3ABN Today Live

2024 Prayer & Praise

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240001B

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 [MUSIC]
00:10 >> Came in earlier. I said, where would we be without the
00:12 grace of God and these next couple of songs that were going
00:15 to start the second hour with a focus on the theme of that
00:18 grace, the theme of the goodness of God and how Jesus
00:21 has given his life for us as we're going to sing a couple of
00:24 songs right now, starting with above all, Pastor, you want to
00:27 help bleed out in this? Go ahead.
00:29 [MUSIC]
00:35 >> Above all.
00:38 >> I go to a vocal on mange to know all the aim
00:50 both when and
00:53 >> leaves a man.
00:56 [MUSIC]
00:58 >> Due to the full, though the game
01:04 will he know?
01:08 >> As of
01:20 well,
01:28 it is a way to May. 2, 2, 2,
01:34 [MUSIC]
01:37 >> Maybe still.
01:49 >> I'm not
01:52 the trend, the.
02:01 >> And so to
02:10 so hello, I'm trapped.
02:27 >> And the
02:31 >> used to the full.
02:35 >> And so the 2.
02:44 >> And I love that. I love that. Lets people that theme
02:47 crucified better. So I'm going to
02:50 than the old rugged cross. One of my favorite hymns
02:53 on the Hill for a waste to the old record crossing with.
02:59 [MUSIC]
03:03 >> New.
03:07 >> Student? No game says he and something me and she too.
03:17 [MUSIC]
03:20 >> And then.
03:24 >> With a guy who is 10 news
03:28 C
03:40 >> it's too much to these.
03:53 >> I'm sorry to.
03:57 >> Says
04:01 you change. And so.
04:07 >> And so, you know, with this small Welsh to shun the low.
04:17 >> Too much room fee at a time.
04:25 I who couldn't due to the
04:34 and makes tuning its own to food.
04:43 >> Thank you
04:45 to what what words.
04:48 >> Some wonderful songs. Thank you so much. Ryan been
04:51 Pastor John. Welcome back to 3 AD ends Thursday night Live
04:55 prayer and praise. This is our first live LIVE. WE call that
05:00 program of 2024 here on 3 A B and thank you for joining us
05:04 and be a part of our family. We've been asking you to send
05:07 in your prayer requests and praise reports this evening and
05:10 they are poor mean it's a that's a good thing. That means
05:14 you're listening and watching this evening. So thank you.
05:16 Cause how like a way to participate again? If you're
05:19 just now joining us, you can send your prayer requests.
05:21 Press reports through many different ways. One is to phone
05:24 number that 618-627-4651,
05:29 good way to do is to text that 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7,
05:34 5, or email is it I think is live at 3. A B and Ott TV
05:39 service ended in via e-mail as well and we'll read them this
05:41 evening.
05:42 >> We'll pray over them. Thank you. Talk about the free
05:44 offer and you get the 3 offered an ISU call in or email and
05:48 just say you want the free offer worth Sunday. It's a
05:50 Little prayer request journal book where you would write in
05:53 your prayer needs. And then, you know, Kate, when body
05:57 answers them, I think sometimes we pray. And then we forget to
06:00 thank my you know what, reminder you can come back and
06:05 see the ways that God has answered your prayers in the
06:08 past and it builds faith. And you know that he's going to
06:11 hear me now as time.
06:13 >> We have a few more requests. We do. Yeah, let's go to that.
06:17 But I just want to say that I want to mention that the first
06:19 hour. But Mister Danon Doctor, Yvonne would love to be here
06:22 for this program. They were not able to make it this evening,
06:25 but they do send their greetings to you. They're doing
06:28 well. So just wanted you to know that the let's read some
06:30 more of these person will see him next week on real. Yes,
06:33 and that's right here. We have an exciting program coming up
06:35 for the behind the scenes. You have more. 22 passing.
06:38 Haha. And then a few minutes to Ian and Savannah. Vocal has 2.
06:44 So that will be fun. Yes, yeah.
06:47 >> This is from Ronnie Reynold. Oh, yeah, OK? And
06:51 representative in Trinidad and Tobago, he says we're praying
06:55 that were praising God for the divine appointments, providence
06:58 and opportunities and praying for God to help us reach more
07:02 souls and 24 room,
07:04 Larry, pray that if it's God's will, my wife who is breast
07:09 cancer will be here.
07:12 Our prayers and thoughts are with you, Larry. Kathy, I want
07:14 to praise God for his goodness and care. I have health issues
07:18 and people challenges. 19 wisdom and guidance when this
07:23 is from
07:25 moving up. Margaret, I love 3 D and I believe I know all of you
07:30 personally. I'm asked for prayers, my children,
07:33 grandchildren and great grandchildren. Anonymous New
07:36 York asking for prayer is she's suffering from chronic insomnia
07:40 for 3 use
07:42 Fran Prayer for my friend's brother. He's been hooked up to
07:45 a ventilator. He just gave his heart to the Lord. He's happy
07:49 every time 3ABN call. It brings joy to his heart. I pray if
07:54 it's God's will soon be healed me. My man holding from
07:58 Delaware and pray for Dexter and the hospital on a
08:01 respirator. He needs America one more that all stopped Julie
08:05 and dealing with muscle atrophy and like special prayer for his
08:09 wife who had a stroke and can out.
08:13 >> I just want to mention this goal. The and I just talked
08:15 actually Golding this week here at 3, a B. And she's amazing
08:19 because she comes in for camp meeting. Yeah. And she was
08:22 saying that some of the storms that just went through the
08:24 northeast actually walked out her power there. And when I was
08:27 talking to her phone was working better, electricity
08:29 wasn't on the know what Golding wasn't down. She was praising
08:33 the Lord and I thought about what the Lord's doing was
08:35 looking forward to coming to 3 a B in summer camp. Thank you.
