3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240026B

00:03 Hello
00:10 and welcome back to 3ABN Behind the Scenes program.
00:13 We're so glad that you've joined us this evening.
00:15 You know Jill, it seems like the first hour and every hour always
00:18 seems like it goes much faster than about 60 minutes, but I know time
00:21 doesn't speed up or slow down, but it's always exciting when we talk
00:25 about evangelism, about what the Lord is doing, and it's just great.
00:28 We mentioned it at the beginning of the first hour, but thank you for
00:31 being a part of the 3ABN family and again for your support of this
00:35 ministry, for your prayers.
00:37 We hear from so many of you every single day here at 3ABN about for
00:41 your prayers and your support of the ministry.
00:43 Thank you very much because without you and of course without the Lord
00:46 Jesus Christ, 3ABN would not be able to reach the entire world.
00:51 And what an incredible message 3ABN has to share and that message is
00:56 from the Word of God.
00:58 And so 3ABN, like we were talking in the first hour, it's all about
01:02 the message and the message hasn't changed.
01:04 God's Word always stays the same, right?
01:07 God doesn't change either.
01:09 It's just maybe the methods we're talking about AI and how it was
01:12 originally satellite, how we sent the signal out.
01:14 Now it's through the internet in many other ways.
01:17 So what a blessing to be alive at this moment in our history.
01:19 What great means we have is spreading the Gospel.
01:22 Absolutely, and I was thinking as we look into the Word of God, we
01:24 discover new nuances, not that there's new truth, but there's
01:29 growth in our understanding and our knowledge of truth.
01:32 And speaking of that, we have some of my favorite people on the set
01:36 today, Pastor John Lomacane and his beautiful wife, Angela.
01:40 And Pastor John, I just love it because you are one of my, I can
01:45 just say, I can say this, I can say this.
01:47 You are one of my heroes.
01:49 Just your knowledge of the Word of God and the gifts that God has
01:54 given to you to share the Word and to preach the Word and to be
02:00 faithful to share that Word.
02:02 And the growth and understanding that God gives you with the Word,
02:05 thank you.
02:10 you're here tonight.
02:11 Praise God.
02:12 And you know, praise the Lord.
02:16 I give them all the glory for that.
02:18 You guys have been the senior pastor here, of course, the
02:20 Thompsonville Seventh Adventist Church for over 20 years.
02:23 Yes, I can't believe it's been that long.
02:25 The only evidence is the color of my hair.
02:29 I decided somewhere along the way to stop coloring it.
02:33 It's distinguished.
02:35 One of our church youth actually, one Sabbath, one of the 16 year old
02:40 young lady, she said, Pastor, stop coloring it here.
02:43 Did you know the Bible says the glory of the old man is as great
02:46 here?
02:52 So I decided to free everybody else that was coloring their hair and we
02:55 had a lot of people that followed that suit, but time should be an
03:00 opportunity to learn more of God's Word.
03:02 It is true, the Word of God is revelatory.
03:05 You know, Jesus said to the disciples, I have many things to
03:08 say to you now, but you cannot bear it.
03:10 And earlier in our growth, we could look at the Word of God through the
03:14 window of where we were and understand it this way.
03:18 But all of a sudden the Lord chooses the time to say, I want to
03:23 show you that, but you will not have the season where you could
03:27 receive it.
03:28 So I give God the glory for the season.
03:30 We're seasoned and His Word is so sweet.
03:33 And I would say to Angie, I said, repeating sermons to me is like old
03:37 food.
03:42 And even sermons that I've preached, I look back on it and
03:44 said, there's so much I left out.
03:46 I told her that the other day, there's so much I left out, but
03:49 then that was 11 years ago.
03:51 Praise God for that.
03:52 Amen, absolutely.
03:53 Coming around the table, here's some more of our favorite people,
03:57 Jason and Francine Bergman.
03:58 We love working with both of you, work closely with you, of course,
04:01 Jason in administration as our CFO and Francine being our Kids Network
04:07 General Manager.
04:08 So thank you both so much for being here tonight.
04:10 Well, it's good to be here after being at ASI in the Camp Ruins.
04:15 So it's good to get back into the trenches again.
04:17 It is, it's been a busy summer.
04:19 It has been.
04:20 It's spring into summer.
04:21 It has.
04:22 For sure.
04:25 Re and ASI and all of that.
04:27 God is doing again great things and it's neat to see the work of God
04:30 expanding and growing around the world.
04:33 At the end of the first hour, we talked just a little bit about camp
04:36 meeting, but we want to talk a little bit more about 3ABN's
04:39 homecoming camp meeting.
04:40 But before we do, we want to go to a roll right now that talks about
04:43 3ABN's camp meeting.
04:49 Let's hear from you.
04:50 Are you excited to be here at 3ABN Camp Meeting?
04:52 Yeah.
04:59 So when I come here, I just feel the presence of the Lord and I meet
05:03 a lot of amazing people here and I'm just so grateful for this
05:06 opportunity to come to 3ABN.
05:09 We've loved every message that we've heard.
05:12 Every presenter that has come on, we've said, oh, is this one going
05:14 to be better than the last?
05:16 And everyone just keeps on getting better and better.
05:18 We're preaching the Word of God, uplifting the Lord Jesus Christ.
05:21 What can be better?
05:23 It's also been like a big family.
05:25 You could just talk to anyone that you walk by and say hi and you're
05:27 getting smiles back and love back and you feel like this is my sister
05:30 here and this is my brother here.
05:32 So that's been awesome.
05:36 Join us for 3ABN's homecoming camp meeting, Revival of Righteousness,
05:41 September 26th through 28th.
05:46 Wow, camp meeting is always so fun, isn't it?
05:48 Yay, I can't wait.
05:49 We cannot wait for you to be here.
05:51 You are part of our 3ABN family.
05:53 We love it when you come on down to Southern Illinois and we have that
05:58 opportunity to fellowship together and have spiritual renewal with the
06:02 meetings.
06:03 What an incredible blessing camp meeting is.
06:04 I was just thinking, come on down, come on up, come on over, east,
06:08 south, north, south, east, west, whatever, just come on to 3ABN.
06:11 We're having an in-person camp meeting right here at 3ABN.
06:15 If you've never been before, great time to come here because we give
06:18 tours of the facilities.
06:20 We also have, what do we call it with plan giving?
06:23 Plan giving trust services.
06:24 Yes, plan giving trust services.
06:26 They have a workshop.
06:27 We don't like to call it a seminar.
06:29 It's actually a workshop, which is great.
06:31 We've got kids' meetings, Francine.
06:33 Absolutely.
06:34 And free meals.
06:35 Yep, free meals.
06:36 Yeah, it's a fun time, the kids love it.
06:38 So even though there's school in session, we'd love to have the
06:40 kids, so bring them on.
06:41 I'm really excited about this, right?
06:43 This is behind the scenes.
06:44 We're not going to tell anybody but you, okay?
