3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240017A

00:00 I want to spend my life, mending broken people.
00:15 I want to spend my life, removing pain.
00:25 Lord, let my words heal a heart that hurts.
00:36 I want to spend my life, mending broken people.
00:46 I want to spend my life, mending broken people.
01:06 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today Behind the Scenes.
01:10 We are so glad that you have joined us.
01:12 We look forward to spending these two hours with you each
01:16 Thursday evening.
01:17 And you know, Jill, I like the Behind the Scenes program
01:19 because it's really praising the Lord for what He is doing
01:22 through the ministry of 3ABN.
01:24 And I believe that 3ABN is here for such a time as this, at
01:29 this moment in Earth's history.
01:32 And I also want to say I believe that you are also here
01:35 on this earth for a reason and a purpose.
01:37 God has you here.
01:38 You are not here by accident.
01:40 You know, we all have the opportunity of being able to
01:43 share the love of Jesus with our fellow brothers and
01:46 sisters.
01:48 It could be just like have a great day, a friendly smile or
01:51 it could be having Bible studies in your home.
01:54 But you are not here by accident.
01:56 You know, I was, there was a lady that I was talking to on
01:59 the phone, a 3ABN viewer and a listener.
02:02 And she was talking about she couldn't really get out.
02:04 But she had like a phone call ministry, phone call or making
02:08 phone calls to some church members and friends that needed
02:10 encouragement and also a card ministry as well.
02:13 So even if you can't get out, there's something that God has
02:15 for you.
02:19 table.
02:19 We do indeed.
02:21 Before we move to the family, I just want to say you look very
02:23 handsome tonight, sweetheart.
02:24 I like this little bow tie going on.
02:27 Well, you're very kind.
02:29 This is a date on the 3ABN set.
02:30 Hey, yeah, we're having a Thursday night date.
02:32 The two of us with the rest of our family.
02:34 With you at home.
02:36 So tell us about your bow tie because you don't usually wear
02:38 bow ties.
02:38 You know, I don't.
02:39 I usually wear a tie, that's true.
02:41 And this bow tie is, you can probably hear it.
02:44 I think Zach's running audio, but this is not plastic.
02:48 It's actually wooden, has a pattern in it.
02:50 And this is actually made by my mom's cousin, Dr. Lowell
02:53 Hamill.
02:57 And he makes these.
02:58 A lot of the bow ties come from wood that's harvested from his
03:01 property.
03:04 And so I told him, I said, you know what?
03:06 Thank you so much for this wonderful gift.
03:08 I'm going to wear it on the next 3ABN behind the scenes
03:11 program.
03:15 gift.
03:16 And it's kind of fun.
03:17 It's kind of a unique piece.
03:20 And yeah, it actually doesn't feel too stiff.
03:22 You know, it's just still wrapped around my neck.
03:24 And it's just right here.
03:25 It's just, I don't know, it's solid, but almost could be
03:29 protection from my throat or something.
03:32 It's fun.
03:33 So thank you so very much.
03:34 Nice gift.
03:35 So thank you, Uncle Lowell.
03:36 And we want to introduce the family around the table
03:38 tonight.
03:41 God is doing in and through the ministry of 3ABN.
03:45 We'll have some family the first hour and then we'll trade
03:48 out for the second hour.
03:49 For tonight, we have Daniel Perrin, Professor Perrin is
03:53 what we always call you.
03:54 But Daniel, of course, is the assistant manager at our 3ABN
03:58 Pastoral Department.
03:59 And so glad you're here tonight.
04:00 That's right.
04:00 Thank you.
04:03 We are taught by him.
04:05 It's good to be here.
04:06 Thank you so much for being here.
04:08 Coming around the table, we have singer in Israel, Ryan
04:12 Day.
04:12 And someone had just...
04:13 This was someone who watched the Sabbath School panel a lot.
04:16 And then they said, now I know why you all call him singer in
04:19 Israel.
04:22 I get that a lot.
04:23 Do you get that a lot?
04:26 the Sabbath School panel, and they're like, I didn't know you
04:28 could sing.
04:31 You sing all the time.
04:31 I sing all the time.
04:32 But it happens, I guess.
04:35 I like that though, you know, because we have what we call
04:38 changing rooms here at 3B.
04:39 We've been in between programs and we're changing clothes for
04:41 the next program.
04:44 different tie or a coat.
04:45 Yup, that's right.
04:46 And the Lord's given you a great gift, but also energy
04:49 too.
04:49 So thank you for that.
04:50 And Ryan, I neglected to mention, but you all already
04:53 know this, General Manager of our 3B and Praise Him Music
04:56 Network and our coordinator for S.O.D., School of Discipleship,
05:00 which we'll be talking about here tonight.
05:03 Coming around the table, we have the assistant coordinator
05:05 for our School of Discipleship, as well as 3ABN producer, Ian
05:09 Vandervaal.
05:10 Glad to have you here.
05:10 Thank you so much for having me tonight.
05:12 It's a pleasure to be here on the behind the scenes, because
05:15 we all get to see, you know, what has been going on over the
05:18 last month or so.
05:19 And it's just incredible to see God at work and what He's doing
05:22 through this ministry and through each of us.
05:23 And to be a part of that is humbling.
05:26 Yeah, praise the Lord.
05:28 You know, I know we want to go to some music and we want to
05:30 talk about 3ABN Camp Meeting that is just right around the
05:33 corner.
05:34 We want to talk about an incredible project about
05:37 getting some books out and, of course, School of Discipleship.
05:40 But I want to just...
05:42 Ryan, I was thinking about the times that we live in and we
05:45 just came from a rally in Dodge Center, Minnesota, which we'll
05:49 show...
05:51 on.
05:56 in this world, there seems to be so much anxiety, stress.
06:02 A lot of people wondering what's going to happen.
06:04 And when we were there, there was a really powerful song that
06:07 you did for church that to me is...
06:13 How would you describe it?
06:15 Where it's like everyone in the audience participates with you.
06:17 And to me, it provides such hope, right?
06:22 So you think about...
06:23 Tell me a little bit about that song and why you actually do
06:25 that song too because it means so...
06:27 It means a lot to me and how you do it too means a lot.
06:30 So it's in our hymn.
06:32 It's not probably saying as often.
06:36 It's not a hymn you hear as often on any given Sabbath at
06:40 church.
06:43 doing an evangelistic series in North Carolina.
06:46 And this particular elder stood up at the church and he told
06:49 the story behind the song of why he did the little call and
06:53 response thing because we had...
06:56 I think it was an evangelist back in the day who would also
07:01 do this song in all of his evangelistic series.