08:39 Golding again for your support for 3, a BN o head. All right.
08:43 God bless you, Goldie.
08:44 >> This is anonymous and would like prayerful mother who is on
08:50 who is in hospice. She would also might prefer other family
08:54 members and friends that herself and guidance in peace
08:59 and they'll walk with the Lord.
09:02 And this one says good evening, precious once my daughter windy
09:07 needs a full-time job instead of a part-time one. Now she
09:11 also needs to move soon to a good neighborhood. Thank you so
09:16 much, everyone at 3 ABN and their family members. We are in
09:21 my daily prayer. God knows all the names. This is James in
09:27 Arizona. Thank you. Jamie was Sweet
09:30 and Sonia from New York prayer request for Hassan, the manual
09:34 who's having a hard time getting Sabbath off with this
09:37 job that he can save his business and him to give a
09:42 drink in and that he'll return to God. Yeah. Also pray for her
09:47 vision and both needs and abdominal problem and that
09:52 she'll draw closer to God. Also for his sons to find godly
09:56 wives. That support has also husband who was in an accident
10:01 and got us Lashaun in a space that he'll keep his faith.
10:06 It's another shot. One, Florence Green, pray for my
10:09 son, daughter and grandchildren. Well, they were
10:12 born into the church but left. We pray for them to come back
10:16 to the charge and praise I myself as well. Yes, box George
10:22 White deer, Pennsylvania, pray that God will straightened his
10:26 life even though he's made a lot a lot of bad decisions and
10:30 that God will send him a wife in in this late in his age,
10:37 send him a wife this late in age. We miss you. Is that my
10:42 last one anonymous from Wausau, India think he's asking for a
10:46 prayerful or did that. He's been carrion since he was 18
10:50 years old. Home on the has severe acne up to this day and
10:55 he's 68 years own. It bothers him so much. Is it and became a
11:02 stronghold, has become a strong hall of his life.
11:05 >> And this effect in this faith and its daily life.
11:08 He doesn't want to be around people. He can't take it
11:11 anymore. When we find you so many friend requests, I heard
11:17 people heard, you know, to say something before. Yes,
11:22 sometimes we wonder
11:25 what is going to take for our prayers to be answer. Well,
11:28 I just encourage you. It's not pris to be heard.
11:32 What appears to be answered. And
11:35 we've looked the stories in the Bible. You know, he was chapter
11:38 11 would like to talk about that saying, oh, yeah, but
11:41 there were those who will not deliver death right there with
11:43 those who laid to rest with those who want to a persecution
11:47 and difficulty in their lives. And I would encourage you to
11:50 Lord said to us in this life, you will have tribulation but
11:53 be of good cheer of overcome the world.
11:56 And I wonder how did they indoor what they did and
12:00 praying? Honestly, some of them separated by death and went to
12:04 that Harf, horrific exiles of of torture and punishment.
12:09 And what are they still hold on to? It says these all died and
12:13 fame.
12:14 They did not obtain the promise, but they look forward
12:17 to a better Reza shrine. And, you know, we have loved
12:20 ones. And I know that some of the many of you watching have
12:23 lost a loved one. But if we had hoped only in this life and we
12:29 will be of almond most miserable, so keep praying.
12:32 The Lord in a sovereignty will grant that request. But
12:35 somebody once said if my
12:38 challenge keeps me in prayer and wound up being closer to
12:42 God, yeah, there's better than being out of the Lions to a
12:47 yeah. God shows up in the fire. Yeah. And the Lions to it.
12:52 And I said that she is going to shows up every now and then a
12:55 face. But I'd rather be in a storm with cod that being a
12:58 compound, right? So don't give a prank call. And she appears,
13:01 but though, back to not just vision care. And here's my,
13:04 you know, have some unusual say unfair to pray for me is to try
13:07 to pronounce them. K much of the blues, too much in the
13:11 walk. Pray for his Andorra chin, a willful work and
13:14 housing. I can't imagine where that's from, but I'm sure
13:17 they're not American pie. Abigail Costa, Chokwe a media.
13:23 God bless you.
13:24 Pray for me about to announce a new name. Love you guys so
13:27 much. Can't wait to meet you and having these pray for my
13:31 children. Well, any us or I'm Kathlynn Iris and says a
13:36 Benjamin love to find out where they're from. And then so
13:39 Eunice
13:40 by Arcus
13:42 willing costs. I've got all the foreign to people here and
13:46 you're doing well to a series of the 10 days of prayer.
13:50 The P students, my 2 daughters in this study in our academy.
13:54 Thank you. And God bless. It's getting easier now and
13:57 that is.
13:59 >> Hernandez haha.
14:02 >> For a family from Lubbock, Texas, Nancy Grand, just one
14:06 more. Thank you all for all you do for the Lord and thank you
14:10 for all that you do to make it possible. And lastly, Nancy,
14:14 again, please pray for my sons and their family is Christian
14:18 and Austin Papers learned a lot and then have 2 more good to
14:23 you. But I'm sure that pastor just pouring and crazy Gauff of
14:27 the healing he's giving my brother Denis after a difficult
14:31 bypass surgery last March. A scoffer that please pray for
14:35 my sister. Renee
14:37 for South Suffolk is healing. Roger from Utah. Thank you,
14:41 Roger, for that in the last Bridget. Yeah, that's an easy
14:45 one. I want to praise the Lord for healing my bone cancer.
14:48 Multiple top of that and a man. And then.
14:54 >> You know, Ben, I'm going to come to you here and ask for is
14:57 your spiritual goal. You know, you have for this year for 2020
15:00 for the brother, Ron, on thinking after he's done a
15:02 great is thy faithfulness. Kind of on my mind here.
15:04 So able do that after Ben. So then what spiritual for you
15:07 this coming this year?
