Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL240009B
00:12 Hello and welcome back to 3ABN Behind the Scenes.
00:15 We're so glad that you've joined us. 00:17 You know Jill, it seems like the first hour always goes by 00:19 really fast and the second hour just speeds up from there. 00:22 So 3ABN Behind the Scenes is all about evangelism, about 00:26 what 3ABN is doing. 00:27 To reach the world. In the first hour, if you missed it, you can 00:30 always go to and you can catch the first hour if 00:34 you missed it. 00:35 You can watch it video on demand. 00:36 We're talking about 3ABN School of Discipleship. 00:39 And again, it just, to me, it just adds to what 3ABN is all 00:43 about. 00:46 gospel to the world. 00:47 But this 3ABN School of Discipleship to me is just 00:49 absolutely so exciting because it's bringing people here to 00:53 3ABN on campus, and we're teaching them how to be 00:55 disciples; how to go back to the local community and be 00:58 missionaries; to be evangelists there in their local 01:00 communities. 01:04 School of Discipleship, but you can also be an evangelist. 01:08 And I want to just remind you that we have many resources 01:12 here at 3ABN. 01:13 I think about Mr. Danny's books; the Focus on Truth 01:16 series. 01:19 Church Affirm LGBTQ? 01:21 A great booklet. 01:22 And we provide these booklets to you mainly for just the 01:26 shipping. 01:28 Christian Church Affirm that? 01:29 I believe, Jill, that's like $28 a case shipped anywhere 01:34 here in the United States of America, and there are 200 books 01:37 in a case. 01:39 I mean, that's an incredible evangelism opportunity. 01:41 Many of you like passing out the books. 01:43 I was talking to a lady recently. 01:45 She's over in actually Bermuda, and it takes quite a bit of 01:50 expense to get those books to her and she gladly pays them. 01:52 She says, "I just love passing out Mr. Shelton's booklets". 01:55 She said, "the opportunities that God provides for me is 01:58 absolutely incredible". 02:00 Well, this lady is almost 90 years of age. 02:02 I should say young, 90 years young, but she's all excited 02:05 about evangelism. 02:07 So to me, there's no age that we should be afraid of 02:09 evangelism and say, 02:10 "Ah, evangelism is not for me". 3ABN is all about evangelism. 02:12 And thank you so very much for partnering with this ministry. 02:16 I think about also testimonies also that you can share. 02:20 That's a way to witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. 02:22 But the second hour, Jill, we switched out, had some musical 02:24 chairs. 02:26 That's right. 02:30 hour because some of them have been here several years. 02:33 Oh, yeah, a long time. 02:33 That's right. 02:34 We still have Mr. Danny and Dr. Yvonne. 02:36 So we're delighted you all are still here for the second hour. 02:40 And coming around the table here, we have Jason Bergman, 02:43 our CFO and his beautiful wife, Francine, Aunt Francine, who is 02:48 the Kids Network General Manager. 02:50 I'm so glad you both are joining us the second hour. 02:52 It's an honor. 02:53 Thank you. 02:54 It's great to be here. 02:55 Coming around the table some more. 02:57 We have my sis and mom, Shelley Quinn, and Yvonne's my mom. 03:01 So I got several moms. 03:02 You have moms. 03:03 Yes. 03:04 So Shelley Quinn, Program Development Manager, Producer. 03:07 And we're so glad you're here tonight, too. 03:09 It's such a blessing to be here. 03:12 I was talking to JD, your husband. 03:14 He's the, of course, the manager of our 3ABN Pastoral 03:16 Department. 03:19 sprout, which, you know, he likes to plant a garden. 03:21 And so this is springtime here in southern Illinois. 03:23 And he was planting those little seeds and he said they 03:25 were coming up. 03:26 You know what's interesting, though? 03:27 He had old seed that the first that he did, nothing came up. 03:33 These are heirloom seeds, but the newer seeds are coming up. 03:36 And I thought, man, that'll preach. 03:40 Sometimes the word that we've had in us from the past, we 03:43 forget about it. 03:44 And it isn't blossoming. 03:46 You got to get into the seed of the Word every day. 03:51 Yeah, praise the Lord. 03:52 Yeah. 03:55 Amen. 03:55 What a blessing. 03:56 Go ahead. 03:59 We were talking about first hour with School of 04:02 Discipleship. 04:03 Incredible testimonies. 04:04 The people who came to the School of Discipleship, they 04:07 shared their testimonies of how God had worked in their life. 04:10 And many of them, how 3ABN had been integral in their 04:15 accepting Jesus, or changing lifestyles, or finding truth in 04:21 the Word of God. 04:22 So we're launching a new program, which will be all 04:26 about featuring 3ABN testimonies. 04:30 Amen. 04:34 It's going to be a program that will air on 3ABN that will 04:37 showcase these testimonies. 04:38 We're sending crew remote on the road, and they're going to 04:41 get these testimonies. 04:42 But in addition, we're going to use it for our 40th anniversary 04:46 program. 04:47 These longer testimonies, nobody can edit like Brad 04:50 Walker. 04:54 Take all the meat of everything they shared, put it into 60 04:58 seconds. 04:59 And we're going to air a different testimony every day, 05:02 leading up to our 40th anniversary, which is this Fall 05:05 in November. 05:06 So 40 years of changing lives for eternity. 05:10 So a different testimony every day. 05:12 And then also then we'll also get to hear during the 40th 05:14 anniversary program in November of this year, the actual long 05:17 version of that 60 seconds Jill was talking about. 05:20 We're going to get the long version. 05:21 So those little 60 seconds are kind of little teasers as to 05:23 what's coming on actually the anniversary day program. 05:26 But Mr. Danny, 40 years 3ABN has been in existence. 05:30 Praise God for that. 05:31 It seems impossible. 05:32 And from the idea which will be this coming November. 05:37 And I'm so thankful I was sitting here the first hour 05:39 listening to all the folk who were here. 05:42 And I already know their testimony and their dedication 05:47 to the Lord and to what we call the Bible message. 05:50 Some people say the Adventist. 05:51 No, it's the Bible message. 05:53 And I thought about the difference in 3ABN and like SOD 05:57 is right now we are to reflect the character of God as Seventh 06:02 -day Adventist Christians, as Christians in general. 06:05 We should be reflecting the character of God to the world. 06:08 But sadly, much of the church is reflecting the character of 06:14 current culture and politics. 06:15 And so that's making its way in. 06:19 So there's coming a dividing that's happening. 06:22 So I want to thank each and every one of you who say, "you 06:26 know what? 06:27 God's Word doesn't change". 06:29 So no matter what all this is happening with politics and 06:32 current culture, we're going to stick to the Word of God. 06:37 We're going to stick there. 06:39 The message hasn't changed. 06:40 We've said through the years that it's not the messenger 06:43 that's important. 06:44 It's the message. 