3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240025B

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 [MUSIC]
00:09 >> Hello. Welcome back to the second. Now, if you're the
00:12 first now it felt like 10 minutes. Yeah, one so far and
00:15 because we have surely Peters in the house. So good to have
00:17 you here. Shiri. Thank, you know, and if you just joining
00:20 us, we're talking about the other side of trauma. The other
00:24 side of the brain life is celebrating the other side of
00:28 all that you have gone through. If you missed the first hour
00:31 and then I would encourage a maybe a few hours from now,
00:33 watch the repeat and then get it again on Sunday and then on
00:37 Tuesday. But Sherry just walked us through a valley. I mean,
00:41 you know, if you look at the 23rd Psalms,
00:43 >> your life will be the valley of the shadow of death. But let
00:46 me and that surely goodness and morning, OK, I'm glad that I'm
00:53 right that every day in my journal, yeah, surely goodness
00:55 and mercy will follow me all the days and I would do well in
00:59 the house of the Lord Forever. It Man, it's a powerful thing.
01:02 When I got to say one thing that you and it did for me.
01:05 So got open the door for ministry.
01:08 >> I've rescued been part of a team that rescued kids in
01:12 Thailand from the sex trade industry in Kenya from been
01:15 given clinic to muse and sold into marriage. And people have
01:18 felt like their life was over and they had no chance of
01:21 stepping in to their own life in their own skin and got is
01:25 just in Russia with heroin addict. I mean, we have been
01:28 all over the world with dealing with different traumas, but my
01:32 dad died when I was here at 3ABN one year. And I remember
01:37 not I had ended that relationship because I mean,
01:40 I've been molested by him since I was 3 months old. And and
01:45 that trauma was so amazing to me when I got pregnant myself
01:49 and had a little girl, I just thought I can never hand this
01:52 little girl over to and because he had not ever even told me,
01:56 you just said, yeah, I never said any of that. So I just
01:59 ended that relationship. And when I was here and I heard
02:02 that my dad had died, I just didn't know how did I didn't
02:06 know how to breathe, like I didn't know how to do do
02:09 anything. I didn't at first I was afraid that I wouldn't feel
02:12 anything. And then I couldn't stop crying. And and then
02:15 pretty soon. And I'm thinking who is that all? And pretty
02:20 soon, I hear that again. And who is that? And and and I
02:23 hear you say, John,
02:26 I'm sure you in
02:28 and I thought, yeah, but I'm not answering the door. That
02:30 means that. I want to talk to anybody. Haha, I remember just
02:33 thinking that I I I'm not I can't open the door. Yeah.
02:37 And you that you guys can go way, knock, knock, knock,
02:41 knock, knock. And then Andy, I heard and I thought I cannot I
02:45 don't I don't know. I don't know. I don't know how to
02:47 breed. And I don't know how to say goodbye to a dream that I
02:51 hope someday he would have said I'm sorry and someday we would
02:55 have been reconciled and someday and I thought I just
02:58 don't know what to do in this moment. And then pretty soon it
03:02 was clear that you're not going away. And I opened the door and
03:05 you shared by your story and your dad and and how you felt
03:09 when he passed. And I remember just feeling so connected like
03:13 I'm not alone in dealing with something like this. There are
03:17 people friends that I know that I love and you that have
03:23 experienced similar things. And I remember just being blast
03:26 and nurture. And so I want to say that that even funding
03:30 crisis, it's not the trauma end, but people will show up
03:35 and god will show up. And and you get to even the hardest of
03:39 times with he could read it. I mean,
03:42 >> the Mara police sent us to you at that moment because that
03:45 was my journey, meaning my dad at 13,
03:48 knowing him for
03:50 31 years was so at that time when he passed and the same
03:55 thing happened when he died, I didn't I never shed a tear or
03:57 even to this very day. Yeah, it was always. I was always hoping
04:00 that the story would be different and that was
04:02 different. So, you know, on that the one thing that came
04:06 encourage monogamy of access and I was set up Heineman,
04:09 Marlins haven't. And I'm just sitting there kind of going
04:11 through my emotions. And
04:13 and Dwight Nelson passed Detroit Nelson
04:17 Newitt Kenny said to me something, yeah. He was
04:21 preaching to his people had I told my testimony earlier.
04:24 Yeah, let's have a school like an early morning service and
04:27 you heard it.
04:28 Any point to me said, I want to tell you
04:31 if there's any way that the dog can save your father, he would
04:33 do it. So a lot about it.
04:36 And I remember that. So God sent me at that moment to that.
04:40 You know, my sister also she was she passed away, passed
04:44 away just not too long ago. So these these traumatic
04:47 moments in lives in our life is to help us understand the part
04:51 of God. I would say to people, you know, we we know that Jesus
04:54 about the 1, 2, month. 21, he'll say this people image on
04:58 what went on the lamb of God to take away this overall.
05:01 But to many of us don't know the Jesus of Isaiah 61 to mend
05:04 the broken hearted. I'm and set those who are bound. We are
05:08 free to claim that year of liberty to give beauty for
05:12 ashes. The thought of joy in place of the spirit of
05:16 mourning, the garment up race instead of the spirit of having
05:18 a sense that we don't know that caused so many of us don't talk
05:21 about that God. So that's why I'm committed in our church.
05:25 And I was a night every Wednesday urges people to
05:28 attack, you know, the doctrinal cod.
05:31 >> We don't know the cause, but even that I remember just
05:34 coming to God during that time and just saying why?
05:39 Why didn't you stop him?
05:41 >> I mean, if you are God, like what was up with that move with
05:44 them to do some real quick, just 5 us and all the singers.
05:47 I forgot to tell you that you have to open. If you have it,
05:51 watch the program first and then allow them to watch it
05:56 later. Just a little disclaimer. Yes.
05:59 >> So it's like, what can you do something? Why didn't you do
06:02 something? I was 3 months old when my grandmother one time
06:07 kind of just said to me that I'm like she caught my dad or
06:12 something, you know, is how I got a sense that the left
06:15 happened very, very early. Like I have no memories times
06:19 about 3 years old, but it happened very early. And so
06:22 I've got like, why didn't you do something? And I remember
06:24 through the Holy Spirit, God saying I tried to get your dad
06:29 to make other choices every single day,
06:31 every single day. And the only way I could have stopped it was
06:36 to kill him.
06:37 And if I killed everybody who send bite, there would not be a
06:41 person around. So we have free choice. So when people harm
06:44 each other when we harm each other, when we harm our
06:47 children, it's not the God is not Santa off as parents as
06:52 grandparents as
06:54 anybody is just please be kind. Please do with your own trauma
06:59 in your own stuff so that you're not injuring the people
07:01 around you. And he tried that with my dad and my dad was not
07:05 responsive. And I and and as children, we paid the price of
07:08 that. But I I don't think that that was the first time I
07:12 realized that this was not God's fault. The only in the
07:15 some party here in this story is God. That's right.