15:09 You know, one of the things I notice as I get older,
15:14 how precious time is? Yeah, sure. And I know everybody can
15:19 kind of a test of that, but especially now I'm pushing 30.
15:23 >> Haha 30, right. 30 one of the things that I've really
15:34 been.
15:36 >> Because you say wrestling with this year this last year,
15:38 yeah, is getting up and consistently reading the word
15:41 of this. I would start it and then I would lose it. The night
15:44 started that I lose that. Then it started kind of that
15:48 condition, right?
15:50 You know, we call the word the bread of life, right? It gives
15:53 us gives us joy gets a slight changes, our lives as we read
15:57 it. But if Brady is sitting on a on a shelf, it's not a what
16:01 happens to the sport has been spoiled to go. Stale becomes
16:05 bad. It gets only right. Yes,
16:08 I don't want the word of God to become stale yet to my life is
16:12 good. So this year with my spiritual goal is to
16:15 consistently wake-up weather. That means waking up at 2,
16:17 00:04AM, in the morning. We'll have to see. But that's
16:21 my goal is to read more of the word of God.
16:23 >> Praise the Lord and I'm allowed to change my life.
16:25 What a great goals. Yeah. Thank you, Ben, for sure.
16:27 And we appreciate your new wife so much. Yes, a great faithful.
16:31 Greatest. I faithfulness and thank you so much. Lower for
16:34 your faithfulness.
16:36 >> All of us at home around the world.
16:38 >> You know, you have a story. You know, you have a testimony
16:41 of the faithfulness of God. I know you know the songs and
16:44 sing it with me at home.
16:45 [MUSIC]
16:50 [MUSIC]
16:53 >> You used a knife to whom this
17:04 smoosh room full of turning to be.
17:12 >> Change us to.
17:16 >> I'm sure it's safe to
17:21 >> asked.
17:24 [MUSIC]
17:28 >> Whoopi.
17:32 >> Still life safe to use
17:36 and so by faith is more.
17:40 >> Owning guy.
17:43 >> A new law to see these guys too.
17:47 [MUSIC]
17:53 >> And who lied to
17:57 [MUSIC]
18:00 is sue needs to get out with this
18:07 Anne's life. Same foods is.
18:15 [MUSIC]
18:17 >> Numa.
18:20 >> See size C?
18:23 [MUSIC]
18:28 [MUSIC]
18:30 >> Will you too?
18:32 >> Gary is foods.
18:37 >> Same thinking. What a great song. Where is God praise the
18:46 Lord for his faithfulness centered on what you pray for
18:50 these.
18:51 >> The most recent per request, please. Yes, gracious, loving
18:54 father in heaven.
18:56 >> Well, you said
18:58 that you inclined your year.
19:01 You listened. David talked about how he cried out to you
19:06 and you heard him from just saying to use nuke lined your
19:10 air to him. Lord,
19:11 what humbling picture to think that in this overcrowded Earth
19:17 in a world that is racked with problems too great count that
19:22 in the midst of a child, your child cries out
19:26 and you lean your air and that direction. That's 18 voice his
19:31 father tonight,
19:33 you've heard the pair request of your children.
19:35 This globe is wracked with uncertainty, things of such an
19:40 unpredictable nature. And yet,
19:42 father, you said to us all things work together for good
19:47 to those who love God into those what are called according
19:50 to his purpose.
19:51 Lord, you promised us that the trial is short.
19:55 The sufferings of this life. You told us we're not worthy to
19:59 be compared, but the glories, the shall be revealed in us.
20:03 So father, if it is you a lot of help us to Suffolk
20:07 Affliction for a season just a season
20:11 rather than 2.
20:13 He taken by the world and the that they need to the pleasures
20:17 of sin help us to just to not allow these trials to be short.
20:21 And when he turned the rolls, these former things will not
20:24 even be remembered when even come to mind. What we ask of
20:28 us, the strength to indoor,
20:31 the the mediated that each one of us needs. When it seems that
20:35 our answers have not yet come may we trust to until the day
20:39 we see you face to bless it face we ask in Jesus name.
20:44 We came in and thank you so very much.
20:48 >> Pastor, we appreciate you and G so much. Thank you for
20:51 being a pastor for so many years here. I don't know.
20:53 It's like 20 some years. It's yeah. This year. Be 21
20:56 years along on that. Thank you so much for finally got his
20:59 wife's name. Correct.
21:00 >> Haha.
21:02 >> A few years. Yeah. Haha like Julian. That only do so in the
21:08 piano. You complain? Yeah. Haha had a lot of phenomena
21:13 ahead. Deaconess and you're my head elder. That's yeah.
21:15 >> I looked at the Lord work. Haven't we seen them grow?
21:17 If you look back on what God has done and your lives and I'm
21:20 saying Kaag knew way back then when I didn't even know your
21:23 name, he knew Yahoo. He was preparing you for both the way
21:27 you are now. So as as Danny talks about, he says, he said
21:32 to us Monday says now I'm good. But Jill and Greg really
21:36 nowhere blessed and you're a member, you know what and his
21:40 presence off of that. But God has called you for such a time
21:43 as this and 3ABN, has really been blessed and transported
21:47 and under your leadership. So that another man prays State
21:50 S based off of what is done and continue to do in your life for
21:54 a lot less to be ministry with everyone here. Yes, I'm blessed
21:57 to be in ministry with you, too.