07:04 And the title of the hymn is Never Part Again.
07:07 Never Part Again.
07:09 And so he would get up in all of his evangelistic series and
07:13 of course the chorus says...
07:17 What?
07:18 Never Part Again?
07:19 Yeah, yeah.
07:20 We're traveling through Emmanuel's land.
07:22 We soon shall hear the trumpet sound and soon we shall with
07:28 Jesus reign and never, never part again.
07:32 And then he would always prompt the audience and the audience
07:36 would go, What?
07:37 Because it's the actual lyrics.
07:39 Never part again.
07:41 And then the response, No, never part again.
07:45 And there's this little call and response, What?
07:47 And the audience says, What?
07:48 Never part again.
07:49 And I love the way that's written because I feel like
07:52 just as you've brought out clearly, that's our longing.
07:56 It's expressing our longing because all we've ever known in
07:59 this life is death and pain and sorrow and hurt and heartache
08:03 and the fact that we have to, for a time, part from our loved
08:09 ones because of the results of sin in the world that we've,
08:12 this is all we've ever known.
08:14 And it just expresses, the author of that song expresses
08:16 it so clearly.
08:18 What?
08:19 Never part again?
08:21 No, never part again.
08:22 And so, yeah, we did that.
08:24 We have done it at 3B in camp meeting a couple times and try
08:27 to do it a few times on the road in our rallies.
08:29 And so, yeah, people enjoy singing it.
08:32 I enjoy singing it.
08:33 The words are just beautiful and it really expresses, I
08:36 believe, the longing of God's people.
08:39 We're at a time where we're longing, we're yearning.
08:41 We're at that point where it's like Spirit and the Bride,
08:43 please.
08:47 want to go home and bring an end to all of this mess.
08:51 You know, and so, thank you for sharing that because, you know,
08:54 I just wanted to tell you this right now.
08:56 Like we talked about just a couple of minutes ago.
08:57 We want to, 3ABN is all about hope and we want you to be
09:01 encouraged this evening.
09:02 We all are longing for a better land.
09:04 But let's hang on.
09:05 Hang on a little bit longer, right?
09:07 Because Jesus Christ is coming.
09:09 We're on a journey.
09:10 Yes, and some journeys are absolutely, to me, horrendous.
09:13 Some of the tragedies that may be happening even right now in
09:17 your own life.
09:18 But that's what the ministry of 3ABN is all about.
09:21 3ABN is about mending broken people and you may be the
09:23 person that's being mended right now.
09:25 And it's because of your prayers and your continued
09:28 financial support for this ministry, your ministry, God's
09:32 ministry, 3ABN, that we're able to provide this hope and
09:35 encouragement.
09:39 in Earth's history.
09:40 And thank you, Ryan, for again singing that song at the rally.
09:43 Of course, we enjoyed going but it just again provided such
09:45 hope and encouragement to me that we're passing through this
09:47 land looking for an eternal land.
09:49 Amen.
09:51 We do speak in the music.
09:52 Tim Parton, Brother Tim Parton.
09:53 He was there too.
09:54 He was at the rally.
09:56 He recorded the song a little bit ago we want to go to.
09:59 It's called Power in the Blood and there is truly power in the
10:03 blood of Jesus.
13:12 Amen.
13:12 Thank you so much, Tim Parton.
13:15 Power in the blood.
13:16 We are redeemed by the blood of Jesus.
13:18 And that redemption is part of that healing process we were
13:22 talking about.
13:23 The mending broken people.
13:24 When we present Jesus, when Jesus is lifted up and
13:28 glorified, all people will be drawn to him and he's the one
13:31 who brings us healing.
13:33 Amen.
13:37 Ian Vandervalk.
13:38 We have a full first hour and then we'll be trading out
13:41 guests for the second hour.
13:43 We were talking about the rally.
13:44 We just came from Dodge Center, Minnesota.
13:47 Want to give a special thanks to the McNeilas family.
13:51 They worked very hard with the coordination there providing
13:55 food.
13:56 We had a wonderful time.
13:58 And Pastor Joel, I don't know how to pronounce his last name,
14:01 Keratsky maybe, the pastor of the church there.
14:03 And the church members just opening up their doors and
14:06 getting to meet the 3ABN family.
14:09 I know Tim Parton was there.
14:11 Danny and Yvonne Shelton were there.
14:12 They can't be with us tonight.
14:14 But Ryan, what was your experience like being at the
14:16 rally?
14:20 They are.
14:21 Because obviously we're here most of the time in the studio.
14:24 So we don't get to see our viewers face-to-face as often.
14:28 But when we get to go out on these rallies, it's just so
14:31 amazing and powerful just to meet people face-to-face and to
14:35 hear them express their thanks, you know, how much the Sabbath
14:39 School panel means to them.
14:41 The family worships that you guys do are wonderful.
14:44 And the music is such inspirational.
14:46 And so just to be able to connect with people and to hear
14:49 them express thanks to us for, you know, the efforts that we
14:53 put into doing this.
14:54 And then, I don't think our viewers realize just how much
14:57 of a blessing they are because we wouldn't be here doing this
15:01 and what we're doing if it wasn't for them.
15:03 That's correct.
15:06 And so it's very much kind of a reciprocal response because now
15:12 we get to say to you guys when we go out, in this case Dodge
15:15 Center, the people of Dodge Center are so wonderful.
15:17 You know, thank you for watching and thank you for
15:19 supporting and for praying for us.
15:21 And so, yeah, I got to use my singing gift while I was there
15:27 and me and Tim just praised the Lord in song and to be able to
15:31 sing the way we got to take a couple of requests while we
15:33 were there and sing some songs from people who had made some
15:36 requests.
15:36 It was just awesome.
15:37 It was awesome.
15:42 We got to do some tours while we were there and see some of
15:45 the local, what the McNeely's family has done to build in
15:50 that community is just amazing.
15:52 And so just to be able to connect, to me that's, the
15:55 rally is all about connecting with the people and to be able
15:58 to sit down with them and to chat with them and just to meet
16:01 them on a personal level and to show them that we're real
16:03 people too, right?
16:04 Because sometimes they want to come, can I get your autograph?
16:06 I'm like, I'm not a celebrity.
16:09 I want people to see that we're people just like they are and
16:13 we appreciate each and every person that comes and that came
16:17 to Dodge Center and just want to thank you all.
16:19 Thank you to the McNeely's family and to Pastor Joel for
16:23 having us to come out because it was a blessing.
16:26 We leave there filled up, filled up and excited to be
16:29 able to connect with our 3ABN family.
16:31 Amen.
