3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240025A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to
00:17 [MUSIC]
00:26 >> too.
00:31 [MUSIC]
00:36 >> I'm
00:42 >> and
00:47 I want to stand
00:48 [MUSIC]
00:52 too.
00:54 [MUSIC]
00:59 [MUSIC]
01:06 >> Hello, friends. Welcome to Thursday night live here at 3,
01:09 a D and this is Thursday night all the way live and we are
01:13 really excited all all we ever. Yeah, I kind of kind of hold
01:18 around a little bit kind of I hold them over the 5. But thank
01:21 you for tuning into 3 ABN your network. If you're tuning in
01:24 for the first time, remember this network? We are continuing
01:27 to do the Lord's will buy his empowerment, getting ready for
01:31 the most exciting event of the ages. And that's the second
01:33 coming chases. Good to have you with me, honey. Always happy.
01:38 We got hit by the Blues. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm feeling
01:41 blue, right? But in a good way in a good way, a good way.
01:44 Blue is an honest cover on his car. And this is a very open
01:48 and honest program. Not just kind of say this in lead and
01:51 some of you may not even know what a boundary is. Some of you
01:55 live a life
01:57 and you have giving yourself away decades ago because you
01:59 don't know how to express who you are.
02:02 You don't know how to tell people no or yes.
02:05 I mean, yes. When you say no, I'm the opposite way around.
02:09 Some of you live in families where your traumas have
02:12 completely
02:13 become the guiding focus of your life and you don't know
02:15 how to get yourself back. Some of you are in a position
02:19 where you love what you do. But
02:21 just a suggestion from somebody owes come completely destroy a
02:24 change or day. This program is the kind of problem you need to
02:27 listen to how to set boundaries. Yeah, what's so
02:30 important how to survive traumas
02:33 and we all have traumas bite, but it is a trauma something
02:37 that happened to you. Well, you have to come is a vitally
02:40 important question. So tonight you want to get that. Well,
02:43 I know how many people record that that record function on
02:46 your DVR. You can record this problem because if you're by
02:48 yourself and is somebody in the kitchen,
02:50 pull them together. Has been a wife is most in around the
02:54 room.
02:55 >> Pull them together. Yeah. Program was excited. I really
02:58 am. I'll be going to talk with an introduce a guess now after
03:02 this. I'm okay. Haha knee cut we have right here. Someone who
03:08 is not a strange. It's a 3ABN she repeat as welcome Shiri.
03:12 Thank you. I feel like I need to put something a little on.
03:15 Haha. Okay. Nobody sent me the memo. Haha. Dress in how you
03:19 feel.
03:20 >> Yes, well, good to have you back. It's so nice to be back.
03:22 I just got to say that I haven't been here for a couple
03:24 years. And when I came in today, it was like I was just
03:28 screaming, family members and hugging and he's seen and
03:33 coming home. It was the most incredible hall, I think
03:37 because I miss all of you guys. How long have you been between
03:40 a home? How I've been with the avian for probably almost 30
03:44 years old and a long time cause teen pathways celebrating last
03:48 night covering all of that kind of stuff. And and when we when
03:53 we get a chance, I would love to say what changed my life
03:56 about what happened here, 3 being because it was powerful,
03:59 but it feels like family and there for somebody like myself
04:04 that doesn't have family that I just wasn't.
04:07 I'm fortunate enough to have that. That from the moment that
04:12 we met, I have experience healing all kinds of trauma.
04:17 >> Thats good through it all. She's learned to trust in
04:20 Jesus, hasn't she? You leading up to something. Hahaha,
04:25 we are going to share a wonderful selection by Allison
04:29 Spears and Tim Parton and titles.
04:32 >> Through it on.
04:34 [MUSIC]
04:39 [MUSIC]
04:44 [MUSIC]
04:46 >> And then A T.
04:48 >> Some saw all wrong.
04:51 I've had questions for to
04:57 this time
04:58 [MUSIC]
05:03 [MUSIC]
05:05 bought in every 6 Asian
05:10 God gave me said consolation.
05:17 >> That I try to use.
05:21 >> Calm, cool thing to me. Strong
05:28 [MUSIC]
05:32 >> it all.
05:33 [MUSIC]
05:39 >> I'm to trust in. G is the trust in God.
05:48 >> Little through little.
05:56 >> I've today pay Paul. You were.
06:03 [MUSIC]
06:08 >> I'm saying assay
06:13 [MUSIC]
06:16 soar.
06:19 [MUSIC]
06:23 Well, but all yeah,
06:28 those precious little boy, Jesus. And that means no out
06:36 was used tool through it all.
06:42 [MUSIC]
06:47 >> I to trust in Jesus, the trust in little.
06:58 [MUSIC]
07:04 >> I have today pick up all new word to and today pay only his
07:23 to it.
07:26 >> I'm
07:32 >> well
07:43 [MUSIC]
07:46 >> we thank you, Allison. Thank you, Tim. That song
07:49 perfectly set the stage for this program. It Menaces.
07:52 I mean, as we were listening to it, it was a blessing. You sure
07:56 he wasn't it.
07:57 >> It's powerful. And to me was really powerful about that is
08:00 that I don't think we have any idea when when we read in the
08:04 Bible when God says I have plans, I write in Jeremiah,
08:08 29 11, as I know the plans that I have for you isn't the first
08:12 time I read that. The fact that I believed that I didn't have
08:16 to die in my addiction was the only hope that I had for any
08:20 kind of plan. And was I shown wrong every single day of my
08:25 journey? Not that I didn't have trauma and things of that had
08:27 to work through. But every day God was faithful and through it
08:31 all, he did teach me not only that I am loved. I'm a I'm
08:35 child of God that I'm I was wonderfully made. What I you
08:39 know, you know, my beginnings or I don't even you know,
08:44 I wasn't even wanted it. Will all of that kind of stuff?
08:47 Is that through it all? I've always come to a place where I
08:50 look at God and say, you know, I hope this doesn't surprise me
08:53 because I knees are shaking and I'm afraid when God says,
08:57 you know, don't be afraid. I'm right here. And I just feel
09:00 like he's always been right here and there.
09:03 >> You know, I heard a story and kind of lead in the leading
09:06 into this because we know her so much to so much media
09:08 following program to distill this down to 2. And you really
09:11 want to pay attention tonight.
09:13 All right. The story about a man who hadn't and I painting
09:16 as he was moving in was in his garage for years. He got
09:18 released dad who got from his dad said,
09:21 and he said his dad,
09:24 physics grandfather, bought it at a at a yard sale for $2.