06:46 So we've just about finished the hay wagon, right?
06:49 So the carpenters in our shop have been working on rebuilding the hay
06:52 wagon.
06:56 Well, the whole structure was falling apart, so it's almost done.
06:59 It's going to be ready in time for fall camp.
07:01 We have hay rides with a real tractor, a real hay or straw, I
07:05 should say, in there.
07:06 And it's going to be giving you a ride up and down.
07:09 Sabbath night, Lord willing, that the weather's perfect.
07:11 We have a bonfire out there.
07:13 You can enjoy all the spiritual feasts, foods, physical food, like
07:17 Jason was mentioning.
07:17 The food is free.
07:19 But then there's some fun time for the family as well here.
07:21 We're at the Thribians on a beautiful campus that God has given
07:23 to us.
07:24 A lot of acres to spread out.
07:26 It was so fun at the summer camp and to see the kids and the
07:28 families with picnics and all that spread out across Thribian.
07:32 Fun, fun time.
07:33 You've been to many camp meetings before, Pastor.
07:34 Oh yes, the children of Israel.
07:36 Thank the Lord he held the bad weather back.
07:40 You didn't have much to do with it.
07:42 No, yeah.
07:42 Camp meeting is always a blessing.
07:43 What sticks out to you is really a blessing about camp.
07:46 I mean, we talk about fellowship.
07:47 Anything sticks out in particular?
07:49 So, you know, just a fellowship.
07:50 I remember camp meeting as a kid in Garden State Academy in New Jersey
07:56 and sitting around with all your friends, having a meal, just
08:02 getting to know and just socializing and talking about how
08:07 great the meetings were and how as we grow we see the Lord in just a
08:12 new light.
08:13 You know, that is true.
08:16 meeting because you can discuss the messages that you've just heard.
08:19 And I love the kids, Francine.
08:20 And I'm thinking about summer camp meeting.
08:22 You were packed.
08:23 I mean, the classrooms were like overflowing.
08:25 It was a wonderful situation to deal with because the kids had a
08:30 wonderful attitude and all of them.
08:32 You know, the biggest thing that you see is some of them come from
08:35 non -admetist families or, you know, from the public school and
08:39 you see them wanting to give their heart to Christ and they want to
08:43 follow up when they get back home and they're telling their friends.
08:46 And so, to me, that's the big thing that stands out is that it's
08:49 encouraging one another because maybe they don't have the same
08:53 group of friends or it's just nice that they see each other again and
08:57 they come back again.
08:59 So, to me, that stands out with the kids, you know, wanting to give
09:03 their heart to Christ.
09:04 No, that's a beautiful thing.
09:05 What about you, Angie?
09:06 What stands out for you in camp meeting?
09:08 Well, I grew up going to camp meeting, you know, from Victory
09:11 Lake camp meeting.
09:12 That was upstate New York.
09:15 And just the people we meet here, I just love meeting people.
09:20 I'm a people person.
09:21 So, I love meeting people because we're all a part of the family of
09:24 God.
09:29 But I love meeting people and getting to know them, not just
09:34 meeting them, getting to know them about their life and praying with
09:38 them.
09:41 To me, I love that.
09:43 Yeah, what about you?
09:45 I love that you mentioned the prayer time because we have a
09:47 prayer time early in the morning and at our camp meetings.
09:51 And you can watch on TV, you can watch online, which is an
09:55 incredible thing to do if you cannot come and be here in person.
09:58 But if you can be here in person, what a spiritual feast to join that
10:01 early morning prayer time and to see the Holy Spirit be poured out
10:06 and to see what God is doing.
10:08 So, that's incredible.
10:09 Sorry, Pastor John, I know we're coming to you.
10:11 So, what about you?
10:12 You know, camp meeting reminds me that our work is not in vain.
10:15 You know, when you see people that are willing to come and some people
10:19 are, they look forward to camp meeting.
10:22 They say, see you in the fall, see you in the spring.
10:25 And it's kind of funny.
10:27 It's almost a rhetorical thing.
10:28 We've heard it because the Spirit of God does something different
10:31 every camp meeting and it's almost becoming customary to people say,
10:35 this one was better than the last one.
10:37 This one was better than the last one.
10:39 Well, this one was better than the last one.
10:40 The Lord always gives different flavor and the reason why coming to
10:45 camp meeting, if you can make it come physically here because I
10:49 would say to people, you might enjoy it on television.
10:51 But then again, which one would you prefer, watching Thanksgiving or
10:55 enjoying the meal?
10:56 Enjoying the actual food, you're right.
10:58 So, it reminds me that the work of 3ABN, the work of reaching out to
11:02 people is not in vain because when they pull you aside and say, two
11:07 years ago, I had no clue until I heard that message or that sermon
11:13 and they mentioned numbers of speakers and sometimes they
11:15 mentioned me also and they say, thank you for being the difference
11:19 between where I was and where I am.
11:21 It's like, wow, sometimes as one pastor said to me, he was down here
11:24 and said, the reason why pastors like cutting grass is because
11:28 that's the only time they get immediate results.
11:31 But camp meeting reminds us, keep cutting grass because there are
11:35 people that are part of that beautiful grooming of God's grace.
11:40 So I love camp meeting for that reason.
11:42 Amen, absolutely.
11:44 Just reference some of the, we talked about the speakers.
11:47 Of course, Pastor C.A.
11:48 Murray is going to be in here as well as Elder Mark Finley.
11:51 So we'll have both of them and our internal speakers as well.
11:55 But I just want to read our theme is revival of righteousness.
11:58 We talked the first hour quite a bit about the theme of
12:01 righteousness by faith as evidenced in Shelly's new book, Spotless the
12:05 Everlasting Covenant.
12:11 of God and the knowledge and understanding that Christ's
12:16 righteousness can cover me.
12:19 And so as we go through this theme, we're looking at the true gospel,
12:22 repentance and confession, consecration, prayer, growing up
12:27 into Christ, discipleship, staying on course, keeping our mind fixed
12:32 on Jesus.
12:33 Of course, our Sabbath School panel and church with Danny Shelton.
12:37 Then though the heavens fall, building our faith and how you and
12:41 I are to release doubt, the joy of the Lord and standing for Christ.
12:47 Now some of these topics might seem a little familiar to you and that's
12:51 because we patterned it after the book steps to Christ.
12:54 So took that theme of that book steps to Christ, which is just so
12:59 important for us as Christians to grow in grace and grow in Jesus and
13:03 patterned it after that.
13:04 But it's all about revival of righteousness.
13:06 So we invite you to come on down and we would love to spend that
13:10 camp meeting together.
13:11 So those dates again are September 26 through 28 here at 3ABN.
13:18 And again, like Jill mentioned, if you cannot be here in person, you
13:22 can always watch on 3ABN.
13:23 Of course, it's on 3ABN radio as well.
13:25 Angie, right, you work in radio.