07:20 >> We're going to talk about something now that I am
07:23 that is is is something you've learned. And I want our
07:27 audience to just got one word
07:30 boundary calls boundary. That's important foundries
07:34 because some of you might be where she really was. Maybe you
07:39 there now and these questions, a phenomenal allow just one.
07:44 >> But you start out with this 100st. Let me look for somebody
07:47 just say what I've found is important. Yeah, but for some
07:50 who say that,
07:52 >> I came out of times, they came out of addiction. I threw
07:55 myself completely into ministry. And then to learning
07:59 about who got is and loving every moment of that loving
08:03 every single time. I got to go through the Bible every single
08:05 time. I got to hear somebody give us unlike you, John and in
08:09 your music helps to. But every single time that I got to hear
08:13 the word of God from other people, the first camp meeting
08:15 I went was like Doug Bachelor. And then, you know, Kenneth
08:18 Cox, you know, all those just incredible men and women,
08:22 Shelly is just showing plan is just amazing to from latest
08:26 book Hot list. Spotless is that all of that kind of stuff is
08:32 just amazing to me. But then now while I am slowing down
08:36 insane at looking at the trauma aspect of it and just
08:39 wondering, like, I don't even know like I I got hit with
08:44 something really hard. It was harder than anything I had
08:48 dealt with in my past and my
08:50 the first part of my life. So that just hinting at how
08:53 difficult that was the case. And a friend of mine said you
08:56 need to go to a recovery group. You need to get support around
09:00 you. And I said, but I'm not doing drugs. No recovery from
09:05 codependency recovery from the belief systems that you've held
09:09 through your trauma. And I'm like, what are you talking
09:12 about? And I knew somewhat of what they were talking because
09:15 I did psych nursing for 15 years, impatient and stuff.
09:18 But we're pretty ignorant in that realm of what happens to
09:22 us.
09:23 No chemically and what happens to our DNA and that that
09:27 genetics and all that kind of stuff. But so I step into this
09:30 recovery group, the step study and it break denial about my
09:35 co-dependency in my co-dependency. My daughter said
09:38 to me one time you are a liar and I thought of that's one
09:43 thing. I'm not, you know, like and knowing I am not. And she
09:47 said you never honestly show up. You never honestly say what
09:51 you feel. You never come in. And if I say something new will
09:55 appease me, you will make me feel better. But you also had
09:59 disagree with all right. You are just very careful.
10:03 And in that you've lied every day of my life. And I remember
10:08 taking that to God and saying, God, I can you believe she said
10:11 that he's like, well, you know, and so when we show up and
10:17 we're not setting boundaries and we're not even see, I'm
10:20 showing up and being honest with what we feel in who we are
10:24 and all of that kind of stuff that we are so damaging
10:27 ourselves further. I tried going into trauma further and
10:31 we're not showing up. So there's nothing tangible for
10:34 someone to hold on to. And so when I started to go through
10:37 that, I just wept and wept and wept. And I said, am I a liar
10:44 and God, can you heal me? And he absolutely said, yes.
10:49 I mean, he is he the same response is, look, can I show
10:52 you who I see when I look at you as I see a woman of God.
10:56 And this is just part of the journey interest me in this
10:59 part of the journey. And so I remember going into the program
11:02 and going through the powerlessness got is the only
11:05 one that can be stormy to sanity going through with what
11:08 do I surrender to so that I can I can allow you to do that.
11:13 And and and then making amends. And so I had to make amends to
11:17 my daughter for lying to her her whole life,
11:21 to making it making everyone else feel good, but never
11:24 showing up as her mom never showing up as myself. So when I
11:28 talk about boundaries and when I talk about the gift that we
11:32 give to each other and recovery it, you can't put up price on
11:36 that. Same himself knows that if you step out of your trauma
11:40 and step into your own skin and got eclipse that person,
11:44 you can change the world. But if you don't do that,
11:46 you would injure everybody around too.
11:48 >> Sherry, Wow, I mean, you know, honey, on my talk a
11:52 little volcano, right? Yeah, I can't take that. Take the cap
11:57 off this. So vitally important. I try to communicate to people
12:00 this in my life knows this guy. We've been on personal journey
12:03 to has been just minimal his size and strength to the
12:06 marriage ministry. My and I walk with each other and we've
12:11 told couples if you can appeal to Lee, deadly honest with each
12:14 other, it's you know, there is still days when we have that
12:17 hiccup, like I want to hear that that's his humanity.
12:20 But if you cannot give the other person's delivery to be
12:23 open and honest and deadly honest with you and you,
12:26 you, you hear what they're saying.
12:29 How many times have you tell me? I'm not listening to you.
12:31 And I and I want to she told me that in the garage, she said
12:35 you're not listening in
12:37 and I put the groceries down on the garage flock and stay for
12:40 45 minutes. Say that said, talk to me. Yeah. They must mean the
12:44 caucus talked not Lee. She said the cross that I don't care
12:47 about the dress is not just when he came. And that was a
12:50 turning point in all America. To just talk to me. A lot of
12:53 couples watching the program.
12:56 I don't know how to do that. They were they fail to realize
12:59 that, you know, storms do one thing for you
13:02 and not just pretty quickly get back to them. The worst
13:04 rainstorm we have had on our way to Miami.
13:07 That's the cleanest free car wash. We have. Yeah. Got put
13:10 you in storms to clean you up. Yeah. And he allows those
13:13 storms and then you realize why boundaries, unnecessary long
13:17 lead into this with a very important question.
13:19 >> Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait on the list goes on.
13:21 No, no, wait. Because that what you open on me is the analogy
13:26 that God gave me was kind of a storm analogy. It said that
13:29 literally when I step into my recovery and when I stop doing
13:33 whatever it is, religious addictions, drugs, alcohol,
13:36 gambling, whatever the addiction is, that made me feel
13:40 better at the moment when I step out of that porn
13:44 addictions, that kind of thing when I step out of that is that
13:47 now I'm ready to step into my life. But it's as if a tornado
13:51 just went through and everything is destroyed in.
13:54 So it looks overwhelming. I mean, overwhelming. Like,
13:58 where do I even start? My the house is destroyed. The whole
14:01 neighborhood is destroyed. All of that kind of stuff and
14:04 got to start out with just sorting out. Mike, what do you
14:07 get? Is there anything salvageable? Is there anything
14:09 that you can to keep? Is there anything that you need? And
14:12 then once you clean that up and that takes a while, then you
14:15 can get some skilled craftsman that will literally start doing
14:19 foundation working and putting the wall's backup. There's a
14:22 scene in them are a group out in New Zealand that says it.