21:59 >> At home, we should invite you in and the angle out to
22:03 join us this evening. Yes, thinking of another couple that
22:06 you walk on work. Yes. Oh, yeah. Has their testimony is
22:10 incredible. Okay. On time to share tonight. But just to see
22:14 the way God is leading in their lives and growing and a little
22:18 behind the scenes, then is there some law? So he married
22:22 their beautiful daughter, Pamela. So they seem to stay in
22:26 there. So when, of course, is producer for us here at 3ABN,
22:30 an assistant coordinator for sought under Bryan and thank
22:35 you for school and disciple ship on the inside. In case you
22:38 don't know what that means. Intensive school, a disciple
22:40 ship and Angela is all things to all makeup. She is Florida
22:48 rec team. She in DeKalb Camera. She is sister in Jesus. She
22:53 helps decorate with the other ladies. Yeah. It does many
22:56 things so that you put 3.
22:57 >> Yeah. Thank you for having us. Are so excited. Might well
23:01 have been here. How many years now?
23:03 33 years? Just this month? Yeah. Haha and for sure.
23:09 Haha.
23:11 >> Yeah. Yeah. That was nice. Yeah.
23:14 >> Well, you guys are a blessing from being a part of
23:16 me and even family and I know you've been in control. Just
23:20 side said how do you a little bit ago? Yes, those you're kind
23:22 of going through a in a busy I'm busy evening and this
23:25 really need to see people submitting their prayer
23:27 requests and press reports. Absolutely. And that's nothing
23:31 of ourselves a spray. Northam is anything extra special.
23:33 Just reaching out to God as a group here you join us at home
23:37 or go. What a blessing prayer embrace. Great way to start the
23:39 year. Amen. Amen. Absolutely. What spiritual goal for you,
23:43 Angeles, start with you for 2020 for what's on your mind
23:45 with all your heart. Your Bible. Open it. Yeah.
23:47 >> My spiritual goal this year is prayer. I'm not only to wake
23:54 up and pray, but I'm also to have
23:58 like more prayer with ice-like through every weakness in every
24:02 trials I go through. I want to pray more instead of leaning on
24:06 my own self. I want to pray more to guide and
24:11 get closer to him through my prayer is so sometimes I go
24:15 through some trials and sometimes I'm like I can handle
24:19 it. But I need to leave that aside and pray more to it.
24:24 And also at night, I want to also when I'm warning about my
24:29 children, everything I and just, you know, how sometimes
24:32 thoughts just go through your head and you're like, where did
24:34 this even come from? And then lately, I've been praising God
24:40 to whom these
24:42 that thought, who are these worries and stuff. I've been
24:44 praising God and I want to do that more this year and it's.
24:48 >> And lately, when it knew that my sleep is so good,
24:52 it's like it's such a blast. And so is sweet. Haha. Yeah,
24:59 I'm so thankful for God. I just want to have a closer
25:01 closer relationship with him.
25:03 >> And I I know.
25:06 >> Where is the way to do it? Yeah, I like what you said far
25:09 as you know, we go through some tough times ever to praise the
25:12 Lord. You know, that's kind of tough to do. It is. So how do
25:15 you do that? You had to lie to verbalize it ever more. Just in
25:19 your mind, like when you're.
25:21 >> We go through some hard times sometimes. See, this is
25:25 what I need to work on some time. I just, you know, a thing
25:29 like if I'm going through a trial, you know, I'll try to be
25:32 like, OK, I'm I'm going to I'm going to get it right. His
25:37 trial longer hard. You know, some people 3 take longer on
25:42 that take longer. But it's but prayer. When my husband's like
25:47 when you just read, just read it to my son, pray. And when
25:50 they do that, it's so much better. And so her so
25:54 important. And as my husband, you know, the great for my
25:57 husband for 11 years. So, you know, yeah, I heard Pastor John
26:02 Sand about Prairie Cross about somebody has been was drinkin
26:08 and this and that was me pray for my husband because he's
26:11 always drink. And he's of example, sitting right next to
26:15 me of what prayer can do and how powerful it is. And that
26:19 even though you you go through every night thinking he's got
26:22 hear me. Yes, he is. He sure is. But in his time in.
26:27 >> Now that's the power of not just prayer but persistent
26:30 prayer. Prayer has to have our Angeles saying, oh, she's a
26:35 little hard headed. Yeah.
26:37 >> He would give up praying for, you know, she was hard
26:41 headed in a good way. And that's a hard head and
26:44 receiving it. But she never stopped. And I praise the Lord
26:46 for that.
26:48 >> And persistence that. But what about your brother in
26:51 what's a spirit to go for 2024? For you? Well, for mine,
26:55 I'll be honest. It's it's there was one word that kept coming
26:58 to me as I was thinking about this. It was commitment.
27:00 It's good. And what I mean by that is, you know, I have to
27:04 Angeles that are are sitting next to me. Yeah.
27:07 >> And Angeles have called me Joana going. And it's just
27:19 because mainly because, you know,
27:22 >> I was I came to to to the Lord and it was back in
27:25 December of 2019. But I was baptized and says he has got
27:29 his just put me on. It seems like a fast track and putting
27:32 in places and
27:34 in 2023, I was hesitant to to allow him to work into my life.
27:39 And even though I would step forward, it was very much an in
27:42 fear. And I know sometimes we do that, especially in
27:45 ministry, and we're growing closer to God, sometimes will
27:48 put us in positions that stretch us. And we don't always
27:51 necessarily like that. I mean, I think anybody at home likes
27:54 to be, you know, stretched and putting those kind of
27:57 positions. But they're good for you because it it builds your
28:01 character that shows who you are. So for me in 2024, want to
28:04 be committed because I can see God
28:07 just working in my life. And I have to just allow him,
28:10 you know, to do what he wants to do in my life for something.
28:13 I was even talk to my wife about recently. You know,
28:15 God doesn't cause to be successful. He just cause us to
28:19 be faithful. And as long as we're faithful, we leave
28:22 everything in God's hands for him to work out the success.
28:25 It's not in our hands. We just put it in his and allow him to
28:28 do the work. And that's something at 2024 years.
28:30 I want to be more committed to him and just allowing him to
28:33 work in my life and to help me grow more. That's great.