06:46 So thank you, Greg and Jill and for our leadership or board and 06:49 for each and every one of you who said we're on board and 06:53 those of you at home that says we're not going to play the 06:56 games. 06:57 We're not going to go here. 06:58 We're not going to go there. 06:59 And you brought out some books like this last one, Can the 07:03 Christian Church Affirm LGBTQ? 07:05 And just this week, I literally talked to someone in person who 07:09 said, "I was raised homosexual by a homosexual couple. 07:13 I was basically abused and blah, blah, blah, most of my 07:16 life. 07:20 split up". 07:21 So I didn't get the whole story. 07:23 But he says, "I was trying to prove from the Bible that it's 07:28 okay. 07:29 Homosexuality is okay. 07:30 But he said I was out in the farm, literally had headphones 07:34 on driving equipment. 07:35 And somebody sent me" my ex, he said, "sent me an email and this 07:41 said, you need to listen to this. 07:42 It was your sermon. 07:43 He said on LGBTQ plus at camp meeting". 07:48 He said "it changed my life, it changed my life. 07:50 And that's why I'm here today". 07:52 So he was here last week. 07:53 That's why I'm here today because that then he said, I 07:56 started listening to the Sabbath School panel. 07:58 And when I heard that, I said, I got to hear more what these 08:01 people are teaching. 08:02 So he became a 3ABN inner. 08:05 And so last week he was here and I was privileged to meet 08:09 him. 08:12 continues to give and praise the Lord for that, because 08:16 that's what brings about the shaking and is a straight 08:19 testimony. 08:23 the great ladder rain that's going to be poured out. 08:25 But we have to stick with the Word of God, be direct in what 08:30 God has given us. 08:31 We can't be looking around us, going to the left or the right 08:36 stick with a message and thank you all for your leadership and 08:39 all of you, you for what you do. 08:42 And for those of you who's supporting 3ABN as we 08:45 continue to take this undiluted, three angels 08:47 messages into all the world. 08:50 You know, Mr. Danny, you know, you've seen the miracles and 08:52 this is again, just praising God and thanking you at home. 08:55 But, you know, Mr. Danny, it's interesting how God in just the 08:57 nick of time provides for the needs. 08:59 Jason, I mean, you're CFO, you see the finances every day, 09:01 just in the nick of time. 09:03 And again, we've just been seeing this in just the most 09:05 recent weeks, just the last couple of weeks where God is 09:08 providing in the most miraculous ways when you don't 09:11 expect it. 09:12 And I've been thanking the Lord, Jason and I had a prayer 09:14 in my office, oh, a week or so ago, and we were just thanking 09:17 the Lord for what he's going to be doing, right? 09:19 Because he's seen this ministry through all these years, Jill 09:22 and I every day talk about that and we say, thank you Lord for 09:25 providing for our needs today. 09:27 And what's so neat is that there've been people, you at 09:30 home have written checks a week before and it shows up on the 09:35 day that we're like, "God, you've got to do something, 09:37 please, just, you know, show the direction", and there it is! 09:40 And that's just absolutely incredible. 09:42 I know you've seen it for almost 40 years, but for us to 09:45 be here in these seats and to see that, you talk about 09:49 encouragement. 09:50 Wow, you know what? 09:52 I don't know if there's, I can't stand up on the set right 09:55 now. 09:57 hands up or bow down before the Lord and say, "God, thank you 10:01 for caring". 10:02 Yeah, you are faithful to this ministry and thank you for 10:05 listening to the Holy Spirit as He impresses you. 10:08 You don't know the specific prayers we're praying here. 10:10 God hears our prayer. 10:11 He hears you at home saying, "what can I do"? 10:14 And God says, "send this". 10:16 And we're here praying at 3ABN saying, "God, please provide our 10:18 need, you know, right here, this specific amount" and there 10:21 it shows up. 10:22 That is awesome, right? 10:23 To serve a God like that. 10:24 And then you think about the message like Mr. Danny said, 10:28 it's not a Seventh-day Adventist message. 10:29 Yes, it is, but it's a Bible message that 3ABN proclaims to 10:33 the world and it's changing lives. 10:34 Talking about these stories, that young man you're talking 10:36 about. 10:40 here also from Australia during COVID, maybe share that. 10:43 That was incredible. 10:44 Yeah, she was reading in the Word of God, not an Adventist 10:48 reading in the Word and she stumbled across Hebrews. 10:51 And you know what talks about the Sabbath rest and the 10:54 remains for God's people of Sabbath rest. 10:56 And she said, what is this Sabbath? 10:58 I don't understand that. 10:59 So she went to her computer and she typed in Google the word 11:03 "Sabbath" hit enter. 11:05 3ABN Sabbath School Panel came up on YouTube and she started 11:09 watching it. 11:10 And she said, I discovered and learned the truth in the Word 11:13 of God. 11:14 And she was baptized. 11:16 She's from Melbourne, Australia baptized and came here to the 11:20 School of Discipleship to be trained further. 11:22 So I don't know, let's just talk a moment and whoever wants 11:26 to jump in. 11:26 What does that do for your faith? 11:27 Seeing these miracles of whether God providing 11:31 financially for this ministry or seeing the hearing the 11:35 testimonies of people whose lives have been changed through 11:38 the ministry. 11:41 The woman you were speaking of grew up as a Hindu and had 11:46 become convinced in God. 11:50 But then for her, she was so excited because she didn't have 11:54 the funds to get here, but her church paid her way to come here 12:00 because they knew she was on fire. 12:03 And it's so exciting to me because I know what it was like 12:07 when I found truth. 12:08 And that actually was before 3ABN. 12:11 But I was a Sabbath keeper for two years before I was watching 12:16 3ABN. 12:17 But I was clueless on prophecy. 12:21 So that was when I started watching 3ABN everything God 12:25 was teaching me was what the same Bible truths of the 12:29 Adventist church. 12:30 But what you know is God is the same yesterday today and 12:34 forever. 12:34 He does not change. 12:36 There is no shadow of turning in God. 12:39 He never turns away from his plan of righteousness by faith. 12:43 He is the same from Genesis to Revelation. 12:47 And when you see some people say, "oh, he did all of these 12:51 things in the past". 12:52 When we see it today, it just makes your faith; no matter... 12:56 And when you don't see it happening, you know even if God 13:00 is silent, you know he's there and he's ready to step forward. 13:06 That's amazing. 13:07 That's right. 13:08 I think to me knowing that God wants to be intimately involved 13:16 in all of our lives and every aspect of our lives. 13:21 That's so encouraging when you know all these miracle stories 13:25 like you're praying over here that God will provide. 13:28 And the check's already in the mail. 13:31 It's already in the mail because He never stops. 