09:29 And you know, the traveling road show. Yeah, well, we saw
09:33 antique road show so many all this on the antique road show
09:36 and they said so we don't know if you know, this is not that
09:38 this is a painting from the 1700. We can even put a price
09:41 on this thing. How much did you see a debt pay for it? I think
09:44 he bought it for $2 and there's so many of us that are in the
09:48 pile heap in somebodys a mental basements. Yeah. Somebody
09:52 bought us shape. Somebody else just held on to us not knowing
09:56 our value.
09:57 Talk about the Sheree.
09:59 >> You know, I'm into that basement. Thank you for that.
10:01 Because what was really interesting is it is my
10:07 background is I was born to a couple kids that had 5
10:12 children. My mom had 5 kids before she was in her probably
10:17 early 20's. And I was the second one. And by that,
10:21 when she had me, she was so beaten down herself that she
10:26 could and she just didn't have anything to give me. And over
10:31 the years, I've learned more about that, but that she was so
10:33 beaten down. And so literally coming out of that, it thinking
10:37 that I was nothing that I was not wanted, that I ended up
10:42 homeless by the time I was 13 after failed pregnancy after it
10:47 already started drugs. And when it started drugs, I wanted to
10:50 die every day of my life. I literally was so injured by
10:55 not being cared for not being loved. All of that kind of
10:58 stuff that if you if I could have got a way out, I would
11:01 have jumped off my house one time trying to kill myself.
11:04 But I put in that just because I didn't want to hurt. Why
11:08 landed on the match just didn't even get scratched stop.
11:11 But I I I really felt that way all my life. And so I ended up
11:15 homeless for 13 with s***** into an industry that I I just
11:19 saw have to say for people that don't know, it's just dark it.
11:23 There's a you see the worst of the worst of mankind. And so
11:28 when I when I took my first rug and I realize that I could
11:31 survive all of this, if I just was high, if I could stay high
11:35 the rest of my life, I will be OK here. And that's what I did.
11:38 I and I was a cute kid. And so people would give you dogs
11:42 because the tradeoff as they could use you in whatever way
11:44 they saw fit. And by the time I met God, I was only at that
11:50 time. I was 13, only 30, again, still a child. I was a child to
11:55 you with us.
11:56 And now when I look back at that child, I want to say I'm
11:59 so I'm sorry, I'm sorry for every child that out there
12:03 because it's there are 80,000 kids like me on the streets of
12:07 LA at that time. So I wish I could say there was just one.
12:10 I was the only child on the street, which is not true.
12:13 And so looking back at that when after 10 years, I'm fairly
12:17 literate. I'm strung out on heroin. I live in a drug house.
12:20 I had some teeth knocked out by being kidnapped by some
12:23 motorcycle on group. And and so I was so I feel like God showed
12:27 up and got was like,
12:30 you know, I love you. And I remember just here in kind of a
12:34 sense of the Holy Spirit saying stuff like that. And I thought
12:37 my mother doesn't even love me. And I remember just the status
12:41 of that reality. My dad is a is a mask and he's a molester.
12:46 And I think he started molesting me when I was an
12:49 infant. And and so it's like, you know, I just thought,
12:53 you know, got I don't know what you're saying isn't nobody
12:56 loves me in. The next thing he said was really tough for me
13:00 because I really believe the holy Spirit said is if you
13:02 can't trust me, I can change a life tip out. I don't trust
13:08 anybody anymore. Do you learn to trust with a background like
13:11 that where you learn to trust as a child on the street?
13:14 I mean, the only thing I learned to do is survive,
13:17 but not trust anybody or anything. And so when God said
13:22 that, I thought now I'm just it's hopeless because I don't
13:25 even know what that means. I don't even know. Do you
13:27 muster trust top? I mean, do you can I just pull it from
13:31 somewhere. And I just remember thinking that that's
13:34 ridiculous. And so I felt like I felt like what God said
13:38 within the next little while is can I show you who I see when I
13:43 look at you? And I thought, man, if if I know what I see
13:48 and this is God and I don't know what made me think and
13:51 know it was gone. But I just knew because
13:55 I just felt safe for the first time in my life. I just found I
14:00 don't know how you know, it was God I you know, I really don't
14:03 like people have asked me that, like, how do you know? I don't
14:05 know.
14:06 >> And so I think that way, you know, it's because Cod reaches
14:09 you where you can best hear him that I felt loved and safe for
14:13 the first time in my life. You know, I like to say a guy
14:16 that has tattoos can welcome to a guy with tattoos
14:19 and connect immediately where I can't. You know, God works in
14:23 mysterious ways. And cod could he could meet you because he's
14:27 the only one that has open access to your heart with all
14:29 your commission of a man.
14:30 >> And if I want to, if I could say anything to anybody that is
14:33 even beginning to and this next hour or 2 with us, is that
14:37 trust God and just ask him, ask him something silly, ask him to
14:41 tell you a joke. Ask him to hang out with you because God
14:44 knows us so well. But anyhow. So is that like if you could
14:47 trust me, I could change a life. And I had 32 wants from
14:50 I-40 to one time. Sorry for my arrest. I love and in a drug
14:55 house and the boards were just silly things. So warrants were
14:58 like
15:00 things like traffic. I you know, I was driving at 13.
15:04 I was I was literally would get pulled over for no tail light,
15:08 but I don't have a license. So then they want you to go to
15:10 court. I don't show up in court now is to warrant an, you know,
15:13 all of that kind of stuff and saw like I have all of that.
15:16 And so God is going to show me who he sees when he looks at me
15:19 and I'm singing, please hold up. Haha, I don't want to see
15:22 it. I don't want to know what I don't want to. If God is God,
15:26 I don't want to know more than I already know because I
15:29 already feel like I don't want to breathe. I don't want to
15:32 step out. Somebody had just put a gun in my face and threaten
15:35 to blow my head off. And I remember feeling such joy,
15:38 like I've tried to kill myself so many times. I just want to
15:41 thank you and say, pull the trigger. And the guy was just
15:44 trying to scare me. And I just and I've said this a lot of
15:47 times. But I just wanted to scream that my next breath
15:50 scares me. Please pull the trigger. And of course he
15:53 didn't. He walked out saying I'm crazy and I'm thinking I'm
15:56 crazy. You have a gun to my face should not now be pushed
15:59 from them because that's a very interesting
16:01 >> approaching. I want to just let our viewers and listeners
16:03 know a serious candidate very open. So if you might feel
16:07 uncomfortable about something that may come up and hurt her
16:12 journey, you have young children around, you might want
16:15 to say, well, you watch the program and if anything,
16:17 let them watch it later. Yeah, because, you know,
16:19 I'm going to be better. Very who where the fact that we are
16:24 on 3 ABN, we know that put her life story. Surely side stories
16:28 a very telling about why she can celebrate on the other
16:32 side.