28:37 >> What an amazing to watch the Bulls grow during your time
28:39 here and maybe an we love you both and the rest of the family
28:43 to, of course and so grateful.
28:45 >> I want to say something about, you know, when he sent
28:49 out an email, he's giving testimony ready. But that
28:52 e-mail just touch our hearts. And that's the result of them
28:55 being here. My wife just got this email from them at the
28:58 wits end of their walk. And I don't have a lot of time to
29:03 read emails. But and you said you got to hear this one and
29:06 the result of that is cod and then we came to you and set a
29:11 God is calling them. And then Jorge, when he heard about
29:13 them, he says have them here and God has done amazing things
29:16 in his life. And that reason why we they called him. Jonah,
29:19 I told the end, he speaks and he spoke about 4 times. Our
29:23 churches have a mourning and people have identified with his
29:27 walk with God. And once he chose a sermon title
29:32 was
29:33 true about him and he said I'm having a hard time putting this
29:38 Emma together and I said
29:40 blame yourself for choosing the title. Last example of who you
29:48 are and so praise cough. Both of you is when you come
29:51 here. And I'm just so tune in sometimes to our church.
29:54 He's he's Powell, go to the code or church website TV St A
29:58 C dot org and you see a sign them. Yes. But Angela, yes,
30:03 Scotland being helpful result or godly couple. We have a lot
30:07 more over the area down reports. Thank you. This is a
30:12 live program. Our first live live 2024 call centers open
30:16 pastoral departments open. We talk to JD a little bit ago.
30:19 >> Whether Daniel Pear and they're happy to pray with you
30:22 this evening. We're reading your prayer requests and
30:24 praise. Reports got a little bit of time left in the second
30:27 hour. So the call centers ready to take your calls or you can
30:31 text us. Phone number. Of course, the 618-627-4651.
30:35 You can text us at 6, 1, 8,
30:37 228-3975, or you can email us live at 3 ABN DA TV. We should
30:44 read if you and then go to us. More music here and prayers to
30:48 so pressure. John Police start with you.
30:50 >> Yes, her from Michigan side and as a funny I got this one
30:54 says praise for not 99.
30:57 >> That's what he and his wife both. It.
31:02 >> Came into this happens to because of that law and
31:06 thankful for teaching and training for 3ABN and a local
31:08 church. We request a physical and financial problems. He's on
31:12 dialysis, able to witness to people who transport
31:15 for treatments. Praise for that has a large family and none of
31:19 them are 7th Sabbath. Keep us praying for them
31:23 sick. You got to get this 60 nieces and nephews Santa 6,
31:29 0, I'm a bit of hope is not a typo and 100 great nieces and
31:33 nephews was a big family. You want to thank them. Well,
31:38 they're going to have a 10 bedroom mansion and I want them
31:42 to call no rise. And this happened and then pray for help
31:46 for health care is a lot of the Yankee her that they do not
31:50 want to make sure Wonderland. Larry, pray for my children and
31:53 grandchildren for a closer walk with God and for me as well.
31:57 Also, I pray we can do one of these prayer praise programs
32:00 every week because I am enjoying them so much moving
32:06 along. So yeah, yeah, Wendy, my name is Wendy and I'm from
32:11 Arizona. I prayer requests for the right job as I recently
32:15 changed careers and to lucrative income. If I meant to
32:19 work for myself, which I'm feeling may be the case instead
32:23 of like confirmation and would need clientele.
32:27 Thank you and God bless you and talk to us and okay.
32:32 >> And they said the book was a wonderful, maybe one sentence.
32:36 How good this is from the dcr of ages and says when we come
32:40 to him and faith, every petition ENT is the heart of
32:44 God.
32:46 >> And this is what tonight. And this is the free offer.
32:49 >> This? Yeah, this is a free offer for tonight. So you read
32:53 the back of this. It is absolutely beautiful. He hears
32:56 every prayer. Remember that? Okay. Here we go. This is
33:00 sending you in North Dakota says and pray for my bad.
33:04 Back with our rheumatoid arthritis. With so much pain,
33:10 God is good. Thank you. 3ABN family said did you see is
33:15 Sandy?
33:17 This one says Please pray for a local churches that Memphis
33:20 will be fully committed enough to volunteer to help and also
33:25 be on time for us Sabbath Bible spa, time and worship service.
33:31 Yeah, we need that. Yeah. Every church I think needs that
33:34 prayer and this is the last one on them. Giorgio.
33:38 Please pray for my granddaughter, my son and my
33:42 all family law. And we want to you, Angela. You have some,
33:47 too.
33:48 >> Okay. We just want to say thank you and bless you and
33:52 3ABN. We watch you every day. The music means so much to us.
33:57 God bless all of you, Marlo and surely from Moses Lake
34:01 Washington.
34:03 >> I'm very thank so much. Good in that.
34:07 >> That I want the war to make a breakthrough. I want a
34:11 renewed heart. Any relationship with the Holy Spirit. I want a
34:15 real feeling in my life with the Lord. I want to pray
34:18 better. A man.
34:20 >> I feel, you know, u N.
34:25 >> I have a prayer request from Wilma which says to God to make
34:30 a way for her granddaughter and her son to live with her so
34:33 they can all be together and hopefully go to church together
34:37 units or raise enough money to be able to go to Wyoming camper
34:41 e and to be able to hear God's voice and follow him for her.
34:46 Granddaughter's eyes to heal. Showing has one eye on the
34:49 other. It is not very clear. She says. Thank you. We have
34:53 another one from Helen.
34:56 >> And she says she just had a hip replacement.
34:59 >> And she's trying to recover. Also healing for her daughter
35:03 who had a knee replacement.
35:05 And then I have a last one here which says praise God blessings
35:08 to 3ABN we pray for my nephew, Louis P and his depression
35:14 struggles finding a job and accepting God in this life.