13:36 There's a song that I listen to a lot about how God never stops 13:43 working. 13:44 The Way Maker. 13:45 He's a way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light 13:49 in the darkness. 13:51 That's who our God is. 13:52 To hear these stories is so reinforcing of our faith 13:58 because it shows us that God has always had a plan. 14:03 In the Word, it talks about we're working on a book about 14:06 abortion and how God has always had a plan for every human 14:11 being. 14:12 There's a plan. 14:13 So if we walk in our divine destiny, you know we realize 14:18 the fruit of that plan. 14:20 But if we don't, if we veer to the left, 14:22 He still works to bring us back. 14:25 He's just such a great, great God. 14:27 And so when we see all these things happening here and I get 14:31 excited about all of the initiatives that 3ABN has, the 14:36 languages, the Bibles for prisoners, all of these things. 14:42 It's just to me, it's so exciting because we are living 14:46 in the last days for sure. 14:48 And it's such a privilege for all of us because we're not the 14:52 only ones here. 14:56 So it's such a blessing to be working together, to be co 15:00 -laborers with Christ in these last days and watch how He 15:05 works. 15:05 It's amazing. 15:11 He knows our hearts and knows our needs. 15:13 So you guys are praying and the Lord already knew you're going 15:17 to be praying. 15:21 send it. 15:24 The beauty of that though is that because I've seen this 15:27 happen over and over in my life is that you say, well, if He 15:31 already knows what we need and He's going to send it, why 15:34 pray? 15:38 If you weren't praying, you might just take it for granted 15:40 and you're not going to be dependent upon. 15:43 We're totally dependent upon Him. 15:45 But that's the beauty of you pray and then you think, "Lord, 15:49 you already knew" but you recognize it's God's hand. 15:53 That's me. 15:53 The Lord humbled me once. 15:55 I'll say this quickly. 15:56 No, it's good. 16:01 We were at the point they were going to shut the satellite 16:03 down. 16:04 We never had that happen. 16:05 So the satellite's down. 16:07 We're off the air. 16:09 And so that morning we talked with Molly and we prayed and 16:13 Molly Steenson and so we prayed about it. 16:15 And I was getting ready to come and do a program, so she said 16:23 "the mail will be here, somebody's going into the post office. 16:25 And I said, "don't worry about it. 16:28 That $90,000 will be here in the mail". 16:30 So I come back out of the room. 16:32 I'm just confident. 16:32 I just know it's going to happen. 16:34 I come back from the program and I go in the office and I 16:37 say, "Molly, how are we doing today? 16:39 She says, $10,000. 16:42 And I said, $10,000, that's all? 16:44 She said, "yeah". 16:48 don't have some money", you know, $90,000, "we're going to 16:52 shut this down". 16:53 We'd never been that close. 16:54 So I said, something's wrong with this. 16:57 So either we've done something wrong. 16:59 We're doing something because it's not God's fault. 17:01 So he's promised to supply every need. 17:04 So as I was talking to her, she was in actually next to Mom 17:08 Ford when she was here, going through the mail. 17:12 I noticed there was just one envelope on her desk and I 17:16 said, "what's that envelope"? 17:17 And she said, "oh, that's the one that came in certified". 17:21 And she said, "that's certified, 17:23 I just left it on here". And I said, "would that come in 17:25 today's mail? 17:26 "Yes". 17:27 And so I said, "who is it certified to"? 17:29 And she said, "Oh yeah, I forgot that you have to sign this". 17:32 So I opened it up and there was a check for $90,000. 17:38 Somebody that we didn't know, isn't that something? 17:40 Literally $90,000 that very day and that one check it was still 17:46 going through. 17:51 But that one check now could have been $50,000, could have 17:54 been $5, we didn't know. 17:57 It was $90,000 exactly what we needed. 17:59 So we called the company and said, "hey, look, we have the 18:02 money. 18:05 We'll wire it". 18:08 But that's how God supplies. 18:10 He knows your needs before you even ask something. 18:13 And I think you made a good point because, the more we see 18:18 these miracles, I don't want to say you expect it. 18:21 It's not the right way to say it, but it's almost like I know 18:25 God's going to pull through because he's faithful. 18:28 We've seen it and you see it constantly again. 18:31 And so sometimes when somebody is a little worrisome, 18:35 sometimes I just say, "watch what God does". 18:38 It's like, I know something's going to happen. 18:40 I don't know what, but it's almost like you almost want to 18:43 tell them, "hey, be on the lookout". 18:46 God's working. 18:48 I mean, we've seen it so many times. 18:50 It could be financial. 18:51 It could be just a little prayer of a little child. 18:53 I mean, it's almost where I can't say you expect it, but 18:59 God is so faithful. 19:00 And I said, God never changes. 19:02 I actually put that in my notes. 19:03 God never changes no matter what. 19:05 And so I see that as a theme already today that God is 19:09 there. 19:10 He's constantly there for you. 19:11 And he wants the best for you. 19:14 What I love about Jesus is that he wants to partner with us. 19:20 And if we consider ourselves stewards, then it's really His 19:24 job to supply all the needs for us. 19:26 If we're going to be good managers of what He has given 19:29 to us, then it's really His job to provide all the needs. 19:34 So, you know, I've had people have asked me, "aren't you 19:36 nervous about the finances? 19:38 Aren't you concerned about?... 19:40 And I have learned I'm working for the church and working for 19:44 the Lord that our responsibility is to be good 19:48 stewards. 19:49 But we have grown our faith here at 3ABN even more so. 19:55 I will have to say that the miracles that have happened 19:59 here in the last, almost six years that I've been here, has 20:03 been remarkable to see how God uses the resources, the way we 20:10 manage, the way we're very efficient in what we do here. 20:16 And thanking you for all the donations is an understatement. 20:21 Thank you for listening to the Lord as we have prayed, as we 20:25 have considered our needs here. 20:28 But it takes a partnership. 20:30 And the Lord wants us to be a partner with Him. 20:33 He wants to see that joy, but also that it's not us that's 20:38 doing it at all. 20:39 We have a responsibility to be willing, but it's the Lord that 20:43 is the one that's in charge. 20:45 And, you know, accountants are very structured and, you know, 20:49 we like things just so, and we watch the money and we love 20:54 planning. 20:58 great, we can throw them out the window most of the time. 21:00 But it helps us to know that Jesus is in control when we 21:06 rely on Him. 21:07 And even though the finances go down and up, it's great to see 21:12 how we pray and before we finish praying, the Lord has an 21:17 answer. 21:18 And that encourages us, of course. 