16:34 >> And how incredible gun is the relentless love of God.
16:36 Yeah, that that someone like me like you, you would think that
16:40 somebody like me even at that time is that nobody would have
16:44 time for even God. And that's just not true. It's not too.
16:48 So in the what what I believe that God said to me was let me
16:53 show you who I see when I look at you. And what he did was
16:56 showed me somewhat of a vision and I can't even say a total
16:59 vision. I don't think I could have survived it. But he showed
17:02 me who I am. The day after resurrection. Not the day after
17:06 I pull a needle from my arm. Not the day I by step into a
17:09 relationship with him. But the day after resurrection, when I
17:12 am standing in front of him, totally clean, totally innocent
17:18 home, completely loved. And on the other side of all the this
17:22 he said to icing.
17:24 >> When I look at you, so you like revelation, 20 of the
17:26 first 4, no more sorrow. No McKay will pay.
17:30 >> Hey, Ed, not only do I like it.
17:33 >> But I wish that we have some sense of how true that is.
17:38 How that got himself doesn't see you in your trauma. He sees
17:42 you in your glory in his glory. One tooth clothes you want.
17:47 He's got you home. And so what I believe he said to me is get
17:52 you home. And I've never been home. I've never had a home.
17:55 And so to me that was so motivating to stand up and say,
17:59 man, I would do anything if it even a portion of this is true.
18:04 If you are God and I am your child and there is a better
18:08 place I'm in, you know, will she show your life is amazing.
18:15 And right now you still have your ministry. Is that correct?
18:18 Still the ministry I've been retired for the last couple
18:22 years. And so I stepped into retirement, not realizing that
18:27 it was an easy, was it? It was an easy in its second into
18:30 retirement. I I went from working at my last job. I even
18:34 more to the general conference for 4 years. And so it went
18:37 from working in a number of different areas to just getting
18:42 so security and all the sudden, I thought can anybody live on
18:46 this and hole? You really can't. And but I didn't
18:50 understand that in the in. I think I had a lot of people
18:54 that wanted to come to help me. And I thought, no, no, no,
18:57 often get out in and didn't realize or sometimes you can't
19:01 buy groceries, you can't you can't pay of those and then buy
19:04 groceries and you can figure out how how the next step is
19:08 going to happen. And I thought God, is this happening all over
19:12 and not only all over the U.S. it's happening where people I'm
19:15 dealing with their own trauma, their own families are own
19:18 situations and now economically and I dare say politically we
19:23 are. So I'm in such a mass terror and being able to say is
19:27 how do you hold on to your own journey to God and
19:34 to your groceries. Haha, be able to get the groceries.
19:38 So it hasn't been easy, but that's not why I'm stepping
19:41 back into ministry am stepping back in the ministry. Can I
19:47 tell you this show? I'm stepping back in the ministry.
19:49 I was coming back. I'm from a gig that I had in Spokane.
19:54 And so we were doing what's called renew Spokane. And and I
19:58 was working with community leaders and conference leaders
20:01 and we were trying to figure out what to do after all the
20:04 writing and how do you rebuild that city and all that kind of
20:06 stuff. And so I was coming back home and and God, and I don't
20:11 know how God speaks to anybody, but he speaks to me with kind
20:15 of visions like not that I can see. I think about, you know,
20:19 so just impressions and I was coming home and I was coming
20:22 down through the area that was just kind of a desert. Does it
20:27 area they ground you could tell was dry. And and you can see
20:31 that. And what he showed me is my mom as a young girl in and
20:36 in my mind's eye, I could see her kind of lane in the desert,
20:40 emotionally in the desert. In the only thing around her,
20:43 the only fluid around her was and be out of fluid from a
20:47 child. And I thought I'd just tear it up late.
20:51 Am I that child like she's in this emotional buzzard and
20:55 she's having yet another child? And I just thought, you know,
20:59 I never thought about I mean, I thought about my own recovery,
21:02 my own journey. But I never thought about who she was.
21:05 And my mom was a kid when she came to the United States,
21:09 she was illegal where Canada
21:12 and she was illegal. And in to the point, I don't think she
21:15 got her citizenship for years, but she was ashamed of being in
21:18 a legal. And so she comes over and and she me to my dad and
21:23 they get married in. He's a mask and it has one child after
21:26 another after another. And fact, I asked her one-time
21:29 father, why same father and I asked her one time as a
21:32 wedding. You go back to Canada. And she said
21:36 by the time she was 18, she had 3 kids already full. And so she
21:40 said, I just felt stock and and so in the house. So I get this
21:44 image of her lane and there. And and I just God put a huge
21:51 thing in my head. That said, I m her child. Yeah. And so I
21:55 just I I I got home and I got my art stuff out and I did a
22:00 collage of what I thought. I it's on the way home. And
22:03 this is I am her child. But in the letters I m in the
22:06 background, it had her life journey from the time she was a
22:11 child, her mom's
22:14 on partying and alcoholism.
22:16 Her own. Um, I'm being pulled from an aunt who's house
22:20 brought to the United States. Generational generational.
22:23 And so I saw that so clear. And at one point, I thought I
22:27 want to share this with her and I didn't even know how she
22:30 would take it. This is I'm a child. And in that collage,
22:34 I put a picture of my arms being op. It is his lord.
22:37 I surrender all of the stuff that I've learned over the
22:40 years in order to survive this trauma, like I just want to
22:44 give you all of that. And so when I was at her house one
22:47 time I got on my knees and I said, can I share something
22:50 with you
22:51 and ice? And and I didn't even know how she was going to take
22:54 it. I didn't know she was going to say, I don't I don't care
22:57 about that. I don't want to hear about that. I and yet I
23:00 when I was halfway through explaining what I meant,
23:03 my mom when she was little, I'm like 11, 12 years old. She was
23:07 given a scholarship to an art academy in Toronto. My mom's
23:11 very bright and creative in and and she was excited to be
23:16 there. But she was so young, she thought, did you invite me
23:19 to be in the school? Because I'm young. I mean in and it
23:24 took them a while to convince her to know because of your
23:26 talent and soon as she kind of accepted that.