14:27 You know, there's all the sides of the House matter like that.
14:30 You can't just do one side and expect the whole thing to
14:33 censor the the clearing that whole thing out is literally
14:36 restoration. What does that mean and who is going to be
14:39 gathered around you to help you put the building back together
14:43 and then are you going to put the building back together
14:45 exactly the same now now, because why would you when God
14:54 says restoration, he's saying that that we think that when we
15:00 work with somebody that we're going to work with them and
15:02 just clean him up, we're going to stop their drink, you know,
15:04 whatever in God. So if you stop their shame on you, shame on
15:09 you because this person, this man, a woman of God, has no
15:13 idea the value. There's a song that says when the slave awakes
15:16 to the value of their own soul, that's what God is trying to do
15:20 is like not just clean this up. He knows that we have held on
15:24 to whatever he's got us to survive the day and it was a
15:28 lie from the enemy himself and never helped us survive
15:30 anything in the sun. Now, let me help you with a full
15:33 restoration of all of that. And that's where I got into the
15:37 whole thing about stepping into what is trauma work look like?
15:42 What is grief work? Look like what happened to my my body and
15:45 my mind and maybe even my DNA be because of all this trauma.
15:50 And he's got bigger than that.
15:52 >> OK, so now the boundaries had to be put in place because
15:55 you know what? In rebuilding a new house boundaries to that
16:00 within the height and depth of the lost everything, his
16:02 boundaries,
16:03 the house is not a house unless all the boundaries, not
16:07 complete. So that's that's one of these questions here.
16:09 >> Honey, I love you. Love you. Ask for that first, OK,
16:13 alright, this is about boundaries. Because sometimes
16:15 you feel like your life is out of control. How am I going to
16:18 handle this year? So what happens when you feel like you
16:20 have to say yes to everyone's requests and what's really have
16:25 to go through that? So, yeah, what's really interesting about
16:27 feeling like you have to say yes to every request is for me.
16:30 I was so desperate to be liked that I thought saying yes,
16:35 would act Lee cause those relationships to be powerful in
16:40 our connections to be from a powerful. But it just made me
16:44 look like a liar, even my child, so that in. So so if if
16:48 I have to say to myself, somebody asked me something.
16:51 And I have to say to myself, I want to do that,
16:56 but I don't die. And then and to have that money or don't
17:00 tire or do I have that time or don't I and I honestly say no
17:04 with somebody like
17:06 me and my history, it can throw me into what's called emotional
17:10 dysregulation. I can dysregulated I can start to
17:13 spend. I can literally tell myself if you say no, they're
17:17 not going to like you. And and when you talk about this
17:19 regulation, a lot of people think that that's an emotional
17:22 response to sending the boundary. It is not it's a
17:25 neurological response. It's far bigger than our emotional
17:29 response. And our spin actually has all kinds of chemicals
17:34 around it. So we ocean respond. If you tested mice alive at
17:37 that moment, you would find all kinds of cortisol. You would
17:40 find all kinds of stuff that is not healthy to me. On any
17:43 level. If you take my blood pressure, if you take my pulse,
17:46 it would be jacked up. My heart would be racing all of that
17:49 kind of stuff. And it's not anything that you caused by
17:53 asking me that it's not anything I caused by. I'm
17:56 feeling stressed. It's something that was just
17:59 ingrained in me from childhood for years and years and years
18:03 of that dysregulation. If I wrote something at that moment,
18:07 my handwriting would look different when you want to see
18:10 if you emotionally dysregulated just write something and you
18:13 will say, well, you know, if I was telling on your body is
18:16 telling us that the lion. So and so when you actually say
18:20 to yourself, OK, how do I learn to set boundaries? Because it's
18:24 a learned response and how I learned to take care of myself
18:28 and start slow cause nobody around you. If you pick people
18:31 around you that and respond to you showing up
18:34 as a liar, we are showing up and not in your own skin.
18:38 You showing up in just people pleasing everybody. The people
18:41 that are around you are not going to be as healthy and
18:44 they're not going to want you to set any boundaries because
18:46 it doesn't work for them.
18:48 >> Sherry, you just have something so powerful. And and
18:50 you know, I'm a camel the now I'm I'm older than I was last
18:53 year. That's just leave it there.
18:55 But here's the thing that a lot of people don't realize.
18:57 This is huge. This boundary. So vitally important because
19:00 some people that they play the stories now watches between the
19:03 question and your answer. You have taken you have
19:07 literally as quickly as your brain works
19:10 cycle analyzed. What will happen if that person here is a
19:14 no from you or if they hear? Yes, when you and the more
19:17 people in that circle, the more people you have cycle analyzed
19:20 and you come down to the place where you realize if I don't
19:23 say what all these people want to hear,
19:26 they won't like me buy it
19:29 so I can do that. And people that live their lives to be
19:32 light are in jail.
19:34 Absolutely. So I've told that I've told this to my
19:37 congregation. I say I'm no longer preach sermons to be
19:40 liked and then I no longer need to hear. That was a good
19:44 message. I just want to know why do cause? Well, because
19:47 somebody asked me on the couple years ago, I U he's staying out
19:51 of trouble. I said no wash washed. I geez, this is haha.
19:55 I was always in trouble.
19:57 And unlike was said by the former senator that passed when
20:00 Congress he says up,
20:02 if you in trouble being good while it was being honest,
20:06 yeah. For being who you are called to be the sole saying
20:09 yes, saying no.
20:12 He's just say yes.
20:14 When yes is the right answer
20:16 and no one knows it is dry.
20:19 >> What I didn't know when I started to set boundaries is
20:22 that you will lose a lot of people around you. And and that
20:26 was really difficult to me because I never had anyone.
20:29 I'm in my circle. And you know, and so now that I have a circle
20:34 that I created with this lie and and now I'm gonna have to
20:38 and I don't have to say no to everything because I don't want
20:40 to say no to everything. But but when you start saying
20:43 no, they said you lose 80 to 90% of the people that you have
20:46 put in her article and to me, I thought, oh, no, the kid in me
20:50 can't stand that. There was so wrong reasons. Yeah, they were
20:53 there for the wrong reason. And their agenda is not because
20:57 they choose you is because you work for them. And so so
21:01 literally being able to say is that that I need people around
21:05 me and that when we see we wrote a program here when we
21:08 did celebrating life in recovery a 14 week program to
21:11 help you connect with others. And so literally put people
21:14 around you that you can connect honestly with that is going to
21:18 reaffirm your
21:20 person. Hood. Yes. Used to be with you. Laugh with you.
21:24 I have people that I go out paddle boarding with in
21:27 kayaking with and spending the weekend with and and to win.