21:21 And trusting all the more that He will. 21:23 But of course, because that, you know, that helps us for the 21:26 next time. 21:31 love for us, we get to trust Him more for the next time that 21:36 happens. 21:38 So, you know, it's a real blessing to be able to see 21:41 what's going on, see all the miracles, see all the donations 21:44 coming in from you. 21:45 And it's just a real blessing to manage that and see how the 21:49 money goes and how much we more need. 21:53 And thank you for doing a great job. 21:56 Man, that's a great job. 21:57 Thank you. 21:57 You do a great job. 21:58 Praise the Lord. 22:01 know if we should call it expectations. 22:03 You know, in the Greek, the word "hope" means "eager 22:08 expectation". 22:10 And I think of Romans 15:13, that says "the God of all peace 22:15 has poured out hope into our hearts so that we overflow with 22:21 hope". 22:27 presumptuous, but we've got this hope in God. 22:31 That the anchor for our soul is the hope that we have in 22:35 Him. 22:39 he has led us in the past. 22:41 So sometimes when it's looking like, "oh, is this the time, oh 22:45 Lord"? 22:50 I think it's a good word. 22:51 That's good. 22:54 And there are times we have to check ourselves, are we doing 22:57 what God really wants us to do? 22:59 Are we in the right direction? 23:01 That's correct. 23:05 of your needs according to his riches and glory, but he 23:08 doesn't bless corruption. 23:10 God blesses, you know, our pure hearts. 23:13 So when we're doing the best we know how and trying to continue 23:17 to keep, that's the one thing, Shelley, that over 40 years, 23:22 because we're an independent ministry; we're not part of 23:27 officially, the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 23:29 We're our own 501 C(3), Three Angels Broadcasting Network 23:33 Incorporated. 23:34 And a lot of people feel like that when they give to the 23:38 church, well that goes to the media. 23:40 You know, It is written, Breath of Life, Amazing Facts, 23:43 whatever, all the different ministries. 23:45 They don't even realize that we're a separate ministry and 23:48 we're dependent. 23:50 And I think about it at times, Yvonne. 23:51 I think with all of the social media, with all the ministries, 23:57 with everything going, somehow God still sees what's happening 24:03 here. 24:03 He's still providing the needs. 24:06 And I believe again, it's because the message, the people 24:09 accused us of a lot of things, but over the 40 years, no one 24:13 has said, well, you guys have changed your message. 24:15 You've lost your vision. 24:16 It's going. 24:22 our team here, we're all in one accord. 24:24 We really are. 24:25 This is the message, which this is where we were founded as a 24:29 church, as you know, back in 1860s. 24:31 So when we look at it, you don't find this following 24:34 culture, you know, preaching culture, preaching politics. 24:38 I'm going to say what the Word of God says, whether it's 24:41 popular or not. 24:42 And God honors that. 24:44 So I would encourage you at home, stand up. 24:46 When you see things in your church, you're a watchman on a 24:48 wall. 24:53 And I'd add one little element to that... 24:55 It's not, I mean, it is definitely the message, but 24:59 there is also the idea that your heart is give, give, give 25:07 to other ministries, promote other ministries. 25:10 And, you know, God says, given it will be given to you. 25:13 Good measure, press down, shaken together. 25:15 And I think that's something that, you know, just people 25:19 say, "how can you all raise all this money for all these other 25:23 ministries"? 25:24 But I love what you said in the beginning. 25:27 We don't worry about the size of the slices of the pie, 25:31 because God's got more pies in the refrigerator. 25:33 That's right. 25:38 depending upon him and trusting him. 25:41 Amen. 25:44 for 3ABN, and he continues to provide for you too. 25:47 Amen. 25:49 praise the Lord program, isn't it? 25:51 I just want to share this too. 25:53 I know we have a lot of things. 25:54 We've got about half an hour left. 25:55 We've got to talk about camp meeting, Costa Rica, the 25:57 eclipse, and a lot of things. 26:00 that just took place about two weeks ago. 26:02 We have, of course, 3ABN broadcast on satellite. 26:06 We do internet, radio, and there's a lot of companies that 26:08 are what we call IP delivery TV cable stations. 26:11 So they deliver it through, let's say, Roku and stuff like 26:14 that. 26:18 Southeast out to the Midwest. 26:20 Well, they were just bought out by a much larger company that 26:23 would have a much bigger footprint, may we say. 26:26 So we're like, wow, praise the Lord. 26:29 Then Dr. Mo comes into my office, Moses Primo, Director 26:31 of Broadcasting Engineering, and says, "Greg", he said, "look 26:34 at this contract here". 26:35 So we're looking at the contract and this company that 26:38 bought out the other one. 26:40 They said, "You know what? 26:41 We charge everybody else. 26:42 We're going to charge you too". 26:44 It came out to $100,000 a year. 26:48 The other company didn't charge us at all to be on their whole 26:51 system, Southeast to the Midwest. 26:53 This new company that bought them out, much bigger. 26:56 They said, "we're going to have to charge you. 26:57 We're charging everybody else". 26:59 Did all the math, about $100 ,000. 27:01 I looked at Dr. Mo and I said, "Dr. Mo, that's a lot of 27:04 money. 27:05 He said, "I know". 27:06 He said, "you know what? 27:06 Let's pray. 27:08 And then I'm going to go back to the new owners". 27:10 I prayed. 27:11 He goes back to the new owners. 27:13 Moses comes into my office. 27:14 You know how he is. 27:15 Just comes to my office, really no expression on his face, but 27:17 I could see a smile on his face. 27:19 And he said, "Praise the Lord! 27:21 He said, "Greg, they didn't reduce the cost, 27:23 they decided to do it entirely for free". 27:28 Praise the Lord. 27:29 A much bigger footprint. 27:30 They said, "We're going to follow what the other company 27:31 did for you guys. 27:33 You know what? 27:33 We're not going to charge you a penny". 27:34 Not a penny. 27:37 States". 27:37 Not a penny. 27:38 We talk about those miracles that take place. 27:42 I'm getting goosebumps right now because Dr. Mo and I were 27:44 having to praise the Lord in my office. 27:46 Praise God. 27:50 But I'm going to say this too. 27:51 It was like, nope, a hundred thousand dollars? 27:52 Do you know what? 27:54 that's what we needed. 27:56 So man, that's where just God works in miraculous ways. 27:59 You talk about building a young man's faith. 28:02 This young man, I tell you what, he's encouraging like 28:03 you're saying. 28:04 We have expectations, don't we, friends? 28:06 See for the future how God's going to continue to provide 28:08 and work these miracles for 3ABN. 28:10 28 minutes left. 28:11 That's all we have in this program. 28:13 Camp meeting. 28:15 talk about next? 28:16 Oh, please, babe. 28:17 Yes. 28:20 I'm just so humbled that God wants to use us in spite of 28:26 us. 28:27 You know, when you look at your heart, you say, wow, God, I 28:31 know that there's areas you still want me to surrender. 