13:27 We want to encourage you to call the call center tonight if you're
13:30 bringing an RV, that's really important.
13:32 So the call center is open tonight.
13:33 And the reason you need to call the call center if you're bringing an
13:36 RV is because that's registration.
13:38 There's no fee at all.
13:39 Everything is complimentary as Jason was mentioning, which is a
13:41 great blessing.
13:44 meeting.
13:48 meeting.
13:50 That way we can have a spot for you.
13:52 Your name will be right there on a little tag.
13:54 So that way when you come, you know exactly where to go.
13:56 So if you're planning on bringing an RV, there are a few spots left
13:59 right there by the worship center, which is kind of the primary.
14:01 It's really close to the eating, to the main meetings, to the bath
14:04 house.
14:10 you're coming to 3ABN's fall homecoming camp meeting.
14:14 Great time of fellowship.
14:14 Looking forward to it.
14:15 Amen.
14:16 Absolutely.
14:19 night.
14:21 So tell us quickly about that in case someone is in that area and
14:23 want to come.
14:24 We're doing a radio rally.
14:25 Okay.
14:25 Where at?
14:26 In Cookeville, Tennessee.
14:27 All right.
14:32 You're going to be blessed.
14:33 And who are we working with, hon?
14:36 Well, Tameesa Ondap is the person who's managing the radio station.
14:41 Angie's been in communication with her.
14:43 3ABN radio.
14:44 3ABN radio.
14:46 Absolutely.
14:46 3ABN radio.
14:47 3ABN radio affiliate.
14:48 WOCG.
14:53 that was in Alabama.
14:55 So when she mentioned that, we're going to Alabama now, but this is
14:58 in Tennessee.
14:59 And so if you're going to be in the area, come on out and join with us.
15:03 It's going to be an exciting time.
15:04 They have free lunch for you all.
15:06 And we're going to have free giveaways.
15:09 It's going to be really nice.
15:10 Radio rally.
15:11 Radio rally.
15:12 So some music, testimony.
15:14 Yeah, yeah.
15:14 And pictures about...
15:16 Radio is the, what do you call it?
15:20 Theater of the mind.
15:21 I don't want to take her thunder there.
15:22 It is, because it comes from the era when you hear those and the
15:29 movie comes alive in each person's mind differently.
15:32 So thank you for being a part of radio.
15:34 I love radio.
15:35 So is this Friday night Sabbath?
15:37 When does this event start?
15:38 Well, it's going to be Sabbath morning for church.
15:41 Church begins at 10.50.
15:43 I have the program.
15:44 And that's right there at Cookville, Seventh-day Adventist
15:45 Church.
15:47 And it's near Livingston people.
15:49 The tower is in Livingston, Tennessee.
15:52 So those in the Livingston area, you come on out.
15:55 It's going to be, we're going to be blessed.
15:56 So you don't necessarily have to be just involved in radio.
15:58 They can come out to talk to you all, interact.
16:01 Yeah, you'll be speaking Sabbath morning.
16:04 And yeah, and the afternoon rally begins at 3 o'clock.
16:07 Can you be sharing some facts about the history of 3ABN radio?
16:12 Some amazing stories because being in radio, she also does a program
16:16 called Crossroads.
16:19 It's a testimony program.
16:20 We were in Australia once I got to tell the story.
16:22 We were in Australia at one of the churches there.
16:25 Sydney.
16:27 In Sydney and somebody said, oh, he came down in Angi.
16:30 I said, well, here's my husband.
16:31 He said, no, I want to meet you.
16:32 I was shocked.
16:33 I listened to you all the time on radio.
16:37 And he sat next to her the whole sermon.
16:38 He leaned on me.
16:40 I said, if he wasn't an older man, I'd be a little jealous.
16:44 He just sat with me.
16:44 Oh, you know, I love your voice.
16:46 I'd listen to you all the time.
16:47 I'm thinking, man, like, okay, I'm trying to concentrate on my sermon,
16:51 but he's all over my mind.
16:53 Yeah, he was like this.
16:53 He was excited about the impact.
16:56 Blessed by the ministry.
16:56 He was blessed.
16:57 And I recognize your voice anywhere.
17:00 And that happens around the world.
17:02 He said, oh, you're the one on radio.
17:05 So 3ABN radio is another part.
17:08 It's the imaginative part of 3ABN.
17:13 So I'm just looking here at my cell phone here.
17:14 So those dates, because this is Thursday night.
17:16 So Sabbath is the 24th of August.
17:18 There you go.
17:19 24th of August, Amen.
17:21 Sabbath morning.
17:22 That's great.
17:23 So if you're in the area, come on over.
17:25 That'd be great.
17:26 Yes.
17:26 Praise the Lord.
17:28 So we just came from ASI.
17:30 We did.
17:31 Fun time at ASI, right?
17:32 In Orlando, Florida.
17:34 You know, it's always a blessing again to see God at work in the
17:38 marketplace, so to speak.
17:39 All these ministries and businesses, they're excited about
17:42 sharing Jesus Christ, of course, in their sphere of influence.
17:45 And of course, 3ABN has been broadcasting this event for many,
17:48 many, many years.
17:49 So we bring our trucks there and we set up our cameras and set up the
17:53 lights.
17:57 And it's just a great time of, again, fellowshiping with our
18:00 brothers and sisters.
18:01 Should we go to that role and talk about that?
18:04 We have a little role here that we're going to talk over is that
18:06 we're sharing some of what happened there at ASI.
18:09 That's Dr. Andy Hunsaker, the president of ASI, and Pastor Philip
18:13 Baptiste.
18:14 Executive secretary.
18:15 And treasurer.
18:17 3ABN was blessed with some music there for the program.
18:21 Debbie Young and Dan Houghton, they do a great job, very much a part of
18:24 ASI for a long time.
18:25 Of course, you're there, too.
18:26 You hosted a couple of ministries.
18:28 Just did some interviews, ministries.
18:30 We did some interviews with some of the ministries there at ASI.
18:32 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
18:35 Dr. Tom.
18:36 Yes, Tom.
18:38 Child Impact.
18:40 And you can see there's a good audience there, too.
18:42 Oh, Elder Wilson.
18:43 Elder Wilson's message was very good.
18:44 It was very good.
18:46 Really good music.
18:47 I like that about ASI, too.
18:48 A lot of academies.
18:49 Involve the young people.
18:51 Oh, for sure.
18:53 Beautiful.
18:54 Oh, Boonstra.
18:55 He did a great job with that message.
18:57 Yes, he did.
18:58 He was very relatable.
19:00 I've yet to see him with his shoes off.
19:03 Of course, Francine, all the kids, right?
19:04 That's always fun.
19:05 Pastor Doug Batchelor again.
19:07 Amazing facts.
19:07 Jem in the prayer room.
19:09 He does a great job, Jem Caster.
19:12 Elder Mark Finley there.
19:14 Having an appeal.
19:15 He was a good test.