16:34 of the family, right?
16:34 We talk about this all the time.
16:36 You're part of the 3ABN family and so when we get to go out to
16:38 these rallies, to me it's like kind of have a family reunion
16:41 type thing, you know?
16:42 We're taking pictures and stuff, you know?
16:43 Some people say, can we take pictures?
16:45 I'm like, absolutely.
16:45 We're family.
16:48 So, I mean, this, yeah, nobody's a celebrity here.
16:50 We're all just human beings.
16:51 We, you know, just normal people.
16:53 So it's wonderful to meet our family and many people traveled
16:56 from outside the state to come there to Dodge Center.
16:59 I know some were close to North Dakota, Fargo, North Dakota and
17:02 from Iowa and one lady I believe flew up from Georgia.
17:06 She was, I think, visiting some family but also timed it right
17:09 with the rally.
17:10 So just a great time of fellowshipping and praising the
17:13 Lord and again special thanks to the McNeilises and Pastor
17:15 Joel.
17:18 Great fellowshipping.
17:21 people shared with you.
17:23 To me when we, as you mentioned Ryan, we're sitting in the
17:25 studio and we just look at the glass camera, you know?
17:28 But when we get to meet you, you're our family and I always
17:30 say when we go back now, right now, I can see your faces.
17:33 I can see the faces of the people that we talked with, the
17:36 people that we prayed with, the people who are going through
17:40 challenges right now and you are part of the 3ABN family and
17:44 we love you and we love that opportunity to connect with
17:49 you.
17:53 Seventh Day Adventist Church because of this ministry.
17:57 Different stories, different journeys but all had the
18:01 similarity of somehow stumbling upon the ministry at 3ABN.
18:06 This was God-ordained and to see that the messages
18:10 presented, the biblical truth presented and Jesus being
18:15 lifted up won their hearts and so praise the Lord.
18:18 I think we have a few pictures Ian so let's put them up and
18:20 we'll just talk about them as we go through here.
18:23 This is from the back of the church there.
18:25 I think Ryan, we can't even see at the moment but I think
18:27 you're singing and Tim's at the piano there.
18:30 They had overflow.
18:31 We can just keep moving through the pictures.
18:32 They had overflow in the fellowship hall.
18:35 This is a young man who read that scripture.
18:39 Didn't he do a great job?
18:41 He read the Great Commission.
18:43 Mr. Danny spoke of course for church.
18:44 I love that.
18:45 Here's Danny and Yvonne sharing there.
18:47 I think this is in the afternoon there.
18:49 These two little girls I met, precious and we got to eat
18:54 lunch together so they are my sisters in Jesus now.
18:59 That's great because you had young families and those that
19:01 have more experience and it was a wide range of ages and just
19:04 excitement.
19:07 all excited about evangelism.
19:08 I know they're excited about evangelism and while you could
19:11 feel it in fact you could see it.
19:13 Not just feel it, you could see it because I know we're going
19:16 to talk about Sod in just a few moments which is what we do.
19:18 It's all about discipleship and evangelism but I was just
19:21 amazed to see not only the McNeil family but they told us
19:24 that there's several other families in that church that
19:27 are in active small group Bible studies right now and they're
19:31 adding to the church all the time just to see the fruit of
19:34 the labor there that they're actually carrying out that
19:36 evangelism cycle.
19:38 So praise the Lord for what's going on in Dodge Center of
19:40 Minnesota.
19:41 Very powerful and you're right because the McNeil's and other
19:43 families are very evangelistically minded and
19:46 believe in it a hundred percent.
19:48 We should talk about, you want to talk about the book?
19:50 We should because the call center is open this evening.
19:51 I just stopped because the call center is open.
19:52 We should go to this and then wherever you want to go.
19:55 Can the Christian Church affirm LGBTQ?
19:59 This is the latest book actually written by Danny
20:02 Shelton and it's excellent across the board for
20:06 denominations.
20:07 You could say well this is just written for the Seventh
20:08 Adventist Church, no because this is a biblical topic and
20:12 it's one that's come to the forefront you could say in our
20:16 culture today and because of that churches are wrestling
20:20 with this topic.
20:21 What are we supposed to do with LGBTQ and can we affirm it in
20:26 the church and is it actually sin and what do we do with
20:29 people in the church?
20:30 We are to love people that is very clear but what are we to
20:34 do with that sin and are we allowed to call it sin?
20:37 So 3ABN has a brand new initiative where we are people,
20:43 you at home our 3ABN family are sponsoring this booklet to be
20:49 mailed into churches across North America.
20:52 So we just started with the first sponsorship.
20:56 We had pallets of these go up to the printer and this booklet
20:59 is being put in with a flyer in an envelope and is being mailed
21:03 to each.
21:07 the Baptist denomination and right now it's going out to
21:10 every Baptist church in North America and for 49 cents per
21:15 church you can send the booklet and the flyer and that includes
21:18 the postage.
21:22 We want to go to different churches.
21:24 There's many different churches who need to hear this.
21:27 So we want to go to many different churches and sponsor
21:30 that.
21:33 sponsor the mailing of this booklet into churches across
21:37 North America you can give us a call right now at 618-627-4651.
21:43 That's 618-627-4651 or you can go and send snail mail.
21:51 Yeah, a check.
21:52 Write us a check.
21:54 That still works too and just put the church mailing.
21:57 That will be fine.
22:01 go online to 3ABN.TV and on the donate tab just click on the
22:07 LGBTQ booklet and that will help sponsor these booklets to
22:11 go into churches.
22:12 Yeah, isn't the I think the donation code is it 350?
22:15 I believe it is for that.
22:16 Jill is going to look that up just to confirm.
22:17 But yeah, what a great opportunity.
22:19 No donation is too small.
22:20 So you think about it.
22:24 someone will send one dollar in sometimes 60 cents.
22:26 Sometimes a person sends 10,000 or 1,000 or 500 but a lot of
22:30 five dollar, 10 dollar.
22:31 And so like Jill is saying if you want to just put church
22:33 mailing on your check it's amazing.
22:35 One dollar will send basically two of these booklets out to
22:38 two different churches and I was shocked as we went through
22:42 the mailing list.
22:46 said the Baptist churches which would be Free Real Baptist,
22:48 First Baptist and of course it's going to go then to those
22:52 churches here in the United States and that 49 cents
22:55 includes the postage to that church, the booklet, the flyer
22:57 and the special envelope.
22:59 So I'm really excited about this because God asks us to
23:02 just put the word out.
23:03 This also is promoting 3ABN in it as well.