28:33 I know that there's growth that still needs to happen. 28:36 I know I still have to go back and apologize, you know, when I 28:40 step out of line or do something that wasn't within 28:42 God's will. 28:47 Not just Greg and me, not just us sitting at the table. 28:50 I'm talking God wants to use the camera people here. 28:52 God wants to use what's happening in every single 28:55 department. 28:56 God wants to use you at home. 28:58 That's good. 29:03 God, would you use me for your glory? 29:07 Would you use me for your kingdom? 29:10 Would you somehow pour through me? 29:14 a weak, frail human vessel, that the gospel could go around the 29:19 world. 29:21 So you are... nothing you have ever done or could do. 29:26 God can forgive. 29:27 God can restore. 29:29 God can use you in ministry. 29:32 He wants to use you in ministry. 29:35 So let's talk about Camp Meeting... 29:37 Preparation for the Final Crisis. Shelly... 29:39 Great theme. 29:40 It is a wonderful theme. 29:43 And we thank, our 3ABN Latino had this theme and then 29:46 we just kind of took it. 29:47 We did. 29:48 Made it our own. 29:51 But June 5 through 8, June 5th through 8, mark your calendars. 29:56 We hope that you will be here. 29:58 I think our RV spaces are filling up very quickly. 30:01 This is going to be a very special Camp Meeting. 30:05 Each time it's over, we're saying, "oh, that's the best Camp 30:08 Meeting ever". 30:09 That's true. 30:10 That's what the people are saying. 30:12 But June 5 through 8, we've got some music hour beginning on 30:17 Wednesday night, the 5th. 30:19 Larry Gatlin's going to be here telling his testimony. 30:23 And there's a lot... I'll let you address that. 30:26 But we've got Ladye Love and Reggie Smith and we've got some 30:30 all of our wonderful singers. 30:33 We will start at 6 p.m. [Central] 30:36 on that Wednesday, June 5. 30:40 And then at 7, the topics, I'm just going to run through real 30:44 quick, and give you topics and preachers because that's a good 30:48 way to do it. 30:50 Can we trust Bible Prophecy? 30:52 That's such an important topic. 30:54 John Lomacang will be preaching. 30:56 Satan's Great Light is next. 30:59 That's Pastor Ron Kelly, who will be visiting with us. 31:04 Then on Thursday, 31:11 we're having our prayer circle that starts at 6:30am where people 31:15 get together and pray. 31:17 Then free breakfast, free lunch. 31:20 Boy, this is good food too. 31:21 At 9 a.m., it's God's Astonishing Rescue Plan, 31:27 That's Sebastian Braxton. 31:28 Then, The Beast Wars Against the Saints. 31:31 That's you, Jilly. 31:34 A break, and then Overcoming the Dragon Through Surrender to 31:38 God's Love... 31:39 Pastor Ryan Johnson will be with us. 31:42 And then we go through the afternoon. 31:45 You have some time that you can take off, or go take a tour 31:49 or go to 3ABN Planned Giving. That evening 31:53 again, at 6:00 on Thursday is music. 31:58 Then we have Signs of Christ's Soon Coming... 32:00 Lonnie Melachenko will be joining us. 32:04 Three Unclean Spirits: The Doctrines of Demons. 32:08 That will be Ryan Day. On Friday, 32:12 Prayer circle, then breakfast. 32:15 And then The Final Reformation and Sealing will be David 32:20 Shinn. 32:25 The Great Shaking; John Dinzey. 32:29 Free, wonderful lunch. 32:30 Again, some time in the afternoon that you can either 32:33 do a tour or go to a seminar or just visit and fellowship with 32:38 people. 32:39 We have music again at 6. 32:42 Then, The Fall of Babylon and the Mark of the Beast. 32:46 That will be Christopher Hudson. 32:49 The Close of Probation; Doug Batchelor, will be Friday 32:53 night. 32:54 His is the close of probation. 32:57 Then on Sabbath, prayer circle, breakfast, Sabbath school 33:00 panel. 33:01 Danny, I'm not going to put you on the spot to ask you. 33:04 I think I finally have a title. 33:08 I'm hesitant to say what it is unless somebody get a hook and 33:13 pull me off of the set here. 33:14 No, we won't do that. 33:15 Oh, we want to hear it. 33:16 Something like this... 33:18 "We are Not the True Church" 33:20 to get your attention... 33:21 "... Yet". 33:26 "We're Not the True Church ... Yet". 33:30 We will love a word to that stirring message. 33:34 Then in the afternoon, after lunch, we have The Time of 33:37 Trouble and Earth's Final Crisis. 33:39 with Kenny Shelton. Christ's Second Coming... 33:42 I'll be doing that one. 33:43 Our evening snack. 33:45 We finish off with, "Soul Search: 33:48 Are we Prepared to Meet God"? 33:51 that's Lonnie Melashenko. 33:54 Then, Facing the Future Without Fear... 33:58 Doug Batchelor will be our final speaker. 34:00 We want to invite you. 34:02 I'll tell you what. 34:03 You can watch it. 34:04 Please, if you're staying home, do mark your calendar. 34:08 You can watch this, but it is so different to be here in 34:12 person. 34:12 Absolutely. 34:15 You can just feel the anointing in the room and then get 34:18 fellowship with all. 34:20 It's like a little taste of heaven. 34:23 And that's just the adult part. 34:26 Let me throw it to Francine for what's going on for the kids. 34:29 Well, I have to say you need to bring the children because this 34:32 is a fun time. 34:38 it the same topics as what they're doing with the adults. 34:41 Just a small version. 34:43 Signs that Jesus is Coming, The importance of making good 34:46 choices for God. 34:47 What Does Following Jesus Look Like? 34:49 How Can We be Sealed in Christ? 34:51 We're trying to tackle a lot of these... even The Loud Cry. 34:54 We're trying to tackle some of these things because we want 34:56 them to go back home and talk with their parents and ask even 34:59 more questions. Because again, when the family's together, 35:03 they have something that's stronger. 35:05 Again, it builds their faith as well and they can talk to their 35:08 parents about it. 35:09 So we may even be inviting some of the guest speakers from the 35:13 adults coming in to the younger kids and sharing. 35:17 And then usually the kids have a theme song so we're working 35:20 on that theme song at the moment. 35:22 I can't quite share the title yet because we're still 35:24 tweaking it just a tad bit but it's going to be a wonderful 35:28 time so please invite the kids. 35:30 Unfortunately, the kids' programs are not recorded, so we 35:33 do have the Thomas family coming for the younger ones for 35:37 the kindergarten, and then NAPS again helping out this year. 35:40 So they have a love for these kids and again, the crafts 35:44 reinforces what they've learned. 35:46 So something to go back home with. 35:48 And then oftentimes they share those crafts with somebody 35:50 else. 35:53 Sometimes they actually give it to a neighbor or something and 35:56 tell them what they learned. 35:57 And again, these are little ambassadors again for Christ 36:00 and so you never know what kind of seed you're planning for 36:03 them. 36:03 That's right. 36:05 Thank you for your heart for the kids. 36:09 You do a great job with them. 36:12 What about the music, Mr. Danny?, because we talked about 36:14 that. 36:16 Well, we do. 36:17 And we mentioned, Shelly mentioned Larry Gatlin, you 36:20 know, Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin brothers. 