35:18 And if I'm a yes, you know, reading this, I just want to
35:22 let you know to 2, especially if if you're watching right
35:25 now, Louise or anybody else right now, because this is
35:27 something when I read this prayer requests, this was near
35:30 and dear to me, I myself have have struggled with depression.
35:36 I was in the the Army for almost 12 years. And some of
35:40 the things I've gone through in my life and just had a lot of
35:43 struggles. But I promise you because I've experienced is
35:48 that if you just hold on to Jesus, look to him because he's
35:51 the author and finisher of our face, anything that you
35:54 struggle with. He's the one God is the one. Jesus is the one
35:57 who will pull down those strongholds in your life.
35:59 He will take care of you. So hold on to Jesus. Whatever
36:03 it is that you're struggling with right now, do not like all
36:06 of his hand as he will not let go of yours.
36:10 >> And Jill, you have put us to use that August 3 and there was
36:14 more after some music. This is anonymous. I asked prayers for
36:17 my nephew, Adrian. He's unable to move from the waist down.
36:20 >> He is in pain.
36:25 >> Frank from Kansas, pray for my son was financial
36:29 difficulties. Any has no peace. Pray for him to get through the
36:33 freezing weather. That's coming because we have some cold
36:35 weather coming towards the countries. This is corn from
36:39 Washington and pray for my son, Bruce, for his alcohol is and
36:45 that he be ready for Jesus second.
36:50 >> Ryan, what's what songs on your heart?
36:57 >> You know, hearing all these prayer requests,
37:02 it cut you. It doesn't. You know, yeah, some obviously are
37:05 good, happy, joyful
37:07 and others.
37:08 [MUSIC]
37:11 >> Sometimes you feel like you, you know, you're going through
37:14 things and you have problems. And then you hear some of these
37:17 other pets inside Florida don't have any problems.
37:22 We heard minister say
37:24 years ago and I've met so we stuck with me.
37:27 There may be sufficient times based on the pain and struggle
37:30 to difficulty the trials that are going through.
37:33 There may be times in our life. We may question Khan's plan
37:36 into law. I don't know why sometimes lower, but there were
37:39 no wonder why this long and one of my head and or this for this
37:43 long,
37:44 many times and we question God's plan, but
37:47 that will never be a sufficient turn. The question is, can we
37:51 serve such a could cut through that storm? Well, you may have
37:54 to go through that valley of the shadow of death or you may
37:57 have to walk through that dark pit for a time.
38:00 God is with you.
38:02 It's good news is always with you to love the song because it
38:05 says.
38:11 [MUSIC]
38:13 >> William Nursing the Foods
38:18 home a team.
38:21 I've been to being your and
38:26 from the moment. So don't worry
38:30 to not only my food,
38:34 I'm going to see
38:36 we could to this time.
38:40 [MUSIC]
38:44 So in food
38:49 with him.
38:50 [MUSIC]
38:53 >> I do have to do so. So.
38:59 >> With them, too.
39:05 >> Will a Lucy.
39:11 I think that would be at home
39:12 [MUSIC]
39:15 because some a few been food full.
39:19 [MUSIC]
39:22 Well been. So so.
39:27 >> Good.
39:30 >> To.
39:35 >> Will a seam?
39:38 [MUSIC]
39:43 [MUSIC]
39:47 >> I want to pray for perfectly perfectly. Yes.
39:52 >> Our loving heavenly father.
39:56 I move forward with a heavy heavy.
39:59 I think everyone's going through or praise God you are
40:03 comes from.
40:04 We hold on to 4. Yes. One more thing going. Let us hold on to
40:09 you one more day.
40:11 >> And day by day, may we come closer to the Lord and this
40:16 your love and your mercy.
40:18 We're so thankful for so thankful God that you send your
40:22 son that you love this so much. They send your son to say this
40:26 and maybe lift each other up and be with us throughout this
40:30 night Christ.
40:32 >> Where is your think he's too.
40:35 >> The last few. Joe, what is the spiritual you to know?
40:39 I was just going to.
40:47 >> What your goal? His first then. Haha.
41:01 >> SEC Ryan tells us not by my team
41:05 nor by power, but by my spirit. It's just the Lord.
41:11 And I think
41:13 times in my life
41:17 I try to do in my own strength. I got the Scot.
41:21 I can handle this.
41:24 And this year 2024,
41:28 I want to be the year of holy Spirit, POW and the and the in
41:32 my life. That's what I wrote down more Holy Spirit.
41:38 I want to be filled when Jesus, you know, I'm John, 13, 14,
41:42 15, 16, 17 right after the foot washing before he went to the
41:47 crosses last council to his disciples
41:50 and
41:52 quite a bit of that deals with the Holy Spirit going away.
41:55 But if I go away, the holy spirit that comforter, Alice
41:59 Paraclete Ellis will come to be with you. Yeah, I want holy
42:04 Spirit power. And what does that mean? That means more
42:06 surrender. That means more dip tendons. That means turning to
42:11 Jesus and asking to be felt, try asking and keep on, asked
42:16 seats and keep on c keen, knock and keep on knocking. And I
42:24 want holy spirit and then by you.
42:28 >> You know, a lot of things going through my head, you
42:30 know, right now thinking about the spiritual goals. But I
42:33 think for me, it is to be still and know that God is God right
42:39 in ministry. It's been talked a lot about being so busy in a
42:44 good thing.
42:45 And I talk a lot with God out loud. Some people might think,
42:50 man, that man strange. But also in my mind, I'm talking to God
42:54 a lot. But you know what? Sometimes
42:57 I just need to be quiet. Listen, right. I'd like to hear
43:02 us, but also I want to build the setback and listen to God.