19:19 there.
19:20 So, yeah, great time at ASI.
19:22 What sticks out to you all about ASI?
19:24 Anything special that you appreciate or enjoy?
19:26 The messages, the workshops that they have.
19:30 It's an international marketing event.
19:35 We tend to, you know, 3ABN, many of the ministries that are at ASI are
19:39 often seen through the window of 3ABN, heard on 3ABN radio and seen
19:42 on 3ABN television.
19:44 But it's really exciting because when you get there and you see them
19:48 putting up their booths, it's just an energy about it.
19:53 We get to rub shoulders with one another.
19:56 And Orlando is a really good location because a lot of people,
19:59 the church is very prevalent in Orlando, a lot of people.
20:02 So the very first night when the booths open up, it's quite a
20:06 wonderful attendance.
20:08 And just to meet people and see that each of the ministries has a
20:12 different mission, but then we're all a part of the one Matthew 24,
20:17 14, a Gospel going through all the different facets.
20:21 Anywhere from a new Bible study or remnant, you got a new remnant
20:25 Bible there, the Platinum edition.
20:29 And so you have...
20:29 And then you have amazing facts.
20:33 It is written.
20:35 It's just a helicopter you see there, an airplane.
20:39 Did you see the airplane?
20:40 I think it was Oklahoma Academy, was it?
20:42 It was the airplane, but the age of one was the helicopter.
20:44 And then the other thing you get to see is what I liked, what I really
20:48 want, one of my high points is, we know that people, and I'm going to
20:52 just kind of be candid about it, we have a certain age bracket audience
20:56 generally speaking, but some teenagers came up to me and said,
21:00 can we take a picture with you?
21:01 We watch your sermons all the time.
21:05 They're from the academy, 19, 20 years old.
21:07 I said, praise God, there's a future for me.
21:13 And they said, because I thought they wanted to just kind of see it
21:17 with you.
21:17 We love the sermons, praise God.
21:20 We watch your sermons, listen to your sermons all the time.
21:22 I said, praise God, we're meeting also the needs of the young.
21:25 And I've often said, and I know that Ebeon is really on the
21:28 forefront here, the ministry that really creates more content for a
21:33 younger audience will increase its longevity.
21:36 Because the church of tomorrow is the young people of today.
21:40 And we have to make sure that we are remembering that, hey, they're
21:43 listening too.
21:44 It's the evolution of ministry.
21:46 But yeah, ASI is this event we all look forward to in Orlando.
21:51 The contrast, hot outside, cool inside.
21:56 I think one thing that stands out for me is some of those young
22:00 people that you're talking about, these young adults, they're coming
22:03 in and they want tools to be able to witness in their business world.
22:07 And so I think that's some of the biggest conversations we've had is
22:12 usually they want to say, okay, what can I give them?
22:15 How can I give them Bible study?
22:17 How can I reach them?
22:18 And so we have all these resources at our booth.
22:21 And I think that's a big testimony that we have resources for them
22:25 that they can say, yes, this is a tool that they can use back in
22:28 their community because they're thriving.
22:31 They want to be able to share in their workplace or people that they
22:36 come in contact with and I think that's the powerful how the Holy
22:41 Spirit already works ahead of us.
22:43 And I think part of all this is just a networking.
22:48 Everyone has their little niche.
22:51 And not one institution can do it all.
22:54 But 3BAN is great.
22:56 We interview different programs and different ministries.
23:01 And it's great meeting them and understanding what they do and to
23:06 highlight those because we can't be everywhere at the same time, but
23:11 it's great that we can work together.
23:13 And I think as the body of Christ, that's what it's all about.
23:16 And I think ASI is kind of like that foundation that we can get
23:20 together.
23:23 And basically, as you were saying, Pastor John, just networking with
23:27 people and getting to know them.
23:28 And it's kind of interesting.
23:30 Some of the people that I've met, I went to school at Andrews
23:33 University and we see them and we're like, wow, we look about the
23:36 same.
23:42 Wow, yeah, you guys look good.
23:45 So it's good to have those type of reunions as well.
23:48 It is.
23:49 No, that's a good point.
23:50 Anything for you, Angie?
23:52 No, children.
23:53 I love children.
23:58 books and their little frisbees.
24:01 Yeah, it was so much fun.
24:04 The other thing that's funny about ASI, I always laugh at this part.
24:08 You know, at the end, all the ministries take a ton of material.
24:12 You know, everybody is type A when it comes to are we going to have
24:17 enough?
24:18 And I love it at the very end.
24:19 Everybody wants to unload.
24:20 Do you want an extra shirt?
24:21 Do you want some extra magazines?
24:23 Please take some.
24:24 Take a box.
24:25 Take a box.
24:27 So I wait kind of like toward the end and I go over the amazing
24:29 packages.
24:30 Do you have a box of sanctuary magazines?
24:33 Yeah, please take the whole thing.
24:35 And I'm getting all this material.
24:37 So if you ever go to an ASI convention, you might benefit from
24:40 that at the end.
24:42 Last day of Sabbath night.
24:43 Sabbath night.
24:46 they're pin collectors, which is interesting that we have that.
24:49 They come and say, do you have any more new pins at 3ABN?
24:53 Oh, you know, even updated kids?
24:55 And they walk around, they're the collectors.
24:58 I buy little foods.
24:59 I buy the foods also.
25:00 Because they always have good deals on the booths.
25:03 Amanda used to call it shopping.
25:06 That's kind of shopping because it's the free things that are at
25:08 these booths.
25:10 And you're helping to promote them too.
25:13 This year at the end we send quite a few products and boxes to a
25:18 woman's ministry conference in Florida.
25:20 So the woman's ministry director was there and she came by the booth
25:23 and she said, can I take some?
25:25 And this way I can share.
25:26 Yes, with a woman.
25:28 So what a blessing because we had a little leftover and we said, we can
25:31 send you some boxes.
25:32 And that way the blessing and the evangelism of 3ABN is extended
25:37 because it goes then into this new avenue and all the women who attend
25:40 the retreat can be blessed by that.
25:42 So praise the Lord for that.
25:44 And one other thing, sometimes we see what another ministry is doing
25:47 and they see what we're doing.
25:48 And we say, that's a great idea.
25:50 That's right.
25:51 You know, we learn from each other.
25:52 We do networking.
25:53 We'll say, how come we didn't think about that?
25:56 And they'll say, how come we didn't think about that?
25:58 And so we all learn from each other.
25:59 And how beautiful it is, as Jason said, we can't all do the same
26:02 thing.
26:08 short and righteousness.
26:09 But thank you for being a part of our 3ABN family where we could
26:13 partner together and recognize doing the interviews.
26:17 Angie says, oh, I need more radio interviews.
26:19 So she goes for radio interviews.
26:22 She scouts for radio interviews.
26:23 I got quite a bit.
26:24 Quite a bit of radio interviews.