36:23 And well, the brothers won't be here but Larry Gatlin has 36:26 consented to be here. 36:27 We've kind of become friends as of late and we get along pretty 36:31 well. 36:32 He's kind of like me. 36:34 He's a character. 36:38 guy who's given his heart totally to the Lord and he 36:42 loves doing gospel music, giving his testimony, sharing 36:45 his testimony. 36:46 So that's going to be Wednesday night, the very first opening 36:49 night, six o'clock. 36:51 He'll be here the first hour with Reggie and Ladye. 36:54 We'll have Larry Paxson and Chris Wilkinson that Larry and 36:58 Chris did the Pillars Project and wrote a bunch of those 37:01 songs, as you know, with David Huntsinger. 37:04 Tim Parton will be here. 37:05 We're going to have a little band behind him also. 37:08 I think you'll be singing with him also. 37:10 So it's going to be a fun time. But I believe it'll be a time 37:14 to get a lot of people who want to come early to get seats 37:17 because we're going to be advertising it throughout our 37:21 local area in southern Illinois. 37:23 And there are many, many people I've talked to already who've 37:26 never been to 3ABN, live maybe five miles or 10 miles, never 37:30 been, says we're going to be there, and we want to hear Larry 37:35 Gatlin. And so we're going to have a great time with that 37:38 and, of course, we'll have our own singers as well for the 37:41 next couple of nights but it's going to be special. 37:44 So we're looking forward to the music and to the testimony and 37:48 I believe we're going to have a huge crowd, so you want to come 37:52 early and get your seats. 37:54 Absolutely, go ahead. 37:55 I was just going to say, speaking of a huge crowd, make 37:58 sure if you need an RV reservation, you contact us 38:02 right away. 38:03 We just have a couple spots left here. 38:04 They're complimentary. 38:06 You don't have to pay anything but make sure you give us a 38:08 call at 3ABN 618-627-4651. 38:13 That number again is 618-627 -4651 and you just say, "Yes, I 38:18 need an RV... 38:20 I have an RV, and I want to bring it and I need an RV 38:22 space. 38:23 ...that's the correct word to use. 38:25 Or some people rent RVs in the local area and they're 38:28 delivered here. 38:29 People can do that as well. 38:30 Or we have tent space available. 38:33 You don't need a reservation for that. 38:35 Or you can stay in an area hotel if that is more your 38:38 style. 38:42 to spending that time together in fellowship and growing more 38:46 in Jesus. 38:49 stay in a tent or a hotel? 38:53 That answered it. 38:54 I think she answered it already. 38:57 You wouldn't be camping by the lake, right? 39:01 No, it reminds me of a friend of ours who we were married in 39:07 their home and he bought an RV. 39:10 He was so excited when he bought this RV and then they 39:14 went and you'd be thinking RV would be enough, but he said, 39:18 well, my wife's idea of roughing it is staying at the 39:21 Holiday Inn. 39:31 Oh, mercy. 39:32 Like what's been mentioned, 3ABN Campmeeting is a great 39:36 family time, and as you may have noticed in the schedule, we've 39:39 allowed the afternoons like Thursday afternoon or Friday 39:41 afternoon to get some tours or what we also like to see. 39:45 We've been seeing this recently. 39:46 We did this the last couple of Camping Inns. 39:47 We see a lot of you together in groups fellowshipping, opening 39:51 the Bible, talking about what you're learning. 39:53 You talk about fellowship. 39:54 Wow, nothing like it at Camp- meeting here at 3ABN. 39:58 Francine with the kids. 39:59 This is a family time to come together. 40:01 It's been mentioned about tents. 40:02 A lot of people actually bring tents. 40:04 We have a really nice bath house here at 3ABN. 40:07 So we've got some nice facilities and Jill was 40:09 mentioning about the RV spots filling up. 40:12 We've never had them fill up quite this fast before. 40:15 Yeah, this early. 40:16 So we do have some overflow RV spots out behind the Call 40:19 Center if you've been here before. 40:21 So we're getting those spots ready. 40:22 Been talking with them. 40:23 Eric Wiesner here. 40:25 and getting ready for that because we're going to have an 40:27 overflow I believe this year. 40:29 I think we have like 66 spots or something 40:31 for RVs and campers. 40:34 And they're almost all gone already. 40:36 I know, amazing. 40:36 Better call if you like. 40:38 Absolutely. 40:39 Where should we go to next? 40:40 We have quite a list. 40:43 3ABN Latino right now is in Costa Rica. 40:45 They are doing 70 simultaneous evangelistic series. 40:49 That's amazing. 40:50 So speakers have flown in. 40:51 They sent me the countries, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, 40:55 other countries, and of course the United States. 40:58 But speakers have flown in from all over Central America, South 41:02 America, and North America and doing these simultaneous 41:05 evangelistic series. 41:07 They're utilizing 3ABN notes for the sermons in the series. 41:11 And I think we have a role with Pastor John Dinzey and his 41:14 beautiful wife, Idalia. 41:15 So let's go to that right now. 41:30 We send you greetings from San Jose, Costa Rica, in Central 41:34 America. 41:35 This is the Evangelizando Con Poder family. 41:39 Yes. 41:39 They have come from different countries. 41:41 They have come with the purpose of preaching the everlasting 41:44 gospel here in San Jose, Costa Rica. 41:47 People from different walks of life, people interested in 41:51 preaching the gospel. 41:53 And today was a marvelous day, Idalia. 41:55 It was a marvelous day. 41:56 We had a spiritual feast. 41:59 We had music and we had testimonies. 42:01 We had time for prayer as well. 42:03 And we just rededicated and consecrated our lives to the 42:07 Lord so he can use us as we visit church to church in here 42:12 in San Jose, Costa Rica. 42:13 And that's right. 42:15 70 simultaneous evangelistic campaigns here in San Jose, 42:19 Costa Rica. 42:23 Jesus and lives will be transformed. 42:25 And what are we here to do? 42:26 We are here to... Evangelizando Con Poder!! 42:42 Amen. 42:43 Praise the Lord. 42:44 So remember them in prayer. 42:46 Cornfields of Southern Illinois to around the world... 42:49 That's what I love watching. 42:50 Amazing. 42:51 Praise the Lord. 42:54 So remember them in prayer for the souls that are finding 42:56 truth and making decisions for the Lord Jesus Christ. 42:59 Exciting what's going on there. 43:00 And we want to thank you for your support. 43:02 Many of you have been supporting this project. 43:04 That's what makes it possible for 3ABN to go down there in 43:07 Costa Rica. 43:08 It's amazing. 43:09 70 speakers, simultaneous. 43:11 I can't even hardly say that word. 43:13 Simultaneous. 43:14 Did I say it right? 43:15 Simultaneous. 43:15 Okay, good. 43:17 Yes, spots at the same time. 43:18 So praise the Lord for that. 43:20 Talking about support, Jason Bergman, CFO over here, do a 43:23 great job managing all our funds. 43:25 But there's some really exciting things pertaining to 43:28 the donation aspect. 