43:06 So that's something that really want to do to my so busy and so
43:08 many things. So many exciting things happening. 3 been so
43:10 many goals and so many
43:12 things to deal with and they're just talking to God about that.
43:15 But then it's like a son. Just listen to me. I really
43:17 want to tell you something. So that's something for this
43:20 year. I really want to do is to be still and know that God is
43:23 God. And I also like I think it was the McCains are talking
43:25 about more prayer was one thing to have for me, too pray but
43:30 also to pray more than to have in the first to you. Thank you
43:33 so much. Thank you for a while. Thank you, Jorge. You know,
43:36 Curtis and all of them bringing these per request. Thank you so
43:39 much. Just an incredible team working so hard and thank you
43:43 for submitting these per request imprisoned ports.
43:45 No, I just have to tell you, it's just speaker 4 family,
43:49 right? This is just fantastic for us. You know it because
43:51 it's a way of communication because many of you and may
43:53 never meet on this earth, but in heaven, we will. But when
43:56 we're communicating like this, that's just fantastic for us.
43:59 And so thank you so very much for being a part of the 3,
44:01 a B.
44:03 >> A lot more of just come in requesting prayers report.
44:05 They have indeed, you want to do another song.
44:07 >> Let's read a few and then we'll go to a song. You notice
44:10 when you're coming in. You know, we only got like 12
44:12 minutes left to know when we start with you in the episode
44:16 with Angela Angela and past. Yeah. So I have my name is Kim
44:22 and I live in Nashville, Tennessee.
44:24 I would like to first and foremost praise the Lord for
44:26 his continuous love, mercy and grace. But he bestows upon me
44:31 and my precious family every day. And then.
44:33 >> I like to ask for prayer for my son, Harrison and my
44:36 brother, Kenny and their salvation. Just thank you so
44:40 very much. And may God continue to bless your ministry. They
44:44 also receive one of your prayer turned off. All. Absolutely.
44:47 Yeah. We'll make sure you get one of those.
44:50 Next. One is please pray for little Haleigh who is battling
44:55 with leukemia. Please pray that the Lord laces healing hands on
44:59 her and delivers her cancer. This little girl is a fighter
45:03 and so full of joy.
45:06 Nancy from Oregon, her daughter Micaela. She came out of it 3
45:11 years as a bisexual and she believes that
45:15 gay is OK and that God is OK with it. 2 weeks before
45:19 Christmas, she was she has suicidal thoughts. She called
45:23 9-1-1. And she's been in a halfway house sense,
45:27 please pray for her and that she would get back to the
45:29 board. She's only 22 years old and also pray for the mom that
45:34 she will be a good example to her daughter.
45:37 And lastly, Virginia and Texas. She says pray for son George
45:42 who has a narcissistic behavior. He said he does not
45:47 know how to love.
45:48 [MUSIC]
45:52 >> And miss her cross is very dear to me for my sister.
45:56 Felicia haha. Yes, but it is a very special, please pray for
46:02 my son, Nicholas, which is my nephew. Good on a new journey.
46:06 Starting a new career as an electrician, pray for my son,
46:09 Nathan, another nephew
46:12 May the Lord touches heart and bring him back to church and
46:16 pray for my husband. Kevin, maybe work in his life and
46:19 bring him closer to Jesus and pray for the daughters. Sophia
46:24 and M a my little nieces. May the Lord help me to be a
46:27 better mom. She's a wonderful yes, you can learn and lean on
46:32 him to help me raise them up.
46:34 And though thank you all. Maybe and then you all. You
46:42 only had one. Go back. Okay. We'll get to and from Alabama.
46:47 >> Her request for the people and southeast affected by
46:51 tornadoes in Alabama and Florida needing shelter and
46:55 some lives. Yes, bad tornado head off.
47:00 >> Yes, my says good evening. My name is ready. I live in
47:03 Rutherford, New Jersey. Please pray for me.
47:06 >> We're healing of constant pain from arthritis and the
47:09 robber team to Manson from college. They'll pray for my
47:13 friend. Karen knows the Sabbath but it started to pending a
47:16 Baptist church. The God will show her how she's being
47:19 deceived this morning here.
47:23 >> All right. All the.
47:26 >> I my son is having kidney problems, causing diabetes.
47:31 Blood pressure is pray for him from Florida.
47:35 >> Green Acres came the net to Florida would like prey if they
47:40 heal. And for brother who is in the ER in Canada on she would
47:46 also like prayerful herself.
47:48 She has been having health issues that the doctors on not
47:52 able to figure out.
47:55 >> This is anonymous prefer Chester and Oklahoma. He has
47:59 received a not so good diagnosis and needs urgent
48:03 care.
48:05 >> This one's heavy anonymous prayers for my 2 kids who both
48:09 have cancer. No,
48:12 I lost my husband. We died for months and I just got back to
48:17 LA and I pray for strength and courage.
48:20 >> Just felt right to me.
48:23 >> I just want you to know that Lord Keast last words. You are
48:29 never alone and your street BN family or friend can be with
48:35 you.
48:36 >> Wow. Wow.
48:40 We have a duty. Yeah.
48:44 >> I'm the one I have says
48:46 Please pray. God helps me overcome appetite.
48:49 I want to see Jesus and pray. If it's possible God will open
48:54 the way for me to attend
48:56 the school disciple Shana March. I think I can tell you
49:01 right now and so can ride that we pray. But whoever God needs
49:05 at the school disciple ship, that he would bring those
49:07 people there. So if you are one of them, he will make a way God
49:11 will provide a way for you to attend school decide. And then.
49:15 >> Before I read this, I want to say how prayer so powerful
49:20 and just praying my sisters, prayer requests. We pray that
49:25 she's always paid to come to the country. And when we moved
49:28 here, it was such a blessing that my mom moved here from
49:32 Florida. My dad, why?