23:05 So there's the opportunity for that church to say you know
23:08 what our church would like some of these booklets to pass out
23:10 to read but also it shares about what 3ABN is all about.
23:13 So to me it's a great evangelism opportunity as well.
23:17 So I just really appreciate the team that worked so hard to
23:20 bring that price down to less than 50 cents to ship out of
23:23 one book and the flyer and the envelope and everything to one
23:26 church.
23:27 So what an opportunity.
23:29 I think we talked about this about a month ago and the money
23:31 has been coming in.
23:35 the printing plant to do all the inserting and do all the
23:38 postage.
23:42 and shakers as Mr. Danny says and thank you again for jumping
23:45 on board this great evangelism project.
23:48 It is fun code 350.
23:49 You have a good memory.
23:50 It is 350.
23:51 All right.
23:51 350.
23:54 donate.
23:58 this project.
24:00 Great.
24:02 School of discipleship.
24:04 You start Ryan and everybody can jump in.
24:06 Okay.
24:12 the 3ABN School of Discipleship in July, you need to do that.
24:16 Those dates are July chapter...
24:18 chapter.
24:19 You've been studying the Bible.
24:21 I've been studying the Bible too.
24:23 Actually, it's a great chapter in your life.
24:26 I promise you.
24:27 It will be a defining chapter in your life.
24:30 Boy, that's really thinking quick right there, by the way.
24:32 Tie that in.
24:33 Okay.
24:35 I've actually been...
24:36 I've been given a lot of Bible study talks over the last few
24:38 days.
24:39 There's a chapter then.
24:41 July 5.
24:42 That's what we're trying to say.
24:43 July 5 through 14, a brand new session of the 3ABN School of
24:47 Discipleship.
24:53 .com.
24:54 It's right there on your screen.
24:57 3ABNSOD.com.
24:58 And I'm just going to show you what it looks like here.
25:00 I don't know if you could see it on my screen here.
25:02 Let me see if I can brighten it up a little bit.
25:05 Maybe, maybe it's a little too bright there.
25:06 But there it is.
25:07 So it'll look something like this right here.
25:10 And you can see the tabs across the top there and read our
25:14 handbook.
25:15 You can even download the handbook and read it for free.
25:17 By the way, download the handbook and read it.
25:19 Even if you don't download it, just read it.
25:21 Read through the whole thing.
25:22 I mean, it's very quick.
25:23 I think it's like 14 pages.
25:25 It might even be less than that.
25:26 Very, very quick read, but it gives you all of the
25:29 information about the 3ABN School of Discipleship.
25:32 This is an intensive.
25:34 It's a one-week intensive.
25:35 So you arrive on Friday, July 5, and then we will have,
25:42 basically you'll come in and you'll sign in and we'll get
25:44 you registered and get you put into your 3ABN apartment.
25:48 We house you.
25:52 just a moment.
25:52 But you'll come in, you'll sign in.
25:54 We'll get you to your house and then the next day, very
25:57 relaxed, we just worship together, get to know each
25:59 other on Sabbath the 6th, and then starting Sunday, the 7th,
26:04 all the way through to the 14th or through the 13th, the
26:08 Sabbath the 14th, 13th, we are actually going to be doing our
26:14 classes.
26:18 'clock in the evening every single day.
26:20 We're going to open up the spiritual fire hydrant.
26:23 We're going to let the Holy Spirit set all of us on fire
26:27 and teaching us how to be disciples and how to make
26:30 disciples for Jesus Christ.
26:32 And so come, come to the 3ABN School of Discipleship.
26:36 Actually we have a promo video.
26:38 You want to play the promo video and then we're going to
26:39 come back to Ian and Ian's going to tell us a little bit
26:41 more about the program.
26:42 So let's go to the video now.
26:48 When you think about what it means to make disciples for
26:50 Christ, it's not just teaching people a bunch of doctrines or
26:53 teaching people a bunch of set of beliefs.
26:56 We baptize people.
26:57 We hope the church would nurture them, but unfortunately
26:59 a church doesn't always nurture.
27:01 And one of the reasons for that is because they're not always
27:03 trained to nurture.
27:05 We can teach doctrines and we can share doctrines and all
27:07 those things are super important.
27:09 But really it's meeting people where they're at.
27:12 What does it mean to be a true disciple?
27:15 It means to love someone else to Christ.
27:19 I wanted to deepen my relationship with Christ and to
27:22 gain skills to share my faith.
27:24 You don't get any official leadership training when you
27:27 step up in a position in church.
27:29 I just felt like I needed further training.
27:32 I wanted to be recharged.
27:34 I wanted to know that I was doing His will.
27:38 My husband went to the first sod class.
27:41 When he came back he was a different person.
27:43 He just had such a piece that I had not ever seen in him
27:48 before.
27:49 And I just said I want this too.
28:30 Whether it's the classroom time, the morning worship time,
28:33 the morning prayer time, the meals, the fellowship, there is
28:37 so much that you're going to get from this.
28:39 If you're on the fence just jump over the fence and come on
28:42 over.
28:44 It is an incredible blessing to just have this and it's going
28:48 to be even more of a blessing to share.
28:49 You're going to come back strengthened.
28:52 You're going to come back a little wiser because your focus
28:55 will have been on Jesus the entire week.
28:58 This is where our disciples are truly made.
29:07 Wow!
29:08 Amen!
29:09 The promo was well done.
29:10 I think Brandon Armstrong did that.
29:11 Yay for Brandon!
29:13 Brandon Armstrong!
29:15 It makes me want to go to Sod myself.
29:18 And I've been to three.
29:19 I don't sit in all the classes but of course Jill and I like
29:21 to come and say hello to the students.
29:23 What an encouraging time and I tell you just hearing their
29:25 testimonies.
29:26 Wow!
29:26 So inspiring!
29:27 Amen!
29:27 Praise the Lord.
29:35 edit the video, he was there this past class from early
29:38 morning all the way to late in the evenings with that camera
29:42 and he was there and he was getting all the footage and so
29:45 praise the Lord for Brandon.
29:46 Thank you my brother for all that you do for us.
29:48 Your talents are great.
29:50 But yeah, when you come to Sod, I just want to talk really
29:53 quickly about the classes and what you can experience in
29:56 terms of the curriculum and the education there that you're
29:59 going to receive.
30:04 best disciple and also how to go make disciples for Jesus
30:07 Christ when you leave Sod and go back to your home, go back
30:10 to your community and your churches.
30:12 And so, you're going to come here and you're going to
30:14 experience right off the bat a health course from Reese
30:17 Rafferty.
