150,000 per year and that happens every three and a
45:17 half minutes.
45:19 Well, we know.
45:19 It doesn't have to be.
45:24 amputated.
45:25 Unfortunately, you say later they're going to come back and
45:28 they're going to have.
45:29 I've seen that in surgery where we do a person's foot either at the
45:34 ankle or half a foot come back maybe a year or two years later.
45:38 I know it's the same person.
45:39 Oh, wait a minute.
45:44 order.
45:48 I recognize that happened more than once, more than once.
45:51 So you see in this program it doesn't happen to you.
45:55 Well, you know, of course, we're in health evangelism so one of the
45:57 things that we enjoy doing is going to another state or even our own
46:01 area we live in and putting on these conferences and defeating
46:05 diabetes is an actual conference that we do and people where we used
46:10 to do it in churches.
46:11 Now we do it in hotels, convention centers because when you take it
46:14 out into the community where the people are those who really have
46:17 things going on when you move into the community and they see a
46:21 defeating diabetes conference coming up.
46:23 Guess what?
46:24 The people come from everywhere not only the person who has diabetes
46:29 but also the children of those individuals, the wife or husband of
46:33 those individuals because they want to know how can I get this together
46:38 where I'm at right now the state I'm in right now.
46:40 Yes.
46:41 Is there any hope for me?
46:42 There's always hope.
46:44 God is the God of second chances and if we will do what we need to
46:48 do he will do what he will always do and that is save our lives.
46:53 So in South Central Conference next year, Pentecost 2025.
46:59 So in South Central Conference we're adding health evangelism to
47:05 Pentecost 2025 next year and we encourage others who are watching
47:09 as well to incorporate also health evangelism.
47:14 This is Christ's ministry Matthew 423 the first time the word gospel
47:20 is used in the Bible in the New Testament.
47:22 The second time Matthew 935 the third time Matthew 11 verse 5 all
47:29 three times the word gospel is used and also ministering to the
47:32 people's physical needs is also included as well.
47:35 Oh yeah.
47:38 I know she's not going to have dessert on this program because
47:40 we're talking about defeating diabetes.
47:41 People say, oh if I'm a diabetic I cannot have any desserts.
47:45 No dessert.
47:46 We've heard that before.
47:47 All right we got a dessert for you on this one also Defeating
47:50 Diabetes.
47:50 Look at this recipe.
47:52 All right let's do it.
47:53 Grilled pineapples.
47:56 It calls for one fresh pineapple peeled and cut into slices either
48:02 half inch or three fourth inch cuts and then one tablespoon of canola
48:06 oil.
48:08 All right.
48:11 to finish up with that pineapple.
48:13 Yeah I already put things out already that we have done.
48:16 So we're going to add to that this last recipe honey.
48:20 Last one and believe it or not fresh pineapple.
48:23 Fresh pineapple.
48:25 Okay not canned pineapple.
48:29 Fresh pineapple.
48:32 No we don't want that.
48:33 Fresh pineapple.
48:34 So all I'm going to do is actually I'm going to paint them with a
48:36 little bit of the canola oil.
48:38 Oh okay.
48:39 Okay so that we can get we need ridges on it.
48:42 Yeah now your skillet skillet is heating now okay.
48:46 Yep I need it to be let's make sure the skillet will be ready to do
48:50 some grilling for real for real.
48:53 Mm-hmm I'll turn down if I need to.
48:55 Okay all right because you want to make sure the skillet is nice and
48:58 hot.
49:00 Yes once I put it in here I'll paint it.
49:02 Oh okay okay.
49:03 You turn it over.
49:09 down so that you can get the lines on it all right.
49:11 Okay so let's go ahead on and get our first one up and just put it on
49:17 the grill.
49:21 Yeah I've heard so many times oh I'm a die to beg I cannot have
49:26 fruit and I don't know how many times we've heard that right honey.
49:30 I don't know.
49:34 God.
49:40 if there's natural sugars in there and with the fiber.
49:46 Now let me let me say this there is a lot of pineapple recipes on the
49:52 market.
49:53 Okay pineapple recipes.
49:55 Yes.
49:58 we're trying to keep it simple and they actually was requesting
50:02 because people say where do you get your recipes from?
50:03 I look at a lot of recipes I try to see if I can change them up to make
50:07 them more healthy if I really can I leave them alone but when I saw the
50:11 pineapple one I actually thought to myself what if we use a fresh
50:14 pineapple what if we cut it ourselves.
50:17 Okay.
50:20 had cinnamon and they had sugar but they actually coated on top of the
50:24 pineapple.
50:24 Oh okay.
50:27 defeating diabetes so we definitely can't be doing any sugar.
50:30 God already put the sweetness in the pineapple already.
50:33 Yeah yeah yeah.
50:37 Okay so I test it because I love that you know my main thing is is
50:42 food research looking at foods and seeing how.
50:46 Stylists.
50:49 how's it going to look like the things that you're used to eating
50:51 you know and so with that in mind I say well what if I just put a
50:55 little bit of I need canola oil or you're gonna have to spray your
50:58 skillet with that.
50:58 Okay.
51:01 sugar in it.
51:02 Oh actually that's right that's right so we'll stick that's right.
51:04 So the bottom line is that you want to do something so I said well let
51:06 me try a little bit of canola oil and put the canola oil on top of
51:11 the coconut I mean coconut on top of the pineapple.
51:13 Okay.
51:18 stripes across it then I flip it over on the other side and so
51:21 therefore you still want to get your dessert because it is once
51:24 again a simple carbohydrate trade.