21:31 I have to do a hard discussion or have that hard conversation
21:35 in set boundaries. I will call the people that I love and say
21:38 this is difficult for me and they'll process out. What are
21:41 you afraid of what's happening? And when I do said a boundary
21:45 is I I don't set a boundary lightly, but I set boundaries
21:48 when I need to and I show up authentically as myself.
21:52 And you know what I found out this is so weird and please
21:55 don't take this in a way that is anyway. But what I'm trying
21:59 to say, yes, I like who I am when I show up. Yeah, I've not
22:03 done that. We I'd like who am I show up and I feel solid.
22:08 I I feel like I don't have to prove anything until I can
22:11 fully see you and be concerned about you. I can laugh at your
22:15 successes and your your journey and I can just enjoy all of
22:19 that because I'm not trying to do anything. Can I'm just
22:22 allowing my friends to show up in me to show up to your
22:25 readers. Funny. Yeah, 20 said on this faithful, all the
22:29 wounds of of friend, but the cases of an enemy on deceitful.
22:34 And that's what we're talking about. And that's exactly
22:36 right. And Jeanne, I like when somebody tells me the truth,
22:39 you have something it he's not just that. You tell me about
22:43 it.
22:44 Yeah, go ahead of time. And what I've got to say and is
22:47 that that's so powerful and into may have known you for a
22:51 long time and you are amazing to hang our hat. So it is it is
22:55 very interesting to hang out with you. But when we hang out
22:59 with each other and we hang out with each other and we forget,
23:03 we forget, let God help you to just show up, right? Don't have
23:08 an agenda. Just show up next in if I say something to you like,
23:11 you know, like and yeah, I'm going over to Europe and I'm
23:16 going to do in our program over there which I am in May how to
23:19 do in our program over there. Would you come with me? Sure.
23:25 Let's go. Oh, yeah. We said you couldn't. You would say what
23:30 are the dates might? How much is it and you say she that's
23:34 ridiculous. I can't do that. And we could laugh a bit of
23:37 coal mine and I go all the day's over right? To be honest
23:40 about to be okay. Now that another one, Nashua.
23:43 >> These these are questions that you need to do an entire
23:46 seminar at a church for just these questions here. But here
23:48 he's he's he's at that time. Do you find yourself are
23:52 readily taking responsibility for others, feelings and
23:55 problems this people out there that do?
23:58 >> Isn't that it's hard. It's but I if I wish we could
24:02 just say to anybody watching the program might now raise
24:05 your hand hands all over the world to try it. Because do you
24:10 find yourself? Not only will I make sure that my answer
24:13 doesn't cause you any stress, but I will take responsibility
24:17 for anything. You feel about that and it's not mine to take.
24:21 If you turn around and you say something poor about because of
24:25 the boundary. I said that's not even mine. My responsibility.
24:29 It's none of my business. What you say. It doesn't change
24:32 a thing about who I am. And I used to take full
24:34 responsibility for all of that. Right? And that's a horrible
24:38 way to live in. It's exhausting and I can't show up
24:42 authentically ever. And so being able to convince somebody
24:46 that for one, you can't be responsible. If I say something
24:50 that I need to say to you, because every time you borrow
24:52 my car, you bring it back with no gas. And I just I'm so
24:56 resentful about that until next Uber. And I don't mind because
25:00 I love you. You are my friend. But fill it up, right? Yeah,
25:04 he's just saying. So if someone says never borrow your car
25:07 again, then then that she all right. But you but Co dependent
25:11 will say no, no, I'm sorry, let me fix it. And they'll back
25:15 paddle that but don't back pedal. It did be honest with
25:19 some buddies and make sure you be honest with something in
25:21 front of that. You know that I love you. You know that you are
25:25 my fries and I don't mind any of this. But what I do resent
25:28 is having to then go to the gas station. So it's like being
25:32 able to be
25:34 confront a in a way that honest and still value the
25:39 friendships. If that person says, you know what, I'm
25:42 offended by what you said and I do want to be a friend anymore.
25:45 You have to say, OK, and you have to then grieve, et.
25:49 I can say, OK, pretend it didn't hurt. I can walk into
25:52 the other room and cry like a baby and I should because
25:55 losing friends for whatever reason this ad. But I can't not
26:00 say it.
26:01 >> Because it changes who I am in a way that I'm not willing
26:03 to do anymore. Thank you for saying that street because a
26:05 lot of people say what are the people want to hear? Because
26:09 they have some kind of I think you said earlier, people
26:13 placing quality, but it's not a quality. It's a it's what I
26:17 call. It's it's incarceration, hale and hearty waited because
26:22 they have not met themselves yet human and until they and
26:25 they're afraid to meet themselves, right. So the worst
26:29 thing is to have 5 people that have different 5 different
26:31 opinions and you in the middle and have to be responsible for
26:34 everybody else's feelings. It gets overwhelming. You just
26:37 you can't deal with that situation. That's the next
26:39 question because so much here.
26:41 >> All the fine. Just so fun. I guess that this harm this one
26:45 have you have to be focused on so much being loving and
26:49 unselfish,
26:51 but you forgotten you don't limit limitations rule.
26:57 >> You know you I can tell by the look on your face and you
27:00 and I can talk about that for all types salute Lee, so have I
27:04 I forgot my own limitations. Have I forgot my own value?
27:08 Have I
27:10 maybe even never understood that. Never explored it.
27:13 And so I think even as we going to set boundaries as we going
27:16 to do that kind of journey is a reason you do it with other
27:20 people like we would never meant to do any of this by
27:23 yourself and got a dog for sake meeting together. I think it's
27:27 only once a week at church. I know know that every single
27:31 issue is hang out with each other. Confess your sins one to
27:35 another, pray for each other so that you may be healed. It's
27:38 all of that stuff. And so if I'm going to, if I'm going to
27:41 step into setting limits, understanding what that means
27:47 is, first of all, I have to know what they are like.
27:49 What are my limit? Who is this person? I used to feel like if
27:53 I walk by somebody to to find us, I would disappear was like
27:57 missed. I wasn't solid enough to actually even do that.
28:01 And then there's a there's a this a book that I love and in
28:06 in in it's a Cs Lewis book on the Gray Divorce. And in that
28:11 book he does this this and allergy about have and then how
28:16 and and and spiritual growth. And he starts out with even the
28:20 smallest souvenir from h*** will keep you from heaven,
28:23 which got my attention. You can't take all luggage with you
28:26 on every trip to the small, a souvenir. And so then and then
28:30 he does this group of people that are waiting for a bus and
28:33 the bus is going to take them to heaven, right? And so it's
28:38 just an analogy. It's the story. So they're waiting.