43:29 We've been at a number of rallies over the past year or 43:32 so. 43:35 We're hearing about some challenges financially and we'd 43:37 love to be able to do..." 43:39 Well, they're concerned about sending obviously cash through 43:41 the mail and things. 43:42 They said, can we do e-check? 43:44 Maybe Apple Pay, Google Pay. 43:45 There's other ways of donating to a ministry. 43:47 Can you make that possible? 43:49 So thank you, Jason. 43:52 So here's the question first... 43:53 What is the greatest, most valuable commodity that we 43:56 have? 43:57 Time. 43:58 Yes, it's time. 44:00 So in order to make things a lot more efficient, we've 44:03 developed a donation hub where you can donate and we've added 44:08 quite a few features. 44:10 So right now we have PayPal and credit card and debit card. 44:17 So we've added Google Pay. 44:19 We've added Apple Pay. 44:20 We've added Venmo and we've added e-check. 44:24 And what we also did, is to streamline, because we know 44:28 your time is valuable, we wanted to go through and revamp 44:32 how you donate. 44:34 So I'm going to take you through really quickly. 44:36 I have my iPad here and I think it's all set up. 44:39 So what we're going to do is we're going to go to 3ABN.TV 44:43 and we're going to go into the donate tab and we're going to 44:47 tap on that donate tab and you can see right in the top some 44:51 of the things that we've seen before, either the PayPal 44:54 giving fund, which is no fees, debit or credit card. 44:58 You can give through the QR code, through PayPal. 45:02 And then we have this other option... 45:04 A few of you have found it, and it is the Other Options. 45:08 You can tap on any one of these and it brings you to another 45:11 page. 45:12 Which one did you just tap on? 45:13 I tapped on the, I think it was Google Pay. 45:18 So you can do Apple Pay, Google Pay. 45:20 It'll take you to a new window here and when you go in here, 45:24 you have four options at first. 45:26 You can give once, you can give monthly, which is reoccurring. 45:29 You can give to the PayPal Giving Fund that has no fees, or 45:33 you can give with a QR code. 45:35 Okay, so let's say... and this is going to replace everything 45:38 else, but we're bringing this out slowly so you all see what 45:43 this app can do for you. 45:46 So if you give once, what it'll do is it'll give you another 45:49 option. 45:52 Venmo? 45:57 So let's say we want to do E -Check and we tap on that and 46:01 it brings down, it automatically comes up with a 46:05 quick donation. 46:06 You put the amount in, let's say I'm going to put a 46:09 thousand, now ten thousand, ...let's do a thousand. 46:11 So we'll do a thousand dollars and let's say... 46:14 It's just zeros, Jason. 46:15 It's just zeros. 46:16 So, you know, like Greg said, it's just a zero. 46:20 So, you know... 46:20 Put your name in and push. 46:22 That's right. 46:22 Make sure you add your name. 46:26 So let's say that you want to give more than just a quick 46:30 donation, you want to give to, let's say, Dare to Dream or 46:35 Kids Network or the music. 46:38 So all you have to do is tap down that and let's say there's 46:41 Dare to Dream program and it says, and it's a sub and you 46:45 see Dare to Dream network. 46:46 You put the amount in, let's say you want to give another 46:49 two thousand dollars to that and then let's say you want to 46:53 give to the Kids Network because you like the kids and 46:56 what Francine was saying, Aunt Francine was saying. 46:59 So you want to tap on that. 47:01 You want to go down. 47:02 We have 16 categories and then we have some subcategories and 47:06 you can see Kids Network and you want to give, I don't know, 47:10 how much you want to give? 47:12 Okay, let's say, let's say another two thousand dollars. 47:16 A lot. 47:17 So you... 47:17 Yeah, exactly, a lot. 47:18 So you can give a lot. 47:23 That's great. 47:24 It'll add it up. 47:25 There's a place where you can put a comment. 47:27 You can say, you know, "love Greg and Jill" or "Danny, Yvonne" 47:30 or "love what you guys are doing". 47:32 Sometimes people give messages and you read them to us. 47:34 And we read these messages so it's very important to us. 47:38 Okay, let's go down. 47:40 You have to put your name, your first and last name, your 47:43 email, phone number, and address and then it gives a 47:45 total, and then you put your email because this is through 47:49 Stripe. 47:53 So you put your routing number, your account number. 47:56 Because this is E-Check. 47:57 Because this is E-Check and it's going through Stripe. 48:01 So but it's an E-Check platform and then you put your account 48:05 number in and then what type is a business account or a 48:08 checking account and then all you hit is submit. 48:11 Now, if you've done this the first time, you'll get an email 48:14 to ask you to confirm your checking account. 48:17 Okay, and you'll get two little deposits. 48:20 You'll get an email to go into a URL, little code. 48:23 You go into it. 48:24 It's very easy. 48:26 You confirm on your checking account these two little 48:28 deposits and then it'll go right through. 48:31 And then next time you do it, it'll take you about five 48:34 seconds. 48:38 have put in before, like personal information, all that 48:41 populates. 48:42 Oh, that's nice. 48:45 It gives you diversification as far as the different types of 48:50 contributions you want to give, whether it be through Apple Pay 48:53 or Google Pay or Venmo or debit card or credit card or eCheck. 49:01 This is a great tool that we're bringing in slowly. 49:05 We want you to get used to it and we want to make it simple 49:09 because we know your time is valuable and we want to make 49:13 sure that things are automated. 49:15 The other great thing that we've added to this; you will 49:18 get a donation receipt right away. 49:21 So as soon as you hit that button, you get a IRS tax 49:25 deductible receipt to your email right away. 49:29 What that does for us, that saves us a lot of time and it 49:32 saves a lot of money for postage, FTE hours in time, in 49:37 processing and you get it instantly and the IRS will 49:41 accept that. 49:42 So there's a lot of things going on and it's a lot faster 49:46 and it gives you a lot more options. 49:48 Yeah, thank you Jason for that. 49:49 Go ahead. 49:53 mail it to Box 220 West Frankfort, Illinois 62896. 49:58 You can always do that for some of the little bit not quite so 50:01 techy people like myself, sometimes easier. 50:04 Just write a check. 50:05 Don't get quite a few checks here at 3ABN. 50:07 So what a blessing. 50:08 Yeah, don't stop. 50:09 That's right. 50:09 You have options. 50:10 That's right. 50:14 little techy or you want to do it on your phone. 50:17 We've designed it so you can just go right through your 50:19 phone. 50:23 donate. 50:24 I want to add one more thing that you may have seen how the 50:29 market has increased over the last year and you may have a 50:33 portfolio where you have extra shares in a stock, and the Lord 50:37 may be impressing you to donate some of those shares. 