23:29 >> Her mother ended up pregnant. And at that day and
23:34 age, you couldn't be pregnant and unmarried. So they came to
23:37 my mom's home, which she lived with her and t pulled her from
23:41 that home and moved to California from Toronto,
23:44 Canada to the U.S. and my mom didn't get to say really good
23:49 bye to the classmates or say anything about what about my
23:53 scholarship? Any of that stuff. But she ends up now leaving all
23:57 of that and and meet my father because they put her in high
24:00 school at 12 years old. She got pregnant um and then pregnant
24:05 and then pregnant. And so as with the I am in the
24:08 background, I put that whole journey in pictures, even fund
24:12 the arts academy. She was except in. And I kind of was
24:15 able to find some pictures of that. And as a young girl
24:19 holding infant son. And and so when I was on my knees and I
24:23 was explaining to her as I'm sorry that I never saw your
24:26 journey. I only thought about my pain and my trauma. And and
24:31 she said to me, I didn't think anybody saw that. I didn't
24:34 think anybody saw me and I realized at that time we're
24:38 talking about generational trauma. We're talking about
24:42 things that were passed down from one generation to the
24:45 next. And the more I looked into that, the more I realize
24:48 that not only was my that my mom's history, but my
24:52 grandmother's mother was in the everybody is from when Bolton,
24:57 England. Wow. And so I'm at my grandmother's mother or even
25:03 her mother fell in love with an artist that was going to town a
25:07 jazz singer. And I think that what they said to her is if you
25:12 leave with him,
25:15 don't come back like he was very much a caste system.
25:19 You just if you leave with him that your life and and then
25:23 alcoholism came in, drugs came in, moved from England to
25:26 Canada to the U.S. in all of that kind of stuff. And so I
25:29 started to really look at whose
25:34 Hussein is it kuz trauma? Is it whose journey is it and
25:39 and being able to kneel in front of my mom and just kind
25:42 of go over this picture with her? I wish I had a picture of
25:46 it. I would I would posted but being able to sit down with her
25:51 and seen the pain in her that sense, he was 12, 13 years old.
25:56 She told me shut off and no one saw her again. And so now she
26:01 is at the end of her life and still, I believe emotionally
26:06 somewhat shut off. I heard my relationship is gotten
26:12 that I adore her and I I love her and I it's it's funny when
26:17 you start looking at each other in our trauma and what one
26:20 thing leads to another leads to another is being able to
26:24 forgive in a way that maybe wouldn't have been possible.
26:27 Had I not gotten some insight from God to where all of this
26:31 now, what are some other graduate from college? She's
26:35 very accomplished. One to my mom ended up going back to
26:38 school when she was in her man. It was 19.
26:42 >> 18 not know. 1979. It was a they year before I at Christ.
26:50 And I remember when she told me, Angie, I have is that I I
26:55 went over a, you know, somebody was just trying to blow my head
26:57 off. And I went over to see if anybody love me at my literally
27:01 wanted someone to say, I'm sorry, I do love you until I
27:04 went over to my childhood home.
27:07 >> And and I just remember, you know, nothing really changing.
27:13 And I started to leave. My mom said, you know, I have
27:17 something for you. And she went into the room and she got a
27:20 manila envelope out. She brought it out and she handed
27:23 it to me. And she said since the last time I saw you,
27:26 I went back to school
27:28 and I said, wow,
27:29 are you kidding me? Because I know our history. I like you
27:32 went back to school. I mean, she was my dad is a molester
27:36 and an alcoholic. And she's now with my stepdad who I adore.
27:42 I actually call him my father, but he had alcoholism issues
27:46 himself and died in his alcoholism. I know the history
27:50 and I'm like you went back to school has shocked and I'm
27:54 like, Oh, did you go back to school for? And he said social
27:57 work and I thought, oh, somebody shooting.
27:59 >> Who also worked? You have never.
28:04 >> Even said you loved me and they're going to teach other
28:07 people. Yeah, how to be loved. You're going to teach other
28:10 parents how to love. And I remember my mind just being
28:13 blown and I could not even hardly breathe.
28:16 >> You know, sometimes people take topics
28:20 for the purpose of trying to figure themselves out. Yeah,
28:22 I notice something my wife and I talked about this one time we
28:25 knew was a serious people knowing their lives and that
28:29 what they took in school was we said to each other knowing
28:34 their background, they're taking that subject has
28:36 therapy. Yeah, and it's going to end up in a decree.
28:39 >> But tell that to a homeless heroin that I did not know that
28:43 if so, the only thing I knew you is are you kidding me?
28:47 And I remember at that day in age of people didn't talk back
28:50 to their parents. So I remember saying, oh, good luck with
28:52 that. And I just went home to kill myself. I'm not home.
28:55 I lived in a drug house. I went back to the drug house
28:57 just saying I'm done and that's when I'm at God. But it was
29:00 that moment. So my mom did end up going back to school.
29:04 She's amazing. She found out right away when she got a
29:07 social work degree that she really wasn't that crazy about
29:10 kids. So I couldn't hold it. Haha. Yeah, but he wasn't that
29:16 crazy about kids. But what she was really good at is working
29:20 with women from abusive situations that wanted to go
29:22 back to school and better their lives. She was really good
29:26 worth working with Foster parent who was really good
29:28 working with adults and my mom got woman of the year. She was
29:32 up against judges and lawyers and that stuff in Orange
29:35 County. My mom is one of the brightest women I know. And so
29:42 her trauma interfered with a lot of her life. But and she is
29:48 and should belong to them into society. Got top grades and
29:51 everything. I mean, it was amazing, but she could do all
29:54 of that over here and then come back into this dysfunctional
29:58 home. And both of them were very true. Yeah, right. And so
30:02 what was and interesting to me is being able to look at her
30:06 and say, how do you do both of those? Because I know what your
30:08 home looks like. I know. I know that my dad, my step
30:12 dad, even though I I absolutely love him, could sit there and
30:16 smoke weed and drink and watch TV all day long for days and
30:20 days and days. His his addiction was pretty intense
30:24 and yet she could walk in and be present with him
30:29 and not shame him at all. And then she can go back to
30:33 work and life changing stuff for people. And so she lived
30:37 those 2, 2, lives. And since then, I've met many people that
30:41 do that in their trauma.