51:27 And the thing about it is because it's fruit now my blood sugar goes
51:31 up your blood sugar supposed to go up.
51:34 Yes.
51:38 maybe two hours or so and then go back down to a normal level so this
51:42 is quick energy right here fruit and also complex carbohydrates and
51:49 also no process that's the bad and no ultra process that's the ugly.
51:56 That's the ugly.
51:57 That's the ugly.
51:58 So what did we do today?
51:59 We did we did steak mock steak fajitas and on those fajitas you
52:05 can always add I got the soy sour cream and I got the the salsa to go
52:09 with that as well all right and then we did a Mexican rice.
52:12 All right Mexican brown rice.
52:15 Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.
52:16 Complex.
52:17 Then we did guacamole.
52:19 Guacamole.
52:20 Guacamole.
52:21 To tear chips.
52:22 The chips going with it.
52:23 Corn to tear chips all right and then we also went to our black bean
52:27 salsa.
52:29 Yes complex carbohydrates all right black beans.
52:32 And then we did our grill.
52:33 Let's just see.
52:34 Now we're doing some more grill here.
52:35 Let's see if we're going to get us a let's see what we got let's see
52:37 if we did anything at all.
52:39 I got a little bit turning.
52:40 Yeah it's turning.
52:43 Make sure you get those lines on it.
52:45 Yeah right and these are absolutely I don't know if you can smell that
52:49 you can smell that pineapple is doing this thing right now so the
52:53 combination.
52:55 Usually if you don't you say I'm not I'm not going to get no
52:57 pineapple and be cutting it all up and everything that's just too much
53:00 work.
53:05 already cut the pineapple up for you.
53:08 Cut it up took all the skin off of it put it into a round container.
53:12 Okay and you can purchase it that way already ready to go.
53:16 All you have to do is slice it into the size that you actually want to
53:18 slice it.
53:21 So much more convenient.
53:22 You don't have to work yourself to death.
53:23 So that that's the name of the game and don't forget we actually talked
53:26 about the effect of the stuffum shells that you can actually get
53:30 also in the marketplace.
53:31 What's it standing stuff?
53:34 Standing stuff shells.
53:35 Most of the time people see those and they're used to putting lettuce
53:37 and tomatoes and onions in it and that kind of way.
53:40 But these we have a mock steak.
53:43 Yes.
53:44 Right a mock steak.
53:44 Yes.
53:46 Now the sauce the white what is that we didn't do that did we?
53:50 In the middle of the sour cream.
53:51 The sour cream.
53:52 And the salsa actually goes on that fajita.
53:56 Oh I see okay.
53:57 Then you pick it up and then you eat it that way.
53:59 Oh okay yes.
54:01 So I like this right here where they each have their own little
54:04 slot where they belong.
54:06 Belongs to them there as well.
54:07 Those are also out there on the marketplace.
54:09 I'm always looking for something different.
54:11 Always always what's going on what's going on.
54:13 Let's see how we're doing with the okay now it's coming with the lines
54:16 now.
54:17 Yes okay there we go all right let's see let's see yeah.
54:24 Okay this is working right now.
54:26 Yes yes.
54:26 So they look really good.
54:28 They're ready you want to make sure your skill is hot.
54:30 Remember don't forget to put the canola oil on top of it to get the
54:32 lines you to get.
54:36 finished product.
54:39 So we're going to add that to our tray already.
54:42 Is it ready to go now or just about a little bit more.
54:44 Second I want to go ahead and turn the heat off.
54:47 Okay yeah you can smell the smell.
54:50 I think we have now interested in my wife cookbooks.
54:54 I think we have the information just put that on the screen.
54:56 Our contact information should be on the bottom of the screen there
54:59 it is.
55:04 That's my personal sale as well and contact us about the recipes and
55:09 also the cookbooks that we have available.
55:12 You have two cookbooks so just briefly talk about those two.
55:16 Vegetarian cooking made easy and global vegetarian cookbook made
55:21 easy.
55:22 Now they're called vegetarian but it's basically all a hundred
55:25 percent plant-based although it's called vegetarian it's actually
55:29 plant -based and so the first one has about 120 recipes that's
55:33 vegetarian cooking made easy.
55:35 The second one global has over 160 recipes.
55:39 Yes.
55:45 recipes in either one.
55:46 They're different recipes.
55:48 So one is mostly American recipes done in a healthier format.
55:51 And global.
55:55 Italian, etc.
55:56 And I have to test all of these recipes.
55:59 I mean I'm up to my ankles doing this.
56:02 I mean some might have to do it and I'm the guy but just keep those
56:06 recipes coming honey.
56:07 I can't tell you how many people say can I possibly come into your
56:10 home and test those recipes out.
56:12 Yeah and I'll say no not today and tomorrow it's not looking good
56:16 either all right.
56:17 So we got just a few more minutes.
56:18 Can we sample this before we go out or just maybe a little bit or just
56:24 maybe a piece or something because we just I got my eye on a clock and
56:31 baby this is going to be hot.
56:32 Now baby you hot too baby.
56:35 But I want I want the pineapple right now for right now.
56:37 So let's kind of go with that.
56:40 Oh see okay see you kicked me again.
56:44 Okay stop it.
56:46 Okay honey we got well okay.
56:51 Okay it's time to close.
56:53 John 10 10 Jesus said I come that they might have life and have it
57:00 more abundantly.
57:02 See you next time.


Revised 2024-09-05