26:26 You know, I like also, you know, there's so much intellectual
26:29 property there and there's all these, you know, people that have a
26:32 new idea on something.
26:34 And as we're talking, that you're getting these ideas and you're
26:38 looking at ways that we could praise the Lord and glorify His
26:42 name and increase His Kingdom.
26:43 Yeah, that's what it's all about.
26:44 And that's what it's all about.
26:45 No, that's true.
26:46 So you may have never attended an ASI.
26:49 You've watched ASI on 3ABN.
26:52 But 3ABN has a lot of resources here.
26:54 You may have a business or even a ministry in your church.
26:57 Well, we have a lot of resources here at 3ABN at our call center.
27:01 And our call center, you knew exactly what I was going to be
27:03 talking about.
27:04 So yeah, we're husband and wife.
27:08 So we have a lot of resources.
27:10 The call center is open this evening from Bible study guides,
27:14 from little pamphlets.
27:15 Pastor John, you've written the one on three angels and other stuff.
27:18 The messages and summaries.
27:19 The Focus on Truth series.
27:21 We've got kids materials.
27:22 We have a lot of shirts, too.
27:24 The rest t-shirt, God gave you permission.
27:27 This is on the Sabbath.
27:27 That's right, yes.
27:29 To be an evangelist.
27:31 So you can be basically an influence for Jesus Christ from
27:35 your home, from your church, from your business.
27:37 A lot of people, too, this is kind of neat, too.
27:39 A lot of people have what you call maybe like a closed circuit
27:42 television in their office.
27:43 Let's say they have an auto shop.
27:44 They've got a little TV there.
27:48 have 3ABN playing in their waiting room.
27:50 So we will help you with that as well.
27:52 So again, call the call center.
27:54 We'll put you in contact with our marketing department.
27:56 A lot more people are doing that, creating 3ABN in their offices, in
27:59 their waiting rooms.
28:00 We're happy to help you.
28:01 3ABN is all about evangelism.
28:03 All these materials here were about sharing Jesus Christ.
28:05 So we're talking about ASI and what they're doing as an organization.
28:09 But you can also be an evangelist right where you're at and located.
28:12 I was thinking with this t-shirt, I just want to reference quickly.
28:15 You get this little card.
28:16 It says rest and on the back it has a QR code.
28:19 Takes you directly to 3ABN's website where it has information
28:24 about the Sabbath.
28:25 It's our BibleAnswers.com 3ABN, BibleAnswers.com website.
28:28 And it gives you videos and questions and answers about the
28:32 Sabbath.
28:37 and a lady came up to me and she said, she had just seen the back.
28:40 God gives you permission.
28:42 That's all she had seen.
28:43 And then she came up to me.
28:44 She said, what's the front say?
28:46 And I turned around and she said, I was wondering what God gave me
28:49 permission to do.
28:50 And I said, he gives us permission to rest and he gives us a weekly
28:55 Sabbath rest.
28:57 So it gives you opportunity to wear your witness and to evangelize.
29:02 We also have little cards.
29:03 I don't have them here, but if you call the call center, we have them.
29:06 We have 3ABN evangelism cards, which has a QR code.
29:12 And when you scan that QR code, it takes you, you can download all
29:16 these Bible studies for free.
29:17 You can download all of Aunt Francine's, Children's Detectors of
29:22 Truth Bible studies for free.
29:24 And you can also access the website.
29:27 We have another card that's called the 3ABN Connection Card.
29:31 You scan that QR code and you get immediate access to 3ABN Plus.
29:37 So you can download it.
29:39 Our app, our free 3ABN app, and it has the hyperlink for an Apple
29:44 phone or an Android phone.
29:46 So you can immediately download the app.
29:48 You can go to our website or you can donate.
29:51 So any of that is right there, easily accessible.
29:55 So, and we actually send these cards out free.
29:58 So you can call and say, I want 100 cards.
30:00 I want 500 cards.
30:02 I want to be able to pass these out in my community.
30:04 And it's a great way to raise awareness.
30:06 So, yeah, Jill, you know, we need to put on that shirt.
30:08 This will also extend your life because aren't there studies that
30:12 if you worship on Saturday and take a day off and rest that you can add
30:17 like 7 to 10 years of life?
30:19 Science packs that up right through us.
30:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
30:21 So there you go.
30:22 Very good.
30:28 with his congregation.
30:29 He says, I met this group of people.
30:31 And he goes through that whole thing.
30:32 He says, okay, let's go ahead and calculate it.
30:34 He said, they actually live.
30:36 If you count all the Sabbath they keep in the course of this period,
30:38 it actually adds up to seven more years longer than we live.
30:42 Isn't that amazing?
30:43 He said, think about it.
30:45 He calculated the whole thing and I thought, wow, and he's not a
30:47 Sabbath keeper.
30:51 my life?
30:52 Yes.
30:53 And you know what's great?
30:53 You don't have to take a pill either.
30:55 No, I know.
30:56 I don't like taking pills.
30:57 So let's talk about, we talked about ASI, but the Pathfinder
31:01 Camperee in Gillette, Wyoming.
31:04 We had a wonderful time.
31:05 Yes.
31:06 That is a busy time.
31:08 Oh, a lot of people there.
31:09 So it was.
31:10 So in 2019 they had, they were expecting 55,000.
31:14 And on this particular one, they were expecting 60,000 young people.
31:19 Now that's a lot of people to bring in one community.
31:23 Which was, the community was what, 33,000?
31:26 About 33,000.
31:27 So you can see that that just brought a whole bunch more of a
31:32 great multitude of people.
31:35 And I know that in 1999, they were expecting that that brought in 25
31:40 million economic growth for that community.
31:44 So you can see that that really impacts that community of Gillette.
31:48 But there was a lot of planning for all these kids.
31:51 But the biggest thing that they love doing, and I don't know for
31:57 some of you, I'm gonna try to show some of these up and maybe you can
31:59 hold the other one, Jason.
32:01 But for them, it's pin trading.
32:04 For those of you that don't know, these are little lapel pins.
32:08 And this is a big deal for these kids.
32:10 They like, and I'm noticing that over the years they're growing,
32:15 they grow.
32:17 We gave the little lapel pins free, and then we had a little treasure
32:21 hunt that we had young people fill in the treasure hunt and answer
32:25 some questions.
32:26 And then they got some stickers in the back.
32:28 And then they got a special spinner pin.
32:33 So for them, it's trying to collect as many pins as they can.
32:39 And it's kind of, at first I was like, oh, this is frivolous.
32:42 But in reality, a lot of ministries are giving these pins free, like we
32:49 did for 3ABN.
32:50 But it gives the kids an opportunity to talk with other
32:54 young people.
32:54 It does, from around the world.
32:56 Around the world.
32:57 And there's over a hundred countries that came to Gillette.
33:01 And it's amazing to see, and it helps them talk with other people.
33:06 So I know a lot of communities or conferences gave like three pins.