30:43 >> So I want to I'm looking at your journey. A mom's journey.
30:46 Yeah, and the achievement. I'm glad you brought that up.
30:48 You remember that about one getting a degree? So is it
30:53 possible then
30:55 in spite of all that's happened to you to take charge of your
30:59 life?
31:01 >> Absolutely not only as a possible. One of the things I
31:03 love about how were made that the the worst of the worst can
31:08 hit us and change us. No chemically literally change
31:13 everything about us and yet step into some truth step in to
31:18 some healing step into that direction and are very brains
31:23 change the plasticity of our brand. Everything changes.
31:26 Somebody said something to me which got me interested in this
31:30 kind of journey but said something that if you walk
31:33 around, stressed in anger and full of court is old and just
31:36 have everything be just hyped up, they can test your saliva
31:40 and there's enzymes in your saliva that's damaging to you
31:44 on a cellular level. And I remember talked in. Are you
31:48 kidding me? That's terrible. And it is terrible because
31:52 right now a lot of us are running from our trauma.
31:56 A lot of us don't know what to do with our next steps. But
32:00 knowing that the way were made, that any change, any healing,
32:06 any health, even eating watermelon, instead of a bag of
32:10 potato chips is going to change something. And when we start to
32:14 actually challenge belief systems and the way we think
32:17 and and our history, it's unbelievable what happened and
32:21 that hopefully some of what we're going to talk about
32:24 today. I want to talk about it in stories because my life kind
32:28 of on folded in stories. You know what you think it is
32:31 something I no. Well, yeah, I am. Haha. Now she Rielle
32:36 Accomplished yourself. You went back to school
32:39 and became a nurse into. But you know what? I don't
32:42 think it could have gone back to school. Had my mom not done
32:45 that journey her so high. And so literally at one point
32:50 in my life, I thought, like I said, I thought just 2
32:54 not be a heroin addict, just not to be homeless was enough.
32:59 And I think that God must have smiled cause literally. He's
33:02 crazy about me. And he says that I'm crazy about you and I
33:06 can't wait to show you the next thing. So going back to school,
33:08 I had to get a GED because I didn't do a lot of my school in
33:13 the side to get a GED had to learn to read that. Not that I
33:16 couldn't read it, but I was functionally illiterate and
33:19 it's the best. And so I remember I'm having to do all
33:23 of that. And then I stepped into this nursing program in
33:26 California. And the instructor was amazing. And I think that
33:30 for people that are afraid to step into their own recovery,
33:34 you meet people that are amazing. You will need some
33:37 people that are really tough and judgmental. But mostly you
33:40 meet some amazing folks. And this guy I'm out of like,
33:45 I don't know, 70 80 students, only 8 of us graduated. The
33:48 program was really tough, but he would do things that would
33:52 actually encourage OS to stay focused and not let our fear
33:57 we're a loss in those kind of things. And with me, I would
34:01 say me, especially but I wasn't special. I I contacted him
34:06 years later and he did that for every student. But he would
34:09 look at what you were going to come against, what your
34:12 struggles were, what your fears were. And he would just speak
34:15 into those and an and help you through those until out of all
34:19 of the instructors. I had do my degree. And even before I did
34:23 the state board is I I know that I was able to stand for
34:29 one because of God but another because of some incredible
34:33 folks came alongside of me on that journey.
34:36 >> Wonderful. And we need to I know. Yeah, I did a lot of
34:40 questions. Just back up. Real quick. Yeah. How did you
34:42 become a 7th? They have been us Christian. I was a wonderful.
34:46 >> So so when when I met Jesus, I really felt like the next
34:51 step for me is it didn't need him. It in a drug house,
34:55 tell me to trust him. And so I I feel like it was it was a
35:00 real enough meeting. It was real enough to me that at the
35:05 time I wanted to say and what is God doing in a drug house
35:11 like I just felt that like you shouldn't even be here. So I
35:14 wanted to sneak him out the window like I didn't want to go
35:17 through the house because there's a naked guy in the
35:19 living and playing air guitar strung out on can have and all
35:22 I must say he was just he was really a wreck there trying to
35:26 protect CA. I'm trying to protect. Got from him. Haha,
35:29 I want to go out the window. But what I realize now, God
35:32 does his best work with druggies in a drug house that
35:35 nobody else would give the time of day 2. And in God says if
35:39 you can hear me right now, all spend on, I hear, you know,
35:42 and not that he goes anywhere. But you know, so anyhow.
35:45 So I left I called somebody and said I need a place to do
35:51 recovery. I need to stop using. And the only thing I knew is I
35:56 needed to stop everything like that. And in God didn't say
35:59 stop anything, right? You know, and that's what I love. And
36:03 that's what I want to say. I want to scream it from that.
36:05 The tops of the building but didn't say stop. But God didn't
36:09 say I would love you if you quit heroin. I would love you
36:12 if you could cost him. Even though John, this kind of said
36:16 didn't help that I make it to be vegetarian. Yeah,
36:20 vegetarian. But, you know, I got just said, I love you.
36:23 And that was enough that I wanted to stop everything.
36:25 But he never give me a list of things. You want to make a
36:28 change. He just said I loved and I wanted to change
36:31 everything. And so it was just what happens when you are are
36:35 completely loved. If you want to respond to that love behind
36:39 allowing yourself to kind of drop these things off.
36:42 >> The love of Christ constrains its amazing. That
36:45 doesn't let us go. Yeah. You know, like David said,
36:48 what can I render to you for all your benefits towards me?
36:53 Yeah. I mean, if you met a guy that just
36:55 you waitress, he just popped a million dollars on the table.
36:58 You don't just want to clear the table. You open the door on
37:00 unlike walk out. Yeah. And God's grace is so far it is no
37:04 value. You can add a dollar down to it. Yeah. When you get
37:08 money to way when you look at where you've come from and all
37:11 of a sudden you have this this encounter with
37:15 this perfect God who's not looking at you telling you
37:18 perfect that he loves Yemen is something that you like my
37:22 hearing voices or is it real?
37:24 >> Is this real and what I wanted to say for anybody that
37:27 has come from my background and that when you say if I met
37:30 somebody that late a million dollars on the table, it wasn't
37:33 that the late in the cash on the table because that is
37:35 happened my whole life. Wow. What he said is I love you.
37:38 And it was so genuine that it was far more valuable than a
37:42 million dollars for. I know there was nothing that I could
37:46 have seen or done or experience that that allowed me to walk
37:51 into my own skin and my own life as the love of God.