28:40 And all the sudden they go from this grey existence to this
28:43 color and all this kind of soften, then they they the bus
28:47 stops and it's beautiful and there are angels waiting for
28:50 them. Each of them has their angel. That knows them really
28:53 was this woman looks at her angel, like I think that angels
28:57 coming on to me and she reaches in her bag and with the Angeles
29:01 thinking is and she looks terrible. She's like, but skin
29:05 and bones like she almost didn't make it, you know,
29:08 and really wanted to nurture her and her journey. But she
29:11 pulls out her lipstick and put some lipstick on initial
29:14 support. FedEX scene that we are looking at outwardly who we
29:18 are rather than stepping in to a real life. And so she gets
29:23 off the bus and she starts screaming, screaming, like
29:27 nobody would told me it would hurt to be here. I nobody told
29:32 me. And and what the story says is that if we can show up to
29:37 heaven
29:38 in our state, we are not real enough to even walk on the
29:41 grass yet. And our healing journey is about becoming
29:45 reeling off to walk on the grass. And so she decides to
29:49 get back on the bus and go home. But that hit me so hard
29:52 is like setting boundaries and finding out what our limits are
29:56 and who we are in Christ and what our journey is. Well,
29:59 I never hung a picture on my wall until I was in my 30's
30:03 because I didn't trust my own case. I didn't I wouldn't all
30:06 pick a color and and do any of that kind of stuff. My trump in
30:10 a feud with all of that, right? And so I've got to find out.
30:14 I don't even at that time I
30:16 I don't even know if you said what's your favorite color?
30:19 I would say your favorite color, obviously. What Yahoo
30:24 question with a question. Yeah.
30:25 >> And I tell people about that. If somebody says and I
30:27 had a couple sitting before me and said next time given Matt
30:30 Matt given counseling. And so when you're done, you know,
30:34 take your fiance, 2 restaurants. So I said, what
30:37 restaurant do you like to go to the mask and the wife to be?
30:40 She has a fiance him. In fact, what? What rest what would you
30:43 like? I said stop right there. Yes, stop it there.
30:47 He just asked you sorry he has to. What restaurant do you like
30:50 to go in? You asked him what the restaurant would you
30:51 prefer? I said 5 years from now you can wake up and realize you
30:55 didn't. You didn't even though the sky
30:57 and he never got to know you because he wants to know foods
30:59 you like and you want to
31:01 you prefer instead of answering that question about what you
31:04 like. You're deferring your likes.
31:06 >> To his legs and let you just you just let yourself in last
31:10 out was a red flag for a narcissistic relationship.
31:13 Oh, that's a whole nother thing is it's if somebody to Lee is
31:16 asking new just as a set up to get back what they wanted.
31:22 Most Co dependence will pick relationships like that.
31:25 We don't want to make the decision. We want someone else
31:28 to make the decision which puts us on dangerous ground. Yes.
31:31 And then we want to blame the other person when God says no,
31:34 no, no. You felt safety in not putting yourself out there at
31:40 any level and letting someone else make those decisions.
31:44 And so when I started to feel less safe in doing that and
31:47 asking myself, what
31:50 do you want to eat?
31:52 That's a part of the first part of knowing the limits to sign
31:56 is finding out. What are the limits? What are your limits?
31:59 What are your desires? What are we got says I'll give you this
32:02 is Ayers of your heart. And we've never been explored what
32:05 those are. But even God himself says, you know, kenley's hang
32:09 out a little bit. He shared this with me. And so it is a
32:13 really weird thing about setting boundaries. We're
32:15 learning about about boundaries, learning about
32:17 recovery, learning about coming out of trauma is we are
32:21 learning so much about who we are and one day you wake up in
32:26 your own skin full of joy and that Tex you that the joy of
32:31 the Lord is your strength will finally make sense.
32:33 >> I know I know what you're saying, obviously, really
32:36 because sometimes a and I want to set this up. Some ask you
32:40 the question.
32:41 Sometimes people feel use myself as to sometimes people
32:44 feel person.
32:45 When you set a limit of the people, things that you don't
32:48 like them when in fact saying no, not right now he's in fact
32:52 what you should say. Yes, people have asked me to do
32:55 certain things I set out overnight right now. I can do
32:58 right now. Yeah, later on and they think on anyone to help
33:01 me,
33:02 no, I just told you I don't. I'm not going help. You just
33:04 said not right now. Why do people feel that they have to
33:07 say yes. So can you set limits and still be a loving person?
33:11 >> Yes, but but what's really crazy about that is the entire
33:16 world will tell, you know,
33:18 Satan himself will tell, you know, when when the when the
33:21 Bible says fight against the schemes of the enemy because
33:23 the schemes of the enemy is I want you overburdened. I want
33:26 you discouraged. I want you not to show up as yourself. I want
33:29 you not to be on this with what you feel and even what your
33:32 time management looks like. I want you just to be drowning
33:36 in all of this. People pleasing stuff. All of this stuff in God
33:40 says no, no, no.
33:42 I even went away in prey.
33:44 I took off for entire night. I literally said I need to back
33:48 away right now because he didn't say no to ministry.
33:52 He didn't even say no to the cross, but he took care of
33:55 himself and he didn't. He didn't say yes, when yes was
34:00 not the right. No night and not the right response. Not even
34:04 the right. And to the response that I give like people that
34:07 know me now, I'm no me that that
34:11 then I would be real clear with you and not in a mean way at
34:15 all because I love the people in my life right then. And I'll
34:19 just say, and then I'm a, you know, do want to go skydiving
34:24 and like, yeah, I know. I would say, yeah, that's it. And I
34:31 want to opt out of this half. You know? So I would say no,
34:35 not because I don't think you're funny and fun and
34:38 adventurous, but unite just I just I'm not in my mind.
34:42 I'll be right with you.
34:44 >> All right. But I say I'm not giving the devil handy option,
34:47 Lou. And this is all and sabia work, you know, the bridge
34:52 between Zambia and Zimbabwe. So the sky invites me to go
34:55 bungee jumping with him in a country where they have no
34:57 insurance. You die, you die. Yeah. Your body just votes on
34:59 the so it says a pay. If you go ahead and doing that, he says
35:05 so
35:06 it ticks 100 foot, drop 600 foot drop over 1100 foot.
35:10 Dive down to this empty river. Victoria falls right there
35:15 and I said I'm not doing that.
35:17 >> So I pay for us. It is not the cost. I just I'm not doing
35:21 that. But even the next thing that a lot of people will say,
35:24 are you chicken out? You don't think that it's not a fan,
35:27 a wounded early, just setting a boundary just Cessna. I took a
35:30 breath. I thought about that. And I just have no interest and
35:34 I don't need to explain myself further. So what happened?
35:37 And we set boundaries and we don't know our own limits.
35:39 Is we over? Explain. We talked more than we need to and we
35:43 don't believe that. Yes or no is enough. And when the Bible
35:46 says let your yes P s I know we know
35:51 someone is upset by a boundary spy without your
35:54 responsibility. That's what I would ask myself. Is it my
35:57 responsibility of how you respond to that boundary?