30:21 is basically teaching you how to overcome through the Bible,
30:25 through a scriptural diet based, health based education
30:30 based on Scripture and God's diet plan and God's lifestyle
30:33 plan.
30:35 You're going to learn about the great controversy.
30:37 You're going to do a small course on the great controversy
30:39 with Pastor James Rafferty.
30:41 And then, throughout the week you're going to be taking more
30:44 classes like how to study the Bible.
30:46 That's always important one.
30:47 Many people don't really know how to grow in the Lord or take
30:50 their relationship with Christ in the next level because they
30:53 don't really know how to dig deep and get in and really
30:55 fully understand the Scriptures that they're reading.
30:58 And so, we do a full course taught by Pastor James Rafferty
31:01 on how to study the Bible.
31:02 And then, of course, we'll be getting right into a biblical
31:05 apologetics class which I will be teaching.
31:08 We'll be looking at our pillars of our faith in a very deep
31:11 sense.
31:15 with difficult and challenging objections to those things.
31:20 We're going to do a little intense game we call Defending
31:22 the Faith where we put our brothers and sisters through
31:25 groups and they defend a topic.
31:27 People really like that.
31:29 It's really, really fun and it actually humbles us a little
31:32 bit.
31:34 And then, we'll be diving deep into evangelism, learning all
31:38 of the key concepts to friendship and personal
31:41 evangelism.
31:45 to really do a public evangelistic series.
31:48 We have a Bible or a church history.
31:53 Daniel, want to talk about that?
31:54 Your church history class.
31:55 What can they expect if they come?
31:56 If you come to church history class, come to Sod, and then
32:00 you'll come to the church history class, it is not dry,
32:03 it is not boring, but it is the stories that then we connect
32:08 with that when we see how God has led in the past, it really
32:11 gives an illustration of what God has wanted to do in our
32:14 life right now.
32:15 Our history is rich with stories.
32:19 Not that our life is lived out simply by telling stories, but
32:22 it really connects us to what God wants for us to do.
32:25 We can talk about discipleship, but then we see it lived out,
32:28 and it gives us inspiration about how to apply it.
32:31 We see what happened years ago, a few years ago, or many years
32:35 ago, and then we get a picture of what God wants for us to do
32:38 right now.
32:39 I enjoy studying it, I enjoy teaching it.
32:41 No, it's powerful.
32:42 I've said in many of his lectures that he makes it come
32:45 alive, and it's just exciting to know we have a rich history
32:48 in church.
32:48 So you're going to get that.
32:50 And also, it's a true discipleship program in the
32:53 sense that we have our regular class time, and then we break
32:57 in the evenings for the students to decide to do what
32:59 they want to do.
33:03 together in groups, but in the evenings for about three hours
33:07 from 6 p.m.
33:08 to 9 p.m., each one of the instructors and Ian, all of us
33:13 make ourselves available in the evenings for one-on-one or
33:16 small group discipleship sessions where if the students
33:21 have questions, Bible questions, maybe they want to
33:23 pray about something, or maybe there's just something
33:25 spiritually heavy on their heart that they just want to
33:28 pray about, they want some spiritual counsel from the
33:30 Bible, and we can share some scriptures, some texts.
33:32 It's an opportunity for them to meet with us one-on-one for
33:35 some private one-on-one discipleship sessions.
33:39 And it's a power, I'm telling you, it's powerful.
33:41 That promo tells it all, when you come, your life's going to
33:45 change.
33:50 you go home and you start house fires and church fires and
33:54 community fires in a good way, spiritually speaking, all over
33:58 your community and your church and in your home.
34:00 Ian, tell us about the logistics, the details of the
34:03 plan and how they can go on and sign up and all that.
34:05 Yeah, one thing I want to add though kind of to what you were
34:08 saying was one of the beautiful things that I really love about
34:11 S.A.D.
34:14 propel you into your discipleship journey.
34:16 But one of the most amazing things that I've noticed from S
34:19 .A.D.
34:22 You know, they come here expecting something and I've
34:24 said this in a video in one of our past BTSs, but people come
34:27 here and you're expecting something very specific.
34:30 But God has a plan for you here, for something that He
34:34 wants to show you and that He wants you to learn.
34:37 And I have seen individuals come here that may have had
34:39 some things in their past or a little bit broken, maybe a
34:42 little bit frayed or they're just looking for what do I do
34:45 next because they're so unsure of certain things and maybe
34:47 that's you who's watching right now.
34:49 You just want to reignite your relationship with Jesus and S.A
34:53 .D.
34:55 I've seen lives transform.
34:57 You even saw in the video where we had a student in our first
35:01 class who he came here kind of just searching, wondering, you
35:05 know, what does God have in store for him?
35:07 What's his life going to be like as a Christian?
35:09 And he had such a peace that when he left and went back to
35:13 his family, his wife came to the next class, his daughter
35:16 came to the next class.
35:18 It started, you know, as Ryan just said, a fire within their
35:21 own home and just to see the healing that has taken place
35:24 within that family and I know what God can do in a family
35:28 because he's healed me in my past, in my family and I know
35:31 what he can do for you too.
35:32 So even if you're just wanting to grow closer in the Lord and
35:35 just want to strengthen your relationship with him or maybe
35:38 you just have the question, I don't know, S.A.D.
35:41 is the place for you and you definitely want to attend and
35:45 then after that you're going to be able to share your
35:47 experience and the things that you've gone through in your
35:49 past, in your life, and in this class and be able to share it
35:52 with others in such an effective way that it will just
35:55 be, you know, it will invigorate others to want to
35:58 know Jesus and to share him as well and it's just going to
36:01 start that ripple effect that we're hoping for so that Jesus
36:04 can come ever sooner.
36:06 So with that being said, let me get into some of the details of
36:09 the class.
36:14 .com and Ryan has stressed it, I'm going to stress it again.
36:19 Please read the handbook because many of the questions
36:21 that come in through email are answered in the handbook.
36:25 But for those of you who might just want some of the details
36:28 of it, some of the typical questions that we get is, you
36:31 know, well, where do I stay?
36:32 What do I do for housing?
36:33 Well, we have two housing options for you.
36:35 So that's part of our tuition as well.
36:37 So when you go into the handbook, you're going to see
36:39 two different options.
36:40 Option one, which is, we'll put you in 3ABN housing, we're
36:43 going to house you in our apartments, as well as you go
36:46 through the class, you're going to get all the materials, and
36:49 we provide breakfast and lunch for you as well so you don't
36:51 have to worry about meals.
36:53 They're nice vegetarian, on some days, vegan meals, very
36:57 healthy.
37:00 of our students in our first class.