50:40 Well, we accept them here 3ABN. 50:43 That's right. 50:46 3ABN, please give us a call and we'd be happy to take those 50:50 shares and convert that into cash and put it a part of the 50:54 ministry. 50:55 Amen, amen. 50:56 We get quite a few people that do that. 50:58 Yes. 51:01 home that was just donated to 3ABN recently. 51:03 They said this is what we have in our hands so donate it to 51:05 3ABN and we can sell it and put the money back into the Lord's 51:08 works. 51:09 Praise the Lord for that. 51:10 Absolutely. 51:10 We have... 51:11 Shifting gears a moment here. 51:13 Thank you, Jason, for what you're doing. 51:14 Yes, absolutely. 51:17 Brand new program launching here next week on 3ABN. 51:21 This is 3ABN Ignite. 51:24 We're very excited about it because it's connecting with 51:27 social media. 51:28 As with the donations we're trying to use all avenues and 51:31 options so that people if you want to send a check or if you 51:33 want to do something online. 51:36 In this aspect some people still watch on satellite or 51:38 broadcast. 51:42 social media. 51:43 More and more people watch that way. 51:46 So this program actually launches on YouTube. 51:48 This is 3ABN's YouTube account. 51:51 We will have moderators there so to create a community you 51:54 can comment as the program's live you can watch it. 51:58 You can comment and share and connect. 52:01 We'll have people here at 3ABN who will be commenting back. 52:04 It launches next week March 28 through 30. 52:08 3ABN Ignite is all about igniting our faith. 52:11 Igniting our passion for God. 52:12 We have a lot of programs on 3ABN that are doctrinal in 52:15 nature. 52:16 This is practical Christianity. 52:19 This is how you and I can be changed and equipped and 52:22 empowered by the Holy Spirit. 52:24 So the first speaker... we're going to have many different 52:26 series and it's like mini series different speakers. 52:30 The first speaker is Pastor John Lomacang. 52:32 So we're going to hear from him three part series March 28 52:35 through 30. 52:40 to 7 Central. 52:41 So it's a half hour program and then we will broadcast it the 52:45 following weekend on 3ABN. 52:48 So for those of you who don't have access to social media 52:50 don't worry. 52:51 You can still watch it and it will air Friday night and 52:54 Sabbath on 3ABN. 52:56 But we have a video roll talking about this 3ABN Ignite 53:00 and let's go to that right now.... 53:04 Have you ever asked yourself "who am I? 53:07 What is my worth? 53:08 And what is my purpose in life"? 53:10 These questions have launched every Christian on a journey of 53:13 self -discovery while others chase worldly pursuits or 53:16 fleeting pleasures. 53:18 However, it's vital to acknowledge that unraveling the 53:21 answers to these profound questions will determine the 53:24 unmistakable contrast between a life of fulfillment and a life 53:27 of continual searching. 53:29 3ABN Ignite is a brand new interactive program we're 53:32 launching on YouTube. 53:34 This live program can help transform your life through 53:36 practical Christianity and it all begins March 28th at 6.30pm 53:41 Central on 3ABN's YouTube channel. 53:44 It will also air on 3ABN the following week. 53:47 Join our dynamic community of Christians and share your 53:50 thoughts or questions in our live chat. 53:52 Just log into YouTube, search for 3ABN and click on the Live 53:56 feed. 54:01 fire. 54:03 Wow, praise the Lord. 54:04 Yeah, we look forward to seeing that next week. 54:06 Looking forward to that brand new series that starts on 54:08 social media, 3ABN YouTube. 54:10 And then it'll be aired the next week as you said on 3ABN. 54:14 So we've got about three minutes left and we've got to 54:16 talk about the total solar eclipse that's going to be 54:19 happening right here through not only Southern Illinois and 54:21 though through Texas and Indiana all the way up into 54:24 Maine, I believe it is. 54:26 But here at 3ABN it's supposed to go like around two o'clock 54:29 in the afternoon on April 8th. 54:31 It's basically when the moon and the sun or the moon's in 54:34 front of the sun it basically becomes dark, if you can say 54:37 that. 54:40 start hooting at night or whatever because it gets dark 54:42 in the middle of the day. 54:44 So what 3ABN is going to do during that time frame through 54:46 our local church and a lot of other churches are using this 54:48 as a great time of witnessing because people from all over 54:51 the country and the world are coming into this whole pathway 54:54 of where it's the total solar eclipse. 54:57 Darkness, it's going to be amazing. 54:58 And so they're using this as an evangelism opportunity. 55:00 So our local church is involved in passing out Great 55:02 Controversys, and I know a lot of other churches are doing 55:05 that too. 55:05 Passing out glow tracks. 55:07 What 3ABN is going to do we're going to allow the employees to 55:10 go outside and kind of experience this interesting 55:12 phenomenon. 55:13 And we're going to be doing on 3ABN social media which would 55:16 be Facebook, YouTube. 55:17 We're going to be doing a Live. 55:18 There'll be several of us commenting on the experience 55:21 and what you're actually seeing. 55:22 So you can tune in if you're logged into or registered with 55:26 YouTube and also Facebook. 55:28 You can watch this Live take place of the total solar 55:31 eclipse around 2:00 [PM CDT] on April 8th. 55:34 So that's about what... 55:35 three weeks away or so? 55:37 So yeah, it's amazing. 55:41 witness to others and explain to them about what actually is 55:43 happening and a great to me an entering wedge to talk to 55:46 people about God and what God means to us and what's actually 55:49 happening. 55:51 So interesting opportunity. 55:52 So wow, we've only got a minute 15 left. 55:54 It's like we packed a lot into this second hour but anything 55:58 on any of your heart that you want to share here in the last 56:01 minute or so something, Mr. Danny? 56:02 No, just to encourage people the 40th anniversary coming up. 56:06 Maybe if you think about it and you're not a regular monthly 56:09 donor maybe you could give $40 a month in honor of the 40th 56:14 year because it's a small donations that really mount up 56:17 to keep us going and not only stable but growing instead of 56:22 just being maintenance. 56:23 Now we can be the movers and shakers. 56:25 So thank you. 56:25 Yeah. 56:26 Amen. 56:26 Appreciate for that. 56:27 We love each one of you. 56:28 So very grateful to serve in ministry together. 56:31 Thank you for being here tonight and for your heart for 56:35 evangelism because that is the heartbeat of that. 56:38 We love you at home as well. 56:40 Thank you so much for being part of the 3ABN family. 56:44 Thank you for standing with us in these closing moments of 56:47 Earth's history as we seek to take the undiluted Three Angels 56:51 Messages, one that would counteract the counterfeit to a 56:55 lost and dying world. 56:57 Know that anytime you can reach out to us and we want to be 57:02 here for you as well. 57:03 We will see you next time. |
Revised 2024-03-21