49:35 >> I present my sister and my mom's friend and
49:40 >> with my husband's 1, 1, to follow that guy. And 21 people
49:45 came and just prayer can do. Yeah. So we're not just prayed
49:50 and prayed. God hears a and this one's from Pamela. Our
49:54 mother is to be admitted to the hospital today. She has an
49:59 affection, please pray. Thank you, Mark and Pam ahead,
50:05 OK, hold on, Donna.
50:06 >> I'm praying for my family and my husband who became the
50:10 first elder about church that the Lord will give him strength
50:14 and waste to be faithful to him and to do his work. Also for
50:19 our 3 boys and their wives to come back to the Lord. Also
50:25 pray for our church music keep on.
50:28 >> And Dylan, Oregon pressed for his grandchildren, joy
50:34 McKayla and to come back to church well before it is too
50:39 late rhyme to its home.
50:44 >> We love the song, pastor. I'm happy to sing. It was okay.
50:48 You know it very well affect should be in a key that you can
50:50 help lead out the hard. And so if you isolate your own,
50:54 you know the 2024. Yeah. Every year it should be our
50:57 goal. Yeah. Help me to learn to surrender. Not just surrender a
51:01 little bit here in a little bit there. The place so fully up on
51:04 the altar and surrender it all to him. So let's sing investor.
51:10 [MUSIC]
51:15 >> 0, 2, G s Stu to mine.
51:25 >> I re the 2.
51:30 >> And Stu to his credit is.
51:41 >> The let's all stand together
51:53 >> soooo
52:00 >> to be humid. I know has sued saying the.
52:09 >> Again
52:22 [MUSIC]
52:25 >> it is to
52:28 [MUSIC]
52:32 woe to be. I mean, yeah, it's
52:48 >> would you pray for us, please?
52:51 Let's pray.
52:53 >> Our loving heavenly father
52:55 [MUSIC]
52:58 receive so many prayer requests. The CVS ranging from
53:02 things of
53:04 depression,
53:05 [MUSIC]
53:07 wanting to grow closer to you,
53:10 struggles with their own sins and things that they have in
53:13 their lives.
53:15 Father and every one of us even here sitting at this table can
53:18 relate and one way or another to many of the prayer request
53:21 tonight,
53:23 father, we know that you hear them.
53:25 We know that you are God who answers prayers sometimes may
53:29 not always be the way that we want it.
53:32 What we know that you were there and your hand is is
53:34 leading and guiding
53:36 father. I pray that you would just give peace that your give
53:40 comfort to those who are hurting right now.
53:43 So many are struggling across this world
53:46 and it just seems like he was just growing. More and more
53:50 things are becoming more desperate on the search.
53:54 Her father, we know that you are greater.
53:57 >> Yes, but he who looks to deceive us, looks to harm us.
54:04 >> Wants to pull us away from you.
54:06 We know that you are greater father. So I just ask that you
54:09 provide that peace and comfort that only you can provide and
54:13 the lives of those all across the world. All of our 3 of the
54:17 3ABN family, all those who are watching right now.
54:21 >> Give them that comfort. Father in Jesus name. We pray.
54:25 [MUSIC]
54:27 >> I think this is what I would like to do here. Want to thank
54:30 you for being a part of our family. And I want to thank
54:34 you. Of course we do. So it's a blessing to the ministry you
54:37 here at 3ABN, E and Angela, thank you for being a part of
54:41 the family in the queue. Pastor John Angie, thank you so
54:44 much for the bin
54:45 Pastor Wright, thank you so very much. But pastor, what I'd
54:48 like to do,
54:49 whatever's on your heart, whether it's an appeal, some
54:51 type of closing thought close us out with thaw and then a
54:54 prayer as a been plays into that at the very end, the
54:57 washing clothes South. Patrick, you know, the Bible talks about
54:59 a woman, a woman in look 18, a widow who
55:03 I just would not get any answers from the judge that
55:06 held back on. And she kept coming to mind asking for him
55:10 to answer her prayer.
55:12 And then the Bible says and look 18
55:16 and he would not for a while and after what he said within
55:18 himself.
55:20 >> Do I do not fear God? No regard men yet because this
55:23 woman troubles me. This widow troubles me. I want to venture
55:26 less by the continual coming. She wears me. White said the
55:30 reason why
55:31 he gave in was because of her im porch and prayer.
55:35 She says we need to obtain a rich daily experience in
55:37 prayer. We should be I like the Im fortunate widow and I looked
55:42 at upgrading jail. And you know, that means prey as though
55:46 your life depends on it. The word important it enough
55:50 you when you put that in the Bible, when you put that in
55:53 much whiting's and you look at that word means pray until it
55:56 seems like your era taking on too long and he will hear
56:00 because his chest and so don't don't let go of the hand of
56:03 God. God is doing in your life what he wants to do in our
56:06 lives. He's changing us. If use only for Scott here,
56:09 you would know that prayer doesn't work. We're feeling
56:12 great and their leadership to Danny and Bonds. Shelton pray
56:15 for for all of those who continue to trust and got him a
56:19 a pretty important it don't give up its good looks years
56:22 and he will answer your prayer and a letter from each other
56:26 and have and we just thank you for answering prayers that are
56:29 heard for those that are yet to be heard. We pray that you will
56:32 clean your air inclined to listen to them board. Let's all
56:36 that have calls in tonight and ask when eternity rolls.
56:40 Maybe see the faithfulness of God and all that. We have
56:43 asked, you know, that God has done in Jesus name. We pray.
56:48 Amen and things are much faster. And thank you.
56:52 >> So very much for being a part of our 3. A B and family.
56:56 More prayer request. Praise reports continue to come in.
56:59 We will continue to pray for you again. Thank you for being
57:01 a part of our family. We love you again. Happy New Year and
57:04 God bless you
57:05 [MUSIC]
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Revised 2024-01-12