37:02 But if you need housing from us, that is going to be option
37:05 one, which is a $500 suggested donation.
37:09 Now, that covers everything, like I said, that covers your
37:11 housing, covers your food, covers the materials.
37:14 You're going to get a lot of things on thumb drives that we
37:16 give to you, extra things that are not even taught in the
37:19 class that the instructors give you just so you're more
37:21 equipped and you can go home and study and learn more.
37:24 The other option that you have is option two.
37:26 Now, if you have an RV or a camper, I know a lot of our
37:29 3ABN family that comes to camp meeting brings their RVs or
37:32 campers.
37:32 That is option two.
37:34 So that is a $300 suggested donation, and that gives you
37:37 everything as well.
37:41 lunch, and it gives you all the materials just like it would
37:44 with option one.
37:48 or whether you want to house yourself by bringing an RV or a
37:51 camper.
37:56 the handbook.
37:58 If you still have questions, we are more than happy to answer
38:01 them.
38:04 it for contact us.
38:05 You can send us your questions.
38:07 It will either be Ryan, myself, Stephanie, one of the staff
38:10 will reach out to you and answer your questions and we
38:12 really pray for everybody, all the applicants that come in.
38:16 We pray over them and we know especially from the last couple
38:20 of classes that the individuals that come here, God wanted them
38:23 here for a purpose.
38:24 And we know that God has a purpose for you to be at SOD.
38:28 So I encourage you to apply and to come to this intensive
38:31 because your life will be changed.
38:33 In fact, I have to say when we went to Dodge Center this past
38:36 weekend, we had four previous SOD students that I got to
38:40 meet.
38:43 them said to me in some way, form or fashion, since leaving
38:47 SOD, God has done wonderful things in our lives and in our
38:51 ministries.
38:52 So don't let this opportunity pass by, friends.
38:56 Go right now.
38:57 Don't hesitate because the class fills up fast.
38:59 Right now we are already over halfway filled up.
39:02 We still have some spots available but if you want to
39:04 make sure you get into this summer, July 5 to July 14,
39:08 that's the time frame, July chapter 5, I said earlier, July
39:12 5 to July 14, make sure you go on right now and fill out that
39:19 application and just come because I know your life will
39:23 be transformed.
39:27 came.
39:28 I promise you that.
39:31 happens during the summer break from school.
39:33 So if you're a student, college student, high school student, I
39:37 think as a high school student you might need somebody coming
39:38 along with you but this is that opportunity.
39:41 That's right.
39:42 Absolutely.
39:43 Don't miss it.
39:43 Don't miss it.
39:45 As a teacher you would know when summer break is.
39:48 That's a good point.
39:50 deadline?
39:51 The deadline for applications is June 21st.
39:55 June 21st.
39:56 I didn't think about it for a second.
39:57 June 21st is the deadline for the application so make sure
40:00 you get them in before then because we really want to have
40:02 you here.
40:05 has for you and it's going to be such a blessing.
40:07 That's a good point that Daniel brought up as far as the age.
40:09 Tell me the age range because we've had quite a wide range.
40:13 We've had ages anywhere from 16 to 89.
40:16 Okay.
40:20 We don't care if you're 150 or well I mean obviously we want
40:26 them to at least be of an age where they can comprehend the
40:29 material but we've had 16 year olds come here and so yeah.
40:34 A 16 year old would need a chaperone so all those would be
40:37 details.
40:42 Yeah and it's not all just sitting.
40:44 I don't want to point out the prayer time in the morning.
40:47 There is information to learn but that prayer time in the
40:50 morning is really really powerful and I know at least in
40:53 this last session people were very very moved and benefited.
40:56 We didn't have that in the first class and that was
40:59 something that we felt and I know you brought that up and
41:02 you said was really missing in that class was that prayer time
41:05 and when that came in in the second class every single
41:09 person that I had talked to or even just came up to us you
41:12 know on their own said the prayer time before class was
41:15 really helped me in my journey and through this class and has
41:19 really give me an understanding of prayer that they didn't have
41:22 before or that I didn't have before.
41:24 A lot of them had said that so I know it was powerful.
41:26 It's an early morning prayer time but I can tell you nobody
41:29 came there to catch up on their sleep.
41:31 I had one individual or two of them that said we came here to
41:35 take in everything that Sod has to offer so whatever you guys
41:38 are doing were there and they showed up every single day and
41:42 it was just you could see them transform and one of them
41:44 afterwards went back and started preaching in their
41:47 hometown.
41:51 doing it or he just finished doing his own evangelistic
41:55 series.
41:56 So he did his own public evangelism and it's just to see
41:59 that effect again.
42:00 That ripple right?
42:01 It's bigger and bigger.
42:05 mean we're nobody.
42:06 We're just here to try to share what God has shown us and to
42:10 share it with others and just to see then what God does with
42:13 them and you know the next person, next person.
42:15 It's just amazing to be a part of it.
42:17 It is.
42:18 I was just going to say if Pastor Rafferty was here he
42:20 would say this and I want to thank Pastor Rafferty.
42:23 He has been instrumental in helping us to organize this and
42:27 the expertise that he brings and the experience he brings in
42:31 this it's a blessing.
42:34 But I just also want to say the schedule is intense.
42:37 It's the reason why it's called an intensive because it's from
42:39 8 o'clock in the morning to about 5 o'clock in the
42:42 afternoon each day from Sunday all the way through to Friday
42:45 and we let out a little early on Friday for Sabbath obviously
42:48 for preparation but I will say this.
42:50 It's not literally from 8 to 5 non-stop.
42:54 We have breaks in between each class.
42:56 10 to 15 minute breaks for you to get up and walk, stretch
42:59 your legs.
43:00 In fact if Pastor Rafferty was here he would say you get to,
43:04 we have doctors visits scheduled for you also during
43:08 these 10 and 15 minute seconds and he would say you get to go
43:11 out and choose to visit Dr. Fresh Air, Dr. Sunshine, Dr.
43:18 Exercise and so it's just really cool.
43:22 But yes breaks in between but it is an intense program but I
43:26 promise you you're not going to leave thinking man that was
43:29 just so tough and so hard.
43:30 In fact we give a survey out to all of our students before they
43:35 leave at the very end and almost all of them, not all of
43:38 them, but almost all of them have said in some way, form or
43:40 fashion that it's too short.
43:42 It's too short.
43:42 I wish it was longer.
43:43 I wish I could have extended the time and learned more.
43:46 But we're going to give you all that we can during that
43:48 intensive time that you're with us.
43:49 Amen.
43:50 Yeah.
43:50 Praise the Lord.