36:01 It is not. It's really none of my business. What if they
36:05 scream and yell what if they throw a chair? What if they do
36:08 whatever that all of that is not my issue. And I know it was
36:13 not my intention to get you up. Said it was not my intention to
36:17 start all this drama. But if your trauma cause you to Oregon
36:22 to somebody because of they said the boundary on you,
36:25 please look into that. And I ca probably wouldn't say that at
36:27 that moment.
36:29 >> Yeah, I would say that the but you put exactly by setting
36:32 a boundary.
36:33 You're letting them know that whatever response you get from
36:36 them,
36:37 you didn't cause that a man. That's what people have to
36:40 understand. We're so concerned about how people may feel if we
36:45 don't acquiesce Aubrey. Yeah, but take their position that we
36:49 sometimes lose ourselves and we go home and all those toxic
36:53 things out. We stopped feeling they did. We feel drained.
36:56 We exhale, we inhale. We fall down. The country can do
36:59 anything because we've lost SOS in that moment. When you read
37:02 the when you really want to be honest, yes, we have too afraid
37:05 to be an even.
37:07 >> If I'm not for the bounties, if I if I end up home and I'm
37:10 exhausted, I'm going to escape into something. I'm going to
37:13 grab a gallon of ice cream. I'm gonna turn the TV on.
37:17 I'm the do whatever I can to disconnect from the
37:20 uncomfortable feelings of the lies. And I just told myself
37:24 about my right to set a boundary as I'm a I'm in the
37:27 escape. And so if I want to stop escaping myself, I need to
37:31 show up and be authentic and I don't want to do that. Some
37:34 people do it aggressively. You don't need to do it
37:36 aggressively. Thank you. Everybody has a right to just
37:39 say yes or no. Everybody has a right. And what I found out is
37:44 that all the sudden
37:46 people are choosing to sit next to me in friendship
37:51 that value my showing up offensively. And so you lose
37:56 some people, but you'll gain some people and more
37:59 importantly, you will gain yourself. You literally start
38:04 to saying that you are always enough. I am enough and I've
38:08 always been enough and I just didn't know it.
38:13 >> Before we ask the next question, I want to thank you
38:15 for that. Because I know I have said that the that the
38:17 listeners and viewers of the problem, I know there are
38:19 listening carefully. People need to know that it's OK
38:25 to set boundaries and not feel the need to just always Lucia
38:29 Self. And that's what I want to let you know, because some of
38:33 you are understanding exactly what she is saying. But all
38:37 that psychological chemical reaction to how you feel is is
38:41 interrupting. Why?
38:43 >> Interrupting the answer that you want to give payments.
38:45 So when do emotionally dysregulated. So let's say at a
38:49 boundary and I emotionally dysregulated and I am spending
38:52 and all the sudden I feel like every my pulse is going up.
38:56 My handwriting is dysregulated I I I feel so much stress.
39:00 I don't know even how to do the next sentence or conversation
39:04 because when we emotionally dysregulated everything,
39:07 it's everything changes and I can play it off like it.
39:10 I can literally do the next thing. But I don't it's tough
39:15 work, right? So when I mostly just regulate, there's things
39:18 that you can do to get yourself back into your skin in the
39:22 first thing, feel your feet on the ground.
39:26 But in my feet feel like right now as it hits this chair or
39:29 the ground. Yeah, right. And pay attention to that.
39:32 So now I'm out of the spin. Yes. What is your bottom feel
39:36 like sitting on this chair? But does it feel like and you
39:39 just start to actually say become conscious? Yeah, I'm
39:43 going to become conscious of the reality here. Find
39:46 something in the room to look at like there's a beautiful
39:49 picture of Jesus in the background holding a black
39:52 lamb. My favorite picture of anybody ever want to give me
39:55 that I needed yet my favorite picture. So look at something
40:00 that will get your mind off. Put. Take a drink few with the
40:04 water. Feels like on your mouth by smell something, say
40:08 something. Look at something, feel something and you start to
40:12 get back in your own skin and then I can step in and say the
40:15 next thing but don't try to set any more anything else. You are
40:19 not obligated to stay in the conversation. If you
40:22 emotionally, I can say, you know what can you hold that?
40:26 I'll be back in 15 minutes. I'm going to take a walk and
40:29 somebody says you don't you don't know my husband. I don't
40:32 have to know your husband. I I want to know you. Yeah.
40:34 And do you feel like you have the right to say right now?
40:38 I cannot hear you. I'm going to take a walk and I'll be right
40:42 back. Like what you're saying, John, I'm not saying no,
40:45 I'm not. And I won't be in the conversation that I cannot do
40:48 it right now. I need to take a breath.
40:50 >> What I'd done that I've done that effectively and some
40:53 people have misinterpreted that like, you know, you don't help
40:56 me. And I said, no, not right. Now later, I'll be I'll give
41:00 you my full attention, but I need to get what I'm doing
41:03 right now. My full attention. And this is what I want.
41:05 You know, that's when you get to that plan live.
41:08 You begin to be free. A man whom I wish you could you could
41:11 say this, honey, I said
41:13 a people don't have to agree with me. So to have the right
41:16 to my opinion that you have the right to my conclusion, even if
41:20 my opinion, it's not based on a set of facts. It's my opinion.
41:23 Yeah. So don't try to change it because it's my opinion.
41:27 Yeah. But if what I say is based on my own research,
41:30 don't try to undo my research with your research because the
41:33 bottom line is this is my research, cement Sabbath.
41:36 Musselman said the last, OK, Raiders of the lost art of
41:41 thinking.
41:42 >> They haven't Raiders of the Lost Ark. I think, you know,
41:45 I'm still going to be that, OK? So I mean on that's that's the
41:48 city, even for any of that when when the them I think the devil
41:53 himself made us feel like that. There are certain things that
41:58 if I quit, then I've arrived, right. And in like I said,
42:03 it's just the ticket to the movie. It's just a ticket to
42:06 get into your life is quitting. Everything else is part of the
42:10 transformation that uses his promise to said I will leave
42:14 every day. I will renew your thinking every day. I will
42:17 challenge your belief systems and some of your belief
42:21 systems. God himself will celebrate because they're so
42:23 good. Some of your relationships are so good,
42:26 but some of them have to be challenged and a half now.
42:30 And it has great work that comes with it. It has. It has,
42:34 you know, you really have to say, OK, God, I'm going to stop
42:37 fighting you on this. Yes, I'm John. You are nice and you you
42:42 explain to somebody why you set the boundary. We don't have to
42:46 not all. Actually, I don't think a good idea to say
42:49 because it is because sometimes setting a boundary
42:52 no matter how you explain it, if the person has an agenda,
42:56 your explanations are going to do. No good at also said in the
43:00 boundary is important for you and for them. And if you check
43:04 your heart and you do it because this truly is a
43:07 boundary for you, this is truly the kind of saying to do or the
43:10 most important thing. You know, your time constraint to
43:13 whatever is said it in, don't over. Explain or explain.