37:55 So I literally called somebody and said I just got to find a
37:58 place to clean up. And and I know for a lot of people that
38:02 know me, they heard the story. But how can I not bring on the
38:05 story is that God sent me to have begun vegetarian seven-day
38:10 ad.
38:11 >> I thought it was h***. Haha. I thought I'm actually
38:15 because I said you have PDA TD of chocolate. Yeah, anything.
38:19 And she says, well, I have lentils and I thought it looked
38:22 terrible. Like who? For some the lentils. And I remember
38:26 just thinking I'm gonna die. This is where people go.
38:29 When they misbehave their whole life, they go to a vacant home.
38:33 You know? So, but she literally. But that was your
38:36 interpretation at that point. You're like that was my
38:38 interpretation. But she saved my life and she gave me water.
38:42 She gave me can allow literally when I was falling apart.
38:46 She just kept stuff coming. I'm into my body and into my
38:51 mind that allowed me to survive. And even when she
38:55 would say like this one would be, and she would say, you
38:58 know, we need to go outside and hike. And I said, you know,
39:02 you could take I was I'm like trying to withdraw from drive
39:06 line. I'm not in any way. I'm not walking anywhere.
39:08 And I'm 23. And she's like 1000 years old and chip tighten up
39:12 and down the mountain. Then I'm thinking I'm dying here.
39:15 And I remember one point sitting down and I sat down and
39:18 I just said, I can't do this like we're in Placerville,
39:21 California, in the middle of the mountain to it. And and
39:25 she's hike in the head of me. And I remember thinking I can't
39:28 do it. And so she says all just go ahead. You sit down and
39:32 rest, not just come back and I'm like, okay. So I sat down
39:35 and I am wanting to just cry like I'm thinkin. I can't do
39:39 this. What am I thinking? I didn't bring any drugs with
39:41 man. I'm withdrawing my crazy enough artist. I just I mean
39:45 for us, I'm I'm smoking my brains out because that's the
39:47 only thing I brought with cigarettes and didn't even know
39:49 that was a drug but smoking my brains out. And and this bird
39:54 flu bird comes in to set on a branch. And I and I'm trying to
39:58 just cry and whine. And I thought you're just
40:00 interrupting my ability. That one. Yeah, and I remember
40:04 just this bird sitting there. And finally, I said the gun.
40:07 Why isn't this bird of prey to me cause I was close enough.
40:10 I could have reached out and touched him. It was ridiculous.
40:13 And all I heard from the Holy Spirit is I take care of that
40:15 bird and I will take care of you. Please trust me. Wow.
40:20 And I remember just sitting there again without word trust.
40:23 I don't know how to trust anybody. I have never been
40:26 loved. I have never been okay. I don't know where I'm going to
40:29 put my foot down. I don't know what my next step is going to
40:32 be.
40:33 >> Because of my trauma, I've made horrible decisions of my
40:36 life. Horrible choices in my life and gun from one abuse to
40:39 the next abuse to the next abuse in God is saying just
40:42 trust me. And I remember just sitting there thinking I am so
40:46 afraid you gotta do. You do have to be afraid. You don't
40:49 have to be afraid with me. And when she came back, we
40:52 hiked back down the hill back to her place. And one of the
40:56 studies that some of us and I didn't even know what the 7 as
40:59 but one of the studies was justification by faith. Wow,
41:02 I'm for that 7th and that God, I'm literally puts his robot
41:07 right to insist on asset workload in that and all of who
41:12 I am or who I think I am because we've got to that is
41:16 you are my child that write this is what the devil has
41:19 said. 2 children yet. But I'm telling you that he's a liar
41:24 and you are my child and say put his robe right assists in
41:27 those. So that study, I remember just wanting to to
41:30 weep like
41:33 I wanted to just have somebody. Please tell me that this book
41:37 is true. You know, I just wanted to weave in the U.S..
41:40 Is this something has to be true in this crazy world?
41:43 Something has to be real in this world that we're walking
41:46 around. And and if it's not real, just please take me out
41:50 because I'm so tired. And I know I was 23, but I was
41:54 exhausted. And and so the only thing that gave me comfort was
41:59 the word of God and the truth of what God says about who we
42:02 are. That's right. And about what he's willing to do.
42:06 And even if Satan himself comes back and gives grows out a
42:09 whole list of who you are, do not believe him, you are
42:12 covered. My blood will cleanse you and I will finish the work
42:17 in you that I started in all of those verses. I want to write
42:21 them down. I wanted to so memorize everyone because I
42:24 thought I don't know.
42:27 I don't know.
42:29 >> These can I
42:31 can I trust? This is our trust arts.
42:36 >> Wow. And so this lady was the one that was the nurturing
42:39 one. She may have been chronologically older,
42:42 but you physically older than she was the emotion. All.
42:46 Yeah. So how did the transition it to the answer this question
42:49 out of that transition happen? And I have.
42:50 >> A series of questions for you. You know, what was really
42:53 interesting to me about that transition is that for her to
42:57 say, you know, the like, like
43:01 can it to a little bit about God.
43:04 >> And and so I you know, I I know this is long and I'm
43:08 sorry, but one of the things that she taught me was
43:11 definitely about Magdalene and about the woman turned in front
43:15 of Jesus. And she was caught in adultery and she was just
43:20 thrown in the dirt, probably naked. And and and it was a lot
43:24 of people around her. And they would just saying you need to
43:28 stone her to death and she is no good. And I thought my mom,
43:32 when I was 6 years old, said something. I I don't know.
43:35 She was joking or serious. But you are the bad seed that
43:39 there was nothing good in me that I that I remember that my
43:42 whole life that maybe I am just a bad scene. I was born that
43:46 way. And so so when I heard this story, she was telling me
43:50 about these men in every one of them just yelling to crucify
43:54 her. And and Jesus started writing in the sand and he
43:57 wrote every one of their traumas, every one of their
44:01 sons, every one of the times that maybe they even abuse this
44:04 woman. And what he said to them is whoever has no sin cast the
44:10 first stone.
44:12 >> And everybody one by one, drop their stones and walked
44:15 away. And I thought no way I'm so that's
44:20 that's who I met in a drug house was no condemnation.