43:53 Camp Meeting because it's right around the corner but before we
43:56 go to that we want to talk to you Daniel about 3ABN's Bible
44:00 Study Guides.
44:01 Many of you if you've been watching 3ABN for a little
44:03 while we've had, let me pull these other books off to the
44:06 side, 3ABN's Bible Study Guides Lessons 1-14 and they have been
44:12 extremely well received.
44:13 Many of you are like oh yeah we've got some and we're
44:15 ordering more.
44:16 These have been just a powerful tool.
44:20 Evangelism.
44:23 board and you are currently using them also in our prison
44:26 ministry but there's some exciting news because set
44:30 number 2 is going to be going to press soon.
44:33 I just got to say they're beautiful.
44:35 The Word of God speaks but when you pair pictures it draws you
44:40 in and gives illustration.
44:42 But yes, we are almost done writing the second set.
44:46 There's 14 lessons in set number 1 covering really
44:50 foundational doctrines of the Bible and set number 2 has 13
44:54 lessons and I can tell you from insider information there is
44:59 about one and a half lessons left to be written.
45:03 So they're still, they're almost to the very end and it
45:08 has been such a privilege and I say that just from the heart,
45:12 such a privilege to write these and I wish you, all of you to
45:17 have the same opportunity to write because you write a set
45:23 of Bible studies and it's not the only way to express God's
45:27 truth and when somebody goes in and writes down what does God's
45:31 Word mean?
45:31 What does it say?
45:32 It really invigorates you.
45:34 It's kind of like doing some work on your electrical outlets
45:38 without turning the power off.
45:40 You know, you get some zings of power suddenly, unexpectedly.
45:44 Yes!
45:44 I never thought about that.
45:46 Working on it to and...
45:48 That's great because I have done that on the electrical
45:50 outlets, so yes.
45:51 That's right.
45:52 And so when you're working with the Word of God, it zings you
45:55 with power unexpectedly and you realize this is a true double
46:01 -edged sword.
46:02 I love it.
46:02 You know, it is powerful.
46:04 It really reaches inside to your very heart.
46:08 So I want to...
46:10 You know, thank you for adding that.
46:13 You know, or if you want to be like Greg, he does do with
46:15 electric on, so yes, it can zing you a timer.
46:19 I appreciate that.
46:20 No, actually, I do turn it off most of the time.
46:22 So yes, so tell us some of the topics, Brother Daniel, that
46:25 there are...
46:26 So, we've got 13 topics and the first one really picks up where
46:31 lesson number 1 to 14 ended, which is we got some
46:35 foundational truths which began with the great controversy on
46:39 through the Bible and the law of God and the Holy Spirit
46:44 moving on through to the second coming and then we pick up in
46:47 lesson number 15, which is a lesson on really prayer.
46:51 How do you have a relationship with God?
46:54 Here, you've got all this informational knowledge but how
46:57 is it transformational?
46:58 It's by connecting with God and so lesson number 15 is on
47:03 prayer and a relationship with God.
47:05 And then we move through, I'll just take you one at a time
47:07 through them, lesson 16 is on the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
47:12 How does God fill His people and use His people when they're
47:15 connected with Him?
47:16 And then lesson 17 moves into the gift of prophecy because
47:20 one of those really important and they're all important in
47:23 the church, one of those really important gifts is how God
47:26 communicates and so the gift of prophecy is an important
47:30 lesson.
47:31 And then that would be 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23.
47:36 There's a six lesson set that move through topics of Bible
47:40 prophecy.
47:41 Three of them dealing with Daniel, with the prophecies of
47:44 Daniel which is really powerful and moving through Daniel
47:49 chapter 2 and Daniel chapter 7 and then 8 and 9 and all of
47:54 those things and I had written on the top of each paper as I
47:57 was working on them, show them Jesus.
48:00 And so as we go through Daniel, how do we see Jesus which is
48:03 not hard to see when you have that experience of
48:07 communicating with God in prayer.
48:09 And then lessons 19, let's see, 19, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23.
48:14 There we go.
48:18 Particularly, now the whole book of Revelation is the
48:21 prophecies of God rolling out through the time when Jesus
48:25 went back to heaven.
48:26 But particularly dealing with those things that are coming to
48:30 happen soon in these latter days.
48:32 So we have the prophecies of Revelation 12 and 13
48:36 especially.
48:37 The two beast powers in Revelation 13 and the mark of
48:40 the beast.
48:42 And so I think people will learn quite a bit or add to the
48:46 things that they've already learned because we find these
48:48 things taught in other places but here they are in these
48:51 three of the inset.
48:52 So that leaves us four lessons at the end and you want to know
48:54 what's in them.
48:55 Oh yes we do.
48:56 Lesson number 24 is on the Millennium.
49:00 What happens immediately after during that thousand years
49:03 after Jesus returns to this earth.
49:06 And he takes the righteous with him, the saved, the redeemed,
49:10 not righteous in their own power, takes them to heaven
49:12 during that thousand years and what happens on earth and what
49:15 happens at the end of that time period.
49:17 And then lesson number 25 is on heaven and the new earth.
49:22 It's a beautiful lesson and a beautiful promise all from
49:25 scripture and it takes us deeper.
49:28 Beyond simply I'm going to pet a zebra and I'm going to ride
49:31 down the neck of a giraffe.
49:33 Really what does God really have in store for us?
49:37 And I don't think I adequately described it because it's
49:42 higher than words can describe.
49:44 And hopefully it's my prayer that this lesson gives a
49:48 glimpse into what God could not even express in human language.
49:52 And then the last two lessons really deal with the response
49:56 to the whole teaching of Bible truth.
49:58 Two aspects of the response.
50:00 A stepping out in faith decision which is baptism.
50:04 And then the final lesson 27 is the continual stepping out in
50:10 faith.
50:14 It's the aspect of stewardship which is not about finances
50:18 alone.
50:22 of everything you've done for me.
50:24 You gave it all for me.
50:26 I choose to.
50:27 I willingly give everything to you for your direction and
50:31 instruction.
50:32 And so we will end that set of lessons pointing back to what
50:35 Jesus has done all the way along the way.
50:38 It started out.
50:39 If you've gone through this first set of studies it starts
50:44 with the question what is God like?
50:46 And the answer is God is love.
50:48 And that's where the lessons end because that was the
50:51 starting place.
50:53 It's the end point and it's the checkpoint all along the way.
50:56 God is love.
51:01 These are incredible Bible studies.
51:05 The Lord has used you Daniel in the creation of them.
51:08 There's no doubt in my mind about that.
51:11 And we've been hearing testimonies of people who use
51:13 the first set and how it's blessed and ministered to them
51:17 or in their community.