43:16 There's there's a new thing called the apartment triangle
43:20 to try and go at top is a persecutor rescuer and victim.
43:25 And so when we don't know how to take care of ourselves and
43:29 to set boundaries is that we live on this triangle. I
43:32 doesn't matter where we're at on the triangle where either
43:35 you're first getting because we're angry at somebody or were
43:37 victims are rescuing. But when God says, hey, how about get
43:42 off the triangle high and it's our choice to get off at any
43:46 time. You find yourself back on the triangle as you take a
43:49 breath, don't be rate yourself to step off. I'm pretty soon
43:54 you'll find that you're on the triangle less and less and
43:56 less. And you're showing up authentically as yourself not
44:00 rescuing anybody else. That plan a victim and definitely
44:03 not persecuting anyone because
44:06 you're free. And that's what you talked about a lot, John,
44:09 is that we end up being free and in our own skin and
44:13 celebrating life beyond what Trump has done. So forgiveness
44:17 is a huge thing. We know it just father has done here and
44:21 whether you have you forgiven them. You know, forgiveness is
44:24 a big thing and it's really tough like with my father.
44:27 I had to get a little baby shoe of his and I had to look at
44:31 this baby. She was a little white to that with us lace,
44:34 isn't it? And I had to say, Lord, I forgive my father for
44:38 all the abuse that happened in his life
44:41 as a baby, that he was able to grow up and you're all of his
44:45 children. And so I had to for a while, look at that shooting
44:48 now that I understand trauma and epigenetic somehow traumas
44:53 followed us from generation to generation. As I can look at,
44:58 I saw and say, and we have all carried someone's trauma and
45:04 then traumatized ourselves and we traumatize ourselves and
45:08 maybe even traumatize our children. And that's why
45:11 forgiveness not only for each other is important but were to
45:15 receive forgiveness from God that I have to know that God
45:18 looks at all of this and my guilt and all of this, my I'm
45:22 not showing up and not authentically and being able to
45:25 lie to my child or are not be the president with her growing
45:28 up because I was trying to people, please, God says I
45:32 forgive you.
45:33 I forgive you, do not beat yourself up over this. Do not.
45:37 You know, my my Angela said, you know, into, you know
45:42 something
45:43 into you'll act a certain way into, you know, better than do
45:46 better. Yeah. I mean, it's a very simple statement in my gut
45:49 says is, don't beat yourself up. Don't let the enemy get a
45:53 hold of you and let you spend in guilt because, you know,
45:56 dis regulating guilt at don't do that.
45:59 >> God says you are, can my blood covers this? And now
46:02 let's learn to do was to save us all loving it. You need to
46:05 have a someone all you do. You just say come on in if
46:09 you're broke and people that don't come and want to admit
46:11 their pro can watch us. Real quick summit thought completely
46:14 different question with all left and right before we go
46:16 there, OK, he said this.
46:18 >> Is that I'm coming out of retirement. Okay. So if
46:21 somebody for one eye have not a dime fact at times, can't even
46:26 afford groceries now may even lose my house, which is I'm not
46:31 complaining about that. But if you can sponsor me going to
46:35 seminars, working with people want to any of that stuff,
46:39 please do because I'm not asking this because I want a
46:41 new outfit, even how that would be were a size 8. Haha, I'm
46:48 just asking that. I don't know how like Danny was gracious
46:51 enough to allow me to set back in the ministry or in the
46:55 ministry. I'm asking if somebody is out there that can
46:58 help me to step in the ministry or if you can invite me to your
47:01 church or let me do a seminar or any of that stuff, please
47:06 do.
47:07 >> Yeah, I think we have your e-mail that I'll ask him to put
47:10 the not share that with the views before the problem is
47:12 over. OK, go ahead with a completely different question
47:14 here, honey, what you wish you could look at how the wife
47:18 affectively manage my digits whole life
47:22 so that it doesn't control me.
47:25 >> You know what? It what stuff that
47:28 so important to me, John. But
47:31 we have given
47:35 kids cell phones at to try just babysat them. Yeah. And the
47:40 kids went in 2010 from a play
47:44 economy
47:46 to a phone Com E so they're meant to learn by plane moving
47:50 their bodies, doing all this kind of stuff. Their minds or
47:53 their brains are 90% developed by the time they're 5. And now
47:58 all they're moving is their fingers at 10. They're
48:00 scrolling. You take away their phone. They sound like an
48:03 addict. You take away the device. They sound like an
48:05 addict. We gave him Einstein and computers and learning
48:09 things what they're finding out and in different places that it
48:12 was so damaging that it is changed and neurochemistry of a
48:16 generation all over the world. So from 2010 until now, suicide
48:22 rates went up and hedonistic disorders. When UPS depression
48:26 wind up anxiety is off the chart and you look at these
48:29 kids and they show up in college and they want safe
48:32 places. They don't even know how to show up without you
48:35 providing safe places because they don't know how to do that
48:38 for themselves. So these are not spoiled brat. He's are not
48:41 people that don't have a brand. These are people that we have
48:44 program in certain countries won't even let you program the
48:48 kids under 6. It's against the law. Has devices also injury?
48:52 Yeah, and damaging. So we've changed in our chemistry of a
48:55 generation and yet we don't think it affects us, but it
48:59 affects anybody that's on their device, actually more than a
49:03 few hours a day and some kids, it's 20 hours a day. So that
49:07 means or sleep so disruptive. They're eating this disruptive.
49:10 They don't know how to communicate their their their
49:13 face-to-face to office is not developed at Alderson. Dana
49:17 Modi's rather than doing a facial expression and it is
49:21 that epidemic of our time. It says it released due to the
49:25 bottom ease 2 people. We thought that we would genius to
49:28 do that or electric shock treatment and all that kind of
49:31 stop. And we did that long before. We knew that that was
49:33 horrendous. It was horrible now, right for mutilating young
49:37 kids by removing genders and all that kind of stopped and
49:40 were given devices to other kids to kids that are changing
49:44 them neurochemistry. So when you talk about trauma, there's
49:48 so many levels of trauma, but there's levels of trauma right
49:52 now that children, 25 years, 30 years old and under, are
49:58 walking into the world ill equipped and have no idea who
50:01 they are. And they are fabulous folks, but they have no idea.
50:05 So to me devices, we're going to look back if we're still
50:09 around, hopefully will be home by then. But if we're still
50:12 around 10, 20 years from now, we're going to be repenting.