33:09 So two to trade, one for you to keep.
33:11 And so that way they could help collect more pins.
33:15 And I thought, wow, this is a way to have the kids talk with other
33:20 cultures, other young people, and communicate.
33:23 And I think it's, you know, I see why they do it now, you know?
33:28 And the other highlight is honors and activities.
33:31 And they even went out witnessing in the community.
33:35 Some of them did.
33:36 But it is a big growth.
33:38 But I think the biggest impact for me was seeing so many young people
33:43 excited in spite of what was happening.
33:45 Because I don't know if some of you knew, but there was a storm.
33:48 There was a couple of storms.
33:49 Yes, we heard about that.
33:59 of weather.
34:00 And in spite of that, the kids were phenomenal.
34:02 They just, I'm like, so do you still want to go?
34:05 I mean, there's some challenges that happen with that many people.
34:08 And all the kids are like, yes, we want to come back.
34:11 But the biggest highlight to me is I believe that there was at least
34:16 over a thousand baptism.
34:17 They were forecasting a thousand, two hundred baptisms.
34:21 Now, if you can only imagine, there's like simultaneously two of
34:25 them, two or three going at a time, baptizing.
34:29 And then they tried to do it earlier, tried to, because they
34:32 knew that they were closing down earlier.
34:34 And so they were trying to get those baptisms in.
34:37 And it's just, you know, and we have a little B-roll.
34:41 Let me show you the B-roll and then we'll talk a little bit more about
34:43 it.
35:28 Path by No Camperias.
35:30 My favorite part was pin trading and I got a pin from Japan.
35:36 I went to the Nathan Green Studio.
35:39 I really liked it.
35:40 I liked all the colors.
35:41 I liked his paintings.
35:42 He was just a very good artist.
35:45 And last night we had a great storm, but the best part at the end
35:48 was what?
35:49 A rainbow.
35:51 We saw a wonderful rainbow and we see God's promises all around us.
35:54 So believe in that promise.
35:56 We'll see you in the next vlog.
35:59 Bye.
36:29 Something happened special last night.
36:31 Natalie, can you tell us about it?
36:33 I got baptized.
36:34 She got baptized and you wanted to give your heart to Jesus, didn't
36:37 you?
36:38 Yeah.
36:42 Because it's special to have my friend and family and I want to
36:46 have a testimony for others.
36:48 And that is a good testimony because we want everyone to give
36:52 their hearts to Jesus.
36:53 And unfortunately, this is the last evening program due to weather, but
36:57 we hope that you, too, commit your life with Jesus because we can all
37:01 believe in the promise of God.
37:12 Wow, amen.
37:13 That was amazing.
37:16 Jesus and the little girl said she wanted to have a testimony, right?
37:20 To others, that's beautiful.
37:22 Good job, too, Francine, on those vlogs and the team, Ben and Pam,
37:25 great job.
37:26 That's what I was going to say.
37:27 We had a 3BM booth there and we did a daily vlog.
37:30 Correct, correct.
37:31 And the theme was believe the promise.
37:34 And so the children were believing the promise and you saw that by
37:38 that rainbow.
37:42 We just need to put our trust in him.
37:44 And these children, I mean, really wanted to give their hearts to
37:48 Christ.
37:54 so convenient.
37:55 But the kids, no, they wanted this.
37:58 And to have that many giving their hearts to Christ, having, you know,
38:03 a little pen trading, that was great.
38:06 But no, it was...
38:07 And it reminds me, if I may, Joshua 23, 14, and I'm going to read it
38:13 from the NIV version.
38:17 Now I am about to go the way of the earth.
38:20 This is Joshua saying that he's about to die.
38:23 And you know with all your heart and soul that not one of the good
38:27 promises of the Lord your God gave you has failed.
38:30 Every promise has been fulfilled.
38:32 Not one has failed.
38:34 And like you said earlier, God's Word doesn't change.
38:38 He's always there.
38:39 His promises are there for each of us.
38:41 And we can proclaim that daily.
38:44 You know, being there was quite amazing to see all of these kids in
38:49 one place.
38:51 You imagine, at least, there were some adults, but at least 40,000 to
38:55 50,000 kids in one place.
38:58 Wow.
38:59 You know, and I thought of Psalms 117.
39:02 Okay.
39:03 And it reads, Praise the Lord all ye nations, praise him all ye
39:08 people, for his merciful kindness is great toward us, and the truth
39:13 of the Lord endures forever.
39:15 Praise ye the Lord.
39:17 Just seeing all these kids and seeing that they are getting a
39:20 better understanding of Jesus and how awesome that is that we can see
39:25 that, giving their lives to Christ and being a part of this and
39:29 together just worshiping God and praising him.
39:33 It's an amazing event.
39:35 I would encourage you to go sometime.
39:38 My first time going to Campari was in 1985, 39 years ago, and it was a
39:46 great time.
39:47 You know, I still have great memories from that as a kid.
39:50 And now that I'm older, helping with Francine at the booth and just
39:54 doing whatever, it's been an amazing event to just see and
40:00 experience and network with the people.
40:02 It's a busy time, but what I really want to mention, though, it reminds
40:08 me a little bit about the Passover in Jesus' time.
40:13 And you know, for me, I'm like, that many people in one place?
40:17 But when I did some research a little bit, it seemed like there
40:20 were 250,000 people going to Jerusalem for the Passover.
40:27 I mean, I don't know if I'm right, but if that's the case, that's even
40:31 bigger than what we're dealing with here.
40:33 And just to see that magnitude of how great God is.
40:37 And He does want us to come together.
40:39 And in the future, when we're talking about heaven, what a
40:43 reunion that's going to be.
40:44 What a great day, that would be for sure.
40:46 You know, I think one of the things that stands out to me about
40:48 Pathfinder Campari GC Session is the international reach of the
40:53 Seventh -Day Adventist Church around the world and the reach of
40:56 3ABN, too, the impact that it's making around the world.
41:00 And talking about the different aspects of 3ABN, one of those is
41:03 3ABN Australia, right?
41:06 We talk about 3ABN Russia, 3ABN Australia is another, what would we
41:10 call it?
41:11 It's a network of 3ABN, 3ABN International.
41:14 They're doing a great job there, John Rosemary Malkovich.
41:18 And the Loma Cans are going to Australia, New Zealand.
41:21 Jill and I are going to impart here coming up shortly.
41:24 Those dates are, babe, one of those coming up.
41:26 It's in October, November.
41:27 So, absolutely.
41:28 We're going to New Zealand first.
41:29 So, we'll be at the Hamilton Central Seventh-Day Adventist
41:34 Church.
41:38 So, we would love to see you there.
41:41 I know at ASI, we met some people from New Zealand who said they were
41:44 coming.
41:45 And at Gillette, we met some people.
41:48 I met some people from Australia who said, oh, we're coming to the
41:51 3ABN Rally.
41:51 We can't wait till you come.
41:53 So, we will be October 30th.