51:19 You can download the first set for free at our website.
51:23 That's a great way to be able to access them or you can order
51:26 these from our call center.
51:28 You can call us at 618-627 -4651.
51:33 That's 618-627-4651 and order them and they're available 10
51:39 sets for a suggested donation of $25 and that includes the
51:43 shipping.
51:46 All 14 lessons.
51:47 There's the QR codes on the back where you have videos and
51:50 more information about that particular topic.
51:53 We're doing that on the second set as well.
51:56 The first set is called Looking Higher.
52:00 The second set is called Searching Deeper because we're
52:03 really getting into those deep prophetic teachings.
52:07 Very excited.
52:08 It will be coming out Lord willing for fall camp meeting.
52:13 Very excited and thank you.
52:14 You want to say something on that?
52:15 I just want to say thank you Daniel.
52:18 Your name is not on it as like the author but you are the
52:21 mastermind that the Lord you know you've used the gift that
52:23 God has given you to write these lessons in a course of
52:25 being reviewed by multiple people here at 3 a.m.
52:28 But again thank you.
52:31 be able to explain things and it's just a great gift and the
52:35 response has been tremendous so thank you for letting God use
52:38 you as a vessel to write these lessons.
52:40 Super excited about them and like Jill mentioned the call
52:43 center is open tonight.
52:45 We're talking about the LGBTQ booklet and being able to
52:48 support this incredible project.
52:49 49 cents is all it takes to send a booklet, a flyer and a
52:54 beautiful envelope to a local church in the United States.
52:58 Right now we're focusing on the Baptist denomination and
53:01 there's about 70,000 churches here in the United States which
53:03 is just amazing to me.
53:05 So if you'd like to support that project this evening even
53:07 a dollar will send books out to two churches.
53:09 But while you're at it might as well do the 10 for 25 and get
53:13 these lessons shipped to you because we also want to
53:16 encourage you to start Bible studies and maybe your church
53:18 and your local home and your community.
53:20 So what a great opportunity like Jill said.
53:22 $2.50 a set postage paid to you.
53:25 A great deal.
53:26 3Amen is all about evangelism.
53:27 You are too.
53:31 take advantage of them in a good way and just share the
53:33 good news of Jesus Christ.
53:34 Ian, you were going to say something probably about these
53:36 Bible study guys.
53:36 I did.
53:40 had a moment that specifically relates to these Bible studies
53:45 where I came home after doing a Thursday night live from here
53:50 and I walk into my bedroom and I saw my son and my wife in
53:54 there going through these Bible studies but it was my son
53:57 giving the Bible study.
53:59 So he was actually going through one of these lessons.
54:02 He was teaching it to my wife, to his mom as if he was the one
54:07 who was going to conduct a Bible study with somebody else
54:09 and to hear the things that he was saying because obviously he
54:14 went through it and he read it and he was pulling things out
54:18 and he didn't know I was there and I just had the biggest
54:21 smile on my face as I came home.
54:23 So these Bible studies anybody can teach them.
54:26 It's not just for those who have been a Seventh-day of
54:29 Venice or have been a Christian all their lives.
54:31 My son is a young teenager and here he was taking these Bible
54:35 studies, applying it to his own life, sharing what he knows
54:38 about Jesus and what he knows about the Bible and doing as
54:41 well and it brought so much joy to my heart to see him using
54:45 these and growing his relationship with the Lord.
54:47 Amen.
54:48 That's great.
54:48 I like that.
54:50 Should we talk about camp meeting?
54:51 We got three minutes in the remainder of this first hour.
54:55 Three ABN camp meeting is coming in just a couple weeks.
54:59 June 5 through 8 is the dates, preparation for the final
55:04 prices, the speakers coming in, Pastor Doug Batchelor,
55:07 Sebastian Braxton, Christopher Hudson, Ryan Johnson, Ron
55:11 Kelly, Lonnie Melashenko, Dr. David Shin, and of course our
55:14 three ABN people, I just call it people, but our three ABN
55:18 family as well.
55:19 That's a better word.
55:20 We'll be sharing.
55:21 So we're looking forward to this time of fellowship
55:25 together.
55:26 I believe there are maybe just a couple RV spaces left behind
55:31 the couple left.
55:33 We're completely full over at the worship center, but if you
55:37 would like to bring an RV, you can call us right now and say
55:40 you want to come into camp meeting, bring an RV.
55:42 Call us at 618-627-4651.
55:47 That's 618-627-4651 and we would love the RV spots are
55:52 complimentary.
55:53 Many people come in camp.
55:55 We've heard from scores of people who are bringing tents
55:58 or people stay in a hotel, so camp meeting is an incredible
56:01 time.
56:02 Daniel, there's a time of prayer.
56:03 Maybe talk to us about the time of prayer at the beginning as
56:05 Each day we meet in the morning and it is a time of corporate
56:10 prayer where Donald Owen and a couple of other pastoral staff
56:14 we meet together and we just lead the group in a time of
56:17 prayer and it has grown because it started a few years ago and
56:20 now it's grown and I think last time we spilled over out of the
56:23 room we were in and had to go to a bigger room, but I would
56:27 say, let me be honest, I would say There's not enough people
56:30 there.
56:33 It's an early hour before breakfast, but it's just a
56:36 blessing.
56:37 It is a blessed time together.
56:38 What a great way to start the day.
56:40 A little bit of music, a lot of prayer.
56:43 Ryan, what's your thoughts about camp meeting in a few
56:45 seconds?
56:47 I'm excited about the topic I'm going to get to present, which
56:49 is on the three unclean spirits.
56:52 And so where our focus is on the crisis during this final
56:56 time and how to prepare for it and how to be prepared for the
56:58 soon returning of Christ and living in these last days.
57:01 So my friends, come.
57:03 It's one thing to see it on TV.
57:05 It's a whole other thing to be in person.
57:07 Just come.
57:07 That's all I can say.
57:08 What about you, Ian?
57:09 You produce also during camp meeting.
57:11 What are your thoughts on camp meeting?
57:12 Oh, I love camp meeting.
57:13 It's just so much fun.
57:15 It's very busy, very jam packed.
57:16 There's a whole lot going on between music and sermons and
57:19 spiritual food.
57:20 But it's amazing to see the people come here and be a part
57:24 of the Rebion physically instead of just on the other
57:26 side of the TV.
57:27 Yeah.
57:29 Absolutely.
57:31 family.
57:35 but we just invite you to come, come on down for our 3ABN
57:40 camp meeting and join us for the second hour.


Revised 2024-05-23