50:15 >> Of what we did to both generate well, the world right
50:17 now. I think it may have been you might. My life was just
50:19 reminded me. We're the one that recommended the book to me.
50:22 Thrilled to death in a tweet by TalkTalk trouble him powerful.
50:26 Get that book, thrilled to death that talks about and had
50:28 only of how the simple pleasures of life you can not
50:31 experience any longer.
50:32 >> This gem because it's flat-lined. Yeah, the pleasure
50:35 centers of your brain that you are not producing the
50:38 neurochemistry that you need. And 2 men. You talk about
50:40 somebody that younger because we at least have developed that
50:45 Brian and getting back to that as possible use takes a 2
50:49 year-old that has been on devices their whole lives.
50:51 They have it more difficult time, not impossible but more
50:55 difficult time to get back to that state or to a state of
50:59 being in their own skin and alive without chemical
51:03 assistant.
51:04 >> And the more people have that the more exposure people
51:07 have at any age to this device,
51:10 the less they have the ability to focus.
51:13 >> That's a difficult thing. So so I run programs right now
51:18 healing through the arts. So we we actually do right
51:21 brand healing to art and music. And and and it just kind of
51:25 getting into all that kind of stuff hands on stop. We go out,
51:29 even even kayaking or power boarding. And we go out on
51:32 weekends and hike together and all that kind of stuff. So
51:35 anything you can do to add to your online stop don't feel
51:39 like I might have to take it away to some kids would rather
51:41 you lose a lamb, then you take their phone. We know. And so
51:46 it's so true. So it's like don't don't think about that.
51:49 But think about if you have children, if you have friends,
51:52 if you love anybody, take him outside, do something. You
51:57 know, when got Tommy had a love because I didn't know how to
51:59 love. I mean, that would what does that mean exactly and what
52:02 he said? I want you to go outside and just take a walk in
52:05 any time you see something that makes you smile, know that
52:08 you've experienced me a little bit. And so what I saw flower
52:12 color or smelled something or whatever, so get outside and
52:15 know that the angels themselves walk with you when you're in
52:19 nature. I mean that this is a spiritual experience. And when
52:23 you do that with each other and connect a laugh with each
52:25 other, it is absolutely amazing to don't think that I can stay
52:29 on lines going through a device and learning how to set
52:32 boundaries are learning how to communicate or connecting with
52:35 anybody that's going to be life changing to me or them. So it
52:39 is
52:40 it is a health is a home new world.
52:44 >> So so you e-mail would be celebrating life for Christ.
52:49 Yes, at G Mail dot com. Yes, yeah. There is. It is on the
52:53 bottom of the screen celebrating life for Chrysler
52:56 and G Mail dot com. Now, the reason given that e-mail,
52:59 I just want the people listening watching the program
53:01 to know that I don't want to add a month in the midst that
53:05 you said earlier, this appeal that she made was a very honest
53:08 appealed versus your appeal because we've known you and we
53:12 know you we know you're out, you know, the Austin on using
53:15 that word
53:16 of experiences and what you have. But the lawyer wrote you
53:19 through and how the laws of C we've we've experienced that
53:22 here. But God is not finished yet. And that's what the sun
53:26 God is not finished with you yet. And you're still at the
53:29 place where these questions and the skills that God has allowed
53:32 you to experience and develop from that kind of live. It's
53:35 helpful in your community. You might be a pastor. Yeah,
53:38 you might be a local leader. You might be a person who's
53:40 running a show home for young girls that don't know they are.
53:45 You might be a person that wants to add a different
53:48 dimension to your rehab center or a person that's dealing with
53:51 people that are just strung out on something
53:53 you've been there should use and and what I like about it,
53:57 we've had you preach at a church before. What I like
53:59 about it is she not only has had these experiences that
54:01 you've experienced God to bring. The scriptural has
54:04 picked a name. And so you not just telling people about all
54:07 that you've been to how to get out of it. Yeah. Power of Khan
54:10 to power cars. So in the time we have remaining give us about
54:13 the 30 seconds or so. But talk to the people on the camera
54:17 thing right behind me here. Just kind of reach out to them
54:20 in kids. Some encouraging words before we close this program is
54:23 solvent encouragement.
54:24 Talk directly to them.
54:25 >> Yeah, I just want to say if there's anybody out there that
54:28 in the middle of their trauma and they really don't know what
54:30 to do with us is I want to say men grab people around you and
54:36 there's so many groups there's on celebrating life in
54:39 recovery, which is our group there celebrate recovery,
54:41 which is another group out there. There's a 12 step
54:44 program anywhere. There's Bible studies. There's a lot of
54:47 different things that you can grab hold of, but don't do this
54:50 by yourself and know
54:52 now that recovery is possible. I promise you, I promise you
54:56 that we put your hand up to God and he will grab hold of the
54:59 other side of that. And so don't be afraid of that.
55:03 It call OS. I'm gonna call me because we can talk. And I and
55:08 I don't mean that lightly. And again, I want to go to the
55:11 person that can actually help sponsor us is when somebody
55:15 calls, I want to be able to give them the time. And I can't
55:18 even buy groceries some of the time just because of where I'm
55:23 not coming out of retirement. So if you can sponsor anything
55:26 sponsor us with our one to one sponsor us with our
55:29 interventions with family sponsor us. When we go out to
55:31 communities and if you have a quarter in your pocket, send it
55:35 to us because we need that and know that it's needed. We've
55:40 got a world that is being lost in trauma all over the world.
55:44 Not just one country, not just one area, not just one. When we
55:49 talk about all this cultural stuff and racial stuff, it is.
55:52 There's no on divide here. We are all dealing with
55:56 something and we all need each other and we all need the lord.
56:01 That's kind of I don't mean lame to say. But I know people
56:05 here that all the time. But I believe that with everything in
56:07 me is I can't do this without God. You can't do this without
56:10 God, and we can't do this without each other. That's
56:12 right.
56:14 >> She said, well, you know, I feel like I got some free
56:17 counseling to hull so many points, the tweet which we have
56:21 through the years. But on a show, the script to John 16,
56:23 33 Jesus said in the world, you will have tribulation but
56:28 Sheree and we all have turned out to be a good year have
56:31 overcome the world. Don't forget there's going to be a
56:34 day when there's no more on all this stuff. You've got to make
56:37 it through the 23rd psalm. Let that be your guide at the
56:40 Lord is your shepherd. Everything that David talked
56:42 about will be your experience.
56:43 But as you say, one day, you'll do well in the House of the
56:47 Lord Forever. I'm Ashley PETA. So good to have you here.
56:50 Yes, baby in family. Thank you for joining us tonight. Tell
56:53 you celebrate something today and celebrate this that Jesus
56:57 is on your side and, you know, bring you through onto the next
57:00 time publishing
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Revised 2024-08-10