41:55 We'll be there in New Zealand.
41:56 And then November 1st and 2nd, that's a Friday night and a
41:59 Sabbath.
42:00 We have Friday night and all day on Sabbath.
42:03 We'll be at the Bunbury Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
42:06 This is Western Australia.
42:09 There, maybe an hour and a half from Perth.
42:12 Then, on November 3rd, that's the next day.
42:14 On Sunday night, we're flying to Adelaide, South Australia.
42:18 And we'll be at the Adelaide City Seventh-Day Adventist Church there
42:22 in South Australia.
42:24 And then, on November 5th, we will be at the Hamilton Seventh-Day
42:28 Adventist Church in New South Wales.
42:30 This is Justin and Sharissa's Terosian's Church.
42:36 At the Hamilton Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
42:38 So, we are looking forward to that.
42:39 And then, that coming weekend, I'm speaking at the Greater Sydney
42:42 Conference Women's Retreat.
42:45 And looking forward to that.
42:46 That's November 8th through 10th.
42:48 So, and you have to register for that event.
42:50 But the rest of the 3ABN Rally is just your 3ABN family there.
42:53 And we want to meet you.
42:54 We want to see you.
42:55 You are part of the 3ABN family.
42:58 Of course, John and Rosemary Malkovich, Executive Director and
43:02 Assistant, will be there as well.
43:04 So, we're just looking forward to that time of fellowship.
43:06 Amen.
43:09 Thank you both for being at the Pathfinder Camp Reef for the whole
43:12 time there.
43:16 but the reach of the Adventist Church, the young people from
43:18 around the world.
43:22 And so, thank you for being there and representing 3ABN in the Lord.
43:25 And the whole team that was there with you.
43:28 Absolutely.
43:29 Ben and Kim and Angela and Jonathan.
43:32 We were only there the one day, but you all worked so hard.
43:35 There's so many people at the booth just to see what's going on.
43:39 And just how much you love on people and how much you connect
43:42 with the people who come by the booth.
43:44 So, you all did an amazing job.
43:45 There has to be some kind of special gift for people to be in
43:49 the middle of 50,000 kids.
43:53 It wasn't all at once.
43:54 But I thought about the rain.
43:56 I thought about the rain.
43:57 And some children just love puddles.
44:00 That must have been great for the kids, the kids that love running in
44:03 puddles.
44:04 And then the weather, cool down.
44:07 I had a chance to reach out to our Pathfinders when I heard the storm
44:10 had gone through.
44:11 I called them and talked to them through the phone.
44:13 The whole group got together and assured me that everybody was well.
44:18 And I prayed with them on the phone.
44:20 And Jason, we appreciate our Pathfinder leaders.
44:23 Jason Babb and his entire team.
44:27 And it was a long way.
44:29 Some people came from, when I just heard, Japan.
44:32 Japan, China.
44:34 China, it's a world event.
44:36 It's a children's GC.
44:38 They love 3ABN.
44:40 We met people from all over the world who just kept saying, 3ABN, I
44:45 love 3ABN.
44:51 students that, you know, they spent maybe $4,000 to come.
44:56 You know, that's a lot of money.
44:57 And then they buy the equipment, like the tents, their sleeping
45:00 bags.
45:00 And then that storm came.
45:03 And some of their tents were the ones that were demolished.
45:06 And yet the spirit of them and their leaders were just like, nope,
45:10 we're going to make this work.
45:11 And, you know, other conferences were helping and rallying around
45:16 them to try to support them.
45:18 Which is beautiful to see, wasn't it?
45:19 And that was.
45:20 And, you know, in spite of...
45:21 It's like God's family.
45:26 There was one honor that Jason Babb, I had to laugh when he told
45:29 me, he said, you know, we were able to get the lightning honor.
45:35 That's it.
45:36 That's great.
45:37 Who would thought of the lightning honor?
45:38 I don't even want to know about that.
45:40 You know, how do you get the lightning honor?
45:42 Do you get struck?
45:43 How do you survive?
45:44 How do you get the lightning honor?
45:45 You got to observe the lightning in the sky.
45:47 You were able to give out the lightning honor.
45:49 That's creative.
45:51 So behind the scenes, a great, great program here.
45:54 We're talking about again what God is doing through the ministry of
45:56 3ABN, the different reach of 3ABN around the world.
45:59 And we talked about John and Rosemary Malkovich, 3ABN Australia.
46:03 We often don't hear a report from them, but they put together a nice,
46:06 about a 9-minute video of what's happening there at 3ABN Australia.
46:10 They went to PNG, Papua New Guinea.
46:12 So we're going to get a report now from John and Rosemary Malkovich.
46:14 They're from 3ABN Australia.
46:16 Hi, I'm Rosemary Malkovich and I'm here with my husband John to tell
46:20 you about PNG for Christ 2024.
46:25 3ABN Australia was very excited to be part of this wonderful Papua New
46:31 Guinea evangelistic effort.
46:33 And there were over 2,000 preaching sites across the country.
46:37 We both had preaching sites of our own near the town of Poppendetta in
46:43 the northern Milne Bay mission area.
46:46 Nine others flew with us into Poppendetta, but five of them went
46:52 to other places by speedboat, by four-wheel drive to get to their
46:58 sites where they were looked after for 16 days and nights.
47:02 When we arrived in Port Moresby, we were immediately recognised as
47:06 being part of 3ABN.
47:08 Many people were happy to have 3ABN represented in Papua New Guinea.
47:12 It's a very popular channel and we even found it on the TV system in
47:16 our hotel where we stayed in Port Moresby for one night.
47:20 3ABN has brought many people into the church in Papua New Guinea and
47:25 continues to be a blessing in proclaiming the truth of the Bible
47:29 to the people there.
47:34 Adventists and Pastor C.A.
47:36 Murray who had been working for 3ABN was there also.
47:39 And we were so privileged to be involved in that program.
47:43 The series was based on Pastor Mark Finley's Revelations, Ancient
47:48 Discoveries.
47:50 It was renamed Revelation of Hope for the series in Papua New Guinea
47:54 and it was exciting to be able to preach such powerful truths from
47:59 the Bible, messages for 16 nights and seeing people's lives touched,
48:06 their hearts, the change that came over them as they heard the
48:11 wonderful truth of God.
48:12 And over 300,000 people were baptised throughout PNG as a
48:18 result.
48:19 It was good to see so many Adventists from around the world
48:23 taking part.
48:24 But the local people did an amazing job of both preparing souls and
48:30 preaching at many of the sites.
48:33 Well, I want to tell you about my site.
48:35 My site was at a palm oil refinery town called Siroga.
48:39 It was exciting to see people come every night despite the rain and
48:44 there was some howling winds too and storms.
48:46 There were over 300 people baptised from my site.
48:50 I had the privilege of baptising some of them personally and you
48:54 know what?
49:01 their lives to follow Jesus.