44:24 No sense that I didn't belong there. No sense that I was in
44:27 his child. And yet this story validated that for me. And I
44:31 remember just being overwhelmed. And then she told
44:33 me about David and I thought what a scumbag he was. I mean,
44:36 killed somebody slept with this woman center has been out to
44:40 die. And I was just so like there's no way. And yet he went
44:45 into a severe depression, knowing that he turned against
44:47 gone and his life for himself wasn't worth living because of
44:52 that and was pleading with God to forgive him. And so she
44:55 reads to me some 51, if people haven't. Yeah, you've got to
44:59 read it. It's just powerful in creating the new hard given new
45:04 life. This once broken body that can even dance returned to
45:09 me. The ability to even dancer, find joy, joy, all of that
45:13 stuff. And so is it. So I thought that an amazing that he
45:16 is somebody that was incredibly good, literally had this
45:20 moment. I believe of discouragement were he was
45:23 prone to saying just
45:27 that team up with that. That sheeba I'm going after best
45:31 shiva. And and yet God brought him back to a place of healing
45:35 and forgiveness. And then the best story for me. The life
45:39 changing story for me. She says I'm gonna tell you about this
45:41 guy.
45:42 He was on glee
45:44 and that they what happened to that guy. You know what and who
45:48 was that guy was ugly inning.
45:50 He lived in a cemetery and it was cutting on himself was
45:53 down. But it was just going to see any was not son. People
45:57 were afraid of. They cast them out of cash out of town.
46:00 They actually change in mopping, broke the chain's new
46:03 is just not a nasty guy. And and and I thought, oh,
46:07 what happened to him? Because I know that guy. And so should
46:10 you know, I'm not saying that out loud, I think. And I know
46:13 that guy into said United. It was oddly, I say you did
46:17 what happened in because I'm hoping that the skinned alive,
46:20 I'm hoping that literally getting was coming. Every part
46:23 of his body is cut off and then he loses body parts and then he
46:27 gets just just living out. What you experience for the
46:31 first time I'm hearing about this guy didn't know anybody
46:33 wrote about the n word and then she says to me, did I tell you
46:36 who was an ugly? And I said to her, I think I dated that guy.
46:40 What happened? You know, like, you know, I got beat up by
46:44 hundreds of bikers that killed a 13 year-old girl that stuck a
46:48 gun up inside me that literally knocked my teeth out. A kidnap
46:52 me for 2 weeks turn initiation for new members. I know that
46:55 guy like I know that guy and what happened then I want
46:59 somebody to pay for all of this stuff that people have gone
47:02 through. And yet I'm I'm I'm kind of lost in my own trauma.
47:07 And then she says, and then Jesus clean them up, walked him
47:10 down to the water. And he was in his right mind for the first
47:13 time.
47:14 And I thought, oh, stop it. I mean, what do you mean?
47:17 Yeah, what do you mean? I'm so angry. Like, what do you mean?
47:20 He was just like walk down to the water as if you did
47:23 nothing. And I was so angry that I thought if we have gone,
47:27 that is not going to bring any justice to anybody that I don't
47:31 need it. I don't want it. And I remember just feeling so
47:34 angry into said, oh, wait, he couldn't even speak his pain,
47:40 his trauma.
47:41 But Jesus heard what his heart was sane. Please don't leave me
47:46 like this. Please don't knowing that the demons were speaking
47:50 for him. His addictions were speaking for him, but Jesus
47:53 hurt his heart say please currently getting raked.
47:57 My chained break my bondage. Get me out of this. And that's
48:01 what Jesus responded to. And I remember that that broke
48:04 me as like what if we have a God that is not responding to
48:07 your behavior that is not responding to your change is
48:10 not responding to your trauma. Is Reese five-year very hearts
48:14 cry. This is please, yeah. Don't leave me like this.
48:18 And what I learned in my own life is you never will. And so
48:21 what happened is after she shared with me that stuff,
48:24 she's I I'm now having to leave her house. And I was so afraid
48:28 like I haven't even told or until that moment, I haven't
48:31 told you that I met got I think I'm at God a nice then share
48:35 that experience. And she said when you leave here, find a
48:37 church and I'm a long way there. I was there just
48:42 >> shortly. I mean, you know, just are in recovery a few
48:44 weeks. She said finding her find a church.
48:49 >> And so now I'm going back is now. But
48:53 but when you talk to somebody that you have
48:58 that have come out of homelessness and come out of
49:02 that hold dark world and we step into the light for the
49:06 first time when you say like
49:10 >> you like go fund a church, pray for you. It's the most
49:13 frightening thing because I don't know where to go. I don't
49:16 know what to do. I don't know how to stand. I don't know even
49:20 walking into a house of God if they're going to allow me
49:22 because my own family really could care less if I came
49:26 around or not come around. Like at that point, my mum my
49:29 mom had never called my house, had never. I'm like even
49:34 probably 20 years in my recovery and never got a call
49:37 from her. Never, you know what I mean? Why do you have been in
49:40 charge and that go fund a church? And I just was so
49:43 afraid. Luckily, I did find a church.
49:46 >> And leading again. No luck.
49:49 I know. God leaving again a sorry. Thank you for that on.
49:52 >> But even finding the church state, you will find, let's say
49:55 that you find it hurt and there's 2 or 3 people that look
49:58 at you like you don't belong here. Look at the rest of them.
50:01 Yes, you know what? So there are going to be some and don't
50:04 let the devil he strategically planned when the Bible says
50:08 fight against the schemes of the enemy is because the
50:11 schemes are as I need you to feel horrible about yourself.
50:15 I need you to feel like you'll never fit in. I need you to
50:17 feel like this recovery journey is for everybody. But you and
50:21 the devil would try to do that in and out of the house of God,
50:25 but find a church, find a body. And that's what I did. And 12
50:29 of us got baptized. And Jon, I love your voice and I love your
50:33 ministry as far as music. But I cannot carry a tune.
50:37 But when I got baptized, I when reading how I want to put it,
50:41 you know, read deemed by the blood of the land. It's a all
50:45 of us saying that song before we got baptized and none of us
50:48 could even carry a tune. But it was so beautiful in the
50:52 years. Yeah. Yeah. So that was
50:55 >> my journey. And and then not knowing like I didn't tell
50:59 anybody kind of my past too much and I didn't.
51:02 >> Share a lot of that stuff. I was afraid I would get
51:05 rejected. So even going to pot like I didn't know how to
51:07 socialize. I didn't know how to, you know, things that
51:10 everybody kind of knows. I didn't know like I didn't
51:14 know when somebody makes a joke about I didn't know where to
51:17 put the civil war.