49:03 And one of the exciting things that I observed was that there are so
49:07 many young people that were wanting to know the truth.
49:11 That's right.
49:13 And at my site, we were about 45 minutes drive further on from
49:18 John's site and we would take him to his site and then go on to mine.
49:24 So it was a long drive on quite a bumpy road and it was on the road
49:29 to Kokoda.
49:32 The place was called Siho.
49:34 We saw that the two pastors in our sites, John had Pastor Chris, I had
49:40 Pastor Donald.
49:42 They would visit people by walking everywhere.
49:46 And so we decided to buy them a bicycle each.
49:51 These had to be mountain bikes because they had to be able to go
49:54 on rough pathways and roads.
49:57 But when we gave them their bikes, they were overwhelmed.
50:02 I'll tell the story of my Pastor Donald.
50:06 When we presented him with his bicycle, he told me that the
50:13 amazing story that he had been praying to God for three months.
50:21 Please, God, give me a bicycle.
50:23 Somehow give me a bicycle.
50:26 And we presented him with one and he was overwhelmed.
50:30 It was just the most amazing thing for him that God had answered his
50:34 prayer in that way.
50:36 Let me share with you the story of how we presented the bikes.
50:39 We bought them a bike.
50:41 We bought them a fluro vest and a chain with a padlock.
50:45 And so when we arrived at the church, we would sneak the bike in
50:50 the back without the pastors seeing him.
50:52 And then we had the church there gathered together to see what we
50:56 were going to do.
51:01 And they looked at that and thought, well, what's that for?
51:03 Well, we said, when you're out visiting your church members and
51:07 they see you coming, they'll know it's you.
51:10 So they'll behave very properly.
51:12 And the other thing was then we gave him the chain.
51:15 And he said, you know, what do I need a chain for?
51:19 So, well, when the church members are misbehaving or there's a
51:21 problem in the church, you can lock them to the to the pew so they
51:25 won't be able to get away.
51:26 So there was a smiling response that was very happy.
51:30 And they wondered, what are these people doing?
51:33 We don't understand.
51:34 Then we bought the bike out and the bike was the explanation for the
51:40 vest because they need it when they ride on at night on the roads.
51:44 And the chain was to be able to lock it when they're visiting
51:47 someone so someone wouldn't steal it.
51:49 And your pastor, Chris, he had wanted to take a mountain bike with
51:54 him to his site there at Double Cross Church, but he couldn't
51:59 afford to take it.
52:00 And the mission couldn't afford it because the bike wasn't worth the
52:04 money.
52:05 And so he had to leave his bike behind where he used to live.
52:09 And so now he's got another bike.
52:10 And he was very excited.
52:12 It was such a joy to be able to just simply provide a bike.
52:16 We drive around in cars, but they have to walk.
52:20 And the bike was a real blessing for them.
52:23 In fact, I remember when we went to Rosemary site, the pastor had come
52:27 at ear to bike from one of the village people from his church.
52:31 And I can remember when he saw that the pastor had his new bike.
52:35 He was riding the bike around through the village, really excited
52:38 because he's got his bike back at last.
52:40 It was a really good experience.
52:42 Some of the church members at my site were actually amazed to see
52:47 people come forward at the altar calls whom they'd never believed
52:51 would come.
52:56 overwhelmed.
52:57 And so was his children.
52:58 So, the power of the Holy Spirit was working there and people were
53:02 making decisions for Jesus.
53:04 That's right.
53:12 his home and the meetings every single day.
53:16 And he carried a machete for protection for when he walked home
53:21 at night.
53:22 That was dedication.
53:24 And he wanted to be baptized and to become a Seventh-day Adventist
53:28 because he knew he was hearing the truth.
53:31 I spoke to many ex-Seventh-day Adventists who said after hearing
53:36 what I was preaching from the Bible that they wanted to be rebaptized
53:42 and come back to the true church.
53:44 It was exciting.
53:45 It was.
53:47 Since PNG for Christ, there is a great deal of work that needs to be
53:51 done to confirm these new members in the truth of the Bible.
53:54 3AB in Australia has sent 400 interlaced boxes and over 30,000
54:00 insight tracts to PNG to help with the follow-up work.
54:05 It was indeed a privilege to be part of this incredible
54:09 evangelistic reaping campaign.
54:12 If you ever have the opportunity to be part of something like this, my
54:17 message is, and I'm sure John will say the same, step out in faith and
54:21 go.
54:27 accept and follow it and to have them come and tell you that what
54:32 you have preached has changed their lives.
54:35 What you have preached is the truth, is so exciting and
54:40 encouraging.
54:41 Let me say something else, if I may.
54:43 There's a great need for Bibles and books because these people are
54:49 hungry for the Word of God.
54:50 And the Bibles are one of the most needed things there.
54:54 Also, we had the opportunity of finding out that the church
54:58 members, the churches swelled so much, they were taking the pews out
55:02 of the churches so more people could come in and it still wasn't
55:05 enough room.
55:10 listening in.
55:11 So there's great need for churches.
55:14 There's great needs for Bibles.
55:16 There's such a need.
55:17 And most of all, they are actually running programs teaching elders to
55:22 look after these new groups of people.
55:25 And that's exciting because they have a plan and it's working.
55:29 And the wonderful thing is too that the church in Papua New Guinea
55:33 doubled its membership in just a few days.
55:37 That is amazing.
55:40 Let me say too, Rosemary, we're going back next year, God willing,
55:44 to help to grow and minister to the churches.
55:48 So 3ABN is being active and we want to continue doing the same thing.
55:53 That's right.
55:54 May God richly bless you as you bless 3ABN in being able to reach
55:58 the world.
55:59 God bless.
56:00 Amen.
56:01 Praise the Lord.
56:02 Thank you for that great report.
56:03 It's neat to see what God is doing.
56:04 They're amazing.
56:08 provide more room for people to stand inside the church.
56:11 There's so many people attending.
56:12 Incredible what God is doing.
56:13 Amen.
56:13 We love John and Rosemary.
56:14 So grateful for you both.
56:16 Jason, your heart for evangelism, your heart for the ministry of 3ABN
56:21 and spreading this gospel message.
56:23 So proud of you Rosemary too, preaching your own evangelistic
56:26 series.
56:27 And you too, John.
56:28 So we're looking forward to coming down under in just a couple of
56:31 months and spending that time with you.
56:33 And Pastor John and Angie and Jason and Aunt Francine, thank you for
56:37 being part of the family.
56:38 Love working with you all.
56:40 Thank you for what you bring to the ministry.
56:43 So thank you for being here tonight.
56:45 And we thank you for joining us at home as well.
56:48 Thank you for being part of the 3ABN family.
56:52 We love you.
56:53 We pray for you.
56:54 We know that you are facing challenges in your home and you're
56:57 in your lives, but keep your eyes on Jesus.
57:00 He is the author and finisher of our faith.
57:03 Bye bye.


Revised 2024-08-22