51:19 >> You didn't know at this if I didn't know where to put the
51:22 plate. Haha this over where, you know, it's just like,
51:26 you know, I didn't know anything. And then when people
51:27 do small talk, I had no idea. That's our way of kind of
51:31 allowing opening up soften the yes building that I'm a
51:35 conversation and stuff. But I just I I would leave out with
51:39 my first suicide attempt was, you know, I like.
51:42 >> And so it was just so we did kill us. You know, let me just
51:45 kind of say something that is in fact, I mean, one of my
51:48 favorite stories and scriptures. And you know that
51:50 the man that was at the pool for 38 years. Yeah,
51:53 you know, the law comes to me ask you a question, which is
51:55 literally it was the it was the genesis of me putting whole
51:59 series of lessons that I'm working on right now. He asked
52:02 him a question to do you want to be made? Well, yeah, he
52:06 didn't heal that man. He just asked him the question. Do you
52:09 want to see what the key is? And I've said this to people.
52:12 We could do what he did, which is blamed everybody for not
52:15 getting to the pool advise getting in front of him.
52:17 Nobody wants to help them. Those who do you want to be
52:20 made? Well, and I think that but that's why I want you to
52:23 tell your story. And I'm glad we allow it should be to open
52:25 up, you know, might you might think, well, the problems and
52:27 was halfway done. What you did here was necessary because
52:31 we're going to talk about the the part of you. That's it.
52:34 Yes, I want to yeah I met with. That's going to happen. And
52:38 then how you can now with all that trauma, all that
52:41 experience cod leading
52:43 Khan said Elijah Raven Issa, new Blue Jay. Yeah,
52:46 congressman, amazing ways. So we're going to you've laid
52:49 some foundation that people are probably saying, well, OK,
52:52 what about the question she's going to answer this was
52:54 necessary and that the people to understand where you came
52:57 from because a lot of times somebody might say, well,
53:00 how you gonna teach me out of 5, never flown a plane.
53:04 You've been in the drug house. Yeah, you've been through
53:06 experiences that you can even share here. But I think people
53:09 get the point.
53:10 But God found you and I'm glad you asked that question because
53:13 it was necessary to people to see.
53:15 He just say I love you, but he was going to lead you. Are the
53:19 women go?
53:21 Yeah. So now we have about 4 minutes in this first Allan on
53:24 a lace foundation down because
53:27 I need to say the Surrey, Peter, I'm glad that you're
53:31 reconnecting with us. And that's where the campus of,
53:34 you know, got to work in your life continually, as he always
53:37 is. We always says he never allows you to get an experience
53:41 on this. That experience is going to be a steppingstone or
53:44 rope to help pull somebody else out of their experience.
53:47 So when that are some questions at you in the second now and
53:49 all the time.
53:50 >> Viewers and listeners know who'd been granted think
53:53 calling the questions. But there's so much John Pack.
53:56 I think that's for another program. Another poll that I
53:58 before you unfold anything I just have to. Yeah. Yeah.
54:01 The
54:03 >> one of the coolest things. So as I was standing up and
54:07 stop doing drugs, I thought if I stop doing drugs, everything
54:10 is well, everything is fine. And so I stopped heroin.
54:13 Then I stopped alcohol and I stopped working in clubs and I
54:17 stopped all of my relational addictions and all of that kind
54:20 of stuff that help me get through the day in one life and
54:25 stepped into another one. I thought my journey was done
54:28 like I've done the work, hang out and I was just coming out.
54:32 And so even as I stood out and I wanted to tell the next
54:36 person, man, when you stop everything changes and
54:41 literally everything changes as you bring Christ into life,
54:44 everything changes, however, literally stepping out was like
54:49 one half of the first step. And I've said this before.
54:52 It's like buying a ticket to the movie. It's not the movie,
54:55 right? It's just the ticket. So abstinent stopping something
54:59 is just the ticket into your life. Trying to rest of the
55:03 stuff is a journey. So literally as I stop and then
55:06 someone heard last story wanted to write a book. And at first I
55:10 said no, but I was working with gang members at the time trying
55:12 to do recovery stuffing. I'm working with these
55:15 gangsters. And and and so I thought, OK, let's write a book
55:18 as we can give it to them. And then 3 ABN wanted to do an
55:22 interview. And I'm standing that is sitting there and I
55:25 talked about wanting to get in the ministry.
55:27 >> And and he said to me, and I just will never forget this.
55:30 He said, well, what do you need in order to get into ministry?
55:34 And I thought and I thought why need funding still need
55:37 funding? They need to find him. And he's so how much do you
55:41 need? And this is in between said the show and the ending
55:44 right where we have the outside port. We need to sell on the
55:47 boy because of the show and that the porch. And I said,
55:51 I think for running a ministry for a year, I need about
55:54 $25,000. And I thought that's huge.
55:58 And any said $25,000 him in the end and now they're putting me
56:04 on the porch and kind of getting the lighting ready for
56:07 them to stop. And then he comes in and you simply sits down.
56:10 Gives me a check for $25,000 in clothes. It's a show out.
56:13 Wow. And I'm thinking what just happened? Yeah. What just
56:18 happened and what was really incredible to me is is Danny
56:22 statement far more than the money? But it's Danny statement
56:25 about believing that wherever God is going to lead next,
56:30 that he's got you to try. And so that was so powerful to
56:34 me. And I think that we forget that God has us people come
56:38 around you and they will bless you and your recovery is hard
56:41 work and it is hard work. And there are times that you're
56:44 going to have to grieve in their time that you're going to
56:46 have to literally walk through kind of some of that trauma but
56:50 know that God is faithful. That right.
56:53 >> How my wife, you read this short statement before we go to
56:56 the end of the first hour, powerful chachere unit. You
56:59 need to come back for the 2nd half of the that road yet.
57:01 This is from you.
57:02 >> You'll worth is not determined by your achievements
57:06 of the opinions of all this. You off valuable
57:11 simply because you fearfully and wonderfully made. That was
57:16 beautiful. Just beautiful. That's it. That's part of your
57:18 saying here. Yeah, the truth. And as we have to remember that
57:23 the law defines us.
57:25 >> And leaves his what he finds this. People always say love
57:27 the Lord loves you as you are. But enough to lead the way you
57:30 find 2, which is about
57:33 how the first hour just west of Baja.
57:36 >> Don't go away because now we're going to be throwing some
57:38 questions that Sri him and you don't want to miss them.
57:41 We're going to go away and we'll be right back.
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Revised 2024-08-10